Music for the contemporary aboriginal


Music for the contemporary aboriginal
Music for the contemporary aboriginal
Human Bio-circuitry, the Cosmic Octave
and the Transformation of the Field
Sowelu Publishing
Also by Juliet and Jiva Carter
Template Books
The Template: A Holonomic Model of Transcendence
Template Audio CDs
Original Innocence Meditation
Activation and Integration
Phi-sonic Resonance
Template DVDs
Phi-sonic Resonance
The Template & The Sound of Time
© Juliet Carter 2010
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce or transmit this work in any
form or by any means, electronically or mechanical, including recording or by
any information storage and retrieval systems, for public or private use other
than for ”fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews without
prior written permission of the publisher.
Cover design: Jiva Carter and Zak Human
Sowelu Publishing
The Template
Circuitry and the Cosmic Octave
Hear the Geometry, See the Sound
Worldbridger Phi-sonic Resonance
Worldbridger, Chapter 26
The Template
Functioning upon the laws of resonant harmonics,
the Template codes reconnect bio-circuitry
that downloads a holistic virus of Source Consciousness.
This divine directive enters the Human bio-computational field
and initiates the collapse of programs that are reliant
upon the synthetic mutant matrix. Reconnection to the Heart
of the Cosmos activates the disassociation from the predominant
ideology of prejudice and separation and informs us
that unity is the superlative Human state.
From the restoration of the divine immortal Human blueprint
to the realignment of the cosmogenic order of our solar system,
The Template is a holonomic interactive solution-based model
of transcendence that recognises the synchronomic forces of creation
that converge to form the universal hologram.
The Template model links the geometric signal of light, the circuitry
that delivers energetic information into the electromagnetic field,
the rejuvenation of the endocrine system and DNA restoration
to the transformation of the morphogenetic field and the ultimate
stabilization of a new paradigm. The Template identifies the mutant
state of the Human genetic code, the astronomical disturbance
that is maintaining this mutation and the present day chemical,
psycho-social, biological, electromagnetic and religious
manipulation of consciousness that is perpetuating
the retardation of evolution on Earth.
Due to the genetic modification of the Human DNA, major circuits
within the Human bio-computer have been disconnected,
reducing Humanity to a conflict-driven, mortal race,
collectively manifesting a fear-based paradigm.
Embedded in the Human matrix is the Soul Covenant that holds
the harmonic of our symbiotic relationship with the evolution
of our mother planet, our solar system and the galactic cosmology.
It is the primary function of The Template to resurrect this covenant.
The transformation of the field through the acceleration
of electromagnetic download into the individual and collective matrix
offered by the reconnection of circuitry requires critical mass.
Our challenge in the coming alignment is to resurrect our ability
to function as complete units of bio-circuitry, capable of translating
light and embodying the energetic nature of the cosmic order.
The workshop model is too slow for our times and many people
cannot afford to participate. The restrictions on personal freedoms
are already making travel difficult. Because of this we are focusing
on creating DVDs which contain all the information.
They will include an interactive, alchemically coded, ceremonial
experience that will enable the viewer to reconnect circuitry.
The footage now on your Youtube site are excerpts of our first DVD
which will reconnect 12 Foundation circuits.
There are 6 ceremonies in the Template model,
reconnecting a total of 33 circuits.
The Phi-sonic Resonance DVD will temporarily reconnect
all 33 circuits. To permanently reconnect these circuits
it is vital to take part in an alchemical Template ceremony
either via DVD or in person.
Circuitry and the Cosmic Octave
The highest wisdom has but one science, the science of the whole, the
science explaining the whole of creation and man’s place in it.”
Leo Tolstoy
We discovered the connection between the electromagnetic circuitry
of the Human field and specific harmonic octaves when our sound
technician, Jurgen, introduced us to the work of the late Hans Cousto,
a Swiss sound master who worked with the ‘Law of the Octave.’
Through the systematic application of this law to period phenomena
Cousto calibrated the frequency of the planets in relation
to the period phenomena of our solar system
revealing the ‘harmony of the spheres…’
an all encompassing system of measurement by which it is possible to
transpose the movement of the planets into audible rhythms and sounds and
into color. This basic system of measurement clearly demonstrates the
harmonic relationship that exists between different kinds of natural
phenomena in the fields of astronomy, meteorology and microbiology.”
Hans Cousto, ‘The Cosmic Octave.’
While experimenting with various harmonics in Jergen’s sound studio
in Bali, we discovered that this system of measurement also applies
to the electromagnetic field of Human consciousness
and its symbiotic evolutionary relationship to light, to the solar system,
the centre of the galaxy and to the Heart of Creation.
Due to the genetic modification of the divine Human blueprint
and the cataclysmic event that disrupted the planetary design
of the solar system, and, specifically, the orbit of Earth
around her Sun, the Human resonance with the Sun
and its planets has been distorted.
In the 5th alchemical event within the Template model
of transcendence, the ‘Temple of Time Ceremony’, 7 circuits
of electromagnetic energy are reconnected into the Human field.
These 7 circuits re-instate the geomagnetic flow of planetary
consciousness as an energetic co-ordinance within the Human
heart/body/mind system, restoring the astrological imprints
of living planetary archetypes as iconic points of reference
within the Human perception of space/time.
Thus, the true order of cosmic influences that are embedded
within the Soul’s Covenant with light, prior to genetic modification,
are reactivated and the resonance of the divine immortal continuum
is reverberated and experienced within.
With this in mind we were astounded as we began to evaluate
the resonance of Cousto’s model with that of the holonomic function
of The Template. We discovered that the Mars circuitry point
was temporarily reconnected when exposed to Cousto’s Mars
harmonic, as was the Venus test point to Cousto’s Venus harmonic.
It became apparent that his model was resonant with The Template’s
electromagnetic map as it related to the planetary circuitry.
Further investigation revealed that the 33rd circuit, which is
reconnected in the Worldbridger Ceremony, is resonant with Cousto’s
Galactic Harmonic. The tone is F with 172.06 Hz and the corresponding
colour is purple with a wavelength of about 400 nanometers.
The 33rd meridian encompasses the Human electromagnetic field.
This is the Worldbridger hyper-circuit, the spherical energetic
membrane of super charged communication, a stream
of Source Intelligence flow to and from the conscious entity
and its point of sentient sovereign conception.
This circuit activates and integrates all 32 circuits
of the electromagnetic module that actuates the Human template.
It is via this circuit that your field is embraced into the holonomic
weave of co-creative, interactive spheres of light information…
the immortal continuum.
At the time of publishing the consequences and implications
of having discovered that the 33rd sphere is in frequency resonance
with a galactic increment of time continues to unpack daily.
Quite clearly this resonance speaks of our quintessential identity
as fractal aspects of the universal holography with the Sun
as our primary organizing principle. Dancing on the periphery
of my comprehension of this new knowledge are overtones of eternity
and time travel that echo the statement of Terrence McKenna
that we embody the inherent propensity to experience
any time or energy level in the Universe.
Phi-sonic Geometry and the Cosmic Octave
Integrating this aspect of harmonics as an alchemical component
within the awakening of Human cognition to the galactic holography,
we have determined a progression of harmonic tones
and their resonant geometries based on the Fibonacci series.
The series includes the 8 Hz, octavized. This frequency cannot
be blocked and will pass through any known barrier,
even through a triple vacuum.
The implication is that 8 is the frequency of infinity.
64 is one of its octaves. 8 X 18 is 144. These numbers
and many others are associated with creation, growth,
the music of the spheres and DNA repair.
The Phi-sonic 5th dimensional vortex geometry
expressed in a 3rd dimensional space transmits and expresses
frequencies that connect a circuit around the Human field
that is the event-horizon between the One and its emissary.
Hear the Geometry, See the Sound
Healing modalities that afford easement and comfort
from the pain and suffering of being Human
in this dualistic paradigm are undoubtedly precious.
At this time in our history, as we approach a never before known
portal of opportunity, the challenge is to take this healing knowledge
and forge from it an expanded schematic that can address
the core wounds that have rendered Humanity a slave race,
an immortal race locked in a mortal paradigm;
addressing the fulcrum digression that has led to the incalculable
catalogue of Human torment. In the face of worldwide poverty,
genocide, exploitation and government sanctioned use of torture
it is blatantly obvious that there is a global malignancy
that defies explanation in Human terms.
The loss of eco-symbiosis that will eventually lead to terminal decline
cannot simply be attributed to errant government regimes,
environmental hardships, economic limitation or the need
for education and better technology. Nor can the wars and worldwide
suffering of Humanity be explained and excused by the arcane
religious indoctrination that has entrained Humanity to believe
its afflictions are the result of some cryptic collective offence
committed in a time out of Human memory, an ancestral offence
against ‘god’ that requires lifetimes of atonement
and the possibility of eternal damnation.
Individual development is reliant upon the whole,
just as collective development is reliant upon the individual:
such is the holonomy of a paradigm.
There can be no peace in this paradigm…peace cannot be defined
by the cessation of war. The solution is never found
at the level of the problem…you cannot patch up a paradigm.
However many corrupt regimes are overthrown,
however many warlords brought to trial, many more replace them,
for their existence is not simply the result of a confluence
of degenerative circumstances and environments that can be
eradicated by peace talks and the gathering of the United Nations.
These brutal demonic behaviour patterns are programs
that self-generate and perpetuate from the matrix itself.
This version of ‘reality’ is an anomalous entropic paradigm
generated by the brain-wave frequency feedback
of a genetically altered race, residing in an isolated temporal zone
that has been modified to enslave consciousness and deprive
the individual being of its sentient sovereignty.
The new paradigm - the new model of existence - will not come
from better government, stricter policing, smarter technology,
or a properly organized global community.
It will arise from a community that needs no governing at all…
from a people whose conscious, energetic, unmediated connection
to the Benevolence of their Creation translates through the prism
of their daily existence as a natural propensity toward unity
and co-operation inspiring them to give and receive love
in all that they do. The original Human, prior to genetic modification,
functioned in complete harmony with all other forms of life
and in total symbiotic resonance with the evolutionary light code
of its solar system, responding in full conscious communion
to even the softest whisper carried on the solar winds
and every photonic nuance held in a ray of light.
That Human race did not need to be organized.
The new model of existence will not be born of the mind as a theory,
it will be understood in the mind, felt in the heart,
made tangible in the body and birthed into time and space
through frequency…through sound.
The new paradigm will be spun from the electro-dynamic ignition
of a quantum mass of holistic Human consciousness emitted
as a transcendent body frequency as the result of the resurrection
of Human bio-circuitry and the resultant activation of the light body.
This transcendental harmonic code creates the cymatic geometry
that forms the infrastructure of manifestation.
Sound structures form. Form is the shape of consciousness.
Due to the magnetic dynamic created by the impending alignments
of planets and of people, the transformation of the field
has already occurred: the shock waves are reaching out to us
from the future, moving out from the fulcrum of its event-horizon
like ripples in a pond. Its influence is drawing us in to its magnetic
field, the resplendence of which echoes our divine immortal blueprint.
A transcendent field is a powerful thing. As the comprehensive
manifestation of the Source directive, it is the mother
of resonant transformative systems, the ultimate holistic virus.
Assisted by the compatibility of the governing holography
of unified systems, it downloads into and corrupts mutant matrices
within all its subsystems and temporal zones.
All structures and programs whose energy dynamics
do not owe their existence to the supreme organizing principle
of the true tantric directive are recalibrated.
The periphery of this implosion is here now: its transmission
is finding ways to run its programs through our computational
awareness. Reconnected circuitry allows this to occur
more comprehensively. The Worldbridger Circuit, specifically,
is integral to the acceleration and integration of this download.
Repeated exposure to its code and geometry initiates
an activation/integration dynamic. To accommodate and integrate
the amplification of energetic data we must recalibrate
to its frequency which initiates a cleanse.
All programs running on old data will be up for review
as will the appropriate response to illusory stimuli.
The sounds to which a Human is exposed are significant,
but so too are the sounds a Human emits. As electromagnetic
frequencies are downloaded into the endocrine system via circuitry,
the body emits an altered frequency resonant with the divine immortal
directive, collectively weaving a holistic reality in which anything
that owes its existence to the subjugation of the male or female
potencies of creation will not be able to hold its molecular structure.
Language: the alchemical cryptography of organized sound.
The Template model values sound as one component in a wider
alchemical composition, a holonomic model of transcendence
that appreciates the need to create a stable global field resonant
with the full spectrum of the creation frequency.
Since its inception The Template has included the dynamic
use of language as a component within an alchemical process.
We have discovered that in order to sustain transformative
phenomena there is a vital link between language, circuitry,
geometry, the endocrine system and DNA restoration.
The syntax of The Template codes forms a dense cipher of detonation
that, together with other alchemical components,
ignite ancient meaning and memory stored within the labyrinth
of the cerebral cortex… the temple of remembrance.
Thus triggered, the recollection of the holistic Human identity,
prior to genetic modification, stimulates a domino effect
through the co-creative, interactive systems of the Human hologram,
resurrecting electromagnetic meridians of Source Intelligence
into the field of Human consciousness, activating
its Soul’s Covenant with light.
Originally, the Phi-sonic DVD was created for those who had previously
experienced The Template alchemy to assist them in integrating
the acceleration of electromagnetic download through reconnected
bio-circuits. As the reinstated divine directive pulses through these
circuits, collapsing old programs reliant upon the synthetic matrix,
the disenchantment with the predominant ideology of prejudice
and separation creates a sense of disassociation and isolation
as there becomes less and less to relate to in this ‘reality’.
Rather than attempting to intellectually analyze the present global
situation in order to resolve and compensate for the discrepancy
between the integrity of the incoming data and the apparent
manifestation of the fear-based paradigm in which we must continue
to function, the confluence of alchemical harmonic and visual
compositions of the Phi-sonic Resonance provides a more primal
energy to define the eternal constant and our place within it,
reinforcing our divine immortal identity.
As you listen to the geometry and see the sound
you are not simply hearing with your ears. The Human body
is a crystallized template of the geometry of the Cosmos.
The Soul Covenant embedded in its matrix is written in the geometric
language of light. All its visible and invisible energy systems comprise
a toroidal generator deciphering incoming Source data
and transmitting cognizant feedback, a multilevel energy-transforming
component translating the iconic patterning of the primal
divine directive into the conceptual reality of manifestation.
We are a solar race. As fractals of the solar holography,
the Human Soul Covenant is a holonomic symbiotic code
in which the Human design is the sensory organ for planetary
evolution, as Earth is the sensory organ for Human evolution.
As your bio-computational field of consciousness is exposed
to and registers the audible/visual transcendent principles
of manifestation, expressed as a synthesis of harmonics and geometry,
its spontaneous natural desire is to give and receive,
to respond, to resound. This resonant feedback is similar
to the sonar of the whale, a Human song of creation,
a musical communion that weaves the web of sonic substructure
upon which to build its reality-matrix. Just as we receive
the light of the Sun we also respond to it with our own light.
The reconnection of the Worldbridger bio-circuitry
is a communicative resonant response to the synergy
of the Phi-sonic transmission.
The interference waveforms of neuro-acoustic interplay with its resonant
hyper-vortex geometry of super-clustered substructures establishes
the elemental components of the creative force, defining the natural
world as the infrastructure of your ego-reference, resetting old
stimulus-response patterns, redefining your relationship
to the environment and the Source of your Creation…
transcending the fear-based programmed aspects of yourself...
reinforcing your true identity.
As the coalescing waves of harmonies and geometries wash over you,
stimulating your super-sensory awareness, concentric spheres
of cosmic comprehension ripple through your electromagnetic field.
You become aware of your breath as a gift... as a bridge
to consciousness… appreciating your presence on this emerald-blue
planet spinning through the galaxy, bringing you fully present
in the moment, enticing your field of awareness into the holistic
space/time co-ordinance…the immortal continuum.
The quantum effects of the synthesis between the sounds and sights
of the Phi-sonic Resonance conceive the full spectrum
of the divine directive, calming the reptilian brain,
awakening the fearless self, deprogramming the delusions
and deceptions generated by the synthetic matrix,
replacing it with the truth of nature, the incandescent faith of light.
You become the portal through which divine Consciousness flows.
You remember that you are a conscious conduit of life eternal.
The Phi-sonic Resonance is also a means for those who have not yet
reconnected vital circuitry to temporarily do so. Even though
the delivery of electromagnetic data via the circuitry is not sustained,
the heart/body/mind system is forever influenced and inspired
by an indelible encounter with its immortal divine identity
as the provisional download of the circuitry activates
the temple of remembrance in the cerebral cortex where the original
Human blueprint, prior to genetic modification, is stored.
Temporary it may be: however, the experience is banked
as an established phenomenon providing an alternative consideration
when faced with the many dilemmas of this fear-based paradigm.
From this empowered perspective of identity reference,
all decisions, choices, events, experiences and, ultimately,
the entire mutant paradigm is evaluated.
This ‘new paradigm’ we speak of is not really new.
It is so ancient it comes from the future. It is the realm
we called our home prior to the genetic modification of our DNA.
In this realm there was no question of survival
as we rode upon the waves of ascending currents of life-force
that ebbed and flowed with the rising and setting of our Sun.
Our existence and bio-technology were based upon our ability
to translate light and maintain the integrity
of our primordial soul resonance with our Sun’s Consciousness
and thus, with the supreme organizing principle
of the galactic core, Hunab Ku.
This transcendent realm shimmers just beyond the surface of our
perception. A shift in neuro-chemical activity will bring it into focus.
It is separated from us only by a trick of light and time.
It is a frequency.
The Template & The Sound of Time
Worldbridger Phi-sonic Resonance
3 Movements
1st Movement
Solar Om
136.10 Hz
Stellar Vortex Geometry
Form is the Shape of Frequency
Our Sun is the ultimate monadic form of Source Consciousness,
not only an emissary for the Benevolence of Creation,
but a transubstantiation of its Prime Presence. A centrifugal crystalline
generator that receives, translates and transmits the hyper-coded
divine covenant into usable data for our solar system,
the Sun is the gateway to the Heart of the Cosmos.
The light of the Sun is sourced as the energetic form of primordial
purpose originating from the galactic core and funneled
into the portal of its hyperbolic center to be decoded into geometric
frequencies whose confluent fields of coherence converge
into ever denser and complex patterns of nesting forms
that blossom into apparent matter.
The Sun is the Maha-spheric heart of the solar system,
communicating the light-code dynamics within its field
of stellar influence, a massive teardrop enfolding, informing
and igniting all the planets within its heliocentric embrace.
Between Sun and Earth the courtship of creation begins with light,
liquid gold fractals of geometric energy, forming an endless
transmission of light-code Intelligence pulsing in orgasmic
spherical waves, generating the photonic matrix of creation,
cascades of primal data reaching out to transfuse
Earth’s field of awareness with its luminosity
Earth’s feminine magnetic potency receives this seed impulse
into her egg-like receptive field, integrating and synthesizing
its iconic directive through embryonic stages into crystallization.
Dawn actuates the awakening tide of consciousness, a passionate
diffusion of energy, pulsating waves of ascending currents.
As first light suffuses the darkness, to touch the Earth with fiery color,
to kiss the tips of trees and mountain tops, to bathe the land in light,
every leaf and flower, every insect and blade of grass
responds ecstatically.
Air, Fire, Earth, Water and Ether individually emit
their own tonal frequency, collectively creating the symphony
of euphoric harmonies that enchant spirit into matter.
Form is the shape of frequency.
Every leaf, every drop of water is the exquisite nuance
of Earth’s response to her Sun and to the center of the galaxy.
The wind between the leaves whisper soft,
the almost silent fall of snow on mountain tops
which no eye has beheld, no footprint left;
lightning flash, dolphin splash, song of whale,
from the audience, a thunder clap.
These, the wedding vows between spirit and matter,
between the Mother of Form and the Father of Consciousness;
the Maha Gaia Tantra of creation.
Love manifest,
the day a song,
a melody of eternity,
the harmonies of endlessness,
the sound of One…
2nd Movement
Infinite Eight
8 Hz
Gaia Vortex Geometry
The Harmonic & Form of Eternity
The blueprint of the Human light-body exists at a hyper-spin frequency,
calibrated to the interference patterns created between
the full spectrum of the Sun’s divine directive projected as light
and the receptive, integrating geometric frequencies emitted
from the crystalline heart of its mother planet.
Due to the modification of the Human divine immortal blueprint
and its disassociation from the true continuum, Humanity
is not embodying the full spectrum of photonic intelligence
that would otherwise manifest its light body.
Every diversion from the energetic truth of nature, every lie
we have told, every heart broken, every drop of blood spilt in battle,
every motherless child is born of this disconnection. The wounds
of the cosmic orphan, lost in the mutant matrix, are not born of shame
or guilt. There is no ‘original sin,’ no fall from grace.
The octave of the infinite eight is a counter-sonic response of Earth
to the morphic resonance of her Sun star. This harmonic
can be heard in the deep echo of stillness beyond the hum
of the synthetic matrix and its chainsaw madness.
The ultimate neuro-acoustic healer, the infinite eight is the sonic cure
for the mortal neuro-psycho-biology that initiates the deterioration
of the physical body into death. In the figure 8, the intersection
between the circle above and the one below signifies the center,
the border between the ‘infinite in’ and the ‘infinite out’,
between the vision and its manifestation, the terminus between
the inflow of Source data and the outflow of cognizant feedback,
the Mother of Form rising to meet the Father of Consciousness.
Geometrically, the infinite eight forms a vector cube-octahedron,
the central vortex of a three-dimensional flower of life.
When stellated it becomes a Heart Star. Its role as a fractal aspect
of our Soul’s Covenant with light is activated in The Template
Ceremony of Sacred Breath as it connects the Sacral Circuit
within the crucible of birth, the sacrum.
I am the sensory expression of the Benevolence of Creation”
is the mantra of the infinite eight.
3rd Movement
Galactic Om
172.06 Hz
Solar Vortex Geometry
The Harmonic of the Galactic Holography…the Sound of Time.
Wheels within wheels, churning interactive fractals of co-creative
consciousness establish the mechanics of resonance that govern
synchronomic forces of manifestation, light-informing transmissions
of divine cognizance pulsating through the hyper-mandala of the One,
the geometry of the inconceivably one and different...the sound
of 26,000 years, the vibration of 9,490,000 sunrises and sunsets
distilled into a frequency, the sound of time itself, a galactic harmonic
that translates into the audible transcendent principle,
the tantric friction of the planetary dance,
the sound of the punctuated equilibrium.
The Phi-sonic of the Galactic Om is the resonant harmonic
for the 33rd meridian that encompasses the Human electromagnetic
field. This is the Worldbridger hyper-circuit, the spherical energetic
membrane of super-charged communication, a stream of Source
Intelligence flow to and from the conscious entity and its point
of sentient sovereign conception. This circuit reconnects, activates
and integrates all 32 circuits of the electromagnetic module
that actuate the Human template. Via this circuit your field
is embraced into the holonomic weave of co-creative, interactive
spheres of light information…the immortal continuum, activating
the Soul’s Covenant that holds the harmonic for our symbiotic
relationship with our mother planet, in which the Human design
is the sensory organ for planetary transcendence and Earth
is the sensory organ for Human transcendence.
This sphere delineates the brink of our consciousness as it distinguishes
itself as a fractal aspect of the whole, the One, the Source.
It is the event-horizon upon which we, as individualized facets
of one body of divine Consciousness, simultaneously coalesce
and differentiate. It is the threshold at which the varying densities
of electromagnetic Source Intelligence converge and substantiate
into dimensional compositions. It is from this intersection
that we can choose to experience any time or energy level
in the Universe, from which we may bridge the worlds.
Our ability to do so is reliant upon the frequency of our resonant field
of awareness, a vibrational field whose coherence is influenced
by the incoming data contained within the delivery system of circuitry.
As we alter our vibration, we adjust our affinity to varying densities
of dimension. As a critical mass of conscious entities make this
adjustment a new resonant global field of accelerated collective
coherence creates the quantum leap into the transcendent realm.
As 33 circuits of the energetic nature of Source Consciousness
are reinstated by your neuro-acoustic interplay with the galactic
harmonic, the order of the Cosmos is reflected
and experienced within you.
Let go of your self and dive into the sky… no future, no past, no North,
no South, all is reflected into the moment…the portal to the immortal.
Listen… listen to the call of the Universe beckoning you
to return to the eternal embrace of the true continuum.
Your being, the bridge,
You, the Worldbridger.
Become aware of your breath, breathing deeply and rhythmically,
rendering each breath sacred as you acknowledge that each breath
is a gift …each breath is a bridge to consciousness.
Become your breath.
Everything comes from the Sun.
Evoke in your heart and mind that great golden orb of light
that brings the day, filling it with warmth, casting its diamond
brilliance upon the oceans, drawing across the land Earth’s
green garment, seducing her matrix to give birth
to countless forms of life.
Listen… and you will hear the sound of light.
Dawn actuates the awakening tide of consciousness,
a passionate diffusion of energy, pulsating waves
of ascending currents. As first light suffuses the darkness
to touch the Earth with fiery color, to kiss the tips of trees
and mountain tops, to bathe the land in light,
every leaf and flower, every insect and blade of grass
responds ecstatically.
Air, Fire, Earth, Water and Ether individually emit
their own tonal frequency, collectively creating the symphony
of euphoric harmonies that enchant spirit into matter.
Form is the shape of frequency.
Every leaf, every drop of water is the exquisite nuance
of Earth’s response to her Sun and to the center of the galaxy.
The wind between the leaves whisper soft,
the almost silent fall of snow on mountain tops
which no eye has beheld, no footprint left;
lightning flash, dolphin splash, song of whale,
from the audience, a thunder clap.
These, the wedding vows between spirit and matter,
between the Mother of Form and the Father of Consciousness;
the Maha Gaia Tantra of creation.
Love manifest,
the day a song,
a melody of eternity,
the harmonies of endlessness,
the sound of One…
Our Sun translates the primal matrix of Source Intelligence
into coherent light. Its luminosity is the symbiotic code
that activates our Soul Covenant
to evolve as conduits of love.
We are a solar race,
each one of us emissaries of Source Consciousness,
able to translate through the masterpiece
of our Human design the galactic directive
encoded into the informational field of our Sun.
Born of the matrix of light…we are light.
Everything comes from the Sun.
The epigenesist of creation, central to our existence,
the Sun seeds Earth’s womb to conceive and birth matter
into time and space.
The Sun, our portal to cosmic comprehension…
our umbilical to the Benevolence of our Creation…
its light is the quintessential definition of our identity and existence,
generating the photonic matrix of creation,
each ray encoded with the immortal frequency originating
from the galactic core, transmitted to Earth
as a matrix of geometric frequencies, confluent fields of coherence,
light cascades of primal data, the solar alchemy of the life impulse
converging into complex nesting patterns of matter,
crystallizing consciousness into form, birthing ever more dense fields
of manifestation, translating light’s impulse into life forms
that walk, fly and swim, clothed in fur, feather and skin…
trees, flowers and shimmering wings.
Everything comes from the Sun.
As the Earth begins and ends her journey around her Sun,
from the touch of its first ray of light to its last caress,
a frequency harmonic is transmitted and received...
the Solar Om.
As you flood your being in these cosmic octaves,
simultaneously filling your vision with the counter-resonant,
geometric calibrations of sound in form,
33 major circuits of electromagnetic frequencies
download the energetic nature of Source Consciousness
into your endocrine system and re-embrace your field
into the interactive, co-creative, holonomic information systems
that include the subatomic to the multi-universal.
You become the portal.
In this, our time, the Sun nears its last ray of communication
within the Great Cycle… codes fall into place…into space…
unlocking the eternal moment between contraction
and expansion, past and future, opening the portal of endlessness,
emitting the harmonic octaves of the 13 Baktun which heralds
the opportunity to access re-entry into the universal
holography of the constant immortal continuum.
The frequencies of the Galactic Om alchemically merge
with the solar vortex - Worldbridger geometry.
Your primordial soul-resonance with the supreme
organizing principle of Hunab Ku is activated, awakening
your coded symbiotic evolutionary relationship to light
which defines you as a sensory organ
for the transcendence of Earth.
listen to the voice of the Cosmos.
As every cell of your body is immersed in the harmonics
of its immortal frequency your presence becomes a co-ordinate
in the divine immortal continuum,
awakening your quantum identity,
stimulating the temple of remembrance in the cerebral cortex,
activating total recall of your transcendent Human self,
downloading new points of reference
through which to redefine the source of your creation.
You become the stargate
through which divine Consciousness flows.
Never was there a time when you did not exist,
never will there come a time when you cease to be.
You are unborn,
You are not only this,
you are the Universe.
listen to the waves of creation…
breaking upon the shore of your consciousness…
Chapter 26
WHEN NEXT YOU FIND YOURSELF staring into the night sky, consider
the raw and elemental world of the ancient Mesoamerican shaman
astrologers, those visionary calendar priests with their feet planted on
an earth free of chemical pollution, gazing into a night sky free of the
hindrance of air traffic and city lights. Their appreciation for the
evolutionary relevance spelled out in the astronomical grand crosses
and alignments that graced their skies drove them to transcend their
personal needs and fears, to leave behind all that was safe and to leap
empty-handed into the abyss of the unknown, to journey to the Center
of the Galaxy and retrieve the mysteries of time, explaining the implicit
order of the Cosmos for the benefit not only of their own communities
but of the Human race of the future.
Without the gift of their knowledge, passed down through artifacts and
the integrity of their ancestral lineage to be translated by the shaman
anthropologist of today, would we even be aware of the portal of
opportunity that is now dilating in readiness for rebirth at the end of
their calendars? As we look back in awe, so they looked forward, to this,
our time; for we live in the time of prophecy, not a prophecy of
salvation and atonement driven by guilt and fear, but one written in the
empirical language of the stars and planets, that speaks of a coming
synchronization of cosmic influences that will open the portals of time;
a prophecy not of the end, but of the beginning.
The Mayan sky-watchers understood that, radiating from the Galactic
Core, was the supreme organizing principle of creation, a light-encoded
directive to be translated through the evolutionary symbiosis that is
shared by all conscious entities within the embrace of our Sun’s
influence. Every day, every breath, every thought, is infused with an allencompassing numinous Intelligence from the Sun, imprinting on our
DNA, with every ray of light, a stream of Source Consciousness
transmitted through the prism of the Sun’s sentient body from the
Benevolent Heart of Creation.
Those shaman astrologers understood that the challenge for Humanity
was not merely to survive this time of transformation, but to birth its
potential, through individual and collective bio-circuitry, into a
manifestly new model of existence, a new paradigm. These skywatchers ached to be present in these days of culmination, poised
before the ultimate Human challenge of the total transformation of
ourselves, our world and our solar system. To incarnate at such a time!
But did they know how hard it would be, how much courage it would
take to awaken from the narcotic density which is being laid upon our
world, creating the convincing illusion that renders us pathologically
obedient to its insane political, religious and social structures? They
may not have known the sophistication of consciousness manipulation
that would evolve through time in this dimension, but they did know
that we would succeed. Their shamans saw the future rise phoenix-like,
as all the planets aligned with the solstice Sun and the Center of the
Galaxy to instigate the dismantling of the illusions of duality in one true
moment of time and space; to calibrate, with the conscious cooperation of Human cosmic comprehension, a new measure of
In the light of this prophesy, are we to betray our ancestors by
concerning ourselves with shallow dreams of happiness, with a
‘Hallmark’ bells-and-smells spirituality that serves as a harbor of false
calm in the sea of our present global insanity? Are we to passively
accept the false time-space frequency that governs our deepest bioinformational programs, convincing us of a mortally defined parameter
in which to organize our short existence? There are countless programs
that have been instilled within the mass consciousness of Humanity
through its archetypal belief systems, the manipulation of history and
an erroneous definition of God. However, the entire memory of the true
Human genesis is intact and exists in its entirety in the cerebral cortex,
the temple of remembrance. We cannot be deceived forever, for we are
the truth.
It is not enough to be informed of the false teaching of our history and
ancestry. In order to override the deep indoctrination of this
programming we must reinstall tangibly, within the body, the energetic
circuit-board that will incorporate a synthesis of electromagnetic data,
an omniscience that defines the true transcendental Human. As the
Source circuits of the first fractal of the actualization phase put in place
the data-feeding circuits of Prime Consciousness, which, through
resonance, decode the memory matrix of the original Human blueprint,
a deep healing occurs, as fear is diminished by the comfort of the
cosmic embrace. It is in the second fractal of the holonomic
actualization phase that the seven circuits of The Temple of Time
restore resonance within the space-time co-ordinates of the incarnate
body presence with the true living archetypes of our Earth, the Sun and
five other planets within our solar system. The cataclysmic disturbance
in our solar system and the subsequent deviation from our evolutionary
relationship with the creative mandate transmitted by Galactic Center
will, ultimately, with the realization of a critical mass of reconnected
units of circuitry, be countermanded.
The planetary alignment that zeniths on December Solstice 2012,, 4 Ahau, is the portal through which the core density of the
galactic photon-wave will enter our neighborhood searching for
worldbridgers, for fully reconnected units of bio-circuitry, able to receive
and transmit light. The magnetic cooperation of this planetary
alignment is an opportunity to override the cosmic disorder within our
solar system that is stabilizing the perverted spatial timing frequency of
Earth’s present dualistic dimension. The alignment of the solstice Sun of
2012 with the Center of the Galaxy is the eye of a magnetic storm of
realignment that will restore the symbiotic evolutionary order of our
original solar system. Conscious Human co-operation is essential.
As Humans, our part in this grand realignment is to resurrect our ability
to translate the creation mandate of light information and to embody
the energetic nature of the true cosmic order. The fundamental
requirement to achieve this is the reconnection of our circuitry. Thus we
express our Soul Covenant through our physical beings, becoming the
template of light, love and life eternal. We must awaken to the totality
of the Human predicament and the truth of what is now manifesting on
our Earth. Our destiny and the future of our Mother planet depend on it.
In our present state of disconnection from holistic continuum there is no
reference point within our psyche for the infinite. As we gaze into the
starry night, we try to imagine eternity, our pulses quicken, we reach for
a part of ourselves that might understand a holographic identity, the
starlight evoking a distant memory of a world beyond the walls of our
homes, the streets of our cities, beyond the pain of being
Human. In the starry heavens we feel the possibility of deliverance from
the brutality, the genocide, the suffering. In the celestial cathedral night
a fragment of ourselves, immersed in the reservoir of pleasure and
causal desire, is free. We must now breathe ourselves into this starry
identity, spinning the wheels of light through our circuits that connect
us to the stars, the planets, the rainbow spheres of light that are
everywhere. The night will no longer hold the little death of sleep as,
instead, we sink through the fiery gates of the setting Sun to explore the
indigo depths of space in lucid states of deep communion, no longer
looking up to the stars…we play among them.
The Human Soul Covenant contains a holonomic symbiotic code in
which the Human design is the sensory organ for planetary ascension as
Earth is the sensory organ for Human ascension. As this code is
reactivated and integrated through the acceleration of electromagnetic
input, via circuitry reconnection, the Human becomes light sensitive,
able to join the galactic conversation as every celestial nuance is
understood within the occipital receptor at the top of the spinal column,
every stellar transmission embraced as the stars and planets recalibrate
their intercourse with the Galactic Core. Concentric spheres of cosmic
comprehension ripple through the heavens, registering in the shifting
sands upon the shores of Human consciousness a holographic
celebration of celestial evolution that murmurs…then whispers…then
sings, throughout the universe. The awakening has begun…and it all
begins with you.
Extracted from Worldbridger, by Juliet & Jiva Carter, 2007.
Our thanks to
Jennifer Carmen and Teresa Jalon
Stuart Haiz at
Template Ambassadors Tantra, Margo, Jennifer, Cosmos,
Claudie, Jeremy, Lynne, Julie
Kadek Wilantara
Ni Wayan Ariastini
I Wayan Bogayana