ffiiffixut ffi PUSAT PENGAJIAN SAINS KESIHAIAN SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES 7 { 7hb. September 2014 r".'"1i,.ji::ili ...,. { i-.,' , f,i Profesor Dr Ahmad HajiZakaia) Dekan Pusat Pengajian Sains Kesihatan Kampus Kesihatan :t ' *! i ',,'.. i 1.t; ir: Universiti Sains Malaysia YJhg.Da1olDathP-4ogl-P'{of.Madya/Dr./Tuan/Pua& .1ST UPDATE ON LATEST BPPV MANEWER AND MANAGEMENT, Adalah dengan segala hormatnya saya merujuk keppda'perkara tersebut di atas. 2. Untuk Y. Bhg. Dato/Datin/Prof.iProf. Madya/Dr./Tuan/Puan, Pusat Pengajian Sains Kesihatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia akan menganjurkan bengkel seperti di bawah:Nama Bengkel : 'l't Update on Latest Bppv Maneuver and Management Tarikh : l3hb. November 2014 Masa Tempat : 8.00 pagi Yuran : RM200.00 sahaja (Biasa); : RMI50.00 sahaja (Pelajar - 4.30 petang : Crown Garden Hotel, Kota Bharu Kelantan - sila sertakan salinan kad matrik sebagai bukti) 3. Pihak kami dengan berbesar hati ingin menjemput penyertaan dari semua peringkat untuk menghadiri bengkel seperti di atas. Sehubungan itu, kerjasama pihak Y. Bhg. Dato/Datin/Prof.,1Prof. Madya/Dr./Tuan/Puan adalah dipohon untuk membuat hebahan mengenai progrcm ini kepada semua warga kakitangan di bawah seliaan pihak Y. Bhg. Dato/Datin/Prof./Prof. Madya/Dr./Tuan/Puan. Bengkel ini bertujuan untuk mendedahkan pengetahuan tentang pengurusan pesakit bermasalah keseimbangan badan. Di samping itu, kami juga akan mendedahkan teknik-teknik terkini rehabilitasi vestibular yang boleh membantu pesakit bermasalah keseimbangan badan. Selain itu, mereka akan mempunyai peluang untuk mengambil bahagian dalam sesi, praktikal, setiap ujian vestibular dan latihan keseimbangan badan. Bersama dengan ini disertakan brosur beserta borang pendaftaran untuk rujukan pihak YBhg Y. Bhg. Dato/Datin/Prof./Prof. Madya,/Dr./Tuan/Puan. Sokongan daripada pihak Y. Bhg. Dato/Datin/Prof. / Prof. Madya/Dr./Tuan/Puan, kami dahulukan dengan ucapan jutaan terima kasih. Semoga program yang di rancang dapat berlangsung dengan j ayanya. Sekian, terima kasih. UNTUK NEGARA" rian Hari Esok A BINTI ZAINUN) Senior Medical Lecturer School of Health Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia No. HP :017 -9427395 E-mel : [email protected] XNN*PUS KESIHAtrAT{ HEAIJTH CAMPUS KKeJar*an UniveriitiSainsMaldysia,l6lsol(ubangKefian lel:6o9:767'T51gltilonSleFax6p-7€;?'t515 Laman wcb: hup/www.pps*;u5nrr1t PROF Pusat Pengaiian[;1f;;$tr-; Universlti S*iBr' ib'Go kuuang t<erian Kerantan Mlq rffiffi W -d&ffi ffiMffi ffi Name I 1 f: i' ,l l,: .:r.' : . .: sTi-UpDATE rON, LATEST ffix 'l Wffi ;ffi 'qL4: /ffiffi BppV MAN EUVER '* AND MANAGEMENT 1ST Position UPDATE ON LATEST BPPV MANEUVER AND Audiology Programme, Department School of Health Science, Address lttmncrt-vlrrur Universiti Sains Malaysia, Fax 16150, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan Att: Dr. ZuraidaZainun Email PARTICIPANT {/) Local participants RM Local students RM 150 No. office : 609-767 3801 No Phone : Fax ' 609-7651724 Email : 016-941 1BB3 (Prefered SMS) Date 13 November 2014 {Thursday) Venye Crown Garden Hotel, Kota Bharu Kelantan Organizer Audiology Programme, School of Health [email protected] 2OO Sciences, USM, Co- 0rganizer NOTE: REGISTRATIOhI FEE COVHRS: *, * .#xgx*i a.dffi&ffi Certificate of Participation = Lunch and Refreshment Copy of student card is needed to be attached to the secretariat. Registration fee must be paid before 11 NOVEMBER2O14. All cash/ cheque/ bank draf/ credit card/ Purchase order (PO)/ Local Order (LO) Should be made payable as below: ACCOUNT NAME: USAINS TECH SERVICES SDN BHD Account number: 8006784008 Bank name: CIMB Bank Berhad Emergency Depadment, School of Medical Science, USM. .:.,: i. PAYMENT MTTHOD: il," = Please send a payment proof (cash/cheque deposit, +i fr [email protected] USains Tech Services Sdn. Bhd & Globally, balance disturbances PROGRAMME are common (affecting 1 in 10 people), serious and complicated. Manage- ment of balance disturbances, however, is challenging and controversial. BPPV is one of the most common peripheral B.3OAM vestibular disorders globally. Maneuver is one of the best mode of treatment for BPPV and not a medication alone. Knowledge on the features of this diseases and updated maneuver among medical professional (ORL-HNS, Emergency, Family medicine and other medical related) will improve the detecti-on and man- OB agement of vesiibular disordered patients especially BPPV 09 1sAM Welcoming Speech Workshop Director 45AM I Overview of Vestibular Disorder Dr Mohd Normani Zakarra Chairperson Dr. Zuraida Zainun Co-Chairperson Dr Shaik Farid Abdul Wahab Treasurer Mdm. Ham Siew Ling Sponsorship Dr Zefarina Zulkafli Anatomy of Vestibular (By: Prof. Madya Dr Rosdan Salim) cases in Malaysta specifically. Mr. Mohd Fadzil Nor Rashid Graphic Ms. Siti Nurhanim Abd Zawawi Technical Mr. RosliZakaria (By : Prof Dinsuhaimi Sidek) This workshop will focus on providing essential knowledge regarding the management of BPPV Specifically, participants will be exposed to latest and updated maneuver to treat BPPV. Moreover, they will have an opportunity to participate in the hands-on session and gain experience in perforrn ing the structured balance exercise. We will used the latesf module from The American lnstitute of Balance (AlB). One of the spedker for this workshop alrezidy granted the certificate from AIB on vestibular assessment Recitation of Doa & Advisor and,management. . ) 9.45 AM BPPV (By: Dr. Zuraida Zainun) 1. Prof. Madya Dr Rosdan Salim 10.45 AM Pathophysiology of BPPV (By: Dr. Mohd NormaniZakaria) 11 15 AM Assessment of Vestibular (By: Dr. Zuraida Zainun) 1145AM Audiological Assessment of Vestibular 2. Dr. Mohd NormaniZakaria 3. Prof. Dinsuhaimi Sidek 4. Dr.Zuraida Zainun (Dr Zuraida r's Cerfified By The American lnstitute of balanca in Vestibular Assessmen{ & Management {2A1 4-2Afi) (By: Dr. Mohd NormaniZakaria) To expose the health-related professionals to the management of balance disorders specifically Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Hand on and demostration on Dix Hallpike test, ModiManeuver, Appiani & Cassiani Maneuver, Epley's Maneuver, Roll Test and Barbeque Maneuver. fied Hallpike Test, Gans Repositioning To update the latest knowledge on vestibular assessment and rehabilitation from The American institute of balance. To introduce Bal Ex, the first home-based videomodule for balance exercise, STAND UP latest innovation for balance rehabilitation, Virtual rehabilitation. 12.15 PM Update on Latest BPPV Maneuver (By: Dr, ZuraidaZainun) 01.00 PM Lunch Symposium - ORL Specialists and Medical Officers - Medical Specialists and MedicalOfficers "',3i35Htfu;'j 2.30 PM - Emergency specialist and medical officers Practical Session on Modified Dix Hall pike, Gans Repositioning Maneu ver, Appiani Maneuver, Cassiani and others. (By: Dr. ZuraidaZainun) - Audiologists - Speech Therapists - Physiotherapists - Occupational Therapists Q&A Session - Related paramedics & professionals - lnterested lndividuals (e.9. medical students, audiology students etc.