Study on the Potential of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM
Study on the Potential of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM
Journal of Environmentally Friendly Processes Petrotex Library Archive Journal of Environmentally Friendly Processes Journal Website: Study on the Potential of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Implementation in Iran's Power Plants Mohammad Masoud Shalchi1, Javad Asadi1, Pooya Jafari 2, Omid Tavakoli1* 1 School of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran 2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun, Houston, TX 77204-4003, USA Corresponding Author Email: [email protected] Abstract: Nowadays global warming is a great concern in the world. Clean development mechanism (CDM) is an approach for controlling global warming. One of the solutions to reduce Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emission in power plants is switching from open cycle (OC) to combined cycle (CC) power plant which simultaneously resulting on increasing the efficiency. Since today 15 CDM projects as switching from OC to CC has been registered in official site of CDM projects and 3 cases are implemented in Iran. The amount of power generated through CDM power plant projects in Iran is 2100 MW and the GHG emission reduction is 2.374008 MtCO 2e/annum. Iran has 12 open cycle gas turbine (OCGT) with total power production of 8300 MW. By switching OC to CC power plant approximately 4150 MW of enhanced power could be connected to grid due to increasing efficiency and GHG emission reduction of this scenario is 10.47 MtCO2e/annum. Keyword: Clean development mechanism, Greenhouse gas emission, Power plant, Open cycle, Combined cycle. 1. Introduction Todays, countries around the world try to reduce the GHG emission which is the main cause of global warming. The United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at 1997 adopted the Kyoto Protocol to contain emissions of GHGs. CDM is an approach for reaching to the Kyoto Protocol's objective and it is an international cooperation mechanism between developing countries and industrialized countries and an “offset mechanism” under the UNFCCC’s Kyoto Protocol. Its main objective is to decrease the overall global costs of implementing a given target for GHG emissions in countries with an established cap on their GHG emissions (the so-called Annex B countries of the Protocol).1 This is done in the way that parties in Annex B countries pay parties in countries with no binding caps (non-Annex B countries) to reduce their emissions. Such reductions are in turn credited against the established emissions quota for the respective Annex B country, thus allowing emissions to increase (be higher than otherwise) in the latter country [1]. The most important target of the CDM is not to decrease global GHG emissions, but to keep emissions neutral while the costs of implementing a given emissions level are decreased.2 Cost reductions are gained by shifting implementation costs from (high-cost) 1- A further, secondary, objective of the CDM is to secure financing to middle- and lower-income countries for energy efficiency improvements, energy technology projects, and other efforts to simultaneously reduce GHG emissions and support development, generally and in the energy sector specifically. 2- It may be argued for an overall more positive impact of the CDM. An offset mechanism similar to the CDM could be necessary for the Kyoto Protocol to be supported and ratified in the first place, since an agreement lacking an offset mechanism would be more burdensome on Annex B countries, for given emissions constraints. The tightening of the overall constraints under Kyoto, made Shalchi, Asadi, Jafari, Tavakoli/Journal of Environmentally Friendly Processes high-income countries, to (lower-cost) low-income countries. We here however content that the CDM often does not keep emissions neutral: global emissions can instead increase. This can occur via several different mechanisms. CDM has two purposes, the first is to help developing countries meet sustainable development (SD) and GHG reductions, and the second is to let to industrialized countries to control their GHG emissions. Now, a group of researchers have focused on the coadvantages of CDM, and their results are very different. The optimist researchers suggest that CDM has profits not only for host countries also in industrialized countries. CDM projects bring financial investment in host countries and it also has some other advantages, including environmental and social advantages. The question is whether or not CDM really contributes to SD to host countries. Subbarao and Lloyd studied on the 500 registered small-scale CDM projects. They used scoring pattern method for indicating projects and understood that in the rustic zones, projects which were typically managed by cooperative ventures rather than money-making corporations are better contributors of sustainable development [2]. Brunt show that renewable CDM projects in the small scale will amplify the benefit of local enterprises, health, security and education [3]. Nussbaumer found that the potential contribution to local sustainable development of those CDM projects with particular attributes is compared with ordinary ones [4]. Sutter and Parreño drew similar conclusions. The criteria that they used to measure SD were employment, distribution of project return and air quality [5]. Drupp evaluated the potential benefits of 48 CDM projects and the results showed that renewable energy projects may deliver comparatively high SD benefits [6]. Olsen and Fenhann understood that small-scale projects have a high socio-economic profile, and on average contribute a slightly higher number of SD benefits than large-scale projects. Large-scale projects, however, contribute relatively more air quality, water, health and other benefits [7]. On the other hand, the negative results are also presented by various studies. Sutter and Parreño carried out an analytical framework for analyzing CDM projects in terms of their contribution to employment generation, equal distribution of CDM returns, and improvement of local air quality. They found that about half of all projects are non-additional, and currently no registered CDM projects had reached the two-fold goals of GHG emission mean-time, contributing to sustainable development [5]. Zhang and Wang proposed an econometric approach to evaluate the CDM effect on SO 2 emission reductions and found that the CDM did not have a statistically significant effect in lowering SO2 emissions [8]. Subbarao and Lloyd evaluated 10 CDM projects and found that all of the cases appear to make significant emission reductions while falling short in delivering direct local benefits. Thus, the projects have not realized sustainable development benefits envisaged in their creation, and finally suggested that CDM should be reformed in five alternatives [2]. Besides assessing the CDM effects on SD, Kua further suggested a sustainability-rated CDM (SR-CDM) by applying the gold standard as a way of assessing the sustainability value of projects with respect to the millennium development goals [9]. In general, previous research on this topic have been primarily qualitative analysis, and research methods have included taxonomy for sustainability assessment (Olsen, [10]; Olsen and Fenhann, [7]; Subbarao and Lloyd, [2]) and the multi-criteria method (Nussbaumer, [4]; Drupp, [6]). Meanwhile, indicators used include employment generation, equal distribution of CDM projects, poverty reduction, health and sexual equality (Subbaraoand Lloyd, [2]; Sutter and Parreño, [5]), and technology transfer to developing countries (van der Gaast et al., 2009; Wang, 2010). Some of the previous research has focused on single, particular project types (e.g., Parnphumeesup and Kerr, 2011; Purohit, 2008) and others at a project level of all registered CDM projects without distinguishing between project types (e.g., Subbarao and Lloyd, 2011; Sutter and Parreño, [5]). Conclusions drawn from these studies are mostly using ‘inconclusive’, ‘theoretically’ or ‘potentially’ when describing CDM's contributions to SD (Lloyd and Subbarao, [2]; Resnier et al., [11]; Drupp, [6]), which demonstrate a lack of quantitative assessment of SD effects of CDM projects practice It has also been reflected from policy end. The Marrakech Accords affirm that it is the host countries’ prerogative to confirm whether a CDM project activity assists it in achieving sustainable development. However, there are no developing countries who have established an official, standard framework to evaluate the SD effects of CDM projects. (Wang et al [12]) by studying on the implemented CDM projects in power plants sector in China has shown that although CDM projects causes 99,000 direct job losses, it has created 3.8 million indirect jobs. Since today 7538 CDM projects has been registered in official site of CDM projects in UNFCCC and 13 of these projects are implemented in Iran. The amount of emission reduction due to implementation of CDM projects in Iran is 3,620,014 MtCO2e/annum. The results of this paper indicate that CDM can contribute to employment in host countries. The aim of this paper is Study on the Potential of CDM Implementation in Iran's Power Plants. possible by the CDM, would then represent a de facto contribution of the CDM to global emissions reductions. A similar argument can be made if the CDM mechanism increases the likelihood of Annex B countries’ compliance with any established emissions constraint. 2 Shalchi, Asadi, Jafari, Tavakoli/Journal of Environmentally Friendly Processes 2. CDM Methodologies in Power Plants Sector Power plants have a large share of GHG emission. It is about 25% so this section needs to implement the CDM methodologies. GHG emission can be reduced through increasing efficiency. It's cause to reduce fuel consumption, operational cost and supply costly power. CDM has special attention to power plants section. Table 1 displays methodologies which refered to power plants. Table 1. CDM methodology on reduction of plant’ GHG emission [13] No. # Methodo logy Description Baseline scenario Project scenario Number of registere d project 1 AM0058 Introduction of a new primary district heating system Fossil fuel is used in a power plant that only supplies grid electricity; fossil fuel is used in individual boilers that supply heat to users. 11 2 AM0061 Methodology for rehabilitation and/or energy efficiency improvement in existing power plants Continuation of the operation of the power plant, using all power generation equipment already used prior to the implementation of the project, and undertaking business as usual maintenance. Fossil fuel is used in a power plant that supplies both electricity to the grid and heat to individual users. Fossil fuel previously used in individual boilers is no longer used. Implementation of energy efficiency improvement measures or the rehabilitation of an existing fossil-fuel-fired power plant. As a result, less fossil fuel is consumed to generate electricity. Emission reduction (metric tones CO2 equivalent per annum) 5,446,012 2 1,095,777 3 AM0062 Energy efficiency improvements of a power plant through retrofitting turbines Continuation of the current practice; i.e. the turbine continues to be operated without retrofitting. 3 757,546 4 AM0074 New grid connected power plants using permeate gas previously flared and/or vented 1 467,041 5 AM0087 Construction of a new natural gas power plant supplying electricity to the grid or a single consumer Permeate gas is flared and/or vented. Electricity is generated using processed natural gas or other energy sources than permeate gas, or electricity is provided by the grid. Power generation using 1) natural gas, but with different technologies than the project, Retrofitting of steam turbines and gas turbines with components of improved design to increase the energy efficiency in an existing fossil fuel power plant. Thus, fossil fuel consumption is reduced. Permeate gas, previously flared and/or vented at the existing natural gas processing facility, is used as fuel in a new gridconnected power plant. Power supply to the grid and/or an existing facility by a new natural-gas-fired power plant. - - 3 Shalchi, Asadi, Jafari, Tavakoli/Journal of Environmentally Friendly Processes 6 AM0100 Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) projects 7 ACM000 7 Conversion from single cycle to combined cycle power generation 8 ACM001 1 Consolidated baseline methodology for fuel switching from coal and/or petroleum fuels to natural gas in existing power plants for electricity generation Construction and operation of new grid connected fossil fuel fired power plants using a less GHG intensive technology 9 ACM001 3 2) fossil fuels other than natural gas or renewable energy, or 3) new or existing captive power plants at the existing facility or import of electricity from the grid. Electricity is generated in the grid using morecarbon-intensive fuel. Electricity is generated using steam generated from solar collectors and reducing the use of fossil fuel. - - Electricity is generated by an open-cycle gas power plant. The open-cycle gas power plant is converted to a combined-cycle one for more-efficient power generation. 14 6,549,667 Coal and/or petroleum fuel is used to generate electricity. Natural gas is used to generate electricity. 3 551,616 Electricity is generated by a less-efficient new gridconnected power plant using fossil fuel. Electricity is generated by a more-efficient new gridconnected power plant using less fossil fuel. 6 8,958,813 Table 1 shows that most number of methodologies are related to energy efficiency. Some methodologies change some part of power plants or the cycle and some of them use the alternative fuels like natural gas or biofuels. ACM0011 is about switching from coal and/or petroleum fuels to natural gas in existing power plants for electricity generation. Result of implementation of these methodologies is sustainable development and supply of reliable energy. The total number of registered cases is 40 and emission reduction is 23,826,472 tCO2e/ annum. In Iran just ACM007 methodology is carried out on power plants and great potential is available for implementing other methodologies in power plants sector. In this paper the potential of ACM007 methodology implementation on power plants is studied. 3. Converting Open Cycle (OC) to Combined Cycle (CC) The process for converting the energy in a fuel into electric power involves the creation of mechanical work, which is then transformed into electric power by a generator. Depending on the fuel type and thermodynamic process, the overall efficiency of this conversion can be as low as 30 percent. This means that two-thirds of the latent energy of the fuel ends up wasted. For example, steam electric power plants which utilize boilers to combust a fossil fuel average 33 percent efficiency. Simple cycle gas turbine (GTs) plants average just under 30 percent efficiency on natural gas, and around 25 percent on fuel oil. Much of this wasted energy ends up as thermal energy in the hot exhaust gases from the combustion process. A CC power system typically uses a gas turbine to drive an electrical generator, and recovers waste heat from the turbine exhaust to generate steam. The steam from waste heat is run through a steam turbine to provide supplemental electricity. The overall 4 Shalchi, Asadi, Jafari, Tavakoli/Journal of Environmentally Friendly Processes electrical efficiency of a CC power system is typically in the range of 50–60% and a substantial improvement over the efficiency of a simple, open-cycle application of around 33% [14]. A CC power system is the traditional technology of choice for most large onshore power generation plants, and is therefore well established. The technology has also been used on a few offshore installations for over 10 years. Most offshore installations are designed to generate power from open-cycle gas turbines which offer reduced capital costs, size and weight (per MW installed), but with compromised energy efficiency and fuel costs per unit output. CC system operation is suitable for stable load applications, but less suitable for offshore applications with variable or declining load profiles. In a new ‘greenfield’ development incorporating a CC system design, the size of the gas turbine can be optimized and is likely to be smaller than an equivalent open-cycle configuration. Additionally, the waste heat recovery unit (WHRU) can replace the gas turbine silencer, thereby mitigating some of the space and weight constraints. Residual heat may be used instead of fired heaters, thereby improving the overall system efficiency. As such, the use of CC power technology is dependent on the power and heat demand of the installation. CC technology is most cost-effective for larger plants. On an installation where the heat demand is large, the waste heat from the WHRU will normally be used for other heating applications, and hence there will be little residual heat left for power generation. Retrofitting gas turbine generator technology to convert from simple, open-cycle systems to CC operation is complex and costly; hence this is not common in offshore installations. The additional topside weight and space necessary to incorporate a steam turbine, as well as the need for additional personnel on the platform to manage the steam system operations, makes a CC retrofit a challenging project. A CC power system typically consists of the following equipment: gas turbines (GTs); waste heat recovery units for steam generation (WHRU-SG); steam turbines (STs); condensers; and other auxiliary equipment. The figure below illustrates a CC power system using a gas turbine generator with waste heat recovery and steam turbine generator. ACM007 methodology is related to switch from OC to CC and represents a couple of scenarios to do that. Table 2 displays the implemented cases. The total number of registered projects which is implemented with this methodology is 14 and emission reduction is 6.550667 MtCO2/annum. 3 cases are registered in Iran and emission reduction is 2.374008 MtCO2e/annum. By implementation of these projects in Iran 2100 MW electricity is connected to the grid and average efficiency has reached from 31% to 46%. Table 2. Implemented projects by ACM007 methodology on power plants sector [13] Number # Title Host Parties Other Parties 1 Energas Varadero Conversion from Open Cycle to Combined Cycle Project Cuba 2 Conversion of existing open cycle gas turbine to combined cycle at the Central Termica Patagonia power station, ComodoroRivadavia, Argentina Bintulu Combined-Cycle Project STG Unit No.9, TanjungKidurong, Bintulu, Sarawak Conversion of existing open cycle gas turbine to combined cycle at Guaracachi power station, Santa Cruz, Bolivia Ventanilla Conversion from Single-cycle to Combined-cycle Power Generation Project PT Dalle Energy Batam CCGT conversion project, Indonesia Argentina Canada United Kingdom Germany Spain Switch from Single Cycle to Combined Cycle (CC) CDM Project at Sanandaj Power Plant Switch from Single Cycle to Combined Cycle (CC) CDM Project at Shirvan Power Plant Switch from Single Cycle to Combined Cycle (CC) CDM Project at Jahrom Power Plant 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Reductions (tCO2e/annu m) 342235 148019 Malaysia Japan 595460 Bolivia Germany Spain Spain 335279 157317 Iran United Kingdom Switzerland Iran Switzerland 783332 Iran Switzerland 897064 Peru Indonesia 407296 693612 5 Shalchi, Asadi, Jafari, Tavakoli/Journal of Environmentally Friendly Processes 10 PT MitraEnergiBatam CCGT Conversion Project Indonesia 11 AzitoEnergie, Phase 3 Expansion from Single Cycle to Combined Cycle Enersa Cogeneration Project Conversion of Open Cycle Gas Turbines to Combined Cycle at Kallpa Thermoelectric Power Plant Combined Cycle at Loma de la Lata Thermo Unit Project Côte d`Ivoire Honduras Peru 12 13 14 4. United Kingdom 111491 446434 Netherlands Switzerland Argentina 53561 927957 651610 Potential of Converting OC to CC through CDM Methodology in Iran Iran has 22 CC, 21 steam power plants and 40 gas turbine power plants. Because of auxiliary equipments for switching the OC to CC, it’s not economical to implement ACM007 methodology on the power plants with capacity less than 100 MW, so in this article open cycle gas turbine (OCGT) with electricity generation more than 100 MW are considered. Iran has 15 OCGT that is not available any plan for converting to CC and capable to implement the CDM methodology on them and table 3 represents the information of them. By using of ACM007 methodology scenarios based on age of equipments, technology of power plant, consumption fuel and etc the GHG emission, emission reduction and power gross calculated. Table 3. OCGT power plants in Iran [15] Number # Open cycle gas turbine Capacity (MW) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Persian Gulf (Hormozgan) Rey Hafez Parand Isfahan south Asaluyeh Roudshoor Chabahar Zahedan Shiraz Mashhad Kangun Shariati Konarak (Chabahar) ShahidBeheshti (Looshan) Soufian 990 979 972 954 954 954 789 414 226 196 195 164 150 142.5 120 100 Consumption fuel Natural gas Diesel (1000m3/annum) (1000lit/annum) 1461999 80672 448397 30711 693645 40485 798946 160131 908740 210199 1160829 121747 864079 298297 0 530740 0 295235 178077 24249 167158 36 279523 0 20948 1614 0 135209 37243 7987 112067 2316 Emission reduction is calculated by this formula: 𝐸𝑅𝑦 = 𝐵𝐸𝑦 − 𝑃𝐸𝑦 − 𝐿𝐸𝑦 (1) Where ERy is emission reduction per year, BEy is baseline emission per year, PEy is project emission per year and LE y is leakage emission per year. BEy can be calculated through formula 2: 𝐵𝐸𝑦 = 𝐸𝐺𝑂𝐶,𝑦 ⨯ 𝐸𝐹𝑂𝐶 + 𝐸𝐹𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑑,𝑦 ⨯ (𝐸𝐺𝐶𝐶 − 𝐸𝐺𝑂𝐶,𝑦 ) (2) 6 Shalchi, Asadi, Jafari, Tavakoli/Journal of Environmentally Friendly Processes Where EGOC,y is quantity of generated electricity per year (MWh/yr), EF OC,y is base line emission factor (tCO 2/MWh), EFgrid,y is baseline emission factor (tCO2/MWh) and EGCC,y is quantity of gross generated electricity per year (MWh/yr). Formula 3 computes quantity of PEy 𝑃𝐸𝑦 = ∑𝑖 𝐹𝐶𝑖,𝑦 𝐶𝑂𝐸𝐹𝑖,𝑦 (3) Where FCi,y is fuel consumption of fuel i per year and COEFi,y is CO2 emission coefficient of fuel i. In documents of CDM projects in Iran, EFgrid,y is 0.708091 tCO2/MWh. In this study has been assumed there are no leakage, so LE y is 0 tCO2/yr. Table 4 displays the potential of implementation of CDM methodologies in Iran’s power plants. Based on table 4 8300 MW electricity can be connected to the grid and emission reduction is 10.473902 MtCO2e/annum. The power plants mean efficiency is raised from 31% to 46%. If switching from OC to CC is implemented through CDM projects, the revenue from carbon credits are about 4,292,700 € in 2013 based on 0.41€/tonne CO 2. Table 4. Emission reduction of Iran’s power plants by implementation of ACM007 methodology No. # OCGT power plant 1 Persian Gulf (Hormozgan) Rey Hafez Parand Isfahan south Asaluyeh Roudshoor Chabahar Zahedan Shiraz Mashhad Kangun Shariati Konarak (Chabahar) ShahidBehesht i (Looshan) Soufian 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5. Gross capacity (MW) 1485 EGOC (MWh/yr) EGCC (MWh/yr) EFOC (tCO2/yr) BEX,y (tCO2/yr) PEy (tCO2/yr) ERy (tCO2/yr) 3,294,313 LEy (tCO2/yr) 0 4,741,704 7,112,556 0.5456362 4,265,593 1468.5 1458 1431 1431 1431 1183.5 621 339 294 292.5 246 225 214 2,124,430 5,346,000 5,454,018 6,296,400 6,678,000 5,781,792 2,278,656 1,262,210 1,027,040 588,120 878,384 66,300 456,599 3,186,645 8,019,000 8,181,027 9,444,600 10,017,000 8,672,688 3,417,984 1,893,315 1,540,560 882,180 1,313,838 99,450 683,302 0.4785800 0.2916855 0.3726205 0.3765400 0.4076485 0.0368332 0.4860374 0.4880933 0.4179380 0.5891514 0.6766270 0.7055869 0.6179272 1,768,854 2,761,662 3,170,599 3,357,730 4,063,274 4,176,636 1,914,259 1,062,956 891,144 554,713 902,679 70,254 442,671 1,040,442 1,589,533 2,152,524 2,527,849 2,812,362 2,682,528 1,503,936 836,596 447,351 346,518 594,338 63,524 383,136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 728,412 1,172,129 1,018,375 829,881 1,256,912 1,494,108 410,323 226,360 443,793 208,195 308,341 6,730 59,535 180 157,080 235,620 0.6102305 151,467 130,157 0 21,130 150 377,200 565,800 0.6445291 376,662 244,864 0 131,8028 971,650 Integrated Combined Cycle System Switching from OC to CC can be carried out by using integrated renewable combined cycles. Employing from solar energy in integrated solar system is one of the available options. Solar combined cycle hybrid technology (Integrated Solar Combined Cycle, ISCC) is the integration of a combined cycle plant and a solar field, which combines the benefits of solar energy with the combined cycle. With this technology, solar energy is used as an auxiliary energy supply, increasing the cycle efficiency and reducing associated CO 2 emissions. The operation of a solar combined cycle hybrid plant is similar to a conventional combined cycle plant. The operation of the gas cycle is similar in both technologies. The auxiliary energy supply from the solar field supports the steam cycle, which results in increased generation capacity of the cycle. The solar resource partially replaces fossil fuel use. In this type of plant, therefore, the design and integration of the solar field in the conventional system is critical for the proper functioning of the plant. 7 Shalchi, Asadi, Jafari, Tavakoli/Journal of Environmentally Friendly Processes Figure 1. Integrated solar combined cycle system Hybrid plants can refer to new construction as well as the addition of a solar field to an already existing combined cycle plant. The solar field may use either parabolic trough or tower technology. In CDM methodology integrated combined cycle is considered. AM0100 methodology is about solar integrated combined cycle. Electricity is generated by using steam generated from solar collectors and reducing the use of fossil fuel. Other integrated combined cycle is wind turbine. Rabbani and Dincer studied on the wind turbine that was coupled with a combined cycle to increase the net power output of the plant. In the case of low demand and high penetration, they used extra wind power to compress air which can be used during a low penetration configuration. During high load demand, all of the wind power is used to drive the pump and compressor [16]. 6. Conclusion Iran has great potential for implementation of CDM methodologies in power plants. By switching OCGT to CCGT through ACM007 methodology 4150 MW electricity can be connected to the grid and emission reduction of GHG gas is 10.47 MtCO 2e/annum and the revenue from carbon credits are about 4,292,700 € in 2013 based on 0.41€/tonne CO 2. Beside because of Iran’s geographical location switching OC to CC can be done by using of integrated renewable combined cycles. 7. References [1] K. Strand, K. E. Rosendahl, “Global emissions effects of CDM projects withrelative baselines”, Resource and Energy Economics 34 533–548, 2012. 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