Computer-Based Training (CBT) - The Goldray Consulting Group


Computer-Based Training (CBT) - The Goldray Consulting Group
Computer-Based Training (CBT)
Standards Guide for CD-ROM
and Web-Based Delivery
Document 11081 (11-99)
Cat No. 28086c
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................... 1.1
How To Use This Guide ..................................................................................................................................... 1.2
Typical Project Flow........................................................................................................................................... 1.3
Responsibilities Matrix ....................................................................................................................................... 1.4
Section 2: Design Standards
Course Design Document ................................................................................................................................... 2.2
Review and Test Plan ......................................................................................................................................... 2.4
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
Storyboard Components...................................................................................................................................... 3.2
Title Screens/Introductory/Summary Information .............................................................................................. 3.4
Navigation........................................................................................................................................................... 3.8
Menu Screens.................................................................................................................................................... 3.11
Screen Design/Layout....................................................................................................................................... 3.13
Screen Text ....................................................................................................................................................... 3.19
Audio Scripts .................................................................................................................................................... 3.20
Video Scripts .................................................................................................................................................... 3.22
Interactions........................................................................................................................................................ 3.24
Tests.................................................................................................................................................................. 3.31
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................ 3.38
Help Screens ..................................................................................................................................................... 3.39
File Naming Conventions ................................................................................................................................. 3.40
Section 4: Technical Standards
Development Tools............................................................................................................................................. 4.2
Audio and Video Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 4.3
Graphic Parameters............................................................................................................................................. 4.4
Development File Naming Conventions............................................................................................................. 4.5
Directory Naming ............................................................................................................................................... 4.6
Production Master and Installation Instructions.................................................................................................. 4.7
CD-ROM Packaging........................................................................................................................................... 4.8
Section 5: Reference Materials
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... 5.1
Section 6: CBT Templates
Instructions for Using CBT Templates ............................................................................................................... 6.1
List of CBT Templates and Paper Copies........................................................................................................... 6.3
November 1999
Page i
Section 1: Introduction
Designing, developing, and delivering computer-based training requires that individuals work in a
team environment to blend their talents. Teams can succeed only when all team members share a
common understanding of their roles and the standards being applied. The purpose of this document
is to provide computer-based training team members with guidance on creating successful courses.
This Document Is:
A means for creating consistency across courses.
Consistency achieves two goals. First, individuals taking multiple courses
will not need to learn new ways of navigating through courses. Second, the
design and development process is more efficient because teams do not
need to spend time designing, creating, and testing new interfaces.
Based on lessons learned.
The information presented within this guide is based on lessons learned
within the Internal Revenue Service and other agencies. New lessons will
be learned with each project completed. It is important for every team to
document what they learn so that it can be incorporated in updates of this
A source of tips and tools.
In addition to providing information on team member rules and standards,
this document contains tips and tools. The templates in this document are
Word 97 documents and electronic versions are available on the CD-ROM
(format for this document) or can be downloaded from Multimedia
Production Division’s web site, which is:
This Document Is Not:
A primer on instructional systems design or computer-based
This guide presents what teams need to do and does not attempt to teach
them how to accomplish the steps. In other words, you will not find a
section on how to write an effective learning objective. For additional
information, you should refer to Section 5: Reference Materials.
A rigid, inflexible rule book.
When standards are written, the developers attempt to account for as many
situations as possible that might be encountered during the design and
development process. As technology evolves and new content areas are
converted, team members may find the need to deviate from the standards
within this guide. Project managers may approve deviations from this
guide to improve the quality of the end product or to make the process more
November 1999
Page 1.1
Section 1: Introduction
How To Use This Guide
This guide is to be used for developing computer-based training to be delivered over the web or on a
CD-ROM. It is divided into the following sections:
Section 2: Design Standards
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
Section 4: Technical Standards
Section 5: Reference Materials
Section 6: Templates
Glossary, Index, and Feedback
Within Sections 2 through 4, the standards are presented. Information about each standard is
organized as follows:
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.3 Navigation
Navigation allows users to interact with the course material and make decisions about accessing
information. Navigation can be accomplished through buttons, “hot words,” “hot spots,” or graphics.
States the
Design Tips: Computer-based training can offer an unlimited amount of navigation alternatives. It is critical to
make the navigation paths and decisions simple for the users. Users tend to get overwhelmed if the navigation
pathways through the course are not simple and straightforward. Navigation elements should have labels or
universally understood symbols. When feasible the selection of a navigation element should cause an effect
(e.g., color change, depression of the button, sound, etc.). A navigation element can be specified for a particular
screen or the entire lesson/course.
Lists the
of key players
States the
standards to be
November 1999
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Adds any lesson-specific navigation that may be required.
Instructional Designer
Ensures that navigation conventions are applied consistently across lessons.
Assesses whether users will be able to follow the navigation logic and
Identifies any navigation designs that may cause technical issues.
Project Manager
Approves navigation designs and buttons.
Navigation Elements—The following navigation buttons/graphics will be used:
Allows the user to exit a lesson from any location in the lesson.
OLC (web only)
Takes the user to the IRS Online Learning Center (OLC) desktop.
Course Menu
Takes the user to a list of lessons contained within the course and highlights the
current lesson.
Lesson Menu
Takes the user to a list of topics contained within the lesson and highlights the
current topic location. (Note: This button is required if the lesson has sections.)
Provides guidance on how to use the course materials, what information should be
entered into a field, how to navigate through a software program, etc.
Provides a listing of references that can be accessed including glossary, IRM, job
aids, etc. If the only item available is a glossary, then the button is titled
Replays the audio/video segment on the current screen. Note: The replay button in
the navigation bar replays the audio. If video is included, a second replay/pause
button will also appear as part of the video window graphic.
Back or Left Arrow
Returns the user to the previous screen viewed.
Next or Right Arrow
Takes the user to the next sequential screen.
Page 1.2
Section 1: Introduction
Typical Project Flow
Typically, a web- or CD-delivered computer-based training project includes the following major
Refer to CBT Standards in:
The beginning point of all projects is the
development of a design. The design phase
should answer the follow types of questions:
! Why are we doing this project?
! Who is the target population and what
are their needs?
! What will be taught?
! What methods and media are being
! How will we know that course materials
are valid and work as intended?
! Do you have customer buy-in?
Section 2
Course Design Document
Review and Test Plan
Note: Less extensive designs may be
required if the project involves the
conversion of well-documented and current
classroom materials.
After the course design and testing plan are
approved, the next step is to develop
comprehensive storyboards.
Section 3
Storyboards include all of the content to be
presented, test items, draft or sketched
graphics, and audio/video scripts. Detailed
directions are provided to the programmers.
The project manager and the development
team create the schedule. Production begins
after storyboards have been approved and
includes such activities as programming,
graphics creation, audio and video recording,
and quality assurance testing.
Section 4
! Development Tools
Production should not begin until the project
manager and the customer have signed off
on the contents of the course. Also, it is
advisable to request that a prototype section
be produced before authorizing full-scale
production of all storyboards. Before the
final production stages, usability and pilot
tests are conducted to ensure the courseware
is valid and works as intended.
November 1999
Storyboard Components
Title Screens/Introductory/
Summary Information
Menu Screens
Screen Design/Layout
Screen Text
Audio Scripts
Video Scripts
Help Screens
File Naming Conventions
Audio and Video Parameters
Graphics Parameters
Development File Naming
Directory Naming
Production Master and
Installation Instructions
CD-ROM Packaging
Page 1.3
Section 1: Introduction
Responsibilities Matrix
Review and Test Plan
Storyboard Components
Title Screens/Introductory/Summary
Menu Screens
Screen Design/Layout
Screen Text
Audio Scripts
Video Scripts
Help Screens
File Naming Conventions
Course Design Document
The responsibilities of each team member are specified within the individual standards. The
following matrix lists each standard and indicates the team members involved. An individual team
member may assume multiple roles within a project.
Development Tools
Audio and Video Parameters
Graphic Parameters
Development File Naming
Directory Naming
Production Master and Installation
CD-ROM Packaging
*Note: VIS is an acronym for Visual Information Specialist.
**Note: The Project Manager is responsible for overseeing that all components are addressed in the project, serving as a
liaison with the customer, and ensuring the quality of the products. The Project Manager may also serve as the Quality
November 1999
Page 1.4
Section 2: Design Standards
2.0 Introduction
This section presents the following design standards for the initiation of a computer-based training
Course Design Document
Describes the information contained in the course design
Review and Test Plan
Lists the types of reviews and tests conducted to ensure that
high-quality courseware will be developed.
November 1999
See Page
Page 2.1
Section 2: Design Standards
2.1 Course Design Document
The course design document provides guidelines for a computer-based training course. The
document is prepared before extensive writing and storyboarding or costly authoring and production
begin. The course design document is developed to act as a blueprint for the development team.
Design Tips: Before completing the course design document, it is important to first determine that
computer-based training is the appropriate medium. The design process should also specify the
minimum technical requirements required both for the server and end-user platform. These technical
requirements should be reviewed before the design is completed. See Section 4.1, Development
Tools, for guidelines on the minimum platform specifications.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Provides input on the instructional objectives.
Drafts the content outline.
Refines the instructional objectives and content outline.
Writes the course design document with input from the subject-matter expert.
Project Manager
Approves the course design document.
Obtains client approval of the course design document.
Develops a project plan based on the approved course design document.
Content To Include
State the purpose of the course.
Describe the overall learning and performance outcomes to be achieved by
the course.
Target Population
Describe the intended target population for the course.
List the prerequisite courses or knowledge/skills required before taking the course.
Describe the testing strategy to be used within the course.
− Will there be pretest(s)? Will they be mandatory?
− At what point(s) within the course will testing occur (e.g., at the
beginning/end of the course, at the beginning/end of each lesson)?
− Is there a required mastery level for passing the course/lessons? If so,
what is that score? What happens to individuals who fail to demonstrate
− How many times will an individual be allowed to retake tests?
Continued on next page . . .
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Page 2.2
Section 2: Design Standards
2.1 Course Design Document
Content To Include
Lesson Designs
Provide the following information for each lesson within the course:
− Lesson Title
− Terminal Learning Objective(s)
− Enabling Learning Objectives
− Projected Lesson Length in Minutes
− Content Outline of Key Topics
− Recommended Instructional Strategies Incorporated Within the Lesson (e.g.,
tutorial, drill-and-practice, simulation, game)
− Media To Be Used Within the Lesson (e.g., text, audio, video)
− Flowchart With Branching Logic (only for complex lessons)
Indicate anticipated delivery mode (e.g., web-based, CD-ROM, other).
List any special technical requirements (e.g., specifications for delivery system).
Sample Lesson Design Template
Lesson Title
Review of Earnings and Profits
Terminal Learning Objective
45 minutes
Behavior: To compute current earnings and profits.
Condition: When given simulated corporate earnings and profits information.
Standard: Answers 80% of the lesson posttest questions correctly.
Enabling Learning Objective(s)
1. Define the current earnings and profits of a corporation.
2. Compute the accumulated earnings and profits of a corporation.
Lesson Section
Instructional Strategy
Brief tutorial with motivational message
stating why the content is important.
Optional lesson pretest.
Text, Graphics, and
Presentation of each key content area.
Guided interactive examples of the point
being presented. Users can complete the
examples without assistance or click on a
coaching button to get additional
Interactive summary at the end of this
topic area. The interactive summary
should be in a game format.
Text and Graphics
Audio (Do not use audio
on content that is likely
to change. Use audio on
instructions and
Earnings and Profits (E&P)
2.1 Categories of E&P
2.2 Current E&P
2.3 Computation of
Current E&P
See the template:
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Page 2.3
Section 2: Design Standards
2.2 Review and Test Plan
A Review and Test Plan specifies the types of testing that will occur to ensure that:
The content is current and accurate.
The target audience can master the course content.
The test items are fair.
The instructions and navigation are easy to follow.
The video, audio, and graphics are high quality.
The programming code works as intended on the specified platforms.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Ensures that the content is current and accurate.
Participates in team reviews of interim and final courseware products.
Reviews the instructional design aspects of all products.
Participates in team reviews of interim and final courseware products.
Assists in conducting feasibility and pilots tests at the request of the project
Tests the interim products before team reviews and tests.
Participates in team reviews of all courseware products.
Project Manager
Manages all reviews and tests.
Obtains client approval of all products.
Authorizes acceptance of all products.
The Review and Test Plan should include the following components:
What To Include in the Plan
A formal review of storyboards
should be conducted before any
media development or programming
is initiated.
The focus of this review is on the
validation of the currency and
accuracy of the content and the
feasibility of the instructional design.
Projected Review Date
List of Reviewers
Individual Designated to Consolidate
Client Approval Process
Continued on next page . . .
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Page 2.4
Section 2: Design Standards
2.2 Review and Test Plan: Conventions
What To Include in the Plan
Media Review
A review of all critical media
elements should take place before
they are integrated into the
programming code.
The types of media elements that
should be reviewed include: video
roughcuts, audio files, music
selections, and graphic designs.
A prototype lesson or section should
be reviewed before authorization is
given to program the entire course.
The courseware should be reviewed
after it has been programmed. (The
first version of the programming is
referred to as the prototype or Alpha
The focus of this review is on
whether the storyboards were
implemented as specified and the
program works as intended.
An assessment should be made of
whether the courseware is ready for
usability testing.
Team Review of
(Alpha) Version
Usability Test
A test of the functionality of the
courseware should be conducted
using representatives of the target
audience. This type of test can be on
a prototype section rather than the
entire course.
The focus of this review is the ease of
use of the courseware and not on the
A usability test may not be needed if
the lesson or course is being
implemented using an interface and
navigation approach that have been
employed successfully in another
Projected Review Date
List of Reviewers
Individual Designated to Consolidate
Client Approval Process
Projected Review Date
List of Reviewers
Individual Designated To Consolidate
Client Approval Process
Projected Test Date(s)
Test Location/Facilities
Number of Participants
Method for Selecting Participants
Data To Be Collected
Data Collection Instruments
Individual Designated To Consolidate
List of Reviewers
Client Approval Process
Continued on next page . . .
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Page 2.5
Section 2: Design Standards
2.2 Review and Test Plan: Conventions
What To Include in the Plan
Pilot Test
A test of the content of the
courseware should be conducted
using representatives of the target
audience. This type of test should be
conducted after all lessons have been
programmed and been through
internal quality assurance.
The focus of this pilot test is on how
well the target population learns the
Team Review of
Final Version
The focus of the final review is on
whether all requested changes were
implemented as specified and the
program works as intended.
November 1999
Projected Test Date(s)
Testing Strategy (Distributed versus
Structured Setting)
Test Location/Facilities
Number of Participants
Method for Selecting Participants
Data To Be Collected
Data Collection Instruments
Individual Designated To Consolidate
List of Reviewers
Client Approval Process
Projected Review Date
List of Reviewers
Individual Designated To Consolidate
Individual Designated To Approve the
Final Product
Page 2.6
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.0 Introduction
This section presents the following standards for the development of storyboards:
Storyboard Components
Lists the items to be included in storyboards. Provides a
suggested template for creating storyboards.
Title Screens/Introductory/
Summary Information
Explains what to include in standard title screens, other
introductory screens, and summary screens.
Lists navigation buttons to be used and specifies placement of
navigation elements.
Menu Screens
Presents the information to be included on menu screens and
provides guidance on wording of titles.
Screen Design/Layout
Specifies conventions in areas such as screen density, graphics,
and use of fonts and colors.
Screen Text
Lists conventions and sources of information for spelling and
writing style.
Audio Scripts
Provides guidance on the development of audio scripts.
Video Scripts
Provides guidance on the development of video scripts.
Describes types of interactions and provides sample templates
for describing interactions in storyboards.
Presents the main categories of test items and explains their
use. Specifies conventions for developing tests and provides
templates for use in storyboards.
Lists conventions for assembling and formatting a course
Help Screens
Presents items to include when developing help screens.
File Naming Conventions
Specifies procedures for creating storyboard file names and for
numbering screens.
November 1999
See Page
Page 3.1
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.1 Storyboard Components
Storyboards are the blueprints of computer-based training (CBT) courses, whether delivered on
CD-ROM, local area networks, or the web. Storyboards include the course content, the types of
media, the navigation elements/buttons, and programming and graphic instructions.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Develops the content using the storyboard template.
Ensures the currency and accuracy of the content.
Instructional Designer
Reviews the instructional approach.
Ensures proposed graphics are appropriate.
Provides advice on the technical feasibility of the storyboards.
Offers suggestions on streamlining design to reduce programming time.
Graphic Designer/VIS
Proposes graphics.
Project Manager
Obtains client’s approval of all products.
Approves storyboards and authorizes the next production steps to begin.
Each storyboard page should contain the following information:
Items To Include
Lesson/Topic title
Draft number/Version number
Date/Screen number
Content Section
Instructional text
A sketch of the graphic and/or a general description
Location of the text, graphics, and video
Hotspots and hyperlinks
Navigation Section
Buttons for movement within a lesson or the course or a specific screen
Screen number for the screen the learner will see after selecting a navigation
Audio/Video Section
Audio narration
Video script (scene descriptions and verbatim narration)
Notes Section
Programming notes (e.g., special animation, dissolves, video files, use of
variables, the location and file name of existing code (if available), etc.)
Graphics notes (e.g., types of photos, art or stylized drawings, possible
sources for the graphics, etc.)
File names of the graphics created, audio/video produced, and other media
File name and page number
Storyboards should be produced in a word processing format compatible with the electronic support tool being
provided with this guide. A sample storyboard is shown on the next page. Note that the appearance of
storyboards may vary as long as all of the required information is contained on the storyboard.
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.1 Storyboard Components: Storyboard Example
Lesson 1: Review of Earnings and Projects and Sourcing Distributions
Version number
Screen number
Section: Earnings and Profits Overview
Version 1 (10/5/99)
Screen # 10
Knowledge Review
Instructions: Review each statement. Click on Thumbs
Up if you agree with the statement. Click on Thumbs
Down if you disagree.
2 of 4
Content Section
A distribution to shareholders out of
accumulated earnings and profits
held more than 5 years by the
corporation is a dividend.
! Wording to appear
on screen
! Sketched graphics
! Proposed layout
Instruction Bar
! Tell the user
what to do.
Instruction Bar: Click on the Next arrow to continue.
Progress Bar
Mark with an “X” any buttons that are dimmed and inactive. Fill in Special Purpose Buttons.
! Place an X to
indicate if a button
is inactive.
! Add any special
! Indicate where
Back and Next go.
! Write in verbatim
audio narration.
Graphic Notes
! Add special
instructions for the
programmers and
graphic designers.
Next ⇒
Click on your answer now.
Read Feedback: This statement is inaccurate. According to IRC section 316(a) any distribution
of property by a corporation made to its shareholders out of earnings and profits accumulated
after February 28, 1913, is a distribution. There is no time limitation.
Programming/Graphics Notes
Indicate Screen #’’s.
File Names
Answer = Disagree. Display and read feedback after the student
makes an entry.
[Correct!/Incorrect.] This statement is inaccurate. According to
IRC section 316(a) any distribution of property by a corporation
made to its shareholders out of earnings and profits accumulated
after February 28, 1913, is a distribution. There is no time
File Name: DistLes1.doc
Checkmark = check.psd
Thumbs = thumpsup.psd
Page 15 of 68
File Names
! Storyboard file name
! Page number
! List file names of all media
elements, documents, etc.
Template File Name:
November 1999
Page 3.3
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.2 Title Screens/Introductory/Summary Information
Title screens and other introductory information are used to welcome the users to the course and to
provide mandatory information (e.g., IRS mission statement and disclaimer statement). Summary
screens provide closure to the lesson or course.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Determines the title of the course.
Writes introductory information (course purpose, objectives, etc.).
Instructional Designer
Reviews the title and introductory information.
Makes suggestions as appropriate.
Graphic Designer/VIS
Develops the “look and feel” of the title screen.
Project Manager
Approves title screens and introductory information.
Title Screens/Introductory Screens Contents—Each course begins with the following types of
screens/information in the sequence indicated in the left column:
Information Included
Title Screen
Include the following information on title screens:
− Course number and course/lesson name
− Catalog number for accompanying paper materials
− Graphic image representing the contents
− Date and/or version
IRS Mission Screen
Insert the IRS mission immediately following the course title screen:
Provide America’s taxpayers top quality service by helping them
understand and meet their tax responsibilities and by applying tax law
with integrity and fairness to all.
Include the standard ethics screens contained in the “Guidelines for
Writing Training Materials.”
Security Statements
Insert any required security statements such as for IDRS.
Disclaimer Screen
Insert the disclaimer below following the IRS mission:
This material was designed specifically for training purposes only.
Under no circumstances should the content be used or cited as authority
for setting or sustaining a technical position.
Copying and distributing information from other than IRS-authorized
sources is invalid.
Objectives Screen
List the course and/or lesson objectives on an early screen.
Introductory Screen
Provide any needed background information or instructions on how to
complete the course/lesson.
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Page 3.4
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.2 Title Screens/Introductory/Summary Information: Conventions
Summary Screens Contents--Each lesson or course ends with the following types of
screens/information in the sequence indicated in the left column:
Information Included
Content Summary
Include a summary of the key points covered in the lesson/course.
Final Knowledge
Develop a final exercise to help users review the key points covered in
the lesson/course.
Final Quiz
Include items covering all of the key points/objectives.
Feedback Screen
Indicate the items answered correctly and incorrectly and make
suggestions for additional remediation if needed.
Provide a completion certificate that users can print and provide to their
supervisors to demonstrate that the lesson/course has been completed.
Design Tip: The initial design document indicates whether summaries and quizzes will appear after
each lesson or at the end of the entire course. This decision should be made based on the nature of
the instructional objectives and the length of each lesson. At a minimum, each lesson should include
at least one screen that helps the user transition from the current lesson to the next one.
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Page 3.5
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.2 Title Screens/Introductory/Summary Information: Sample Screens
Title Screen
Course Menu
Lesson Menu
IRS Mission
The IRS Mission
Provide America's taxpayers top quality service by
helping them understand and meet their tax
responsibilities and by applying the tax law with
integrity and fairness to all.
Course Menu
Lesson Menu
1. Describe your duties and responsibilities as a Customer Service
Representative (CSR).
2. Describe the IRS policy concerning taxpayer privacy.
3. Explain how Customer Service offers assistance to the public.
4. Identify potential bribe, threat, or assault situations.
5. Explain how to handle a situation where an actual or potential bribe,
threat or assault occurs.
6. Identify a potentially dangerous taxpayer (PDT).
Continued on next page . . .
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Page 3.6
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.2 Title Screens/Introductory/Summary Information: Sample Screens
Course Menu
Lesson Menu
Summary Knowledge Check
In this knowledge review you will answer 10
items that cover the information presented in this
lesson. For each question, selected the correct
answer and the click Submit. For a quick
review, click on a topic in the window on the
The Freedom of Information Act provides a way
for the public to access Government records.
Final Knowledge
Check With Course
Summary on the
Back to Top
Defining Disclosures
Disclosure is making known to any person, in
any manner, a return or any tax return
Item 1 of 10
Employees having access to and working with
taxpayer information must NOT.
Accept information from a third party.
Disclose information to unauthorized persons.
Ask questions to verify a taxpayer's identity.
An authorized disclosure is tax information
given to individuals authorized to receive the
information or have a "need to know" in the
normal course of work.
An unintentional unauthorized disclosure may
be the result of human or mechanical error.
Intentional unauthorized disclosure is willfully
disclosing tax information to an individual not
authorized to receive it.
Submit your answer
Customer Se
Final Feedback
Screen With Popup
Window Showing
Completion Certificate
Customer Service Core Skills Training
Lesson 7
Your score on
retake the quiz
Completion Certificate
Retake Quiz
To receive cre
Click on
Note: th
This certificate is confirmation that the web-based training lesson titled
"Disclosure" was completed.
My signature below is certification that I completed this lesson.
Print C
2. Sign and
3. Submit t
Your Signature
This lessonwas completed on the following date 10/25/99
November 1999
Page 3.7
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.3 Navigation
Navigation allows users to interact with the course material and make decisions about accessing
information. Navigation can be accomplished through buttons, “hot words,” “hot spots,” or graphics.
Design Tips: Computer-based training can offer an unlimited amount of navigation alternatives. It is
critical to make the navigation paths and decisions simple for the users. Users tend to get
overwhelmed if the navigation pathways through the course are not simple and straightforward.
Navigation elements should have labels or universally understood symbols. When feasible the
selection of a navigation element should cause an effect (e.g., color change, depression of the button,
sound, etc.). A navigation element can be specified for a particular screen or the entire lesson/course.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Adds any lesson-specific navigation that may be required.
Instructional Designer
Ensures that navigation conventions are applied consistently across lessons.
Assesses whether users will be able to follow the navigation logic and
Identifies any navigation designs that may cause technical issues.
Project Manager
Approves navigation designs and buttons.
Navigation Elements—The following navigation buttons/graphics will be used:
Allows the user to exit a lesson from any location in the lesson.
OLC (web only)
Takes the user to the IRS Online Learning Center (OLC) desktop.
Course Menu
Takes the user to a list of lessons contained within the course and highlights the
current lesson.
Lesson Menu
Takes the user to a list of topics contained within the lesson and highlights the
current topic location. (Note: This button is required if the lesson has sections.)
Provides guidance on how to use the course materials, what information should be
entered into a field, how to navigate through a software program, etc.
Provides a listing of references that can be accessed including glossary, IRM, job
aids, etc. If the only item available is a glossary, then the button is titled
Replays the audio/video segment on the current screen. Note: The replay button in
the navigation bar replays the audio. If video is included, a second replay/pause
button will also appear as part of the video window graphic.
Back or Left Arrow
Returns the user to the previous screen viewed.
Next or Right Arrow
Takes the user to the next sequential screen.
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Page 3.8
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.3 Navigation: Conventions
Wording of Navigation Instructions—When referring to a navigation element, use the following
standard language: Click the [name of element] to [function]. For example, Click the next arrow
to continue.
Placement of Navigation Elements—The standard placement for navigation elements is as follows:
Delivery Mode
Location on the Screen
Order of Buttons From Left to Right
Course Menu
Lesson Menu
Bottom Right
Back Arrow
Next Arrow
Course Menu
Lesson Menu
Back Arrow
Next Arrow
Optional Navigation Elements
The following are examples of specialty navigation elements that can be used. Note that if a
navigation element appears below, it should be used to promote consistency across courses. The
instructional designer will approve the addition of other navigation elements.
Progress Bar
Lets the user know what proportion of the lesson he or she has completed.
Allows the user to designate that he/she is ready to have an answer to an exercise or
quiz judged.
Prints the current screen or page.
Takes the user back to a main screen from a window or a “popup screen.”
Display References
Allows the user to access references related to the current screen.
Allows the user to access an optional example related to the current screen.
Review [Element]
Allows the user to access optional review information.
Audio On/Off
Allows the user to turn off sound or turn it back on again.
Narration Text
Displays a window with a textual version of the audio/video scripts.
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.3 Navigation: Conventions
Sample Web-Based Button Bar
Sample Lesson Menu
Select a Lesson:
Introduction to the IRS
Taxpayer Rights
Researching Tax Law References
Sample CD-ROM Button Bar
Problem Resolution Program
Section B
The IRS Mission
Provide America's taxpayers top
quality service by helping them to
understand and meet their tax
responsibilities and by applying
the tax law with integrity and
fairness to all.
Course Menu
Standard Buttons
November 1999
Lesson Menu
Progress Bar
Note: The placement of this bar may vary
depending on the approved screen design.
Click on forward arrow
to continue
Instructions and Prompts
Page 3.10
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.4 Menu Screens
Menu screens provide a visual orientation to the content that will be presented and allow the user to
select a pathway through a course or lesson.
Design Tips: Computer-based training should be chunked into small lessons. If possible, each
lesson should be 30 minutes or less. If a lesson becomes lengthy, an option is to divide it into smaller
sections. Menus can be used to show users the lessons and/or sections they have completed and allow
them to have learner control regarding the next information to be learned.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Develops the proposed structure of the course.
Designates lesson titles.
Instructional Designer
Reviews the instructional flow.
Determines if the menu structure is appropriate and supports learning.
Project Manager
Approves menu screens.
The information to be contained on menu screens is as follows:
Type of Menu
Items To Include
Course Menu
Lesson numbers and names
Graphic image representing the course contents
Instructions (if needed)
Lesson Menu
Section names
Instructions (if needed)
Wording of Titles
When possible, all titles should:
Have parallel construction (for example, all end with “ing”).
Communicate the contents of the lessons/sections.
Be as brief as possible.
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.4 Menu Screens: Conventions
Sample Menu Screen: Web-Based Training
Sample Menu Screen: CD-ROM Delivered Training
Continued on next page . . .
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.5 Screen Design/Layout
The layout of a screen is more than creating a pretty picture. The placement of text and graphics
should facilitate learning.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Drafts the first version of the screens.
Determines how to divide the content into a series of screens.
Suggests graphic concepts and reviews draft graphics.
Instructional Designer
Makes suggestions on how to improve the instructional aspects.
Sets course-specific conventions that are beyond those listed below.
Graphic Designer/VIS
Develops the “look and feel” of the screens.
Creates graphics.
Project Manager
Instructs team on screen layout and proper placement of elements.
Approves screen layout and design.
Screen Density
Limit the amount of text and graphics on a screen. If you have more than
100−125 words, reduce the number of words or split the screen in two.
Use unique headers within the body of the screen.
Include the name of the lesson and/or section within the screen interface.
Select a consistent area(s) for the placement of graphics. Research suggests
that users more easily perceive graphic images on the right side of the screen.
Use graphics to reinforce the textual/audio content.
Avoid graphics that are distracting (e.g., flashing, repetitive animation, etc.).
Ensure that graphics reflect the diversity of the workforce and are free of
racial, cultural, and gender stereotypes.
Use of Colors
Use colors consistently and follow standard conventions for the use of color
(e.g., green should not mean stop).
Use colors to cue the user that action is needed. For example, green text
could be used for all instructions.
Use standard hyperlink colors (web-delivered course): unvisited link = navy
blue and underlined; and visited link = maroon.
Background and
Lettering Colors
Use a light background with dark text for improved readability. Note: Dark
backgrounds and light lettering can be used for title screens and menus.
Use Arial font. In most cases, the point size should not be less than 10 point.
Note: Exceptions are labels within some graphics.
Avoid the use of italics. Italic font is very difficult to read on a screen.
Use bold and all caps to emphasize important words.
Use left justification, leaving a ragged right margin.
Progress Indicator
Use a progress bar or screen/page numbers to allow users to monitor their
progress through the lessons. Placement depends on the screen design.
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.5 Screen Design/Layout: Conventions
Accessibility Guidelines
If color alone is used to convey information, people who cannot differentiate between certain colors and
users with devices that have noncolor or nonvisual displays will not receive the information. When
foreground and background colors are too close to the same hue, they may not provide sufficient contrast
when viewed using monochrome displays or by people with different types of color deficits. (Source:
The World Wide Web Consortium
These additional guidelines are adapted from the Department of Education Software Development
Standards (
Ensure that foreground and background color combinations provide sufficient contrast when viewed
by someone having color deficits or when viewed on a black-and-white screen. Use a light
background with dark letters for text areas.
Do not use color-coding as the only means of conveying information or indicating an action. Always
provide an alternative or parallel method that can be used by individuals who do not possess the
ability to identify colors.
Allow the user to define color settings system-wide. Highlighting should also be viewable with
inverted colors. (Web only)
Do not use distracting patterned backgrounds behind text or important graphics.
Allow the user to override application default fonts for printing and text displays.
Allow the user to adjust or disable flashing, rotating, or moving displays to the extent that it does not
interfere with the purpose of the application.
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.5 Screen Design/Layout: Conventions
Sample Screen Layout
Identify the lesson or
section on each screen.
Each screen should have a
title that conveys the
content of the screen.
Course Menu
Lesson Menu
1. Describe your duties and responsibilities as a Customer Service
Representative (CSR).
2. Describe the IRS policy concerning taxpayer privacy.
3. Explain how Customer Service offers assistance to the public.
Use a light
color and dark
lettering. Leftjustify text,
leaving a
ragged right
4. Identify potential bribe, threat, or assault situations.
5. Explain how to handle a situation where an actual or potential bribe,
threat or assault occurs.
6. Identify a potentially dangerous taxpayer (PDT).
Press the right arrow to continue.
Optional: A progress
bar or other technique
(e.g., screen numbers)
allowing users to
monitor their progress
through a lesson.
Limit the amount of text and graphics
that appear on a screen. The total
number of words on this screen is
approximately 100. Remember, white
space on screens is desirable.
Place graphics
in a consistent
location. Use
graphics to help
make the
teaching point
of the screen.
Use colors consistently. For
example, in this course green is
used for instructions.
See screen text standards on page 3.19 for additional information.
See development tool standards on page 4.2 for additional information.
See graphic parameter standards on page 4.4 for additional information.
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.5 Screen Design/Layout: Conventions
Design Tip: One way to ensure consistency among lesson screens is to complete design/layout
worksheets. The following pages show example worksheets for a web-based lesson. Blank
copies of these worksheets can be found in Section 6, CBT Templates.
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.5 Screen Design/Layout: Conventions
Screen Design Style Worksheet: Text, Fonts, and Colors
Text Within
Additional Notes
Title Pages
Dark Green
Screen Titles
Dark Green
Sub-Level Titles
When user rolls over the button text
changes to a brown color
Main Screen Body
Left Justified
Key Points/Emphasis
Figure Labels/Titles
Hypertext/Hot Text
Underline and change the font color
to purple after selected.
Navigation Instructions
Interaction Instructions
Correct Feedback
Show a checkmark with feedback.
Incorrect Feedback
Show an “X” with feedback.
Use a symbol to indicate current
Help Section
Template File Name:
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.5 Screen Design/Layout: Conventions
Screen Design Style Worksheet: Margins and Spacing
" 800X600
Margins (CD-ROM only)
Other: ________________________________
Top: ________ (pixels/inches from the screen edge)
Bottom: ________ (pixels/inches from the screen edge)
Left: ________ (pixels/inches from the screen edge)
Right: ________ (pixels/inches from the screen edge)
Circle the appropriate measure above.
Margins (Web only)
Top: ½ inch from the screen edge
Left: ½ inch from the screen edge
Table Margins (Web only)
3 pixels from all lines
Maximum Number of Words/Lines
Per Screen To Prevent Scrolling
Words: 150
Types of Screens Where Scrolling
Is Allowed
List screen types where scrolling is allowed:
Help Screen, Glossary, & Job Aids
Standard Size(s) of Graphics
233 pixels by 317 pixels
196 pixels by 149 pixels
239 pixels by 239 pixels
Standard Placement of Graphics
Describe the location on the screen (e.g., upper left corner, lower
right corner, etc.) where graphics should appear.
Upper Right
Alignment of Bullet/Numbered
Hanging indent with the bullet placed ½ inches from the screen edge
Number of Spaces After a Period
One Space
" Two Spaces
Number of Spaces After a Colon
One Space
" Two Spaces
Template File Name:
November 1999
Page 3.18
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.6 Screen Text
Text is a critical element of all computer-based training. How the text is written is important to the
quality of the instruction. Effective and consistent writing creates lessons that look and sound alike.
If the writing style changes, the reader has to stop, readjust his or her processing of the material, and
often reread to understand the material.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Drafts the text of the screens.
Approves editorial changes.
Instructional Designer
Makes suggestions on how to improve the instructional flow and clarity of
the text.
Ensures consistency of writing.
Corrects grammatical errors.
Project Manager
Obtains client approval.
Approves the storyboards and authorizes production to begin.
Style Guidelines
Layout of Text
November 1999
Use the Government Printing Office (GPO) Style Manual to determine how
words are to be spelled.
Use the American Heritage Dictionary (U.S. version) for any words not in the
GPO Style Manual.
Use the Government Printing Office (GPO) Style Manual as the primary
guide for writing style and conventions.
Avoid using technical jargon and slang.
Set the reading level, when possible, for text at a ninth-grade level.
Spell out a new or uncommon acronym the first time it appears in text,
followed by the acronym in parentheses.
Avoid text typed in all uppercase letters (except briefly for emphasis) as it is
harder to read.
Reduce the variety of the size, style, and color of the type to make the text
easier to read.
Use left-justified text; do not center, right, or fully justify.
Use short lines (40-60 characters) to reduce eyestrain and increase readability.
Use numbers or letters for an ordered list (i.e., list of sequential steps) and to
offset items in a list.
Use bullets for nonsequential lists and to offset items in a list.
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.7 Audio Scripts
Audio may be used for narration, telephone simulations, audio cues/warnings, and background music.
Design Tips: Retention is enhanced when strong visual images or key words are used in conjunction
with audio. When the screen remains static, users tend to stop attending after 10 to 20 seconds of
audio. Therefore, plan to add bullets or change graphical images after approximately 15 seconds of
straight audio narration. One second of audio is comprised of an average of six words. Therefore,
you should think about changing the visual aspects of the screen if you are exceeding 90 words.
Another tip is to have an experienced scriptwriter review the narration. Writing text that users read
from a screen is very different from writing narration. If you do not have access to a scriptwriter, ask
someone who has never seen the script to read it aloud to you. Having someone else read your
narration aloud will help you identify any areas that need to be smoothed out.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Drafts the audio scripts.
Instructional Designer
Reviews the audio scripts to make sure that they are instructionally sound.
Checks to make sure that the audio and visual images complement each
Assumes the scriptwriter’s responsibilities if required.
Polishes the draft audio scripts.
Readies the scripts for production (e.g., phonetically spells out unusual
words, specifies how acronyms will be narrated, adds cues, etc.).
Project Manager
Determines narrator characteristics.
Arranges audio production.
Audio Scripts
State in the storyboards the actual words to be recorded. If additional space is
needed, add a page following the corresponding screen.
Spell out all numbers. If each letter is to be read in an acronym, format the
acronym in the scripts to reflect this (I-R-S, for example).
Create a separate script to correspond to each changing element within the
screen. For example, if the audio is to be synced with the appearance of three
bullets, then create three separate audio scripts. Include a label explaining the
relationship between the audio and the event on the screen. (See next page.)
Programming Notes
Indicate all sound effects to be used and the timing of these sound effects.
Include any other special instructions and names of existing audio files.
Replay Button
Always include a replay button on screens with audio.
On/Off Option
If the audio is supplemental, offer the user an on/off button.
Narration Button
Provide a button that displays a textual version of the audio script.
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.7 Audio Scripts: Conventions
Sample Audio Scripts Within Storyboards
Audio Segment One:
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to . . .
. . . Compute the current earnings and profits of a corporation.
Audio Segment Two:
. . . Compute the accumulated earnings and profits of a corporation.
This audio script is divided into
three segments. This division will
allow the narrator to record three
separate files. The programmer
can then link the narration to
bullets being added to the screen.
If a single audio file were
developed, the syncing of the
audio and the text could not be
Audio Segment Three:
. . . Determine the source of a distribution using Treasury Regulation Section one point three one
six, dash two. Click the forward arrow to continue.
Programming/Graphics Notes
Build the text that states each objective to sync with audio.
Audio Segment One:
Click on your answer now.
When each letter is
to be spoken, format
acronyms as
On the screen this text
looks like Trea. Reg.
Section 1.316-2. In audio
scripts, everything must
be spelled out the way
you want the narrator to
read it. Spell out all
numbers and symbols
that should be spoken.
The exception is dates.
Audio Segment Two:
According to I-R-C section three sixteen A, any distribution of property by a corporation made
to its shareholders out of earnings and profits accumulated after February 28, 1913, is a
distribution. There is no time limitation.
Programming/Graphics Notes
(1) Activate the first audio file.
(2) Judge the answer. The correct answer = Disagree.
Explain to the programmer the
relationship between the audio
segments and the information on
the screen. If the names of the
audio files are known, include them
in the storyboards.
(3) Then display and play the feedback: According to IRC section 316(a) any distribution of
property by a corporation made to its shareholders out of earnings and profits accumulated after
February 28, 1913, is a distribution. There is no time limitation.
See the audio and video parameters standards on page 4.3 and the
development file naming conventions on page 4.5 for additional information.
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.8 Video Scripts
Video may be used for presenting information, modeling skills, or providing simulation exercises.
Design Tips: Choose when to use video wisely. Video can be the most costly element to add to
computer-based training. There is also a limit to the amount of motion video that can be stored on a
CD-ROM. The total length of video that can be stored on a CD-ROM while still leaving room for the
rest of the course is approximately 30 to 40 minutes. Before choosing to include video, ask yourself:
Could audio with visuals that change every 15 seconds achieve the same instructional objective?
Note: At this time, IRS does not have the infrastructure to support video delivered in a web
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Drafts the video scripts.
Instructional Designer
Reviews the video scripts to make sure that they are instructionally sound.
Assumes the scriptwriter’s responsibilities if required.
Polishes the draft video scripts.
Readies the scripts for production (e.g., adds technical directions,
phonetically spells out unusual words, specifies how acronyms will be
narrated, adds cues, etc.).
Project Manager
Approves production budgets and coordinates with the video producer.
Coordinates securing actors.
Identifies diversity issues.
Video Scripts
Use a two-column format. In the left column describe the scene to be
produced. Note: An experienced scriptwriter should add the technical
direction (e.g., type of shot, editing techniques, etc.). In the right column,
state the actual words to be recorded. Use a separate page and reference the
corresponding screen number.
Follow the guidelines for audio scripts.
Programming Notes
Indicate all video to be used.
Include any other special instructions and names of existing audio files.
Replay Button
Always include a replay button on screens with video.
On/Off Option
If the video is supplemental, offer the user an on/off button.
Narration Button
Provide a button that displays a textual version of the video script.
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.8 Video Scripts: Conventions
Sample Video Script Within Storyboard
Video Script for Screen 16
Scene Description
BOX LABELED Training Process
Training (OJT)
At the beginning of training, each employee is
The individual observes experienced customer
Let's look at the on-the-job training and certification
process, beginning with the training process.
assigned a coach.
service representatives to see how they use certain
techniques and skills.
Enter scene
number within
the video
Describe technical
directions for the video
crew and editor. If you
are not familiar with
writing video scripts,
simply describe what
would appear on the
video screen.
Write the audio verbatim. Use the
guidelines for writing audio scripts.
See the audio and video parameters standards on page 4.3 for additional
See the template:
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Page 3.23
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.9 Interactions
Interactions allow users to assess whether they have mastered the content. Interactions also help keep
the users’ attention.
Design Tips: Use meaningful interactions. Clicking on a graphic instead of the forward arrow to
continue is not a true interaction. Make sure that you are asking the user to use the information just
presented in the lesson in a way that will help foster mastery.
Balance the goal of providing the users with variety with the need to be consistent. Users prefer not
to have to learn a new way to navigate through an interaction. Therefore, all multiple-choice
interactions should function the same way and contain the same instructions.
Generally, you should give users two tries to answer an interaction. The exceptions are for:
True/false items or other interactions where there are only two choices. After the user misses the
first choice, the answer is obvious and individuals often resent having to repeat the interaction.
Interactions that include numerous or open-end choices. In this case you want to give the user
different feedback for the first and second misses. The feedback should give progressively more
detailed guidance or hints. Avoid giving the same feedback for each try.
Interactions that are so critical that you want to reinforce by having the user input the correct
Complex interactions (e.g., matching, some fill-in-the-blanks) where scoring and feedback would
be very difficult unless the user enters all correct responses.
Type of Interactions
A multiple-choice question lists the question with several options as an
answer. Here are several suggestions for writing creative multiplechoice interactions:
! Use graphic images instead of narrative distractors. Have users
click on the correct illustration.
! Embed the multiple choice in a simulation format. For example,
send users a simulated e-mail message with options included in the
message. Have users respond by clicking on the correct option
within the message.
! Use a game format (e.g., a variation of Jeopardy or tic-tac-toe).
A true-false item asks users to identify the statement as true or false.
Here are several suggestions for writing creative true/false interactions:
! Write a statement and ask if it is a fact or myth.
! Write a statement and ask if the user agrees or disagrees. Use a
graphic to click on such as “thumbs up” or “thumbs down.” (See
page 3.3 for an example of a true-false graphic.)
! Create a situation where two characters disagree on a point. Have
one character make a true statement and the second character make
a false statement. Ask users to select the character “who is right.”
Continued on next page . . .
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.9 Interactions: Purpose
Type of Interactions
A fill-in-the-blank item allows users to respond to a question by entering
a specific word or number. Avoid using this type of interaction when:
! Several different words could be correct (e.g., car, auto, vehicle).
! It is likely that users could misspell the entry.
! There is nothing to gain by having users type in the answer (e.g.,
typing in the word “True”).
A matching item generally includes two lists of related words, phrases,
or symbols. The user is required to match each item in one list with one
item in the second list. It is difficult to provide feedback beyond
showing users the correct matches. Avoid crowding the screen when
creating matching exercises.
A drag-and-drop item consists of related items that must be dragged into
the correct place (e.g., items to be sequenced in a list, labels to be placed
on a graphic, etc.). Users can be required to place the item correctly
before proceeding, or the item can float to the correct location if it is not
placed correctly.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Develops the interactions.
Ensures the currency and accuracy of the interactions.
Instructional Designer
Reviews the instructional approach.
Provides advice on the technical feasibility of the interactions.
Offers suggestions on the design of interactions that could reduce
programming time.
Project Manager
Approves the types and levels of interactions.
Frequency of
Insert an interaction every four to six screens. If you find that you have 10
screens in a row without an interaction, you need to reconsider the
instructional design.
Place instructions at the top of each interaction.
Use consistent wording for instructions on all similar types of interactions.
Say exactly what users must do to complete the interaction.
− Good Example: Click on the correct answer.
− Bad Example: Select your response.
Accompany all audio instructions with on-screen text.
Number of Items
Display the number of items that are included in each interaction:
− Suggested Format: Item 1 of 5
Continued on next page . . .
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Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.9 Interactions: Conventions
Programming Notes
Provide feedback on the same screen as the question whenever possible.
Word feedback positively.
Do not use humor in feedback statements.
Do not use insincere statements such as “Sorry. The correct answer is . . .”
Everyone knows that the computer is not really sorry.
For correct answers, use the following type of format:
− Correct! [Explanation of why the answer is correct.]
For incorrect answers (other than two-distractor items such as true-false):
− 1st try, give a hint and ask the user to try again.
− 2nd try, tell learner that the response is incorrect. Provide the correct
answer and explanation.
Use feedback as an opportunity to continue teaching the content.
Provide clear instructions for the programmer, including:
− Identifying the correct answer.
− Stating what happens when users select each option.
The templates that appear on the following pages can be used to develop clear programming
instructions. If you use these templates:
! Create one item within the storyboard format to show how the item should appear on the screen.
(See page 3.3.)
! Reference the screen number on the template.
! Insert the template immediately following the relevant storyboard page.
November 1999
Page 3.26
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.9 Interactions: Sample Interaction Templates
Multiple-Choice Item
Screen Number: 18
Item 1 of 5
Question Stem Text
A taxpayer sends you an expensive bottle of scotch after you set up a payment plan. This
item is a:
a) Bribe; b) Perk; c) Gratuity; d) Present
Correct Answer
Feedback: Correct
Correct! Because the gift is for performing your duty properly in the past, it is a gratuity.
Feedback: First
Wrong Attempt
Think about what occurred just before you received the bottle of scotch. Try again.
Feedback: Second
Wrong Attempt
Incorrect. The correct answer is C. Because the gift is for performing your duty properly in
the past, it is a gratuity.
Accompanying Storyboard Excerpt
Item 1 of 5
Graphic of a whiskey bottle
with a bow on it.
Instructions: Read the statement and then click on
the correct answer.
A taxpayer sends you an expensive bottle of
scotch after you set up a payment plan. This item
is a:
[Feedback Area: See Template]
See the template:
November 1999
This excerpt shows the main text area
from the storyboard. After you provide
a model of how the interaction should
appear, you can then write the
remaining items in the template
format. The format would be inserted
behind the storyboard page and
reference the screen number from the
storyboard. Item 2 would also
reference that screen.
Page 3.27
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.9 Interactions: Sample Interaction Templates
True/False Item
Screen Number: 30
Item 1 of 6
Question Stem Text
True or False? A taxpayer sends you an expensive bottle of scotch after you set up a payment plan. The
scotch is considered a bribe.
Correct Answer
Feedback: Correct
Correct! Because the gift is for performing your duty properly in the past, it is a gratuity.
The correct response is False. Because the gift is for performing your duty properly in
the past, it is a gratuity.
See the template:
Fill-in-the-Blank Item
Screen Number: 29
Item 1 of 3
Question Stem Text
Furman Corporation has taxable income for 1998 of $120,000. Furman has tax-free interest income of
What is the current earnings and profits, considering only the effect of the interest?
Enter the dollar amount:
Correct Answer &
Other Allowable
Allow the user to input any of the following: 132,000 or 132000
Allow the user to enter a dollar sign or not.
Feedback: Correct
Correct! When computing current earnings and profits, Furman Corporation’s tax-free
interest income of $12,000 is added to the $120,000 of taxable income.
Feedback: First
Wrong Attempt
The amount you entered is incorrect. Remember that you are computing current
earnings and profits, not taxable income. Try again.
Feedback: Second
Wrong Attempt
The amount you entered is incorrect. The correct amount is $132,000 ($12,000 of taxfree interest plus $120,000 of taxable income). When computing earnings and profits,
you should add nontaxable or exempted income to the taxable income.
See the template:
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Page 3.28
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.9 Interactions: Sample Interaction Templates
Matching Item
Screen Number: 30
Item 1 of 2
Question Stem Text
Click on a box on the left side. While holding the mouse button down, drag the arrow to the correct box
on the right side. When you are finished, click the Submit button.
Use a “Submit” button to
allow the user to control
when the interaction is
ready to be scored. Allow
the user to change the
matches before the Submit
button is selected.
Left Column Items
Correct Match in Right Column
Color of dandelions.
Color of the clouds.
Color of the ocean.
Color of grass.
Feedback: Correct
Feedback: First Wrong
Good job! You have correctly matched all of the items.
Feedback: Second Wrong
Not all of the items are correctly matched. The correct matches are highlighted
below using green lines.
Make sure the items in the left column are
similar to one another. Use the right column for
the more wordy items. Items in the right
column should be written using parallel formats
and should not give away another match.
Not all of the items are correctly matched. Try again.
(Note: It is very difficult to program specific feedback for each match. In
most cases, you may want to give the user only one attempt on matching
See the template:
November 1999
Page 3.29
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.9 Interactions: Sample Interaction Templates
Drag-and-Drop Item
Screen Number: 31
Item 1 of 1
Question Stem Text
Click on a word on the left side. While holding the mouse button down, drag the word to the correct
location on the right side. Incorrect answers will float back to the starting position.
Drag Items
Correct Drag Location
For ___________ property (generally pre-1981 property), a corporation
computes straight-line depreciation using the same useful life of the property
as it uses for taxable income. Therefore, no adjustments are needed when
computing earnings and profits.
When computing earnings and profits, adjustments must be made for
_________ property. For this type of property (generally post-1981 but pre1987 property), a corporation makes these adjustments using the straight-line
When computing earnings and profits, adjustments must be made for
________ property. For this type of property (generally post-1986 property), a
corporation makes these adjustments using the Alternative Depreciation
System (ADS).
[Intentionally left blank]
[Intentionally left blank]
Feedback: Correct
Feedback: Any Wrong
Good job! You have correctly placed all of the items.
Incorrect. Try again.
(Note: It is very difficult to program specific feedback for each placement.
In most cases, you should either have the item float back to the starting point
and ask the user to try again or have the item float to the correct location.)
See the template:
November 1999
Page 3.30
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.10 Tests
Tests allow users to assess whether they have mastered the content. Tests can also provide
information to the design team on the effectiveness of the instruction.
Design Tips: Develop your test items before you begin storyboarding the presentation and
interactions. Use the test items to help you determine:
The level of depth of the content required in the storyboards. Could the user answer the test items
with this level of detail? Should there be more or less information?
The types of interactions that will best prepare the user. Does this proposed interaction help the
user pass the test?
The same types of items as covered in the interactions standard can be used for constructing tests.
Listed below are some considerations to take into account when using these items for testing
Type of Item
Considerations for Testing
Make sure that there is only one correct response.
Avoid negatively worded stems.
− Good Example: Deferred income is defined as:
− Bad Example: Deferred income does NOT include:
Avoid “all of the above,” “none of the above,” and “a and b.”
Write distractors that are feasible but incorrect.
Limit the use of true-false in tests. The user has a 50 percent
chance of guessing the correct response.
Avoid using this type of test item when:
− Several different words could be correct (e.g., car, auto,
− It is likely that users could misspell the entry.
− There is nothing to gain by having users type in the answer
(e.g., typing in the word “True”).
Matching and
Determine how these types of test items will be scored. For
example, if users make a wrong match or placement, then a second
object will also be mismatched or placed incorrectly. Will the test
score count each wrong match/placement or will the entire
matching item be counted as correct or incorrect?
November 1999
Page 3.31
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.10 Tests: Responsibilities
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Develops the test items.
Ensures the currency and accuracy of the test items.
Instructional Designer
Reviews the instructional approach.
Provides advice on the technical feasibility of the test items.
Offers suggestions on the design of tests that could reduce programming
Project Manager
Obtains client approval.
Approves testing strategy and items.
Link Objectives and
Test Items
Identify the corresponding instructional objective(s) for each test item. Note:
Some objectives may overlap, making it difficult to create separate test items
for each objective.
Write multiple test questions per objective. Note: As a general rule, you
should have a minimum of three items per objective. However, this
minimum may not be feasible for lessons containing many narrow objectives.
Timing of Tests
Include a test for each lesson unless the entire course length is less than 1
Validate the clarity of test instructions. It is unfair to users to get an item
incorrect due to confusing instructions.
Number of Items
Display the total number of test items at the beginning.
Limit tests to 25 items when possible.
Number of Attempts
Allow users to retake tests if they do not reach mastery.
Use different test items if tests are retaken.
Provide feedback immediately after the learner responds to all test questions.
Provide a performance summary after users have completed the entire test.
Note: The timing of feedback for test items differs from the timing of
feedback on exercises or other nongraded interactions. For nongraded
interactions, feedback should be provided after each question rather than after
all items have been answered.
Data Collection
Programming Notes
Provide clear instructions for the programmer, including:
− Identifying the correct answer.
− Stating what happens when users select each option.
The templates that appear on the following pages can help you develop clear programming instructions.
These templates are very similar to the interaction templates. However, some changes have been made to
the templates to accommodate the specific requirements associated with testing.
November 1999
Page 3.32
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.10 Tests: Sample Test Templates
Multiple-Choice Item
Lesson: 1
Item 1 of 15
Instructional Objective: To distinguish between a gratuity and a bribe.
Question Stem Text
A taxpayer sends you an expensive bottle of scotch after you set up a payment plan. This item is a:
a) Bribe; b) Perk; c) Gratuity; d) Present
Correct Answer
[Correct./Incorrect.] Because the gift is for performing your duty properly in the past, it is a
Remediation Link
Link to Screen # 16.
There are a total of 15 items. Display the score as the percentage correct.
See the template:
Sample Test Feedback Screen
Some computer-based training offers students remedial
information when they get a test item incorrect. Students
can access this remedial information through a link
provided within the feedback. If you provide such links,
enter the screen number or web address in this area.
November 1999
Indicate if the answer was
correct or incorrect.
State the correct answer and
reason why it is correct.
Include references where
Page 3.33
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.10 Tests: Sample Test Templates
True/False Item
Lesson: 1
Item 5 of 15
Instructional Objective: To distinguish between a gratuity and a bribe.
Question Stem Text
True or False? A taxpayer sends you an expensive bottle of scotch after you set up a payment plan. The
scotch is considered a bribe.
Correct Answer
[Correct./Incorrect.] Because the gift is for performing your duty properly in the past, it
is a gratuity.
Remediation Link
Link to Screen # 16.
There are a total of 15 items. Display the score as the percentage correct.
See the template:
November 1999
Page 3.34
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.10 Tests: Sample Test Templates
Fill-in-the-Blank Item
Lesson: 3
Item 6 of 10
Instructional Objective: To calculate current earnings and profits.
Question Stem Text
Furman Corporation has taxable income for 1998 of $120,000. Furman has tax-free interest income of
What are the current earnings and profits, considering only the effect of the interest?
Enter the dollar amount:
Correct Answer &
Other Allowable
Allow the user to input any of the following: 132,000 or 132000
Allow the user to enter a dollar sign or not.
[Correct./Incorrect.] The correct amount is $132,000 ($12,000 of tax-free interest plus
$120,000 of taxable income). When computing earnings and profits, you should add
nontaxable or exempted income to the taxable income.
Remediation Link
Not applicable. Only feedback will be provided.
There are a total of 10 items. Display the score as the percentage correct.
See the template:
November 1999
Page 3.35
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.10 Tests: Sample Test Templates
Matching Item
Lesson: 5
Item 1 of 5
Instructional Objective: To match colors with objects.
Question Stem Text
Click on a box on the left side. While holding the mouse button down, drag the arrow to the correct box
on the right side. When you are finished, click the Submit button.
Left Column Items
Correct Match in Right Column
Color of dandelions.
Color of the clouds.
Color of the ocean.
Color of grass.
Feedback: All Correct
You matched all colors correctly.
Feedback: Any Wrong
You did not match all of the items correctly. The correct matches were
yellow with dandelions; white with cloud; blue with ocean; and green with
(Note: It is very difficult to program specific feedback for each match.)
Remediation Link
Screen 32.
Scoring Instructions
There are a total of five items. Count each of the items as either all correct or
all wrong. The highest score will be five correct. Display the feedback as
You got _____ matching items correct out of a total of 5 problems.
See the template:
November 1999
Page 3.36
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.10 Tests: Sample Test Templates
Drag-and-Drop Item
Lesson 2
Item 1 of 5
Instructional Objective: To identify the relationship between types of depreciation schedules and the
computation of earnings and profits.
Question Stem Text
Click on a word on the left side. While holding the mouse button down, drag the word to the correct
location on the right side. When you are finished, click the Submit button.
Drag Items
Correct Drag Location
For ___________ property (generally pre-1981 property), a corporation
computes straight-line depreciation using the same useful life of the property
as it uses for taxable income. Therefore, no adjustments are needed when
computing earnings and profits.
When computing earnings and profits, adjustments must be made for
_________ property. For this type of property (generally post-1981 but pre1987 property), a corporation makes these adjustments using the straight-line
When computing earnings and profits, adjustments must be made for
________ property. For this type of property (generally post-1986 property), a
corporation makes these adjustments using the Alternative Depreciation
System (ADS).
[Intentionally left blank]
[Intentionally left blank]
Feedback: All Correct
You placed all of the items correctly.
Feedback: Any Wrong
You did not place all of the items correctly. Click on the Remediation link to
view the correct answers.
(Note: It is very difficult to program specific feedback for each match.)
Remediation Link
Screen 23. This screen shows the correct answers.
Scoring Instructions
There are a total of five items. Count each of the items as either all correct or
all wrong. The highest score will be five correct. Display the feedback as
You got _____ drag-and-drop items correct out of a total of 5 problems.
See the template:
November 1999
Page 3.37
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.11 Glossary
A comprehensive glossary allows users to look up terms at any point within a lesson. A glossary can
help reduce the amount of text required on the screen. Instead of defining each term, you can
encourage users to look up unfamiliar terms.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Drafts the glossary.
Instructional Designer
Reviews the glossary for clarity.
Project Manager
Approves the glossary content and design.
Include important terms that are defined in one area of the course and then
repeated in other sections without being redefined.
Include key tax law terms or other important terms that will not be defined in
the course because it is assumed that most users already know the terms.
Include acronyms that are spelled out the first time they are referenced and
then used again with the acronym standing alone.
Provide references when giving the regulatory or statutory definition of a
Include an alphabetical index if the glossary requires users to scroll for more
than one screen length.
Sample Glossary Screen
November 1999
Page 3.38
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.12 Help Screens
Users should be able to access a help option to learn how to troubleshoot problems encountered.
Help is not a substitute for a tutorial.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Provides input on the contents of the help section.
Instructional Designer
Writes the content for the help screens.
Project Manager
Approves the help screen content and design.
Items To Include
Include the following types of information in help:
− Moving Around the Lesson (navigation and buttons)
− Completing Exercises
− Looking Up a Term
− Adjusting System Settings
− Enhancing Learning (tips for learning via the computer)
− Troubleshooting Audio/Video Problems (if used)
Refer to the “On-Line Help Standards.”
Use graphics and simple explanations to explain the information.
Sample Help Screen
See the "On-Line Help Standards" for additional information on writing help screens.
November 1999
Page 3.39
Section 3: Storyboard Development Standards
3.13 File Naming Conventions
Screens should be labeled to identify their sequence within a lesson. In addition, the storyboard files
must be named to allow for easy identification of the files and versions.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Subject-Matter Expert
Creates and names the storyboard files.
Inserts screen numbers on all storyboard pages.
Instructional Designer
Checks the screen numbers and branching instructions.
Establishes course identification characters for storyboard files.
Project Manager
Ensures that file naming conventions are followed.
Storyboard File
Use 2 alpha
characters to identify
the course.
CC = Customer
Service Core Skills
Screen Numbering
Use 2 numeric
characters to
indicate the
lesson number.
Use 1 alpha character to
indicate the version of
the storyboard. C means
that this file is the third
Number all screens sequentially within a lesson.
Do not renumber screens after programming has begun. If you need to add a
screen, simply add the letter A next to the previous screen number. If you
need to delete a screen, leave a page with the screen number stating the screen
has been deleted.
Number “popup” screens or drill-down screens as follows:
Main Screen =
Screen 10
Associated Screen
Screen 10a
November 1999
Associated Screen
Screen 10b
Associated Screen
Screen 10c
Page 3.40
Section 4: Technical Standards
4.0 Introduction
This section presents the following technical standards for the production of storyboards:
Development Tools
Lists the conventions for development tools and provides
recommendations for the selection of development packages.
Describes the minimum target client platform.
Audio and Video
Specifies the parameters to be used in creating audio and video
Graphic Parameters
Specifies the parameters to be used in creating graphic
Development File Naming
Provides the system for naming development files.
Directory Naming
Provides the system for creating course directory structures.
Production Master and
Installation Instructions
Describes the requirements for producing CD-ROM masters or
transferring files to the production server. Presents the
requirements for the development of installation instructions.
CD-ROM Packaging
Presents the items to be included on the CD-ROM package and
lists the conventions for production of the artwork.
November 1999
See Page
Page 4.1
Section 4: Technical Standards
4.1 Development Tools
The use of designated software tools helps ensure compatibility, maintainability, and reuse of
computer-based training products. In general, the latest versions are the standards.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Recommends the types and versions of software to be used to produce the
Project Manager
Approves the types and versions of software to be used on a particular
Authoring Function
Conventions/Example Software Applications
CBT Authoring
Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC)-Compliant Authoring
Package (e.g., Macromedia Authorware, Toolbook, etc.)
See for additional information.
Web Site/HTML Authoring
HTML 4.0-Compliant Authoring Tools
Cold Fusion, Java, JavaScript
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Compliant (e.g., MS SQL Server,
MS Access, Oracle, etc.)
Internet Explorer 4.0+ or Netscape 4.0+ Java-Enabled
Client Platform
The minimum target client platform for CD-ROM delivery is as follows:
Windows 95, 98, or NT
Screen resolution set to 800x600
12X or faster CD-ROM
Sound card
16 bit color
16 megs of RAM
The minimum target client platform for web delivery is as follows:
Windows 95, 98, or NT with Netscape 4.0+ or Internet Explorer 4.0+ browser with java enabled
High speed intranet connection
Screen resolution set to 800x600
Sound card
16 bit color
16 megs of RAM
RealAudio and MacroMedia Shockwave Plugins Installed (Optional)
November 1999
Page 4.2
Section 4: Technical Standards
4.2 Audio and Video Parameters
Audio and video technical parameters are designed to provide high quality while balancing the need
to reduce the total file size of the courseware.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Integrates audio and video elements using the conventions specified below.
Project Manager
Approves any variation from established conventions.
Video Parameter
If you are developing CD-ROM
courseware, the conventions are:
If you are developing intranet webbased courseware, the conventions are:
Frame Rate
Between 15 and 30 frames per second
15 frames per second
Data Rate
200 KB/s
not applicable
Color Quality
16 bit
8 to 16 bit
Holder Size
Quarter Screen (320x240 pixels)
160x120 pixels
Video for Windows
Streaming Server (e.g., RealPlayer G2)
File Format
Streaming File Format (e.g., .RM)
File Format−
Source Files
Note: The right column is shaded because currently IRS does not have the infrastructure to
support video delivered in a web environment.
Audio Parameter
If you are developing CD-ROM
courseware, the conventions are:
If you are developing intranet webbased courseware, the conventions are:
Sampling Rate
22,060 Hz
22,060 Hz
Sample Size
16 bit
8 bit
Video for Windows
Streaming Server (e.g., RealPlayer G2)
File Format
Streaming File Format (e.g., .RM)
File Format−
Source Files
November 1999
Page 4.3
Section 4: Technical Standards
4.3 Graphic Parameters
Graphic parameters are designed to ensure that graphic images will be high quality.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Graphic Designer/VIS
Creates images using the graphic parameters specified below.
Integrates graphic elements using the conventions specified below.
Project Manager
Approves any variation from established conventions.
Graphic Parameter
Web-Based (or HTML Delivered on CD Using a Broswer)
Use .GIF Palette: 216 web (Netscape) colors, non-interlaced when the course will
include users accessing it through a dial-up connection.
Use .JPEG Palette: 24 bit, compression quality between 50% and 100%
depending on performance requirements when the course will be delivered
completely on the IRS Intranet.
CD-ROM Delivered
A custom palette can be used if required.
Graphic Resolution
72 dpi
File Formats
Web-Based (or HTML Delivered on CD Using a Broswer)
CD-ROM Delivered
(Not including HTML Delivered on CD Using a Broswer)
Because .bmp graphic files are not compressed the loading time of graphics from
the CD-ROM will be faster than if other compressed graphic formats (e.g., .jpg)
are selected.
* Note: IRS applications developed for web delivery are intranet-based so image file size is not as
critical. Therefore, higher resolution graphics can be used and JPEG images are recommended. If the
client machine is set for a color palette greater than 256 colors, the user will enjoy the brilliance and
clarity of full-color images. If the client machine is set to 256 colors, the browser will adequately
dither the image.
November 1999
Page 4.4
Section 4: Technical Standards
4.4 Development File Naming Conventions
Consistent labeling of development files can improve overall productivity and reduce wasted time
spent searching for needed elements.
Design Tip: A file extension indicates the type of information stored in the file. Extensions are
automatically assigned by Windows programs so that additional typing to add an extension is often
not necessary. When you view a file list in Windows Explorer you may not see the extensions. The
default Windows Explorer setting hides the extensions even though they are there. Ensuring that
your files include standard Windows file extensions allows for easier maintenance of files by others
and reuse of files across various applications. Failure to include extensions or deleting them may
cause performance problems in many applications.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Creates and stores files using the conventions specified below.
Graphic Designer/VIS
Creates and stores files using the conventions specified below.
Project Manager
Approves any variation from established conventions.
Type of Character
Alpha if available
Course area
For example:
CC = Customer Service Core Skills
TA = Tax Auditor Training
Lesson number
Screen within a lesson
7 & up
Insertion of a screen or the first of multiple items on a screen
(for example, there could be two graphics on a screen)
Note: For projects authored in Toolbook (and other tools that do not use standardized Windows file
extensions conventions), the file creator may add the following characters in front of the files to
designate the type of file: Graphic = g; Audio = a; Animation = n; Video = v.
Screen # CC0309
Means that this is a Customer Service Core Skills course, Lesson 3,
Screen Number 9.
File Name TA0210.WAV
Means that this is an audio file for a Tax Auditor project, Lesson 2,
Screen Number 10.
November 1999
Page 4.5
Section 4: Technical Standards
4.5 Directory Naming
With the increased sharing and reuse of courseware development files and source code, development
and server directories should be named to permit rapid access, reuse, and maintenance.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Establishes and maintains directory structures using the standards specified
Project Manager
Approves any variation from established conventions.
For web-based training, all directory references programmed in courseware and associated functions
should be to relative references, and not a specific server. Directories should be established as
Course designator “root” folder
For example:
/CBTCC = Customer Service Core Skills
/CBTTA = Tax Auditor Training
Lesson or function subfolder
For example:
/CBTCC/LES1 = Customer Service Lesson 1
/CBTCC/LIBRARY = Tax Auditor Training Resources
Media associated with a lesson. All graphics common to all
lessons should be placed in a general images folder.
For example:
/CBTCC/IMAGES = Customer Service common graphics
November 1999
<A HREF=”/CBTXX/LES1/E1-01.HTM”> This example is a relative hypertext link.
The leading “/” begins the path with the root folder on the web server.
<A HREF=”../LES2/E2-05.HTM”> This example is also a relative path from one file
in a subfolder to a file in another subfolder at the same level. The “../” jumps up the
folder structure to the next highest level.
<A HREF=”HTTP://341.192.34.38/CBTXX/LES1/E1-01.HTM”>
inclusion of the URL in the path. The use of full paths can be detrimental. If the URL
changes the link will be broken.
Page 4.6
Section 4: Technical Standards
4.6 Production Master and Installation Instructions
When all revisions are completed, the courseware masters are produced or the final web files are
transferred to the production server environment.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Creates the production masters and installation instructions.
Prepares web files for transfer to production server.
Project Manager
Ensures that the master contains the most current versions of all files.
Arranges for reproduction of CD-ROM.
Tests the web files on the production server to ensure that all required files
were transferred.
Delivery Mode
For internet/intranet distribution, files are placed on a designated production server
for delivery to the client machine on demand.
Final delivery for this mode typically consists of “publication” of the final
validated files from the development server environment to the production
For LAN delivery, the final files are delivered electronically or on CD-ROM to
the network administrator for installation. As an alternative, the files may be
delivered via automated network maintenance software, such as SMS.
For CD-ROM delivery, the compact disc−recordable (CD-R), or “gold,” master is
prepared by copying the files from the hard drive of the development platform.
This “gold” disc is then sent to the production arm to produce the requisite number
of copies.
Installation Instructions
Describe the procedures required to install the lessons. If an installation program is used that will
automatically copy the correct files into the correct directory, the installation instructions may be as
simple as a note on the CD-ROM label.
Identify the device drivers and directories that may be required to run the lesson files.
Provide step-by-step procedures for troubleshooting any problems encountered as well as the
procedures for installation of a program group and the icon to launch the program (if necessary).
Provide a list of all files so that the completion of the installation can be checked.
Notes: For CD-ROM delivered courses, an autorun program should be used that will execute the program
automatically when the user places the CD in the drive. Additional technical information should be
provided in a readme file on the CD-ROM or within the web files.
November 1999
Page 4.7
Section 4: Technical Standards
4.7 CD-ROM Packaging
Critical information about the course and installation procedures is provided on the CD-ROM label
and jewel case panels. In addition, the packaging should be visually appealing and consistent with
the colors and themes within the courseware and compliant with the Government Printing Office
(GPO) Style Manual.
The following table specifies the responsibilities of each party:
Drafts the installation and technical requirements.
Graphic Designer/VIS
Produces artwork and readies electronic files for reproduction.
Reviews printing “proofs.”
Project Manager
Obtains client approval.
Reviews and approves final packaging.
Product: CD-ROM Label
Items To Include
November 1999
Course Title
Brief Installation Instructions
Course Number
TPDS Number
Date and Version (not shown in example)
Page 4.8
Section 4: Technical Standards
4.7 CD-ROM Packaging: Conventions
Product: Jewel Case Front Cover
Items To Include
Course Title
Internal Revenue Service Logo
Date and Version (not shown in example)
Course Number
TDPS Number
Course # 2288
TPDS # 85012K
Product: Jewel Case Back Cover
Items To Include
Course Title
Hardware Requirements
Course Number (Repeated on the Spines)
TPDS Number
OPT Logo
Product: Jewel Case Insert
Items To Include
November 1999
Installation Instructions
Troubleshooting Steps (optional)
Page 4.9
Section 4: Technical Standards
4.7 CD-ROM Packaging: Conventions
CD-ROM packaging products should be formatted for printing as follows:
CD-ROM Packaging Artwork
Color Selection
Match to the colors used in the courseware
Color Mode
Photo File Format
4.75" x 4.75"
5.88" x 4.6"
File Resolution
300 dpi
November 1999
Page 4.10
Section 5: Reference Materials
The following references supplement the information contained in this document:
Training Development Quality Assurance System (TDQAS)
Guidelines for the Development and Delivery of Technology-Delivered Training and
Performance Support, Volumes 1 through 4
Government Printing Office (GPO) Style Manual
Guidelines for Writing Training Materials, Books 1 and 2
Level 1 Data Analysis Guide
Establishing Validity of Test Instruments
On-Line Help Standards
November 1999
Page 5.1
Section 6: CBT Templates
Instructions for Using the IRS Templates
The IRS Templates are specified “Read-Only” and are protected for forms. The following information will
help you enter information, save the file, change the password, and activate or deactivate the "ReadOnly.”
Entering Information in the Templates
Open Microsoft Word 97.
Open the desired template.
Type the information needed into the first field. If it is not already highlighted, press the Tab key until it is
in the desired cell.
To advance the cursor to the next field, press the Tab key.
To go backwards, press Shift-Tab.
If an error was made, simply tab to the field and re-enter the information. You may place the cursor in any
of the fields or in any of the text you have entered and edit the text.
Saving the File
The templates are “Read-Only.” You cannot save the template itself. It must be saved under another
Select Save from the File menu.
Press the Enter key when the message appears telling you that the file cannot be saved under the current
name. You will be taken to the Save-As dialog box.
Rename the file using your standard naming conventions, making sure that it is being saved as a .doc
(Word Document) file. This should be automatic, but look at the dialog box to make sure.
Select Save to complete the process.
November 1999
Page 6.1
Section 6: CBT Templates
Instructions for Using the IRS Templates
Changing the Password
Note that the document may be protected without a password. This is okay if it is for your use only, but if
others will be accessing the document, it is not recommended.
Select Tools/Unprotect Document.
Enter “cbt” (the current password). Ensure there are no spaces and no caps.
The document is now unprotected and able to be manipulated.
Select Tools/Protect Document.
Click Forms.
Enter the password you wish to be attached to this file. Ensure that it is something you will remember or
keep a log of your passwords in a safe place.
Re-enter the password at the prompt. Ensure it is entered exactly as you entered it the first time.
Press the Enter key to complete the process.
Note that you will have to save the document under a different name as the file is still “Read-Only.”
Activating or Deactivating the “Read-Only” Function
Close the document.
Open the Windows Explorer.
Select the document.
Select the General tab.
Select File/Properties.
Click Save.
Press the Enter key to complete the process.
November 1999
Page 6.2
Section 6: CBT Templates
List of Templates
Click on an Example in the CBT Guide to view a sample of a template. To open the template,
select a document from the File Name column.
Type of Template
Example in CBT Guide in:
File Name
Lesson Design Template
Section 2.1, page 2.3
Section 3.1, page 3.3
Screen Design Style Worksheet:
Text, Fonts, & Colors
Section 3.5, page 3.17
Screen Design Style Worksheet:
Margins & Spacing
Section 3.5, page 3.18
Drag-and-Drop Item
Section 3.9, page 3.30
Fill-in-the-Blank Item
Section 3.9, page 3.28
Matching Item
Section 3.9, page 3.29
Multiple-Choice Item
Section 3.9, page 3.27
True/False Item
Section 3.9, page 3.28
Drag-and-Drop Item
Section 3.10, page 3.37
Fill-in-the-Blank Item
Section 3.10, page 3.35
Matching Item
Section 3.10, page 3.36
Multiple-Choice Item
Section 3.10, page 3.33
True/False Item
Section 3.10, page 3.34
Section 3.8, page 3.23
Interaction Templates
Test Templates
Video Script for Screen
November 1999
Page 6.3
Lesson Title
Terminal Learning Objective
Enabling Learning Objective(s)
Lesson Section
Instructional Strategy
File Name:
Screen Number
Instruction Bar:
Mark with an “X” any buttons that are dimmed or inactive. Fill in Special Purpose buttons.
Programming/Graphics Notes:
File Name:
Indicate Screen Numbers
File Names:
Screen Design Style Worksheet: Text, Fonts, and Colors
Text Within
Additional Notes
Title Pages
Screen Titles
Sub-Level Titles
Describe States (inactive, rollover,
Main Screen Body
Key Points/Emphasis
Figure Labels/Titles
Hypertext/Hot Text
Navigation Instructions
Interaction Instructions
Correct Feedback
Incorrect Feedback
Help Section
File Name:
Left Justified
Screen Design Style Worksheet: Margins and Spacing
Margins (CD-ROM only)
Other: ________________________________
Top: ________ (pixels/inches from the screen edge)
Bottom: ________ (pixels/inches from the screen edge)
Left: ________ (pixels/inches from the screen edge)
Right: ________ (pixels/inches from the screen edge)
Circle the appropriate measure above.
Margins (Web only)
Top: ________ (pixels from the screen edge)
Left: ________ (pixels from the screen edge)
Table Margins (Web only)
Enter the table margins to be used.
Maximum Number of Words/Lines
Per Screen To Prevent Scrolling
Words: _________
Lines: __________
Types of Screens Where Scrolling
Is Allowed
List screen types where scrolling is allowed:
Standard Size(s) of Graphics
____ pixels by ______ pixels
____ pixels by ______ pixels
____ pixels by ______ pixels
Standard Placement of Graphics
Describe the location on the screen (e.g., upper left corner, lower
right corner, etc.) where graphics should appear.
Alignment of Bullet/Numbered
Hanging indent with the bullet placed _______ (pixels/inches from
the screen edge)
Number of Spaces After a Period
One Space
Two Spaces
One Space
Two Spaces
Number of Spaces After a Colon
File Name:
Drag-and-Drop Item
Screen Number:
Question Stem Text
Drag Items
Feedback: Correct
Feedback: Any Wrong
File Name:
Correct Drag Location
Item #
of #
(Total Items)
Fill-in-the-Blank Item
Question Stem Text
Correct Answer &
Other Allowable
Feedback: Correct
Feedback: First
Wrong Attempt
Feedback: Second
Wrong Attempt
File Name:
Screen Number:
Item #
of #
(Total Items)
Screen Number:
Matching Item
Question Stem Text
Left Column Items
Feedback: Correct
Feedback: First Wrong
Feedback: Second Wrong
File Name:
Correct Match in Right Column
Item #
of #
(Total Items)
Multiple-Choice Item
Question Stem Text
Correct Answer
Feedback: Correct
Feedback: First
Wrong Attempt
Feedback: Second
Wrong Attempt
File Name:
Screen Number:
Item #
of #
(Total Items)
True/False Item
Question Stem Text
Correct Answer
Feedback: Correct
File Name:
Screen Number:
Item #
of #
(Total Items)
Drag-and-Drop Item
Instructional Objective:
Question Stem Text
Drag Items
Feedback: All Correct
Feedback: Any Wrong
Remediation Link
Scoring Instructions
File Name:
Correct Drag Location
Item #
of #
(Total Items)
Fill-in-the-Blank Item
Instructional Objective:
Question Stem Text
Correct Answer &
Other Allowable
Remediation Link
File Name:
Item #
of #
(Total Items)
Item #
Matching Item
Instructional Objective:
Question Stem Text
Left Column Items
Feedback: All Correct
Feedback: Any Wrong
Remediation Link
Scoring Instructions
File Name:
Correct Match in Right Column
of #
(Total Items)
Multiple-Choice Item
Instructional Objective:
Question Stem Text
Correct Answer
Remediation Link
File Name:
Item #
of #
(Total Items)
True/False Item
Instructional Objective:
Question Stem Text
Correct Answer
Remediation Link
File Name:
Item #
of #
(Total Items)
Video Script for Screen:
Scene Description
File Name:
Alpha Version - A very early version of a software product. The first fully programmed version of a
computer-based training lesson/module/course.
Animation - Full motion applied to graphics in two or three dimensions.
Application - Software that executes a particular task, such as word processing or spreadsheet analysis.
Audio - The presentation of information, directions, etc., in the form of sounds. The sound patterns are
then processed in the brain to interpret the meaning of sound.
Authoring System/Authoring Tool - The software development environment used to create a
multimedia application or title, help system, expert system, or electronic performance support system.
AVI (Audio Video Interleave) - The most common file format for delivering audio/video data in a
Windows operating environment.
Bandwidth - In relation to network capacity to handle multimedia, bandwidth refers to the maximum
volume of data "traffic" the network can handle, stated in megabits per second.
Beta Version - A beta version is the last version of a software product before it is finalized for release.
Beta versions should be tested in the operational environment with representative samples of end users
for usability and learning outcomes.
Bit (Binary Digit) - The smallest unit of information stored by a computer. A single bit can hold only one
of two values: 0 or 1. Graphics are also often described by the number of bits used to represent each dot.
A 1-bit image is monochrome; an 8-bit image supports 256 colors or grayscales; and a 24- or 32-bit
graphic supports full color.
Bit Map - A representation, consisting of rows and columns of dots, of a graphics image. The value of
each dot (whether it is filled in or not) is stored in one or more bits or data. The density of the dots, known
as the resolution, determines how sharply the image is represented
BMP - The standard bit-mapped graphics format used in the Windows environment. By convention,
graphics files in the BMP format end with a .BMP extension.
Branching - The single most important factor for determining the degree to which a lesson can adapt to
individual learners. Branching refers to if and how different material is displayed based on learner input.
Byte (Binary Term) - A computer unit of storage capable of holding a single character. A byte is equal to
8 bits. Larger storage measures include kilobytes (1,024 bytes), megabytes (1,048,576 bytes), and
gigabytes (1,073,741,824 bytes).
CD-ROM (Compact Disc-Read-Only Memory) - A type of optical disk capable of storing large amounts
of data -- up to 1GB, although the most common size is 650MB (megabytes). CD-ROMs are particularly
well-suited to information that requires large storage capacity. This includes large color software
applications, graphics, sound, and especially video.
CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black) - A color model in which all colors are described as a mixture of
these four process colors. CMYK is the standard color model used in offset printing for full-color
documents. Because such printing uses inks of these four basic colors, it is often called four-color
printing. In contrast, display devices generally use a different color model called RGB, which stands for
Computer-Based Training (CBT) - A generic term covering interactive training presented on the
computer and computer-managed learning. Interactive multimedia training is effectively CBT enhanced
by the inclusion of multimedia. Web-based training (WBT) is CBT delivered over the web.
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Page 1
Data Rate - The speed with which data can be transmitted from one device to another. Data rates are
often measured in megabits (million bits) or megabytes (million bytes) per second. These are usually
abbreviated as Mbps and MBps, respectively. Another term for data transfer rate is throughput.
DPI (Dots Per Inch) - Indicates the resolution of images. The more dots per inch, the higher the
resolution. A common resolution for laser printers is 600 dots per inch. This means 600 dots across and
600 dots down, so there are 360,000 dots per square inch.
Drag-and-Drop Item - An interaction or test item that consists of related words or objects that must be
dragged into the correct place (e.g., items to be sequenced in a list, labels to be placed on a graphic,
Drill and Practice - Generally used to perform or reinforce previously learned skills, concepts, or
behaviors. It is an instructional method that can be used as a systematic repetition of instructional
examples, as well as multiple practice problems. Drill and practice typically presents written and
performance practice questions in rapid succession. The most common application of drill and practice
has been in the mathematics area.
Driver - A program that controls a device. Every device, whether it be a printer, disk drive, or keyboard,
must have a driver program.
File Format - A format for encoding information in a file. Each different type of file has a different file
format. The file format specifies first whether the file is a binary or ASCII file, and second, how the
information is organized.
Fill-in-the-Blank Item - An interaction or test item that allows users to respond to a question by entering
a specific word or number.
Firewall - A combination of hardware and software that protects a local area network (LAN) from Internet
hackers. It separates the network into two or more parts and restricts outsiders to the area "outside" the
firewall. Private or sensitive information is kept "inside" the firewall.
Frame Rate or Frames Per Second (fps) - The rate at which video or animation frames are displayed on
a video monitor. The range of 25 to 30 fps is used to represent full-motion video.
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) - A graphics file format that is commonly used on the Internet to
provide graphics images in web pages. This graphics format works well on drawn images such as line
drawings and does not work as well for photos.
Holder or Image Size - The window used to display the video segments must be smaller than the
computer screen itself. The best size for this window changes depending on the type of video board and
software chosen. Also, reducing the number of pixels in a video window will reduce the amount of
information needed for the video segments. Generally, the fewer number of pixels used, the less fidelity
of video you will have.
Hot Spot - An area of a graphic object, or a section of text, that activates a function when selected.
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) - A system of marking up, or tagging, a document so it can be
published on the World Wide Web. An author incorporates HTML markup in his or her document to
define the function (as distinct from the appearance) of different text elements. The appearance of these
text elements is not defined at the authoring stage; instead, formatting is applied when a browser decides
how it is going to display the text elements.
Hyperlink - A link that connects you to other documents, other places within the same document,
pictures, or HTML pages.
Hypertext - The links within one document that allow it to connect to and display another document.
Selecting a hypertext link automatically displays the second document.
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Page 2
Interactions - Exercises or knowledge checks that allow users to assess whether they have mastered the
content. Interactions also help keep the users’ attention.
Internet - A worldwide network of computer-based sources of information and messages that can be
accessed from personal computers over telephone lines or other telecommunications links.
Intranet - A networked system for the exchange of information and messages similar to the Internet but
used exclusively within an organization.
JavaScript - A scripting language developed by Netscape to enable web authors to design interactive
sites. JavaScript can interact with HTML source code, enabling web authors to make web sites more
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) - The name of the committee that designed the
photographic image-compression standard. JPEG is optimized for compressing full-color or gray-scale
photographic-type, digital images. This graphics format doesn't work well on drawn images such as line
drawings, and it does not handle black-and-white images or video images.
KB/s (Kilobytes Per Second) - When used to describe data transfer rates, KB represents 1,000 bytes.
Matching Item - An interaction or test item that generally includes two lists of related words, phrases, or
symbols and requires the user to make matches.
Media/Medium - The means by which material is presented to learners in a controlled teaching/learning
activity; e.g., film, slides, computers, etc.
Multimedia - In current use, the term means various media/video sound, animation, text, and graphics
that can be accessed and controlled by a computer. The multimedia material is often stored on CD-ROM.
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) - A standard adopted by the electronic music industry for
controlling devices, such as synthesizers and sound cards, that emit music. At a minimum, a MIDI
representation of a sound includes values for the note's pitch, length, and volume. It can also include
additional characteristics, such as attack and delay time.
Multiple-Choice Item - An interaction or test item that states a question or stem and provides several
options from which to select the correct answer.
Navigation - Objects/elements on the screen allows users to interact with the course material and make
decisions about accessing information. Navigation can be accomplished through buttons, “hot words,”
“hot spots,” or graphics.
On-line Help - The presentation of knowledge and directions to perform a specific user task or operation.
Palette - In computer graphics, a palette is the set of available colors. For a given application, the
palette may be only a subset of all the colors that can be physically displayed.
Pantone Matching System - A popular color matching system used by the printing industry to ensure
that you get the right color when the file is printed, even though the color may not look right when
displayed on your monitor. PMS works well for spot colors but not for process colors, which are generally
specified using the CMYK color model.
Pilot Test - A test of the courseware using representatives of the target audience. This type of test
should be conducted after all lessons have been programmed and been through internal quality
assurance. The focus of the pilot test is on how well the target population learns the content.
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Page 3
Pixel (Picture Element) - The smallest dot you can draw on the screen. A pixel is also a location in video
memory that corresponds to a point on the graphics screen when the viewing window includes that
location. In monochrome display, each pixel can be either black or white, so it can be represented by a
bit; thus, the display is said to be a bitmap. In color or gray-scale displays, several bits in RAM may
represent the image.
Platform - A description of the hardware or software used in a computer system. The platform defines a
standard around which computer-based training can be developed. A minimum platform must be defined
before computer-based training courses are designed or programmed.
Plug-In - A software component that plugs into a browser or other application. On the web, plug-ins
permit the browser to access and execute files embedded in HTML documents that are in formats that the
browser normally would not recognize, such as audio, video, and animations.
Prototype - The development of a small portion of a lesson/module/course to assess the design and
proposed interface.
RealMedia - Streaming video and audio data over the World Wide Web. To hear or see a web page that
includes a RealMedia file, you need a player or plug-in, a program that is freely available from a number
of places.
Resolution - Refers to the sharpness and clarity of an image. The term is most often used to describe
screen settings, printers, and graphic images. In the case of printers, the resolution indicates the number
of dots per inch. For example, a 300-dpi (dots per inch) printer is one that is capable of printing 300
distinct dots in a line 1 inch long. This means it can print 90,000 dots per square inch. For screen
settings, resolution signifies the number of dots (pixels) on the entire screen. For example, a 640-by-480
pixel screen is capable of displaying 640 distinct dots on each of 480 lines, or about 300,000 pixels. This
translates into different dpi measurements depending on the size of the screen. For example, a 15-inch
monitor (640x480) displays about 50 dots per inch.
Sampling - A technique used to capture motion video, whereby periodic snapshots are taken. If the
sampling rate is fast enough, the human sensory organs cannot discern the gaps between each snapshot
when they are played back. This is the principle behind motion pictures.
Server - A computer (or service) that provides information or a service to other computers on a network.
Simulation - A computer model of a real-life situation that alters depending on the actions of the student
or user.
Storyboards - The design blueprints for the development of computer-based training (CBT) courses,
whether delivered on CD-ROM, local area networks, or the web. Storyboards include the course content,
the types of media, the navigation elements/buttons, and programming and graphic instructions.
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) - One of the most widely used file formats for storing bit-mapped
images in a Windows or MAC environment. TIFF graphics can be any resolution, and they can be black
and white, grayed-scaled, or color. Files in TIFF format often end with a .tif extension.
True-False Item - An interaction or test item that asks users to identify the statement as true or false.
Tutorial - A type of computer-based lesson that generally includes the following three types: (1) A
demonstration tutorial shows a task being performed; (2) An interactive tutorial shows steps and allows
the learner to direct them, asking the learner what to do next. If the learner chooses the wrong answer,
the tutorial will correct the learner; and (3) An evaluation tutorial allows the learner to go through an entire
procedure, and when the learner has finished, evaluates the performance and gives feedback.
Usability Test - A test of the functionality of the courseware should be conducted using representatives
November 1999
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of the target audience. The focus of this review is the ease of use of the courseware and not on the
Video Script - Defines the still photographs and the full-motion video segments to be added to the
WAV - The format for storing and playing sound in files in a Windows operating environment. WAV
sound files end with a .wav extension and can be played by nearly all Windows applications that support
Web-Based Training (WBT) - Web-based instruction is delivered over public or private computer
networks and displayed by a web browser. WBT is available in many formats and several terms are
linked to it: on-line courseware, distance education on-line, etc. WBT is not downloaded CBT, but rather
on-demand training stored in a server and accessed across a network. WBT can be updated very rapidly
and access to the training is controlled by the training provider.
Web Browser - A software application (either text-based or graphical) that lets you browse the World
Wide Web (WWW). Examples are: Spry Mosaic, Netscape Navigator, and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
World Wide Web (WWW) - An electronic information dissemination system that is provided over the
For additional information see Webopedia. Webopedia is an online dictionary and search
engine for computer and Internet technology.
Web address:
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Page 5
Accessibility Guidelines 3.14
Alpha Version 2.5
Parameters 4.3
Scripts 3.20
Script—Sample 3.21
Buttons 3.8, 3.10
Label 4.8
Packaging Specifications 4.10
Client Platform Specifications 4.2
Backgrounds and Lettering 3.13, 3.17
Use of 3.13, 3.14, 3.15
Completion Certificate 3.5, 3.7
Content Summary Screen 3.5
Course Menu 3.8
Design 1.3
Design Document 2.2, 3.5
Development File Naming 4.5
Development Tools 4.2
Directory Naming 4.6
Interactions 3.25, 3.30
Tests 3.31, 3.37
Ethics 3.4
Feedback 3.5, 3.24, 3.32, 3.33
File Naming 3.40
Interactions 3.25, 3.28
Tests 3.31, 3.35
Final Knowledge Check 3.5, 3.7
Final Quiz 3.5
Frequency of Interactions 3.25
Glossary Terms and Formats 3.38
File Formats 4.4
Palette 4.4
Parameters 4.4
Placement 3.13
Resolution 4.4
Help Screens Items and Formats 3.39
Installation Instructions 4.7
Area 3.10
Interactions 3.25
Tests 3.32
Interactions 3.24
Introductory Screen 3.4
IRS Mission Screen 3.4, 3.6
Jewel Case
Covers 4.9
Insert 4.9
Learner Control 3.11
Lesson Designs 2.3
Lesson Menu 3.10, 3.11
Mandatory Information 3.4
November 1999
Interactions 3.25, 3.29
Tests 3.31, 3.36
Media Review 2.5
Menu Screens 3.11, 3.12
Interactions 3.24, 3.27
Tests 3.31, 3.33
Navigation 3.8
Optional Elements 3.9
Placement 3.9
Wording 3.9
Number of:
Interaction Items 3.25
Test Attempts 3.32
Test Items 3.32
Objectives and Test Items 3.32
Objectives Screen 3.4, 3.6
Pilot Test 2.6
Prerequisites 2.2
Production Master 4.7
Progress Bar (Indicator) 3.9, 3.10, 3.13
Review and Test Plan 2.4
Density 3.13
Design Worksheet 3.17 - 3.18
Headers 3.13 - 3.18
Design/Layout 3.13
Layout—Sample 3.15
Numbering 3.40
Security Statements 3.4
Spelling Conventions 3.19
Storyboards 3.2 - 3.3
Example 3.3
File Naming 3.40
Review 2.4
Screen Numbering 3.40
Style Guidelines 3.19
Summary Screens 3.4, 3.5
Target Population 2.2
Team Review of:
Final Version 2.6
Prototype (Alpha) Version 2.5
Testing/Certification 2.2, 3.31
Fonts 3.13, 3.14, 3.17
Layout of Text 3.19
Justification 3.13
Screen Text 3.17, 3.19
Timing of Tests 3.32
Title Screens 3.4, 3.6
Interactions 3.24, 3.28
Tests 3.31, 3.34
Usability Test 2.5
Page 1
Parameters 4.3
Script 3.22
Script—Sample 3.23
November 1999
Page 2
Feedback for “CBT Standards Guide for CD-ROM and Web-Based Delivery ”
The Office of Performance Technologies (M:S:HR:HRT:OPT) welcomes comments and
suggestions for improving the CBT Standards Guide. Please submit your comments
using one or all of the following methods:
FAX your comments to:
Office of Performance Technologies
FAX # 913-345-5899
Mail your comments to:
ATTN: CBT Standards Project Leader
P.O. Box 24551 Stop 1494 A-10
Kansas City, MO 64131
For Federal Express:
ATTN: Linda McBurney (CBT Standards Feedback)
4370 W. 109th Street, Room 301
Overland Park, KS 66211
November 1999
Page 1