Santorini - Blue Star Ferries
Santorini - Blue Star Ferries
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(The earthquake of 1956, on the other hand, that had nothing to do with the volcano, caused the death of 49 people and extensive damage to the island’s villages). Ancient Thera: The island was named after Thera, leader of colonists from Sparta. Excavations by German philhellene Hiller von Gaertringen, between 1895-1906, on Messa Vouno revealed an organized settlement with an agora (market), theater, royal colonnade, gymnasium for the youth, temples of Apollo Karneios, as well as ∞•π∑∂π ¡∞ ¢∂πΔ∂ ¶·Ï·È¿ Î·È ¡¤· ∫·Ì¤ÓË: √È ÌÂÁ·Ï‡ÙÂÚ˜ ÂÎÚ‹ÍÂȘ ÙˆÓ ËÊ·ÈÛÙ›ˆÓ Ù˘ ™·ÓÙÔÚ›Ó˘ ¤ÁÈÓ·Ó ÙÔ ¤ÙÔ˜ 197 .Ã., ÙÔ 1866, ÙÔ 1925 Î·È Ë ÙÂÏÂ˘Ù·›· ÙÔ 1949-50 ¯ˆÚ›˜ ηٷÛÙÚÔÊÈΤ˜ Û˘Ó¤ÂȘ. ∞ÓÙ›ıÂÙ·, Ô ÌË ËÊ·ÈÛÙÂÈÔÁÂÓ‹˜ ÛÂÈÛÌfi˜ ÙÔ˘ 1956 ÚÔͤÓËÛ ÙÔ ı¿Ó·ÙÔ 49 ·ÓıÚÒˆÓ Î·È ÌÂÁ¿Ï˜ ηٷÛÙÚÔʤ˜ ÛÙ· ¯ˆÚÈ¿. T he view of Santorini as the boat approaches the harbor is awe-inspiring and one of the most impressive in the world. The vertical rocks of the caldera are a live geological museum. Perched atop the dark mass of the rock, the white-washed houses of Oia and Fira greet the visitor. According to tradition, the island’s earlier name was Strongyli (Round), due to its former shape – it used to be a full circle before it became a crescent). Later it was named Kallisti (Most Beautiful), due to its natural beauties. Its current name, given to it during the Latin rule, was taken from the Santa Irini chapel in Perissa (or in Riva, Thirassia, according to some). The island has been inhabited since pre-historic times. The excavations at Acrotiri brought to light a settlement with a remarkable culture and art and a very high standard of living. This civilization ceased to exist abruptly when the volcano erupted around 1600BC. The middle part of the island was submerged in the sea, creating one of the worlds largest calderes, and Santorini was buried under a layer of pumice and volcanic ash. The huge caldera is at your feet and the only thing you have to do is pick the spot from which you’ll relish its magnificence. 38 OnBlue ∞Ú¯·›· £‹Ú·: √ÓÔÌ¿ÛÙËΠÙÔ ÓËÛ› ·fi ÙÔÓ £‹Ú·, ·Ú¯ËÁfi ·Ô›ÎˆÓ §·Î‰·ÈÌÔÓ›ˆÓ. ∞Ó·Ûηʤ˜ Ô˘ ¤Î·ÓÂ Ô °ÂÚÌ·Ófi˜ ÊÈϤÏÏËÓ·˜ ÛÏÂÚ ÊÔÓ °Î¿ÈÚÙÚÈÓÁÎÂÓ ÙËÓ ÂÚ›Ô‰Ô 1895-1906 ·ÔÎ¿Ï˘„·Ó ÛÙÔ ª¤Û· μÔ˘Ófi ÌÈ· ÔÚÁ·ÓˆÌ¤ÓË fiÏË Ì ∞ÁÔÚ¿, £¤·ÙÚÔ, μ·ÛÈÏÈ΋ ™ÙÔ¿, °˘ÌÓ¿ÛÈÔ ∂Ê‹‚ˆÓ, ¡·Ô‡˜ ÙÔ˘ ∞fiÏψӷ ∫·ÚÓ›Ԣ, ÙÔ˘ ∏Ú·ÎÏ‹ Î·È ÙÔ˘ ∂ÚÌ‹, ÙˆÓ ∞ÈÁ˘Ù›ˆÓ £ÂÒÓ ÿÛȉ·˜ ÕÓÔ˘‚È, ™¿Ú·È Î.¿. ∏ ·Ú¯·›· £‹Ú· Ì ٷ ›ÓÂÈ· Ù˘ √›·˜ (ÛËÌÂÚÈÓfi ∫·Ì¿ÚÈ) Î·È ∂ÏÂ˘Û›Ó· (ÛËÌÂÚÈÓ‹ ¶ÂÚ›ÛÛ· Î·È ∂͈̋Ù˘) ÛÙ· ÂÏÏËÓÈο ¯ÚfiÓÈ· ÏfiÁˆ Ù˘ ı¤Û˘ Ù˘ ‹Ù·Ó Ó·˘ÙÈ΋ Î·È ÛÙÚ·ÙȈÙÈ΋ ‚¿ÛË ÙˆÓ ¶ÙÔÏÂÌ·›ˆÓ. ΔÔ ∏ÌÂÚÔ‚›ÁÏÈ, Ô˘ ‚Ú›ÛÎÂÙ·È Á·ÓÙ˙ˆÌ¤ÓÔ ÛÙÔ ¯Â›ÏÔ˜ ÙÔ˘ ÁÎÚÂÌÔ‡. 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VEDEMA RESORT (ªÂÁ·ÏÔ¯ÒÚÈ, 22860 34796): ŸÏ· Ù· ‰È·ÌÂÚ›ÛÌ·Ù· Î·È ÔÈ ‚›ÏϘ Û˘Ó‰˘¿˙Ô˘Ó ÙËÓ ÔÏ˘Ù¤ÏÂÈ· Ì ÙËÓ Î˘ÎÏ·‰›ÙÈÎË ·Ú¯ÈÙÂÎÙÔÓÈ΋ ·Ú¿‰ÔÛË. ∞ÔÏ·‡ÛÙ ÌÔÓ·‰Èο ËÏÈÔ‚·ÛÈϤ̷ٷ ‰ÔÎÈÌ¿˙ÔÓÙ·˜ ‰È¿ÊÔÚ· ÎÚ·ÛÈ¿ Î·È Á·ÏÏÈ΋ Û·Ì¿ÓÈ· Û˘Óԉ¢fiÌÂÓË Ì ¯·‚È¿ÚÈ Î·È ÎÔ˘‚·Ó¤˙Èη Ô‡Ú·. 40 OnBlue temples of Egyptian gods including Isis, Anubis and Sarapis. Ancient Thera and its ports, Oia (present-day Kamari) and Eulesis (present-day Perissa and Exometes), was the military and naval base of the Ptolemy dynasty in the Hellenistic years. Imerovigli, perched on the edge of a cliff. Its name comes from the time that pirates raided the Cyclades, from the word ‘vigla’ (watch tower) of the day (imera). Indeed, from this village, built on the highest spot of the caldera, one could watch the whole area and warn the residents whenever pirate ships were spotted. Its position affords it another quality today: it makes it the perfect point from which one can savor a panoramic view of the caldera during the sunset. Oia. Built in an amphi-theatrical setting, it is one of the most well-preserved traditional settlements of Santorini, with white-washed houses and old mansions in vibrant colors. It is the ultimate spot to watch the most glorious sunset on the island. the Gyzi Megaron (mansion), in Fira, is one of the oldest mansions of the 17th century that survived the 1956 earthquakes. The Catholic Diocese of Thera (Santorini), offered the building to the community to house the activities of the Cultural Center. OnBlue 41 travel The many wineries of the island, some of which are ranked amongst the best in the world. Visit Boutaris (tel. 2286081011), Canava Roussos (tel. 2286031349), Ktima Sigalas (tel. 2286071644), Santo Wines (tel. 2286022596) and Koutsogiannopoulos (tel. 2286031322). ACCOMODATION ¶√À ¡∞ º∞Δ∂ ¡ÀÃΔ∂ƒπ (∫·Ì¿ÚÈ, 22860 33480) EÏÏËÓÈ΋ – ÌÂÛÔÁÂȷ΋ ÎÔ˘˙›Ó· Ô˘ ‚·Û›˙ÂÙ·È ÛÙ· ÙÔÈο ÚÔ˚fiÓÙ· Î·È ·›˙ÂÈ ·Ó¿ÌÂÛ· ÛÙËÓ ·Ú¿‰ÔÛË Î·È ÙȘ Û‡Á¯ÚÔÓ˜ Ù¯ÓÈΤ˜. ™’ ¤Ó· ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏÔÓ Ì ¿ÏÂÙË ı¤· ÛÙËÓ ı¿Ï·ÛÛ·, ı· ¯·Ï·ÚÒÛÂÙÂ Î·È ı· ·ÔÏ·‡ÛÂÙ Á‡ÛÂȘ Ô˘ ‰ÈÂÁ›ÚÔ˘Ó ÙÔÓ Ô˘Ú·Ó›ÛÎÔ ·ÏÏ¿ Î·È ÙËÓ ÌÓ‹ÌË. ™∞§Δ™∞ (¢ÚfiÌÔ ºËÚÒÓ-∏ÌÂÚÔ‚ÈÁÏ›Ô˘, 22860 28018): ™’ ¤Ó· ȉȷ›ÙÂÚ· ‰È·ÌÔÚʈ̤ÓÔ ¯ÒÚÔ Ì ÚÔÛÔ¯‹ ÛÙË ÏÂÙÔ̤ÚÂÈ· ‰ÔÎÈÌ¿ÛÙ ÂÏÏËÓÈΤ˜ Á‡ÛÂȘ Ì ¿Ô„Ë ·fi ÙÔÓ ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚË §·˙¿ÚÔ˘. •Â¯ˆÚ›˙ÂÈ ÙÔ ¯ÂÈÚÔÔ›ËÙÔ „ˆÌ›, Ë ¿ÛÚË ÌÂÏÈÙ˙¿Ó· Ì ÛÔ˘Û¿ÌÈ Î·È Ì·¯·ÚÈο Î·È ÙÔ ·ÁˆÙfi ÏÔ˘ÎÔ‡ÌÈ Ì ηڷÌÂψ̤ӷ ÚÔ‰Ô¤Ù·Ï·!! ™∂§∏¡∏ (ºËÚ¿, 22860 22249): ¶ÔÈÔÙÈ΋ ÂÏÏËÓÈ΋ ÎÔ˘˙›Ó· Ì ÂÎÏËÎÙÈ΋ ı¤·… ¡∞√À™∞ (ºËÚ¿, 22860 71485): °È· ÂÓÙ·ÓfiÛÙÈÌÔ ÛÈÙÈÎfi Ê·ÁËÙfi. ¡π∫√§∞™ (ºËÚ¿, 22860 24550): ¶·Ì¿Ï·ÈÔ Ì·Á¤ÚÈÎÔ Ì ÓÔÛÙÈÌfiٷٷ Ê·ÁËÙ¿ ηÙÛ·ÚfiÏ·˜. ¶ËÁ·›ÓÂÙ ¤ÁηÈÚ· ÁÈ· Ó· ‚Ú›Ù ı¤ÛË. ∫√À∫√Àª∞μ§√™ (ºËÚ¿, 22860 23807): ™ÙÔ ·Ú¯ÔÓÙÈÎfi ÙÔ˘ 18Ô˘ ·ÈÒÓ· ı· Á¢Ù›Ù ÙËÓ ‰ËÌÈÔ˘ÚÁÈ΋ ÎÔ˘˙›Ó· ÙÔ˘ ¡›ÎÔ˘ ¶Ô˘ÏÈ¿ÛË. ∞ƒÃπ¶∂§∞°√™ (ºËÚ¿, 22860 24509): ∏ ÌÂÛÔÁÂȷ΋ ÂÏÏËÓÈ΋ ÎÔ˘˙›Ó· Ì ˘ÏÈο ÂÍ·ÈÚÂÙÈ΋˜ ÔÈfiÙËÙ·˜ Î·È Ë ÌÂÁ¿ÏË ÔÈÎÈÏ›· ·fi ÎÚ·ÛÈ¿, ı· ÈηÓÔÔÈ‹ÛÔ˘Ó Î·È ÙÔÓ Ï¤ÔÓ ··ÈÙËÙÈÎfi. ∫∞§§π™Δ∏ (¶‡ÚÁÔ˜, 22860 34108): √ÈÎÔÁÂÓÂȷ΋ Ù·‚¤ÚÓ·, Ì ÛÈÙÈ΋ ÂÏÏËÓÈ΋ ÎÔ˘˙›Ó·. ¢ÔÎÈÌ¿ÛÙ Ԉۉ‹ÔÙ ÙËÓ ÔÌÒÓ˘ÌË Û·Ï¿Ù· ÂÚÈ΢Îψ̤ÓË Ì’ ¤Ó· Î¤Ï˘ÊÔ˜ ·fi Ù˘Ú›. ∞Ï¿ ˘¤ÚÔ¯Ë! 42 OnBlue SANTORINI GRACE (Imerovigli, tel: (+30) 22860 21300. Each guestroom and suite has its own character, sporting a soft and discrete palette that adds brightness and freshness to the setting. The comforts offered are incomparable. Most guestrooms afford private verandas with jacuzzi, ideal for a refreshing dip under the moonlight. If you are sunset lovers, you will enjoy a romantic dinner in the hotel’s restaurant, by the pool, or your veranda, overlooking the Aegean Sea as the sun dips in its waters. The hotel offers a state-of-the-art fitness center. TZEKOS VILLAS (Fira, Δel. 22860 22755, Set amphitheatrically on the edge of the caldera, the complex resembles a traditional, white-wahsed, Cycladic village. Relax by the pool and enjoy a glass of wine savoring stunning vistas of the Aegean and the volcano. SUITES OF THE GODS (Caldera, Megalochori, tel. 2286028856) Set on one of the most privileged spots of the island, the hotel offers a panoramic view of the legendary volcano, the endless blue Aegean waters, and spectacular sunsets. SANTORINI PRINCESS (∏ÌÂÚÔ‚›ÁÏÈ, ÙËÏ 2286025869) The hotel comprises of 24 spacious guestrooms, tastefully decorated in earth tones. A gem of Cycladic architecture, it offers all modern comforts, magnificent vistas, and unforgettable moments of leisure. 9 MUSES (Perivolos, 22860 81781): It comprises nine buildings, each named after one of the nine Muses. Fusing modern luxury with traditional charm, the hotel is the ideal choice for unforgettable moments. ICONS (Imerovigli, 22860 28950): Luxurious stay in an incredible atmosphere. The breathtaking view to the Caldera, the majestic sunset, and the endless blue waters compose a romantic setting for incredible holidays. ANDRONIS LUXURY SUITES (√ia, 22860 72041): Set in Oia, with a spectacular view to the volcano, it combines classic luxury with modern minimalist aesthetic and offers you the vacation you always dreamed of. VEDEMA RESORT (Megalochori, 22860 34796): Luxury blends perfectly with the Cycladic architectural design in all of the hotel’s apartments and villas. Enjoy stunning sunsets, as you savor fine French wines and champagne accompanied by caviar and Cuban cigars. DINING OUT ¢πÃΔÀ∞ (¶ÂÚ›‚ÔÏÔ˜, 22860 82818): °È· ÊÚ¤ÛÎÔ „¿ÚÈ. ∞ªª√™ (¶ÂÚ›‚ÔÏÔ˜, 22860 81819): ªÂÛÔÁÂȷΤ˜ ÚÔÙ¿ÛÂȘ Î·È Á‡ÛÂȘ ÚÔÛ·ÚÌÔṲ̂Ó˜ ÛÙ· ·ÚÒÌ·Ù· Ù˘ ™·ÓÙÔÚÈÓÈ¿˜ Á˘ Î·È Ù˘ ı¿Ï·ÛÛ·˜. §∞μ∞ (¶ÂÚ›ÛÛ·, 22860 81776): 20 ¯ÚfiÓÈ·, „·Á̤ÓË ÂÏÏËÓÈ΋ ÎÔ˘˙›Ó·, Ì ¤ÌÊ·ÛË ÛÙÔ ÊÚ¤ÛÎÔ „¿ÚÈ. ª∞ƒªπΔ∞ (ªÂÁ·ÏÔ¯ÒÚÈ, 22860 81603): ∞˘Ù‹ Ë Â›ÛÎÂ„Ë Û·˜ ÛÙËÓ ÂÓ‰Ô¯ÒÚ· Û›ÁÔ˘Ú· ı· Û·˜ ·Ô˙ËÌÈÒÛÂÈ Ì ÙËÓ Á¢ÛÙÈ΋ Û·˜ ÈηÓÔÔ›ËÛË. ¢ÔÎÈÌ¿ÛÙ Á·ÚȉÔ̷ηÚÔÓ¿‰· Î·È ÔˆÛ‰‹ÔÙ ÛÔ˘ÊϤ ÛÔÎÔÏ¿Ù·˜. ™∫∞ƒ∞ª∞°∫∞™ (ªÔÓfiÏÈıÔ˜, 22860 31750): £· Á¢Ù›Ù ڷÁÌ·ÙÈο ÊÚ¤ÛÎÔ „¿ÚÈ ·ÏÏ¿ Î·È ÂÓÙ·ÓfiÛÙÈÌÔ˘˜ ÓÙÔÌ·ÙÔÎÂÊÙ¤‰Â˜, ¯ÏˆÚfi Ù˘Ú› Î·È Ê¿‚· ™·ÓÙÔÚ›Ó˘. NYCHTERI, in Kamari. It offers GreekMediterranean cuisine prepared with local products and fusing traditional with modern techniques. The setting affords beautiful unobstructed seaviews that will help you relax, kick back, and relish the luscious culinary delights served. SALTSA (on the Fira-Imerovigli Road, 22860 28018): In a specially designed interior, with impeccable attention to detail, you will taste Greek specialties ‘with an attitude’ by DEMETRIS LAZAROU. Don’t miss the handmade bread that comes in several flavors, the white eggplant with sesame and spices, and the ‘loukoumi’ ice-cream with caramelled rose petals! SELENE (Fira, 22860 22249): Delectable Greek specialties and breathtaking view. LAVA (Perissa, , 22860 81776): 20 years of quality Greek cuisine focusing on fresh fish. OnBlue 43 travel 1800 (√›·, 22860 71485): ¢ËÌÈÔ˘ÚÁÈ΋ ÌÂÛÔÁÂȷ΋ ÎÔ˘˙›Ó· Û’ ¤Ó· ηÂÙ·ÓfiÛÈÙÔ ÙÔ˘ 1800 Ì ÙËÓ ·˘ıÂÓÙÈ΋ ÙÔ˘ ‰È·ÎfiÛÌËÛË. ¢∂§ºπ¡π∞ (∞ÎÚˆÙ‹ÚÈ, 22860 81151) °È· ÊÚ¤ÛÎÔ „¿ÚÈ. °πøƒ°∞ƒ√™ (∞ÎÚˆÙ‹ÚÈ, 22860 83035) °È· ÊÚ¤Ûη „¿ÚÈ· ‚Á·Ï̤ӷ ·fi ÙÔÓ ›‰ÈÔ ÙÔÓ Î‡ÚÈÔ °ÈÒÚÁÔ Ì ÙÔ Î·›ÎÈ ÙÔ˘ Î·È Ê·ÓÙ·ÛÙÈ΋ ı¤· ÛÙË Î·ÏÓÙ¤Ú·. ¶√À ¡∞ ¢π∞™∫∂¢∞™∂Δ∂ CASABLANCA: ™Ù· ºËÚ¿ Ì Ôχ ÚÔÛÂÁ̤ÓË ÌÔ˘ÛÈ΋. Soul, funk, house Î·È ethnic ·ÎÔ‡ÛÌ·Ù·, ÚˆÙfiÙ˘· ÎÔÎÙ¤ÈϘ Î·È ˙ˆÓÙ·Ó‹ ·ÙÌfiÛÊ·ÈÚ· Â›Ó·È Ù· ÛÙÔȯ›· Ô˘ ÚÔÛʤÚÂÈ Î·È Û·˜ ÂÁÁ˘¿Ù·È Û›ÁÔ˘ÚË ‰È·ÛΤ‰·ÛË. ENIGMA CLUB: ∞fi Ù· ÌÂÁ·Ï‡ÙÂÚ· Î·È ÁÓˆÛÙfiÙÂÚ· club ÙÔ˘ ÓËÛÈÔ‡. KIRA THIRA: ÿÛˆ˜ ÙÔ ·ÏÈfiÙÂÚÔ Ì·Ú ÙÔ˘ ÓËÛÈÔ‡, ÛÙ· ºËÚ¿. ∞ÔÏ·‡ÛÙ ÙÔ ÔÙfi Û·˜ ·ÎÔ‡ÁÔÓÙ·˜ ÔÈÔÙÈ΋ ÌÔ˘ÛÈ΋ Î·È ı·˘Ì¿˙ÔÓÙ·˜ ÙȘ ÂÎÎÂÓÙÚÈΤ˜ ÙÔȯÔÁڷʛ˜-·Ú¯·›· ıËÚ·˚΋ Ù¯ÓÔÙÚÔ›· Ì ıÂÌ·ÙÔÏÔÁ›· ·fi ÙÔÓ πÂÚÒÓ˘ÌÔ ªÔ˜. KOO CLUB: jazz, ÂÏÏËÓÈ΋ Î·È Í¤ÓË mainstream ÌÔ˘ÛÈ΋, ˙ˆÓÙ·Ó‹ ·ÙÌfiÛÊ·ÈÚ· Ì ʷӷÙÈÎfi ÎÔÈÓfi. FRANKO’S BAR: ÿÛˆ˜ ¤Ó· ·fi Ù· ˆÚ·ÈfiÙÂÚ· bar ÙÔ˘ ÎfiÛÌÔ˘. ∫·ı›ÛÙ ·Ó··˘ÙÈο ÛÙȘ ÔÏ˘ıÚfiÓ˜ ÙÔ˘, ¤¯ÔÓÙ·˜ Û·Ó ı¤· ÙËÓ Ì·Á¢ÙÈÎfiÙÂÚË Î·ÏÓÙ¤Ú· Ù˘ Á˘ Î·È ·ÔÏ·‡ÛÙ ¤Ó· ÎÔÎÙ¤ÈÏ Û·Ì¿ÓÈ· οو ·fi ÙÔ˘˜ ‹¯Ô˘˜ ÎÏ·ÛÛÈ΋˜ ÌÔ˘ÛÈ΋˜. QUINTA: ™Ù· ºËÚ¿, ÁÈ· ηʤ, ÔÙfi ·ÏÏ¿ Î·È ÂÏ·ÊÚÈ¿ È¿Ù·. ∫√∫∫π¡√ ¶√¢∏§∞Δ√: ™’ ¤Ó· Ôχ ÚÔÛÂÁ̤ÓÔ ¯ÒÚÔ ÛÙËÓ √›·, ı·˘Ì¿ÛÙ ÙÔ ˘¤ÚÔ¯Ô ËÏÈÔ‚·Û›ÏÂÌ· ›ÓÔÓÙ·˜ ÙÔ ÎÚ·Û› Ô˘ ÂÈı˘Ì›ÙÂ Î·È ·ÎÔ‡ÁÔÓÙ·˜ ηٷÏËÎÙÈ΋ lounge Î·È jazz ÌÔ˘ÛÈ΋. ¶∞ƒ∞§π∂™ ¶ÂÚ›‚ÔÏÔ˜: °È· beach fun. ∫fiÎÎÈÓË ¶·Ú·Ï›·: ŒÓ· ÌÔÓ·‰ÈÎfi ÛÎËÓÈÎfi Ì ‚Ú¿¯È·, ÎfiÎÎÈÓ˜ ¤ÙÚ˜ Î·È ¿ÌÌÔ Ô˘ ·Í›˙ÂÈ Ó· ÂÈÛÎÂÊı›Ù ÛÙÔ ∞ÎÚˆÙ‹ÚÈ. ÕÛÚË ¶·Ú·Ï›·: ªÂ η˚οÎÈ ·fi ÙËÓ ÎfiÎÎÈÓË ·Ú·Ï›· ‚Ú›ÛÎÂÙ·È Û ¤Ó· ÍÂÚfi ÙÔ›Ô Ì ·›ı·Ó· ¯ÚÒÌ·Ù·. 44 OnBlue KOUKOUMVALOS (Fira, 22860 23807): In this 18th century mansion, you will savor Nikos Pouliassis’ creative cuisine. AMMOS (Perivolos, 22860 81819): Mediterranean specialties and flavors enriched with the aromas of the local land and sea. ARCHIPELAGOS (Fira, 22860 24509): Mediterranean Greek cuisine prepared with high quality ingredients and an array of fine wines that will satisfy the most demanding gourmand. DICHTYA (Perivolos Beach, 22860 82818): For fresh fish. MARMITA (Megalochori, 22860 81603): Your visit to the inner part of the island will definitely reward you with an array of culinary delights. Try the shrimp scampi and the chocolate soufflé. SCARAMANGAS (Monolithos, 22860 31750): You will love its fresh fish and delicious tomato patties, ‘chloro tyri’ (cheese) and Santorini fava beans. 1800 (Oia, 22860 71485): Creative Mediterranean cuisine in a captain’s home, which maintains its original interior décor. NIKOLAS (Fira, 22860 24550): Age-old eatery offering tasty casseroles. Arrive early to find a table. ENTERTAINMENT ENIGMA CLUB: One of the largest and most popular clubs on the island. KIRA THIRA: Perhaps the oldest bar on Santorini, in Fira. Savor your drink, listening to good music and admiring its eccentric frescos done in the ancient local technique with Hieronymus Bosch themes. KOO CLUB: jazz, Greek and international mainstream music, lively atmosphere, and very loyal fans. OnBlue 45 travel FRANKO’S BAR: Perhaps one of the most attractive bars on the island. Kick back on its relaxing armchairs and enjoy a refreshing champagne cocktail listening to classical music and overlooking the most majestic caldera in the world. KOKKINO PODILATO: From its carefully designed setting, in Oia, enjoy the beautiful sunset while savoring a glass of wine and listening to great lounge and jazz tunes. BEACHES μÏ˘¯¿‰·: ªÂÁ¿ÏË ·Ú·Ï›· Ì ËÚÂÌ›· Î·È ›Ûˆ ÛÌÈÏÂ̤ÓÔÈ ‚Ú¿¯ÔÈ ÁÈ· ÛÎËÓÈÎfi. ªÔÓfiÏÈıÔ˜: ¶·Ú·Ï›· Ì Ú˯¿ ÓÂÚ¿. ¶ÂÚ›ÛÛ·: °È· Ó·ÚfiÎÔÛÌÔ, ÛÎÔ‡Ú· ÓÂÚ¿ Î·È Ì·‡ÚË ¿ÌÌÔ˜ Û ¤Ó·Ó ˘¤ÚÔ¯Ô Û˘Ó‰˘·ÛÌfi. ∫·Ì¿ÚÈ: ◊È· ÙÔ˘ÚÈÛÙÈ΋ ·Ú·Ï›·. ∞ÌÌÔ‡‰È: μÚ·¯¿ÎÈ· οو ·fi ÙËÓ √›·. ∫ÔÏÔ‡ÌÔ: ∫ÔÓÙ¿ ÛÙËÓ √›· Ì „ÈÏ‹ ¿ÌÌÔ. ∂Ӊ›ÎÓ˘Ù·È Î·È ÁÈ· Á˘ÌÓÈÛÌfi. TIPS ñ °ÓˆÚ›ÛÙ ÙÔ ı·˘Ì·ÛÙfi ‚˘ıfi Ù˘ ∫·ÏÓÙ¤Ú·˜ Ù˘ ™·ÓÙÔÚ›Ó˘ ̤۷ ·fi ÙÔ ÌÔÓ·‰ÈÎfi ÏÔ›Ô Ì ÙÔ Á˘¿ÏÈÓÔ ˘ı̤ӷ «∫∞§Àæø». ∞ÔÏ·‡ÛÙ ¤Ó· ÔÙ‹ÚÈ ™·ÓÙÔÚÈÓÈfi ηÏfi ÎÚ·Û› ·Ú·ÎÔÏÔ˘ıÒÓÙ·˜ ÙÔ ÌÔÓ·‰ÈÎfi ËÏÈÔ‚·Û›ÏÂÌ· Ù˘ ™·ÓÙÔÚ›Ó˘ ̤۷ ·fi ·Ú·‰ÔÛÈ·Îfi ÈÛÙÈÔÊfiÚÔ ÛοÊÔ˜. ¶ÏËÚÔÊÔڛ˜: Dakoutros Travel, ‹ sailing/dakoutros-boats. ñ ¶ÂÚÈÏ·ÓËı›Ù ÛÙ· ÛÔοÎÈ· ÙˆÓ ºËÚÒÓ Î·È Î¿ÓÙ ÌÈ· ÛÙ¿ÛË ÛÙÔ 2u. ΔÔ cosy ÎÔÛÌËÌ·ÙÔˆÏÂ›Ô Ù˘ ™·ÓÙÔÚ›Ó˘ fiÔ˘ Û›ÁÔ˘Ú· ı· ÂÓıÔ˘ÛÈ·ÛÙ›Ù ·fi Ù· ¯ÂÈÚÔÔ›ËÙ· ÌÔÓÙ¤ÚÓ· ÎÔÛÌ‹Ì·Ù· ·fi ŒÏÏËÓ˜ ۯ‰ȷÛÙ¤˜. ñ ∞Ó ‚ÚÂı›Ù Á‡Úˆ ÛÙ· ̤۷ ∞˘ÁÔ‡ÛÙÔ˘ ÌËÓ ·Ú·Ï›„ÂÙ ӷ ·Ú·ÎÔÏÔ˘ı‹ÛÂÙ ÙËÓ ·Ó··Ú¿ÛÙ·ÛË Ù˘ ¤ÎÚË͢ ÙÔ˘ ËÊ·ÈÛÙ›Ԣ. ¶ÚfiÎÂÈÙ·È ÁÈ· ¤Ó· Ú·ÁÌ·ÙÈÎfi ˘ÂÚı¤·Ì·. ñ ¡· ‰ÔÎÈÌ¿ÛÂÙ ÓÙÔÌ·Ù¿ÎÈ·, ¿ÛÚË ÌÂÏÈÙ˙¿Ó·, Ê¿‚· Î·È ¯ÏˆÚfi Ù˘Ú›. ñ ¡· ·ÁÔÚ¿ÛÂÙ Visanto, ÙÔ ÏÈ·ÛÙfi ÎÚ·Û› Ù˘ ™·ÓÙÔÚ›Ó˘. 46 OnBlue ¶ø™ £∞ ¶∞Δ∂ ∞fi ¶ÂÈÚ·È¿: K·ıËÌÂÚÈÓ¿ ÛÙȘ 07:25 Ì ÙÔ F/B Blue Star Paros ‹ Blue Star Naxos ∫¿ı ™¿‚‚·ÙÔ ÛÙȘ 07:25 Ì ÙÔ F/B Blue Star Paros ‹ Blue Star Naxos Î·È ÛÙȘ 09:00 Ì ÙÔ F/B ¢È·ÁfiÚ·˜ ¶ÏËÚÔÊÔڛ˜ & ÎÚ·Ù‹ÛÂȘ ı¤ÛÂˆÓ ÛÙÔÓ Ù·ÍȉȈÙÈÎfi Û·˜ Ú¿ÎÙÔÚ· ‹ ÛÙ· ÁÚ·Ê›· Blue Star Ferries: ∞£∏¡∞/¶∂πƒ∞π∞™: ÙËÏ.: 210 8919800, £∂™™∞§√¡π∫∏: ÙËÏ.:2310 560800. HOW TO GET THERE From Piraeus: Daily departures at 07:25 with F/B Blue Star Paros or Blue Star Naxos Every Saturday at 07:25 with F/B Blue Star Paros or Blue Star Naxos and at 09:00 with F/B Diagoras For information & reservations please contact your travel agent or Blue Star Ferries: ATHENS/PIRAEUS: tel:+30 210 8919800, THESSALONIKI: tel:+30 2310 560800 Perivolos: For beach fun. Red Beach: A unique setting of rocks, red grovel and sand that deserves a visit when you visit Akroteri. White Beach: You can reach it by "taxi-boat" from the red beach, and enjoy its colorful landscape. Vlychada: Long beach, remote and quiet with chiseled rocks for a backdrop. Monolithos: Beach with shallow waters. Perissa: For young crowds, it combines dark blue water and black sand. Kamari: A beach for the average tourist. Ammoudi: A rocky beach below Oia. Koloumbo: Near Oia, it features a sandy beach. Nudism is allowed. TIPS ñ Explore the wondrous underwater world of Santorini's Caldera aboard the only boat with a glass floor, KALYPSO. Tickle your taste buds with a glass of fine local wine, while relishing the stunning sunset from the deck of this traditional sailboat. Info: Dakoutros Travel, ñ Wander through the cobblestone streets of Fira and make a stop at 2u. The cozy jewelry store will captivate you with its handmade modern jewelry, designed by Greek artists. ñ If you happen to be in Santorini midAugust, don’t miss the re-enaction of the eruption of the volcano. It is expected to be a gripping production. ñ Try cherry tomatoes, white eggplant, fava beans and ‘chloro tyri’ (cheese). ñ Bring back Vinsanto with you, the sunfermented local wine. OnBlue 47 travel SANTORINI AUGUST 2008 FESTIVAL "MEGARO GYZI" Eπ™√¢√™ ∂§∂À£∂ƒ∏ / FREE ENTRANCE Δ∂Δ∞ƒΔ∏ 13/8/2008, 9ÌÌ: ¡∞Δ∞™™∞ ª¶√ºπ§π√À "ª∂Ãπ Δ√ Δ∂§√™" ... Î·È fi¯È ÌfiÓÔ ∏ ¡·Ù¿ÛÛ· ªÔÊ›ÏÈÔ˘ ·ÚÔ˘ÛÈ¿˙ÂÈ, ÌÈ· Ó¤· ÚfiÙ·ÛË ÌÔ˘ÛÈ΋˜ ·Ú¿ÛÙ·Û˘ Ì ·ÊÔÚÌ‹ ÙË Ó¤· Ù˘ ‰ÈÛÎÔÁÚ·ÊÈ΋ ‰Ô˘ÏÂÈ¿ Ì ٛÙÏÔ "ª¤¯ÚÈ ÙÔ Ù¤ÏÔ˜", ¤Ó· ÌÔ˘ÛÈÎfi Ù·Í›‰È Ì ÛÙ·ıÌÔ‡˜ ÛÙÔ Û‡Á¯ÚÔÓÔ ÂÏÏËÓÈÎfi Î·È Í¤ÓÔ ÚÂÂÚÙfiÚÈÔ. ŒÓ· Ó·ÓÈÎfi ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ· Ô˘ ÂÈÌÂÏÔ‡ÓÙ·È Î·ÏÏÈÙ¯ÓÈο ‰˘Ô Ó¤ÔÈ ‰ËÌÈÔ˘ÚÁÔ›, Ô Û˘Óı¤Ù˘ £¤Ì˘ ∫·Ú·ÌÔ˘Ú·Ù›‰Ë˜ Î·È Ô ÛÙÈ¯Ô˘ÚÁfi˜ °ÂÚ¿ÛÈÌÔ˜ ∂˘·ÁÁÂÏ¿ÙÔ˜. ¢∂ÀΔ∂ƒ∞ 18/8/2008, 9ÌÌ: §√À´∑∞ ™√ºπ∞¡√¶√À§√À "√ ∂ƒøΔ∞™ ™Δπ™ °§ø™™∂™ Δ√À ∫√™ª√À" ∏ §Ô˘›˙· ™ÔÊÈ·ÓÔÔ‡ÏÔ˘ ÂÈϤÁÂÈ ·Á·Ë̤ӷ ÙÚ·ÁÔ‡‰È· Ô˘ ÂÎÊÚ¿˙Ô˘Ó ÙÔÓ ¤ÚˆÙ· ÛÙȘ ÈÔ ‰ËÌÔÊÈÏ›˜ Î·È ÙÚ·ÁÔ˘‰ÈṲ̂Ó˜ ÁÏÒÛÛ˜ ÙÔ˘ ÎfiÛÌÔ˘. £· ÙÚ·ÁÔ˘‰‹ÛÂÈ ÙÚ·ÁÔ‡‰È· ÁÈ· ÙÔÓ ¤ÚˆÙ· Û‡Á¯ÚÔÓ· Î·È ·Ï·ÈfiÙÂÚ·, ·fi ‰È¿ÊÔÚ· ÌÔ˘ÛÈο ÛÙ˘Ï fiˆ˜ ÙÔ"¿Ì ÌÈ· ‚fiÏÙ· ÛÙÔ ÊÂÁÁ¿ÚÈ" ÙÔ˘ ª¿ÓÔ˘ ÷Ù˙ȉ¿ÎÈ, "nothing compares to you" ÙÔ˘ Prince, "ne me quittes pas" ÙÔ˘ Jacques Brel, "amara me" ÙÔ˘ Nino Rota, ÎÏ. ¶∞ƒ∞™∫∂À∏ 22/8/2008, 9ÌÌ: ANTONIS LADOPOULOS JAZZ QUARTET "LITTLE FLOWERS" … OF JAZZ ªÈ· ͯˆÚÈÛÙ‹ Û˘Ó·˘Ï›· jazz Ì ÚÔÛˆÈΤ˜ Û˘Óı¤ÛÂȘ ÙÔ˘ ∞ÓÙÒÓË §·‰fiÔ˘ÏÔ˘ ·ÏÏ¿ Î·È ÁÓˆÛÙ¿ jazz standards. ΔƒπΔ∏ 26/8/2008, 9ÌÌ: ¢∞¡∞∏ ¶∞¶∞ª∞Δ£∞π√À-ª∞Δ™∫∂ & UWE MATSCHKE "ƒ∂™πΔ∞§ ª√À™π∫∏™ ¢øª∞Δπ√À °π∞ ¶π∞¡√ ∫∞π μπ√§π" √ ÁÓˆÛÙfi˜ °ÂÚÌ·Ófi˜ È·Ó›ÛÙ·˜ Uwe Matschke Î·È Ë ÎfiÚË ÙÔ˘, Ë ÂÍ·ÈÚÂÙÈ΋ Ó¤· ‚ÈÔÏÔÓ›ÛÙ· ¢·Ó¿Ë ¶··Ì·Ùı·›Ô˘-ª¿ÙÛΠı· ÂÚÌËÓ‡ÛÔ˘Ó ¤ÚÁ· ÙˆÓ Û˘ÓıÂÙÒÓ J. Brahms, L. v. Beethoven Î.¿. ™∞μμ∞Δ√ 30/8/2008, 9ÌÌ: ∂À∏ ™π∞ª∞¡Δ∞ " JAZZ - SOUL" √È Ê›ÏÔÈ ÏÔÈfiÓ Ù˘ jazz Î·È Ù˘ soul ı· ¤¯Ô˘Ó ÙËÓ Â˘Î·ÈÚ›· Ó· ·ÔÏ·‡ÛÔ˘Ó ÙËÓ Î·Ù·ÏËÎÙÈ΋ ʈӋ Ù˘ ∂‡Ë˜ ™È·Ì·ÓÙ¿ Û ¤Ó· ¢ڇÙÂÚÔ jazz-soul ÚÂÂÚÙfiÚÈÔ, Ì ÙË Û‡ÌÚ·ÍË ÂÓfi˜ ÛÔ˘‰·›Ô˘ ÁÎÚÔ˘ ÌÔ˘ÛÈÎÒÓ, ÙÔ˘ ÎÔ˘·ÚÙ¤ÙÔ˘ ÙÔ˘ Û·ÍÔʈӛÛÙ· Δ¿ÎË ¶·ÙÂÚ¤ÏË. 48 OnBlue WEDNESDAY 13/8/2008, 9 pm: NATASHA BOFILIOU "UP TO THE END" ... and not only The young singer Natasha Bofiliou, one from the most promising voices of her generation, will present a new proposition of musical performance, a musical journey with stops at the contemporary Greek and international repertory. Natasha Bofiliou will take us on a wonderful journey through the years and the musical styles. MONDAY 18/8/2008, 9 pm: LOUIZA SOFIANOPOULOU "THE LOVE IN THE LANGUAGES OF WORLD" Louiza Sofianopoulou selects beloved songs that express the love in the most popular languages of the world. She will sing songs about love –contemporary and older–, from various musical styles, as “pame mia volta sto fegari” of Manos Chatzidakis, "nothing compares to you" of Prince, "ne me quittes pas" of Jacques Brel, "amara me" of Nino Rota, etc. FRIDAY 22/8/2008, 9 pm: ANTONIS LADOPOULOS JAZZ QUARTET "LITTLE FLOWERS" … OF JAZZ Antonis Ladopoulos and his Jazz Quartet are going to appear live at Festival "Megaro Gyzi" 2008 on Friday August 22, 2008. They will play personal compositions of Antonis Ladopoulos and well-known jazz standards. TUESDAY 26/8/2008, 9 pm: DANAE PAPAMATTHAOU-MATSCHKE & UWE MATSCHKE "RECITAL OF CHAMBER MUSIC FOR PIANO AND VIOLIN" The well-known German pianist Uwe Matschke and his daughter, the exceptional young violonist Danae PapamatthäouMatschke will interpret work of composers J. Brahms, L. v. Beethoven, etc. SATURDAY 30/8/2008, 9 pm: EVI SIAMANTA " JAZZ - SOUL" The friends of jazz and soul music will have the occasion to enjoy the amazing voice of Evi Siamanta in a wider jazz-soul repertory, with the cooperation of an important group of musicians, the quartet of the saxophonist Takis Paterelis. OnBlue 49
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