18. Enjinier Jun2013 - school of materials and mineral resources
18. Enjinier Jun2013 - school of materials and mineral resources
Buletin Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Sumber Mineral Bulletin for the School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering Universiti Sains Malaysia ENJINIER JIL. 15 BIL. 01 No. ISSN: 1511-5275 http://www.usm.my JUN 2013 AKREDITASI PROGRAM AKADEMIK PUSAT PENGAJIAN KEJURUTERAAN BAHAN DAN SUMBER MINERAL Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi (kanan) dan Exco PPKBSM bersama panel Majlis Akreditasi Kejuruteraan (EAC), Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia PELANTIKAN AHLI-AHLI JAWATANKUASA EXCO PPKBSM 2013-2015 Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Exco Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Sumber Mineral (PPKBSM) yang baru telah dilantik berkuatkuasa pada 1 Januari 2013 sehingga 31 Disember 2015. Pelantikan ini terdiri daripada Dekan, tiga orang Timbalan Dekan, tiga orang Pengerusi Rancangan dan Penolong Pendaftar. PPKBSM diketuai oleh Profesor Dr. Hanafi Ismail (FASc) sebagai Dekan, Profesor Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad (Timbalan Dekan-Penyelidikan), Prof. Madya Dr. Syed Fuad Saiyid Hashim (Timbalan Dekan-Akademik) dan Prof. Madya Dr. Hashim Hussin (Timbalan Dekan-Pembangunan Pelajar dan Bahagian Jaringan Industri & Masyarakat). Sementara itu, tiga orang Pengerusi Rancangan pula terdiri daripada Profesor Ir. Dr. Mariatti Jaafar (Kejuruteraan Bahan), Dr. Norlia Baharun (Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral) dan Prof. Madya Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad Ariff (Kejuruteraan Polimer). Seorang pegawai pentadbiran juga dilantik dalam jawatankuasa ini iaitu En. Mior Zulbahri M.Chek (Ketua Penolong Pendaftar). Jawatankuasa ini berperanan dalam memastikan kelancaran fungsi-fungsi pentadbiran, pengurusan dan apa juga yang berhubung dengan pelaksanaan keputusan Universiti. Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 LAPORAN KPI PPKBSM (2012) Pengumpulan data-data KPI PPKBSM tahun 2012 bermula sekitar bulan Julai sehinggalah Disember 2012. Pengumpulan data-data ini adalah penting dalam menentukan samada KPI pusat pengajian berjaya dalam usaha mencapai matlamat di dalam sebuah Universiti Penyelidikan (RU). Penilaian KPI adalah berasaskan kepada Malaysian Research Assessment Instrument II (MyRA II) iaitu satu instrumen penilaian untuk Universiti Penyelidikan Matang. MyRA II memfokuskan kepada kecemerlangan dengan menghasilkan penyelidikan dan modal insan yang lebih berkualiti. Untuk itu, perolehan markah keseluruhan KPI PPKBSM dalam MyRA II adalah sebanyak 67.79 yang mana pencapaian di dalam Seksyen C iaitu Quantity and Quality of Research mencatat markah yang amat baik iaitu sebanyak 45.25 berbanding MyRA I dengan markah 37.50. Catatan markah keseluruhan yang diperoleh dalam MyRA I pula adalah sebanyak 83.40 manakala MyRA sebanyak 116.06. Pencapaian PPKBSM untuk tahun-tahun seterusnya akan terus dipertingkatkan lagi dengan penambahan dari segi output dan impak penyelidikan serta dalam masa yang sama turut memberi impak kepada komuniti atau kepada golongan sasaran. 20-21 Mac 2013 - Program ijazah yang ditawarkan oleh Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Sumber Mineral iaitu Kejuruteraan Bahan, Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral dan Kejuruteraan Polimer telah melalui proses akreditasi oleh pihak Majlis Akreditasi Kejuruteraan (EAC), Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia. Tujuan akreditasi adalah untuk memastikan bahawa program kejuruteraan yang diiktiraf memenuhi keperluan akademik minimum untuk pendaftaran sebagai jurutera siswazah dengan Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia (BEM). Untuk proses akreditasi kali ini, program Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral memohon untuk kitaran baru (new cycle) manakala Kejuruteraan Polimer memohon akreditasi untuk pelanjutan. Panel yang hadir untuk menilai ketiga-tiga progam terdiri dari 3 orang untuk Kejuruteraan Bahan, 2 orang Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral manakala seorang panel untuk Kejuruteraan Polimer. Mereka adalah Ir. Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman Omar, Ir. Dr. Idris Ibrahim, Ir. Rozali Ahmad untuk program Kejuruteraan Bahan, Ir. Prof. Dr. Mohd Zamin Jumaat dan Ir. Prof. Dr. Law Chung Lim untuk program Kej.Sumber Mineral manakala Ir. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Nor Berhan untuk program Kej. Polimer. Proses akreditasi kali ini telah berjalan lancar dan secara umumnya panel berpuas hati tentang program yang ditawarkan oleh PPKBSM walaupun terdapat isu-isu kecil yang dibangkitkan. Proses akreditasi kali ini telah berjalan lancar dan secara umumnya panel berpuas hati tentang program yang ditawarkan oleh PPKBSM walaupun terdapat isu-isu kecil yang dibangkitkan. Ini dapat dilihat dari laporan yang telah dihantar oleh pihak EAC kepada PPKBSM. Kerjasama yang diberikan oleh semua staf akademik dan sokongan telah memastikan kejayaan proses akreditasi ini. 1 Editorial Board Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad (Advisor) Dr. Shah Rizal Kasim (Chief Editor) Profesor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman (kiri) melancarkan buku ‘Kejuruteraan @ USM’ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syed Fuad Saiyid Hashim Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azura A. Rashid Dr. Arjulizan Rusli Dr. Pung Swee Yong THE 5TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND THE 5TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE ON NATURAL RESOURCES AND MATERIALS 2013 (RCM5 & RCNRM5) 21st-23rd January 2013 - The 5th Regional Conference on Materials Engineering and the 5th Regional Conference on Natural Resources and Materials 2013 (RCM5 & RCNRM5) were concurrently organized by School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia at Parkroyal Penang Resort Hotel. Both conferences successfully attracted 128 participants to share their research findings for further improvement of engineering education and research capacity in ASEAN. This echoed well the theme of the conference, i.e. “Innovating Towards the Frontiers of Materials & Minerals Engineering”. It is expected that both fields endeavour not only to spur manpower development and collaborative research in these disciplines but have shown signs of reaching out to industry and community as signalled by the range of participation to the Conference. The success of RCM5 & RCNRM5 was a result of tremendous support and contributions from JICA, ASEAN Foundation, AUN-Seed Net, industrial and state sponsors, and of course, the enthusiastic response from all participants. It is worth mentioning that these conferences concluded the Phase II of AUN/SEED-Net project in ASEAN. PERUTUSAN NAIB CANSELOR 2013 11 Januari 2013 - “BUKU 2013: Mensinergi Ekosfera Universiti Untuk Kecemerlangan” telah dipilih sebagai tema Perutusan Naib Canselor 2013 yang secara dasarnya memperincikan kesediaan dan perancangan USM dalam menghadapi fasa kedua APEX (2014- 2025). Majlis berlangsung di Auditorium, Kompleks Dewan Kuliah, Kampus Kejuruteraan. Berucap di hadapan hampir 500 warga staf dan pelajar Kampus Kejuruteraan, Yang Bhg. Profesor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman turut menyeru warga kampus agar menanamkan sikap menerima kepada memberi tanpa disuruh selain percaya kepada nilai yang pelbagai tetapi matlamatnya seiring dan bertindak dengan menggunakan sepenuh daya upaya, akal budi dan profesionalisme yang tinggi dengan penuh akauntabiliti dan integriti. Bersambung ke m/s 3... Dr. Mohamad Hazizan Mohamad Hashim Ms. Habsah Haliman Assistant Editor Ms. Hasnah Awang Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Fumihiko Konishi (right) receives the souvinier from Prof. Dr. Radzali Othman at RCM5 & RCNRM5 2 ONE-DAY WORKSHOP ON MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION USING XRD 25th April 2013 – One day workshop on materials characterization using XRD has been organized by the School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering (SMMRE) in collaboration with Malaysian X-Ray Application Society (XApp) and SMMRE Postgraduate Students Club (PGSC). Dr. Banjuraizah Johar from Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) was invited as guest speaker. 54 participants comprised of postgraduates and final year students of SMMRE attended the course, assisted by 7 facilitators. The workshop aimed at enhancing the participants’ skills development on XRD characterization, the ability to extract and interpret information from the XRD results as well as understanding the structure and compound of materials The workshop started with a brief introduction on XRD by Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad, followed by the details explanation from Dr. Banjuraizah which includes the practical session on how to do a Rietveld method, phase identification, unit cell refinement and also quantification analysis. All in all, the workshop ended successfully with all the participants thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on tutorial on XRD characterization. It is hoped that this workshop act as a kick-start for future workshops in SMMRE PINGAT EMAS DAN ANUGERAH KHAS DI MTE2013 DAN ITEX2013 21-23 Februari 2013 - Sekalung tahniah diucapkan kepada Prof. Madya Dr. Srimala Sreekantan dan kumpulan penyelidikannya kerana telah berjaya memperolehi pingat emas untuk produk Penyelidikan yang bertajuk “NANOCOAT: Remedy for VOC, bacteria and fungi growing world” di Malaysian Technology Expo (MTE2013) yang telah berlangsung di PWTC. Secara keseluruhan USM telah memenangi 1 Anugerah Khas, 3 Pingat Emas, 8 Pingat Perak dan 1 Pingat Gangsa di pertandingan tersebut. Ucapan tahniah juga kepada tiga “otai” PPKBSM iaitu Profesor Dr. Hanafi Ismail (FASc) dan kumpulan penyelidikannya, Profesor Dr. Radzali Othman dan kumpulan penyelidikannya serta Profesor Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad dan kumpulan penyelidikannya kerana cemerlang di Pameran Reka Cipta Inovasi dan Teknologi Antarabangsa ke 24 (ITEX 2013) yang berlangsung dari 10-12 Mei di Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, KLCC. Profesor Dr. Hanafi Ismail (FASc) telah memenangi Pingat Emas dan Anugerah Khas untuk produk Penyelidikan yang bertajuk “r-RubFoam-A Novel Solution for Global Oil Spills “. Sementara itu Profesor Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 Prof. Dr. Hanafi Ismail (kiri) memenangi Pingat Emas dan Anugerah Khas di ITEX 2013 Dr. Radzali Othman telah memenangi pingat emas untuk produk penyelidikan yang bertajuk TCP.COM. Profesor Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad pula telah memenangi pingat emas untuk produk penyelidikan bertajuk “Porous Medium Stove With Cogeneration”. Warga PPKBSM mengucapkan syabas dan tahniah kepada semua pemenang. BENGKEL SUNTINGAN POSTER & FOTO 15-16 Mei 2013 - Jawatankuasa ICT PPK Bahan & Sumber Mineral & Kelab Sukan & Rekreasi PPK Bahan & Sumber Mineral (KSR PPKBSM), telah menganjurkan Bengkel Suntingan Poster & Foto menggunakan perisian Adobe Photoshop CS6 dan Lightroom di Makmal Komputer PPKBSM disertai 18 orang staf dan pelajar ijazah tinggi. Slot pengisian untuk bengkel kali ini mendedahkan konsep asas, rekabentuk and pengeditan yang boleh diaplikasikan dengan perisian Adobe Photoshop CS6 dan Lightroom. Sesi pengisian bengkel dimulakan dengan pembentangan perkara asas oleh En. Mohd Halim Hassan. Beliau telah menunjukkan maksud simbol-simbol yang terdapat dalam perisian Adobe Photoshop. Program kemudian diteruskan pula dengan sesi pembentangan teknik suntingan foto menggunakan Lightroom oleh En. Khairul Nasrin Abas. Di akhir bengkel semua peserta diminta untuk menyediakan projek mini berbentuk poster dengan tema PPK Bahan & Sumber Mineral. Semoga bengkel selama 2 hari ini dapat membantu para peserta meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran di dalam proses suntingan poster dan foto. Sambungan dari m/s 2.. Perutusan tahun kedua Profesor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman selaku Naib Canselor kali ini secara umumnya merupakan kesinambungan penjenamaan ucapan tahun 2012 yang dinamakan BERSAMA-SAMA UNTUK KECEMERLANGAN UNIVERSITI (BUKU) bertemakan “Menzahirkan Pencapaian”. Majlis turut diserikan dengan penganugerahan watikah lantikan kepada semua Dekan/Pengarah PTJ serta penyampaian penghargaan kepada penerima dana Perolehan USM 2012 oleh staf-staf kampus Kejuruteraan. Pada majlis yang sama, Profesor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman juga turut melancarkan buku ‘Kejuruteraan @ USM’ hasil nukilan dan bakti khidmat warga kampus kejuruteraan USM. Bengkel suntingan poster & foto anjuran jawatankuasa ICT PPKBSM 3 EDUCATIONAL-INTERACTION TRIP MALAYSIA-VIETNAM 26-27 Februari 2013 - Seramai 26 orang pelajar tahun akhir Kejuruteraan Polimer yang turut disertai 10 pensyarah pengiring dan staf sokongan telah mengadakan lawatan ke Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (HCMUT) dan Institut Penyelidikan Getah Vietnam (RRIV). Di HCMUT, berlaku perbincangan berkaitan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta usaha untuk mewujudkan memorandum perjanjian (memorandum of agreement) di antara USM dan HCMUT. Delegasi juga dibawa melawat kemudahan peralatan dan penyelidikan di sana. Di RRIV pula, delegasi diberi pendedahan berkaitan aktiviti penyelidikan terutamanya aktiviti pengklonan getah yang dijalankan di sana. Delegasi juga dibawa melawat Kilang Getah Ben Suc yang menghasilkan blok-blok getah piawaian Vietnam. Lawatan ini telah memberi pengalaman berharga kepada semua ahli delegasi terutamanya pelajar tahun akhir Kejuruteraan Polimer. CERAMAH ETIKA DALAM PEKERJAAN DAN PELANCARAN PROGRAM LENA-BARAKAH 23 Mei 2013 - Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi (KSR) dengan kerjasama JK Kampus Sejahtera PPKBSM telah mengadakan suatu program majlis ilmu dengan menjemput penceramah yang tidak asing lagi iaitu Yang Berbahagia Ustaz Ellias Zakaria dari Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Kemanusiaan. Tajuk ceramah yang disampaikan oleh Ustaz Ellias ialah ‘Etika dalam Pekerjaan’. Program yang bermula pada jam 8.30 pagi ini telah telah dihadiri kirakira 80 orang warga PPKBSM. Di dalam ceramah ini, Ustaz Ellias telah menekankan kepentingan mempunyai etika pekerjaan yang baik supaya hidup kita diberkati di dunia dan di akhirat. Selain daripada itu, ‘Program LenaBarakah’ turut dilancarkan bersempena kehadiran bulan penuh dengan keberkatan iaitu Rejab, Syaaban dan Ramadhan. Program ini bertujuan mengumpulkan dana untuk membeli tilam bagi didermakan kepada rumah anak-anak yatim. Majlis pelancaran telah disempurnakan oleh Dekan PPKBSM, Profesor Dr. Hanafi Ismail (FASc). Semoga amalan yang kita lakukan beroleh ganjaran yang sewajarnya. Lawatan pelajar Kejuruteraan Polimer dan staf akademik ke HCMUT dan RRIV, Ho Chi Minh terdiri daripada pensyarah, juruteknik dan pelajar pasca siswazah. Dr. Tan telah menunjukkan kepelbagaian kaedah yang boleh digunakan dalam perisian ini untuk mendapatkan maklumat perincian daripada setiap sampel yang berbeza. Secara keseluruhannya, bengkel ini telah berjaya memberikan info-info baru dalam dunia analisis pengimejan. MAJLIS PERPISAHAN STAF PPKBSM 16 April 2013 - Satu majlis perpisahan telah diadakan bagi meraikan 3 orang staf PPKBSM iaitu En. Syed Mohamad b. Syed Mohd Yusoff yang berpindah ke Jabatan Pembangunan, Puan Intan Rahayu bt. Mohd Ramli yang berpindah ke PPK Mekanik dan Puan Zurina bt. Md Pazil yang berpindah ke PPK Elektrik & Elektronik. Di dalam ucapan alu-aluannya, Prof. Dr. Hanafi Ismail (FASc) selaku dekan PPKBSM merakamkan setinggi penghargaan diatas khidmat yang telah diberikan dan berharap semangat dan komitmen kerja yang telah dipamerkan di PPKBSM akan dapat diteruskan demi kecemerlangan USM. PPKBSM : HARI TERBUKA USM DAN ‘JOM MASUK U’ 9 -10 Mac 2013 - PPKBSM turut terlibat dalam Hari Terbuka USM dan Karnival Pengajian Tinggi Negara 2013 Pulau Pinang yang telah berlangsung selama 2 hari mulai jam 9.00 pagi hingga 6.00 petang bertempat di USM induk. Karnival yang bertema “Jom Masuk U” ini adalah anjuran Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia dengan kerjasama Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. PPKBSM berusaha memenuhi objektif karnival iaitu memberi promosi dan pendedahan maklumat asas mengenai ketiga-tiga program pengajian yang ditawarkan oleh PPKBSM iaitu Program Kejuruteraan Bahan, Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral dan Kejuruteraan Polimer. Melalui program ini, para pelawat didedahkan dengan dasar, prosedur dan proses permohonan kemasukan ke Universiti Sains Malaysia. Semoga karnival ini dapat diteruskan di masa akan datang sebagai wadah untuk merapatkan hubungan antara PPKBSM khususnya dan USM amnya dengan masyarakat luar. BENGKEL “IMAGE ANALYSER” 14-16 Januari 2013 - PPKBSM telah menjemput Dr. Tan Poh Lai perunding teknikal dari syarikat Microvisual Solution untuk memberi penerangan mengenai perisian i-Solution DT. Perisian ini merupakan satu perisian untuk menjalankan kerja-kerja perincian menggunakan mikroskop optik. Bengkel selama 3 hari ini telah diadakan di Makmal Metalografi 1 dengan kehadiran 9 orang peserta yang Ceramah “Etika dalam Pekerjaan’ oleh Ustaz Ellias Zakaria Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 4 YOUNG PERSON’S LECTURE COMPETITION MALAYSIA 2013 (USM LEVEL) 8th May 2013 - A selection of the best presenter to represent USM for the Young Persons’ Lecture Competition Malaysia 2013 (YPLC Malaysia 2013) was conducted by the School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering. This selection was done via Young Persons Lecture Competition 2013 (USM level). The competition was opened to students and researchers (excluded lecturers) of USM under the age of 28 years old on 1 August 2013. The best presenter of this competition was Miss Maslinda Kamarudin, master candidate from SMMRE, who took away RM500 cash award. She is going to compete in YPLC Malaysia 2013 on 30th May 2013 for a place to represent Malaysia in Young Person World Lecture Competition in Hong Kong on July 2013. The runner up of this competition was Mr. Mathialagan a/l Muniyadi, PhD candidate from SMMRE who won RM300 cash award. Lastly, Mr. Mohd Saidina bin Dandan Satia, 4th year student from SMMRE was the second runner up with a cash award of RM200. All the winners received a certificate as reorganization of their talent in public speaking skill. MALAYSIA-INDONESIA MINERALS EDUCATIONAL EXPOSURE EXCURSION, MIME3 18-23 Mei 2013 - Sekumpulan 21 orang pelajar Tahun Akhir Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral, Universiti Sains Malaysia Kampus Kejuruteraan telah mengadakan lawatan industri ke Indonesia, diiringi seramai 5 orang tenaga akademik. Sewaktu di sana rombongan ini telah melawat lombong emas ‘Tambang Emas Cibaliung Sumberdaya’. Para peserta diberi peluang merasai sendiri pengalaman aktiviti perlombongan bawah tanah. Selain itu rombongan juga telah mengadakan kunjungan ke Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) dan Muzium Geologi Bandung. Aktiviti ini secara langsung memberi manfaat kepada para pelajar dan pengalaman baru yang tidak akan diperoleh di Malaysia memandangkan ketiadaan lombong bawah tanah beroperasi di Malaysia. Program seperti ini diharapkan dapat menjadi aktiviti tahunan bagi pelajar tahun akhir sebagai salah satu persiapan melangkah ke dunia pekerjaan global yang lebih mencabar. Participants for the Young Persons’ Lecture Competition Malaysia 2013 (USM level) (MIMATES). Sebanyak 9 acara telah dipertandingkan sepanjang tempoh tersebut seperti ping-pong, futsal, tarik tali dan sebagainya. Program ini bertujuan untuk membentuk masyarakat yang membudayakan rekreasi. Semoga program ini dapat memberikan manfaat dan merapatkan ukhwah dikalangan kita warga PPKBSM. BENGKEL TATARIAS MARY KAY 7 Jun 2013 - Kelab Sukan & Rekreasi PPKBSM dengan kerjasama Jawatankuasa Kampus Sejahtera PPKBSM telah menganjurkan ‘Bengkel Tatarias Mary Kay’ bertempat di Bilik Seminar, PPKBSM. Bengkel ini terbuka kepada peserta wanita sahaja yang terdiri daripada staf dan pelajar pasca siswazah PPKBSM. Seramai hampir 30 peserta telah menyertai bengkel tatarias ini yang dibahagikan kepada 2 sesi. Tujuan bengkel ini adalah untuk memberi peluang kepada pensyarah & pelajar pasca siswazah untuk meleraikan tekanan yang dihadapi sepanjang semester pengajaran dan juga untuk meningkatkan kesedaran dan pengetahuan berkenaan kepentingan menjaga penampilan dan kecantikan diri. Pihak penganjur telah berbesar hati dengan kesudian Puan Noora Shukor yang merupakan Konsultan Kecantikan Mary Kay bertauliah untuk hadir berkongsi ilmu dengan peserta-peserta dan seterusnya merealisasikan bengkel ini. Bengkel ini memberi fokus kepada 2 elemen penting bermula dengan sesi mengenali & keperluan menjaga kulit muka diikuti dengan sesi tatarias. Semasa bengkel dijalankan, aktiviti menjawab kuiz dan juga pertandingan tatarias terbaik juga diadakan. Antara pemenang bertuah yang mendapat cenderahati berupa produk Mary Kay adalah Puan Norhaizan Mahamad Shari. Secara keseluruhannya, bengkel selama 3 jam ini sangat berinfomatif dan memberi manfaat kepada staf dan pelajar pasca siswazah PPKBSM dalam meningkatkan penampilan diri serta mendalami ilmu kecantikan. SUKAN TAHUNAN MIMATES 2013 Sepanjang 27 April 2013 hingga 15 Mei 2013 yang lalu telah berlangsung acara Sukan Tahunan MIMATES yang merupakan acara tahunan Persatuan Pelajar Kejuruteraan Bahan & Sumber Mineral Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 Lawatan industri pelajar tahun akhir (Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral) ke Bandung, Indonesia. 5 PROF. DR. ZAINAL ARIFIN AHMAD SUDOKU 2013 COMPETITION 27th March 2013 - The event was held at Seminar Room, School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering. This is the 5th Sudoku Competition which the first edition were started on 2007. The purpose of this competition is to give students a platform where they can apply a creative and critical thinking while solving the Sudoku puzzles. Unlike normal crossword puzzles, Sudoku puzzle tested the participant on how they think and not on what they know. A total of 89 participants attended the competition where 14 from staff, 31 from postgraduate students and 44 from undergraduate students. Aside from that, Sudoku 2013 Competition was also takes interest from International student. Students from Libya, Laos, China, Jordan and Myanmar also participated in this competition. Each of the participants was instructed to solve 2 Sudoku puzzles within 45 minutes. Winners were judged by how fast they can solve the puzzles without any mistakes. Prizes were given to the top 10 participant who successfully solve both Sudoku puzzles without any error. The overall winner for Sudoku 2013 Competition is Ng Chai Yen who managed to solve both Sudoku puzzle with 8 minutes and 18 seconds. She was awarded with the Championship trophy, a unique Sudoku plaque and a hamper. The Sudoku 2013 Competition organizer would like to congratulate all the winners. In addition, the organizer would also like to thanks to our sponsors, our committee and the participant as well. Furthermore, we also like to thanks to those who has been a big help to make this competition a success whether directly or indirectly. MAJLIS PERPISAHAN PROF. MADYA DR. SABAR DERITA HUTAGALUNG 24 Jun 2013 - Satu majlis perpisahan telah diadakan untuk meraikan pemergian Prof. Madya Dr. Sabar Derita Hutagalung. Lebih mesra dipanggil sebagai “Pak Sabar” di kalangan warga PPKBSM, beliau telah berkhidmat hampir sepuluh tahun di sini dan bukan sahaja dikenali sebagai seorang pensyarah yang disenangi oleh rakan serta para pelajar malahan sering mengharumkan nama PPKBSM khususnya dan USM amnya di dalam pertandingan dan pameran diperingkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. Di dalam ucapannya, beliau merakamkan jutaan terima kasih kepada pihak pusat pengajian kerana sudi menganjurkan majlis perpisahan ini dan mendoakan lebih kejayaan dan kecemerlangan dapat diperolehi oleh warga PPKBSM di masa hadapan. Kepada “Pak Sabar”, semoga berjaya ditempat baru dan jangan lupakan kami di sini. Organizing commitee and the winners of Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad Sudoku 2013 competition Bulan Terbelah Hasil karya : mcrose Tembusilah Kiranya ada KEKUATAN Selamilah Kiranya ada KEUPAYAAN Lihatlah di BARAT Mereka telah menembusi Lihatlah dihujung TIMUR Mereka telah menyelami Mereka telah membenarkan kerajaan sulaiman Pelbagai khazanah di dasar lautan Justeru Iman mereka bertambah Yakin Kukuh Teguh Kita ???? Kuatkan kekuatan Tingkatkan keupayaan Bacalah, bacalah dan bacalah ………. Mereka telah membenarkan seperti kata nabi Lingkaran bulan terbelah dua Prof. Madya Dr. Sabar (kiri) menerima cenderahati kenangan dari Prof. Ir. Dr. Mariatti Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 6 List of SMMRE Postgraduate Students Viva from January-June 2013 No. 1 Student Nama / Date Degree Title of Thesis Name of Supervisor Prof. Madya Dr. Hashim Hussin Dr. Sheikh Abdul Rezan S. Abdul Hamid Prof. Madya Dr. Khairunisak Abdul Razak Prof. Madya Dr. Azlan Abdul Aziz Prof. Dr. Rahmah Noordin Hanizam Shah Saidin 3 January 2013 Noorhashimah Mohamad Nor 9 January 2013 MSc Reduction of Malaysian Iron Ore Pellet by Using Coal as Reductant MSc Production of Iron Oxide Ferrofluid Conjugated Biomolecules for Diagnostic Applications 3 Juna Azleen Abdul Ghani 15 January 2013 MSc Determination of K and Value of Scaled Distance to Predict the Level of Ground Vibration Induced During Blasting for Peninsular Malaysia Prof. Madya Dr. Syed Fuad Sayyid Hashim Dr. Mior Termizi Mohd Yusof 4 Siti Rabizah Makhsin 15 January 2013 MSc Properties of Gold Nanoparticles and Its Conjugation with Biomolecules for Diagnostic Application Prof. Madya Dr. Khairunisak Abdul Razak Prof. Madya Dr. Azlan Abdul Aziz Prof. Dr. Rahmah Noordin 5 Oon Hooi Shy 18 January 2013 MSc Growth and Physical Characterization of Natire Oxide Thin Film on N-Type Prof. Madya Ir. Cheong Kuan Yew Gallium Nitride Substrate by Thermal Oxidation in Nitrous Oxide Ambient 6 Ragunathan a/l Santiagoo 30 January 2013 PhD Characterization and Properties of Polypropylene/Recycled Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber/Rice Husk Powder Composites Prof. Dr. Hanafi Ismail(FASc) Brig. Gen. Dato’ Prof. Dr. Kamarudin Hussin PhD Study of Electron Transport on Gold Nanodot-Silicon Interface Grown by Scanning Probe Microscope PhD Preparation and Characterization of Epoxidized Soybean Oil Based Thermoset Blends and Nanocomposites Effect of Mechanical Activation on the Fluxing Properties of Feldspar Prof. Prof. Prof. Prof. Prof. Prof. Prof. Prof. 2 7 Teguh Darsono 4 February 2013 8 Tan Seah Guan 5 February 2013 9 Phoumiphon Nordana 13 February 2013 10 Mohd. Firdaus bin Omar 14 February 2013 MSc Madya Dr. Sabar Derita Hutagalung Madya Ir. Dr. Cheong Kuan Yew Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad Madya Dr. Chow Wen Shyang Madya Dr. Zulkifli Ahmad Dr. Radzali Othman Madya Dr. Hasmaliza Mohamad Dr. Hazizan Md Akil PhD Static and Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Strain Rate Sensitivity of Thermoplastic Based Polymers and Composites Using Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Apparatus 11 Lai Chin Wei 26 February 2013 PhD Development of WO3-TiO2 Nanotube Arrays for Water Electrolysis Prof. Madya Dr. Srimala a/p Sreekantan 12 Nilar Lwin 6 March 2013 PhD Physical and Development Properties of Tm, Gd Substitution on Mg Mn Ferrite Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Nor Prof. Dr. Radzali Othman Prof. Madya Dr. Srimala a/p Sreekantan 13 Sheril binti Rizal Vincent 14 March 2013 MSc Studies on the Properties of Hybrid Mineral Fillers Filled Polypropylene Composites (2013) Prof. Ir. Dr. Mariatti Jaafar 14 Nur Syafinaz binti Ridhuan 22 March 2013 MSc Feasibility Study of ZnO Nanorods for Sensor Application (2013) Prof. Madya Dr. Khairunisak Abdul Razak Prof. Madya Dr. Azlan Abdul Aziz Prof. Madya Dr. Zainovia Lockman 15 Husna Madihah binti Hasan 27 March 2013 MSc Preparation and Properties of Impact Modified Poly(Lactic Acid) and Its Composites With Short Kenaf Bast Fiber (2013) Prof. Madya Dr. Razaina Mat Taib 16 Khe Cheng Seong 9 April 2013 PhD Role and Correlation of Synthesis Size and Morphology to the Magnetic Properties of Cabait and Co/Au Bimetallic Hierarchical Nanostructures (2013) Prof. Dr. Azizan Aziz Prof. Madya Dr. Zainovia Lockman 17 Umar Al-Amani bin Haji Azlan 11 April 2013 PhD The Effect of Rare-Earth Substitution on the Properties of Bismuth Titanate Prepared by Low Temperature Combustion Technique (2013) Prof. Madya Dr. Srimala Sreekantan Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Noor Prof. Madya Dr. Khairunisak Abdul Razak 18 Kouth Phommachanh 15 April 2013 MSc Effects of Accelerated Weathering on the Properties of Polylactic Acid Toughened with an Ethylene Copolymeras an Impact Modifier Prof. Madya Dr. Razaina Mat Taib 19 Kry Nallis 15 April 2013 PhD The UV-Shielding Property of Zr0.7 Ce0.3O2 – Kaolinite/Exfoliated Kaolinite Prof. Dr. Radzali Othman Composites Prepared by Different Synthesis Methods 20 Mohd Fariz bin Ab Rahman 16 April 2013 MSc Investigation of Mg Doped CCTO on Ca and Cu Sites Prepared by Solid State Reaction 21 Le Thi Bang 23 April 2013 PhD Substituted Apatite/Poly-Epsilon-Caprolactone Biocomposite as Substrates Prof. Dr. Radzali Othman and Coating on α-TCO Foams 22 Warapong Krengvirat 29 April 2013 PhD Development of C-K-TiO2 Nanotube Arrays for Solar Harvesting Applications 23 Tran Bao Trung 29 April 2013 PhD Effect of Graphite and NbC on Mechanical Poperties of AI1304 Binded NC Prof. Madya Dr. Zuhailawati Hussain Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad 24 Siti Salmi binti Samsudin 30 April 2013 MSc Development and Characterization of Epoxy Syntactic Foam Filled with Epoxy Hollow Spheres Prof. Madya Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad Ariff Prof. Madya Dr. Azhar Abu Bakar 25 Azlila binti Zakaria 3 May 2013 MSc Penghasilan Hidroksiapatit Menggunakan Kaedah Pengaktifan Mekanik Prof. Dr. Radzali Othman 26 Mohamad Kahar bin Ab Wahab 21 May 2013 PhD Characterization and Properties of Thermoplastic Tapioca Starch Based High Density Polyethylene/Natural Rubber Blends Prof. Dr. Hanafi Ismail (FASc) Dr. Nadras Othman 27 Zunaida binti Zakaria 27 May 2013 PhD Compressive Properties and Simulation of Low Density Polyethylene Foams Prof. Madya Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad Ariff Prof. Madya Dr. Azhar Abu Bakar 28 Farah binti Jaafar 31 May 2013 MSc Crystalization in Glass Systems Based on Padi Stalk Ash Prof. Dr. Radzali Othman 29 Muhammad Azwadi bin Sulaiman 4 June 2013 PhD Effects of Electrode Materials on Electrical Properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 at 100 Hz – 1GHz Prof. Madya Dr. Sabar Derita Hutagalung Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad 30 Tulus Ikhsan Nasution 5 June 2013 PhD Chitosan Based Acetone Sensor for Detecting Low Concentration Acetone Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad Prof. Madya Dr. Sabar Derita Hutagalung Dr. Khairel Rafezi Ahmad 31 Orathai Boondamnoen 11 June 2013 PhD Characterization and Optimization of Waste Natural Rubber Latex and Polystyrene Blend (WNRL/PS) Prof. Madya Dr. Sabar Derita Hutagalung Dr. Julie Juliewatty Mohamed Prof. Madya Dr. Srimala a/p Sreekantan Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Noor Prof. Dr. Azlan Ariffin Prof. Madya Dr. Azura A. Rashid Continue to page 8 Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 7 SIJIL DEKAN SENARAI SIJIL DEKAN SEMESTER I, SIDANG AKADEMIK 2012/2013 KEJURUTERAAN BAHAN TRICIA NEOH HUI WERN YONG JING HUI TAHUN 1 CHAI CHIA CHANG CHAN JI KIT CH'NG MUN SUNN CHONG SU FANG HOO XIAO FEN KOH LIAN JUN LAI CHAI MEI LAW HON KIN LEONG QIAO LIN LEONG TENG TENG LIM SHI HONG LOO FOONG LING LOW SU YEIAN TAN ZHI QIN TENG JIN WEN WONG SI MIN YONG XUAN HUI TAHUN 2 CHUA PEI CHING CHUAH WEI HOONG GOH THENG TYNG LEE CHEE KEAT LEE JIN LING LIANG SHU YI LIEW XUE MING LIM CHUI NING LOY LIANG SOON MABEL DE CUNHA NEOH SOO HUAN NOR SAKINAH BINTI MANSOR ONG XIANG QI QUAH WEI LUN TUAN NUR IZZAH BINTI TUAN AB RASHID YEAP CHEOK KUANG TAHUN 3 BONG PENG HOOI CHAN TZE PING CHANG CHI HSIUNG CHEW ZHU ANN FOO HUI SHIAN KUEH SHAO HONG LEE KAR CHUN MUHAMMAD 'AFIF SHARHAN B SHU'AIBON MUHAMMAD ANAS BIN NORAZMAN MUHAMMAD FAHIM BIN ABDUL RAHMAN ONG CHIN SIANG TAN MAY WEN TEW CHOON CONG RAIDATUL NAJIHAH BINTI EMIR HAMZAH YONG JAAN YIP KEJURUTERAAN POLIMER TAHUN 4 CHOW HON MUN FADHILAH NURANI BINTI RAMUHZAN GAN WEI LONG HO KAR YEE KHOO SENG KIAN LEE CHUN CHIEN LIM SIEW MING LIM YOU SING LOW YAN WAH MOHD SAIDINA BIN DANDAN SATIA MUHAMMAD IRFAN BIN MAT KANDAR NG CHOO YEE RASHIDAH BINTI IDZHAR SEE CHUIN WERN SONG WAI CHEN SYAZWAN AIZAD BIN ABDUL MUTALIB TAI MUN FOONG TAN PEI SHAN TEA SIEW HWA (BERIJAZAH) WONG CHEE KEN WONG WAI YEE TAHUN 1 CHUA LIAN TATT FAHZIMRAN AFNOR BIN AFENDI JOYCE A/P MICHAEL RETNASINGAM LEE CHEE KEONG LIM WEI CHUN SIN YIN TIN TAN WAI KEAT TIUN TZE THING WANG LEONG KWAN TAHUN 2 BEH KAH BOON LEONG HUI THENG LIM KAR WAI LIM WEY SONG MAK SOK YEE NADIA BINTI WAN AZMAN NAFEESA BINTI MOHAMAD SHUKRI NIK NUR ASMA' NABILAH BINTI NIK MUHAMMAD SHUKRI NUR HAYATI BINTI ESZER TEO ZU XIAN TEOH ZHIXUAN KEJURUTERAAN SUMBER MINERAL TAHUN 1 KHONG LING HAN TAHUN 2 TIADA TAHUN 3 MOHAMAD ARIFF BIN MAD FADEL MACLIVE WILKINSON ANAK AGAM NAZATUL AZREEN BINTI AZIZUL HASSAN WAN ATIKAH BINTI WAN AZALAN UN JIA JIA TAHUN 4 MOHAMAD AZIF ZAI BIN ZAINUL ABIDIN MOHAMMAD AMIRRUL B OTHMAN (BERIJAZAH) MOHAMMAD AZLAN BIN ISHAK MOHD SHAKIR AFIF BIN ABU BAKAR MUHAMMAD ARIF SAFWAN BIN ABDUL GHANI MUHAMMAD ZULQAYYIM BIN NOOR AZIZUL NUR AIN BT ZAINOL ABIDIN NUR SHAFIQAH BT ISMAIL NUR SUHAILA BINTI MOHAMAD RAFFI TAHUN 3 LIM YEE HUI MINCE LEONG YEN SHEE NUUR SYUHADA BINTI DZULKAFLY THEN JIE WEN YEOH WEI LIN TAHUN 4 ANDRE NINGKAN GADUAN BANNARD A/L LAZIL CHEW CHUN MUN HO WAI MAY KHOR TATT HWA KWEE FUNG YUNN LOW HONG FOOK LUA SEH KEE MASTURAH BINTI MOHSIN MOHD AMYRUL AZRI B MOHAMAD ARIS NOOR ADIANAERMA BINTI JAMIRIN NOOR FADHILA SYAHIDA BINTI GHAZALI NUR NASYRAH BINTI AZMAN TEO PEI SHAN WANG TECK NING From page 7 No. Student Nama / Date Degree Title of Thesis Name of Supervisor 32 Syahriza binti Ismail 12 June 2013 PhD Formation of Nanotubular Oxide by Anodization of Valve Metals Prof. Madya Dr. Zainovia Lockman Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad 33 Noor Mazni binti Ismail 17 June 2013 PhD The Effect of Coagulation Method and Benzoyl Peroxide Properties Free Radical Functionalization Method on the Properties of MWCNT/PMMA Nanocomposite Prof. Dr. Azizan Aziz Prof. Ir. Dr. Mariatti Jaafar 34 Abdul Malek bin Ya’acob 18 June 2013 PhD Kenaf Hybrid Bio-Composites: Preparation, Characterization and Properties Prof. Madya Dr. Azhar Abu Bakar Prof. Dr. Hanafi Ismail (FASc) SENARAI STAF PENTADBIRAN YANG BERTUKAR TEMPAT BERTUGAS BIL NAMA JAWATAN TARIKH KUATKUASA 1 ENCIK SYED MOHAMAD BIN SYED MOHD YUSOFF PEMBANTU AM PEJABAT N4 01.04.2013 2 PUAN ZURINA BINTI MD PAZIL PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) N17 (KUP) 01.04.2013 3 PUAN INTAN RAHAYU BINTI MD RAMLI @ RAMLI PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) N17 01.04.2013 Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 8 SENARAI STAF BARU YANG BERTUGAS DI PPKBSM BIL NAMA JAWATAN TARIKH KUATKUASA 1 ENCIK MOHD NASSA BIN MD REJAB PEMBANTU AM PEJABAT N1 01.04.2013 2 PUAN NOR ASMAH BINTI MD NOR PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) N17 01.04.2013 3 PUAN NURSHALYDAH BINTI SALLEH PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) N17 01.04.2013 SENARAI STAF CUTI SABATIKAL, CUTI BELAJAR DAN CUTI PENYELIDIKAN BIL NAMA JAWATAN TARIKH KUATKUASA 1 DR. NURULAKMAL BINTI MOHD SHARIF PENSY. UNIV. DS52 01/10/2012 - 30/06/2013 2 PROF. MADYA DR. ZULKIFLI BIN AHMAD PENSY. UNIV. DS54 01/12/2012 - 31/08/2013 3 EN. MOHD NAZRI BIN IDRIS PEGAWAI PENYELIDIK 01/10/2012 - 30/09/2015 4 DR. HAREYANI BINTI ZABIDI PENSY. UNIV. DS51 01/10/2012 - 31/03/2013 STAF YANG TAMAT PERKHIDMATAN BIL 1 NAMA JAWATAN CIK MUNIRAH BINTI MUSA 2 DR. DOAA ABDEL NABI ABDEL AZIZ TARIKH PEMBANTU TADBIR N17 04.01.2013 PENYELIDIK KUNJUNGAN 31.01.2013 Visitors to the SMMRE (January to June 2013) No. 1. Date 16.1.2013 Name Akihiko Matsumoto Organization Tayohashi University of Technology Purpose Research Collaboration 2. 3. 6.2.2013 27.2.2013 Fumitake Takahashi Shin Mukai Tokyo Institute of Technology Hokkaido University Research Collaboration Research Collaboration 4. 1.3.2013 AUN/SEED-Net Research Collaboration 5. 4.3.2013 Kasem Choocharukul Siripornrungrueangtanya Natthanon Patcharapunchai Mitsuteru Inoue Tayohashi University of Technology Research Collaboration 6. 5.3.2013 Tomesz Szmuc Janusz Szpytko AGH University of Science and Technology Research Collaboration 7. 5.3.2013 Stec-Nicpon Aucja Embassy of The Republic of Poland Research Collaboration 8. 6.3.2013 Malaysian Investment Development Authority Research Collaboration 9. 6.3.2013 Kang Lay Kim Yee Nai Tuck Lim Bee Vian Azhana Mohamed Saleh Muhammad Azizul Atfi Adnan MIDA Penang Research Collaboration 10. 11. 7.3.2013 22.4.2013 Zainul Ahmad Rajion Tatsuya Okubo Pusat Pengajian Sains Pergigian, USM The University of Tokyo Research Collaboration 12. 23.4.2013 Harry Agusnar Timurni Abidin Universitas Sumatera Utara Research Collaboration 13. 28.5.2013 Naoki Nakata Lim Pang Boey Seiji Iwasa Tayohashi University of Technology Research Collaboration Research Collaboration ANUGERAH PERKHIDMATAN CEMERLANG USM 2012 PPKBSM mengucapkan tahniah dan syabas kepada penerima Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (APC) 2012. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Prof. Dr. Radzali Bin Othman Prof. Dr. Hanafi Bin Ismail (FASc) Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ir. Eric Goh Kok Hoe Prof. Madya Dr. Srimala a/p Sreekantan Encik Mior Zulbahri Bin M. Chek Puan Fong Lee Lee Encik Shahril Amir Bin Saleh Cik Noor Hakishah Binti Samsudin Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 Pensyarah Univ. Gred Khas A VK5 Pensyarah Univ. Gred Khas B VK6 Pensyarah Univ. Gred Khas C VK7 Pensyarah Univ. DS54 Ketua Penolong Pendaftar N48 Juruteknik J26 Juruteknik J17 Pembantu Tabdir (P/O) N17 9 Article 1 MORPHOLOGY AND STRUCTURE PROPERTIES OF ALKALI-TREATED KENAF BAST FIBERS R. Mat Taib, D. Ariawan, Z. A. Mohd Ishak School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia Introduction The use of natural fibers such as sisal and kenaf as reinforcement or filler in composites continues to receive much attention from numerous researchers across the world. This is due to the broad range of advantages offered by these fibers particularly low density, low volumetric cost, high specific properties and more importantly biodegradability. The use of natural fibers, however, may lead to unsatisfactory mechanical properties of the composites due to among others limited compatibility between the polar fiber and the non-polar polymer matrix. Natural fibers are polar materials due to the presence of hydroxyls groups in the fiber cell walls. Various methods have been employed to optimize fiber–matrix compatibility (or adhesion) by modification of fiber surface properties via chemical treatments such as alkalization [1-5]. Alkalization or alkali treatment is one of the most used chemical treatments of natural fibers when used to reinforce thermoplastics and thermosets [1]. This treatment leads to removal of non-structural materials such as wax and oils from the fiber surface [1], partial removal of the fiber cell wall polymers, i.e. hemicelluloses and lignin [2, 3] and depolymerization of cellulose chains [1]. In this study alkali treatment was performed on kenaf bast fiber. The effect of treatment times on the morphology and structure of the fiber were determined via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), xray diffraction (XRD), fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Experimental Kenaf bast fiber with an average fiber length of 7.70 cm was purchased from Lembaga Kenaf dan Tembakau Negara (LKTN) Malaysia. The Fiber was submerged in 6% solution of sodium hydroxide for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hours of immersion at room temperature, rinsed with deionized water and then neutralized in dilute solution of glacial acetic acid. Finally the fiber was rinsed again with deionized water and dried at room temperature for 24 h. The treated fiber was observed in FESEM model Supra 35 VP to Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 characterize the fiber surface morphology. Crystallinity index, Crl, of the fiber was determined using an X-Ray Diffractometer type D8 Bruker. The equatorial diffraction patterns (2θ) were recorded from 10 to 35o using Cu-Kα radiation at 40 kV and 40 mA. The crystallinity index, Crl, was calculated using the following equation [5]. where I002 is the counter reading at peak intensity at a 2θ angle close to 22o representing crystalline region and Iam is the counter reading at a 2θ angle of around 18o representing amorphous region in natural fibers. The infrared spectra of the fiber before and after treatment were measured in the spectral range of 4000 to 500 cm-1 using a Perkin Elmer FTIR spectrometer. A total of 32 scans were taken for each sample with a resolution of 1 cm-1. The samples were prepared using a KBr disk method. AFM characterizations were carried out in contact mode, using a NanoNavi SPA 300HM. Surface roughness of the fibers was analyzed based on images obtained over a 2 μm x 2 µm area. Results and discussion Scanning electron microscopy of treatment (+ 11%). Beyond that the crystallinity index of the treated fiber reduced but the values were higher than that of the untreated fiber. After 5 hours of treatment the crystallinity index of the treated fiber was found to be slightly lower than the control. Changes in crystallinity through alkali treatment for natural fibers have been reported by many researchers [2,5]. The improved crystallinity of natural fiber after the treatment has been attributed to the removal of the cementing materials, hemicelluloses and lignin, which probably leads to a better packing of cellulose chains [2] and thickening of the fiber cell wall [5]. In addition of removal of the cementing materials, alkali treatment also depolymerizes cellulose chains [1]. After 5 hours of treatment, excess depolymerization of cellulose chains damage the fiber cell wall leading to an overall decrease in the cystallinity index of the treated fiber [5]. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy Examination of Figure 3 revealed several changes on the FTIR spectra of the kenaf bast fibers after the alkali treatment. The transmission peak at 1737 cm-1, assigned to a C=O stretching vibration of carboxylic acid or ester, was found to disappear following the alkali treatment due to the Figure 1: SEM micrographs of surfaces of (A) untreated and (B) 6 % alkali treated kenaf bast fiber (treatment time = 5 hours) surfaces Observations of the treated fiber surface (Figure. 1(B)) reveal that the alkali treatment has resulted in the removal of cementing materials from the interfibrillar region and impurities from the fiber surface. The very similar observations have been reported by other researchers for grass fibers [3]. Removal of the cementing materials, i.e. hemicelluloses and lignin revealed that the kenaf bast fiber consists of aligned microfibrils. The exposed interfibrillar region increased the specific surface area of the fiber to come in contact with the polymer matrix during composite fabrication[4]. Removal of impurities resulted in cleaner and smoother fiber surface of the treated fiber. X-ray diffraction Crystallinity index of kenaf bast fiber improved after 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours of alkali treatment (Figure2). The maximum improvement was observed after 1 hour removal of hemicelluloses [3]. Other changes that have been reported resulted from the alkali treatment are reduction in the intensity of the transmission peaks at 1515 and 1254 cm-1 which are assigned to the benzene ring vibration of lignin and a C-O stretching stretching vibration of Figure 2: Crystallinity index values of 6% alkali treated kenaf bast fibers after different treatment duration 10 the acetyl group in lignin component, respectively [3]. Reductions in these transmission peaks indicate removal of lignin from the fiber after the alkali treatment [3]. fiber for use in natural fiber-reinforced composites: a review. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 15(1), 25-33. 2. Gassan, J., & Bledzki, A. K. (1999). Alkali treatment of jute fibers: relationship Figure 3: FTIR spectra of untreated and alkali treated kenaf bast fibers at different treatment times. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) AFM images of untreated and alkali treated kenaf bast fiber are shown in Fig. 4. These images illustrats the reduction of surface roughness via alkali treatment of the fiber. The untreated fiber exhibited a root mean square (RMS) roughness value of 21.6 nm, whereas the alkali treated fiber exhibited 11.21 nm of RMS roughness. This suggests that removal of some low-molecular weight materials as well as impurities from the fiber surface resulting in a decrease in the fiber surface roughness following the alkali treatment. between structure and mechanical properties. Journal of applied polymer science, 71(4), 623-629. 3. Liu, W., Mohanty, A. K., Drzal, L. T., Askel, P., & Misra, M. (2004). Effects of alkali treatment on the structure, morphology and thermal properties of native grass fibers as reinforcements for polymer matrix composites. Journal of materials science, 39(3), 1051-1054. 4. Boynard, C. A., Monteiro, S. N., & d'Almeida, J. R. M. (2003). Aspects of alkali treatment of sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica) fibers on the flexural properties 1School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia 2Geology Programme, School of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 43600, Selangor, Malaysia Abstract This paper presents a case study on the performance of Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) opted for the construction of the Interstate Raw Water Transfer (ISRWT) project currently constructed in SelangorPahang, Malaysia. The performance of TBM is affected by various properties of rock mass such as the strength of rock, the occurrence of fault zone, the joint orientation and the existence of a water bearing zone. In this project, the 44 km Interstate Raw Water Transfer tunnel is designed to cross solid rock along the alignment with the overburden ranges from just several meters at each portal to more than one thousands meters at the centre of the tunnel. Geology of the alignment comprises of metasedimentary rock at the northern end and granitic rock to the rest of the tunnel. The method used for this study and the evidence are discussed. Keyword: Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), tunnelling, Titiwangsa Main Range Granite, geomechanical, joint, wear rate Figure 4: Three-dimensional presentation of AFM contact mode images for (A) untreated and (B) 6% alkali treated kenaf bast fiber (treatment time = 4 hours). Conclusions The morphology and structure of kenaf bast fiber changed after the alkali treatment. SEM micrographs reveal that the fiber surface became cleaner and smoother after the alkali treatment. The interfibrillar region between the microfibrils was also well observed from the micrographs. Removal of the cementing materials, i.e hemicelluloses and lignin, was evident from the FTIR results. Crystallinity index increased with the treatment but the extent of improvement after 1 hour of treatment was limited by degradation of cellulose chains and the fiber cell wall. The AFM results showed that the fiber surface roughness decreased due to the alkali treatment. of polyester matrix composites. Journal of applied polymer science, 87(12), 19271932. 5. Mwaikambo, L. Y., & Ansell, M. P. (2002). Chemical modification of hemp, sisal, jute, and kapok fibers by alkalization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 84(12), 2222-2234. References 1. Li, X., Tabil, L. G., & Panigrahi, S. (2007). Chemical treatments of natural Afikah Rahim1 Abdul Ghani Mohd Rafek2 Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 Article 2 PARAMETRIC PERFORMANCE STUDY OF TUNNEL BORING MACHINE (TBM) IN THE TITIWANGSA MAIN RANGE GRANITE, MALAYSIA Hareyani Zabidi1, Introduction The growing concern of water shortage in the western states of Peninsular Malaysia includes Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya due to the expanding population and booming economy has initiated the idea of channeling water from Pahang to Kuala Lumpur via a tunnel. In this project, the Malaysia Government proposed the construction of the 44.6 km long Interstate Raw Water Transfer (ISRWT) tunnel that will transfer water from Semantan River to the heart of Kuala Lumpur. The tunnel will channel raw water from the Semantan River, near to Kampung Jambu Rias, at the northeast part of Kuala Lumpur through the Main Range to the Hulu Langat, Selangor near to Kuala Lumpur where the water will be treated before piped to the consumers. The Interstate Raw Water Transfer tunnel is designed, for the first time to cross solid rock of the Titiwangsa Main Range granite along the alignment with the overburden ranges from just several meters at each portal to more than one thousand meters at the centre of the tunnel. Geology along the alignment comprises of metasedimentary rock at the northern end and granitic rock to rest of the tunnel. Generally, the Titiwangsa Main Range 11 at tunnel level throughout the route with some part of the Karak Formation,, Semantan Formation and Jelebu Schist Formation, thus highly variable of tunnel face condition was expected to encounter throughout the 44 km construction of the tunnel. The tunnel is designed to be constructed in two different methods of construction with 70% of the alignment will be constructed using TBM whilst the final 30% of the line will be using the New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM). The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of rock mass condition on TBM performance. Geology of the area The geology along the tunnel route is predominantly the Main Range granite batholith with a lesser extent of metasedimentary rocks of the Karak Formation (Fig. 1). The depth of the tunnel ranges from 25 m to 1315 m below the ground surface as it passes through the Main Range. These zones intruded into the Paleozoic clastic and calcareous metasediments Pitfield et al., 1990). The granitic rocks along the proposed tunnel route can be divided into 3 types: first is the Kuala Lumpur Granite; second is the Genting Sempah Microgranite and third is the Bukit Tinggi Granite. Geochronological studies indicate that the granitic rocks were emplaced during Late Triassic. The Kongkoi Fault separates the Kuala Lumpur Granite from the Genting Sempah Microgranite and has a metasedimentary screen on its west flank. Similarly, the Genting Sempah Microgranite is separated from the Bukit Tinggi Granite by the Bukit Tinggi Fault. There is a systematic relationship between the joints, flow structures, geometry of the granite plutons, dykes and faults. Specification of TBM Three identical 5.2 m diameter open type TBMs are opted in tunnelling through the hard rock Titiwangsa Main Range Granite. Each of the TBM is designed to bore the first 11.670 km, second 11.670 km and third 11.218 km respectively. The following Table 1 gives a brief sum-mary of the technical specification of the TBM used in the project. Figure 1: The geological map of the study area Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 Table 1: Summary of the technical specification of the TBM used in the tunnel project Research methodology The effect of rock mass quality on the performance of TBM is studied from tunnel distance (TD) 0 to 3000 m. Studies were carried out based on the analysis of three different data collected at the tunnel site, first is the daily tunnel mapping record, second is the TBM performance data and third is the lab test results of UCS on rock samples cored for every 50 m of the tunnel. The daily mapping of the tunnel rock mass records the strength of intact rock, joints properties and groundwater condition. The evaluation on the performance of TBM was made based on few parameters such as boring energy, rate of penetration (ROP) and rate per minute (RPM). Affect of rock formations on TBM performance The selection of open type TBM was made considering the geological condition of the proposed alignment such the hard rock of Titiwangsa Main Range Granite. The granitic rock had experienced series of faulting and folding (Shu, 1969 & Stauffer, 1968). Few difficult excavations by the TBM were envisaged due to the existence of fault zones, high overburden and potential risk of crossing water bearing zones. In Karak site, TBM-1 is most unexpectedly encountered few locations of high water bearing zones. One of the locations is at CH8, 143 (TD1322) of approximately 10 ton/min (av-erage of 4.1 ton/min) of sudden inrush warm water was recorded, fig. 2. At this exact location, TBM recorded 46.50 N/mm2 of boring energy, 7.10 rev/min of RPM and 0.80 m/h of ROP. It was unexpected con- dition as the three parameters of TBM showed constant rates of reading until it’s suddenly hit the water pocket zone. Another encountered was at CH9, 939 (TD3118) to CH10, 019 (TD3198), where appximately 10.7 ton/min of warm water at temperature 33°C inrush into the tunnel from highly fractured, smooth planar, closely to medium spaced joints, oriented at N180°/70°-80°. The rock mass conditions were generally good, classified as rock class CII to D, based on Japanese Highway system of rock mass classification. Whilst in TBM-2, high water ingress and face collapse are the recorded geological problems encountered. The first major water ingress occurred at CH27, 962 (TD2200) ~ CH27, 402 (TD2760), where approximately 5.4 ton/min of water gushing into the tunnel system. The second inccident occured at CH30, 066 (TD 95.2m), water ingress was recorded at 5 ton/min (average 1.8 ton/min), believed due to the occurrences of highly fractured zone of Kongkoi Fault, positioned at CH31, 200. Tunnel face collapses were encountered at few points of TBM-2 with major collapse occurred at CH 28, 591 (TD 1571m) and this is believed due to the existence of Lepoh Fault (CH28, 600). But, the collapse started to occur after the TBM passed the zone with the collapsing of loose rocks onto the TBM and created a chimney shape of hole with 50 m high Figure 2: High water inrush into the tunnel at TBM-1, CH8143 of approximately 10 ton/min (average of 4.1 ton/min) and 5 m wide above the TBM. There are many models and equations developed in estimating the performance of TBM ahead of the boring. In many of the models, UCS value of rock is the most parameter used, eventhough the usage of UCS solely may not provide accurate results (Cigla et. al., 2001 & Yagiz, 2006). In this project, UCS values were recorded for every 50 m of the tunnel in addition to the daily reading of Schimdt Hammer rebound value, fig. 3a. The two tests showed a satisfactory correlation as the rebound hardess values deacreased with the decreasing value of UCS, particurlaly at TD800 and TD 2100 – 2500. A similar pattern is also seen in boring energy and daily progress of TBM, fig. 3b. There were slightly dropped of boring energy and daily progress of TBM at TD800 and 12 TD2100. As shown in fig. 3(a & b), excavation at TD 2100-2250 (Joint orientation = N180°E /80°) showed high grade rock that required high type of support system because the presence of sheared zone of fresh rock. Boring energy is low since there was favourable oriented of fractures, whereas water ingress was very high at more than 300 liter/min which weaken the rock into smaller pieces and caused the excavation progress per day is high. E. J. Textural variation and tin mineralization in granite from the main range province of the Southeast Asian Tin Belt, Volume 25, Issue 3-4, July - December 1990, Pages: 419–429. 3. Shu, Y. K. (1969) Some NW Trending faults in the Kuala Lumpur and other areas. News. Geol. Society Malaysia. 17, 1 -15 pp 4. Stauffer, P. H. (1968) The Kuala Lumpur fault zone: A proposed major strike slip fault across Malaya. News. Geol. Society. 15, 2 – 4 pp 5. Yagiz, S. 2006. TBM performance prediction based on rock properties. In: Cotthem, A. V. et. al. (ed), Proc., multiphysics coupling and long term behaviour in rock mechanics, EUROCK’ 06, 663-670. Liege, Belgium. Article 3 HARMONIC MICROSTRUCTURE OF TITANIUM FOR MECHANICAL PROPERTIES IMPROVEMENT K. Maslinda1,2, K. Ameyama2, T. Sekiguchi2 Figure 3: (a)-Recorded values of UCS, Schmidt Hammer rebound; (b)-Boring energy and execution daily progress of TBM-1 between TD 0 - 3000 Discussion and conclusion The performance of TBM, thus the cost scheduling and time of project completion, is greatly affected by the geological conditions and discontinuity properties of rock mass. Unexpected high water ingress and poor rock mass conditions may reduce dramatically the average progress rates and practical consequences. Part of the problems were expected to occur looking at the previous geological records and preliminary vertical drilling carried out prior the project. But, most of the time, the ground is still unexpectedly delivers problems towards the progress of tunnelling. Acknowledgement This research project is financially supported by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia under the Exploratory Research Grant Scheme (ERGS). The permission to asssess the tunnel sites and data are acknowledged for the support from the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Malaysia. References 1. Cigla M., Yagiz, S., Ozdemir, L. 2001. Application of tunnel boring machines in underground mining development. In: Unal, E. et al. (eds.), Proc., of International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 155-164, Ankara, Turkey. 2. Pitfield, P. E. J., Teoh, L. H. & Cobbing, Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 1School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia 2Department of Material Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Biwako Kusatsu Campus, Shiga, Japan Introduction Titanium Titanium has extraordinary properties such as high bio-compatibility with high corrosion resistance compared to other materials. Because of these properties, titanium is mainly used as the basic material for medical equipments. Other than that, as one of the lightest material that can be applied in metals, titanium is also widely used as the basic material in aircraft industries. Pure titanium has a relatively low density; 4.51g/cm3, high melting point; 1941[K] with Young’s Modulus of 10.43 × Titanium possesses a 104[MPa]. Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP) structure which is alpha-phase (α-phase) below 1155±2[K]. Titanium with HCP crystal structure is known as α-Titanium. On the other hand, above 1155±2[K], titanium possesses a Body Centered Cubic (BCC) structure which is beta-phase (β-phase). Titanium with BCC crystal structure is known as β-Titanium[1] Strengthening Mechanism Yield strength(σy) for most of the materials vary by the grain size, according to the equation known as Hall-Petch equation shown below: Where d is the average grain diameter while σ0 and ky are constants for a particular material. This equation shows the inverse proportion relation between the average grain diameter and the yield strength; means that smaller grain size will gives higher yield strength[2]. Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) is the main method to produce Ultra Fine Grain (UFG), structure of metals with much improved strength and hardness[3,4]. There are various types of SPD proceses including Equal Channel Angular Process (ECAP)[4], High Pressure Torsion (HPT)[5], Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB)[6] process, etc. However, Mechanical Milling (MM) process was used in our laboratory to carry out the SPD method. MM process is a powder processing technique that involves fracturing and welding of powder particle in high energy milling machine[7] Harmonic Microstructure “Harmonic microstructure” is a term uses to define a hetero-mesh microstructure of materials, where fine grains structure formed at the surface region of the powder; known as “shell”. On the other hand, coarse grain structure formed at the interior region of the powder is known as “core”. For instance, previous research proved that harmonic microstructure of Stainless Steel (SUS316) has 1.5 times higher intensity ratio and 3.0 times higher ductility ratio than conventional materials[8]. “Shell” and “core” region are usually formed after the powder undergoes the MM process. After sintering process, the milled powder will form a compact metal with continuous shell and core region. The combination of MM and sintering process is called Severe Plastic Deformation-Powder Metallurgy (SPD-PM) process. Figure 1 shows the harmonic microstructure design; with shell and core region at the surface and inner part of the powder respectively. Figure 1: Harmonic microstructure design. Mechanically milled powder is composed of ultra fine grains region, “shell” and coarse grains region, “core”. The sintered compact with the MM powder have a harmonic microstructure. 13 Experimental Procedures Mechanical Milling CP titanium powders were mechanically milled by jet mill equipment known as Nano Jetmizer NJ-50 with zirconium coated layer inside the main chamber. The processing capacity is from 10 to 1[kg/hr] with 0.6~1.0[m3/min] airflow. The milling process was done at room temperature in nitrogen, N2 gas atmosphere. Table 1 shows the details of milled powder. Figure 4 shows SEM micrographs of initial and jet milled A SPS compacts. From the micrographs, it can be noted that grains in jet milled A were smaller compared to the initial compact. At the surface of the particle, a thin layer of shell region could be seen although grains inside the shell region could not be clearly seen. These micrographs reveals that the shell region appeared after the powder undergoes deformation through jet milling process under jet milled A condition. values between shell and core region. This shows that UFG did not form in the initial powder particles, resulting in no shell region within the consolidated compact. However, from jet milled A SPS compact, it can be noted that there were large difference between dynamic hardness values of shell and core region which is 286 HT. This shows that the shell region is far harder than the core region. Table 1: Jet milled powder condition Sintering CP titanium powders were sintered by DR SINTER SCM 2000 SPS machine. The processing temperature was set to 973[K] and the load was set to 50[MPa] for 0.6[ks]. Then, the sintered compacts were left cooled inside the SPS machine for 1.8[ks] before the samples were taken out. Results & Discussion From Fifure 2, by comparing the three types of powder’s appearances, it can be noted that jet milled A powder has rounded shape with bumpy surface while the initial powder did not show any clear bumpy surface. This shows that jet milled A powder has been deformed by jet milling process. From Figure 3, the jet milled A powder have different sizes of grains within the powder particles; where smaller grains formed around the surface region (shell) whereas bigger grains formed around the center region (core). On the other hand, jet milled A powder and the initial powder did not show any differences in the grain size. The grains have irregular shape. These micrographs reveals that jet milled B powder formed shell and core region after jet milling process. On the other hand, jet milled A and initial powder did not form any clear shell and core region. (b) Figure 2: SEM micrographs of powder’s appearances (a) initial powder,(b) jet milled A. Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 Figure 4 SEM micrographs of SPS compacts (a) initial, (b) jet milled A. Figure 5 shows the increasing in of average hardness value from initial to jet milled A SPS compact. This was due to the decreasing of the total grains sizes as the pressure of jet milling process increase. Figure 6 shows the average, maximum and minimum values of dynamic hardness for initial and jet milled A SPS compacts; shell and core region. From the initial SPS Figure 5: Average, maximum and minimum values of Vickers hardness for initial and jet milled A SPS compacts Figure 6: Average, maximum and minimum values of dynamic hardness for initial and jet milled A SPS compact; shell and core region compact, it can be noted that there were not much different in dynamic hardness Furthermore, for jet milled B SPS compact, the maximum and minimum hardness values measured in shell region are over than 800 HT and not below than 300 HT respectively. However, the maximum and minimum hardness values measured in core region are below than 500 HT and over 100 HT respectively. This shows that even in core region, the nearer the indentation spot to the shell region, the harder the material become. From both of the histograms, it can be noted that the hardness values of each shell and core region increased from initial to jet milled A SPS compact. The UFG formed through jet milling process, which can lead to the formation of shell and core network after they are being consolidated by sintering process. (b) Figure 3: SEM micgraphs of powder’s cross section (a) initial powder, (b) jet milled A. 14 Conclusions CP titanium low oxygen powders (TiLOP) were mechanically milled by jet milling process. The powders then were consolidated by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) process. Microstructure and hardness of consolidated compacts were investigated. Based on the experimental results, the following conclusions could be obtained. 1.Powders milled by jet milling process have smaller grains than the initial powders. The higher the air flow pressure, the smaller the grains became. 2.Consolidated compacts fabricated with high air flow pressure jet milled powders showed a thin layer of shell region without clear grain boundaries can be seen within the region. 3.High air pressure jet milled compact has a higher hardness values compared with the initial compact. 4.The shell region showed higher hardness value than the core region. 5.Jet milling process did improve the hardness of powders and their consolidated compacts by forming ultra fine grains. Increasing the air flow pressure during jet milling process will increase the thickness of the shell region and the hardness of the powders and their consolidated compacts. However, the problem where clear grains cannot be seen within the shell region should be studied in the future References 1.Titanium and Titanium Alloys, Fundamentals and Application, Edited by Christoph Leyens, Manfred Peters, WILEY-VCH, 2003. 2. Ranjan Mittal, Metallurgy & Materials Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela, 10604038, March 2009. 3. N. Hansen, X. Huang, R. Ueji and N. Tsuji, Structure and strength after large strain deformation, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 387-389 (2004)191-194. 4. R. Lapovok, D. Tomus, V. Skripnyuk, M. Barnett and M. Gibson, The effect of hydrogenation on the ECAP compaction of Ti–6Al–4V powder and the mechanical properties of compacts, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 513-514 (2009) 97-108. 5. Alexander P. Zhilyaev, Terence G. Langdon, Using high-pressure torsion for metal processing: Fundamentals and applications, Progress in Materials Science, 53 (2008) 893-979. 6. N. Tsuji, Y. Ito, Y. Saito and Y. Minamino, Strength and ductility of ultrafine grained aluminum and iron produced by ARB and annealing, Scripta Mater., 47 (2002) 893-899. 7. T. Sekiguchi, K. Ono, H. Fujiwara and K. Ameyama: 「New Microstructure Design for Commercially Pure Titanium with Outstanding Mechanical Properties by Mechanical Milling and Hot Roll Sintering, Materials Transactions, The Japan Institute of Metals,51(2010),pp.39-45. Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 8. H. Fujiwara, H. Tanaka, M. Nakatani and K. Ameyama: 「Effects of Nano / MesoHarmonic Microstructure on Mechanical Properties in Austenitic Stainless Steel Produced by MM / HRS Process」 , Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech Publications, 638-642(2010), pp. 1790-1795. Product 1 performance and value for money. Environmental Friendliness Emissions from the PM stove were under acceptable levels and compliant with ANSI standards. The present stove is environmentally friendly and can also be used in generation of electric power and is particularly useful in outdoor activities such camping and travel. POROUS MEDIUM STOVE WITH COGENERATION (Won Gold medal at ITEX 2013) Inventors: Professor Dr. Mohd Zulkifly Abdullah Professor Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad Ahmad Kamal Ismail Abdul Rashid Jamaludin Novelty and inventiveness Porous medium stove with cogeneration is a new design of porous burner for domestic use. By using a ceramic porous material as medium of combustion, the combustion efficiency increased. The increased in combustion efficiency indicate the reduction of combustion pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO) as well. Furthermore, the novelty of the hexagonal shape of the stove ease the use of Thermoelectric (TE) cells for elec trical cogeneration by using heat dissipation at the burner wall. Thus, more heat convert to electrical power to be used directly for mobile phone charging. This leads to the increased of thermal efficiency of the stove. Usefulness and application The porous medium stove (PMS) with cogeneration is never been developed and still not available in the market so far. This stove consist of porous medium (alumina and coated with silicon carbide) provide lower emissions especially CO and NOx, lower fuel consumption (up to 50% fuel saving) compare to the conventional stove, gives better thermal efficiency and higher flame temperature. The current prototype of PMS can be used either indoor or outdoor applications. The PMS also able to be used with different fuels such as LPG (indoor) and butane (outdoor), including extra feature with cogeneration for mobile, torch light, radio and battery charging. The thermoelectric cells have been used in this cogeneration purposes. Market and commercial potential Nowadays, manufacturers are looking for a better option on combustion device, especially for domestic use. Most domestic stove in the market use gas fuel such as LPG, methane, propane or butane from fossil fuel derivatives. This hydrocarbon fuels price increased due to global consumer demand and the depletion of the fuel itself. A highly efficient PM stove has been developed to reduce the usage of HC fuels without compromising on its Sample product Product 2 NANOCOAT: Remedy for VOC, bacteria and fungi growing world. (Won Gold medal at MTE 2013) Inventors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Srimala Sreekantan Dr. Ong Ming Thong Siti Aida Ibrahim Khairul Arifah Saharudin Ramarao Introduction Various bacteria & virus are highly transmitted in our environment, and will cause severe illness to weak persons & children. Besides, toxic and carcinogen gases, like VOC and formaldehyde that are emitted after renovation (indoor pollutants) can cause blood cancer. Here we have developed NANOCOAT Nano-Solutions as a remedy for aforementioned health problem. NANOCOAT is a non-carcinogenic, non-allergenic solution that protects the health and well being of mankind against bacteria, fungi, toxic and carcinogen gases. It can be easily applied on any surface for such protection. Novelty In comparison with other anti-microbial solution, NANOCOAT is safe and more economical. It does not deteriorate and it shows a long-term anti microbial effect. It is also free from binder and iso-propyl alcohol, unlike the common antimicrobial solution available commercially. Work effectively under any light. Benefits of using NANOCOAT *Nanosize 2-3nm-high surface area *Transparent- easy to apply to any surface *Multifunctional effects (Kills fungi and bacteria 99.99% and Destroy VOC 99.99%) *ONE time application, last for 2 years 15 How Nanocoat works? NANOCOAT kills bacteria by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms by emitting oxygen radicals that penetrate and disrupt their cell walls. When the cell walls are penetrated, leakage of metabolites occurs and other cell functions are disabled, thereby preventing the microorganism from functioning or reproducing. In terms of the effect against fungi, the NANOCOAT solution inhibits the cell from splitting under mitosis. Applications Most importantly, our NANOCOAT solution is designed to be easily integrated into any surface (wood, tiles, polymer, and fabric) with good adherence. We have proven the functionality of this material in the following projects: ∗Rapid KL public transport ∗Setia Alam City Mall ∗Gleneagles Hospital ∗Little Mandarin House – Kindergarten alpha-TCP composite improved significantly upon PCL coating, i.e. an enhancement of 25 times as compared to that before coating. In vitro biological evaluations have proven that bone marrow cells adhered and proliferated well on the composites. Based on these findings, it can be safely concluded that the process is successful in producing alpha-TCP scaffolds coated with bioresorable PCL which is of good potential to be used as cancelloustype artificial bone replacement. Figure 1. Structure of the human bone Figure 2: Proliferation of bone marrow cells on TCP.COM Sample product Product 4 Product 3 TCP.COM r-RubFoam– A NOVEL SOLUTION FOR GLOBAL OIL SPILLS Patent Pending: PI 20094119 (Won Gold medal at ITEX 2013) Inventors: Professor Dr. Radzali Othman Le Thi Bang The novel process that was adjudged to be of Gold Award merit during ITEX 2013 is for the production of a cancellous-type artificial bone replacement (the final product being named as TCP.COM – TriCalcium Phosphate Composite). The process starts off with the fabrication an alpha-TCP (tricalcium phosphate) scaffold through a proprietory method of directly sintering CaCO3 and CaHPO4.2H2O at a certain temperature. The scaffold was then coated with poly ɛ-caprolactone (PCL) through a special dipping process. The final composite obtained retained a three dimensional fully-interconnected porous structure similar to human cancellous bone. The coated alpha-TCP scaffold exhibited high porosity with large pore size (500–700 µm) that can be considered to mimic the cancellous bone structure.The compressive strength of the Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2013 US gallons of oil spill (AbsorbentsOnline.com). Since 1970 – 2010 there were 1,700 of oil spills with amount of 5.7 million tonnes of oil spilt. Oil spills are now common disaster in the world. There are several threats can be found due to this oil spills on the environment such as Physical and chemical alteration of natural habitat, lethal effect on flora and fauna and most biological communities are susceptible to the effects of oil spills. Importance of invention 1.Recycle various rubber wastes such as tyres, scrap gloves, catheters, motorbike tubes, etc into novel and re-usable oil absorbent foam using Latex foam technology 2.Help Malaysian government to solve the environmental problem of disposal various rubber wastes through the recycling of scraps into valuable products. 3.To find the simplest and a friendly solution to absorb oil spills. Novelty and Inventiveness 1.Using the conventional rubber processing equipments, simple manufacturing process and low cost, all rubber wastes can be recycled to produce r-RubFoam. 2.r-RubFoam –A cost effective, easy and modern way to deal with the clean-up and removal of oil spill on land and in water. 3.Ideal for cleaning up oil spill in congested areas of warehouses and factories, petrol stations, car workshops, petrochemicals and shipping industries and all chronically spill prone areas. Novel and Low Cost Technology Incorporation of oil absorbent rubber waste powder to produce open cell foam using latex foam technology (Won Gold medal & Special Award at ITEX 2013) Inventors: Professor Dr. Hanafi Ismail (FASc) Indrajith Rathnayake Introduction The annual production of rubber was 18 million tonnes in 2002. After 10 years of time (2012) it has been increased up to 26 million tonnes. Most of these rubber products are disposable and can cause a big impact on the environment if they are not recovered to useful products. The main source of waste rubber is disposable latex products such as gloves, catheters, condoms, latex threads etc, discarded rubber products, such as: discarded tyres, rubber pipes, rubber belts, rubber shoes, edge scraps and waste products which are produced in rubber processes. Why turning waste rubbers into Oil Absorbent? Big potential application. Every year there were about 100 million Sample product 16