2016 K’ NE X E D UCATI O N CATALO G UE WWW. KNE X E D UCATI O N. CO .UK W HY K ’ NEX ® EARLY YEARS The K’NEX Education® range has been designed to maximize pupil engagement in today’s busy classroom. AGE SCHOOL YEAR WWW.KNEXEDUCATION.CO.UK FOR MORE 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 RECEPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 KS2 18 KS2 KS3 KS5 KS3 KS4 KS5 KS4 GROUP SET KID K’NEX CLASSROOM COLLECTION ORGANISMS & LIFECYCLES TRANSPORTATION K’NEX CONSTRUCTION MATHS & GEOMETRY K8 CONSTRUCTION 52 MODEL/70 MODEL/35 MODEL TUBS ELEMENTARY MATHS & GEOMETRY INTERMEDIATE MATHS & GEOMETRY INTRODUCTION TO LEVERS & PULLEYS INTRODUCTION TO WHEELS, AXLES & INCLINED PLANES INTRODUCTION TO GEARS INTRODUCING MACHINES SIMPLE MACHINES CLASS SET SIMPLE MACHINES DELUXE EXPLORING MACHINES SIMPLE AND COMPOUND MACHINES FEATU RE S AN D BE N E F I TS INTRODUCING STRUCTURES DYNAMIC MODELS ENQUIRY BASED CURRICULUM Engage, excite and motivate pupils to learn. Encourage scientific inquiry, investigation, and experimentation through active participation. Challenges students to apply problem solving and troubleshooting techniques. REPLICAS OF REAL WORLD MACHINES/STRUCTURES Easily constructed and deconstructed within lesson timings and compact to store. Help students to relate concepts to the world they live in. VI SI T 5 KEY STAGE young Scientists and Engineers key science, technology, engineering and maths concepts by constructing real world models. Easy to follow, colour coded instructions make it possible for pupils to work independently or in groups SECONDARY 4 KS1 Sets have been designed for school use and teach today’s Each product in the K’NEX Education line comes with a comprehensive Teacher’s Guide, with lesson plan and extension activities. 3 PRIMARY INTRODUCTION TO BRIDGES REAL BRIDGE BUILDING EXPLORING WIND & WATER ENERGY INVESTIGATING SOLAR ENERGY ENERGY AND FORCES RENEWABLE ENERGY FORCES, ENERGY & MOTION ROBUST AND EASY STORAGE EDUCATION STANDARDS ALIGNMENTS ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY POLICY Aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths curriculum. During our manufacturing process, 100% of our materials are recycled. ENERGY, MOTION & AERONAUTICS STEM EXPLORATIONS SWING RIDE AMUSEMENT PARK PHYSICS STEM EXPLORATIONS ROLLER COASTER AMUSEMENT PARK EXPERIENCE ROLLER COASTER PHYSICS LIFE SCIENCES DNA REPLICATION AND TRANSCRIPTION SET K ID K ’ NE X ® The KID K’NEX range has big, soft chunky pieces, and can be used by children with varying manipulative skills. K ID K ’ N EX GR OU P SE T I T E M N O. 7 8 7 50 IT E M NO . 78 6 9 0A 3 + YEARS 8 MODELS 8–10 STUDENTS 131 PIECES 3 + YEARS 23 MODELS 8–10 STUDENTS 267 PIECES •Builds eight models, four at a time •Builds 23 models, eight at a time •Suitable for small groups of eight to ten children building simultaneously •1:1 correspondence cards to aid building •Supports eight to ten children building simultaneously •Set includes 131 KID K’NEX parts, including eyes, ears and wings. Models are easily assembled, stay together during play and can be quickly dismantled and stored in sturdy snap on lid tubs. •Includes 267 KID K’NEX pieces and blocks KEY CONCEPTS KEY CONCEPTS •Colour and shape recognition Vibrant colours and component designs appeal to both boys and girls and reinforces colour and •Colour recognition •Sorting and patterning skills •Stacking sorting and sequencing •Encourages manual dexterity and fine motor skills •Pattern recognition and copying •Fine Motor Skill Development & Practice shape recognition, sorting and patterning problem solving skills. DOG C LA SSR OOM C OLLEC TION •Characters and Props for role play FI REFLY SPIDER LA M B B E AVE R C AT E R P I L L A R ELEPHANT L A DY BI R D K ID K ’ NE X O RG A NIS MS AND LIFECYCLES K ID K ’ N EX I T E M N O. 7 958 0 IT E M NO . 78 8 30 3+ YEARS 18 MODELS 14 STUDENTS 198 PIECES TR A NSPORTATION 3 + YEARS 13 MODELS 8–10 STUDENTS 229 PIECES •Builds 18 models, 14 simultaneously •Builds 13 models, nine simultaneously •Includes 198 KID K’NEX rods, connectors, fins tentacles, beaks and eyes •1:1 correspondence cards to aid child’s building of exciting vehicles •Includes eight 2-sided 1:1 correspondence cards •Supports eight to ten children building simultaneously KEY CONCEPTS •Includes 229 KID K’NEX pieces, including 36 wheels, ten of which are ‘super sized’ and six are truck wheels •Characteristics of Organisms •Sorting and Sequencing KEY CONCEPTS •Environments •Colour and shape recognition •Food Chains and Food Webs •Sorting and sequencing •Fine motor skills •Encourages manual dexterity and fine motor skills B IRD DRAGONFLY F LO W E R M O US E D UN E B UGGY HELICOPTER S A I L BO AT TO W T R U C K C O NS T R U CTI O N Children of all ages love to build… C O N S T R U C T IO N K8 CON STRU C TI O N SE T I T E M N O. 79818 5 + YEARS 80 MODELS 8–12 STUDENTS 1313 PIECES Whether free form or following instructions K’NEX construction sets allow students to build and power models, helping them •Includes two colour coded instruction books to build 80 models understand how they work. •Builds eight dynamic motorised creations •Packaged in two strong, stackable storage trays with snap on lids. •Contains 1313 K’NEX Rods and Connectors, one spring motor and a power pack motor. •Supports up to 12 students building simultaneously in teams of two to three KEY CONCEPTS M OTOR PACK •Understanding how structures are made •How to change and improve design of models ITEM NO . 78910 •Impact of materials on the robustness of structures Add more motors to your sets and bring them to life with this pack of two battery operated motors. SPIDER •Velocity and movement of vehicles SPI D E R RAC SPIDER ING C AR S PID E R B AT T E RY PO W E R E D M OTO R F E R R IS W H E E L S E T S P R I N G M OTO R HELICOPTER IN T R O D U C I N G MACH I NE S When teaching design and technology or key areas of the science curriculum, it is important to allow students to explore how structures and machines around them work. IN T R O D U C IN G M A C H IN ES SIM PL E MACH I N E S DE LU XE I T E M N O. 7 9565 8 + YEARS 60 MODELS 10–15 STUDENTS 3447 PIECES The Simple Machines Deluxe set is designed to introduce students to the scientific concepts associated with simple machines — Levers, Pulleys, Wheels and Axles, Inclined Planes, including Wedge and Screw and Gears. As students build and investigate, they are encouraged to discuss and evaluate the scientific principles in action. Many students accelerate their learning through hands on exploration and experimentation. The K’NEX Introduction to Machines range allows students to explore diverse areas of the curriculum from Mechanical Advantage to how products can be designed to make working lives easier. SPIDER KEY CONCEPTS •Levers, pulleys, inclined planes, wedge, screw, wheel and axle and gears. •Energy transfer •Effort and resistance forces •Mechanical Advantage CAROUSEL C RANE LAW N M O W E R B ICYCLE GE A R S A R CH IM E D E S S CR E W BA L A N C E BI G BA L L FA C TO RY INCLINED PLANES •Motion and Forces IN T R O D U C I N G MACH I NE S SI MP L E MACH INES CLA SS SET IN T R O D U C IN G M A C H IN ES I T E M N O. 7 90 0 8 IT E M NO . 78 6 00 8 + YEARS 15 MODELS 24–26 STUDENTS 2176 PIECES E XPLOR ING M A C HINE S 10 + YEARS 30 MODELS 8–12 STUDENTS 1432 PIECES Bring the excitement of STEM to your students with this Classroom Simple Machines Set! Introduce students to the scientific concepts associated with simple machines - Levers, Pulleys, Wheels & Axles, Inclined Planes, Gears, Wedges and Screws. Builds 15 fully functioning models up to eight at a time. The 30 different models featured in this set enable students to investigate a broad variety of mechanisms in more complex models. Four of each type of model can be built simultaneously. A 70 page comprehensive Teacher’s Guide is included. KEY CONCEPTS KEY CONCEPTS •Levers and pulleys •Levers, pulleys, wheel and axle, inclined planes, gears, wedge and screw •Motion and forces •Energy transfer •Making work easier •Effort and resistance forces •Mechanical advantage •Classes of levers •Energy transfer •Mechanical advantage SPIDER SET B ALANC E SET R A M P E LE VATO R B LO CK & TA CKLE S AW M I L L PIANO S AW M I L L PIANO C O N V E YO R BE LT IN T R O D U C I N G MACH I NE S SI MP L E AND C OM POUND M A CH I N E S IN T R O D U C IN G M A C H IN ES I T E M N O. 7 7 0 53 IT E M NO . 78 6 10 9 + YEARS 16 MODELS 2–3 STUDENTS 352 PIECES LE VE R S A ND PU LLE YS 8 + YEARS 8 MODELS 2-3 STUDENTS 178 PIECES A smaller group version of the Exploring Machines set, this set is designed to increase students understanding of simple machines, and how they make work easier by investigating, exploring and experimenting with fully functioning simple machine models. Detailed Teacher’s Guide with key concepts, terms definitions and learning objectives and lesson plans included. Build sixteen models, one at a time. Build eight real working models of 1st, 2nd and 3rd class levers and fixed, moveable and combination pulley systems, one at a time. Detailed Teacher’s Guide with key concepts, terms definitions and learning objectives and lesson plans included. Packaged in a strong storage tray with moveable dividers and snap on transparent lid. KEY CONCEPTS •Identifying three classes of levers and how they operate KEY CONCEPTS •Effort and resistance •Key parts of levers: effort arm, resistance arm and fulcrum •Mechanical Advantage •How levers function •Force •Fixed, moveable and combination pulley systems and how they function •Six types of simple S P Imachine DER C AROUSEL C RANK FAN PADDL E B O AT TO W T R UCK E LE VATO R B LO CK A N D TA CKLE BA L A N C E WH E E L BA R R O W IN T R O D U C I N G MACH I NE S IN T R O D U C IN G M A C H IN ES WH EE LS , AXLES A ND INCLINED PL AN E S I T E M N O. 7 8 620 IT E M NO . 78 6 30 8 + YEARS 7 MODELS 2–3 STUDENTS 221 PIECES 8 + YEARS 7 MODELS 2–3 STUDENTS 198 PIECES Seven real world examples of how a wheel turns an axle, how an axle turns a wheel, plus two levels of inclined planes and a screw and wedge. The set supports a team of two to three students. Build seven models, one at a time. •This set builds seven different gear models, including two spur gear, two crown gear and two chain and socket gear examples •Models include Egg Beater, Blender, Chainsaw, Record player, Crank Fan, Car Window and Exercise Bike •Set supports a team of two to three students working together, and includes a detailed Teacher’s Guide with key concepts, terms and definitions KEY CONCEPTS KEY CONCEPTS •Identifying key parts of wheel and axle system •What a gear ratio is and how it is calculated •Determining how different gear configurations change the amount of applied force, speed or direction of movement •Where wheels & axles are used •Comparing and contrasting how these different machines function •Where different types of gears are used •Identifying how inclined planes, screws and wedges make work easier SPIDER GEARS •Identifying three different types of gear configuration HAND DRILL PA D D LE B O AT STEEP RAMP EGG B E AT E R C R A N K FA N S TAT I O N A RY BI K E IN T R O D U C I N G STRU CTURE S The K’NEX® Bridges range is designed to support the Design and Technology, Science, Geography and History curriculum in schools. BR IDGE S IN T R O D U C IN G S T R U C T U R ES I T E M N O. 7 8 64 0 IT E M NO . 78 6 8 0 8 + YEARS 13 MODELS 2–3 STUDENTS 207 PIECES SUSPENSION BRIDGE 10+ YEARS 7 MODELS 6–8 STUDENTS 2282 PIECES This large set builds replicas of realworld bridges up to 1.8 metres long - two at a time. •Builds 13 fully functioning replicas of seven key bridge types •Detailed teachers guide with key concepts, terms and definitions included The sets build replicas of real world bridges and feature all seven of the key bridge designs, showcasing real life examples of international bridges, bringing to life the engineering and maths concepts architects and engineers have to put in place to build robust, durable structures. Teacher’s Guides also explore the cost involved in constructing the bridges, and the part they have played in history. R E A L B R ID G E B U ILD ING •Supports Design and Technology, as well as Science Curriculum •Designed to assist students in their study of the history, function, structural design, geometry and strength of bridges KEY CONCEPTS •Helps students investigate the physical properties of materials and their application in the placement of design and construction of bridges •Defining the characteristics and purposes of seven bridge types •The models demonstrate seven key bridges: bascule, cantilever, cable-stayed, truss, suspension, arch and beam •Identifying key features of each type of bridge •Investigating how different bridge types hold their loads KEY CONCEPTS •Evaluating the strength and stability of each bridge type through experimentation •Defining the characteristics and purposes of seven bridge types •Investigating how different bridge types hold their loads ARCH BR IDGE THROUGH ARC H B A LT IM O R E T R US S GO LD E N GAT E B R ID GE S Y D N E Y H A R BO U R BR I D G E TO WE R BR I D G E FO RT H BR I D G E •Determining and calculating costs involved in building a bridge •Exploring the history of each of the realworld bridges E NE R GY AN D FORC ES The planning of energy resources and how we conserve and make better use of energy supplies is a hot topic in the classroom. EN ER GY A N D FO R C ES R ENEWABL E E N E RGY I T E M N O. 7 8 97 6 IT E M NO . 78 9 76 10 + YEARS 9 MODELS 6–12 STUDENTS 550 PIECES The Renewable Energy set allows students to compare and contrast the power and efficiency that can be realized from wind, solar and water powered machines. Students generate electricity to operate models as they experiment with renewable energy systems. Builds three models at a time: One 1.38 V - 500 mA solar panel, three motors and power cords, and one capacitor for energy storage included. This range of K’NEX Education® products has been designed to allow students to investigate and explore how various forms of energy power everyday machines and structures around them. Key concepts covered in the range include renewable energy, energy storage, energy efficient technologies, force, motion, work and power. The hands on building of models and comparing performance of the designs encourage problem solving and experimentation. R E NE WA B LE E NE R GY KEY CONCEPTS •Renewable Energy •Solar, wind and hydro power •Energy: Radiant, Mechanical and Electrical •Kinetic and Potential Energy C RANK MAN W I N D M ILL W IN D M ILL M ECH A N ICA L S YS T E M WAT E R PO W E R E D M I L L S O L A R P O WE R E D C A R •Green energy/Clean energy •Hydroelectric energy generation E NE R GY AN D FORC ES EN ER GY A N D FO R C ES E X P LO RING WIND A ND WATER E N E RGY I T E M N O. 7 7 0 51 IT E M NO . 77075 9 + YEARS 7 MODELS 2–3 STUDENTS 288 PIECES 9 + YEARS 3 MODELS 2–3 STUDENTS 129 PIECES This small group version of the Renewable Energy set allows students to experiment with wind and water power. Students will investigate the science behind these energy sources and the technologies that help to make them useful. Builds seven wind and water powered models, one at a time. Supports two to three students working in small groups. This small group version of the Renewable Energy set allows students to harness the energy of the sun and convert it into electricity to power K’NEX models. Builds three solar powered models, one at a time and supports two to three students working in small groups. KEY CONCEPTS •Solar Power •Energy storage KEY CONCEPTS •Energy efficient Technologies •Wind and hydro power •Innovation and Invention •Energy storage •Hydroelectric energy generation •Energy efficient technologies •Innovation and invention SPIDER SOLA R E NE R GY W INDMILL SAIL CA R M ECH A N ICA L W IN D M ILL S O LA R CR A N K M A N SOLAR CAR E NE R GY AN D FORC ES FO R C E S E NE RGY A ND M OTION EN ER GY A N D FO R C ES I T E M N O. 7 8 7 90 IT E M NO . 79 6 21 E NE R GY, M OTION A ND A E R ONA U TIC S 10+ YEARS 11 MODELS 12–16 STUDENTS 442 PIECES 10 + YEARS 9 MODELS 6–9 STUDENTS 1430 PIECES The Forces Energy and Motion set has been designed to encourage students to investigate and experiment using a variety of models. Hands on testing with various models and motors allows groups to compare and contrast what impact design has on speed and distance travelled. Set includes tyres and motors, battery, spring and fly wheel. Build eleven vehicles, up to four at a time. The Energy, Motion and Aeronautics set allows students to investigate a variety of concepts related to Newton’s Laws and aeronautics. These concepts include aeronautics as it applies to force and motion, as well as the effects of individuals who work in space. Models demonstrate: Newton’s Laws, aeronautic and aerospace training devices, optical illusions, mechanical systems, airplane flight surfaces, parachute technology, projectile motion, and much more. Build nine models, up to three at a time. KEY CONCEPTS •Energy transfer •Velocity and Acceleration KEY CONCEPTS •Potential and Kinetic Energy •Newton’s Laws, Ratios and Proportions •Newton’s Law and the Mathematics of Motion •Student designed to encourage S Pexperiments IDER design challenges •The design Process /Engineering Design B ATTERY RAC ER SPRING RAC ER W IN D R A CE R R UB B E R B A N D R A CE R B A LLO O N R A CE R PA R A C H U T E D A RT L A U N C H E R CENTRIFUGE MODEL •Measurement •Testing , Evaluating and Modifying •Data collection, graphing and analysis A MU S E ME NT PARK PH YSICS The K’NEX Education® Amusement Park range provides an opportunity for students to combine real world applications with key science, technology, engineering and maths principles. A M U S EM EN T PA R K P H YS IC S A M USE ME N T PARK E XPE RI E N C E I T E M N O. 7 8 8 9 0 10 + YEARS 13 MODELS 6–8 STUDENTS 2264 PIECES •Amusement Park Experience opens up science and mathematical investigations into speed, distance and time, rotational motion and more. •2264 pieces build classic amusement park rides including a roller coaster, carousel, Ferris wheel, pirate ship, scrambler, wing and boom rides, plus ramps and half pipes. •Build clothoid loops, circular loops, ball ramps. •Explore gearing options for rotating rides •Builds up to two models at a time Students will be engaged and energized as they explore how KEY CONCEPTS these key concepts are applied on Amusement Park Rides. •Relationship between speed, distance and time •Relationship between mass and speed •Mass motion and energy loss •Slope as a rate of change •Displacement SPIDER H ALF PIPE ZIPPER S E R PE N T LO N D O N E Y E F E R R IS W H E E L P I R AT E S H I P S WI N G R I D E A MU S E M E NT PARK PH YSICS ST EM E XP LO RATIONS SWING RI DE A M U S EM EN T PA R K P H YS IC S I T E M N O. 7 7 0 7 7 IT E M NO . 77078 8 + YEARS 3 MODELS 2–3 STUDENTS 470+ PIECES STE M E XPLOR ATIONS R OLLE R C OA STE R 8 + YEARS 3 MODELS 2–3 STUDENTS 500+ PIECES Students will be engaged and energized as they further their knowledge and understanding of the science, technology, engineering and maths concepts associated with a real-life amusement park ride. This set has been designed to engage and inspire students as they further their knowledge and understanding of how science, technology, engineering and maths concepts are used in the development of thrill rides. •Build a working swing ride, plus two additional models, one at a time •Three experiments – one for each model •Build a working roller coaster, plus two additional models, one at t time •Battery-powered motor included •Three experiments – one for each model •Battery-powered motor included KEY CONCEPTS KEY CONCEPTS •Relationship between Mass and Speed •Relationship between Speed, Distance and Time •Gearing Up & Gearing Down •Understanding Patterns •Variables in an experiment •Gather, analyze, and interpret data SPIDER •Gather, analyze, and interpret data FERRIS W HEEL B O O M R ID E HALFPIPE COASTER INCLINE COASTER A MU S E ME NT PARK PH YSICS R OLLE R CO ASTER PHYSICS L IFE S C IEN C E ITEM N O. 7 8 8 8 0 IT E M NO . 78 78 0 D NA R E PLIC ATION A ND TR A NSC R IPTION 16+ YEARS 11 MODELS 6–8 STUDENTS 2037 PIECES 10 + YEARS 19 MODELS 2–3 STUDENTS 521 PIECES This set is designed to help students as they design and conduct scientific investigations, identify variables of the problem and adapt models to improve performance. Learn data collection, charting and reporting of experimental results. Build up to two lab stations at a time. This set is designed to aid in teaching the structure and function of the nucleic acid molecules that make up DNA and RNA. Build nineteen models, up to two at a time. KEY CONCEPTS •Chemistry of DNA KEY CONCEPTS •Molecular basis of heredity •DNA Structure •Measurement in 3D Trigonometry •The Double Helix •Time of Flight •Enzymatic Control of DNA Process •Uniform Acceleration •Semi-conservative replication of DNA •Elastic Collision in two dimensions •Translation of DNA code •Centripetal Force and Acceleration •Transcription and mRNA Reproduction •Centripetal Force in a Vertical Direction •Weightiness and Weightlessness •The Physics of the Clothoid Loop DOUB LE HILL HALF PIPE FOR B ALL H A LF PIPE W IT H CIR CULA R LO O P H A LF PIPE FO R CA R MRNA STRAND R E P L I C AT I O N FO R K MAT M AT HS & GEOMETRY Students live in a 3D world, so it makes sense for them to connect with maths and geometry on a 3D level. M AT H S & G EO M ET RY ELEM E N TARY MATH S & GEO ME TRY ITEM NO. 78720 IT E M NO . 79 028 A INTE R M E D IATE M ATHS A ND G EOM E TRY 9+ YEARS 6 + YEARS 38 MODELS 3-4 STUDENTS 142 PIECES K’NEX® sets allow them to do just that, building their knowledge and understanding of key maths and geometry concepts. 95 MODELS 8-16 STUDENTS 920 PIECES An introduction to 2D and 3D shapes, symmetry and fractions for hands-on maths. Builds 95 K’NEX® Maths and Geometry models, up to four simultaneously. This 142 piece set builds 40 different 2D and 3D mathematic models (multiple models simultaneously). Designed to address critical mathematics concepts in the secondary school classroom, and provide instructional models that will enhance students’ understanding of important concepts and algorithms. KEY CONCEPTS •Shapes, faces, angles & similarity, Symmetry Lines KEY CONCEPTS •Segments and Rays Edges •2D and 3D Geometry •2D & 3D Dimensional geometric shapes •Sequencing and Patterning •Transformations •Sides, congruence •Rotational symmetry in 3D •Fractions, vertices O CTA G O N Q UAD RI D LATERAL SQUARE PYRAMID R ECTA N GULA R PR IS M •Reflections, Congruence and Similarity B E AVE R C AT E R P I L L A R ELEPHANT L A DY BU G T HE K ’ NE X ED U CATI ON ® WEBSITE Visit the K’NEX Education website to find a wealth of resources designed to support you and your pupils in the classroom. On this website, you will find: WHAT’S NEW VI SI T WWW.KNEXEDUCATION.CO.UK FOR MORE PRODUCT INFORMATION WHERE TO BUY • COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS’ GUIDES • INFORMATION ON INNOVATIVE SCHOOL WORKSHOPS • CHANCES TO WIN 3D STEM LEARNING PRODUCTS • STUDENT BUILDING INSTRUCTIONS • CLEAR INFORMATION ON KEY STAGES AND GROUP SIZES • LINKS TO BUY ONLINE FOR F ULL D E TAI LS O N O UR P R O D UCT LI NE AND TO R EVIEW A L L O U R R ES O U R C ES A N D KE Y S TO CKI S TS V I S I T O UR WE BS I T E V I S I T WWW. KNE XED U C AT IO N . C O .U K EARLY YEARS PRIMARY SECONDARY FOR SALES ENQUIRIES PLEASE CALL : 01189 253 270 TO CHECK ORDER STATUS PLEASE CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE AT : UKORDERS @KNEX.COM FOR FURTHER INFORMATION VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE AT: WWW.KNEXEDUCATION.CO.UK K’NEX UK Ltd., 200 Brook Drive, Green Park, Reading, RG2 6UB. K’NEX reserves the right to limit dispersal of and access to the information and portals shown above. ©2016 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group, 2990 Bergey Road, P.O. Box 700, Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 tel 800-822-5639 fax 215-996-4225 www.knex.com K’NEX, K’NEX Education and KID K’NEX are registered trademarks of K’NEX Limited Partnership Group.
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