THE LAMP 2013 - Emanuel Lutheran Church
THE LAMP 2013 - Emanuel Lutheran Church
THE LAMP Emanuel Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod P.O. Box F Tipton, Indiana 46072-0137 (765) 675-4090 Pastor - Robb Roloff - Phone 675-2513 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 01 Page 02 Page 03 Page 04 Page 05 Page 06 Page 07 Page 08 Note from Pastor Roloff June Sermons & Text Dates to Remember in June June Charity/ Meals on Wheels Parish Nursing Lutheran Hour Worship for Shut-Ins Organizational Reports Page 09 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 June Birthdays June Anniversaries June Baptisms Acolytes, Dail-A-Prayer, Altar Guild & Elders Ushers June Calendar 2013 A Message from the Pastor This month our nation will recognize father’s on June 16th. Unfortunately, fatherhood has taken some hits in recent decades and probably for good reason. Today 1 out of every 3 children in our nation (15 million) are being raised without a father! How sad is that? This certainly indicates that men in our increasingly biblically illiterate country are forsaking their God given responsibility to raise their children and to see to it that their children are raised in the instruction of the Lord. “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” – Deuteronomy 6:6-7 “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” – Ephesians 6:4 “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” – Proverbs 22:6 Fortunately, I had a father who did all these things for me and my three brothers. He ensured that we went to church; made sure our homework was done, and taught us to be responsible and to honor our commitments. He also shared his love for the Green Bay Packers with his sons! (Sorry folks…I am who I am) But most important, he along with my mom, shared their love for Christ with us. To this very day, my evening prayer is still the same one he taught us as small children… “Mude bin ich, geh zur Ruh, Schlieâe meine Auglein zu: Vater, laâ die Augen dein, Uber meinem Bette sein.” “Now the light has gone away, Father listen while I pray, asking thee to watch and keep, and to send me quiet sleep.” Of course, my father wasn’t perfect…nobody is; but whether you have fond memories of your dad or whether your imagery of fatherhood isn’t very positive…as we celebrate Father’s Day this month, I think we shouldn’t forget our heavenly Father, who unlike our earthly ones, is in fact perfect. Now while we can’t send Him a “Father’s Day” card to thank Him for all that He has done for us in sending His own Son, Jesus, to take away our sins and impart to us his perfection, we certainly can let Him know how much we love Him and express our gratitude through worship and prayer. Fathers, grandfathers and those who are guardians, I would encourage you to; (1) Share your faith and the hope that you have in eternal life with your children, grandchildren and those in your care. (2) Read the Scriptures to those under your care. (3) Talk about what Jesus has done for us on the cross. (4) Pray to our heavenly Father for help and guidance in this life and for faith in Christ and finally, (5) Be a Blessing to all those whom God has placed in our lives that we can help guide them to heaven above…where our dear Father the Almighty awaits the arrival of all His children. Until next month, Pastor Robb Roloff 1 SERMON THEMES & TEXTS June 2, 2013 2nd Sunday after Pentecost TITLE: “I Am Not Worthy!” TEXT: Luke 7:1-10 Worship service is Divine Service I LSB pg. 151- Holy Communion @ 10:45. June 9, 2013 3rd Sunday after Pentecost TITLE: “About Face” TEXT: Galatians 1:11-24 Worship service is printed out.– Holy Communion @ 8:15. June 16, 2013 4th Sunday after Pentecost TITLE: “The Righteous Will Live By Faith" TEXT: Galatians 2:15-21, 3:10-14 Worship service is Divine Service I LSB pg. 151- Holy Communion @ 10:45. June 23, 2013 5th Sunday after Pentecost TITLE: “What Has God Done For You?” TEXT: Luke 8:26-39 Worship service is Divine Service I LSB pg. 151- Holy Communion @ 8:15. 2 DATES TO REMEMBER IN JUNE June 2 Encore (Human Resource) Food Collection K.I.D.S Stamps June 5-11 Pastor Roloff is on vacation. For pastorial needs please call the church office 765-675-4090. June 8 Paint the town PURPLE (for Relay For Life). There will be alot of activities downtown Tipton. June 21 June 9 Come celebrate Linda Sottong's retirement from 2-4 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. June 14 FLAG DAY -- wave the RED, WHITE & BLUE with pride! June 16 HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Blood pressure screening between services. FIRST DAY OF SUMMER 3 JUNE CHARITY TIPTON COUNTY The Tipton County Mustard Seed, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization serving the residents of Tipton County. Our primary purpose is to offer assistance to those in need. We are not a “quick fix” or “band-aid” program, but rather a program providing goal directed services to families or individuals. Goals are set and through life learning skills including money-management, relationship building, nutritional classes, educational information, stress management, spiritual help, parenting classes, support groups, and more these goals are met. Reaching these goals, one can become self-sufficient. The Mustard Seed, also, offers its recipients friendship, and guiding advocacy. Although Partnering Families or Individuals are not required to make any religious commitments to receive any assistance from us, Jesus and His teachings remain a foundation of our mission. How is the Mustard Seed Funded? The Mustard Seed is funded by several local churches, state and federal grants, trusts, donations and fundraising events. Emanuel is now a Partnering Church of the Mustard Seed, and Cathy Wolfe and Jim Dashiell are our representatives to this organization. Meals on Wheels June is the month Emanuel does Meals on Wheels. Anyone interested in delivering meals, please contact LaVella Bills at (Cell) 765-480-7008 or (Home) 765-963-2947. Meals are deliverd Monday - Friday. It usually takes 30-45 minutes per day. Thank you, Board of Human Care 4 PARISH NURSING MINISTRY Parish Health Ministry is a ministry of Christian Service shaped by Christ’s concern for all aspects of the human condition and directed to the service of the whole person. Submitted by, Sharon Roloff “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.” Revelation 2:10 Brush to Crush Disease A gleaming set of choppers is promised to those who keep their teeth and gums in top shape. Now, warding off some major health diseases can be added to the list of reasons to take care of your teeth: Heart disease or stroke. People with gum disease have 2 times risk. It could be that harmful mouth bacteria can lead to inflammation of blood vessels and increase risk of clots. Your memory could suffer. Experts think oral bacteria may spread to the brain and contribute to Alzheimer’s. It can hurt blood sugar. People with periodontal disease are more likely to have diabetes. It may be that diabetics are more susceptible to infections, or gum disease could make it harder to control blood sugar. It may affect breathing. Respiratory infections, such as COPD and pneumonia, might be caused when bacteria from the mouth are inhaled into your lungs, causing inflammation. Expert teeth-cleaning tips How can you tell if your mouth is in good shape? Your teeth and gums should not bleed, be painful, or feel rough to the tongue. Your breath should be fresh for at least a couple of hours after brushing. Some tips: Rinse your mouth. Using mouthwash can slash your risk of gum disease by 60%. Get the right toothbrush. Soft bristles are best. Medium or hard bristles can scratch tissue away over time exposing the root surface underneath and lead to possible bone loss. Brush smart 2 times daily. To really clean your teeth, brush for a full two minutes brushing your tongue and cheeks also. Be sure to replace your toothbrush every three months or more often. Floss at least once daily. Using about 18” of floss, gently follow the curves of your teeth into the gum line. Get fluoride. Sources are through your toothpaste, mouth rinse or fluoridated water. What your teeth want you to eat Limit carbs to mealtimes. All crackers, breads, etc. have carbs and a sticky texture that sticks to teeth and turns into simple sugars that lead to mouth plaque, a sticky residue that is the primary trigger of mouth disease. Boost calcium. Helps promote strong jaw bones and teeth. Good sources are milk, cheese and yogurt. Drink tea. Compounds in green tea can reduce the oral bacteria that lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Eat crunchy foods. Apples, celery and raw carrots act like little toothbrushes scrubbing away stains over time. Chew gum. Chewing sugarless gum containing xylitol (like Trident) stimulates saliva flow, which neutralizes acids and removes food debris and bacteria from the mouth. Increase Vitamin C. Vitamin C is vital for gum tissue and fights disease. No tobacco. Chewing tobacco and smoking are very harmful to teeth, gums and the mouth. 5 RADIO STATIONS Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis WICR WIRE WIRE 88.7 91.1 91.1 Sun. Sun. Sun. 10:30 am 10:00 am 4:00 pm JUNE 2013 June 02 “A Surprising Life For You" Luke 7:1-10 Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Do you want to live a surprising life that makes a difference? Such is a life that flows from faith in Jesus. June 09 “A Match for Mayhem” Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz In Jesus, mayhem meets its match. June 16 “Squaring Things Up” Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Jesus "squared things up" through the cross in order to unleash God's mercy for all. June 23 “Our New Identity” Galatians 3:23-29 Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz God calls us to receive a new identity, in Christ, bonding us together in His forgiving love. June 30 "A Word That Changes" Luke 9:59-60 Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour: Rev. Ken Klaus A little word, only three letters long, and yet it often spells disappointment and heartbreak. What is it? 6 Luke 7:11-17 Isaiah 40:1-11 WORSHIP FOR SHUT-INS Sharing Christ’s Love Through Ministry and Media Since 1980 Sunday @ 10:00 A.M. WHMB Chanel 40 (Cable) Sunday @ 11:30 A.M. Direct TV Chanel 377 JUNE 2013 June 02, 2013 “Trusting Jesus' Authority” Luke 7:1-10 by Rev. Dr. Daniel J. Brege, St. Paul Lutheran Church -- Decatur, IN The Centurion was a man of authority. However, he realized Jesus is THE man of authority. Jesus speaks the ultimate "Go", "Come", and "Do This" in relation to blessing His people. We, like the centurion, are invited to put ourselves into the authoritative hands of Jesus. June 09, 2013 “Eternal Healing” Luke 7:11-17 by Rev. Paul E. Shoemaker, Emanuel Lutheran Church -- New Haven, IN So many people fear their physical death. They are unsure about what will happen to them. In our two tests for this day, we learn that God has power over our physical death. He can bring life where there is death. But God can do even better. He cannot only bring about physical life, which eventually ends, but he can grant us eternal life, and eternal healing for all of life's woes. June 16, 2013 “Living in Faith” Galatians 3:11 by Rev. Terry Cripe, President -- Ohio District Faith in Christ, not how well we have done as children or parents, determines our place with God. June 23, 2013 “Living in the Basics” Galatians 3:23-4:7 by Rev. Dr. Daniel J. Brege, St. Paul Lutheran Church -- Decatur, IN Three basic teachings of the Christian faith are the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed and the Lord's Prayer. The Son of God became man to redeem us from the Law, to enable us to believe and be baptized in the True God, and to enable us to come to the Fahter in prayer. With these we are blessed now and into eternity. June 30, 2013 “Selective Listening: God's Challenge and Gift” Luke 9:57-62 by Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Ahlersmeyer, Holy Cross Lutheran Church – Fort Wayne, IN The call of Jesus -- "Follow Me" -- is both God's challenge and gift. It is His challenge to live our lives on His terms; however, it also is a gift that only could be given on His terms -- "the life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). 7 ORGANIZATIONAL REPORTS DORCAS CIRCLE The Dorcas Circle met on Wednesday, May 8th, at 1:00 p.m. after going to Pizza Shack for lunch. There were 5 members present. Nina Trietsch led the Bible Study “His Energy”. Jean Moeller, president opened the business meeting. The secretary and treasury reports were read and approved. There were 100 quilts sent to Orphan Grain Train, May 1st. The next meeting will be June 12th. The Bible Study, “Take Another Look ... At the Promises of God” will be led by Ruth Mae Heffelmire. The group plans to go out to eat after quilting in the morning. The meeting was adjourned. Eunice Schulenburg, Secretary SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL: Our regular Sunday school teachers are taking a well-deserved summer vacation! We are in need of at least 4 adults or youth for teaching Preschool thru 2nd Grade and 3rd thru 6th Grades for the Summer session of Sunday School. We will be meeting as a group for the Bible lesson and then break up into our seperate age groups for crafts/games/activities to go with the lesson. Please contact Sarah Schulenburg or Pat Schulenburg if you would be willing to teach the children this summer! If we do not get enough volunteers, we will be cancelling Sunday School for the Summer. Please prayerfully consider leading our children in their journey of learning about Christ! The 4-H Fair is just around the corner! Just a reminder that we will once again have a booth for the church in the commercial building. We will have a sign-up sheet in the main hallway for volunteers to man the booth. We will need people for Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the Fair (July 12-14). If you are interested in "manning" the booth, helping us set-up or tear down, please let Sarah Schulenburg or Todd Wolford know. Look for the sign-up sheet as well! Thank you! 8 MEMBERS CELEBRATING THEIR BIRTHDAY IN JUNE If you have a birthday in June and your name does not appear in this list, it is because we do not have it in our records. Please call the church office and we will get you on our list. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! GOD’S BLESSING! 01 02 03 05 06 07 08 10 12 Carrie Dickey Gabriel Parker Evelyn Piel 90th CONGRATULATIONS!!! Sherryl Hensley Pat Burden Tricia Isaac Zechariah Parker Kathy Larson Bob Huff Aidan Moses Katie Brown Marcia Frazier Callie Heffelmire Samantha Langley Dave Stillman Conner Benson Jane Fisher Ruth Mae Heffelmire Violet Hensley Keith Piel Carter Jackson Jason Pratt 14 16 17 18 21 23 24 25 27 28 9 Joni Brown Lisa Ferguson Ken Schulenburg Roxanne Durham Lori Tilley Matthew Schulenburg Keith Bohlander Rachael Kottlowski Sandy Lange Patricia Wilkinson JoEllen Boyer Jeannine Johnson Phill Pratt Dylan Nelson Damon Dickey Rex Odle Phyllis Stover 88th CONGRATULATIONS!!! Harold Weismiller JUNE ANNIVERSARIES Happy 4th Anniversary to Mitchell and Emily Rivers on June 1st. Happy 36th Anniversary to John and Marsha Martin on June 4th. Happy 4th Anniversary to Drew and Nicole Stillabower on June 6th. Happy 10th Anniversary to Shaun and Paula McCord on June 7th. Happy 51st Anniversary to Steve and Elsa Smith on June 10th. Happy 48th Anniversary to Raymond and Kathryn Leonard Jr. on June 12th. Happy 14th Anniversary to Joe and Lora McClelland on June 12th. Happy 42nd Anniversary to Larry and Dee Neff on June 12th. Happy 49th Anniversary to John and Teala Ellis on June 14th. Happy 6th Anniversary to Adam and Rhonda Conwell on June 16th. Happy 56th Anniversary to George and Stella Pedigo on June 21st. Happy 19th Anniversary to Tony and Gloria Jackson on June 25th. Happy 47th Anniversary to Ron and Ricky Moeller on June 25th. Happy 42nd Anniversary to Tim and Rita Henderson on June 26th. Happy 48th Anniversary to Pastor Kurt and Judy Gremel on June 27th. Happy 44th Anniversary to Paul and Linda Weismiller on June 28th. Happy 38th Anniversary to Louie and Colleen Wolford on June 28th. 10 JUNE BAPTISMS REMEMBER YOUR BAPTISM DAILY Baptism is worth celebrating and not just when it happens at the font. Baptism is God adopting us into His family and that adoption can remind us who we are when we feel like nobodies. Baptism is God washing away our sins, and giving us a chance to live as His children. 01 02 03 05 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 16 Mary Heffelmire Steve Lange John Martin Jerald Massey Kennedy Simms Jamey Dell Steve Huff Tabitha Luce Rob Berndt III Kimberly Simms Meghan Sottong Jon DeBaun Teala Ellis Ron Moeller Lora Bitner Morgan Bitner Bob Huff Jennifer Stacy Chaz McMurtry Larry Spooner Perry Moeller Kim Cunningham Julie Davis Darryl Wray Keith Leininger Marge Massey 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 29 Alex Redd Ed Redd Don Watson Ray Lanzer Matt Bills Ruth Mae Heffelmire Dean Bocock Alice Cook Damon Dickey Kalyn Dickey Gabriel Parker Evelyn Piel Conner Calloway Jane Fisher Beth Ritter Bryan Stillman Tony Teuscher Sherryl Hensley Zechariah Parker Lori Tilley Hailey Montgomery “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 11 ACOLYTES FOR SUNDAYS IN JUNE DIAL - A- PRAYER SPEAKERS June 2 & 9 8:15 Susan Jackson Lauren Ferguson 10:45 Sam Gutierrez Apr. 21 - May 11 May 12 - June 01 Carolyn Day John Martin June 16 & 23 8:15 Trevor Cunningham Matthew Teuscher 10:45 Cameron Pratt June 30 8:15 ALTAR GUILD FOR JUNE Joy DeBaun & Sarah Schulenburg Taylor Cunningham Sarah Isaac 10:45 Hannah Parker Zechariah Parker ELDERS FOR SUNDAYS IN JUNE FIRST ELDER SECOND ELDER June 02 Tony Jackson Gary Langley June 09 Gary Langley Paul North June 16 Paul North Kurt Pratt June 23 Doug Caylor Rob Berndt June 30 Rob Berndt Gary Langley Elder’s Meeting @ 7 p.m. on June 3rd. “What does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” 12 USHERS FOR SUNDAYS JUNE 8:15 10:45 June 02 George Pedigo, Phill Pratt, Russell Pratt & Larry Spooner Justin Murray & Tony Murray June 09 George Pedigo, Phill Pratt, Russell Pratt & Larry Spooner Justin Murray & Tony Murray June 16 Ted Heffelmire, Charles Smith, Charles Teuscher & Larry Wolfe Rex Boyer & Dennis Pratt June 23 Bruce Schulenburg, Charles Smith, Charles Teuscher & Larry Wolfe Rex Boyer & Dennis Pratt June 30 Bruce Schulenburg, Charles Smith, Charles Teuscher & Larry Wolfe Rex Boyer & Dennis Pratt HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!! JUNE 16, 2013 13