2012-2013 report - Shade Tree Clinic


2012-2013 report - Shade Tree Clinic
Shade Tree Clinic
Report to the Community
i Shade Tree Clinic
The Shade Tree Clinic
Mission Statement
Since 2004, students have played a pivotal role in transforming an ordinary doublewide trailer into the extraordinary primary care medical home for hundreds of
patients. Through the Shade Tree Clinic, medical and nursing students from
Vanderbilt and Meharry are able to enhance their medical education via practical
“hands-on” experience, while simultaneously providing important health care and
social services to a neighborhood in need.
Shade Tree Clinic is a free health clinic run by
Vanderbilt medical students.
We strive to be the medical home for Nashville
residents with limited resources by providing
exemplary care for acute and chronic illnesses,
social services and health education.
Shade Tree Clinic
1223 Dickerson Pike
Nashville, TN 37207
tel: 615.422.5262
1 Shade Tree Clinic
From the Student Directors
Dear Friends and Advocates,
Shade Tree Clinic, Vanderbilt University's studentrun free clinic, has changed the lives of so many in
the Nashville community. Our mission is simple—
to provide a comprehensive medical home for the
underserved while simultaneously training the next
generation of health care providers in compassionate,
socially conscious medicine.
Our core clinical practice serves the uninsured and
underinsured facing significant barriers to care. We seek
to overcome these challenges and are excited to offer a
diverse array of services—including medical, laboratory,
social work and pharmacy—that have improved patient
health and quality of life.
During this past year, we introduced a formal Medical-Legal Partnership, recognizing the intersection between
potential legal outcomes and patient health. We have also enhanced both the size and management of our pharmacy
with the introduction of new professional software and collaborations with neighboring institutions, which will
continue to ensure quality and improve patient knowledge.
We also have made strides in the community at large through our outreach efforts. We had one of our most
impressive years for our Homeless Vaccination Program, expanding to new sites and distributing a record number
of flu immunizations. Additionally, we grew our Swim Safely Program that teaches pool safety and healthy lifestyles
to children in the community surrounding our clinic.
These efforts and accomplishments are a testament to the hard work of over 400 student volunteers from disciplines
including medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dietetics and law, as well as over 100 faculty volunteers. In total, these
individuals have contributed in excess of 15,000 volunteer hours. We are also tremendously grateful to the many
advocates and donors who continue to support the clinic. The projects and outcomes described within this report
are truly a team effort, and we thank all of those who have contributed and participated throughout the year!
Bharat Kilaru and Matt Stier
Co-Executive Directors, Shade Tree Clinic
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Class of 2015
2 Shade Tree Clinic
From the Medical Directors
There is a general consensus that the changing medical landscape will give more people access to care and
that patients and their providers will share increased responsibility to control health care costs. Vanderbilt
University medical students, however, are not waiting for legislative changes to help the underserved.
Improving access to care is why these ambitious students started Shade Tree Clinic. Learning how patient care
relates to almost every other social issue and the overall economy may be the real lesson for students who volunteer.
The more medical students work at Shade Tree, the more they recognize the need to not only improve access to
medical care but to also address social issues and manage cost. These skills serve them well in their professional
career and help the citizens of Nashville at the same time.
Vanderbilt students are talented, motivated and determined to deal with the complexity of medical and social
challenges. In the earlier years of Shade Tree students developed protocols for managing chronic diseases such as
diabetes and hypertension. Along with volunteer faculty, they followed standards of care and addressed social issues
to minimize challenges which seemed to interfere with treatment. They applied for grants and enacted institutional
review board approved protocols. And finally, they brought teaching points back to the university and have had a
major impact on restructuring Vanderbilt’s formal medical school curriculum.
This past year most of the students working at Shade Tree treated a patient population with increasingly
complicated medical problems. While one group of students addressed medical problems, another group focused
on patient social issues. This group of students created a partnership with the Vanderbilt Law School known as
the Medical Legal Partnership. Patient issues including immigration, disability, obtaining medical insurance and
domestic abuse were reviewed. As a result, many patients were successful in getting disability benefits, social security
income and medical insurance.
Helping patients obtain medical insurance created an opportunity to transition patients to other providers and
allowed Shade Tree to accept more new uninsured patients. Transitioning patients to other providers proved to be
surprisingly complicated, as many patients who had received care at Shade Tree did not want to transition to other
settings. They were accustomed to a standard of care and attention at Shade Tree that most providers and clinics had
difficulty providing.
As medical directors we do not create the agenda for the clinic. This may be good, because neither one of us truly
believes that we could have created a product superior to what Vanderbilt students have created. Thank you for your
interest in this truly inspirational project.
Michael Fowler, M.D. and Robert Miller, M.D.
Medical Directors, Shade Tree Clinic
From left to right: Dr. Michael Fowler and Dr. Robert Miller.
3 Shade Tree Clinic
Clinic Governance
Executive Directors: Bharat Kilaru and Matt Stier
Director of Operations: Richard Samade
Director of Patient Health Education: Emily Zern
Director of Pharmacy: Glynnis Garry
Director of Social Work: Cooper Lloyd
Director of Spanish Services: Sarah Eckhardt
Director of Community Outreach: Patrick Kelly
Director of Finance: India Reddy
Medical Directors: Robert Miller, M.D. and Michael Fowler, M.D.
Social Worker: Shannon Jordan, L.M.S.W.
2011-2012: Allison Ferreira and Paula Marincola
2010-2011: Benjamin Deschner and Ravi Patel
2009-2010: Adam Wegner and Jonathan Steer
2008-2009: Meredith Albin and Alon Peltz
2007-2008: Eve Henry and Caitlin Toomey
2006-2007: Sarah Dunn, Caroline Kim, Holly Hale,
Megan Herceg, Caroline Knox
2005-2006: Dana Guyer and Sara Horvitz
Co-Founders: Kristina Collins and Katie Cox
Ben Deschner
Robert Dittus, M.D., M.P.H.
Allison Ferreira
Shannon Jordan, L.M.S.W.
Lewis Lefkowitz, Jr., M.D.
Kim Lomis, M.D.
Paula Marincola
Morgan McDonald, M.D.
Bonnie Miller, M.D.
Robertson Nash, N.P., M.B.A.
Ravi Patel
Scott Rodgers, M.D.
Jule West, M.D.
Center for Community
Health Services:
Barbara Clinton
Top row, left to right: Cooper Lloyd, Sarah Eckhardt, Richard Samade, India Reddy.
Bottom row, left to right: Matt Stier, Pat Kelly, Glynnis Garry, Emily Zern, Bharat Kilaru.
Shade Tree enables our student leaders to contribute earlier, during their
clerkships and as residents, to fostering a culture of compassion and quality.
Kim Lomis, M.D.
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education
4 Shade Tree Clinic
Empowering Patients Through Education
The Patient Health Education Program was established
to improve continuity-of-care for Shade Tree Clinic's patients
with chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease
and respiratory conditions. A team of 20 first- and second-year
medical student patient health educators (PHEs) serve as case
managers for nearly 200 patients.
The PHEs fill an educational role in-clinic-demonstrating insulin administration, encouraging progress
with diet and exercise goals, and promoting medication
compliance and health maintenance. The significance of the
case manager system is most prominent in the out-of-clinic
communication with patients, in which PHEs establish a
personal relationship with their patients to communicate
laboratory results, assist patients in scheduling appointments
and promote continued health progress between clinic
A Vanderbilt University medical student interacts with a Patient Health Education program patient.
to Shade Tree in 2008 when, after 28 years working at a good job
insurance, I found myself unemployed and uninsured. Having been
diagnosed with type II diabetes and hypertension a few years earlier, I was afraid
about what was going to happen to me. A good friend told me about Shade Tree
Clinic where Vanderbilt medical students supervised by attending doctors would
help me get medical care and medication.
So I started going to Shade Tree and have had many students and doctors take care
of me ever since. The social workers there helped me get food and file for disability. I
have been taught how to take better care of myself. I am seen on a regular basis, and
they also do my lab work and set up other preventative care appointments for me.
When I have to be hospitalized, they always come to my room and visit me. They
give me lots of encouragement along the way. Dr. Miller and the wonderful team at
Shade Tree have taken good care of me.
I thank God for Shade Tree Clinic every day. They have been a lifesaver for me.
Pam Short,Shade Tree Patient
5 Shade Tree Clinic
Beyond the Clinic - Community Outreach
Swim Safely East Nashville!
In Fall 2012 Shade Tree continued its Swim Safely
East Nashville! Program aimed at promoting physical
activity and healthy dietary choices to elementary school
students. In this 8-week program, medical students lead
a 45-minute nutrition class and 1.5-hour swim lesson
each Saturday for fourth grade students from Caldwell
Enhanced Option Elementary School, one of Shade Tree
Clinic’s neighbors in East Nashville. The nutrition com-
Vaccine Clinics
This year Shade Tree Clinic held 16 outreach events focused on providing influenza vaccines to members of the Nashville
community. Through collaborations with
11 different community organizations
and multiple student groups, medical
and nursing students administered 672
vaccines in less than 4 months! While
the primary goal was to offer vaccines to
the homeless population of Nashville, we
were also able to serve the Latin American and immigrant communities as well
as members of rehabilitation programs.
The partnerships that we have formed as
a result of this vaccine initiative will allow Shade Tree to reach further into the
Nashville community to help underserved
populations for years to come.
6 Shade Tree Clinic
ponent of the program utilizes games, interactive discussion, and a variety of artistic media to teach kids how to
identify healthy food choices and find ways substitute
these choices into their own diet. By engaging kids with
varying degrees of experience with swimming, this program was able to both familiarize novice students with
the basics of water safety and simple strokes as well as
hone the skills of more advanced swimmers.
More than Medicine - Social Services at Shade Tree
The Stephens family, from left to right: Terry Stephens, Jr., Terry Stephens and Tina Stephens.
When Terry and Tina Stephens came to Shade Tree over two years ago, without health
insurance and without a regular doctor, they needed not only medical assistance, but also
assistance navigating social services in Nashville.
They soon connected with social work team, who work with Shannon Jordan, L.M.S.W. to offer
resources and guidance to patients on everything from mental health to vision care to food assistance.
In the last two years, the social work team has helped the Stephens locate resources for rent assistance
when they faced impending eviction. They have provided referrals to free and discounted dental
services and have supported Tina in applying for SSI disability, a lengthy process of usually two or
more years. Tina’s disability application, however, was approved within six months – a testament
to the strength of her case. She now receives a monthly disability check, and with Terry Stephens
currently out of work, she says, “It’s taken the pressure off financially.” Her ability to apply for
and receive disability was made possible by having a regular doctor and a support team to provide
medical records for her case.
Since receiving disability, Tina has also received TennCare, the state’s Medicaid program. Now
with insurance, she recently transitioned from Shade Tree to a new primary care physician, Dr. Kelly
at United Neighborhood Health Services. The social work team summarized her care at Shade Tree
for Dr. Kelly and worked to ensure as smooth a transition as possible. For Tina, the transition will
provide the benefits of regular clinic hours and a steady relationship with one physician. Further,
should anything significant happen to her health, Tina knows that her medical bills will be covered.
And while both she and Shade Tree staff had a hard time saying goodbye, they also knew that Shade
Tree, which has been unable to take new patients in several years, will be able to consider opening its
7 Shade Tree Clinic
doors to new patients without insurance once again.
As for Terry, he will remain a Shade Tree patient, and his son, Terry Stephens
Jr., will join him as a patient as his stepmother transitions out. Even Tina won’t
yet be a stranger – she has recently joined Terry in beginning a smoking cessation
program set up by Shade Tree’s community outreach department.
All of Shade Tree’s resources – both social and medical – have together
impacted the Stephens family’s lives for the better. In reflecting on their
time at Shade Tree, Terry stated, “When you come here, it’s like you’ve got
a conglomeration of several different [people] who are truly interested and
seriously care about it, you know…They’re trying to make a difference in other
people’s lives…It means a lot. It means a whole lot.”
When you come here... they’re trying to make a difference in other people’s lives...
it means a lot. It means a whole lot.
Terry Stephens
Medical Legal Clinic
While our patients have serious medical needs,
it is often their socioeconomic circumstances that have
prompted them to seek care. In 2012, Shade Tree Clinic and the Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and
the Cumberlands joined forces to address the social issues underlying many of the illnesses suffered by our
Through the Medical-Legal Partnership (MLP),
we integrate poverty law with medicine. Attorney Chay
Sengkhounmany and a team of Vanderbilt law students
work in the clinic alongside our physicians and medical
students to provide interdisciplinary care.
When Faris Al-Jashami arrived at the clinic with
chest pains, he was not having a heart attack, he was
suffering from emotional distress.
Originally born in Iraq, Al-Jashami came to
Nashville in the 90s as a refugee of war. He began working in a local warehouse, where he met his wife Claudia,
and they gave birth to their son, Moohamed. Claudia
initially came to the United States without proper documentation, and in the spring of 2012, she returned to
Mexico with their 12-year-old son to apply for legal status. But when she left the United States, she triggered a
provision in the law that barred her from returning for
ten years.
The absence of Al-Jashami’s family caused the
8 Shade Tree Clinic
symptoms of post-traumatic stress. The MLP provided
the appropriate medical documentation to file for an
extreme hardship exception in the immigration law
and waived the 10-year wait period. On February 23,
the family was reunited legally in the United States after a year-long separation. The family (pictured) visited
Shade Tree just hours after Claudia and Moohamed
returned to Nashville to thank the staff for reuniting
their family.
Patient Visits
Lab Tests,
Vaccinations and
Number of unique patients
Number of completed patient visits
Average number of visits per patient
9 Shade Tree Clinic
FY 11 - 12
FY 10 - 11
Federica Angel
Gautam Bhave
Andrew Bryant
Christina Cain-swope
Jane Case
Keri Cavanaugh
Keith Churchwell
Nathaniel Clark
Jennifer Clune
Robert Cronin
Jan DeLozier
Terence Dermody
Neerav Desai
Todd Doran
Wes Ely
Sergio Fazio
Josh Fessel
Reid Finlayson
Michael Fowler
Eitan Friedman
Howard Fuchs
Leslie Gewin
Mark Glazer
Thomas Golper
Jennifer Green
William Gregg
Ray Harris
Benjamin Heavrin
Stephan Heckers
Paula Herrmann
Rich Hock
Todd Hulgan
Adriana Hung
Susan Kroop
Jon Kropski
Lewis Lefkowitz
MacRae Linton
Andrew Michel
Robert Miller
Kayvon Modjarrad
Allen Naftilan
Robertson Nash
John Newman
Mickey Ott
Don Park
Brent Pennington
Andrew Pfeffer
Camiron Pfennig
Lara Phillips
James Powers
(MeHarry cont.)
Kehinde Idowu
Georgina Iyamu
Sonia Jackson
Nabilah Lari
Jean Mbachu
Babajide Osunsanmi
Jenny Ousley
Carlos Pacheco
Jacob Palubicki
JeNita Partridge
Mattheus Ramsis
Minoo Sarkarati
Jamar Slocum
JaMia Washington
Deena Yousif
Ina Ables
Spencer Anderson
Lauren Bradford
Taylor Burnette
Kimberly Connaher
Nicole Famularo
Augusta Hasse
10 Shade Tree Clinic
Neil Herrington
Kathryn Ignacki
Lauren Jacoway
Sarah Kraynak
Andrea Liptak
Ligia Lopes
Jenna McClean
Ashley Mueller
Stephanie Murico
Kate Przybycien
Tiffany Schaefer
Brittany Siler
Elizabeth Sullivan
Jacqueline Sullivan
Lindsey VanDoornik
Rachel Wall
Samantha Yarolimek
AAdaugo Amah
Hannah Berke
Jillian Berkman
Katherine Betke
Beth Bourne
Megan Breyer
Italo Brown
Jennifer Powers
Jason Pritchett
Scott Rodgers
S. Trent Rosenbloom
Tony Ross
Neil Sanghani
Elizabeth Sastre
Shane Savage
Douglas Sawyer
Stacey Scheib
Gerald Schulman
John Sergent
David Slosky
Jeff Stovall
Daniel Stover
Oliver Stroeh
Melanie Swift
Cecelia Theobald
May Thomassee
Graham Towns
Andrea Utz
Mary Vu
Roy Zent
Rachel Apple
Nick Burjek
Justin Gregg
Kelly Kohorst
Conrad Myler
Jamie Robinson
Morgan Walls
Michael Wolf
Melody Castillo
Alexa Clay
Kathleen Danhausen
Morgan Dirlam
Lydia Elliott
Brittany Estrada
Justine Franko
Lauren Hansen
Eliza Claire Harper
Stephanie Holcombe
Laura Leatherman
Shannon Morris
Sarah Morrow
Elizabeth Munoz
Alison Peaper
Abby Pfleiderer
Stephenie Plowden
Sarah Quirk
Anne Richards
Kathryn Roberts
Kristi Royko
Alicia Sattler
Janell Senda
Ali Sevilla De Cocco
Sharon Shin
Kaitlin Spangler
Denean Walls
Tanicia Washington
Patria Wehrman
Anne Westmoreland
Nnenna Aginam
Ayeetin Azah
Rhae Battles
Gwinyai Chikwava
Cheryl Chun
Lauren Cooper
Dominique Culver
Keylon Glawson
Julian Hinson
“What is even more important and significant... students have a d
Scott Rodgers, M.D. ‘94, Associate Dean for Medical Student Aff
Stephania Byrne
Luis Calderon
Koula Callahan
Hanna Chapman
Weihan Chen
Zaid Choudhry
Seth Christman
Simon Chung
Reaves Crabtree
Shannon Crosby
Leon Darghosian
Alejandro De Feria
Fiona Desland
Michael Edwards
Rachelle Falk
Kristen Findley
John Foley
Laura Ashley Franklin
Sam Friedman
Ellie Galimberti
Vrinda Goel
William Haberstroh
Janet Hanna
Amber Hardeman
Corey Hassell
Tamanna Huda
James Hughes
Jessica Islam
Elizabeth Jackson
Ciara Johnson
Claudine Jones
Florencia Kantt
Elizabeth Kelley-Swift
Lisa Koenig
Lauren Kolski
Joe Laakman
Katie Lee
Sean Lee
Tian Lee
Angel Lin
Sam Linton
Matthew Lotz
Megan Lynch
Monique Marshall
Colin Martyn
Jeannette Mathieu
Anna McGrew
Amanda McKinney
Kimberly McKissack
Margaret Mirro
Mina Mousa
Azim Munivar
Shyam Murali
Jakela Neal
Caroline Nebhan
Francisco Ochoa-Vargas
Michelle Park
Ryan Colby Passaro
Ajun Pillai
Taylor Pitt
Ryan Planchard
Sara Post
Kevin Qin
Andy Rainer
Rajesh Ramakrishna
Tara Ramaswamy
Mackenzie Richardson
Lauren Rouse
Tommy Saborido
Laura Salvatore
Rachael Saporito
Malvi Savani
Katrina Singh
Ajan Sivaramamoorthy
Elizabeth Smith
Jason Smith
Taryn Smith
Tina Tian
(Volunteers cont.)
Elli Trousdale
Kati Turner
Erica Von Stein
Gerald Wakefield
Tulani Washington
Rachel Williams
Thomas Williams
Charlies Xie
Park Yuna
Lichun Zhou
VUSM 2012
Gabriela Andrade
Katie Ayers
Emily Cooperstein
Christian Fuchs
Rimal Hanif
Brad Lindell
Carol Logan
Zurabi Lominadze
David Marcovitz
Jolene Mariotti
Emily Maston
Samit Patrawala
Alon Peltz
Mazeyar Saboori
Adam Shpigel
Jenna Sopfe
Erin Toaz
Adam Wegner
VUSM 2013
Suzanne Alfano
Natalie Ausborn
Brian Barnett
Joshua Bilsborrow
Michael Casner
Katie Collins
Ben Deschner
Anjali Deshmukh
Brent Evans
Anna Fahy
Suzanne Fox
David Friedlander
Ryan Fritz
Erin Fulchiero
Pamela Giacalone
Everett Gu
Everett Gu
Scott Hagan
Amanda Harris
Laila Hassam-Malani
Dustin Hipp
Vanessa Johnson
Katherine Kudyba
Ryan Lang
Alana Lewis
Neil Manus
Lauren Mioton
David Moore
Natalie Nesmith
Van Nguyen
Kathy Niu
Ravi Patel
Klint Peebles
Michael Pelster
Laura Peterson
Natalia Plotnikova
Sarah Proffitt
Craig Sheedy
David Silvestri
Lakshmi Sivarajan
Billy Sullivan
Taylor Sundby
Brittany Taylor
Tyler Winders
Victoria Wurster
Audrey Ye
Zach Yoneda
Amy Zhai
Li Zhou
VUSM 2014
Annie Ahn
Jonathan Andereck
Nkiruka Arinze
Laura Ballenger
Rachel Bloch
Magda Bokiej
Frances Cheng
Isaac Chocron
Javier Cifuentes
Matthew Clark
Jordan Cohen
Mary DeAgostino
Kathleen Doherty
Allison Ferreira
Anna Garcia
Phillip Gorrindo
Kimberly Grelli
Joshua Gutierrez
Grace Ho
Vanessa Hux
Karola Jering
Charissa Kahue
Natasha Kassim
Carmela Kiraly
Harish Krishnamoorthi
Anupam Kumar
Haerin Lee
Yan Li
Paula Marincola
Nicholas Markham
Ryan McGrath
Andrew Medvecz
Rachna Patel
Marta Perez
Walker Plash
Cristin Quinn
Quentin Reuter
Nishma Sachedina
Sina Salehi Omran
Sarah Scott
Monique Simpson
Shannon Skinner
Nicholas Smith
Ilana Stol
Daniel Sun
Russell Sundby
desire to serve others. For many students, this is why they came to Vanderbilt in the first place.”
(VUSM 2014 cont.)
Analise Thomas
James Tsahakis
Carla Valenzuela
Prakash Vempati
Jonathan Wolfe
Brian Wright
VUSM 2015
David Amsalem
Daniel Arteaga
Daniel Balikov
Nathaniel Bloodworth
Kelly Bouquet
Jana Bregman
Vanessa Buie
Brian Cash
Jeremy Chan
Sean Chester
Sarah Coggins
Monica Da Silva
William Davis
Gadini Delisca
Andrew Dornan
Stephen Dorner
Stessie Dort
11 Shade Tree Clinic
Magdalena Dorvil
Adeline Dozois
Hillary Drexler
Sarah Eckhardt
Gretchen Edwards
Cristina Farkas
Shanik Fernando
Stephen Gadomski
Glynnis Garry
Zain Gowani
Elizabeth Green
Fayrisa Greenwald
Katie Guess
Melissa Harintho
Brendan Hayes
Brian Heiniger
Catherine Higham
Merla Hubler
Tenisha James
Lillian Johnson
Deepa Joshi
Daniel Kashima
Rebecca Kasl
Patrick Kelly
Lucy Boyce Kennedy
Bharat Kilaru
Shannon Koh
Rosalynne Korman
Gregory Lachaud
Travis Ladner
Danielle LaMorte
Richard Latuska
Margot Lazow
Young Lee
Cooper Lloyd
Michael Maggart
Jasia Mahdi
Benjamin McCormick
Ian McGuinness
Monique McKiever
Ashley Morgan
Clinton Morgan
Samaiya Mushtaq
Matt Ning
Mobola Oyefule
Trisha Pasricha
Daniel Pipilas
Daniel Pomerantz
Edward Powers
Matthew Puccetti
Mythri Reddy
Charles Rodriguez-Feo
Meredith Rogers
Pooyan Rohani
Tulsi Roy
Richard Samade
Chelsea Samson
Vasanth Sathiyakumar
Calvin Sheng
Arnie Silverberg
Ciaran Smolinsky
Matt Stier
Kenneth Taubenslag
Matthew Taussig
Robert Turer
Ato Wallace
Lulu Wang
Kat Weber
Kelly Williamson
Denise Ye
Emily Zern
Lilly Zhu
VUSM 2016
Chike Abana
Ryan Adams
Abraham Alvarado
Ishan Asokan
Diego Aviles
Fadi Azer
Courtney Baker
Caitlin Bell
Monica Bhutiani
Joseph Boyle
Geoffrey Casimir
Katie Charles
John Chen
Paul Cohen
Perrin Considine
Matthew Correia
Jaime De La Fuente
Deanna Dickerman
Daren Diiorio
Mana Espahbodi
Cherie Fathy
Deirdre Finnegan
Catherine Garvey
Rachana Haliyur
DeAngelo Harris
Nicholas Harris
Neil Holby
Benjamin Hooe
Kristen Hovis
Ashlee Hurff
(VUSM 2016 cont.)
Rivka Ihejirika
Ebone Ingram
Kelli Jarrell
Daniel Johnson
Hannah Johnson
Laura Kaufman
Harrison Kay
Vanessa Kennedy
Jonathan Knowlton
Krystian Kozek
Emily Krainer
Sanah Ladhani
James Lee
Eleonor Leger
Robert Lentz
Michael Litt
Shawn Love
12 Shade Tree Clinic
MariaSanta Mangione
Mary Masterman
Emily Merkel
Victoria Migdal
Laura Murphy
Aaron Noll
Malena Outhay
Lindsey Parks
Kensey Pease
Kelly Pekala
Alec Petersen
Eric Rafla-Yuan
Nida Safdar
Nicholas Saltarelli
Nicholas Shelburne
Jared Shenson
Anne Smith
Justin Smith
John Stokes
Eszter Szentirmai
Brittany Tielbur
Taylor Triana
Allison Umfress
Lucy Unger
Cameron Upchurch
Mary Van Meter
Leonela Villegas
Jennifer Watchmaker
Gabrielle White-Dzuro
Isa Wismann-Horther
Kelly Wolenberg
George Yang
Tiffany Yang
Aaron Yengo-Kahn
Lily Yu
Chi Zhang
Larry Zhang
Sophie Zhao
Laura Armstrong
Courtney Campbell
Elana Feingold-Link
Kate Gurba
Mary Ellen Koran
Kevin Kumar
Scott McCall
Catherine Meador
Kelli Money
India Reddy
Matthew Surdel
Pratik Talati
Maria Tamborski
Pedro Teixeira
“Shade Tree Clinic provides the unique
opportunity to master practical clinical
skills and learn about complex diseases
processes from some very effective
teachers: the patient themselves.”
Kelli Jarrell, VUSM Class of 2016
Fundraising and Future Directions
Shade Tree is a free clinic. It is an enterprise made possible by the support of our partners and our volunteers.
It is continually humbling and encouraging to see the overwhelming support of students and faculty, as well as our
institutional partners. It is a true testament to our mission and to the value of compassion and moral inclusivity
among our health care community in Nashville. We want to thank all of our volunteers, supporters and advocates.
It has been a pleasure working with you, and we are eager to see your future contributions to the Shade Tree effort!
Shade Tree Trot
Now in its fifth year, the Shade Tree Trot is the largest community fundraising event for
the Shade Tree Clinic. Each spring, this 5K race/walk around Vanderbilt University campus
brings together members of the greater Nashville community. The morning of the race is full
of excitement as champions of community and health celebrate the mission of the clinic.
Through this event, all participants and many local businesses have the opportunity to support
Shade Tree through valuable contributions as race sponsors, individual donors and registrants.
With more than 600 registrations and raising over $25,000 in 2012, the Shade Tree Trot
is well on its way to becoming a signature Nashville event. Professional chip timing, live entertainment, and meet and greets with current Shade Tree patients provide a wholesome familyfriendly event that keeps racers coming back year after year. Additionally, students engaged in
this initiative walk away with improved skills in fundraising, marketing and public speaking
that will be an asset to them as future physicians. Patients in need are the ultimate beneficiaries as 100 percent of the proceeds go to the clinic.
13 Shade Tree Clinic
1223 Dickerson Pike
Nashville, TN 37207
14 Shade Tree Clinic
tel: 615.422.5262