emmr times - Eastern Museum of Motor Racing
emmr times - Eastern Museum of Motor Racing
EMMR TIMES The A quarterly publication of the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing Located at 100 Baltimore Road, York Springs, PA 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 EMMR/WGOT ual 2 0 16 CHARLIE RASP nn 42nd A This year’s WGOT Convention honoree, Charlie Rasp, was one of the most supporting, benevolent, and hard-working volunteers we have ever had. If anyone deserves this honor, it is Charlie. Born October 19, 1925 in Carlisle, he lived there all this life. He grew up in a motorcycle family as 2-wheeled machines were their only mode of transportation when he was a child. He always said Charlie Rasp one of his early memories was that of traveling about in a side car with Mom and Dad, in summer and winter! He first attended automobile races in the 1930s. When Williams Grove Speedway was completed in 1939, it became his favorite track until the end of his Life. Enlisting in the U.S. Navy in WWII, he became captain of a troop personnel ship (LSP) in the Pacific theater, landing troops in island invasions. After the War, he continued his interest in motorcycles, and enjoyed the hobby of racing miniature gas-powered cars, at Willow Mills Amusement Park in Silver Springs Township. A skilled carpenter by trade, his construction company built many area houses and also performed extensive remodeling. He was always helped by his brother Ken, a former WGOT honoree. Ken eventually convinced Charlie to volunteer at EMMR. Often the volunteers would attend Thursday night dinners in Carlisle. Lynn Paxton relates that he usually “bamboozled” Charlie into picking up the tab. Some things never change. Charlie recognized a need at EMMR for his extensive woodworking skills. He contributed tremendously for at least 25 years, making plaques and other display equipment, and making needed repairs. His contributions were invaluable. Charlie passed away December 12, 2014. After having done so much for the Museum, he remembered Latimore Valley Fairgrounds and EMMR very generously in his will. We hereby dedicate the 2016 WGOT Convention to Charlie Rasp, a true friend and benefactor. He will be greatly missed. His assistance to our organization is a huge reason that we continue to exist and flourish. Thanks, Charlie – You were one of the best! CONVENTION Latimore Valley Fairgrounds and Eastern Museum of Motor Racing AUGUST 12–14 2016 at: CHARLIE RASP MEMORIAL HONORING: Grand GENE COVELL & Marshalls GENE WEABER Vintage Race Car Track Time Exhibition at Latimore Valley Racetrack FREE held at the historic and beautiful Parking and Admission Latimore Valley Fairgrounds 314 Latimore Valley Rd, York Springs, PA Midway between Harrisburg and Gettysburg, PA Located a minute off of US Route 15, just north of York Springs, PA. museum ph 717-528-8279 www.EMMR.org MEMORIAL In Memory of special EMMR volunteers Royce “Diz Dean” Renfro Diz raced for over 50 years up and down the east coast in all types of cars. In his later years he was a great supporter of the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing. Rev. Richard Wolf Rev. Wolf was the official Pastor of the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing. We called him our “God Squad.” He had a special friendship with Tommy Hinnershitz and was a racing fan all his life. Eastern Museum of Motor Racing www.EMMR.org 717-528-8279 continued on page 2 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 The EMMR Times 1 Grand Marshalls for 2016 Convention GENE WEABER AND GENE COVELL Meet race car drivers from the past and hear their stories of racing during the last 60 years! View antique and vintage race cars then hear the engines roar to life for laps on the historic dirt track! Gene Weaber What can we say about Gene Weaber – All-around great guy? – Fun to work with? – Prize winning antique car enthusiast? – Hard working – Steady? – Dependable? – And still going strong! He recently completed more book cases for the new EMMR Library, having built all of them over the last few years. Born and raised in the Lebanon Area, his family owned and operated the Weaber Lumber business, still in operation today. He eventually became a foreman for Alexander Construction. He also was a principal foreman for Gene Weaber and the initial construction of EMMR. He was certainly his wife June instrumental in getting the Museum construction off on the right foot. He has been an avid collector and restorer of ’32, ’33 and ’34 Fords (various models), as well as a longtime member of the Ford V8 Club, and the Antique Automobile Club of American – Hershey Region. He won many show awards, and ran National AACA meets, helping in other various capacities. Mark Light – Big Car racer and a recent inductee in the National Sprint Car Hall of Fame – was his favorite driver. He always sought a car driven by “Lighty,” bought a Hillegass-built, Scats Anfusco–owned Big Car, restoring it to prize-winning condition. He, and his wife June, have always been great help to EMMR and continue to this very day. Congratulations Gene! Gene Covell and his Wife Sandy Another ‘Gene’ is the other 2016 Grand Marshall. First we must mention Gene Covells’ wife Sandy. Sandy only recently passed away. She greatly supported Gene and the Museum with her volunteer efforts. Gene worked for many years for Ken Miller, last years’ Convention Honoree. He still works for Ken’s company as an operator of many types of construction equipment. He has helped to build and expand the Museum over the years, back-filling, grading, digging foundations, landscaping, even welding. Always eager to help, he is a Master at all he does. Once again, we honor “both Genes” as our Grand Marshalls for the 2016 EMMR / Gene Covell and Conrad WGOT Convention. Both are virtually “indispensable.” EASTERN MUSEUM of MOTOR RACING DIRECTIONS: The Latimore Valley Fairgrounds and EMMR (Eastern Museum of Motor Racing) are located ½ mile east of US 15; just 1-1/2 miles north of York Springs; Halfway between the PA Turnpike & Gettysburg; Watch for the EMMR signs; Turn east onto Latimore Valley Rd. Follow signs. EMMR (museum) PHYSICAL ADDRESS is located at: 100 Baltimore Road ,York Springs, PA MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 688, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 MEMBERSHIPS to Eastern Museum of Motor Racing: Annual $20 or Life $200 (Mail Info & Check to PO Box above) 2 2016 EMMR / WGOT CONVENTION FRIDAY AUGUST 12, 2016: 9a–9p Eastern Museum of Motor Racing (EMMR) open to the public for extended hours. Race Cars on display. 10:30a Rasp Roundtable in museum 12p–9p Refreshments in museum. 2p–4p Race cars leave for Williams Grove Speedway for EMMR/WGOT’s static display only. Race cars must be there by 4 pm. In case of rain the Museum will be open till 9 pm. 3p–8p Convention Cruise Night at the Museum: see info on page 00. SATURDAY AUGUST 13, 2016: 8a–10a Coffee in the Infield of Racetrack. 9a–9p Eastern Museum of Motor Racing (EMMR) open to the public for extended hours. Race Cars on display. 11a–3p Refreshments in the infield of Latimore Valley Racetrack. 11:45a Drivers Meeting at the flagstand. 12p–3p Vintage Race Car Track Time Exhibition at Latimore Valley Racetrack. 12p Inliners International at Large Pavilion, call Steve at 215-547-0866 6p–9p Activities at EMMR. 3p–8p Cruise Night at the Museum if rained out Friday evening. SUNDAY AUGUST 14, 2015: 8a–10a Coffee in the Infield of Latimore Valley Racetrack. 9a Church Service in Infield. 10a WGOT/EMMR Annual Membership Meeting in Infield. Elections and “The State of WGOT/ EMMR.” All welcome, please attend. 11a Introduction of 2015 Grand Marshalls: GENE COVELL and GENE WEABER. 11:15a Tribute to Charlie & Kenny Rasp. The EMMR Times continued on page 3 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 FROM 2016 EMMR / WGOT CONVENTION SUNDAY AUGUST 14, 2015: continued from page 2 12p Memorial Stone Ceremony for Diz Dean and Rev. Richard Wolf 12p–4p Eastern Museum of Motor Racing (EMMR) open to the public. 12p–3p Refreshments in the infield of Latimore Valley Racetrack. 12:30p Drivers’ Meeting at flagstand. 1p–4p Vintage Race Car Track Time Exhibition at Latimore Valley Racetrack. Keystone Region Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club will be attending the Convention on Saturday, August 13. Members will be attending the meet with stock and modified Studebakers of all ages. Their visit with EMMR will include a tour of the Museum and attendance at events at the Fairgrounds. 2016 2 016 GIIVEA AW WA AY RA AC CE CAR 1 #0001 for $10 or 3 for $25. 36 CHEV VY COUPE RES STORED MO ODIFIED STOCK CA AR DRAWING DECMBER 4, 2016 @ 2:00 PM DO ONA AT TION $10.00 $10 00 EACH EAC CH The 1939 Modified Sportsman Race Car originally was a 1936 Chevrolet coupe body with a Chevrolet pickup chassis and equipped with a six cylinder GMC truck motor. The race car engine was later changed to a V-8. Bill Smith purchased the car in 1986 and enjoyed it at Latimore Valley Speedway. In 2014 it was restored to be in the Hershey Fall Meet. Only 3,000 tickets will be sold. Tickets will be sold at events and at EMMR or by sending name, address, phone, cell, email; to EMMR. $10 each or 3 for $25. 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 Lynn Paxton CURATOR By the time you read this the Latimore Valley Fair and the York US 30 Heritage Days will be history. We had a good fair, just a little rain Friday evening. I want to thank all our volunteers who helped prepare the grounds Lynn Paxtor for the fair and all those who worked it. Curator It’s a lot of work. We could not do it without you. Job well done! The museum has been a very busy place. Displays are ever-changing and the donations for the library are over whelming. Rich Eichelberger continues to move forward with our permits for our next museum extension. We hope to start in September 2016. There are less than 30 remaining inside blocks—I think we will sell out before December, so don’t wait too long if you are interested. The cost for personal engraving is $550 per block. See page 13 for info. Our 42nd EMMR Convention on August 12-13-14 will be in memory of Charles Rasp. His support over the years in many ways helped us very much at the fairgrounds and in the museum. The Grand Marshalls are Gene Covell & Gene Weaber, two other great supporters of our organization. Please pick up one of our 2016 EMMR Convention brochures and read the bios on these gentlemen. I talked to Gary Wolford and he is hanging in there. He would like to thank everyone for their prayers and support. Sorry to say we lost Jere Stahl a few weeks ago. His racing and header business helped a lot of racers. Rest in peace Jere. Don’t forget our upcoming Sunday Roundtables: July 17th – discussion about York US 30 Heritage Days, hosted by Darwin Doll August 21st – discussion about Lincoln Speedway, hosted by Rocky Follin September 18th – discussion about Selinsgrove Speedway with Steve Inch, hosted by Alan Kreitzer October 16th – Wild Childs with Van May and Paul Pitzer Don’t forget to volunteer—we can always use your help! —Lynn Paxton w 717-432-8188 or h 717-432-5522 "Before you speak, listen. before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give." — William Ward. The EMMR Times 3 CRUISE NIGHT at EASTERN MUSEUM of MOTOR RACING during CONVENTION Friday, AUGUST 12, 2016 3 to 8 pm Win Prizes at our CAR TRIVIA! Rain Date: Saturday, Aug 13, 3 to 8 p.m. Photo is of WINNERS at 2015 CAR SHOW FREE Registration! Dash Plaques to first 100 Cars, plus Goody Bags as long as they last! NEW : this year People’s Choice Award: $200 cash • Door Prizes • Best of Show Awards in the following categories: Car Motorcycle Truck Sponsored by We Did It! Soda Tabs delivered to Ronald McDonald’s House in 2015. Still collecting tabs—bring to EMMR Info: Carol Weaver 717-465-2191 or [email protected] (On Fri. Aug 12: museum 717-528-8279) 4 Credit Connection Auto Sales www.CreditConnectionYrk.com More Fuunal than a usin! Cruise - All Vehicles and Makes Welcome! Music, Food, Chinese Auction, Awards! The EMMR Times 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 CORNER CRAIG’s A friend and I were finally able to make it out to Latimore Craig Agan for the Jalopy Showdown this Development, past May after years of trying. EMMR What a great event! Larry and Kim Garland, with the help of a host of friends, EMMR board members, and volunteers, have put together a killer promotion. The 2016 version was seriously impacted with wet weather, but it was still easy to see that everything was in place for another landmark event! The Garland’s creativity is apparent in everything about the Jalopy Showdown including the bands, apparel, posters, and food options available. A hearty “thank you” goes out to them from all of us! The museum and grounds were immaculate as always and again thanks to the many volunteers. We have spoken of it often in this communication, but we can never pass along our appreciation too many times for a job well done! All of the museum displays were fantastic, with the drag racing area again being extra special. Another shout out goes to Larry and Kim and everyone involved with the gift shop for keeping it so well stocked with fresh new apparel, books, and gifts. It was super! The library continues to be one of the finest in any motorsports facility. What we thought was a huge area after the Phase Four expansion was complete is now chock-full with the donations of all of you friends including the late Chris Economaki. My friend Wayne Campbell from Missouri had never seen the museum or been to area tracks. As a former sprint car owner and mechanic, he appreciates a well-run, exciting show and Williams Grove and Lincoln didn’t disappoint him with their great programs. He was right there with many of us cheering loudly for the PA Posse, and they came through in a big way. We were able to make a quick trip down to Brogue on Saturday morning to see Gary Wolford and his band of friends. There are some pretty tall tales that get spun in Wolford’s shop but daughter Jo is always there to keep things in line and serve hot sandwiches to those who stop by. It is truly an honor to be able to spend a little time with that fun bunch. Lynn Paxton told me that the block wall inside the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing will soon be closed to any more engravings. The outside wall will continue to be available so if you know anyone who is considering that support for the EMMR tell them to call the museum a.s.a.p. See you soon! — Craig Agan [email protected] 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 Unsung Heroes Volunteers Bob and Dottie Shultz These two volunteers have helped around the fairgrounds and EMMR museum for many years. Dottie’s specialty has been doing the signage and organizing our displays, framing pictures, and helping to organize display cases. We are very grateful for her expert artistic eye. She makes some “great baked goods” too! Bob is a “Jack of all trades!” From fixing equipment at the fairgrounds, repairing just about anything, plus mowing, he is the “go to” man. He has been a very active and productive member of our Board of Directors for many years. Bob has hosted roundtables at the museum and you can see him and Dottie helping out at many of our events. Bob and Dottie are very dedicated not only to EMMR but to the AACA Gettysburg Region who calls the museum their “home” now. They work very hard for both organizations and put in a lot of time. You can find them at the AACA Museum in Hershey volunteering and also organizing the Dillsburg Farmer’s Fair Antique Car Display. Thank you both for you dedication and all your help over the years. Former EMMR Intern Graduates Ryan Kuhn, an intern at EMMR in 2015, has recently graduated from the Automotive Restoration program at the Pennsylvania College Of Technology. Ryan has accepted a position in Canfield, Ohio working for Buckeye Classic Car Restoration. Brandon and RoseJean Bell Cards and letters greatly appreciated. New Address The EMMR Times 17 Woodbyne Building Village of Pineford Middletown, PA 17057 5 Gary Wolford: a Racing Legend In the last two years I have had a chance to spend a lot of time with my dad. It is too bad it was due to health reasons. Life just keeps passing at a rapid pace until you hit that brick wall or hear two of the most frightening words in the universe. CANCER and HOSPICE. It takes you on a whole new journey in life with many ups and downs. Most of you have probably heard the same old stories over and over. I know that I have heard a lot of stories over the years, but now I listen a little closer and pay attention to more details. I also have been going through five decades of pictures and newspaper articles in the last year with my dad and have learned even more and feel as though he is even a bigGary Wolford at the 16th ger legend to me and others than I Annual Fish Fry at EMMR. had originally thought. Gary J. Wolford was born in Gettysburg and raised by his Aunt and Uncle in the small town of Brogue in Southern York County population of 2,124. When you enter the small town you will see a Brogue Lions Club welcome sign with a special spot stating that this is the home of Gary Wolford with a picture of his #71 racecar. I think this is pretty amazing to have your name on that sign even though it is only in Brogue Pennsylvania. His uncle Emory which he called and considered him as dad owned and operated his own saw mill and excavation business. This is how my dad became involved in a very successful excavation business and later also a septic business for 40 years with the help of my mom Pat. As a teenager Gary grew up working on a local farm for only a few cents an hour. In 1956 at the age of 16 he worked with Neil Smith. Neil took him to the races for the first time at Bowling Green Speedway. That only led to the need to purchase a 47 Ford for $100.00 at the junk yard. This was the #104. He would practice on the home made circle track in Reid Flahartys’ corn field. This first car was a shared driver car, also driven by Reid Flaharty, Joe Rexroth, Jr. Eckert and Ralph Kauffman. I asked him if they all shared expenses. He said there were no expenses back then. They would just go to the junkyard for parts and tires. In 1958 Gary became a full time weekend racer. At the age of 18 he drove the #350 Ford Coupe owned by Paul Detter to his first win at Susquehanna Speedway. His second race that he won was in his hero Bobby Abels’ car the famous # 2. This was also at Susky. The funny thing about this was that Bobby Abel was driving for someone else. The car owner was not very happy that he was beat by the Abel # 2. I could probably almost write a book on all of the wins, cars, tracks and car owners in his past. When asked his favorite track with no hesitation it was Susquehanna. He did not want to name a favorite car or car owner for fear of hurting someones feelings. He had a lot of good rides and car owners. His luckiest ride was the Ernie Rabold # 2. He won 7 out of 10 races at Susquehanna in the early 1970s. As far as most memorable moments there were 6 by Jo Wolford daughter of Gary Wolford many. The one that came to mind first was the backup race that he won at Penn National. He won the small block modified 1978 lapper at Penn National. Also when he drove his friend and hero Bobby Abels’ #2 car to a win at Susky. Special achievements—there were many, but being the all-time feature winner at Silver Springs is at the top of the list. In 1972 my parents purchased a farm and Gary decided— or should I say with the help of my mom he decided—to retire from racing from 1973–1974. He then became an avid horseman. He always said that he was probably safer in a race car because his Palomino horse Cricket was a little wild and crazy as he was thrown off several times. We had a large group of friends that would keep their horses at our farm and come there to ride all of the time. In the mid 1970s his close friend and longtime mechanic Ted Althouse asked him to come out of retirement and drive his gold #46. It did not take much convincing. Needless to say my mom was not very happy. We have often laughed and joked about the assertive letter that she sent to Ted Althouse. This is when I first remember going to the races when my dad ran the gold #46, but I did feel a little guilty because I always like Jerry Mullen in the blue # 45. One funny story about Jerry Mullen, in the 1980s Jerry came down in the pits at Silver Springs after the races one night. By this time of the night Jerry had a few too many beers. He was carrying on and laughing with my dad and spit tobacco juice in my dad’s eye. At the time it was very painful and it was not funny, but we still laugh about that every once in a while. I also think about that every time I hear the Hank Williams Jr. song A Country Boy Can Survive he says that he would love to spit some Beechnut in that dude’s eyes. During writing this article with my dad one of the things that he said was “The funny thing is that those drivers, track officials, etc. that you would fight with, argue or do battle with on the race track, they become your friends later in life.” Other than the first $100.00 junkyard car, he was skilled and talented enough to have a full-time ride for most of his racing career. In the early 1980s he decided to pull together his own team. His team consisted of some Southern York County boys that did not have any or very little open-wheel racing experience. With the help of Ted Althouse and an occasional visit from Tommy Sanders, the team was self-taught and very successful. We still laugh and talk about the fun we had in the blue bus when we all rode together to the races. We could probably write a book. This team played a huge part in winning many races at several tracks and helping to secure the all-time career feature winning honor at Silver Springs. In 1991 he still had his team cars but drove for James P. Kohler. Unfortunately he suffered a broken neck which ended his racing career. At that time his orthopedic surgeon told him that he was LUCKY to live through this especially without being paralyzed. He also credits the ambulance crew at Silver Springs. He developed a close friendship with Nancy Miller. Nancy was on the ambulance crew the night of his accident and was instrumental in getting him out of the car safely. In all honesty he was soon ready to retire, but the transition was not easy. It is sometimes easier when you make this decision on your own and not be forced to retire. I always liked the saying that actions speak louder than continued on page 7 The EMMR Times 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 Gary Wolford: a Racing Legend continued from page 6 words. My dad has done so many good things for people that most people do not have a clue because he did not ever want people to know. He has purchased vehicles for people in need. He has loaned a lot of people money or he would purchase things from people not because he needed the item but it was just done to help the person in need. He has been involved in many charitable events. Not just in the racing community but with people from our community. He was very involved in the Bowling Green reunions, the restoration of Latimore Valley Fairgrounds and most of all The Gary Wolford Fish Fry. This started out as a local Brogue community fish fry originally. This became part of the Bowling Green reunion, with more friends, more retired and current race car drivers every year. When it had gotten way too big for the small town of Brogue, then it became part of the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing and Latimore Valley. Dad would travel the roads and burn up the telephone for sponsors and ads for the Fish Fry program. The first program was only a few pages the first few years taking in around $1,550 to be donated to the EMMR. The 2016 sales for the program was $10,000. Over the years with the Fish Fry and the Gary Wolford Challenge he has raised close to $150,000 for the Museum and Latimore Valley Fairgrounds with the help of many other people. I am forcing myself to stop writing. First of all I am past the deadline. Second of all I do think of my dad as a legend and he has done a lot of wonderful things for people and organizations. Most of you know that we spend every weekend at his garage when he feels up to it. He has some friends that he worked with over 50 years ago, high school friends, fans, previous pit crew members that are truly lifelong friends that are like his family, old racing buddies, neighbors, special friends and some others from out of town that just stop in for barbeque or free food at the garage. Thank you to everyone for the support and friendship. —Jo Wolford, daughter of Gary Wolford My Father-In-Law, Gary Wolford I cannot put into words how great of a person he is, so I will not try. I will say Gary is a great man with a huge heart. He has helped many people including myself. Thank you for everything, you’ve been like a dad to me. Abel is number two and has been for a long time, I just never told you. —Glenn Keller I first met Gary Wolford back in the late 1990s, so I am a relative newcomer to his wide circle of friends. We were going to build a garage and needed an excavator for the job. My dad suggested Gary since he knew him from “back in the 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 day.” One call started it all: Gary was in bed with his back giving him trouble, but he said “I’ll be over in a few minutes.” That is Gary. You want something done? Call Gary. You want to know how to do something? Call Gary. If he isn’t doing it himself and you want to know who will treat you fair for anything: call Gary. If he doesn’t know, he is burning the phone lines getting the answer. That is his mission: to help a friend, always! My Dad passed too early and later my Father-in-law, who inherited the “go to guy” from my Dad. Gary is that “go to guy.” He has been a friend and cohort but most importantly he has been like a father. I’m sure I am not the only one who feels like that because if he is your friend, you know what I am talking about. All his accomplishments in business, fund-raising, and racing aside—the amount of friends he has amassed and people he has touched is amazing. That is Gary, enough said. —Lee Skelton I have known Gary Wolford since the late 1950s when I rode by his garage with my Mom. I want to know who in the world of Brogue could be rich enough to own a race car. Mom told me who Gary Wolford was. About 15 to 20 years later I started going to the races with a good friend and I was hooked. I had been drag racing and Gary was in the big-time circle racing . Gary and Pat sold me a lot of ground dirt cheap over he years—they have treated me as a good friend. I worked parttime for Gary when between jobs. He has been a great friend. I also was one of the rednecks who worked on the #71 when it came to the Brogue. A lot of good times were had. I helped Gary a little over the years, but not nearly as much as he has helped me, and a lot of other people I know. It truly is a pleasure to know Gary. —Pete Urey Gary Wolford through the eyes of a crew member: Some time ago when a few local boys decided to give up late-model racing at Silver Springs, Gary must of either needed a crew or decided we needed something to do. Not only did he have a crew, but I think it was the largest at Silver Springs. We were all dedicated to him, to racing and all out to win, just as Gary was. After all, in this sport it’s where your biggest accomplishment comes. Somewhere along the line Ted Althouse, our crew chief, decided he had enough and someone else would take over. Since we were all farm boys, dirt workers, or truck drivers— we didn’t need a chief, but just a leader. Gary gave us all the help he could, even bringing in Tom Sanders to help on setups. After that we learned consistency was the key and if we could be consistent without set-ups, Gary was big enough to manhandle it. We went on to win races. We not only had the biggest crew, but also the biggest beer cooler, slingshot, and went to have fun: win or lose. After Gary’s accident we continued to race and win, but it was different, as you can just imagine being on the inside of the fence instead of being on the track—but we still had the beer cooler. More times than one I think it was just for us. Gary has helped so many people over the years including his crew: one will never know how many. He’s still determined to fight and some crew are still helping out their friend. —John Urey, your crew chief, LEADER, and friend, always The EMMR Times 7 neer Jere Stahl who touched very many lives in racing, not only drag racing, but many areas of the auto racing world. Jere succumbed to the dreaded disease of cancer. A tribute was paid to the man July 9th at By the time you read this column the the Jere Stahl Day during the York US30 Heritage Days. His wife Judy was presented with a soaring first York US30 Heritage Days at eagle medallion on behalf of Jere by York Nostalgia EMMR and Latimore Valley Fairgrounds and the Junior Stock nation by Wayne Jesel, Ken will be history. Bill “Grumpy” Jenkins Gunning and Butch Szollosy. Day and the Jere Stahl Day “Miss Hurst Golden Shifter” Linda will be additional contribuVaughn and “Ohio George” Montgomery Darwin Doll tions to our performance herwere fan favorites during the York show along Drag Racing Exhibits itage. Look for the next issue with Larry Lombardo’s display of awards that of Drag Racer magazine— it will have a twohe accumulated during his tenure as driver page spread on York US30 Heritage Days. with Bill “Grumpy” Jenkins. The late Bill On July 17th the subject of the round“Grumpy” Jenkins Our thoughts following the York US30 table at EMMR was the York US 30 Heritage Heritage Days show turn to the Days held on July 8 and 9 and the Toy and Racing Memorabilia running of the 13th Annual York Show on Sunday, September Nostalgia Nationals on July 10 at 18th. Buy-Sell-Trade. Lots of goodBeaver Springs Dragway. ies for the toy and racing memoraThe Annual Legion of Honor bilia collectors. Applications are The newly restored The rear of Grumpy’s Awards at the York US30 HerGrumpy’s Toy IV wowed available at EMMR or emailing me Toy IV with the “Old itage Days included EMMR volthem at York US30 Reliable “ Ammon R. [email protected]. unteers Jeff Golden and Pat Doll Heritage Days at EMMR Smith, York, Penna. Planning begins for our new who were honored for their many display of cars for 2017. Suggescontributions to drag racing over the years. tions are invited if you have a favorite drag We should have also received a contrirace car that you would like to see on disbution of a Jungle Jim Liberman engine play. Your input is always invited and we block thru the courtesy of Bobby Frey and welcome donations of items for display in the Frantic Ford team. The engine block is our drag racing area. another valued piece of drag racing history The late Jere Stahl Please join us for a step back in time to that will be added to the drag racing sec(right) with George Nye the glory days of drag racing at EMMR. at EMMR tion at EMMR. —Darwin Doll [email protected] On a sad note, we lost drag racing pio- Drag Racing Exhibit News York US30 Heritage Days held at Latimore Valley Fairgrounds and EMMR The most senior recipient of the NNDRA Legion of Honor Award is Charlie Hampp,Sr. who is 97 years old. The award was presented at EMMR during the 2016 awards ceremony. The NNDRA Legion of Honor Awards table is prepared for the beginning of the Award ceremony on July 9. Judy Stahl, the wife of the late Jere Stahl, was presented a Soaring Eagle Medallion inscribed “Jere Stahl, God Speed” during Jere Stahl Day on Saturday, July 9th at EMMR by (l to r) Ken Gunning, Butch Szollozy, and Wayne Jesel representing the Junior Stock nation along with Darwin Doll representing York Nostalgia. Legion of Honor Award Class of 2016. L to R, standing: Rocky Pirrone, Joe McComas, Neal Hinkle, Jeff Golden, Jim Fagan, and Susan Jenkins accepting for Joe Tryson. L to R, seated: Charlie Hampp, Sr., “Ohio George” Montgomery, and Pat Doll. “Atco Jack” Musilli was unable to attend. 8 The EMMR Times Left: Susan Jenkins wears the Soaring Eagle Award medal that was presented on behalf of her father Bill “Grumpy” Jenkins. Right: new Legion of Honor recipient Pat Doll. 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 Susquehanna Speedway hosts EMMR on July 2 for Display plus Track Time “New” Susquehanna Speedway has many improvements as shown in this fish-eye-lens photo. Thanks to EMMR volunteer Rick Mandelson for coordinating event. Static photos courtesy of Rick Mandelson Track Time photos courtesy of Nauecho Melton 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 photo by Rick Mandelson The EMMR Times 9 Oct. 1 EMMR / NATIONAL SPRINT CAR HALL OF FAME AUCTION will also benefit the YORK COUNTY RACING CLUB and the NATIONAL OPEN BENEFIT FOR INJURED DRIVERS. At WILLIAMS GROVE SPEEDWAY, Mechanicsburg, PA. Don Robinson 717-456-7124 and Kolten Gouse 717-275-6827 Oct. 2 EMMR’s 5th Annual Car Show, Car Corral & Flea Market at EMMR. John Marks (717) 645-0440 [email protected] or Junior Kelly (717) 630-0776 [email protected] Oct. 6 MUSEUM OPEN Thurs from 6 to 9 pm for Hershey Show visitors. Refreshments, Movies. Larry Stoner (717) 258-4695 Oct. 16 3rd SUNDAY ROUNDTABLE: 1-3 pm at EMMR. Topic: Wild Childs with Van May and Paul Pitzer Oct. 22-23 NEW EVENT: DOMINION RACEWAY at Thornburg, Va. Asphalt Track. Track Time. Modified or Stock. Mike Nickle [email protected] 10 Frank R. Carelli, Jr. joins EMMR as new Administrative Coordinator by Amanda Chmiola-Eshenour, outgoing Administrative Coordinator for EMMR I want to take a moment a introduce Frank R. Carelli, Jr., our NEW Administrator Coordinator. It’s sad for me to pass the torch, but as I have gotten to know Frank over the past few weeks I am certain he will be a great asset to the Museum. Frank R. Frank is retired from the MechanCarelli, Jr. icsburg Navy Depot with 40 years of service. He held various positions during his career: Procurement Agent and Contract Administrator and Negotiator. Midway through his career he switched to the data processing field and was a Computer Programmer and Analyst then worked with system development and database work. Frank has worked on an apple orchard farm and hangs around auto and motorcycle repair shops. He also likes to drive his old cars and motorcycles. He has collected more cars and motorcycles than he has room to store. Frank has owned a 914 Porsche for 21 years and helped to restore it two times. He enjoys the friendships that he has made over the years through the car and bike projects, along with meeting new people at different auto events. When you see Frank around please say “hello” and get to know him. Also, remember to give him some time to remember your name, hehehe. Welcome Frank! —Amanda The EMMR Times 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 CLIP AND SAVE SCHEDULE Schedule as of 7/11/2016. See www.EMMR.org or call (717) 528-8279. July 29 PHOTO OPPORTUNITY at WILLIAMS GROVE SPEEDWAY, Mechanicsburg, PA. EMMR Static Display. Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 July 30 BUD GARVEY’S REUNION, Osceola Mills, PA. Bud Garvey (814) 267-5073. Please support this non-EMMR event! Aug. 6 SELINSGROVE SPEEDWAY, PA. EMMR Track Time. Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 Aug. 7-13 READING FAIR at NEW READING FAIRGROUNDS, Fred Cutler (610) 921-3565. Please support this non-EMMR event! Aug. 12-14 EMMR/WGOT CONVENTION at EMMR / LVFG. Honoring Charlie Rasp. Grand Marshalls are Gene Covell and Gene Weber. Fri, Sat & Sun: Daytime Events at EMMR. Fri. pm is Cruisin’ at Museum 3-8 pm. Fri. pm is Track Time & ACOT Static Show at Williams Grove Speedway. Sat & Sun Aftn: Track Time at Latimore Valley. Sat. PM is Rain Date for Cruisin’ at Museum. Inliners International at Large Pavilion, Steve (215) 547-0866 Aug. 13 Keystone Region Chapter of the STUDEBAKER DRIVERS CLUB will attend the Saturday events with stock and modified Studebakers during the EMMR/WGOT Convention. Denny Foust 814-441-4799 Aug. 17 LINCOLN SPEEDWAY, Abbottstown, PA. EMMR Display/Track Time. Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 Aug. 19 BEDFORD FAIRGROUNDS SPEEDWAY, PA. EMMR Display/Track Time. Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 Aug. 21 3rd SUNDAY ROUNDTABLE: 1-3 pm at EMMR. Topic: Lincoln Speedway by Rocky Follin Aug. TBD VINTAGE CELEBRATION, Loudon, NH. Al Novotnik (203) 8477478 Please support this non-EMMR event! Sept. 1-30 MATCHBOX MONTH at EMMR. Darwin Doll (717) 757-2720 Sept. 3 SHENANDOAH SPEEDWAY, Shenandoah, VA. Asphalt Track. EMMR Display/Track Time. Mike Nickle (540) 538-7468 Sept. 10 SUSQUEHANNA SPEEDWAY, York Haven, PA. Sportsman 100, EMMR Track Time for Wing Cars Only. Rick Mandelson (410) 802-1333 Sept. 10-11 Picnic/WORK PARTY at EMMR/LVFG. Lynn Paxton (717) 432-8188 Sept. 11 TRACK TIME RAIN DATE. Amanda Eshenour (717) 528-8279 Sept. 16 PATH VALLEY SPEEDWAY, Spring Run, PA. EMMR Track Time. Paul Gutshall (717) 243-6009 Sept. 18 3rd ANNUAL TOY & RACING MEMORABILIA Buy, Sell, Trade SHOW. Darwin Doll (717) 757-2720 Sept. 18 3rd SUNDAY ROUNDTABLE: 1-3 pm at EMMR. Selinsgrove Speedway with Steve Inch by Alan Kreitzer © 2016 EVENTS Oct. 30 MUSEUM CLOSES ON WEEKENDS for 2016, BUT we will be open EVERY FRIDAY, weather permitting, from November to April. Nov. 6 LOBITZ MOVIE PARTY / EMMR AUCTION, Hazleton, PA. Lynn Paxton (717) 432-8188 Nov. 20 3rd SUNDAY ROUNDTABLE: 1-3 pm at EMMR. Topic: Afternoon with Donny Kreitz, Jr., Donny Kreitz, Sr., and Davey Brown Dec. 3-4 HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE at EMMR 10 am to 4 pm. Auction / Refreshments / Roundtable The Eastern Museum of Motor Racing (EMMR) is also the home of the Gettysburg Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America. For info: Bob Shultz 717-766-0457 [email protected] • EMMR Monthly Board Mtgs: all welcome, 4th Tuesdays at 7:00 pm at EMMR. • MUSEUM OPEN: Every Fri, Sat & Sun April 1 – October 30; 10 am to 4 pm. • Open EVERY FRIDAY, weather permitting, from November to April. Watch WWW.EMMR.ORG or call (717) 528-8279 for updates. Email: [email protected] Gettysburg Region AACA News The Gettysburg Region held its 41st annual Antique & Classic Auto & Truck Show at the Latimore Fair grounds on Saturday June 11th. The weather was very cooperative and gave us a very nice day. The feature class of station wagons were very well represented with a fabulous turn out. The cars, people and food were first class. Those who did not attend missed a great day. The Region would again thank our sponsors and all the car owners who made this all possible. Thank you to the EMMR members who helped get the grounds ready, taking care of the trash and the shuttle bus drivers. We appreciate everyone’s effort to Vintage Motorcycle Racing Exhibit News The current motorcycle display at EMMR highlights road-racing in America. The two bikes on display represent very different segments of that type of racing activity. A lot has changed in the few years from when those bikes were screaming around the turns until now. The Yamaha FZ750 endurance unit represented basically “box stock, out of the crate” racing that was a great (and inexpensive) advertising tool for the manufacturers. Local privateer racers would win with little or no financial assistance from the brand they raced, and both the bike and accessory companies could capitalize on it. Many of those types of ads are on display with the “Speed Boys” race bike. The Yamaha TZ750 on display represents a bike that, although quite costly compared to a standard production road bike, was still within the grasp of a “privateer.” It was a production unit specifically designed for road-racing only, too “high-strung” and not legal for street use. The unit on display is believed to be the record holder for the most consecutive Daytona 200 finishes for a single motorcycle. Back then the Daytona 200—the most prestigious road race in America—would be filled with amateur racers looking for their shot at the Daytona 200 podium. This year’s motorcycle display at EMMR is an excellent representation of what happens when average people with limited finances, but a passion for 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 make this event successful. The Gettysburg Region hosted the 3rd Sunday Roundtable at EMMR on Sunday, June 19th and was not as successful as the show, with few attendees. We had a number of great guest speakers so we proceeded with the program and I think we all learned something and had a great time talking with each other. Again, a thank you to the EMMR members who served lunch and set things up for us. July’s region activity will be the summer picnic held at the Codorus State park south of Hanover, PA. Region president Ron Green and his friend will have their Amphicars there to take us for a ride on the lake. Amphicars go on land and water and makes a very interesting “swim-in”. —Bob Shultz 717-766-0457 or [email protected] successful racing, can turn dreams into reality—and put themselves and the machines they piloted into the history books. The motorcycle display at EMMR is provided by the Potomac Vintage Riders (PVR), which is an organization in the mid-Atlantic area to promote the concept of the enjoyment of vintage motorcycles. It encompasses street riding, restoration, and all forms of racing of these nostalgic machines. http://www.PotomacVintageRiders.com/ —Mark Williams [email protected] Eastern Museum of Motor Racing 100 Baltimore Rd, York Springs, PA www.EMMR.org • 717-528-8279 Like us on Facebook The EMMR Times newsletter committee: Amanda Eshenour, Chair [email protected] Bob Shultz Rick Mandelson Lynn Paxton Nancy Miller Kay Diehl Melchi The EMMR Times newsletter is published 4 times a year: Volume 1 in March Volume 2 in June Volume 3 in late July or early August Volume 4 in October Newsletter design and production volunteer: Kay Diehl Melchi c&t: 717.669.2710 [email protected] The EMMR Times 11 FROM THE PRESIDENT Here we are, halfway through the 2016 year and a lot of events have taken place. We have had roundtables presented by Lynn Paxton, Darwin Doll, Barry Klindinst, John Marks, Kolton Gouse and Scott Gobrecht, and Bob Shultz. Our vintage cars have been to Path Valley, Shennandoah Va., Winchester Va., Circle M, Port Royal, Susquehanna, and Hagerstown. We want to thank all these tracks for having us there. EMMR was to Motorsport 2016, Racing Extravaganza, and photo opps at Williams Grove. We also had a great turnout of volunteers to do our Thursday night work parties, that is also a good time to get to know each another. Spring Open House was a great success and Gary Wolford Fish Fry and Larry Garland’s Jalopy Showdown had rain days but were still well-attended. As you read this the York US 30 Heritage Days—which for the first time will be held at Latimore Valley Fairgrounds and EMMR—will be over and we will report on it in the next newsletter. Sales on our raffle car have been good, and Don Robinson has conducted several fund-raising auctions to benefit EMMR. See page 3 for details of the raffle Racing Around the Museum Every newsletter has a box that asks members if they would like to help save on printing cost and receive Amanda the newsletter via email. I do get Chmiola-Eshenour about 2 or 3 each newsletter asking Admin. Coordinator., EMMR for the change over. I’m also making the plea to members to send me their email addresses. There are times that we’d like to send out an email blast about upcoming events or schedule changes that could get to everyone quicker than just putting it on our website or Facebook page. If you have not given me your email address and you would like to be included on the email blast list please just reply to my email. It’s that easy! After I sent out the Issue 2 newsletter there was a lot of email addresses that bounced back. If you signed up to have the newsletter emailed to you and you did not receive it please let me know. I have decided to mail out a copy of the newsletter to every email address that bounced the last time. So you may receive two newsletters: one via “snail mail” and the 12 car tickets for sale. I want to thank all the volunteers that make these events possible. All of you go “over and above” for EMMR! On a sad note we have lost Diz Dean, Rev. Wolfe, and Ruthie KimNancy Miller berling. They were all familiar faces around the museum and grounds. President, EMMR We have had a bench donated in memory of Billy Kimmel. In August Amanda Eshenour is leaving the position as administrative assistant for EMMR, however, she will still serve on our board. Amanda, you will be missed around here very much. Thank you for your service to us. We have hired Frank Corelli to be EMMR’s new administrative assistant. Frank is a lifelong “car guy” and we are looking forward to working with him. See article about Frank on page 10. We are looking forward to the rest of the year and hope to see all of you at one of our events. Check EMMR’s schedule on page 10 in this issue. Just remember: racing isn’t about how long it takes you to get from start to finish—it’s the adventure along the way, the people you meet, and the unique moments you share. — Nancy Miller [email protected] WANTED • • • • Open Trailer to haul the Raffle Car Push mower Vise: 6-inch or 8-inch Fuel injectors for a 215 Buick V8 for a display engine at the Museum. • Donations of Raffle items for future raffles. • 6” gutters and Leaf Relieve gutter guards for the Museum (We are looking at replacing all the gutters at the Museum August 2016.) Perry Miller will install the gutters, however we need a sponsor or sponsors to pay for the gutters. • Painting supplies, soft drinks, toilet tissue Museum phone: 717 528-8279 www.EMMR.org other newsletter electronically emailed as a pdf. My goal is to make the communication here with the newsletter as easy as possible. —Amanda [email protected] The EMMR Times 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 Join ! Today EMMR Membership P Annual is $20. P Lifetime is $200. Name ______________________________________________ Spouse name ________________________________________ Volunteers Address_____________________________________________ City__________________________ State_____ Zip _________ DESPERATELY NEEDED for MUSEUM Phone___________________ Cell phone _________________ E-mail address _______________________________________ I prefer to receive the EMMR newsletter via: on Saturdays & Sundays! Museum phone 717-528-8279 Please make checks payable to “EMMR” and mail to: EMMR, Attn: Membership PO Box 688, Mechanicsburg PA 17055-0688 [email protected] Join the Blocks on the inside wall, from the 2nd floor BLOCK PARTY! You can purchase an actual 8” x 16” building block. Either: OUTSIDE on the Phase 4 Porch for $1,050 or INSIDE on the twostory Phase 3 Wall for $550. Maximum 3 lines of 14 characters each, including spaces and punctuation. Inside Block Wall: we only have about 30 inside blocks left to sell so the next time we engrave names will be the last time for the inside wall. We do have blocks on our outside wall available and there will be another outside wall on our new addition. © P by email as a PDF which is in full-color and fastest delivery. P by U.S. Postal Service, prints in all black ink, slower delivery. P I have a vintage or antique race vehicle, contact me. P I might be interested in volunteering, contact me. P I might have something to donate, contact me. Museum phone: 717 528-8279 www.EMMR.org You can help pay for the growth of the Museum and at the same time permanently have your family’s name… or a business name… or a friend’s name… enshrined at the Museum. Or is an excellent way to honor famous racing personalities of the past and to show your support for their contributions to motor racing. We are expanding ONE BLOCK AT A TIME. Your tax deductible contribution for the building block is a meaningful and affordable way to participate in the expansion and future growth of the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing. Also inside: Corporate / Business blocks are also available for $1,050, including a framed wall display about who you are honoring with your block for use in your place of business. Due to the amount of dust generated and the general disruption, blocks will only be engraved once a year during winter while EMMR is closed. For more information on EMMR’s “One Block at a Time” contact: Joe Heisler III p (410) 303-4428 p [email protected] For the order form to purchase personalized building block contact Amanda at [email protected] or 717-528-8279. Act now! 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 The EMMR Times ONLY 3 0 Inside Blocks Left! 13 Hagerstown Speedway hosted EMMR on June 29 Thanks to EMMR volunteer Rick Mandelson for coordinating event. The Game of “Where’s Lynn Paxton” You might remember the “Where’s Waldo” books that challenged you to locate Waldo in a detailed drawing. I think EMMR has its own Waldo: his name is Lynn Paxton. He could be anywhere on the 60 acres of Fairgrounds or in some nook of the 18,000-square-foot Eastern Museum of Motor Racing. When you need to find him to ask a question only Lynn can answer—you start asking other volunteers if they have seen him lately. Then you are off on a mission to try and find where Lynn is at the moment. He could be anywhere, doing anything. In the above left photo Lynn found a pink substance smeared into the floor of the library. While three of us speculated on what might have caused the pink residue, Lynn dashed out of the room, and quickly returned with Windex and paper towels. While Rick Mandelson photographed Paxton scrubbing off the pink gunk, Lynn said “if you want something done right, do it yourself.” The photo on the right side finds Lynn cooking his own egg for breakfast. He was not happy with how the other volunteers were preparing his egg, so he grabbed the spatula and took over the griddle. Who would have thought to find Lynn in the kitchen cooking? Barb Paxton: we await your comments. —Kay Diehl Melchi EMMR member’s cars participated in Display plus Track Time Static photos courtesy of Rick Mandelson Track Time photos courtesy of Nauecho Melton Wedding held on EMMR’s bridge over Latimore Creek The beautiful Latimore Valley Fairgrounds are special to many people, but to Mr. and Mrs. Noll, the Fairgrounds will be remembered as the location of their wedding in the Spring of 2016. The Nolls live on Latimore Valley Road near the Fairgrounds, and received permission to hold their nuptials on the metal-grate bridge that passes over the Latimore Creek. 14 The EMMR Times 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 Latimore Valley FAIR Saturday during the Fair featured Track Time for vintage race cars, continuing an almost 100year tradition of track racing at local fairs. Photo by Ed Radesky Was Held June 24 to 26 Wow! We had perfect weather this year. Thank you to everyone who had the grounds prepared the weeks leading up to the fair. The Fair featured great entertainment, a variety of yummy foods, fun games for the young and old, and donations to fill up the Chinese auction tables. Thank you to all who contributed. Joe and Carol Weaver, Toni, Mike and Emily Winslow, Grace Bell, Judy Freels and Perry Trimmer, Frank Buhrman, Marlin Heller, the parking and trash crew, Don and Dawn Bowersox, and plenty more. Everyone just pitches in to make sure we have a successful fair and I really appreciate it. I’m planning to schedule a wrap-up meeting once things calm down a bit. I’d like to discuss any comments from this year and plans for next year. Also, I still need someone to handle the vendors for the coming year. It involves sending out information, collecting applications, painting spots and helping vendors find their spots the week before the fair. I’ll be contacting volunteers already involved in the fair for the meeting. If you haven’t attended any of the fair meetings, please let me know if you’re interested in being more involved. Thank you! —Amy Kelly [email protected] or (717) 630-0776 Don’s Restroom Duty Don Robinson does many different tasks as one EMMR’s volunteers, for example he coordinates the important fundraising raffles held numerous times during the year. But he is not afraid to get dirty. Don is shown equipped with a toilet plunger, toilet tissue, and paper towels—he is ready to tackle any chore that may arise in EMMR’s restrooms. Wonder if he does these chores at home, too? Track Time at Hagerstown Speedway LEFT: With a duck perched on her head, Kim Kaltreider sold lots of Duck Race chances. ND 32 A NNUAL “Where the old mingles with the new” 2016 The popular band Borderline entertained the fairgoers on Saturday from 5 pm to 10 pm. If you are interested in using one of the pavilions on the grounds please contact Amanda to schedule your date and time. We do rent out the pavilions to the public that pay for using it. There has been some issues in the past where members have had to move a gathering because it was going to Pavilion interfere with a rental. Amanda [email protected] or at RENTAL Eshenour, the Museum 717-528-8279 Share the Secret! Many first-time visitors are happily surprized at the size and scope of the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing. This year why don’t you plan to bring a friend or relative to experience the museum or event for the first time. It will be a trip they will always remember! 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016 The EMMR Times 15 MUSEUM ADDRESS: 100 Baltimore Road, York Springs, Penna. 0.5 miles east of Route 15, 12 miles south of Pa. Turnpike 717-528-8279 • www.EMMR.org NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID LANCASTER, PA PERMIT # 23 Mailing address: PO BOX 688 MECHANICSBURG PA 17055-0688 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Event Highlights for late Summer and Fall of 2016 EMMR/WGOT Convent. August 12 to 14 Toy & Racing Memorabilia, Sept. 18 5th Annual Car Show, Corral, Flea Market at EMMR, Oct. 2 See what you missed! Plan for upcoming events! In this issue… Upcoming Convention is Aug. 12 to 14 . . pgs 1 to 4 Gary Wolford by Jo Wolford and friends . . . . . . . . . . . pgs 6 to 7 York US30 event photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 8 Susquehanna Speedway track time . . . . pg 9 New Administrative coordinator . . . . . . . pg 10 Hagerstown Speedway track time . . . . . pg 14 Hagerstown Speedway on June 29 SEE MORE PHOTOS ON PAGE 14 Receive your newsletter in Color! The EMMR newsletter is available as a full-color PDF which can be emailed to you instead of receiving the printed newsletter which is in all-black ink. Emailing newsletters saves print and postage costs. Please email Amanda [email protected] if you wish to receive your newsletter by email. 16 The EMMR Times 2016 Issue No. 3 • published in late-July 2016
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