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INDEX TO SCHEDULE OFFICE BEARERS & STEWARDS..........................................1 PERPETUAL TROPHIES .........................................................4 ADMISSION TO GROUNDS ....................................................6 FINANCIAL MEMBERS............................................................7 SECTION A HORSES...........................................................9 SECTION B STUD CATTLE................................................24 SECTION C PRIME CATTLE...............................................27 SECTION D STUD MEAT SHEEP.......................................29 SECTION E PRIME SHEEP & LAMBS ...............................31 SECTION F PRIME LAMB CARCASS COMP.....................33 SECTION G WOOL.............................................................35 SECTION H POULTRY........................................................41 SECTION I HORTICULTURE.............................................45 SECTION J PRESERVES, COOKING................................49 SECTION K NEEDLEWORK...............................................53 SECTION L FINE ARTS......................................................56 SECTION M HOMEMADE CARDS & SCRAPBOOKING....59 SECTION N PHOTOGRAPHY.............................................61 SECTION O PRODUCE ......................................................63 SECTION P DOGS and PETS ............................................65 SECTION Q SCHOOL EXHIBITS........................................66 SECTION R CREATIVE WRITING......................................67 BY-LAWS................................................................................68 ENTRY FORM ........................................................................71 LIST OF MAJOR SPONSORS ..................... Inside Back Cover OFFICE BEARERS & STEWARDS Area Code 07 PRESIDENT: Mr Mark Wright SECRETA RY: Mrs Rosemary Johnstone SHOWG ROUND: (DURING SHOW) Thurs, Fri & Sat TREASURER: Ms Hollie Gall TROUBLESHOOTER: Mr John Slack BAR: Mr Wayn e Fearby CHIEF RING: Ms Heidi West CAMPDRAFT ADMINISTRATOR: Mrs Denise Hobbs CAMPDRAFT: Mr Graham Ezzy HORSE STALLS: Mrs Reche lle P rivitera CATTLE STUD: Mr Glenn Campbell CATTLE SCHOOL S: Mr Duncan McMa ster CATTLE PRIME: Mr Phillip Clar k HOOF & HOOK COMP ETITION: Mr Andrew Elsl ey STUD MEAT SHEEP : Mr Lyndon Fr ey PRIME SHEEP & LAMB S: Mr Tony Markey PRIME LAMB CARCASS: Mr Lyndon Fr ey WOOL: Mr Bim Goodrich POULTRY: Mr Glenn Banks HORTICULTURE: Mrs Kelli e Wright COOKERY: Mrs Bev McDoug all NEEDLE WORK: Mrs Shere e Bon d PHOTOGRAPHY: Mrs Beth Brown FINE ARTS: Mrs Kelli e Oxenford HOME MADE CARDS & SCRAPBOOKING Ms Justine Col eman PRODUCE: Mrs Kelli e Wright SCHOO L: Mr John Slack CREATIVE WRITING Mrs Shona Clark-Dickson Mrs Julie Slack DOGS/P ETS: Mrs Shona Clark-Dickson SPACE: Mr Richard Pietsch PAVILION: Mr Matthe w Oxe nford FIELD WHEAT: Mr Doug McDougall ENTERTAINMENT: Mr James Pietsch RECORDING: Ms Meg McDouga ll CANTEEN: Mrs Ann Maree Th ompson GATE: Lio ns Clu b 1 4652 1229 0418 766 855 4652 1396 A /H 0412 654 433 0418 766 855 0438 381 192 4652 1376 4652 1505 0458 155 173 4652 1478 0405 913 378 4652 4212 A /H 4652 1786 4652 1617 4652 4259 4652 1403 4652 1307 0427 071 350 4652 1307 4652 4148 4652 4175 4652 1229 4652 1224 0437 017 644 4652 1141 4652 1925 4652 2267 4652 1229 4652 1376 4652 4100 4652 1376 4652 4100 4652 1322 4652 1925 4652 1384 4652 1626 4652 1551 Saturday Attractions Australian Year of the Farmer National Roadshow Circus Challenge Master Chef Cooking Challenge Demolition Derby Inglewood Teams Challenge Fireworks Live Music by 'JERICHO' The Ingle wood Show Societ y wishes to thank our Sponsors: Warwick Cre dit Un ion, Mick S utton Concreting, Wayne Fearby Plumbing, Leon Nowlan d - No rco Milk Di stributor, Inglewood Quarrie s, He nzells Ag ency & Pink Wasabi Catering. 2 Inglewood Show Society Inc. OFFICE-BEARERS 2011 - 2012 Management Committee PRESIDENT: Mark Wright VICE-PRESIDENT: Ash Whiley TREASURER: Hollie Gall SECRETARY: Rosemary Johnstone PO Box 112, Inglewood, Q. 4387 EXTRA MEMBER: James Pietsch PATRON: Beth Goodrich AUDITOR: BNW Accountants All Entries Close as Advertised in Sections PLEASE SEND MONEY WITH ENTRY FORMS FIND FORM ATTACHED IN BACK OF SCHEDULE 3 PERPETUAL TROPHIES T hese are to be held for one year o nly. Reibelt Memorial Miss M Tomkin s Memorial J F Cheshire Memorial K P & A A Markey J E Richardson Warroo Cup T he Elsley Tro phy Talbrag ar Troph y Jill F in nigan Memo rial Jim Goo drich Perpetual Een avale Cup Jellico e Cu p RS (Mac) Johnsto ne Memo rial Ro okwoo d Cup V M Cay Memo rial Do novan Memorial M D F errier MacIntyre Brook Irrigator’s Shield DONORS Fearb y Mrs C Finnig an Family Foste r Mrs V Frey Mrs L Frey L Ga ll H Glo be A ccou nti ng Go odrich Mrs P Go ondiwin di Re giona l Cou ncil Gra y M Gre en G & S Gre enslope s Limou si n Stud Harrison C & L Heinr ich D Henzells A gency Hobbs D Hobbs K & D Hobbs K & T Hobbs Mrs M Hoppe r R & P H&S Gal l P lumbing IGA Ing lewood Inglewoo d Bowls Clu b Inglewoo d & District Histo rical Soc. Inglewoo d Gard en Cl ub Inglewoo d Mo te l Inglewoo d Pony Cl ub Inglewoo d Quar ries Johns R Johnstone Qu arrie s Pty Ltd Johnstone Mrs E Johnstone Mrs J All endal e G razing Ang le C Merin o Stud Apsey R C Apted C Ban ks G & K Ben nett’s Buses Big gs N & M Big S Gr oup BLA SK Eng ineer ing Bosnj ak K & M Bra dens Cypr ess Pty Ltd Bra den Mrs A Bra den Mrs T Bro wn Mrs B Bur net Mrs J Campbe ll G & S Clark-Dickson A & S Coleman R & B Coolmun da Pastoral Co. Dawson Fa mi ly Ditton T Doher ty P Dolcliff Pa rtn ership Dolja nin Mrs C Dowling Mrs A Downs G roup Tra ining Eld ers Rur al Services Ell iott D Elsley A & P Elsley J R Elsley C A Ezzy G 4 Raine -Bur Po ll Her eford Stu d Ralph ies Ingl ewood Auto Ce ntre Reibe lt L Red Rock Tran sp ort Rielly G Rielly K & S Rosa’ Be lla Nursery Co ffee & Gifts Rose Ci ty Wo ol & Ski ns Rush Mr s K Sho wtime Sad dlery Wa rwick Sil ver dale Po ll Do rse t Stud Sla ck J & J Sla ck Mrs W Sla ck T Smith Mrs J Spr ingbo rg LJ Stuart Good rich & Associates Tait Au to G roup Tait Mr s M Tait Mr s T Terri ca Pty L td Trap rock Wool Assn L td Trevisiol B & S Trevisiol C & K A True Cou ntr y Realty Warroo Station Pty Ltd Warwick Credi t Union Wayma r Far mi ng Co P ty Ltd Wayne Fe arby Plumbi ng Wesfa rme rs Fede ration Insurance West D & S Wilkins Mrs G Wrigh t Mrs K Yarran brook Farms Yarran P astora l Co mpa ny 3 Rivers Lu ce rne Johnstone L & R Johnstone S & R Lan dmark Wo ol Lake Coolmun da Caravan Pa rk Leo n No wl and - No rco Milk Distrib uter Lyons Mr s H MacIn tyre Ga ze tte Pty Ltd Makeham Mrs M Markey A & B May M Mick Su tton Concreting McDo ugall Miss M McDo ugall Mrs B McDo ugall Mrs M McDo ugall Mrs N McDo ugall’s - Inglewood McDo ugall’s - Rametin by Bayer McDo ugall’s - Champion Liquid Feeds McDo ugall’s - Virbac McDo ugall’s - Ridley Agri Products McDo wa ll M McMa ster D & K Morrison R Muir A Munro C A NAB Osbor ne D C Oryszczyn Mr s M Oxenfor d M & K Pab ra Pastoral Co. Pacific S eeds Paton R & V Pie tsch J & M Pie tsch RJ & MA Pin k Wasabi Catering Potter D & H Potter ’s Petrol eum P ty Ltd The thanks of the Society is afforded to th e don ors of cash and trop hies. The list contains names of thos e whos e donations were made prior to the printing of the Sc hedule. To those whose donations have since been received too late for inclusion in the list, the thank s and appreciation of the Society is also ex tended. An apology is made for any acknowledgement to any donations towards prizemoney or trophies unintentionally omitted. 5 ADMISSION TO GROUNDS (Membership and Privileges) The Membership Subscription shall be twenty dollars per annum and payable at the date of the Annual Meeting of the Society. Members on payment of their subscription shall receive from the Secretary one member, one guest ticket, and complimentary tickets for children 15 years and under, non-transferable, entitling the holder to the following rights: (a) to be eligible for any office of the society; (b) Vote at meetings and; (c) entry to showgrounds. A Single Ticket Membership is available at ten dollars Saturday: Adults.....................................................$12.00 Aged Pensioners / Students to 17 yrs .....$6.00 Children 5 to 15yrs...................................$3.00 AMBULANCE: Non Queensland residents will be charged normal rates for transportation. SPECIAL TROPHY This trophy was presented to the Inglewood Show Society by the late Miss Jean Cheshire. The trophy will be awarded to the most successful individual family exhibitors. Points will be allotted equally in all sections of the schedule. THREE POINTS FOR A FIRST PRIZE TWO POINTS FOR A SECOND PRIZE The winning family will hold the trophy for one year only. Family unit to consist of parents and single children living at parent’s home. The Society has donated a small trophy to be kept by the winning family. Winner 2011: Johnstone Family 6 FINANCIAL MEMBERS 2011 HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS Biggs N C Charles L J Elsley J R John stone E M Markey K P Pietsch M A Pietsch R J Goodri ch P M MEMBERS Apsey Mrs C Apted C Banks Mrs K Bennett R Bevin P G Bosnjak K Burnet Mrs J Burton K Campbe ll G Campbe ll J Campbe ll M Charles J Clark- Dickson A Clark P Colema n R Dawson G I Doherty Mrs P Doljanin A Doljanin C Doljanin D Donald T Doonan A Dowlin g Mrs A Elder G Elder T Elliott D Elsley A E Elsley B Elsley Mrs CA Ezzy G Fearby W Frey Mrs L Frey L Gall H Gall S Goodrich Mrs E Goodrich R Goodrich S Goodrich W N Harr ison C Herb ert P Hobb s D Hobb s K Hobb s Mrs D Hopp er Mrs P John son B G John stone Jamie John stone Jason John stone Mrs J John stone L A John stone Mrs M John stone M A John stone R E Klaproth R Lund Mrs A Lyons G McDo ugall B McDo ugall D McDo ugall G D McDo ugall M McDo ugall B A McMa ster D Makeham Mrs M Makowski J Markey A J Morr ison R Muir A Munr o C A Nowland L Oryszczyn Mrs M 7 Owen D Oxenfo rd Mrs K Parker E Parker J Parker S Paton R H Paynte r J Pietsch J B Potter C Potter D Potter Mrs H Potter S Raine P Rielly G Reibelt Mrs L Rush K Slack J Slack Mrs W Slatte ry B Smith A C D Smith B H Smith C A Smith J Spring borg L J Stacey I Step hense n S Step hens T Tait Mrs M Thompson B Trevisio l K P Wa tson T M We st Mrs S A Whiley A Wright M Wright W y y y y y Pr e-coa te d Scree ned Aggr ega te Road base Materi als Crush er Dust & Ba lla st Concr ete Ag greg ate y Sa nd Read y Mixed Con crete Including z POKE R MACHINES z AIR CONDITIONING z BA R FACILITIES z DINING ROOM Dining Room open Friday & Saturday ev enings or by appointment NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! BROOK STREET z INGLEWOOD Q 4387 PHONE: (07) 46521103 8 SECTION A - HORSES Chief Steward: He idi Wes t. Phone: 4652 1634 or 0458 155 173 Email Address : heidi.wes [email protected] “Entry by Ticket System” - Tickets available from Ring 3 Office Acknowledgment & Indemnity must to be signed prior to purchase of tic kets for Ring Events by Competitor or Competitors Parent or Guardian if Under 18 yrs. • • • • • • • • • • • • Pic Number QIIL0594 If events coincide the n comp etitors must cho ose wh ich they prefer a s events will not be held up. On ce judging has commen ced th e ste ward will re fuse any fu rther entries All entries elig ible to compete for ch ampion ship in the ir classes without furthe r entry Horses se cond to Champion are e ligible for Reser ve Ch ampion All horses and ponies will compe te in only the classes as sp ecified Local mea ns tha t horse & rider are residents of th e previous Inglewood Shire and/or a financial member of the Inglewood Pony Club Girl s under 17 will not be eligib le to compete in Lady’s Hack or Lad y’s Galloway Hack or ASH L ady Rider e vents Maiden is not to have won a First Prize at a n Ag Show Novi ce is not to have won a Championship a t an Ag Show or First a t a Royal Show Pony Hack Classes to be ri dden by competitor und er 17 years Registration papers must be supplied. A classifier’s br and is not sufficient Stallions excluded from all hack, pony hack, all rider classes and sporting events. All stallion s to be sui tably r estrained and if stablin g not availa ble they need to wear coll ar and be secure ly tie d. AL L COMPETITORS UNDER 17 YEARS MUST WEAR AN APPROVED EQUESTRIAN HELMET ASNZ 3838 OR BETTER - NO HEL MET NO RIDE MEASURING • • 7:30am to 8:30a m and 3:00p m to 4:00pm Friday 7.30am to 9:30a m Saturday Measuring is not com pulsory but in the even t of an official complaint, proof of height will be required EFA/Show Horse Council Life Measur ement will be accepted or the horse will be measured by the Measur ing Stewar d and the h eight on th e day will be accepted. Children may ride only in the ag e grou p to which they belong, special events excepted. NOTE : All child ren competi ng in restri cted age classes to produce certificate of age from schoo l teacher i f required to do so. • Horse stall s may be bo oked under the following con ditio ns: Applications must be re ceived ten days prior to the first day of the Show at a cost of $10.00 per stall, $15.0 0 per stallio n stall . No applic ations will be accepted unless accompanie d by the appropriate fee and must be paid prior to the show. HORSE STALLS & CAMPING FE ES 9 • All correspondence r egarding booking stables MUST b e add ressed to Rechel le Pri vitera, PO Box 4 2, Ing lewoo d Q 4387. Telephone: (07) 4 652 4 212 (a fter 5p m) Email: rrp riv@ NO S TABLE BOOKINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THEY ARE BOOKE D THRO UGH RECHELLE PRIVITERA. Camping or Horses to be restricted to an area on the south and west of the main ring. No Camping or Horses to be in any other area, signs will be erected in these areas. Persons disregarding these signs will be removed. No yards to be erected inside double gates adjacent to the Campdraft Cutout Yards . ORDER thOF EVENTS FRIDAY 16 M arch 2012 RING NUMBER 1 - Steward: Graham Ezzy Please Note: Nominat ions will NOT be accepted be fore Wednesday 15th February 201 2 7: 00a m Start 1. 2. 3. 4. MAIDEN CAMPDRAFT $650.00 Total Prize Money. R ou nd M on ey: 1s t $6 5.0 0, 2nd $5 5.0 0, 3rd $ 47 .0 0, 4t h $3 9. 00 , 5 th $ 31 .0 0, 6t h $2 3. 00 . Top cut-out first round $50.0 0 Sponsored by: Red Rock Transport. Prize Money: 1s t $98.00, 2nd $82.00, 3rd $70.00, 4th $59.00, 5t h $47.00, 6th $35.00. Entry Fee $28.00. EENAVALE CUP to be held f or one year. Trophy donated by the Cowley Family. Prize Money donated by McDougall’s / Rametin by Bayer & Tait Auto Group JUVENILE CAMPDRAFT, (A juven ile campdraft competitor shall be aged from 13 year s, an d unde r 17 years) . $170 .00 Total Prize Money 1st $43.00, 2nd $36 .00, 3 rd $31.0 0, 4th $26.0 0, 5th $20.0 0, 6th $15.0 0. Entry Fee $1 5.00. PM Goodrich Trophy to be held for one year. Prize Money donated by: Red Rock Transport. JUNIOR CAMPDRAFT, (A junior campdr aft competitor sha ll be aged from 8 years, and unde r 13 years). $80.00 Total P rize Money 1st $32.00, 2nd $24 .00, 3 rd $16.0 0, 4th $8.00 . Entry Fee $1 2.00. PM Goodrich Trophy to be held for one year. Prize Money donated by Graham Ezzy. NOVICE CAMPDRAFT (Final to be run 7am Saturday) $900.00 Total Prize Money Round Money: 1st $72.00, 2nd $65.00, 3rd $58.00, 4th $50.00, 5th $43.00, 6th $36 .00, 7th $22.00, 8th $14.00. Top cut-out first round $60.00. Sponsored by: DC Osborne. Prize Money: 1st $108.00, 2nd $97.00, 3rd $86.00, 4th $76.00, 5th $65.00, 6th $54 .00, 7th $32.00, 8th $22.00. Entry Fee $ 33.00. Jellicoe Cup to be held for one year. Trophy donated by CA Munro. Pr ize Money dona ted by: Ben nett’s Bus es , Co bby & Terr y Ho bbs & BLASK Engin eeri ng 10 The Finals of Maiden, Novice & Open Campdrafts will be run at completion of the 1st Round of each event. The Novice Campdraft Final will be run at 7am Saturday 17th March • Entries to: Denise Hobbs • • Entries close on Monday 5th March 2012 Phone Enquiries: 07 4652 1478 after 5:00pm or 0439 373 994 • • • • • • Inglewood Show Society Campdraft, PO Box 205, Inglewood Q. 4387 No competitor will be allowed into the ring until they have given their ticket to the Steward at the gate. Cut-out Prize to go to one person, with the top cut-out. If equal score, there will be a run off. If a competitor is not ready to compete after he or she has been called three (3) times they will be eliminated. The Inglewood Show Society Campdraft committee reserves the right to restrict campdraft entries if c attle numbers are insufficient. No deposit nominations will be ac cepted, all nominations to be paid in full. Refunds applicable to late scratchings will be at the discretion of the Committee with each case to be treated on its merits. A 100% refund of the nomination shall be given if the competitor withdraws more than 7 days prior to 8am on the first morning of the program. The nomination can be retained if the competitor does not withdraw in the allotted time frame. If a competitor withdraws within 72 hours prior to 8am on the first morning of the program, committees are entitled to keep the entire amount of the competitors nomination fee, unless when extenuating circ umstances apply. A Stock Levy of $10 is included in all Entry Fees. Any competitor who wishes to lodge a complaint at an affiliated Campdraft must lodge the complaint in writing with the Secretary within one hour of the incident taking place. A fee of $20 must be lodged with the complaint. If the complaint is dismissed by the Committee the $20 is forfeited. JIM GOODRICH PERPETUAL TROPHY T his trophy w ill be awarded to the rider of the highes t sc ore of the first rounds in each of Maiden, N ovic e and Open C ampdrafts. Best aggregate total w ill be declared the winner. If there are equal s cores then there w ill be a run off w ith one hors e of the c ompetitors c hoice. A trophy will be awarded for retention by “The Goodrich Family”. TYRANOOK TROPHY Aw arded to the Lady c ompetitor with the highes t sc ore in any one round of the C ampdraft inc luding the finals. $50 donated by Kym McMaster. INGLEWOOD TROPHY Aw arded to the H ighest Plac ed Loc al C ompetitor in the M aiden C ampdraft, H ig hest in the F irst R ound (If no Loc al in the Final) or H ighest in the Final. This local competitor must reside in the 4387 postcode area. $100.00 donated by Kevin, Denise & Darcy Hobbs 11 Potter’s Petroleum Pty Ltd Proprietors: Proprietors: B.R. & T.A. Potter Supplying: • • • • • • Bulk Fuel Distributors 4 St John Stree t Texas QL D 4385 Bulk Fuel Deli verie s up to 50,0 00 li tres Phone: 07 4653 1246 Shell Oils • Otech Oils Steel Supplie s Bra d’s Mob ile: 0428 747 189 Kleen He at Gas Ro d’s Mob ile: 0429 646 513 Super Ch arge Batteries Facsimile: ( 07) 4 653 1137 Tyre s E mail: potterspetroleum@we Proud to be a sponsor of the Inglewood Show! ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ NEW Indigo Telecom Satellite Phones available here now. Prepaid Phones & Phonecard Recharges, Gift Cards & itunes Office Equipment & Printers , Fax Ink & Laser Cartridges Leather Wallets & Handbags & Luggage Gold & Silver J ewellery Gifts for Birthdays, Weddings & Anniversaries Toys, Puzzles & Games for the Kids Cards, Stationery, Business Stamps 12 FRIDAY Entry fee $2.00. All Prizes: 1st $10.00, 2nd $5.00 unless oth erwise specified . ALL COMPETITORS IN RIDING CLASSES MUST WEAR AN APPROVED EQUESTRIAN HELMET ASNZ3838 OR BETTER NO HELMET NO RIDE 8.3 0 am 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 1 9. 20. 21. 22. 23 . RING NUMBER 3A - Steward: Helen Potter Colt, Filly or Gelding Under 3 years by Local Stallion Local Mare (not exceeding 14 hands) Local Mare (over 14 hands) Local Gelding (not exceeding 14 hands) Local Gelding (over 14 hands) Local Stallion (must use a stallion bit) CHAMPION LOCAL EXHIBIT (from Classes 5,6,7,8,9 & 10) Trophy donated by Inglewood Bowls Club RESERVE CHAMPION LOCAL EXHIBIT Local Hack (over 14 hands) Ridden by a child under 17 yrs. (horse not eligible for class 14) Local Hack (over 15 hands) Local Galloway Hack (over 14 hands & not exceeding 15 hands) Local Lady’s Hack (over 14 hands) CHAMPION LOCAL HACK (From classes 11,12,13&14) Trophy donated by BLASK Engineering RESERVE CHAMPION LOCAL HACK Local Rider (6 years & under) Local Rider (7 & 8 years) Local Rid er (9 & 10 years) Local Rid er (11 & 12 ye ars) Local Rid er (13 & 14 years) Local Rid er (15 & 16 years) CHAMPION LOCAL RIDERS ( From classe s 15,1 6,17,18,19 & 20) Trophy donated by Inglewood Bowls Club RESERVE CHA MPION LOCAL RIDER Local Pony Hack not excee ding 1 2 han ds (Ridden by a child under 17 yrs ) Loc al Pony H ack (ove r 12 hands and n ot exc eedin g 13 hands (Ridden by a child under 17 yrs) Loc al Pony H ack (ove r 13 hands & not exc eeding 14 hands (Ridden by a child under 17 yrs) C HAM PION LOC AL PON Y HAC K (from Clas s es 21,22 & 23) Trophy donated by IGA Ingle wood 24 . 25 . M ost suc c ess ful loc al Exhi bitor under 17 ye ars (from c lass es 5 to 23 inc lus ive) Trophy donated by Des and Sally West Loc al Lady R ider Loc al Gentleman R ider Entry Fee for Sh owjumping & Sporting Even ts $2.00 Prizemo ney 1 st $10.00, 2 nd $5.00 13 Goondiwindi Vet Practice T/A R BORDE VETERINARY Mac Kneipp B.V. Sc. Cathy Kne ipp B.V. S c. Crai g Bail ey B.V. Sc. Sarah Bailey B.V. S c. Emil y Jorg ensen B.V. Sc. Clar e Mailler B.V. Sc SURGE RY P hone: ( 07) 46 71 36 88 All Hour s Fax: ( 07) 46 71 27 57 For professional friendly advice on all animal health care and management. 86 Albert St Inglewood - 26 Herber t St G oondiwindi - Every Thursday Mobile: 0 427 7 1 2757 All Hours (07) 4671 3688 74 ALBERT STREET INGLEWOOD QLD 4387 Telephone: (07) 4652 1373 Facsimile: (07) 4652 1422 14 SHOWJUMPING RING NUMBER 3 - Steward: Stephen Potter • • 9.00am 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33 . 34. 35. All competitors must be suitably attired. Long Sleeved shirt & tie. Only dummy spurs to be used & whip not exceeding 37cm. The committee reserves the right to alter or cancel any event if circumstances warrant. The following classes are height classes. Local Encouragement Showjumping (12 years & under) Local Encouragement Showjumping (Over 12 years & under 17 years) $20.00 Sponsored by Jack Elsley. AM7 Showjumping (Maximum starting height 60cm) 13 years & under AM7 Showjumping (Maximum starting height 60cm) 14 years & over AM7 Showjumping (Maximum starting height 75cm) 13 years & under AM7 Showjumping (Maximum starting height 75cm) 14 years & over AM7 Showjumping (Maximum starting height 90cm) 13 years & under AM7 Showjumping (Maximum starting height 90cm) 14 years & over Power & Speed Showjumping (13 years & und er). Entry Fee $2 .50 - 1st $25.00, 2nd $15.00, 3rd $10.00, 4th $5.00 . Sponsore d by Des & Sally West. Power & Speed Showjumping (14 years & over). En try Fee $5.00 - 1st $60.00, 2nd $40.00, 3rd $20.00. Sponsored by David & Hele n Potter. SPORTING EVENTS RING NUMBER 1 - Steward: Corinne Anderson To be run by Pony Club Rules. (Competitors may ride more than one horse). 4.00pm 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. All competitors must wear an approved equestrian helmet ASNZ3838 (or better) with straps done up. NO SPLIT REINS. Barr el Race (8 yrs & under) Barr el Race (9 & 10 yrs) Barr el Race (11 & 12 yr s) Barr el Race (13 & 14 yrs) Barr el Race (15 & 16 yrs) Barr el Race (17 yrs & over ) Bend ing Race (8 yrs & under) Bend ing Race (9 & 10 yrs) Bend ing Race (11 & 12 yrs) Bend ing Race (1 3 & 14 yrs) Bend ing Race (1 5 & 16 yea rs) Bend ing Race (1 7 years & over) Inglewood Indy (8 years & under ) Inglewood Indy (9 & 10 yea rs) Inglewood Indy (11 & 1 2 years) Inglewood Indy (13 & 14 ye ars) Inglewood Indy (15 & 16 ye ars) Inglewood Indy (Open) Rules for Ingle wood Indy will be displayed at the Ring 3 Office Bend ing Race (O pen) Barr el Race (Op en) Trophies for the fastest time in Barrel Race, Bending Race & Inglewood Indy, (Classes 36 to 41, 42 to 47 & 48 to 52). Donated by H Potter. 15 56. 57. TEAMS BARREL RACE Barr el Race ( Tea ms of four, 13 ye ars & unde r ) First $24.00, Second $12.0 0, Third $8.00 - En try fee $8.00 pe r team. Barr el Race ( Tea ms of four, 14 ye ars & over ) First $80.00, Second $40.0 0, Third $20.00 - E ntry fee $10.00 per team No Juniors to Rid e in Open Tea ms Competitors to be limited to participation in 2 (Two) Teams. ORDER OF EVENTS SATURDAY 17th M arch 2012 RING NUMBER 1 7:00 am 58. NOVICE CAMPDRAFT FINAL Prize Money & Trophy - refer to page 10 OPEN CAMPDRAFT (following Novice final) 59. $100 0.00 To tal Prize Money Round Mon ey: 1 st $100.00, 2nd $84.0 0, 3rd $72.00, 4th $60.00, 5th $48.00, 6th $36.00. Top cut-out first round $50.00. Sponsored by : RC Apsey. Prize: 1st $150.00, 2nd $ 126.0 0, 3rd $108.00, 4th $90.00, 5th $72.00, 6th $54.00. Entry Fee $4 0.00 Wa rroo Cup to be held fo r one year. Trophy donated by Goodrich Family. Prize Money donated by Johnstone Quarries ALL ENTRIES TO BE DIRECTED TO: Camp draft Stewa rd on ‘Official Campdraft Entry Form’ Only. NB: Same conditions to apply as those for Friday’s Campdraft. RING NUMBER 3A & 3B Stewards: Helen Potter & Rosemary Nankervis 8.00am 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. Entry Fee $2.00 . All prizes: 1st $10.0 0, 2nd $5.0 0 Unless othe rwise specified Please Note: ALL STALLIONS AND PONY STALLIONS MUST USE A STALLION BIT FOR ALL LED CLAS SES. Led Classes Ring 3A Steward: Rosemary Nankervis Pony Mare, (11 hands and under) Pony Mare, (over 11 hands & not exceeding 12 hands) Pony Mare, (over 12 hands & not exceeding 13 hands) Pony Mare, (over 13 hands & not exceeding 14 hands) CHAMPION PONY MARE $30 donated by BLASK Engineering. RESERVE CHAMPION PONY MARE Pony Gelding (11 hands and under) Pony Gelding (over 11 hands & not exceeding 12 hands) Pony Gelding (over 12 hands & not exceeding 13 hands) Pony Gelding (over 13 hands & not exceeding 14 hands) CHAMPION PONY GELDING $30.00 donated by BLASK Engineering. 16 68. 69. 70. RESERVE CHAMPION PONY G ELDING Quar ter Horse Stallio n or Colt Quar ter Horse Mare o r Filly Quar ter Horse Geldin g CHAMPION QUARTER HORS E EXHIBIT $30 donated by IGA Inglewood RESERVE CHA MPION QUARTER HORSE EX HIBIT Ridden Classes Ring 3A Steward: Rosemary Nankervis 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 8.00am 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. To commence after Led cla sses Girl Rider (6yrs & un der) Girl Rider (7 & 8 yrs) Girl Rider (9 & 10 yr s) Girl Rider (11 & 1 2 Yrs) Girl Rider (13 & 14 yrs) Girl Rider (15 & 16 yrs) CHAMPION GIRL RIDE R Trophy donated by Inglewood Quarries. RESERVE CHA MPION GIRL RIDER Adul t and Child (Child under 17 yrs, A dult 17 yrs & over) Maiden Pony Hack, (not exceeding 14 hands ridden by a child under 17 yrs) Novice Pony Hack, (not exceeding 13 hands ridden by a child under 17 yrs) Novice Pony Hack, (over 13 hands & not exceeding 14 hands, ridden by child under 17 yrs) Open Pony Hack, (not exceeding 12 hands ridden by a child under 17 yrs) Open Pony Hack (over 12 hands & not exceeding 13 hands, ridden by child under17 yrs) Open Pony Hack, (over 13 hands & not exceeding 13.2 hands, ridden by a child under 17 yrs) Open Pony Hack, (over 13.2 hands & not exceeding 14 hands ridden by a child under 17 yrs) CHAMPION PONY HACK (from classes 79 to 84 in clusive) Trophy donated by BLASK Engine ering. RESERVE CHA MPION PONY HACK Pair of Po nies, (not excee ding 1 4 han ds) Lear ners Pony o r Horse (Ridden by a child 6 yrs & under for Quietness and Relia bility). Lear ners Pony o r Horse (Ridden by a child O ver 6 yrs & unde r 12 yrs fo r Quietness and Rel iability). Trophy for class (86 & 87) donated by Inglewood Pony Club Inc Ring 3B - Steward: Helen Potter Thoroughb red Mare or Filly Thoroughb red G elding CHAMPION THOROUG HBRED EXHIBIT $30.00 donated by IGA Inglewood RESERVE CHA MPION THOROUGHBRED EXHIBIT Arab Stall ion or Colt Arab Mare or Filly Arab Geld ing CHAMPION ARAB EXHIBIT $30.00 donated by IGA Inglewood RESERVE CHA MPION ARAB EXHIBIT 17 JOHNSTONE QUARRIES PTY LTD • DECORATIVE STONE • QUARRY PRODUCTS Supplying INGLEWOOD, GOONDIWINDI, ST GEORGE AREAS INGLEWOOD THALLON PHONE: 07 4652 1632 PHONE: 07 4625 9146 FAX: 07 4652 1042 FAX: 07 4625 9051 JAMIE’S MOBILE: 0427 379 953 33 King Street, Inglewood 18 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. ANSA Mare ANSA Geld ing CHAMPION ANSA EXHIBIT $30.00 donated by IGA Inglew ood RESERVE CHA MPION ANSA EXHIBIT Any Other Breed Stall ion or Colt (14 hands & over) Any Other Breed Mare or Filly (1 4 han ds & o ver) Any Other Breed Geld ing (1 4 han ds & o ver) Classes 9 5, 96 & 97 are fo r any other breed , not previously exhibited CHAMPION EXHIB IT (From Classes 95 , 96 & 97) $30.00 donated by IGA Inglewood Ridden Classes Ring 3B Steward: Helen Potter To commence after led classes 98. Boy Rider (6 yr s & un der) 99. Boy Rider (7 & 8 yrs) 100. Boy Rider (9 & 10 yrs) 101. Boy Rider (11 & 12 yrs) 102. Boy Rider (13 & 14 yrs) 103. Boy Rider (15 & 16 yrs) CHAMPION BOY RIDER Trophy donated by Inglewood Quarries. RESERVE CHA MPION BOY RIDER RING NUMBER 3B - Steward: Cathy Jackson 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. Maiden Galloway Hack (over 14 hands & not exceeding 15 hands) Novi ce Galloway Hack (over 14 hands & not exceeding 15 hands) Gall oway Hack (over 14 han ds & not exceedi ng 14 .2 hands) Gall oway Hack (over 14.2 hands & not exceeding1 5 hand s) Lady’s Gall oway Hack (17 yrs & un der ar e ine ligible to compete) (over 14 h ands and not exceeding 15 h ands) Gall oway Hack (Ridden by a child unde r 17 yrs, h orses which have competed in Lady’s Galloway Hack a re in eligible) (over 14 hand s & n ot exceed ing 1 5 han ds) CHAMPION GALLO WAY HACK (Fr om cla sses 105,106,107,108 & 109) . Trophy donated by Yarran Pastoral Co. RESERVE CHA MPION GALL OWAY HA CK SUPREME CHAMPION LED ALL BREEDS Trophy donated by R&P Hopper. SUPREME CHAMPION HA CK - Rookwo od Cup. Donated by the Rawlins family, Warwic k. Trophy donated by Showtime Saddlery - Warwick. SHOW HUNTER HACKS 110. 111. Rules for the Hunter Hack Classes: • A Show Hunter is to have more sub stance than the mo dern fine hack/p ony but sti ll maintain q uality. • They a re expecte d to move freely at all paces. • They will be expe cted to gallop. • Junior Riders may NOT we ar top boots. • No col oured browbands or ribbons to be worn in hair. Show Hunter Pony (not exceeding 13 hands) ridden by a child under 17yrs Show Hunter Pony (13 hands & not exceeding 14 hands) ridden by a child under 17yrs 19 PO Box 182 (7 Victoria Street) Inglewood QLD 4387 Fax: (07) 4652 1051 Ph: (07) 4652 1050 Mobile: 0427 623 416 Email: [email protected] FOR METAL FABRICATION AND MECHANICAL REPAIRS NOW AVAILABLE FOR HIRE 9m Knuckle Boom 12m & 2m Scissor Lift BUS CHARTER BUSES... 3x33 seat & 1x44 seat COACH.. 45 Seat Contact: Ray & Dolly Bennett Ph/Fax: (07) 4652 4179 20 112. 113. 114. 115. CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER PONY $30.00 donated by BLASK Engineering. RESERVE CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER PONY Show Hunter Galloway (over 14 hands & not exceeding 14.2 hands) Show Hunter Galloway (over 14.2 hands & not exceeding 15 hands) CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY $30.00 donated by BLASK Engineering. RESERVE CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY Show Hunter Hack (over 15 hands & not exceeding 16 hands) Show Hunter Hack (over 16 hands) CHAMPION HUNTER HACK Trophy donated by Yarranbrook Feedlot. RESERVE CHAMPION HUNTER HACK SUPREME CHAMPION HUNTER HACK Trophy donated by Yarranbrook Feedlot. RING NUMBER 1 - Steward: Dolly Bennett Commencing immediately after Open Campdraft Final 116. Maiden Hack (over 15 hands) 117. Novice Hack (over 15 hands & not exceeding 16 hands) 118. Novice Hack (over 16 hands) 119. Hack (over 15 hands & not exceeding 15.2 hands) 120. Hack (15.2 hands & not exceeding 16 hands) 121. Hack (over 16 hands) 122. Child’s Hack (over 15 hands) (ridden by a child under 17yrs, horses which have competed in Lady’s Hack are ineligible) Eligible for Champion 123. Lady’s Hack over 15 hands (under 17 yrs are ineligible to compete) CHAMPION HACK (From classes 117, 118, 119, 120, 121,122,123) Trophy donated by Stuart Goodrich & Associates. RESERVE CHAMPION HACK 124. Maiden ANSA Mare Hack 125. Maiden ANSA Gelding Hack 126. Novice ANSA Mare Hack 127. Novice ANSA Gelding Hack 128. Open ANSA Mare Hack 129. Open ANSA Gelding Hack 130. ANSA Hack Ridden by a Junior under 17 years CHAMPION ANSA HACK (from classes 126, 127, 128, 129,130) $30.00 donated by IGA Inglewood RESERVE CHAMPION ANSA HACK 131. Pair of Hacks (over 14 hands) 132. Lady Rider 133. Gentleman Rider 134. Pleasure Hack RING NUMBER 2B - Steward: David Owen Commencing immediately after Open Campdraft Final 135. ASH Stallion (under 3 years) 136. ASH Stallion (3 years & over) 137. ASH Mare (under 3 years) 138. ASH Mare (3 years & over) 139. ASH Gelding (Any Age) CHAMPION ASH $30.00 donated by BLASK Engineering. 21 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. RESERVE CHAMPION ASH Best type of Stock Horse (Light) Best type of Stock Horse (Heavy) Classes 140 & 141 can be registered or unregistered ASH Hack ASH Lady Rider (Under 17 yrs are ineligible to compete) Working ASH Working Stockhorse (Unregistered Any Breed) DRESSAGE - Steward: Mary Hoey NO MORE THAN 3 0 COMPETITORS WILL BE ACCEPTED. 8.30am 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. Entries to be lodged at the Ring 3 Office by 8.00am S aturday • A limit of thirty (30) competitors. Entry Fee $2.00. • To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle with a noseband. • All Riders to wear helmets AS/NZ3838. One Horse – One Rider but a rider may have more than one horse. • Copies of tests will be available on request. Walk Trot Test (12 yrs & under) Beginner Horse & Rider Only Walk Trot Test (13 yrs & over) Beginner Horse & Rider Only Preliminary Test 1 .3 (200 4) (12 yrs & und er) Preliminary Test 1 .3 (200 4) (13 yrs & und er 17 yrs) Preliminary Test 1 .3 (200 4) (17 yrs & over) Novice Test 2.2 (2004) Open Trophy donated by Inglewood Pony Club for total Highest Points in: Class 146, Class 147, (Classes 148 & 151), (Classes 149 & 151) and (Classes 150 & 151) The Inglewood Show Society wishes to acknowledge and thank all donors of cattle for their generous support of the campdraft competition. 22 TELEPHONE: (07) 4661 2355 I.H. STACEY, LL.B. Lilley, Spanner & Stacey SO LICITORS “W EBB HOUSE”, 75 PERCY STREET, WARWICK. 4370. Inglewood visited each Thursday Phone: (07) 4652 1166 ANTIQUES & COLLECTAB LES B REAKFA STS M EALS DEVONS HIRE TEA S M ILKS HAKES COLD DRINK S GOUR MET CA KES DINE IN OR TA KE AWAY OPEN 6 DAYS PH 07 46 522 125 23 SECTION B - STUD CATTLE Entries to: Glen n Campbell Ch ief - Steward. Ph : (07) 4652 1786 PO Box 91, Ing lewood Q 4387 Entry Fee: $4.00 - Judging 8.00am on Saturday All entries must be accompanied by the entry fee and received by the Monday prior to the show. NLIS forms will be available on the day, however it is the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure they are lodged. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6 7 8 9. 10. CONDITIONS Al l Stu d Cattl e must b e led for j udg ing a nd ar e th e resp onsibi lity of th e exhibitor. Herd B ook numbers and date of cal ving must a ccompan y all stud entrie s. Cattle will be judged in accordance with thei r age as at 1st March 2 012. Breeds may be combined, at the co mmittee’s discretio n, due to numbers. All bulls over 12 months must be l ed with either nose rin g or grips. CLASSES Bull, under 12 months Bull, 12 to 15 months Bull, 15 to 20 months JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Bull, 20 to 24 months Bull, over 24 mon ths CHAMPION BULL RESERVE CHAMPION BULL GRAND CHAMP ION B ULL Heifer, und er 12 month s Heifer, 12 to 15 months Heifer, 15 to 20 months JUNIOR CHAMPION HEIFE R RESERVE JUNIO R CHAMPION HEIFER Cow, 20 to 24 mon ths Cow, over 2 4 months SENIOR CHAMPION COW RESERVE CHAMPION COW GRAND CHAMP ION FEMALE INTERB REED CHAMP IONSHIP CLAS SES (Grand Champions of ea ch breed eligible ) GRAND CHAMP ION FEMALE - Trophy donated by G & S Campbell. GRAND CHAMP ION B ULL - Trophy donated by McDougall’s - Virbac. INTERB REED BREEDERS G ROUP - Trophy donated by Dolc liff Partnership. GRAND CHAMP ION S ANTA GE RTRUDIS BULL - $44.00 donated by the Big S Group. GRAND CHAMPION LIMOUSIN FEMALE - Trophy donated by Greenslopes Limousin Stud. GRAND CHAMPION LIMOUSIN BULL - Trophy donated by Greenslopes Limousin Stud. 24 DOWNS GROUP TRAINING SCHOOLS BEEF COMPETITION $1000 donated by Downs Group Training Ch ief Steward : Duncan McMaster. Pho ne: (07) 4652 1617 Junior Paraders Competition Two $5 0 vouchers Also Young Judging , Herdsman & Novelty Competition s Other Sponsors include: IGA Inglewood McMa ster Family Ralphies Inglewood Auto Centre Ra ine Bur Po ll Hereford Stu d Inglewood Motel Inglewood Show Society 3 Rivers Lucerne Led Steer Competition Open to all competitors : Entry Fee $4.00. $500 prize money donated by 3 Rivers Lucerne. * Scho ol points for a ll steer cla sses The In glewood Show Society would ap preciate any unwanted ribbons being returned for use in the future. 25 Serving the Inglewood area Since 1908 Your Local Resident Agents Through The Good & Bad Times Specialising in - # # # # # Livestock Sales & Clearing Sales Rural & Residential Real Estate On Farm Wool Advice & Sales Insurance Banking CONTACT INGLEWOOD - GEOFF LY ONS (MANAGER) Ph: (07) 4652 2944 A/hrs: (07) 4652 1421 Mobile: 0427 623 564 Fax: (07) 4652 2943 RH & VB PATON Rural Fencing Contractor Inglewood & Surrounding Areas Contact Rob for a quote on 4652 1412 or 0428 521 412 26 SECTION C PRIME CATTLE Ch ief Steward : Ph illip Clark. Phone: (07) 4652 4259 Entries c los e 16th March. Entry Fee $4.00 per entry. (With a maximum of $20) Coolmu nda P astoral Co. & Gen esis Classe s $15.00 p er entry Please No te: All cattle to be in yards at Sho wg rounds by 3.00p m F rid ay. Ju dging at 9.00am Saturday. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CONDITIONS All ca ttle may be judge d on the po ints systems:Confor mation 30; Finish 30; Weight for Ag e 30; Trade Suitab ility 10. Pen s: Conformation 30 ; Fini sh 30; We ight for Age 30 ; Trade S uita bility 10. Evenness of pen 10. En tr ies sh all be r eceived subj ect to the rig ht o f stewards to reje ct cattl e which they may co nside r of i nsufficient merit to compete a s prime cattle. Exhibits must be th e bon a fide property of the exhib itor. Each e xhibi t to be ente red i n one class only. The j udge may withhold award of a prize if, in his op inion, the entries are not of sufficient merit. Stewards re tain th e rig ht to transfer an entry to a more suitable class. No exhibit to be r emo ved fro m showgrou nds before 4.00p m o n th e se con d day of the show. No cow or heifer showing heavy in calf will be eligible to compete. All brands o f cattle to be gi ven to stewards when entering yar ds. NO restrictions o n feeding. NO entire male cattle. A freshly erupted tooth shal l not be considered until it is in line o r wear. Cattle must be dehorne d or tipped. Cattle treated with HGP or supplementary fed cannot be entered in Class 1. All cattle must be NLIS tagged before entry to Show grounds. BL ASK Milk Vealer to 299kg liv eweight $250 donated by BLASK Engineering Inglewood Yearling 300 to 380kg liveweight $100 donated by K&S Rielly. Domestic Feeder Class Pen of Three 300 to 380kg liv eweight $50 donated by Red Rock Transport. Local Trade Steer or Heifer 381 to 440kg liveweight Co olmunda Class $500 donated by Coolmunda Pastoral Co. Trade Steer or Trade Heifer 381 to 440kg liveweight $50 donated by JB & MJ Pietsch. 27 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Steer 441 to 540kg liveweight $100 donated by Braden’s Cypress. Bullock over 540kg liveweight $50 donated by J & J Slack. Pen of 3 Replacement Heifers (Milk Teeth Only) $50 donated by K & S Rielly. Pen of 3 Feed on Steers 400 - 480kg liveweight $100 donated by Yarranbrook Farms. Cow & Calf $150 donated by Pabra Pa storal Co. CHAMPION LOCAL BEAST OR PEN One Tonne o f Molafos donated by McDougalls - Champion Liqu id Feeds. CHAMPION BEAST OF SHOW $100 donated by R & V Paton. • THE DONOVAN MEMORIAL TROPHY will be a wa rd ed fo r th e most successful exhibitor of prime cattle, to be retained for one year. ELDERS RURAL SERVICES HOOF & HOOK COMPETITION $250 Prize Money Leon Nowland Norco Milk Distributor 0419 794 746 Supplier of all: Dairy Products, Juice & Water Proudly supporting the Inglewood Show 28 SECTION D STUD MEAT SHEEP Steward: Lyndon F rey. Phone: (07) 4652 1307 Entry Fee: $3.00 per en try with a maximum of $30.0 0 Prize Money: First $4.0 0, Second $ 2.00 Judging: Sa turday 17th March 2012 Sheep to be penn ed by 8.30a m for a 8.45 am start. Beddin g str aw wil l be provided. Small bales of 1st grad e Lucerne Hay wi ll be available for sale. * The Inglewood Show is now included in the Circuit Trophy Other shows in th e Circuit are Cli fton, Pittsworth, Warwick, Toowoomba, Chinch illa a nd Ga tton. Please advise Steward by Tuesday13 th March of nu mbers for penning pu rposes. Ribbon s will be awarded to the three placegetters in each class. Broad rib bons for champions. CONDITIONS All exhibits must be from: 1. Registered Meat Breed 2. Accredited Brucellosis Free F loc k • Exhibitors to supply copy of Brucellosis Accreditation Certificate • Arrangements have been made for OJ D Monitored floc ks to ex hibit. • All sheep to carry NLIS Ear Tags. • All sheep must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor. • The judge is empowered to transfer sheep which he or she cons iders to be entered in the wrong class. • Maximum of three entries per class per exhibitor. • Shedding breeds of Mendulating Fibre must be shorn up to five weeks prior to show. • No prize winning entry shall leave the shed prior to 4.00pm otherwise Priz e Money is forefeited. • Birth dates required on entry form for classes 1,2,6 & 7. • Entries in class 11 must be two groups of pairs. NO CERTIFICATE, NO ENTRY. 29 Junior Judging A Junior Judging Competition will also be run. To be held on Friday 16th March 2012. Starting time 7.00pm Entrants are to nominate with the Steward prior to the start of judging. Junior Class: Under 15 Years Old Senior Clas s: 15 Years to 25 Years Old Broad ribbons w ill be awarded to the three placegetters in each class. The w inner of the senior class may be eligible to compete in the Queens land State F inal at the Toowoom ba Royal Show. Priz e money donated by the steward, Lyndon Frey. 1 st $30.00, 2 nd $20.00, 3 rd $10.00 (in each class). Junior Handlers A Junior Handlers Competition will be run during the course of the day. Broad ri bbons wi ll be awarded to three placegetters. W inners must be present to receive ribbons and prizemoney as these wil l be pres ented at the comm encement of presentations. Priz e money donated by Geoff & Sandra Green, “W oodridge Dorpers” Greenmount. 1 st $25.00, 2 nd $15.00, 3 rd $10.00 Section D- Stud Meat Sheep Cl asses: 1. Ram Lamb born on or after 1st August 2011 2. Ram Lamb born before 1st August 2011 3. Ram 2 Tooth 4. Pair 2 Tooth Rams 5. Ram 4 Tooth & Over Champion Ram and Reserve Champion Ram. 6. Ewe Lamb born on or after 1st Augus t 2011 7. Ewe Lamb born before 1st August 2011 8. Ewe 2 Tooth 9. Pair 2 Tooth Ewes. 10. Ewe 4 Tooth & Over Champion Ewe and Reserve Champion Ewe. 11. Breeders Group 2 Rams & 2 Ewes (2 Tooth & Under) Suprem e Interbreed Champions Champion Breeders Group - Trophy do nated by IGA In glewood Champion Pair 2 Tooth Ewes - Tro phy donated by Leila Frey Champion Ewe - Trophy donated by R&B Coleman Champion Pair 2 Tooth Rams - Trophy d onated by Lyndon Frey Champion Ram - Trophy donated by IGA Inglewood 30 Section E PRIME SHEEP & LAMBS Steward: Tony Markey: (07) 4652 1986 or 0427 071 350 1. 2. 3. 4. Entry Fee $ 2.00. All sh eep to have NLIS Tags and Accompanying Waybill. Perpetual Trophy Donated by K.P. & A.A. Markey for the most successfu l Exhibitor in the P rime Sheep and Lamb S ection. To be held for on e year. Points to be Awarded : First 3, S econd 2, Third 1 • To be judged fo r Confirmation, Q uality and Suitabi lity to the trade. • Al l entries to be on the ground by 9.00am Saturday • Al l entries will be offered for sale A sale will be held on Saturd ay. Pen of Three Wethers Single Prime Lamb (Liveweight between 4 0kg-6 0kg) (Limit of two entries p er exhibitor or p roperty) Pen of Three Prime Lambs (Liveweight und er 44kg) Pen of Three Prime Lambs (Liveweight over 44kg ) Class 1 - Trophy donated by Globe Accounting. Class 2 - Trophy donated by A & B Markey. Class 3 - Trophy donated by N.Biggs. Class 4 - Trophy donated by McDougall’s/Virbac. Champ ion Pe n of L ambs - $150.00 donated by Elders Rural Services. Reserve Cha mpion Pen of Lambs - $100.00 donated by A&P Elsley. Poll Dorset Stud Flock No. 4377 Est. 2004 Brucellosis Accredited Free Poll Dorsets For: Rapid Growth Rate Superior Fleshing Muscular Development Prime Lamb Supreme Clean White Wool Contact: Lyndon Frey “Freym ont” PO Box 224 Inglewood QLD 4387 Phone: 07 4652 1307 31 Tailoring banking to y ou r needs. For all your Agribusiness needs contact Agribusiness manager, Jacob Paynter or his staff at Inglewood branch. • Lending • Leasing • Farm Management Deposits Telephone: 4652 0400 Tailoring banking to your needs. 32 Section F PRIME LAMB CARCASS COMPETITION (Pen of Three Prime Lambs) Steward: Lyndo n Frey. Phone: (07) 4652 1307 Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry Broad ribbons will be awarded for 1st, 2 nd & 3r d. CONDITIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. All lambs mu st be NLIS tagged and a ccompa nying waybi ll add ressed to 146 Bethcar Road. A limit of two entries p er exhibitor or p roperty. All exhibits must have b een he ld by the exhibitor for two months prio r to the date of slaughter. All exhibits to sho w lamb’s teeth at the time of weighi ng. All lambs mu st be betwe en 42 -52 kg individual liveweight. Exhibits to be delivered to th e Inglewood Slaughter Yards on Tuesday 6 th March 201 2 between 2 .30pm & 4.30pm for wei ghing. Lambs will b e jud ged o n the hook on Thursday 8 th March at 9.30a m and will b e open for inspection from 1 0.30am to 12 noon. Pr esentations will take pla ce o n Satur day 17th Mar ch i n th e Stu d Shee p Shed at 1.30pm $300 prize money donated by NAB & Inglewood Show Society. 33 • On site welding • Fabrication • Repairs Phone: (07) 4667 4103 Mobile: 0414 892 150 “Nardoo” 533 Bodumba Rd GORE 4352 THE LIONS CLUB OF INGLEWOOD INCORPORATED ARE PROUD TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THE INGLEWOOD SHOW SOCIETY AND WISHING THEM THE BEST FOR THE 2011 INGLEWOOD SHOW “WE SERVE” FOR FURT HER INFORMATION ABOUT LIONS CLUBS CONTACT: Secretary Kelle Stemm, 0413 518 244 IT’S GREAT TO BE A LION 34 SECTION G - WOOL Chief Steward: Bim Goodrich. Phone: (07) 4652 4148 Entries close Thursday 15 March 2012 REGULAT IONS 1. Wool e xh ibi ts to be in th e hand s o f the stewar ds befor e 5.00p m on th e Thursd ay prior to the show, judging will be on the Friday of show. 2. Exhibitor must state, b y means of an a ffixed tag, in which class wool is to be exhi bite d. Exh ibi to rs n ame mu st be clea rly ma rked on ea ch i ndi vi dua l exhibit. Exh ibits n ot cle arly marked will not be eligible for jud ging. 3. ENTRY FE E: $2.00. E ntry fees ar e exempt if an e xhi bitor donates o ne o r more fleeces to the society. 4. All fl eeces are to be sho rn from sheep that have been the bona-fide proper ty of the exhib itor for the past 1 2 months. 5. All fle eces are to be skirted exce pt whe re otherwise started. 6. ALL PRIZES: Rib bons will be suita bly in scrib ed a nd trop hies g ive n wher e indicated. 7. Judges will be ap pointe d by the Brisbane Wool Sellin g Broker ’s Asso ciation. 8. LOCAL means gr own in the previous Inglewood Shire. 9. Wool will be received and stored at the owner’s risk a t any time prior to th e Show b y this Soci ety by arrangement with the stewa rd. 10. The Ingl ewood S how Society ta ke no respo nsibil ity for a ny va riatio ns i n micron testing of wool at the show. 11. The following points system will be used for ju dging all classes: Points True ness to type Length Sound ness Handle Colour of bloom Character Density Evenness Top an d noi l prod uct weight 10 10 10 8 6 10 6 10 30 100 12. In jud ging th e “three matchin g fleeces”, 50 points will be the maximum fo r uniformity. 13. Judg es will tra nsfer a ny fle eces to the cl ass to wh ich, i n the ir opi nion , it righ tfully belo ngs. Flee ces not of show stand ard or incorrectly skirted nee d not be judge d. 14. If, in the op inion of the judg es, a fle ece is not made up of woo l from the on e sheep, ALL fleeces fr om th e exhibitor will be DISQUALIFIED. 35 Donovan ATV Covering the Southern Downs Gordon Donovan “Donkell” Omanama Q 4352 Ph/Fax: (07) 4652 4156 email: [email protected] Sales & Service of: z Bailey Tanks & Pumps z C-DAX Spraying Solutions z Y TO Tractors, Construction & Implements z Synergy UTV’s & Quads z The S hed Co. Sheds - Rural, Residential & Commercial z Chain Saws & Garden Care RED ROCK TRANSPORT Saleyards Road INGLEWOOD QLD 4387 z General z Bulk z Livestock Loader / Forklift Hire & Container Sales Freight Service to Brisbane Office: 4652 1899 Mobiles: 0428 887 670 (Red) 0428 511 848 (Shane) Servicing Inglewood and surrounding areas! 36 15. Fle ece s wh ich , i n the op ini on of the j ud ge s, a re over gr own, wil l b e DISQUALIFIED. 16. Trophies, ribbons and wool must not be removed before 5.00pm on the Saturday of the Show; and not without payment of entry fees and permission of the steward. 17. Afte r 9.00p m on the S aturday of the Show, the wo ol will be d eemed to b e settlement of any unsettled e ntry fees. 18. Exhibitors are reminded that the So cie ty’s Genera l Re gulations app ly to a ll section s of th e Show and that sp ecia l regula tio ns he re apply to th is sectio n of the Show only, a nd are merely supplementary to the General Re gulati ons. 19. Stud fleece s can not be ente red in to flo ck section and vice ve rsa. S TUD CLASSES (Unshedded Flee ces) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Fleece Fleece Fleece Fleece Fleece Fleece Fleece Fleece of S uper Fine Merino Ewe’s Wool. of Fine Me rino E we’s Wool. of Medium Merin o Ewe’s Wool. of Strong Merin o Ewe’s Wool. of S uper Fine Merino Ram’s Woo l. of Fine Me rino Ram’s Woo l. of Medium Merin o Ram’s Wool. of Strong Merin o Ram’s Wool. CHAMPION FL EECE OF EWE’S WO OL. RESERVE CHAMPION FLEECE OF E WE’S WOOL. CHAMPION FL EECE OF RAM’S WOOL. RESERVE CHAMPION FLEECE OF RAM’S WOOL. STUD CLASS ES (Shedded Fleeces) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Fleece Fleece Fleece Fleece Fleece Fleece Fleece Fleece of S uper Fine Merino Ewe’s Wool. of Fine Me rino E we’s Wool. of Medium Merin o Ewe’s Wool. of Strong Merin o Ewe’s Wool. of S uper Fine Merino Ram’s Woo l. of Fine Me rino Ram’s Woo l. of Medium Merin o Ram’s Wool. of Strong Merin o Ram’s Wool. CHAMPION FL EECE OF EWE’S WO OL. RESERVE CHAMPION FLEECE OF E WE’S WOOL. CHAMPION FL EECE OF RAM’S WOOL. RESERVE CHAMPION FLEECE OF RAM’S WOOL. The Inglewood Show Society would like to thank all the dedicated stewards whose hard FLOCK work makes theCLASSES show a success. 37 A trop hy ha s bee n d ona te d b y LANDMARK WO OL for the mo st successfu l exhi bitor in the Flock Section. P oints to be alloca ted; First 3, Second 2, Third 1. Per petua l Tr oph y don ated by J E RICHARDSON for Champ ion Local Flock Flee ce to be held for one year. Perpetual Tr ophy donated by M D FE RRIER for Best Three L oca l Flee ces (Fine, Medi um or Strong), from classes 22 an d 23 to be held for on e year. 17. Ultra Fine Merino Fleece Either Ewe or We ther Skirte d - Trophy donated by A & B Markey. 18. Super Fine Merino Fleece Either Ewe or We ther Skirte d - Trophy donated by C & L Harrison. 19. Fine Merino Fleece Either Ewe or We ther Skirte d - Trophy donated by Terrica Pty Ltd. 20. Medium Merino Fle ece Either Ewe or Wether Skirte d - Trophy donated by K & M Bosnjak. 21. Stron g Merino Fl eece Either Ewe or Wether Skirte d - Trophy donated by ‘Angle C’ Merino Stud . Trophy for best Traprock Wool exhibit from classe s 17-21 donated by Traprock Wool Association Inc. First Three Place Winners in Classe s 17-21 will be micron tested to establish a best Commerc ial Value Fleece. Trophy for be st Commercial Value Flee ce Fleece has been donated by Warroo Station Pty Ltd. 22. Best Three Matching Fleeces of Fine, Super Fine or Ultra Fine Merino Wool 23. Best Thr ee Matching Fleeces of Medium or Stron g Merino Woo l 24. Best Th ree Matching Fle eces donated to Society. Al so eligi ble for Cla sses 22 & 2 3 - Trophy donated by A & B Markey. 25. Fleece of Ultra Fine Me rino Wool, do nated to So ciety. A lso eligibl e Class 17. 26. Flee ce of S upe r Fi ne Meri no Wool , do nated to S ociety. Al so elig ible fo r Class 18 - Trophy donated by “Angle C” Merino Stud. 27. Fleece of Fine Me rino Wool, do nated to So ciety. A lso eligibl e Class 19 - Trophy donate d by I GA Inglewood. 28. Fleece of Medium Merin o Wool, donated to Society. Also eligible Class 2 0 - Trophy donate d by Rose City Wool & Skins. 29. Fleece of Strong Merin o Wool, dona ted to Society. Also e ligible Cla ss 21 - $50 donated by Allendale Grazing Pty Ltd. 30. Fine or Su per Fi ne Wean er ’s Woo l, over six months, not mor e than 1 2 months (to still have l ambs tip) 31. Med ium o r Stron g Wea ner ’s Woo l, over six mon th s, not mor e tha n 1 2 months (to still have l amb’s tip). CHAMPION LOCAL FLEECE FRO M CLA SSES 17 TO 21 INCLUSIVE Trophy donated by Wesfarmers Federation Insurance. RESERVE CHAMPION LOCAL FLEECE FROM CL ASSES 17 TO 21 INCLUS IVE GRAND CHAMP ION FLEECE OF SHOW Trophy donated by Elders Rural Services. RESERVE CHAMPION FLEECE OF THE SHOW 38 Lucky Gate Prize WIN 2 nights accommodation, Caloun dra just by atten ding the show ON SATURDAY 17 MARCH. The draw will take place just befo re the fireworks and the winn er must be present to claim the p rize. Donated by Henzells Agency BEVANDALE BORDER LEICESTER STUD (Flock 3906) 'BEVANDALE'’ INGLEWOOD FOR YOUR RAMS Phone James Pietsch (07) 4652 1626 39 s 40 SECTION H - POULTRY One Day Show - J udging 9.30 am Sa turda y Steward: Glenn Banks. Phone: (07) 4652 4175 Entry Fee: $1 .00 - First $2.00, Sec ond $1.00 Wr itten En trie s to close with ste ward , Gle nn Banks ‘Warro o Station’, In glewood Q. 4387 by Frid ay 9th Mar ch. Definitely no late entries. Trophie s will be presented at 3.00pm, Saturday. Classes will be made if there are ( 4) or more of the same breed . Birds m ust not be handle d without the permission of the st ewa rd, ev ery possible effort w ill be made f or the s afe keeping of t he exhibits, but the committe e w ill not be res ponsible for the loss, injury or m ishandling. The comm it tee res erves t he right to refuse a ny bird be liev ed to be v ermin or diseas e infe cted. LARGE SOFTFEATHER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. Australorp Cock or Cockere l. Australorp Hen or Pul let. Sussex Cock or Cocke rel. Sussex Hen or P ullet. Silkie Cock or Cocker el (sta te col our). Silkie Hen or Pu llet (state colour ). Langshan Cock or Cockerel. Langshan Hen or Pullet. A O V Cock or Cocker el. (state bre ed). A O V Hen or Pu llet. (state breed) . Breeding Pair. Pair Pullets. LARGE HARDFEATHER 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Indi an Game Cock or Cockerel. Indi an Game Hen or Pullet. O E G Game Cock or Cockere l (state colo ur). O E G Game Hen or Pu llet (state colour) . Pitt Game Cock or Cockerel . Pitt Game Hen o r Pull et. A O V Game Cock or Cockerel (State Bre ed). A O V Hen or Pu llet (State B reed). Breeding Pair. Pair Pullets. SOFTFEATHER BANTAM 23. 24. Australorp Cock or Cockere l. Australorp Hen or Pul let. 41 CERTIFIED PRACTISING ACCOUNTANTS ; PREPARATION OF INCOME TAX RETURNS ; SUPERANNUATION ; AUDITING ; GST ; PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE 26B Woo d Street, Warwick 43 70 Inglewood Office - Visits (Monthly) Lilley Spanner & Stacey So licito rs Office Texas Office - Visits (Monthly) Texas Cultural Centre. A PPOI NTMENTS PHONE: (07) 46614 655 (Warwick Office); WAYNE WATT, B.BUS, CPA 42 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Langshan Cock or Cockerel. Langshan Hen or Pullet. R I R Cock or Cockere l. R I R Hen or Pu llet. Black Peki n Cock or Cocker el. Black Peki n Hen or Pu llet. White Peki n Cock or Cocker el. White Peki n Hen or Pu llet. A O C Pekin Cock or Cocker el. A O C Pekin Hen or Pu llet. Wyandotte A C Co ck or Cockerel. Wyandotte A C He n or Pullet. A O V S/F Cock or Cockerel . A O V S/F Hen o r Pull et. Breeding Pair. Pair Pullets. HARDFEATHER BANTAM 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Black Red Cock or Cockerel . Blue Red Cock o r Cockerel. Blacktail Wheaten Hen or Pullet. Blueta il Wheaten Hen or Pullet. Mode rn Ga me Co ck or Cockerel (state colour). Mode rn Ga me He n or Pullet (state colour). Pitt Game Cock or Cockerel . Pitt Game Hen o r Pull et. A O V H/F Cock or Cockerel (state breed ). A O V H/F Hen or Pullet (sta te breed). Breeding Pair. Pair Pullets. WATER FO WL 53. 54. Drake, (sta te breed). Duck, (state bree d). CHAMPIONS Champi on La rge So ftfeather. Champi on La rge Hardfeather. Champi on So ftfeather Banta m. Champi on Hardfeather B antam. Champi on Br eeding Pair. Champi on Pa ir Pul lets. Champi on Waterfowl. Donated by G & K Banks . “ “ “ “ “ “ GRAND CHAMP ION BIRD O F THE SHOW $40 donated by Ralphies Ingle wood Auto Centre. RESERVE CHAMPION BIRD OF THE SHOW - McDougall’s / Ridley Agri Products. Prize money of $50 - donated by Warroo Station Pty Ltd. 43 PAVILION EXHIBITS Pavilion Steward: Matthew Oxenford. Phone: (07) 4652 1925. • Entries may be sent to: The Secretary, Inglewood Show Society, PO Box 112, Inglewood Q. 4387 before the annual show. • Exhibitors to pay normal gate entry fee. • NO EXHIBITS to be Removed from the pavilion before 5.00pm on the day of show. • Prize money will be paid in cash by the Section Stewards at 5.00pm on the final day of the show. Unclaimed prize money will be treated as a donation to the Society unless previous prior arrangements are made with the Secretary. • Juvenile Sections for Juniors 15 years and under. Rosa’ Bella Nursery Coffee & Gifts U Unique gifts... U Beautiful plants in a ‘Gorgeous Setting’ OPEN 7 DAYS 33 Albert Street, Inglewood Q 4387 Ph: (07) 4652 1800 Fax: (07) 4652 2943 44 SECTION I - HORTICULTURE Steward: Kellie Wright. Phone: (07) 4652 1229 Entries will be accepted 8 :00 - 10:00 am on Frida y. En try Fee 50¢. Fir st Pri ze, Card and $3 o r Tro phy; S econd Prize, Card and $1 (Awarded only if three or mor e entries). Juvenile Classes 20¢ Entry Fee . Exhibitors to suppl y thei r own containers for all exhib its. Le aves n ot permitted below neck of bottle (i.e. in water). Buds not permitted un less specified. MISS M TOMKINS MEMORIAL TRO PHY - Donated by Late Mrs V Cay for the most points sc ored by any one exhibitor in Horticulture and Preserves & Cooking Sections - Trophy held for one year. Most Successful Local Exhibitor $100 has been donated by J & J Slack. DIVISION A - CUT FLOWERS All exhibits in the Cut Flower Section must be grown by exhibitor. All collections to be not less than three distinct varieties and/or colours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Spe cimen Gerbera Coll ection of Gerbera s. Coll ection of Geraniu ms. Thre e differ ent fl owers all o f one colou r. Spe cimen bloom, spike or truss, not specified. Coll ection of cu t flowers - Trophy donated by Goondiwindi Regional Council. DIVISION B - ROSES 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. One Pink Rose. One Red Rose. One Yellow Rose . One Rose any co lour not sp ecified. Two Roses of distinct colour - Trophy donated by Rosemary Johnstone. Rose in three stages. Container of Rose s - Trophy donated by Marlies May. Container of Davi d Austin Ro ses. David Austin Roses - any colour. One Striped Ro se One Miniature Rose Head Po lyanthius. CHAMPION ROSE OF SHOW - Trophy donated by Inglewood Garden Club. 45 DIVISION C - DAHLIAS No leave s permitted on specime ns, some le aves permitted in conta iner classes only. 18. 19. Container of Dahlias. Spe cimen Dahli a. CHAMPION DAHLIA OF SHOW - Trophy donated by B&S Trevisiol. 20. 21. 22. 23. DIVISION D - AUST RALIAN Best Bloom Eucalyptus Gum. Best Bloom Grevillia. Best Colle ction of Na tive Flowers - Trophy donated by Ke llie Wright. Spe cimen Austr alian Native Tree or Shrub, not sp ecified. CHAMPION BLOOM OF SHOW - Trophy donated by Mrs C A Elsley. DIVISION E - POT PLANTS 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Rose in a pot / container. Geranium in a containe r or basket. Spe cimen Cacti . Spe cimen Succulent. Spe cimen Fern. Spe cimen hanging pot plan t. Indo or pla nt (fl oweri ng, non-flowering) in container. Container of Succulents / mixed CHAMPION PLANT IN CONTA INER - Trophy donated by Helen Lyons. DIVISION F - FL ORAL ARRANGEMENTS Flowers need not be grow n by exhibitor. Fresh flowers to be used unless othe rwise stated . 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Alfre sco - arran gemen t for an outd oor a rea. Arrangement for hallway table using plant material collected from paddock / stock route. Arrangement in red and one other colour - Trophy donated by Mrs T. Tait. Arrangement in old boot / shoe. Shades of one colour of your own choice. - Trophy donated by Rosa’ Bella Nursery Coffee & Gifts. Arrangement of Geraniums with so me fo liage. CHAMPION ARRANGEMENT - Mrs V M Cay Memorial Trophy. (Trophy to be held for one year). 46 DIVISION G - JUVENILE Must be exhibit ors own work - Fr esh fl owers to be used . 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Face - made fro m plant material - berr ies, seeds, small flowe rs etc to be glued on pa per p late and be hung for display. Necklace - made of pl ant materia l - berries, seeds, small flo wers of good lasting quality. On suitable th read. Tea Cup Arrange ment using tea cup as contain er. Crea ture made from fruit & vegeta bles. Kindy / Childcare Section Ages 0-3 - Display of plant mate rial ( fresh / dried) glued to A4 pap er. Ages 3-5 - Make a per son out of fresh / dried plant material. Glue and mount onto A4 pap er / cardbo ard. CHAMPION JUVENILE EXHIBIT - $10 donated by Mrs M Makeham. INCE NTIVE PRIZE - $20 donated by Mrs C A Elsley for the most points scored by a Juvenile Compe titor in the Horticultural Section. Greenslopes Limousin Stud BLUE RIBBON INVITATION LIMOUSIN SALE Saturday 17th 17th November November 2012 Toowoomba Toowoom ba Royal Royal Showgrounds Showgrounds • Led and Unled Hei fers • Led and Unled Cows a nd Ca lves • Selected Sires • Em bryo and Sem en pack ages • Led Steers broken in and ready for the 2013 show sea son Co ntact: Trevor & Debbie on 0409 608 807 or; Rob yn o n 07 4630 6232 47 “Where Service is more than just a word” Come in and see Bevin, Tootsie & Staff for all of your grocery needs ; ; ; ; ; Fresh Fruit & Vegetables delivered twice a week Fresh Bread every Sunday Free In Town Home Deliveries Country Orders Welcome Looking for something special? Come in and see our Friendly Staff, as we are happy to be at your service Phone: 4652 1328 Fax : 4652 1765 Email: [email protected] SEETAL SPRAY BOOTH & BAKING OVEN Phone / Fax (07) 4652 1243 48 SECTION J PRESERVES, COOKING Steward: Bev McDou gall. Phone: (07) 4652 1224 Entries will be accepted 8.00am to 10.00am Friday. Entry Fee 50¢. JUVENIL E SECTION - Entry Fee 20¢. First Prize Card and $5.00 or Trophy, Second Priz e Card & $2.00 (awarded only if three or more entries). M. TOMKINS MEMORIAL TRO PHY don ated b y th e la te Mrs V Cay for the most po ints score d by an y on e e xh ibi tor in Ho rticul tu re and Pr eser ve s & Co okin g Sectio ns - Trophy to be held for o ne year. The RE IBELT ME MORIA L TRO PHY is to be a wa rde d to th e most successfu l exhibitor in the Prese rves and Cooking Section. The win ner will retain the tro phy for one Year. A Trophy has been donated by Mrs M Hobbs for retention. JAMS AND PRESERVES Conten ts and jar to weigh approx. 500 grams and no more than 7 00 gra ms. 1. Jar Aprico t Jam. Trophy donated by Lesley Reibelt. 2. Jar Fig Jam. Trophy donated by Tracy Ditton. 3. Jar Plum Jam. 4. Jar To mato Jam. 5. Jar of Jam (other tha n specified ). 6. Jar Marma lade. CHAMPION JAR OF JAM OR MARMALADE Classes 1-6. Trophy donated by Gail Wilkins. 7. Coll ection of 3 Jars of Jam (any variety). 8. Bottle of Chutn ey (any variety). 9. Bottle of To mato Sauce . 10. Bottle of Spicy Sauce (any vari ety). 11. Jar of Toma to Rel ish. 12. Jar of Mustard Pickles. Trophy donated by Martin & Tini Watson. 13. Jar Pickle s (any variety). Best Entry in Classes 11-13. Trophy donated by Mary McDougall. COOKING 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Plate Plai n Scones (n ot less tha n six) . Trophy donated by Martin &Tini Watson. Plate Pumpkin S cones (not less than six). Plate Pikelets (not less than six). Trophy donated by Glenn & Sue Campbell. Plate Muffins. Trophy donated by Bev McDougall. Loaf Bread Wholemeal or White (machine mad e). Trophy donated by Annie Muir. Tea Cake (any variety) Trophy donated by Melissa McDowall. Chocolate Cake (iced but n ot decorate d). Trophy donated by Marlies May. Orange Ri ng Cake (iced but not d ecora ted). Date Loaf (not iced). Trophy donated by Vera Foster 49 Call in and see Christine, Lisa or Cassandra today 130 0 72 44 33 Complete Tyre Service All Tyre Brands Ava ilable * Car * Truck * Tractor * 4WD * On Farm Service * Century Batteries * Full Range of DAYCO V-Belts 20 Eliza beth Street, Inglewood 0746521533 “Why go to a good tyre dealer when you can go to a SUPER DEALER” Contact: Tyler Wolff 50 23. 24. 25. Banana Ca ke (iced). Carr ot Cake (iced). CHAMPION CAKE Classes 19 - 24. Trophy donated by Hollie Gall. Rich Fruit Cake (not iced). Trophy donated by Lisa Harrison. CLASS 26 - BOILE D FRUIT CAKE CHALLENGE The following recipe MUST be used for this class 37 5g mixed fruit; 1 teaspoon mixed spice; 1 cup cold water ; 1 te asp oon Bi-Carb soda; 2 well beaten eg gs; 1 dessert spoon marmalade; 125g butter; 1 cup sugar; 1 cup S.R. flour; 1 cup plain flo ur. Method - Place butter, marmalade , mi xed fruit, spi ce , sod a, sug ar and co ld water into a sau ce pan. Boi l fo r 2 minutes, co ol slig htly, add eg gs, fo ld i n sifted flo ur, bake i n 2 0cm roun d tin at 16 0°c (140 °c fanforce ) for 1 hou r or little longer. $50 cash donated by Goondiwindi Regional Council. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Patty Cake s (6 iced no papers). Chocolate Slice (6 rectangle s, 5 x 4 cm). Trophy donated by Judy Smith. Plate of S lice. Anza c Biscuits (plate o f 6). Trophy donated by Maxine Oryszczyn. Jam Drops ( plate of 6) . Boiled Plum Pud ding. Trophy donated by Martin & Tini Watson. Old Style - Yo ur favour ite old fash ioned Recipes. Sha re it with us and yo u cou ld win $25 . If en teri ng muffi ns / biscui ts / slice s etc p lea se h ave a minimum of 3 pie ce s. Pl ease i ncl ude you r re ci pe to b e di sp layed with you r entry. $25 donated by Melissa McDowall. 1. 2. 3. Plate Pikelets. Trophy donated by Kellie Wright. Chocolate Bar Cake (i ced on top only). Trophy donated by Andrea Braden. Novelty Iced Patty Cakes (4). Trophy donated by Kellie-Ann Trevisiol. KIDS KITCHEN CLASS 4 - LAZY DAIS Y CAKE The following recipe MUST be used for this class Recipe - 125g butter; 125 g sugar, 2 eg gs, 1/2 cup milk; 1 & 1/3 cups self raising flour; 1 /2 packet jel ly crystals ( any fl avour ); van illa; pinch salt. Method - Combine all ing redients in mixi ng bowl and stir u ntil well blend ed. Beat for 3 minu tes on mediu m speed in an el ectric mixe r. Bake in gr eased and l ined b ar tin in modera te oven for 30-40 minutes. Ice whe n cold and de co rate with je llybea n daisies. Trophy donated by Trisha Braden. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Anza c Biscuits (6). Trophy donated by Margaret Biggs. Jam Drops ( 6). Trophy donated by Merle Gray. Decorated Arrowroot B iscuits (maximum 3 biscuits) (a) Prep & Under. Trophy donated by Cindy Fearby. (b) Yr 1 - Yr 4. Trophy donated by Meg McDougall. (c) Yr 5 - Yr 7. Trophy donated by Sally West. Iced Novelty Ca ke (to be judged for icing skills in decorating). $20 cash donated by Bev McDougall. KINDY KIDS - One Iced Patty Cake. Trophy donated by Diba Heinrich. INCENTIV E PRIZE $20 .0 0 - donated by Wendy Slack for the most points scored by a Juvenile competitor in the Preserves and Cooking Section. 51 HOTEL INGLEWOOD Mine Hosts: Roy & Gillian Thompson ( ( ( ( A Warm Atmosphere and Beer At Its Coldest! Poker Machines Counter Meals Available Don't Forget Your Home Supplies INGLEWOOD 4387 - PHONE: (07) 4652 1374 52 SECTION K - NEEDLEWORK Stewa rd: S heree Bond. Phone: 04 37 01 7 644 E ntries will be accepted 8:00 am to 10:00am Friday. Entry Fee 50 ¢. Juv enile Sect ion - Entry Fee 20¢. Fir st Pri ze Ca rd and $3.00 - or Troph y, Seco nd Pr ize Ca rd & $1.00 ( Awarded only if thr ee or more entrie s) All exhibits s hall be the bonafide w ork of the e xhibitor. Item s may be shown for 2 conse cutive years only. E ach exhibit is eli gible fo r competiti on in one cla ss onl y. E ntr ies in knitting and crochet sho uld include la bels whe re p ossi ble. Th e stewards have the righ t to reject entries for jud ging. Entries ma y be collected after 5.00pm on Saturday. The JILL FINNIGAN MEMORIA L TROPHY awa rded for the most po ints sco red by an e xh ibitor in the n eedl ework se ctio n by a r esiden t of Ingle wo od or Ye larb on. Tr ophy to be hel d for o ne year. Trophy and $100 cash prize donated by the Finnigan Family. JUVENILE SECTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Any Machine Mad e Article Piece of Embroidery Soft To y or Novelty Cross stitch or Tapestr y Picture Long stitch Article Cove red Coathanger Article of Patchwork or App lique CHAMPION JUVENILE EXHIBIT - $10 donated by N onnie McDougall. OPEN SECTION Knitting or Crochet 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Three piece outfi t for baby - Knitted Three piece outfi t for baby - Crochet Infa nt bootees - Knitted Infa nt bootees - Crochet Babi es Ja cket - Knitted Babi es Ja cket - Crochet BEST ENTRY IN CLASSES 8 - 13 - $20 donated by Kim Rush. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Chil ds kni tted cardig an/pu llover Adults knitted cardiga n/pull over Covered coathan ger Rug croch et Ladies ha ndkerchief h andma de ed ge Crochet centrepiece i n fine or coarse cotto n Hand Towel To p - cr ochet or knitted 53 See . . . . B & S P TREVISIOL 68 George Street, Inglewood Phone: (07) 4652 1389 For all Mechanical Repairs and Spare Parts Including on farm work, irrigation motor and pumps, tractors, trucks , diesel, petrol mot ors and motor bikes, big or small, servicing and repairing all models of car vehicles Air Conditioning Service: For all your air conditioner parts, hoses and regas ing requirements for cars, truck s and f arm machinery - See us either on farm or at the workshop. Auto E le ctr ic S erv ic e: We’ll buy or repair y our old alternators and starters - any mak e - any model. New or exc hange units av ailable ov ernight. For Friendly and Prompt Service! Contact Bruno 54 Needlework Machine Work 21. 22. 23. Garment suitable for child to 12 years Adults garment, a ny me dium| Cloth bag, any medium Embroidery 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Cove red Cushion. $20 donated by Jenny Burne t. Any item for kitchen (eg apron, mitts). Trophy donated by Adele Dowling. Hand embroidere d article Patchwork or Ap plique Quilt. $30 donated by Eunice Johnstone. Patchwork wall hanging Any other article Patchwork or A pplique. Trophy donated by D Elliott, L Reibe lt & C Apte d. Cross stitch article. Trophy donated by Gail Rielly. Best Soft Toy. $20 donated by Vera Foster Machine Embroidered Article Tape stry pictur e Long Stitch Picture. Cross Sti tch Pi cture. Trophy for best entry 33, 34, 35 donated by Melisa Pietsch. Any other article not speci fied. CHAMPION ENTRY NEEDLEWORK SECTION - $35 donated by Adele Dowling. INCENTIVE P RIZE - $20 donated by Marie Pietsch for most points scored by a Juvenile Compe titor in the Needlework Section. Visit us in the Main Pavilion and present this advertisement to receive 10% off your purchase at the show! LEVEN K LAVENDER Let us share our passion for lavender with you between November and February when the Lavender flowers are at their peak. WE ARE OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! Bus & Tour Groups WELCOME, but bookings are essential. Demonstrations, talks, morning teas/light lunches by prior arrangement. Our lavender farm shop has a wide range of our own LAVENDER PRODUCTS and OUR OWN FARM DISTILLED LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL (NATIONAL AWARD WINNER 2005, 2007 & 2008) Matthew & Kellie Oxenford & Family welcome you to Brosnans Road (PO Box 213) INGLEWOOD QLD 4387 PH: 07 4 652 1 925 MOBILE Matthew 0407 588 750 MOBILE Kellie 0427 609 171 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: 55 SECTION L - FINE ARTS Steward : Kellie Oxenford. Ph one: (07) 4652 1925 Entries close 10.00am, Friday “NO LATE ENT RIES!” Entry Fee: Classes 1-4, $4.00; Class 5-6, $3.00 • • • • • • • • • The Steward has the right to reject any work, or re-classify if deemed necessary. The officers of the Society will exercise all reasonable care, but will not be responsible for the los s or any damage to any article or picture while in their custody. All paintings and drawings must be “Suitably Framed or Mounted” and ready for hanging. Name of exhibitor, address, class, title and pric e (or Not For Sale) must be shown on the back of all exhibits. Commission on all sales will be 20%. Works must be competitor’s own “ORIGINAL” unaided work and must not have been shown in a previous Inglewood Show. Residents of previous Inglewood Shire are eligible for Local Awards. If entries in any Class 1-5 number less than 4, entries may be re-located in most suitable alternative class at Steward’s direction. Priz es and Trophies may be c ollected at 5.00pm on Saturday. Second Priz e will only be awarded if three or more entries . ART CLASSES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PAINTING IN ANY STYLE, any subject, any medium. First $30, Second $20. WATER COLOUR, any subject. Any water-based paint using largely transparent techniques. First $30, Second $20. STILL LIFE, FLOWERS, FRUIT, ETC. Any medium. First $30, Second $20. MINIATURE PAINTING, any subject, any medium. Outside frame measurement of longest side no greater than 30cm (12 inches). First $30, Second $20. DRAWING OR GRAPHICS, any medium using dominantly drawing technique. First $20, Second $10. PRINT SECTION, any subject ie. lino, screen etc. First $20, Second $10. NOVICE, entrant must not have won any prize in classes 1-5. Any pai ntings entered by a Novice in classes 1-5 will be eligible for this prize. First $20, Second $10. CHAMPION PAINTING $50 Donated by M C & K G Oxenford RESERVE CHAMPION $30 MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN ARTS (FINE & PHOTOGRAPHY) Trophy donated by Mrs M. Tait. TALBRAGAR PERPETUAL TROPHY to be held for one year for best local entry classes 1-7. $40 donated by the Dawson Family. PRIZE MONEY HAS BEEN DONATED TO THE FINE ARTS SECTION BY: R Morrison, W Slack, L & L Springborg,Goondiwindi Regional Council. 56 Craft Classes Entry Fee $1.00 First Prize $5 .00, Second $3.00 (Awarded only if thre e or more entries) 8. 9. 10. 11 . LE ATHER WORK. CREATIVE CRAFT, usin g fabric, plastic, etc. ITEM USING RECYCLE D RES OURCE S, paper or material, wood, etc. ANY CRAFT ITEM, d ispla ying FOLK ART. CHAMPION CRA FT ENTRY - Trophy donated by Mrs Carlie Doljanin. Juvenile Art Classes All entries by local students to be ava ilable for pickup on Wednesday. Entry Fee 20¢ - First $3.00, Second $1.00 Prize Money For Juvenile Art & Craft Sponsored by Goondiwindi Regional Council. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Pl ease ensure that all items in classes 17-24 are A4 size mounted on “St iff Ca rdboard”, with strin g or p ipe cleane r through two ho les punched i n the top of the card board. NB - Any artwork that is attache d with tape will not be accep ted. ANY SUBJECT OR MEDIUM, 3 yr s and under. ANY SUBJECT OR MEDIUM, 4 & 5 yrs old. ANY SUBJECT OR MEDIUM, 6 & 7 yrs old. ANY SUBJECT OR MEDIUM, 8 & 9 yrs old. ANY SUBJECT OR MEDIUM, 10 & 11 yrs old. ANY SUBJECT OR MEDIUM, 12 & 13 yrs old . ANY SUBJECT OR MEDIUM, 14 & 15 yrs old . 3 Dimensional Drawi ng or Graph ics, 13-15 yrs old. CHAMPION JUV ENILE PAINTING Donated in memory of Mrs I Morrison Juvenile Craft Classes Entry Fee 20¢ - First $3, Second $1. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. ITEMS USING RECYCLED RESOURCES, under 16 yrs. ANY PAINTED CRAFT ITEM, 5 yrs and under. ANY PAINTED CRAFT ITEM, 6 & 7 yrs old. ANY PAINTED CRAFT ITEM, 8 & 9 yrs old. ANY PAINTED CRAFT ITEM, 10 & 11 yrs old. ANY PAINTED CRAFT ITEM, 12 & 13 yrs old. ANY PAINTED CRAFT ITEM, 14 & 15 yrs old. CHAMPION JUVE NILE CRAFT ITEM Trophy donated by Mrs J une Johnstone. 57 The Committee of the Inglewood Show Society would like to encourage all members of the community to come along and enjoy the 2012 show. The Show Society thanks The Lions Club of Inglewood for manning the Gate for many years. 58 SECTION M HAND MADE CARDS & SCRAPBOOKING Steward : Justine Coleman. Ph : (07) 4652 2267 Entry Fee: $1.00 Ju venile Entries: 50¢ F irst Prize Card & $3.00 Seco nd Prize Card & $1.00 • • • • Conditions of Entry: Or iginal work by exhibito r onl y or computer gen erate d image or verse. Children plea se state scho ol class. En tries will be accepted up to 10.00 am Fr iday. Exhibits can be picked up after 5.00pm on Saturday. CARDS Cards may be Machine embroidery, Cross Stitch, Stamp ing, Quillin g etc. 1. Handmade Card – Seasonal ie. Christmas, E aster etc. 2. Handmade Card – An y oth er ie. Birth day, Thinking of you. 3. Handmade Card – Primary School – an y the me. 4. Handmade Card – Secondary School – any theme. SCRAPBOOKING All th emes may be single or d ouble page e ntrie s. 5. Ba bies and to ddlers 6. Families 7. Special Occasion o r event eg. Weddin g 8. Christmas 9. Heritage 10. Pe ts 11 . Travel and holida ys 12. Inglewood on Display 13. Off the pag e – eg. Pho to fra me, tin, bo x, calendar etc 14. Scrapbo oking – any theme – Primary School Student 15. Scrapbo oking – any theme – Secondary School Studen t CHAMPION EXHIBIT – Donated by Debbie Elliott Consultant for Kaszazz. INCENTIVE P RIZE – Trophy donated by Pe itra Doherty. 59 Wayne Fearby Plumbing Plumber Drainer Gas Fitter 10 Callandoon Street, Inglewood 46521505 0417 702 434 CJ & LM HARRISON Excavator, Truck & Loader Hire Lot 1 Tomkins St, Inglewood Phone: 4652 1535 Mobile: 0428 521 535 60 SECTION N - PHOTOGRAPHY Steward: Beth Brown. Phone: (07) 4652 1141 Entries close 10.00am Friday. En try F ee 50¢ - First $3 or troph y, Secon d $1.00 (awarded only if three or more entries) CONDITIONS 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. All entries to be mounted individually on cardboard with a surround of 2-3cm. Name, address and class must be shown on back of entries. Ex hibits entered mus t not have entered in previous years. Judges may withhold a prize if the exhibit is considered unworthy. Steward has the right to reject any work offered if unsuitable. Judges decision is final. No entries shall be removed until after 5pm on Saturday. Photographs to be no bigger than 5" x 7" (12.5 x 17.5cm). CLASSES Animal/s or Bird/s - Trophy donated by Hollie Gall. Domestic An imal/s . Flower /s or Garde n. Landscape With Water. Landscape Without Wa ter. Seasca pe. Aspect of Wea ther - Sunrise, sunset, clouds, rainbow etc. Best Entry from 4,5,6 & 7 - Trophy donated by Be th Brow n. Child or Children Stud y - Trophy donated by C & K Trevisiol. Person or P eople - Trophy donated by A & S Clark-Dickson. Comed y. Inglewood a nd District Historical Event - Trophy donate d by I nglewood Historical Soc iety. Any Other Subject. Person or P eople (Black & White) - Trophy donated by Hollie Gall. Set of Three Photographs telli ng a story. Any Su bject produced from creative comp uter manipulation. Architectural Structur e/s CHAMP ION PHOTOGRAPH - Classe s 1 - 13. $50 donated by H & S Gall Plumbing. JUVENILE CLASSES Animal/s or Bird/s - Trophy donated by C & K Tre visiol. Flower /s or Garde n - Trophy donated by Roby n J ohns. Comed y - Trophy donate d by Andrea Braden. Person or P eople - Trophy donated by S & R Johnstone Landscape o r Sea scape. Any Other Subject. Any Su bject produced from creative comp uter manipulation. Trophies for Classes 21, 22 & 23 donated by Goondiwindi Regional Council CHAMP ION JUVENILE PHO TOGRAPH Trophy donated by MacIntyre Gazette Pty Ltd. 61 Thompson’s Grader Hire - Inglewood All aspects of road Bruce & Ann Maree Thompson formation & maintenance Contour banks Fire breaks Shed pads 770 BH & 770 CH John Deere Graders both graders fully laser equipped Phone: (07) 46521551 Mobile: 0427 915 258 62 SECTION O - PRODUCE Steward : Kellie Wright. Phon e: (07) 46521229 Entries will be accepted 8.00 - 10.00am on Friday. En try Fee 50c. First Prize Card and $3.00 ; Se cond Prize, Card and $ 1.00 (Award ed onl y if three or more entries) VEGETABLE SECTION Vegetable and fruit exhibits to be on a tray or plate. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Three Lemon s Three Carro ts, with tops 500g Beans, any variety Three Beetr oot, with tops Two Chokos Two Capsicums Collection of Chillies Two Cobs of Swee t Corn , in the husk Two Apple Cucumbers Two Gr een Cucumb ers One Ro ckmel on One Watermelon Three Onions Three Potatoes, any variety One Queensland Blue Pumpkin One Ja p Pumpkin One B utternut Pu mpkin Any Other Pumpkin Six Radishes, any variety wi th tops Six Toma toes Three Zucch ini One Large Marrow Most Unusual Veg etable Collection of Herbs CHAMPION VEGETABLE EXHIBIT - $50.00 donated by Goondiwindi Regional Council. MOST SUCCESSFUL JUVENILE EXHIBITOR - $15 donated by B & SP Trevisiol. Giant Pumpkin Display & Weigh-in • 1st Prize..... $200 • 2nd Prize.... $100 • 3rd Prize.......$50 Weigh-in time: 12 noon Friday adjacent to bar 63 FARM PRODUCE 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. One Kg or 3 Cobs any o ther grain One Kg Whea t One Kg Sorghum o r Shea f of Sorghu m One Bale Lucerne Hay MacIntyre Brook Irrigators Trophy ( To be held for one year). One Do zen Hen Eg gs One 500g Ja r Ligh t Hon ey One 500g Ja r Medium Honey One 500g Ja r Dark Honey One 500g Ja r Candy Honey CHAMPION GRAIN E XHIBIT - Trophy donated by 3 Rivers Lucerne. CHAMPION FARM PRODUCE EXHIBIT - Trophy donated by Waymar Farming Co Pty Ltd. FIELD WHEAT COMPETITION 1st Lyal Farming Partne rship Moogoon Pty Ltd 2nd Angle C Par tnership. 3rd Trophies donated by Pacific Seeds & Potter’s Petroleum Pty Ltd. LUCERNE HAY Local Grower owned Co-Operative ALL GRADES AVAILABLE Small and Large Square Bales Cereal Hay - Straw - Available Quality Control F orward Contracts Available Central point of contact for sales and transport Ph: 07 46 521 008 Email: hay.3 [email protected] 64 SECTION P - DOGS & PETS Chief Steward: Shona Clark Dickson Phon e: 4652 4100 ENTRY F EE $1.00 per dog/pet per class Dogs / Pets must be on the grounds at 9.30am sharp on Saturday. Nominations from 9.30am. Judging to commence 10.00am. All dogs must be on a lead. F irst, Second and Third Prize Ribbons will be awarded at the discretion of the judge. Prize money for classes 1-8. Donated by Lake Coolmu nda Caravan Park. F irst prize $5.00, Second priz e $3.00. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NON-WORKING DOG NON-WORKING BITCH WORKING DOG - Kelpie or Cattle WORKING BITCH - K elpie or Cattle MOST LO VABLE PET FARMYARD PET BEST DRESSED PET HUNGRIEST PET CHAMPION DOG OR B ITCH - Classes 1 & 2 Trophy donated by IGA I nglewood. RESERVE CHAMPION DO G OR BITCH - Classes 1 & 2 Trophy donated by McDougall’s - Ridley Agri Products. CHAMPION WO RKING DOG O R BITCH - Classe s 3 & 4 Trophy donated by L & R Johnstone. RESERVE CHAMPION WORKING DOG OR B ITCH - Classes 3 & 4 Trophy donated by McDougall’s - Ridley Agri Products. GRAND CHAMP ION OF THE SHOW $50.00 donated by True Country Realty. 65 SECTION Q - SCHOOL EXHIBITS Steward : Jo hn Slack Phone: (07) 4652 1376 2012 “Australian Year of the Farmer” A class or school display based on “Year of the Farmer” which is suitable for presentation purposes has been adopted as a group display. • Displays will be invited fro m: Inglewood State School, St Maria Goretti School, Karara State School and Yelarbon State School. • Awards and prize money will be donated by the Inglewood Show Society. • All entries must be in place not later than T hursday of show week. 66 SECTION R CREATIVE WRITING Stewards: Shon a Clark-Dickson and Julie Slack Phone: (07) 4652 4100 or 4652 1376 Entries will be accepted 8.00-10.00am on Friday En try Fee 20¢; First Prize: Card and Trophy; Second Prize: Card and $5 awarded in each div ision. Highly Commended may also be awarded. • • • • A ll entrie s shall be the ori gina l wor k of th e e ntrant. E ntries mu st not h ave be en en tered in any previous Inglewood Show. Name o f en tr ant, addr ess a nd di vi si on must b e sh own on the b ack o f al l en tries. Maximum of 2 pie ces o f work per e ntran t. En tries may b e collected after 5pm on Saturday. Judges will take into consideration 1. neatness 2. punctu ation 3. vocabu lary-creative and descriptive Division A - Years One to Three An y piece of writing, eg - narrative , reco unt, p oem, description Must have a title Handwritten No longer tha n 1 A4 page. Division B - Years Four to Seven An y piece of writing, eg - narrative , reco unt, p oem, description Must have a title Handwritten No longer tha n 1 A4 page. Division C - Years Eight to Ten An y piece of writing, eg - narrative , reco unt, p oem, description Must have a title Handwritten or typed No longer tha n 1 A4 page. Division D - Adult (16 years & over) An y piece of writing, eg - narrative , reco unt, p oem, description Must have a title Maximum 2 typ ed A4 pages. $100 donated by MC & KG Oxenford for trophies in each division. 67 INGLEWOOD SHOW SOCIETY INC. BY-LAWS & REGULATIONS The Inglewood Show Society Inc is a non-profit organization and monies raised are used to provide, maintain and upgrade these amenit ies where possible. 1. The atten tion of intending e xhibitors is draw n to the fact t hat ent ries are accepted su bject to the Rules of the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies and to the Constitution and Rules of this Society. 2. Patrons enter the Inglewood Showgrounds are their own risk. 3. All contestants compete at own risk. 4. Liquor must ONLY be consumed in designated licensed areas. 5. No glass bottles are permitted to be brought onto the Showground. 6. All dogs whilst on the Showground must be tied up or restrained inside t rucks or floats. 7. All entries must be made on printed forms available from the Secretary on application. As far as possible all questions concerned thereon shall be answered. No entry form shall be valid unl ess signed by the exhibitor or his agent. Entrance fees shall be payable on all exhibits as spe cified under eac h s ection or cla ss in the Prize Sc hedul e, s uch fees to acc ompany certificate of entry. ENTRIES No exhibit can compete for more than one class excepting where otherwise stated. Exhibitors must, if called upon, furnish the name of th e person by whom, or w here, the stock was actu ally bred, together w ith the age, bree d and pe digree of such stock as far as it is known fo r all classes in w hich same is a condition of the competition. 8. The Inglewood Show Society re commends that all intending exhibitors of livestock are holders of Public Liability Insuran ce cover. This cover indemnifies the own er for their legal liability for body injury or damage to persons and/or property as a result of an occurrence caused by t he negligence of their animals whilst attending or participating in Show events. 9. The Committee reserves the right of refusing or cancelling any entry without giving reasons for so doing. The Committee reserves the right if adjudication on any questi onable entry or any other poi nt not provided for i n the rules and laws of this Socie ty and of making any alteration that may be deemed necessary. The decision of the Committee on all points shall be FI NAL without recourse. 10. All exhibits must be deli vered to the Showgrounds i n the manner and at the times prescribed at the he ading of each se ction. N oncompliance with thi s prov ision wil l re sult in the nonacceptance of the exhibits and forfeiture of the entry fee. 11. The whol e of the arrangements i n connec tion with the i nside and outside of the building shall be under the control of the Stewards and Officers appointed by the Society. 12. The Societ y will not be responsible for any accident caused to, through, or by any exhibit or person, and will not under any circumstances hold itself responsible for any loss or mis-delivery of livest ock or other exhibit of any kind, or any damage done thereto. 13. St ewards have the right to remove any animal from the ring if that animal is considered to be a danger to the safety of the public. ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF ENTRIES ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF EXHIBITS CONTROL OF EXHIBITS JUDGES THEIR APPOINTMENT, ADJUDICATION, ETC 14. The Committee shall select for all sections, and fill up any subsequent vacancies. All exhibits sh all be jud ged on th eir merit, and a book prepared by the Secretary containing the entries shall be signe d by t he Judges, w ho w ill mark awa rds on a paper su pplied to t hem by the Stew ards. Th e Judges shall as far as possible, assign reasons, throu gh the Se cretary, for the ir decisions, if required. 68 The Judges shall ha ve the power to award a secon d prize if the exhibit is not considered worthy of first, and shall not award any prize if the exhibit is not of sufficient merit. STEWARDS 15. The Committee wi ll appoint Stewards for all sections. Stew ards will be expected to see that the exhibits are properly classed , and that all exhibits in each class are placed together ready for judging. Stew ards will obtain the Judges’ Book from the Secretary and deliver the same to the Judges while judging. St ewards w ill remove all t he exh ibitors and other p ersons from th e vicin ity of the Judges while judging. Ste wards will attend to the Judges to aff ord the m any information required, but must do not hing to inf luen ce their decision. They will not reveal the name of any exhibitor or repeat any remark the Judges may make to each other. St ewards shall obtain the Judge s’ Book fro m the Judges w hen completed and signed, and deliver same to the Secretary. St ewards w ill obtain the Prize Ca rds from the Secretary a nd affix them to the Exhibits as soon as practicable. Stew ards will report to the Secretary any disobedience to their orders, or disorderly conduct on the part of exhibitors or those in charge of exhibits. Stew ards shall arrange exhibits, and no exhibit must afterw ards be re moved without the sanction of the Stew ards, unde r p enalty of forfeiture of any prize which may h ave been awarded to t he exhibitor: or such other penalty or disqualification as the C ommittee may de cide. The Society or its representat ives will no t incur any responsibility for the removal of such exhibits. Every care will be taken of exhibits, but the Society will not be responsible for any losses, death, or accidents. NON-COMPETITIVE 16. The C ommittee reserves the right to rec eive for exhibition only and not for competition (if space permits ) any stock , article or product not speci fied in the Schedule, whi ch may be considered to possess special meri t. 17. All protests must be lodged with the Secretary within TWO H OU RS of the Judge’s award bei ng made, together with a deposit of $5. 00,such s um to be forfeited if the protes t be considered frivolous by the Committee. In al l cases where protests are lodged the exhi bitor must carefully describe particulars under which he lodges his protest, as no general protest can be recogni sed by the C ommittee. In the hearing of all protests and disputes arising out of the a wards, the Committee shall abide by the Judges’ a ward papers, unless it be shown that the Judges have been wilfully or accidentally misled. 18. All works or other exhibits being sold by auc tion on the Showgrounds will be subject to a payment of 5 perce nt to go to the Socie ty’s funds, but all s uch exhibi ts shall be given voluntarily. 19. Exhibitors should check all e lectrical equipment, leads and gas bot tles to en sure they meet current Safet y Regulations before entering the Showgrounds. 20. All food stall holders are reminded of the ir obligations to comply with all relevant State and Local Government Regulations and requirements. 21. In the ev ent of sal e, stock prize ribbons will be available for the purchaser for four weeks for displ ay purposes and then revert to the exhibitor. 22. Any pe rson, whether a competitor or not, who in the opinions of the Show C ommitte e, behaves i n an offensive manner, either i nside or outside the ring to any official of the Society or Judge, s hall be liabl e to disqualification from further c ompetition. The decision of the Judges shall be final and any competitor or exhibitor who abuses either Judges or offic ials, and i s found guilty afte r enquiry by the C ommi ttee, shall be dis qualified from further participati on in this Show. A report sha ll be imme diately forwarded to the Que ensl and Chamber of A gric ultural Soci eti es a nd wil l re sul t in the automati c s uspension of the competitor or exhibitor from all shows for the remainder of the season. PROTESTS MISCELLANEOUS RIBBONS DISQUAL IFICAT ION 69 Visit Our Shop Distributed Free Weekly to a coverage area of approximately 8000 square kilometres. Including... INGLEWOOD, Omanama, Gore, Kar ara TEXAS, Bonshaw, Yetman YELARBON and District. Produced by locals for your region. Scr apbooking Supplies High Volume Photocopying Colour Photocopying Laminating Digital Photo Pr inting & Photo Gift Lines Passpor t Photographs Unique Gift Range White Goods & Appliances Vacuum Cleaner Bags Uniden Range of Products Prepaid Mobile Phones, Accessories & Phone Credit Shop 11-15 High Street, Texas Qld 4385 Phone: (07) 465 3 0663 Fax: (07) 4653 0222 Email: [email protected] m 2012 70 INGLEWOOD SHOW SOCIETY INC PO Box 112 Inglewood. 4387 Secretary: (07) 4652 1396 During Show: ENTRY FORM 0412 654 433 For Office Use R ece ived TO THE SECRETARY INGLEWOOD SHOW SOCIETY INC. Su bject to the R ule s, By-Law s and Re gula tions of the S ociety a nd th e Que ensla nd C ha mbe r o f Agricultural S ocieties w hich are d eem ed in clu ded he re in as if inserted at leng th, I b eg to make the follow ing En tries a t th e forth co ming Show, the Exhibits being my ow n b ona fide p ro perty. Section Class N o. Entries Amount Enclosed Herewith Subscr iption Entry Fees $ $ . . D escription Ent ry Fee $ ¢ Full Na me........................................................... Po stal Address................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Si gned................................................................ McDOUGALL’S MERCHANDISE & HARDWARE 86 Albert Street, Inglewood Q 4387 S S S S S S S S S S Produce Plumbing Building Supplies Hardware & Paint Fencing Vet Chemicals Seed AG Chemicals Fertilizer Irrigation PH: (07) 4652 1499 FAX: (07) 4652 1579 MOBILE: 0428 521 499 EMAIL: [email protected] Professional on-farm agronomic advice. The Presi dent and Committee of the Inglewood Show Society wish to acknowledge with thanks and appreciation the support to the Society by way of Trophies, Donations and Sponsorship during the year. The Society would like to especially ackno wledge the following Sp onsors: GOLD Downs Group Training SILVER BLASK Engineering Coolmunda Pastoral Co 3 Rivers Lucerne Elders Rural Services Goondiwindi Regional Council IGA Inglewood Johnstone Quarries Pty Ltd Leon Nowland Norco Milk Distributor Mick Sutton Concreting Warwick Credit Union Wayne Fearby Plumbing BRONZE Bennett’s Buses Henzells Agency Inglewood Quarries McDougalls Inglewood NAB Red Rock Transport Tait Auto Group