Newsletter November 2015 - Teck Ghee Primary School
Newsletter November 2015 - Teck Ghee Primary School
llme flies! 2015 is soon coming to an end. For me, it seems like I have just been posted from Punggol Secondary School to Teck Ghee Primary School a few days ago. Transition from a secondary school to a primary school is easy for me as I have many friendly, dedicated and passionate colleagues and lovely pupils. of Education aptly puts it, "Every School, A Good School" Being in a good school like Teck Ghee Primary School is an eye-opening experience for me. Our teachers and staff are committed to providing our pupils with quality education, inspiring our pupils towards excellence, creating a caring environment and working in partnership with stakeholders. Our programmes and activities seek to support these thrusts, developing our pupils in the areas of cognitive, Our previous Minister physical, aesthetics, social and moral and leadership. In all that we do. values and character development is the main core of our education system. We have unique and interesting pupil-centric initiatives, like Confident Communicators with Ceramics that continue to develop our pupils to the fullest and at the same time, allow them to adapt into a more challenging world. We strive to give every pupil a broad and deep foundation for a lifelong journey of learning. We also look into their emotional well-being, teaching them to feel, empathise with others as well as learn to see matters in different perspectives. In the spirit of SG50 celebrations, we hope that through active participation in the activities carried out, our pupils have an enriched and reflective experience about Singapore's nation building process. Administration and operations are also our key processes in our school. We continue to gather feedback from our staff, parents and stakeholders and use them to review our processes. The safety of our staff and pupils is paramount in all our school . operations, and will always remain so. For example, the school has developed the School Traffic Management Plan to provide a comprehensive and effective plan for the staff to manage and control both vehicles and human traffic movement within the school compound and also to enhance the safety of all stakeholders. We continue to raise awareness of road safety amongst our pupils so that they can be more responsible when utilising the roads for themselves and other road users. The school has also worked very closely with the Land Transport Authority (LTA) and Grassroots Organisation to install traffic lights at the junction of Ang Mo Kio St 31 and St 32. and the relocation of the heavy vehicles carpark entrance to reduce the safety hazards for our pupils and stakeholders. Being prepared for an emergency is our guard against all emergencies. On 4 August, we co-conducted the Simulated Emergency Exercise with the staff from Ministry of Education Headquarters (MOE HO). Our continuous efforts for the preparation of the External Safety Evaluation on 5 Nov further strengthened our safety processes with the active participation of teachers and staff, including school leaders. The threeday certified first aider course held in June has equipped our teachers with first aid knowledge and skills, making our school a much safer environment for teachino and learnino. We continue to work closely witn our-partn"r, ,r"l as parents, the School Advisory Committee, the community, and the Police etc for the benefit of our pupils. There is ever-ready assistance from parent volunteers in the Parents Support Group (PSG). Coorganising Organising the Teachers' Day celebration has brought our partnership to greater heights. We thank all our parent volunteers for their hard work and time given for the school. I count myself extremely fortunate to be on this path with all of you in Teck Ghee Primary School. On this note, I wish all happy holidays. May it be one that you can use to family ties while rechargino folpJbefffit'!'ear a .-t Thank You and Best Regards, Mr Khoo Thiam Huat Vice Principal (Admin) =* : *4 This year, Teck Ghee Primary School is pleased that the pupils have achieved the following results for International Competition and Assessment for Schools (ICAS): English Mathematics Science Digital Technologies (Computer Skills) ./, lnaugurat Code-For-Fun Competition 2015 @ ,.G ,r>_:l w Springfietd Secondary School During the June holidays, Tan Yu Bin, Troy Kueh, Tay Zi Kang It was certainly a sweet victory for Teck Ghee Primary School and Huang Zi Wen of Primary 5 Excellence picked up the Scratch Programming language on their own in preparation for the Code for Fun competition. Before the competition on 10 July, the pupils had an intensive training session to hone their skills. The team emerged one of the top three, among .l 25 teams sent from 4 schools, clinching the GOLD award. when they emerged winners of the Platinum Award. Mdm Cann Yong Pau Khim Subject Head - ICT Next, the pupils and the teacher-in-charge, Mr Rosli, to prepare for their presentation for the Platinum Award whch was set at a later date. Desoite facing competition from St Joseph Institution and Rosyth had to work hard Primary, the pupils did not feel intimidated. They confidently presented their ideas and handled questions well. Getting votes from participants was also part of the scoring for the Platinum Award. Troy Kueh even came up with the idea of a Top Scorer Award for those who tried out their game. With perseverance and ingenuity, the team tipped the scales to their favour. t '''ri*t'f,ttnq Ten pupils from Art Club took part in the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) competition held at Raffles City Shopping Centre from 10 to 19 July. Based on the theme 'Artist: Past. Present. Future', the and teachers worked together to create a trendsetting work of art comprising different layers of mixed pupils media. As part of the development of the 21st century skills, the pupils were trained to be docents to present their works confidently during the openrng ceremony. li;.s''" rd4 .': ': *8p! u, ,1, Viewers gave positive feedback as they everyone to learn and talk about art were drawn to the pupils' confidence and enthusiasm. The pupils were also seen Mdm Sumathi engaged in meaningf ul conversations Art Club with their peers from other schools. It was a great Iearning platform for Teacher-in-charge Primary 2 Learning Journey Annual School- "Uncle William has a farm... E-l-E-l-O!" based Tamit Language Competitions The Annual School-based Tamil Language Comoetitions were held in the first two weeks Mother In Term 3, Primary 2 pupils visited Farmart Centre located at Sungei Tengah Road. Uncle William, the farm tour guide, gave a fun and educational talk about the animals on his farm. The pupils learnt about the life cycle of the different fowls and how to pronounce names of some animals in four different languages. After the talk, pupils fed the goats, rabbits, fishes, guinea pigs and bull frogs and also observed these animals at close proximity. At the end of the learning journey, each pupil was delighted to go home with a complimentary packet of chicken eggs. of Term 3 in conjunction with the Tongue Language Fortnight. The pupils taking Tamil Language from Primary 1 to 6 participated in various competitions such as singing (Primary 1), Show-and-Tell (Primary Mrs Amanda Koh Primary 2 Level Manager 2), story-telling (Primary 3), role-play (Primary 41, advertisement (Primary 5) and poetry- recitation (Primary 6). These competitions helped to motivate pupils to speak in Tamil and be creative in their presentations, thus giving them a platform to showcase their talents. Mrs Stella Philips Tamil Co-ordinator Primary 4 Learning Journeys to River Safari and Kampong Gtarn In Term 3, Primary 4 pupils went to River Safari where they learnt about the different endangered species for their Interdisciplinary-project work fiPW). Following that, the pupils went to Kampong Glam where they were taken to different locations. From the various streets and buildings there, they learnt about the early settlers' contributions to Singapore. Both learning journeys provided rich learning experiences for the pupils. Mdm Anushia Primary 4 Level Manager f04 MTL Fortnight Learhing the Language the Fun Way Tamil Language On 6 July, Primary 3 to 6 Indian pupils participated in the Tamil Language Camp 'Read and Act'workshop. A cultural carnival was also organised for Primary 4 and 5 Indian pupils in conjunction with Mother Tongue Language Fortnight 2015 held on 13 July. The pupils enjoyed and Crosstalk to the appreciation of story-telling and bookmaking. During the Primary 3 Cultural Camp, pupils did bean art and rod puppets based on stories from different Chinese festivals and the classical novel, Journey to the West. Book fairs were also held on different days to sella wide selection of Chinese books to the pupils. participating in pot Painting, henna drawing, and rangoli. This carnival helped to increase their awareness of the Indian Culture in the community. The pupils showed great enthusiasm and active participation. The MTL Fortnight and cultural camp activities which provided pupils authentic opportunities to actively use the Mother Tongue languages and understand the culture so as Malay Language to experience these 'living languages'. On 22 May 2015, Primary 3 Malay pupils attended a Malay Language and Cultural camp conducted by an external vendor, Wira Budaya. The pupils were taught the Malay Mdm Zeng Xin Xuan, Mdm Samra and Mrs Phillips Teachers-in-charge martial arts such as silat, tarian zapin and permainan tradisional. For Primary 4 Malay pupils, they learnt about the various types of silat and also the making of the Wau. Prior to the Wau-making workshop, they were introduced to the history and mechanics of the traditional way of Malay kite-flying. Last but not the least, Primary 5 Malay pupils attended workshops on kompang and Malay traditional games. This year, our school celebrated Racial Harmony Day (RHD) and Hari Raya on 20 July. The combined celebration was known as Harmony Raya The celebration began with a Hari Raya light up by Mdm Chua, Mr Singh and Mr Khoo. The signif icance of commemorating both occasions was shared. After which, prizes were given away to the classes with the most number of pupils wearing traditional costumes. The concert ended with a fashion parade. During recess, the pupils played traditional games such as zero point, capteh, and batu seremban (5 stones). fhere was also a photo booth at the NE gallery To reinforce the message o{ racial harmony, form teachers and mother tongue teachers also conducted activities in class. Children's Day was celebrated on B October 2015. The ouoils were first treated to a mini-concert which included performance bv "The Rubber Band" (TGPS talented teachers, parent volunteers and staff). All pupils then took part in a Sports Carnival which included bowling, archery and wushurobics. For their efforts, all pupils were rewarded with a certificate of participation and some pupils also received "limited edition" well done cards and gifts. Selected Primary 6 pupils also had the opportunity to pit their basketball skills against a team made up of teachers and oarent volunteers. Mr Andy See Chairman Children's Day Celebration Committee Mdm Samra Dewi Vice-Chairperson of Harmony Raya Committee .f. ,,F\'- ll dfuh, t '-:l-i I i.J = S t, Stfu' tf.l ttllt,l 6 ENT}LISfI r,lATHEr,l4Ilcs I ..| I II On 1 1 July, the Primary 5 pupils attended the highly anticipated NE Show. These pupils and accompanied teachers took the MRT and walked to the Padang, passing by iconic structures and heritage sites along the way. They were awed by the emotive performances which were especially put up to celebrate the nation's Golden Jubilee. There was also an emotional moment when a tribute was made to the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Despite the fact that the sun rays were glaring into their eyes, the pupils clapped and cheered spontaneously throughout the NE Show. The twinkle in their eyes was evidence that they would remember this event in the vears to come. Mdm Lee Limin Primary 5 Level Manager 2015 is a very specra year because t rs tlre year we celebrate 50 years of nat onlroocl To nrark th s spec al year, Teck Ghee Prir.nary Sclrool preserted Mortage SG50 Eclrtror to al pLrp s as a gift on Chilclren s Day. Tlris arnLra conrp at on of the pupils' artistic ra ent arcJ flarr for the anguage s a rotch h gher than the Ltsual. lt rs ore tlrart the pLrpi s car ook back or ard see lrow far S ngapore, orr horte, lras conre anc.r r'rrlrat they hope ior in the years ahead Af t-.r al , 'f-l OVI E' s nrore thar lList a word ri(ii 4tl- L 3. tl " fl rI -. ,trfCtta l! Jl ll ffi[M -li Maclarr St Hasz alr Vlonlaqe Ecr lor a Tearr Olrscrva''r;c C-r t:lrorrv 2015 fvl' tiarl: lvl L sialrl ;r leaCl Of D!o;ar l,--e,rl C'raracter & C . z-.r'slr rr L l-.racy ll o-' \l t\ . /\ s $ tw1 .(,) " * ,.-t,t' J , *lr* / u ,ft\ .\d & v 0verseas $tudy Trup t0 the Lamd of the $_Em b liii:r r"m From 24 to 28 May, 20 Primary 5 pupils together with 3 teachers went to Sarawak for an overseas study trip. The objective of this trip was to provide an opportunity for pupils to learn the cultures, customs and lifestyle of the Sarawakan. Durrng the trrp, pupils visited lhe Annah Rars Bidayuh Longhouse. They learnt how to mal,e beaded bracelets, participated in the traditional ceremonial dance, had a go on the musical instrument known as sapeh, experienced hands-on cooking with the longhouse folks and savoured the dishes after that. The trip would not be complete without visiting the 'Living Museum' aka the Sarawak Cultural Vilage. Pupils vis ted repl ca houses of the seven nrajor ethnic tribes. ii It was an enrcnrng experence \ :'r ' ,lt p iL l Mdm Nurazeela Teacher-i n-charge fo'borl- rle teaclers and p rprlsl -_rffI d& (,L"t l#$ .W |,t F s_ f:' I :t: * Mr Khoo TH, Ms Soh ST, Ms Amy Wong and Mdnr L m SY led 20 Prrrrary 5 pupils in the Twinning Programrre f rom 24 Io 30 May. They had lesson inrmersion for Chinese, Mathernatics and Wushu in Taicang Experinrenta Prinrary SchooL In additron, they enjoyed tl're agricultura experience in a f arm. The highlrghts of the trip included visits to the Zhenghe Memoriai Hall, Shaxi Ancient Town, Master of Nets Garden, Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the newly opened NatLrral Museum The pup ls had three nights of nrenrorable honre-stay in Taicang They erpelenced t re c.lll rral dif fere tues belwee r Tairar,q a'rd S rg.oo'e a'rd yet able to bul d strong friendships with their Taicang buddies .-' . The whole programme was an eye-opening and enriching exper ence for the pupils and teachers Ms Soh Shr llng Teacher-in-cha rge 'rl '-..1 -' ... :. t,',' - j; . .. L .:.'" ;.,,itrr.a ,!' ri, :l t-.\lfoH J I d +.> .,' '- l:' . Ar ., .'"r <".' ^-:\ 0el The school organised a three day two night residential camp for all Primary 4 pupils from 31 August to 2 September. A total of 213 pupils experienced their first out-of-school camping experience at Jalan Bahtera Adventure Centre, located in the rustic settings of Lim Chu Kang. The pupils demonstrated high levels of teamwork and perseverance as they overcame numerous challenges such as team building games, abseiling, rock climbing and high element obstacle course. Indeed. it was a valuable experience for all. Mrs Esther Lee HOD PEICCA ADVE}JTIJRE CAMP South 5 and South 6 Learning Support Programme (LSP) Spelling Challenge was held in Teck Ghee Primary School on 28 August. The event was jointly organised by Ministry of Education Reading Unit f rom the Curriculum Planning and Development Division (CPDD) and English Department. The National Library Board sponsored copies of "The Tale of the Missing Tail and other Original Singapore Stories" to all oarticioants. A total of about 285 pupils, 50 parents and teachers from 12 different schools came together to take oart in it. The event aims to provide a LSP Spelting Challenge promote greater collegiality in the platform family. LSC Many of the rnr nrrnilc in rho ISP to showcase yvy,,e,l parents left the venue feeling proud of their children who had bravely stood on stage to attempt the spelling challenge. their spelling skills. lt also serves as a As the finalists took part in the various valuable opportunity for the Learning rounds of spelling challenge, the pupil Support Coordinators (LSCs) involved audience was not left alone. They were Mdm Loh to deepen their professional knowledge given the opportunity to win attractive LC Learning Support Coordinator :".::'i:: :: i:".::i:i:::i"..::":.':':::':::'::"J^j".'::.....':'l:i:"::':"::.......... Cyber Wel[ness cum Technology Day This year, the Cyber Wellness cum Technology Day was held on 6 July. The day started with an assembly talk on the iZ HERO which emphasised on values, R.E.S.PE.C.T. lt was an their fellow schoolmates learn more about cyber wellness in a fun way. During recess, pupils played board games like TGPS "Cyberpoly" and Pupils from 4 Aspire, 4 Bravery, 5 Asnire and 5 Fxcellence had the privilege of going on the IDA Lab on Wheels to use a Microsoft visual programming language known as Kodu to create games. Kodu makes it easy for pupils to master the basic "Snake and Ladder". They also played concepts of coding a game. engaging way for the pupils to learn the positive online values and behaviours. the "C-Ouest" game using Samsung tabs. The ICT ambassadors were Mrs Julie Lai mobilised to man these booths to helo Teacher-in-charge \ !,Uwl*5W We would liks to extend our urelcome to - Mdm Oarvarti into our Teck Ghee familg. Congratulations #ft fa-l JasaS Lee and husbandj Year 2015 Promotion for Education 0fficers and Attied Ed u cators congratulations to the eleven Education Our heartiest Officers and two Allied Educators in the 2015 oromotion. They are Mdm Lei Min, Ms Koh Hui Ling, Ms Alia Aziz Alkaff, Ms Jasamine Lee, Mdm Neo Chaw Tee, Mdm Chea Lee Khiang, Ms Priscilla Pan, Mrs Lata Rajan, Mdm Nurazeela, Ms Zeng Xinxuan, Mr Edmund Lim, Mrs Christine Kelly and Ms Lim Lee Tze respectively. Mdm Cindy Poh Administrative Manager t Appreciating Teachers The school organised Teachers' Day Celebration on 3 September. A meaningful and heart-warming concert was held to honour and appreciate the efforts of the teachers. Besides presentation of handmade gifts by class representatives, teachers were given a treat of performances ranging from piano recital, magic show by students to a 'High School Musical 'dance from members of the Parent Support Group (PSG)! The surprise special appearance of the Vice-principal (Admin) and Administrative Manager with the PSG in one song and dance items respectively made the session even more memorable. No doubt. the teachers had a whale of a time! Mdm Cindv Poh Administrative Manaoer ffibsMl: AIffiMbfuM IEffibredIffi Teachers' Dav lunch was held in the school hall on 3 September to show our appreciation to our pioneer educators and teachers for their unwavering dedication. out in their best retro outfits, were treated to a wide array of snacks. To further hype up the mood, there were mini lucky draws. The teachers, together with the pioneers, also spontaneously participated in games such as 'Don't Forget the Lyrics' where they belted out excerpts of Teachers and staff, decked evergreens such as 'Top of the World'. The highlight of the event was the photo booth which provided unlimited instant prints. Everyone had their photographs taken with the use of wacky props. It was truly a memorable afternoon and everyone had a blast! Miss Koh Hui Ling SWC Chairoerson Teck Ghee Primary School hosted 18 pupils and 3 teachers from Taicang, Suzhou from 12 July to 17 July and another 42 pupils and 4 teachers from different schools of Guizhou on 21 Julv. The guests were impressed with the beautiful school environment and good mannerism of Teck Ghee pupils. They enjoyed the lessons conducted by the teachers. The pupils have definitely learnt much from our visitors from the different provinces of China through active interactions. Miss Lim Poh Khim Head of Deoartment Mother Tongue Department $ehOOl Effi**r:i'itg rrc l'ffa ii zirr iiJ a{{{fl ffirefCiG The Security and Emergency Planning Office (SEMPO), Ministrv of Education , conducts the School Emergency Trainino and Exercise for schools to epare them for emergencies. This mergency exercise aims to train staff, teachers and pupils to be prepared for any emergency in the school premises and to be familiar with the fety and evacuation procedures was well executed. Our heartfelt appreciation goes to all staff, pupils and parents for the conduct of the SEMTREX (Exercise Rhino). The from other schools and MOE Headquarters (MOE 'thumbs-up'. We displayed throughout this exercise. .a We have gained prepared for any and aG befter tht sa{ety ting anobtglMe consideration first at afl ara arror roadrrl The massive planning began in January and ended as a table top exercise on 4 August. The exercise Nationa[ lnter-School Kindergarten Learnin g Journey Poetry Writing Competition and How big is a primary school? How do I buy food at the school canteen? What does a classroom look like? These questions were answered when 530 Kindergarten 2 (K2\ pupils, their n^rpntq And toA.hefs Prize Giving Ceremony in our annual Kindergarten Learning Teck Ghee Primary School hosted National Inter-Primary On-The- participated Spot Chinese Poetry Writing Competition on 22 May,. A total of 11 1 students from 23 participating schools participated in this competition. In celebration of Singapore's Golden Jubilee, the theme was Appreciating our SG50 Nationhood. Journey from 7 to 15 July. Besides the usual tour of the school, the pre-schoolers were guided to buy food of their choice. The Drama Club members wrote and Zhang Yaoye from Primary 5 Excellence won the third place in category A. The winners received the awards from the Guestof-Honour, Mr Chean Cheng Sun, and their winning entries were showcased at the Prize Giving Ceremony on 24 July. Spectacular perf ormances were also put up by the Chinese drummers Mr Khoo Thiam Huat Vice-principal (Admin) presented their own stories to the little ones while the Green Ambassadors guided them through craft work and using recycled materials. lt dancers during the ceremony, winning the applause of the invited guests. was a fun experience for all involved. Miss Chee Oiu Xia Mdm Selina Lim Teacher-in-cha rge T^^^L^. i^ ^h^.^^ gg tgout tgr-il r-uttor I l.,t 1 11 rt1 S 1t/1p[()J, tcl lttrl-lcll l)i',/\(' ],/\iL' v,wu,. t (ck!,| u:e 1t ri. ntttt,. ed u. Sg (lt' y, yty,..fl i ckr co m / t eckgh cep ri / 'J r'cl llli ,1/1:.rl //iliRJ 1tt\rs 14 di a I-ge H)D/€I) ,.{1)t.?ti()Rs 'll\rs Azlin a Suhaiwi (L!l/€J) ,rlVm 'fl lrs b eli Ch u a Poi Pei (&i ncip a0 'll\r JasbLr 1ngh Ntce&incipal) n d a Christi a n 'l{liss'lY\aliss a'lt)o ng
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