Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 Fatma Nur YORGANCILAR1 IN TV COMMERCIALS, THE THEME OF WOMEN AND SEXUALITY ON THE MIND OF CONSUMER: A NEUROMARKETING APPLICATION Abstract With a new interdisciplinary area, called neuroeconomy and having many subbranches, it has been possible to analyze the behaviors and processes of economic individuals to make economic decision with their mental changes. The subject of the study is to measure in the laboratory how much effective the female based sexuality theme is effective on consumers. Toward this, in the study, two successive methods are followed. In the study, as a main methodology, electroencephalography (EEG), which enables to follow the activity of brain waves in response to external stimulation with electrical method, is used. By means of EEG, data collecting process of database -interacted test software, developed by interface instrument of Emotiv EPOC brain computer and specialists of artificial intelligence, is realized. After EEG data obtained is interpreted by the specialists, the mental maps of the participants are drawn out and the elements of commercials causing instantaneous change are identified by a specialized team and deductions are made in such a way that they will guide the science marketing. The results of study, considered that they have an original and important place in creating brand perception, present differentiation in the female and male participants. The results of the study have a quality confirming the argument of limited rationality or sensuo-ushomoeconomicus. Keywords: Neuroeconomics, Advertisement Memory 1 Neoromarketing, Consumer Behavior, Assist. Prof. Dr., Selçuk University, Departmant of Economics, [email protected] Fatma Nur Yorgancilar 130 TV REKLAM FİLMLERİNDE KADIN VE CİNSELLİK TEMASININ TÜKETİCİ ZİHNİNDEKİ ETKİSİ EBM Özet Nöroekonomi olarak adlandırılan ve bir çok alt dalı bulunan bu interdisipliner yeni alan ile, iktisadi bireylerin iktisadi karar alma davranış ve süreçlerini, zihinsel değişimleri ile analiz etmek mümkün olmuştur. Çalışmanın konusu, TV reklam filmlerinde işlenen kadın temelli cinsellik temasının, tüketiciler üzerinde ne denli etkili olduğunun laboratuar ortamında ölçülmesidir. Buna yönelik olarak çalışmada, iki ardışık yöntem izlenmektedir. Çalışmada, temel metodoloji olarak; dışsal uyaran karşısındaki beyin dalgaları aktivitesinin elektriksel yöntemle izlenmesini sağlayan Elektroensefalografi (EEG) kullanılmaktadır. EEG ile, Emotiv EPOC beyin bilgisayar ara yüz aleti ve yapay zeka uzmanları tarafından geliştirilen veri tabanı etkileşimli deney yazılımı veri toplama işlemi gerçekleştirilmektedir. Elde edilen EEG verileri, uzmanlar tarafından yorumlandıktan sonra; katılımcıların zihin haritaları çıkarılmakta ve anlık değişimlere neden olan reklam filmi unsurları uzman ekip tarafından tespit edilerek; pazarlama bilimine rehberlik edecek biçimde çıkarımlarda bulunulmaktadır. Marka algısı yaratımında, özgün ve önemli bir yere sahip olduğu düşünülen araştırma sonuçları, kadın ve erkek katılımcılarda farklılıklar arz etmektedir. Çalışma sonuçları, sınırlı rasyonalite yahut sensuo-us-homoeconomicus savını doğrular niteliktedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Nöroekonomi, Nöropazarlama, Tüketici Davranışı, Reklam Hafızası 1. Introduction and Conceptual Framework The final stage that economic analyses and marketing research reach is to map the mind of consumer. The objective function of businesses is profit. In the direction of profit maximization, identifying the elements underlying the preferences and brand engagements of the existing and potential mass of customers is the most important chain of marketing stage of businesses. In this context, this new study area, called as neuromarketing, provides the innovative and tangible data for business managers in the direction of preferences of target mass. In this study, the effects of motor advertisement of X brand on 60 volunteers selected are studied. In the study, EEG analysis, one of the methods of neuromarketing, was preferred. The data obtained were analyzed by the specialists and the effects of each second of film on the women and men were presented. 2. The Effects Of X Commercial On Consumer Mind And The Brand Promotion Strength: Neuromarketing Application –Eeg Analysis Based on demographic features, the fact that neuromarketing technique, making visual and sensorial study on consumers, besides, as a result of advertisement, bringing plus value in economy by accelerating consumer demand, addresses to broader mass of consumer in terms of firm owners via advertising and enables to determine the target mass reveals that it is one of the most advantageous techniques compared to the other techniques, In addition, it is also targeted on identifying the most effective factor among advertising elements (jingle, slogan, use of star, use of pack shot, color, and background) . In this context, in the mind of consumer, by measuring brand image and advertisement perception, determining the variable providing permanence of advertisement strategy were kept in the scope of study. The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 131 In Tv Commercials, the Theme of Women and Sexuality On the Mind of Consumer: A Neuromarketing Application 2.1. Dataset, Method and Methodology In the competitive conditions, in which free market economy is dominant, in this study, where the mental effects, in terms of producer- marketer- consumer chain, on the existing and potential customer/consumer mass of TV commercials coming to our face as the most effective advertising strategy are studied in the laboratory setting, EEG method were used as a main method. First of all, 60 voluntary subjects - 30 women, 30 men – who will participate in EEG analysis, and commercial were selected. The subjects voluntarily taking place in the study are the people, who dwell in Turkey and did not followed earlier the Selected TV commercial. In the direction of analysis results of commercial not published in Turkey, the emotional change it created in the mind of consumer was attempted to be revealed and the mind of participants to be mapped 2. 2. Experimental Stage: EEG Analysis The participants selected by protecting as homogenous as possible distribution were grouped within themselves in the framework of 21 criteria such as age, gender, marital status, occupation, the place he/she lives in, the status he/she belongs to, the income, the number of dependent, etc. In the study, especially in purchasing behaviors of these groups, the mental processes, expected to emerge in the decisions they will make in the face of advertising externality, what the themes such as the religious element, sexuality, fear, happiness, and traditional elements creating these changes are, and whether or not they create difference are identified. The participants are the people having the equal features in terms of 21 demographic variables. The main methodology in the study, by means of electroencephalography (EEG), which provides to follow by electrical method the activity of brain waves in response to the external stimulator, determined as TV commercials, is to map the mind of participants. Although it is used to obtain the trace of bioelectric activity of cerebral neurons, the person, who first applies the method of EEG, which is primarily used in diagnosis of medical diseases, in 1924, is Berger. This technique not having any damage to the person applied consists of a total of repetitive waves recorded through scalp or cerebral cortex and synaptic potentials, generated by the pyramidal cells in cortex. In the first part of EEG devices, divided into two parts, three are the amplifiers that are necessary to amplify the cerebral potentials. Although these amplify the cortical bioelectric activity coming to device by million time, amplitude of EEG waves are expressed in millivolt. The second part of the device is a oscillographe, whose printer tips is called channel. The devices used have 8,10,12,16 channels. The most used electrodes are known as round silver electrodes, which are in 5 mm of diameter, and whose middle part is hollow. Electrodes that are attached to the scalp with a sticky and conductive paste are placed in the number, which will show the activity of each lobe of the brain; by calculating 3 electrodes for frontal lobe; 3, for temporal lobe; and 1 electrode for each of parietal and occipital lobes, they are attached to the scalp just on these regions (Güvener, 1983: 231). With electrodes placed on the scalp, it is provided to be recorded the electrical potentials, produced by neurons that are present in the brain. The measurement are made as unipolar and bipolar; and thanks to EEG electrodes placed on scalp according to system 10-20 , it is measured that the relevant regions in cortex do not respond to original stimulations, given experimentally by means of specific sensorial way. This event is called cortical stimulation and, the changes in potential forming in this region, stimulated cortical potentials. The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 Fatma Nur Yorgancilar 132 Electrocorticogram (ECoG) used in neurological evaluations is direct recording method from cortex and intraoperative and experimental -aimed is used. The source of EEG is Dipole Structure of Cortex Pyramidal Cells, Postsynaptic Potentials, Synchronization of Large Groups of Cell, Geometry –Open Area Synchronization, and Vertical Regions To Cortex Surface. In cortex, neuron bodies are contained in the inner parts of layers. There are mostly dendrites and synapses toward to the first layer. In this synapse, IPSPs and EPSPs are collected. The waves recorded by EEG are potential changes according to the region in these dendrites. That potential changes are rhythmic is Synchronization and that they are not rhythmic is Desynchronization. Synchronization or desynchronization is arranged by impulse sent by RAS (Seymen, 2008: 4648). EEG activity is divided into four in terms of frequency: Delta waves (less than 4 Hz), Theta waves (4-7 Hz), Alpha waves (8-13 Hz) and Beta waves (more than 13 Hz). Among EEG activities, amplitude of Alpha activity is generally 40-60 microvolt. Although the activities of Beta waves are lower, those of Theta and Delta waves are very different (Güvener, 1983: 232). Alpha, () whose rhythm is 50 mV and amplitude has frequency of 8-12 Hz, is a regular wave. It is recorded from parieto occipital regions the most noticeably. Beta (β) is a wave, whose rhythm is 10 -15 μV and whose amplitude has a frequency of 18-30 Hz. It is mostly recorded from frontal regions. Rhythm of Teta (θ) is 100-200 mV and it has frequency of 4-7 Hz. Delta (δ)) has a rhythm of 100 μV and its amplitude has a frequency of 4 Hz. These waves ranging slowly and largely can emerge alone, independently from the function of lower regions of brain (Seymen, 2008: 49-52). In this study, data collecting process is realized through EEG, whose technical detail and function is given place, and database interacted test software , developed by interface instrument of Emotiv EPOC brain computer and artificial intelligence specialists. Commercials to be used in the experiment are subjected to a specific process by artificial intelligence specialists and, in order to obtain the mental processes of the subjects in the most appropriate way, placing a fuzzy image before and after commercial, it is allowed for taking normal values of people, independently from stimulators. Thanks to EEG, 14 channeled EEG cap used in the experiment, 128 data per second are received from every channel and, matching each second of video watched by software with the relevant 128X14 (1792), EEG data belonging to the subject are recorded to database. The power values in Alpha and Beta frequency bands corresponding to each second of video are calculated for every 14 channels separately and, these calculations by means of algorithmic classification methods are used to predict and identify. The values of emotional state calculated for each second are separately scored “Emotional” are individually scored as “Emotional Involvement, Instantaneous Memory (Short Term Memory), Long Term Memory, Risk and Uncertainty, and Stress and Positivity”. After all calculations carried out, second based flow graphics and action scores calculated from these flows were reported. On the other hand, using all emotional states, neutral score, in which a total of action is calculated and emotional action/reaction degrees are individually scored in terms of women and men. The mental maps obtained as a result of all of these analyzes and instantaneous intervals observed in the scores, by being listed separately, the elements corresponding to the relevant second in the commercial creating this action (rise and decrease) are reported. The regions of The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 133 In Tv Commercials, the Theme of Women and Sexuality On the Mind of Consumer: A Neuromarketing Application brain electrodes used in this experiment, called EEG based emotional reaction analyses in terms of second, and the values of emotional state represented by these values are as follows: *CMS and DRS regions taking place in the figure are reference points. Figure 1. Points of Brain Electrodes In Figure 1, cerebral regions, represented by green color, on which there are these electrodes, correspond to AF3, AF4, F3, F4, F7, F8; Frontal Lobe, FC5, FC6; Fronto-Central, O1, O2; Oksibital Lobe, P7, P8; Parietal Lobe and T7, T8; Temporal Lobe. The channels used for the scores of emotional state and change and the information wanted to be reported are like in Table 1: Table 1. Summary of Score Channels and Emotional Status Score Point of Brain Electrode (Channel) Emotional Involvement AF3, F7, F3, F4, F8, AF4 Stress/Risk – Uncertainty F7, FC5, T7, P7, P8 Attention Values AF3, F7, F3, FC5, FC6, F4, F8, AF4 Positivity F3-F4 NeuroScore General Total Summary of Emotional State and General Deduction A plain and event –independent advertisement is not enough for product to be able to place in the mind of target mass. For this, it is necessary to originally and sincerely attract interest of the people and create interaction actively and meaningfully interaction with people. This measures metric stimulation and the level of interest. It is used for identifying the instances, in which concertation rises by gaining the new experiences, and more mental activities actualizes, While the people are in interaction with the stimulator, for knowing that they confuse and protecting from this negative state and experiences, this is an important advantage. The confusing points, underestimating the value of product, an cause it to permanently place in long term memory of the person. For finding the interactions with potential error, an important metric shows a correlation the stress and angriness This metric, measures heart rate depending on visual context, dilation of pupils, stimulation of sweat glands, etc. psychological stimulation through EEG. It measures in two different axes, depending on specific events (short term) or more permanent emotional state (long term). While the people are in interaction with stimulator, brain waves give information about whether they are in positive or negative states During this interaction, that the people are kept in positive state enables the product to stick in the mmd, placing in subconscious. This is a score synthesized from the other metrics forming analysis of emotional reaction. The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 Fatma Nur Yorgancilar 134 Scorings made for all metrics taking place in the table are calculated by standard method on the basis of 100. During watching commercials, cerebral regions, where activation regarding emotional metrics measured is observed, as presented in table in the section of data, method, and methodology, are Frontal Lobe, Fronto-Central, Occipital Lobe, Parietal Lobe and Temporal Lobe. In these regions, although activation is obviously observed, since in the results of these and other experimental studies realized in the area of neuromarketing, related to the brain regions, from which deductions are made, specifying a point can be wrong in terms of medical sciences, it is necessary to state that a region is representatively evaluated, instead of direct area. Table 2 shows the values of emotional parameters, obtained as a result of data collected by method of EEG. According to this, it is possible to evaluate a general framework in terms of the axes of neuro-score and emotional action-reaction in the context of the scores taking place in Table 2: Table 2. Neuro-Score Values regarding TV commercials used in EEG experiment Distribution X Woman (30 people) 65,18 Men (30 people ) 78,34 Total (60 people) 71,76 Neuro-score values, as a score synthesized from the other metrics forming emotional reaction, as mentioned earlier, represent how much the stimulator shown emotionally affects the person in total and its permanence level in memory. The data actualizing as 71.76 in total; 65.18 in female participants, and 78.34 in male participants represent the significance of the method used in measuring the interest. As a metric which will be referred to in terms of the other comparison, the values of emotional action/reaction axis reflecting an average of all parameters were obtained in Table 3: Table 3. Average values of emotional action/reaction axis regarding TV commercials used in EEG Experiment X Metric Woman (30 Man (30 Total (60 people) people) people) 61,86 79,90 70,88 Emotional Involvement 51,25 59,01 55,13 Long Term Emotion Instantaneous (short term) 74,52 76,70 75,61 Attention 63,83 79,04 71,44 Positivity Stress, Risk, and 71,56 89,83 80,69 Uncertainty As can be also seen from the scores reflecting average and all of emotional metrics taking place in the table and called as emotional action/reaction, although it can make difference in the female and male subjects, it closely ranges in terms of some values. The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 135 In Tv Commercials, the Theme of Women and Sexuality On the Mind of Consumer: A Neuromarketing Application In the study, after individually visual and audial stimulators in the seconds of TV commercials, where EEG waves range in the form of rise and decrease, the effective element in the relevant seconds is built on a basis together with the results of survey and one -to-one interviews again administered to the subjects. It is clear that that the female and male subjects exhibited a change score sometimes simultaneously, sometimes completely opposite. The reason for this, as it takes place in the literature studies, beside functional difference between female brain and male brain, the differences at the level of being affected of these features from purchasing behaviors and advertising externality are at the level that can be deemed significant. Although there are many studies regarding the source of difference toward the process to make decision and behavior belonging to the female and male gender, In the recent years, according to the results of studies carried out in the area of neuroscience and brain, the view that the women and men have the different cerebral structures from physiological and biochemical point of view is commonly accepted. Apart from the effects of the environmental and external elements and internal elements coming from completely disposition, this view that the female and male brain is structurally different accelerated the studies of sexual based decision making in the literature. The data obtained as a result of studies carried out reveal that calculations carried out by proportioning with the weight the women having smaller volume of brain compared to men show that women have larger brain from the point of functional and proportional point of view than men. Neurologically and sociologically identifying these differences regarding the function of the female and male brain proved by many scientific studies that they act differently from each other is extremely important in terms of knowing who target consumer is and determining the correct advertising strategy. The right hemisphere of female brain more developed than left one and, as a result of this, women are sentimentally more bonded. Even though women, highly inclined to details, are emotionally dependent on shopping during shopping actions, men only make shop for only the product they search for. More clearly expressing, due to the other products, the men making shop are not distracted and they are interested in the features, attributes, and benefits of the product, while women are in the tendency to examine everything there. Toward the brain, subconscious, of woman and mam so differently functioning from each other, by using neuromarketing techniques, it is possible to identify which part of brain is stimulated by certain stimulators and how a strategy should be developed for a type of product targeting the men, women, or both of them as a certain mass. On the other hand, neuromarketing enabling to be able to correctly respond related to the stimulation of emotions through senses, and how the price and product can change, depending on the different neurometric results, will give accurate enough information about consumer behavior and desires of human brain it has in the environment and market. of today. Women are also very passionate mammalians. When they discover a product, they can either it much it or reject It is important to know how can be penetrated to the female brain and the way of making this through emotions. This depends on how the brain sustains and develops the emotions toward products. Women like making decisions on their own and, therefore, it is important not to make feel her that it is pressed for her to buy a product. The key is to bond them emotionally and allow for them to make decisions by themselves. In contrast to women, men are much interested in statistics and numbers. If you want to attract attention of a man, you should emphasize some interesting data the key product has. When there are two products having similar characteristics or certain barriers between purchasing processes, the brain of man is blocked. Statistics show that 20% of The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 136 Fatma Nur Yorgancilar the men did not have make a decision to buy, because they could not find a parking place near the store; and 43% of them did not come again to the store, where the product was out of stock. The process of to make buying decision within the male brain is linear; the key of men is to directly go toward what they search for and need without distracting. When the brain of man is filled in this way, it acts as an elimination process and, when it finds he product it searches for, satisfaction occurs (Bernal, 2012: 65). 3. Findings Obtained And General Evaluation Table 4 reflects second interval emotional reaction weighed matrix variations in a collected way in terms of female (F) and male (M) subjects. In second intervals taking place in the table, the times the female and male participants experience in terms of the relevant neuroscore value the most variation are shown. By means of this table, although matching which instance of commercial selected stimulates which region of brain, it is possible to make deductions, in this study, second based analyzes results are given place in larger way. Table 4. Second interval emotional reaction weighed matrix variations: Female (F) and Male (M) ↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ 4-5 ↓ 5-6 ↑ 5 - 11 ↓ 11 - 19 ↑ ↓ 11 - 13 ↑ 14 - 19 ↑ 4-5 4 - 12 Positivity (M) Stress, Risk and uncertainty (M) Short and long term attention (M) ↑ 8 - 12 9 - 11 ↓ 1-2 6-8 6 - 16 ↑ 0-1 0-4 ↓ 2-4 4-6 Emotional Involvement (M) ↓ 4 - 16 Second Interval (M) ↓ 0-5 ↓ 0 - 10 0-2 0-2 Positivity (F) Stress, Risk and uncertainty (F) Short and long term attention (F) Emotional Involvement (F) Second Interval (F) ↓ 0-2 12 - 17 14 - 15 ↑ 13 - 17 15 - 18 ↓ 17 - 23 ↓ ↑ ↑ The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 137 16 - 26 In Tv Commercials, the Theme of Women and Sexuality On the Mind of Consumer: A Neuromarketing Application ↑ ↓ 19 - 20 ↑ 20 - 26 23 - 28 ↑ 24 - 29 26 - 27 ↓ 26 - 32 ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ 32 - 35 42 - 46 ↑ ↑ 36 - 40 ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ 46 - 50 ↑ ↓ 50 - 52 ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ 47 - 49 ↑ ↓ 49 - 53 ↑ 48 - 52 ↑ 48 - 53 ↓ 45 - 46 ↓ 45 - 47 ↓ 45 - 53 50 - 53 ↑ 45 - 51 42 - 45 50 - 53 ↓ 41 - 46 ↑ 42 - 45 46 - 50 ↓ 41 - 45 ↑ 44 - 50 ↓ 32 - 36 40 - 46 ↓ 40 - 44 ↑ 40 - 45 ↓ 38 - 42 39 - 42 ↑ 32 - 41 ↑ 32 - 35 35 - 39 28 - 30 30 - 32 ↑ 30 - 32 33 - 40 ↓ 30 - 40 ↓ 30 - 33 ↑ 29 - 41 29 - 30 29 - 30 ↓ 26 - 30 27 - 32 28 - 35 ↓ 19 - 26 21 - 26 26 - 28 ↓ 17 - 24 ↓ 51 - 52 ↓ 52 - 53 ↑ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 138 Fatma Nur Yorgancilar 3.1.Findings of Emotional Involvement Neuroscore Emotional involvement neuroscore obtained in the results of the study, are shown in Graphic 1. Although the left side of graph reflects the averages of percentage distribution, the values taking place in the right side show second based variations: 1,50 79,90 100 80 70,88 1,00 61,86 60 0,50 40 0,00 20 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 0 Tümü Kadın Erkek Erkek Kadın Tümü Graph 1. The values of emotional involvement axis and metric variations When the level variations of the selected TV commercial in terms of emotional involvement score on the female and male subjects, for the male participants, the first of second findings are examined, where the important variations are experienced, is the decrease of 2 units in transition to 3 rd second of the advertisement. In the second under consideration, the scene of woman, who are in crouching in background in a dark environments displayed in flushing way. It is to say that black themed commercials representing darkness reduce the involvement of consumers. For female subjects, the theme under consideration ranges as neutral (zero) variations in terms of the metric of emotional involvement. In other words, the same theme does not cause any effect on the female subjects. The decrease tendency in men continues to 6 th second and, in advertising, during close shot to the woman, whose hairs flit, who stands, and who is with unikini (6th second), it was ended with increase of 3 units. This tendency is also seen on the women in the same second but it ranges at low level (1 unit). This increase continues growingly until 13th second, when the interest in bodylines of woman is tried to be collected, and woman is displayed with flipping her hairs and her posture reminding motorcyle. In the female subjects, range of interest was observed in the way of decrease tendency; that is, the same theme creates opposite effect in terms of two genders. During starting flushing, in other words, fuzzy and net passes on the screen, involvement shows a decrease until 18th second. Until from 20th second to 24th second, when the top view of the female body is displayed and transforms into the motorcycle of the relevant brand i.e. a mechanical structure, involvement passes to the rise again in the male participants. In the female participants, the direction of variation in the same range is in the same direction as the variation in the male subjects but it actualizes in very low rate. Following these seconds, the seconds, when the female figure disappears and only motorcycle i.e. product advertised remains on the screen within a black ground, cause to be recorded significant falls in the male participants. Thus, in 26th second, a fall of 9 units continues with the falls of 4 and 2 units, respectively. In the female participants, in this time interval, emotional involvement is seen as increases of one unit in contrast to the male participants. The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 139 In Tv Commercials, the Theme of Women and Sexuality On the Mind of Consumer: A Neuromarketing Application On the other hand, in 30th second, when motorcyclist navigating rapidly in traffic with his helmet and motorcycle clothe is displayed and jingle accelerates, the tendency of fall is replaced with increase in terms of the male and female subjects. Meanwhile, the variation rate in female participants ranges two times more than males. In the following seconds, metric course continuing as fluctuated in the form of increase and decrease in the male participants mostly realized in the female participant neutrally. In 35th second, an increase of 3 points is seen in the scores of the male participants. In the second of interest, woman with plunging gown, given place at the beginning of commercial, appear with her fliting hairs on the display and this increase continues to the pass to 43rd second, when a fall of 5 units are recorded. The range of relevant second follows a completely opposite directional (continuously decreasing) course in terms of the female participants. That is the female theme highly affecting the male subjects in terms of emotional involvement affects the female subjects either in opposite direction or remains neutral. Fall of 5 units in neuroscore values of the male participants in 43 rd second, one of important variation correspond to the instant, when any element does not take place on the screen, and a completely dark pass is made. Although the effect in this scene of pass ranges in the same direction but very low rate (fall of 1 unit) on the female participants, it keeps its falling course throughout the following seconds. As the reason for this, in the interviews made after experiment, the participants pointed out that black screen distracted their interests for a time. This distraction, in the range of 46-48 seconds, the sexual woman and advertising slogan are displayed, replaced with an increase in terms of both group of participant. In the last three seconds of commercials of 53 seconds, theme again only appears as an fuzzy screen and, in these seconds, the levels of emotional involvement of the male and female participants pass to the fall. The tendency of fall in women actualized three times higher compared to men. 3.2. Neuro-score Findings of Long Term Memory Neuro-score values of long term emotion were obtained as in Graph 2. Although the left side of graph reflects the averages of percentage distribution, the values taking place in the right side show second based variations: 0,60 0,50 100 80 55,13 60 51,25 59,01 0,40 0,30 0,20 40 0,10 20 0,00 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 0 Tümü Kadın Erkek Erkek Kadın Tümü Graph 2. The values of long term memory axis and metric variations When long term memory scores regarding the selected commercial are taken into consideration, in the scores of both female and male participants, in general, any change that can be deemed significant was not met. This case reveals that sexuality theme used in TV commercials does not create a long term emotional effect on the women and men. The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 Fatma Nur Yorgancilar 140 In spite of this, in some seconds, the scores of the female and male participants show a variation in opposite direction to each other. Beginning from starting of TV commercial, long term memory scores were concluded with increases of 1 units or zero variations until 7th and 8th seconds in terms of both of the female and male participants. The theme corresponding to these seconds is a level, in which a close shots are made to the upper part of body of the standing woman with unikini, and hairs are flitting. During this time, although long term memory score variation is neutral (zero), in the female subjects, a tendency of positive increase appears.. For a long time (until 12th second) following the seconds that last, the relevant metric values did not create a variation at the levels of score belonging to both groups. In the 12 th second, the scene the woman flips her hairs, crouching to the ground, successively increased long term memory scores of both female and male participants by one unit. During the time, which corresponds to 16th second, when top view close shot is made, and the woman transforms into motorcycle advertised, in female participants, the score values begins to decrease, while in the males, increase is observed. In male subjects, beginning from this scene, the increase that continues but short time ranged neutral in terms of the scores of the female participants. In 18-19th seconds, when woman completely transforms into motor, although any variation was not observed in the score value, long term metric memory value toward value of female participants fell. During the instance, when the product advertised appeared on the screen i.e. pack shot was on the scene, the score values of female subjects ranged neutrally for a long time. In men, metric values were recorded in the increases and decreases of one unit for each but a significant variation was not observed. In 27th second, when advertising music used in the background turned into a voice of a man and relatively accelerated, low rated increase was experienced on the female participants but the score values of female participants did not vary. On the other hand, in 30 th second, when motorcyclist with helmet rapidly navigating in traffic was displayed, more increase was observed in the metric value of women compared to men. However, this increase left its place, immediately following it, zero variations. In 39th second, when continuous fuzzy passes from woman to speeding motorcyclist were made, and hand movements of woman and the movements of man to seize on steering wheel were simulated, the score values of the female and male participants actualized in the same rate but in different direction. Although this scene created a positive effect on the women, it caused negativity i.e. the fall in metric value on the men. In 40-41st seconds, as seconds, when close shots from side toward the hips of woman were made, the metric variation of female subjects turned into negative. Then, until the seconds, when commercials end dark screen prevails, in the values of long term memories of neither female nor male participants, considerable variation was met. In 52 nd second, when advertising ended and music stopped, in the female and male subjects, a just opposite variation was seen and, while the metric value of women turned into negative, the metric values of men actualized as positive. 3.3. Findings of Short Term Attention Score Graph 3 shows the averages of percentage distribution, obtained by EEG analysis, and second based variations in terms of short term attention metric. The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 141 In Tv Commercials, the Theme of Women and Sexuality On the Mind of Consumer: A Neuromarketing Application 0,70 100 75,61 74,52 76,70 80 0,60 0,50 0,40 0,30 60 0,20 40 0,10 20 0,00 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 0 Tümü Kadın Erkek Erkek Kadın Tümü Graph 3. The values of short term attention axis and its metric variations Short term (instantaneous) attention metric is a metric introducing the success of commercial in measuring emotional change instantaneously and in terms of the brand to be permanent in short term mental memory. Among the findings obtained, as one of the metrics, in which the most fluctuated variations and interactions are experienced, it comes to our face. In these metric values, where frequent fluctuations are experienced, the seconds, when the important variations (3 units and over) are experienced, will be emphasized. The first important variation, in the male and female participants, were recorded in the range of 7 th and 9th seconds as falls of 5 units for each of them. In these moments, the figure of woman and body of woman are focused on. The length of the relevant seconds distracts the short term attention in both groups of participants. Although the first important rise considered in terms of the male subjects appears at the instance, when woman flips her hairs toward cameras by bending, at the same instance, the short termed metric values of the female participants show a continuous fall. In other words, women are affected from their sex appeal movement of their fellows; their attentions do not concentrate on them. Another important variation, although it is opposite directional in the women and men, appears in 16th and 17th seconds. In these seconds, a theme, in which the female body transforms into a mechanical part (motorcycle) comes to the screen. In men, in these instances, although short term metric rises, it shows a negative tendency in the female subjects. In 19th and 20th seconds, while the metrics of female participants follow a stable course, in the female subjects, a significant rise (+5 and +3) is observed. Meanwhile, the product itself is displayed and the figure of woman with its completely transformed into motor disappear. While the product significantly attracts attention of the male participants, it does not create an important change on the women. On the other hand, in 21 st, 22nd, and 23rd seconds, when the product continues to remain on the screen and comes to the screen from different angles, the attention scores of male participants fall, while in the women, especially at the moment the product shine, it exhibits a rise of 8 units. In the score of short term attention, in contrast to the other score, an exposition was recorded in 27 th and 28th seconds. In general, in terms of the other metrics, in these instances, when that the female subjects are mostly affected are observed and motorcyclist that speeds with helmet on his head appears on the screen, in terms of short term memory, the expected variation was not seen, on the contrary, in male subjects, a rise of 8 units were observed That is, adrenalin raises short term attention metrics of men. On the other hand, in 32 nd second affecting metric variation, at the moment, when the woman appear with plunging gown on the screen, while involvement of women increased, the The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 142 Fatma Nur Yorgancilar interest of men distracted. Again, when a pass is made to the motorcyclist in speeded traffic, for this time, while the value of short term attention falls by 4 units, in women, also in women, in 36th second, when the same scene continues, a fall of 8 units was recorded. As the reason for this case, they pointed out the repeated scenes. The course of distracted attention and course of falling metric left its place to very serious increases in the pass to 42 nd - 43rd second. In these seconds focused on the hips of the woman and back side of the motorcycle, the metric actualizations for women and men are + 11 units and + 9 units, respectively. Again, another important variation emerges in 45th second with an increase of 12 units as a result of appearance of a flushing brand name, slogan, and woman simultaneously on the screen. At the same moment, the metric range in the female participants is in the direction of fall. In the following seconds, dark screen appear, and due to sensation it makes, metric values draws a continuous fluctuated process. 3.4.Findings of Positivity Neuroscore Positivity neuroscore values obtained by EEG analysis are shown in Graph 4. Although the left side of graph reflects the averages of percentage distribution, the values taking place in the right side show second based variations: 0,25 100 80 71,44 79,04 0,20 0,15 63,83 0,10 60 0,05 40 0,00 20 -0,05 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 0 Tümü Kadın Erkek Erkek Kadın Tümü Graph 4. Positivity Axis values and Its Metric Variations The neuroscores of positivity, one of the most important criteria, in terms of impressions regarding brand commercial left in the mind of consumer, revealed surprising results. Among all metric values, only the values of positivity were recorded in negative values. That is, the positivity of the female subjects regarding brand, also beyond neutral variations, negatively shows an average tendency below zero. In terms of the female participants, the situation is not so clear but in terms of general effect, neutral variations, which are near the female participants, are predominant. In other word, that the brand uses woman based sexuality theme in motorcycle advertisement actualized completely unsuccessfully on the consumers in terms of positivity metric. Generally, also in terms of both groups, metric value ranging in zero variation on average created some variations, which can be deemed important, in certain seconds. Primarily, the dark theme depicted in the first two seconds of commercials, due to sensation it makes, at the beginning, although positivity score begins positively in terms of scores of the male participants, in the 3rd second, when semi-nude sexual woman in crouching position appears in the screen with obscure passes, it left its place a fall of 4 units. Also for the The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 143 In Tv Commercials, the Theme of Women and Sexuality On the Mind of Consumer: A Neuromarketing Application female participants, whose metric value becoming fact as zero, a fall of 1 units attracts attention. In the 5th second, when the cleavage of standing woman is zoomed, this state left its place to the positive variations. In the relevant second, the positivity score of male subjects actualized as two times of score variations of the female subjects. Albeit variation in the first 3 rd second makes think that sexuality theme negatively affects positivity metric of the participants, when asked to the participants, the answer received is different. The participants emphasized that this effective factor in this fall is fuzzy passes. The metric value of interest has been determined as zero for both female and male participants. On the other hand, the woman in bending position in such a way that will resemble to motorcycle, in 20 th second, when woman is completely transformed into motor and her body is slowly mechanized is treated; motor is tried to be resembled to woman; and the product is fully reflected to the screen, on women, an instantaneous variation of ± 2 was experienced. In 23 rd and 24th second, the product appears (packshot) in black theme on the screen and partly shone, positivity metric of the male subjects began to increase. But this increase did not last long and left its pace zero exposition. In 31 st second, an increase of 3 points in metric value of the female subjects was experienced. During this time, the person with helmet speeding on the motor in traffic appears on the screen and music is simultaneously accelerated. In other word, adrenalin raises the positivity metrics of women. But, this positivity, in 34th second, woman, whose hairs flit, appears again and fuzzy passes are made, leaves its place a fall of two units per second. For the male participants, an important variation appears 41st second. In the relevant moment, close shot made toward the hips of woman created an increase of 7 units in the male participants. While n women, a fall began in the same seconds. In 45th and 46th seconds, in women and mem, a simultaneous, isogonic, but opposite directional effect emerged. These seconds are the moments, when name of brand and slogan (PURE THRUST) is displayed. A final positivity was seen in the range of 50-52 seconds, when dark screen was dominant, and in the male participants declaring that they were affected at the end of advertisement, increases of 7 and 4 units occurred. 3.5. Neuro-score findings of stress, risk, and uncertainty Finally, the values of stress, risk, and uncertainty score was obtained as in Graph 5. Although the left side of graph reflects the averages of percentage distribution, the values taking place in the right side show second based variations: 100 89,83 80,69 80 1,00 0,80 71,56 0,60 60 0,40 40 0,20 20 0,00 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 0 Tümü Kadın Erkek Erkek Kadın Tümü Graph 5.The values of stress, risk, and uncertainty axis and its metric variations The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 Fatma Nur Yorgancilar 144 Theme of stress, risk, and uncertainty is another metric, which is deemed important in terms of permanence of commercials and, thus, brand in memory. While uncertainty, due to sensation it makes, creates an important effect in the mind of consumer, woman and sexuality appears as an element increasing metric value of stress and risk. In terms of women, metric value, where a stable course is recorded, on the contrary, witnessed to rather fluctuated variation. The cases creating increase in the metric of stress, risk, and uncertainty are the important increase -directional variation that is important according to this metric in terms of the instants, when in general, the expected effect of advertisement is provided. In this case, the first of important increases in the male subjects emerges in 18 th second with a variation of 5 units. In this second, a close shot is downwardly made toward the body of woman akimbo standing. That is, the bodylines of woman found sexual drive the stress metric in men but do not create an important variation in women. Another important variation occurs at the moment, when correspond to 26th second and later, speeding motorcyclist comes to screen, and background music is accelerated. This scene was concluded the increase of stress metric on both female and male participants. Finally, a noticeable increase of stress metric emerges in the female subjects in the range of 44th and 46th In these seconds, the theme treated in the commercials are passes to woman and to motorcycle, in the way whose front part levitate, navigating in highways. On the hand, in the last seconds, when black screen appears, due to it created uncertainty, an increase of 4 units, observed in the subjects is also important data. Thus, uncertainty affect the female consumers much more. 4. Conclusion and Discussion In the use and distribution of scarce resources, the role of economics searching for a rational distribution charges to the individual as an economic unit is shaped around the belief that the individuals making economic activities behave rationally. Although some authors put forward that the assumption of rationality under consideration is a concept incorporating the elements such as belief - desire, this axiom is a tautological approach, which commoditizes human, in which, especially emotion, many internal and external variables, specific to human behavior, are ignored. When the subject is human having a completely chaotic structure and decision behaviors of human consisting of his/her completely complex networks, between the inputs (qualifications specific to individual), and outputs (behaviors), tried to be analyzed, a structure similar to Rubik Cube emerges. It is almost impossible to be able to explain the decisions and behaviors of economic actors similar to mechanical puzzle in an only plane. For solving, it is necessary to determine algorithm, which is, first of all, the resource of distinction regarding the perceptions of individuals, their processes to process information, and the instances to make decisions. Especially physics, in economics, which is affected from the developments in many scientific branches such as mathematics, statistics, psychology, etc., the foundations of interdisciplinary cooperation date to very old years. This cooperation in the form of combining the methods of information and technology at both human and technical level is unavoidable, due to the fact that the existing traditional methods and theories remain inadequate in explaining the decisions and behaviors of economic agents in both and macro meaning. Individual becoming new and presenting continuity and change process in external conditions affecting individual led to the requirement of new several instruments; pluralism used in analyzing, especially in method and methodology; and new searches and, under heading “new economy”, scientific branches in the search of many methods such as evolutionary economics, complexity The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 145 In Tv Commercials, the Theme of Women and Sexuality On the Mind of Consumer: A Neuromarketing Application economics, econophysics, biological economics, ecological economics, behavioral and experimental economics, etc derived. The final stage these areas reach is “neoroeconomics”, which this study is also its product. After economics, which begins experimental economics and ends with neoroeconomics, is moved to laboratory setting, the foundations of behavior toward the decision and behavior of consumers have become explainable biologically and neurologically, and in the directions of algorithmic distinctions regarding individuals, the mind was begun to be mapped. Neuroeconomics, through innovative method and methodology it uses, is to say something new about being scientific of economics that is discussed for years and whether or not it is a positive science. Together with the paradigmatic content and shift of method in economic area, Individual, as an economic agent, and behavior of individual, have been again made meaningful and, “homoecononicus” assuming that the individuals in the traditional positions make decision in the direction of only a priori principles has replaced with, in contrast to subjective rationality, “sensuous-homoeconomicus” in the quality incorporating the multiple order behaviors with its limited emotions. The studies, carried out in the area of neuroecomics, are toward explaining the economic decisions and behaviors regarding individuals in the form intertwined with the elements such as risk and loss evasion, attitude in the face of award and penalty, calculability of utility, trust, perception, consciousness, and etc., using imaging techniques such as fMRI, PET, SPECT, MEG, EEG, Eye-tracking, and etc. In time, neuromarketing studies, a more specific scientific branch of the discipline neuroeconomics, have begun to spread in waves and become an instrument giving the codes of the expectations, desires, and reactions of customer in terms of firms (producers) pursuing to analysis profit maximization, thereby , black box of consumer. The efforts of the leading firms of the firm to reach the mind of potential and existing customer mass, in order to give direction the message strategies between their customers and them, have transformed neuromarketing into a commercial resource. In competitive conditions changing shape after liberalization tendencies and increasingly becoming more serious, obtaining market advantage and making sustainable the advantage obtained are only possible with several innovative creations. In this meaning, neuromarketing introduced the phenomenon advertising, the most important of the ways of firms to reach their customers. Even though neuromarketing emerging after 1980s, due to the missing information in the literature, is perceived by some groups as the subject of the scientific branch of business management, it is primarily the analysis of individual behavior completely forming the subject of individual behavior. Despite this confusion, which may be resulted from the word marketing taking place in the name of the concept, what is carried out by neuromarketing is the analysis of individual behavior, which comprises the foundation of the science economics, not the behavior of firm, the subject of scientific branch “business management”, But, of course, determination of variables that are effective in the process of consumer to make decision and creation of several suggestions is possible creating the usable data in terms of firms in the next stage for directing the behavior of firm. When regarded from this point of view, rather than considering neuromarketing as a sub-branch of only a discipline, it is necessary to emphasize that it is an inter-disciplinary process that is also existent in its essence. That is, without regarding to limitations, the aim of neuromarketing experiments, physically and anatomically depicting the perception, attitude, and behaviors, created by the brand image of the goods and services of firm and message strategies on the consumer, on the name of that firms can make their products and names of brand more valuable before customer, to make some deductions based on concrete The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 Fatma Nur Yorgancilar 146 data and biological bases. If a neuroeconomics is in the more specific meaning, in this study that is a sample of neuromarketing study, the aim is to measure, by means of electroencephalography, the effect of TV commercials, considered that they make an effect on the consumer behaviors and assumed that they are rational, on decisions to purchase and process to create brand. When study results are collectively examined, the most important results of the principal findings is that the same theme affects the female and male consumers in the different direction. On the other hand, in the study, that woman based sexuality theme is treated with the slogan “Pure Thrust” ; at what rate, trying to bring together woman and adrenalin in consumer mind; and the effort to provide the permanence in the memory toward brand is successful are presented in terms of the different metric values. According to the results obtained, it is seen that some themes that are frequently used in a commercial do not in fact create the expected effect. Certainly, even though some of them leave important traces in terms of metric values, in terms of a weighted evaluation, the results are at the level a business will hardly desire. Thus, brand promotion that is primary in terms of businesses is to positively supply the permanence of brand as long termed. But the use of sexual theme cannot meet this aim on both male and female consumers in terms of long term memory score and positivity score. However, especially short term memory and stress metrics, it is evident that sexuality theme leaves a set of permanent effect. Therefore, it is more useful the results of the study to evaluate in terms of elements that are effective on the basis of metrics and the direction of effect. , Therefore, It is more useful to evaluate the results of the study in terms of the elements that are effective on the basis of metrics and the direction of effect. Metric values businesses desiring to make an original and sincere bond and supply a meaningful and active interaction will be based on is the score of emotional involvement. This score value oppositely shows an increase at the moments, when the product itself is displayed as pacshot, in other word, consumer sees what he/she will buy and with appearance of brand name and effective slogan on the screen, it shows an opposite directional increase in the male participants with female participants. This situation seems to support the views that mem are more rational in purchasing decisions and behaviors. On the other hand, at the moments sexuality theme is emphasized, although emotional involvement increases in men, it does not create any variation on the women. In other word, the themes of sexuality and sexual woman increases the emotional involvements of male consumers regarding brand, but does not become effective on women. Thus, what is necessary to be done, in marketing the products toward men is to stand out these themes and to create the emotional bond desired. As a factor emphasized in TV commercial, what raises adrenalin and, this element, although it creates adrenalin, forms an emotional bond on neither woman or men. In TV commercials, that the images of dark screen often or for a long time take places on the screen comes to our face as a factor affecting emotional bond and interaction of consumer with the brand in the negative direction. Depending on specific events, among a short time attention metric creating an instantaneous interest and long term memory metric creating a more permanent interest, what certainly businesses will prefer is long term permanence in consumer’s memory. However, the findings obtained is that the passes of woman, speed, and making a sensation used in TV commercials can provide long term permanence on neither female nor male consumer. Despite this, the elements of interest significantly affect short term attention. Although the effect of that the instances the product appears on the screen and the factors making sensation on the consumer create on the mind is concluded as rises of attention, with The Journal of Academic Social Science Yıl: 4, Sayı: 26, Mart 2016, s. 129-148 147 In Tv Commercials, the Theme of Women and Sexuality On the Mind of Consumer: A Neuromarketing Application frequently repeating these factors, the effect long lasting dark screens create on the attention of watcher ranged in the form of a fall. However, close shots made toward the female figure relatively created attention increase. Positivity score is another neuro-score that business managers giving an advertisement should pay attention the most. Thus, positivity metric, in each second it actualizes positively, being placed in subconscious of consumer, is used for measuring the permanence in mind in long term. In this context, the most meaningful recommendation is that the businesses producing and marketing the product toward female consumers should not definitely use sexuality theme. That is, throughout a selected commercials, the emotional state of sensation made on the female participants predominantly actualized as negative. On the men, although the case is hardly at the desired level, it is more successful in terms of the effect that is wanted to be created compared to women. An important finding that is remarkable during these measurements from the point of this metric is that fuzzy screen passes of second significantly reduces the value of positivity score. In women, the increase of positivity score is only the instance, when speed theme raising adrenalin, name of brand, and slogan appear on the screen. Although the same themes seems to hardy affect the male participants, in the male participants, the most important variation providing long term permanence and the product to be placed in the subconscious is close shots made toward the hips of woman. Finally, the effects of sexuality theme in terms of stress, risk, and uncertainty metric emerged more important results on the male subjects. Indeed, although the seconds that confuse and create change in perception underestimate the value of product, they can enable the brand place in the mind of consumer. The moments, when the female participants experienced change regarding this score, rather than the moments, when the sexuality of their fellows is emphasized, is the adrenalin increases a motorcycle navigating rapidly bring together with it. 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