September 2014 - Regina Catholic Schools


September 2014 - Regina Catholic Schools
Regina Catholic School Division
Director’s Communiqué
Issue 39, September 2014
A message from Director of Education Rob Currie
“We must all exceed our own expectations.” - Nelson Mandela
Our Division celebrated an outstanding Opening Mass on Thursday, August 28. Archbishop
Daniel Bohan led the Regina Catholic employees in celebrating our Catholic faith, emphasizing
our opportunity of Catholic education, and blessing the hands of all RCSD employees who were
invited to model being a witness to Christ in our work with our students and their families.
Mrs. Vicky Bonnell, Board Chair, accentuated how we need to nurture and work to ensure
the existence of our Catholic education system. With three new Ministry approved schools
and the rebuild of Sacred Heart Community School, we continue to respond to our significant
Division growth. However, it is important that our faith community not take for granted
the opportunity we have to educate our children in the Catholic faith. Mrs. Bonnell spoke
to examples of parents and students who shared their respective stories of how a Catholic
education has made a difference.
In my Director’s address at the Opening Mass on August 28th, I highlighted:
• Since 1899, we connect to our faith community by the opportunity to provide a quality Catholic education. Our
collective responsibility allows us to work together to preserve and advance the continued opportunity of providing
a Catholic education for many years to come.
• We celebrate the fact that Holy Rosary Community School is celebrating its 100th Anniversary this year. A thank you
letter from one of the school’s appreciative parents, Mr. Shawn Dueck, was read which outlined the “major role the
Holy Rosary community and the RCSD have played in raising our daughter.”
• CEC employees who have worked extremely hard and diligently this past summer. **Of special note, I also like to take
this opportunity to acknowledge the Facilities and Technology departments for their superb work in preparation for
this school year. To the staff members of the Facilities Department, for sparkling clean schools, completing scheduled
renovations and connecting all new portables so that our schools are ready to welcome the students and staff to this
year of learning.
• To our Technology Department staff members, for their diligent and efficient work to distribute the new tablets,
connecting the new software and for providing the August in-service options for our Division personnel, our
collective thanks for the successful transition with our new technology.
• A challenge to all RCSD employees to provide a quality Catholic education. (Similar to the A.L.S. Ice Bucket Challenge
- see picture above). The challenge was that
all Division employees would be instruments of change, hope, belief in our students and of God. All staff members
were also challenged to “ donate” themselves to the education cause that would enable our students to be the leaders
of tomorrow.
• As with all our Catholic Division employees, we believe we are created in the image of God and that we will, and do,
make a difference in our students’ lives. Hence, as Division employees, we are expected to model and live our lives in
a Christ-like manner.
Director’s message continues on page 3
New Staff Members at Regina Catholic School Division
2014 -2015 School Year new Teachers
2014 - 2015 School Year new Support Staff
2014 Bursary Winner
Improving Student Outcomes
Shelby Shivak, a Michael A. Riffel
Catholic High School student, was
one of three students who won a
$5000 bursary from the Leader-Post
Foundation which supports Community
and Education.
Shelby will be taking Clinical Psychology
at the University of Regina.
Continued from Page 1
As you read through this Communiqué, I invite you to learn about some of the significant examples of God’s
presence realized through the good work and achievements of our Division students and staff. Through the faithfilled work of our students and staff members, our students are instilled with the belief and opportunity to learn
and grow, to give of themselves, and to make a difference in the world. Our students are our future leaders and
we are realizing the gifts that they presently possess, will continue to develop and make our community, and the
world as a whole, a better place.
The 2014-2015 school year promises to be a faith-filled and educational success! The Nelson Mandela quote, as
presented above, is a great reminder that as we reflect upon the past, live in the present, and prepare for the future,
we have unlimited opportunities before us. Our collective belief that these opportunities are possible, will serve
our Division very well. I wish everyone a great start to the school year.
God bless,
Miller Test Pilot with University of Regina
Opportunities Through Partnerships
Miller Comprehensive Catholic High School biology
teacher Heather Haynes, together with her students
speak with plant ecologist Scott Wilson at the University
of Regina.
A group of university professors, high school students
and teachers are hoping that a new research project will
lead to the reduction, and hopefully and the elimination
of pesticide use on the University of Regina campus.
Students from Miller Comprehensive Catholic High
School and University staff began collecting data such as plant species diversity, insect counts and soil
composition from two plots of grass measuring 100
centimeters by 50 centimeters in the academic green
area behind the Kinesiology Building.
One of the plots will be treated with pesticides whereas
the test plot will be treated naturally through a plant
health care model.
The alternative model involves spraying the plot with
compost tea and reintroducing bacteria into the soil.
Pesticides reduce bacteria in the soil, which is vital
for healthy soil structure and decomposing plants so
nutrients can be released into the soil.
The test plot will also be mowed less and not as short as
the rest of the lawn. Cutting grass short contributes to
weed development.
In the fall, data will be collected again from the plots
and compared to the baseline results in order to form a
The University wants to see the research expanded into
more plots for study so eventually researchers will be
in a position to recommend the natural care model to
university administrators as a normal practice for lawn
One of the drawbacks is that the plant care model can be
more costly than pesticide use because additional labour
is required to pull weeds. For Haynes, the research project
is a great opportunity for 14 of her science students to
get hands on experience in the field and in the lab.
“This is inquiry learning at its finest. We have a
hypothesis, we have the tools and we have our brains.
Let’s put them all together and let’s see if we can find
some answers,” said Haynes.
“No one who is working on this research team - whether
you’re a professor or a teacher or student - knows what
the outcome is going to be,” she said.
AR Reading Celebration
Improving Student Outcomes
Learning how to read is the right of every child, being encouraged to read and wanting to read is a gift that our
Regina Catholic students experience on a daily basis.
The newest members of the AR 1000 Point Club for the 2013-2014 school Year are:
• P. J. Abrenilla (Grade 6; St. Augustine)
• Princess EZE (Grade 6; St. Gregory)
• Joshua Farris (Grade 8; St. Gabriel)
• Sydney Kezama (Grade 8; St. Angela Merici)
• Aidan Lane-Wilson (Grade 7; St. Angela Merici)
• Nyajok Majok (Grade 8; St. Augustine)
• Elia Maxwell (Grade 8; St. Peter)
• Tyler Morhart (Grade 4; St. Jerome)
• Peace Olanipekun (Grade 6; St. Catherine)
• Breanna Morrison (Grade 7; St. Marguerite Bourgeoys)
• Shammah Peluola (Grade 7; St. Josaphat)
• Paige Schmaltz (Grade 6; St. Bernadette)
• Alison Wood (Grade 7; St. Dominic Savio)
These Students have done some serious reading ... and they’re still reading! A huge thank you is extended to the
teacher-librarians and staff in all of our schools for your enthusiasm in supporting and promoting reading.
Thanks to Technology Services and our Teachers
Improving Student Outcomes
With our transition to our new tablets and software
over the summer months, we wish to acknowledge and
thank our Technology Services staff for providing inservices to our teachers. We also thank the teachers for
volunteering to pick up their Yoga tablets.
We are extremely appreciative that approximately
75% of our teachers voluntarily picked up their new
devices and were ready to use them at the start of
the new school year. A special thank you also goes to
our Technology Services for their efficient and calm
support provided to our Division staff.
Good Buddies Blues Band
Opportunities Through Partnerships
The Blues Buddies and teacher Chris Hamilton were featured in the June 18th issue of QC of the Leader Post
As the new 2014-2015 school year starts, it is the 10th anniversary of the blues band from Dr. Martin LeBoldus
Catholic High School combining intellectually disabled students with their peers.
As the band’s popularity has grown since 2005, so did the demand to get the Good Buddies to perform at events.
Starting with simple trips to Moose Jaw and Saskatoon, the band has travelled to perform in Manitoba and
British Columbia; and twice to the U.S. In 2011, the band went to Disneyland and performed inside the park.
In June of 2014, Chris and a group of 43 students and parents went to Chicago, the city where famous blues
musicians like Muddy Waters and Buddy Guy lived and left their permanent imprint on the blues.
The Good Buddies Blues Band played with a gospel group at the famous House of Blues and graced the stage at
Chicago’s largest and oldest blues club, Kingston Mines, which has been frequented by the likes of B. B. King.
The idea for the band developed when a group of students with intellectual disabilities from Deshaye Catholic
School expressed an interest in remaining involved in band at the high school level.
Hamilton found a group of kids that already had relationships with the intellectually disabled students through
the Best Buddies LeBoldus Chapters. Best Buddies is an international non-profit organization that promotes
one-to-one friendships between individuals with intellectual disabilities and students. The associate buddies
play drums, bass, guitar, keyboards and sing along, while their FIAEP peers play the egg shakers, xylophones,
small percussion instruments and sing. None of the instruments are assigned.
The students’ enjoyment is the same whether the band is practicing in the classroom or playing on stage at the
House of Blues in Chicago. “What it has done for their confidence and for the parents to see their kids included
with their peers, it’s powerful. It’s magical” said Hamilton. Mary-Anne Harazny from LeBoldus is the general
manager of the band, and Jackie Hamilton helps with the setting up and taking down.
On Target Awards
Improving Student Outcomes
The outstanding achievements of students with
intensive needs in the Regina Catholic School Division
were recognized at the On Target Awards on June 11,
2014 at the Holy Family Parish Hall.
Our EFAP students and students from Jean Vanier
attended in their Sunday Best.
The Grade 8 students from St. Jerome had the honour
of being the servers during the social.
Scholarship Recipients
Improving Student Outcomes
Congratulations to St. Luke School and Archbishop
M.C. O’Neill Catholic High School on having a recipient
of the Prince of Wales & Duchess of Cornwall and Queen’s
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship.
The students were featured in the special June Edition of
the Saskatchewan Community Schools Newsletter.
The Saskatchewan Community Schools Association
(SCSA) is celebrating 35 years by rebranding and
expanding. The SCSA is opening its membership to
include every school in the province to promote the
approach of community education.
The approach to community education is a comprehensive
approach that includes everyone, validates knowledge and
wisdom of everyone in the community, and SCSA have
35 years of collective wisdom in supporting schools in
helping students succeed. - Delphine Melchert ( Executive
Director of SCSA)
Archbishop M. C. O’Neill Catholic High School and St.
Luke School are proud to be part of a learning environment
that provides learning opportunities for all members of
the community.
In 2001, the Government created the Prince of Wales
Scholarship to provide Grade 11 students with assistance
during their Grade 12 school year. In 2012 the award
was renamed to the Prince of Wales and Duchess of
Cornwall Fund during the royal visit to the province.
The scholarship is intended to assist youth in community
schools to transition into post-secondary studies at a
university or technical institute. Six students are eligible
to receive a $1000.00 scholarship.
Rita Sabah, student of Archbishop M. C. O’Neill
Catholic High School has won the Prince of Wales &
Duchess of Cornwall Award.
St. Luke student Martina Bansley won the Prince
of Wales & Duchess of Cornwall Scholarship. In the
photo on the right is Principal Heidi Hildebrand with
The 12 - core Practices of a Community Education
Program are:
• Relevant, culturally affirming, community related
• After school and evening programming (academic,
recreational, social)
• Community use of the school (is the center of the
• Nutrition resources & healthy lifestyle programming
• Community partnerships
• Interagency collaboration
• Leadership development at all levels
• Parental engagement
• Effective, active School Community Council
• Safe, respectful, welcoming environment
• Pro-active prevention and early learning programs
• Designated coordination of community education
programming by qualified practitioner, in
partnership with a school based leadership team
Martina also won the Saskatchewan Youth Apprentice
Scholarship ($500.00). She is pictured below with Kyla
15 & 25 Years of Service Recognition
Demonstrating Christ-like Behaviour
Congratulations to our 15 year award recipients:
Mrs. Kyla Matz - St. Gregory School
Ms. Tammy Appell - St. Theresa School
Ms. Jennifer Norminton - St. Theresa School
Ms. Kyrie Berry - St. Matthew School
Mrs. Monica Norris - Deshaye Catholic School
Ms. Natalie Botterill - St. Angela School
Mr. Glen Pambrun - St. Dominic Savio School
Ms. Kimberley Chagnon - St. Catherine School
Ms. Barbara Papandreou - Deshaye Catholic School
Mr. Joseph Czarnecki - O’Neill Catholic High School
Ms. Roberta Petracek - St. Bernadette School
Ms. Marion Desjarlais - St. Augustine School
Mrs. Linda Putz - St. Bernadette School
Mrs. Michelle Dizy - St. Mary School
Ms. Paula Ramdez - St. Catherine School
Mrs. Jacqueline Eberle-Mydynski - St. Bernadette
Mrs. Brenda Ell - Sacred Heart Community School
Ms. Jackie Fahlman - St. Augustine School
Mr. Gregory Fischer - LeBoldus Catholic High School
Mrs. Tara Lee Fischer - St. Mary School
Mrs. Tara Lynn Fisher - Riffel Catholic High School
Mr. John Foord - LeBoldus Catholic High School
Mrs. Leanne Forrest - Catholic Education Centre
Ms. Steffanie Gebert - St. Timothy School
Ms. Denise Gensorek - St. Timothy School
Mr. Geoff Gilbert - Riffel Catholic High School
Mrs. Melanie Goulet-Brown - Deshaye Catholic School
Ms. Jadwiga Herczakowski - Miller Catholic High
Mr. Brant Hubic - Miller Catholic High School
Mrs. Michelle Jones - Jean Vanier School
Mrs. Debra Kovatch - St. Joan of Arc School
Ms. Paula Lafontaine - St. Catherine School
Ms. Nancy Lamb - Riffel Catholic High School
Mr. Wayne Landry - Miller Catholic High School
Mr. Daniel Lizee - St. Pius X School
Ms. Jennifer Lumbard - St. Augustine School
Ms. Lisa Marcotte - St. Bernadette School
Ms. Elena Markowicz-Troy - St. Marguerite School
Ms. Melony Masur - Catholic Education Centre
Mr. David Reyda - Riffel Catholic High School
Mrs. Dawn Ross - St. Gregory School
Ms. Sandra Selinger - St. Matthew School
Ms. Dana Thompson - LeBoldus Catholic High School
Ms. Monique Wahl - St. Mary School
Mrs. Jennifer Untereiner - St. Marguerite School
Ms. Jennifer Whitney - Riffel Catholic High School
Ms. Carla Zuck - St. Jerome School
Congratulations to our 25 year award recipients:
Ms. Rhonda Barnes-Pitka - Riffel Catholic High School
Mr. Paul Dawson - LeBoldus Catholic High School
Mr. Brian Fahlman - St. Angela School
Mrs. Sylvia Heidt - St. Marguerite School
Mr. Miquel Leon - LeBoldus Catholic High School
Ms. Marcia Pontius - Miller Catholic High School
Mrs. Christine Semeniuk - Catholic Education Centre
Ms. Kathy Syrnyk - St. Theresa School
Congratulations and thank you to all the 15 and 25
year staff. We appreciate all you bring to the Regina
Catholic School Division! The awards were presented to
the employees at the Opening Mass at the Resurrection
Parish on August 28, 2014. Employees who have worked
with the Division for 15 years were given a small Wilf
Perreault print and those who have been with us for
25years were given a large Wilf Perreault print.
Progression of Sacred Heart Facilities
Improving Student Outcomes
The progression of photos shows the demolition of
Sacred Heart School gym, the facility is completely down
with the infill and link slated to begin over the summer.
The school has been using the “chym”, the old Sacred
Heart Church as a gym for nearly a year.
With the start of the 2014 - 2015 School Year there will
be a walkway to connect the school and the “chym”.
Michael A. Riffel Catholic High School Teacher releases CD
Opportunities Through Partnership
Congratulations Ryan!
Ryan Hicks, teacher of Regina Catholic School
Division for the past 15 years, writes and performs as a
musician released a CD in July of songs he has written
called Prairie Ocean, which tells the story of Hicks
growing up in Saskatchewan and California.
He is also three-quarters of the way to earning his
master’s degree in education from the University of
Regina - in addition to this he has the Ryan Hicks Band,
he also performs with The Nowhere Men, a Beatles cover
band and Leland, a 60’s and 70s’ inspired pop band.
Ryan is married and has two children. He says “my first
job is being a dad.” - But stresses he has a nice balance
between his teaching and musical obligations.
Presently, Ryan is the music and choir teacher at
Michael A. Riffel Catholic High School.
Hicks says he loves music and enjoys teaching, writing
and performing it.
The CD has been a huge investment personally for him,
but it’s a very professional product. He released it at the
Artesian in July.
Opening Mass 2014/2015 School Year & Faith Formation
Demonstrating Christ-like Behaviour
The Opening Mass for all the staff of the Regina Catholic
School Division was held at the Resurrection Parish on
August 28. The celebration of staff coming together in
their faith to begin a new school year focused on the
value of Catholic education and the privilege of being
able to have a publicly-funded Catholic Education
These 2 photos are of staff celebrating their 15 years
in Regina Catholic School Division.
Above Archbishop Bohan
Below guest speaker - Jesse Manibusan (and wife Jodi
Manibusan) the Two By Two Ministries who’s part of
their Mission is “To make a positive difference in the
lives of young and old in and of the Church”.
Bottom photo is the staff who are celebrating their
25 years with Regina Catholic School Division.
Special Faith Anniversaries Awards
Opportunities Through Partnership
celebrated her 75th Anniversary in the church) Above
picture Sr. Anna Aulie and Rev. Msgr. Kenneth Miller
Sr. Melvina Hruska and Sr. Hilda Lang celebrating who received a Wilf Perrault a Print for their 50th
their 60th Anniversary in the church were given a Wilf Anniversary with the church.
Perrault Print. (Also not shown Sr. Victoria Seibel
Young Citizens Program 2014
Opportunities through Partnerships
Bourgeoys School were entered into the competition
as the only Saskatchewan representatives for this
Students were asked to submit a three to four minute
International Contest:
video summary of their Heritage Fair project. It
welcomes students who had completed their Heritage • Ella - “My Oma’s Immigration Story”
Fair projects to be ambassadors for their region • Jola - “St. Anthony’s Parish”
by submitting a video of their theme and why it is
• Ally - “The Famous Five”
important to Canadians today.
The general public had a chance to vote on the videos; • Himashi - “Hotel Saskatchewan”
the top 30 videos across the nation were judged by
• Owen - “Historic Buildings of Saskatchewan”
a panel of experts. Six students would be selected to
• Dylan - “Chuckwagon Racing”
make a trip to Ottawa to meet the other young citizens,
present their video at the Canada’s history forum, and
meet the Governor General at Rideau Hall.
The students in Suzanne Louttit’s class at St. Marguerite Profiles/2014/Ella-F
Bourgeoys School have been supported by a few
different groups, including Heritage Saskatchewan to
complete their videos. Each participant was selected
by the teacher based on their project and were given
a handheld digital camera/video camera to collect
footage. When it was possible, RCSD loaner MacBook
computers were used to produce their videos. The Profiles/2014/Himashi-G
students had consultation time with a real video
producer from Adjile who generously donated time
to the project. He did a whole class presentation and
then also spent time with the six students chosen to
develop their story lines and begin their videos. Our
Educational Technology department provided support
The above web addresses are where their stories can be
for this project by working with the students. Much of
the video production and collection was done on the
student’s own time.
The following students in Grade 5 at St. Marguerite