Development of ovule Erythroxylum coca Lamk.
Development of ovule Erythroxylum coca Lamk.
Ada Bot. Neerl. 29 (4/5), August 1980, Development 231-241. p. of and ovule seed -coat of Erythroxylum F.D. Hugo Boesewinkel de Vries and Laboratorium, Plantage Middenlaan 2a, coca Lamk. J. Geenen Universiteit van Amsterdam 1018 DD Amsterdam SUMMARY The inner and outer integuments of Erythroxylum integument is initially become mass multiplicative of the seed. activity in the the fibrous and The inner coca are both and later 3-5 cells thick. The inner ultimately layer beneath the part exotegmen. The is about 20 cells developed embryo sac. as thick and of dermal The testa and derivation. integument is thus an endothelium. flattened cells of the inner and Linaceae Erythroxylaceae 1. 3 cells forming the The nucellus is legmen are layer contain The outer at first 3 cells thick to crushed greater part oblong by with the tannin. The of the mitotic exception of relationship between is discussed. INTRODUCTION The small family of the Erythroxylaceae distributionand contains genus Erythroxylum P.Br., whereas Benth., Nectaropetalum Engl, only one or a few (about 250 species. and The the other, Pinacopodium family is sp.) Most only woody representatives. doubtful, Exell & is considered be to of chiefly tropical species belong genera to the Aneulophus Mendonga each have closely related to the Linaceae. The first the family with the publications dealing embryology and seed-coat anatomy of those of Van Tieghem (1903) and Tunmann & Jenzer are date are the contributions of Mauritzon more recent (1934), (1910). Narayana Of a (1960, 1964, 1970), Rao (1968) and Narayana & Rao (1978). According of to Netolitzky (1926), Corner Erythroxylum are nucellus and thick massive inner inner integument. integument, Davis of the form the layer mechanical The (1966), seed has developing but the seed-coat becomes much stages with the exception only (1976) and anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate dinal direction of the seed. the ovules with a initially slender a very in later compressed sclerotised cells of the exotegmen. These cells of the seed-coat and fruit is The a are one-seeded, oriented in the red longitu- drupe with a well- developed endocarp. But little chemodiagnostic Erythroxylum thetic and 2. a coca E. studies were made on the novogranatense contain family (Hegnauer 1966). cocain, a powerfull anaes- dangerous, habit-forming drug. materials The and material and of methods Erythroxylum coca Lamk. and E. novogranatense (Morris) 232 F. D. Hieron. the collected in the Hortus Botanicus, was hothouses of the of Plant Department BOESEWINKEL AND of Amsterdam and in University and Plant Taxonomy J. GEENEN Geography, Agricultural University, Wageningen. Craf Allen-Bouin mixtures or of standard microtome means used for colour specific used were techniques or fixatives. Sections as hand. The by Phloroglucinol-HCl, tests; Sudan IV, by cut were following stains were ruthenium-red and IKI. The SEM observations objects stuck were on were made with Scotch thin Stereoscan mark 2a. The Cambridge a copper-foil with adhesive conducting and mounted on the specimen stub with Demetron silver conducting paint. The fixed material was scanned after 3 minutes of 10 K.V. high voltage of 3. sputter-coating with gold-palladium. A consistently used. was RESULTS Erythroxylum in only and E. novogranatensehave coca locule one fully a ovules. Sometimes rudimentary The other locules often contain second ovule is present in rudimentary a 3-loculed syncarpous ovary with a ovule. developed one of the locules. 3.1. Ovule The ovule itiated it mal and ontogenesis first primordium begins to and one-celled, bends down, but when the integuments upwards curve it divides I {fig. in a A). parietal The cell and cell. The megaspore tetrad is linear and the chalazal In one case 2-celled a rather short but it soon archesporium becomes below the megaspore mother A micellar cap The inner periclinal I not formed. The layer, A). but also The outer visions in and does is a At an by never development a some layers seems in delayed rather compact, but later an It at first nucellus the activity as a wall complete ring develops the is in the part (fig. IC-E, 3). resulting band of about three adjacent of about three dermal cells thick. functional. of cells rows mother megaspore tissue becomes about 2-3 cells thick. high, but the and but middle shorter early stages (figs. IB, E). appreciable elongation in the cell di- oblique ring wall side. From the very much thick, original layer (fig. 1C, D). by periclinal raphal remains from dermal cell the i.i. is about 3 cells divisions of the cell divisions in the inner also At in- becomes result of mitotic mainly by periclinal develop distinctly cell a early developmental stage integument (o.i.) zone three parietal in oblique divisions it increases in width soon oblong as cell, producing parallel integument (i.i.) develops and layers (fig. o.i. is observed. was a one are hypoder- is archespore is incomplete beginning than the i.i. and The ovule is longitudinal the its initially direction takes place (figs. IA-E, 3). 3.2. The The full-grown gated mature nucellus ovule ovule is anatropous, (fig. 3). The upper bitegmic portion and crassinucellate with of the nucellus an is resorbed elon- by the OVULE AND Fig. es = = 1. SEED-COAT OF ERYTHROXYLUM Erythroxylum embryo outer sac, end coca. = integument, pvs l.s. of developing endosperm,ent = provascular 233 COCA = ovules. In all figures: endothelium, nuc strand. = nucellus'. ii = inner integument, oi 234 F. Fig. 2. D. BOESEWINKEL AND Erythroxylum coca, t.s. of J. GEENEN developing seed-coats. A: part of developing fertilisation B: developing seed shortly (corresponding seed-coat after with fig. 4A); (corresponding with fig. 4B). C: seed-coat shortly maturation. before its complete OVULE AND SEED-COAT OF ERYTHROXYLUM Fig. 3. Development embryo of anatropy The i.i. sac. in the vacuolated. The distinctly developed at contains tannin. The circular an 3.3. the outer raphal micropyle triangular or two Seed 3.3.1. A, and Shape 4. layer C; t.s. of of one layers thick. The side and 3-4 cell is formed only by layer are cytoplasm. isodiametric The o.i. thick. The layers the i.i. and in developed cross both only slightly papillose. by is outer not layer section has dermal and Funicle and raphe seed. development developing ovule coca. developing ripe is rich in form. An obturator is seed-coat of the Erythroxylum B: t.s. 5-6 cell separate vascular bundles each surrounded by tannin deposits. Although only Fig. coca. endothelium and consists of radially oriented subdermal divisions. The cells become contain Erythroxylum and tannin-rich cells. The cells of the middle and strongly a ovule of is very massive and has become inner layer is differentiated into cytoplasm- 235 COCA seed fruits seed develops into development. (with seeds); a seed, the other two locules often each 236 F. contain a develop further for retarded ovule without coats never become with the ovules. them a layer of GEENEN are may seed-coat. But these seed- a crushed in later stages together The locules of the unfertilised seeds remain small, but around endocarp fully develops. longitudinally oriented two longitudinal the fruit wall of take These locules offer two place. It is The 3.3.2. The which the some resistance is micropyle to gradually contain large pit but elsewhere slimy seed (Jigs. 2A, B). fields. In the The The 3.4. Fig. A: 5. SEM seed Erythroxylum coca, C: E. novogranatense, D: E. a coca, novogranatense. coca, t.s. more or from and adjacent adjacent are the to outer layer poor and resorbed. The longitudinal pluri-layered the o.i. is about 4-5 or 3 innermost temporarily are cells. B, 4B). The by in starch and their walls cells, layers stretched are in the direction of the seed longitudinal raphe , the endothelium. to becomes raphe become less oriented in the 2A and stretch in the layer locally at tangentially parenchymatic becoming compressed This well-developed seed and and (A) cross seed-coat seed-coat endocarp standard sections (about intact seed-coat of seed-coat F: E. novogranatense, centri- place (endothelium) (figs. amphicribral (fig. 2A). X is present. At X inside of the and fruit (about X 4); 100); not in close contact with the slightly damaged, (about exotegmen the photograph. of seed with endocarp (about impressions of 1000); E: E. place vigourously of the i.i. 3 cells thick. The cells of the 2 photomicrographs Erylhroxylum forms seed mature Around the in the cells vascular strands in the two layer cytoplasm-rich are zone isodiametric. The cells of the (fig. 2B). early stages which later become about 20 cells thick The cellsof the o.i. (fig. 2B). radial directionand thick and in endosperm develops (fig. 2A) starts of the i.i. mostly only to before layer divisions periclinal The cells up of the middle layer direction of the As pronounced (fig. 4B). is poor in starch and consists of layer The cell walls first become outer of the i.i. layer but later wall formation takes crushed. The inner ridges this layer becomes cells of the most attributable partly Rao (1968) wall formation takes also radially elongated flattened.The middle disintegration periclinal divisions the i.i. progressively replaces At the are (fig. 2A, 4A, B). initially nuclear, The seed-coat is many ridges divisions in the middle very two the other side of the seed the result of the presence in in which bundles run is raphe towards the chalaza. first consists of as at of the seed-coat Development endosperm periclinal divisions the i.i. is petally (fig. 2B). According the of amount numerous case zones that the four grooves and of the bulk of the seed most but in this develop lengthwise running probable ridge through result of the grooves {figs. 4B, 5A). Also grooves two differences in the to B: J. the seed in later stages of maturation and this results in the formation of to a form even start to differentiated and fully BOESEWINKEL AND After fertilisation these ovules embryo. time and some D. 500); cells seen from above (about X 1000). X 250); endocarp layer (about X OVULE AND SEED-COAT OF ERYTHROXYLUM COCA 237 238 F. D. BOESEWINKEL endocarp against latter the a cuticle easily can seed-coat, all layers From the cross 1. The B: C, 6. even of the seed-coat to the in Side wall cell layer (Jig. 5F). the inside the D: Thick-walled novogranatense, of exotegmen raphe adheres the can GEENEN tightly pressed the seed-coat the endocarp. Varying bits be off, torn With the crushed is to J. exception or following layers so that in of such of the exoteg- resorbed. can be distinguished in (fig. 20) : outer in the seed. When of exotegmen o.i., ultimately are derived from the Erythroxylum Rents peeling of the whole layer cuticle. The crushed cells of this lengthwise is present which endocarp strongly damaged by locally periphery layer oriented A; become and section of the seed spicuous Fig. with Sudan IV the exotegmen becomes visible places men reacting the seed-coat. Because the AND cell cells seen SEM (about x covered this layer photomicrographs. x 500 1000); and (about x with contain tannin and undamaged from the inside (about of the o.i., layer x 2500) 1000, respectively). are an incon- in general is rather smooth and OVULE AND SEED-COAT OF ERYTHROXYLUM shows locally longitudinal 2. The The exotegmen, (Jigs. 5F, 6A). longitudinal the of the layers the forming strongly elements The wall developing endosperm flattenedand thick cuticle which This (Jig. 5E). (figs. 6C, D). lipids. The strongly hypostase is there nor The straight embryo Erythroxylum nearly are is replaced as strongly elements. layers is thick and consists of cells separated from the seed-coat with Sudan IV. and pitted non-lignified pectinous cells and the is mesocarp. There parenchymatous measures about 10 mm x mostly rough by damage has planoconvex 5 cotyledons mm its to (fig. 5A) outer and a and is layer (see short radicle. varies. cotyledons and E. resemble each other novogranatense very coca no the chalaza. at closely in structure. Erythroxylaceae related closely bryological are to anatomical features by the almost (Heimsch 1942 and (Narayana treated as separate families. Only Hallier two family Linaceae, (1923). According families and seed unambiguously development of to a for of the vestigated one baceous species probably not Erythroxylum A there is derived within the of its One considered Chalk these 1950) and taxa no Hooker characters comparison that of the these to (1862) and few distinguish Linaceae is more 1980). the em- as a and the between the ovule characteristics in of the Linaceae, to usually are classify the Erythroxylaceae are with difficult represen- intensively in- However this her- ovule morphology is Nevertheless the ovule and the seed of and those of Linum show the principally bitegmic 1978) (Boesewinkel family. opinion Bentham & concerning is Linum usitatissimum representative Rao another. A very scanty. of of differences between their Metcalfe & & example Erythroxylum Linaceae is taxa consensus few authors Hallier, from because the relevant information tatives general Linaceae but because characteristics tribe of the 1. in Especially DISCUSSION The be seed but of orientation of the plane The the seed (Jig. 6B). original bulky layer endosperm reacts corky plug undamaged ovule and seed 4. a light brown, grooved smooth when The in This type of cell may also be found in the transitional zone between lignified endocarp above). reticulate. are endothelium, appearing tannin-containing the sclerotised The protrude embryo (figs. 4B, C). of thick-walled, raphe consists The the seed-coat. lengthwise of the i.i. of which the cells layer and the of the layer show ramifications thickenings which is about 20 cell endosperm layer, rich in starch and poor in a which sometimes oriented of these cells thickenings sections the cell wall crushed and resorbed tangentially by o.i., are 5. The inner layer of the i.i. derived from the 6. The to running perpendicular mechanical only lignified derived from the middle layer completely by cells endocarp (figs. 5B, D). exotegmen. sclerotised and 4. The of the imprints three crushed inner two or into the 3. the axis of the seed 239 COCA following striking and crassinucellate ovule (only similarities: some species of the 240 F. D. Linaceae show tendency a towards tenuinucelly 2. The slender nucellus which becomes resorbed 3. dermal Exclusively of the at an BOESEWINKEL AND J. GEENEN ovules). early stage. integuments. 4. The clearly differentiated raphe 5. The multiplicative bundle. i.i. 6. The differentiationof the inner of the i.i. into layer endothelium. an 7. The fibrous exotegmen in the seed-coat. 8. The inner 9. The of the i.i. which layer initially nuclear 10. The presence of In the a conspicuous minor following into develops a pigment-containing layer. endosperm. cuticle between the seed-coat and characters the ovule and seed of endosperm. Erythroxylum differ from those of Linum: 1. In Erythroxylum Linum it is 2. In the i.i. is Erythroxylum ticulation is protective the possibly 3. In function of the seed-coat Erythroxylum Rao (1965) this has has exotegmen reticulate wall reduction associated with the a of the exotegmen cells ings from its initiationonward, whereas in three-layered two-layered. two are the to shifting of the re- originally In Linum the wall thicken- homogeneous. vascular bundles something endocarp. This thickenings. run the through raphe. According to do with the loss of function of two of the locules to and with the reduction in the number of ovules. 4. In Erythroxylum only seed one develops per fruit, and an appreciable number in Linum. The to Erythroxylum that in Linum the three originally ovule of layered are (not necessarily development of only coat in taxa as and seed-coat to a more anatomy with the in his taxonomic order Linales. position of the of ovules and seed-coat Malpighiales is one could definite conclusions can as to them places There is development limited, crassinucellate query thus the and compared the place 1931; in and Since regards as our Geraniales, 1951). Cronquist the knowledge Linales and information is needed before position of the of two Erythroxylaceae disagreement structure seed- of the Lawrence Malpighiales much however, viewpoint segregation Erythroxylaceae. more the taxonomic in as compressed derived condition. From the Linaceae and still rather always condition On the other hand, Linaceae). in the Geraniales (Schulz Linaceae, However, Hutchinson (1973) laceae primitive members of different families. Most authors together (1968) in all nucellus and more viable seed per fruit and the much one Erythroxylum point embryology i.i., bulky indicative of a Linaceae and more Erythroxy- be drawn. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors whish to thank interest, encouragement Dr. F. Bouman for useful discussions and critical perusal of the and Prof. A. D. J. Meeuse original English draft. for his OVULE AND SEED-COAT OF ERYTHROXYLUM 241 COCA REFERENCES G. & J. D. Hooker Bentham, F. D. Boesewinkel, Neerl. Corner, 29: Davis, A. Hallier, H. tralbl. zur Kenntnis (1966)! Chemotaxonomie of Wettstein with reference Hutchinson, J. (1973): G, H. M, C. R. — — Zur (1960): der Pflanzen of the Boston. York. London. (D.C. 1819) IV. Dumort. Sydney. Beihefte 94-99. Erythroxylaceae: Bot. Cen- grouping. Bull. Indian (1950); a few The anatomy of 322-224. comparative floral on ot 28: New 51: 270-275. Curr. Sci. 33: 441-442. of angiosperms, Delhi: 41. Humiriaceae, Linaceaeand Erythroxylaceae and York. 84-102. I. Oxford. 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