Analisis Kebijakan Isu-isu strategis dalam tata kelola universitas di
Analisis Kebijakan Isu-isu strategis dalam tata kelola universitas di
HELM-USAID WORKSHOP KEPEMIMPINAN SUPPORTIF Makasar 12-13 Maret 2014 HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 1 Oleh: Sahid Susanto Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Tinggi Sekolah Pasca Sarjana UGM HELM-USAID WORKSHOP KEPEMIMPINAN SUPPORTIF Makasar 12-13 Maret 2014 HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 2 VIDEO Team Work Animation KESEIMBANGAN PERAN Government vs PT Universitas vs Fakultas REVIEW Tantangan Global Bonus Demografi Social Transformation Fungsi Institusi PT PENGEMBANGAN INSTITUSI PT Siklus PT Triangle of control, Fungsi & Arah Pengembangan Inst PT Masalah Strategis PT University Government Brain drain-back home HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 3 SCIENTIFIC LEADER Prinsip Pengembangan Sense Making, Issues & HEIs problem Siapa Scientific Leader dan Dosen sbg Scientific Leader Value College dlm membangun Scientific Leader University Values Academic & Scientific Leader Leader and Manager Key Performance Indicator: Domain Elemen Kinerja PT berbasis Output BEST PRACTICE Lesson Learned at UGM University Level UU PT vs Statuta Kebijakan Linearitas? Fakultas: multidisiplin SPS: beyond multidisiplin Faculty Level • • Visi dan Misi Kompetensi Keilmuan Fakultas Departmen Level • • Kompetensi Keilmuan Kurikulum Prodi Kompetensi Keilmuan Laboratorium HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 4 In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity – it is a prerequisite. – President Barack Obama HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 5 HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 6 HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 7 GOVERNMENT Public welfare Ideological and political priorities Corrective policies Accountability Protecting vital interests UNIVERSITY Academic freedom Management Moral force Creativity and innovation Balance between the role of government and university TeachMaterial-V\shd\2002 3/12/2014 8 UNIVERSITAS-PT Supportive Leader Team work PU: Rektorat-Dekanat •Penjagaan dan proteksi nilai PT •Supportive Leader •Kebijakan PT •Pertanggungan jawab publik PU: Pimpinan Universitas, Rektorat dan Dekanat PL: Pimpinan Laboratorium Scientific Leader PL: Pimpinan Lab-Dosen •Kebebasan dan mimbar academik •Pimpinan keilmuan •Self management •Kreativitas dan inovasi •Pertanggungan jawab ilmiah Sumber: Workshop manajemen PT, SPS-UGM (2012) HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. People within and cross national boundaries, as refugees and as tourist Information, understood as data in the form of scientific reports, news broadcasts, statistics, documentary film and videos New technologies, of communication but also of production and distribution which permit radical changes in the organization and standard of life Capital, in daily volumes that exceed the total annual product of most countries of the world and which are beyond the control any government Images and ideas, in the form of television programs, videos and films, music, books and magazines 12 THE REALITY: Globalization and challenges + CONSTRUCT e-KNOWLEDGE GLOBALIZATION DRIVEN BY MARKETORIENTED ECONOMIC SYSTEM: + MARKET PRINCIPLES (Knowledge-driven economic growth: Knowledge should take place as an important factor for production passing capital and labor. Universities, research + COMPETITION + APPLYING ADVANCED TECHNOLGY DEMOCRATIC CIVIL SOCIETY AFFECTS TO UNIVERSITY OPERATION NEW CHALLENGES NEW CHALLENGES FOR UNIVERSITY TO: institute, R&D divisions of corporations and last not least think tanks have become important factories of knowledge, which is then transferred or sold to other productive unit ) + RESPOND TO BE MORE IN DEMOCRATIC CIVIL SOCIETY NEED TO BE MORE AUTONOMY IN OPERATION NEED TO BE MORE ACCUNTABLE TO PUBLIC 13 Vannevar Bush : (NSF, NIH) University as part of the production sector: National competitive advantage Industries: profit maximization, Universities: prestige maximization Growing role of government and corporation support for specific research and education Slaughter & Leslie Academic capitalism, new liberalism (Source: Bagyo, 2000) 3/12/2014 StsnWorkshop-Shd2013 14 The 20th Century The 21st Century Transportation Communications Cars, planes, trains Computers, networks Energy, materials Knowledge, bits Nation-states Nationalism Public Policy Markets 15 Mempunyai Implikasi pada Pendidikan Tinggi HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 16 HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 17 ? ? ? Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 Sumber: dikembangkan dari Workshop manajemen PT, SPS-UGM (2012) 3/12/2014 18 State Control China Russia Indonesia French Germany Italy Academic Oligarchy Sumber: Workshop MMPT Nizam, 2013) Latin America Netherland UK US A Market Domination HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 19 Pasal 4 Pendidikan Tinggi berfungsi: a. mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa; b. mengembangkan sivitas akademika yang inovatif, responsif, kreatif, terampil, berdaya saing, dan kooperatif melalui pelaksanaan Tridharma; dan c. mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dengan memperhatikan dan menerapkan nilai humaniora. HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 20 Pasal 58: Perguruan Tinggi melaksanakan fungsi dan peran sebagai: a. wadah pembelajaran Mahasiswa dan Masyarakat; b. wadah pendidikan calon pemimpin bangsa; c. pusat pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi; d. pusat kajian kebajikan dan kekuatan moral untuk mencari dan menemukan kebenaran; dan e. pusat pengembangan peradaban bangsa. HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 21 Membangun sistem manajemen PT Reputasi akademik PT SDM sebagai modal strategis Dosen sebagai sentral pengembangan reputasi Tenaga kependidikan sebagai pendukung Masalah Strategis Penididikan Tinggi 4 Isu Pokok Pembangunan Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan AKSES MUTU & RELEVANSI PELESTARIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN KEBUDAYAAN TATA KELOLA Arah Kebijakan Tantangan Populasi yang besar Disparitas sosial, ekonomi, geografis Daya tampung terbatas Layanan belum merata. … • Konservasi produk budaya masih terbatas • Diplomasi budaya belum efektif dimanfaatkan • Regulasi bidang kebudayaan masih terbatas • ... memastikan ketersediaan dan keterjangkauan meningkatkan mutu dan relevansi secara berkelanjutan • Kesenjangan dg dunia kerja • Sarana-prasarana rusak & kurang lengkap • Disparitas mutu & distribusi guru • Pendidikan karakter belum memadai menuntaskan konservasi, pengembangan, diplomasi, & promosi kebudayaan • Penggunaan sumberdaya belum efisien • Kurang fokus pada tupoksi • Kurang transparan • Kurang akuntabel memastikan sumberdaya dikelola efisien, efektif, transparan, akuntabel (Sumber: Kuliah Umum MMPT -TA 2013/2014 oleh SekJen Dinasbud) HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 23 Masalah Strategis Penididikan Tinggi (cont) Milestone 10 Tahun 2012 • 201 Perbaikan Penyaluran • 4 BOS • 2010 Rintisan PMU • • Reformasi Birokrasi UU-Dikti • PP 66/2010 • BOP-PTN Beasiswa Bidik Misi • Subak diakui DPPN • UNESCO 2008 2013 WAJAR DIKDAS • PMU 9 Tahun • Integrasi UN tercapai • Kurikulum 2013 2006 • Akademi Komunitas 2011 Sertifikasi • Pendidikan Karakter • World Cultural Forum Guru • Integrasi Kebudayaan • Rehab SD-SMP • Sarjana Mengajar di 3T 2009 2007 200 2005 Tunjangan 20% APBN • Tari Saman diakui • Awal BOS UNESCO untuk 4 Profesi • UU Guru pendidikan Guru dan TargetTarget RPJMN/ baseli Dosen Capaia 2013Kontrak Kinerja ne n 94,1 % APM SD/MI 95,5 95,7 95,8 96,0 112, % APK SD/MI 5 117,6 118,2 118,6 119,1 58,0 % APM SMP/MTs 77,7 78,8 80,0 76,0 % APK SMP/MTs 81,2 99,7 103,9 107,3 110,0 49,0 % APK SMA/SMK/MA 76,4 78,7 82,0 85,0 StsnWorkshop-Shd2013 3/12/2014 24 24 14,3 % APK PT 27,1 27,9 28,7 30,0 Pembangunan Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Main area of reforms Public-Private discourse Shifting government roles Governance Autonomy & Accountability ◦ Academic ◦ Non academic Driver of reform Masivication: access & equity Expectation: social mobility quality & relevance Governance: (lack of) autonomy, efficiency, effectiveness, and flexibility Competition HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 25 John Fielden, 2011 HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 26 The Five Principles of Good Governance Five Principles UNDP Principles 1. Legitimacy & Voice Participation: all men & women participate in decision making either directly or through representatives Consensus orientation: mediates differing interests to reach a consensus on what is in the best interest of the group. 2. Direction Strategic vision on long term perspective of good governance & human development 3. Performance Responsiveness: serve all stakeholders Effectiveness & Efficiency: meet the needs while making best use of resources 4. Accountability Accountability: accountable to the public Transparency: free flow of information 5. Fairness Equity: opportunities for all to improve their well being Rule of Law: legal framework that is fair for all, respect human right HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 27 DIMENSION OF HE MANAGEMENT •Institutional development planning •Strategic Planning •Good University Governance RESOURCE GENERATION AND MANAGEMENT •Total Quality Management •Academic leadership •Human resource management EVALUATION •Performance •Facilities •Services •Acreditation 3/12/2014 ENHANCING AND SUSTAINING QUALITY OF HE •Institutional standard •Curriculum development •Instructional improvement •Research and professional services management •Information technology utilization Supportive & scientific leader StsnWorkshop-Shd2013 28 Konsep dasar peningkatan kualitas akademik PT Lingkungan Eksternal (External Environment) Generate New Knowledge (R) Establish/ Revised Academic Structure Set Academic Vision & Priorities Mission Assess Environment Formulate Strate-gy Educate Students Manage Univ/Fac Resources Expanding Costumers Community Service Dosen sebagai ujung tombak membangun scientific leader Background Processes Mission according to HELTS 2003-2010: Create and Sustain Intellectual Community through HEDP (Sumber: FTP-UGM) Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 29 Undang-Undang Pendidikan Tinggi, UU 12/2012. PTN, PTN BLU, PTN-Bh, dan PTN Badan Hukum. Keterbatasan: ◦ Sistem Keuangan Negara ◦ Sistem Kepegawaian Negara Kecenderungan akhir-2 ini telah terjadi “brain drain” dosen PT Dosen berprestasi ditarik ke pimpinan birokrasi, baik di lingkungan PT maupun di luar PT. Komunitas akademikpun menempatkan jabatan birokrasi sebagai capaian karier terhormat dan mempunyai status social tinggi. Satu sisi menjadi kebanggaan besar bagi PT, tp disisi lain sebetulnya merupakan kerugian besar bagi PT pula. Dari kacamata siklus manajemen PT dgn Reputasi-2 akademik sbg ukuran, dipastikan akan menurun tajam. Padahal misi dan roch PT adalah reputasi akademik Dosen harus dipanggil pulang ke PT, diberikan: ◦ Tunjangan yang memadahi ◦ Status sosial yg tingi sebagai scientific leader ◦ Sekaligus sebagai leader utk income generating dari aktivitas akademiknya HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 31 Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 32 Indikasi saat ini: ◦ Tata kelola PT lebih kearah administrative based management, belum kearah performance based management ◦ Dosen sebagai scientific leader belum mendapatkan admosfer akademik yang kondusif ◦ PU dan Dekanat sebagai Structural leader perlu belum optimal perannya untuk berfungsi sebagai supportive leader ◦ Keseimbangan peran kepemimpinan PT dan kepemimpinan keilmuan belum sepenuhnya terbangun secara optimal Apa yang disebut sebagai Scientist Leaders? Apa perannya dalam meningkatkan kinerja PT Bagaimana membangun dan membentuk ciri-ciri pemimpin keilmuan scientist leader yang cocok untuk PT di Indonesia HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 34 Permasalahan Tatakelola PT (HEIs Problem) Penurunan kinerja tatakelola dan manajemen PT dapat mengurangi daya saing universitas Berfokus pada aspek soft dalam infrastruktur universitas: tata kelola dan manajemen. berhubungan dengan pengembangan infrastruktur fisik dan fasilitas universitas permasalahan dalam tatakelola dan manajemen dapat mengurangi daya saing perguruan tinggi Indonesia Kepemimpinan Supportif dan Kepemimpinan Akademik Sumber: dimodifikasi dari Workshop manajemen PT, SPS-UGM (2012) Dosen Dosen Dosen Dosen Dosen Dekan/Rektor Staf manajemen pendukung Sumber: dikembangkan dari Workshop manajemen PT, SPSUGM (2012) Siapa para scientist leaders? Mereka adalah para dosen yang mendidik mahasiswa, mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan, dihormati peersnya, dan mempunyai pengikut (follower) untuk bidangnya. Mereka memimpin program studi pendidikan, laboratorium, studio, pusat dan unit penelitian, dan menghasilkan karya-karya ilmiah yang meningkatkan kinerja perguruan tinggi HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 36 Dosen Dosen Dosen Dosen Dosen Dekan/Rektor Staf manajemen pendukung Sumber: dikembangkan dari Workshop manajemen PT, SPSUGM (2012) HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 37 VALUE COLLEAGUE dalam membangun scientific leader Scientific leader-follower HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 38 As a scientists with leadership responsibilities, you face a number of unique challenges The lives of scientist leaders: 1. More Leadership = Less Science 2. More Scientific Success = More Politics 3. I Wasn’t Trained for This! ng-advising-leaders/thedilemmas-of-the-scientistleader/ 4. Greater Individual Success = Greater Need for Friends HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 39 UNIVERSITY VALUES: NILAI LUHUR UGM YANG DIGALI DARI PANCASILA CORPORATE AND BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY BUDAYA, SIMBOL, TRADISI, SEJARAH BERDIRINYA UGM BASIC PRINCIPLES NILAI TERMINAL & INSTRUMENTAL BUSINESS AND WORK ETHIC ACADEMIC VALUES CORPORATE VALUES SETS OF VALUES NILAI UNIVERSAL PERG TINGGI NILAI AKADEMIK & NILAI KORPORAT CORE VALUES UGM SBG PTN-Bh BUDAYA UGM sebagai PTN-Bh CORPORATE POLICY AND STRATEGY CORPORATE CULTURE SETS OF BEHAVIOUR ACADEMIC CULTURE NEW UNIVERSITY POLICY AND STRATEGIC PLAN SETS OF SYSTEM UNIVERSITY POLICY AND STRATEGIC PLAN 40 HEIs Leaders Leaders and Managers Concept of management Change of perspective Comparing management and leadership Transactional and transformation leadership Selected skill for effective leadership Important to leadership success Leadership style Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 41 Academic Leaders Key Result Areas 1. Academic leadership – effective management of programs, promotion of scholarship and excellence in teaching and student centred learning 2. Communication and relationships within and outside the University with key stakeholders, professional associations and accreditation bodies 3. Equity and Diversity 4. Leading course teams to achieve strategic outcomes 5. Understanding contemporary teaching and learning methodologies 6. Building and developing strategic relationships People focus Innovator Developer Internal focus Integrator Monitor External focus Broker Deliverer Task focus HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 42 "To lead" used to be considered a function of management. In many of huge corporations, people are treated as commodities,“ "people cannot be managed Inventories can be managed, but people must be led". management processes include: ◦ planning and budgeting, ◦ organizing and staffing, and ◦ controlling and problem solving. Leadership, on the other hand, is very different. It produces not consistency and order, but movement Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 43 Academic Manager & Scientific Leader People focus Scientific leader Developer Internal focus Innovator Integrator External focus Monitor Broker Deliverer Academic manager Task focus HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 44 Leadership attributes in an academic institution may include the following: Visionary Professionalism Managerial ability Innovativeness Resourcefulness Integrity Commitment Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 45 An effective leader is a person who can commit to using his or her ability to lead others, perform technical skills, and conceptualize situations, thus helping to ensure goal achievement. (Willis M. Watt, PhD, 2010: in Academic Leadership Qualities for Meeting Today’s Higher Education Challenges) Creating a Culture of Leadership Start with yourself Linking theory to reality Beyond positional leadership Take advantage of changing demographics (By Rob Kelly, 2010: in Academic Leadership Qualities for Meeting Today’s Higher Education Challenges) Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 46 Perlunya menjadikan Univ sebagai bagian dari World Class University Pengukuran kinerja PT merupakan keharusan dan perlu ditempatkan menjadi bagian dari rencana strategis Universitas Perlu perumusan Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Universitas agar keunggulan akademik universitas dapat dicapai melalui proses pengajaran, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat Kinerja dosen harus tercermin dalam KPI HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 47 • Academic reputation • Learning and teaching • Research performance and standing • University environment and engagement • Organizational sustainability and capability HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 48 OUTPUT ◦ Education Graduates Student activities related to their academic disciplines ◦ Services Number of collaboration with industries by type of services rendered Number of collaboration with industries by revenue generated Number of collaboration with industries by type of industry International collaboration HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 49 ◦ RESEARCH Number of international publications by year, author, and journal Number of international presentation by year and occasion International research collaborations Number of patents granted HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 50 UNIVERSITAS MASSA UNIVERSITAS POLITIK UNIVERSITAS YANG DIDOMINASI PEMERINTAH UNIVERSITAS MISKIN DANA UNIVERSITAS PENELITIAN CHANGES KONSERVASTIVE VS PROGRESSIVE IDEALISM VS PRAGMATISM LOYALITY VS BRAIN DRAIN RESISTENCY VS RESPONSIVE ugm-etika.akademik 3/12/2014 51 HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 52 Acuan Legal ◦ UU PT No 12/2012 ◦ Ps. 63: prinsip penyelenggaraan PT ◦ Ps 64: otonomi pengelolaan akademik dan non akademik Status Legal ◦ PTN ◦ PT-BHMN: Otonomi penuh ◦ PTN-Bh: otonomi pengelolaan PT Statuta ◦ PP No 67/2013 ◦ Otonomi pengelolaan ps 10 Prinsip penyelenggaraan PT: ◦ Ps. 10 (5): otonomi pengelolaan didasarkan pada prinsip: ◦ Transparansi, akuntabilitas, nirlaba, penjaminan mutu, efektivitas dan efisiensi Kebijakan: Sistem Manajemen Keuangan SDM Infrtastruktur dll Keilmuan: Fakultas: multidisiplin Sekolah Pasca Sarjana: beyond multidiscipline (inter & trans discipline) •Pengembangan akademik Hibah kompetisi riset dan penulisan buku Hibah jurnal (nasional & international) Hibah presentasi paper (nasional & internasional) HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 53 Penyelenggaraan: prinsip transparansi dan akuntabilitas Sistem manajemen: bermuara kualitas Misi: menyelenggarakan Tri Dharma PT Visi: Pengembangan Scientific Leader ◦ Dibangun berbasis issu strategis ◦ Arah: Center of excellent di bidang pertanian tropis industrial ◦ Berbasis kompetensi keilmuan ◦ Kejelasan identitas keilmuan Prodi Indepthness: linearitas kompetensi utama keilmuan S-1, S-2, S-3 Comprehensiveness: kompetensi penunjang ◦ Laboratorium: pusat kompetensi keilmuan ◦ Jurusan: rumpun kompetensi laboratorium HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 54 IDENTITAS PROGRAM STUDI ELEMEN PENCIRI Nama Scientific Vision Landasan Ontologis PRODI S-1 TPB Teknik Pertanian dan Biosistem (Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering) Penerapan prinsip-prinsip ilmu dan teknologi di bidang keteknikan pertanian dan biosistem untuk mendukung pembangunan pertanian industrial tropis yang berkelanjutan. PRODI S-2 TPB Teknik Pertanian dan Biosistem (Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering) Pengembangan ilmu dan teknologi di bidang keteknikan pertanian dan biosistem utk mendukung pembangunan pertanian industrial tropis yang berkelanjutan. Pemahaman prinsip dasar dan Pemahaman dan hakekat keberadaan ilmu pengembangan tentang keteknikan pertanian dan hakikat metodologi dan biosistem. prinsip-prinsip ilmu keteknikan pertanian dan biosistem. PRODI S-3 TPB Ilmu Keteknikan Pertanian & Biosistem (Agric. and Biosystem Engineering Science ) Pengembangan konsep keilmuan dan teknologi terkini di bidang keteknikan pertanian dan biosistem untuk mendukung pembangunan pertanian industrial tropis yang berkelanjutan. Pengembangan konsep keilmuan untukmendapatkan ilmu pengetahuan , dan teknologi baru (novelty) di bidang teknik pertanian dan biosistem. HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 55 IDENTITAS PROGRAM STUDI ELEMEN PENCIRI Landasan Epistemologi Landasan Aksiologi PRODI S-1 TPB Penggunaan metodologi dibidang keteknikan pertanian dan biosistem melalui pendekatan sistem. PRODI S-2 TPB Pengembangan dan penerapan metodologi dan prinsip-prinsip ilmu keteknikan pertanian dan biosistem melalui pendekatan sistem Penerapan metodologi Pengembangan dan dan pemahaman nilai penerapan metodologi keilmuan keteknikan dan prinsip-prinsip ilmu pertanian dan keteknikan pertanian biosistem untuk dan biosistem melalui memecahkan masalah pendekatan sistem yang timbul untuk memecahkan dimasyarakat masalah yang timbul dimasyarakat PRODI S-3 TPB Pengembangan metodologi untuk mendapatkan konsep keilmuan dan teknologi baru (novelty) di bidang teknik pertanian dan biosistem Penerapan metodologi yang dipilih untuk membuktikan konsep keilmuan keteknikan pertanian dan biosistem dan peluang aplikasinya untuk memecahkan masalah yang timbul dimasyarakat melalui riset secara mandiri HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 56 Contoh: Pengembangan Scientific Leader melalui Pengembangan Kompetensi Keilmuan di Laboratorium Jurusan Teknik Pertanian dan Biosistem FTP-UGM Lab. Tenik Sumberdaya Lahan dan Air Bidang Kajian Land and Water Management o o o o o o Sub Bidang Kajian Land evaluation Spatial information system Agricultural land resources engineering and management Watershed management and reclamation Water resources development and management Regional planning for agricultural development Land and Water Conservation Engineering o Hydroclimatology o Soil physics for soil and water conservation o Erosion control and land conservation engineering o Water resources conservation engineering Irrigation Management and Engineering o Irrigation engineering and design o Irrigation system and management o Micro irrigation system Contoh: Pengembangan Scientific Leader melalui pengembangan kompetensi keilmuan di Laboratorium Jurusan Teknik Pertanian FTP-UGM Lab. Tenik Biosystem-Fisika Hayati BIDANG KAJIAN SUB BIDANG KAJIAN Physiological Phenomena of Biological System Physiological Phenomena Caused By Mechanical, Physical and Chemical Activities Physiological Response Due To Environmental Condition Product Quality Influenced By Physiological Phenomena Model Development of Physiological Phenomena Contoh: Pengembangan Scientific Leader melalui pengembangan kompetensi keilmuan di Laboratorium Jurusan Teknik Pertanian FTP-UGM Lab. Tenik Lingkungan dan Bangunan Pertanian Agric ultural Farm Structure Agricultural Environment Engineering Building materials (requirements, analysis, and methods of measurement) Agricultural building analysis, design and construction (strength requirements, building element size determination, foundation, earth structures, silo, etc.) Ventilation system (for various farm structures : storage structure, green house, screen/net house, animal barn/house, aeration, etc) Environmental science and analysis (basic understanding of environmental, environmental analysis, environmental engineering, air-water-soil pollution, etc). Environment modifications (to satisfy agricultural activities : planting, nursering, breeding, processing, storing, etc.) Contoh: Pengembangan Scientific Leader melalui pengembangan kompetensi keilmuan di Laboratorium Jurusan Teknik Pertanian FTP-UGM Lab. Tenik Energi Pertanian BIDANG KAJIAN Energy Technology SUB BIDANG KAJIAN Bioconversion Engineering Renewable Energy Development Agro-industrial Machinery Engineering Agro-industrial Power and Energy Management Rural Electricity and Energy Sources Design, Construction and Management of Agroindustrial Equipment and Machinery Control and Automation Sensor, Measurement and Controls in Biological System Precision Agriculture Contoh: Pengembangan Scientific Leader melalui pengembangan kompetensi keilmuan di Laboratorium Jurusan Teknik Pertanian FTP-UGM Lab. Tenik Produk Pertanian BIDANG KAJIAN Postharvest Engineering SUB BIDANG KAJIAN Postharvest Process Engineering Unit Operation of Food and Agricultural Product Processing Grain Engineering Food Engineering Physical and Engineering Properties of Food and Agricultural Materials (Physical Properties Measurement) Agricultural and Food Process Engineering Thermal Process Engineering Food and Agricultural Material Handling Mathematical Modeling and Simulation in Food Engineering 3/12/2014 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION StsnWorkshop-Shd2013 62 BAHAN REFERENSI HelmWorkshop-Shd2014 3/12/2014 63 Different concept of leadership 1. 2. 3. 4. The first method of defining leadership involves the idea of polarization of group member around a central person. The point here is that a leader tends to be a central person, but not all central persons are leaders. leadership is in terms of group goals. It can be said that the leader is the individual who is able to direct the group toward its goals. This is a rather common but, from the research point of view, unsatisfactory definition Leadership is in terms of socio-metric choice. The leader is the person selected by members of the group to be the leader. The trouble with this method of clarifying the concept of leadership is that it only points. “ Leadership in terms of leadership behaviors. Leadership behavior is any behavior that the experimenter wishes to designate or, more generally, any behavior which human behavior experts consider as leadership behavior. This is an operational method of solving the problem that has both weaknesses and advantages. Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 64 Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 65 Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 66 Leadership within a complex organization achieves this function (of creating change) through sub-processes, namely: ◦ Aligning people - communicating the direction toward which cooperation may be needed so as to create coalitions that understand the vision and are committed to its achievement. ◦ Motivating and inspiring - keeping people moving in the right direction despite major political, bureaucratic, and resource barriers to change by appealing to very basic, but often untapped, human needs, values, and emotions. Leadership can produce useful change. Management by itself never creates significant useful change. Leadership by itself never keeps an operation on time and on budget year after year. Following Tables summarizes the differences between management and leadership. Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 67 Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 68 Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 69 Departing from the traditional thinking that leaders are born and not made Leadership is a learnable set of practice. They found that successful leaders practiced the following: ◦ challenge the process; ◦ inspire a shared vision; ◦ enable others; ◦ model the way; and ◦ encourage the heart. These practices are expressed in behavioral commitments such as: 1) searching for opportunities, ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ experimenting and taking risk, envisioning the future, enlisting others, fostering collaboration, strengthening others, setting the example, planning small wins, recognizing individual contribution, and celebrating accomplishment. Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 70 Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 71 Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 72 Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 73 Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 74 leadership success ◦ skills of visioning, ◦ team-building, and ◦ Communication On visioning skill ◦ An organizational vision reflects the organization's unique strategic advantages, provides inspiration to empower, and is clear enough to be used as a decision-making criterion ◦ A vision may be said to have four attributes: future orientation, image, ideal, and uniqueness. ◦ For a leader to create a vision he or she must be preoccupied with the future. ◦ That future must be embodied in an image or plan. ◦ Visions, as concretization of future scenarios, suggest the possibilities (ideal or a sense of the possible) of achieving the desired goals. Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 75 On Team-Building Skills ◦ a team "as a small number of people with complimentary skills who are equally committed to a common purpose, goals, and working approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable ◦ two main types of teams: permanent work teams, which are organized around a product or service, and cross-functional teams, which are charged with problem solving, coordination, and decision-making relative to larger organizational issues ◦ These teams when used in combination, maximize both the feeling of empowerment and the achievement of performance gains." Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 76 Teams appear to be most appropriate when: ◦ The organization emphasizes quality over other product and service variables. ◦ Innovation is a key strategy. The organization needs to bring new products to market in a hurry, or must develop highly-tailored solutions to meet client needs. ◦ The organization is trying to create a combined-variable strategy, such as speed and quality or low cost and innovativeness Effective teams, however, take time to develop. Needless to say, the leadership has much to do with creating a high-performing team Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 77 Forming is the identification stage of the group as a team that shares common goals. Norming is the establishment of team culture. Storming tests team boundaries or its strengths and weakness. Performing is creating structures and processes to achieve goals. Reforming is reestablishing the team after achieving the goals and/or undergoing a change in direction or membership. Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 78 Communication is thus a powerful tool and an important skill for any leader. first person skills (or the skills of giving out information), second person skills (or the skills required to get information from other persons to understand their perceptions), and third person skills (or the skills used to manage the exchange of information and the interaction itself). strategies to enhance communication skills ◦ knowledge of followers ◦ interpersonal competence, and ◦ information sharing as Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 79 Dictatorial ◦ They are negative leaders who hold threats of punishment over the heads of their employees to get them to perform. ◦ This type of leader almost invariably promotes unrest and dissatisfaction. Authoritarian ◦ An authoritarian leader exercises firm control over subordinates. ◦ This particular style tends to make followers dependent on their leader for decisions and directions, and can cause the group to feel "lost" in the leader's absence. Democratic ◦ The democratic leader, also called participative leader, solicits aid, opinions, and suggestions from subordinates, involves them in work problems and their solutions, and encourages participation. ◦ This is the type of leader whose group can function effectively even during the leader's prolonged absence. Laissez-faire ◦ The fourth style of leadership is the laissez-faire or non-directive. ◦ This style of leadership does not appear to be an active leader. T ◦ This style can be very effective when the group is highly skilled and motivated and the work is complex or unstructured. Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 80 Function Managers Leaders Deciding what to do Planning and budgeting Setting direction Creating networks of people Organizing and staffing Aligning people Ensure that tasks are accomplished Controlling and problem-solving Motivating and inspiring Lessons In a stable, high-competition environment, good management is paramount In a dynamic, uncertain environment, leadership is key Kotter, John P. "What Leaders Really Do.” Harvard Business Review (1990) Why and How is this "leadership," this directing of change, aligning and motivating people, not merely taken as another manipulative intervention of leadership "without regard for persons"? Why is it not just another technique to direct the employee toward the logic of the employer as many authors have said about the human relations movement? Management becomes essentially managing people as people, not as commodities. To produce consistency and order as well as to motivate people and to produce useful change are all part of the manager's job. Management is leadership, but only if we are able to rise above the perspective of impersonal instrumentality Helm-Usaid\Shd-2012 3/12/2014 82 Keep the big picture in view Recognize what needs to be changed (and what doesn’t) Manage the distress from change Give people real responsibility Get the Board on your side Keep key donors in the loop Heifetz, Ronald A. & Donald L. Laurie. "The Work of Leadership." Harvard Business Review (1997)