Inside this issue Counter Surfing Case Study by Marilyn Krieger


Inside this issue Counter Surfing Case Study by Marilyn Krieger
Counter Surfing Case Study by Marilyn Krieger
Cats 33
Dogs 2
I found this book from Cat Fancy
called “Naughty No More” by Marilyn
Krieger. Its purpose is to give cat
owners a way to change unwanted
behaviors though positive
reinforcement. For me I bought the
book just to see if I could train my
Tonkinese, Skippy Jon, who seems to
me to be probably the most intelligent
of any of the (double digit) number of
Inside this issue
Counter Surfing Case
Cat and Dog Diaries
Happy Endings
Looking for
Alternative Adoption
Common Reasons for
the Surrender of a
Dog or Cat
Adoption Days
cats I have owned. I have found that
cats learn from each other and most
likely any successes I have with
Skippy Jon will pass quickly to the
others in the household. Before going
further let me include in this article a
case study Marilyn used to stop cats
from jumping up on kitchen counters.
Continued on Page 2
Cat And Dog Diaries Or What Our Pets Would Say About Life With Humans?
The Cat’s Diary Day 983 of My Captivity
My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on
fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets.
Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat
something in order to keep up my strength.
The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them,
I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless
body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly
demonstrates my capabilities. However, they merely made condescending comments about
what a "good little hunter" I am. Bastards!
Volume 12 Issue 2 May/June 2015
Continued on Page 2
Counter Surfing Cased Study
SITUATION: Two orange male cats loved to spend their evening in the
kitchen. Their favorite pass times were counter surfing and disposal diving.
Robert and Sue, adored the cats but they did not appreciate the cat’s
behavior. Sue would feed the cats but the two cats would often inhale their
dinners and then jump up on the counters and into the sink as Sue was
preparing dinner for herself and Robert. The couple tried squirt bottles,
shock mats, and motion activated cans of air that hiss but nothing worked.
The two cats were primarily surfing and disposal diving because they found
intriguing food scraps on the counter irresistible. It didn’t help that Sue
kept a smorgasbord of gourmet delights arranged on the counter and Rob and
Sue were reinforcing the behavior by extensively interacting with the cats
when they were up on the counter top.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Marilyn recommended a combination of management
and clicker training and banned the squirt bottles and shock mats. Rob and
Sue incorporated more quality time when they arrived home from work with
the cats by playing with them for ten minutes before giving them dinner.
Marilyn describes a process of using primary reinforcement (a favorite treat)
and clicker training to teach the cats to each sit on a stool in the kitchen
rather than jump on the counter as Sue was preparing the meal. I feel this
process is fine if you wish to have your cats with you as you prepare your
The Cat’s Diary Day 983
of My Captivity
There was some sort of assembly
of their accomplices tonight. I
was placed in solitary confinement
for the duration of the event.
However, I could hear the noises
and smell the food. I overheard
that my confinement was due to
the power of "allergies." I must
learn what this means, and how to
use it to my advantage.
Today I was almost successful in
an attempt to assassinate one of
my tormentors by weaving around
his feet as he was walking. I must
try this again tomorrow, but at
the top of the stairs.
I am convinced that the other
prisoners here are flunkies and
snitches. The dog receives special
privileges. He is regularly
released, and seems to be more
than willing to return. He is
obviously retarded. The bird must
meals but I feel it would be best not to encourage them to be under foot
be an informant. I am certain that
when I am preparing meals. Some of the benefits of this training might be
he reports my every move. My
captors have arranged protective
lost when Sue would leave the kitchen for cats are like kids and can be
sneaky. I don’t want to have to be tied to the kitchen concerned that my cats
would revert to bad behavior once I was out of the room answering the door
or the phone.
custody for him in an elevated
cell, so he is safe. For now ...
Dog Diary
8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite
The real success story is retaining the person here. The motivation to
counter surf would be diminished by keeping the counters food free between
meals. Putting the dishes in the dishwasher and wiping down the counters and
sink. I personally confine my animals away from the kitchen during
preparation and cover tightly any food stuffs that have to be left
unattended for a while. Leave nothing of interest on the counters and the
cats will eventually lose interest.
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My
favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and
petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Milk bones! My
favorite thing!
Rob and Sue have different needs and wanted to have their pets with them
during meal preparation. Their training had the two cats sitting on the stools
during food preparation and she eventually trained them to stay, shake hands
and sit.
The book covers training techniques for Scratching, Aggression, Bathroom
Issues, Door Darting and Trauma Free Carriers and Vet Visits.
Volume 12 Issue 2 May/June 2015
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My
favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Dinner! My favorite
7:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with
the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed!
My favorite thing!
Happy Endings
Pictures sent by some of the adopters this month. Above is Leander
adopted by Araceli Wakil in 2010. To the right is Cheyenne Bird and
Squeaker and below on the right is Sophia Grace adopted by the
Rondabush’s in November.
We adopted a cat you called "Ava" in
September 2014. She is a muted grey tabby,
declawed in front and spayed. Our vet
suggested her age is around 5 years give or
take a few years either way. She's been to
our vet twice, initially right after we adopted
her and again in December when she
developed a "cold." This is the first time
we've adopted an adult cat (we've always
gotten kittens before) and it's taken a while
for us to find our groove but I think we
have. She adores my 17 year old son and
the two of them spend most of their evening
in his bed together. We put a cozy cat bed
on it for her. She comes when called and is
rewarded with petting, treats and play with
toys. We love her! She is still a vocal girl,
trying to tell us what she wants when she
wants something.
Additionally we welcomed an English White
Lab puppy to our family at Christmas and
they are slowly being integrated. It is going
well with both animals slowly getting used to
each other. Joy Atwell
Right: This is Annie Carrozza who has been fostering dogs for us for a
number of years and giving them all the TLC they need. Annie is
pictured here with “Boo” who has since found a wonderful home. We
thank Annie and all of the cat and dog foster moms and dads. Without
them, we could not exist.
Left: This is Kara our
youngest Limerick Petco
volunteer. She does a
great job with the cages
plus she helps with
adoption days. She's a
wonderful little lady and
her very favorite part of
the job is holding the
kitties no matter what
color or size she loves
them all. Madelyn, our
Limerick coordinator, and
her daughter Alicia work
wonderfully with all our
young volunteers.
Volume 12 Issue 2 May/June 2015
Looking for Alternative
Adoption Day Locations
A special Thank You to
Janet Lynch for heading
the team at Gateway Pet
Valu. Since Spay and Save
has moved into that
location in July 2014, we
have adopted out 41
cats/kittens. Amazing
work, Janet!
Common Reasons for Surrendering a Cat or Dog
I have often wondered why so many pets are surrendered to rescue agencies or
are just left to fend for themselves. There are no statistics on abandoned
animals because the person dumping them certainly wouldn’t take the time to fill
out a questionnaire. According to the American Humane Association the most
common reason for surrendering an animals are as follows:
We continue to hold
adoption events EVERY
Saturday of the month.
Please contact Chris
Daniels if you can help. It
only takes an hour of your
time to help set up or take
down for an event. Please
consider giving just a little
more time this year for
these sweet creatures to
help them find their
forever homes. Also, if
anyone can offer
Behavior Issue
Behavior Issue
Pets Health
Pets Health
suggestions to hold
adoption events at non-pet
related locations, please
contact us at any time.
Farmers Markets, Special
Events, Parades or even
locations like Thrift
Stores or Supermarkets
or YMCA’s. We have tents
signing and CATs and
DOGs. We just need
volunteers to coordinate
For people who believe they must surrender a pet, rescues today offer
assistance by providing tools and resources to people who need a little help. This
is called surrender intervention and often times this can keep an owner and pet
together and reduce the shelter intake rates. Shelter intervention can include
resources for affordable pet care and spay/neuter and wellness clinic services,
behavior modification training and an empathetic ear and compassionate moral
the event.
Volume 12 Issue 2 May/June 2015
Thanks To Bob Fridley the
Web Page Is Back
The Website Grand Reopening on Monday April 20th
A creative genius and another cat lover
has joined our team. Welcome Bob
Fridley, as we all breathe a sigh of
relief, thanks so much for getting us
back on line. To the right is our new
web page and below is the face of the
man responsible.
Bob earned a Bachelor's in Music and
worked as a Music Therapist for 4
years but found his real calling when he
began his career in IT in 1984 as a
Software Developer at SRI, Bank of
America, Apple Computer and
Microsoft in California and Seattle. He
moved back to the East Coast to care
for his parents and is currently working
as a Web Developer in Bloomsburg. Bob
says “He loves animals! Has 1 cat (down
from 4)”.
King of Prussia
Ivy Ridge
Joanna Ewing/
Colleen Bane
Ava & Tricia Hawks
[Store employee]
[Store employee]
Susan Goldberg/ Becca
Sigal Waters/ Matt Lauer
& Ellie McCardell
Rae Theodore
Shannon Ehret
Jeanette Neal
Patti Cunnane
Jennifer Lose
Leah Pro
[Store employee]
[Store employee]
Beth Stribny
Tara Higgins & Michael
Nick Forgette
Shannon Ehret
Patty Stewart
Jean Kowalski
Sylvia & Sarah
Coopermn/Deb Gaynr
[Store employee]
[Store employee]
J. Light/ Monica &
Sandy Croxton
Erica Roselli
Rachel Lutz
Janice Decker
[Store employee]
[Store employee]
Kim Kay
Jennifer Biddle & Dave
Victoria Delgoleto
Riddhi & Siddhi Bhave
Randi Selinsky
Pat Williams
Robin Resnick
[Store employee]
[Store employee]
Carol Anthony
Jodie Rapp/ Pat Layman
Beth Tenney
Morag Steskal
Joe Stoak
Krista Neidig
Jacqui Pisciella
Kara Whalen & Joy
[Store employee]
[Store employee]
J. Light
Tabitha Wise/
Rachel Hu & Katie
Susan Trombadore
Liz Lawton
Christine Ciriello
Alicia Song/ Joanna
Madeleine Pongia/ Julia
Deb Schanbacher
[Store employee]
[Store employee]
Lisa & Amanda
Brianna Talbot / Ava
Riddhi & Siddhi Bhave
Randi Selinsky
Volume 12 Issue 2 May/June 2015
Committed to Loving a Pet
Calendar of Upcoming Events
1st Saturday
1st Saturday
2nd Saturday
2nd Saturday
3rd Saturday
3rd Saturday
TBD Saturday
4th Saturday
5th Saturday
TBD Saturday
TBD Saturday
TBD Saturday
Event Location
KOP Petco (Dogs)
Limerick Petco
Exton Petco (Cats & Dogs)
Gateway Pet Valu
Limerick Petco
KOP Petco
Perk Valley Pet Eatery
Exton Petco
KOP Petco
Ardmore Pet Valu
Ivy Ridge Pet Valu
Andorra Petco
Ginny Shaffer
Barb Hardy
Paula Ulrich
Janet Lynch
Madelyn Harman
Susan Trombadore
Morag Steskal
Barb Tracy
Rachel Love
R. Selinsky
J. Neal
For all those people who “can't
keep their dog” because they
are getting a divorce, moving
to a place that "doesn't allow
We need dog walkers to walk dogs at Steinbach’s in Blue Bell and
transporters to help with the Exton Dog adoption day every 2
Saturday Contact Ginny Shaffer or Paula Ulrich.
Anyone interested in data entry, please contact Chris. We need folks
who are interested in entering hand-written applications into our data
base. We also would like to know about any possible non-pet related
locations to hold adoption days.
pets", and are going to "have"
to take their pet to a pound
because the kids no longer play
with it.... This woman has been
through a 9.0 earthquake, a
killer tsunami, a nuclear power
plant that is emitting
radiation, has nowhere to live,
and is hungry and cold... And
Newsletter Editor:
Toni Dougherty
Spay and Save Officers
Spay and Save Inc. Pet
Adoption, Rescue and
P. O. Box 122
Lafayette Hill Pa 19444
Phone: (610) 279 9714
Phone: (610) 277 6187
Fax: (610)278 6020
President: Chris Daniels
Vice President Naomi
Secretary: Morag Steskal
Treasurer Kathy Orlando
On the Web
Volume 12 Issue 2 May/June 2015