municipal profile - Lac La Biche County
municipal profile - Lac La Biche County
LAC LA BICHE COUNTY MUNICIPAL PROFILE 4th Edition Volume 2, February 15, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 INTRODUCTION 7 7 7 KEY ECONOMIC INDICATORS Economic Indicators Building Permits 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 DEMOGRAPHICS Population Age Characteristics Catchment Area Map Income Composition Total Income Employment and Family Income Educational Achievements 11 BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 11 Lac La Biche County Major Projects 12 Catchment Area SAGD Thermal Projects Map 13 TAXATION 13 Personal Income Tax Rate Comparison 13 13 14 14 15 15 COST OF BUSINESS Occupancy Costs Labour Costs Business Location Count Utilities Telecommunications 15 MARKET ACCESS 15 Distance to Major Cities 16 Traffic Counts Map 17 17 17 18 19 20 21 25 QUALITY OF LIFE Living in Lac La Biche County Health Care Education Lakes, Campgrounds and Fishing Provincial Parks Events, Culture, Sports and Leisure Climate 26 Sources GENERAL LOCATION MAPS 27 Hamlet of Plamondon 28 Hamlet of Lac La Biche Cover: Top left: View of Lac La Biche lake. Top right: Combine. Bottom left: Cenovus workers. Photo courtesy of Cenovus. Inside cover: Top left: Canada day fireworks. Bottom left: Local fisher with a Walleye. Top right: Cenovus workers performing water tests. Photo courtesy of Cenovus. LAC LA BICHE COUNTY Welcoming By Nature; Your Playground Of Opportunity A little over 200 years ago, Lac La Biche and the surrounding area was known as a vital link on the voyageur fur trade route to the Athabasca River and on to Hudson Bay. Fast forward to present day, and we find that Lac La Biche County is the only direct link to the South Athabasca Oil Sands SAGD developments and an alternative route on to Fort McMurray. Lac La Biche County is an important geographic hub for Northeastern Alberta. With three major arterial roads (HWY’s 36, 55 & 881) all converging at the Hamlet of Lac La Biche, plus an airport and a rail line the County, offers amazing potential to all who see the opportunity. POPULATION6 12,220 SIZE 16 300 sq km HIGHWAYS 3 major roads (HWY 36, 55, 881) Lac La Biche County is committed to responsible and sustainable growth, and has identified four main goals to help accomplish this: - Building relationships with oil and gas-based industries - Supporting and recruiting commercial-based businesses - Increasing the availability of affordable housing - Expanding our tourism opportunities and services For information on Lac La Biche County, please visit our website at and see why we are “Welcoming by Nature”. TOP INDUSTRIES Oil & Gas SOUTH ATHABASCA OIL SANDS Construction Agricultural Production Transportation & Warehousing 23 SAGD projects within Lac La Biche County Lac La Biche has a direct route to the South Athabasca Oil Sands (SAGD developments) Bottom left: Aerial view of Lac La Biche. Photo courtesy of the Lac La Biche Post. 5 WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] MAYOR Mayor Omer Moghrabi COUNCILLORS Wanda Austin David Phillips Tim Thompson John Nowak Richard Olson Robert Richard Hajar (Jerry) Haymour Mary Jane (MJ) Siebold CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Interim CAO Shadia Amblie MLA & CONSTITUENCY Election called at time of printing MP & CONSTITUENCY David Yurdiga, Fort McMurray - Athabasca INTERIM GENERAL MANAGER OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Karen Gingras ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Mayor Omer Moghrabi (Chair) John Nowak (Vice Chair) Peter Mahowich (Crude Energy) Diane Scoville (Metis Nation Region 1) Northern Lights School Division (vacant) Doug Stewart (Lac La Biche Regional Community Development Corporation) Al Harpe (Lac La Biche & District Chamber of Commerce) Lise Warawa (Cenovus Energy Inc.) Brian Stratichuk (Lac La Biche Building Products) Plamondon District Community Development Society (vacant) Dr. Frederik Steyn (Lac La Biche Associated Medical Clinic) 6 Top right: Alberta’s only David Thompson statue. Middle right: Local Wildlife. Bottom right: Wakeboarder on Beaver Lake, Lac La Biche. KEY ECONOMIC INDICATORS LAC LA BICHE COUNTY’S KEY ECONOMIC INDICATORS Indicator Unemployment Rate1 Average Residential Selling Price2 Total Development Permits (YTD)3 Major Projects (billions) Lac La Biche4 2015 4.5% $396,227 $5,437,500 $11.5 Workers at Cenovus project. Photo courtesy of Cenovus. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT STATISTICS Summary of Lac La Biche County Annual Development Permits5 Permit Category Residential Commercial/Industrial/Institutional Total 2011 67 78 145 2012 83 126 209 2013 94 136 230 2014 74 53 127 Value in Dollars Residential Commercial/Industrial/Institutional Total $16,623,450 $109,611,500 $126,234,950 $20,036,335 $911,713,062 $931,749,397 $25,748,200 $836,138,414 $861,886,614 $26,063,552 $133,497,999 $159,561,551 DEMOGRAPHICS In 2011, Statistics Canada estimated Lac La Biche County’s population to be 8,402.5 In 2013, in a municipal census that counted both permanent and temporary residents the population was estimated to be 12,220.6 AGE CHARACTERISTICS Age characteristics for Lac La Biche County (LLBC) according to 2011 Stats Canda numbers5 Category Total population 0 - 14 years 15 - 19 years 20 - 34 years 35 - 64 years 65+ years Median age of population % of population 15 and over LLBC 8402 1790 695 1540 3345 1025 36.8 78.7 Male 4255 920 345 785 1695 500 36.9 78.4 Female 4150 875 355 760 1650 520 36.8 79 Please note: Counts of the total population are rounded to a base of 5 for any dissemination block having a population of less than 15. Population counts for all standard geographic areas above the dissemination block level are derived by summing the adjusted dissemination block counts. The adjustment of dissemination block counts is controlled to ensure that the population counts for dissemination areas will always be within 5 of the actual values. The adjustment has no impact on the population counts of census divisions and large census subdivisions. 7 8 DEMOGRAPHICS INCOME BREAKDOWN Income composition for the population in private households in 20105 Income composition Aggregate total income ( million $) Composition of total income in 2010 (%) Market Income Employment Income Wages And Salaries Self-Employment Income Investment Income Retirement Pensions, Superannuation And Annuities (%) Other Money Income Government Transfer Payments (%) Canada / Quebec Pension Plan Benefits (%) Old Age Security Pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement (%) Employment Insurance Benefits (%) Child Benefits (%) Other Income From Government Sources (%) LLBC 286.0 100.0 90.6 80.7 78.1 2.4 4.4 4.4 1.2 9.4 2.6 2.3 1.4 1.7 1.4 Alberta 140,166.8 100.0 92.7 81.3 78.2 3.1 6.2 3.7 1.6 7.3 2.1 1.7 1.1 1.2 1.2 Canada 1,053,582.1 100.0 87.6 74.7 70.3 4.4 4.6 6.7 1.7 12.4 3.5 3.1 1.8 2.6 2.6 Income taxes paid - as a % of total income After-tax income - as a % of total income 16.9 83.1 17.7 82.3 16.4 83.6 In Lac La Biche County, 8.7% percent of the population aged 15 years and over had total income that put them in the top 5.0% nationally and 1.2% of them in the top 1.0%. INCOME Population aged 15 years and over by total income in 2010, Lac La Biche County5 Total income Population 15 years and over by total income (count) Without income or less than $27,815 (%) Without income or less than $12,025 (%) $12,025 to $27,814 (%) $27,815 and over (%) $27,815 to $51,304 (%) $51,305 and over (%) $80,420 and over (top ten percent) (%) $102,305 and over (top 5 percent) (%) $191,150 and over (top 1 percent)(%) LLBC 6,515 45.9 23.9 21.9 54.2 21.8 32.4 16.3 8.7 1.2 Alberta 2,88,740 43.7 22.4 21.2 56.3 22.9 33.4 16.3 9.2 2.0 Canada 27,259,525 50.0 25.0 25.0 50.0 25.0 25.0 10.0 5.0 1.0 9 DEMOGRAPHICS Hamlet of Lac La BIche EMPLOYMENT INCOME Median earnings in the most common, full-year, full-time occupations in 2010, LLBC5 Population with earnings who worked fullyear, full-time in 2010 Transport and heavy equipment operation and related maintenance occupations LLBC # median earnings ($) 250 59,944 Alberta median earnings ($) 53,964 Canada median earnings ($) 44,286 FAMILY INCOME Median after-tax income in 2010 for economic families and persons not in economic families, LLBC5 Median after-tax income = MATI Economic family structure and sex All economic families Couple families Lone-parent families Other economic families Persons not in economic families Males Females 10 LLBC # MATI ($) 2,335 77,624 1,985 85,811 320 36,689 35 110,221 905 36,848 550 43,119 355 31,571 Alberta MATI ($) 80,271 85,786 49,270 65,149 32,451 36,646 28,211 Canada MATI ($) 67,044 72,356 42,401 55,484 25,761 28,197 23,917 DEMOGRAPHICS EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Highest Levels of Educational Achievements in 2011, LLBC5 Characteristics Total population 15 years and over No certificate, diploma or degree High school certificate or equivalent Apprenticeship or trades certificates or diploma College, CEGEP, or other non-university certificate or diploma University certificate or diploma below the bachelor level University certificate, diploma, or degree Total 6520 1890 1430 895 1335 175 805 Share of total 100% 29% 22% 14% 20% 3% 12% Alberta 2,888,735 550,465 764,390 318,280 530,100 122,465 161,320 Share of total 100% 19% 26% 11% 18% 4% 6% BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT LLBC MAJOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTS AS OF FEBRUARY, 20157 Summary Company Lac La Biche County Projects Infrastructure Highway 63 Upgrades Estimated Costs (millions) ($) 19.2 147.6 Black Pearl Resources CNRL Blackrod Phases 1 Grouse Kirby North Ph. 1 Pike Oil Sands Project 802.0 1,530.0 1,450.0 3,800.0 Cenovus Christina Lake Thermal Expensaion Project 2,700.0 Interpipeline Fund Cold Lake Pipeline Twinning Foster Creek 1,200 Worker at a Cenovus location. Photo courtesy of Cenovus. 11 Lac La Biche County Catchment Area for SAGD Thermal Projects 27 Janvier South 20 29 32 19 18 17 63 24 31 28 1 Conklin 3 2 25 881 22 26 15 6 858 Plamondon 881 663 55 663 55 Lac La Biche 663 827 855 Buffalo Lake 55 Kikino 831 36 ² 661 881 866 12 9 SAGD Project (in bitumen barrels per day) 1 Blackrod Commercial Phase 1 (20,000) 2 Blackrod Commercial Phase 2 (30,000) 3 Blackrod Commercial Phase 3 (30,000) 4 Kirby West Phase 1 (30,000) 5 Grouse Phase 1 (50,000) 6 Kirby North Phase 1 (40,000) 7 Kirby North Phase 2 (60,000) 8 Kirby South Phase 1 (40,000) 9 Kirby South Phase 2 (20,000) 10 Pike Phase 1 (35,000) 11 Pike Phase 2 (35,000) 12 Pike Phase 3 (35,000) 13 Jackfish Phase 1 (35,000) 14 Jackfish Phase 2 (35,000) 15 Jackfish Phase 3 (35,000) 16 Jackfish East Expansion Phase 1 (20,000) 17 Leismer Demonstration Phase 1 (10,000) 18 Leismer Phase 2 (18,000) 19 Leismer Expansion Phase 3 (20,000) 20 Leismer Northwest (20,000) 21 Christina Lake Expansion (106,000) 22 Christina Lake Thermal (300,000) 23 Christina Lake Regional (210,000) 24 Leismer Demonstration - Statoil (18,800) 25 Narrows Lake (130,000) 897 26 Black Gold (30,000) 892 27 Corner (80,000) 28 May River - Grizzly 41 Oil (10,000) 28 29 Thornbury (60,000) Lake (30,000) 30 Winefred 660 31 May River - Grizzly (13,600)659 32 Chard (40,000) 882 657 881 63 10 11 8 Wandering River 16 21 4 7 30 13 14 5 23 867 55 55 897 827 656 827 ! H Bitumen Barrels per Day Provincial Highway, 1 to 216 Series Metis Settlement Provincial Highway, 500857to 986 Series 36 Provincial Park Railway Provincial Recreation Area 857 Community 829 Hamlet of Lac La Biche 644 Indian Reserve 657 Public Land Areas for Recreation/Tourism 41 Wildland Park 652 41 29 859 100,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 897 0 38 855 643 645 645 5 10 20 30 50 km 29 881 830 825 40 © 2013. Base mapping 860compiled from data provided by the Spatial Data Warehouse Ltd., GeoBase (Natural Resources Canada), Statistics Canada, Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation, and Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development 2011-2013. 640 857 36 Last updated June 21, 2013. 45 831 830 893 646 893 641 17 12 881 45 870 834 45 TAXATION Alberta has the highest basic and spousal exemptions in Canada, and no general sales tax. PERSONAL INCOME TAX RATE Provincial and Territorial Personal Income Tax Rate Comparison8 Rates depend on income. Provincial rates Alberta British Columbia Ontario Quebec Saskatchewan Levels of taxable income (%) 10 - 10.5 5.06 - 16.8 5.05 - 13.16 16 - 25.75 11 - 15 Provincial rates Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Levels of taxable income (%) 10.8 - 17.4 9.68 - 17.84 7.7 - 13.3 8.79 - 21 9.8 - 16.7 Provincial rates Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut Levels of taxable income (%) 7.04 - 12.76 5.9 - 14.05 4 - 11.5 ADDITIONAL TAX INFORMATION For more information on Federal, Provincial, and Municipal Tax information, visit For a more detailed viewed of Alberta’s business cost competetiveness, please view ‘competitive alternatives’ - KPMG’s guide to international business costs at For more information regarding personal tax information, visit COST OF BUSINESS LAC LA BICHE COUNTY OCCUPANCY9 According to a survey from Lac La Biche Real Estate Brokers as of February 2015, the average cost per square foot for a triple net lease is $8.50 per square foot. For a gross lease, the asking rate is $3000/acre per month. Prices can vary depending on size, condition and location. The cost per acre for industrial real estate is as follows: Hamlets: $200k - $300k serviced $20k - $70k unserviced rural $100k - $200k serviced $10k - $35k unserviced Sunset over Lac La Biche Lake. 13 COST OF BUSINESS LABOUR COSTS Wood Buffalo - Cold Lake Region10 (includes Lac La Biche County) Regional total Inspectors in public & environmental health & occupational health & safety Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers & related occupations Restaurant & food service managers Cooks Hotel front desk clerks Heavy-duty equipment mechanics Cashiers Receptionists & switchboard operators Community & social service workers Truck drivers Retail salespersons & sales clerks Automotive service technicians, truck & bus mechanics & mechanical repairers Material handlers Light duty cleaners Customer service, information & related clerks average weekly hours worked 40.4 average hourly wage 31.63 job vacancy rate 5.5 52.4 38.4 41.7 39.9 38.5 42.1 30.4 35.9 36 46.9 33.8 44 30.87 12.92 19.59 17.58 16.30 48.51 13.47 20.02 22.44 28.69 15.12 39.99 25.4 23.9 21.3 13.7 11.9 9.8 9.6 8.7 7.9 7.1 5.6 5.6 38.7 37.4 39.7 17.60 17.98 22.77 4.9 4.7 4.4 BUSINESS LOCATION COUNT11 Lac La Biche June 2013 Business Location Counts All industries Total Accomodation and food services Administrative and support, waste management Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting Arts, entertainment, and recreation Construction Educational services Finance and insurance Healthcare and social assistance Information and cultural industries Management of companies and enterprises Manufacturing Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction Other services (except public administration) Professional, scientific, and technical services Public administration Real estate, rental, and leasing Retail trade Transportation and warehousing Utitlies Wholesale trade 14 Business Location Counts (#) 805 40 35 92 7 151 8 10 30 6 14 14 34 76 65 3 64 67 70 3 16 0 - 49 employees 395 26 14 16 3 60 5 6 24 4 4 9 17 50 44 2 16 47 34 2 12 50-99 employees 12 1 2 4 2 2 1 100+ employees 6 1 1 1 1 2 - unspecified 392 13 19 76 4 86 2 4 5 2 10 5 14 26 21 1 48 18 34 1 3 COST OF BUSINESS UTILITIES Consumption rates for commercial customers for water in LLBC is $8.00 per m3.12 Consumption rates for electricity for residential, farm, irrigation, and small commercial customers LLBC13 Customer Residential Small commercial Lighting Farm Irrigation Oil and gas Natural gas14 price ¢ 6.44/ kwh ¢ 6.512/ kwh ¢ 4.832/ kwh ¢ 6.469/ kwh ¢ 6.333/ kwh ¢ 6.313/ kwh ¢ 5.62 / GJ H. A. Marchildon water treatment plant TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES Telecommunication providers in the area includes Shaw, Telus, Bell, Rogers, MCSNET, and CCI wireless. MARKET ACCESS Lac La Biche County is the primary economic service centre for industrial activity in northeastern Alberta and the municipality of choice for commercial, retail, housing and lifestyle investment in the region. Not only are we the gateway to the South Athabasca Oil Sands and vast northern resources beyond, we are also the hub of an ever increasing transportation network with Highways 36, 55, 63, and 881, the only rail system in northeastern Alberta, and an airport in a key location. Wide load on Highway 881. Bonnyville 128km Cold Lake 147km Edmonton 219.3km Lloydminster 278km Fort McMurray 291.3km Calgary 531.4km Grand Prairie 545km Saskatoon 554km Medicine Hat 617 km DISTANCE FROM LAC LA BICHE COUNTY 15 TRAFFIC COUNT MAPS15 To view all the 2014 traffic counts please go to When the map appears just zoom into the Lac La Biche area until the traffic icons are visible. There you can view all traffic counts going back to 2002, view the raw data (actual numbers) and even get diagrams of the intersection itself. 16 QUALITY OF LIFE LIVING IN LAC LA BICHE COUNTY2 Residential selling prices and stats for LLBC as of Feb. 23, 2015. Price Days on market Square feet Price/sq.ft Beds Baths Home age average $396,227 114 days 989 $207 2.4 0.8 17.3 minimum $72,900 5 days 0 $178 0 0 1 maximum $2,800,00 530 days 2858 $256 7 3 55 average $878 $1,097 $1,181 availability rate 18.4% 15.8% 11% 1 Dental Clinic 4 Pharmacies 1 Optometrist 2 Chiropractors 1 Hollistic Health Centre Private apartment rental range - October 201416 type 1 bedroom 2 bedroom 3+ bedroom HEALTH CARE # of units in LLBC 103 109 20 Ground and Air Ambulance 1 Medical Clinic The William J. Cadzow healthcare centre includes an extended care unit, hemodyalisis, occupational therapy, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, respite care and palliative care. 17 Right: William J. Cadzow Healthcare Centre QUALITY OF LIFE EDUCATION17 Educational Institutions Lac La Biche Schools Vera M. Welsh Elementary School Aurora Middle School J.A. Williams High School Lac La Biche Outreach School Youth Assessment Centre Portage College grades ECS - 3 4-8 9 -12 8 - 12 6 - 10 Post Secondary 2014 - 2015 enrollment 399 497 481 27 6 883* capacity 528 689 700 50 10 - utilization rate 76% 72% 69% 54% 60% - number of teachers 27 29 23 3 1 76 Plamondon Schools Ecole Plamondon School Ecole Beausejour Hand n Hand Trilingual Playchool grades ECS - 12 ECS - 12 Pre-school 2014 - 2015 enrollment 385 183* - capacity 607 368 - utilization rate 63% 50% - number of teachers 19 14 - * indicates 2013-2014 numbers Right: Bold Centre 18 QUALITY OF LIFE LAKES, CAMPGROUNDS, AND FISHING Quadding | Biking | Bird Watching | Boat Launch | Camping | Fishing | Hiking | Playground Beaver Lake Missawawi Lake Elinor Lake Spencer Lake Fork Lake Steepbank Lake Grist Lake Whitefish Lake Heart Lake Plamondon Whitesands Kikino Silver Birch Winefred Lake Mile Seven Lake Diesel’s Owl Hoot Cabins & Campground | RV Services left: Camping at Touchwood lake. Right: Lac La Biche lake 19 PROVINCIAL PARKS Sir Winston Churchill Park Lakeland Provicial Park is home to Alberta’s only Backcountry Canoe Circuit.18 LAKELAND PROVINCIAL PARKS Blackett Lake Helena lake Jackson Lake Kinnaird Lake McGuffin lake LAKELAND PROVINCIAL RECREATION AREA Ironwood Lake Pinehurst Lake Seibert Lake Touchwood Lake 20 Top right: Biking at Churchill Provincial Park Middle right: Lakeland Provincial Park Bottom right: Swimming at Beaver lake beach. QUALITY OF LIFE ANNUAL CULTURAL EVENTS18 Family Day Weekend February 14 - 16 Winter Festival of Speed February 28 - March 2 Kinsmen on the Pond Hockey Tournament March 7 Cabane À Sucre March 15 Hockey en Fête à Plamondon March 20 - 22 Hylo - Venice Annual ATV Rally March 28 30th Annual Heart Ride Hoof-A-Thon May 2 Kikino Quad Rally May 16 Venice Picnic June 5 17th Annual WillVil Walleye Tournament June 5 - 6 Plamondon Jamboree June 12 - 14 Lac La Biche Summer Solstice Half Marathon June 13 Lac La Biche Rendezvous June 20 Lakeland Country Fair & Professional Roughstock Rodeo July 19 - 21 Rich Lake Professional Roughstock Rodeo July 26 - 27 Lac La Biche Annual Pow Wow & Fish Derby July 31 - August 2 Plamondon Mud Bogs August 13 - 16 Kikino Silver Birch Rodeo August 14 - 16 Hylo/ Venice Harvest Days August 22 - 23 Alberta Open Farm Days August 22 - 23 Kikino Triple R Triathlon September 5-6 Festival Of Trees November 19 - 22 Christmas Festival De Noel December 5 Christmas At The Mission December 6 Lac La Biche Agricultural Society Farmers Market Every Friday from March 27 - December 11 * dates subject to change Plamondon Heritage Days June 21 Rich Lake Ranch Rodeo June 21 - 22 Lac La Biche Mission Canada Day Celebration July 1 Water bomber dispaly - Pow Wow Days 22 Top Left: Plamondon Mud Bogs Middle Left: Pow Wow Dancers Bottom: Pow Wow Festival Top Right: Winter Festival Of Speed Middle Right: Boat Racers At Pow Wow Bottom Right: Pond Hockey Tournament QUALITY OF LIFE COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS 4 - H Lac La Biche - District Lac La Biche Elks Lodge Lakeland Scouts 1st LLB Lakeland Classic Wheels Club Kinette Club of Lac La Biche Lac La Biche Moms and Tots Stuart MacPherson Public Library Lac La Biche Flying Club Kinsman Club of Lac La Biche Hylo Venice Recreation & Agricultural Society Plamondon Girl Guides Lac La Biche Bingo Association Knights of Columbus Music Festival Association Hylo Venice Curling Club Big Brothers Big Sisters Society Lac La Biche Agricultural Society ACFA PDCDS Lac La Biche Antique Society Plamondon Municipal Library Normandeau Ag Society Pioneer Club Lac La Biche Art Club Royal Canadian Army Cadets Lac La Biche Rich Lake Recreation & Agricultural Society Plamondon and District Museum Society Lac La Biche Birding Society Royal Canadian Legion & Ladies Auxiliary Owl River Recreation & Agricultural Society Hylo Venice Senior’s Centre Lac La Biche Dance Society Royal Purple-Lac La Biche Craigend Recreation & Agricultural Society Lac Alta Lodge Residents Association W.J. Cadzow Hospital Auxiliary Rode to Hope Rotary Club of Lac La Biche Lac La Biche Girl Guides Lac La Biche Lions Club Hylo Venice Senior’s Centre LLB Pow Wow Association SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS Lac La Biche Nordic Ski Club Plamondon Minor Hockey Lac La Biche Junior Soccer Society Lac La Biche & District Curling Club Lac La Biche Shooting Association Plamondon Outdoorsmen’s Club Lac La Biche Boxing Club Lac La Biche Skating Club Lac La Biche Whitecap’s Swim Club Senior Men’s Hockey Lac La Biche Gun Club Lac La Biche Golf Club Lakeland Archers Plamondon Minor Baseball Lac La Biche Ladies Volleyball Lac La Biche Indoor Sports Association Minor Hockey Plamondon Women’s Volleyball League Lac La Biche Mixed Volleyball League Mixed Slo-pitch League Plamondon Curling Club Lakeland Minor Ball Agricultural Society parade float Local farmers market QUALITY OF LIFE COMMUNITY FACILITIES Craigend Hall Bold Center parking lot, with additional parking across the street. The seniors center Offers two NHL sized arenas, twin fieldhouses, a four sheet curling rink, a fitness and wellness centre with activity space for children, and a 200 metre indoor running track. The community hall features seating for 400 people. (780) 623–3829 Portage Pool 25m salt water pool with a diving board and a separate wading pool. The main hall features seating for 350 people, modern kitchen, paved attached to the hall seats 80 people, has a games room with pool table and separate kitchen. Includes RV parking (no utility hook ups) (780) 623-2571 Lakeland Agricom Hall (Lac La Biche Ag. Society) The hall has a maximum capacity of 250 people, modern kitchen, meeting room and rodeo grounds. (780) 623-7888 (780) 623-6777 Festival Center - Plamondon The main hall features seating for 550 to 750 (concert seating), a 1500 sq. foot dance floor, sound system and corner stage.This center has 2 boardrooms, state of the art kitchen, ample RV parking (no utility hook ups), projector and dinnerware rental available for formal occasions. Also featuring an outdoor stage and mini-theatre to host musical performances. [email protected] (780) 798-3478 Lac La Biche Golf and Country Club Situated off the shores of Lac La Biche Lake, this 18 hole course is one of Bold Center tennis courts the most scenic golf courses in Alberta. It contains enough sand traps and water hazards to keep even the most experienced golfers on their toes. [email protected] (780) 623-4288 Owl River Recreation Centre This facility features seating for 150-200 people, a modern kitchen, ice maker, BBQ, bar and an exercise room. RV parking (no utility hook ups) (780) 623-7008 Hylo Hall This facility features seating for 500 people, a modern kitchen and a curling rink attached to the hall. It also features a seniors center that can be rented out separately. Includes RV parking (no utility hook ups) (780) 623-2164 Lac La Biche Golf and County Club QUALITY OF LIFE LAC LA BICHE MISSION The Lac La Biche Mission is a national historic site of Canada. Established in 1853, it is one of the oldest communities in Alberta. This 45-acre site includes a museum, interpretive center, amphitheatre and picnic area. Church at the Mission. CLIMATE 19 Average Temperature in Lac La Biche County Daily max Daily min JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV ANNUAL DEC AVERAGE -9 15 -20 -4 -5 23 -17 1 2 35 -11 12 11 52 -3 27 17 63 3 37 21 70 8 46 24 75 11 52 23 73 9 48 17 63 5 41 9 48 -2 28 -1 30 -10 14 -7 19 -17 1 *C *F *C *F 8.5 47 -3.7 25.3 Average precipitation in Lac La Biche County ANNUAL AVERAGE Days Rainfall (mm) Precipitation (in) 3 5.9 .23 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1 2.4 .09 1 5.9 .23 2 16.3 .64 7 26 1.02 10 64.2 2.53 10 74.2 2.92 9 43.8 1.73 9 34.1 1.34 5 41.7 1.64 2 3.9 .15 1 4.8 .19 5 26.9 1.06 Northern Lights, a frequent sight in Lac La Biche County 25 SOURCES 1. “Alberta Labour Force Statistics” Statistics Canada, accessed January 2015, 2. “Lac La Biche Real Estate” Colin Hartigan, accessed February 23, 2015, 3. Lac La Biche County Planning and Development Department, Monthly Development Statistics, 2015. Lac La Biche County Database 4. “Alberta Major Projects” Alberta Government, accessed February 23, 2015, 5. “2011 National Household Survey” Statistics Canada, accessed February 23, 2015, 6. “2011 National Household Survey” Statistics Canada, accessed February 23, 2015, & “2013 Municipal Census” Lac La Biche County, accessed February 23, 2015, 7. “Alberta Major Projects” Government of Alberta, accessed February 23, 2015, 8. “Current Personal Income Tax Rates” Tax, 9. Survey of Lac La Biche Real Estate Brokers as at February, 2015 10. “Top fifty occupations in Alberta by vacancy.pdf” accessed February 23, 2015, 11. Statistics Canada, Business Registry – Location Counts (6 digit NAICs), 2013 June, accessed February 23, 2015 12. “Utility Services” Lac La Biche County Website, accessed February 23, 2015, 13. “Residential Rates and Fees” EPCOR, accessed February 23, 2015, 14. “Gas Billing” Lac La Biche District Natural Gas Co-op LTD. website, accessed February 23, 2015, 15. “Traffic Data Mapping” Government of Alberta, accessed February 23, 2015 16. “Apartment Vacancy & Rental Cost Survey” Seniors website, accessed February 23, 2015 17. “Our Schools” Northern Lights School Division No.69 website, accessed February 23, 2015 18. “2015 Lac La Biche Region Vacation Guide” Lac La Biche Region Website, accessed February 23, 2015 19. “Lac La Biche, Nb1 Monthly Climate Average, Canada” World Weather Online, accessed February 23, 2015, 26 For more information, contact: INTERIM GENERAL MANAGER OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Karen Gingras (780) 623-6750 [email protected] McArthur Place, 2nd Floor, 10307 - 100 Street, Lac La Biche, Alberta
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