May 1, 2016 - Old Cathedral


May 1, 2016 - Old Cathedral
The Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral
The Corner of Mott & Prince Streets, New York City
Tel: 212-226-8075
Fax: 212-226-1219
The Shrine Church of Most Precious Blood
109 Mulberry Street, New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212-226-6427
Fax: 212-226-1837
Sixth Sunday of Easter ~ May 1, 2016
Saturday Vigil
5:30 PM English
9:15 AM English 10:15 AM Chinese
11:30 AM Spanish
12:45 PM English
7:00 PM English
8:00 AM Spanish, 12:10 PM English
Weekday Masses are held at St. Michael’s Chapel– 266 Mulberry Street
7:00 PM - English at Most Precious Blood Church
8:00 AM Spanish
VESPERS (Evening Prayer)
First Sundays at 7:00pm with Mass
Saturdays 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM
Sundays 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM
Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament
Every First Friday from 7:30 pm
with Benediction at 9:15pm in the Cathedral
Spanish Prayer Group
Fridays 7:30pm
Cursillistas Meeting
Sundays after the 11:30am Mass (Spanish)
Pastor - Monsignor Donald Sakano
[email protected]
Rev. Andrew Thi – Resident Vicar
Rev. Enrique Salvo - Resident Vicar
Deacon Paul Vitale
Visiting Celebrants:
Rev. George Kuhn
Rev. Brian McWeeney
Rev. Umberto Bordoni
Rev. Carlos Mullins
Rev. Edward Hopkins, LC
Rev. Jason Smith, LC
Rev. Fabian Grifone, OFM
Rev. Louis Troiani, OFM
Rev. Philip Phan, Vietnamese Apostolate
Director of Music - Jared Lamenzo
[email protected]
Wedding Coordinator - Rosa Jimenez
[email protected]
Saturday/Sabado-April 30, Easter Weekday
8:00AM (Spa)
Por el alma de Francisco Maria Nuñez invita
Agustina Rodriguez
5:30PM (Eng)
For: Frank Calderazzo
By: mom
Sunday/Domingo-May 1, Sixth Sunday of Easter
9:15AM (Eng)
For: Lena and Louis Ciffo
By: Anthony Ciffo
10:15AM (Chi)
Peace to the soul of Theresa Yun by: Anna Yun
11:30AM (Spa) Por el eterno descanso de Teodora Hernandez invita
Elva Ugarte y familia
12:45PM (Eng) For: Nicholas Barone, Sr.
By: Joseph & Russ Chinnici
7:00PM (Eng)
In Thanksgiving for Christian Fernandez’s Birthday
By: his mom, Angelina Nuñez
Monday/Lunes-May 2, Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the
8:00AM (Spa)
Misa dedicada a los damnificados del terremoto en
12:10PM (Eng) For: The people of the parish
Tuesday/Martes-May 3, Saints Philip and James, Apostles
8:00AM (Spa)
Por todos los miembros de nuestra parroquia
12:10PM (Eng) For: Jacqueline O’Frias
By: Consalvo Family
Wednesday/Miercoles–May 4, Easter Weekday
8:00AM (Spa)
Por todos los miembros de nuestra parroquia
12:10PM (Eng) For: The people of the parish
Thursday/Jueves–May 5, The Ascension of the Lord
8:00AM (Spa)
Por todos los miembros de nuestra parroquia
12:10PM (Eng) For: Ann Spota
By: Susan
7:00PM (Eng)
For: The people of the parish
Friday/Viernes-May 6, First Friday, Saint Catherine of Siena,
Virgin and Doctor of the Church
8:00AM (Spa)
Por el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús invita el Grupo
Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
Por el eterno descanso de Luis Diaz y Natividad
Jimenez invita Ramona Diaz
12:10PM (Eng) For: The people of the parish
Saturday/Sabado-May 7, First Saturday, Easter Weekday, Witness
for Life Mass
8:00AM (Eng)
Por el eterno descanso de Alejandro Nuñez invita
Ramona Nuñez
5:30PM (Eng)
For: Marisa Sarubbi
By: Mom and Brother
Sunday Offerings:
Music for the Sixth Sunday of Easter
Orlando di Lasso (1532–1594) is the late Renaissance composer of our Offertory motet; he was born in the
Netherlands. The story goes that he was kidnapped and taken to Italy on account of his beautiful voice. He
travelled widely in Italy, ending up at St. John Lateran in Rome, after which he returned to northern Europe
and was employed by the Duke of Bavaria for the rest of his life, though he was a frequent guest in many European capitals. His mastery of polyphony in the Franco-Flemish style ranks him among the three most famous and influential musicians in Europe at the end of the 16th century (the other two being Palestrina and
Victoria). Lasso’s Benedicite gentes, which is the proper text for the Offertory this week, comes from a collection published in 1585 in Munich.
The Communion hymn is actually a Vespers hymn: Vespers is really the only place in the Roman Rite where
hymns are prescribed! Ad coenam agni providi is the office hymn at Vespers from Low Sunday to Ascension.
The 1632 Breviary replaced it with a drastically rewritten version, Ad regias Agni dapes. The polyphonic setting by Dufay (1397-1474) has the unusual and modern-sounding sonorities of the Burgundian School, a Franco-Flemish school from the early Renaissance. Compare it against the Lasso—that’s 200 years of musical progress, or at least change! Dufay also was born in present-day Belgium, and his talents were noticed early and
put into service for the Church.
Basilica Schola
The Basilica Schola is in session for the
2015-2016 season. We already have welcomed new members,
but hope you will join us too! We schedule informal "auditions"
during the year for anyone interested in joining. It is a great way
to enhance your spiritual life, meet fellow parishioners, and
deepen your understanding of the tradition. Contact Joshua,
our Cantor:
[email protected] to learn more. Hear our latest recording, available on iTunes, and find out more about the music
ministry at
Restore Our Pipe Organ!
We are in great need of financial support to restore and
protect the Erben. Donations to the organ fund can be
made to St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral, with the memo
“Erben Organ
Restoration Fund.” Join the “Erben Renewal” Facebook
page to find out about music at the Basilica, and the world
-class 2,500 pipe Henry Erben organ, one of the great pipe
organs of America:
Cooking Food for the Soul
w/ Soul Food KN
Interested in being a
Lector or Eucharistic Minister?
Are you looking for new ways to lift your spirit
this Spring? What better way to nourish your
soul than with food and friends.
Help OSP proclaim the good news by
participating in masses or visiting the
In this cooking classes series: "Bringing the Spirit
to your Salad"we will show you how to turn simple salads into superfood meals that will put your
mind and body at ease.
May 11th, 25th & June 1st.
Parish House 263 Mulberry St.
$20/class or $50/3 classes
Training sessions are being held monthly
if you are interested please email
[email protected]
For Everything you need to know
about us, please visit:
Looking for
Volunteer Opportunities?
Each month we volunteer with ACES
at their Career Prep Clinic
St. Francis Xavier Food Pantry
To sign up or for more info
Email [email protected]
Summer is a Callin’ BBQ
The sun is shining and its time to get your
shorts and sandals out.
We are hosting a
Backyard BBQ Bash
Good Food, Drinks & Games
Spend an evening
in the Rectory
backyard, bring
your friends and
Date: June 9,
Cost: $25
Bulletin Board
~ A Holy Day of Obligation~
Congratulations to our young people who will receive the
Sacrament of Confirmation today from Bishop John O’Hara.
8:00 AM (Spanish)
12:10 PM (English)
7:00 PM (English)
There is also a 12:10 Mass and 7:00 PM Mass
at the Shrine Church of the Most Precious Blood.
Our restored bell can ring can be programmed
to ring before Sunday Mass and on the hour
during the week. What do you think?
Stained Glass Windows
With great joy, four refurbished windows will be
installed this coming week in the sanctuary area, two
windows on each side. Keep in mind, that the restoration of the windows is a monumental effort since that
tracery sections of the windows (the woodwork that
frames the stained glass) had to be hand hewn from
hard wood. This had to be replaced because the old
frames and tracery were so deteriorated that they no
longer could safely hold the glass in place. The
remaining stained glass windows will be completed
over the spring and summer.
The stained glass that you now see is the same glass
that was there before the restoration. The glass looks new
because each piece was cleaned and in some cases replaced where
there were breaks or pieces missing.
Weekday Masses
As a result of the work being done inside and outside the Basilica
during the installation of the four stained glass windows, the
church will be closed from Monday to Friday for the next two
weeks. The weekday Masses - 8:00AM & 12:10PM - will be
celebrated in St. Michael’s Russian Catholic Church at
266 Mulberry Street.
If you are expecting a new baby or if she/he is already here,
be sure to let us know. Then go to our website and acquaint
yourself with what to do next to be prepared for the
renewal of your own baptismal vows and the baptism
of your child.
Next Session for parents and godparents is:
Monday, May 2 at 7:00pm.
Confirmation Mass ~ 3:00 PM
Cuong Dao
Elsie Feliz
Aaliyah Fernandez
Christopher Lee
Duy Nguyen
Keven Nguyen
Catherine ham
Donovan Pham
Mya Ramirez
Joanna Santiago
Congratulations to their parents, sponsors and
During this
year of Mercy, it is more
than ever to
be actively aware of the needs of our brothers and sisters in
need. The Cardinal’s Appeal addresses a wide range of human
needs in neighborhoods of the Archdiocese. Many people and
whole families are in crisis due to changes in economy as well
as challenges that come to them through illness or accidents. In
addition, the Cardinal’s Appeal assist in the education of
youngsters and the care for older people who have become
frail, including nuns and priests.
Please be generous in response to the Cardinal’s Appeal. Every
year the Archdiocese sets a goal for each parish. This year the
goal for the merged parish of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral and
the Shrine Church of the Most Precious Blood is $47,000.
Please pray over this and make a gift that will assist those in
need around us. You can learn more about the Appeal at
Brought to you by The Archdiocese
of New York
The best in culture and thought,
located at the corner of Bleecker & Elizabeth Streets
Want to know more about us?
Come visit our website!
The Shrine Church of
Most Precious Blood
109 Mulberry Street, New York NY 10013
Secretary: Emily DePalo Email: [email protected]
Tel: 212-226-6427
Fax: 212-226-1837
Saturday Vigil - 5:30 PM
Sunday - 2:00 PM (Vietnamese)
Office Hours:
10AM—6PM Daily or by Appointment
Before Masses or by Appointment
Week of April 30-May 1, 2016
Saturday, April 30, Easter Weekday
5:30pm Vigil
For: Sammy Calderera
By: daughter Jeanie Sama
For: Frank Esposito
By: Theresa Rao
Sunday, May 1 - Sixth Sunday of Easter
Mass in Vietnamese
Monday, May 2 - Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
7:00 PM
For: The people of the parish
Tuesday, May 3 - Saints Philip and James, Apostles
Week 8 - Saint Anthony Novena
12:10 PM
For: Elena & Felipe Loria
By: Melanie Loria
For: Helen Kirou (Living)
By: Nancy Tan
For: Cindy Amerise & Anne Neuman for Good Health
7:00 PM
By: John & Robin Amerise
Wednesday, May 4, Easter Weekday
7:00 PM
For: Deceased of the Valentino Family
By: Patricia Valentino
For: Mary, Ed & Richard Kehoe
By: Jimmy & Donna
Thursday, May 5, The Ascension of the Lord
Holy Day of Obligation
12:10 PM
For: The people of the parish
7:00 PM
For: The people of the parish
Friday, May 6, First Friday
6:30 PM
Sant’Egidio Prayer Service
7:00 PM
For: Francisca Arvizu & Sally Brisco for Good Health
By: John & Robin Amerise
Saturday, May 7, First Saturday
5:30 PM
For: Anthony Louis Fratta (50th Anniversary)
By: father Joe Fratta
For: Philip, Antoinette & Rocco Vita
By: daughter/sister Connie Vita
For: Jennie & Patsy Valentino
By: daughter Patricia
Stations of the Cross
12:10 PM on Fridays during Lent
Church of the Most Precious Blood
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
St. Anthony of Padua
San Gennaro
St. Jude
St. Padre Pio (1st Friday)
The Community of Sant'Egidio
Our Lady of Fatima (1st Saturday)
The Shrine Church of
Most Precious Blood
109 Mulberry Street, New York NY 10013
Project Director: William Russo
Secretary: Emily DePalo Email: [email protected]
Tel: 212-226-6427
Fax: 212-226-1837
APRIL 30 - May 1, 2016
THURSDAY: Thursday, May
5, 2016 is the Ascension of the
Lord. It is also a Holy Day of
Obligation. Masses will be celebrated at 12:10 PM and 7:00 PM.
12:10 PM Mass on Ascension
Thursday. Please do your best to
let your friends, relatives and coworkers know that Most Precious
Blood Church WILL be celebrating Ascension Thursday with a
12:10 PM Mass.
NOVENA: Tuesday, May 3,
2016, is Week 8 of our Saint
Anthony Novena. We would like
to thank our wonderful seniors –
Anna Caroselli, Lina Faele and
Anna Marie Maniscalco for their
donations to our ‘coffee social’ which takes place after the Novena Mass each
Tuesday. They brought cake, cookies and popcorn last week, and we are grateful to
them for being so generous. The last novena Mass will be on June 7th. There will
also be a 12:10 PM Mass on Saint Anthony’s Feast Day which is Monday, June
13th. This Mass will signal the end of our 12:10 PM weekday Masses.
MOTHER’S DAY: Sunday, May 8th, 2016 is Mother’s Day. The usual Mother’s
Day remembrance cards are out in the back of the church and in the sacristy. Jeanie
Sama, keeper of our church traditions, has asked that you return your Mother’s Day
cards with your intentions by this Saturday, April 30. She will collect them at the
5:30 PM Mass and they will be placed on the altar in time for the 5:30 PM Vigil
Mass the following Saturday, May 7th in anticipation of Mother’s Day on Sunday,
May 8th. You may also return your Mother’s Day remembrance cards at the rectory office after 10:00 am – all Mother’s Day remembrance cards and intentions
MUST be returned before May 7th, otherwise yours will NOT be able to be placed
on the altar in time.
CARDINAL’S APPEAL: It has come to our attention that donations to the
Cardinal’s Appeal have not been what was expected from our parish. There is still
time to submit your donation to this worthy cause. Please remember that there are
countless people out there who need help, and the Cardinal’s Appeal is one if the
ways these people in need receive the assistance they require. Please think about
donating whatever amount is within your means and that will not cause any hardship to you and your families. Thank you!
REMINDER: Tuesday, May 3rd, is Alzheimer’s Awareness Day at MPB Church
from 11:00 AM until 4:00 PM. Please try to attend – this will be very informative
and some of the information you will take with you might prove to be invaluable to
you one day. NOTE: Week 8 of the Saint Anthony Novena Mass will be taking
place this same day at 12:10 PM. If you are NOT attending Mass, please try to
respect those who are and remain silent at the back of the church while Mass is in
progress. We thank you for your cooperation.
Church name & address:
St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral #747300
263 Mulberry St.
New York NY 10012-3305
Contact person & phone number: Natalie 212-226-8075
Date & time transmitted: April 28th at 1:30 pm
Sunday’s date: May 1, 2016
Number of pages transmitted: Cover + two full page + two half-pages + this page = 6 (5-4-JL)
Special instructions for Production: 700 Bulletins