Optical Tooling Instrument Calibration and Adjustment Using the
Optical Tooling Instrument Calibration and Adjustment Using the
OPTICAL TOOLING INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION AND ADJUSTMENT USING THE MODEL 270-BN UNIVERSAL SHORT- RAN GE CALIBRATOR Copyright 1987 by Brunson Instrument Company Reproduction of the information contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Brunson Instrument Company. fOREWORD This manual was developed as a result of requests from students a'ttending the Brunson Instrument C�mpany , s courses in practices and procedures for instrument adjustment. The lack of written information prompted this writing. contained herein a re specific, detailed procedures for 'Use with the Brunson model 270-BN Universal Short-Range Calibrator. These procedures, while applicable in principle to a transit, level, or line scope, are meant specifically for instruments produced by the Brunson Instrument Company. For information on other makes, the manufacturer should be consulted. No amount of printed material can be substituted for sound instruction, and actual experience under the guidance of a qualified in s tru ctor . This manual is not intended as a itshort course" in instrument calibration, but as a help for those who have been properly trained. Before attempting any work to the degree of accuracy re quired of optical tooling, PROPER INSTRUCTION IS AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY. TAB.LB .. OF CONTlm'l'S TITLE PAGE FOREWORD . • • 0 f' "I Q 0 • TABLE OF CON'I�EN'llS til • • 0 • 0 • I> " • • • • • e • • 0 "'• • 0 • • 0 til � • • • 0 0 (I .;. • " • • If • • " I.< • do . • • • • G • " • • ., • • • .., 0 0 • • a 0 .. Go ... e • e ., • • 0 � � & G e • • ., • • • t· • 0 • NOTES ON HANDLING AND OPERATION OF OPTIC.AL INSTRUMENTS INITIAL SET-UP NO. (TRANSITS AND LEVELS) LIST OF ATTRIBUTES TO BE INSPECTED . . • • • . • . • • . • • . . • • . • . . • • • • • • . . . • . . . • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . . . . . • . • . OPTICAL MICROMETER CALIBRATION Backlash Measurement . Zero-Center Adjustment................................... Ra.nge Accuracy (I II 0 >t • • . • • . . . . . . It � . . • • • • 0 I) I) 4 • • • OPTICAL TOOLING TRANSIT CALIBRATION Bullis-eye or Circular . • • • . • . . . • • . . " . . • • . • • • . . . . • . . . .. " .., • • • • • • 0 • • .,; a 0 . " g . 9' 0 eo 't . It 0 (I • • fI 0 • • • 0 � It • • 0 • • • 0 It • 0 0 0 • • . . . • Level Vial. • • . • • . . • . • • . . . . . • . . . . . . • • . • • • • . . . • • . . • . . . . . . . . ii iii 1 3 6 12 14 15 18 20 21 Vertical Axis Bearing Runout............................. 22 Horizontal Axis Bearing Runout Reticle Orientation. . . . . . II • • • 0 • • • • . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • . . • . . . . . • _ • • • 0 0 (1 0 _ • � • • • e _ _ 0 • • 0 • • • • • • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • Horizontal Collimation Vertical Centering Vertical Line-of-sight straightness Horizontal Line-of-sight Straightness . Horizontal Plumb Line centering . . . . 0 0 • • 0 • _ . • . . • . • • • • . • . . . . . . . . . . II • " • • II • • • • • • • 0 0 0 • • • 0 • 0 • • • • II 0 . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . . • • . • . • . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • • • . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • 0 . . . .. . . . . . . . . 0 • 0 • 0 !i> ., • • • • ., ., 0 • • • • o . . . • . • • • . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . • • . " . o • • • • • • • • e e o • • • • • • • • o o oo • • • • • ., • • • • . • • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . • . • . . . • . . • . • . . . . • • . . Front-to-Back Centering Mirror Collimation . . . . . . Collimation--Fixed-Focus Cross Scope Collimation--Adjustable Focus Cross Scope 23 24 26 27 28 30 32 35 38 40 41 43 Line-of-sight Straightness and centering Adjustable Focus Cross Scope PRECISE LEVEL CALIBRATION......... Circular Level Vial Reticle Orientation Vertical Axis . . . 0 (I • (0 • e • • . . • . . • • Bearing Runout • • . • . . • • • . . . • • • • • . . . • . • • • • . . . • . . . . • . • . • _ • 0 • • $I G • • 00 Co • II • Q 0 • 00 • • • • • Q .. . . . II . • • . . . . • • . . . • . . . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . . • . • • • • • • • • • . . . • • . • . . . . . . • . • • . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . • • • . • . . . • . . • • • . . . • . • . . . • . • • • . . . • . • • • • • • • Horizontal Line-of-sight Straightness vertical Line-of-sight Straightness COINCIDENCE LEVEL VIALS.. Coincidence Stride • . . • • • . • • • • . . • . Level Adjustment Using the Model 187-S Level as a Reference Coincidence • . • • . • . • • . • • . • . . • • . . . • • Level Adjustment Using the Model 287-1 Leveling Mirror as a Reference iii • • . . . . o • • • • • • • • • • • 45 47 48 50 49 51 52 53 54 55 TITLE ALIGNMENT TELESCOPE CALI BP.A'rION I n it ial set-up for Line S copes and A l ignment Telescopes on the Model 270-BN Collimation at Infinity Focus Line-af-s ight Stra ightness Auto-Refl ection Target • • . • • • • $ • • • .. . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . . • • -. . • . • • . . • • • 0 • • • • • • • • . 0 • • • • • . . • . • . • , . • • • (t 0 '" Q D • 0 • $ • 0 ., 0 $ G 00 0 19 . II 0 0 0 0 ':I CI • • • • • • • " • • • • • • • , . . • . . . • • . • • • • • • . • • . . . . • . • . . . . . • • . . . . . • . . • . • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • . • • APPENDIXES Trans it Hori z ontal Axi s Adjustment Transit Standard Adjustment Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations List of Too l s Required for I nstrument Adj ustment I l lustrations $ • • • • • It iv • • o • • • • • • • • • • . • • u • • • • ., • ., ., � 0 .. ., ct • • & • 0 • • • . • • • • . . . . • • • • . • • • • . . . . • • . • • . . . • • • • . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . • • • • 0 01 . • GI 0 0 • • , JI • • $ • • • 56 57 58 60 61 A-1 ;\-2 A-3 A- 4 A- 9 A-10 KQ1'ES ON HANDLING ANQ OPERATION OF (' p'l�E�al INSTRUMEN'I'S .. Followi ng are some <,.Jenera]. guidel ines for handli.ng and use of optical tooling and survey ing instruments . These rul es are by no means & substitute for instruction by qual ified and experienced personnel, but a re , in general, things to remember when using or c a l ibrat ing the instruments . 1. Get comfortable. When making measurements or observat ions with any prec is ion instrument 6 the operator must be in a com fortable phys ical pos ition in order to ma i nta in accuracy_ Vari ou s stools, steps, etc . may be requ i red in order to position the operator's body properly near the instrument . 2. Handl e instruments a s the del icate , prec ise measuring tools they a re . The most ruggedly constructed trans it or l evel cannot be expected to perform accurately when handl ed a s a common hand tool. Even setting the instrument down roughly on a hard surface can cause cal ibrat i on change s and damage . 3. Always make sure the eyep iece of any instrument i s properly Aim the te lescope at a focused for the eye of the operator . d i f fused l ight source , or hold a p iece o f wh ite paper in the front of the objective lens . Adj ust the eyepiece unt i l the Th is sharpest , b l ackest image of the ret icle is obta ined . should automat ica lly become the f i rst thing an operator does when mak ing a s ight ing . 4. I f there are to be two or more operators us ing or testing one instrument , one operator should be a l l owed to make a compl ete read ing or series of readings be fore the second operator eve r l ooks into the instrument. Each obse rver must make h i s own setup and take measurements uninterrupted in order to ma inta in accuracy . 5. Use extreme care when us ing the AA Gauge nUl tradex " fixture found on the Test I nstrument mounting post of the model 270-BN test stand . The unit ' s accuracy of 1/ 4 arc second cannot be ma inta ined without treat ing it as i f you were "walking on When operat ing the Ultradex8s eggs" every t ime it is used. re l ease l ever , do not s imply pul l it , but first anchor your hand on the base of the Ultradex to balance the force requ i red to move the l ever . When indexing an instrument mounted atop the UI tradex Q turn the table around sl owly. Th i s prevents the inert i a of the instrument itsel f from d i sturbing the az imuth setting . 1 6. When using tangent screws t.o accurately point an instrument, make a s etting, and then tap on the head of the tangent screw with a f inger . This wil l aid the tangent clamp mechan ism in (In e f fect, thi s is a "settl ing in" to a stab l e pos iti on. kind o f stres s-rel i ef.) Observation should then be made to ver i fy the accuracy o f the setting, and more correction made with the tangent screw a s necessary . 7. Become f amiliar w ith the characte r i stics o f the instrument before attempting to use or cal ibrate it . S ome trans it type instruments' telescopes will only al low one end of the S im i l arly, most tel escope to plunge through the standards . optical micrometers w i l l not pas s through the standards of a transit, particularly when they are not in an upright pos ition . A l ittl e care in determining the phys ical limitati ons o f the instrument t s mot ion may save expens ive damage in use . 8. When mounting o r d ismounting an instrument from a post or Grip a structural ly strong part of the stand, use two hands . instrument with one hand, and manipulate the instrument base with the other . 9. When remov ing a n instrument from its case, make sure a l l parts and proj ections are free of the case as the instrument is l i fted. Check to make certain any accessories, such as optical micrometers, are secured so a s not to fal lo f f during handl ing . 10. When replacing an instrument in its case, make sure a l l parts of the instrument are pos itioned properly to f it the contours of the case when cl osed. The tangent c l amps should be snug, not tight, when the instrument i s in its case . Many instruments w i l l only fit the i r cases one way, and external index marks are provided on some for proper pos ition ing. Clos ing a case on an improperly pos it ioned instrument can result in damage. 2 INITIAL SET-UP Most instruluents to be calibrated on the model 2 7 0-BN collimat ion test stand are mounted on the Test Instrument ' s mounting pest in the same manner (i.e., a fema l e screw thread in the base of the Test Instrument fit.ted to a mal e thread on the mount ing post). This procedure describes, in genera l , how an instrument should be set up in order to begin calibration on the model 2 7 0 -BN . 1. Determine the kind and size o f instrument mounting thread on the Test Instrument in quest ion. I f th is is not a 3- 1/2 inch , a-thread Amer ican standard siz e , the proper adapter must be chosen and fixed in p lace atop the Test Instrument ' s mount ing post . 2. Fix the Test Instrument to the mounting post firmly , but not with extreme force . In the case of a four-screw leve ling base on the Test I nstrument , l evel ing screws may need to be l oosened from press ing tightly aga inst the bottom p l ate , in order that the mounting may be threaded comp l ete ly together . Al ign one opposing pair o f level ing screws on a l ine para l l el to the Mul t iple Target Col l imator (M . T . C . ) , and the other pair on a l ine perpendicular to the M . T.C. 3. In the case o f a tribrach l eve l ing base , do not t ighten exces sive ly; the greater the force app l i ed to the Test Instrument ' s mounting threads , the tighter the l evel ing screws wi l l become , and damage may result . Snug is su f f icient , espec i a l l y for tribrachs . 4. Manipu late the Test I nstrument's level ing screws so " rough-in" level vial ( s ) show a l eve l condit ion. instruments there is a ci rcular or "bul l r s- eyeD! vial purpose . others use a pa ir of tubular via l s mounted ang l e s to each other.} 5. S et the T . I . tel escope l evel using its l evel via l . 6. Loosen the c l amp on the Test Instrument ' s mount ing post , and , using the handwheel , raise or lower the Test Instrument to a height that a l l ows a finite target in the M . T . C . to be s ighted . ( Turn on col limator l ights using the toggl e switch on the test stand control panel . ) Tighten the clamp on the Test Instrument ' s mounting post . NOTE: that the ( On some for th is at r ight Be fore l oosening the c lamp on the Test I nstrumentQs mount ing post , BE SURE the hand-wheel is rotated c lockwise until snug . Th i s e l iminates any play in the mounting post gears and protects the Test I nstrument I s bearings from shock during mounting post adj ustment . 3 7. Us ing the eyepiece of the Test Instrument only, achieve the sharpest poss ible focus on the Test I nstrument ' s ret ic l e . This is essent i a l to the accuracy o f a l l measurements made , and shoul d be constantly re-veri f ied throughout cal ibration o f any instrument. 8. Focus the Test Instrument at infin ity and s ight the infinity target o f the Mo T . C. Us ing the Test Instrument 8 s tangent screws , achieve approximate register between the Test InstrumentVs reticle and the M . T. C . infinity target . 9. Focus the Test Instrument on the 4 - ft . M . T.C . target. ( For some surveying instruments , the 6 or 1 6 ft. M . T . C . target must At this short-focus d istance , note whether or not be used . ) the Test Instrument ' s hori zonta l ret i c l e l ine is in approximate regi ster with that in the M . T . C . I f not , achieve approximate reg ister by ra is ing or l owering the Test I nstrument accordingly . ( I f the movement required is beyond the range of the prec i s ion l i ft in the Test Instrument I s mounting post , the c l amp must be l oosened , and the ent ire post moved up or down us ing the handwhee1 . ) 10. Focus the Test I nstrument at infinity , and achieve accurate register between the Te st Instrument ' s ret i c l e and the M . T . C . inf inity target , us ing the Test Instrument ' s tangent screws . 1 1. Focus the Test Instrument at the near- focus target . Ach ieve register between the Test Instrument's ret ic l e and the near focus target , us ing the prec ision l i ft and l atera l s l ide in the Test Instrument ' s mounting post . ( Do not d i sturb the Test I nstrument ' s tangent screws . ) 12 . I f the Test Instrument is a l eve l , the in i ti a l set-up is now complete. I f the Test Instrument is a trans it , the spind l e o f the U1tradex fixture must be made nomina l ly para l l e l t o the Test InstrumentOs vert ica l axis . ( Cont inue this procedure . ) 130 Veri fy that the " rough- in" l evel ing v i a l ( s ) are properly adj usted , see pg . 2 1, and are centered to indicate a l evel condit ion . 14 . 15 . 0 I ndex the ent i re Test Instrument 180 us ing the U1 tradex fixture . ( Do not rotate the Test Instrument on its own vert ica l axis bearings . ) Observe any out-of-level condit ion indicated by the O'rough- intV Correct hal f thi s error us ing the Test InstrumentUs vials . l evel ing screws , and the other hal f using the l evel ing screws in the Ultradex f ixture mount ing base . ( Two knobs found at l e ft front and l e ft rear of Ultradex mounting base . ) 4 16. Repeat steps 14, 15 g and 16 of this procedurt2 unt.il the Test Instrument can be indexed 1800 on ths Ultradex fixture and no error is observed in the firough�·inoi level vial (s) . 17. Ini tial set-l.lp is no�,rI complete and calibration procedures may be performed. 5 CALIBRATION ATTRIBUTES OP OPTICAL TOOLING INSTRUMENTS 6 OPTICAL MICROME'l'ERS 1. 2. 3. � ModeJ. "-M", 160 I nos. or �-50" 190 , include models with suff ix . Backl ash: Repeatab ility on a target approaching from either direction. Tol : ± 1/ 2 minor graduat i on. " Zero" Center Adj ustment: optical f l at of m icrometer is perpend icular to the instruluent I s line-of-sight when the sca l e reads " zero". To l : ± 1/ 2 minor graduation. Range Accuracy: Micrometer sca l e accurate l y determ ines the disp l acement of the l ine-of-s i ght. Tol: ± 1/ 2 m i nor graduat ion . 7 TRANSI;rs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - Model nos. 7 1, with j"-11O p 771 , "HI!, 75, "ruIn, 761 7 9 , 3'.' 6, 379, or uRaNu suffix. include models BullIs-eye or Circular Level Vial: "Reading" surface of the v i al is perpend icular to the vert ical axis. Tol� Bubble stays withi n black c ircular l i ne. vertical Ax is Bear i ng Runout: Instrument rotates accurately about the vertical axis to describe a hori zontal plane. 2.0 arcseconds . Tol: Hor i zontal Ax i s Bear ing Runout: accurately about the hori zontal vertical plane. 1 . 0 arcsecond. Tol : Telescope rotates axi s to describe a Reticle or ientat ion: vertical reticle perpendicular to the hori zontal ax is . Tol� ± 2.0 arcseconds. line is Hori zontal Coll imat ion: Instrument ' s l ine-o f-s ight is perpendicular to the horizontal ax i s when focused at inf ini ty. Tol: ± 1.0 arcsecond. vertical centering: Line-of-sight and intersect. Tol: ± . 001 inch. horizontal axis Hori zontal Line-ot-sight Straightness: L ine-of-s ight as measured from the verti cal ret icle l i ne is stra ight throughout the focusing range . Tol: ± .001 inch , or ± 1 arcsecond, wh ichever is greater. vertical Line-at-s ight S traightne ss: Line-of-s ight as measured from the hori zontal reticle l i ne i s straight throughout the focusing range . Tol: ± .001 inch, or ± 1 arcsecond , whichever is greater. Hor i zontal centeri ng: Line-of-s ight inte rsect. Tol: ± .001 inch. and vertical Plumb Line: The hori zontal and vertical ax is are perpendicular to each other . ± 1.0 arcsecond Tol: 8 axis 11, Front-to- Back Centering ( Instruments with hollow vertical axis only ) : Line'�of.-si9ht is concentri(.� to the vertical axis � Tol: ± . 0 0 1 inch. 12 . Mirror Col l imat ion: The reflective surface o f the m i rror is perpend icul ar to the hori zontal axis. ± 1.0 arcsecond Tol : 13. Col l imation--Fixed Focus Cross Scope: is para l lel to the hor i zontal axis. Tol : ± 1. 0 arcsecond 14 . Collimation--Adj ustabl e Focus Cross Scope: sight is para l l e l to the horizonta l axi s . Tol: ± 1 .0 arcsecond 15 . Line-of-s ight Stra ightnes s and Centering--Adjustable Focus Cros s Scope: The l ine of sight i s stra ight , both vertica l ly and hori z onta l l y , and concentr i c to the hor i z ontal ax is at a l l focal di stances . Tol: ± . 002 inch , or ± 2 . 0 arcseconds , whi chever i s greater for l ine-of-s ight straightnes s; ± . 002 inch for centering . 16 . Coinc idence Level Via l : The axis o f the co inc idence v i a l is para l l e l to the l ine-of-s ight. Tol: ± 1 . 0 arcsecond 9 The l ine-af-s ight The line - o f PRECISE LEVELS - Model 1. 2. 3. Nos. 545, 545-1. Bull's-eye or Circular Level Vial: 98Readinggi surface of vial perpendicular to vertical spindle. Bubble stays within black circular line. Tol: orientation: Horizontal Reticle perpendicular to vertical spindle. Tol: ± 2.0 arcseconds reticle line vertical Spindle Runout: Instrument rotates accurately about its vertical axis to describe a horizontal plane. 5. 0 arcseconds Tol: 4. Horizontal Line-of-sight straightness: Line-of-sight as measured from the vertical reticle line is straight -throughout the focusing range. Tol: ± .001 inch, or 1 arcsecond, whichever is greater. 5. Vertical Line-of-sight Straightness: Line-of-sight as measured from the horizontal reticle line is straight throughout the focusing range. Tol: ± 00 1 inch, or 1 arcsecond, whichever is . greater. 6. Coincidence Level Vial: The axis of the coincidence vial is parallel to the line-of-sight. ± 1.0 arcsecond Tol: 10 ALIGNMENT S COPES - LINE SCOPES - Model Nos. 8 1, 83, 38 1, include model s with "- 1" or "-M" suf f ix . 1. Col l imation : Line-of-s ight i s para l l e l to barrel 0.0. when focused at infinity . Tol : ± 1. 0 arcsecond 2. Line-of-s ight straightness and Centering : Line-of-s ight is stra ight , hor i z ontal l y and vert ica l ly , and concentric at a l l focal d istances . Tol : ± . 001 inch , or ± 1 . 0 arcsecond , whichever is greate r . 3. Auto Re f l ect ion Target : 0.0. Tol : ± Target is concentric to barrel . 001 inch. 4. Micrometer Backlash: Repeatab i l ity on approach ing from either d i rection . Tol: ± 1/ 2 minor graduation . 5. Opt ical f l at of Micrometer "Zero" Center Adj .: micrometer is perpend icular to l ine o f s ight when sca le reads "z ero" . Tol : ± 1/ 2 minor graduat ion. 6. Range Accuracy : Micrometer scale accurate ly determ ines the displacement of the l ine-of-s ight. Tol : ± 1/ 2 minor graduation. 11 a target OPTICAL MICROMETERS Brunson mode l nos. 1 60, 190, include model s with "-M" , or "-50" suf f ix. Princ iples a l so appl icable to micrometers found in model 83 a l ignment telescope. 12 QPTICAL MICROMET�R NOTES A graduated scal e used to verify the accuracy o f optical m icrometers i s mounted directly above the M.T.C. in the model 270BN calibration test stand. Other targets may also be used; such as; targets phy s i ca l ly manipulated by a mechanical micrometer I cal ibrated glass reti c le s, or white-face tooling sca les . Th is procedure deals with optical micrometers whi ch are detachable from the Test Instru.ment ' s telescope 'l'hos e which are contai ned as a unit with in the tel escope , such as the model 83 a l ignment tel escope , a re dea lt with in the s ecti on on l ine scopes . 0 OPTICAL MICROMETER ADJUSTMENT - MODEL 160 The model 1 6 0 micrometer has two axes of operation for coordinate measurement . E a ch of the two m icrometer el ements in the model 160 is adjusted i n exact ly the same manner as the model 190. The entire t e st must be performed for each e l ement separately 13 . QPTIC�L MICROMETER �DJUSTMENT - MeDEL 190 'fHE No'rE: TEST INSTRUMENT i S MICROMETER ACCURACY IN RETICLE CALIBRATION TARGET LINES MUST AND BE THOSE OF PARALLEL THE FOR THIS TEST. BACKLASH MEASUREMENT Descr iption: Repeatab i l ity on a target approaching from either d irect ion. Tolerance: ± 1/2 minor graduation Affected Parameters : Al l 1. with the model 190 micrometer secured on the Test Instrument ' s telescope in the upright position , sight the micrometer calibration target , and focus accurately on that target. 2. Set the graduated dial on the mi crometer precisely at zero. Us ing the Test Instrument's horizontal tangent screw , achieve accurate register between the Test I nstrument's vertical reticle line and that of the micrometer calibration target. (The horizontal retic le line should also be approximately in reg ister . ) 3. Turn the micrometer graduated dial clockwise at lea st 10 minor div isi ons. Sight into the Test Instrument and , turning the micrometer dial counterclockwise, bring the vertical reti cle line back into reg ister with the mi crometer calibr ation target. Do not turn past this point , or "rockll the micrometer d i a l back and forth. Observe any error from the zero point. 4. Turn the m i crometer graduated dial counterclockw ise at least 10 m inor div isions. Sight into the Test Ins trument and , turning the micrometer dial c lockwise , bring the vertica l ret i c l e line back into register with the micrometer cal ibra tion ta rget . Do not turn past th i s point , or " rock" the micrometer dial back and forth . Observe any error from the zero point. 5. If an error greater than 1/2 a m inor graduation is measured in steps 3 or 4, the m i crometer has backlash error. Return it to the factory for repair. 14 Z ERO-CENTER MEASUREMENT AND ADJUS'l'MENT Description: opt ical flat of micrometer is perpend icular to the instrument � s 1 ine-of sight when the scale reads oOzeron• Tolerance : ± Affected Paramete r: None 1/2 minor graduation 1. Uncl�mp the model 190 micrometer and sl ide it forward o n the end of the Test Instrument ' s telescope barreli j ust unt il the notch i n the micrometer body i s clear o f the locat ing pin attached to the telescope barrel. Lightly cl amp the micrometer clamp screw , but only unt i l the m icrometer may be rotated about the end of the tel escope barrel w ith the feel of Leave the micrometer upright on the Test a o 'bush ing f it . II I nstrument ' s tel escope barre l . 2. Make certa in the micrometer graduated d i a l is set prec isely at zero . Us ing the Test Instrument ' s hor i z onta l tangent screw , ach ieve accurate reg ister between the Test Instrument ' s vertical reticle l ine and the micrometer cal ibration target . 3 Gently rotate the micrometer 180° on the end o f the Test I nstrument ' s tel escope barre l . Extreme care must be used in this movement so that the Test I nstrument is not moved , in order not to d isturb the zero reference setting o f step 2. • 4. Measure any error in regi ster between the Test Instrument's vertical reticle l ine and the micrometer ca l ibration target , by turn ing the micrometer graduated d i a l unti l a ccurate register is achieved. Ha l f th is measurement is the actual error and should be no more than hal f o f one minor di v i sion . I f in excess of this amount , the zero-center may be adj usted as fol lows : Ao Remove the model 190 m ic romete r f rom the Test Instrument ' s tel escope barre l , and place front-end down ( zero i ndex facing upward) on a flat sur face. Be sure the surface is c l ea r o f any particle s that might scratch or break the front cover glasso B. Set the graduated di a l to the exact amount o f zero-center correct ion required , and in the proper d i rect ion from zero . Whi le holding the knurl ed knob above the graduated dial exactly in this pos itiong l oosen the three screws nea r the c ircumference o f the top o f the knurl ed knob . po not disturb the screw at the exact center of the knurled knob. Extreme care mus� be exerci sed in o rder not to turn the knurl ed knob as the three screws are l oosened (see p icture on next page ) . 15 800r) Cac::t 231'd Str�f;t • Kan::,a') City. MtJ. R4129 f'HONE AC(816) 41-13-3187 Loo s ening s crews f0r micrometer zero-center Movin g t he gradua t ed d ial. a djus tmen t . c. 5. still tak ing care not to turn the knurl ed knob from the setting made at the begi nning of step S, s l ip the graduated dial around to again read zero. Tighten the three screws in the knurled knob, taking care not to turn e i ther the knob or the graduated dialo Repeat steps 2, amount of error, 3 , and 4 until no error , is measured at step 4. 17 or an acceptable Descript:i.ou: MicrOIlleter scale accurat.ely determines the displ acement of the line-of -s ight Tolera.nce: ± A f fected Parameters: Zero-centering 1/2 minor graduation 1. Clamp the model 190 micrometer upright on the end of the Test Instrument I s tel escope barre l , and set the graduated d i a l prec isely at z ero . Using the Test Instrument V s hor i z ontal tangent screw , ach ieve accurate register between the Test Instrument's vert ical ret icle line and that o f the micrometer cal ibration target . 2. Whil e s ight ing into the Test Instrument , turn the micrometer ca l ibrated d i a l cl ockwise unti l accurate register is ach ieved between the Test Instrument's vert ical reticle l ine and the graduation on the cal ibration target corresponding to a ful l sca l e reading o f the model 190 micrometer . 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 , but th is time turn the graduated d i a l i n a countercl ockwise d i rection. 4. If an unacceptable inaccuracy is found at e i ther end o f the mi crometer cal ibrated d ia l , the micrometer may be adj usted as fol l ows: 15 . A. If both ends o f the calibrated dial read short or l ong by the same amount , use the sma l l a l l en-head set screws in the top of the micrometer body to push the "head" o f the micrometer (graduated dial , index plate, knurled knob, etc. ) from front to back or from back to front as necessary (see p icture on next page ) . B. If both ends of the cal ibrated d i a l read short or long by d i f ferent amounts, or i f one reads short and the other reads l ong , use the a l len-head set screws in the top of the micrometer body to push the "headu of the micrometer from s ide to side (see picture on next page ) . After any adj ustment is made for micrometer sca le accuracy , check the z ero-centering 0 18 Micrometer range accuracy adjustment. (One side reading shorter or longer than the other.) ; � " Micrometer range accuracy adjustment. short or long by the same amount.) ., (Both sides reading OPTICAL TOOLING TRANSITS Brunson model nos. 7 1 , 7 7 1 , 75 , 76 , 7 9 , 37 6 , 37 9, with "- 1 " , "H", UlRHVI, or "RHNIi suf f ix . 20 include models Descript ion: vial "Reading" surface of perpendicular to the vert ica l axis. Tol e rance: Bubbl e stays with in black lines A ffected Parameters : None Is 1. Use the 'rest I nstrument w s l evel ing screws to adj ust until bubbl e is centered . 2. Rotate the Test Instrument about its vert ical axis 1800 observe bubble. 3. Correct one-hal f the bubbl e centering error with the v ial mounti ng screws, and the other ha l f �Ti th the Test I nstrument I s l eveling screws. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 unt i l no error is observed in the v i a l when the Test Instrument is rotated about its vert i cal axis. 21 - Description: Instrument rotates accurately about its vex"tical axis t.o describe a horizontal plane. Tolerance: 2 . 0 arcseconds Affected Parameters: All Note: 1. 2. In this procedure either an M. T. C. or a line scope can be used as the reference scope: this scope will be referred If a line scope is used it must be to as the collimator. set to infinity focus. Rotate the Test Instrument about its vertical axis roughly 5 times in the same direction. This ensures the individual balls in the vertical axis bearings have all made at least one complete revolution. Point the Test Instrument's telescope at the collimator and focus the instrument to the infinity reticle of the collimator. using the vertical tangent screw, achieve accurate register between the Test Instrument I s horizontal reticle line and the collimator's position the vertical reticle line of the Test Instrument in close proximity with that of the collimator's vertical reticle line while keeping the horizontal tangent clamp loose. 0 3. 4. Gently rotate the Test Instrument about its vertical axis 4 to 5 times re-pointing back to the collimator each time and observe any error. Be sure to reposition the vertical reticle line near its original position. If an error greater than the tolerance is observed, rerun the test to ensure that the observed error is actually bearing runout and not movement of the entire instrument. If it is determined that the error is bearing runout, repairs are required and the Test Instrument should be returned to the manufacturer for repair. 22 HOR(ZONTAL AXIS BEARf.NG RUNOU� Description� Telescope rotates accurately horizonta l axis to describe plane . Tol erance: 1 . 0 arcsecond A f fected Parameters: Al l Note: a about the vertical I n this procedure e ither an M . T.C . or a l ine scope can be used as the reference scope; thi s scope w i l l be re ferred to as the col l imator . I f a line scope i s used it must be set to infinity focus . 1. Rotate the Test Instrument about its horizontal axis roughly 5 t imes in the same d irect ion . Th i s ensures the ind iv idua l bal l s in the hori z onta l axis bearings have a l l made at l east one compl ete revolut ion . 2. Point the Test Instrument ' s tel escope at the co l l imator and focus the instrument to the infin ity ret icle of the col l imator . Us ing the horiz ontal tangent screw , achieve accurate regi ster between the Test Instrument I s vert ical reti c l e l ine and the col l imator's . Posit ion the hor i z onta l ret i c l e l ine of the Test Instrument in close prox imity with that o f the coll imator's horiz ontal reticle l i ne keeping the vert ical tangent clamp loose . 3. Gently rotate the Test Instrument about its hori zontal axis 4 to 5 t imes re-point ing back to the col l imator each t ime and observ ing any error . Be sure to repo s ition the hor i z onta l ret i c l e l ine near its orig inal l ocation . 4. I f an error greater than the tol erance i s observed , rerun the test to ensure that the observed error is actua l l y bearing runout and not movement o f the ent ire instrument . I f it i s determined the error i s bearing runout , repa irs are required and the Test Instrument should be returned to the manufacturer for repa ir. 23 RETICLE ORIENTATION Descript ion : vertical reticle line is perpendicu l a r to the hor i z ontal axis . Tolerance : ± 2 . 0 arcseconds Affected Parameters : Hori z onta l C o l l imat i o n , ve rt i c a l Centering , Coinc idence Level Vi al Note : In thi s procedure e ither an M. T . C. or a l ine scope can be used a s the re ference scope ; th i s scope w i l l be re ferred to as the col l imator . I f a l ine scope i s used it must be set to infinity focus . 1. Level the Test Instrument using the Bul l i s-eye Level. 2. S ight the col l imator and focus on the inf inity reti cle . Bring the Test Instrument's reticle into prec i se register with the infinity ret icle of the col l imator us ing the Test Instrument ' s tangent screws . 3. Observing a point o n the col l imator's reticle , use e ither the Test Instrument ' s vertica l or hor i z ontal tangent screw and Noti ce whether the ret i c l e l ine "trackil across that point . you are using stays in register with or dev iates from the po int . 4 I f deviation is observed , note wh ich direct ion the Test InstrumentVs ret icle i s tilted . I f error i s more than the tole rance , use a dri ft and sma l l hammer to tap aga inst the adj usting screw heads o f the Test Instrument I s ret i c l e to rotate the reticle into pos ition . These are the four capstan head screws farthest from the eyep iece and pos it ioned at 12, When adj ust ing , tap aga inst oppos ing 3, 6 , and 9 o·c l ock . screw heads , 12 and 6 or 3 and 9 , for even adj ustment to the reticle. ( See picture on following page ) . . 5. Repeat steps 1 , 2, and 3 unt i l the Test InstrumentOs reticl e l ine stays in tol erance with the point . 24 SRUNSOiN INSTRUMENT COMPANY �OU(J L8!')t 2Jrd Street .. �\n'l '. ' .'-it}' PHONE /\C(816) 4i;n 3187 �JI'\ ';4129 Adjusting reticle orientation. Location of telescope adjusting screws. lens screw. 1) Reticle screw. 2) Erector HORIZONTAL COLLIMATION Descript i on : l ine-o f - s ight I n s t r u m e n t 's is perpend icul ar to its hor i z onta l axis when focused at infinity. Tolerance: ± Af fected Parameters : ret icle orientation 1.0 arcsecond 1. For best results , l eave the vert ical tangent cl amp l oose and the micrometer drum po inting up or down . 2. Rough l evel the Test I nstrument . S et the barrel so the coinc idence vial is reading l evel across the Ultradex Rotate the U ltradex 1 8 00 and observe the adj ust ing screws . v i a l reading . Remove one-hal f the e rror with the vertical tangent screw and the other ha l f with the Ul tradex adjusting Repeat the 1 8 00 rotation removi ng one-hal f with the screws . instrument and the other hal f with the Ultradex unti l the instrument vial stays re l at ive ly l eve l . Rotate the Ul tradex 900 and bring the Test I nstrument's v ial into l evel us i ng the Ultradex adj ust ing screws . Th i s w i l l be suf f ic ient to per form hor i z ontal col l imat ion . 3. Prec i sely reg ister the Test Instrument ' s vert ical ret i c l e l ine with that of the M . T . C. 's infinity target , the hor i z onta l reti c l e l ine should be nomina l ly regi stered . 4. Gently re l ease the Ultradex i ndexing f ixture and rotate 180°. W ith the Ultradex tabl e secured , plunge the Test Instrument's telescope 1800 so as to be s ight ing back at the M . T . C. 5. Observe any error i n register between the vertical ret ic l e l ines of the Test I nstrument and that o f the M . T.C . 6. I f the observed error is greater than 2 a rcseconds ( actua l error greater than 1 arcsecond ) , correct one-ha l f the observed error using the Test Instrument ' s reticle adj usting screws ( the four capstan-head screws farthest from the eyepiece ) Adj ust the two capstan screws l ocated at 3 and 9 o O cl ock . 0 7. Repeat steps 2 through 5 unt i l the observed error i s not more than 2 a rcseconds as in step 4 . 8. I f adj ustments were made , the a ffected parameters must be checked and adj usted as required . 26 YEH.'l'ICAL CENT�BJJ.Ki Description� vertical line-of-s ight axis intersect and horizonta l c o l l imation, ret i c l e . . . 0 0 1 inch Tolerance : ± Af fected Parameters : Hor i z onta l orientation Note: In th is procedure e ither an M . T. C . or a l ine scope can be used as the re ference scope� this scope w i l l be re ferred to a s the coll imator . I f a l ine scope i s used, the focus must be set to infinity . 1. The micrometer should be rotated 900 so the micrometer drum i s point ing to the s ide and set t o zero . B e careful, a s some instruments , such as Brunson's, wi l l not plunge through with the micrometer in th is position. 2. Focus the Test I nstrument at the col l imator ' s in f in ity Precisely regi ster the Test I nstrUment I s ret icle ret ic l e . with that o f the col l imator us ing the horizontal and vert ical tangent screws . 3. Focus the Test Instrument at the co l l imator ' s closest target . Precisely regi ster the Test Instrument ' s ret i c l e with that of the col l imator ' s target us ing the prec is ion l i ft and s l ide . 4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 unt i l the Test Instrument can be focus ed from inf inity to the near target o f the c o l l imator without making any adjustments to the test instrument . S. Rotate the Test Instrument 1800 about its vert ical axis and p lunge the scope 180' sighting back to the col l imator . Focus the Test I nstrument to in fin ity and preci s e ly reg ister the Test I nstrument ' s reticle with that of the col l imator us ing only the tangent screws . Focus back to the near ret i c l e and measure the amount needed to bring the Test Instrument ' s horizontal ret icle into regi ster with the col l imator ' s hor i z ontal reticle . 6. I f the observed error is greater than 0 . 00210 ( actual error g reater than 0 . 00198 ) I correct three to four t imes the obs e rved error using the two ret icle adj usting screws found at 12 and 6 o'c l ock . 7. Repeat steps 1 through S unt i l the observed error i s no more than O.002u• 8. I f adjustments were made , the a ff ected parameters must be checked and adj usted as required . 27 HORI ZONTAl.. I,I NE -OF-SIGl1'f STRAIgHTNES S Desc r ipt ion: Line-o f-s ight is stra ight throughou� the focus ing 'range as mea. sured from t.he vert ical ret i c l e l ine. To l erance : ± . 00 1 inch, is greater. Affected Parameters : Hor izontal collimat ion , vertical Line - of sight Stra ightness , vert i cal Centering 1. 2. 3. or ± 1 :;\ rcsecond , wh i chever Rotate the mi crometer on the Test Instrument -to the up pos i t i on with the mic rometer drum set on zero for this test . The barre l should be pos i t i oned so that the focus knob is up. Th is is known as the di rect pos i t ion . If an opt ical wedge is used to measure the error , posi t ion i t in place w i th the zero mark on the vert ical index mark . Focus the Test I nstrument to the M . T . C . ' s infin ity target . Prec isely register the Test I nstrument ' s ret icle w i th that of the M . T . C . using the hor izont al and vert i cal tangent screws . Focus the Test Inst rument to the M . T . C . ' s closest target . Precisely regi ster the Test I nst rument ' s reticle wi th that of the M . T . C . us ing the precision lift and sl ide . 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 unt i l the Test Instrument can be focused at the far and near targets of the M . T . C . without making any adj ustments to the Test Inst rument . 5. Without disturbing the tangent screws, lateral sl ide , or prec is i on lift, take readings wi th e i ther the microme ter or opt i cal wedge as to the d ispl acement of the vert i cal ret i c le l ine from the intermediate targets of the M . T. C . Record readings and note what s ide of z ero the m i crometer or wedge read ing res ides . 6. 7. Rel ease the horizontal tangent clamp and rotate the Test Release the vert i cal tangent cl amp and Instrument 1 8 0 0 • plunge the telescope 1 8 0 0 • Th is is known as the ind irect pos i t ion . Repeat steps 2 through 5 . Compare the two read i ngs taken at each focal length to each other . For micrometers , take one -half the algebra i c sum of the two read i ngs . For opt i cal wedges , take one-half the algebrai c d ifference of the two read ings . 28 8. I f the number a rr. ived at for stra ight:nesf-; of l i ue-·of-s ight i s O . O O l W or less at the 1 6 - ft . o r less targets , or 1 arcsecond or lass at longer focal l engths , results ar� acceptabl e . If results are in excess of these to lerances , adj ustments are mad�! as fol lows : A. Remove the four regular screws found o n the barrel where the telescope rotates around its horizontal axis . B. Move the focus knob so as to move the focus sl ide towards the obj ect ive lens. Be fore the sl ide reaches its e nd o f travel , a set screw w i l l l ine u p under each hol e . c. By l oosening the pa ir o f set screws on one s ide and tighten ing the pa ir on the oppos ing side , the focus l ens wi l l be moved from s ide to s ide ins ide the focus s l ide . The lens is pushed in the d irection that the retic l e looks l i ke i t needs to go . CAUTION, A SMALL TWEAK OF THE LENS IS ALL THAT IS NE EDE D . A tweak could move the l ine of -s i ght by as much as 3 arcseconds . 9. I f the lens has to be moved , the a f fected parameters must be checked and adj usted as requ ired . 10 . Repeat the procedures for checking l ine-of-s ight aga in unt i l step a i s sat i s f ied . Not e : the verti cal and Hor i z ontal Line-o f- s i ght s traightness cal ibrati ons are pres ented s eparlltely for e a s e of ins truc t i on , but it is advantaqaous fo� the operator to do both s imul t aneous ly as one a f fects the other . 29 VER'fl CAL LINF.; M·OF- S I GHT STRAIGHTNESf2. Descript ion : Line-of-s ight i s stra ight throughout. the focusing range when measured f rom 'ttle hori zonta l ret i cle l i ne . Tolerance : ± Af fected Parameters : Hori zontal Col l imat ion , Hori zont a l Line o f- s ight stra ightness , vert ical centering 1 . 0 0 1 inch or is greater . . ± 1 a rcsecond , whichever Rotate the micrometer on the Test I nstrument to the s ide pos it ion with the micrometer drum set on zero for th i s test . The barre l should be pos it ioned so that the focus knob i s up . This i s known a s the direct pos ition . I f an opt ical wedge i s used to measure the error , pos ition it in p l ace with the zero mark on the hor i z onta l index mark . 2. Focus the Test Instrument to the M . T . C . ' s i nfinity target . Prec isely reg ister the Test I nstrument ' s ret icle with that o f the M . T . C . us ing the hor izontal and vert ical tangent screws . 3. Focus the Test I nstrument to the M . T . C . ' s c l osest target . prec isely reg ister the Test Instrument ' s reti c le with that o f the M . T . C . us ing the prec is ion l i ft and s l ide . 4 . Repeat steps 2 and 3 unt i l the Test I nstrument can be focused at the far and near targets o f the M . T . C . without making any adjustments to the Test Instrument . 5. without di sturbing the tangent screws , l ateral s l ide , or prec is ion l i ft , take readings with e ither the micrometer or opt ical wedge as to the displacement of the hor i zontal ret ic le l ine from the intermed iate targets of the M . T . C . Record readings and note what s ide o f zero the micrometer or wedge reading res ides . 6. Release the hori zonta l tangent c l amp and rotate the Test Instrument 1 8 0 0 • Rel ease the vert ica l tangent c l amp and Thi s i s known as the ind i rect plunge the telescope 18 0 0 • pos it ion . Repeat steps 2 through 5 . 7. Compare the two readings taken a t each focal length t o each For mi crometers , take one-hal f the sum o f the two other . readings , be ing sure to observe the s ign . For optical wedges , take one-ha l f the d if ference of the two read ings , be ing sure to observe the s ign . 30 a. If the number arr ived at for stra ightnes s t) f U. neuQ f · · s tght i s 0 . 0 0 1 " o r l es s a t the 1 6 - ft . or l e s s targets l o r 1 arcsecond or l ess at longer foca l l engths, resu lts are �cceptab l e . If results are i n excess o f these tolerance$ p adj ustments are made as fol l ows g A. Remove the four regular screws found on the barrel where the tel escope rotates around its horizonta l axis . B. Move the focus knob so as to move the focus s l ide towards the obj ective l ens . Be fore the s l ide reaches its end o f trave l p a s e t screw wi l l l ine up under each hol e . c. By l oosening e i ther the top or bottom pa i r and doi ng the oppos ite on the oppos i ng o f set screws pair o f set screws , the focus l ens wi l l be moved up or down ins ide the focus s l ide . The l ens is pushed in the opposite d i rect ion that the ret icle l ooks l ike it needs to go . CAUTION , A SMALL TWBAK OF THE LENS I S ALL THAT IS NEEDED . A tweak coul d move the l ine-of-s ight by as much as 3 arcseconds . 9. I f the l ens has to be moved , the af fected parameters must be checked and adj usted as required . 10 . Repeat the procedures for checki ng l ine-of-s ight aga in unt i l step 8 i s sat i s f i ed . Not e : the verti c�l and Bor i � ontal Line-ot- s i ght straightness cal ibrations are pres ented s eparately for ease Q f i ns truc t i on , but it is advantageous for the operator to do both s imul t aneou s l y as one affeots the other . 31 HORI ZONTAL CENTERING Descript i on : Line-of-s ight intersect . Tolerance : ± Af fected Parameters : None Note : and vert ical axis . 00 1 inch In this procedure e ither an M . T . C . or an a l ignment scope may be used as the reference scope ; thi s scope wi l l be referred to as the col l imator . It needs to be nomina l l y l evel . 1. Rotate the micrometer so that the micrometer drum i s fac ing up Focus the Test or down and the micrometer is set on zero . Instrument to the inf inity ret icle in the col l imator and achieve prec ise reg ister o f the Test Instrument ' s vertical ret icle l ine and that of the col l imator us ing the tangent screw , the horizontal reticle l ine must be nomina l ly regi stered . 2. Focus the Test Instrument to the near target and achieve prec ise reg ister between reticle and target u s ing the prec i s i on s l ide and or coord inate adjuste r . 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 unt i l the Test Instrument can be focused at e ither infin ity or the near target and the ret icles stay in regi ster . 4. Rel ease the hor i z ontal tangent clamp and rotate the Test Instrument 180 ° about its vertical axis . Rel ease the vert ical tangent clamp and p l unge the telescope 1 8 0 ° . Focus the Test Instrument to the infinity ret icle of the coll imator and ach i eve prec i se reg i ster of the Test Instrument ' s ret icl e and that of the c ol l imator us ing the tangent screws . 5. Focus the Test Instrument on the near target o f the col l imator . Obta in accurate regi ster between the vertical reticl e l ine o f the Test Instrument and the col l imator I s target by using the micrometer . Ha l f the read ing i s the amount by which the l ine-of-s ight is o f fset from the vert ica l axis . I f thi s number i s greater than 0 . 0 0 2 " I the Test Instrument ' s standard must be shi fted s ideways . Thi s i s performed a s fol lows ( for more deta i l ed in format ion , refer to the append ixe s ) : 32 A. B. 6. Loosen the 8 a l len-bead screws l ocated under the bottonl E ither us ing a o f the standard o f the Test I nstrument . dial ind icator or by observing the amount of travel whi le s ighting through the scope , turn the a l len-head screws located on the s ide of the Test Instrument . The screws w i l l push the standard in the d i rection needed for correcti on , be sure and l oosen the oppos ite screw ( refer to the p ictures on the fol lowing pages ) . Tighten the 8 a l l en-head screws on the bottom Repeat steps 1 through 5 unt i l greater than O . 0 0 2 � . 33 the observed error i s not ,{COO F- a s l 2:Jr<1 �:; t f (�f d '. K,msas (>'y' . ,\;j f) 6 1 1 �9 P H O N E .f..C (8 1 6 ) 183· :-, i 8 1 Loos en in g s c r ew s ho l d ing t h e p l a t e t o t h e s tandard , prepar a t i on s tan d a r d . in for moving t h e (Adj u s t men t c en t e r ing t he w i t h r e s pec t for l in e of s ight t o t h e ve r t i c a l axis . ) Moving the of a t r an s i t , s t an d a rd u s ing a r� d ia l in d i c a t or t o mea s ure t r a ve l . I� ,� � � \ Descr ipt i on : vert ical axi s if.: h or i � onta l axis . Tolerance : ± 1 a rcsecond A f fected Parameters : vert i c a l centering g Hor i z onta l cente r i ng , Ret i c l e ori entat ion 1. 2. 3. 40 pe rpend i cu l a r to the Focus the Test Instrument to i n f inity and s ight one o f the col l imators that is at an angle . Using the hor i z ontal tangent sc rew , prec i s e l y reg i s ter the vert i cal ret i c l e l ine o f the Test Instrument with that o f the col l imator e For greater accuracy , l eave the vert ical tangent cl amp l oose and the hor i z ontal ret i c l e l i ne should be in close reg ister with that of the c o l l imator ' s hor i z onta l ret i c l e l i ne . Tra n s i t the Test I nstrument O s tel escope to s ight the other ang l ed col l imator . Us ing the col l imator pos i t i oning screws in the test s tand , ach i eve accurate reg i ster between the Te st I n st rument ' s vert i c a l ret i c l e l ine and the co l l imator ' s ret i c l e l i ne . Do not d is turb the Test I n strument ' s tangent screw . Loos en the hor i zontal c l amp screw and rotate the Test Instrument 1 8 0 0 about its vert i cal ax i s o Use the hori zontal tangent sc rew to ach ieve accurate reg i s ter between the Test I n strument ' s vert i c a l ret i c l e l i ne and that o f the f i rst Hor i z onta l ret i c l e l i nes should a l s o be i n col l imato r . approximate reg i ster o Trans i t the Test Instrument ' s te l e scope to s i ght the other Measure with a wedge or est imate the observed col l imator . error in reg ister between the Test Instrument I s vert ica l ret i c l e l ine and that of the co l l imator . I f th i s e rror exceeds 2 arcseconds ( 1 arcsecond actua l ) , adj ustment is as fol l ows ( re fer to p icture on next page ; for more deta i l on the adj ustments , refer t o the append ixes ) : A. B. E ither l oosen or t ighten the ax is -bear i ng cap s c rews l ocated on the s ide wi th the capstan-head sc rew One-ha l f o f the error is a l l that needs t o adj ustment . be removed . I f a l a rge adj ustment must be made o r the ax i s bearing cap s crews should become too t i ght or l oose , the capstan head screw may have t o be adj usted . Th i s screw i s underneath the a x i s -bea ring and pushes the axis up o r a l l ows i t to sett l e down . 35 5. 6. Repeat steps 1 through. 4 I.A nt i l no more 'I".han >,>, arcseconds o f observed error is present . I f adj ustments were made � the a f fected parameters must be and adj usted as required , checked 36 8000 East 23r r; S t reet . K a nslis C i l y , M o . 64 1 29 P H O N E A C ( 8 1 6 ) 483-3 1 87 Mov in g an a x i s - be a r ing ca p s crew t o a d j u s t be tween t h e h o r iz on t a l a n d ver t ic a l t he r e l a t ion s h i p axe s . • Mov ing t h e a x i s a d j u s t men t b e tween t h e h o r i zonta l screw t o a d j u s t a n d ver t ic a l ax e s . t h e r e l a t i on s h i p FRowr-TO·�B.e.CK CEN'rERING -:--HOLLOy.J VERTI CAL_.SPINDLE ONLY Descript ion : Line - o f- s l ght ver.t i c a l a x i s . Tol erance : ± A f fected Parameters : Hor i z ontal Center ing , . 001 is concentric to the inch Plumb Line 1. Trans i t the Test I nstrument V s te l escope s o the obj ectiv e lens 2. Rotate the Tes t Instrument about i t s vert ica l a x i s and observe is in the down pos it ion between the instrument ' s standard . Loosen the m icrometer c lamp and gently rotate the m ic rometer 90° . Be sure the m icrometer is on z e ro . the eyep i ec e wobb l e . pos i t i on the t e l escope ba rrel s o a s to e l im inate any observab l e wobbl e in the eyep ie c e as the instrument is rotated about its vert i c a l a x i s . 3. Focus the Test Ins trument at i n f inity and s i ght the i n f i n ity ta rget l ocated in the opt i c a l p l ummet col l imator l ocated i n the bottom o f t h e mounting post . Rotate t h e Test I n s t rument o that the Test I nstrument ' s ret i c l e and that of the p lummet s c o l l imator are in the s ame o r ientat ion . Ach i ev e accurate reg i ster between the Test Inst rument ' s hor i z onta l ret i c l e l in e and t h e p l ummet co l l imator ' s hor i z onta l ret i c l e l i ne b y us ing the Test I ns trument ' s vert i ca l tangent screw . Pos i t i on the ve rt ica l ret i c l e l ine on u s i ng the Tes t I nstrument V s l ev e l i ng s c rews perpend i cu l a r to the M . T . C . 4. Rotate 5. If an error in reg ister is observed between the Test I nstrument ' s hor i z ont a l ret i c l e l ine and that of the p l ummet the Test Instrument 180 0 about i t s vert i c a l axis a nd return to the same ret ic l e or ienta t i on as that o f the p l ummet c o l l imator 1 s ret i c l e . col l imator ' s , remove one-ha l f the error w i th the Test Instrument 1 s vert i ca l tangent screw and the other h a l f with the coll imator ' s pos it ioning hand contro l . ( E l ectr ica l control c ab l e on the l e ft s ide o f the meta l c ab inet . ) 6. 7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 unt i l the Test Instrument can be rotated about its vert ical a x i s and the hor i z ontal ret i c l e l i ne o f the Test I n strument stays i n reg i ster w i th that of the p l ummet c o l l imator . Focus the Test co l l imator Instrument on the ( target with heavy , 38 near target b l ack , of the p l ummet pa i red - l ine pattern ) . 8. Use the l atera l adj usters on the mount ing pvst. to ach i eve a ccurat.� reg i. ster between the Test Instrument i s ret icle and that of the plummet r.:o l l imator ' s target . Do not d i sturb the vert ical tangent screw or l evel ing screws on the 'rest Instrument . 9. Rotate the Test I nstrument 1 8 0 0 about its vert ical axis and bring the horizontal ret ic l e l ine back in reg ister w ith that of the p lummet col l imator us ing the micrometer . I f the error is less than O . 0 0 2 00 � no adj ustment is necessary . I f the error is greater t.han 0 . 00 2 " , the Test I nstrument ' s standard must be shi fted front to back . Thi s i s performed as fol l ows : A. Loosen the a a l len-head s crews l ocated under the bottom o f the standard of the Test I nstrument . E ither us ing a d ia l ind icator or by observ ing the amount o f travel wh i l e s ighting through the scope f turn the a l l en-head screws l ocated on the front and back of the Test I nstrument . Note that the screws push aga inst the standard so the screw oppos ite the pushi ng must be loosened . B. Tighten the 8 a l len-head screws on the bottom . 10 . Repeat steps 3 through 9 unt i l the error i s no greater than 0 . 002 " . 11 0 I f adj ustments were made y the a f fected parameters mus t be checked and adj usted a s requi red . 39 Descript ion : The re flective surface o f the mirrors a re. perpend icu l a r to the hor i zon'tal ax i s . Tol erance : ± 1 Affected Parameters : none arcsecond 1. Rough l ev e l the Test Instrument i f necessary 2. Rotat e the Test Instrument about its vertical axis s o the mi rror on the end of the hor i z ontal axis faces the a l ignment tel escope mounted on the one s ide of the post . Pos it ion the Test I nstrument V s ma in scope such that oppos ing pa irs of axis mi rror adj usting screws i n the mi rror mount f l ange are oriented hori z onta l ly and vertica l ly . ( The ma in telescope wi l l not necessar i l y be hori zontal or vert ica l . ) Leave the Test I nstrument ' s vert ical tangent cl amp l oose dur ing the ent i re test . 3. S ighting into the a l ignment tel escope , ach ieve an autocol l imation image from the Test I nstrument ' s axis mi rror by rotat ing the Test Instrument about its vert ical axi s . Lock the vertical axis . Ach ieve precise autocol l imat ion us ing the tangent screws on the a l ignment tel escope mount ing base . 4. Plunge the Test I nstrument ' s tel escope 1 8 0 · and obse rve the autoco l l imat ion error of both reticle l ines . I f the observed e rror is l ess than 4 arc seconds , no adj ustment is neces sary ( note that the observed e rror is 4 times the actual error ) . I f greater than 4 a rcseconds for any ret icle l i ne , correct ions are performed as fol l ows : 5. A. Remove one-ha l f the error us ing the tangent screws and/or level ing screws l ocated on the a l ignment tel escope ; s mounting base . B. Remove the other ha l f o f the error with a l l en-head set s crews l ocated on the mirror mount . Adj ust opposi ng screws by l oosening one and tightening the other . Repeat step 4 unti l autocol l imat ion error arcseconds or l ess for both ret icle l i nes . 40 observed is 2 COLLlMATION- � FI X�D FOCUS CROSS SCOPE De scr ipt ion z The cross te l escope l i ne-of-s ight para l l e l to the hor i z ontal ax i s . Tolerance : ± 1 a rc second Af fected Parameters : None Note : is In thi s procedure e ither an M . T . C . or a l i ne scope can be used as the reference scope ; th i s scope w i l l be re ferred I f a l i ne scope i s used i t must be to as the col l imato r . set to i n f in i ty focus . Turn the Test Instrument ' s ma i n telescope focus i ng knob oppo s ite the d i rect ion marked !! I n f i n ityVV unt i l it stop s . ( To ext reme near focus . ) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Turn the Test I n strument so that the obj ect ive le ns end o f the cros s telescope faces the co l l imator . S i ght the col l imator with the cross tel es cope and trans it the Test I n strument ' s ma in tel e scope unt i l the Test Instrument ' s c ross t e l e sc ope ret i c l e l ines are exactl y para l l e l to those in the col l imato r . The Test Inst rument ' s vert ica l tangent cl amp shoul d be l e ft uncl amped for this ent ire test . Ach i eve accurate reg ister between the vert ical ret i c l e l i nes o f the Test Instrument ' s cross telescope and the col l imator us ing the Test Inst rument ' s hor i z onta l tangent screw . ( The hor i z ontal ret i c l e l i nes should a l so be in approx imat e regi ster . ) 0 Pl unge the Test Instrument ' s ma in tel escope 1 8 0 , aga in mak ing cert a i n that the Test Instrument ' s cros s tel escope ret i c l e l i nes are pos iti oned exact l y para l l e l t o tho se in the c o l l imator . Obs erve any error in reg ister of the vert i ca l ret i c l e l ines . I f the obs erved e rror exceeds 2 arcsecond s , adj ustment is requ i red . Move the a l l en-head set-screws in the cross t e l e scope obj ective lens mou n t ing fl ange to phys i ca l l y push the l ens f rom s ide to s ide to correct th i s error . Repeat steps 3 and 4 unt il n o error i n reg ister i s observed when the Test Instrument ' s tel es cope is pl unged 1 9 0° . Trans it the Test Instrument ' s ma in tel escope 9 0° , and pos ition so that the Test Instrument ' s cross t e lescope ret i c l e l i nes are exactly paral l e l to th ose in the col l imator . ( The Test I nstrument ' s cross tel escope vert ical ret i c l e l ine has now become hor i z ont al , a nd vice versa . ) 41 7. Repeat. steps 3 q 4 t 5 , and 6 in orde't' , un'til no error in reg i ster is oDserved between t.he vert ical ret i c l e l ine of 'the col l imator � and the Test InstrumGnt ' s cross telescope ret i c l e l ines ( vert i c a l and horizontal l ines ) , when t.hey are in a vertical pos ition. Note g the ver � i cal and hor i z ontal ret i c l e l ine col l imation cal ibrations llre presented separately for e!!l.Sle of instruc tion , but it is advmntaqeous for the operator to do both s imu lt��eous ly as one �ffects the other . 42 fX·l�.LT MATION- -ADJUSTABLE l;:'QCU_$ CROSS SCOPE Descript ion � The cross tel escope l ine-ot-s ight para l l e l t o the hor i z ontal axis , To l erance : ± 1 arcsecond Af fected Parameters : Hor i z ontal and vert ical stra ightness , horizontal centering Note : is l ine-of-s ight and vertical I n th i s procedure e ither an M o T . C . or a l ine scope can be used as the reference scope : thi s s cope w i l l be re f erred to as the col l imator . I f a l ine scope i s used it mus·t be set to infinity focus . 1. Turn the Test I nstrument ' s mai n tel escope focusing knob oppos ite the direct ion marked " In f in i tyVl unt i l it stops . ( To extreme near focus . ) 2. Turn the Test Instrument so that the obj ect ive l ens end of the cross telescope face s the col l imator . Focus the Test Instrument ' s cross tel escope at i n f inity and s ight the coll imator ' s infin ity ret icle . T rans it the Test Instrument ' s ma in te l escope unt i l the Test I nstrument 1 s cross telescope ret i c l e l ines are exactly para l l el to those in the col l imator . The Test Instrument ' s tel escope tangent clamp should be l e ft Lock the hor i z onta l tangent unc l amped for th is ent ire test . c l amp . 3. Ach ieve accurate reg ister between the vert ica l ret i cle l ines of the Test Instrument ' s cross tel e scope and the col l imator us ing the Test Instrument ' s hor i z onta l tangent screw . ( The hor i z onta l reticle l ines should a l so be in approximat e reg ister . ) 4. Plunge the Test Instrument i s main tel escope 1 8 0 0 � aga i n making certain that the Test I nstrument 9 s cross te lescope reticle l ines a re pos itioned exactly para l l e l to those in the col l imator . Observe any error i n reg ister of the vertical ret icle l ines . If the observed e rror exceeds 2 a rcseconds , adj ustment i s requ ired . Move the Test I nstrument ' s cross tel escope ret icl e adj ust ing screws ( a l len -head cap screws under shrouding on eyep iece end o f cross tel es cope ) to correct thi s error . 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 unti l the error i s within tolerance a s observed when the Test Instrument ' s ma in tel e scope i s plunged 1800 • 43 6. Trans it the Test Inst rument ' s ma in tel escope 90° , and pos i tion so that the Test Instrument ' s cross tel escope ret icle lines are exact l y para l l el to those in the col l imator . ( The Test 1nst.rument 0 s cross tel escope vert i ca l ret ic l e l ine has now become hor i z onta l, and vice versa , ) 7. Repeat steps 3 , 4 , 5, and 6 in order , unt i l the error i n reg ister is with in tolerance as obse rved between the ret icle l i nes of the co l l imator I and the Test Instrument e s cross te lescope ret i c l e l ines ( vert ical and hor i zonta l lines ) when they are in the vert ical posit ion. Note : the vert ical and ho ri zont a l �eticlo l i ne col l imation cal ibratiolll s are prGsented sepmrately for ecse of instruction S' but it is advantaqeou9 for tbe operator to do both simu ltaneously as one affects the other � 44 I,INE-QF-S IGH'l' STRAIGHTNESS �..Nl2 CENTERING. f.\DJUSTABLE FOCTJS CROSS S COPE Descript i on � Tol erance : Stra ightness : Centering : Affected Parameters : The l ine-of-s ight is stra ight , both vertica l ly and hor i z onta l l y , throughout -the focus ing range and centered to the mechan ical axi s o f the barre l . ± . 00 2 inch , or ± 2 a rcsecond , wh ichever is greater ± . 00 2 i nch Al l 1. Determine that col l imation at infinity focus i s acceptab l e . 2. Pl ace the Test I nstrument u s ma in te l escope in the d irect posit ion . With the Test Instrument ' s cross tel escope opt ical m icrometer set prec isely at z ero , focus the cross telescope on the 4 - ft . M . T . C . target . Make certain that the cross telescope ret i c l e l ines are exactly para l l e l to those in the M.T.C. 3. Us ing the Test Instrument ' s hori zont a l tangent screw , ach ieve accurate register between the Test Instrument ' s cross tel escope vert ical ret icle l ine and the M . T . C . 4 - ft . target . ( The hor i z onta l ret icle l ines should a l so be approximately in register . ) 4. 5. Plunge the Test Instrument ' s ma in tel escope 1 8 0 0 to the indirect pos ition , aga in making certa i n the Test Instrument ' s cross tel escope ret icle l ines are exact ly para l l e l to those in the M . T . C . Mea sure and record any observed e rror in register on the vert ical reticle l ines using the Test I nstrument ' s cross tel escope opt ical micrometer or wedge . Return the Test I nstrument ' s ma in tel escope to the d i rect pos ition , and repeat steps 2 through 4 us ing the 1 6 - ft . M . T . C . target , as we l l as any other M . T . C . targets deemed necessary or desirab l e . YOU HAVE NOW TAKEN READINGS TO DETERMINE STRAIGHTNESS AND CENTERING OF THE LINE-OF-SIGHT IN A HORI ZONTAL DIRECTION . READINGS MUST ALSO BE TAKEN TO DETERMINE STRAIGHTNESS AND CENTERING IN A VERTI CAL DIRECTION . 6. Turn the Test Instrument O s cross te les cope opt ical micrometer 9 0° on the end of the tel escope barre l . 45 7 . Repeat steps 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 , th i s t ime start i ng w i th the Test Instrument � s ma in telescope at 9 0° from its original pos i t i on For example , start w ith t.he ma in t e l escope point ing achieve reg i ster , pl unge 1 8 00 , take measurement, etc . ( d irect ) . up , 8. For any target , ha lf the error observed at step 4 of th i s procedure i s the actual devia t i on o f the Te s t Instrument v s l ine-of-s ight from a straight line at that foca l distance . If the actual error exceeds . 0 02 inch at the 4 or 1 6-ft . targets, or 1 arcsecond at any target farther away than 17 ft . , the Test Instrument shoul d be returned to the manufacturer for repa i r . 46 PRECISION SIGHT LEVELS Brunson model nos . 47 545 , 545 - 1 . �.TJLL ' G EYE. OR CIRCUL.l\P. LEVl;; L . VIAL - Descript ion : of surface vial "Read ing" pe rpend icul ar t o the vert i c a l d x i s . Tol erance : Bubbl e stays with i n black l i nes A f fected None 1. 2. Parameters : Use the Test Instrument ; s bubble is centered . Rotate the Test level ing screws to adj ust is unt i l Instrument ' s about its vert ical a x i s 1 8 00 - observe bubble . 3 n 4. Correct one-h a l f the bubb l e center ing e rror with the v i a l mount ing screws , and the other ha l f with the Test Instrument ' s l evel ing screws . Repeat steps 2 and 3 unt i l no error i s observed i n the v i a l when the Test Instrument i s rotated about its vert ical axis . 48 VEH'l'I CA):. AXI S .... BEARIN4. RTJNOU'f Descr ipt i on � I nstrument. rotates accurate l y about. i t s vert ical .� xis to d esc ribe a hor i z ontal plane . Tol erance : 5 . 0 arcseconds Affected Parameters : All Note: 1. 2. In this procedure either an M . T. C. or a l ine scope can be used as the re ference scope ; th is scope w i l l be referred to as the c o llimat or e I f a l i ne scope is used , it must be set to inf i nity focus. Focus the Test Instrument ' s t e l escope at i nfin ity , and us ing the t e l escope tangent screw , ach i eve accurate reg i ster between the Test Instrument ' s horizontal re ticle line and the coll imator ' s i nf i n i ty target . w i th the Test Instrument ' s horizontal tangent cl amp l oosened , 0 gent l y rotate the Test Instrument about i ts vert ical ax i s 3 6 0 unt i l the col l imator is aga i n s ighted . 3. Observe any error in regis te r between the horizontal re ticle l i nes o f the Test Instrument and co l l imator. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 at least 4 more times . ( This a ssures the i nd ividua l ba l l s in the vert i cal ax is bear i ngs have a l l made at l east one compl ete revolut i on . ) 5. I f the error in register remains 5 arcseconds or less , results are accep t ab l e . If �n error greater than 5 arcseconds i s observed , repairs are required and the Test I nstrument should be returned to the manufacturer . 49 RETICLE ORI ENTATION Descript ion : Hor i zontal reticle l ine to the vert ical axi s . Tol erance : ± 2 . 0 arcseconds Affected Parameters : Line-of-s ight Level Vial Note : 1S perpend icular stra ightnes s , coinc idence I n thi s procedure e ither an M . T . C . or a l ine s cope can be used as the re ference scope ; thi s scope w i l l b e re ferred to as the col l imator . I f a l ine scope i s used it mus t be set to inf inity focus . 1. Leve l the Test Instrument using the Bul l ' s-eye Level . 2. s ight the col l imator and focus on the infin ity ret i c l e . Br ing the Test Instrument ' s ret icle into prec ise reg i ster with the i n f in ity ret i c l e of the col l imator us ing the Test Instrument ' s tangent screws . 3. Observing a point on the col l imator ' s ret i cl e , use the Test Instrument ' s hor i z ontal tangent screw and " track" across that point . Notice whether the ret i c l e l ine s tays in register with or deviates from the point . 4. I f dev iation i s observed , note wh ich d irect ion the Test I f error i s more than the Instrument ' s ret icle is t i lted . tol erance , use a dr i ft and sma l l hammer to tap aga inst the adj usting screw heads of the Test Instrument I s ret i c l e to rotate the ret i c l e into pos it i on . These are the four capstan head screws farthest from the eyep i ece and pos it ioned at 1 2 , 3 , 6 , and 9 o ' cl ock . When adj us ting , tap aga inst oppos ing screw heads , 12 and 6 or 3 and 9 , for even adj ustment to the ret i cl e ( re fer to the picture in the trans it sect ion regarding ret i c l e ori entation ) . 5. Repeat steps 1 , 2 , and 3 unt i l the Test Instrument ' s ret i c l e l ine stays i n tol erance with the point . 50 HO:ij,J ZONTAL LI NE-OF- SJ,GHT STRAIGH'ItNt�12� De s c r i pt i on : \.line-of-s ight i s stra i ght. throughout. the focus i ng range as measured f rom the vert ica l ret icle l ine . Tol erance : ± Af fected Parame ters : Line-o f-s ight vertical stra ightness p coinc idence vial , and ret icle orientat ion 1. . 0 0 1 i nch , or ± 1 arcsecond , wh ichever is greate r . Veri fy that the target ret i c l es i n the M . T . C . are all truly on a stra ight l ine . Thi s may be done in two ways � 1 } cal ibrate and adj ust the M . T . C. us ing the procedure g iven in DCOperat ion I nstruction and Ma intenance Manual for Model 270 - BN Un iversal S hort-Rang e Cal ibrator . " 2) Use an instrument whose l ine-of-s ight i s known to be stra igh t to determ ine t h e relat iv e pos i t i ons o f the M . T . C . t a rgets . p os i t i oned 2 . T e st I nst r ument ' s telescope at i n f inity , and us ing the hor i z ontal t angent screw , achieve accurat e reg i ster be twe e n the Te st Instrument ' s vert i c al ret icle l ine and the M . T . C . i n f inity target ( hori z onta l ret i c l e l ines shou l d also be approximately in reg ister . ) 3. Focus t he Test Instrument ' s telescope on the 4 - ft . M . T . C . target . Make certain the opt i c al micrometer is set prec i s ely at z ero . I f an out - o f-reg ister cond i t i on ex i s t s , use the l a t e ra l s l ide on the T e s t Instrument ' s mount ing p o s t to a ch i eve a ccurate regi st e r b e twe en the Test Instrument ' s vert ical ret icle l ine and the 4 - ft . M . T . C . target . (Aga in , the hor i z ontal ret icle l ines should be app rox i mately in r egister . ) 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 unt i l the Test Instrument ' s telescope can be focused at e ither inf i nity or 4 f t . , and the ve rtic al ret i c l e l ines rema in in register w i th no man i pu l a t i o n . 5. Without d isturbing tangent screws , l ateral s l ide , or pre c i s ion l i ft , take readings with the opt ical micrometer for any out o f - r eg ister condition observed at the 1 6 - ft . M . T . C . target , and any other targets deemed necessary or des irab l e . These read ings a re the amounts by wh i ch the Test Instrument ' s l ine of-s ight dev iat es f rom a st ra ight l ine a t tho s e d istances o I f a reading is greater than . 00 1 inch at the 1 6-ft . targe t r o r 1 arcsecond a t the more distant targets , the Test Inst rument should be r etu rn e d to the manufacturer for adj ustment . Focus the 51 VE.BJ'I CAL LIN];� OF�SIGHT fJ'rRAIGHTNESS Descript i<::m : Line-of-s ight i s stra ight throughout the focus ing range when measured f rom the hor i z ontal ret i c l e l ine . Tolerance : ± . 0 0 1 inch greater . Af fected Parameters : Hor i zontal l ine-o f-s ight straightness , coincidence v i a l , and ret i c l e orientat ion or 1 arcsecond , wh ichever is 1. Turn the opt ical micrometer e l evation read ings . 2. Ver i fy that the target reticles i n the M . T . C . are a l l truly pos it ioned on a straight l ine . ( See step 1 of the procedure for hori z onta l l ine-of-s ight stra ightness . 30 Focus the Test Instrument ' s tel escope at i n f inity , and us ing the vertical tangent screw , achieve accurate reg ister between the Test Instrument ' s hori z ontal ret icle l ine and the M . T . C . infinity target (vertical ret icle l ines should a l so be approximately in register . ) 4. Focus the Test I nstrument i s tel e scope on the 4 - ft . M . T . C . target . Make certa in the opt ical micrometer is set prec isely I f an out-of-regi ster condit ion exists , use the at z ero . precis ion l i ft in the Test Instrument ' s mount i ng post to achieve accurate reg ister between the Test Instrument ' s hor i z ontal ret ic l e l i ne and the 4 - ft . M . T . C . target . ( Aga in , the vertical ret icle l ines should be approx imately in register . ) 5. Repeat steps J and 4 unt i l the Test I nstrument ' s tel escope can be focused a t e ither inf inity or 4 ft . , and the hor i z onta l ret icle l ines remain in register with no man ipulat ion . 6. Without disturb ing tangent screws , l atera l s l ide , or prec i s ion l i ft , take read ings with the opt ical mi crometer for any out of-reg ister cond it ion observed at the 1 6 - ft . M . T . C . target , and any other targets deemed necessary or desirable . These readings a re the amounts by wh ich the Test Instrument 9 s l ine of-s ight deviates from a stra ight l ine at those d i stances . I f a reading i s greater than . 0 0 1 inch a t the 1 6 - ft . target , or 1 arcsecond at the more d i stant targets , the Test I nstrument shoul d be returned to the manufacturer for adj ustment . 52 ,to the position su itab l e for COINCIDENCB LEVEL VIALS Brunson mode l nos . 53 194 , 1 9 4 -T . COINCI DENCE l,EVEL VIA..IJ coincidence l evel v i a l s are found attached to the t�l escope barrel on pre c i s e l evel s , j ig trans its , trans it sqt-1�\re s , and opt i c a l tool ing theodol ites . This procedure appl ies t o any of the s e sevenl l types o f instrument s . Two separate gravity-level references are provided for use w i th the model 2 7 0 - BN cal ibrat ion test stand . One i s the model 1 8 7 -S stride l evel . The other i s the mode l 2 8 7 - 1 l evel ing mirror . Procedures for use with both these references are g iven here . COINCIDENCE LEVEL VIAL ADJUSTMENT US ING THE MODEL 1 8 7 -S S TRIDE LEVEL AS A REFERENCE NOTE : THE MODEL 1 8 7 -S STRIDE LEVEL , AND THE COLLIMATOR OR LINE SCOPE ON WHI CH I T I S PLACED ( HEREAFTER REFERRED TO AS " THE LEVEL-REFERENCE COLLIMATORIi ) MUST BE IN GOOD ADJUSTMENT TO OBTAIN ACCURATE RESULTS . E ITHER THE M . T . C . OR THE MODEL 8 1 LINE S COPE MAY BE USED AS THE LEVEL REFERENCE COLLIMATOR . ( SEE "OPERATION INS TRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR MODEL 2 7 0 -BN UNIVERSAL S HORT-RANGE CALI BRATOR" FOR CALI BRATION PROCEDURES . ) 1. Veri fy that the l evel -re ference col l imator is in fact accurately l eve l ed us ing the mode l 1 8 7 -S stride l eve l . ( Se e procedures referenced above . ) I f the model 8 1 l ine scope is used , i t must a l so be focus ed accurate ly at infinity . 2. S ight the l evel -re ference col l imator with the Test Instrument 8 s telescope accurately focused at i n f i n ity . Using the telescope tangent screw , achieve accurate regi ster between Instrument ' s hori z ontal ret i c l e l ine and the the Test hori zontal ret i c l e l ine of the l evel -reference col l imator . ( The vert ical reticle l ines shou l d a l s o be in approximate reg ister . ) 3. ' Observe any error in the Test Instrument ' s coinc idence l evel vial . Th i s e rror may be corrected us ing the nuts securing the vial case to its mounting studs . Thes e nuts shoul d be qu ite tight p and wi l l be easier to t ighten or loosen if two adj ust ing p ins are used on one nut at the same t ime . 4. A fter any movement o f the coincidence v i a l mounting nuts , re ver i fy the register of the Test I nstrument ' s hori z onta l reticl e l ine with that o f the l evel - re ference col l imator . 5. Repeat steps 2 , 3, and 4 unti l the Test Instrument ' s coinc idence vial shows no error when the hor i z onta l ret i c l e l ines are exact ly in reg i ster . 54 COI NCIDENCE LEVEL VIAL ADJUSTMEN'I' USING TtfE MODEL 2 8 7.-l LEVELING MIRROR NOTE : THE MODEL 2 8 7 - 1 LEVELING MIRHOR MUST BE I N ACCURATE ADJUSTMENT FOR THIS TEST . THI S ADJUSTMENT SHOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED WHILE THE MODEL 2 8 7 -1 IS IN POSITION ON ITS S HELF ON THE TARGET POST OF THE MO DEL 27 Q-BN TEST STAND . ( S EE HOPERATION INSTRUCTION AND NOT ELSEWHERE . MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR MODEL 2 7 0 - BN UNIVERSAL SHORT-RANGE CALIBRATOR!O FOR THI S ADJUSTMENT ) THE MODEL 2 8 7 - 1 MUST BE CHECKED FOR ACCURATE ADJUSTMENT EACH TIME I T I S USED IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN MAXIMUM ACCURACY . 0 Any Test Instrument to be inspected using thi s procedure must have autocol l imation capab i l ity . 1. Ver i fy that the model 2 8 7 - 1 l evel ing mirror i s in accurately adj u sted . ( See procedure re ferenced above . ) 2. With the proper l ighting attachment for the Test Instrument in question , sight the Test Instrument at the model 2 8 7 - 1 m irror and achieve accurate autocol l imati on us ing the Test Instrument ' s tangent screws . Pay particu l ar attent ion to the accuracy of autoco l l imation of the hori z onta l ret i c l e l ine . 3. Observe any error in the Test Instrument ' s co inc idence l eve l v i a l . Thi s error may be corrected u s i ng the nuts securing the vial case to its mount ing studs . The se nuts shou l d be quite t ight , and w i l l be easier to t ighten or l oosen if two adj usting p ins are used on one nut at the same t ime . 4. A fter any movement o f the coincidence v i a l mount ing nuts , re ver i fy autocol l imati on , particularly that of the hori z onta l ret i c l e l ine . 5. Repeat steps 2 , 3, and 4 unti l the Test Instrument ' s coincidence v i a l shows no error when the hor i z onta l ret i c l e l ine i s per fect ly autocol l imated . 55 fact ALIGNMENT TELESCOPES Brunson model nos . 81, " -1 " , 83 , or 381, i n c l ude mode l s with " -M" su ffix . 56 I NI TIAL S ET�UP In order to mount. a l ine scope or a l ignment scope on the Test Instrument ' s mount ing post o f the model 2 7 0 - BN I a su itable "vee"' mount ing base must be used . 'I'hi s unit should provide adequate rigid ity I and have tangent screws or some other means of f ine A Brunson model 88 or 8 9 � 6 i s suggested . angular adj ustment . 1. pos ition the mount ing base on the Test Instrument ' s mount ing post so that the M . T . C . may be s ighted by the Test Instrument � 2. Focus the Test Instrument at infinity and s ight the M . T . C . infinity target s Use the tangent screws on the Test Instrument � s mounting base to achieve approximate regi ster between the Test Instrument ' s ret i c l e and the M o T . C . i n finity target . 3. F o c us the Test I nstrument on the 4 - ft . M . T . C . target . Use the l a teral s l ide and precis ion l i ft in the Test I nstrument I S mount ing post to achieve approximate reg ister between the Test Instrument ' s ret icle and the M . T . C . target . ( I f the amount o f adj ustment requ ired i s beyond the range of movement of the prec i s i on l i ft , use the handwheel to move the ent ire mount ing post up or down unt i l within the precis ion l i ft ' s range . ) 4 . Repeat steps 2 and 3 o f thi s procedure unt i l the Test Instrument can be focused at e ither infinity or 4 ft . , and the Test I nstrument ret icle rema ins in approx imate regi ster with no manipu l at ion . Initial set-up is now accompl i shed , and cal ibration may proceed . NOT E : IN THE CASE OF MI CROMETER , THE AN ALIGNMENT TELESCOPE WITH MI CROMETER ACCURACY MUST B E BU I LT - I N VER I F I E D FIRST I N ORDER T O OBTAIN VALID RESULTS IN CALI BRATING THE ALIGNMENT TELE S COPE MI CROMETERS MAY BE TELES COPE . CALI BRATED U S I NG THE PROCEDURES FOR DETACHABLE MI CROMETERS FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THIS MANUAL , WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPT I ONS : 1) FOR THE QD Z ERO-CENTERoO CALI BRATION TEST , THE ° ENTI RE TELESCOPE MUST BE ROTATE D 1 8 0 , S INCE THE MI CROMETERS S COPE . 2) ARE INTEGRAL PARTS OF THE THERE IS NO ADJUSTMENT FOR "MI CROMETER SCALE I F A MICROMETER I S I N ERROR DURING ACCURACY " . THIS TES T , THE ENTIRE INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER FOR REPAIR . 57 Description : 'rhe l ine-oi-s ight i s para l l el to tIle barre l outs ide d iame"ter at i n f i n ity focus . Tolerance : ± 1 arcsecond Affected Parameters : Line-of-s ight stra ightnes s and centering I n this procedure e ither an M . T . C . or a l ine s cope can be u sed as the reference scope : thi s scope w i l l be referred to as the col l imator . I f a l ine scope is used o it must be set to infinity focus . Note : 1. Focus the Tes t I nstrument col l imator O s inf in ity target . 2. Use the target screws on the Test Instrument ' s mounting base to ach ieve accurate reg i ster between the Test Instrument ' s vert ical ret icle l ine and the col l imator ' s inf inity target . ( The Test Instrument ' s hor i z ontal ret icle l ine shou l d a l so be in approximate register . ) 3. inf inity and s ight the Rotate the Test I nstrument 1 8 0 0 about its center l ine . The vertical reticle l ine should aga in be in register . I f an out o f-regi ster condit ion exists , correct ha l f of the observed error us ing the Test I nstrument ' s ret icle a d j usting screws . ( S ee page A- 1 6 . ) NOTE : 4. at ON THE MODEL 8 1 AND 3 8 1 ALIGNMENT TELESCOPES , THE RETI CLE ADJUSTING S CR�WS ARE ALLEN-HEAD SET SCREWS LOCATED AT 9 0 FROM EACH OTHER AROUND THE TELESCOPE BARREL . THE FOUR S CREWS CLOSEST TO THE EYEPI ECE ADJUST THE ERECTOR LENS ASSEMBLY , AND THE NEXT SET OF FOUR , JUST FORWARD OF THESE , ARE THE RET I C LE ADJUSTING ON THE MODEL 8 3 ALIGNMENT TELESCOPE , SCREWS . THE RETICLE ADJUST ING S CREWS ARE ALLEN-HEAD S ET SCREWS LOCATED UNDER COVER S CREWS IN THE BALL-SHAPED MOUNTING OF THE MICROMETER AND FOCUS ING KNOBS , AT THE REAR OF THE BARRE L . Repeat steps 2 and 3 of th is procedure unt i l no error in reg i ster is observed on the vertical ret i c l e l ine when the Test Instrument is rotated . 58 5. Rotate tha Test I nstrulnent 9 0° about 6. Perform steps 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 of this procedure a s necessary unt i l no error in reg ister is observed for e ither ret icle l ine in the Test Instrument . its centerl ina. Repeat steps 2 , 3, and 4 of thi s procedure for that ret i c le l ine now in the vert ical pos it ion. Note : the vertical &na hori zontal reticle l ine col l im3tion cal ibrMtions mre presented aGipar�tely for ense of instruct ion , but it is advantaqeous for th� operator to dQ both s imul taneou£ly as one a f fe c ts the otber o 59 f.:OMBINJ� D LINE-OF'- S I GJ:I'l' STRAJGHTNESS AND CENTERING De scr ipt ion : Tolerance : s tra ightnes s : cent e r i ng : Af fected Parameters : NOTE : 1. 2. {li ne-·of-s ight is s t ra ight as mea sured from both the vertical and hor i z onta l ret icl e l i nes at a l l focal d i stances . The l i ne-of-s ight i s a l so concentric to the barrel out s ide d i ameter . ± . 0 0 1 inch , is greater ± . 0 0 1 i nch or ± 1 arc second , wh ichever Al l COLLIMATION AT INFINITY FOCUS MUST BE PROPERLY ADJUSTED BEFORE PERFORMING THI S TEST . Focus the Test I nstrument on the 4 - ft . M . T . C . target . I f the Test Instrument has m icrometers , make certain that the Test Inst rument ' s ret i c l e l i ne a re exact ly pa ra l l e l to those on the M . T . C . target . Use the tangent screws in the Test Instrument ' s mount ing base to ach ieve accurate reg ister between the Test I n strument ' s vert i ca l ret ic l e l i ne and the M . T . C . target . ( The Test Inst rument ' s hor i z onta l ret i c l e l ine shou l d a l so be approximate ly i n reg i ster . ) 3. 0 Obs e rve Rotate the Test Instrument 1 8 0 about its centerl ine . any error in regi ster between the Test I nstrument ' s vert ica l ( I f the Test Instrument ret i c l e l ine and the M . T . C . target . has m icrometers , me asure th i s error . Otherwi s e , the error ' s magn i tude must be est imated . ) 4. 0 Rotate the Test In st rument 9 0 about its repe at steps 2 and 3 of thi s procedure . 5. 6. 7. centerl ine . Focus the Test I ns trument on the 1 6 -ft . M . T . C . target . steps 2 6 3 , and 4 of th i s procedure . Repeat steps 2 , 3 , and 4 o f th i s procedure targets de emed necessary or des i rab l e . for any Now Repeat other For any target , ha l f the error observed at step 3 o f th is procedure i s the actual dev iat ion of the Test I nstrument ' s l i ne -oi- s i ght from a stra ight l i ne at that foca l d i stance . If the a ctua l error exceeds . 0 0 1 inch at the 4 or 1 6 - f t . target s , or 1 arcsecond at any target farther away than 17 ft . , the Test Instrument shou ld be returned to the manu facturer for repa i r s . 60 Description : Target is concentric to d i amete r of the barre l . rfolerance : ± . 0 0 1 inch . A ffected Parameters : None the outs ide 10 Point the Test I nstrument at the model 8 1 a l ignment telescope , mounted to the s ide o f the M . T . C . on the model 2 7 0 -BN target post . 2. Use the model 8 1 a l ignment telescope to s ight the Test Instrument ' s auto-ref l ection target . (A l ight ing attachment must be used in the Test I nstrument ) Achieve accurate reg ister between the model 8 1 al ignment tel escope ret icle and the Test I nstrument O s auto-re flection target . 3. Rotate the Test I nstrument 1 800 about its centerl ine . Observe any error in reg ister between the model 8 1 al ignment ret i c l e and the Test I nstrument ' s auto-re f lection target . Hal f the observed error is the actua l error which must be corrected to make the auto-re f l ect ion target concentric w ith the Test Instrument ' s centerl ine . ( NOTE : the d i stance between l ine centers o f the sma l l est part of the auto-re flect ion target pattern is approximately . 0 10 inch . ) 4. I f the actual error in concentric ity o f the auto-re f l ection target exceeds . 00 1 inch , use the target adj ust ing screws ( four al len-head set screws l ocated around the Test Instrument ' s tel escope barre l , farthest from the eyep iece ) to move the auto-ref l ection target in the proper direction . 5. Repeat steps 2 , 3 , and 4 o f thi s procedure unt i l no e rror i s observed at step 3 . 61 APPEN DI XES D! TRAN S I T HORI ZONTAL AX IS VI ADJUSTMENT'i ADJ USTING A TRANS I T STANDARD" GLOSSARY OF TERMS LIST OF TOOLS REQUIRED FOR INSTRUMENT A DJUSTMENT I LLUS TRAT IONS A - 1 1. 2. Determ in e the amount o f e rro r in perpend icu l a r ity b etwe en the Test Inst rument I s hor i z ontal and vert ical axes . Determine a l so the d irect ion o f th i s error : whi ch end of the hor i z ontal axis i s " h i 9hv� o r " l ow '� , ( S ee page 3 5 o f the ca l ibrat ion procedures . ) ( 2 0 a r csec ond s or l es s ) v t h e a x i s I f t he error i s sma l l adj us t i ng screw ( c ap s tan - he a d screw l ocated in the standard d i re c t l y beneath one ho r i z onta l ax i s bear i n g ) may not need to be d i sturbed . Sma l l errors a re genera l l y correctable s imp l y by app l y ing more torque or l e s s torque to the axis bear i n g cap screws ( cap screws se cu ring the h or i z onta l ax i s bear ing caps They may be e i ther s l otted or to the top o f the standard a l l en-head v depend ing on the instrument g s age . Re fer to the p i cture in the ca l ibration sect i on for Pl umb Line start ing at page 3 5 ) 0 3. the a pp r opr i a te sc rews , ra is e or lower an end o f the I f the axis Test Instrument ' s hor i z ontal a x i s as neces s a ry . adj usting screw is used , the axis bear ing cap screws must be man ipul ated i n conj unct i on w i th the adj ust ing s c r ew . Us i ng I f only the a x i s bearing cap screws are used , take care to ma in t a i n proper torque . Too l it t l e torque cau s es l oo seness, and a l l accuracy is lost . Too much torque can dama g e the axis be a r i ng o I f an axis bearing cap screw must be l oo sened adj ustment r turn i t past the des i red point , and t ight en to proper a d j ustment e 4. for th i s then re After any ad j u st m e n t i s made , the ent i re test for re l a t io n ship o f horizontal axis to vert ical axis must b e p e r f o rmed aga i n . A - 2 ,!'kANS IT S T�.NDARD JilXUJSTMEN'l' CAUT ION : BEFORE ATTEMP'l' ING TH I S ADJUSTMENT � MAKE CER.TAIN THAT IT IS REALLY NEEDED . MOVEMENT OF THE STANDARD WILL NOT COMPENSA'£E FOR A Line-of-s ight WHICH I S NOT STRAI GHT . MOST INS TRUMENTS DO NOT REQU IR.E THI S ADJUSTMENT UNLESS DAMAGE OR TAMPERING HAVE OCCURRED 0 1. Make cert a i n that the Test Instrument i s l i ne -of-s ight is in fact stra ight with i n acceptab l e tolerance s . ( S ee page 2 8 and 3 0 of the cal ibrat ion procedure s . ) 2. Determine the exact amount by wh ich the l ine-of-s ight i s not cente red over the instrument ' s vert ical ax i s . ( S ee page 32 o f the cal ibration procedures . ) 3. Mount the Test Instrument on a sturdy , stab l e bas e , and make prov i s i on for mount ing a d i a l test indicator near enough to conta c t the base o f the Test Instrument I s s tandard . The indi cator movement ' s travel shou ld be para l l e l to the des i red directio n of movement . 4 . S l ight ly l oosen the a l l en-head cap screws holding the standard to the p l ate ( re fer to the picture s in the Hori z o nta l Center i ng ca l ibration procedure start ing at page 3 2 ) . 5. with the hor i z onta l tangent c lamp t i ghtened and the indi cator " z eroed " against the base of the standard , move the e nt i re upper part o f the Test Instrument in the proper d i rect ion to correct the l ine-o f - s ight center ing error . A. For a l l model s except 7 9 and 3 7 9 , th is movement i s accomp l i shed by turni ng the a l l en-head cap screws threaded hor i z onta l l y into the p l a t e j ust be l ow the standard . T ighten i ng one of the s e sc rews causes the standard to move in the s ame d i rect i o n as the s c rew . ( Do not neglect to l oosen the adj ust ing sc rew in the oppos ite s ide . ) B. For mode l s 7 9 and 3 7 9 , use a Ui soft'6 hammer (e.g. , p l as t i c , rawhide , rubber , etc . ) to tap the base o f the standard in the proper directi on . ( Even with the d i a l indicator there i s o f nece s s i ty more ii t r i a l and error" i n moving the s tandards o f the se instrumen ts , due to the shock e f fect of us ing the hammer . ) A - 3 6, Without disturbing the Test Instrument more tha n absolutely necessary , re-t ighten the cap screws h o l d i ng the standard to the plate . 7. He-inspect rel at ionsh ip of hor i zontal a x i s to vert i c a l axi s , and front-to-back centering--ho l l ow vert i ca l a x i s . A - 4 GLOSSARY Qf-. TERMS .l>.N"D ABBREVIAl'IQ1§ .�LI GNMENT rl'EI,ESCOPE An opt ical too l ing te l escope used to establ i shed opt ical refoarence l ines . Its outer diameter i s accurately contro l led f o r pre c i s ion in mounting , and its l ine-of-s ight i s exactl y pos i tioned o n its mechanica l center l ine . Al ignment telescopes may have integral or separate opt ica l micrometers for measur ing l inear displ acement . AUTOCOLLlMATI ON Reg i ster of an instrument ' s reticle with its own refl ected when the instrument is focused at i n f i n i ty . Ach ieved by us ing a l ight ing attachment to proj ect an image o f the ret icle out of the tel escope . Th i s image is then ref lected from a m irror , back into the t e l escope , and superimposed on the retic l e . i m ag e , AZIMUTH A h o r i z o nt a l angl e . COLLINEAR L i t e ra l l y , " on the same l ine - o f - s ight " . Two tel escopes are co l l inear when they are phys ica l ly p l aced on the same center l i ne c D i f fers from !t c o l l imated " wh ich means "para l l e l " . COLLIMATE To make two instrument s ' l ines of s ight para l l e l , when focused at i n f i n i ty and fac ing each othe r . co l l ima t i on , a lways imp l ies i n f i n ity The word col l imate , focus . or COLLIMATION The cond i t i on o f being col l imated . COLLIMATOR A tel escope- l ike instrument f ixed at infin ity focu s , and hav ing one or more reticle s to be sighted a s reference targets by the Test Instrument . DIRECT POS I TION Descr ibes the pos i t ion of a trans it-type i n s trument in wh ich the telescope is pos i t i oned with the focus ing knob on the top , and the precise l evel v i al on the bottom . EYEPI ECE of a telescope into which the observer l ooks . i s norma l l y prov ided to a l l ow the eyepiece to be moved i n or out so that accurate focus on the p l ane of the ret i c l e may be ach ieved . That part Adj ustment A - 5 FOCU$lJ�G LENS That l ens contained in the focusing slide inside a t�l escope barre l . Movement of this lens a l ong the l e ngt.h of 'the telescope bore al l ows images of obj ects at varying distances from the tel escope to be focused on the pl ane of the reticl e . FOCUS ING SLIDE The mechanism by which the focusing l ens ins ide the bore of a tel escope barrel . is held and moved HORIZONTAL AXIS On transit-type instruments , the mechanica l axis by which the t e l escope barrel mounted in the standards. HORI ZONTAL RETICLE LINE The line or l ines of the reticl e which lie hor izonta l l y when the Test Instrument is mounted upr ight . HORI ZONTAL TANGENT CLAMP The clamp j ust at the top of the spider instrument rot ation about the vertical axis. which contro l s HORI Z ONTAL TANGENT SCREW S l ow-mot ion or tangent clamp. axis . f ine adj ust ing screw found in the hor izonta l Used for prec ise rot a tion about the vert ical INDIRE CT POSIT ION Descr ibes the position of a transit-type instrument in wh ich the tel escope is pos itioned with the focusing knob on the bottom , and the precise level v i a l on the top . I N F INITY FOCUS The cond i t ion of a tel escope be ing focused on an obj ect at an inf inite distance ( extreme ly far away ) from the telescope. This condit ion is most eas i l y and accurate l y achi eved by autocoll imation using a mirror. LEVEL An instrument used for sighting el evations . Differs from a trans i t in that the tel escope of a l eve l cannot be plunged. LEVELING S CREWS Screws in the base of an optical tooling or surveying instrument, used to t i l t the instrument so that its vert ical axis is trul y vert ica l w ith respect to the earth ' s center o f grav ity o r a re ference p l ane. Also referred t o a s foot screws. A - 6 I,IN:e. SCOPl'� Term commonly used to ldent i fy ;In a l ignment teJ. e scope with no m i c rometers . M. T . C . MultJ.ple -target co l l imator . As used in this manua l , re fers to the Brunson model 2 7 2 co l l imator mounted in the center of the target post on the model 2 7 0 -BN col l imat ion test stand . OBJECT IVE LENS The OV frontlG lens of a telescope : the l ight-gathering l ens a't the end o f the tel escope p o inting toward the obj ect be ing sighted . OPT I CAL MICROMETER An attachment on the end of the tel escope barrel of an opt ical tool i ng or surveying instrument , used to displace the l i ne-o f A graduated s ight para l l e l to its z ero o r center pos i t ion . s c a l e measures this d isplacement in l i near units of mea sure . OPTICAL PLUMMET (IN A THEODO LITE) An auxi l i ary tel escope whose l i ne-o f-s ight is concent r i c to the instrument ' s verti cal axis , used for s i ght ing below the inst rument and cente r ing it over a re fe rence po int . OPTICAL PLUMMET (IN THE MODEL 2 7Q-BN TEST STAND) A col l imator and mechanical pos it ioning a s sembly l ocated i n the bottom of the Test I nstrument ' s mounting post o n the model 2 7 0 - BN test stand . It i s used for adj ustment of opt i c a l plummets in theodo l ites , and f o r centering the l i ne-of-s ight over the vert ica l axis in opt ical too l i ng trans its with hol l ow vert i c a l axis . PLUNGE The act o f mov ing the telescope through an ang l e of 1 8 00 or more . the hori zont a l axi s . ) of a trans i t end over end ( Rotat ing the barre l about PRECI SION SIGHT LEVEL A l ev e l with capab i l it i es for t ransit ing the t e l e s cope up o r down by sma l l amounts for prec ise l evel ing and e l evat ion read ings . REGI STER "Al igned with . " The ret icle o f an inst rument is said to be " i n reg i ster li with a target if it is prec i sely c entered on ; or a l igned with , that ta rget . A - 7 RETI.QI& The " cr:oss-ha irOi or ,ocro�s-wire�i l i nes ( f 1 1 :::1 7.:' 1; ) in an opt ical instrument telescope . §!PIDER That part o f the base o f an instrument having four l evel ing screws , into whi ch those l evel ing screws are threaded . Di f fers from 81 tr ib rach OQ on three-screw l eve l ing bases . STANDARD On a trans it-type instrument , that framework wh ich holds the telescope and hor i z onta l axis above the vert ical ax is . STRI DE LEVEL A l evel vial mounted on metal "veesol for use on the outer surface of an a l ignment tel escope or col l imator barre l . VERTI CAL TANGENT CLAMP On a trans it-type instrument , the cl amp telescope mot i on about the horiz onta l axis . which contro l s VERTICAL TANGENT SCREW S l ow moti on or f ine adj ustment screw contro l l ing up-and-down t i l t of an instrument ' s tel escope . THEODOLITE A trans i t w ith graduated circles about its mechanical axes for the measurement of hor i z ontal and vert ical angles . TRANSIT (noun) An opt ical too l i ng or surveying instrument with hor i z onta l and vert ical axes enabl ing the telescope to be plunged in a vertical p l ane , as wel l as rotated in a hor i z onta l pl ane . TRANS I T ( ve rb) To t i lt the tel escope of a trans it or precis i on s ight l evel up or down . TRI BRACH The base o f any opt ical tool ing or surveying instrument having three l evel ing screws . VERTICAL AXIS The mechanical ax is about wh ich an instrument may be rotated to sweep a hor i z ontal pl ane . Also c al l ed vert i ca l spi ndl e . A - 8 Y.�RTICAL RE'I' I CLE LINE The l i ne or lines o f the ret i c l e which l i e vert. ica l l y wh en t.he instrument is mounted upright . ULTRADEX Trademark of the AA Gauge Company to descr ibe an index i ng table capable of turning ang les to an accuracy of 1/ 4 arcsecond . Used in the mount ing post of the model 2 7 0 -BN te s t stand . A - 9 1'OPLS REQUIRED FOR. ,.INSTR��NT ADJUSl'MEN'r 1. . ? 0 Scr ewd r ive r s : s crewdrivers , severa l s izes of s tandard f l a t - bl a de rang ing from 1/ 8 inch to 3/8 inch in width . Hammers : one soft hammer ( p lastic , rubbe r , OI:' rawhi de ) , about 8 - 1 6 o Z o v and one small bra s s o r steel hammer , about 1 - 2 oz . 3. A l l en wrenches : compl ete range o f American s i ze s from . 0 2 8 inch to 3 / 8 inch . For use on European opt i ca l - reading theodol i tes , met ric s i z es from 1 . 5 mIn . to abou·t 5 or 6 mm . 4. Sma l l bras s dr i ft : su itab l e s i z e for appl y i ng to heads ret i c l e adj ust ing screws for ret i c l e ori entat ion . 50 Adj ust i ng p i n s : Brunson equiva lent . Severa l do z en . 6. part nos . End wrenches : Ame rican s i z e s from Metr i c s i ze s from 4 mm . to 1 0 rom . A - 10 5086 1/ 4 and i nch to 7054 0 , 1/ 2 of or i nch . I LLUSTRATIONS A - 11 r , 0 8JEC TIVe LENS RJ£ Tl C U . EReC TOR � 1 09 <I'> 61 i A U TO - I2EFLEC 710 N TARGET MODEL f!J1 AUGNlv1EN T S COPE I2E. TlCLE (13£A.EA 7'I-f COVER. SCR£ VV.s ) OBJEC T/ >/e LEJJS @ o TO L E R A N C E R EV. DEC. D E SC R I PTION FRAC. DATE ' R EV. ----.. - - e3 AUTO - R£.F!..fC ;-Ic.,:" . TA RGE T , � MODEL I I j <i) ALIG ..VMEN T � SCO PE ANG. D ESC R I PTION DATE BRU N SON I N STRU M E NT CC). 11- �ISSOURI .:..: K:.:...: A::. N:.: S:..:. A= .S :... C:..:. ....: ftT .:. . ..: Y .. .� :..: -j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PROD. NAM E ALIGNM eN T S coPE ����� AJ,�AI C N EXT ASSE M . PART N A M E A OJlI$ 7N7cAi T CH. DR· M,o. H . . ------- - ' ---. �-----���� �S�C�A�L�E�-------------------� APPR D. L ------------�---���-----�L---�--�---.�F� �-r � --��� � � D ---� ��� I N I SH NA � SCR£V-J' Lt)CA TIOI'J CAT . NO. PART NO. - I C t..,; G I L...J / No. 8 1 Moon 8 1 I��U '2 1',*,1ilI NO. A LIGNMENT SCOPE - PARTS U ST O � SClUPTION 21.33 �(rl!""', roc u s in g 2430 Ring, 3 "yepiece MounT_ lock ring len, soyepiece U27 S pac er, oye lens 243 2 l�ns, eye 6 2426 �ing, aye lens ,etiner 7 2425 Diophrcgm, o 2429 Nut, eyepiece focusing 17 261 1 A d a p t or, eyepiece 11 26 1 0 Mount, reflector 12 2635 Spring, oliffuser on d lens 3. 2636 Diffuser, l i g h t 14 2885 l e n " . condenser 2637 17 2623 13 2424 & diffuser lons Spacer, (ondenser lens Reflector, l ig h l Dia p n r ag m . erector mount 19 2628 reticle Ring, & erector lens mount r e t a i ner 20 2630·01 light a sse m bly housing w/ 2672 Iransfa r m e, 21 2431 lens, e r ector 22 2423 Spacer, t:rector 23 26 1 4 Screw, erector lenl , e l ic l " adjuste , 24 26 1 6 Mount. ereclor 25 2422 Ring, erec tor lenl lens 2769·01 26 2769·02 241 � r.llection relleclion <\0 2640 To,ge., a u t o 41 2605 R i ng. a u to 2604 reil"tfion te'oint!( obi�ctiy� Ring, 43 2629 <14 2681 R i ng, o b je ct i v e end (.moll) Ring, obj ec ti v e end Light housing 1 7 1 9·G3 46 5293 Len" 47 1718 Spoce" <18 1 692 R i n g, 49 1 69 1 Mount, eye ien. eye len. eyepiece so 1 695 S po c e r 1 693 Ring, lens retainer 52 277 2 · G I A d a p lo" 53 1 698 Diffuser, lig ht 54 27 1 9 Mount, light diffuse, 55 2720 lig"' hauling Ri ng, lighl diffuser retainer 272\ Ring, di ff use , light mount retainer 57 2430 58 2455·01 Rtng, eyepi(!ce ff)CU ling Eyepiece foculing .. fleeto, 60 Ring, foc usi ng lens 61 5294 F ill"" 62 5295 Refleclor, cleo, p,ojection Lens, focusing Pinion ass.. mbly slide assen,bly Rock, foc u si ng .lid" 81 B a rr e l 2632·01 3 <1 2406 Lens, objective 35 1602 Mount, Model objective nul B. assembly 63 5296 Reflector, 5297 RefleclO', 65 1 723·01 l!. attachment Refleelo" full mirra' pa r t ia l mirra, mou nt & ,efi<!ct o, assembly 66 1716 Screw, spirol focu.ing 67 261 3 Screw, objective lens lo'gel odju,Ie' 68 len, index eyepiece g,oeo 64 focus) 33 f ocusing 51 (Fila,·BiFilar) (sno,t as s e mbly 45 K nob, Focusing & mount target mounf retainer A dopto" Mount, focusing lens 2726 oulo lo'ge. 27 1 6 24 1 3 32 Mounl, 27 1 5 assembly 2<1 1 5 261 5·0 1 2603 o bj ec t ive mount 11 Ring, targat mount retain(}( 59 Reticle l'. lens Ions mount assembly 29 31 39 Reticle assembly 29 505 1 ·02 2604 56 retainer 30 38 lens (Projeclion) 27 objE:trivp, Sc rew, .orgot odjulter S retolner 26 261 3 (Io,ge) 13 16 37 dilluler tens.ion Relo,n." refainer 42 S p ace r, lenl DESC RwnON fl i n g , obj�cti,o l e n l 'o'g�t 2886 2638 2606 .tro i g h t eyepiece 15 PART NO. 36 focu,ing 5 10 INDEX 261 4 Se,e .... , e,eclo, len, retic l e adjusle, 8. & BtiUNSON Moon NO. 83 AUGNMENT SCOPE PARTS LIST INDEX PART NO, I NOEl( DESCR IPTION Pf.RT NO, I 27 8 3 S lOp , f oc u .i ng .Iid" 47 U,3 4 2 2(\45 Cover, focu.ing I&n. 48 2644 49 2 06 1 · G l 3 2638 odju,'er "row d if fu.e, Retaln.r, '" 4 2636 Dillu ... " .5 2834 Mount, condensor '" 6 263 1 0 1 7 a 9 2637 Spoce', 1 260 l e ns. c o n d e n ser 2635 Spring, 10 2637 Spocer, II 2623 Rell.clor, light 12 2784 r"/I,,ct o r & le(ll diffuse, diffu.er 8. I"n. diffu.e, IS 2433 16 2432 17 2428 M o u nt, eye lens 2 4 26 2427 Mounl, objoc1ivc Ring, f ocu si n g 10 2430 Ring. 19 2425 Diophro g m, 20 2450· 0 2 l e n s &. 21 2660 Nuf. eyepiece focusing 22 266 1 Ada p tor, .'ra i g h t eyepiece 23 24 266S O r v m. 2662 Beering, 25 2777 B u s h i ng , 26 504 1 27 2846 Gear, pinion S cr e w , f o c u s i n g r et o i n e r 28 2669 D i a p hrag m, .r.clor eyepiece e y e piece anembly ' No . 8 3 ) f o c u si n g c a m shaf t p i n io n dr um mount 29 24 22 33 2658 H ov , i nij. 54 2860· 0 1 Micr o m p. l er 55 2655 Mount, 56 2059· G I Micrometer 57 25 20 O l o c k , micrometer 58 2 8 40 R i ng, micrometer 59 2659 microme ter h o u s i n g Ring, cap 60 2858·01 61 2640 T orge', 62 2839 M o u nt, o u to reflec1ion o u lO reflecfion 'o'gel 63 2843 R i ng , t o r g e ! r e t o i n e r 64 2841 R i ng . target :n O u n ! retainer 65 2856 >l i n g , object". end ( 8 3 ) 66 2850 S t o p . horizonlo( 67 2049 S t o p , i n ner tolerance 68 2652 S l e eve, rOCK t h rust g u i de 2833 S p r ing, rock roller 70 1650 Guide, 71 26S 1 Ro l l er, ten"ion rack t h r u .t r o l l e r rock t h r u .1 72 277 6 F o l l ower, wm 73 2677 Stop, .to tionary olSembly Zero .top Disc, clomp 76 2666 D r u m , k n urled 77 2 0 35 Com. 2866 Plate, focus index Sp a ce r, er2cto, lens control 32 2047 Housing, 33 2431 te-ns, e r ecto r 34 2662 Beartng, c a m sh a ft 2649 Mount, e l e c t o r lens 2865·01 Reticle as sem b l y 37 2864·01 Reticle a. erector lens a u e m b ly 283 2 · 0 1 Focu.ing rock ', h r u�t assembly .. I 2848 Pin, lock I)nchor 28S4 Ring, 42 2489 l e n s , /oc u . i ng 413 2670 Mou nr, 44 2863 · 0 1 Focusing 45 2862·02 46 2779·01 focusing focusing lens a. F o c u .ing .Iide assembly auembly 79 2657 Sholt, cam 80 2656 Plole, index 91 266� Drum, g ra d ua ted 82 26 5 3 Spri ng, 83 2051 Stop, verticol to l ero nc e 84 2944 link Screw. drum brake micrometer drum relainer 85 26 1 3 86 26 1 3 87 2826 ao 2630· G l Mounl auembly Micrometer Cam, micrometer (Ie/I side) lens retain�r lens microme1er 2836 70 3 .5 39 micromtter (right .ide) 36 reticle toleronce 69 2668· G l 2423 a A u t o r e f leclion forge1 m o u n t a ss e m b l y 2663 30 block refainer 75 Ring, block housing 74 2643 m o u nt block microrr.,'er R i n g , erector len1 31 40 m i c rOMlP t c r retainer 36 lens lens obic(liy� rgloin", G u ide. eyepiece mo u n t ouembly I"ns & m i c r o met e r link R i n g . eye lenl r e t a i ne r Spacer. eye Ie n!I. Screw, f oc u si ng ring \ock l e n s, eye 13 8. l e ns Objective lens, obie(liv� tension 14 thru.' 50 52 c o n d e ns e r "ucmbly (8J) telescope objeclive 51 & ro/l,,(lor Lig"t, Ring, Cl uembly lens ligh! DESC RIPTION Bor r�I, Screw, objeclive l o r g e l adju.'er Screw, obj.ctive leno Ilo len. 8. lorgel a d j u .'e r C over, reticle odiu�tjn9 ,"crew Light wiNo. h o u sing 2672 assembly Iran.forme, 13'. 1�� __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ ������==��::::::::====::::====== 2�OB 5079 lo,e-� 1 0 74 r 2 3 84 \ 1&'2 '''' 1 ' 2.4 HORIZONTAL AXI5 IIf�1 115 '1l Iee e 18., --li"'£li;llill(: AI" (HI 2 382 l�e 9 2459 I�M 164' 16 36 16<l6 le.� 111 04 2363 nez IUS 23«;-GI "-= 1 1 13-1 No. 7 1 7.33' tt��SClt 23� --- 500 3 Ifl,,·, 2329 . 2360 2367 !4U ZQ2Z -. Z �2' -� ''' """ ' .. .� o-aoXI/OlO< _ i!1I"'IlCH seR 2 3 72 H ! 64 nlll Z3� 7 1 3 S6-GI 2363 2362 Z3SQ U6� 2 !.4 � 23Je 2337 2336 " 56 233)-GI No. 75 -===�::::����--�--l,. _. I I ' '''' ------:::: _ ____ 2335 3-32 XII! Q II. 2 352 s00 3 1113-1 lICk SCR G Ul N@. 76 MODU 75 O�YICAL Titt-NSli .l YUAi(i:. MOOn 76 TELESCOPIC ·nt�,NS!r $�'UAR� AN� Moon 71 JIG r�ANsrr 3 '7 ; 101« I 098-GI 1 1 1 3-1 1 1 1 3- 1 1 1 1 3- 1 1 1 1 3- 1 I3H 1 354 1 356- 1 ; 1 1 633 1 036 I on , cell IOU 1 545 1 6 �6 1 6 �9 1651 1652 1654 1655 1 5 60 1664 1�68 1 66 9 1 1 29 1 73 1 17l� 1 135 1 736 1 138 11n 1741-1 1148 1 1C9-Gl 2326 2328 2332 2333-Gl 2335 233. 213T 2328 2345 2348-GI 2341 2355 2357 U58 %359 %359-1 %360 2UI 2382 2383 23&8 2361 2368 2312 2317 2378 2379 2382 2383 2384 2385 2388 2404 2405 2 1 f16 2UO 2421 2422 1423 2424 2425 2426 2421 2430 2�3 1 2432 2f33 2'36 2439 2440 2 143-Gl 2H4 2 4 5 I -GI 2 4 52 2 4 5. 2 l 55-GI 2456 n � . bull. t y c '¥ i M mount Vitll. t�liJsu'f)p� leV02I. r�.,:o,siODl Lrvpl. tl'let.fOpt'. v i l:ll t!l C't;.3� '109�",bl ,.. Solis. 9IQ�', 5 / l 2 t 3ft of ) I} l . vertic-ill . . i. (h(.lIow 8k);n11.1 Ball•• Quel. ; / 3 2 I,.• t of 4 1 ) . PI,,;;, v . .tical t ll i3 Ballo • • te.1. � · � 2 1 9 . 1 of � ; ) . a"o .ide horizo n t a l u;. Mod., 7 5 B e l l• • It"!. ) / 3 2 ( • • 1 a t 25 ) . on • • Id� h"rl,onlal Q x i s ModCiI i t Mirror. (iret 9urtnt� , "u l l rdlert i n a ) t a p . nbJfcth'e S t r e w , neltt adj u .. l i n g tele!\copc na ce-. outer aKin bEG,tntl .:I ... . • (')amp. Nut. brake nut lock Cep. 8 1 1. ond Standard Nut. in ner asia raee! r.tnin"u Nut. Mlandllrd toe .. in Flange. :'>lIrro. Mou"t. m i r ror COlfer, horizontal a:r.ia ,"ifror Buahinlr. axiD adjuster Screw, tel".cope c l a m p Slide. tocuainll ( f ini.hod) Serew. teJescope brake retainer N ut. broke Sprintr. teieseope brake Spider Soc�.'• • pindle Ihollow spindle) Solndl •• ho ll o w nr li. al Rlnlf. half ball b.arinw lock Ri ftW. halt ball lo(k Cap• • pindl. B•• rlnll'. halt �all Socko!. conlor half ball PIale, bot tom Bull. eyO. vi.1 & (0" a •••mbl,. Plat •• bottom Sock.l• • tnt • • half ball (f"etor,. fltl.d) B . . rinw. half ball and apider St ..... 1.vollnlf ... embl,. BUlhintt. levelin8' ,cr�w Shield. lowor. :ovlllnw ... . w ShIeld. IIpper. lu.llng ""r.w Spi d.r Clamp. 10 ... .. Screw. lo"�r 'Gngtnt. BBnmbl,. tansent .erew Scr. .. . bull. t10 vl.1 mOllnt Screw • .tftndard bal. to int.rmedIAI. plat. Sere ... . Intermedlol. plolo to .tandard Standard Standard. h oll o w Iplndle Sc ro ... . . tandard to p Bu.hlnlf. niB "djusl.r Ser .... asia adjllDt�r Nllt. lock. asi. ,,"Juet.r Clamp. tel.lICope SCr ... . tel ..cnpe elamp Screw. lower damp Race, outer I.\sl. b.aring Nut. brake nat loch Bu.htng. Nyt, rac� retaln.r Nut, standard toe·in wi n do w Dnd ",brow relalner Windo ... . ul& ( 30% refle.tin!!') IClamp .Ida) 9c .... . wi ndow edjllater Cover, nange Adaptor. al.Blllht 0,..,,1 ... Mount. obje.tlvq Rlnll. obJectiye lock Len•. Objectl • • Slide focullnw (flnlnhod) Mount, ereeting lena Rin., erector lena retainer Spacer. erector Ie no Diaphra«m. erector mount DlaphrBllm • •y.pl..,e Ring• • ,. e lenD retaln.r Spacer, .ye 1'''11 Ring, eyepiece focusing Lens. erector Lens, rye Screw, lode. (ocuBin[f ring Plate. Intermediate Flange. window Clip. Mount. window Screw. telescop. tllngrnt BS-"embly Window. axis (low rtflo<lintr) ( Loft .ido) Vial. bulla rye snd mount Sprtnl'. ball!! .ye vial mount Collet. reticle and tr�etor lens Ey�piece t o cu B i n B' rin« and lena mCU1\t a8sembb Ser • .,. reticlE! t1.nd l�nB mount adju!'t.r asoembly 2 1 69 H61·Gf lU·6 US7 1478 l47g %482 �'D3 24 04 %CB5 2486 2'81 2UI 2'92 2493 24�4 2496 2'91 2498 ��'r�"', dto r"tolntt Ft'ltu,tna lena And m01Attt .Ne ...-�bly 1'1111. b,.It. ;lprlnlJ. lal,.".olle br&k. Mount. �r.ct�r Ilfln S paeClr, l<ino Nut. I,..DI ... locI! Mounl. objective 01. ph rllii m. ouclor Flanwo. o!>jocU •• FIDnae, na'o tYIl?lec� COP • • Cover. ."j• •tlve tlan!lc Rina. obj�tiv. I�n. f�t8h"r Spacer. .)'I'l teni) Mir ror. ( Riehl angl. ,y.l>l .. o-(r�.o ICOp.) KinB'. rfaht Ilft�l� e)'frJfCle� r2'tnin(!f llarrel. croM ..OPo. rlllilt �RIJI. e,.opl••• MOllnt. r l ll h t 0"111. o),opl... <FO... ..op. m ir r or ,.pl.ct Beorinfl. rlllht DnDl• • ,.�Iqe. CtaOb .<.,pe CUp, ",'rror reUllJlQr 9prln!!. rlll'ht an"l• • )',,\>10•• •rccs ••()P� C ov er, r'g-hi auglo eYipl"ee enlj R.tainer. leno enlllC2 GyftDleefJ crOle scope 2499 2536 2538 2539 2540 2541 �;i!�!�rhrht 2543 25H-GI 2545 2546-Gl 2548-GI 2549 261 0 Nut. nlht AnI' • • y."I�. loc/( Rlwht an "I. e,.opl ... hOlloinll' eo.ombl,. R.tI •• tor. IIwht Crols "eliDe .rector lena sllIGmbl,. Barrl'l, .ha'l'llt crolo scope Screw. obJe.tl .. adju.hr eyepiece cross scope 2623 2630-GI 2635 2636 2637 263R 28U 2820 :82 1 2823 2885 2888 28B8-CI Uti-I 5003 5004 600'-1 5010 50 1 8 5022 5029-GI 5030 50 5 1 -G2 S079 5135 5 1 58 5292 5293 ::�t��:�ratral.ht R.n ••to r. IIWM Lltrht ho ... law .. . . Sprlntr. dllfu ... and 'ona I.nolon D l f fu.or. IItrht Spacer. conden.er lenll R.laln.r. dllfu ... .II< I.no "'bl,. Rln •• eree to r lin. retain.r Rin .. . eye lenll ntlltner Dlaphr8wm• •,..pl .... Mount, eyepiece len. Lenll. conden.er Spa ••r. I.n. & dl f ll.Mr C.ON Beope r.tlcI. "•• ombl,. Plato. Interm.dlat. ... lock. Iplndl. Cap. Ileal • • I.... p Rln Call Pluntrer. sprlnll Sprlntr. t."trent p.nion retain"r R.tlclo a ••o mb ly (s ln"l• •ro•• ) Sh.... . I.. . nnw .cr." Pinion ... .. mbly N Il I .. t.l"""op. vial adjuotor Sere ... Splndlo Rlnw. k.oper L.na. ..""to. Len_, e,a Scrrw. A I 2. , l 'l . ,1 4 8 1 6- 5 12 • dW :ft. " :..<� j=t?� - ��" .� " : _ � GI---If: � 800; --- I - - I .. .. . • < ' . .. _ _ ' ,/ � .� '. . ' '/ ' ;- -;. ; " I . __ ____ -- ::::_ GI .---- 4 3 l C �. '" B I 7 A---' H--t :- - " �. � ''\� � . :- MAG N I F I CAT I ON: 30 X FIELD Of V I E W : 1 . 1 2 ° EFF ECTIVE AT I N F I N I T Y APERATURE : 1 . 3 4 I N C H E S RESOLUTION: 3 . 9 SE C O N DS 5 0 Q4 -- 24 . 3 545 V I E W- A A L E V EliNG AC CURACY · I S ECOND 1 5 6 1 6 31 30 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23 • AZr. NO. OESClUPTlOfl! PART NO. ��--I �-- 1 8 20 21 22 MODEL II 190 OPTICAL MICROMETER CoITY. kEQ. 1 2 Adjuct1n, Cap Sc:�w Adju.tto, Scrfiw tvnM<!1r 2550 3 Pillion Screw 2513 1 2 533 3 � 5 a 'f a 0 { Drum Cl!l.mp Screw Knurled Dnm Graduated Drum ( Model 191) I GrsdllQt'3d Drum ( Model 1 90- 50 ) IndelC Ollie Brake Spring ,Stationary Stop 5995 2503 '2504- 1 2504 - 2 2505 2525 25 1 " 10 Clamp Disc 2506 11 Pinion Suppr,rt Screw 251 ) 2 r.27 �/If)Qrt Drum Z50� - ) AnU- Backlssh Spring SprlnS Retainer Retainer Screw Z 5 � !' 25:lO �5:t '1 1 '1 U 10 ' DESCRIPTIOl� REF. riO. PART NO. 'lTY. R!JQ. 17 10 19 Mllin Body TII!:le Cillml' Screw Window A88erilbly 20 Ball BenrinlJ 1 1 1 3-3 'I 21 22 Window Serew Window Serew Nut 3 2 23 GlaBs Retainer Cover Glass Crank Pin 2509 2510 2523 3523 2501-1 n3B Specify Model Number 1 1 who" ord�r1ng 1 26 Sector 27 Sector Beann« 2515 ! 1 1 1 20 29 Sector Bearing Nut 3516 1 351 1 30 Sector Retainltr Nut Index Disc Seraw 2533 31 Pinion BeBrlng 3513 3 :l Movable Stop 2519 24 25 2508 2514 USFJFUL CONVE RSION Se�<f)) nds of arc 1 Sec . 2 �c . 3 Sec . 20 Ft. 30 f \ . 4 0 Ft . 50 ft . 100 ft . . 0006 .001 2 .0024 .001 B .0024 0036 . 0 054 .003 0 .0060 .0090 .01 2 0 .01 50 . 0 300 . 04 5 0 . 060 0 . 0060 . 01 20 0036 .0048 .0072 .0096 .0120 .0240 . 0360 . 0 4 80 .0600 .0720 1 4 40 . 0024 .0030 0 060 .0090 . 0 1 20 . 0 1 50 . 0 1 S0 . 0360 . 1 5 ""'" 20 Sec . 25 Sec . 30 Sec. 60 Sec . terms of thousandths of an i nch 1 0 Ft. . 001 2 . 001 8 4 Sec . 5 Sec . 1 0 Sec . c In TABLES .0048 .0072 .00 6 0 .0090 .01 20 .01 80 .0 2 7 0 .01 80 .0240 .0300 .0360 .04 50 .0540 .0360 .072 0 . 1 080 .01 80 .07 50 .0240 .03 00 .0600 . 090 0 . 1 200 . 1 500 .0900 . 1 800 .1 8 0 0 . . 3600 Angles to linear measurement Angl! . 00 0048 . 0000 9 7 . 000 1 4 5 20 . , 30 . 0 00046 . 000242 .000485 .000970 . 001 4 54 . 002909 . 00000 5 . 000024 5 " 1 0 .. " l M ln. Per Foot . 000058 Per 1 0 Inches Per I nc h 1 Sec . . 000291 . 000291 .000582 .001 1 63 . 001 745 . 003491 Linear measurement to angles l i near . 0 0000 1 " . 0000 25" . 00005" . 0001" . DOl " . 00 5" Per Inc� 0.206 Sec. 5.1 5 7 1 0.3 20.6 3 M i n 26. 1 7 M i n 1 1. " Per_l 0 I n�hes 0 . 0 2 1 Sec . 0.51 6 " 1 .03 2.06 20. 6 1 M l n 4 3. Per Foo t O.0 1 7 Sec 0.430 " 0. 8 6 . 1.7 1 . 1 7. 2 I I " " I ' l M i n 26. "