May 31, 2015 - Our Lady of Good Counsel
May 31, 2015 - Our Lady of Good Counsel
Attention! Men of Our Lady of Good Counsel! Please join the men of St. Joseph's Covenant Keepers the 1st & 3rd Friday for br eakfast and fellowship.We meet in Room A of the OLGC Par ish Office Building. All men of the parish and the Formation House are welcome and encouraged to attend. We meet at 6:00 a.m. for a 'light' (or heavy) breakfast and discussion of r elevant topics for Catholic men from all walks of life. On Fri. 6/5/15 our topic will be preparing for Spiritual Combat by the EWTN Crossing The Goal ministries. With NFL Coach Danny Abramowicz, VP of Renewal Ministries Peter Herbeck, President and Founder of FOCUS Curtis Martin and EWTN News & radio host Brian Patrick. DANNY ABRAMOWICZ Coach Danny is presently involved in full-time work with Crossing the Goal ministries, helping to encourage Catholic men around the world. Before founding Crossing the Goal ministries, Coach Danny also had a long history with the NFL as a player, coach and broadcaster. PETER HERBECK Peter Herbeck is the Vice President and Director of Missions for Renewal Ministries. He has been actively involved in evangelization and Catholic renewal throughout the U.S., Canada, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe for the past twenty five years. CURTIS MARTIN Curtis Martin is the President and Founder of FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, one of the fastest growing movements in the Church. FOCUS was founded in 1998 as a national outreach to college campuses, both to secular and Catholic schools. BRIAN PATRICK As host of the Son Rise Morning Show on Cincinnati’s Sacred Heart Catholic Radio, Brian Patrick shares weekday mornings with Greater Cincinnati’s Catholic Christians in prayer, reflection, and thoughtful discussion about our journey of faith and Church traditions. Please consider participating in this outstanding OLGC men's group. For more information call Jon Haslauer at 501-765-0855 E-Mail [email protected] or John Ekeanyanwu at 501-952-4468 E-Mail [email protected] You Did It For Me Catholic Relief Services teams are distributing emergency relief supplies to earthquake survivors in Nepal. CRS is bringing aid to remote mountainous areas heavily affected by the deadly earthquakes that struck. Thousands of people have received emergency shelter kits, including tarps and tools, as well as other critical items like blankets and sanitation items. CRS plans to reach 15,000 families with emergency relief in the next few weeks. Our Lady of Good Counsel C A T H O L I C C H U R C H 1321 S. Van Buren / Little Rock, AR 72204 / Telephone: (501) 666-5073 Fax: (501) 664-1964 / Email: [email protected] / Website: IN THE DIOCESE Diocesan Council for Black Catholics Adult Retreat, June 5-7, Coury House, Subiaco, Arkansas. Retreat begin Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. and end Sunday at 12 noon. Theme: "Rooted" For registration and more details contact the DCBC office at 501 375-9617. 86th Annual Picnic-St. Joseph’s Church, Catholic Point Community, Center Ridge, Saturday, June 20 th (always the 3rd Saturday in June) “The Original” Homemade Italian Sausage & Spaghetti Supper ALL YOU CAN EAT!!! $15.00 Adults/ $6.00 Children/Under 3 Free SERVING TIME: 2:30 p.m.8:30 p.m. Plates to Go Available at 3:00 p.m. – Kountry StoreGames-Refreshments-Fun for all the Family membersEveryone Welcome, Mass at 4:00 p.m. Catholic Charities of Arkansas seeks an Office Administrator to coordinate maintenance, security, procurement, scheduling and grant processes. Position requires a bachelor’s degree, excellent written and oral communication skills with bilingual English-Spanish preferred, and the ability to manage multiple projects. To apply, send a cover letter and resume to Patrick Gallaher, Executive Director, Catholic Charities of Arkansas, 2500 N. Tyler, Little Rock, AR 72207, or email to [email protected]. Magnificat Meal June 20th, 10:00 to 1:00, St. Joseph Parish Hall, Conway. Cost is $15.00. Sharon Vanderzyl from Cherokee Village is the witness speaker. To register by email send name and # of tickets needed to: [email protected]; or follow on Facebook, Magnificat-Central Arkansas Chapter. To register in the parish or make a change in address or marital status, please fill out the form below. (Please cut out and place in the collection basket.) Masses: Saturday: 4:30 PM Vigil Sunday: 8:00 and 11:00 AM Weekdays: 8:00 AM on Tues, Thurs, & Fri; 6:00 PM on Wed Holy Days: To be announced Adoration: 24 hours, 7 days a week Sacraments: Confession: 3:30 - 4:00 PM, Saturday (or anytime by appointment) Infant Baptism: Call the Church office to register Marriage: Those considering marriage need to notify the parish priest of their intention to marry at least six months prior to their int. Wedding dates will be finalized only after consultation with the priest or deacon. Attendance of an approved marriage preparation program required. Please call the parish office for further information. Organizations & Ministries: Altar Servers: 666-5073 Eucharistic Ministers: 666-5073 Finance Council: 490-5902 Food Box: 666-5073 Knights of Columbus: 993-8636 Our House Meals: 993-2136 Parish Religious Education for Children: 666-5693 Pastoral Council: 417-825-2627 Perpetual Adoration: 666-5073 Respect Life: 920-2483 St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers: 225-5037 Minibus Drivers: 666-5073 VIRTUS Coordinator: 455-3107 Name_______________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ Bulletin deadline is Wednesday 12 noon. Email: [email protected] City____________________________ Zip____________ Phone_____________________ Cell _______________________ Newsletter - Published Quarterly: Submit articles to [email protected] Parish Administrator: Fr. John Wakube, A.J. [email protected] After hours emergency—leave message at 501-373-8600 Bookkeeper: Mary Murry [email protected] Office of Faith Formation: Margaret Zakrzewski [email protected] Confirmation: Nick & Kristin Ables [email protected] Youth Ministry: Nick & Kristin Ables [email protected] Maintenance Engineer: Frank Zakrzewski [email protected] Parish Office Manager: Carol Miller [email protected] Parish Pastoral Council President: Ray Hanley [email protected] Finance Council Chairman: Marty Kallenbach [email protected] Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Friday, 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM The office is closed for lunch from 11:30-12:30pm Parish Registration: Registration forms are located at all entrances to the church. Please fill one out and return it to the church office or drop it in the collection basket. ——————————————————————— Ministry to the Sick If you would like to be anointed before going into the hospital or have Communion brought to someone homebound, please call the parish office. Your contacting the parish office helps us to minister to our homebound / hospitalized parishioners. When registering in the hospital, please register as Catholic and as a parishioner. Moved from__________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________ The Most Holy Trinity — May 31, 2015 Readings for the Week 6/6 & 6/7 Liturgical Ministers 4:30 pm—Saturday Lector: Keo Singkhek EM: Anne Mancino Mike Mancino Paula Martin 8:00 am - Sunday Lectors: Ralph Kodell EM: Marty Kallenbach Josephine Obidike Dorothy Ware Sunday Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40 Romans 8:14-17 Matthew 28:16-20 Monday Tobit 1:3;2;1a-8 Mark 12:1-12 Tuesday Tobit 2:9-14 Mark 12:13-17 Sts. Marcellinus & Peter, Martyrs Wednesday St. Charles Lwanga & Companions, Mar tyr s Mark 12:18-27 11:00 am - Sunday Lectors: J o Evelyn Elston John Ekeanyanwu EM: Jennifer Ekeanyanwu Margaret Zakrzewski Frank Zakrzewski Carol Miller Kathy Hatcher Ellen Lamb Thursday Tobit 6:10-11;7; 1bcde,9-17;8;4-9a Mark 12:28-34 Friday Tobit 11:5-17 Mark 12:35-37 St. Boniface, Bishop & Martyr Saturday Tobit 12:1,5-15,20 Mark 12:38-44 St. Norbert, Bishop; Saturday in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary 4:30 pm - Charley & Rebecca Sullivan 11:00 am - Carl Meurer Mass Intentions The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the highest form of prayer and the most efficacious prayer we can offer for our loved ones, living/ deceased. Call the Parish Office to schedule a Mass for your family and friends. If you would like to reserve a weekend for Altar Flowers in honor/memory of a loved one or an anniversary, please contact the parish office to schedule. “The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…” - Romans 8:16-17 If we are heirs to the kingdom of God, shouldn’t we work to build up His kingdom? Shouldn’t we be good stewards of our inheritance, using our time, talent and treasure to care for the Church that God has left to us? Our Church is a treasured heirloom from God. Do we treat it that way? Regular Contributions Children's Contributions Formation House Milk Fund Capital Campaign Catholic Communications Campaign Nepal Earthquake $ 5,548 $ 58 $ 87 $ 30 $ 20 $ 55 Question of the Week Is my prayer formal and formulaic only, or personal and intimate as Jesus with his Abba? How might I recover or deepen, the warmth of a peaceful relationship with God? ? The Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for June Stewardship Thank you to everyone who made this year such a great success for Youth Ministry! Thank you especially to all those who helped with our LifeTeen Meal Ministry. It was such a great success and a blessing for our teens. Also thank you to the parents for all you have done to help us this year. And finally thank you to all of our youth, we are so proud of how much we have seen you grow in your faith this year! Be on the lookout in the bulletin for all of our summer activities. Happy Summer! Nick & Kristin Our Lady of Good Counsel Family Life Players Presents Jubilus 28 Musical Dinner Theater: “RAISING CANES” 6/6 & 6/7 Minibus Schedule Flowers for the Altar Devotion to the Two Hearts Universal: That immigr ants and r efugees may find welcome and respect in the countries to which they come. Evangelization: That the per sonal encounter with Jesus may arouse in many young people the desire to offer their own lives in priesthood or consecrated life. Virtus Training Anyone interested in volunteering or serving as a lay minister please contact D’Boria Cook, Virtus Coordinator, at 455-3107 to set up Virtus training. Pancake Breakfast Thank You KC Council 812 for the delicious pancake breakfast last Sunday! Please come again anytime! As Harry Leslie Smith says, “we are on a journey, from the moment we are born until the day we die. The final stage in our lives should be treated like all the other episodes in our brief existence – as an adventure filled with discovery, joy, wonder, sorrow and bliss.” Where can you experience this all at once? Only at Golden Days Retirement Community! But not all is peaceful when murder, mystery, kittens & puppies, poker players and adventurers rule the roost. Come and see the zany lives of the residents as they live out their Golden years! This is a show and dinner that all ages will enjoy and it’s kid friendly! Join Father Thomas Keller for the First Friday / First Saturday Devotion to the Two Hearts at Good Counsel Friday, June 5th / Saturday, June 6th Vigil Schedule: 6:00 pm Adoration, Confessions, the Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary 7:00 pm Mass of the Two Hearts 7:30 pm Three readings from The Office of the Nine Angelic Choirs of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Benediction 8:30 pm Reception—wine & cheese Saturday Schedule: 7:30 am Adoration, Confession, the Glorious and Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary 8:00 am Litany of the Sacred Heart 8:30 am Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus CALENDAR June 5, 6, 12, 13, 2015 / Fridays & Saturdays Dinner served from 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm / Show at 7:30 pm Dinner on June 5 includes pulled pork barbecue and sides $15 Adult / $6 Child Sun 5/31 Mass Adult Education Mass-11:00 am Life Teen, Edge & Confirmation 5:00 pm Dinner on June 6, 12 & 13 Includes Cornish hen and sides $20 Adult / $15 Senior / $8 Child Mon 6/01 Light to the Nations Prayer - 4:00 pm Parish Conference Room No Edge or Confirmation Jubilus Rehearsal-6:00 pm/gym For Tickets call 501-661-17 Tues 6/02 No 8:00 am Mass Patriotic Rosary for the Consecration of America—3:00 pm Jubilus Rehearsal-6:00 pm/gym Prayer List for the Sick Peter Hatton Roberta Cagle Joe Scalfaro Rosemary Krebs Naomi Reppo Jimmy Reppo Barbara Daniels Michael Nunes Gary Robinson Jalyn Finnley Ilona Fontenette Linda Giger Lisa Steadman Paula Martin Henry Smith Paula Lorenz Sophie Williams Karen Dupree Wed 6/03 No 6:00 pm Mass Jubilus Rehearsal-6:00 pm/gym Thur 6/04 No 8:00 am Mass Jubilus Rehearsal-6:00 pm/gym Fri 6/05 No 8:00 am Mass Senior Moment! - 9:00 am Jubilus Dinner Theatre— Doors Open 6:00 pm Sat 6/06 Confessions—3:30 pm Vigil Mass—4:30 pm Jubilus Dinner Theatre— Doors Open 6:00 pm Faithful Departed Leo McNulty Elizabeth LaBorde Please keep them in your thoughts & prayers. Sun 6/07 Mass Adult Education Mass ________________________________
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