Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media
Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media
Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders From version 6.1 farmerswife has been integrated with Adstream’s A5 Ordering system in phase one. Adstream ( is a British company (with Australian roots) that specializes in asset management and delivery of creative content to TV and Radio broadcast stations. Sync your Adstream Delivery orders with your farmerswife, for easy asset tracking and billing: • Create your Deliveries on Adstream with your metadata. The Adstream A5 platform connection will take care of the rest. • farmerswife will notify users of upcoming Airdates on Media Orders, in good time to deliver the Master files. • You’ll always have logs of file transfers for your orders, right along with all the other data from them. • Your Media Orders will automatically update according to the Adstream Delivery status. This integration was sponsored by Adstream. For this integration to work as designed it requires the "Media Management Option” (Media Library module & Media Order Module) to be licensed on the farmerswife side; other than that, this integration itself is free of any additional charges on the farmerswife side. Additional charges on using the Adstream system is subject to Adstream’s pricing policy. You need a valid Adstream account AND you need to request a separate Adstream A5 API “Key” and “Secret” to start using this integration; contact [email protected]. The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 1 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders Contents Configuration on the farmerswife Server ......................................................................................................................................3 Setting up the “--- Connection ---“ section ...................................................................................................................................4 Setting up in the section “--- Media Order ---“ ............................................................................................................................4 Enabling the Adstream A5 integration ........................................................................................................................................5 Creating a “Delivery Order” in Adstream A5 ...................................................................................................................................5 Short overview of what needs to happen to create a “Delivery Order” on Adstream A5: ..................................................6 The “Delivery Order” in your farmerswife client is now a Media Order ................................................................................7 “Airdates” and “Deadlines” ............................................................................................................................................................8 Media Order file upload with “Use FTP Transfers” ........................................................................................................................9 Excursion: Setting up “Use FTP Transfers” ..................................................................................................................................9 Media Order file upload ............................................................................................................................................................. 11 Understanding an Adstream Delivery Order with Multiple Clocks .......................................................................................... 12 All Adstream A5 farmerswife Server-side Settings .................................................................................................................... 14 Adstream A5 Integration – Connection .................................................................................................................................... 15 Adstream A5 Integration – Media Order.................................................................................................................................. 15 Last updated: 24 May 2016 The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 2 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders Configuration on the farmerswife Server Ensure that you have the “Media Management Option” (Media Library (a.k.a. Tape Library, ML) module & Media Order Module, MO) licensed on your farmerswife (fw) system. Before you start, make sure to plan in time, to review your existing configuration and work flow on/with Media Orders and your Media Library. Also review your Media Order Custom Field configuration and compare with the fields you normally use on the Adstream platform. For this integration to work, you need an active Adstream account AND you have to request your new “farmerswife A5 API access Key and Secret”. You need to request this from: [email protected]. Ensure you have a working internet connection on the host machine of the farmerswife Server application. Then go to: Your running farmerswife Server application > Setup > Media Library tab > “Adstream A5 Integration” section in the bottom right corner of this tab. The area is sub-divided into 2 sections: 1. Connection 2. Media Order The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 3 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders Setting up the “--- Connection ---“ section IMPORTANT: For this integration to work, you need an active Adstream account AND you have to request your new “farmerswife A5 API access Key and Secret”. You need to request this from: [email protected]. • Click on the “Url” entry field, then click “Ok”, and the field will be populated with the default Adstream Url address: • Click on the “Key” entry field and enter (or paste) the new Key info you received from Adstream as per your above request. Click “Ok”. • Click on the “Secret” entry field and enter (or paste) the new Secret you got from Adstream as per your above request. Click “Ok”. • Now click on “Test Connection” to confirm that your settings work. Setting up in the section “--- Media Order ---“ Once this integration is active, a connection is established between farmerswife and A5, so that “Delivery Orders” created in A5 will automatically create Media Orders (MO) in farmerswife. Note: Only Deliveries created on Adstream A5 AFTER activating the integration (Connection > Enabled = Yes), will be created as Media Orders in farmerswife. The MO’s will be updated automatically to reflect the A5 Order status. For this to work smoothly between these two systems, you need ensure these settings here reflect your workflow in farmerswife and on Adstream A5. Your setup should then look similar to the example here on the following page, which is using our “DemoDB”. This integration also uses the new “FTP upload functionality”, also added to farmerswife in version 6.1 (see chapter “Excursion: Setting up “Use FTP Transfers”). This allows you to upload master files for your A5 orders from within the “Modify Media Order” window. Most of the controls in this section will already be populated with default values by now, so unless you want to change them, leave them as they are. All these settings are explained in the last chapter “All Adstream A5 Server-side Settings”. Worth to consider changing are: The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 4 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders Timed Interval: Select a Timed Interval, for how often the system will be getting Orders from Adstream A5. This setting affects network traffic; it is therefore set by default to 15 minutes. It might make sense, that during the first days of using this integration, you set this temporarily to “1 Minute”. Add Service For Standard Delivery: and Add Service For Express Delivery: To support different prices for “Standard” and “Express” deliveries on Adstream A5, you’ll need to create two new Objects type “Service” via the fw Client > Object Manager, e.g. called “Adstream Standard Delivery” and “Adstream Express Delivery” (these already exist when using the “DemoDB”). These 2 “Service” Objects are also the place for you to reflect the different “Sell” rates you charge your customer(s). Then select them on these two settings. They will then be used to automatically count the number of used “Standard” or “Express” deliveries per Media Order. Default Client: Set a Default Client. The Default Client is used if no match is found for the data entered in the selected field in A5; see also the info for “A5 Field Name For MO Client” below on next page. Assigned To: Select to which user a Media Order is Assigned To. Select one or more users that will be assigned to A5 Media Orders by default. Note: Ensure that the selected users have Permission or Web Permission to “Access” the Media Order module. A5 Field Name For MO Client: Select which field on Adstream A5 you want to use, to map the Media Order’s Client Name into farmerswife. Select one from these 6 options, as per the image to the right. Note: If the "Client" Name on the Media Oder can't be matched and you didn't set a "Default Client", it will be empty for you to select the correct "Client" on the “Modify Media Order” window in farmerswife. Map Custom Fields: You can optionally set up Custom Field mapping to existing “Media Order Customs”, if they exist. “Mapped” fields will be populated accordingly. You map a field by clicking the “Map Custom Fields” button to open the “Custom Fields” mapping window. Then double-click on a line and in the “Select Custom Field” pop-up window select the “Media Order Customs” field you want to be mapped to the according “Field Name (In Adstream A5)”. Enabling the Adstream A5 integration Once you are finished with the configuration within the 2 “Adstream A5 Integration” sections Connection and Media Order (including having created two new “Service” Objects as per the info at the top of this page), and you have successfully used the “Test Connection” button, it’s time to turn it on. In the “Connection” section change on the “Enabled” selector from “No” to “Yes”. Then exit the WIFE Server’s “Setup” by clicking on the “OK” button in the bottom right corner. Now, whenever you create a “Delivery Order” in Adstream A5, a corresponding Media Order will appear in your farmerswife “Media Order” module. Note: Only Deliveries created on Adstream A5 AFTER activating the integration (Connection > Enabled = Yes), will be created as Media Orders in farmerswife. Creating a “Delivery Order” in Adstream A5 If you are new to using the Adstream A5 web interface, a representative of Adstream should introduce you to it and how to use it. Please contact your local Adstream office in Europe ( or worldwide ( The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 5 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders Short overview of what needs to happen to create a “Delivery Order” on Adstream A5: In the Adstream A5 web interface, create your new order by selecting the “Delivery” menu at the top of the page. Then use the “Create an Order” button. In the “Add information” area, add the details of your order. All fields marked with a blue “*” must contain information. It could look like this: Notice the “Media Agency” field in the above image; if you use the exact same name and spelling (“caps” are ignored) as the “Client” is entered in your farmerswife, it will be used when the Media Order is created. Note: You can select in the farmerswife Server setup, which field in Adstream A5 should be used as the “Client” for the Media Order in farmerswife, i.e. the “Client” is the “entity” to be invoiced. See page 5 the info on “A5 Field Name For MO Client”. Now use the “Proceed” button at the bottom right corner of the “Please enter the details of your order” page. In the now open “Select Broadcast Destinations” area, in this example you see a couple of Danish broadcasters being used: “KNR Greenland” and “MTG TV Denmark Sponsorship”: Note: farmerswife keeps track of used “STD” (Standard) and “EXP” (Express) Destinations, if you have set up “Service” Objects as described on Page 4 for “Add Service For Standard Delivery: and Add Service For Express Delivery:”. The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 6 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders The amount of used “Standard” and “Express” deliveries will be automatically added into the Media Order. The Item count is pulled from the A5 order. At this point you can optionally add one or more “clocks”, by clicking this button you see on the right “Add + Commercial” in the top right corner of the “Please enter the details of your order” page. If a “Delivery Order” in Adstream has multiple clocks set, they will each generate a Media Order in farmerswife. Click on “Proceed” to go to the last page, and enter any relevant information, like “Job Number” and “PO Number”. Finalize your order in the Adstream web interface by clicking “Confirm”. The “Delivery Order” in your farmerswife client is now a Media Order Now back to your farmerswife Client, open it and log in. Show the Toolbox, and select the “Media Orders” button. If not already there within the “Pending” tab, you should shortly (can take up to 10 min.) see your order appear. Note: By default, the “update time” is set to check every 15 min.; for more info see page 4 “Time Interval”. Only change this to less than 15 min. during “start-up” phase on using this integration. Open the Media Order (MO) and notice that: • The MO’s title is: “A5 Order: “the Adstream A5 Order ID” – “the A5 Adcode””; the “Adcode is most often referred to as “Clock-number”. • The Media Order has been assigned to “Anne” and “Eric”, as configured within the farmerswife Server. • The Client is “Moondana Films Inc.”, which farmerswife picked up from the A5 order’s “Media Agency” field. You can now select a specific Contact of “Moondana Films” for the order if you like. • All other information has been added to the Media Order’s “Note” field, including destinations etc.; see more details on the next page. • If you have set up any Custom Field mappings, you will also see the populated order data. • The “creator” (bottom left corner of the Modify Media Order window) of the “Delivery Orders” from Adstream A5 is using the Adstream Account’s “First Name” and “Second Name”. The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 7 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders The contents of the Media Order “Note” field will look similar to this: Notice the “Deadline” info in the top-right corner of the “Modify Media Order” window: “Airdates” and “Deadlines” The “Deadline” date and time is calculated from your order’s “First Airdate” (here: 2016-04-01). It then counts back the number of working days you set up in the farmerswife Server for the field “Days Back” (here: 3), and using the “Delivery Time Standard” (here: 15:00). So in the above examples the “Deadline” info at that moment shows, that there are still 4 hours and 15 min. left until the deadline has been reached. The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 8 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders • If the order’s “First Airdate” is closer than the setting “Days Until Urgent” (farmerswife Server-side), then the “Urgent” check-box will be ticked. • If you had selected “Express delivery” for one or more destinations in your A5 order, the Media Order Deadline would have been set to “today” at 16:30, and the “Urgent” check-box on the Media Order would have been ticked. The “Airdate” is not taken into account if you have an “Express” delivery. • If the assigned users have been set up to receive email notifications on Media Order changes (fw Client > Toolbox > Settings > Notifications > Global Notification Defaults > …), they will receive one every time the order is updated automatically (e.g. from Adstream A5) or otherwise (e.g. changes by users via farmerswife). If an A5 Order has more than one clock, each clock will result in a separate Media Order in farmerswife, as in the below example, where the order “511048333” has 2 clocks: Please also see the Chapter on “Understanding an Adstream Delivery Order with Multiple Clocks” page 14, for more info. Media Order file upload with “Use FTP Transfers” Now one of the assigned operators will need to upload the “master” file for the order. This can be done from within farmerswife, using the new “Use FTP Transfers” functionality. Note: You will need to check with Adstream for information about their preferred master file formats for your specific destination, as well as the FTP details you should use. Excursion: Setting up “Use FTP Transfers” Since version 6.1 it is possible to set up “FTP transfer connections” for Media Orders. To activate the new setting go to: Your farmerswife Server > Setup > Media Library tab > Media Orders. For this example we’ve manually created a Media Order called “Adstream A5”. Click on the Media Order(s) that this needs to be activated on, and on the “Modify Media Order” window tick the check-box for “Use FTP Transfers” to enable it. See the image on the right. Click on “OK” to save your change. The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 9 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders Then log-in with your farmerswife Client and go to Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup > “FTP Transfer” button (requires access to “Object Manager” Permissions): Click on the “FTP Transfer” button to open the “FTP Setup” window. To create a new “FTP Setup” click on the green “+” button. Give the setting a “Name” and add the other information in the relevant boxes. Click “Test Connection” to confirm that the new setting is working, see image to the right: Click “OK” to save your “FTP Settings”. If necessary double-click an “FTP Setting" to modify it. The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 10 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders Media Order file upload To use the new “FTP Transfer”, create or open an existing Media Order, click the Cart-icon (“New Order”: add a Media Order “Job”. ), to On the “Select Source(s) For Media Order” window, select the “Media Library”, in the “Media” field search for your Media, and once selected use the “Add” button on the Media’s Entry/Entries you want to transfer. You need to ensure that there are actually one or more files uploaded to the Entry. At the bottom of the “Select Source(s) For Media Order” window choose the Media Order type for which you previously have enabled “Use FTP Transfer” – in this case it’s the “Adstream A5” – from the drop down menu. See the image to the right. Click “OK” once you’re done. On the next “New Media Order” window, select the “Transfer To FTP” setting you want to use for the transfer – in this example it is called “My FTP Setting” – from the drop down. Click “OK”. Note: If the selected Entry’s duration does not match the A5 order’s duration, a warning pop-up will be shown. You can then choose to override the warning or “Cancel” the operation to first fix the mismatched duration on the actual Entry. The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 11 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders The FTP transfer(s) are now launched, and you will see a status window showing the progress. When the transfer is done, the Media Order Job’s Status is set to “Done” (green) and the transfer details are added to the Media Order Job’s Note. The details in the Note allow you to keep track of which files were transferred where, and when, etc. Note: If you would like to re-do the transfer, simply set the “Status” on the “Edit Media Order” window to “Not Done” and click “OK”. The Media Order Job should now look like this: The yellow MO Job “Note” icon will show on mouse-over the details of the transfer, because they were added to the Media Order’s “Note” field. Note: The file was automatically re-named on Adstream’s FTP, to meet their specifications: the file-name must be the same as the orders’ “Adcode/clock-number”. You are now done on the farmerswife side. What remains is, for Adstream to pick up your file, match it to your order, ingest it and send it to the destinations as per the order. The order status of the Media Order in farmerswife will get updated if: a) The file has passed all Adstream-side quality checks and has been delivered to the set destinations. So when Adstream sets the order status to “Completed”, the Media Order’s “Note” field will be updated with “date time: Status: Completed” and the Media Order will accordingly be “Moved To Done” in farmerswife, allowing you to now create the Invoice for this Media Order from the Invoice Creator as usual. b) If the file failed to pass the Adstream-side quality checks, the Media Order’s “Note” field will be updated with the info “date time: Status: Failed” and you will receive the according email “order status” notification from Adstream. Note: Once the “issue” was fixed see the previous page, on how to re-do the transfer. c) If all Adstream Destinations in a Delivery were cancelled, the Media Order’s “Note” field will be updated with the info “date time: Status: Cancelled”. And the Media Orders “Hold Invoice” check-box is ticked. Understanding an Adstream Delivery Order with Multiple Clocks An Adstream “Delivery Order” consists of some metadata (Product, Title, Advertiser, Duration, Clock etc.), and one or more destinations, to which the master file is to be “delivered”. The order also contains the “Order ID” (= order reference number), Business Unit (“order giver”) etc.. An A5 “Delivery Order” can have more than one “Clock”. You can therefore, on the same order, have several different Products, Durations, Advertisers etc.. The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 12 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders An A5 “Delivery Order” can be seen as a container for clocks. Each Clock has its own set of Destinations. Each Clock has it’s own AdCode (it’s a unique identifier for the TV stations/destinations). The AdCode is also often referred to as the “Clock Number”, even though the Clock actually means the whole bundle, with metadata, AdCode, and master file. Each Clock on an A5 “Delivery Order” will result in one single Media Order in farmerswife, so 1 Media Order for each “A5 Clock”. Multiple Clocks can be confusing and should be used with care, especially if used with different Advertisers and Products. Mostly they are used, if for example you have an Ad Campaign with several spots for the same Product, but at varying lengths, like a 30 sec, a 20 sec and a 15 sec version. In that case it may be easier to manage your deliveries if all clocks are on the same order. Below is an example A5 “Delivery Order” with 2 clocks, in this case, for different Products: Opening this order on Adstream’s web interfaces gives you a graphical view of your clocks for the order: In farmerswife this order created 2 Media Orders – notice the 2 orders have the same Adstream Order ID but different Clocks: The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 13 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders All Adstream A5 farmerswife Server-side Settings Go to your farmerswife Server > Setup > “Media Library” tab and since v6.1 you’ll see this in the bottom right corner of this tab: The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 14 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders Adstream A5 Integration – Connection Enabled: Yes/No (default) Use this setting to turn the Adstream A5 Integration on (Yes) or off (No, default). First review all settings, before turning it on the first time. Note: Only Deliveries created on Adstream A5 AFTER activating the integration (Connection > Enabled = Yes), will be created as Media Orders in farmerswife. Url: Click on the “Url” entry field, then click “Ok”, and the field will be populated with the default Adstream URL address: Key: Enter here “Key” information of your Adstream account, which you received after requesting your “farmerswife A5 API access Key and Secret” from: [email protected] Secret: Enter here “Secret” information of your Adstream account; see above info in the “Key” section. Test Connection: Use this button to verify, that your “Key” and “Secret” information work. This feature works independently of whether the “Connection” is turned on or off. Adstream A5 Integration – Media Order Delivery Time Standard: You should confirm with Adstream which delivery schemes are offered in your country. Normally this set to 15:00. Delivery Time Express: You should confirm with Adstream which delivery schemes are offered in your country. Normally set to 16:30. Days Back: This is used for the calculation of the Media Orders’ “Deadline” date. The calculation subtracts the set number of “Working Days” from the Order’s “Airdate”. And at the same time takes into account, if the “Airdate” is closer than “Days Until Urgent” days (see below). The count-back number of days is used, to allow you to complete the file delivery in good time. You should select the number of days that best fit your workflow. Normally set to 5 or more. Days Until Urgent: This is used to set the Media Orders’ “Urgent” check-box. It is taking this set number of Working Days, or less, until the Adstream Orders’ Airdate. Normally set to 1 or 2. Timed Interval: Select a Timed Interval, for how often the system will be getting Orders from Adstream A5. This setting affects network traffic; it is therefore set by default to 15 minutes. It might make sense, that during the first days of using this integration, you set this temporarily to “1 Minute”. Add Service For Standard Delivery: and Add Service For Express Delivery: The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 15 of 16 Integration with Adstream A5 Ordering and fw Media Orders To support the two different prices “Standard” and “Express” on Adstream A5, you’ll need to create a new Object type “Service” via the fw Client > Object Manager e.g. called “Adstream Standard” and “Adstream Express”. This is also the place for you to set the different “Sell” rates you charge your customer(s). Then select them here using these settings. These will then be used, to automatically count the number of used “Standard” or “Express” deliveries per Media Order. Default Client: Set a Default Client. The Default Client is used if no match is found for the “Media Agency” field in A5; more info later on. Assigned To: Select to which user a Media Order is Assigned To. Select one or more users that will be assigned to A5 Media Orders by default. Note: Ensure that the selected users have Permission or Web Permission to “Access” the Media Order module. A5 Field Name For MO Client: Select which field on Adstream A5 you want to use, to map the Media Order’s Client Name into farmerswife. Select one from these 6 options, as per the image to the right. Note: If the "Client" Name on the Media Oder can't be matched and you didn't set a "Default Client", it will be empty for you to select the correct "Client" on the “Modify Media Order” window in farmerswife. Map Custom Fields: If you have created one or more “Media Order Customs”, you can map them to corresponding fields in your Adstream A5 “Delivery Orders”. You map a field by clicking on the “Map Custom Fields” button, double-click on a line and select an existin farmerswife Media Order Custom Field. In the example below, you see 2 Custom Fields: “File Format” and “Airdate” on the left, and once they are mapped to the fields on Adstream A5 on the right: The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. All product information and specification are subject to change without notice. Farmers WIFE is a registered trademark. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Page 16 of 16