March/April 2016


March/April 2016
Temple Sinai
(781) 631-2763
1 Community Road
Marblehead, MA 01945
Welcome to our newest member
of the Temple Sinai Family,
Emilie Kutash
Community Happenings
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Special Announcements
& Mazel Tovs!
Our special news for
March & April
New Upcoming Events!
day in which we feast and dance
and dress silly?
David CohenHenriquez, Rabbi
Purim: The Eternal
In the Talmud our sages bring a
fascinating commentary: during
the days of the Messiah we will
no longer need to celebrate any
of the holidays, except for
Purim. This is taken from the
midrash on a statement in
Purim will never cease from
Many modern Jews have
undermined the powerful
message of Purim, seeing it as a
holiday for children, a Hebrew
Halloween or a Kosher Carnival.
But there is much more depth in
the essence of this holiday
which, like us, hides its true
essence under a mask.
yom kethat Yom Kippur, the Day of
Atonement is like Purim. How
can this be so? The holiest of the
days of the calendar, in which
we fast and pray in a solemn
manner, is equal to the wackiest
Although diametrically opposed
in their observance and
structure, both holidays have a
direct relationship. On Yom
Kippur we await the King of
King´s decree on our lives, who
will live and who will die. Purim
was a day of judgement as well,
the destiny of the Jews of the
Persian Empire dependent on
the decisions of the king. It was
teshuvah (repentance), prayer
and social unity what saved the
Jews from the decree. The
fortunes were turned and
catastrophe adverted and our
sackcloths transformed into
robes of joy.
On Purim we don costumes in
order to reveal our true selves,
hiding the masks we use daily in
getting into costumes and
drinking and being silly we tap
once again our inner-child
energies. It is perhaps this
attitude, to be like a child again
enjoying life without restraints,
what will lead to the Messianic
times. Or perhaps, in the future,
beyond the end of History, we´ll
still need a day to be foolish, to
let go, to remember not to take
everything,specially our own
selves, so serious.
In these day and age in which
we suffer increasingly more
from modern maladies such as
stress, depressions and anxieties,
perhaps more of Purim in our
lives could be a helpful antidote.
Purim is deliverance from
sadness, sorrow and anything
that causes pain in our hearts.
That´s why we are commanded
to be merry, to enjoy life to the
limit even in the face of threats
and enemies. It is a reminder
that as Jews we can never
despair, only continue having
faith and keep dancing,
celebrating the joy of being
May our personal and national
joy last forever and beyond.
Happy Purim!
Rabbi David CohenHenriquez
Julian Rich, President
Participation and involvement have been themes of my presidency since
I began last June, and I am pleased to be able to attest not only to
greater numbers at services and at our programs, but I have also noted a
qualitative aspect. That is, people are talking about how much they are
enjoying what we do and how we do it. For example, we had to turn
away reservations for our Hanukkah celebration, a family oriented event
that included numerous volunteers to complement and supplement the
number of congregants and guests. Also, our Brotherhood event last
year not only drew one of the largest crowds in the recent history of the
Brotherhood, but people were discussing the speaker for days after.
Kabbalat Shabbat, featuring Friday Night services at members’ homes,
has added a dimension to our regular Friday night services with warm
feelings that should characterize the beginning of Shabbat.
In addition, I am especially proud that our Social Action Committee has
been reactivated. The Committee has developed a relationship with the
Lynn Shelter Association and, at holiday time, collected 100 pairs of
socks for its clients. Also, in January, Temple volunteers cooked a meal
at the kitchen of the association for over 50 people.
My sincerest thanks to Rabbi David, Cantor David, Susan Weiner, Bob
Myra and staff, the Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and
participants, volunteers, donors, and all of our congregants for their
continued efforts to give of themselves for the good of TEMPLE SINAI
and the community we represent.
Hope to see you soon.
Julian Rich
Ritual David Schwartz
Service Schedule
Morning Minyan
Sundays | 9:00 AM
Mondays & Thursdays | 7:15 AM
Evening Minyan & Class
Mondays | 7:00PM Followed by Torah Class
Tuesdays | 7:00 PM Contemplative Minyan
Thursdays | 7:00PM Followed by Hebrew Class
Shabbat Services
Kabbalat Friday Shabbat Service | 6:30 PM
Saturday Shabbat Service | 9:30 AM
Please return your prayerbook and tallis to Founder’s
Hall at the end of the service.
Thank you!
Youth Programming
Starting in October we will again be having our Tot
Shabbat Services with the JCC.
This is the third year that we have been doing this
highly successful program and we invite you to attend
with your child(ren) or grandchild(dren).
The Lappin Foundation/PJ Library will be joining us this
year with special stories from their collection.
Rabbi David and Cantor David lead a fun filled and
ruach (spirit) service for children up to 4 years of age
followed by kiddush and dinner.
Please mark your calendar for these special days...
Friday, March, 11th
@The JCC | 5:00pm
Friday, May 20th
@The JCC | 5:00pm
Friday, June 10th
@ Temple Sinai | 5:00pm
Join us for a special drumming experience during
Tot Shabbat!
Temple Sinai, in partnership with CJP, is
working on more events for children up to 5
years of age. We hope as the opportunity arises
you will take advantage of these new
There are even more exciting programs in the
works for children of all ages.
So watch your bulletin and emails for more
Social Action
Barbara Rosenstroch
George Gammel
Social Action News – Home Cooking
Without a Kitchen
The Temple Sinai Social Action Committee brightened up an otherwise cold, rainy Sunday on
January 10. We bought, prepared, and served dinner to 50 residents of the Lynn Adult
Emergency Shelter. The residents of this shelter go to My Brother’s Table for lunch on Sundays,
but have no dinner unless volunteers prepare food for them.
Some of the shelter residents were eager to help set up the tables, pour juice, and make sure
that everyone was fed. Everyone was very grateful to us, and both residents and staff thanked
us over and over again. They also remembered to thank us for our Sox in a Box project, in which
we collected about 300 pairs of new socks. The socks were given as Christmas presents to
everyone who came for dinner that day.
We went on a tour of the shelter to see the results of some recent upgrades of beds and floors.
We also saw how much more needs to be done: mold in the bathrooms, leaky windows,
inadequate showers and toilets, just to name a few.
Many thanks to Alison Brookes, Tony Zeitman, GeorgeGammel, Caren and Michael Lawee,
Meryl and Julian Rich, Janet Mazer, Deborah Shelkan-Remis, Sonia and Alan Kalikow, and
Rabbi David Cohen-Henriques for shopping, preparing, and serving the meal. Thanks to Herb
Newborn for introducing us to the Home Cooking Without a Kitchen concept and cookbook.
Great teamwork, everyone! 
If you would like to join our team for future projects, please contact me at
[email protected].
Barbara Rosenstroch
Social Action Committee Chair
The Mid-East After the Iran Deal
with Dr. Joseph Spoerl
For those who attended this event
and would like to know more, please
visit this link:
Helping Hands Committee
We’re a committee that helps our
congregants going through the
tough & good times.
We deliver comforts and raise
Please let us know if someone is not doing well or
has had a loss. We can only help if we know.
Thank you,
to those who have
volunteered their time
shopping and making
deliveries to our fellow
congregants through Yad
B’ Yad.
Celebrating a
Special Occasion?
Sponsor a Kiddush!
Sponsoring a Kiddush is a great way to enjoy a wonderful meal
with the people you love most.
Honor a special someone, an anniversary, birthday,
B’nei Mitzvot, just for fun or to remember a loved one.
Contact the Temple Office for more information
Available Kiddush Sponsorship Dates:
5, 12, 26
16, 23, 30
Thank you to the following kiddush sponsors!
The Rosenthal-Swartz family
The Gold family
The Sherman family
The Guilmet family
Join the Jewish Family Table with sorting, packing and
delivering food donations to local families in need.
Children are always welcome to volunteer when
accompanied by an adult.
Food Pantry
Jerry Silverlieb
Sunday, March 13th
Sunday, April 3rd
Sunday, May 1st
Sunday, June 5th
Sunday, July 10th
No August Distribution
Sinai Guys Larry Weiner
On behalf of the Brotherhood, I’d like to thank all those who participated in our Super Bowl block
pool. Although no one from the Temple was a winner, I think it did help add to the excitement of the
game and the Brotherhood was able to raise some money.
The Brotherhood is proposing an excursion to the North Shore Music Theatre to see Fiddler on the
Roof on Saturday evening on May 7th. I've enclosed a flyer outlining the event and am asking
members, there family and friends if there is interest in seeing the show. I'm thinking the $40
Seats would suffice. Please email me at [email protected] if you have questions or are
interested in going. You can also contact Susan in the office.
2000 Production of Fiddler on the Roof, David Coffee
Sisterhood Happenings Judy Locke
On February 2nd a group of very creative women got together to paint plates, pitchers and wine
glasses with guidance from our very own Ellen Lodgen. We all went home with something that
can be used for our Passover Seders. Fun was had by all. Thanks Ellen!
Please check out the newly revitalized gift shop! Our committee of Rachael Kummins, Susan
Kummins and Valerie Carlone have been busy cleaning, organizing and getting ready for a big
blowout sale. Stay tuned for details and watch for new merchandise in the near future.
Our annual Sisterhood Shabbat will be held on March 19th. The women of Sisterhood will be
conducting the service and preparing a Kiddush lunch to be enjoyed by all. Please join us!
Save the date of June 7th for our annual donor dinner. We are brainstorming for entertainment
ideas – please share if you have any suggestions.
The next Sisterhood book group meeting will be held on February 23rd when Still Life with
Breadcrumbs, by Anna Quinlan will be discussed. Following dates and books are:
March 29th: Storied Life of A.J. Fickry, by Gabrielle Zevin
Please e-mail [email protected] if you need more information on any of the above
and stay tuned to your e-mail for further details on the above programs and events.
Paint Night!
Book Club Bea Paul
Temple Sinai Book Club Reading List
We will try to keep the dates at the second Tuesday of
the month, but not always possible. We need a house
for July and a discussion leader.
Please let us know if you can host it or lead it.
March 29
Storied Life of A. J. Fickry, by Gabrielle Zevin
Share Your Simchas!
Happy Birthday!
Robin Dale
Eileen Feldbau
James Low
Marion Kaplan
Jonathan Mulsman
Diane Rubtchinsky
James Feldbau
Jack Beermann
Deborah Titelbaum
Rosaline Brenner
Nancy Hamlin
Violet Lawee
Nancy Mades Byrd
Murray Davis
Ira Rubtchinsky
Howard Nellhaus
Janet Mazer
Barbara Rosenstroch
Leonard Horowitz
Amy Feingold
Merle Hyman
Deinorah Kraus
David Aronson
Karen Hirsch
Rebecca Rosen
Lynne Zolot
Betty Needleman
Mark Saponar
Joan Tobin
Ruth Cooper
Michael Dale
James Sherman
Linda Freedman
Ellen Lodgen
Mark Feingold
Beatrice Paul
June Davis
Mark Pearlstein
Richard Saxe
Leslie Harsip
Michelle Hasty-White
Susan Stibel
Brenda Silverman
Randy Kummins
Carole Skowronski
Alvin Rosen
Richard Rosenblatt
Alec Melnick
Barry Follick
Arleen Silverlieb
Deborah Melnick
Scott Solomon
Audrey Pransky
Elizabeth Garon
Marjorie Bean
Edith Weiner
Joel Hamlin
Jane Mikityansky
Harriet Wallen
Miriam Aronson
Theodore Swerdlick
Ann Nechtem
Happy Anniversary!
March & April
Ben & Marjorie Wittner
Alan & Sheila Simons
Michael & Val Nestor
Mazel Tov!
Marion & Joel Kaplan’s 40th wedding anniversary
To Fran & Sheldon Brown on their 60th wedding anniversary
To the Aronson family on Leonard’s graduation from the University of Pittsburgh & new job
To the Guilmet Family on Declan Liam Guilmet’s baby naming
Bernie Harship by the Harship Family
We gratefully
acknowledge the
In Memory Of
Marking the Yahrzeit Of
Stella Light by Jonathan Light
Marvin & Roz Jacobson
In Honor Of
In Appreciation of Temple Sinai by Samuel
In Memory of
Esther Brookes by
Annette Callum
Joel Cohen by Joel & Marion Kaplan
Molly Zolot by the Zolot Family
Jon & Irene Leamon
Miriam Cooper by Joel & Marion Kaplan
Jake Fishman by Lynne Zolot
Birthday by Dan & Helaine
Shelly Shoub by Joel & Marion Kaplan
Irene Roytenberg’s mother by Joel & Marion
In Honor Of
Sheldon & Fran Brown’s 60 wedding
anniversary by
Marvin & Roz Jacobson
Discretionary Fund
Marking the Yahrzeit Of
Saul Weinstein by Roz Weinstein
In Memory Of
Bea Schneider by Michael & Brenda Silverman
In Honor of
Joel & Marion Kaplan
In appreciation of Temple Sinai by Joel & Janet
Ruth & Samson Leamon
In Memory Of
Steve & Roberta Keenholtz’s 40 Anniversary
Ruth Leamon by the Andreano Family
The baby naming of Camille Maya Kaplan by
Murray & June Davis
Jared Andreano by Emily Andreano
Leonard Aronson’s graduation from College &
new job by Michael & Brenda Silverman
The birth of Brandon Keenholtz, grandson of
Steve & Roberta Keenholtz by Michael & Brenda
The Garden Fund
In Honor Of
Sheldon & Fran Brown’s 60 Anniversary
Kiddish Fund
Marking the Yahrzeit Of
Sadie Goralnick by Rhoda Morse
Jack Gruber by Esther Brown
Saul Bearak by Esther Brown
Eva Hurst by Ron & Sandra Lappin
Lillian Katz by Phil Katz
Aaron Gruber by Esther Brown
Sarah Hershman by Janet Mazer
The Sisterhood Fund
Marking the Yahrzeit Of
Dorothy Sokolov by Debra Goldman
The Youth Fund
In Memory Of
Judy Sherman by
Mimi Follick
Bea Paul
Temple Sinai
General Fund
Marking the Yahrzeit Of
Richard Nellhaus by Howard Nellhaus
Nancy Liberman by Susan Nellhaus
Yahrzeit Fund
Marking the Yahrzeit Of
Lillian Katz by Harry Katz
Susanne Stanik by Michael & Val Nestor
Sadye Kamin by Marcia Kamin
Judy Sherman by
Murray & Jill Goodman
Adult Education Fund
Shaya Grempel by Michael & Val Nestor
Cemetery Ellen Lodgen
Temple Sinai Memorial Park
Historically, establishing a cemetery is one of the first priorities when a Jewish community
is established and settled. Another priority, of course, is the starting of a school. Temple
Sinai proudly maintains a Jewish cemetery for its members. Our cemetery is on Route 114
in Danvers, MA. John Ross and Sons, Inc. is the company we have engaged to maintain
our grounds and provide the services necessary for burials and installation of monuments.
Our cemetery is bounded on two sides by trees and a low stone wall on one of those sides.
There are many other cemeteries in the same location. We recently had a new sign
installed and work continually to keep the grounds in good order. Owning cemetery
property can give a family peace of mind knowing that there is one less detail to focus on
at the time of the death of a loved one.
If you have questions about our cemetery or would like to discuss purchasing, contact
Ellen Lodgen at 781-639-2003 or [email protected].
Save the Date!
It's Time To Reclaim Your Inheritance
Starting February 25th, 2016
From Basic Hebrew to a deeper understanding of the Holy Text
Basic Hebrew
- The Building Blocks of the Prayer Experience | 7:30pm
Musical Havdalah
Saturday, March 5th, 2016 | 6:30pm
Tot Shabbat at the JCC
Friday, March 11th, 2016 | 5:00pm
Sisterhood Shabbat
Saturday, March 19th, 2016
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016 | Starting at 4:30 pm
For children of all ages & those young at heart
Arts & Crafts ~ Purim Costume Parade
- Purim Story with Rabbi David
- Music Program
- Kid-friendly Dinner & Dessert
Starting at 6:00 pm | For adults & all interested
- Dinner & Megillah Reading Followed by schmoozing & dancing!
Drumming Kabbalat Shabbat
With Rabbi David, Cantor Aronson, & Shira Moss
Friday, March 11th, 2016 | 6:30pm
Temple Sinai
1 Community Road
Marblehead, MA 01945
Julian Rich
Vice President &President Elect
Merle Hyman
Vice President- Finance
Larry Gold
Rosalie Miller
Financial Secretary
Ben Locke
Recording Secretary &
Harriet Wallen
Corresponding Secretary
1ST Year Directors
Dan Berg
Michael Dale
Bea Paul
Jodi Smith
2nd Year Directors
Diane Kotz
Rosa Rasiel
Rick Rosenblatt
David Schwartz
An Office Thank You!
To Jim Sherman:
For being our Bulletin Editor!

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