Living Faith - Annunciation Catholic Church
Living Faith - Annunciation Catholic Church
Living Faith Throughout a Lifetime Viviendo la Fe por Toda la Vida Faith Formation Day 2012 Saturday, September 15, 2012 Bishop Moore High School 3901 Edgewater Drive Orlando, FL 32804 Keynote Speaker Most Reverend John G. Noonan Bishop of Orlando Over 100 exciting workshops for all those who minister, such as… Catechists • Catholic School Teachers • Principals • DREs • Catechumenate Directors • Youth Ministers • Clergy • Catechists in the Catechumenate • Sponsors & Godparents • Musicians • Seminarians • Liturgists • Pastoral Associates • Peer Ministers • Small Group Leaders • Young Adult leaders …and all those who think they might be some day! Office of Faith Formation Oficina de Formación en la Fe [email protected] (407) 246-4910 Schedule 7:30AM–8:45AM Exhibits & Continental Breakfast 9:00AM–10:15AM Opening Prayer & Keynote Presentation Doors to the keynote presentation will close promptly at 9:00 AM. Please be on time. 10:30AM–11:30AM Workshop Session 1 11:45AM–12:45PM Lunch/Exhibits or Workshop Session 2 1:00PM–2:00PM Lunch/Exhibits or Workshop Session 3 2:15pm–3:15PM Workshop Session 4 3:30PM Closing & Raffle Prizes Workshops Talleres ● Exposições ● thuyết trình There are four one-hour sessions. You should choose three workshop sessions and one lunch/exhibit session. Lunch is served during Session 2 and Session 3, so your choices are: Workshop Session 1 Lunch Workshop Session 3 Workshop Session 1 Workshop Session 2 Lunch Food is not allowed in the classrooms; please support our exhibitors. Workshop Session 4 Workshop Session 4 Session 1 Workshops: 10:30am–11:30am 1 Using Social Media Margie Garland-Aguilar This workshop provides an understanding of what is social media and how to use it effectively in a church setting. Participants will learn quick steps to create, share, and invite people to our faith. It will also provide an overview of the Diocesan Social Media Policy, and do’s and don’ts when implementing a social media tool for your ministry. 2 Herramientas para la Fe de Toda la Vida Skip Bacon Cuando un modelo de catequesis se transforma para promover la formación de la fe de toda la vida, las herramientas de nuestra catequesis deben ser transformadas también. Estamos llamados a evaluar cada una de nuestras herramientas de catequesis, incluyendo libros de texto, biblias, e incluso el vocabulario que usamos como líderes catequéticos. Participa en este taller y comenzamos a evaluar las herramientas que utilizamos para transmitir nuestra fe. 3 Catholic Social Teaching: It’s Not Optional Mike Baker Whether you are a parish catechetical leader planning a whole lifelong faith formation program or a “Child of God” wanting to more fully live out your faith ; we must first understand that as baptized Christians we are called to actively live out our faith every day! Come and learn (and share) practical ideas on how we all can better do this. 4 Sacramento y Misión: La Eucaristía Como Fuente Y Cima Rev. José Bautista Se encuentra la experiencia y entendimiento primordial de la vida Cristiana centralizado en la eucaristía, la fuente y cima de nuestra identidad católica. En este taller se explorará los elementos teológicos y espirituales de la misa, se examinará la teología de la reservación eucarística y la adoración, y se desafiará con el llamado hacia participación en la Misa diaria y la misión que acaba la misa, ite missa est! (2) 5 How Demographic Data Can Inform and Impact Planning and Improve Ministry (for Parish Leadership) Session 1 Workshops Joseph E. Belinski, PhD This presentation will begin with a brief description of demographics and what demographics are available to help parishes understand their community and county. Through examples, the workshop will provide a brief overview of the information obtainable on both free and proprietary websites. The presentation is targeted to the beginner in demographic research. 6 Their Voices still Echo: Three Theologians from the Past Worth Listening to Today Rev. Benjamin Berinti, CPpS, PhD In the vast constellation of luminous spiritual and theological giants of the Catholic Tradition, certain ones stand out whose voices still echo in today’s Church. This workshop will focus upon singular elements of the theology/spirituality of Catherine of Siena, Ignatius of Loyola and Romano Guardini, and their relevance for today. 7 Teach Like a Mystagogue: Exploring the Mystagogical Method as the Norm for All Forms of Catechesis Mary Birmingham This session will explore the mystagogical method, (effective adult learning principles, flowing from the Emmaus model) the underlying context of the RCIA, and illustrate the way in which this model is effective not only for catechumens, but all forms of catechetical environments. The principles of the mystagogical method are effective tools for unpacking Scripture, the rites and the doctrines of the Church. It can be used with adults and children and it is a wonderful model to help adults own and embrace necessary paradigm shifts. 8 Relational Evangelization: The Foundation of Youth Ministry Mike Buckler Ever wonder how to transform those teens who come to Mass, cross their arms, and text under the pew? Or how to engage the kids who have stopped showing up at all? Relational ministry is the only way to go! Learn how to bring the New Evangelization to life within your parish through relational ministry and discipleship. 9 The Holy Eucharist Rev. Joseph Dung Bui Thảnh Lễ là trung tâm của đức tin Kitô giáo. Chúng ta đến dâng lễ để thờ phượng, chúc tụng, và tạ ơn Thiên Chúa chúng ta. Trong Thánh lễ, chúng ta được nuôi dưỡng bởi Lời Chúa (Phụng Vụ Lời Chúa) và Mình Máu Chúa Kitô (Phụng Vụ Thánh Thể). 10 When Our Hearts Get Burned Within Us: Difficult Personalities in the Parish Setting Thomas J. Burns, LMHC While interpersonal and staff disagreements are a common factor in ministry, it is also true that some professionals and volunteers are constitutionally unsuited for the delicacy of educational and ministerial work and actually may bring harm to the mission and the faithful in positions of responsibility. Borrowing from the DSM-IV definitions of personality dysfunction, this session will focus on the most commonly encountered personality problems, with an eye toward appropriate screening of volunteers and job applicants, and the safest and best ways to cope with and protect one’s self from such individuals, be they parents, colleagues or superiors. 11 Fishing The River Mike Carotta, PhD Through the use of a humorous true story, we will identify principles for effectiveness in catechesis while still staying faithful to your own style. 12 Las Bendiciones y Los Retos de La Vida Familiar Católica De Hoy Pamela Elsey Vengan a oír y compartir algunas bendiciones y también retos de crear y desarrollar una familia católica fuerte. Compartiremos algunas sugerencias prácticas para pasarles la fe a los niños dentro de la cultura secular de hoy. (3) 13 Tomás Evans Una revisión a la historia del Ministerio Hispano en los Estados Unidos y los constantes llamados de los Obispos a ser una gran aporte a la iglesia del futuro. Pero ese aporte debe sustentarse en la adecuada formación y un corazón abierto para influir la cultura que nos recibe con los aportes valiosos de nuestro pueblo. 14 “Best Practice”: Teaching and Reaching Students Jackie Flanigan, EdD This workshop will explore the basics of instructional “Best Practice” and the strategies that best foster learning. The group will be introduced to lesson planning and assessment as well as creative ways to engage students of all ages. 15 El Catecismo Como Instrumento de la Nueva Evangelización Rev. Esaú N. Garcia Este taller presentará una metodología de lectura del Catecismo como instrumento de evangelización. 16 Session 1 Workshops Celebremos nuestra cultura, vivamos nuestra fe Encuentro Con El Sagrado: Bailando la Danza de Nuestra Vida de Fe Justo González, II Esta sesión interactiva invitará a los participantes a explorar su comprensión del llamado de Dios a través del Evangelio a “Amor a Dios, Servir a Su pueblo y a Transformar el Mundo” en que vivimos. Los participantes son invitados a viajar con el presentador y a reflexionar sobre sus encuentros personales con el Señor. Vengan preparados a reírse, bailar, celebrar y ser desafiado a una mayor comprensión de lo que significa modelar una vida de fe. Al final del día, dirán de su enseñanza y vida espiritual, “Inolvidable" (la canción de Nat King Cole) o "Nada, No Siento Nada." (La música de Una Línea de Coro: el Musical). 17 Faithful Citizenship in The World Today Deacon Dave Gray This workshop will identify the foundational Catholic teaching regarding “Faithful Citizenship” and our responsibility as Catholics to be involved in the world around us. It will highlight some of the key issues and foundational truths that we face as Catholics as they present themselves in the secular world. 18 Hope is Eternal Kathy Hendricks There are all sorts of reasons to lose hope these days. For catechetical and pastoral leaders, the need to maintain a true and abiding sense of hope is essential. In this time together, we will look at the things that can bring on despair and the ways we can enkindle the flame of hope in our own hearts and in those we serve. 19 Understanding and Defending Our Faith in the Marketplace Rev. Chris Hoffmann By using the creed and the catechism I will show that Catholics know more about their faith than they think. By synthesizing a few key points I hope to show that we can be confident in telling others what we believe and why. 20 Why Be Catholic; Eight Good reasons for Being Catholic Deacon Robert Kinsey This workshop will explore and enumerate the values, traditions, and reasons for being and remaining a Catholic. It will also discuss how to deepen our spirituality and strengthen our faith in the midst of a challenging world 21 Eschatology: The End of the Beginning Rev. Timothy LaBo, PhD This workshop will explore the current Church teaching on the end of time for Catholic believers, as well as propose some challenging applications of what we espouse. Additionally, eschatological beliefs will be examined in light of theological consistency and pastoral integrity. (4) 22 Using Your Spiritual Gifts: The Fuel and Power of Faith Deacon Henry Libersat Catholics must discover the graced power of the ordinary: marriage and family, work and recreation, parish ministries and worship. The Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life, is both the fuel and power of faith. He works in the ordinary. Faithful to their baptismal priesthood and the call to make disciples, Catholics sanctify the secular and reestablish faith as the norm of human life and endeavor. What a goal for the Year of Faith! Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Bring catechesis alive with this hands-on Montessori approach to religious formation 23 Heather Lusher Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is based on the Bible, the liturgy of the church, and the educational principles of Maria Montessori. Learn more about this exciting way to make Faith Formation come alive for the children and the catechist. Experience some of the materials used in the “atrium”, a specially prepared environment for the children, and hear one of the presentations. CGS allows children and catechist to slow down, pray, reflect, wonder, and develop a joyful and loving relationship with God through Jesus, the Good Shepherd. This approach to catechesis is valuable in all settings but is especially fruitful and effective with toddlers and those with special needs. 24 Tools for Evangelization & Transformation Patricia M. McCormack, IHM, EdD Teachers of religious education are agents of evangelization who are called to form, inform, and transform the students they teach. This session focuses on three tools (strategies and approaches) that support the process of meeting the person of Jesus, thus leading to personal transformation: classroom environment, beads of transformation, Gospel ABCs. Participants will experience creative practices that cultivate a Gospel-character within students and teachers. Session 1 Workshops 25 Oração: Essencial para uma Fé vivida por Toda a Vida Claudia McFadden & Vanessa Russo Vida de oração é a fonte de uma vida de fé profunda. Na prática da oração pessoal e comunitária, somos formados e transformados pela graça de Deus por toda a nossa vida. 26 Apologetics vs. Catechesis Dan McGowan Can you have Catechesis without Apologetics? Or Apologetics without Catechesis? Do they go hand in hand or does one supersede the other? Let’s find out! 27 Partnering with Parents: Helping Them Claim Their Role in Faith Formation Daniel S. Mulhall Church documents call parents the “primary educators of their children.” This presentation will examine what that means and offer suggestions on what catechists can do to support parents in this essential role. 28 The New Evangelization: Learning Throughout the Life Cycle Heidi J. Peckham, LMHC The term Evangelization was a very Protestant word when I was growing up. I had to take myself back to school to learn about this new Evangelization and were my eyes opened! Now I like to share what I have learned. Bring your notebook and your sense of humor. 29 Esta es nuestra Fe Rev. Ybain Ramirez Como la semilla, crece nuestra fe, día a día. Para ello es importante alimentarla cada momento, a través de una experiencia con Cristo. Para que pueda producir los mejores frutos, en nuestra vida. (5) 30 A Lifetime of Faith Lived In 6 Years Rev. Fred R. Ruse Fr. Fred has spent almost six years in ministry in the mission of the diocese of Orlando in our Sister Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana, Dominican Republic. He will share what happened to him and what happened to those he serves. It will be an exploration of what “reverse catechesis” means when the church lives in companionship with the least, the abandoned, the poor; when the church is the least, the abandoned, the poor. 31 Marriage and Family: The Foundation of Discipleship Gigi Santiago Marriage and family is where discipleship begins, lives, and grows. Lifelong faith formation is most effective when it’s supportive and attentive to family. Rediscover the Church’s rich teaching and heritage on the sacrament of marriage. Explore ways to teach, encourage and sustain family life through your parish catechetical program and ministry. 32 Performing the Gospel Life: Insights from St. Francis and Saint Clare for Contemporary Faith Formation Rev. A. Giles Schinelli, TOR Come, move beyond the sentimental stereotypes and learn more about the real St. Francis and St. Clare. Discover how as Catholics they got faith formation right: it’s all about the Good News of Jesus Christ and how this Word can be made to come alive in a contemporary setting. Be surprised at the methods they used and how they are applicable to our times. 33 3G: Giving As God Gives Rev. David Scotchie Who has inspired you in your faith journey? What is the difference between being a volunteer and a minister? How have you been blessed through your ministry? What help from the church do you need to follow your call as a catechist? “Each of you has a personal vocation which He has given you for your own joy and sanctity” ― Pope Benedict XVI. Let’s reflect on your joy as a catechist. Session 1 Workshops 34 Going to the Well: The Hungers and Thirsts of Our Soul: A Spirituality to Sustain Catechists Carol Stanton, PhD Our bodies often need “watering” long before we actually feel very thirsty; so, too, our spirits. What the Woman at the Well needed more than the water in her jar was the encounter with Jesus. She was dying of thirst, but didn’t realize it until she had a taste of the “living water” he was offering. In this session we will take a “spiritual thirst & hunger” inventory and explore the “wells” which, if we will just go there, will “feed and water” us for the task of caring for other souls. 35 Escuchandole a Dios: Oración y Discernimiento” Rev. Jorge Torres La habilidad de encontrar la voz de Dios y ser atento a ella es esencial en la vida de cada Cristiana, y más aun para el catequista. Siendo el que camina la jornada de fe con otros, el catequista tiene que poder ayudar a los demás encontrar y escuchar la voz de Dios. Descubre técnicas para discernir y escuchar el murmuro de Dios en tu alma y explore maneras por lo cual se podría ayudar a otros lograr lo mismo. 36 Sacrament and Mission: The Eucharist As Source and Summit Very Rev. Robert Webster The pinnacle experience and understanding of Christian life finds its proper place in the Eucharist, the source and summit our Catholic identity. In this workshop we explore the theological and spiritual elements of the Mass, consider the place and heritage of Eucharistic reservation and adoration, and be challenged by the call to mission that concludes every Mass, ite missa est! 37 Classroom Management for Catechists Joseph D. White, PhD This workshop, facilitated by a child psychologist and former DRE, will discuss practical and effective ways to promote a positive catechetical setting and prevent and redirect problematic behavior. (6) Session 2 Workshops: 11:45am–12:45pm 38 Forming a Lifelong Faith Skip Bacon Forming a lifelong faith begins with a transformation of catechesis, a transformation of the way we pass on our faith. We must transform a bilingual approach to a multicultural approach, move from a faith of sacrament pick-up to a faith of lifelong formation, center catechesis not only on our youth but transition to an intergenerational whole parish catechetical model. With this type of transformation, catechesis begins to form a lifelong faith. Join in this workshop as we begin this catechetical transformation. 39 Sacramento y Misión: La Eucaristía Como Fuente Y Cima Rev. José Bautista Se encuentra la experiencia y entendimiento primordial de la vida Cristiana centralizado en la eucaristía, la fuente y cima de nuestra identidad católica. En este taller se explorará los elementos teológicos y espirituales de la misa, se examinará la teología de la reservación eucarística y la adoración, y se desafiará con el llamado hacia participación en la Misa diaria y la misión que acaba la misa, ite missa est! 40 “Lazarus at the Gate”: The Gospel Dimension of Solidarity in Forming Faith Stephanie Bosse As catechists and disciples in ministry, our challenge is to share the call to mission through the social principle of solidarity. The Gospel calls each of us to a deeper relationship with Christ in living our mission to and with our brothers and sisters globally. This session will share the goals of the U.S. Bishops through their initiative: “Catholics Confront Global Poverty” Campaign and the opportunities for living the missionary spirit in the world. 41 From Where You Stand: Accompanying Adolescents On Their Journey Of Faith Mike Carotta, PhD This session will offer 5 specific ways you can participate in the spiritual journey of adolescents, regardless of your role, relationship , educational background, or expertise. Based on the author’s book Sometimes We Dance, Sometimes We Wrestle: Embracing The Spiritual Lives of Adolescents. 42 Engaging Young Adults in Your Parish Rev. Tim Daly Participants will learn background and aspects of young adult ministry and discuss strategies for involving young adults in parish ministries. The life of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati will be used as an example for empowering young adults in faith formation. 43 The Rite of Christian Burial: A Liturgy Primer Sandra Dooley For Christians, death means new life and so the Order of Christians Funerals is steeped in the symbolism of baptism. Burying the dead with dignity and celebrating life with hope is a fundamental purpose and task of the funeral liturgy and other related prayers. Explore the catechetical richness of these rituals and see death with eyes of new birth. 44 Catechesis and Sacramental Preparation for Persons with Disabilities Karen Duffy Overview of Church’s directives on preparing persons with disabilities for Sacramental preparation; basic understanding of developmental disabilities and physical limitation disabilities; consideration of age and functional abilities of each individual; possibility of mainstreaming children into parish’s religious education program; addressing life long learning. (7) Session 2 Workshops 45 La Buena Nueva: El Evangelio y la Justicia Isabel Caridad Fernández, PhD “La misión apostólica siempre debe incluir dos aspectos: predicando la palabra de Dios y manifestando la bondad de Dios con obras de Caridad, servicio y dedicación… Sigue siendo mandato de la Iglesia lo siguiente: no predica la Iglesia, lo que los poderosos prefieren escuchar” Benedicto XVI. En este taller exploraremos la misión apostólica de la iglesia, demostrando caridad a los necesitados y hablando la verdad a los que tienen poder. 46 Catholic Identity and You Henry Fortier Catechists bring the light of faith to others whether serving in a parish, Catholic school, or extra-parochial ministry arena. The effective catechist models Catholic identity by knowing and living the faith with enthusiasm in ways that are transformative to others. Explore ways that Catholic identity can add depth to your ministry as a catechist. Consider new approaches to inspire others in the faith. 47 El Matrimonio en el Derecho Canonico Rev. J. Fernando Gil, JD, JCD Este taller se enfocara en el Matrimonio como Alianza y como Consorcio de Vida, desde la óptica del Código de Derecho Canónico y del Código de Cánones de las Iglesias Orientales. Especial atención se le dará a los fines del matrimonio: el bien de los esposos y la procreación de los hijos. El taller ofrecerá fundamentos sólidos tanto bíblicos como canónicos sobre el Sacramento del Santo Matrimonio. 48 Ministering to the Different Personality Styles Denise Kriscunas The workshop will utilize a personality assessment tool designed to help individuals understand themselves and others better. Learn your natural tendencies and approaches. Learn how they help or hinder others and what can make you the most effective minister you can be. 49 Hispanic Youth: Ministering to the Church of Today and Tomorrow Rey Malavé The reality of US-Latino Young Adults (Jóvenes) is unique. Some are monolingual, some are crosscultural, and many work immediately after high school while others attend college. Regardless, they have one thing in common: the Catholic Church is their home. Explore ways to attract and engage Hispanic Young Adults in your parish and consider ways to effectively minister with them. 50 Planning a Retreat for Children Preparing for the Easter Sacraments Pat Markusic This workshop will help participants design a retreat experience for children preparing to be initiated at the Easter Vigil. This retreat, designed for both the Elect and their parents, provides an opportunity for the retreatants to experience the Easter Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist through prayer, song and story. It will provide the workshop participants with ideas and skills to open up the symbols and Word celebrated. 51 Small Christian Communities: Not Another Church Program but a Way of Being Church Deacon Mike McElwee, PhD What is a Small Christian (Church) Community? Where did this idea come from; where is it going? Session will explore the background of SCC’s, with practical suggestions on how this way of being church can enhance life-long faith growth. 52 La Realidad de las Familias de Hoy Deacon Felix Montanez La familias de hoy son muy diferentes. Los niños enfrentan muchos retos en las familias. Este taller presentara las distintos tipos de familias como los son las Familias Combinadas o Mixtas; Padres o Madres solteros; las Familias Extendidas. (8) 53 Creating a Successful Parish Catechetical Plan (for Parish Leadership) Daniel S. Mulhall Both the General and National Directories for catechesis call for parishes and dioceses to develop and implement catechetical plans. This workshop will help participants learn how to create a successful planning process for their catechetical programs. The presentation will focus on seven simple steps that are essential for successful planning and have participants take initial steps to begin the planning process. The workshop is intended for people experienced with catechesis, in catechetical leadership, or who are engaged in pastoral leadership within the parish or diocese. 54 The Truth about Middle School Students Daisy Nassis Good ministry requires us to meet others where they are, just like Jesus Christ did. In this session, we will focus on gaining a better understanding of middle school students in order to do good youth ministry. This session will focus on: What makes a middle school tick? (cognitive and emotional development), Ministry with young adolescents, and middle school youth ministry practical approaches. 55 Somos una Comunidad de Fe Rev. Ybain Ramirez La Iglesia es una y en ella todos debemos vivir unidos por la fe, la esperanza y el amor. Para que nuestra fe crezca, Dios nos ayuda, y nosotros nos esforzamos. 56 Una Vida De Fe Vivido En 6 Años Rev. Fred. R. Ruse Padre Fred Ruse trabaja por convenio en la Diócesis de San Juan de la Maguana en la República Dominicana. Su enfoque pastoral es establecer una presencia sacramental y pastoral en varias comunidades misioneras. En este taller, él compartirá sus reflexiones sobre una “catequesis al revés” que lo permite ver las riquezas y bendiciones de una iglesia empobrecida. Session 2 Workshops 57 Performing the Gospel Life: Insights from St. Francis and Saint Clare for Contemporary Faith Formation Rev. A. Giles Schinelli, TOR Come, move beyond the sentimental stereotypes and learn more about the real St. Francis and St. Clare. Discover how as Catholics they got faith formation right: it’s all about the Good News of Jesus Christ and how this Word can be made to come alive in a contemporary setting. Be surprised at the methods they used and how they are applicable to our times. 58 Hope, Hospitality, and Happiness: Three Essential Elements of the New Evangelization Kathy Hendricks Part of the call to the new evangelization is meeting the challenges to faith in our time. Three ways to do this are by countering fear through the proclamation of hope, creating an ambiance for conversion through the extension of hospitality, and deepening a sense of blessing through the cultivation of happiness. Let’s look at all three ways to incorporate them into our catechetical, pastoral, and everyday efforts at being agents of evangelization 59 Opening the Door: The Unique Role of Catechists in Offered Session this Year of Faith Carol Stanton, PhD The best doorpersons at a hotel or residence are paying attention, anticipating, welcoming, personal, and often ask how they might be of service; at times they may need to guard the door. Porta Fidei, the Pope’s document announcing the Year of Faith, gives us this great image of the “door”. Catechists are uniquely placed to open the door of faith for others. This workshop is a guided reflection through visual and word imagery to open up this Year of Faith image for catechists. (9) Session 2 Workshops 60 A Catechumenate Primer: RCIA Basics for Catechists and Ministers Very Rev. Robert Webster We often think of “RCIA” as a program of instruction with some rituals added in along the way. But the RCIA is first and foremost a liturgical text. The process of formation exists to lead the catechumens to the celebration of the rites. This workshop on the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults will get us back to the basics. 61 Bible Basics for Catechists Joseph D. White, PhD This workshop, given by a child psychologist and former DRE, will discuss the relationship between child development and the understanding of Scripture and how catechists can share Scripture in ways that are engaging, memorable, and developmentally appropriate. We will also discuss what the Church teaches about Scripture and how to read Scripture as a Catholic. Join me in discovering how to lead others in prayer experiences that are interactive, engaging, and reverent. Learn how environment, music, scripture and other tools can enhance prayer with young people. Keynote Presentation by Bishop John Noonan Exposición Principal por Monseñor John Noonan L iving faith throughout a lifetime requires intentional discipleship that is manifested by our commitment to following the Lord. This lifelong journey originates with baptism, but is constantly nourished by catechists who play an integral role as co-laborers in the Church’s mission to evangelize. Today we celebrate our efforts to bring the Good News of God’s Kingdom to the world and help others encounter Christ Jesus. V iviendo la fe por toda la vida requiere un discipulado intencional que se manifiesta a través de nuestro compromiso de seguir al Señor. Esta jornada que permanece por nuestra vida entera comienza con el bautismo, pero se nutre constantemente por los catequistas cuyo papel es integral como co-trabajadores en la misión evangelizadora de la Iglesia. Hoy celebramos nuestros esfuerzos de traer la Buena Nueva del Reino de Dios al mundo y de ayudar gente a encontrar a Jesucristo. (10) Session 3 Workshops: 1:00pm–2:00pm 62 Tools for Forming Lifelong Faith Skip Bacon When a catechetical model is transformed to help foster lifelong faith formation, the tools of our catechesis must also be transformed. We are called to evaluate all of our catechetical tools including text books, Bibles, and even the vocabulary we use as catechetical leaders. Join in this workshop as we begin to evaluate the tools we use to pass on our faith. 63 Vatican II: Living into Its Treasures Rev. Benjamin Berinti, CPpS, PhD The 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council is an opportunity to celebrate and take to heart both the “gifts and tasks” of the Council. This workshop will examine 10 significant treasures of the Council and their practical implications for shaping the character of today’s believers. 64 Liturgical Catechesis with Young People Mike Buckler This workshop will look at the ways that liturgical catechesis within the context of relational youth ministry can transform the lives of young people. Specifically, utilizing the liturgical calendar in our ministries to young people is the fastest way to integrate our Catholic faith into everyday life. Come find out how. 65 The Holy Eucharist Rev. Joseph Dung Bui The Holy Eucharist is the center of Christian faith. We gather in the Holy Mass to worship, praise, and thank God our Lord. In it, we are fed by the Word of God (Liturgy of the Word) and the Body and Blood of Christ (Liturgy of the Eucharist). 66 Ecumenism: Principles, Approaches and the Year of Faith Rev. Scott M. Circe The Year of Faith has been called to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th Anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Blessed John Paul II. This workshop will look into how the principles and approaches of the Ecumenical movement that were shaped by these two events in the Church have influenced our own faith journeys. 67 Exploring the Implementation of the USCCB High School Frameworks (required only for Religion Teachers for Catholic High School) James Cooney The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops released the “Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for Young People of High School Age” in 2008. Since that time dioceses and high schools around the country have reviewed them and have begun to make plans for implementation in grades 9-12. Likewise, publishers of religious education materials have scrambled to develop instructional materials that correlate with the frameworks. Presenters of this session will conduct a brief review of the Frameworks, the expectations for the instruction of the Frameworks, the process that has been developed for implementation to include a suggested timeline, and a review of the recommended textbook programs available to support the instruction of the Frameworks. 68 The Evangelization to the Hispanic Community: Challenges and Opportunities Tomás Evans A dynamic and realistic presentation on how to implement an evangelization effort to the Hispanic Community. How to overcome the challenges and open the door to a wonderful opportunity: to live our faith in a bicultural society but as only one church—one body of Christ. (11) Session 3 Workshops 69 Faith Formation through Sacramental Prep Deacon George A. Ferraioli Sacramental preparation is of foremost importance in providing the basis of faith formation not only for receiving the first sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist; but for faith formation though one’s life. This workshop will stress the importance of the ministry of the catechist in laying the foundation of sacraments on which to build a lifelong formation of faith. 70 Walking the Road to Emmaus with Young Catholics Marie Gallo-Lethcoe Helping young Catholics recognize Christ along their faith journey is the ultimate goal of youth ministry. Oftentimes it is only with the guidance of trusted, faith-filled adults that they recognize that Christ has been walking with them all along. This workshop will take a journey along the road to Emmaus as we uncover those places where Christ hides in the hearts of our youth, and ways that we can uncover the grace that has been there throughout the walk. 71 El Catecismo Como Instrumento de la Nueva Evangelizacion Rev. Esaú N. Garcia Este taller presentará una metodología de lectura del Catecismo como instrumento de evangelización. 72 73 Sacraments Out of Order: History of a Headache Linda Gaupin, CDP, PhD Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist? or Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation? How did the sacraments get out of order historically for those baptized Catholic in infancy in the Latin Rite? This workshop will give a historical overview. The Session 4 Workshop will discuss how it affects sacramental preparation in the parish today. Encountering the Sacred: Dancing the Dance of Our Lifelong Journey Justo González, II This interactive session will invite participants to explore their understanding of the Gospel’s call to Love God, Serve People and Transform the World. Participants will be invited to journey with the presenter and reflect upon their personal encounters with the Sacred. Come prepared to laugh, dance, celebrate and be challenged to a greater understanding of what it means to model living faith throughout our lifetime. At the end of the day, will those you encounter say of your teaching, “You’re Unforgettable” (Nat King Cole) or “Nothing, I’m Feeling Nothing?” (A Chorus Line: The Musical). 74 Marian Spirituality: Our Mother and Intercessor Deacon Dave Gray The Catholic teaching on Mary is often misunderstood and has become a major stumbling block for other faiths. This workshop will discuss the role of Mary in our lives and the life of the Church. It will highlight the various apparitions of Mary throughout the world and the major feast days where we honor Mary. 75 The Liturgy of the Hours: The Official Prayer of the Catholic Church Dennis Keller An explanation of Liturgy of the Hours: Where did it come from? How did it get here? What’s the big deal? This workshop will present the Church’s stance on LOTH, highlighting Vatican II’s encouragement and a practical how to for all the faithful to pray the LOTH to deepen their faith. 76 Making Your Faith Story Alive and Effective Deacon Henry Libersat True faith radiates from the believer. That’s the first step—as Paul VI said: The first step in sharing faith is personal holiness. How you can turn misfortune into a powerful invitation to faith—a true prison ministry story. The presentation offers practical, effective steps in making a Catholic’s faith story alive and effective. (12) 77 Promoting a Culture of Spirituality via a Liturgical Environment Patricia M. McCormack, IHM, EdD Teachers of religious education create a culture of spirituality in the classroom environment through environment, ritual, customs, sacraments, and personal example. Participants will consider creative practices to incorporate these elements through the liturgical seasons. 78 Enviados em Cristo como Testemunhas de Misericórdia Claudia McFadden & Vanessa Russo Servir não é algo somente feito para Cristo, mas sobretudo com Cristo. Em nossa missão, Jesus vai conosco, ungindo-nos com seu Espírito, fazendo-nos comunidade e capacitando-nos para testemunhar sua misericórdia. 79 Adult Faith Formation: The Keystone of Lifelong Discipleship Basil H. Pflumm, Brig. Gen USAF (Ret’d) Faith or Trust in Jesus is acquired in mature, Christian communities that are formed and nourished by word and sacrament. In liturgies, scripture studies, retreats and service to the poor, community is formed around common mission. But how does the parish community articulate this vision in a manner that unifies the parish around a mission and priorities? This session will explore the integration of selected parish practices and programs tailored to the multiple roles as parishioners, parents, and community and business leaders. Mature adult Christians need lifelong learning and ongoing conversion experiences that build the local Body and Christ which is manifested in good works. 80 Introduction to Vocation and Family Life Gigi Santiago This introduction explains how “the family is, in a sense, a school for human enrichment.” Together as a group and church, we will define what Family Life is as a vocation and how as a church we can empower family members to live their faith through scripture and Church documents in all stages of life. Session 3 Workshops 81 Building an Epic Youth Ministry: Tips for Understanding and Relating to Youth Brother Paul Santoro, OFM Connecting young people with Jesus and the life of the Church can be challenging in a culture dominated by iPhones, Tablets, and xBoxes. The technology of the Catholic faith is still effective, however: patience, humor, and authenticity make it possible to engage young people in the Gospel. Learn some simple principles and techniques to enhance your ability to “Kinnect” with young people and have a few laughs, too. 82 Mary and the Saints: Mirror and Models Rev. David Scotchie Mary and the Saints, like a mirror, reflect God. They model our response to God. Bring the story of your patron saint to share. Learn church teaching on Mary both traditional and modern. “Mary is a woman who loves. How could it be otherwise?”― Pope Benedict XVI, God Is Love--Deus Caritas Est: Encyclical Letter 83 Year of Faith: A Call to Justice and Discipleship Deborah Stafford Shearer The Church’s mission to “make disciples” includes a commitment to God’s reign via just-living. As catechists and ministers our task is to integrate our faith with our lived experience. In this session we will examine how the six tasks of catechesis and the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching are complimentary in accomplishing this goal, and will explore practical ways to bring them into our faith formation and everyday lives. 84 Leading Prayer and Engaging Disciples in Prayer Experiences Ivy Wick Join me in discovering how to lead others in prayer experiences that are interactive, engaging, and reverent. Learn how environment, music, scripture and other tools can enhance prayer with young people. (13) Session 4 Workshops: 2:15pm–3:15pm 85 Free Internet Applications Margie Garland-Aguilar This workshop will show the participants free internet tools that can be used in their ministry. It will provide an understanding of the tools and how to apply their use for collaboration and sharing of the faith. Also, participants will learn easy ways for the application of these tools. 86 Formando una Vida de Fe Skip Bacon La formación de una fe de toda la vida se inicia con una transformación de la catequesis, transformando la manera en que pasamos nuestra fe. Debemos transformar un modelo bilingüe a un modelo multicultural, cambiar de una fe de solo recoger sacramentos a una fe de formación por toda la vida, hacer el centro de catequesis no sólo en nuestra juventud, pero hacer una transición a un modelo de catequesis para todo la parroquia intergeneracional. Con este tipo de catequesis la transformación se empieza a formar la fe de toda la vida. Participa en este taller para ser parte de esta transformación de catequesis. Catechism 101: What are the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the US Adult Catechism, and the Compendium? 87 Mike Baker Pope John Paul II referred to the Catechism of the Catholic Church as “a valid and legitimate instrument for ecclesial communion and as a sure norm for teaching the faith” but what is a catechism? Who is it intended for? How do I use it? 88 Three Ingredients for Discipleship & Ministry: Amazement, Resilience, & Friendship 89 Unpacking The Period of Inquiry/Precatechumenate: What it is and what it’s not Mary Birmingham This session will explore the principles of the period of inquiry/evangelization in the RCIA. It will include both an uncovering of the inherent principles that underpin this period as well as a demonstration and practical application. 90 The Church Today: How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going!? Jody Breaud Two main documents of Vatican II focused on Church: Lumen Gentium [Dogmatic Constitution on the Church] and Gaudium et Spes [Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World]. The Saying, "Every day the church gives birth to the church" is as true now in the twenty-first century as it was in the beginnings of the Church. Decisions that were made by the Church in the past affect our lives today. How will our living out the gospel today affect the Church that we continue to create? 91 Catholic Social Teaching and the New Evangelization Mike Buckler Young people today want to do good things; they want to help people. How can we lead teens beyond wanting to be “a good person” into the joy of Christian service and a life of solidarity with the poor in imitation of Jesus Christ? This workshop will explain the basics of Catholic social teaching and provide resources that will help you mentor youth in living that teaching. Rev. Benjamin Berinti, CPpS, PhD What does it take to create a recipe for sustaining discipleship and ministry in today’s Church? This reflective workshop will explore three necessary ingredients: amazement, resilience, and friendship. (14) Session 4 Workshops 92 Don’t Go Mr. Chips Thomas J. Burns, LMHC Developmental psychology: the human being as a never ending work in progress. Do we reflect upon the needs and challenges faced by Catholic educators at age 25? At age 40? At age 60? This presentation, from a psychological perspective, will reflect upon the different professional and personal struggles and riches across the educational/ministerial career. The optimum outcomes of this session for participants are greater self-understanding of life stages and a renewed, enthused sense of power in crafting one’s ministerial career. The presentation was inspired by the classic novel, Good Bye, Mr. Chips. 93 Reclaiming Religious Education. Mike Carotta, PhD Religious education shouldn’t be about preaching. Nor should it be about wandering discussions, or the spiritual interests of the catechist. This session will invite us to recall and reclaim the noble work of religious education done well at all levels. 94 Almost 50 Years after The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy: Are We There, Yet? Sandra Dooley The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy was promulgated on December 4, 1964. What does the CSL have to say to us today and how do recent liturgical documents relate to it? To what extent has the vision of the CSL been realized? 95 Blessings and Challenges of Catholic Family Life Today Pamela Elsey Come, hear, and share some blessings and challenges of building and nurturing a strong Catholic family life. We will discuss some practical suggestions to pass on the faith to our children within our secular culture today. 96 La evangelización a la comunidad hispana hoy día: retos y oportunidades Tomás Evans Una dinámica presentación de como implementar la evangelización a la comunidad hispana, vencer los obstáculos preestablecidos por los mitos y así abrir la puerta a compartir de fe real, profundo viviendo nuestra fe en una sociedad multicultural, recordando que somos una iglesia y un cuerpo de Cristo. 97 The Good News: The Gospel and Justice Isabel Caridad Fernández, PhD “The apostolic mission must always include two aspects: preaching the word of God and manifesting His goodness with acts of charity, service and dedication... This remains the mandate of the Church: she does not preach what the powerful want to hear.” Benedict XVI. We will explore the apostolic mission of the church: we go out showing charity to those in need, and we speak truth to the powerful. 98 Reaching the Adolescent: Engaging the “Me” Group Jackie Flanigan, EdD This workshop explores the specific needs of the adolescent, the “me”-focused age that often results in resistance. This session will explore strategies and discuss adolescent development to make reaching this special group more rewarding. 99 Catholic Identity and You Henry Fortier Catechists bring the light of faith to others whether serving in a parish, Catholic school, or extra-parochial ministry arena. The effective catechist models Catholic identity by knowing and living the faith with enthusiasm in ways that are transformative to others. Explore ways that Catholic identity can add depth to your ministry as a catechist. Consider new approaches to inspire others in the faith. (15) 100 The Liturgical Calendar: Roadmap of Life, Faith, & Catechesis Marie Gallo-Lethcoe Understanding the Liturgical Calendar as the rhythm of our lives becomes a challenge in a world dictated by the secular calendar and holidays. This workshop will walk participants through the liturgical year and give theological insights and practical activities that one can use in almost any catechetical setting. 101 El Catecismo Como Instrumento de la Nueva Evangelización Rev. Esaú N. Garcia Este taller presentará una metodología de lectura del Catecismo como instrumento de evangelización. 102 Sacraments Out of Order: How it Affects Parish Sacramental Preparation Sr. Linda Gaupin, CDP, PhD The issue of the proper order of the initiation sacraments as found in the RCIA and the order of the initiation sacraments plus first reconciliation for those baptized Catholic in infancy causes much confusion to catechists, parents and parishioner alike. How do we remain true to our theology, respectful of our history, and pastorally responsive to our adults and children seeking to be initiated into the Catholic faith? 103 Los Sacramentos de Iniciación en el Derecho Canónico Rev. J. Fernando Gil, JD, JCD Este taller se enfocara en el estudio de los Sacramentos de Iniciación, instituidos por el Señor Jesús y confiados a su Iglesia. Como acciones de Cristo y de la Iglesia, son signos y medios a través de los cuales se expresa y fortalece nuestra fe, rendimos culto a Dios, y se efectúa la santificación de la humanidad en un espíritu de comunidad. Especial atención se dará a los requisitos canónicos para la celebración valida y licita de los sacramentos. Session 4 Workshops 104 Discipleship-Building: Practical Ways to Bring a Passion for Christ to Others Rick Grinstead Jesus didn’t bring a new program; he ushered in God’s reign. In this workshop, explore ways to inspire that spirit with innovative and practical ideas to engage young people today. 105 Sharing Faith through Story Dan Hardester As Catholic Christians, we live our lives in communion with the Gospel of Christ. In our life stories, we understand the stories of Jesus. Our daily struggles, our human losses and moments of liberation find meaning in our dying and rising with Christ. Dan connects personal stories and poems, and other works of art, with scenes from the Gospel stories. 106 Come Away to a Quiet Place and be Refreshed Kathy Hendricks The desert is where Jesus prepared to begin his public ministry. The mountaintop is where he was transfigured. In this session, we will explore these landscapes and other scriptural landscapes as symbolic of the refreshment and renewal we need as we carry out our ministry. This session will not only provide a small oasis in your day, but also offer ideas on finding quiet places in the midst of daily life. 107 Eschatology: The End of the Beginning Rev. Timothy LaBo, PhD This workshop will explore the current Church teaching on the end of time for Catholic believers, as well as propose some challenging applications of what we espouse. Additionally, eschatological beliefs will be examined in light of theological consistency and pastoral integrity. (16) 108 Growing in Faith: Catholic and Confident Deacon Henry Libersat True faith draws you into the very intimate embrace of the Trinity and propels you into the ministry and mission of Christ and his Church. Confident faith is unshakable. This deep, relational faith in God can transform you and your parish into a beacon of hope for all who seek love and truth. True stories will demonstrate that faith is active, not passive. 109 Children in the Catechumenate: It’s a Family Affair Pat Markusic We will journey though the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults as adapted for children of catechetical age. This Rite provides the steps needed for our children to prepare for the Easter Sacraments. Through conversation and “hands on” activities we will explore the richness of our role, and the role of the family, in ministry that comes from the RCIA. Together we walk in faith with our families. 110 Structure for Success: Tips that Replace “Survive” with “Thrive” Patricia M. McCormack, IHM, EdD Make the most effective use of time within the Religious Education class by Structuring for Success. Session participants will consider “housekeeping tips,” grouping activities, classroom routines, student behavior plans, teaching procedures, and ways to organize the classroom environment for success. 111 Small Christian Communities: Not Another Church Program but a Way of Being Church Deacon Mike McElwee, PhD What is a Small Christian (Church) Community? Where did this idea come from; where is it going? Session will explore the background of SCC’s, with practical suggestions on how this way of being church can enhance life-long faith growth. Session 4 Workshops 112 Formados como discípulos por toda a vida Claudia McFadden & Vanessa Russo Somos chamados a caminhar com os demais para formá-los na fé, porém sempre reconhecendo que nós mesmos ainda estamos em processo de formação. Na convivência com Cristo nosso Mestre, somos continuamente formados como discípulos amados. 113 Catholic for LiFFe: A Parish Approach to Sustaining Lifelong Faith Formation Dan McGowan This workshop will help you understand the need for Lifelong Faith Formation, how to incorporate it into your parish without starting a new program, and some specific strategies that can help you get started. This workshop, though designed for church leaders, is open to everyone interested in Lifelong Faith Formation. 114 Marketing Ministry: A Guide for Getting Noticed Dawn Melcher Parishes and Catholic Schools do exceptional work and provide tremendous value to their communities. Too often, they under communicate the good that they are doing and lose opportunities to attract members, engage stakeholders, and foster enthusiasm. In this workshop, you will learn why marketing is an important part of your ministry. We’ll discuss the basic building blocks to creating a successful marketing program and explore simple ways to increase the visibility of your ministry. (17) 115 Inculturation and Catechesis Daniel S. Mulhall One of the major challenges that catechists face is how to proclaim the Gospel and the teaching of the Church in such a way that the people whom they catechize will hear the message, understand it, and make every effort to live it. This challenge is made very difficult by the differences in culture that exist in the United States today. This presentation will look at the meaning of the word “inculturation,” consider its importance to the work of catechesis, and provide concrete examples about what people can do to proclaim Christ and the Church more fruitfully in today’s world. 116 The New Evangelization: Learning Throughout the Life Cycle Heidi J. Peckham, LMHC The term Evangelization was a very Protestant word when I was growing up. I had to take myself back to school to learn about this NEW Evangelization and were my eyes opened! Now I like to share what I have learned. Bring your notebook and your sense of humor. 117 Listening to God: Prayer and Discernment Kathleen Power, SSJ The ability to find God’s voice and be attentive to it is essential in the life of every Christian, but most especially the catechist. As one who walks with others on the journey of faith, a catechist also needs to be able to help others find and be attentive to God’s voice. Discover ways to discern and listen to God’s murmur in your soul and explore ways to help support others in doing the same. 118 Session 4 Workshops 119 All Ministry is Relational: Managing Groups Carol Stanton, PhD Groups have personalities of their own and personalities within. This workshop will give you some “basics” on managing groups; sharing of Case Studies on common group challenges; and a “hands on” group process. 120 Attention, Please! Engaging Children and Youth in a Culture of Distractions Joseph D. White, PhD A particular challenge catechists face today is how to engage and maintain the attention of children during learning sessions. In an age of fastmoving electronic media, multi-tasking, and shorter attention spans, how can we help kids be tuned-in and involved with the Gospel? This session, presented by a veteran catechist and child psychologist, will discuss proven strategies for getting -- and keeping -- the attention of children and teens in a group setting. Gift Basket Raffle Once again we will have our Gift Basket Raffle sponsored by our Faith Formation Deanery Associations. Cost: 1 Ticket $1.00 3 Tickets $2.00 10 Tickets $5.00 Advocacy and Justice: Two Feet of Discipleship Must be present to win. Tickets will be drawn during the closing event. Deborah Stafford Shearer Personal conversion and social transformation are foundational elements to walking the path of discipleship. This session will introduce the “pastoral circle” for analyzing social issues from the framework of our faith and give some practical applications for building communities of “Salt and Light.” (18) Speaker Bios Biografías ● Biografia ● tiểu sử danh nhân Margie Garland-Aguilar Rev. José Bautista Mrs. Aguilar has served the Office of Catholic Schools since August 2006 as the Director for Instructional Technology and is responsible for the overall planning and execution of the instructional technology needs in the diocesan schools. Margie graduated from the University of Central Florida (UCF) with a BS in Industrial Engineering. Prior to her current position, Margie worked at UCF for seven years as the Coordinator for the Faculty Multimedia Center and Network Manager for the Office of Instructional Resources. Presenting Workshops 1 & 85 Fr. José Bautista was born in Colombia, and is in his 21st year of priesthood. Since June 2003 Fr. José serves as the Pastor of St. Catherine of Sienna in Kissimmee. Previous parish assignments included St. Paul’s in Daytona Beach, Our Lady of Lourdes in Melbourne, and St Francis of Assisi in Apopka. Fr. Jose studied at St John Vianney College Seminary in Miami, and the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. He holds a BA in Philosophy, and in Canon Law, a MA in Religious Studies and Theology, and License Degree in Canon Law. Presenting Workshops 4 (in Spanish) & 39 (in Spanish) Skip Bacon Joseph E. Belinski, PhD Skip Bacon currently serves as a director of religious education at Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church in the Diocese of Rockford, Illinois which is near Chicago. Skip has nearly 10 years of parish experience, with a particular focus on Hispanic Ministry and Whole Parish Catechesis. She graduated from the University of Notre Dame with undergraduate degrees in theology and Spanish and a MA in theology. (Sponsored by Our Sunday Visitor) Skip Bacon sirve como directora de educación religiosa de Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo Iglesia Católica en la Diócesis de Rockford cerca de Chicago, Illinois. Skip ha trabajado por casi 10 años en las iglesias Católicas con su énfasis en el Ministerio Hispano y la Catequesis de Toda la Parroquia. Ella tiene una diploma en teología y español y una maestría en teología de la Universidad de Notre Dame. Presenting Workshops 38 & 62 (in English) & 86 in Spanish) Dr. Belinski has served as Director of School Planning at the Diocese of Orlando since 2009. Prior to joining the Diocese, he completed a career in the U.S. Navy as a pilot, reaching the rank of Captain. His previous experiences include: working as a professor at Annapolis, serving as curriculum chair for a 4 year international college, and serving as a director of the Navy’s Seahawk (Blackhawk) Flight Training University. He holds degrees from the U.S. Naval Academy, Golden Gate University, the U.S. Naval War College, a Ph.D. from Barry University, and is designated a government Education and Training Specialist. Presenting Workshop 5 Mike Baker Mike Baker is currently Director of Faith Formation at St. Isaac Jogues Parish in Orlando. Originally trained as an engineer, Mike was one of the first people in the country to receive a Masters in Religious Education degree from the Loyola University New Orleans Extension program. Presenting Workshops 3 & 87 Rev. Benjamin Berinti, CPpS, PhD Rev. Ben Berinti ministers on the pastoral staff of the Diocese of Orlando San Pedro Spiritual Development Center. Fr. Berinti has served as a university professor of theology and humanities, a campus minister, and a parish pastor. Presenting Workshops 6, 63 &88 (19) Mike Buckler Mary Birmingham Mary Birmingham currently serves as the Director of Liturgy and Music and Christian Initiation at Ascension Parish in Melbourne, Florida. Mary graduated from St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN with a MA in Liturgy and Theology. Mary is a team member of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. She is a clinician on an international, national and diocesan level in the area of initiation, sacramental and liturgical catechesis. Mrs. Birmingham is also the author of Word and Worship Workbook for Years A, B and C (Paulist Press, 1998, 1999, 2000); Year Round Catechumenate (LTP, 2002); Formed in Faith, WLP, 2012; Web resources: Faith, Life and Creed, and Come to the Table: Pastoral Planning, 2010 and numerous articles in various liturgical periodicals. Presenting Workshops 7 & 89 Stephanie Bosse Stephanie Bosse has worked with the Office of Advocacy and Justice as the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Program Coordinator and Fair Trade Ambassador since 2006. Stephanie provides regular contributions to the Florida Catholic, assists in developing retreats for parishes that are published by CRS to educate about Fair Trade, presents workshops locally and nationally, and is the first CRS recognized Fair Trade Ambassador in the United States. Presenting Workshop 40 Jody Breaud Jody Breaud currently serves as the Parish Faith Formation Director at Corpus Christi Parish in Celebration, Florida. Jody’s previous experiences include serving as the Associate Director for Diocesan Catechist Certification Program for the Diocese of Orlando, a Catholic School Teacher, a youth minister, a Director of Religious Education, and a Pastoral Associate. Jody graduated from Loyola University in New Orleans with a MA in Pastoral Studies. She was commissioned in lay ministry through the ministry formation program offered by Diocese of St. Augustine and St. Leo’s College. Presenting Workshop 90 Mike Buckler serves as the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Ormond Beach. Additionally, he teaches catechist and youth ministry training courses for the Diocese of Orlando, as well as Notre Dame’s online Satellite Theological Education Program (STEP). Mike has over ten years of experience in youth ministry, including involvement in a number of Catholic schools, parish youth ministries, and retreat programs. Presenting Workshops 8, 64 & 91 Rev. Joseph Dung Bui Fr. Joseph Dung Bui currently serves the Vietnamese Catholic Community in Brevard County, and has held this role since 2004. Previously he served in several parishes, including Divine Mercy, St. Charles Borromeo, and St. Peter Church before going to Holy Name of Jesus Church in Indialantic. Fr. Joseph was ordained to the priesthood in 1995. Linh mục Giuse Bùi Dũng đã tốt nghiệp Đại Chủng Viện Thánh Vincent de Paul với bằng Cao Học Thần. Cha đã chịu chức linh mục năm 1995. Cha đã làm cha phó ở các giáo xứ Divine Mercy, St. Charles Borromeo, và St. Peter trước khi đến giáo xứ Holy Name of Jesus ở Indialantic. Cha còn làm quản nhiệm Cộng Đoàn Việt Nam Công Giáo ở Quận Brevard từ năm 2004. Presenting Workshops 9 (in English) & 65 (in Vietnamese) Thomas J. Burns, LMHC Thomas J. Burns is a licensed therapist in private practice in the Crane’s Roost Lake area of Altamonte Springs. He presents annually at the National Catholic Educators Association convention and is a regular instructor in the Orlando Diocese DCCP program. Thomas has a special interest in the integration of spirituality and psychology, particularly in respect to in the application to Catholic moral theology. Presenting Workshops 10 & 92 Mike Carotta, PhD Dr. Mike Carotta currently serves as a national consultant for Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division, helping develop the new high school texts that reflect the bishops’ framework for adolescent catechesis. Mike is a recognized religious educator who has worked with the spirituality of adolescents for over 35 years. His newest books include two Confirmation resources Spirit and Truth and Have Faith (Twenty-Third Publications) as well as ‘Lincoln Park’ a junior high mystery series with spiritual insights which he has co-authored with theologian John Shea. (Our Sunday Visitor). (Sponsored by Our Sunday Visitor) Presenting Workshops 11, 41 & 92 (20) Rev. Scott M. Circe Pamela Elsey Fr. Scott Circe is presently assigned as the Parochial Administrator at Most Precious Blood Catholic Church in Oviedo. Fr. Scott also serves the diocese as the Director of Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations and is the Director of Campus Ministry at the University of Central Florida. Fr. Scott was ordained for the Diocese of Orlando in 2005. Presenting Workshop 66 Pamela Elsey serves as a consultant for RCL/ Benziger, and is a catechist in the Catechumenate at St. Mary Magdalene Church. Pamela has more than twenty years experience in the field of Catholic and religious education, working with both English and Spanish-speaking communities. Pamela graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a MA in Theological Studies. (Sponsored by RCL/Benziger) Pamela Elsey, una asesora de RCL Benziger, cuenta con más de veinte años de experiencia en el campo de la educación religiosa y católica, sirviendo varias comunidades, tanto en inglés como en español. Recibió su maestría en los Estudios Teológicos de la Universidad de Notre Dame, y ahora vive con su esposo y 3 hijos en Newnan, GA donde ella es catequista de RICA en su parroquia, St. Mary Magdalene. Presenting Workshop 12 (in Spanish) & 95 (in English) James Cooney James Cooney has served as Associate Superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Orlando since 1994. Prior to coming to the Diocese of Orlando he was Assistant Superintendent of Schools in the Diocese of St. Petersburg. He has also been a teacher, guidance counselor and high school principal. Mr. Cooney graduated from the University of South Florida in Tampa with his MA and has a Florida Professional Certificate in Administration and Supervision. Presenting Workshop 67 Rev. Tim Daly Fr. Tim Daly serves as pastor at the Basilica of St. Paul in Daytona Beach, and as the Catholic Campus Minister at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. His previous experience includes working as a college professor. Presenting Workshop 42 Sandra Dooley Sandra Dooley currently serves as the Director of Liturgy at St. Margaret Mary Church in Winter Park. She is an experienced church musician, religious educator and liturgist. For six years Sandra served as the Director of the Office for Worship of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and as a member of the board of directors of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC). She is a member of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission and serves on the board of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. Presenting Workshops 43 & 94 Karen Duffy Karen Duffy has more than 35 years professional experience working with people who have varying degrees of developmental and physical abilities. Karen has 25 years’ experience in the parish setting, with a focus a on sacramental preparation and lifelong learning. Presenting Workshop 44 Tomás Evans Es el Director de la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de Orlando. Casado con Beatriz hace 23 años, padre de dos hijos Geraldine y Christopher y una nieta Isabella. Tomás se graduó en el programa de formación de laicos de la Diócesis de Orlando, CLEM. Además es catequista certificado de la Diócesis de Orlando en los niveles de básico y avanzado. Tomas Evans serves as the Director of Diocesan Hispanic Ministry. He completed the Certified Lay Ecclesial Ministry (CLEM) formation program of Diocese of Orlando, in 2008. Presenting Workshops 13 & 96 (in Spanish) &68 (in English) Isabel Caridad Fernández, PhD Isabel Caridad Fernandez, PhD is currently the Director of Faith Formation at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church in Kissimmee. Isabel is also an instructor for DCCP and CLEM in several areas, including social ethics, scripture, church history, and justice. Isabel received a doctorate in Theology from the University of Dayton. Isabel Caridad Fernández, PhD. es la directora de formación en la fe en la iglesia St. Catherine of Siena en Kissimmee, FL. También es instructora para varios programas en la diócesis de Orlando, incluyendo DCCP (entrenamiento de catequistas) y CLEM (formación de ministros laicos). Ella enseña en los siguientes temas: la ética social, las escrituras sagradas, la historia de la iglesia, la justicia y otras áreas. Isabel recibió su doctorado en teología de la Universidad de Dayton. Presenting Workshop 45 (in Spanish) & 97 (in English) (21) Deacon George A. Ferraioli Linda Gaupin, CDP, PhD Deacon George A. Ferraioli currently serves as a permanent Deacon in the diocese of Orlando at Saint John Neumann Church in South Lakeland. Ordained a permanent Deacon in 2011, Deacon George has served as a catechist for First Communion preparation for four years at St. John Neumann Church. Deacon George graduated from St. Leo University with a MA in Theology. Presenting Workshop 69 Sister Linda Guapin, PhD. is the former Senior Director of the Office of Religious Education for the Diocese of Orlando. She is one of the nation’s premiere theologians on sacramental and liturgical theology. Sister Linda worked for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops prior to coming to Orlando. She is an accomplished author and currently serves as the Parish Catechetical Leader at the Parish of Saint John Vianney in Orlando. Presenting Workshops 72 & 102 Jackie Flanigan, EdD Dr. Jackie Flanigan is Associate Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Orlando. She holds an Ed.D. and M.Ed in Curriculum & Instruction from the University of Central Florida and a graduate certificate in Middle Level Instruction. Presenting Workshops 14 & 98 Rev. J. Fernando Gil, JD, JCD Henry Fortier Justo Gonzalez presently serves as Director of Mission Integration & Engagement for the Mission Office. Justo earned his Bachelor’s degree in Media Communications from Medaille College in Buffalo, NY. He also holds three Master’s degrees in Divinity (M.Div.) from the Iliff School of Theology, Denver, CO (Methodist Seminary), Pastoral Ministry (M.S.P.M.) from Christ the King Seminary, Diocese of Buffalo, NY and Social Administration (Counseling) from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Justo obtuvo su bachillerato en Comunicaciones de Medaille College en Buffalo, NY. También posee tres maestrías en Divinidad (M.Div.) de la Escuela de Teología Iliff, Denver, CO (Seminario Metodista), en Ministerios Pastorales (M.S.P.M.) en el Seminario Cristo el Rey de la Diócesis de Buffalo, NY y en Administración Social (Consejería) de la Universidad Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, OH. Actualmente, sirve como Director de Misiones de Integración y Compromiso en la Oficia de Misión de la Diócesis de Orlando. Presenting Workshop 16 (in Spanish) & 73 (in English) Henry Fortier currently serves as Secretary of Faith Formation and Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Orlando. He is responsible for the oversight of faith formation serving more than 45,000 children and young people in both Catholic schools and parish religious education programs. He is also responsible for the oversight of five high schools, one special education school, and 31 elementary schools. His past experiences include serving in the Archdioceses of New York and Baltimore, serving in Latin America, being an adjunct professor at Fordham University, as well as serving as counselor, chaplain, teacher and principal, and Associate Superintendent. Presenting Workshops 46 & 99 Marie Gallo-Lethcoe Marie Gallo-Lethcoe currently works as a Theology teacher at Father Lopez Catholic High School in Daytona Beach and is a consultant for the William H. Sadlier Company. Marie has worked in the Diocese of Orlando for the past 27 years in several roles, including Youth Minister, DRE, Campus Minister, and Pastoral Associate. Marie graduated from the University of Dayton with a MA in Theology. Presenting Workshops 70 & 100 Rev. Esaú N. Garcia Padre Esaú N. García fue ordenado Sacerdote en el año 1987 por el Papa Juan Pablo II. STL de la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana. Es Pastor de Holy Cross desde el año 2003. Presentando 15, 71 y 101 El Padre Gil, sacerdote de la Diócesis de Orlando, se desempeña como Vicario Judicial. Posee doctorados en Teología y Derecho Canónico. Presentando 47 y 103 Justo González, II Deacon Dave Gray Deacon Dave Gray currently serves as the Director of the Permanent Diaconate for the Diocese of Orlando and Coordinator for the Diocesan Ministry to the Incarcerated. Deacon Dave’s past experience includes having spent 20 years in the United States Air Force between 1974 and 1994, and ten years working in industry as an Accountant and Contracts/Procurement Manager. Deacon Dave was ordained a deacon on June 11, 2005 and speaks at various parish missions and young adult events. Presenting Workshops 17 & 74 (22) Rick Grinstead Deacon Robert Kinsey Rick Grinstead currently serves as the faith formation director and youth minister at Saint Peter Parish in DeLand Florida as well as the campus minister at Stetson University. He has worked in the field of youth and young adult ministry for over 20 years. Presenting Workshop 104 Bob Kinsey has been a permanent deacon for 28 years for the Diocese of Orlando and Diaconal Director for 20 years. Deacon Kinsey is a retired Major in U.S.M.C. Reserve and a retired insurance executive with a C.L.U. and CHFC BA Degree from St. Peter University, Jersey City, N.J. Presenting Workshop 20 Dan Hardester Denise Kriscunas Dan Hardester currently serves as Secretary of the Evangelization Secretariat for the Diocese of Orlando. In this capacity, Dan directs the Media Resource Center and coordinates the activities of several offices, including Advocacy & Justice, Buena Nueva FM, Hispanic Ministry and Mission Integration & Engagement. He is also a Secular Franciscan member of Lady Poverty Fraternity, and a parishioner of Nativity Catholic Church. Dan is a graduated from Loyola University New Orleans Institute for Ministry Extension (LIMEX) with a MA in Religious Education. Presenting Workshop 105 Denise Kriscunas currently serves as the Director of Faith Formation at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish. She has more than 10 years experience in the parish setting and serves as a DCCP instructor. Prior to that she was a Walt Disney World Cast Member in Human Resources. She graduated from the Loyola University LIMEX program with a MA. Presenting Workshop 48 Kathy Hendricks Kathy Hendricks is a national consultant for William H. Sadlier and a contributing writer for their materials, including the We Believe with Project Disciples catechetical program. She offers talks and retreats on topics of catechesis, everyday spirituality, and family and is author of the books, Everything About Parish Ministry I Wish I Had Known, A Parent’s Guide to Prayer, and A Prayerbook for Catechists. (Sponsored by Sadlier) Presenting Workshops 18, 58 & 106 Rev. Chris Hoffmann Fr. Chris Hoffman has taught adult education at the parish and diocesan level for over 20 years. He has helped prepare deacons and lay ecclesial ministers. He has also taught at the high school and elementary level. Fr. Hoffman has been ordained 25 years and has served at nine different assignments. He is a retired chaplain in the US Air Force reserve. Presenting Workshop 19 Dennis Keller Dennis Keller currently serves as the Director of Mary Mother Church which is an organization comprised of Missionaries of the Liturgy. The organization works for the bishops by helping people pray. Dennis currently works at St. Augustine Parish at the University of Florida in liturgy and music. Mr. Keller has served as the Music Director for the Institute for Priestly Formation, as well as Campus Minister for Arizona State University, and Liturgical Director for St. Timothy Parish in Mesa, Arizona. Presenting Workshop 75 Rev. Timothy LaBo, PhD Fr. Tim LaBo currently serves as Pastor of Holy Redeemer Church in Kissimmee. Fr. Tim has been a priest of the Diocese of Orlando for 26 years and has served in various capacities including Director of HIV/ AIDS Ministry for our Diocese, Reserve Navy Chaplain, Pastor, and Executive Editor of the Florida Catholic. He holds degrees in Biological Sciences, Theology, and Education. Presenting Workshops 21 & 107 Deacon Henry Libersat Deacon Henry Libersat ministers at St. Mary Magdalen Parish, Altamonte Springs and also serves as chaplain for the Winter Springs Police Department. Deacon Henry is the author of several books, including his latest by Servant Books Catholic and Confident. He is the award-winning editor of The Florida Catholic (retired). He was ordained to the diaconate in 1986. Presenting Workshops 22,76 & 108 Heather Lusher Heather Lusher is a catechist at Most Precious Blood Catholic Church, where she tries to integrate her Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) training into a traditional Faith Formation program as much as possible. She completed her CGS Level I training while living near Pittsburgh, PA and was able to experience the joy of listening to God with children in an atrium there. After relocating to Florida, she has kept CGS burning in her heart and has been looking for ways to share her CGS training and experience. Presenting Workshop 23 (23) Rey Malavé Rey Malavé is currently a Consultant of Hispanic Youth & Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Orlando. He has been involved in this ministry for more than 31 years. He served as the president of the National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana (La Red) from 1999 to 2005. He was the National Chairman for the First National Encuentro of Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry in 2006. In 2006 he received the Archbishop Flores Medal award from the USCCB Bishops’ Committee of Hispanic Affairs for his work throughout the years. He also received the National Youth Ministry Award for Multicultural Gifts given by National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry. Presenting Workshop 49 Dan McGowan Dan McGowan currently serves as the Director of Faith Formation at the Church of the Resurrection in Lakeland. Dan has more than 25 years experience in this role through his service at several parishes. Dan graduated from Fordham University with a MA in Religious Education. (Sponsored by Sadlier) Presenting Workshops 26 & 113 Dawn Melcher Dawn Melcher currently serves as the Regional Marketing Director for Brevard County Catholic Schools. In this role she creates marketing and communications programs to increase awareness, Pat Markusic retention, and enrollment in the county’s nine Catholic Pat Markusic presently serves in full time ministry schools. Dawn has 19 years experience in marketing, at Nativity Catholic Church as a Pastoral Associate. communications and public relations. She has She has served in ministry in the diocese for almost 30 received awards for marketing work. Mrs. Melcher years. Her studies from Loyola include liturgy and the possesses a BSBA with a major in marketing and a Catechumenate. minor in computer science from the University of Presenting Workshops 50 & 109 Central Florida. Presenting Workshop 114 Patricia M. McCormack, IHM, EdD Dr. Patricia M. McCormack, IHM is an Deacon Felix Montanez international formation education consultant. Her Diacono Felix Montanez ordenado en la Diócesis practical experiences in education include both de Orlando hace 5 años. Actualmente sirve en la classroom and administration experience at the Parroquia St. Maximilian Kolbe, en Avalon Park. elementary, secondary, and college levels. In addition to a bachelor’s degree in theology and sociology and a Presentando 52 master’s degree in K-8 education, she holds a Daniel S. Mulhall doctorate in private school administration. Daniel S. Mulhall currently serves as the Director (Sponsored by Pflaum) of Professional Development and Hispanic Catechesis Presenting Workshops 24, 77 & 110 for RCL Benziger, a publisher of Catholic catechetical materials. For nearly 10 years Dan served as the Deacon Michael J. McElwee, PhD Assistant Secretary for Catechesis and Inculturation Deacon Mike McElwee presently serves as the for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Director of Ministries and Adult Education at Presenting Workshops 27, 53 & 115 Ascension Parish in Melbourne, and is an Adjunct Faculty member with Loyola University in New Daisy Nassis Orleans. Deacon Mike has served as retreat director, Daisy Nassis serves as the Director of Youth youth minister and DRE on the parish and diocesan Ministry for St. Margaret Mary Parish in Winter Park. level in Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware. Her past experiences include teaching world history in Presenting Workshops 51 & 111 Oklahoma, summers serving on staff with Catholic Heart Work Camp, and teaching English in Moshi, Claudia McFadden & Vanessa Russo Tanzania. Daisy’s focus is on working with young Claudia McFadden é coordenadora da Renovação adolescents. Carismática Católica na Florida, com anos de experiência em pregação e formação. Vanessa Russo é Presenting Workshop 54 ministra eclesial pela Diocese de Orlando, coordenadora dos grupos do ‘Porque Ser Católico?’ em Português, com foco pastoral em catequese e formação para adultos. Presenting Workshops 25, 78 & 112 all in Portuguese (24) Heidi J. Peckham, LMHC Heidi Peckham currently serves as Secretary of the Secretariat for Pastoral Ministries for the Diocese of Orlando. Heidi has extensive experience with formation at the parish and diocesan level. In addition to her ministry experience, Heidi is also a licensed mental health counselor. She speaks at retreats and workshops in both the world of business and the world of ministry. Heidi is also a Secular Franciscan. Mrs. Peckham graduated from the University of Central Florida with a MA. Presenting Workshops 28 & 116 Basil H. Pflumm, Brig. Gen USAF (Ret.) Basil Pflumm has been active for many years in various Catholic parishes – also serving in the diocesan synod and as liaison the Loyola University of New Orleans’ Institute for Ministry where he received a Master of Pastoral Studies in 2002. Basil’s past experiences include serving in the US Air Force from 1959 to 1989 retiring as the Deputy Auditor General and Commander of the Air Force Audit Agency, and being a professional accountant. Presenting Workshop 79 Sister Kathleen Power, SSJ Sr. Kathleen has been the Associate Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Orlando for the past six years. She is also Director of Vocations for her community the Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine, Florida. Sister Kathleen travels the state of Florida helping women and men discern their call to ministry and vocation. Presenting Workshop 117 Rev. Ybain Ramirez Nacido en Venezuela, de padres muy cristianos. Comencé mi educación en Venezuela; culmine mis estudios en Colombia. Soy muy feliz de servir al Señor, como Sacerdote. Actualmente soy el párroco de la parroquia de “San Agustín”, en Casselberry, Florida Presentando 29 y 55 Rev. Fred R. Ruse Fr. Ruse serves full-time with the mission communities in the Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana in the Dominican Republic. Fr. Ruse has been a priest of the Diocese of Orlando for 36 years including time ministering as pastor of both St. Matthew in Winter Haven and St. Paul in Daytona Beach. Padre Fred es un sacerdote de la Diócesis de Orlando asignado a nuestra diócesis aliada en la República Dominicana. Él fue ordenado en mayo de 1976 y es native de Ormond Beach, Florida. Presenting Workshops 30 (in English) & 56 (in Spanish) Gigi Santiago Gigi Santiago currently serves as a Co-Manager of Family Life and Pastoral Care for the Diocese of Orlando. Gigi has been engaged in ministry for more than 20 years, with a particular focus on marriage and family ministry. Gigi obtained her Masters in Pastoral Studies (focus on Small Christian Communities) in 2002; in 2011, she completed the Audire Spiritual Direction Formation Program. Presenting Workshops 31 & 80 Brother Paul Santoro, OFM Br. Paul Santoro currently serves as Campus Minister at Santa Fe Catholic High School in Lakeland. He graduated from Fordham University, The Bronx, NY with a MA in Religion and Religious Education. Br. Paul’s past experiences span several states and include teaching religion, serving as DRE, and Campus Minister. Presenting Workshop 81 Rev. A. Giles Schinelli, TOR Fr. Giles currently serves as the Director of San Pedro Center, the Spiritual Development Center for the Orlando Diocese. He has been an educator all his ministerial life and has taught in high school, college and parish settings. He is also a past President of the Franciscan Federation of Sisters and Brothers of the Third Order Regular. Presenting Workshop 32 Rev. David Scotchie Fr. David Scotchie currently serves as the founding pastor of Saint Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church. He has a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from the Aquinas Institute of Theology, a Master of Science in Management from UCF, and Master of Divinity and Master of Arts from St. Meinrad School of Theology. He was ordained in 1993 for the Diocese of Orlando. Presenting Workshops 33, & 82 Deborah Stafford Shearer Deborah currently serves as the Director of Advocacy and Justice for the Diocese of Orlando. Deborah has been with the Diocese for 21 years, focusing on the full implementation of the social mission of the Church in our parishes. Presenting Workshops 83 & 118 (25) Carol Stanton, PhD Joseph D. White, PhD Dr. Carol Stanton currently serves as a coDirector of CLEM (Commissioned Lay Ecclesial Ministry) Formation Program. She is also Director of Marketing and New Program Development at San Pedro Center. Carol teaches, and leads retreats and staff development days across the diocese. She holds an MA in Religious Education, an MPhil in Ecumenics and a PhD in Theology (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland). Presenting Workshops 34, 59 & 119 Dr. Joseph White currently serves as a National Catechetical Consultant for Our Sunday Visitor. Joseph is a clinical psychologist and a former parish director of religious education. He is the author of several books on catechesis, including Seven Secrets of Successful Catechists, Catechist’s Companion: Multisensory Methods in Catechesis, Catechists for All Children, and Burnout Busters: Stress Management for Ministry. Dr. White has taught catechetics through the Institute for Religious and Pastoral Studies at the University of Rev. Jorge Torres Dallas and pastoral guidance in the School of Padre Jorge Torres es el director de vocaciones Theology at the University of St. Thomas in para la Diócesis de Orlando. Houston. (Sponsored by Our Sunday Visitor) Presentando 35 Presenting Workshops 37, 61 & 120 Very Rev. Robert Webster Ivy Wick Fr. Bob Webster currently serves as the pastor of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Clermont and Director of Liturgy for the Diocese of Orlando. He was ordained by Bishop Thomas Grady at St. James Cathedral on May 31, 1986. Father Bob was responsible for the renovation of St. Paul Catholic Church in Daytona Beach and its dedication as a basilica in 2006—the first basilica dedicated in the U.S. by Pope Benedict XVI. For his efforts he was named proto canon of the Basilica. Presenting Workshop 36 & 60 Ivy Wick currently serves as a Theology teacher and as the Theology Department Chair at Father Lopez Catholic High School. Ivy has more than 16 years of teaching experience and numerous years in youth ministry, with a focus on engaging young people in faith experiences. Presenting Workshop 84 NCCYM Conference Merchandise! T-shirts, polos and hats will debut at Faith Formation Day. Help us promote the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry, while supporting the Office of Faith Formation in style. Embroidered hats in both blue and black $15 Short Sleeve t’s with logo on the back (both blue and black) Long sleeve t’s with logo on the back, (both blue and black) Pebble Beach Performance polos in blue: men’s and women’s styles $10 $15 $30 Our Exhibitors Pflaum Publishing Group William H. Sadlier, Inc. Loyola Press Pauline Books & Media RCL/Benziger Our Sunday Visitor (26) Henry Liberstat The Florida Catholic Diocese of Orlando Hispanic Ministries Liturgy Training Publications Diocesan Media Center Faith Formation Day 2012 Saturday, September 15, 2012 Bishop Moore High School Registration Form Use one form per person. Make as many copies of the form as needed. The registration form is two pages long. Complete both pages. Registration for the Workshops are on the next page. Seating is limited. You must register in advance. Workshop assignments are made on a “first come first served” basis. Register early if you want your first choice of workshops. Cost per person is $30 (includes continental breakfast & box lunch) Registration Deadline is Friday, August 31, 2012 by 12:00PM Payment must accompany each form Make out checks to “Diocese of Orlando” Walk-ins: Cost is $35 and admission is not guaranteed. Name PRINT your name as you would like it to appear on your name tag Parish Name & City Email Send all registration forms to: Faith Formation Day Office of Faith Formation P.O. Box 1800 Orlando, FL 32802 Phone Respond only if you require a vegetarian lunch Yes, I prefer a vegetarian box lunch Respond only if you plan to come but do not plan to attend any workshops No, I will not be attending any workshops (27) Workshop Registration Form Your Name___________________________ Your Parish___________________________ Please indicate your first and second choice for each workshop session. Not all workshops are offered at all sessions. You should choose a total of three workshops and a time for lunch. Workshop Session 1: 10:30am–11:30am: First Choice: Workshop Workshop Number__________ Workshop Title: Second Choice Workshop Number__________ Workshop Title: ________________________ _______________________________ Workshop Session 2: Session 1 Workshops #1 thru #37 11:45am–12:45am Choose either lunch or a Session 2 Workshop LUNCH and exhibits First Choice Workshop Number__________ Workshop Title: Second Choice Workshop Number__________ Workshop Title: ________________________ _______________________________ Workshop Session 3: Session 2 Workshops #38 thru #61 1:00pm–2:00pm Choose either lunch or a Session 3 Workshop LUNCH and exhibits First Choice Workshop Number__________ Workshop Title: Second Choice Workshop Number__________ Workshop Title: ________________________ _______________________________ Workshop Session 4: Session 3 Workshops #62 thru #84 2:15pm-3:15pm First Choice Workshop Number__________ Workshop Title: Second Choice Workshop Number__________ Workshop Title: _______________________________ _______________________________ (28) Session 4 Workshops #85 thru #120 Día de Formación de Fe Sábado 15 de septiembre 2012 Bishop Moore High School Formulario de Registro Use un formulario por persona. Haga cuantas copias necesite. El formulario de registro tiene dos páginas. Complete ambas. Para registrarse en los talleres complete la información que se encuentra en la siguiente hoja. Capacidad limitada. Regístrese con tiempo. Los espacios disponibles de los talleres serán asignados a los asistentes por orden de llegada. Regístrese pronto si desea asegurar su asistencia a un taller específico. El costo por persona son $30 (incluye desayuno continental y almuerzo liviano) Fecha límite para registrarse es el viernes 31 de agosto del 2012 hasta las 12:00PM. Cada formulario debe enviarse con su pago. Haga los cheques a nombre de “Diocese of Orlando” El costo en la puerta será de $35 y no se garantiza la admisión. Nombre Escriba su nombre como desea que aparezca en su identificación Parroquia Nombre y ciudad Correo Electrónico Envie el formulario de registro a: Faith Formation Day Office of Faith Formation P.O. Box 1800 Orlando, FL 32802 Teléfono Responda sólo si require almuerzo vegetariano Si, prefiero almuerzo vegetariano Responda sólo si desea asistir pero no participar de ningún taller. No, no asistiré ningún taller (29) Formulario de registro para los talleres Nombre___________________________ Parroquia___________________________ Por favor indique cuál es su primera y segunda prefencia para las sesiones de los talleres. No todos los talleres se ofrecerán en todas las sesiones. Usted puede elegir un total de 3 talleres y un tiempo para el almuerzo. Talleres sesión 1: 10:30am–11:30am Primera opción Número del taller__________ Título del taller: Segunda opción Número del taller__________ Título del Taller: ________________________ _______________________________ Talleres sesión 2: Talleres Sesión 1 #1 — #37 11:45am–12:45am Elija almuerzo o sesión 2 de talleres Almuerzo y expo Primera opción Número del taller__________ Título del taller: Segunda opción Número del taller__________ Título del taller: ________________________ _______________________________ Talleres sesión 3: Talleres Sesión 2 #38 — #61 1:00pm–2:00pm Elija almuerzo o sesión 3 de talleres Almuerzo y expo Primera opción Número del taller__________ Título del taller: Segunda opción Número del taller__________ Título del taller: ________________________ _______________________________ Talleres sesión 4: 2:15pm–3:15pm Primera opción Número del taller__________ Título del taller: Segunda opción Número del taller__________ Título del taller: _______________________________ _______________________________ (30) Talleres Sesión 3 #62 — #84 Talleres Sesión 4 #85 — #120