August 30, 2015 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church


August 30, 2015 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
11300 West 103rd Street
Overland Park, KS 66214
August 30, 2015
Twenty-second Sunday
in Ordinary Time
MASS SCHEDULE: Holy Days see inside of bulletin
Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm
Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 6:30 pm
Weekdays 6:45 am Monday through Friday
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 am
Tuesday 6:00 pm
Tuesday 5:15 -5:45 pm
Saturday 2:30 -3:30 pm
Monday-Friday after 6:45 am Mass,
Thursday 2:50 pm, Saturday 3:30 pm,
Sunday 7:00 am
MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00 am-4:00 pm
(913) 492-7318 FAX (913) 492-7370
Our Mission Statement
Holy Spirit is a community of believers that aspires to be formed
by the values of the Gospel and finds its strength in coming
together to celebrate Eucharist and to be transformed into the
Body of Christ. As a Eucharistic People, we who are being
nourished must share the bread we have with others, wash the
feet of our brothers and sisters and welcome all who come, as
Christ Himself.
BAPTISM: Baptism Class for parents is the second Tuesday of the
month at 7:00 pm. Call the Parish Office to register (913) 492-7318.
CONFIRMATION: A two year program for Seventh and Eighth
MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in
advance to complete the necessary paperwork/requirements.
Please contact the Parish Office.
SACRAMENT of HOLY ORDERS: Contact Fr. Scott Wallisch,
Vocation Director for the Archdiocese at (913) 647-0303 or e-mail
[email protected].
Fr. Tom Dolezal
Fr. Karl Good
Deacon Jim Lavin
Laura Weber
Anne Morrissey
& Kathleen Kaufman
Rochelle Johnson
Pat Maiorano
[email protected]
HOLY SPIRIT SCHOOL (913) 492-2582
Michele Watson
Eileen Colling
Kathleen Currie
Anita Pauls
SCHOOL of RELIGION (SOR) (913) 492-7382
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Cathy Madrid
Lynn Mayer
Sandy Drake
SACRAMENT of SICK / ANOINTING: Call the Parish Office if
Denise Slaven
(913) 492-7318
someone is hospitalized or ill at home and would like us to visit with
Holy Communion and/or the Sacrament of the Sick.
Sr. Mary Ann Bartolac, S.C.L.
(913) 894-1456
Michael Morrissey, Chairperson
Don Watson, Chairperson
Dan Rohde, Martha Belker
David Chaffee
(913) 317-8393
George & Maggie Lents
(913) 492-3239
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 30, 2015
SEPTEMBER 4-6, 2015
Weekly income needed is $ 41,900.00
Collections, 4 week moving average
$ 38,734.86
Transactions Amount
August 22-23
$ 28,894.03
August 15-16
$ 24,821.18
August 8-9
$ 30,895.31
August 1-2
$ 34,788.26
August 10 ( 268 EFTs) $ 37,969.00
EFTs (Quarterly) 6
$ 1,600.00
Data for a four week moving average
is provided due to implementation of
Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs). If
you have any questions, please call
the parish office.
Endowment Funds (6/30/2015)
Church Endowment
$ 73,441.34
School Endowment
$ 65,543.63
Thank you for your generosity!
Labor Day is Monday,
September 7, there will be
only one Mass at 9:00 am,
and no 6:45 am or
8:30 am Mass.
The Offices will be closed.
In preparation for the
Year of Mercy and
Pope Francis’ visit for
the World Meeting of
Families, please join
us for our Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 pm each Sunday in the
Adoration Chapel. For questions, please contact Anette
Growney, 913-888-0443.
September 12/13 bulletin
deadline is Wednesday,
September 2 at Noon.
September 19/20 bulletin
deadline is Wednesday,
September 9 at Noon.
September 26/27 bulletin
deadline is Monday,
September 14 at Noon.
KC Irish Fest 2015 bartender signups are here and
boy do we need your bartending skills!!! If you've
done it before, grab a newbie and sign up again! If
you've never been an Irish Fest Bartender, then sign
up now because you are missing out!! Oh, and by
the way, if you get in for FREE the day you work, plus
you get an extra ticket that can be used to come another day or give to
a friend! I know you CANNOT WAIT to sign up so simply go to the
church website, click on the Irish Fest link and sign
up! Questions?? Comments?? Please E-mail Shelbe Krone
at [email protected]. Did I mention the FREE T-shirt?
Sing a Joyful Song to the Lord, and while you are
at it, share your musical gifts with our community!
We are looking for people who love to sing for the 9
am Ensemble, 10:30 am Choir and 6:30 pm Youthful
Spirits groups, as well as more talented cantors and
accompanists. If interested please contact Denise
Slaven at [email protected] or 913-492-7318
ext. 151.
Holy Spirit Parish Needs Ushers!
With almost 5,000 people attending Mass at Holy Spirit
each weekend, we could use more Ushers. Our needs
are particularly pressing for the 4:00 pm Saturday and
10:30 am Sunday Masses. Can't commit to a regular
schedule? We can always use volunteers to substitute!
Duties include greeting and seating the congregation, taking up the
collection, and distributing the weekly Bulletin.
Men and women, high school age and up, who are interested should
contact Dan Rohde (913-469-5669 or [email protected]) for
more information.
Ladies – Starting Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015, 9 - 11:15 am
in the Martha/Mary room, at Holy Spirit Church, we will
have a 13 week study of “Joshua” written by Steve Ray
with DVD lectures by Fr. Scott Courtney. Our study
includes a 4–part process of home preparation, small
group discussions, a lecture or DVD presentation and
review. Costs for materials will be $24-27. For
questions or to register, contact Judy Weeks at:
[email protected] Or call 913 385-0089.
The Holy Spirit Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a
Corporate Communion Breakfast after the 9:00 am Mass
on Sunday, August 30, 2015. The schedule is as follows:
9:00 am
Mass – sit as a group
10:00 am
Breakfast at Hy-Vee, (95th & Antioch)
All Knights, spouses and children are welcome! RESERVATIONS
913-226-9517 or email [email protected].
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Twenty-second Ordinary Sunday
August 30, 2015
First Reading, Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8 (125B), In
the first reading, Moses prepares the people to
cross into the promised land. They have the
potential to become a great nation.
Second Reading, James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27, In
the second reading, James tells us that anything
truly good is a gift of God. A person honors God by
caring for the poor and avoiding evil.
Gospel, Mark 7:1-8, 21b-22, 27, In the Gospel,
Jesus is portrayed as the official interpreter of the
Jewish law. He opposes rigid and narrow
Monday, August 31, Weekday
6:45 am † Helen Pellish
8:30 am † Johanna Miller
Tuesday, September 1, Weekday
6:45 am † Thomas Moore
5:15-5:45 pm Confessions
6:00 pm † Joe Ricci
Wednesday, September 2, Weekday
6:45 am † Desiree Bennett & † Ethel Meyer
8:30 am † Ann Ensign & † Barbara Mikkelsen
(School Mass)
Thursday, September 3, St. Gregory the
Great, Pope & Doctor of the Church
6:45 am † Bernardine Zikes &
Carol & Gary Denning, Sp. Int.
8:30 am † John Brunski
Friday, September 4, Weekday
6:45 am † Chuck McCauley
8:30 am † Margaret Brennan & † Carolyn Brenon
Saturday, September 5, Twenty-third Sunday
in Ordinary Time
2:30-3:30 pm Confessions
4:00 pm Taylor & Christina Mermis, Sp. Int.
Sunday, September 6, Twenty-third Sunday
in Ordinary Time
7:30 am † Mary Mildred Erwin
9:00 am † Luella Doherty & † Jack McGrath
10:30 am † Rosemary Treu & † Leslie Morley
6:30 pm † Ebb Bucot Borja
August 30, 2015
Sunday, August 30, Fun Fair Raffle tickets,
Women’s Bible Study Sign-ups,
K of C Football Raffle,
Golf Tournament Sign-ups,
Backpacks of Love Collection
7:30 am Men of Faith and Spirit
10:00 am Music Ministry Meeting
11:30 am High School Youth Group
3:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet– Chapel
3:30 pm Youthful Spirits
Monday, August 31
6:00 pm Cub Scout Meeting
Tuesday, September 1
6:30 am Perpetual Help Devotions
10:45 am Parish Staff Meeting
5:15-5:45 pm Confessions
5:45 pm Perpetual Help Devotions
6:00 pm & 7:30 pm Cub Scout Meetings
Wednesday, September 2
7:30 am Team Seven Prayer Group
6:00 pm School of Religion Catechists
7:00 pm Finance Committee
7:00 pm Knights of Columbus Adoration
Thursday, September 3
6:45 am High School Bible Study after Mass
7:30 am Light of Christ Prayer Group
7:00 pm Knights of Columbus Officers
7:00 pm Choir
Friday, September 4, Irish Fest
9:00 am Men of Faith and Spirit
11:00 am Benediction / Holy Hour
5:00 pm Rehearsal
Saturday, September 5, Irish Fest,
Fun Fair tickets,
Women’s Bible Study Sign-ups,
K of C Football Raffle,
Golf Tournament Sign-ups,
Backpacks of Love Collection
1:00 pm Wedding
2:30– 3:30 pm Confessions
6:30 pm Collaborators of Your Joy
Sunday, September 6, Irish Fest,
Fun Fair tickets,
K of C Football Raffle,
Women’s Bible Study Sign-ups,
Golf Tournament Sign-ups,
Backpacks of Love Collection
7:30 am Men of Faith and Spirit
3:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet-Chapel
3:30 pm Youthful Spirits
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 30, 2015
Parishioners of
All Ages
are invited to
Holy Hour of
Dedicated to the
Sacred Heart of
Jesus for
Vocations to the
Priestly and Consecrated Life.
Every First Friday
Exposition of the Blessed
11:00 am to Noon in the Church
Concluding with Benediction
Spirit Movers
Next Meeting
September 13,
(Meeting begins after
10:30 Mass)
Enjoy Chris Cakes Pancakes
and a special presentation on
Crime Prevention
By Guest Speaker
Officer Bill Koehn
(about 20 minutes plus questions)
Don’t miss it! Bring a friend!
Please remember in your
prayers Helen Tamisiea, of
our parish and Patrick J.
Henderson, brother of Linda
Hennessy of our parish.
Any divorced person,
Catholic or not who seeks
possible remarriage in the
Catholic Church, will need
to pursue the process for
• For information, contact the
Marriage Case Advocate for
Holy Spirit Parish:
Sr. Mary Ann Bartolac, S.C.L.
at 913-894-1456.
On the second Friday of every month, a dedicated group of 35 Holy
Spirit volunteers meet at 8:30 in the narthex to spend the day
giving back to the community. Loading their cars with many pans of
fried chicken, green beans, salads, and desserts prepared and
donated by themselves as well as other Holy Spirit Parishioners, they
make the drive to St. Mary’s Food Kitchen (also known as Hot Lunch
Services, Inc.) in Kansas City, Kansas. Once there, Holy Spirit
Parishioners, alongside volunteers from Ascension Catholic Church,
begin preparing to serve lunch to approximately 350 poor and
disadvantaged men, women, and children. They are known to those
they serve as “The Chicken People” and are among the favorite meals
served. The group is later joined by Holy Spirit School eighth graders
who help with washing the dishes and serving. Meals are served daily
at St. Mary’s Food Kitchen by volunteers from 51 local churches and 1
synagogue. Holy Spirit has been part of this group since 1980. Holy
Spirit Parish is very proud and appreciative of the time and talent
this group dedicates to helping the St. Mary’s Food Kitchen
If you are interested in helping serve food at St. Mary’s Food
Kitchen, please contact Bob Perszyk at 851-2789 or
[email protected]. Volunteers to serve must be eighth grade
students or older and will meet at Holy Spirit at 8:30 am and return
around 2:00 pm. If you would like to help by preparing fried chicken,
green beans, or salad, please deliver them to the Holy Spirit Narthex
by 8:30 the second Friday of each month. Pans are provided for use in
the narthex the first weekend of the month. Your help is greatly
In each monthly packet of Church envelopes is a Guardian Angel
envelope. This fund provides assistance to families that have difficulty
in making tuition payments for the Holy Spirit School and the School of
Religion. Please consider making a monthly contribution using the
Guardian Angel envelope.
Thank you.
Nursery-grown mums below nursery prices
Saturday, September 19th, 8am-5pm Sunday, September 20th,
8am-Noon. Proceeds from the plant sales support our activities
including the spring retreat. We appreciate your patronage!
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 30, 2015
The Friend Raising,
“Smokin’ For St. G”,
Friday & Saturday, September 18 & 19
in the Holy Spirit parking lot.
This event has always been a total
friend raiser, (goal is to bring people
together not to raise money). In years
where there has been an overage, this has
always been graciously donated (by the contestants and with Fathers’
blessing) to our sister parish of Santa Gertrudis in Honduras.
Times - Begins Friday the 18th at 9:00 am and ends 3:00 pm Saturday
Band Friday Evening, come to mingle, listen and relax.
This is an open contest and totally for fun and bragging rights
Categories are: Ribs/ Chicken/ Brisket and Pork. Cost $100 / team
We will be sending more information soon, please contact either Bob
Gregovich, [email protected] or
John Henn, [email protected] with questions.
Backpacks of Love will be
collecting gently used school
supplies after Masses in August
and September. Look for
donation boxes in the gathering
space. For more info contact
Backpacks of Love and SJA
friends at
[email protected]
Happy Hour for all Women of the Parish hosted by WOS- Join us
Thursday, September 17, 6-8 pm, M/M room for fun and fellowship. No
RSVP is required, but please bring a prepared appetizer to share.
Drinks will be provided. This social event is a wonderful way to get to
know other women of the parish. All women of the parish are invited.
Going through
a tough time —
emotionally or spiritually?
Struggling with a crisis in
Or simply feeling down?
Consider letting a Stephen Minister help.
A Stephen Minister is a member
of Holy Spirit Church who is
trained to listen, care, encourage,
pray, and walk alongside you during difficult times.
It’s confidential, free, and very
To learn more contact our Holy
Spirit Stephen Ministry Leader
David Chaffee at (913) 317-8393.
Our Stephen Ministers Are
There To Care!
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cathy Madrid
RCIARite of
Initiation of
Are you or someone you
know interested in
becoming Catholic?
Registration is open for the fall
RCIA class. If you or someone
you know is interested in
becoming Catholic and would
like to learn more about the
Catholic faith, please contact
Cathy Madrid at
[email protected] or call
913-492-7318. Starting in the
fall, the group will meet Monday
evenings to learn about the
Catholic faith, what we believe,
and why. We encourage
parishioners to pass on this
information and welcome others
into our Parish.
“Our hearts are restless
until they rest in You.”
St. Augustine of Hippo,
Confessions of St. Augustine.
August 30, 2015
Sister M. Teresa Pandl, FSGM,
Director of
School of Religion
Good Father
Today’s second reading reminds me of a song I
learned this summer at the Life Teen Leadership
Conference. In the letter of James we hear, “All good
giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the
Father of lights.” (1:17) The song I learned is called “Good, Good
Father” and the refrain says…
You're a good, good Father.
It's who You are, it's who You are, it's who You are.
And I'm loved by You.
It's who I am, it's who I am, it's who I am.
Let us remember that this is our true and deepest identity.
SOR & CGS Class Registration
It’s not too late to register for School of Religion and Catechesis of the
Good Shepherd! Class information and online registration can be
found on the parish website under Faith Formation All classes will begin the week after Labor Day.
Holy Spirit Youth Ministry
High School Youth Ministry
2nd and 4th Sunday 11:30
Middle School
Youth Ministry
1st and 3rd Wednesday
Bible Study
Join us for Bible study after the
10:30 Mass to talk about the
Mass readings for this week.
We will meet at Panera in
Oak Park Mall.
Summer Break
Middle School Youth Group
LYNN MAYER is on break for the summer.
Join us this fall!
Mass and Muffins
Holy Spirit priests:
Fr. Tom and Fr. Karl.
Sign up to bring dinners to the
rectory Wednesday or Thursday
Per our priests, please consider
keeping the dinner ordinary and
simple: a vegetable/salad and a
protein. They are grateful for your
Please sign up here: http://
High School Youth Ministry will begin
meeting for 6:45 Mass and a light
breakfast on Thursday mornings.
All are welcome!
Our kick off will be
September 16th. Join us for
pizza, fun and our 3rd annual
game of Whip Cream
If you are interested in helping with youth ministry or you are a parent with questions
about youth ministry please contact Lynn Mayer
[email protected] or call the SOR office at 913-492-7382.
Good relationships and marriages are of
vital importance to individuals, the Church
and society overall, but real effort and wisdom are indispensable to making them
strong and lasting. In this focused presentation Dr. Scott Hahn shares key principles
that he has lived out in his own life. His advice is practical and challenging and sometimes requires sacrifice, but it is sure to
bear good fruit and bring forth many blessings. Suggested donation $3. Questions?
Call Denise Slaven 913-492-7318.
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 30, 2015
Michele Watson, Principal
[email protected]
Scrip is gift cards/certificates from national
and local retailers. They are the same gift
cards that you buy at the store. Scrip can be
used for just about any household purchase
including food, clothing, gifts, entertainment,
gasoline and even dining out!
We would like to thank everyone who participates in the Holy Spirit
Scrip Program! You help make our program a success! Please spread
the word to help our program keep growing. Also, a big thank you to
our wonderful volunteers who sell Scrip after weekend Masses and
after school on weekdays. We appreciate all you do!
Purchase Scrip during the week from 8am-4pm (when staff is available) in the School of Religion Office. Scrip will continue to be sold after
all Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses and before Sunday
evening Mass. Please visit to see the hundreds of
gift cards available. Please feel free to email [email protected] with
any questions about the Scrip program or to place an order.
Thank you!
Ways You Can Help Holy Spirit School
Box Tops for Education: Clip and save Box Tops from various
products. Each Box Top earns the school 10 cents. For a list visit
Labels for Education: Clip and save Labels from Campbell’s food
and other products. Each Label earns points for the school, which can
then be used to purchase materials for the school. In the hallway outside the Parish Office are containers for the Labels and the Box Tops.
Cell Phone Collection: Holy Spirit Student Council needs your help
in collecting cell phones to help raise funds. We ask that you donate
any inactive cell phones. If you know of any businesses that provide
cell phones to employees, please ask if they have cell phones to
donate. 100% of the proceeds will benefit Holy Spirit School. All
phones will be recycled. Just bring your cell phones to the drop box
located next to the Box Tops for Education collection bin.
Be Merciful as Your Father
is Merciful. Luke 6:36
The Mission of Holy Spirit
Catholic School is to
develop independent,
life-long learners, who can
and will live for Christ.
Amazon Fundraiser: Don't
forget to use Holy Spirit's
Amazon Affiliate link when you
are shopping on! To
learn more about the program, go
shop-at-amazon. If your friends
or family use,
please share the link with them this fundraiser is not limited to
parishioners and costs the
participants nothing!
CYO Families-School has begun and Fall CYO sports are underway. Please go online and officially register your son or
daughter. Unlike in years past all sports fees are paid online. Go to to pay the $40.00 CYO fee and register
and pay for individual sports. Please do not send a check with your student athletes to practice!
If you are a head coach this fall contact your HSAA to receive a discount on sport fees. If you have questions please
contact: Chuck Weinhardt at 913-645-4658 or [email protected].
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
The ministry of the Women of Spirit
is to reach all women of our parish
community with an expression of
friendship and spiritual growth. Contact Terri Kilgore at
[email protected] or
913-206-6994 with any questions or if
you need a ride to any of our events.
For more information on our
organization and our activities,
please view our newsletter (located
on the Organizations tab) on the Holy
Spirit Church website:
Day trip to Atchison- WOS is
planning a day trip to Atchison on
October 24th. As a member of WOS
you will have an opportunity to take
the haunted ghost tour. The plan is to
carpool from Holy Spirit at 9:00 am
on the 24th. You will be able to shop
at Nell Hills and then lunch at Paolucci before taking the one-hour narrated trolley tour of the haunted ghost
mansions at 2:00 pm. After the tour,
for those who want there will be more
time to shop or head back to Holy
Spirit. The cost of the haunted trolley
tour is $14.00. We need to have
exact numbers by September 2nd, so
please email Sally Rowley at
[email protected] to let her
know of your interest in this fun
outing. There will also be a signup
sheet with details at the kick-off
meeting on August 29th.
Fall Mum Sale – September 19th and
20th. Shop after all Masses for
gorgeous nursery-grown mums Saturday 8am–5pm and
Sunday 8am–noon. We appreciate
your support! Proceeds from the
plant sales support our activities
including the spring retreat.
Congratulations to the
following families whose
children were baptized here:
Nathan Zachary Fernandez,
child of Cecille & Januarie
Fernandez and Grayson
Hansford Duvall, child of David
& Erin Duvall.
August 30, 2015
Upcoming Events:
Weekly Adoration Hour: Wednesdays 7 - 8 pm. You don't have to be a
Knight to join us in prayer!
Aug. 30: Communion Breakfast after the 9 am Mass at 95th Street Hy Vee
Sept. 3: Officer's Meeting open to any Member Knight. In the M/M Room
at 7 pm
Sept. 10: First Degree Exemplification at Holy Spirit. Your opportunity to
get involved in philanthropy and fellowship. Contact Brian Wagner at 913599-3632 or [email protected]
Other Items: K. of C. NFL Football Raffle is back. See a Knight after Mass to
get your ticket! $1100 in prize money every week of the Regular NFL Season
and proceeds go directly to parish needs.
Have a question or suggestion for the Knights... Contact Greg Davis at 913800-0581
Catholic Men Ages 18 and Up You are invited to become a Knight!
Since 1882, the Knights of Columbus have built their foundation
upon the pillars of charity, unity, fraternity & patriotism. We are a
band of brothers, a network of men in communities around the
world dedicated to doing good in the service of God and our neighbor.
We invite you to become a Knight at the next 1st Degree exemplification
on Thurs., Sept. 10th (6pm) in the Martha & Mary Room at Holy Spirit. For
more information, contact Brian Wagner ([email protected]
913-634-0953) or Chad Eickholt ([email protected] 816-547-7731).
Saint Gerard’s Circle, SGC, is a ministry for mothers and moms-to-be. Our
goal is to provide friendship and support within our parish, to provide a
Catholic foundation for our children, to continue spiritual guidance for
ourselves and our families, and to encourage community involvement. New
members are always welcome! Questions? Contact Erin Fuhrman,
[email protected].
Mom's Time Out - September 15th - Join fellow moms for a night of fellowship and a Cupcake decorating class for a fun night out of the house!
SGC September Meeting, Thursday, September 24th 7-9 pm, Martha
Mary Room - Please join us for a night of fellowship and a speaker who is a
Sleep Expert.
Alexandra’s House—Bow Ties for Babies Gala
Have you or do you know someone who may be pregnant and know their
baby will die during pregnancy or soon after birth due to an adverse prenatal
diagnosis, or has a newborn and has received a terminal diagnosis? Or are
you a family who has experienced an unexpected loss of a child due to
miscarriage, fetal demise, stillbirth, SIDS, or any cause? There is a place in
Kansas City known as Alexandra’s House and offers healing and support for
parents and families, free of charge, during pregnancy and after the death of
a child. To help support this nonprofit and its services, the Friends of
Alexandra’s House hosts a gala called Bow Ties for Babies. This year’s
event will be held on September 25 at the Grand Street Café Plaza with a
silent and live auction and dinner. Tickets are $150 per person. For more
information visit or call 816-931-5378. Also
visit to learn more about this special ministry.
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 30, 2015
Meets on Tuesday mornings at
6:30 am and evenings at 5:45
pm in the Church. All are
If you have a need or concern,
please call the Parish Office,
492-7318. After office hours you
may call 495-9802.
Project Rachel is a ministry of
the Catholic Church that offers
forgiveness, hope and healing to
those who have taken part in an
abortion. For information contact
Patricia at:
[email protected]
or or
call 913-621-2199.
Monthly Pro-Life Mass & Rosary at Planned Parenthood
Saturday, Sept 5
Many of you have seen the investigative videos on Planned Parenthood.
Participate in this witness to life. Respond to Archbishop Naumann’s request
to “Please participate in this prayerful, peaceful, persistent and patient public
witness for life”.
Join us at Church of the Nativity located at 3800 W. 119th, Leawood, KS
66209 for Mass on Saturday, Sept 5. Mass is at 8:15 am. After Mass we will
drive to the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic and pray the rosary. Pro-life
signs and banners will also be provided to anyone wishing to participate
in that portion of sidewalk witness. Help to bring about the closing of Planned
Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is located at 4401 W. 109th St., Overland
Park, KS 66211. Please join in our prayer and sidewalk witness to end abortion. Be a voice for our most defenseless brothers and sisters!!
If you haven't been, it's time! The FertilityCareTM System (Creighton
Model) Introductory Session is offered monthly at a variety of area
locations and long distance. Fulfills marriage policy requirement. Helpful for
achieving and avoiding pregnancy plus medical applications. Better than IVF
infertility. Register online at, or call the
FertilityCareTM Center of KC at (816) 858-0198. Para Espanol call Brooklynn Salazar, FCPI (816) 398-9327.
Recited Monday through Friday
after the 6:45 am Mass,
Thursdays at 2:50 pm,
Saturdays at 3:30 pm and
Sundays at 7:00 am. Also,
please join us each Friday
morning at 7:45 am to pray the
Rosary for our parish, our school
and your intentions at 10100
Barton Street. Children are
welcome. Call Denise Slaven @
913-963-5633 for details.
The Gabriel Project is
an Archdiocesan
program that provides,
through a mentor-like
relationship, emotional, spiritual,
and material help to women in
unplanned pregnancies. For
more information please call
913-602-0306 or email Bev at
[email protected] or
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 30, 2015
Ordinary Sunday
September 5 & 6, 2015
Altar Servers
4:00 pm Grace Krone
David Nelson
7:30 am Sean Maddock
Chloe Wannamaker
9:00 am James Donohue
Nathan McCanna
10:30 am Anthony Bohm
Scott Elliott
6:30 pm Ben Ferguson
Warren Ley
Samuel Krone
Alex Pavlu-Sub?
Joey Punswick
James Wannamaker
Joey McCanna
Emma Quinlan-Sub?
Josh Elliott
Matthew Hornbeck
Emma Hudson
William Rost
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
4:00 pm Andrew Ascher
Joe / Cathy Bellafiore
Bob Bridgham
Kate Cox
Shirley Hoover
Paul Kidder
Karen Newcomb
Kelli Pavlu
Pat Seib
Bill / Kay Wietharn
7:30 am Nancy Heeney
Marcus Kain
Terry Mathiasmeier
Gina Parks
Jan Petelin
9:00 am Felix Baz-Dresch-Sub? Mary Ann Baz-Dresch
Mary Bickimer
Jeanine Cindrich
Michael Coleman
Debbie Coomes
George / Maggie Lents Laura Maurer
Michon Quick
Vi Rossman
10:30 am Emily Anderson
Julie Baker
Mary Ann Carmody
Brenna Dillon
Sue Dillon
Clarita Halling
Bonnie Mendoza
Stacia Mendoza
Rick / Shirley Trudell Christopher Wheeler
Sarah Wilson
Peg Hiles
6:30 pm Aubrey Colvin
Riley Lathrom
Robbi Leno
Joseph Rost
4:00 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
6:30 pm
Joyce Boone
Howard Hunter
Mary Ann Baz-Dresch
Paul Scharnhorst
Peg Hiles
4:00 pm Andy Bolin
Tom Koehler
Leroy Schmidtberger
7:30 am Sam Datteri
Kelly Mages
9:00 am Lyle Beckman
Mike Cindrich
10:30 am Craig Bergeron
Matthew Pesely
6:30 pm Brook Maese
Trinidad Molina
Paul Dent
Dan Kongs
Mark Huppe
Bell Mechler
Bob Burns
Tom Maillard
Curtis Holland
David Roth
Asha Molina
Lector 1 / Lector 2
4:00 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
6:30 pm
Brenda Nelson
Karen Chladek
Art Ruby
Maggie Mosher
Ralph Leno
Linda Jackson
Jim Chladek
Julie McGrath
Dick Siebs
Lori Kramer
Ordinary Sunday
September 5 & 6, 2015
Welcome Ministry
4:00 pm Ellyn Tyrell
7:30 am Bev Rowden
9:00 am Shelly Gerstberger
10:30 am Rosemary Weber
6:30 pm John Rysavy
Jerry Gerstberger
Music Ministry
4:00 pm
9:00 am
10:30 am
6:30 pm
Youthful Spirits
Rosary Leaders
September 5, 2015
September 6, 2015
Dave Boone
Trinidad Molina
Delmar Gardens
September 6, 2015
Jane Grant
Dave Boone
Overland Park Regional Med Center
September 1, 2015
September 2, 2015
Minister Needed
Joan Hughes
Job Seekers
The Catholic Career Roundtable (CCR) job club will
host its weekly meeting on Saturday from 8:30 am to
9:30 am at Good Shepherd Catholic Church, 12800 W.
75th St. in Shawnee. This is an informal meeting to help
and support people in their searches for meaningful
work. In these meetings, attendees discuss the
fundamentals of transitioning to new careers and
techniques to find new jobs in today's business climate.
For more information, send an email
to [email protected], or call (816)
You can find out more about us on our website, too:
Welcome to CCR
Check out the parish website
Western Country Hoedown
Saturday September 12th. 7pm to 11pm.
Nativity Parish Hall: 3800 W.119th. St.
Leawood, KS. 66209
Great music, good food, drinks and lots of fun.
SON members: $15--Guests: $20
Singles of Nativity - Leawood, KS
Holy Spirit Church #003274
11300 W. 103rd Street
Overland Park, KS 66214
913 492-7382
Lyn Crowder
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Tuesday 12:00 Noon
August 30, 2015
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