march 2016 - Peabody
march 2016 - Peabody
TEMPLE NER TAMID Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Peabody, MA No. 63 368 Lowell Street, Peabody, MA 01960 (978) 532-1293, Fax: (978) 532-0101 Website: E-mail: [email protected] The Conservative Congregation of Peabody, MA Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism MARCH 2016 ADAR I/ADAR II 5776 “OR CURRENT RESIDENT” PURIM CELEBRATION! WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 5:15 PM Activities for children ages 0-6 years 5:30 PM Kings Purim Banquet 6:30 PM Viva Las Shushan! (see flyer for more info) Ages 13 & older - $12.00 12 and under - $5.00 Under 5 - Free RSVP by March 18th to Temple Tiferet Shalom Event to take place at Temple Tiferet Shalom Sunday morning Minyans in the month of March will take place at Sons Of Israel Park Street, Peabody At 9:00 AM followed by breakfast TNT SERVICE HOURS Sunday Sunday - Thursday Friday (unless otherwise noted) Saturday 9:00 AM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 9:30 AM Our Temple staff members and volunteers are happy to help you by phone or email Cantor: Stephen Abramowitz Temple Ext: 203 [email protected] Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Synagogue Administrator: Beth K. Hoffman Temple Ext: 200 [email protected] President: Eric Richman Cell (617) 908-2434 [email protected] Vice Presidents: Harvey Dragoon [email protected] Adele Lubarsky [email protected] Alan Titelbaum [email protected] Bookkeeper: Linda Swears Temple Ext: 202 [email protected] Sisterhood President: Sue Callum [email protected] Men’s Club President: Larry Malatzky [email protected] Torah Fund Cards: Sue Savy Home: (617) 686-7470 [email protected] “One Brick at a Time” Ponn Family Pathway SHABBAT & PASSOVER CANDLE LIGHTING March 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 Friday, April 1 Friday, April 8 Friday, April 15 Please join Temple Ner Tamid as we secure our future while we build a solid foundation! Contact: [email protected] PM PM PM PM 6:52 PM 7:00 PM 7:08 PM 1st Night of Passover Friday, April 22 7:16 PM 2nd Night of Passover Saturday, April 23 8:21 PM Passover VII Thursday, April 28 7:23 PM Passover Shabbat/Yizkor Friday, April 29 7:24 PM We accept MasterCard Visa Discover Buy a brick to recognize special people or milestones in your life, or just honor someone you love! 5:20 5:28 6:36 6:44 OFFICE CLOSED Monday, April 18 Patriots Day for your Donations & Payments Please call the office and we would be happy to help you! Friday, April 29 President, Eric Richman Hi Everyone, The Rabbi Search Committee has been busy interviewing many candidates. We continue to conduct first interviews and are in the process of setting up second interviews with several candidates. Stay tuned as this tedious process evolves. We will notify all of you when we select candidates to bring in for a Friday night or Saturday morning to meet all of you. The nominating committee has begun planning to find my replacement and fill any other vacant board and executive seats. It is hard to believe that my 2 year term is already coming to an end. The Ritual committee has made a recommendation to the board to enter into negotiations with Cantor Steve. The Board of Directors voted to accept this recommendation and I have formed a Cantor Negotiation committee to start the discussions, meet with Cantor Steve, and bring a contract back to the board for approval. Last Saturday night we offered a new program at the Temple to an audience of 70 people. We showed the movie “Deli Man”, served a deli dinner after a Havdalah Service, and then our own deli man, Todd Levine, fielded questions about the deli business. Keep these new and creative ideas coming so that we can continue to offer diverse events to attract more participation from our congregants. Thank you to Beth Hoffman for this great idea and for chairing the event. The fund raising committee is still discussing ideas for our spring fundraiser. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas, please contact Alan Titelbaum or Steve Ring. As this greatly impacts our budget, it is extremely important that we present an idea that we can all participate in. Rabbi Bernie Horowitz continues to be an integral part of our Temple community. He has attended many events over the past few months and they have been very well received. Rabbi Bernie is scheduled for more events between now and June. If you have not yet participated in one of these events, I encourage you to check the calendar and try to attend. We continue with our creative thinking of how we can grow our community. We have had discussions with TTS and Chelsea Jewish Foundation. We are exploring an idea to merge the two Temples together and build a new combined Temple with the potential for senior housing, as well. This would build a community with 400 to 500 families. We first need to survey our 12 acre site to see exactly how much land we have that is buildable. We will continue to look at the possibility for this exciting project and keep you all posted. As always, please reach out with any ideas. Thanks, Eric Religious School, Tracy Cranson Shalom Friends, So much for March going in like a lion! It has been such a beautiful and “warm” February it’s hard to believe that it is winter, and no I am not complaining! Things at the Religious School have been going swell and I would like to share with you some of the goings on: The students in grades K-5 enjoyed Tu B’shevat through mini-celebrations in school. The teachers rallied and came up with creative ways to enjoy the holiday while learning about its traditions and customs. Thank you to those families who participated in the school-wide JNF (Jewish National Fund) tree planting campaign. And a special shout out to our 4th graders who took their Tzedakah and planted a tree in honor of their class and teacher, Miss Jenny. Speaking of 4th grade, they participated and helped lead a terrific service on Friday, February 26th. Despite having a service right after a school vacation, the students did a wonderful job and we are all proud of them. The next class service will be held on Friday, March 11th at TTS. There will be a pizza/salad dinner beforehand and all congregants are welcome to attend – the flyer for the service is in this bulletin should you wish to sign up. The service begins at 7:30 p.m. and there will be no service at TNT that evening. Purim is right around the bend – the 4th-6th graders will be making a trip to Brooksby Village on Thursday, March 17th, to sing Purim songs and share Hamentaschen with the residents there. We have been working with Cantor Steve on Thursdays to learn Purim songs and are well prepared to share some holiday cheer with our Senior Friends! And our annual Religious School Purim Carnival will be held during school hours on Sunday, March 20th from 1030-1200. We have included a flyer in this bulletin in which we are asking Families and Congregants to consider sponsoring a “booth” at the Carnival. I am very appreciative to those members who have already responded with their donations!!! I hope that everyone continues to stay safe and healthy through the end of this winter season. B’ahava Tracy Cranson Head of Religious School Cantor Stephen Abramowitz The International Purim Elixir Iraqi Jews aim for the fleishig route with their Sambusk El Tawa, a pastry puff filled with chicken and vegetables. My dessert palate brought me back onto the Ashkenazi side, but I had never tasted hamantaschen like those described on Caramelized onion and goat cheese? Cinnamon Dulce de Leche? French onion soup? Candy cane cheesecake? With my curiosity--and hunger-piqued, I decided to advance to the other customs around Purim. Purim always excites me, as a time to let loose and creatively invent myself. I cherish the opportunity to publicly chant Megillat Esther, inserting character voices and reimagined props. And of course I am thrilled to compose and direct a new PurimSpiel each year, with the Elvis-inspired "Viva Las Shushan" debuting at Temple Tiferet Shalom on Wednesday, I discovered that Jews around the world offer donaMarch 23rd. tions to the poor (Matanot L'evyonim) around Purim, In fact, we should be doubly joyous, because in 5776 in addition to the mishloach manot baskets offered to we herald in two months of Adar, due to the leap family and friends. But when you look a little deeper year (7 out of 19 years). Yet, I would be remiss if I into the customs, they vary dramatically. For examdidn't share feeling a bit of a malaise, counter- ple, Yemenite Jews construct wooden Haman dolls, intuitive to the saying "Mi shenichnas A dar marbim which they roll through town on a wagon. Then the b'simcha" (whoever enters the month of Adar should wooden dolls are hung in the central square, just like experience multiple levels of joy). Perhaps the in Shushan. The Haman bashing continues in UzWednesday night/Thursday arrival of Purim has bekistan, where the Bukharan Jews create a Hamansomething to do with it. Perhaps it's because during snowman out of compostable food scraps. Then, Adar we have none of the prayer prohibitions with children leading the way, the Ha-snow-man is (Tachanun, prayers for those who have passed) asso- "melted" in a gigantic bonfire. ciated with happy days. Following the presidential race, perhaps I am saddened by some of the modern- The Egyptian Jewish community prefers to focus on day Amalekite-ish vitriol being spewed by certain the heroism of Mordechai, as Jews parade through candidates. Or perhaps I am lamenting the state of town on horses, donkeys and camels. But the most disturbing images come from the Persian Jewish my fingertips through this unpredictable winter. community, where one might find the descendents of Nonetheless, my spirits were raised by a certain Esther and Mordechai. Persian Jews construct a lifeGoogle-inspired trip to the website http:// size Haman in effigy, and fill it with gun powder. Then the Haman-Golum is set ablaze. Haman's While none of name surely will be blotted out in Persia, where Exothe Ashkenazi traditions particularly surprised me, I dus 17:14, "I shall surely erase the name of Amalek", was delighted to read about the various Sephardic is taken seriously. customs surrounding Purim. I was first attracted to the culinary delights, from the Moroccan Purim I invite all of you to find a new Purim tradition, or Bread, circular sweet breads with raisins and a hard- adapt a new international Purim custom each year. boiled egg in the center. The whole concoction is And if our community Purim celebration, Wednesprepared to resemble Haman's eye. "Hamanoygen"?) day, March 23rd at TTS, and our Thursday morning Purim "Gantze Megilla" reading at TNT with Temple B'nai Abraham, don't offer you enough frivolity , not to worry. Matt Wulf and I welcome you to our rescheduled "Sinatra Shabbatra" on Friday, March 25th. "The Best is Yet To Come", so "Come Fly With Me". It is Adar, after all. Moroccan Purim Bread MAZEL TOV! Ellen Winokur sons are engaged, Howard to Karen Blumenthal and Eric to Annaleah Logan Susan & Harvey Dragoon’s granddaughter, Kaley Krivelow’s Bat Mitzvah Beth & Bob Hoffman’s son, David engaged to Ashley Pivnick GET WELL Al Fogel Ron Generrazo Martin Margolis KIDDUSH & ONEG SPONSORS Sisterhood & Men’s Club To share your news or if you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush Luncheon in honor of a special occasion, Contact: [email protected] MEN’S CLUB SHABBAT FRIDAY, MARCH 18 - 8:00 PM Contact Richard Strauss 978-290-1079 for a part in the service Saturday, March 19 Shabbat Service - 9:30 AM Men’s Club to Sponsor Kiddush Lunch Every Monday Evening 6:15 PM – 7:15 PM Instructor: Jenn Pomerantz Co-sponsored by Temple Ner Tamid & NSJCC Only $5.00 per class Call Arlyne Greenspan at 978-471-5520 for more info. Save the date Wednesday, May 18 Sisterhood of TNT HAWAIIAN luau Boutiques, raffles and dinner Mark your calendars for a wonderful evening! ISRAELI DANCE GROUP TUESDAY NIGHTS AT 8:00 PM DONATION $1.00 ALL ARE WELCOME! HEARING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE AT TNT FOR EVERY SERVICE AND PROGRAM IN OUR SANCTUARY & SOCIAL HALL SEE GREETER FOR HEADPHONES The Pransky Financial Group ARE YOU TRAVELING?? PROBLEMS HAPPEN… Now offering Worldwide Travel Insurance from one of the leading global providers for information… Contact Alan Pransky [email protected] 617-538-0058 Insurance coverage is underwritten by BCS Insurance Company (OH, Administrative Office: Oakwood Terrace, IL), rated “A-“ (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under BCS Form No. 52.201 series or 52.401 series, or Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office: Richmond, VA), rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under Jefferson Form No. 101-C series or 101-P series, depending on the insured’s state. Allianz Global Assistance and Allianz Travel Insurance are brands of AGA Service Company. AGA Service Company is the licensed producer and administrator of this plan and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. The insured shall not receive any special benefit or advantage because of the affiliation between AGA Service Company and Jefferson Insurance Company. We are still Collecting! Save Cancelled Postage Stamps For the Holocaust Stamps Project! Students, staff, parent volunteers, and friends of Foxborough Regional Charter School have been saving, trimming, and counting cancelled postage stamps since 2009 as part of a Community Service Learning initiative, the Holocaust Stamps Project. Five years ago, an ambitious goal was set – to collect 11 million stamps to visually illustrate the enormity of that number of children, women, and men having been killed as a result of prejudice, racism, and discrimination by the Nazi regime. Six million Jewish people and five million others considered by Germany’s dictator to be “enemies of the State” are being honored and memorialized by each of the collected stamps. Thousands of the stamps are being used, by small groups of talented middle and high school FRCS students, to create a series of 18 unique collage pictures that reflect causes and effects of the Holocaust. Long-term plans are for a public venue to be found where the entire collection of stamps can be permanently displayed in a custom designed acrylic sculpture, along with the whole collage series. As of mid-November, more than 6,611,500 stamps had been counted, but there is a long way to go before the goal is reached. You Are Invited To A Tea-Less Tea Party The Boston Tea Party was to protest a tax. The Sisterhood Tea Party wants you to relax. No need to leave your home; no meeting to attend. Enjoy your cup of tea – alone or with a friend. But, as you sip on your brew, take time to reflect On other folks in need, whom we should not neglect. This year’s charity we have chosen to bless Is an organization that helps the homeless. Family Promise’s mission just can’t be beat. They house families ‘til they get back on their feet. They rely on donations from groups such as ours, So let us do everything within our powers. Please make a contribution, whether large or small And thank you in advance for answering the call. Proceeds from this event will benefit Family Promise North Shore, located on Rantoul Street in Beverly, Massachusetts. Please support our yearly tradition and make a donation payable to Sisterhood of Temple Ner Tamid. Send your check to: Debra Krinsky 22 Eisenhower Road Peabody, MA 01960. THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTORS BUILDING FUND RUTH ROSS ORLOFF In Memory of your beloved sister, Gerri Ross Yellin by ARTHUR GOLDBERG DEE DEE TALEWSKY MEMORIAL ALLEN TALEWSKY In Honor of the 50th anniversary of your Bar Mitzvah and reading your Haftorah by SANDI & ALAN ROSENBAUM ANDREA & ALAN TITELBAUM Wishing you Mazel Tov on Jason and Carolyn's engagement by SANDI & ALAN ROSENBAUM NANCY & ROBERT TALEWSKY In Memory of mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Caroline Talewsky by LIBBY KOOCHER AND DEB BENTON ALLEN TALEWSKY In Memory of your mother, grandmother & great grandmother Caroline by BEVERLY KOLTOV, MYRA & JEFF NEWTON, BARBARA & RONALD COHEN, LIBBY KOOCHER AND DEB BENTON, SANDY & BARRY FRITTER, Irene & Edward Gustat, Ronda & Stuart Spitzer, Carol & Dick Willens, Suzanne & Howard Dantowitz, Marcia & Dick Zuker, Leona & Henry Kaplan, Mimi Levy, Deborah & Alan Pransky, Susan & Eric Richman,Paula & Lee Bradbard, Betty Green, Roz & Marv Jacobson, Janice Gershlak, Dorothy Eisenman, Wendy & Mark Gershlak, Sue & Steve Ring, Marlene Goodman, Amy & Bill Flaxer, Arlene Titelbaum, Sandi & Alan Rosenbaum, Evelyn Ponn, Adele & Mark Lubarsky, Paula Dollin, Cheryl, Stephanie, Nathaniel and James, Gail & Barry Falkoff, Norma & Rob Cohen, Susan & Steven Feinstein, Ellen & Frank Chmara, Arlyne & Howard Greenspan, Judy & Harvey Tabachnick, Lisa & Peter Stone, Estelle Comak, Alex Kemp, Sue Savy, Debbie & Richard Strauss, Jennifer S. Cohen-Peary, Ruth & David Titelbaum, Judi Wise, Susan & Harvey Dragoon, Janice & Elliot Wyner, The Nissenbaum Family, Sharyn & Mark Solomon, Gail & Jeffrey Silverman EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT RANDY CHERKAS In Memory of your father, Joseph Cherkas by JANICE & ELLIOT WYNER GENERAL FUND BETH SHERMAN AND FAMILY In Memory of Father, Selwyn by BOB SULLAWAY AND FAMILY EDIE ELLIN In Memory of your father, Joseph Cherkas by DEBORAH & ALAN PRANSKY EDIE ELLIN In Memory of your father, Joseph Cherkas by SIS NICHOLSON EDYTHE & MARVIN ELLIN In Memory of your father, Joseph Cherkas by SUE & PHIL ELLIN ELLEN WINOKUR In Honor of the engagements of your sons Eric and Howard, Mazel Tov! by LEONA & HENRY KAPLAN INA CHERKAS In Memory of longtime friend, Joseph Cherkas by MOE SACK MURRAY SIMONS Wishing you a speedy get well by TNT BINGO GROUP RANDY CHERKAS In Memory of your father, Joseph Cherkas by LORI & JAMES MARCUS, THE GRAPEVINE DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS, ANNETTE & JOHN MCGOVERN, LYNNE & PHILP COHEN, GINNY & BOB DIENNA THE SHERMAN FAMILY In Memory of Selwyn Sherman by JANICE GERSHLAK THE TNT CONGREGATION In Memory of her beloved cousin, Joseph Cherkas, with wishes for a year of health and blessings by SELMA SNIDER ALLEN TALEWSKY In Memory of your mother, grandmother & great grandmother, Caroline by ETHEL & MEL BABNER KITCHEN FUND BRAND FAMILY In Memory of father and grandfather, Abraham by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE ALLEN TALEWSKY In Memory of your mother, grandmother & great grandmother, Caroline by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE, SIMONE & TODD LEVINE POIRES SCHOLARSHIP RONDA & DAVE COHEN In Honor of your 75th Birthdays by DONNA & BILL POIRES PRAYER BOOK FUND DOROTHY WALLMAN In Loving Memory of Ray Wallman by SHARON WEBER WINOKUR FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP ELLEN WINOKUR In Honor of the engagement of your sons Eric and Howard by SHARON & MARTY BREGMAN ELLEN WINOKUR Mazel Tov on your sons engagements, Eric to Annaleah and Howard to Karen by PAULA DOLLIN ESTHER & NEAL KAUFMAN In Honor of the engagement of your son, Barry by SHARON & MARTY BREGMAN YOUTH FUND BRUCE CHASE AND FAMILY In Memory of your mother by ARLYNE & HOWARD GREENSPAN PRAYER BOOK FUND ALLEN TALEWSKY In Memory of your mother, grandmother & great grandmother Caroline by NANCY & FRED BECKER, DAVE GOLDBERG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR MARCH BIRTHDAYS! Don’t see your MARCH birthday? Make sure the office knows the date. Esther Babner Marty Bregman Ed Bromberg Marian Bromberg Steve Chamuel Frank Chmara Tracy Cranson David Cushinsky Arlyne Greenspan Amy Grossman Amy Karas Lois Kornitsky Danny Levy Adele Lubarsky Arlene Margolis Sandee Matteucci Jane Mulsman Barbara Phillips Evelyn Ponn Alan Pransky Susan Richman Cliff Rucker Sue Savy Fran Schulman Anne Schwartz Sandra Sparr Peter Stone Sylvia Toby Harriet Wacks Bea Zide Renee Zimmerman SOCIAL ACTION In 2016, the Social Action Committee of the Temple has committed to prepare and serve supper for Haven from Hunger each month on the third Thursday. I was fortunate to be at Haven in February to witness our Temple members in the kitchen preparing a spaghetti and meatball supper with assorted vegetables. Also we served a salad and for desert, there was ice cream and fresh-baked cookies. There were some 30+ guests in attendance. We heard from person after person how good the food was and were thanked us for our efforts. My experience has been that we enough people there that we can offer support beyond preparing supper. This visit we sorted coats, hats, gloves, and scarves so that they could be given out to those with a need. We are looking forward to again helping at Haven on March 17th. As we are nearing the Passover season there are Jewish Families who need help to obtain Passover foods. The Jewish Family and Children’s Service (JF&CS) has asked Temple Ner Tamid to join the community in helping meet this need by collecting boxes of matzah and matzah meal. Please bring unopened and unexpired boxes of matzah and matzah meal to the Temple and put them in the Food barrel before March 9th so that we can deliver them to the JF&CS food pantry in time for the Passover distribution. Please see announcements elsewhere in the bulletin for guest speakers at Shabbat Friday services on Mar 4th and April 1st from Family Promise and Haven from Hunger respectively. Hope you can join us then to learn more about how these nonprofit organizations are helping to combat hunger and homelessness in our community. SOCIAL ACTION Next Meeting Tuesday, March 29 Following evening Minyan TNT will be serving and preparing meals at “Haven From Hunger” third Thursday of every month For more info, Contact Elliot Wyner: [email protected] MARCH YAHRZEITS: WE REMEMBER THEM Louis Babner [father of Melvin Babner, Gladys Katcher & father-in-law of Esther Babner] Edward C. Bacherman [brother of Annabelle Swartz & Evelyn Ponn] Harry Clayman Robert Cohen [father of Ruth Titelbaum] Sally Cohen [mother of Gail Silverman] Nathan Collier Max Cushinsky [father of David Cushinsky] Eve Dansker [mother of Sandee Matteucci] Joseph Dansker [father of Sandee Matteucci] Jeanne David [mother of Sidney David] Joseph Dragoon [father of Harvey Dragoon] Esther Epstein Samuel Feldman [father of Fran Schulman] Edward Goldberg Bessie Goldman [mother of Shirley Lipman] Rose Gordon Craig Steven Green Harriet E. Harris Miriam Kaden Louis Kaminsky [father of Jane Mulsman] Max Kantor [father of Donald Kantor] Jacob Kaplan Oscar Kaplan [father of Susan Dragoon] Gertrude Karafin Robert "Bob" Klein Theodore H. Klein [father of Malvina Liebert] Melvin Lampert Simon Lampert Annie Levin Augusta Levine [aunt of Shirley Lipman] Dr. Conrad Litner [husband of Sandra Litner] Mildred Mazonzon [mother-in-law of David Goldberg] Jacob Mulsman [father of Leonard Mulsman] Philip Orloff [father of Ethel Babner] Gertrude Parad [mother of Charlotte Dantowitz] Marilyn Paul [mother of Ronald Paul & Stanley Paul] James Pruss Hyman D. Queen [father of Shirley Cole] Justin Remis [husband of Ruthann Remis] Rose Romo Samuel Shneider Samuel Siegel [father-in-law of Edward Goldberg] Ethel Spector Frances Sternberg [mother of Arthur Sternberg] Mildred Sullaway Elaine Swartz [daughter-in-law of Annabelle Swartz & sister-in-law of Suzanne Swartz] Max Swartz Manus Taksa [father of Grigory Taska] Joseph Tarnor [father of Harriet Wacks] Riva Taska Goldstein [mother of Grigory Taska] Victor A. Trager [father of Barbara Kuhn] Marcia Wallace [mother of Miriam Levy] Goldie R. Webb Norman Wise [husband of Judi Wise] Eva Zeltzer [mother of Miriam Karas] Marion Harriet Zimble [mother of Suzanne Dantowitz] We mourn the loss of our congregant, Joseph Cherkas Remember your loved one with a Memorial Plaque Space is limited Contact Beth in the office for details Yahrzeit Fund in memory of ANNE M. SCHWARTZ (Grandmother) by David Titelbaum ANNE M. SCHWARTZ (Mother) by Arlene Titelbaum ANNTSY TOLPINA BERMAN (Grandmother) by Jane Tolpina BARRY BLACK (Husband) by Francine Black BENJAMIN L. ADELBERG (Father) by Harriet Feinstein BESSIE SWARTZ SHERMAN (Aunt) by Suzanne Swartz DOROTHY SCHULMAN (Mother) by Irving Schulman EDWARD GOLDBERG (Father) by Arthur Goldberg FREDERICK C. MILLER (Husband) by Lynda Rich GLEN YANCO (Brother) by Rhonda Zero HARVEY GERSHLAK (Father & Grandpa) by Mark Gershlak LAVANA LICHA (Mother) by Laila Chamuel LOUIS N. SWARTZ (Grandfather) by Suzanne Swartz MARTHA EPSTEIN (Mother) by Merle Shuman MAX RABINOVITCH (Husband) by Irene Rabinovitch MINNIE DIAMOND (Mother) by Arlene Generazzo MINNIE SCHWARTZ (Mother) by Sylvia Toby MORTON C. TITELBAUM (Father) by David Titelbaum MORTON C. TITELBAUM (Husband) by Arlene Titelbaum RAYMOND WALLMAN (Husband) by Dorothy Wallman ROGER F. CHAMUEL (Father) by Steve Chamuel ROSE SIMONS FEINSTEIN (Mother) by S. Murray Simons SAMUEL ROSENBLATT (Father) by Judith Greenfield SAMUEL YANCO (Grandfather) by Rhonda Zero SAUL MARGOLIS (Father) by Martin Margolis JF&CS Family Table (Kosher Food Pantry) IS IN NEED OF Canned Vegetables & Tuna Fish Please drop off your donations in the bin located in the TNT Coat Room Food Pantry Distribution at Temple Sinai, Marblehead on Sunday, March 13, 2016 TNT JANUARY CALENDAR RAFFLE WINNERS Adele Lubarsky *Eric Richman Mark Lerner *Alan Titelbaum Faith Lerner Elaine Rothstein Jay Lewis Rich Band Larry Shuman Henry Kaplan Steve Ring Jeff Silverman Grace Newman “The Girls” *Barry Falkoff Beth Hoffman David Ponn * multiple wins Come and check it out! TNT’s Lending Library Choose a selection from some of these authors James Patterson Dan Brown Anita Shreve Faye Kellerman Jodi Picolt Robert Ludlum Sue Monk Kidd Liane Moriarty Naomi Ragen
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