NEWSLETTER - Redcliffs School


NEWSLETTER - Redcliffs School
Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi.
With your basket and my basket the people will live.
Coming Events:
Monday 26 October
27 Oct – 6 Nov
Wednesday 28 October
Thursday 29 October
Friday 30 October
Monday 2 November
Tuesday 3 November
4 to 6 November
Tuesday 10 November
Wednesday 11 November
Friday 13 November
Monday 16 November
Labour Day holiday
Team Whenua Aquagym swimming lessons
Canterbury Triathlon. PTA meeting 7.30pm staffroom
Year 6 Choir at Christchurch Music Festival
Kiwiana Mufti day
Top Team Afternoon
PTA Subway Lunch
Year 5 Camp Living Springs
Zone Athletics Day
Bays Cluster Music Festival 6.00pm
Show Day holiday
School closed for Teacher Only Day. Board meeting 6.00pm
You can find and subscribe to all coming events for this term on our website (Calendar)
Principal’s Note
Dear parents and caregivers
Welcome back for Term 4, and a warm welcome to our new students and families. We’ve had a great start to the
term, and some lovely weather has arrived too.
Many thanks to all who came along to our Athletics Day yesterday, it was an excellent day, and wonderful to see the
whole school getting involved and putting in the effort with enthusiasm. Thanks especially to the parents who helped
us with the activities and supervision.
Another exciting development for the Redcliffs community today – with the opening of the new New World
supermarket! It is another step in the regrowth and renewal of Redcliffs. Our congratulations and best wishes to the
new owner.
As always the final term of the year will be a busy one, with many events and activities planned. Teachers have
observed that some of the children have returned to school looking worn out from having such exciting and busy
holidays! We have fortunate children from active families who value adventures, however please remember that
children need plenty of down-time, rest and relaxation too. Time to just chill-out and be children. This term it will be
important that routines, such as early bed times, are adhered to as much as possible, and that after-school and
weekends are not too frenetic and over-planned. A good reminder for all of us 
“The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.” John Maynard Keynes
Hei konā mai
Kim Alexander
[email protected]
This term’s value is:
Board of Trustee News
Progress Report
The board is continuing work behind the scenes, to monitor how the Minister’s decision on our school is progressing.
We have been informed that: further ministry advice, reviews of the expert’s reports contained in the Board’s
submission, and all other submissions, are now with the minister Hon. Hekia Parata. The Board has requested a copy
of the peer reviews of our submission.
We have a great team of parents helping the Board, in their areas of expertise, such as PR, resource consenting,
lobbying, legal advice etc. What a talented and committed community we are part of!
We have been told to expect a final decision from the minister this term.
In the meantime – keep up the positive thinking, encouragement and unity. Keep children settled and focussed on
being Redcliffs School students, do join up for ‘Team Redcliffs’ in the Summer Starter, and enjoy being part of our
fabulous school and community.
Announcement Time: Text – Email – Meeting
Although we don’t yet know when the minister will announce her decision; we do know from when the minister made
her proposal for closure that these events can happen with short notice. It is likely that we might have to let you know
that the announcement is imminent via our emergency text system, as we did last time. Make sure you’re subscribed
to the text emergency service. Then we will follow that up as soon as possible afterwards with an email out to parents
and caregivers. Soon after that we will most likely hold a community meeting, perhaps on the same or next day in the
To subscribe to our text alert system simply text the key word 'redcliffs' to 570 (standard text rates apply).
This is a one way communication system, i.e. please do not reply to the emergency texts as they will not be read.
School News and Information
Supermarket Opening
Mrs Mac, Ms Alexander, Lily, Tom, Georgie and Liam enjoyed going to the New World opening this morning to
represent Redcliffs School. The new owner Julia Spence spoke, Deputy Mayor Vicki Buck officiated and we had a
chat with MP Ruth Dyson, Councillors Yani Johansen and Paul Lonsdale. Here are our school leaders – the first
people to browse the Fruit and Vege aisle! Bananas were a good price today, so Mrs Mac had to buy some!
Teacher Only Day
Please note that school will be closed on Monday 16 November, as the teaching staff will be undertaking a day of
professional learning; we will be learning how to use the assessment tool e-AssTLe for Writing. This does not mean
that the children lose a day of school time this year, as we had already factored this teacher-only-day into our school
year. We will still be open for the required number of days of instruction for 2015, by finishing on Thursday 17
3.00pm Safety
If you have younger children, who are too young to walk home or cross roads alone (possibly Years 1 to 4?): please
ensure that you are at the bus stop to meet your children at 3.00pm. Just the same as you would if school was in
Redcliffs and finishing at 3.00pm. The bus supervisors are there as a back-up for emergencies only.
Also – please ensure your children know if they are to catch the bus home each day, or if other arrangements have
been made. We have had a couple of incidents lately that have arisen from poor communication, which can put
children’s safety at risk or raise false alarm.
Absentees and lateness
Please phone or email the office as soon as possible to advise us if your child is going to be absent or late to school.
We spend a considerable amount of time each morning, phoning parents and caregivers whose children have not
arrived at school by 9.00am. If the phone is unattended, please leave a message. It is important that you state the
reason for your child’s absence, as this is a Ministry of Education requirement. Thank you.
Summer Uniform
It is time for students to change to Summer uniform, so here is a reminder of the requirements. We proudly wear our
uniform at Redcliffs School, and want everyone looking their best, as always. Please ensure named hats are at
school every day.
Available for purchase from Bambi Drapery or the Warehouse Eastgate.
The PTA has second-hand uniform items for sale.
Boys Summer
Red or White polo shirt with school crest
Black shorts – just above the knee, cotton drill plain or cargo pocket
Red cricket-style sunhat
Girls Summer
Red or White polo shirt with school crest
Summer Culottes (correct fabric only available at Bambi Drapery)
Or Black shorts – just above the knee, cotton drill plain or cargo pocket
Red cricket-style sunhat
All seasons
Red polar fleece, ½ zip with school crest
And/or Red sweatshirt with school crest
No uniform footwear is prescribed, however; sports shoes or black school shoes are recommended. No crocs or
jandals permitted. Plain white or black socks are recommended.
Extra items required (purchase from school office)
All Year 5-8 students to have school Sports shirt
All Kapa Haka members to have own Kapa Haka t-shirt
Extra optional item (purchase from Bambi Drapery)
Year 7&8 students: ‘Senior’ jacket
Small stud earrings and watches permitted.
No necklaces, bracelets, anklets, drop earrings, rings etc.
Necklaces of cultural significance only to be worn if permission gained from Principal.
Student Achievement News
Values Certificates
Congratulations to these children who received values certificates at recent school assemblies:
Mark Lemzin, Raffy Bennett, Hannah Wylie, Katana Rimene, Ruby Love-smith Amelia Willis, Harriet
Holden, Leo Love-Smith
Manaakitanga: Molly McLevy, Danielle Rimene
Responsibility: Callum Moores, Niko Paynter-Clarke, Quinn McLeod
Lily Dufton, Olivia Chivers, Monique McDonald, Harry Dufton, Charlie Hoban, Mika Harrison, Tove
Nunnick, Cameron Melhopt, Joe Matulewicz, Alexander Auer
Values Awards
A big well done to three students who were awarded their Values Badge at the end of last term. They have all earned
at least one of each type of our four values awards. Congratulations Rheon Salt, Eddy Stanton, Kynan Salt.
ICAS English Success
20 of our Y4-8 students chose to enter the UNSW ICAS Competition this year. We have had some excellent results.
Congratulations to these students:
Distinction: Hannah Wylie, Lucy Hansen-Ratter, Harvey Willis, Thomas Jones
Credit: Abbie Irvine, James Hoole, Declan Simpson, Liam Berryman, Mark Lemzin, Alex Yallop
Merit: Charli Watts
Bay Cluster Speech Competition
Last week we had Georgie Coburn (Y8) and Harvey Willis (Y6) represent Redcliffs School at the Bays Cluster Speech
Competition. Both made speeches of extremely high quality and we are very proud of their efforts and performance.
The musicians for the evening were also from Redcliffs School; Annissa, Lucy, Raffy and Althea did an outstanding
job, adding wonderfully to the sense of occasion. Well done to all!
Learning News
Dragon's Den Enterprise - please support!
This week, Team Rangi students will send home a flyer advertising their Dragon's Den enterprise day. This is to be
held in conjunction with our Kiwiana Mufti Day to raise money for Florence and celebrate the Rugby World Cup. The
flyer will speak for itself but I'd just like to put in a plug for the students really and say that they have put in tremendous
lot of work. To get to this point they have had to design their business, present it to the dragons (Kim Alexander, Craig
Jones and Rachael Davis), get it approved, have mentoring with their dragon and then create their product. If you can
possibly get behind this venture by reading their flyer and being tempted to buy some of the products they could make
great Christmas or birthday gifts and you will be supporting young enterprise at the same time!
Top Team Afternoon - help please
On Monday 2nd November we are having our Top Team afternoon. This is set up by Sport Canterbury and is a huge
amount of problem solving, co-operative team work and fun sports for our students. We do need a few parents to help
for the afternoon. If you could offer your time and assistance to help run an activity please email me. You'd be needed
from about 12.15-2.30pm. Thanks so much [email protected]
Rose McInerney, Deputy Principal
Year 4 Camp
The Year 4 students had a wonderful time on their overnight camp last week. They were delighted with the whole
experience, with foam in the forest being a highlight. Many thanks to the parents who attended, and Ms Huston, Mrs
Rogers and Mrs Mac for being so willing to make this camp happen.
World Vision Leadership Day
On 17 September, Hannah, Emilia, Jud and Zack from Year 7 all went to a special leadership course, run by World
Vision. They represented Redcliffs School at the event because we were awarded a scholarship in recognition of our
fantastic fundraising effort in the 40 hour famine. Thanks to Hannah for writing this account of the event:
“We were nicely introduced, then we had to dress up in some wacky outfits for an ice-breaking activity. We took part in
a scavenger hunt to help meet others who we had something in common with. Next we played a game that was meant
to be a simulation of what it would be like to be poor in a poor country. This game was hard because we had to give
up stuff to get through to the next stage, then you had to work, get money, buy food, work, get money, be immunised,
work, get money, get educated… all the time watching out for the police and making sure that you were fed enough,
immunised enough, educated enough to avoid the effects of any bad news. It was hard, complicated and a really good
After lunch we did a little test to find out what kind of leader we were. There were four types: powerful eagle, playful
peacock, peaceful dove and precise owl. We were a mixture. Jud was the eagle, Emilia was the peacock, Hannah was
the dove and Zak was the owl. The powerful eagle was a bossy but decent leader, the playful peacock finds a fun
way to lead and get things done, the peaceful dove takes the safe route to keep the peace and the precise owl likes
everything perfect while they lead.
We had some interesting speakers from World Vision, rated our day and received a goody bag. Thanks to Zak’s mum
for coming with us and taking us home.”
Sports News
Redcliffs School Summer Starter – join Team Redcliffs! Sunday 29 November
The Summer Starter finishes at Redcliffs Park. Let's welcome the rest of Canterbury to our own neighbourhood, and
make a real impact. You can register online at – please select ‘Team Redcliffs’ when you
Athletics Day
Congratulations to everyone who took part in our Athletics Sports yesterday. The place-getters, and list of entrants
and information for the Zone Athletics will be finalised shortly.
Athletic skills!
Amazing efforts!
Go Rose!
Arts and Cultural News
Year 8 Dance Lessons Begin
Our Year 8 students have started their dance lessons for this year. They will be learning some formal and informal
dances, in preparation for their end-of-year dinner. The end result of the dance lessons promises to be some very
impressive moves. Year 8 parents: you might need to start practicing!
Student Leaders
Kiwiana Day Coming up!
Kiwiana mufti and Dragons’ Den day is coming up on Friday 30 October. This is a new celebration day and fundraiser
for our sponsor child. Please can your children come dressed as something ‘kiwiana’ e.g favourite kiwi sportsperson, a
sheep, or even just a kiwi item like a jandal. Please bring a gold coin donation to raise money for our sponsor child
Florence, and children can bring an extra 50 cents for some rugby mini games the house captains are running at
12.00pm. At lunchtime the year 7 and 8 students will be showcasing their enterprise projects, and there will be items
like smoothies, skim-board art, rubber band propelled planes, and other goodies. Parents are welcome to check it out
and we will have some order forms for students to order the products.
See you there, the student leaders
Out of School News
Sports Success
Congratulations to Fin Ocheduszko Brown (Room 1) who represented Canterbury Metro U13 in the South Island
Rugby Tournament in Timaru over the holiday. After the Metro won second place in the tournament, Fin was named
as one of the 22 players in the South Island Rep team team. Well done on this fantastic achievement.
Congratulations to Mitchell Young (Room 5) who won the National title for Level 4 Men’s Artistic Gymnastics. He
competed during the holidays in Auckland against 43 other 9-12 year-old Level 4 gymnasts from ten different
provinces. Well done Mitchell, this is an amazing achievement!
2015 Term Dates
Monday 12 October to Thursday 17 December
2016 Term Dates
Monday 1 February to Friday 15 April
Monday 2 May to Friday 8 July
Monday 25 July to Friday 23 September
Monday 10 October to Friday 16 December
Ray White Prier Manson Real Estate Ltd supports education at Redcliffs School
Phone 331 6757,
Fair News
A big thank you to everyone who showed up on the day and worked hard to make it yet another successful Redcliffs School fair.
The weather didn’t quite play its part with a high of about 7degrees but showing what a resilient and committed community we
are we still managed to raise an impressive total of almost $45,000! I think we can all feel pretty pleased with our efforts!
The raffle organiser, stall leaders and the fair committee did a huge amount of work building up to the day and afterwards and
deserve huge thanks. But, the day couldn’t have happened without the myriad of helpers. Thanks to all the parents, teachers,
students, grandparents, friends, older brothers and sisters, ex-parents and ex-students who helped out on the day!
So many fabulous helpers and too many to mention but a few deserve a special mention:
 Once again our caretaker Chris Smith put in a massive effort to make fair day a success
 A few fabulous fair stalwarts who are leaving us this year as their children move onto high school: Sonia and Richard
Bruin (White Elephant), Annie Crombie (Sweets) and Desiree Aarts and Katie Daeche (Food). Thanks so much for all your
work over the years – it is much appreciated and you will be missed!
We also have some amazing sponsors who make it possible for us to reduce our costs by donating cash, goods or equipment or
to earn money by donating auction items, raffle prizes and prizes for chocolate wheel and sideshows. More details will come in
future newsletters but thanks to all of you!
How we earned our $44,710
The numbers will change a little but the table below shows the breakdown. Our role has around 210 children and 130 families so
it’s a pretty impressive effort.
Fair ‘thank-you drinks’ will be coming up shortly with an open invitation to anyone who worked for more than a few hours and
wants to celebrate another successful fair.
Until next year
Fair Committee
(Kathy, Sarah, Karran, Sam, Tim, Karen, Nicole Desiree, Katie, Tess, Chelsea and Chris)
Redcliffs School Fair 2015
Financial Summary - Interim Results 2015
Bouncy Castle
Beat the bandit
Break a plate
Cakes & Deli
Calendars- Estimate
Candy Floss
Chocolate Wheel
Coin Toss
Donkey Rides
Food Tent Westapc
Food - Hellers Tent
Food - Coffee
Horizontal Bungy
Shop Day
Slushy Stall
Soccer - Beat the Goalie
Talent Quest
White Elephant
1,445.80 $
8,763.10 $
2,058.00 $
General Expenses
Net Profit
49,012.60 $
Community Notices
New World Redcliffs opens TODAY 21 October. New World generously supported Redcliffs School Fair
Welcome back to our community!
Heathcote Valley School Gala Friday 6 Nov, 5-8pm. “Pool Party Theme” Flip-flops, flippers and family fun at this
years’ gala. It will be a splashing event! Many craft and food stalls, bar, live local entertainment, dunk tank, bouncy
castles, water walkers, raffles, mystery boxes, pony rides, chocolate wheel and more. Come and join the fun and
support the Heathcote Community in raising funds for the re-build of their school pool.
Redcliffs Playgroup held Mondays 9:30-11:30am during term time at St Andrews Church, 148 Main Rd Redcliffs. $2
per family. Any enquiries please contact Vanessa, phone 384 1815 or 021 0275 1900.
Forget Me Not Photography My name is Zoe and I am a local photographer, living in Redcliffs. I specialise in
children and families and would love to get some natural photographs of your families. If you mention Redcliffs School
when you book in with me, you will get one free mounted 5x7 print of ÿour choice. I can be contacted on
[email protected] or 021018700.
Aqua Gym Hiring now ! Fun and rewarding work with a great team of people.Receptionist/Lifeguard and Swimming
Instructors A variety of part time work available during school hours. email your C.V. to [email protected]
“Big Science Day” Saturday 31 October, Cathedral Square. Science Alive! invites families back into the heart of
Christchurch with an all-day, FREE Science and Technology extravaganza, suitable for adults, families and children of
all ages. Showcasing innovations with exciting displays, demonstrations, science shows and workshops the “Big
Science Day” will create fun learning experiences for our community. For information, visit
Did your kids enjoy the Weet-bix Tryathlon or are they keen to try a new event? The House of Travel Triathlon
Festival has triathlon events for all ages from 5 year olds up (as well as loads of events for parents). The event is held
on closed roads at Pegasus with the event being ideal for familes as there is something for everyone. For more details
and entry visit
Woolston Brass and Family Sun. 1 November, 3pm Charles Luney Auditorium,12 Winchester St, Merivale. Tickets
available at the door (cash only); Adult $20, Concession $15 Child $10, Family $45 (2 adults,2 Children) Early Bird
tickets available online at Dash Tickets. Woolston Brass and Family will showcase exceptional talent from the
established musicians of Woolston Brass and up and coming talent in the Woolston Brass Academy, including
performances from Woolston Concert Brass and Woolston Junior Band. Come along and enjoy a fun and entertaining
concert that is suitable for the whole family.
Drama Club “Break Through Drama” After School fun and games through drama and dance. Helping to develop
confidence, creativity and imagination in a fun and safe environment. Run by Michelle Fulford, trained drama
facilitator. 4 week course, $40 per student. Wednesday 11, 18 and 25 November and 2 December at the Sumner
School Old Hall, Wiggins Street. Yr 1-4; 3.10-4pm, Yr 5-8; 4-4.50pm Please phone 027 610 6895 for further
information and/or register by email at [email protected]
Girls Zone at South Library 66 Colombo St, for 10-13yrs. Mondays 3.30-5pm $20 per child, per term ( programme
runs for 2 terms) This dynamic and innovative workshop will explore 3D design, coding, robotics, photo editing,
animations, music making and a whole lot more! For more information please phone 941 5140.