May 15, 2016 - Greenwood


May 15, 2016 - Greenwood
Date Night With Your Spouse
Tonight at 5:00pm, join us in the ROC for a great evening with your spouse. It will be fun, inspirational, and the best part
of it - it’s free! We’ll also be giving way some free date nights for you and your spouse to enjoy. Every couple will receive
a free devotional book designed to help strengthen your marriage. I hope to see you tonight!
Thank you, Stan Escalante
For the past 5 years, Stan has served on our staff as our Sr. Adult/Pastoral Care Minister. God has used Stan to touch the
lives of many in our church and community. Stan also works full time for the Greenwood School District as a counselor.
His impact with students, teachers, and parents continues to grow, thus taking more of his time and energy. After much
prayer, Stan feels led at this time to resign his position at our church and continue full time as a counselor at our schools.
We will miss Stan, but he and Cindie will continue to be involved here in our ministries. Please pray for Stan as God is
using him in a mighty way to help guide students and parents. We love you, Stan, and appreciate all that you allowed God
to do through you during your time on staff.
Ronnie Deal
Lead Pastor
“From Surviving to Thriving”
5:00pm • TONIGHT • ROC Gym Floor
Join us for this fun, encouraging time that will strengthen your marriage! This event is free and includes dinner and
childcare for birth through 4th grade. Please help us plan by signing up. Sign-up sheets are located in the Worship Center
foyer, EDGE Building, and children’s areas.
May 22nd • 4:00pm • Bell Park Pavilion
Bring a side dish or dessert to go with hamburgers and hot dogs
and a lawn chair. We will have Bounce Arounds for the kids and
volleyball, horseshoes, and disc golf tournaments for the adults.
Register your 6 person volleyball teams (must be 16 or older),
disc golf teams, and for horse shoes by emailing Kyle Elmore
at [email protected] or calling the church office at
(479) 996-2166.
Saturday, October 1st
Fort Smith & Surrounding Areas
Possible Mission Opportunities:
1. Prayer Walking - you will be trained and will go out in
small teams.
2. Children’s Activities - games, Bible stories, activities
3. Senior Adult - visit, share Bibles, do crafts, other activities with seniors
4. Home Repairs/Painting - help paint a home or do
small repairs
5. Health/Dental Clinics - in need of dental assistants
6. Sports Camps (for youth) - help teach basketball,
softball, or baseball skills and interact with youth
7. Evangelistic Teams
8. Yard Work Teams - raking, mowing, trimming
9. Block Parties
10. Children’s Fishing Derby
11. Other Ministries Added In The Coming Months
Age Guidelines: Children ages 12 and under must be
accompanied by their parent/guardian and work on the
same team as their parent. Youth ages 13-17 must have
one adult sponsor per 4 youth and at least one adult must
serve with each youth team.
Schedule: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Meet at 8:30am for a brief orientation and schedule review time, then we will immediately divide into teams for
assignments. Lunch will be provided.
Cost: $10 (includes lunch, special dietary needs not provided) Make checks payable to ABSC or register with a
credit card.
Additional Information: Contact Tracy Archibald at [email protected] or call Kathy Hensley at 1-800-8382272.
Registration: Begins June 6th and ends September 15th
Joined By Baptism
Cathy Sweeney
775 Whitetail Ln., Greenwood
Register now for Crazy Awesome Fun Camp! For more
information, contact the church office.
Ladies’ Outdoor Sports Ministry Hike
May 21st • 8:00am
Lake Ouachita Vista Trail
Join us for a 6.2 mile hike from Brady Mountain to Blakely
Mountain Dam. Bring lunch, snacks, and drinks packed
to take on the trail with you. Contact Renae Hughart at
[email protected] or 650-9863 to sign up.
Acts 1:8 Partnership Prayer Request: Church at
We have the privilege of praying for Jacque Gordon, Jessica Brown, and Cameron Trice as they go this week to
help our partner church in Affton, MO through training
for children’s ministry and children’s summer outreach.
Pray for:
• safe travel
• wisdom and guidance for all leaders involved
• a shared love and passion for reaching children and their parents for Jesus
How to Become a Christian:
• Realize that we are all sinners and cannot save
ourselves. Romans 3:23
• Understand that the penalty for sin is eternal
death in Hell. Romans 6:23
• Know that God loves us so much that He gave
His son, Jesus, to die for our sins. Romans 5:8
• Believe in God’s plan of forgiveness and the
promise of eternal life through Jesus. Romans
• Accept His promise by repenting of sin and
asking Jesus to be the Lord of your life.
Romans 10:13
Ronnie Deal, Lead Pastor
Jeff Ivey, Spiritual Formation/Teaching Pastor
Tom McCone, Worship Arts Minister
Stan Escalante, Sr. Adult & Pastoral Care Minister
Grant Lowe, Minister to Students
Kyle Elmore, Recreation/Middle School Minister
Jacque Gordon, Children’s Minister
How to Join First Baptist:
• Public profession of faith in Jesus Christ as
Savior and Lord and testifying to that by
• Transfer of membership from another Baptist
• Statement of faith in Christ and believer’s
baptism by immersion
• Believer’s baptism
Ministerial Staff
Cameron Trice, Preschool Ministry Director
Rebecca Selkirk, 2nd Street Ministry Coordinator
Jessica Brown, Preschool Ministry Assistant
Rae Deal, Women’s Ministry Coordinator
Justin Trice, EDGE Worship Leader
Susie Thompson, Acts 1:8 Strategist
Lead Pastor: Ronnie Deal
19 N Adair Street, PO Box 635
Greenwood, AR 72936
Weekly Connection for 5.15.16
to Greenwood FBC
We are so glad that you have joined us for worship today. We hope that this Weekly Connection will be helpful and
informative to you. Please take a look at all of the activities that we have to offer and join us for our future events.
If we can be of any assistance to you, please stop by the information center in the Worship Center. Connect with
us on the web at or on Facebook under First Baptist Church Greenwood. If you are a
first time guest, turn your Connection Card in at the Information Center and receive a complimentary gift from us.