Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill-175-2


Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill-175-2
VFaka Umanga (Maori
Corporations) Bill
Government Bill
As reported from the Maori Affairs
The Maori Affairs Committee has examined the Waka Umanga
(Maori Corporations) Bill and recommends that it be passed by
majority with the amendments shown.
The Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill provides for the estab-
lishment of new legal entities by tribal groups or Maori associations,
which may be structured to meet the organisational needs of tribal
groups and other Maori associations that manage communal assets.
The bill recognises the right of Maori collectives to develop their
own structures to suit their cultural and governance needs, to determine their own mandate and representation, and to do so through an
independent process.
The bill arises from the current lack of cohesion between the form
and function of existing legal frameworks and the unique characteristics that shape Maori collectives. These include the management
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
of collective assets, and regulations surrounding tribal membership.
Maori have adapted to using forms of statutory governance such as
companies and trusts, but none are ideal for meeting their overarching needs. Maori collectives are increasingly pursuing multiple and
diverse objectives, and structures are needed that can incorporate and
appropriately manage both the commercial and non-commercial activities of Maori organisations.
The majority of us recommend a number of changes to the bill as
introduced. This commentary addresses the major issues considered
and the recommended amendments. It does not discuss minor and
technical amendments.
We were advised by officials that the waka umanga, as presented in
the bill, is intended to be an option for iwi and pan-Maori groups to
consider as only one option from a number of alternatives.
The majority of us recommend the deletion of subclause 2 in the preamble and the insertion of new subclause 2, to better recognise the
importance of the Treaty of Waitangi, and its effect on the develop-
ment of the waka umanga model more fully.
The provisions of the final Act, and more specifically, the duties a
governor of a waka umanga owes to the Maori collective, will be
open to interpretation by the courts. Interpretation tools available
will include the bill's purpose, and accompanying explanatory ma-
terial, including the preamble. There is room to interpret the duties
of governors widely, implying a specific duty to future generations
and restricting the actions of governors in relation to the benefit of
current members.
The majority of us consider that the imposition of such a duty for each
waka umanga should be determined by its members, rather than by
inadvertent parliamentary direction to the courts, and this could be
achieved by removing reference to "the benefit of present and future
generations," from the Preamble.
Additionally, some words used in the bill are unfamiliar and are not
commonly applied. The majority of us consider that a number of
terms, including "waka pfi," and "waka tumaha," used as a distinc-
tion between whakapapa and non-whakapapa-based umanga will no
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
longer be required, and that the term "rananganui," can be replaced
with the more familiar term, "board."
Purposes of the bill
The majority of us recommend that the purposes of the bill contained
in clause 3 be limited to allow a more easily adoptable governance
entity to be used by Maori collectives. This would remove the need
to establish representative institutions, which have the potential to
disrupt existing iwi and hapu structures. While addressing the limitations Maori face in using existing legal structures, this amendment
will allow Maori collectives to determine structures suited to their
Consequential amendments to the bill would be required to remove
the legitimate representative provisions contained in the bill as introduced.
The majority of us recommend deleting the terms "waka pa" and
"waka tumaha" from clause 4 of the bill as introduced, and that all
references in the bill to "waka po" and "waka tumaha" be replaced
with "waka umanga". This amendment is consistent with our recommendation to remove the need to establish representative institu-
tions, which requires the formation and registration of a waka pa.
It also reflects that the bill should not exclude any Maori collective,
whether whakapapa- or non-whakapapa-based, from being eligible
to become a waka umanga. The majority of us consider that the key
requirements should be that the Maori collective be characterised by
descent from one or more t[puna; or people who are predominantly
Maori, and support Maori culture and tikanga; and the waka umanga
have as one ofits purposes the provision ofbenefits or services to the
Formation and registration of waka umanga
In line with the above amendment replacing waka pfi and waka
tumaha with waka umanga, the majority of us recommend the
deletion of clauses 7 to 14 which set out the form and registration
of waka pfi and waka tumaha. The majority of us recommend
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
the insertion of new clause 14 which sets out the formation and
registration of waka umanga.
Requirements for formation and registration of waka
The majority of us recommend amendment to clause 15 because the
process for obtaining legitimate representative status has been re-
moved and so there is little rationale for retaining the prescription
for forming a waka umanga beyond what existing legal entities are
required to adhere to.
The majority of us recommend amendment to clauses 16 and 20. The
majority of us consider that the level of prescription required in the
process to form a waka umanga should be more analogous to the
process required for existing legal forms, with the addition of a waka
umanga being required to notify its registration and provide a process
for members to comment on the charter. On that basis, requirements
for registration would be pared back to core governor consents and
declarations confirming adherence to the requirements of the Act.
This would effectively reduce prescription and compliance costs.
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clauses 17 and 18
since, as discussed previously, the process for waka pa to obtain legitimate representative status is no longer requisite.
Requirements for a charter
The majority of us recommend amendment to clause 19 which summarises the contents of a charter. A charter should remain a require-
ment for a waka umanga because it would provide flexibility for users
of the bill, and it may be tailored to suit the needs of a waka umangasubject to minimum standards. This would lessen the need for significant prescription in the Act and means that waka umanga could
adopt a level of prescription appropriate to their size and asset base.
A charter would retain transparency and accountability in the operation of a waka umanga. A members' register is considered a critical
requirement for any waka umanga. Setting out who is eligible to be a
member, and the process for determining membership and maintaining an up-to-date list of members is important when members cannot opt out of membership. Also, an up-to-date members' register
is a key requirement for the Crown when recognising the mandate
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
of an iwi/hapo to negotiate a historical Treaty claim. To become a
waka umanga, applicants would be required to complete a charter
which defines membership criteria and dispute resolution processes
relating to the assessment of eligibility to be a member at the time
of registration. The majority of us recommend allowing a period of
six months for a new waka umanga which is not transitioning from
an existing entity to establish the register and notify the Register of
Waka Umanga, in order to meet the requirements of the Act. A transitioning entity would already have a members' register.
The majority of us recommend amendment to clause 21 to provide for
notification of a new waka umanga upon registration. The majority
of us consider that the bill should provide that applicants must notify
members of the relevant Maori collective that they have provisionally
registered as a waka umanga (in accordance with the definition of
"public notice" as defined in the Interpretation).
The majority of us recommend amendment to clause 22 to provide
that in the case of a new waka umanga there be a provisional period
within which the waka umanga must establish a register of members
and hold a general meeting to adopt the charter. During this period,
governors' powers would be limited to taking actions or making decisions that facilitate the establishment of the waka umanga. This
would allow interim governors to undertake actions such as opening
bank accounts and developing key documents such as the register of
members, whilst simultaneously members could start to register and
consider the charter.
This process can be considered similar to that required for Recog-
nised Iwi Organisations, which are not given full powers under the
Maori Fisheries Act 2004, and are only able to undertake such ac-
tivities as allow them to facilitate the process towards full Mandated
Iwi Organisation status. In a commercial context, where the number
of directors or trustees fall below the quorum required under the constitutional documents, it is not unusual for their powers to act to be
curtailed until fresh election or appointments bring numbers back up
to the quorum.
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clauses 23 and 24,
which provide for variation, and declarations or review, in relation to
the charter. This would be consistent with our recommendation for
clause 20 that the level ofprescription required in the process to form
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
a waka umanga should be more analogous to the process required for
existing legal forms.
Application for registration
Clause 28 of the bill as introduced sets out the requirements for application for registration as a waka umanga. The majority of us recommend amending the clause to include a requirement for a statutory
declaration by an interim governor certifying that the charter of the
waka umanga complies with the requirements of the bill, and that the
entity is entitled to be registered as a waka umanga.
The majority of us recommend deleting clause 28(4) to clarify that
existing entities applying for registration as a waka umanga should
be allowed to do so, provided that they complied with the transitional
provisions set out under Part 5 of the bill as introduced. They would
therefore be exempt from the compliance requirements placed upon
provisional waka umanga.
Notification of application
The majority of us recommend clause 30 be deleted and replaced with
new clause 21. Clause 30 provides for notification for the purposes of
objection. There is no longer provision for objection to registration
prior to registration. Members would determine appropriateness of
entity at the first annual general meeting and approve the charter by
special resolution.
New clause 21 sets out a number of minimum requirements that the
notice must contain, including information on where the provisional
charter can be obtained, that the waka umanga is requesting membership, and how applications for membership can be made.
Objections to application
The majority of us recommend deleting clause 31 of the bill as introduced. By removing the legitimate representative provisions the majority ofus consider that the need to provide for third parties to object
to the registration of a waka umanga is removed. The majority of us
note that deleting the objection process is consistent with the formation of other legal entities, such as trusts or companies, which have
no corresponding objection process.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Registration of waka umanga
The majority of us recommend amending clause 32 to reflect our
recommendation that the objection process be removed from the bill.
Powers of board and interim governors
The majority of us recommend the insertion of clause 33A to specify that during the provisional period between registration of a waka
umanga and the adoption ofthe charter at its first meeting, the powers
of the board should be limited. In particular the board and interim
governors should exercise such powers and incur no liabilities to the
extent that was necessary to comply with the bill and the provisions
of the charter.
The majority of us recommend the addition of clause 33B which
states that a registrar may de-register waka umanga if certain require-
ments are not met. A new waka umanga (which was not an existing
entity prior to registration) must in the 12 months following registra-
tion seek the approval of the waka umanga charter by the Maori collective. The status of the new waka umanga would therefore be provisionally registered until it met that condition. All activities of the
interim governors should be focused upon the identification of members (through a register) and the notification and holding of a general
meeting for the purpose of resolving the members' approval of the
charter. If a new waka umanga does not meet that condition within
12 months then the registrar should have the power to de-register a
provisional waka umanga.
The majority of us also recommend the insertion of clause 33C
which states that clauses 33A and 33B are not to apply to registration of existing entities. An existing entity seeking to become a
waka umanga must comply with Subpart 1 of Part 5 of the bill. In
complying with Part 5 they would have a register of members and
would seek approval from members of the application to register
as a waka umanga and of their charter. The existing entities would
therefore comply with the conditions required to move from provisional to full waka umanga status prior to registration, so sections
33A and 33B would therefore not apply.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Election and appointment of governors
The majority ofus recommend amendments to clause 39. The majority of us consider that the provisions for elections and appointments
of governors in the body of the bill and in Schedule 2 could be consolidated into Part 3 of the bill, for ease of reference. It is considered
that much of the prescription regarding elections and appointments
could be left to the discretion of the waka umanga to detail in the
charter, subject to a number of minimum requirements. For example,
basic rules should be provided around how elections must be con-
ducted, the minimum number of governors required, and the notice
to be given of elections.
The majority of us also recommend the insertion ofnew clause 40(A)
to provide that the bill must state that a person who has been ap-
pointed or elected as a governor may not be the chief executive of
the waka umanga at the same time, and vice versa.
Duties of governors
The majority ofus propose amendment to clause 41 because the ma-
jority of us consider that it is undesirable to create duties for governors that are overly onerous to comply with and that may cause confusion between companies and trust law if adjudicated in court. The
governors' duties should be more clearly aligned with the Companies
Act 1993, which would also provide certainty when the statute was
interpreted by the courts. The new clause would provide a subjective
standard for governors' duties and specify that they are owed to the
waka umanga. Reference would be removed to "present and future
members," to avoid undue focus on future generations at the expense
of current members. The requirement for a governor to avoid acting
in a way that would unfairly prejudice or discriminate against constituent groups would be removed, as this could be incorporated into
a waka umanga's charter if desired, and the intent could be implemented through a proposed new provision. Waka umanga charters
could also set out or expand any other duties owed by governors. It
is possible that the courts would eventually develop fiduciary duties
to apply to the governors of waka umanga similar to those which apply to director/company and trustee/beneficiary relationships. The
duties set out under the waka umanga statute would also be likely to
affect the development of any new fiduciary relationship and duties.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clause 46(2) in line
with the proposal to remove legitimate representative status from the
bill, and the ability of third parties to object to the registration of a
waka umanga. There would no longer be a need to noti fy third parties
of an amendment to the charter in relation to legitimate representative
The majority ofus propose amendment to clause 47 because the ma-
jority of us consider that the requirements for entering into a major
transaction are too onerous, particularly for waka umanga with large
and disparate memberships. The amendment would provide that
approval of a major transaction requires a special resolution of the
members of the waka umanga, which is analogous to the requirement in the Companies Act under which shareholders approve major
The majority of us recommend the insertion of clause 48(lA) to provide that a waka umanga has the ability to enter into a lease, licence,
or profit d prendre over an asset that is classified as protected, so long
as ownership of the asset is not placed at risk.
The majority of us recommend the insertion of clause 48(5) to state
that a charge under the bill includes a security interest under the Personal Property Securities Act 1999 (PPSA). The status of an asset
as "protected," should take priority over the PPSA to the extent that
when an asset is placed in the protected assets register legally (that
is if there is a pre-existing secured charge on the asset, it must either
be discharged or the interested party must consent to the asset being
registered as protected) then it would be protected against creditors
under the PPSA. Seeking approval of an asset as "protected," will
not be considered a "risk" under section 109(2) of the PPSA, as a
"risk" under that section could have allowed a creditor to sell the
asset upon notice. Registration of an asset on the protected assets
register is constructive notice or knowledge of that asset's status as
inalienable under the Act, to any person. The Act does not limit the
PPSA as it applies to security interests registered under the Act over
any unprotected assets of the existing entity or waka umanga.
Land under the Land Transfer Act 1952
The majority of us recommend the insertion of new clause 51 which
outlines the procedure under the Land Transfer Act 1952 for land,
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
which becomes or ceases to be a protected asset. Once a piece of
land has been approved as a protected asset under the bill, that protected status must be notified and detailed on the land's certificate of
title. This would ensure that all third parties had real and constructive
notice of the land's status as a protected asset under the bill. Clause
51 provides the mechanism and power to require the Register- Gencral of Land to note the status on the certificate of titles and to cancel
that notice if the land ceased to be a protected asset.
Management of waka umanga
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clause 51, because he
majority of us consider that the requirement for a waka umanga to
have a chief executive should be optional. This would recognise the
potential range in size and assets of collectives that may use the bill.
The majority of us also recommend an amendment to clause 52 and
the insertion of new clause 52(A) because the majority of us consider that a waka umanga should have the flexibility to determine
their own policies regarding powers of delegation, contracting, and
employment as there is likely to be quite a significant variation in
their size and operations. The new clause would require the bill to
state that the charter must set out all policies in respect of management of a waka umanga.
Accountability of waka umanga
The majority of us recommend amendment to clause 53 to remove
the requirement for members' rights of access to information to the
minutes of the board. The majority of us consider that the remaining
members' rights of access to information should remain in the bill
as this is a low-cost way of ensuring transparency and accountability
to members. Comparable models (such as trusts) do not make provision for board minutes but he majority of us consider it important
to encourage open discussion when board members are making decisions. The majority of us suggest that a waka umanga should detail
in its charter where and how information could be inspected. This
means that waka umanga of different sizes and geographical spread
can adapt their practices as members see fit.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Meetings of waka umanga
The majority of us recommend the insertion of clause 54(lA) and
the deletion of clause 54(2) to simplify the prescribed requirements
for meetings of waka umanga. The majority of us consider that waka
umanga should have maximum flexibility in the level ofplanning and
reporting they undertake, and that it is preferable to make only a minimum number of documents compulsory-the annual plan, the an-
nual report and annual financial statements. Long-term plans should
be required unless opted out of in the charter.
The majority of us recommend amendment to clause 56 to provide
that procedures for meetings must comply with the charter and the
requirements of the Act.
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clause 57(A), which
outlines what a charter must contain, because specifications for board
governance are provided for in clause 37 and general meeting provisions are included in clause 56.
The majority of us also recommend amending clause 58 in order to
provide the recommendations for the governance documents speci-
fied in clause 54. New clause 58(A) sets out the requirements that
these documents must provide.
The majority of us recommend the insertion of new clause 64(A) to
provide that a waka umanga may be put into liquidation by the board
appointing a liquidator upon the occurrence of an event specified in
the charter.
The majority of us recommend amendment to clause 72 which sets
out the requirements relating to new subsidiaries and states that a
waka umanga may establish subsidiaries and in the case of transitioning entities retain subsidiaries, such as companies or trusts, that are
consistent with the long-term plan of the waka umanga. The majority
of us consider that a waka umanga that is utilised for all possible pur-
poses, although a body corporate, may be at risk of losing its whole
tribal infrastructure if it becomes insolvent. Waka umanga should be
able to utilise subsidiary companies to undertake trading activities
in order to separate governance and the operations of the govern-
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
ance entity. It would be more efficient to remove the requirement
for the board to obtain members' approval of a subsidiary policy as
required by clause 72, and instead enable waka umanga to establish
subsidiaries to meet the objectives of the waka umanga. Subsidiaries
should have to provide information to the waka umanga at annual
general meetings, and should have to enter into statements of intent
to ensure they actively align with the objectives of the waka umanga.
Meaning of internal dispute"
The majority of us recommend narrowing the definition of"internal
dispute" to issues regarding the right of an individual (or several indi-
viduals within a whanau or hai,fi) to be a member o f a waka umanga.
Clause 73 of the bill as introduced includes issues relating to membership of the waka umanga, the rights and obligations of members,
the decisions of governors or the board, or requests for information.
To include decisions of governors or the board within the definition
of"internal disputes" is considered too restrictive on the day-to-day
decisions of the waka umanga.
The majority of us recommend that clause 73 should be further
amended to allow the waka umanga to set out additional matters
within its charter for which the internal dispute resolution process
rnay be used.
Optional processes for settling internal disputes
Schedule 5 of the bill as introduced provides for mediation and arbitration processes to be available to the waka umanga among the
dispute resolution processes that can be adopted. The majority of
us recommend deleting the prescriptive provisions relating to mediation and arbitration from schedule 5 of the bill as introduced. The
majority of us consider that the waka umanga secretariat would be in
the best position to provide comprehensive advice regarding the use
and application of mediation or arbitration processes (as opposed to
including it in legislation).
Decision binding on parties
The majority ofus recommend replacing clause 75 of the bill as introduced to provide that the adjudicators' decision, following the dis-
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
pute resolution processes defined by the charter, will be binding on
the parties to the membership dispute.
Provision of information about membership disputes
The majority of us recommend amendment to clause 74 to require
the waka umanga to provide that the adjudicator of an internal membership dispute should be provided with all the relevant information,
to allow the adjudicator to consider the merits of and determine an
internal dispute. The majority of us recommend the insertion ofnew
clause 74A to provide that the person who is to determine the dispute relating to the membership of a person must be provided with
all relevant of in formation in the possession of the waka umanga.
Application to the High Court
The majority of us recommend the addition of clause 75(A) to pro-
vide that a member or former member of a waka umanga may apply to the High Court where that member considers the actions of
the waka umanga are, have been or are likely to be oppressive, unfairly discriminatory, or unfairly prejudicial to that member. This
right of recourse to the High Court is similar to the right prejudiced
shareholders have under section 174 of the Companies Act 1993. As
clause 75(A) is Companies Act-based, the majority of us recommend
that the High Court hear applications under clause 75(A) in the first
instance. If the High Court considers it is just and equitable to do so,
it could make any such order it considers fit.
The majority ofus recommend amendment to clause 75B because the
majority of us consider that the High Court should hold the primary
jurisdiction to hear applications relating to waka umanga under this
clause in addition to applications under clause 75(A). The majority of
us note that the High Court would not have jurisdiction to adjudicate
causes of actions which are covered by the Maori Fisheries Act 2004
or the Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004.
Subj ect to our recommendation that the legitimate representative status provisions be removed, the majority ofus consider that disputes
relating to mandate and representation should no longer arise under
the bill. The majority of us consider, then that the rationale for the
Maori Land Court having primary oversight of waka umanga no
longer exists. The majority of us consider that the disputes most
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
likely to arise under the revised bill will relate to the commercial decisions ofwaka umanga-matters that draw on company law and more
generally trust law and equity, which are the traditional province of
the High Court. It is appropriate that the High Court have a primary
role in adjudicating these matters. These disputes may still involve
the interpretation, practice, and application of tikanga however, and
so it would remain appropriate that the High Court could refer to the
expertise of the Maori Land Court to determine or advise on such
Applications to the Maori Land Court
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clauses 76 to 86 which
provide for the jurisdiction of the Maori Land Court in certain cases
of dispute resolution and outline provisions for applications to this
The majority of us consider that the ability of third parties to object
to the registration of a waka umanga may induce dissent and division
and undermine existing iwi and hapa structures. Iwi and hapo should
have the right to establish their own representative structures without
the interference of third parties (particularly the Crown).
If legitimate representative status is removed from the bill, there
would no longer be a need to provide for applications to be made
to the court for declarations, for review, or in objection to a waka
umanga. Therefore, jurisdiction of the court should be restricted to
reviewing the process that was carried out to adjudicate an internal
dispute, and complaints made by a member of a waka umanga that
they he or she had been seriously prejudiced by a decision of the waka
The majority of us also recommend amending to clause 87, to specify that granting injunctive relief is under the jurisdiction of the
High Court, as this traditionally falls into this court's domain. Accordingly, the majority of us recommend the deletion ofclause 87(6)
to remove the provision that the Chief Registrar of the Maori Land
Court must notify the Registrar ofany orders made under this section,
since the Maori Land Court would no longer carry out this role. The
majority ofus also recommend the deletion of clause 88 and amendment to clause 128, to remove specific re ference to the Maori Land
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Court in the light of the recommendation that the High Court should
hold primary jurisdiction over waka umanga.
Registration of existing entities as waka umanga
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clauses 95 to 113,
which provide for the transition of Maori Trust Boards, charitable
trusts, trusts, and incorporated societies to waka umanga. The majority of us consider that there is little incentive for existing entities
to become waka umanga. The current transition provisions are complex and may provide a disincentive for existing entities to become
a waka umanga.
The majority ofus recommend the insertion ofnew clauses 95 to 103
because the majority of us consider that the transition process should
be straightforward to encourage transition, and that a wider range of
groups should be able to use the model if they wish to. The majority
of us propose that approval for transition for existing entities be ob-
tained through the process that is already contained in their charters,
such as the requirement for a company to attain a seventy-five per
cent resolution of shareholders. Where there is no such process, it
is proposed that a special resolution of members, beneficiaries, and
shareholders be required to approve the transition, special resolution
should be defined as requiring seventy-five per cent approval.
Under new clause 95 the transition provisions would be extended to
provide for companies, and continue to provide for trusts, incorporated societies, Maori Trust Boards, and charitable trusts.
Under new clause 98, trusts constituted under Te Ture Whenua Maori
Act 1993 would be excluded from the transition provisions. The ma-
jority of us are of the view that they are generally set up for the specific purpose of holding Maori land, and their purposes are more appropriately governed under Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993.
Under new clause 99, the bill would provide for the transition of a
charitable trust to waka umanga status. The clause provides that the
Attorney-General would act as an independent assessor of transition.
The clause also sets out that trustees have a duty to administer assets
on behalfof a specific membership and that the Attorney-General has
a significant supervisory role over charitable trusts. The majority of
us consider that for some charitable trusts there could be significant
benefits associated with moving to the waka umanga model, such
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
as an increased level of accountability and the administrative benefits that the model provides. The clause also states the requirement
for a level of assessment to establish under the Charitable Trusts Act
1957 that a charitable trust will be able to maintain its charitable purposes, and that the purposes are not narrowed inadvertently because
a waka umanga is required to define who is entitled to be a member.
There is also specification in the clause that the Attorney-General
may approve transition, as opposed to the High Court, which could
be a costlier process for smaller trusts. Under the clause, a charitable
trust's purposes must be narrow enough to be able to identify a membership class. The clause also states that upon transition, a charitable
trust is no longer governed by the Charitable Trusts Act 1957.
By removing legitimate representative status from the bill, the transition provisions could be significantly simplified. The majority of us
therefore recommend the insertion of new clauses 100 to 103 which
outline the transition provisions for different types of entities. The
majority ofus propose that mandated iwi organisations should be able
to transition to waka umanga if they wish to do so. If the transition
provisions were simplified as proposed, then a Maori Trust Board
would be able to follow the same transition provisions as any other
organisation. The additional requirements for a Maori Trust Board
arise from the role of the Minister of Maori Affairs under the Maori
Trust Boards Act 1955. These would include the approval ofthe Min-
ister of Maori Affairs, and the requirement for the Governor-Gencral to make an Order in Council. The majority of us note that a
number of Maori Trust Boards have their own enabling legislation
or unique provisions within the Maori Trust Boards Act 1955 which
give them specific powers, duties, obligations, and restrictions, such
as the power to negotiate Treaty of Waitangi claims with the Crown.
Some of these provisions could be retained or continued after transition. The majority of us consider that the Governor-General should,
by Order in Council, and upon the recommendation of the Minister
of Maori Affairs, retain certain provisions of the relevant Maori Trust
Boards legislation.
Amendments to other Acts
The majority ofus propose amendment to clause 132 of the bill which
distinguishes between waka pa and waka tumaha. The term "waka
pa" would be replaced with reference to clause 14 that defines the
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
criteria for a group that "descends from tapuna" to become a waka
Schedule 1
Subject to our recommendation that the provisions for a waka pu to
obtain legitimate representative status would no longer be required,
the majority of us suggest that Schedule 1, which summarises tribal
groups with mandate recognised before the commencement of the
Act, be removed from the bill.
Schedule 2
The majority of us recommend that Schedule 2 be removed from the
bill. The Schedule sets out the requirements for a charter for a waka
umanga. The majority of us consider that the bill in its current form
is long-winded, and the governance and management specifications
in it may appear onerous. The charter remains the key governance
document, so the majority ofus recommend that most of the requirements of the charter be retained and moved into the body of the bill.
Schedule 3
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clause 1 of the Schedule which outlines requirements for general disqualification from eligibility of a governor. This would be in line with our recommendation for clause 39 of the bill that much of the prescription regarding
elections and appointments can be left to the discretion of the waka
umanga to detail in the charter, subject to a number ofminimum requirements.
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clause 2 of the Schedule which outlines the waiver of general disqualification in order to
reduce the prescription in the bill and to align it more closely with
other models.
The majority of us recommend an amendment to clause 7 of the
Schedule which outlines how a waka umanga may indemnify or effeet insurance cover, to state that this must be in relation to the extent
authorised by the waka umanga's charter. This would require a waka
umanga to place a minimum standard for insurance and indemnity
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
proceedings in the charter, but allow discretion in the detail of that
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clauses 11,12, and 13
of the Schedule, which outline procedures for meetings of a board,
in line with our recommendations for clause 56 of the bill, to provide
that procedures for meetings must comply with the charter and the
requirements of the Act.
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clause 20 of the
Schedule, which describes inspection of information that can be
made available to a waka umanga, in line with our recommendation
for clause 53 of the bill that would remove the requirement for
members' right of access to minutes of the board.
The majority of us recommend thatclause 21 of the Schedule, which
outlines requests for information, be moved to clause 53(3) of the
bill. This is for the reasons of consolidation given for Schedule 2.
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clause 22 in Schedule 3 of the bill which states the limits to availability of information;
because the majority of us consider that the bill should state that the
charter may set out any limits regarding the availability of information.
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clauses 23 and 24 of
the Schedule, which discuss the appointment and status of committees, in order to reduce the prescription in the bill and to align it more
closely with other models.
The majority ofus recommend the deletion of clause 25 ofthe Schedule, which outlines the role of a chief executive in line with our rec-
ommendation for clause 51 ofthe bill that the requirement for a waka
umanga to have a chief executive should be optional.
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clauses 26 and 27
of the Schedule which outline contracting and employment policies
in line with our recommendations for clause 51 of the bill and also
clause 52, requiring that a waka umanga should have the flexibility
to determine their own policies regarding powers of delegation, contracting and employment, as there is likely to be quite a significant
variation in their size and in the nature of their operations.
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clause 28 of the
Schedule, which details the communication and consultation policy,
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
in order to reduce the prescription in the bill and to align it more
closely with other models.
The majority ofus recommend the deletion ofclause 29 ofthe Schedule which sets out a privacy policy, in line with our recommendation
for clause 16 of the bill that the level of prescription required in the
process to form a waka umanga should be more analogous to the
process required for existing legal forms.
The majority of us recommend the deletion of clause 30 in the
Schedule which provides notice requirements for meetings of waka
umanga. This is in line with our recommendation for clause 56 of
the bill to provide that procedures for meetings must comply with
the charter and the requirements of the Act.
The majority ofus recommend the deletion of clauses 31, 32, and 33
in the Schedule, which outline key governance documents for a waka
umanga, in line with our recommendation for clause 58 of the bill
which sets out the requirements that these documents must provide.
The majority of us recommend moving clause 34 of the Schedule,
which states that a board must provide to the Registrar an annual
return, to clause 126 of the bill. The majority of us also recommend
that the clause state that an annual return must be provided to the
Registrar no later than six months after the annual balance date.
The majority ofus recommend the deletion ofclause 36 ofthe Schedule which states the contents of distribution policy in line with our
recommendation for clause 58 of the bill, which sets out the requirements for key governance documents of a waka umanga.
Schedule 4
Schedule 4 of the bill as introduced sets out provisions relating to the
operation of subsidiaries including the appointment of directors, the
duties of directors, the performance-monitoring requirements, and
the requirements and purpose of the subsidiaries' statements of in-
tent. The majority of us recommend deleting Schedule 4, as it is not
necessary to set out in significant detail the operation of subsidiaries
as they will largely be governed by their own Acts. Furthermore,
while a statement of intent can provide useful planning information,
some information contained in the subsidiary's statement of intent
might include details regarding the operations of the subsidiary that
the waka umanga did not wish to bc made public. The majority of
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
us note that clause 72 of the bill as introduced sets out some require-
ments relating to new subsidiaries established by a waka umanga.
Schedule 5
The majority of us recommend amendments to Schedule 5 of the bill
as introduced which outlines optional processes for the resolution of
internal disputes to state that "kairongomau" may have access to the
minutes ofthe board in considering an internal dispute. The majority
of us consider that the concept of including an internal dispute reso-
lution process in the charter of a waka umanga is a key policy principle underlying the development of the bill, and that waka umanga
should be provided with as much assistance regarding this process as
The majority of us recommend the deletion of Parts 2 and 3 of the
bill, which outline processes for mediation and arbitration. These
options are already available to the waka umanga under clause 10 of
the bill, which states that a mediator can be appointed by the parties
to the dispute or by the person designated to do so in the charter. If
the parties consent, an internal dispute may be referred to arbitration
under the Arbitration Act 1996, as specified in clause 17 of the bill.
The rights ofthe parties are limited to those under the Arbitration Act
1996, as specified in clause 18 of the bill.
Schedule 6
The majority of us recommend the deletion of Schedule 6 of the
bill which outlines requirements for applications to the Maori Land
Court. In line with our recommendation that the Maori Land Court
share concurrent jurisdiction with the High Court, the majority of us
consider that the jurisdiction of the Maori Land Court should be removed from the bill.
National Party view
The National Party believes that this bill should not proceed.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Maori Party view
At the first reading of this bill, the Maori Party raised a number of
substantive questions about the value of this bill to hapa and iwi and
the effects it may have.
Questions were raised about the inadequate legal structures imposed
on hapa and iwi during settlements and we asked if the model proposed by the bill would be sufficient to address those inadequacies. In
particular, we made the point that the proposed waka umanga legal
entity derails the possibility of haI)u and iwi developing models of
governance consistent with and expressive of tikanga Maori and tino
rangatiratanga, and having those models duly recognised. We suggested that a more productive solution to current inadequacies could
be found in Crown recognition of Maori governance entities, as formulated by hapo and iwi.
The Maori Party was very interested to hear the views of submitters, and voted for the bill at its first reading to ensure that the views
of hapft and iwi could be heard by the Maori Affairs Committee of
Parliament. We note that our concerns about rangatiratanga and due
recognition were also very much top of mind for hapa and iwi.
Given the substantive concerns and opposition voiced by hapa and
iwi on the Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill, the Maori Party
cannot support it.
More work is needed to resolve the inadequacies of current legal
structures. For any such programme to be fruitful, it will need to
proceed from a kaupapa-Maori basis, and also address wider concerns with Treaty settlements policy.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Committee process
The Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill was referred to the
committee on 11 December 2007. The closing date for submissions
was 28 March 2008. We received and considered 15 submissions
from interested groups and individuals. We heard eight submissions.
We received advice from Te Puni K6kiri.
Committee membership
Dave Hereora (Chairperson)
Dr Pita Sharples (Deputy Chairperson)
Christopher Finlayson
Hon Tau Henare
Hon Mahara Okeroa
Pita Paraone
Hon Mita Ririnui
Hon Georgina te Heuhcu
MetTria Turei (non-voting member for this item of business)
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Key to symbols used in reprinted bill
As reported from a select committee
text inserted by a maiority
text tleteteel hy :r mzrintk
text deleted tmanimously
Hon Parekura Horomia
¥aka Umanga (Maori
Corporations) Bill
Government Bill
Part 1
Preliminary provisions
Purposes of Act
Act to bind the Crown
Part 2
Establishment of waka umanga
Subpart 1 -Key concepts relating to waka umanga
Status, capacity, and powers
Status, capacity, and powers of waka umanga
Formation and registration ofwaka umanga
Formation and registration of waka umanga
Subpart 2-Requirements for formation and registration
of waka umanga
Essential requirements
Essential requirements
Membership of waka umanga
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Charter ofwaka umanga
Contents of charter
Notification after registration
Adoption of charter
Subpart 3-Registration of waka umanga
Registrar and Register
Registrar of Waka Umanga
Register of Waka Umanga
Contents and purpose of Register
Requirements for registration
Application for registration
Notification of intended registration
Preliminary consideration of application
Registration of waka umanga
Certificate of registration
Powers of board and interim governors limited until
Registrar to deregister waka umanga if certain
section 22 complied with
requirements not satisfied
Sections 33A and 33B not to apply to registration of
existing entities
Change of name ofwaka umanga
Change of name of waka umanga
Direction to change name
Amendments to charter
Amendments to charter
Part 3
Governance, management, and other matters relevant
to registered waka umanga
Subpart 1-Governance of waka umanga
Board is governing body of waka umanga
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Requirements relating to the election or appointment,
disqualification, and term of office of governors
Appointment of governors
Person may not be governor and chief executive at same
Duties of governors
Duty of governors to act in good faith and in best interests
of waka umanga
Exercise of powers in relation to employees
Power to be exercised for proper purpose
Governors to comply with Act and charter
Reckless operating
Duty in relation to obligations
Governor's duty of care
Use of information and advice
Register of members
Disclosure of conflict of interest
Obligation of disclosure
Scope and method of disclosure required
Consequences of benefit or interest
Major transactions
Policy relating to major transactions
Requirements for entering into major transaction
Protected assets
Inalienability of protected assets
Protected assets register
Amendment of register
Land under Land Transfer Act 1952
Subpart 2-Management of waka umanga
Management policies
Method of contracting
Subpart 3-Accountability of waka umanga
Communication and consultation
Registered members' rights of access to information
Meetings Of waka umanga
Annual general meeting of waka umanga
Special meetings of waka umanga
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Procedures for meetings of waka umanga
Governance documents
Key governance document of waka umanga
Charter must contain certain provisions about board
meetings and meetings of members
Other governance documents
Requirements for other documents
Appointment of auditor
Subpart 4-Voluntary administration
Voluntary administration
Purpose of voluntary administration
Administrator's role
Application of Part 15A of Companies Act 1993
Application of section 239AB of Companies Act 1993 to
subsidiary of waka umanga
Subpart 5-Liquidation
Resolution to put waka umanga into liquidation
Appointment of liquidator by board
Court may put waka umanga into liquidation
Application to Court to appoint liquidator
Application of Companies Act 1993
Appointment of interim liquidator
Vesting of surplus assets
Directions relating to Land Transfer Act 1952 land
Subpart 6-Subsidiaries
Waka umanga may have subsidiaries
Part 4
Dispute resolution
Meaning of internal dispute
Charter must include dispute resolution requirements
Provision of information about membership disputes
Decision binding on parties
Prejudiced members
Lack of quorum and actions inconsistent with Act or
Orders that may be made for purposes of section 75B
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Transfer of proceedings from High Court to Maori Land
Striking out applications
Injunctive relief
Appeals to High Court
Scope of appeal rights
Hearing of appeal
Powers of High Court on appeal
Appeals to Court of Appeal
Appeals to Supreme Court
Part 5
Transitional provisions for existing entities,
establishment of Waka Umanga Secretariat, and
miscellaneous matters
Subpart 1-Registration of existing entities as waka
Limits as to effect of registration
Meaning of existing entity
Obligation of authorised existing entity to register as a
waka umanga
Authorisation to register as waka umanga
Ordinary trusts
Charitable trusts
Order in Council required before registration of Maori
Trust Board as waka umanga
Effect of registration as waka umanga
Continuation of certain provisions of Maori Trust Boards
Act 1955
Final accounts of existing entity registered as waka
Matters not affected by registration
Other transitional matters
References in documents
Records and registers
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Subpart 2-Taxation and duties
Taxes and duties
Continuation of declarations after registration of Maori
Trust Board as waka umanga
Subpart 3-Waka Umanga Secretariat
Establishment of Waka Umanga Secretariat
Function of Secretariat
Subpart 4-Enforcement provisions
Offences and penalties
Administrative penalties
Power to impose administrative penalty
Defence to administrative penalty
Reference to High Court
Subpart 5-Regulations and miscellaneous matters
Service of documents
Service of documents on waka umanga
Application of Maori Fisheries Act 2004
Amendments to enactments
Amendments to other Acts
Schedule 3
Further provisions on governance, management, and
accountability of waka umanga
Schedule 5
Optional processes for resolution of internal disputes
Part 1 cl 3
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
(1) The Treaty ofWaitangi established the special relationship between the Maori people and the Crown:
14 it *s ti,crefr,re appropriate to prov* 3 mochamsm for tire
fmation and recognition of +90 entities to represent tribd 5
yrotrps aM other assocatms of **01 as s mem,s of ex=
rresshre the +egat +clentity of those /4/.t grot,17/ mrd *4*014
5=06772& New *ca+an socety; for present myd
futtlre yetterstme
ill The Crown recognises the importance of that relationship 10
Lai developing a new form of legal entity based on the
unique characteristics of Maori collectives; and
*1 providing a further mechanism for Maori collectives to
establish a legal identity within New Zealand: 15
The Parliament of New Zealand therefore enacts as follows:
1 Title
This Act is the Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Act 2007,
and may also be cited as either-
(a) the Waka Umanga Act 2007; or 20
(b) the Maori Corporations Act 2007.
2 Commencement
This Act comes into force orr 4 Beeember 2000 8 months
after the date on which it receives the Royal assent.
Preliminary provisions
Purposes of Act
The purposes of this Act are to-
ta) al th, d, v Jupinwil uf i ,pi,3,iilati v , illatilutivi fi
tribat grotrps or Maor* ns,ociations throtrgh irrdeperrd= 30
unt, piiniiplid, mid Jvuiubial;. ptuk,33,4 mid
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 1 el 4
0, promote stab#itymid +eg# certainty for tribat grmirs
and Alavi; aajuiial;unj wid ivi LIJJ rert§es «,1,0 trans=
set witl¥ thenT; ma
te# pi v v il. <: piu.&- fu .A1,1luiialli, 1161l <uid i.npunsH,Hities of thcconsttnent grours of : waks ommyga; 5
te» facHitate the .ff..Cv. management of the commtma+
cui uf lh, li 11.,al atuup ul rviaut I a,u,tal,un, and
te, protde for interna+ dispotes to be resdved as farms
rossibte w#thtn trb# grottrs and M*00 assocations; 10
¢8 pn,v ;J. fail dull:,< Lu tliu Luul 6 in lulatiull lu fullinativir
cuid 1,61:'lial;un ;a:,u,3 and wiiwi Llik di:,putu iuvlutivii
pivultlui ful ilil.111(41 JiXpulkA lic:vE Livl EULLLGJLJ.
ial provide basic and adaptable requirements for the incor- 15
poration, organisation, and operation of waka umanga
on behalf of Maori collectives; and
ikl define the relationships between waka umanga, governors, and the Maori collective.
(2) In order to achieve those purposes, this Act provides for- 20
taf) tlib futillatiuiltlild 1.61:,lialluil u f w aka uniatisa ful Lill,al
swupE alid tviault altubtallutit, alii
ti» tl)16 1.663[iativii vf LAIAL;1165,1,lil;LE aa w aka uiiiansa, ctiiJ
t# a waka pu tv L. tlik liailnucilk liptikillativi ufili lilbal
grotrp for any matters defined for that rurpose in the 25
eharter ofthe waks re; and
tr» governance reqtr*rements to be indudec tn the darter
of every wairs trmang:r anel
te, rrocednres for the resottltion of +nterrm+ difpntes that
mise in the course of forming or sdrmrristcriyg er Maira 30
uittailsci, ai will £13 au.38 Lu Lliu uvull3.
f the formation and registration of waka umanga; and
f,!8 scope for Maori collectives to determine structures
suited to their circumstances; and
f£1 minimum governance standards for waka umanga. 35
4 Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,
Part 1 cl 4
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
administrative penalty means a penalty that may be imposed
on waka umanga by the Registrar under subpart 4 of Part 5
adult means a person 18 years of age or over
annual plan means the plan required by section 58(1)(b)
annual report means an annual report required under section 5
annual return means a return provided in accordance with
clause 34 of Schedule 3
board means the board of governors of a waka umanga
(a) means the constitution of a waka umanga, as provided
for in subpart 2 of Part 2, and
(b) includes-
(i) the charter as amended or substituted from time
(ii) if the context requires, a draft charter
commissioner mcans a person appointed by the €ourt under
section 86(2)(*)
communal assets-
(a) means assets owned or otherwise held by, or for the 20
benefit of, a triba+ groor or Maori assoc*ation; as the
case may be Maori collective; and
(b) includes assets of any kind that are designated under the
charter of a waka umanga as protected assets
constituent group means,- 25
4 +rprt*ttion tr, 7 w:ries r'B; ·grottm or m*t of r,rgant.r.tirm
strch as a aper,r com12*nation of hark maraer tama,=
herer MT tatirra 041+144 as rroved for tn the charter
of the waka vt
th, u.,lalivu lu a w aka lunialia, anulliW Al<tul 1 diavik liuii, 30
113 piuvid,J lut Ill ll, Cliculw uf lh, waka lui,talla
£21 in relation to a waka umanga with members descended
from tipuna or tupuna, a group of people such as hapu or
combination of hapu, marae, taurahere, or takiwi (district), as provided for in the charter of the waka umanga: 35
ik,1 in relation to a waka umanga with members not descended from tipuna or tupuna, another Maori collective, as provided for in the charter of the waka umanga
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 1 cl 4
constitutional documents, in relation to an existing entity,
means the trust deed or rules adopted for the governance of
the existing entity
€OUrt inicui tlik rviaui; Lcuid Cuuil
director has the meaning set out in section 71 5
dispute resolution process means 1 or more procedures for
the resolution of internal disputes set out in the charter of a
waka umanga, as provided for under section 74
(a) means, unless otherwise specified, a body corporate or 10
trust; and
(b) may, in relation to a subsidiary, include a partnership,
arrangement for the sharing of profits, joint venture, or
similar arrangement
existing entity means an entity that represents a trH,3+ group 15
Maori collective, and includes an entity that, at any time, is
authorised under subpart 1 of Part 5 to register as a waka
financial statements has the meaning it is given in section 8 of
the Financial Reporting Act 1993, as if the statements related 20
to an entity within the meaning of that Act
governor means a person who is a member of the rettangantr
board of a waka umanga, as provided for under section 38,
and includes, if relevant or unless otherwise specified, an interim
incorporated society means a society incorporated under the
Incorporated Societies Act 1908
interests register means the register of the benefits and material financial interests required by section 44(1)
interim governor is a gervernor whose ar·romtment +5 pro, 30
tded for hy the charter 0 8 waks m„anga person who is
named in the charter of a waka umaniza as an interim Rovernor
in accordance with section 39(2)
internal dispute has the meaning set out in section 73
*'4 Mritinetiftttre m*gm,*sation *ras the memting 2 ts gn·en m 35
3.2 Livii 4 vfllib fviao, i Cuuunw Lial Aquaiullui L Clainic, Sittlement *et 2004
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 1 cl 4
kairongomau means a person appointed to assist in resolving
disputes, if the dispute resolution process set out in Part 1 of
Schedule 5, or a similar process, is adopted in the charter of
a waka umanga
Icailillial, i ,-p,(,Cl,lati,c, ill lul<ilivit tv a vvdka pa, inlcull Llit 5
wdca 1,5 that ts the iblvibkiiitalivi of the tribd grotTr for the
iliallki J.filitd ful tlial puipuJu ill tllu Gliculli vf ll waka pa,
:ts rrovrelee* for m eeetions 9 to 44
loial dulliui ily lia3 ll,i rniditifia il ts given & section St» of
t+rei=oczE G UVL1 11111L1 I , Act
long-term plan means the plan reetttird by referred to in section 58(1)(a)
major transaction is a transaction provided for in accordance
with section 46 and the charter of a waka umanga
mnmk¥ter} bvi m·ganisstirm +Ins the mearnny tt Ts grety m 15
sect*on 5 of the rviaud 17;1dw, tct 2004
Alaul ; daaut;atiull inwu a 11,11-ll ;Lal sluup vf Jvlavi ; lilall 11(13
the vttrH,trtes set r,nt tly,eetion 44
Maori Trust Board has the meaning it is given in section 2 of
the Maori Trust Boards Act 1955 20
Maori Trustee has the meaning it is given in section 4 of Te
Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993
meeting of the waka umanga means an annual general meeting or special general meeting of a waka umanga
r<:*,u, .c lh. pul,1;.l;un Ly lital nun. ;0uud 1,y Li. rvi-o; 25
And eomt
protected assets means land or other tangible assets of a waka
umanga, as provided for under section 48
protected assets register means the register required under
public notice means a notice that-
4 Llib Si v ki uf Llik Iivliik lida ikaunal,lk Biuundi lu Lilik v b
w 111 ibabli all 61 6 3 ul,alm tcil pu pu livii vf llivji vv llr s
106;tilliall lillbitkl 111 ;6 .viltwit, and
(b) is published in a newspaper or other public media gen- 35
erally circulating in the relevant area or areas; and
(c) may also be published in print or electronic media; and
Part 1 cl 4
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
(d) complies with any requirements for giving public notice
that are-
(i) set out in the charter o f the waka umanga or proposed waka unianga; or
(ii) imposed by order of a court 5
register of members means the register of individual registered members of a waka umanga required by section 42 my*
for the rmrerses of section 46*+Mb). tne+Treles n Frerririr'Mt
regtiter of members
Register of Waka Umanga and Register mean the register 10
required by section 26
registered member means an adult registered as a member
of a waka umanga in accordance with the provisions of the
charter of that waka umanga
Registrar means the Registrar of Waka Umanga (Maori Cor- 15
porations) required by section 25 and includes any person
appointed to act on behalf of the Registrar
IC ull dil sallul ilit<:11 1 Llit BU V Li 111116 1-,Udy uf llit w aka Ullialisa
*prein* ernrn,*tat*ve prorerres memts ti,re rroccelm,cs pro=
v;JEd fui 211 lill tliallw vf a w<,lul unialls<' ;11 6,,Lvid,uLE willi 20
st,belmise t'16) of Sehedt,le 2
special resolution means a resolution approved by a majority
of 75% or, if a higher majority is required by the charter that
higher majority, of the votes of those registered members en-
titled to vote and voting on the proposal 25
subsidiary means(a) an entity in respect of which the waka umanga has(i) control, directly or indirectly, of more than 50%
of the votes at any meeting of the members or
controlling body of the entity; or 30
(ii) the right, directly or indirectly, to appoint more
than 50% of the directors of the entity; or
(b) an entity that is a subsidiary of another entity that is
itself a subsidiary of the waka umanga
t:rtrrshere memm mT Miociartion of members of er trfbe *17 5 35
locat*on mrts* the tribat arca
Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Limited has the meaning it is
given in section 5 of the Maori Fisheries Act 2004
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 1 cl 5
lik«:dik rn.,ti lh. .ulvni,uy v<,lu., arld rractmef of er trH,m+
group by w li1 ,uid
<311 VV] 1<)2It
Lilialf a w alici uniausdio fvnii.J
freaty of Waitang* daim means n iTTstorics* *reaty e+sim
made tmeler the T 1 Lcl ly
of Waitmmt *ct +995 and *Id rides er
Ciaitii tliat iiiay iivt liavi 1,60 lodaid w illi, likaid, vii,-puilid· 5
dn Ly tliu '6'<ilaiia; Tiil.uiial, Lul i Llik aul,jibl vf iauliatioti
between the erm,vrrm,el the e+8*mants
T. Idly acttlcnic,il uitily niwin dii uility Llicil lia, i.u,I v id, ui
ha Looii appi v v id Ly Llik Ciu wit lu .i v u, Tiutly uf Vv'ailcuisi
tl ibal al fa lilkalll lill 6.uslaplliu (11&0 doovw,tlld w Illi d
l ill.j
gruup, wliulliui vi nul il 13 .Abiui, v. tv tlial Liital Siuup
ti ;bal Al uup 111Lani a gluup iutllpi 16 1 ui niviu Iw i ui liapu
trust means a trust to which the Trustee Act 1956 applies
7.dka pG tituuia a waka unictiia, iks;ilwid for s liil,al jiuup, 15
8 piuv id.d for by sections e to 44; m** for the puq,u,u> of
st,bpart 2 of Part 2,
ill.lud&3 d plupvJ.J waka pa
WNICS *ti,mtita
s wate mrrm¥gs regfitere for & *3014
assocint*om as providd for trmier section 44; and f& the
prrprIes of st:bpart 2 of Part 2; ilycltreles zr FirT/,ed rvalca 20
waka umanga means a Maori corporation collective registered under this Act as ether er waH 1,5 or s «,aks tnmahs
and, for the purposes of subpart 2 of Part 2 and (unless the
context requires otherwise) subpart 3 of Part 2, includes a 25
proposed waka umanga.
.Alkmfqnum=Mi genealogy
whangs* turs the memrnrg +t +5 2*rerr +17 necr,re}myce rrth the
Likantsd ufllii li;Lal Esivup, aa niay l,u piuvidid fui iii tlic cl,dite of a waics trmmmT 30
5 Act to bind the Crown
This Act binds the Crown.
Part 2 el 6
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2
Establishment of waka umanga
Subpart 1 -Key concepts relating to waka
Status, capacity, and powers 5
6 Status, capacity, and powers of waka umanga
(1) A waka umanga is-
(a) a body corporate with perpetual succession; and
(b) a legal entity in its own right and separate from(i) the trba+ prottr or Mftor+ assocatb„ Maori col- 10
lective by which and on whose behalf it is formed
and registered; and
(ii) the individuals and constituent groups of that
tribat group or Maot nssociatonMaori collective.
(2) For the purpose of exercising its powers and performing its
duties under this Act, any other enactment, and its charter, a
waka umanga has(a) full capacity to carry on or undertake any business or
activity, do any act, or enter into any transaction; and 20
(b) for the purposes of paragraph (a), full rights, powers,
and privileges.
(3) The charter of a waka umanga may contain provisions relating to the capacity, rights, powers, or privileges of the
waka umanga, as long as those provisions do not exceed the 25
capacity, rights, powers, and privileges conferred on a waka
umanga by or under this Act.
(4) No governor, registered member, or employee of a waka
umanga, by reason only of being a governor, registered
member, or employee,- 30
(a) has any rights or interest in the assets of the waka
umanga; or
(b) is liable for any liability of the waka umanga.
Formation and registration of waka umanga
f.# types of waks trmangs
A waka ullmiga tlial 6 i]Jint.J and lus;e'l.lud Ly
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2 cl 9
4 5 tril=+ 5177117 +1 7 wab pft; anel
tb a Niaori abubialivii in a waka Lutiialia.
A waka Unimisa niay 1,,u D uuilituwil siuup vvilliin-
ta mtother walcirtmmi,gr or
ilt another 4 5
+H+7 pR
I-U l „M UU„ 1,¥d 1 F*;, 1, di;u„ Uf ,vales pfr
11 160ivid#3117<112aeI,leinidaA;rvy'l:plconfmon
nanre/* m,cesterc mT:1 10
tb tliu waka pa willl,ulillvililliulial ilkl vii l,klialfufllil
Liital Sivup ui di,y Lvii,liluwil aivup, dii,1
4 therc & s mm,elatc to *,rm a waira 1,5 from the trH,3+
5uup mid cuiy bunilituinl Sivupb, and
te» ll,J.vtil iMuii.iii.til, of th*s *et mr met 15
QUalititalluti tu RJU ltlittlialt I Lpi Latlldln-'
* waks 1*t nmy bc the tegitimate i.vi,.willi v of a tribat
group and any Lvi,lituint Sivup if, but viily if,«0 It Luniptio 1 vi niviu iwi ui aiviial liapa, ciild
fb# ft hotels commtmd
*¢sets rm
beha*f of the triba* grom, 20
Of any Lutiatituuiil aiuup, vi i:, likily Lu Ju Eu fulluwiiia
a Tticity vf UUitansi Jutllunnl, arid
te tlic titall,iJ vii winili il ii lu uu Llik lisilitiialu iuptuikiitatire of the trHmt grorip are de#ned inits charter; brrt
wii,kii niuit nut iia,ludi ilialliia iblaling lu tlik dilivkiy 25
vi Jubicil 3.1 v ibi lu Llik 1.61)luiud uibiiibii, u f Ilik w aka
1* m,6
ic» ft ims & mmtdatc from the trtbt grom, and any con=
stitttent grours to be their teg,tintate i .pi .u,t<,ti v lt¥
iilativii tv tl
1& 1111
Llki 3 Jifinid iii Llib blicti ILL 30
Iii Lliia iuu livii, iucial 1 vicia inuluilbi Llib dili v Liy vf 3.1 v i.ki
lib<iltli, Lilubcilivii, liuuiia, <uJ
Milillcll JLl V lbLJ.
Tliu ulicii Li uf a waka pa inay pi u v idi Llial a Luiilituiiil 61 UUQ
or other 51FF ts the tegtimate bpi Lb.ntal; v i of timt con=
Jlitutill divup ul ufllit till,al 61Uup lut Litall.113 d.filild ful Ilial 35
purpose Ar the charter:
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2 cl 10
To a v uid clvul,l, a waka pO iliay undii Laki Llik Jili v Liy vf iuiicil
ser,hees ter theregfitereel members of the wale, rft, btrt mnst
uvt & lai 1 11 Lu 1,& tliu lisiliikiali 1 Lpi LEbillali v u vf Llib li il,al ai u up
+17 relatrm try those servcer
Eff£<1 vf 6:lu, . 1,Aili„,«,1£ „p,£<*,1«,t„,> 5
A p.11 Jun vi Luily Llial w ili,6 Lv li aiinabl vi v tl,vi vv, 3, dual w i,ll,
s li ;Lal aiuup vi cuiy uvii,lituwil 51 Vup of that tribat grottp Tn
folativii lu tlib titallw fvi w likili tliu waka pa i:, ll, lusiliiiiati
ttplubbillalivu litay Ju u unly willi-
W a ivilituitil Sivup vi vllibi atuup, if piuvidid fwi under
section 9(ar
*ezftf,note Tep,rsenmffre:rmms» pmpo:se Rf
,%,jutiutins tu til T,uty uf 11 UL unaL L«LUENE
oidiu:, uf h:ailittialf lipi .3.11,<ill,F 111
14 1 waka pft Ts the lisiliiiialk i kpiiunlal; v i of a trlba group
fvi Llic puipu:,i uf wilwins iiitv iiiauliativiio tu 3,1.Ll, a Tiw,ty
uf Uilans; Llaini willi Llik Civwii, tliG Civw ii inu:,l nul i,CsoLiali vi Jilll& with any ullibi puiavii vi Ludy Lidiiiniia tv ,&91.-
awil Llib liibal Sivup iii iklativii iv Llial ulci;iii, .AL.pl <i <,ulliol- 20
I<Ld Ly Lliu waka pa iii aukuidaiiuu willi ili ulictilki.
To avvid Juul,1, iivlliins 111 LliiA ALL tiyu,ike,4 tlic Civwii Lu libauliali in lilcilivii Lu, vi :,illl., d Ttidly
5¥ 4,23*tcerg rAZArrn rr
ft * 0* *0 9,02„, 0,;Me ·Eyin*ted to dea th & 25
Tredm r'Er 'in #ation to matters tmder the Maor* F+511=
eries *et 2004 or the Maor* Cuuintiibial *ettraettiture
eaims Settlement *ct 2004; ttness the waira l'fi has
been recognised as a mandatd n,VT organtiation or Art
ciyuakullutu uicutialivii, cla the casentay b·c 30
Erception for triir:* grm,ps .vith mandate recognised
1,cfu, c Lui,ii,ic„ic,i,ciil uf this *et
An al Llib Eviiiinwwnint uf ll,ix Aut, tlii kiitilib diid pwiun:,
+isted m the seeend eolt,mn of Schedule + inre n man=
dat. 1.Lusli;lud Ly Llic Cluvvil Iv billki ;litu vi .Ulilinu. 11&8Oti- 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2 cl 13
ations xtth the €TrnrM to settt the TILdly vf'6'ditaiis; datnTS
uftl icle v <uil li ital 6uuv lialud in il.4 first eele,Innof that
0n» rt mmTdateel entity or Fersorr referrerl to +Tr subsection
M may apply to register s walcaly& with n clmrter that pro, 5
v*des thnt it Er the legitinlate i.pi.,.„l<,liv. of the reformlt
Liil,al Siuup fui tlik pui pu:,u uf tikyutialiiis lu A.Lll. Llib Tibaly
of **Whof thst trH,3* grotirr
St:bsection R d uu:, nul cipply if, al cuiy liink, tlii Ciuwii willi-
diciw ila liuusiiitivii vf tliu kiiaudcilk ibil,.iiud lu iii i..Lu==i:v., 10
For tire rtrrpose of st,bseetion B# the €rown withdraws its
1 (Cosii; Livii uf a inatidalk If Llik i.,pu11321,1. fvliii;J lii 3 6 i V U liutice to that effect
A the ense of trild grottrs with named mandatd renons 15
+rsted m the second colt,mn of Sehedt:*e + tf + err more
of tliv a. pw avi,a cuk "v lunsii cd'li Lv <,il, Llik uiandcili fui ll
Llibal Bluup illay uvillillut 111 Llil liallilt Ufllik Othet ilidildalud
persons of that tribat gromr
+Ty thr¢ section end sect*on «D-- 20
notice ment,5 er nutnx-
4 +TY the Gu..clic, mN}
tb irl a 11.wpal'.1 Ul ullill public inudia Swiu<1113 killulaling tn the reterant area or areas
resp'01,9«7*e Ministers means t+re M,Tristers *, trmb the 25
mythor» of mly warrant; or +th the mrthorty Of the frme
rvitlllLt, cu. t.punl,1., c Lh. .a:,. nty L., fortrrt the frehn+rrt'trat+ryrr of thts *re
84 ll,L 1,Lauticil
1Ull V
f Tiwily vf nUitaiia; ulailiis.
Tlii Ebutivii vvin;Jia sections
beept*Oly fur triba* grot:ps,vith mandate recognised
B to 41 30
after rommeneement of *et
*hE section arriks to er tr+bd grrmr ff the €rr=c sfter the
uu.nuu-.-iunt uf tifs Al,-
ta} Tecognises; in accon*anec with st,bsection Mi the 35
niandalc vf a bii lani uutily vi p.13,uj Lu H.Suhal, willi
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2 cl 14
the erm,vn to sette the *reaty of *tang am.
timt trH,mt protrir m,d
84 does not «'*tlydraw fts recogint,OTT ilt <tv J<u. with
stibseetion (St-
01Tly ur mamlatct} ct¥t» or l'crsotr refeTreel to iTT st,bseetien 5
t*) 1,Tmy apply lu fvini cuid 1,6,Elii a wcika pa fui ll,L iklivaiil
tribal 61 vup willi a dicii lui Llial pi uvidic, liial i l ic, Ll ik 1.6 i Li i,ialu
i.p,Lowl'at; v. v f li,4 liLL,1161vup ful Lli. pulpvbh vfi.Svlial;115
fllib blbal glvup.
Ticaly vf UUitaiia; ul
rui lh. pupu. uf st,bsectien t.)(a), a mandal. lituL- 10
ta be 'ity 'wr+ting, and
tb state the nsmes of the Fersons or entes to ·wl,om the
mmit,M +M ENT mle}
¢4 Jvsci ilge tho li il.cil ai vup tlicil lida ai v Lii Llib nuuidali Ly
lilli L ILLX
to the constitrzent grours of the tribalgr¢mp; 15
(0 state the *reaty of Waitang* dainm that the mandate
al'F to; am*
4 deser*e the process by widelt the mandate was ob=
t8 nul Vul tlit l.lint <uid ally .undiliuill uftlit ilidlidatk, dild
11 LE Jiaiiid and Jcilid Ly Llib pitvi vi wililib lu wliutii
tlic kii<uidaiti lia Lubii ai v .11.
Vol thi puipu,L, ufs:,bseet*on t**a), the €row!t recom*ses
a mandalk if tlik ,Lapviiibli rplinilw, Ly nulibi,-- 25
f:r) set rmt; ir stm,mmy fmm; the matters rcritrircet for ar
rn=inte br st:bseetion 13* mt
ib tlclt. tlicil Llit Ciu vvii .Lusii;ALA lill ill<,lidall.
forthe puipv,3 of subsection (1 )(L), ll„ Cn,vv n w , ll,urnvv,
its recogintion of 2 mandate ff litu „pui,Il,lu MI„ILu Siv. 30
notice to that effect
TlrTS ,..liull u vul[1 J..1 sections 6 to 40-
*i7*ry ftmm*cy
* walcattrmal,3 may; +f the retevant recftrhtments of t!*s *et 35
an, INL, L. fuuu.J and ics;LwEd fu, a Nlavii at:,uwal;un-
Part 2 el 15
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Vulutt 111&111Jbit u ilvt CLjublit 11Jilt /1 bvillillull li i c,Ir
wlivAQ 1111111,1311;p It pludulll;lialilly fvlavli, ai<J
tlial ouppui 6 rviavi 1 Lulluic and lik<uisa, and
that has commtmMEnsse* ma 5
vvliu, puipUEL 13 lu piu v Idl a idils& uf 3&1 v ill:, Ul LcincAts for its commm*
14 Formation and registration of waka umanga
A Maori collective may be formed and registered as a waka
121 the members of the Maori collective descend from a
tipuna or tupuna; or
the members of the Maori collective do not descend
from a tipuna or tupuna; but-
ill the members are predominantly Maori; and 15
(ii) the members support Maori culture and tikanga;
(iii) the purpose (wholly or in part) of the Maori collective is to provide services or benefits to its
Subpart 2-Requirements for formation and
registration of waka umanga
Generot Essential requirements
+15 Nuti,-c uf i.,1...liui, lu fut ki, 2,0 1 cl;i,lci ..dka u.1.<,i.ad
+f rr tritd grm,r; 'N+Sor ssroe*rt*ory; or mr e,cisting ent*ty tn= 25
tci13 lu fln,11 <unt i.5tut a w<Lka ullil<ulga, 1l niual w,ou tliat
tlio pkiutia Llisiblk Lv 1,0 nibuil,ki uf Lliu lia.cil aiuup, rviaui i
*¢re,etatterrr; err erts/Trry
Lily -
*4 mt noti*ed of that intenton by any means conscrec
tb, cuk iliddi aw<ui ufliuvv lu pailii;pate in tliu viu..ai.
Essential requirements
A waka umanga must have-
tal a name; and
f!21 15 or more registered members; and
Part 2 cl 16
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
El 3 or more governors; and
fs!1 a charter; and
El a register of members.
Subsection (1)(b) is subject to section 16(2).
Rcal&tri Uf ilicilit,ct 3 uf vfakd Ultlailga 5
Before a chrter may be cons+dered for adoptiorr tmder seetien 22, Llib ti il,al sivup vi Jviavi i ciiukiativiI, di Llib Laa. indy
·be; mtrst-
ta 6; v. pul)1;u livt;Lt vf, alidillultl applk,al;Vill ful, 111.111bers'*r of the wnic:r trmnrrgs; 7*17(1¥ fri.17/7+ anet re», 10
tere* me
84 .unp,1. a p,v v ,iviial,Lailii of ntembers ofthe ·waka
Besplte st,bseet*en t*); +Emr erstng ent» seele* to be
registerei 11 5 rvalcs t,mar,53 comp+es rrth the re+evzmt re= 15
Munwnints ufsubpart 4 of Part 5, tlicit i juffibibiil lu Eatij fy
the reqtmtments of tms scetforr:
Membership of waka umanga
The charter of a waka umanga must-
121 set out the criteria for the membership of the waka 20
umanga; and
f!8 set out the process for determining the eligibility of persons for membership; and
icl specify rules relating toill the privacy of information on the register of 25
members; and
(ii) the form in which the register of members is to
be kept; and
(iii) how the register ofmembers is to be made available for inspection. 30
A waka umanga must establish and maintain, within 6 months
after its registration, a register of members in accordance with
this Act and its charter.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2 el 19
Ple,el-1 Ujitt, tu lt+I·t, UlmJfbrtim grOUT,
P ' '-' «4 u ii tc, for %, h <, livn of,vaies 1,ft
This Eibliuii appli.6 lu a li il,al 61 uup w ialiints lu Lisilii a w akd
If tliE liiL,il aivup ia i,vl 1.preawilid Ly <uiy Lnlity, il
L vii-
paru, uvlify, cuid <,JvpL a cluutci iii „u,J,u& will seeteens
49 to 22-
Iftlik l;Lal sivup 23 ivvikki,LIJ Ly aii LAilius wilily, Wl inust-
04 rttpare; notify; <uid adupl a uliculw iii ak,vid<uiLL willi
sections 49 +022; m. 10
tbi comply W+th the Te+cvm't rroviMM"irr of st,bpart 4 of
Part 6-
·BC,pite subsection 9* 0 the trit# grom, 5 represented by
a liiandalid I wi visainacilivii, iwi aquabulluli visaii,Acilivii, ui
Tibaly ikillbitiwil wilily, il inuil
ply wkli thi i.1v,uil piu= 15
rrs-rons of st:bpart 4 of Part 5-
p, ts, tllut:it for Teg,st,trt*on Ff *faor*
WU U V# Ii,* I I
Pi e cqui,Ik fu nzai,h «diu„ u f ..k.* Lu.h<,
*4*s sect am*es to a Mftor Mssoeon that m#50/be 20
registcred 78 5 wile:T ttrmahm
If th rviavii aauiatiuu invt 1.91.3.Illud by aln,Aialms nGLY;
il knunl piip<uv, livlify, and adupt a Lliculli 111 c,obvidcu,LE vvillt
section, 49 to 22-
ff the Mao* assoetattn ts represented by Mn eocisting entty; 25
ft mtist comply with the retevant prortsions of st,bpart 4 of
Part *
Charter of waka umanga
Contents of charter
The charter of every waka umanga must; AT addit*on to pro, 30
viding fu ll
il 1/1(1
LlwE i.Munurl by Schedule 2;-
(aa) state whether it is a Maori collective under section
14(a) or (b); and
(a) define the objectives of the waka umanga; and
(ab) describe the area in which it operates; and 35
Part 2 01 19
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
A.1 vul tli untii;a fbi tiiii,il,biliip describe the persons
who are eligible to be members of the waka umanga;
in the ,<13. u f d widi tw fut ci vv cika 1,3;i» descr*e the triba+ grom, anel any constitoent 5
Irrotrrs ·by ,.1-.i.,nx. try + ryr l'nore .rl,ceste,rr
sharcel whtricarztra; maracT or other trar#tiont
criter by wi·,+ch the trfr.2 prom, may be +elen=
ti*e* and
50 dehne the matters on «Aweh the-Waks pu l#H be 10
the +egi0mate Ic.p,6,61, t.,livi of the trH,rrt grrmlr
6*5 Jifin. auy niallitA fui wlii,li a iviinl;lubiit 51Up,
or any proposed snbstdiary ter be cstabits*cr by
the walca re; ts to be tile +egitinlate ,vivaw,6- 15
ti-ver mr1
111 LL .c,al vf a Eil<u tw fu a waka Luilialia, J.3.1;l,u-
i» theeriteris hy lvI#ch the *Sor* asirriation may
be recognse* md
80 tlic aLa vvliwillii vvdka luiiialia vvill upwali, diid 20
ft* tlric ul.jibl;;
V & V
flliu waka luinalia tlial dik fui tlic
bene#t offts con,n,trnity or 'ft,r *1*or+ 6„,wally,
ul ful a Eputifild siuup uf Iviauli, Culd
setorrt the proce= by which the yovernors or +nterim
governors of the walca trmanga are to be .1.. l.cl or m'= 25
pvhilid, ak tlik La:,i indy L., wlibll& lu0 tlii kliulivii uf suvkiiivia cilll,k litiiullial Llik bliaiter Ts .trffr* 01,
fit) tlkc appuhdu;ul ufpunun3 6 6, Inlun,u avvwnors;
set out the process for registration of membership of the
waka umanga; and
specify the names of the interim governors; and
set out the process by which subsequent governors of
the waka umanga are to be elected or appointed; and 35
provide for a dispute resolution mechanism in accordance with section 62, and
if required, provide a process for classifying assets as
protected assets for the purposes of section 48; and
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2 cl 20
(ee) provide a process for the amendment or substitution of
the charter, subject to the provisions of this Act; and
(ef) set out clearly how any surplus assets of the waka
umanga will be distributed on a winding up, subject to
the provisions of this Act relating to protected assets; 5
(f) provide for all other matters required by this Act.
*+Te eharter cons,#ted on mycler section E mtrit *Te+trele +rt=
funn<:livii Vil liv vv Llii Llidi lii W ill LE liulifid and advplvd.
Difuib a iliailit lilay Li nulifiul undii seetion 21; the trrhz,+
sluup, Jvic,Un CLEEULiCiliwil, ull .Atalills willy (ullill Lliall Cl lillalirlateel ·nvt Orgmston; Avt aquaettittyre mgmytistrr; *Tenty
Auttlunwil uilily, ui waka uniatiaa) inul Const:*t on the char"
t» wiyerethe charter ntay be*:,p„l,J, and
ti» the detafts of pnbi meetings where the charter
r#H be *setrsse* and
8*5 wlibii mid liuw Aul,iinJMuni lilay 1.,i 111Ju ull ll 20
charter and
tb iiillik iciak vf ciw alia pu, piuvidius iupib:' ufllib wiculki
and livt;.Lo vf m..Luisb trt0 Culy billity Llull i.vibblitlb lill balill 6 11,£11 61UUp Ul
00 mly entes represent§ng trba+ m,otips whose
bitd area ts ad#acent to the ares of the triht
sivup undoilakiiia Llik Lunoult<,livii, ciLd
1*0 :my proposed const/1/Tent grottrs of the wab
fc) Ull liquil, piu v nliug a iupy uflliu bluu Lw lu any adulli
dtgtbte or +Heely to be ettgthle to be members of the
mricr tIT'mmyr =1
1&&&1¥ 11ly alld tullld&11115 JULUU-nib vii LL Jicti lul.
:Meetings cot,vettec tmeter thts seettn mtrst 1:,e he st tintes 35
alld 211 plillu liial tlik li;l.al Sluup, tviaoil aljuiIalluti, ut u/LIALng entty *,eHeves; my reasonab*e grotmels; wiH Fern*t s strb=
Part 2 cl 21
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Al,uilial pivpvi livii vf lliu puu,uit bliail,lo Lu 1.,u inwiil,ui uftlib
rvale:r trmangs; r,T +Hee+7 to Ile; to atten*
Not*freation of charter
Wilety the rot,sttatorr rrocess reqtrrer§ by section 29 has
1.,iwi .vuiplit,J, Lut LifviLL thu kliailit indy |Ju aduplid utiduii 5
section 22. the trH/3+ 5,Trirr Mftor+ rr/sortatifyrr. rr existing
enttty 1 1 1 ul l-
ta fial;AL ud 65vi pul,1;& nulmi ofthe iliai lu, and
¢10 un ,Mu,.ol, nutk,,u,n,.3 vf the charter avaHabic to any
adull ilisibli lu 1,unwiibbi vf Ilib wakci uiikaiiaa· 10
A .upy vf Ilik dicii lii inujl L. piu v :dEd totzy# the tnt*tter mlet corr'bittreT'rt grotrps ter TrthrHT fl'Trrfr ryf
the .haill vv .1. piv villd undu section 20¢4*6* and
tb iti tl
f Llii kliailki Li a waka pa,-
t0 tliblvial aulliviiliillicit vpwcili in tlibliil,al aikci, 15
tie TE Oliu K,d rviun Tul„ Lhnitud, +fthe „ka
178 ts seelcing to be the +egitimate liplikullotivi
of tire tr+ba+ srottr +rr respect of Mftor+ commer=
Lial fi:,libi;w, ui aquakulluti ailivilikE, aiid 20
5*0 the M+T#ster of ·M·*or+ *f·rr
In tivlifyius Llik rviinGtii uf tviavi; Affaii 3, a liil,al Sivup inul
auvie,i wliutliki tliwi cuu, cuid if Eu, Llii dilaila of,-
¢20 ally LAiblilis buillitillual ul :,puttal Lutt:,ullli vL alialistiliwilt Lulwbuil .Aibllits unlilibl ul piuputud LunAltluutil 25
sivupt aild ally J.pal lillunLJ wfllik pul-.hu X.I v «u listed
iii Suln,duli 1 uf Llii Slal, Sku.vi Aul 1988, <iiid
tb ally asi.&111&116 i.abliLJ vvillt ally .untlitullit Sivupt <6
Lu wliibli wilily kiplu:,knG Llik liil,al Sivup Vii pailiiuldi
Notification after registration
As soon as practicable after the registration of a waka umanga,
the interim governors of the waka umanga must give public
notice that the waka umanga has been registered.
i specify the persons who are eligible to be members of
the waka umanga; and
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2 cl 22
1!51 invite persons who are eligible to apply to become
niernbers; and
El specify where application forms for membership can be
obtained; and
15!1 specify where application forms for membership should 5
be received; and
@ specify how a person may obtain a copy of the waka
umanga's charten
A copy of the charter must be provided in 1 of the following
ways as requested by the person wishing to obtain a copy: 10
121 by delivering a copy to the person's address; or
ik) by emailing a copy to the person's email address; or
El by making a copy available for collection.
The waka umanga may charge for providing a copy of the
charter, but the charge must not exceed the reasonable cost of 15
providing it.
**Optilm Of drarter
* waim tmlm,53 may nelort a charter rmly +f the charter Er
adopted by s speeint ma#orig the bativt for «4*ch mtrst be
no less stringent d 1,111-
00 9596 of those blitillbJ 'Lu v ULL cilid v UL,115, vi
tb a p.i.kiilas. 511&tlki Lliaii Ju /0 111 Laili uviial;Lubitl gioilp
of tne Tvotka rmrer'prs re
4 a tomi*nation of the baHots deseribd +TY paragraphs
fa) and (14, abluns a, 1.li, .ff.vt i uu l.„ Alius.iil llu, 25
either of thrme baHotr
Adoption of charter
A waka umanga must, by special resolution at its first gen-
eral meeting held after its registration, adopt (with or without
modification) the charter included in the application for regis- 30
tration under section 28.
The first general meeting must be held-
121 after the waka umanga has established its register of
members; but
iN within 12 months after its registration as a waka 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2 cl 23
Not less than 3 months' notice of the waka umanga's first
general meeting must be given to each member of the waka
444775711;mr r?frhm*r
At any liink 1,,Lfv,L ci Llicit lii ia i,ulifibil undii seet*en 24: the
ivibvant hital Bfoup, Maun d:,Jubialam, vi LAMUns wil;ly4 may: nt its discret1mr, rmy the eharter; 11 +ong as the
Constrltat Frocess recttrred by section 20 & fol=
luw.J fbi dity 46.L<ul vd-al;un, <1.J 10
44 mirst ·vary the eharter ff reedl,ed to de, Er, by theeourt
111 1Ltpullbu Lu Clti appl;LCILun tul JLL<lialluill vi luvitw
trt,der section 24-
IippILUUU,UJU, dedu, ut;une, r,r 7evre'or
24 DE,-1«u«:Gu„, u, *Ivic - iii *.1.,tiv. lu .1,<u ter 15
Appl,w,huno n=/ L
4 11-laUL
lu Lliu Cuui t &11 diuvidanii w itli-
tr Beetion le; for tleelarat*nTs TrlatH,g to therfr,rn,MtOTT
of a wah p* or
tb section ·79, lu li Vil, W tlik piu.33 uffuitiialiuii aud the
charter vf n wde tymangs: 20
Subpart 3-Registration of waka umanga
Registrar and Register
Registrar of Waka Umanga
There must be a Registrar of Waka Umanga.
The person holding office as the Registrar ofCompanies under 25
the Companies Act 1993 immediately before the commencement of this Act is appointed to be the Registrar of Waka
To the extent that it is not inconsistent with this Act, Part 20 of
the Companies Act 1993 applies to the powers of the Registrar 30
as if every reference to(a) the Registrar of Companies were a reference to the
Registrar of Waka Umanga; and
(b) a company were a reference to a waka umanga; and
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2 el 27
(c) a director were a reference to a governor; and
(d) the register of companies and the New Zealand register
were references to the Register of Waka Umanga; and
(e) a certificate of incorporation were a reference to a certificate of registration; and 5
(f) the Minister were a reference to the Minister for the time
being responsible for the administration of the€ompan*es *et +999 this Act.
CE tlic Cuuit wkib a ibibitiibi lu llit Nlaol i Land Cuui L.
(4) To avoid doubt, Part 20 of the Companies Act 1993 does not 10
override this Act.
Register of Waka Umanga
The Registrar must ensure that a register of waka umanga registered under this Act is kept in New Zealand.
The Register is to be known as the Register of Waka Umanga. 15
The Register must be-
(a) created in electronic or other form the Registrar thinks
fit; and
(b) maintained for the purposes of registration under this
(c) publicly available at all times unless-
(i) the Registrar suspends the operation ofthe Register, in whole or in part, if the Registrar considers
for any reason that it is not practicable to provide
a service relating to the Register; or 25
(ii) as otherwise provided for in regulations.
Contents and purpose of Register
The Register must include the following data in respect of each
waka umanga:
(a) the name of the waka umanga; and 30
(b) the registered office of the waka umanga and an address
for service; and
(c) the charter of the waka umanga; and
(d) the full name and residential address of each ofthe gov-
ernors of the waka umanga; and 35
(e) each annual report of the waka umanga; and
(f) the register ofprotected assets of the waka umanga; and
Part 2 cl 28
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
(g) documentation relevant to the voluntary administration
or liquidation (if any) of a waka umanga; and
(h) other information that the waka umanga, with the agreement of the Registrar, wishes to place on the Register.
(2) The purpose of the register is to provide, in a publicly accessi- 5
ble form, current information relevant to the governance and
management of waka umanga.
Requirements for registration
Application for registration
An application made on behalf of a Maori collective for regis- 10
tration as a waka umanga must be made to the Registrarft „ snon as rractcabte after the adortbrr nf the chmter
tmdersection 22; myd
(b) in the form approved by the Registrar for the purpose;
(c) accompanied by the fee prescribed for the purpose.
An application must include4 except m the casc of my m,ricattn by :tr marrelated ·iwi
orgm*satrot·r; tvrt arimrnittrre rngmT+Mattorr; r,r TiL<Lly
sctttcment entity; a cory of the charter preparc* con= 20
iuilid un, nulifivil, and aduplid inabividaubi vvill ,
tion, 49 to 22- ma
44 irr the esse ofum appfIcation by a mandated trmt orgarr
isalivii, iw i diludiulluiu uisani:,alivii, or a Tiucily settlement entity; conmation that +ts const*tma+ tloctr= 25
mento vi ilidi lii buingly, vi nul,olaiilially Luinply, witli
thts *Ct mlrl
i!11 a statutory declaration made by an interim governor
ill the charter complies with the requirements ofthis 30
Act; and
(ii) the Maori collective is entitled to be registered as
a waka umanga under this Act; and
(c) the physical address to be used as the registered office
of the waka umanga; and 35
(d) a postal address and address for service for the waka
umanga; and
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2 el 29
(e) the full names of the persons dected to be interim govemors st the time «+rerr the charter rvis Retr,rterl or of
tlivk wliu aik appuiiilicl lu L. inlwiui avvbii,v,o; and
i8 3 J..1,u<,l;Un al to the nunlvi vf nmnigij Ul the pre7*5+ona+ register of members comt,Hed tmder section 5
46¢4*bk :mel
(g) a statutory declaration signed by each person named as
5 an interim governor, setting out the matters required
by subsection (3); and
th strmetent evideneethat the charter «,M adopted by the 10
specia* majority defined for the prm,ose in the Lhcu l,i,
11 rre,veled for tmder section 22; mre*
i!11 a copy of the charter certified by a governor to be the
charter notified under section 21
t) any ulhw nullw i.,ui.J Ly ll. R.ail u. 15
Each governor making a statutory declaration under subsection (2)(q) must declare-
(a) his or her full name and place of residence, date and
place of birth, and record his or her consent to be a
(b) that he or she is not disqualified from arromtment or
from holding office as a governor under
clause 4 of
Schedule 3 the charter.
fo mro*# dvULL,-
f* sections 96(2,; 40212}7 4*712}; mid 44-*He} rerfmre 25
my diting entity 51'13*ying for registration as a waka
uniatila lu i„Lludi additiviial Jubuliiwil willi ila applicatenT for re*Straton; and
ib) section 29¢4*d} ,&4uiiia adilitiviial kiifuniialivii tv bc
rrovided to the *egistrar by a mandatec trit t,rgan*mr· 30
#ORT Ar# aermTedture organ*Inhir and *reaty sette=
niwil unlily apply ;1186 fui 146;liativii aa a waka unimisa.
Notification of intended registration
Preliminary consideration of application
The Registrar must be satisfied that- 35
(a) an application received under section 28 complies
with the requirements of this Act; and
Part 2 el 30
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
(b) the name proposed for the waka umanga(i) is not identical or almost identical to(A) the name of any registered another en-
tity registered under another enactment,
including a waka umanga; or 5
(B) a name that the Registrar has already re-
served and that is still available for registration under the Companies Act 1993;
(ii) is not, in the opinion of the Registrar, appropri= 10
ate offensive; and
(c) the use ofthe name would not contravene an enactment.
te» hlitlii bcii vi <uncuidatuiliwi viscitiialivii,i w i dyuciiulLuti viaailifaliolk, O, Tiuily aulllditiwil wilily,t» ile, Luiililutiviial Jukuinwil vi Elidi lii Luniply, vi 15
oubilaiilially uviiiply, vvilli Lliia ALL, and
i0 ft ims s Fr,4*ey relating ter major transactrms. 11
reelmred by sections 46 and 47-
(2) For the purposes of this section, the Registrar may seek the
guidance of the Chief Registrar of the Maori Land Court. 20
(3) If the Registrar is not satisfied that the requirements of subsection (1) are met, the Registrar may(a) refer the application back to the applicant for amendment; or
(b) request further information from the applicant. 25
Notifiention af application
tf the ·1*egistrar ts s:rtished thnt the reqtri,f,Ments r,f section
29(4} are met the itegistrar m·tmt pirc T'lotice TTr trecorelance
wfth st,bseetion (2) that; tm+ess 2, nryttee of r,+,jeetion ts re=
re»cd tmeer section 01,
tli. p,vpu.d vv<k< uin,uiaa will L. 30
reglstered nniter section 325#
Tlic nulibi ibvu;tud undii st,bseetien t*) n#,st be rubtshed
ta e+ectrot*e *,MT¥ 01¥ 5 pULl;bly <ill.JJ;1,1. v¥LL:,;IL oftlye
RLS;Atuii vf 'Wak<i Uii,cu,aa, and 35
fb} the fai,d of the eMMiTt
for the Xmroses of titts seettom the *egistrar may seele the
suid<ui uflli. ClilofRsilicu vfllii Cvuil a3 lu wli,ll,w Lliwi
Part 2 cl 32
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
nre persons m ent*tes thmt mtist be not+fied +M ne}r<thotr to the
nul;&. 5, v .u undw
st,bseetien (2*
0bjections to registration
*prticattns maybe made to the €otrrt *n accordance with 5
section 02; object*ng to the +ntendc registrat*on of ir Maira
Tli. R.SiLial lilul liul wil.1 cui appl
1Lctlll)11 111
Lli. R.siolor of
Waka thyrangs or Bsne er L.1 Gfi.al. Of registratiorr tmics, Or
tmtit ·he or she ts notified by the €91*ef ·1*egistrar of the ermrt 10
ilial Ll 1&
vt,jiilivii liab 1.Lull willallavvil vi
Registration of waka umanga
Kno object.ns to the reg*stration of a walea ttmanga m·e re=
ul; v Ld Undli section 34- v, ill,ill th& bplt;fild l;n, vi Llily all 15
withdrawn or res#ve* When the Registrar is satisfied that the
requirements of section 29(1) are met. the Registrar must(a) register the application by entering the details of the
waka umanga in the Register of Waka Umanga; and
(b) issue a certificate of registration. 20
Subsection (1) applies subject to section 100.
As soon as practicable after the registration of an existing en-
tity as a waka umanga, the Registrar must provide a copy of
the waka umanga's certificate of incorporation to--
121 the Registrar of Companies, if the existing entity was 25
a company within the meaning of the Companies Act
i!21 the Registrar of Incorporated Societies, if the existing
entity was-
til asociety incorporated under the Incorporated So- 30
cieties Act 1908; or
(ii) charitable trust board incorporated under the
Charitable Trusts Act 1957:
1£1 the Attorney-General and the Commissioner for Inland
Revenue, if the existing entity was a charitable trust: 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2 el 33
15!1 the Minister of Maori Affairs, if the existing entity was
a Maori Trust Board:
1Ej the Charities Commission, ifthe existing entity is registered as a charitable entity under the Charities Act 2005.
As soon as the Registrar of Companies or the Registrar of In- 5
corporated Societies receives a copy of a certificate of incor-
poration under subsection (1), the Registrar must remove the
existing entity from the appropriate register under the Companies Act 1993, the Incorporated Societies Act 1908, or the
Charitable Trusts Act 1957. 10
As soon as the Charities Commission receives a copy ofa cer-
tificate of incorporation under subsection (1), the Commission must amend its register of charitable entities accordingly.
Certificate of registration
A certificate of registration issued under section 32 is con- 15
elusive evidence that-
(a) all the requirements for registration under this Act have
been complied with; and
(b) on and from the date of registration stated in the certificate, the waka umanga is registered as a waka umanga 20
under this Act.
The certificate must record the registered name of the waka
umanga with the suffix "Waka Umanga" or "WU", or "Maori
Corporation" or "MC" which, whether in full form or abbreviated form, must be used on all official documents of the waka 25
After the commencement of this Act, no person may be incorporated or registered under any other enactment or in any
other manner using the terms "Waka Umanga", "WU", "Maori
Corporation", or "MC" as a suffix or immediately before the 30
word Limited.
Powers of board and interim governors limited until
section 22 complied with
On and from the registration of a waka umanga until section
22 is complied with, the board and interim governors must not 35
exercise their powers, nor incur liabilities or enter into agree-
Part 2 cl 34
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
ments on behalf of the waka umanga, except to the extent necessary to comply with section 22.
Registrar to deregister waka umanga if certain
This section applies to a waka umanga if, by the close of the 5
requirements not satisfied
period of 12 months after its registration, it has not complied
with section 22.
At the close of the period referred to in subsection (1), the
Registrar must remove the waka umanga from the Register of
To avoid doubt, on removal ofa waka umanga from the Register of Waka Umanga, section 6 ceases to apply to the waka
Sections 33A and 33B not to apply to registration of
Sections 33Aand 338 do not apply to a waka umanga if it
was an existing entity authorised under Part 5 to register as a
waka umanga.
Change of name of waka umanga
Change of name of waka umanga 20
If a waka umanga wishes to change its registered name,(a) it must-
(i) apply to the Registrar in the form approved by
the Registrar for the purpose; and
(ii) pay the fee prescribed for the purpose; and 25
(b) the requirements of sections 29 to 33 apply with any
necessary modifications.
A change of name(a) takes effect from the day that the certificate is issued by
(b) does not affect the rights or obligations of the waka
Legal proceedings commenced by or against the waka umanga
under its former name, or that might have been commenced
or continued against the waka umanga under its former name, 35
Part 2 cl 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
may be commenced or continued against it under its new
Direction to change name
If the Registrar believes on reasonable grounds that a waka
umanga should not have been registered under a particular 5
name, he or she may serve a written notice on the waka umanga
at its registered office, directing the waka umanga to apply to
change its name in accordance with section 34 not later than
3 months after the date on which the notice is served.
If the waka umanga does not comply with the notice served 10
under subsection (1) within the specified time, the Registrar
may select, and enter on the Register of Waka Umanga, a new
name for the waka umanga.
If the Registrar enters a new name on the Register for the waka
umanga under subsection (2), he or she must issue a new 15
certificate of registration for the waka umanga.
Section 34(3) applies to the registration of the new name as
if the name of the waka umanga had been changed under section 34
Amendments to charter 10
Amendments to charter
Any amendment to, or substitution of, the charter of a waka
umanga must be notified to the Registrar within 10 working
days after the adoption of the amendment or substitution of
the charter by the waka umanga. 25
To avoid doubt, amendments to the charter, or a substituted
charter, are of no effect until they are notified to the Registrar,
as required by subsection (1).
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 3 el 38
Part 3
Governance, management, and other
matters relevant to registered waka
Subpart 1-Governance of waka umanga 5
*fmm,gnmlt Board is governing body of waka umanga
Every waka umanga must have a Tenangannt board to exercise
the powers and perform the duties of the waka umanga under
this Act and the charter of the waka umanga. 10
The rananganm board(a) has the authority and the powers necessary for the purposes of subsection (1): and
(b) is accountable to the tribd grottr or M*or* association
Maori collective on whose behal f the waka umanga is 15
formed and registered.
A i alailgallui inull havL tlit nunil,u uf 6,vwuvil aptlifild Ii1
the ehatter m,rter stibelat,se (4) of Gehedule 2-
*governor hotds 0+Hee for the term irect#of tty the charter
tmderst,belat,se «» of -- 9/ 20
Schedule 3 6 vul fuilliii pi u vioivik iklatitia lu tlik au v ililalkCL, 111Culasbilitill, Cuid dbluuill<:Lilily uf a w aka uiliculsd.
Governors of rfmangamfi
A natural person who is not disqualified from office under this 25
Act or the charter may be a governon
Before election or appointment, a governor must(a) give written consent to being a governor; and
(b) make a written statement that he or she is not disqualified from being a governor. 30
Except in the case of an interim governor, ss prov,ded for in
secton 39(2* every governor must be either(a) elected in accordance with section Bet+) the charter;
Part 3 cl 39
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
(b) appointed in accordance with section 40 and the charter.
£*rfirm mm nprof,7tment
**ection of gorernors and mypointment of interim
Tlic Lliblivii uf suvuitivia inul 1,& Lunduutid(14 „i ciovviddiibi willi Llib piuviivii uflliu uliaili, , di,J
ib tn the ease of the *rst governors of ar wate m¥mngs;
t» at tlik liLL. that tlib Lliailki 13 aduptid, ui 10
40 +f +nterm yovernors mt mirnintd tmder sEll,
section (2*L), uvt lal,i Llian 6
111U1 1
tlii aftii Llii
date of regtratim, of the Maira trmanga tmder
st,bper* 3 of Part 20 ami
th whe„ 2 25
mAL LApliLS:
UFLIllut b LLitil Ul u
00 as soon as Fracticablc after a vacancy
al,scs ryrr
the i unausanui, u.1.33 the p..ud Of time before
tlik i,LAL Likilivit ii 1.33 Llidii 1 yicii, vi cuiy Jlivilii
tnuu tlial Lliu Lliai Lii Iia, Jp.Lify. 20
Pcl'son:, niay L. appund.Jiv L. inlwini au v .iuvu, eitherta Ly vuluu uf b.1115 111&1111,.13 u f Llit 6Uvbil,Ills Ludy Ufall
extittg entity nt the #me whety arptikMt+rm ts made to
1.Bill.1 litu w aka uniallaa ullilli
section 20- r,r
tb) hy the tribd grom, st the time whety the eharter ts 25
Il i Llib l,(13. u f C,il UA &3 lins Litlity Ll lal Luuu 111 a w aka un icuisa, ; f
ililli tin su v killult cll. cippund.J undw subsection FIR/7,4 arr election ts not rcqtred tmtH the date wherrthe next
e+ect*1717 wotrt# imvt beerr +re+d tmder the governarree 30
aliallskillulita uf {lial uxialius kiltily, 1.,Ut
tb, ;fllib LA;Jllils tillity ll<,A livl liold Cul ullutivil ful ;LA SUvwintiS Ludy within Llik la:,l 4 yu<,12, an ulkilivii inu:,l Lu
hek* 11 gun.d byst,bsection t**b*--I
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 3 cl 39
Requirements relating to the election or appointment,
disqualification, and term of office of governors
The charter of a waka umanga must set out-
i{Q the criteria to be taken into account for the election or
appointment of a governor; and 5
211 the matters that disqualify a person from holding office
as a governor, being at least the grounds that disqualify
a person from holding office as a director under section
151 of the Companies Act 1993; and
El the minimum number of governors required, which 10
must not be fewer than 3; and
2!1 the term of office of governor (which must not exceed
4 years) and the maximum number of consecutive terms
a person may serve as governor.
The charter of a waka umanga must also set out- 15
£81 the names of the interim governors; and
f!51 whether governors are to be elected by members or constituent groups, or both, of the waka umanga; and
El how much, and the manner of giving, notice of the election of governors is required; and 20
15!1 the requirements for nominations for election as governor; and
1£1 the method of voting; and
21 the process for resolving disputes relating to elections.
If a governor dies, resigns, or is removed from office, the office 25
becomes vacant, the vacancy is an extraordinary vacancy, and
the following provisions apply:
fhl an extraordinary vacancy must be filled by election or
appointment in the same manner as the vacating governor was elected or appointed; but 30
f if the vacating governor's term of office had less than 1
year to run (or such shorter period as may be specified
in the charter) the remaining governors may appoint a
replacement, whether the governor had originally been
appointed or elected; and 35
icl a person appointed or elected to fill an extraordinary
vacancy holds office for the remainder of the term for
which the vacating governor was appointed or elected.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 3 cl 40
40 Appointment of governors
The charter-
(a) may provide that up to 25% of the maximum number of
governors may be appointed rather than elected; and
(b) if it does so, must specify how governors are to be ap- 5
pointed, including the
iliallki J
set MIt m st,belm,se (*)
of Schedule 2--
ill who may be appointed as governor; and
(ii) how a person is to be appointed as governor; and
(iii) the role and powers of an appointed governor. 10
Person may not be governor and chief executive at same
A person may not hold office as governor of a waka umanga
if the person is the chief executive of the waka umanga.
Senererl Duties of governors 15
Genernt dtrties
Evwy guvuinvi, wliwi ailing ax a Suvwnul, limil44 net +Tr good*tth; for proper rnrposes; ard b amarmer
that the governor ims Trasonabte grotmds to ·bdieve ts
tri the best *,terests of the present and futmt members 20
of the triba* grotrr or M*01+ assocation that the walm
tTmanga ttpresents; m,d
th) not contravene; or earmethe walm trmmygs to eontr:r
Vene; Lli. i.,tuLL,n.nle, vfti,+5 7*et or the Ll<ul., of the
rvales trrnmmr mre} 25
te, 3742 acting in s way that won*chmfati# Frejudke or
disuiniinalk asaint <uiy Lunlilubul sivup vf ll& waka
ttmang* M,dess the governor bet<Mves on reasonabte
grounds that ft ts , &&&6<uy to so set in the best inter"
uJLJ uftlik ttil,al givup viiviavii <Lajuwalivii cis B wliulk, 30
te» taire reasonabb sters to piiveritt» the btrit,yess of the waks 'nmangabeing carred
vii m cl 111111nw that 23 liklly lu Laut. E.i;VUJ lv
to 11,& waka unicuisa vi ilm EL,Jilui 8, vt 35
¢M) th. waka unimiaa fiuni &#unhis ut,1;5,l;un3 liial
Tt cannot perform:
Part 3 cl 41D
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
111 LAw ,&321125 liik pu w &18 <uid pu fun,Jus Llio lutiulanio ai,J dutir-1 Of 5 yOVert,r,r: 8 177.e7./r,r n,U .t--
ta baLiliAL th, uu v, Jilisw,&&, mTd sicie that s ressonsbt
gor,er,for r:·rmid -, vk-· m the sm,Te d-u»l,uic .
Laknis uilv ciuvuiil, dj appiupi ialk,- 5
i» ll,Q ucitu vf Ll,& waka uiiaiia<t, ane
(ii) tim iialuti ofil
Llui Li i,juu, afid
t14 be gnided hy the stated objecti·ves of the charter; the
101<5-luiii plan, alid th. Su v Li iianki pul
f tlib w-aka
Duty of governors to act in good faith and in best interests
of waka umanga
A governor of a waka umanga, when exercising powers or performing duties, must act in good faith and in what the governor
believes to be the best interests of the waka umanga. 15
Exercise of powers in relation to employees
Section 41 does not limit the power of a governor to make
provision for the benefit of employees of the waka umanga
in connection with the waka umanga ceasing to carry on the
whole or part of its operations. 20
In subsection (1), employees includes former employees and
the dependants of employees or former employees, but does
not include an employee or former employee who is or was a
governor of the waka umanga.
Power to be exercised for proper purpose 25
A governor must exercise a power for a proper purpose.
Governors to comply with Act and charter
A governor of a waka umanga must not act, or agree to the
waka umanga acting, in a manner that contravenes this Act or
the charter of the waka umanga. 30
Reckless operating
A governor of a waka umanga must not
Part 3 cl 41 E
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
agree to the operations of the waka umanga being carried on in a manner likely to create a substantial risk of
serious loss to the waka umanga's creditors; or
cause or allow the business of the waka umanga to be
carried on in a manner likely to create a substantial risk 5
of serious loss to the waka umanga's creditors.
Duty in relation to obligations
A governor of a waka umanga must not agree to the waka
umanga incurring an obligation unless the governor believes
at that time on reasonable grounds that the waka umanga will 10
be able to perform the obligation when it is required to do so.
Governor's duty of care
A governorof a waka umanga, when exercising powers or performing duties as a governor, must exercise the care, diligence,
and skill that a reasonable governor would exercise in the same 15
circumstances taking into account, but without limitation,-
121 the nature of the waka umangai and
it) the nature of the decision; and
El the position of the governor and the nature of the responsibilities undertaken by him or her. 20
416 Use of information and advice
ill A governor of a waka umanga, when exercising powers or performing duties as a governor, may rely on reports, statements,
and financial data and other information prepared or supplied,
and on professional or expert advice given, by any of the fol- 25
lowing persons:
i21 an employee of the waka umanga whom the governor
believes on reasonable grounds to be reliable and competent in relation to the matters concerned:
1!11 a professional adviser or expert in relation to matters 30
which the governor believes on reasonable grounds to
be within the person's professional or expert competence:
El any other governor in relation to matters within the governor's designated authority. 35
El Subsection (1) applies to a governor only if the governor40
Part 3 cl 43
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
121 acts in good faith; and
f,kl makes proper inquiry where the need for inquiry is indicated by the circumstances; and
tel has no knowledge that such reliance is unwarranted.
42 Register of members 5
Every waka umanga must compile, and take reasonable steps
to maintain, a register of its members in accordance with the
requirements of the charter rre,v*el *,r tmeler st,belet,se
f'*e, of Schedule 2
Disclosure of conflict of interest 10
43 Obligation of disclosure
(1) A governor of a waka umanga must disclose, in accordance
with section 44, any benefit or material financial interest that
he or she derives or may derive from a transaction of, or other
matter relating to, the waka umanga. 15
(2) The Kimmiant# board must create and maintain an interests
register for the purposes of the disclosure required by subsection (1)
(3) For the purposes of this section and sections 44 and 45, a
(a) derives or may derive a benefit if he or she(i) is a close relative of a person who will or may,
directly or indirectly, derive a benefit from a
transaction or other matter relating to the waka
(ii) holds a position of influence or has a material
financial interest in an entity that will or may,
directly or indirectly, derive a benefit from the
transaction or other matter; and
(b) has a material financial interest if a reasonable ob- 30
server, informed of all the relevant facts, would con-
clude that the governor or a close relative will or may,
directly or indirectly, derive a financial gain or loss from
the transaction or other matter.
«8 in this sectunT dose retativer in retation to er governor; 35
Part 3 cl 44
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
44 the governoes spose; de 1*eter 1tner; r,T e*H m*orr
tb thi Su v kitivi 3 paiciit, tituludius Jlip-vaiwit vi tlik vel<un lu whw„ 'llik avv„tvi is 4 wl,Rnab, Ul
(4 the governots eldid; Acinchng sterchitd or whingat 5
«» any other person with whom the governor ·is; or Ims
100.14 111 a i.lallutillilp Uf fillaliblal J.pulld.LILL ul ilitcrd.pulld...C.
In this section, close relative means the persons defined in the 10
charter to be close relatives for the purposes of this section.
In this section and sections 44 and 45, transaction or other
matter includes a proposed transaction or other matter.
A governor does not derive a benefit or have a material financial interest, for the purpose of disclosure under subsection 15
(1), if the only benefit or interest is(a) the same or substantially the same as(i) the benefit or interest of most other members of
the tribal group or Maori association to which the
governor belongs; or 20
(ii) the benefit or interest of the general public in the
transaction or other matter; or
(b) so remote or insignificant that it cannot reasonably be
regarded as likely to influence the governor in carrying
out his or her duties as a governor. 25
Scope and method of disclosure required
As soon as a governor becomes aware that he or she may derive a benefit from, or may have a material financial interest
in, a transaction or other matter, he or she must ensure that the
(a) disclosed to the Tenm,gmmt board; and
(b) entered in the interests register.
Disclosure of a benefit or material financial interest must include-
(a) the monetary value, if it can be quantified, and the na- 35
ture of the benefit or interest; or
(b) if no monetary value can be quantified, the nature and
extent of that benefit or interest.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 3 cl 45
(3) A failure by a governor to comply with subsection (1) does
not affect the validity of a transaction entered into with a third
(a) by the waka umanga; or
(b) by the governor acting in his or her capacity as a gov- 5
45 Consequences of benefit or interest
(1) A governor who derives or may derive a benefit from, or has
or may have a material financial interest in, a transaction of,
or other matter relating to, a waka umanga- 10
(a) must not vote on, or take part in, any discussion or decision by the -0 board or a committee of the ranangantrt board relating to the transaction or other matteri and
(b) must not sign any document relating to the transaction 15
or other matter; and
(c) must be disregarded for the purpose of forming a quorum for the part o f the meeting of the r#nangant board
or committee when a discussion or decision relating to
the transaction or other matter takes place or is made. 20
(2) Despite subsection (1), if a governor derives or may derive
a benefit (that does not amount to a material financial interest)
from a transaction or other matter, the rftmmgzmttt board(a) may resolve, prior to the decision being made by the
1,8Ttm,gmmt board or committee, that the governor may 25
take part in some or all of the discussion and decision
making on the relevant transaction or matter, despite
being in a position of deriving a benefit; but
(b) must not make such a resolution unless it is satisfied
that the governor's benefit will not impair his or her 30
judgement in relation to the transaction or other matter.
(3) A resolution made under subsection (2) must be entered in
the minutes of the relevant meeting, together with details ofthe
nature of the benefit and any conditions imposed in relation to
the governor's participation in the part of the meeting dealing 35
with the transaction or other matter concerned.
(4) A waka umanga must publish in its annual report a list of the
transactions or other matters it was involved in for the rele-
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 3 cl 46
vant financial year, and from or by which a governor derived
a benefit or had a material financial interest.
Major transactions
Policy relating to major transactions
The policy of the waka umanga in relation to major transac- 5
tions must include the following matters as major transactions:
(a) amending or substituting the charter (unless the amendment is of an insubstantial nature):
<b aduptivil Ul alliblid„llill vf Cl lill lv6-lti lll plan (.Auupt
in tlit ulau VF illillul aillundilitill). 10
(c) any transaction (including any distribution of assets to
registered members) that affects, or has the potential to
affect, assets the value ofwhich is more than 50% of the
value of the total assets (excluding protected assets) of
the waka umanga that existed before the transaction: 15
(d) classi fying any assets of the waka umanga as protected
assets and removal of that classification:
(e) appointment ofa liquidator for the purposes of subpart
(f) any other matters set out in the charter. 20
* at any time after the registration of a waka pen the charter
is alnwidd und st,bsection t+Ha) to rrov*ele for the w:*:r
ly to be the tegthmate p„muital; v i of the trH,st grotrp, or
lu niuludi nuw incilluii vii whiuli ,L 13 lu 1,4 tlik lisili,iuilk lop-
resentatrve of thetrHyd grorgs the walcarfimtist notify those 25
amemiments to==
<*4 th, rvinnla vf rviavM Aff,d, m,d
tb Llii witilaw, Litinid to in seetion 24*2*bt.
For the purposes of determining the value required by sub-
section (1)(c), the governors- 30
(a) may rely on valuations of assets or estimates of liabilities that are reasonable in the circumstances; and
(b) must have regard to(i) the most recent financial statements of the waka
umanga that comply with the requirements for an 35
annual report set out in
3 section 58A(21, and
elm,se 33 of Schedule
Part 3 cl 47
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
(ii) all other circumstances that the governors know
or ought to know affect, or may affect, the value
of the assets and liabilities of the waka umanga,
including its contingent liabilities; and
in relation to the value of a contingent liability, may take 5
into account-
(i) the likelihood of the contingency occurring; and
(ii) any claim the waka umanga is entitled to make
and can reasonably expect to be met to reduce or
extinguish the contingent liability. 10
Riquii E-1£116 fut citiit 11116 1[liu 1116U1 li dliditiuil
Ik llillallsallut illutl Liul Lill.i ililu ti littuut lialitclblivil ul pullilit
a iii<gui li<ui,tuliuii lu 1.,L wilcicil Iiilu, unlkia Llii liatinabliviii IR
ta by a sreemt iikulutivii u f tlik 1 Cuiatiaanui aftw Luiull- 15
cilivii willi LliE lia;Al.,Ld inWUL,ki ufllio wak<, uiuciiiaa
6 Beeorrlmree .th the srec+ con?m+tat*ve l'roceres
set ont & the charter; r.
ib) & seeordmrec the procedures ft adopttg theehmfer
* rftnm,gzmnt m'nEt not rass n *rech# rerottit+orr tmeler subsection t+He} Unlult it 13 ACZLIJfild that Llib i.lulutivil abLoidE
th the ermienstrs or my*,r+ty ·views of the regfitered mernbeu, uLL<dii.d Lluvual
lt<il;un, 55 reelt*red by that rrovi=
Requirements for entering into major transaction
A board must not enter into a major transaction or permit a
mai or transaction to be entered into, unless the transaction is
authorised by a special resolution.
The charter of a waka umanga may provide requirements re- 30
lating to-
f!11 consultation with members of a waka umanga before
they vote on whether to authorise a major transaction;
f,!11 the level of support required in that consultation before 35
the board is to submit the proposed major transaction
Part 3 el 48
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
to members of the waka umanga to vote on whether to
authorise it.
Ifan asset is subject to a mortgage, charge, or security interest,
a board must not enter into a major transaction or permit a
major transaction to be entered into that classifies the assets as 5
a protected asset unless-
121 the board has given not less than 3 months' public notice
of its intention to do so; and
f,&1 the board has given not less then 3 months' notice in
writing of its intention to do so to each creditor who has 10
a mortgage, charge, or security interest in the asset; and
£21 each creditor referred to in paragraph (b) has given
written consent to the asset being classified as a protected asset.
48 Inalienability of protected assets
(1) As long as an asset is classified as a protected asset under seclion 46(1)(d), a rfimmgarmt board must not(a) sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of a protected asset;
(b) grant a mortgage or other charge over a protected asset;
(c) classify or reclassify as a protected asset an asset over
which a mortgage or other charge has been granted, unless-
(i) the mortgage or other charge has been discharged; or
(ii) the person in whose favour the mortgage or other
charge was granted has given consent.
(1 A) However, a board may grant a lease, licence to occupy, or profit 30
a prendre over a protected asset i f the board, after undertaking
a risk assessment, is satisfied that in doing so it is not putting
the asset at risk.
(2) Protected assets are not(a) available to satisfy the demands of creditors, whether or 35
not the waka umanga is under voluntary administration
under subpart 4 or in liquidation under subpart 5: or
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 3 el 49
(b) part of the assets of the waka umanga for the purposes
of the valuation required by section 46(1)(c).
To avoid doubt, unless consent is given in the circumstance
provided for by subsection (1)(c)(ii), a protected asset is
available to satisfy the demands of a creditor (whether or not 5
the waka umanga is under voluntary administration or in liquidation), if the asset was not a protected asset at the time
when the liability to the creditor was incurred.
The annual report of the waka umanga must list the protected
assets of a waka umanga, including any change in the status of 10
a protected asset in the year to which the report relates.
In this section and section 49, mortgage or other charge
includes a security interest under the Personal Property Securities Act 1999.
49 Protected assets register 15
(1) The Registrar must(a) create and maintain for the waka umanga a protected
assets register of the waka umanga; but
(b) may keep the register in the manner that the Registrar
thinks fit, being any means that- 20
(i) records or stores information electronically or by
any other means; and
(ii) permits the information recorded or stored to be
readily inspected or reproduced in usable form.
(2) Every 1,8!tmtgam* board must notify the Registrar of any assets 25
of the waka umanga classified as protected assets.
(3) The protected assets register is the authoritative register for all
purposes of the protected assets of a waka umanga.
(3A) Subsection (3) applies subject to section 47(4) A copy of the protected assets register must be attached to 30
every document that creates a mortgage or other charge over
an asset of a waka umanga.
(5) To avoid doubt, this Act does not limit the Personal Property
Securities Act 1999.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 3 cl 50
Amendment of register
If a renanganm board resolves to amend. or is ordered bv
the Court to amend, the protected assets register of the waka
umanga, the -0 board must, within 10 working days
of passing the resolution or the making of the Court order. as 5
the case may be,-
(a) notify the Registrar of the amendment; and
(b) certify in writing to the Registrar that the amendment is
not inconsistent with section 48.
Land under Land Transfer Act 1952 10
This section applies to land under the Land Transfer Act 1952
that becomes or ceases to be a protected asset.
The board must, as soon as practicable after the land becomes a
protected asset, apply to the Registrar-General of Land to note
on the relevant certificate of title that the land is a protected 15
asset under this Act.
The board must, as soon as practicable after the land ceascs to
be a protected asset, apply to the Registrar-General of Land to
cancel the entry on the relevant certificate of title made under
Subpart 2-Management of waka umanga
*m,nintmen* of chief erettrtive
A iuticuisanui titubl <tpputitl d blii.f uxituli v b lu Lu llit LAUUUAve head of the waka ttmangr
*ir chief.x..ul; v. ts Feconntabte to the T'Btlatlgantl* for the 25
rerthrmance of ·hts or her duties; functirms; and resrons*bH=
f#} set ont m elatise 25 of Sehedtile 3 or m-ising tmeter
thts Aul vi auy vlliki widilniuil, or
80 dulus"l&J to him or her by the i Giiaitacliui. 30
4. malcing an artaintment tmiter st,bsee*ion (4* s r-T-
ganut mtrit hare regmd
4 the sk*Hs; attnbttter, and ,apw 2,,., reeittired of the
Ct¥feT L.uuuli v L, trrrE
<14 the mttrre m# ser,re of the mettrities of the wde 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 3 cl 52A
tc the other resronsH,Hities plabid vt¥ Llii bliibf ixic,utivi
Ly vi widw linE ALL mid ullni indituiwil.
* ellief ,*.uli v. 1127 be a registeree* nyember of the waica
Utlicuisa Lul iliual liul Lk a guviltivi uflliu wak<t unimisc.
*mther provons reating to the management of 8 waks 5
U 1, .11,6., me set ont M Clat,ses 26 and 27 of Gehedule 3-
** nf rmvers
32*ess the Llidi lui uf a w aka unionsa Piv v IJGQ ull,kii w 63&, the
i ullanamiui niay dulusalk hi wi;liia lu Ll& 612&fi,,Liul; v v any
r,f Es puwin LA.pl thib puwii of cletegaboty: 10
*he e+rief .x..uli v. tnay cle·+egate to + or more enfrioyees of
the wab trmangs «+Ir, are spec+fied by name or off*ce +17 the
dolisciliuu, <uiy vf Llik puwk,0 vi funblivii tlialt* he or she ims tmeler thts *et; or
EW nre ddegated to him or her 15
Evlly dlk,sal;In Uladu undul tliG Abul;olk-4 ts strbject to any comittions or *tmttations mrosed by
the ddegator in maA<ng the detegabon to the deegate;
tb) is revocabicat witE,and 20
¢4 bunlii,u 111 tuiuk abuuiding lu Llik lutiii uf Llii Jilegattorr tmtit +t 41 reve*ed·:
Management policies
The charter of a waka umanga must set out policies relating
to the management of the waka umanga, including policies 25
relating to-
tai whether the board may appoint a chief executive; and
ik) if a chief executive is to be appointed, how the chief
executive is to be accountable to the board; and
El the powers of delegation by the board and the chief ex- 30
ecutive, if appointed; and
id) the employment of employees.
Method of contracting
A contract or other enforceable obligation may be entered into
by a waka umanga as follows: 35
Part 3 cl 53
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
fal an obligation which, if entered into by a natural person,
would, by law, be required to be by deed, may be entered
into on behalf of the waka umanga in writing signed
under the name of the waka umanga by-
111 2 or more governors of the waka umanga; or 5
(ii) if the charter of the waka umanga so provides,
a governor, or other person or class of persons
whose signature or signatures must be witnessed:
f,&1 an obligation which, if entered into by a natural person,
is, by law, required to be in writing, may be entered into 10
on behalf of the waka umanga in writing by a person
acting under the waka umanga's express or implied au-
El an obligation which, if entered into by a natural person,
is not, by law, required to be in writing, may be entered 15
into on behalf of the waka umanga in writing or orally
by a person acting under the waka umanga's express or
implied authority.
Subsection (1) applies to a contract or other obligation-
121 whether or not that contract or obligation was entered 20
into in New Zealand; and
f.&1 whether or not the law governing the contract or obligation is the law of New Zealand.
Subpart 3-Accountability of waka umanga
Communication and consultation 15
Registered members' rights of access to information
A waka umanga must make the following information available on request to its registered members:
ta tliu nitiiulux uf Lvuiy titiilitis uflliki uiiatisat,ui andllib
(b) governance, planning, and reporting information required by section 58 or that any subsidiaries must
prepare under subpart 6; and
(c) copies of the registers required by this Act, namely:
(i) the register of members, but only in accordance 35
with the privacy rehey rules required by clause
29 of Schedule 3 section 16; and
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 3 cl 54
(ii) the interests register; and
(iii) the protected assets register; and
(d) any other information that the charter requires to
be available to the registered members of the waka
*he rfrrr:mg:rrn/*illay 1.Elilll atula:, lu 16 ilitiluttl 1111.l<*|lult lu-
t» Luillillikillally ELLIMill v u ilifuilliallull, alld
¢+0 puJunal Infunnal;un, In au,vidanou w li ll pir
valy pulluy LuMUILkd l,y
elm,se 29 of Schedule 10
* 77#
#5 mtist not Jilusc-
0 infmmation he by snbs*eliar,es of the walca
nmangs; tndess it *sinformation g*ven by sttb=
sidia,Xes to the waleat:marygr, or 15
ti# *,format,on created for the Imrpose of; or +Tr the
cormrc of; 5 dtiptrte resottrtion rrocess:
The board must not disclose-
fal information held by subsidiaries of the waka umanga,
unless it is information given by subsidiaries to the 20
waka umanga; or
ikl information created for the purpose of, or in the course
of, a dispute resolution process.
1-w lliw 1-,1 v v ii;una vii 111.,Lwa' r,ghts to a.&33 the ndbiniatorr of the wales tmlangs arc set r,trt +rr e*m,ses 20 to 22 of 25
Schedule 3-
The charter of a waka umanga may specify where and how
information referred to in subsections (1) and (2) may be
inspected by members of the waka umanga.
Meetings of waka umanga 30
Annual general meeting of waka umanga
Every 31781/gantr board must call an annual general meeting
of the registered members of the waka umanga to be held not
later than 6 months after the annual balance date of the waka
Part 3 cl 55
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
(1 A) The first annual meeting of a waka umanga must not be called
until it has established its register of members as required by
section 16(1)(b)1
t* Till pitillidly pulpuR.J u f Lllu ailliudl y.illial ilittlilis alt to*5 91,3.Hl ll& annual i upvit and diuvunt pikpai ud fu llL 5
prevtrs Amme#+ yem; ma
tb prov* mr r,rportnrrity for the regstered members of
Lliu w ada uniansci lu Luiiidiit8 the mmtmbtrr,rt Sm* acermnts fr,r the rltǤ0tts
fi0 thC pli ful Liialill vf lill vvcika uiticu,SCL 'Ciscullot re=
ports <iaainl Llik vLibili vu:, Abl rut in the anntrat
Am for the l'revions year:
121 The purpose of an annual general meeting is to provide an
opportunity for members to consider- 15
i21 the long-term plan (if required) and any subsequent
amendments to the long-term plan; and
£&1 the annual plan for the next financial year; and
i£1 the annual report and accounts for the previous financial
year; and
idl the performance of the waka umanga as measured
against the objectives set out in the annual plan for the
previous year.
Special meetings of waka umanga
Special meetings of the registered members of a waka 25
(a) may be called at any time by(i) the chairperson of the rrrm,garrMT board; or
(ii) a majority of the governors; and
(b) must be called by the -0 board, in accordance 30
with the requirements of the charter, if recttrestd ft,
1/..=7171& by the regstercel members +1, accorriance rrpH'
tlli L.Mu;ilinulllE U fllil ullailli p u v ;Jud fui uildul St,belet,ses (40) and t49} of Schedule 2- wtth reasons
forthet rectnest the charter requires a special meeting to 35
be called.
A special meeting called under subsection (1)(b) must be-
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 3 cl 57A
(a) held not later than 30 working days after receipt of a
request under subsection (1); and
(b) notified in accordance with the requirements ofthe charter.
(3) Only the business stated in the notice of the meeting may be 5
transacted at a special meeting.
Procedures for meetings of waka umanga
The procedures for meetings of a waka umanga must comply
with any applicable requirements in the waka umanga's charten
04 arly prert,itplts r,f the eharter maele tmeer stibelatises
t** to t49) of Schedule 20 272
f» elmsse 00 of Gehedtile 3-
Governance documents
Key governance document of waka umanga 15
The charter is the key governance document of every waka
The charter held by the Registrar is the authoritative charter
for all purposes.
To avvid Jvul.l, aLiiinduiwilo tv, vi a Eul.ilitulivii vf, Llik ulkai- 20
tot, w liiuli iitual bk ilulifikil lu llib Rai:'lidi within 10 il«» aftki
tlicill adupliuil Ly tlib i Culalisalmi, Cu & vf iiu .fflul until Llily Clic
not*ed to the +*egE<trmr
Charter must contain certain provisions about board
meetings and meetings of members 25
The charter of a waka umanga must contain provisions relating
£21 the quorum for meetings of the board; and
fk} the keeping ofminutes ofproceedings ofthe board; and
f£,1 the general and special meetings of members, includ- 30
ill the notice required for the calling of meetings;
(ii) the quorum required for the transaction of business;
Part 3 el 58
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
(iii) any requirement for a constituent group to be represented; and
(iv) rules for the conduct of meetings such as voting
rights and voting procedure.
58 Other governance documents 5
(1) In addition to the charter, each waka umanga must have the
following governance documents:
(a) a long-term plan unless a charter provides that a longterm plan is not required; and
(b) an annual plan; and 10
(c) an annual report; and
(d) annual financial statements; and
El any other governance document required by the waka
umanga's charter.
(1 A) The governance documents referred to in subsection (1) 15
must be-
<El adopted by the board by special resolution; and
22 presented to the next annual general meeting of the
waka umanga.
(2) An audit report on the annual financial statements will be re- 20
quired if(a) the charter requires it; or
(b) at least 1%, or 15 or more (whichever is the greater) of
the registered members of the waka umanga request it
at a meeting of the waka umanga or in writing to the 25
1fityangmm* board; or
(c) the Court orders that an audit report be obtained.
(3) The rfinartgantr§ board may decide to obtain an audit report of
its own motion or in order to meet any obligations, such as
contractual requirements. 30
f,4 elatises at to 35 ef Schedule 3 arrty to the govet'mmet
Jv.Ullikille, 1.fw,J lu In Ll,ia Elll;Un.
Requirements for other documents
An annual plan must set out-
i21 the proposed budget for the next financial year; and 35
i!21 the distribution policy for the next financial year.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 3 cl 59
An annual report must-
tal set out the matters that would be required under section
211 of the Companies Act 1993 (other than subsection
(1)(b)) if the waka umanga were a company; and
ik) the waka umanga's annual financial statements. 5
A long-term plan must set out, in relation to not less than the
next 5 financial years, proposals about-
121 the waka umanga's activities; and
251 its financial plans, including a statement o f pro j ected
income and expenditure; and 10
ic,1 a framework for managing its resources (whether protected assets or not), including cash, commercial assets,
land, and human resources; and
idl how its progress period will be measured and reported
Nothing in a long-term plan is to be treated as-
11 constituting a decision to undertake any activity or do
anything referred to in the plan; or
1&1 requiring a waka umanga to implement the provisions
Appointment of auditor
If required under section 58(2), a rarrm,gantrt board must appoint (or continue the appointment Of) an auditor.
An auditor appointed under subsection (1) may resign at any 25
time by giving written notice to the Tommgmrm board.
If the Tfmm,gm,trt board does not appoint an auditor within 2
months of a vacancy occurring, the Registrar of Waka Umanga
may appoint an auditon
Sections 197, 198, 199, 203,204, 205, and 206 of the Com- 30
panies Act 1993 apply as if every reference to(a) a company were a reference to a waka umanga; and
(b) the Registrar were a reference to the Registrar of Waka
Umanga; and
(c) board were a reference to a Tfmmrgm,trT board of a waka 35
umanga; and
(d) director were a reference to a governor; and
Part 3 el 60
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
related company were a reference to a subsidiary; and
shareholders were a reference to registered members.
Subpart 4-Voluntary administration
Voluntary administration
Purpose of voluntary administration 5
The purpose of voluntary administration is to provide for the
administration of the operations, property, and activities of a
waka umanga that is or may become insolvent, in a way that(a) maximises the chances of the waka umanga continuing
(b) if that is not possible, results in a better return for
the creditors and members of the waka umanga than
would result from an immediate liquidation of the waka
Provisions relating to the appointment of an administrator and 15
liquidator and other matters relevant to voluntary administration are set out in Part 2 of Schedule 3.
Administrator's role
While a waka umanga is under voluntary administration, the
(a) has control of the operations, property, and activities of
the waka umanga; and
(b) may carry on and manage the operations, property, and
activities; and
(c) may terminate or dispose ofall or part of the operations, 25
property, and activities; and
(d) may perform any function, and exercise any power, that
the waka umanga or any of its officers could perform or
exercise if the waka umanga were not under voluntary
However, an administrator must not dispose of(a) any property of a waka umanga that is a protected asset,
except with the prior consent of the Court; or
(b) in the case of a waka umanga that is a mandated iwi
organisation, settlement quota or income shares, within 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 3 cl 64
the meaning of the Maori Fisheries Act 2004, except in
accordance with that Act.
Application of Part 15A of Companies Act 1993
Part 15A of the Companies Act 1993 applies in relation to a
waka umanga under voluntary administration (with all neces- 5
sary modifications) as if the waka umanga were a company
under voluntary administration under that Act.
For the purposes ofsubsection (1), Part 15A ofthe Companies Act 1993 applies as if every reference in that Part to-
(a) company were a reference to the waka umanga; and 10
(b) board were a reference to the rans„gann* board of the
waka umanga; and
(c) director were a reference to a governor; and
(d) Court were a reference to the Maori Land Court; and
(e) Regi strar were a re ference to the Registrar o f Waka 15
This section applies subject to the other provisions of this subpart.
Application of section 239AB of Companies Act 1993 to
subsidiary of waka umanga 20
Section 239AB(2) and (3) o f the Companies Act 1993 do not
apply to a company that is a subsidiary of a waka umanga.
Subpart 5-Liquidation
Rrululivii lu put „ dka un,di,ad *i,lu liquidativic
*wales unionaci inay L. put inlu liyuid<ilivi, lf-- 25
ta LILL waka ultilallsa, al cl 6&111&ial niuLnis Uf ila ilikilil,&13,
pi,33.3 a liulutivil cippuitilitis a liquidalui, dial
40 the resointion i; confirmed at a mtbscquent gencrat
moulnis ufllik waka unicuisci uallid fui tlik vuipuak and
liuld iiul Lculibi Llidii 30 Jay i dflu tlii claLL vii whiuli tlii 30
1.Aututiuu lu L. .unflini.J Wd< p<J.Ld.
Fol, the rtm,oses Of st,bseetion t** 3 resotn & passed
or conrmert +f the resoltitir,rror contirmation ts carried by a
111,guilly ufllit vatiJ vult:, Lattl,,y itailluild 11,1116,13 vulllia
Part 3 cl 64
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
at tlik Bulluial illuttills ill p.ljvn ul Ly pluky, if AU allvvy.J Ly
the chnrter of the Mate:r trt,TaT,gr
64 Resolution to put waka umanga into liquidation
A waka umanga may be put into liquidation if the waka
umanga, at a general meeting of its members, passes a special 5
resolution appointing a liquidator.
Appointment of liquidator by board
A waka umanga may be put into liquidation by the board appointing a liquidator on the occurrence of an event specified
in the charter of the waka umanga. 10
65 Court may put waka umanga into liquidation
(1) A waka umanga may be put into liquidation by the Court appointing a named person or an Official Assignee for a named
district to be the liquidator.
(2) The grounds on which the Court may appoint a liquidator are 15
(a) the waka umanga does not have the resources to-
(i) comply with this Act; or
(ii) pay its debts as and when they fall due for payment;
(ab) the waka umanga or the board has persistently or seriously failed to comply with this Act; or
(b) there has been a fundamental change in the circumstances of the members of the waka umanga so that the
waka umanga can no longer perform its role; or 25
(c) the Court is satisfied that putting the waka umanga into
liquidation accords with the views of the membership
of the waka umanga.
66 Application to Court to appoint liquidator
An application to the Court for the appointment of a liquidator 30
of a waka umanga may be made by(a) the Tenangmmt board; or
(b) at least 1 %, or 15 or more of the registered members of
the waka umanga, whichever is the greater; or
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
a creditor of the waka umanga; or
the Registrar.
Application of Companies Act 1993
This section applies in the circumstances provided for in sections
Part 3 cl 68
Parts 16 and 17 of the Companies Act 1993 (to the extent that
Part 17 relates to liquidations) apply to-
(a) the liquidation of a waka umanga, with any necessary
modifications, as if the waka umanga were a com-
pany that had been put into liquidation under section 10
241(2)(a) of that Act; and
(b) the application for the appointment of a liquidator, as
if the application were an application under section
241(2)(c) of that Act; and
(c) the liquidation, as i f the liquidator had been appointed 15
under section 241(2)(c) of that Act.
Subsection (2) applies subject to the other provisions of this
subpart and Part 2 of Schedule 3
Without limiting subsection (3), the Registrar must not remove a waka umanga from the register without the prior ap- 20
proval of the Court.
Appointment of interim liquidator
If an application has been made to the Court for an order that
a waka umanga be put into liquidation, the Court may, if it
is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient for the purpose of 25
maintaining the value of assets owned or managed by the waka
umanga, appoint a named person or an Official Assignee for a
named district to be an interim liquidator.
An interim liquidator has the rights and powers of a liquidator
to the extent necessary or desirable to maintain the value of 30
assets owned or managed by the waka umanga.
However, the Court may limit the rights and powers of an interim liquidator as it thinks fit.
The appointment of an interim liquidator takes effect on the
date and at the time when the order appointing the interim 35
liquidator is made.
Part 3 cl 69
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
(5) The Court must record in the order appointing the interim liquidator the date and the time when the order was made.
(6) If a question arises as to whether, on the date on which an
interim liquidator was appointed, an act was done or a transaction was entered into or effected before or after the time at 5
which the interim liquidator was appointed, the act or transac-
tion must, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be treated as
having been done or entered into or effected, as the case may
be, after that time.
69 Vesting of surplus assets 10
(1) On the liquidation of a waka umanga and its removal from
the Register under Part 17 of the Companies Act 1993, all
surplus assets (after payment of all costs, debts, and liabilities)
must be disposed of in accordance with this section and the
requirements of the charter of the waka umanga, as provided 15
for under subclause (22) of Schedule 2
(2) However, subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that(a) the surplus assets(i) cannot be disposed of in accordance with the
charter of the waka umanga; or 20
(ii) are subject to a trust; or
(iii) are protected assets; or
(b) it would be inconsistent with this Act to dispose of the
surplus assets; or
(c) the surplus assets are settlement quota or income shares, 25
within the meaning of the Maori Fisheries Act 2004,
which must be dealt with in accordance with that Act.
(3) Pending an order ofthe Court under subsection (4), the assets
referred to in subsection (2) vest in, and must be held by,(a) the Maori Trustee; or 30
(b) a trustee company (within the meaning of the Trustee
Companies Act 1967) appointed by the Court on the
application of the liquidator; or
(c) in the case ofsettlement quota or income shares referred
to in subsection (2)(c), Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee 35
Limited in trust for the iwi under the Maori Fisheries
Act 2004.
Part 3 cl 70
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the Court may give 1 or
more of the following directions:
(a) a direction vesting all or any of the assets of the waka
umanga, without transfer, conveyance, or assignment,
(i) an entity representative of the tribal group or
Maori association specified in the direction; or
(ii) an entity recognised by Te Ohu Kai Moana
Trustee Limited as a mandated iwi organisation
in the case of settlement quota or income shares: 10
(b) if anything remains to be done to complete any matters
outstanding on the liquidation of the waka umanga or
to provide for the payment of all costs, debts, and li-
abilities of and in relation to the waka umanga and its
liquidation or dissolution, a direction that may be neces- 15
sary or expedient to make provision for the completion
and payment:
(c) a direction conferring on any person the powers that
may be necessary or expedient to enable the person to
carry out the functions and duties imposed on him or 20
her by any direction given under this section.
70 Directions relating to Land Transfer Act 1952 land
(1) This section applies in relation to a direction under section 69
that vests any estate or interest in land under the Land Transfer
Act 1952 in any entity. 25
(2) The Registrar-General of Land, on application made to him
or her by the entity concerned, must make such entries in the
register and generally do all the things that may be necessary
to give effect to the direction.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the person making the 30
application must(a) make the application in the prescribed form, if one has
been prescribed; and
(b) deposit such documents or plans as the Registrar-General of Land may require. 35
Part 3 cl 71
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Subpart 6-Subsidiaries
In ll 115
Lpail, ;11 idat;vu lv a bul,n;Jimy,--
rm,troHing body
4 the eampanyis boar* in the ease ofur company
tmder 5
the €ompmrti *rt +993:
*4 + the ease of any other entity; the persons who govern
ul Eup. vu Llit affuLiA and aull vit;u:, Uflll. wily
director means er rerson twilether enHer} er CHrector; trnsteer
or by some other de.figrmtin4 ·whrri or ts fr member ot the 10
.unhull;ns Ludy vf ll, Ul,;diuy.
RFqui, -.(„ic, , (1<,li„% to new Waka umantla may have
* walen nmangs may establish or disestal,Hsh s mw strb=
sidimy; *mt 0103, +f- 15
ta th. L Clicills<'llul Uf tlib wak,L uillailld lid:, <Uvp LLJ d policy un uLAJ
1 Cll 1Lb
Llu:L i uvi13;31.unt willi tli luiia--l
ptarr of the waka tmlanga; and
(4 the potig tms been ne}orted 17 the wab m„anga ·in
acluidaiLL, vvillitliu iklivcitil pivvii;uni vi-llili ALL and 20
tl,6 Eliailii fui llib appivval uf nicijui tian:,autivii, diid
fc) the waka trmangs ·hir for the attmoics of Ats scettor
acted in a..unl<u,v. rvith the FOHey:
A waka umanga may establish 1 or more subsidiaries to facili-
tate it meeting its objectives. 25
d Jvul.l, LliiE nuilivii Jubi tivt apply lu diiy JuL:,;diatiu:,
of my esting tnt*ty:
A subsidiary must have a statement of intent thnt comp+Tes
wttlt Part 2 of Schedule 4
INulliii pivvie,iuiia tildliiia tostrbs,el,arres aresetontinPart 30
4 of Schedule +
Part 4 el 73
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 4
Dispute resolution
S ul,pad 1--R.,ulul;ubiJ *TE,71*dtqMvrf
**enning af internat dispute
In lliiA ALL, uiilbio llib bunlvxl vlliii vviv ,&4uii.i, ii,lci,idl di,- 5
PU¢3 111lAS--
t:0 5 dispt:te m#ftng between a Mgistered membeN or rer=
601), Llaililins lu L. blisil,1, Lu a iuslbi.J 111111Lw, cuid
a waka uniaiiga vi auy vf il vi,olituwil Bivup, iii lilatoty
fi membersh* Of the waita ttmmrgat
fi» tliu iialit and obligativiii uf tuaijlkiid niwiil,bij:
t**0 d Ulwo,un v f Ll& i Cumns<uiu; Uflli vv aka unialga.
ft,8 <l J.woivn uf a sv vullivi vi kiliplvyul ufllib w alid
·trmangs; acting in the caracty of s governor or 15
emr+oyee; 1 the = may be
<4 rectnests for information under clause 24 of
Sehedt,le * to the extent rernttted by
2216) of Schedule 3-
tv» ullibi nialli cuiains undoi Lli;i ALL affuilins that 20
gistercet member; tmel
fb s dipulu Litwin vi aniung uu.Alilubul sivupo Vi ouLjidicuiuj and a waka uinaus<1 iklciliiia lr-
t» their respect#t hghts and t,bligatons tmeler thts
ttl any of the matters tmder paragraph te*Hi} to
IIuwbvii, ati inlwiial dipulk Juw, iiul inuuuv-
0 iliatlbil tllt<il Clib w ;Ill,li th. LA.iumivt jttmsdtetton r,f the
te T, Tu '6,1 &„ua rviduri Act 1993; ok·
50 Llic rviciv i i i:,iiwiLE Act 2004, or
54 11,L I'v,31vu anil Sual,id A.l 2004, vi
54 the :Maor* €ommercE# *rftractr+ture €*XMB
Settte„Tent *et 900* vr 35
(14 matters that mer hy 'virtne r,f my enactment; witi,+rrthe
UALlujivt julild&.Livil vf Kinulliti LUUI L v li;Luilal.
Part 4 el 73
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
73 Meaning of internal dispute
ill In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, internal dispute means-
fal a dispute arising between a registered member, or person claiming to be eligible to be a registered member, 5
and a waka umanga or any of its constituent groups, in
relation to membership of the waka umanga:
ikl a dispute that the charter of a waka umanga specifies as
an internal dispute for the purposes of this section.
121 However, an internal dispute does not include- 10
fE!1 matters that are within the exclusive .jurisdiction of the
Court under-
ill Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993; or
(ii) the Maori Fisheries Act 2004; or
(iii) the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004; or 15
(iv) the Maori Commercial Aquaculture Claims
Settlement Act 2004; or
fk< matters that are, by virtue of an enactment, within the
exclusive jurisdiction o f another court or tribunal.
Charter must include dispute resolution requirements 20
The charter of every waka umanga must provide, in respect of
internal disputes, 1 or more dispute resolution processes(a) that are consistent with the principles of natural justice;
(b) that provide, as far as practicable, for resolution of in- 25
ternal disputes by the parties concerned; and
4 that a party mtrst foHow before thatrarty *sentit+ed to
IJ:,uv plub.Ed;11263 ;11 lulativll lu dll ;illkillal Jilpull, dillless-
05 section 04¢4*b} apptks; or 30
ft an Aterm initmetrm ts sought tmeler section
8-7; =10
icl that a party must follow before that party is entitled to
issue proceedings in relation to an internal dispute.
rul w Lli 1-,iviJuik:, ikiivant Li the +Tnpien¥entatbia vf the 35
pt.3.1 16.J JpuLL t.:,ulullun pul.33.3, ilibludilig lildl-
teri uvli <uu l;,„cl<1,,1. Muli.titwiG.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 4 cl 75A
The charter may provide for internal disputes to proceed
through more than 1 kind of dispute resolution process, by
commencing with the least formal process and, if the internal
dispute is not resolved, proceeding to a more formal process.
5& Lulliply Witly 1,»uL==wi:v. (1), e w aka uiicuisa iiiay- 5
ta adupl 1 vi all vf tlik diaput ikulutivii viviuaa.A E.l vul
m Schedule 6; rr
UU v diy lliuu pi vuui iii diuuidaiiuu williibu w iilikaliga,
as lv„66 <a lii. uv,dilivii 31puu;fiud in st,bseetion *4*1»
To comply with subsection (1), a waka umanga may, but is
not required to, adopt the dispute resolution process set out in
Schedule 5
Provision of information about membership disputes
If an internal dispute relates to the membership of a person, the 15
waka umanga must provide to the person who is to determine
the dispute all relevant information in the possession of the
waka umanga.
**splites ivith other entities
If a LliapuL cuiu6 1.,ulw kwi a wak,i uiiians<i alid ci pculy llicil i, 20
not subject lu a dipuli iivlutivii piuckn undii Llii ul.p<ii l,
the rartivs may ermsent tty wrting te refer the disptrte trY tr
dispulu ikvlutivii piu,&33 undii tlii:, :,ul,pail.
A i ufwial uudw subseetion tl) Ju.3 i,vl pi .judiib caiy Ialila
the, ptimay +mve tintler other crmetments or tle commoty 25
Decision binding on parties
A decision made in accordance with a process in the charter
for resolving an internal dispute is binding on the parties.
A registered member or former registered member of a waka
umanga who considers that the affairs of the waka umanga
have been, or are being, or are likely to be, conducted in a manner that is, or any act or acts of the waka umanga have been,
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 4 el 758
or are, or are likely to be, oppressive, unfairly discriminatory,
or unfairly prejudicial to the member in his or her capacity as
a registered member or in any other capacity, may apply to the
High Court for an order under this section.
If, on an application under this section, the High Court consid- 5
ers it just and equitable to do so, it may make such orders as it
thinks fit.
Without limiting subsection (2), the High Court may make
an order under that subsection-
121 regulating the future conduct of the waka umanga's af- 10
fairs; or
ft altering or adding to the waka umanga's charter; or
El appointing a receiver of the waka umanga; or
fs!1 directing the rectification of the records of the waka
1£1 putting the waka umanga into liquidation; or
ifl setting aside any action taken by the waka umanga or
the board in breach ofthis Act or the charter ofthe waka
No order may be made against a waka umanga or any other 20
person under subsection (2), unless the waka umanga or the
person is a party to the proceedings in which the application is
No application may be made under this section if that application is, or is substantially, an internal dispute as defined in 25
section 73.
Lack of quorum and actions inconsistent with Act or
A registered member or governor of a waka umanga, the
Registrar, or (with the leave of the Court) any other person 30
may apply to the High Court for relief on the ground that, at
any time after the registration of the waka umanga-
* the board of the waka umanga cannot function because
of a lack of quorum; or
*1 any governor or employee of the waka umanga has 35
acted, is acting, or proposes to act in the manner than
is inconsistent with this Act or the charter of the waka
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 4 cl 75D
Orders that may be made for purposes of section 758
If the High Court considers it appropriate to do so, the High
Court may grant such orders as it thinks fit for the purposes of
section 758
Without limiting the orders the Court may make under sub- 5
section (1), the High Court may make an order-
i21 regulating the future conduct of the waka umanga's affairs; or
I!21 altering or adding to the waka umanga's charter; or
icl appointing a voluntary administrator o f the waka 10
urnanga; or
idl directing the rectification of the records of the waka
umanga; or
i£1 putting the waka umanga into liquidation; or
<11 setting aside any action taken by the waka umanga or 15
the board in breach of this Act or the charter ofthe waka
umanga; or
tEl requiring the waka umanga or any other person to pay
compensation to a person.
Transfer of proceedings from High Court to Maori Land 20
If the High Court is of the opinion that an issue in a proceeding
under section 75A would be more appropriately dealt with by
the Maori Land Court because the issue involves the interpretation, practice, or application of tikanga, the High Court may 25
refer the issue to the Maori Land Court for its opinion.
If the High Court is of the opinion that an application for reliefunder section 758 or any issue relating to the application
would be more appropriately dealt with by the Maori Land
Court because it involves the interpretation, practice, or appli- 30
cation of tikanga, the High Court may refer the application or
issue to the Maori Land Court for its determination or opinion.
The High Court may refer an application or any issue relating
to an application either on its own motion or on the application
of 1 or more parties to the application. 35
Part 4 cl 75E
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Striking out applications
The Maori Land Court may strike out, in whole or in part, an
application transferred to it under section 75D if the Court is
satisfied that the application, in whole or in part,-
fal discloses no reasonable cause of action; or 5
th,1 is likely to cause prejudice, embarrassment, or delay; or
El is frivolous, vexatious, or otherwise an abuse ofprocess
of the Court.
Snbrart 2-Appli.aliull, ter *for+ band
:*rrim*rtfon «671771
Appli:liu„ uf Tc Tu: it'l,(„u<, Al<:u, i *et +993
Tlic fullu w 2116 Flu vitivnj vf T. Tult 'A'libilud rviC,vii All 1 993
al,1,y; Irth Lht nult/Jaly n/UJ/fLatUnA tr, the jtrrseHet01, of
tho rvi dui i Land Cuuit uiidbi tlii:, Act: 15
4 sectiot,5 6 to -1·* twh,date to the arro„,tment and
tentrrc of *crelgest and
tb 3.utivn 24A (wilibli vivv id.E ful tll. puvvlt:, ufllib Court
undw th. Cvulu6 (Ptivily) A.l 1982 and thu Cvula.tmr+:Heme*es *et 1979),and 20
tr} secttorys 34 aird 95 i'vhch re+ate ter dttiont
berst ma
te» secton 90 twl*cly relates tc the txc.i,.i jv of the rowers
of the €onrt 17 5 *dge* ma
te Auitivii 40 (wludiiulcili lullii puvvii vf a Judab 1.v iifw 25
uicillwo ton RSiolidi of the Cuuil), anc
0 sections 42 and 43 twhieh date to orders 0* and Te=
hearings im the €omt# mT#
tg Lliu pivviiuit uf rcul 3, but-
th only to the extent that the rette to the M+014 30
Em,d €Ottrt: tmel
50 + any case; not **ar =*M -96; 99; 82 to
84; or ·89; and
04 rrovist,N vf *e *trre Whemia Mant *ct +993 er=
piuxoly cippliud Ly vi undui Llii:, Act. 35
Tli. i.l vf th. p, v viivn vfT. Tu. 16'1wua rviavi AU 1993
Ju nul apply lu [lik Jundilivii uflliG Cvuit uiidii Lliia ALL.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 4 cl 78
·315 the extent thnt they are not teoT,sistent wtth thts *et; the
Lviavi 1 Land Cvu L R-Ulho 1994, Ul Culy allw liati v L vi addilivilal
mcs made m,#M scetion 95 of fe *trre Wi,entm Maot *et
1993, apply lu Llib juiiJiitivii uf [lii Cuuil unclw Lli;E Avt.
Subpart Band Sehedule 6 arpty, to the #misdietivn of the 5
€ortrt tmrier thts strbrmt
Applital;ull uf ralt , lu ilial,Jalul ; F. i Ul allaIull J al,J n. 1
*11€¢ Scetivi aprks ter mandated Evt orgm*sations and iwt
arrtn¥etrI+trre m-gmt+Intions
aquaulluiv visaiiicilivii Llicil ci,E, v aik :,uuking lu *,rn, 110 10
LE 1&5luld do, vvc,ka ulildliEs<l.
*, and lu Llib .Alint Llial, citi dppliucilivil uiidii LliIA Jul,pcii t 1&-
latua pbdunnuantly tv rvlaun Luuiuun,tal fi31un.n n <,quavulte,re o.l v li.3-
4 iliiE Eul,pai L clv.3 11,l apply Lu llal di:,puti, alid 15
tb) the matter tmrst be detern*ned tmder the *3014 Ftsh=
er+es tret *00+ Or the M=+ eommere *ritinetrftnre
Cl<duij Sulll,niwil AEL 2004, as tliv wu niay Lu.
However. ff zr /03/,tite +Trttle+cs: bot +5 not ·predominantly ·re=
lated to *tior* cotnntercia+ thebes or squaet,iture aill vili,3. 20
tlii inallki inujl 1,& clulwinnikd uialii Lliii ALL.
1599.ir'r.trir 771411771 1':7 1f39.rrrtrttri,r mm' n,7717.rrtiri'7
7«pmlhz tmtrmgo
Dicia, atiuu, i„ , Elatiu„ lu fu* -,*:tiv„ af,vales pfr
At auy Linik LifuLL applyins lu iusialii a wak< pa undii sub- 25
part a of Part 2; a tribd group seeirtng to form m** register
a waka p a lilay apply lu tliu Cuui L fvi diblaialivi,3 undui seetien eem tlmt(24 tlii ilidi lii buuilpliia w i tli
fb, the process lor tlib advplivii vf Ilik uliailii Ly Lliu tiibal 30
gremp ts adequate
Ii< piu..,diu53 undu tl23 3..Liun, the entities and constittient
grotrrs referred 'try 'in section 20¢4*b} arc entitted to aFrem
am* be heard w*thont +cave of the emirt
liu wk v ki, dit Liilily vi Luii:,litukiit aivup iikfuiicl lu i, section 35
HMM nul p.„„ill.J lu apply fut a i.vi.w utidu section
Part 4 el 79
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
79 unlu Lliui k li<,A Licii a sisiiifiucuil ulians, iii Llib blidi lii v,
Llib viuu,RE fui ili aduplivii appiuvuil Ly Llib Cuuil.
4 *he Allutiy-G
1 mt ent*s referred tom section
2412*b) may; iTT reatTOTT to mT m771+Catton for a tleclm,atron
tmder thts Bectimr appear and be +Tem# 0,7 matters #MAng 5
to the stattrs of er Imies rEr ss the tegitit,Tate lipi.3.i,L<,Li v . Of
the trbat gremm either at the reettrest r,r «rth the +eave of the
IL,Vit. uf ful ilitallul, plutf,3 .u,J ilia, Li,
Tlils Evilivii applii lu dii unlily vi LuiiLilukitl Sivup tli,d- 10
44 +rar nr *hord# *mve; beerr protdod with cory r,f the
tly affuutid Ly tliQ vivpval lu funii aud 16'Jl.,
a waka un'angm
DUIVIL d vullut Uilldlisd ij luslbibild Ulldll st,bpart a of Part 15
2, an wility vi Lutilituitil Sivup niay, if Liilillid lu Ju Ev uinlw
st,bsecHon (4}, dpply lu Llii Cuuil fui vidii A undii sect§on
*tr rmly p:rotmels for review trnder this section arc timt the
applib<uil i, or is likily tu L., piujudikially affuilid L ..auc--
4 Llii Lliai Lii Jui livt Quikiply willi LliiA Act.
82, a liil,cil sivup vi .viialitubi,l Biuup 13 uinkaavilal,ly-
t EALiuuud ituin lill wak-Cl unialiscl, or
1111 UULJ ;11 the wales ulliCli,sa.
(4 an existing entity *endy represents; and has & er,rrent 25
mandate from; the tribd gronir
te» the appikant did not imve m, melecmate orrefuniM to
bc libald 111 Llit buillullalluil pluttlt pluvidld ful ullilti
section 20-
44 0'the case of the charter rt- s trH,5+ prom, Tr,ttng to 30
form s Wates p*=
t# there ts Amithetent elar+ty tr, the ehmter about
those matters rm xvhtch a walm 178 +3 to *r the
1.aitiliiatu i.pi.wital; v u u fllii likbal tivup uiidui
«0 2 4 narprol*ate *,1, reasons strch as eeonomy
ofsenic for the wales pa lu L. Llik lusilinicili i'Cv-
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 4 cl 80
1 cawital; v & vf LiI, liILal givup vii d niallvi J.fnud
*TT the charter.
ifi ll, pi upue,,cl
1111114 U
f 111& w<Lka uitictil BLI 13 1,ul applupll-
th *iye Attv„.3-G
LilLi CL
1 sm* entittes referrer+ to try section 5
24(2*1* T,lay; ,vitly the icave of the Cuu, 1,-
#4 arrly ter review the ft,rmation Process or e+yarter of s
wale:r triTT:rngs tmtler tl*s sect+orr: ·btlt rlt¥y r,TT matters
foldlitis Lu Lliu AL<:luJ vf d waka pa dE ll,& lisiliiiialk icp-
i,,ulabv, of er trrbat sivup, M 10
tb appwil alld L. 11.did 111 ail appliballull ULJ.I lillo A.Ltivil,
but 0107 on matters retat,N to the stattm of tr «,aks 1,5
as tlik liailitiicilu ilpi vawilcili v vf a Li;Lal aluup.
DILI, u„„«:liu„ TR *,puil of fu, n,«,1,u„ ant* Ll,a, 1,a of
th +ty eleterming an appHeation tmder section ·78 or *9; the
4 nmst consizter; in relation to the process hy widch the
charter ts or ts Froposed to be prepared; constrtted om
i» enTY.,trltatinn with the affeete entities or con,=
mlituwil Sivulpa io ad,Liual, cuicl
ft the process tor the Fropord procest ts <61 tr
*ciding ·whether tr, +Trrde or excltrric 5 rar=
5#m constitnent grotrr +Ty or from the wales 25
ulliallsit, and
Et» th. Fv.v, iui uvlifyins ajid ciduplitils Llib ilidi lui
ti fatr; and
84 niay Jilwiitiii wliblliw tlib Llidi Lki-
t» liaa cul.quall vullils piu.uduill, ilitluililly applu- 30
rrtte el+ter+3 to tletermine wim may vote nt tle
meetngs of ti·re tr+ grotrp; coty:stittrent grom'ST
ui Llik rviavi i ae,souidlivil, ,10 tliE &(13. iii«y Lu.
tih maires adeqtmte rrovisttr tr the tHrangM mr#
tracHt*mt dect*on malrityg of tl're trbat grottl, 35
*rm,*e these do not er,n+Het V+HY the Teritre=
inint< ufiialuial jublibi atid 1 1Utilall 11511LJ).
Part 4 cl 80
Waka Umanga (!Maori Corporations) Bill
4*0 6 mly other ,p„l, maires rrovis*on for er frir
piu. lu L. fulluw.J by lh. waka u„,aiaa.
% +Tr retattn to an al,Fitratorr unrfer section Fe; the er=t
iiiay -
4 mak. tlik ilkulatal;uni Euuslil, or 5
tb limkb vt dulk Ob applupt alu undul st/bseetion tar
% Ii, i,1,ilivii lu appli,aliv undok o=,.1:v„-700rfe,+ftheeourt
finds thatthe appheants for llu< uppuIita <1„ appli,<tliun, 85
tliu Laa. niay Lu) ati, ut ati likily lu L., unduly pn,judiuud by
& clmrter, ft mT hy vidu,- 10
(4 refer the matter back to the tribd grottp or **00 5550"
ciativii witli diiy iliibutivii:, 11.Lixicuy lu kniuik Llial-
f» tlic , .1. vant
iliall#t 3 cal E 1 .LUii:,i dli
00 cuiy viuvulld amcildilibillb LU lii& tlial Li all Loil-
00 1, f* process ts tmdertateem
W direct + or more of tliu pditivo un cuiy , Evuin,niwil for
Luilliki buiiullativii, Inuluditis Juuli inall.ii ast» wiiilliki iiibilitia vuslit lu 1.u buiiv kiiid, diid
80 the t;,nu, plabi, <,nd <,6."J<, fus <,ny u.6.6, 'uid 20
040 any rot*,5 reqmentr
4 with the consent of the FartiesT refer thc matter to zz
mdiator appomted hy the fmirt in <,..vid<,ti.. with
clause 6¢4*e) of Seheelt,le 6-
fe» rhrect tlrit eltanges be trnichi to the draft .1„u LL, to en= 25
svre Llial-
te ft COM¥17*5 Wiet thiS *ct
. fui tlik piujudiuu idkiilifivd
dy i pivvidid
by the eotrre
4 grant teave for + or more of the rartes te, bng the 30
inat tki 1,(Luk lu tlii Cuui L ; f, 111 t ild livii lu dii LE livii 3 iii<do
tmrter paragraph t€»T
10 lim,liniwildlivii 13 nul pidiltuablk, or
(*0 +mrtementatmn does tot occm -217*n zron*e
if) direct that therroposed name ofthe wale tTmangs be
Part 4 cl 82
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
*f,nfltr to ftrr37£21077 /418*7n71 977 5#Lpt#mr
retriting tu Ju, mullun uy vvu#ut u,nu,16;u
Ull ul Jtl 3 1116[i Culli 1 illay litakt
Tliv Cuui L inual nul, 111 1.ApLUL vf cuiy appliiciliviii unclui seetien 7% er -79; malce rn*rs as te- 5
ta, theme,#ts of s propos:* to form mie registeT er waks
trmangs; tiness the part§es consent to the €cort doing
= or
0 ll,E nivt
vviiali ibvibawilativi vf a liil,al aivup Vi
1#ret,m to regirt,77'on
Notius of ubiritiui, to i UM,36.divi,
t» *1*s section al,rtivs t¢=
(0 dii w,Gly vi bviiilituwil grettr Llial-
10 ims; or shot,+2 have; been proteled with s cory 15
of the J,<u Lu tmder section 20¢1*bk and
«0 ts cHrectly :rffected by er rropost to reg<ster er
wde nmang mle}
¢b 11 iklal;vii lu ll„ piv/osed iiai,ii vf a w aka uuicuisa, auy
lily ad
ly ff.lud Ly ll pvpva.J
ncuuk. 20
te *rr entity M consttnent grottp referred to & subseetion
M that is direetty affected by a ·propost to register s waica
uiliculaa inay, w illi tlib lw,v i vftl,e Cvuit,-
4 iilk a nuliuu uful,juitivii lu Llii iuiwidicl i bs;Alialivii uf
N wales trmmrgs; tmel 25
th, seek nelers tmeer section 03:
W *Tr appi,catmn for leave of the €ourt; together with the +11,
tended m**ce of object*on; must be fHed within 90 working
dayo vf ll,b 1<l,Al ilutiuu pul,lilivil undu section ee(2*
#4 *he onty grounds for objection to the registration of n waica 30
timang:r zrT=--
ta that Lliu w Clka uincuisa lailim d lufntiltil litalidali, uf llie
trH,5+ grottly r,r Mftori asSOUat17 scelcing te, form myd
reg*ster the mb=K ma
th, the gronnds set mit in section 990* 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 4 el 83
Tl,& Cuuil indy aidiil liciv i iln Llik vl.*«ulivii lu 1,,& l,vciiil ii, aiid
uiily ;f, il ia alifi,J that tli, liuliuu uf vt,juulivn iai,.6 a inall,1
(0 wai nul, aiid ovuld nulliavi Lukii, iditud a„il dialt vvilli
irr arr arrikahnn thr revkw tmeler section 70 or -79; 5
whether or m,t zyrry artiteatim fwas marle tmder either
rectiorr nr
tb, w<3 1<13,J iii <ui ppli,.,Llivii undw seetien 99; but ims
not t,cen res+cek
*he arrikant nmst serve a cory of the am*cabon tr ·leave 10
diid tlik i,ul;ik ufuLikLlivii un tlik Rus;iliaL
flte Allvin.y-G
I mte} entes refeTree* te, 4 section
24¢2*b) indy apply fu, Itan, vf tlit Cuurt-
4 lu ul,jil Lv ll„ ivsiolialivii ufa waka u,iiansa, Lul unly
rn'r matters
rebting to the statrm of 5 wales •Pfr ss the 15
lisitiniati iipiuowitativi uf a li il,al aiuup, Ul
tb tv cippicu id L. liai J in dii cippliucitivii undui Lliii 3,&tivii, Lul unly vii Liiall.,E iblatins Lv ll,E JI.<,tuE vf a vvaAd
pu (13 tlik lisililticilk ikpikiwilativi uf a liil,al aluup.
(l), J,u
Iftlib Cuuil aidiil lici v u uudi ovbtiv., 62 fui a paily lu ul,juil
, l<,tina lu ul,1,-tiu„ tu , (ai1 <,tiv„ 20
to 'B. 1.15&lal;un vf a w aka unmus# U- Cvwl nwytaf *smiss the *cction sid direct that the walm trmarrg:r
L. ivaitwid <ii piuguaid, aR luiia &8 Lliv Cvuil
t» a kii,guiily vf Llii i.siolii,J inintb
L 1 n U
13 30
flh. vv<k<,
ulll<ulad and ,uiy bviiatilubul 6ivupa liav i v uld In
favoor of the proposat mt#
<#0 the Fre»*ice ter the Whr,+c trH,V+ 517)trr from ·irr,
eltteling or excltrcHng 1 constittrent grom, MMW 30
be +Heely try
d the prejtteee to #rat e¢m
Altluuill 61uup 1,3 26 111uluuil ul LA.luatult, vi
tb inak. Lli. vid.i pivvid.d fvi m seetion Stily.
ff s matter ts brought back before the €onrt by oreer tmder
section 430*3*e* the Cuuit-- 35
(0 may #tsmiss the objection +f ft ts satisid thst thee,t
term mst:bseet-en tl)te} are met Or
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 4 cl 85
ft# ff the €omt ts not satisid that the criteria in subseetien t+He} cii E In. L,
L Jnki L Llial uilli.1-
t# tliE appliualivii fui iusialicilivii 1,& willidiawii, v
50 Llik Liicillvi 1,& i.fun,J Lcivk lu Llik hil,cil aiuup Or
Mavil Li,Javbiallult uildli
seetion 80(*Het- 5
01 d., nic,J& und.i thio <.Liui, u,ull,„ o.i v .J vii lii& R.aili,u
by the er,trrt
'bltented utapukE und uthe, dapuk, 1 Juting to
U Ve-1 f{Ulll<t Ul Fflullutinttlit Uj VVUKU UlltUngU
Appliiativis, to CUU, trelating to Ii,lc, iial disputes 10
*prHeatmns may be made to the €Myrt by + or more rartes
tn retation tomy tternd disptyte; +fta, the r*isptrte resointion processes proxidcd tr by the
charter have been tmrfertalcen tty zood frith in retation
tu thi nilbincil dixpuli, but 1
Icl V L
failid tv iknvivi Il. 15
tb b the opt,ton of the €omt; ft ts inappropriate to order
tlic val L;Qa lu wisag. ul ful Llili .116,46& &11 a Jiapul. 1.*v-+Mt*on rreersr
te lililll<,61. vi Ulll.i plut.Jul<ll i.yull.lillillj all vul nill,&
elmrter for :T *spttte resolt,m rrocess +mve not beer, 20
comt*d witt
i* s settlement agreement enterento ·int+re eottrse of &
dismtte resolntion process has Tret been comptted with
iii diuuiidaiiu willi Llik 1,1 1113 vf Llial. daikitiulkt.
*f the €ourt ts satishee that the parties hare talcen reasonabie 25
steps to reiolve the dism,te tmeler subpart 4; the €omt may
niaki vidwi il uvuoid&13 appiupiialk, niuluiling00 an vid.i lu I .fw a niallu lv a nudialui appuiiil.J by ll,e
fourt tim*er elat,se 6{4*e} of Gehedt,le 6- mrd
84 sny orders tmder section 06(2* 30
lIpplitaLiUilg l tilltiliM 'U MU V Cl .dilit Ul litalld;;rilllit
*Frtivations may be made to the eotrrt for reHef rm the
grotmds that; at mly tme after the registrattn of ir wdra
Ullial 16'l,-
ta} l1% wak<, ulikalisct, 16 1 Cumnsdillil, ally Su v Linvi, ul any 35
emrfoyee ofthe walca ommyga; has acte* ts acting; or
Part 4 el 86
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
pt upuou 3 lu aul 111 61 1 1111 1111 lilcll 13 11 i.vtiJ iblbill W L lit tl 1 13
Aut vi Lli Jiai lui vf Lli vv aka unianaa, ul
UU lill i uilansallui Uf tlit vv c,luL ulliallsd Lcullivl iuiltltult L<4tsSe f-
/ the fack of s gnortmT, or
50 ul,otaiilial Ji:,aaikiibitt, rr
(4 there ts a propoid tmeler section 46t+He) to mmend
the charter of the waks ttmanga in 5 marmer that the
apl'Heant RHeges to be appropriate; for reasons Imelt
ers those set Mrt m section *Her 10
0 Nul lalii than 20 wuikins JayJ aft., 1 vi ,iLv,& uf thi Sivuncl
tinder st,bseetion (4) +185 mi:fer, rir cont# rens¢mably +Inve
been #monm tomiser the fottowing persons may arrly to the
Cow L fu 1
Ul 111Vt L Vl
JLJ Undw section 86:
(0 iii tulativii lullik aiuui,J undii =ul,==t:v., (4*Wand 15
0 at least 186, ui
1 :
1 3 Cll 1114)1L U
f tlik iiai:'lkikil
hers; of the waim mningr
40 the·1*cgtrart
ti*0 a Abluild w.ditul Uf Lli waka uniansa, and 20
fb) hi iulalluti lulliv sivu.J und.i st,bseetion t4*e*81 thu pwguia lifunul lu iii peragraph ta¥
t# the Alluinuy-(3
L 114 1 Cl
1 m** entities trferred to TtY
sect+on 2484*bk
t9 * Judge inay waivu tlii iblu;iwnerit ofsubseetion (2*e) *f 25
Juds i 3alfiLJ Llial tlik appliual
t ferft*reS an tn'gent l,earng; ma * 5 1¥Ot practicable to
ibyuiti ll,Q cipplibativ,1 lu L. itiddi Ly tlib ivvuiikil
11 lilli-
tr of veor,teS or
ib c,ffu,6 fivvii Lli<,ii Llii 39.Lifi.J nuint.w uf p.vi,o. 30
I Il 3 0 I (JU P C MU V MI lidlitf dil litall dFillCil lit¢til S
11¥ rclatiOn to al'l'Heattons tmeter section 05¢4*0 end «4;
thE Cl,ul 1111y ulak. 1 ul Illuu Uf tllu ULJ.,J jpul;liJ ;11 8tlbsection 12* but only if the €ottrt xtli:,fi,J Llil1* tlik dippliuuil liae, in,ulk vul 1
section 851 and
Ul 111Ut L U
f ll„ Sivundi iii 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 4 cl 86
the mzric+nA of my Unt' +R the most miworrzrte way
to remedy the matter +Ty retativn to whch mr order ts
Sntrett, MT#
di,Hict LLi
dvi uul 1 Lial, lu tliv juii iadii livii uf llib Cuui L
undli lill fVlUll
11311&1 lkA
Act 2004 vi ll rvicivI Cunk- 5
1 Aquaiullui Clainia Solliwiiwit Act 2004.
5* An Ul du lillay L. illaill ulldli subseetien tl,==
to appomt + or more persons to revtew m,drrepare er
tupul L un [116, auti villut culd upwaltullb uf ll& i ullcutsallut
to T'Crltrire the Tft,TMT'ITMT,trT; 5 goverm,T; or mT emr+r,yee
of the wales ttmangS to rt or refrain from acting in
accordance wttly thts *et or its elicu Lki.
to J.lal, a piu v iiuii u f Llib kliculki vi u f a Su v wlialluk
do.unmul uf lh. waka unianS<' ibyunid Ly section 5% 15
tube iukuitlunl willi tliiA Aut.
th the
l of the pai Liba,-
(0 iii tlib „13. uf
ilii dial Uvuld L. diall vvilli a
trry mternat dispk to refer it tr, M dispe reso=
lutivii pivikin pivviclid ivi Ly Lliv bliailii, vr 20
th) 6 1 . fw auy
ttii tv d inudialvi appunilkil Ly lh,
Cvui t ui,Jw clause 6*41(4 of Gehedtile 6 or to
cuivlliw cisiukil dipul ikululivii pivi&33.
te, remove a go¥ernor E the governoT & not 50* $
1*** othee tmtier the rrov*sions of thts *ct or of the 25
to remove a governor +B==
t» till sU v urnul 11<13 fuilld l
u Lt,111
ply w illi <uiy ul.li-
saltull ilitpuiid uit a auvinivi by this *etor tim
bliai lii vf ll„ walci unianad, or 30
80 2 ts ity the best terests of the waka ttmanga to
remove the yovernerro
Lu t uquiik cui Lliutivii lu 1,& liuld to AH 11 vacm,ey ir the
to mmt,+Mt + tyr more re'r=m: to be temrmmy goerm 35
016 il,i a Ep.Lifi.J pidud nul .ALLEd;6 1 y.w, vi unbl·
a sreeeel event oeettrs or *,r srece rt:rroses fn
uludills, il,i L.,clillplt, Cul uldli lu udl Cul &1.ulluil).
Part 4 cl 86
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
¢0 lu upwid vuv vi all uf Lliu puwki and luiiblivii v f Llii
1 Ullallsculut all apputiil a Lutilitit:,Mulill lu LAtili,b tkC
suspeneled powers and ftmetions for ar specified re,40
Or tintit a speced event occors or for sreeifred •rnr=
* to reqtrire the waics mnar,ga or er governor to ray strch
compensation as the eourt thinlcs *t to a registerd
member or grottr of reghtered members of the waks
Uillcullsa wliu liavu Juffliu d
toss as & restrtt ofthe waka
timarrga or ge,vernor *tH+ng to comply th any dtltes 10
Amposer+ rm the rvalca trmanga or governor by or tmeter
titis *et
110 lu nanudy any inallui j nicidi vul l,y llik appliudiil.
0 Iii tulalivii tv appliwiliviii undii section 05tl·*e}, the €mirt
iiiay, c,3 it Llmilu fit, niaL, Llib fullvw nia vidbi. 15
00 orders tmder subsection 12) that are re+evant ·in the
vJ.i uud., section 60(3} LlL <u. 1.1. V <Ull in Lli. cliLunolcuiLLA.
an oreler that the rmties trnetrrice ftrrther ermstlt= 20
t» willi tlik pki:,uti ui kiililiua llial llii Cuui L diiuub.
W vii Llik niall.IJ Llicil Llik Cuui 1 dii ..6.
0*0 iii tl
1& 111111141
ilial tliu Cuuil dii ucts.
th Iftl 1. Lliipul 1.11,11.J lu lli Cuuil undvi section 85tl-He} 6 25
u Evi v Ld undli subsection (0* tite €ourt illay-
11 &4 ull &, ul Blaill l.a v u ful, 1 Ul Invlk pall;ue, LU 1,1 &116 tlic
matter back to €r,trt- and
aft(11 liuaiins Lliu pcu Liu and puu,vi ui wilitiue, (if <uiy)
appicti iits vv illi lliu lia v k v f llik Cuui l, ii,ciki vi Juia- 30
t» .JihiniFUL, piupu<Ld an/und-InG tv Lht &14ter; r,r
00 rejecting the proposed . to the char=
ten or
844 mne*ng the terms of the chartcr +Tr retation to 35
the gr=Td for mT Mptivation set ont +Tr section
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 4 el 87
*Ty oreler made nneler st,bseetion (2*a} to fle} mar be marle
Un lill twili and .und; Gunt Lllal Llib Cuuit un;J.I 3
Injunctive relief
The High Court may, at any time, by order, grant an interim
injunction in relation to an application made; or notice of ob=
jectm *+er*. under this strbrart Part to(a) prohibit a defendant to the proceedings from taking fur-
ther action in relation to a matter that is the subject ofthe 10
proceedings while the proceedings are before the Court:
(b) restrain a person or entity from a threatened or actual
breach of this Act or the charter o f a waka umanga.
The High Court may make orders under subsection (1) i f, in
the opinion of the Court,- 15
(a) it is necessary to do so to preserve the position of the
applicant; and
(b) the waka umanga, its governors, its employees, or any
of its constituent groups, subsidiaries, or registered
members may be acting, or may intend to act in a 20
manner contrary to this Act or the charter of the waka
The Hieh Court may also, in relation to an application for an
interim injunction,(a) record an undertaking by a defendant not to take an ac- 25
tion that is the subject of the proceedings:
(b) require an applicant to give an undertaking in respect of
damages(i) that are sustained by any other party through the
granting of the interim injunction; and 30
(ii) that the Court decides the applicant ought to pay:
(c) fix security for costs and order any payment into the
(d) set the proceedings down for an urgent substantive hearing:
(e) make other interim orders that the Court considers fit.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 4 c]88
An interim injunction must not be granted without notice being
served on all parties, unless the Hifzh Court is satisfied that(a) it would cause undue prejudice to the applicant to require the application to proceed on notice; or
(b) the interests ofjustice require the application to be de- 5
termined without notice being served on all parties.
A final injunction may be granted only if(a) the High Court is satisfied that there has been a breach
of this Act or of the charter of a waka umanga; and
(b) notice has been served on all parties; and 10
(c) the High Court has heard from all parties.
Iftlib Rbaili ai i:, tiv L a pai ty Lu piviuudina undii tli;3 kilivi,
Lhu Cli,f R,6,luu uf li rviaui; Laud Cuut l inunt, £, vni as
ts ressr,natty pi&6.<,1,1., notfy the ·1*egtrer of rmy ordlers
5'brart 9-=*rmysfer of proever11gs an
rthts to arrd
*ym«er 10 +*07 €om-1
T, al,of,-l uf p, v.(idi,qs, tv 114;1, Cuu L
Ai ppliu:livn tv lh. rviavd L,:nd Cvui L undw lid, Aut nuu, al 20
any liiiio Lifui. Llib pivi.idineso ci. likaid atid litially dipused
of iii tliat Cuuil, Lu tiditifunid lu lliu Ilisli Cuuill.y tlik ;viaoti
tend €omt
If all Llib pailiun lu tlib vivvivilinao .vi,wil lu liane,funing Llie
Pioukudinga' llik ?viavi; Laud Cuuit niuit vi dii tliu liciiifii uii- 25
ft l.hw, <u, n,1<,L,J viv„,dins, in thu rviavi, LcuU Cvuit;
f# the interests of jnstice rect,#re that they be heard t¢*
Ik,w,v,i, if <in cippli,liuu Lu 6<ufw p,u„,dina, ;8 0/pused
by a party or if the Mic# 4=and €cort of fts own motion pro=
poses to transfer proeeerlings; that emrrt mttst; befme rleter=
11611ili25 wlittlitl vi livl Lv tlcullfu 1-uu...JIiis, UvlA;dvi45 the 'views of a# the %#,md 35
tb, wilether the dispnte that fs thestrbjectof the aprika=
tioli tulul.M piinidiily lu likcuisa fvluii or other matters
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 4 cl 91
'w illiin tlik :,puiialial .Ap,iliAL uf LliG Nlavi i Land Cuu, 1,
4 w liblliu lliviv <u u ibiatid pi vi,idins iii ll fviavii Land
eonrt rw the High eomt; arld
te» wtere the batance of com,entence *tes for the Fartte& 5
havius iiacud lu ll,E likily EvALE <unl any Jvlay, <uid
4 whether the proce*Mse -of **44
m,ee thmt Shottid be tetermitted St *rst instance by the
High eotrre and
t* any ulliki iiiallki llial, iii tliu upinivii uflliv rviavi; Land 10
Couil, it ilivuld licivi iisaid lu In Lliu pul,liu inlLiLIL.
Tl,c Chi.f R.6,Luu vf Lh. rviauM L,ud Cvuil mual, a„vu as
ib 1LCLAU11(1
1,ly p,li,cLlv, nut,6 li, R.,aiol<u ufany piu,cod-
ilia:' licuiifuibil lu Llik Ilisli Cuuil undii Llii uklivii.
Appeals 15
Appeals to High Court
Appeals against the whole or part of any interlocutory or final
order of the Maori Land Court under this Act may be made
only to the High Court.
However, an appeal must not be brought under subsection 20
(1) if, before a final order of the Maori Land Court is made,
all parties to the proceedings agreed in writing not to appeal
against an order of the Maori Land Court in those proceedings.
An appeal against an interlocutory order of the Maori Land
Court may only be made by leave of that Court or, if leave is 25
declined, by leave of the High Court.
Every appeal and application for leave to appeal under this
section must be served on the Registrar.
Scope of appeal rights
An appeal to the High Court may be brought by- 30
(a) a party to the proceedings in which an order under appeal is made by the Maori Land Court; or
(b) any other person materially affected by that order.
Hearing of appeal
An appeal to the High Court is by way of rehearing. 35
Part 4 cl 92
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
No party to the appeal may produce evidence that was not
produced in the Maori Land Court.
However, the High Court may allow further evidence to be
produced if, in its opinion, it is necessary to enable a just determination of the appeal. 5
Powers of High Court on appeal
In determining an appeal under this subpart, the High Court
(a) make the decision it thinks should have been made by
the Maori Land Court; or 10
(b) direct the Maori Land Court to rehear the proceedings
as a whole or any specified part of the proceedings; or
(c) make any further orders that it thinks fit, including
orders as to costs.
Appeals to Court of Appeal 15
* party may; drynt leave; arres+ to the €ottrt of *pretr+ +17
i.ial,u„ to n matter tuu,fu..J froni tlic klaori Laud Cvuft to
the High eottrt tmeler section -756 or 00:
A party may appeal to the Court of Appeal against a determination of the High Court under section 92 on a point of law- 20
(a) by leave of the High Court; or
(b) if leave is declined by the High Court, by leave of the
Court of Appeal.
Every appeal and application for leave to appeal made under
this section must be served on the Registrar. 25
Appeals to Supreme Court
A party to an appeal under section 93 may, with the leave of
the Supreme Court, appeal on a point of law to the Supreme
Court against all or part of a determination of the Court of
Every application for leave to appeal and every appeal under
this section must be served on the Registrar.
Part 5 cl 96
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 5
Transitional provisions for existing
entities, establishment of Waka Umanga
Secretariat, and miscellaneous matters
Subpart 1-Registration of existing entities 5
as waka umanga
**mrf *trst er=nfr
95 Wl illl
Al«,ul i T, u,1 Dual J indy apply fus i rai,i aliu„ as
w:rks trmmign
f·» tr *30# frost Boarel may apply to be reghtered as a wale 10
tm,m +-"
t* d i,,ulutivii ciulliviiiiits ll Duaiil Lv Ju au ii 1-'ciaaud at
a duly Lunatilutid uvvlins vf Lliv Dvaid Ly nul 1,33 tliciii
96% of the Boardis members who are present am* east
tbf) till i Lovlutivil p<,33.J uild.1 p.. ay. -,1, te} & Luuf;nuvd
in n post# baHot of the BoarcFs addt 1„ii,fiui<u i., by
not +ess than 96% of the nelt,+t {,ene*car+es who east a
x,31*# rotc; :mel
(4 the **12*ster of,M*or *ffatrs ims twhether before or 20
ftw Lli, pains uf Lli, 1,ulutivii uialu paragraph le)
or tlib bviifii iiialivii u f tliE iiululivii undii paragraph
tb}·f given 17# r,r her consent in writing to the Board
apply hia lu 1,, 1.6;e'lu1 aa a w aka unimiaa, and
«8 2 has prepared; not<04 and meorted a cTarter in ao: 25
corciance with sections 49 to 24-
55 * rosta+ *mHot eoTTtrtee fm the l=poses of stcbseetion
t+Mb) mtist bc trindz,fted in accorelm,ce wttITtlTe prort,inns
uf ll*. rviciwi Tn,al Dvaida AU 1 955 .1<,Gus 6 th. &1&.Uvu vf
members by rost:T+ bz,Hot; m,el thosc l'rm**ons 0,00*H ne= 30
t.ttaly illudifiucillut,0 Vgly (luuuL J;usly.
Al.u, i T, u1 11,.uJ lu .u,uply „ill, ri·t 2
* Maob frtist Board thst ts mithorsed tmder section 99 to
apply for registration as a wales timangamtist as soon as &
Lly plabliwil,ll, Jtlk ILSAlial;un <te, <1 vv<,1,
CL Ulll11
aa in 35
accor*mee wrth subpart 3 of Part 2-
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 5 cl 97
ES) for the rm·re,ses ofseetion 20; mt arritentorr by N Maort
*Terst *arel for regtitrat 35 tr waWM mnm,grr mtrst Ttle+Mdr
iii addilivii Lu Llik iiicillw ApGLifi.J iii Llicit Miulioii,4 (01*es of the resolution; con*rmation: Snet consent re=
CIA*12 tmeter seetion 95¢+t my# 5
tb# a kupy uftlik tuil ufadult l,wiufiidiik:, pikpaiud undii
sectivii 42 of'ilic rviav„ T u,l Du<nd A.l 1 955; alid
te a ilatuluiy Jiblaidlivii Ly d iiibiiibbi ufllik Dvaid Elal„,5
0 that the membershir of the walea ttmarrga wiH 10
Cohipi i. Lli. Eank pwiulti di lit¥ the copy of the
011 pn, v ;J.J undLL paragraph tb), rM
t+0 tlial lill ilikilll,ki11;p uf Lliu waka unialls<, w ;11 LIvt
bc the sm„c ns in the cory of the rcH provided
'tmeler paragraph (L), iudialina iliaunwal twins 15
liuvv and vvliy tlib iitwitbilihip diffui, and
te» s cory Of the Bom·eFs most recent statement +*rrn+sher+
to th Minhtu uf Nlaut; Affuh undw ..Livu 32 uf tlic
Mach *mit Boards *et +95* ttogether «#th the doctr
n..6 .Mult.d lu a..uu,aity It), aial lii. rvitnl:,l. :, ap- 20
pi v val undbi Jiblivii 32(2) ufllial Aul, and
4 ci lil vf Iliu iliwiiL
f Ilii Ilvaid and {lib ilcili un w inbii
Caoli p., auu wa, .1..l.J <t, C iii.tiilu uflli. Board.
t# Tlie Rusitlt<u inual tivt n,Silui a rviavii Tiul Dvaid ci a vv<,mi
untatiad until dii Oiclki 111 Cuuiikil 13 itiddi uiidii section 99. 25
0rder in €ottneH required
Tlic Guv kilivi-Guibial illay, Ly Oidik in Cuunuil, diulaiu Llial
s Maori Frost Bear* OTY 310 from the date ofits reg,stration
aa a waka uinc,nsa, ide,u< tu Lu a rvidvii Tiual I]vaid.
*Tr 0rder +17 €otmht tmder subsectien t*) may be mak 30
Oldyin* orr the recommendat of the Mt,ter of ·M*o·r* *fr
fairs; and
44 3*er the *417*ster of Mftor* *flrs has *ren Belvisec
Ly thu R..6,lia, Llial th. .ailalivii vf lii. rviavi; Tu<l 35
Do<u J (13 a wak,t ulliculsd ;3 i.ady lu piv...J.
Part 5 cl 100
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Efftil uf i fi,ll .:Gull .:a V.*dia u,lial,sa
Oil <ual 11 v111 11,E JaLL vii w 11;Ji Llik NI
dU-1 1
Tu Dvaid ts reg-
itwid cii a waka uuiansci, Lliu Mavii Ti u Duaid U.£13,3 lu 1,&
Cl 1VlclJl 1
L ul Dv,ud uudw th. rvi
Tn,al Duards A,11955,
and that *et .c,. to arrty to t. 5
0 *+Te re.*M+M of 1 92+92* *d al s mab trmatygs
rirrs rrot-
1*) Li bal. 2 tnf/7 +ega* enttty, err
afilt 1-"v.vvdmzf Ly ul asa;lial Llik 11
Tiubt Board
niuiikdiality Lifui, 16 iugilialiivii a< a walu: uiii<,iiga. 10
1*) Tlii pivpwly, iialib, <uid vbligativiii u fllib
rvioun Tiual Dvaid
;iuluidicilily Lifui. iLE iksilialiuii <i ci w aka uni<uisci Libonic
Llib vivvuly, 1165116, culd ul.14;alivilm uf tlit walCl uill<1116(1.
W froceedings that eotrt# have beencommenced m contirmed
Ly vi Lisciiiibl Lli. Tvlavi ; L u:,L Du<ud 1,4 fuu il:, n,SIALalivu aR 5 15
waka unialia inay 1,& LuiiunwiuJ vi Luitlinuid Ly ui adaillal
the walfzr trnT:mgm
Cu„Li,iu<.Gu„ uf LI, 6,&,1 9, v v :u„, uf Al«:u, i Ti unt Bu<uJ,·
*Ct +955
Diot-nli see**on 98, if d piu vimivii uf Lli ticivii Tiul Dudid 20
Act 1955 opuu;fluil n st,bsection (2) applikd lu <dvidui i Tiuil
Boarel immediate» before *ts res<*rativn 8 5 walerr trmang:n
the rrorton contnes to apply M +f the lam merp mere
the *ao. *list Board concerned
Tli. piv viivn u. ..livin 10(2) nd (3),19A, 24A, d 41 A 25
of thi rvi avii Ti ut D Ual J, Act 1955.
rilkal dituu,16 uf Al<uni Ti ,", Bual J . tz;i,LU, LJ
dj VI dlid
AR ivvii DE i iuamviiably victilial,li aftii Llik iusiilialiuii uf a
tiouii Tiut Duaid an a waka uniansa, th, wakauniansa inuil 30
eatise fnat aceotmts of the Maot *rnst Board to be prepared
a t tli. .lu. ufllic Jay ;nuu.Ji<,l.ly L.fu. llu d<l. un whi.h
+t X,vas 1 4,;Allilil aa Cl wak<: ullialliga.
A ,.upy vflliu fuial ci,.uuunt:„ lustl iw willi d uupy ufllib liguil
af ll Audilw-Gunwal v,1 lii. a..vuub, n3l- 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 5 el 101
ta) be sent hy the wales ·Mmmlga to the *it*ster of Maot
*ffrr* st,d
tb, bc rre.rented to the Hort.sc of Ripi ibuildtiv .., by the
*ster Of *fror* *ffzrb Ns soorr as practical,+e after
they are i .. i v .d hy tite 14117+ster 5
+4)+ it'Ina, i„,an pui <.l,J v,=icly 11117 apply for registrnt*an
1/ m¥cs mmrngs
t·» *he offters cf an teorporated sodety may srriT *,r t+re +m,
ent'rr,Tater 90*ty of 91*cly they nre r,fl*cers tr, be re*terd 10
ss n wales nmangs *44 the socety st M Ze,ters+ meeting of ·its members l'ztsses
5 resolttterr NMOTorsing the
ovv·61 .,
officers to do sers
85) Lliui.bulultuii p,:Mid undw ,®.. ®.U.9,1, te) tscoiifilliKJ 15
Ly allullibil i.aulutivil pt,JLd cll cl alliticll 111&.l;Lia uf tlic
. members ·hclet not emlirr tharr 90 days after
the clate orr wh*ch the reschrt*rm to be crm++rmec} was
% in stcbsection f»; resoftition
memys a
resottrtion carrkd by 20
21 niajuiily ufllik vaticl vuLLE .dEL Ly inwul,wo vulitill04 at tlii awiki al ilikililia Iii pki Aull, or
t# if all
d by Ll 16 2,ULIL ty'S iulki, Ly pluxy.
11,8 luut pu U:J uu:Ly lu unnply vv dh Pa i 2
i'» Tlib viribi:, ufan iniuipuldlicl Auuikly <iullivi;n,J uiidii see- 25
tien 40+ try apply for registratbm of the sockty :TE er wairs
trnlang:r 11,trst; as MooTT as 11 1tasormbly pi<„t,v<j,1„ Proceed
to rrty for the soc+ety to be regterce< 55 5 wak, tmlingzr *r
scrot*mee w,th st,bpart 3 of Part 2-
f4 For the puipu,3 of section 20, aii appli,aliuii lu 1,65;3tw cui 30
ilkiuipuial,J juuikly aa a wakcl uiticuisa iiiu:,l Itioludi Lupik uf
tlic i.:,vlutivii p<,:,ud und. section 4*4tit.
*0 If diansua cuu u.,JEJ tv tlib Lutilitutiviial Jubuinw,1J vf cui iii-
Luivvialid Auwity fut tlii puipu uf buiiwly,iig willi LliiE Act,
those changes mtrst tr ratified in the manner Frov*ded for by 35
Part 5 cl 104
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
section leff» in iApibl uf Llib appli,alivn uf tlib itibvivvi -
ated Evvilly to L. 1.slatw,«J a a waka un<u,sa.
-Effect of regi*trl¥tion 1rr ivales tmyangs
011 Culd illuili Llit J<,tu vil wlilkll all ulluipulattil 3,tilly 13 1(g+sterd as s «*a m„angs; the
bvi, 1 L
«0 teiries te, be my bcorrorater society ·m,eler the +T,corrr"
VictlLU Jullultlb
A,l 1908, and thal Aul
C 6/1.)Ll
lu apply
te, +t; anel
*4 becomes a wales mnangm
Tlib ivaiolialiv,1 ufaii iiibuiguiatid Aukibly aa a walui uni<,uaa 10
rirrS l,rrt-
.i.Lu er MMY +ega et,trty; or
tbi afil,il vivibidnFE Ly vi asahol llu Juwily Innikdmkly
before il:, iuailiativii aR 91 waka urnaiiact.
TliE vivpwly, i;61'La, diid ul,lisalivii:, v f tlik iiibvivvic,tud
vw-- 15
Lly iminicliatily Luiln. 6,3 Lai<llatiult <13 a waka ttmallga 150"
Lutill Lli. pivpvily, 165116, culd Ul,165<ilivi ufllik w aka uilialls<l.
P, v...J;na, that .vuld ha v . L... .unn.....d v* .vILu.J by
or against Lliu iiiiuipuialkd Rubibly Lufuiu Ili reg,stratmn as er
IMics unuuisci inay 1,. .uniui.iu.J n eontinned by or against 20
the walca tymzmgar
Ini -- 1
TTrrm aiu,util, aitd IlutiX Ul ic;61311 ativil
AJ avvii ci ;3 iiiaiuiial,ly plailibcibli aft„ tlii iusilicilivii vfaii
pu, alkd
ty < <1 wakd ulliaus' 'vin, Litv uffuul, 11ko
weles unfangs inu,l- 25
(0 eatrse to be prepared #10 neentmts of the corporated
Evuity al Lliu .luni uftlik day nurnicliatily Lifuiu thi
date on *d es regstratm im s Mh
tTmangs enme
mto uff„l, and
tb, sivu wiilluit nulluu Lu Lli R.Bi8Licit uf Iivipuralud SO- 30
cictivo ll,al tlik ;iiv puidlid Auuiuly liaa 1.,bwi i.ai3litud
15 ZI walm m,mr,gr
* tory of the I mm reelt:red #st,bseetion t**a)
t¥rest be made a v ailal,le-
4 to the Registrar uf Iniuipuialid Subibliki, and 35
Part 5 cl 105
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
reqtrest; to mly renrm'whm +mmerHmt* befbre
the fegtrat= ef the +ner,Trorater peety as s wale:
Lilliall*Cl, VUL.3 cl 111111l-,1 Vf litt nitulpulciltd butilly.
*yrstr fi,Hn,r fimly r0mrftz70& frrzrf:»
*144#Sections 406 to 409 J u
tivl apply lu a liutllial i a ulicuilable
U'liu, t, uJic<J „,dy apply lu 1 g;I,h:1 VVdka ultlitaliz;a
*he trnstees Of s trcrst may am* to regster a wairzr trmang:T
to whtch section 406
vv uu
lil cipply ifllik vvak,i unidiiasa w.1. 10
Tlic li Ll,|LLE ilidy 0Pply undu subsection (47 Orty HLI
4 a ikaulutivii ciulliviixiiia llik li u„lkix lu Ju u ii pabil at
a duly vviialilulid
6.5 uf thu <:dull beneficiaris of
tlib liuEL by nul 1.33 Llicin 7586 vf thu adult L.n.fi.;ada 15
wliu <lib pillunl atiJ uall a valid vULE, culd
tb# thu „ulul;un pa.J und. p...=..phfi ts UU.611111.J
at fr strbscquont meeting Of adult beneficimies by not
ics, U 1,211
/ J /0 U
fllik adult l.knifiii<ii;ix wliv Kiik pikbi,l
4 tlic Ilisli Cvuil lu
uv.d tli. i.:,ulut;un and th. .un-
frmat*m of the resoltitiom
rui Llib puipvib vf stibseetion fe), a inubliiis u f adult L
1 1. lai ll A niuJ t 11ut L. libld Uillun d w i it l. 11 1 1 Ut 1. L h, 3. 1 Il tv -li
ta at lidEL 1 nivittli L.lvi, L'iu Jali uf Llik ii,kilins, and
tb, specifying the date; timc; pl<&„ mle} purpose of the
Tlik I I iali Cu uil inu:,l tiul appluvt cl i.lululivil alid Il tulifilinstion tmeler this seetion tmtess snttdied thst the addt benefi= 30
Liallu, wilu Jid livt vul,« n, favvul ufllit 1.AULUL- vi &6 .un-
tinnalivii will tiul l.£ ulifailly pi4uiliid Ly LliG isi:'lialivii uf
the trust as a w.m umangm
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 5 cl 109
frtrsters to comrly witIT fart *
FFrnstees strtheitsed m,der Beetion 406 ter m71*y to re»ter
t x,vales ·nmat,ga Tmtst; 55: sorm M & ressonal*r praetten*,+er
ptul.vJ LU aulk i.siallativil Ufllib w<lkcl uillculsd 211 (L.VIJ<,n,L
wrth subpart 3 of Part 2- 5
I vi lin- pu,pv:» vfseetion 28, ,di <ilpplibal;un Ly ll- lulu«A
Lu i,«gial,1 a waka unicuiga iiiual &11,ludi, Qii addiliun tv tliu inal-
teri specified irr 20; cories of the resolutions Fised
tmeter section 406<2*0 ene, tb) mTd the High er,trrt oreler
m:Trhe tme*er section 406(2*er 10
Ifuli<uisut ai u n..d.d tv Lli..uili lutivii<il Juu, 11.1,l3 v f a li u,l
fui Llik puipux, u f uviiiply Iiia willi llii:, ALL, Ll tu:,b klidiiau iiiul
be ratif*ed 07 the manner rror*led for tmeler seetion 406 +TT
i.jpkil uf liii applicalivii tu ikailii ci wak,i utiiaiiad.
Effril uf appiuval 4, irigi,lii .vak., unia.,sa 15
011 and 11 vin Lliu Jciti un w li;Ji a waka uiiiausa ;3 aulliui ;3.J lu
be registerce* tmeler section 496; the trnst crmecrned
to mr end m,el ts cm,ceHerb
The i.si:'lialiult ufa waka unkirisa dvio iiul affLil piubiudiiligs
hy or apinst the trnstees *r rclation to the trnst +mmediatetr 20
Lifui, th, i,6;Elial,un u f ll,2 waka uin<uisci.
Withont inT<Ang . (4* tite property Iye+d & trust;
myel the T+ghts tmel obltatons of the trt,stees in re+Stt, tr,
the trit,1.- +mmecHatcly ·beforc the rcg€ttrato'Tryf the waka
·nmmyga become the Troperty; rlttr, and 01,gatons of the 25
Waira trmang:r
1 i v..dii,50 Llicil Lvuld lia v & 1,,£,11 Luniminbid vi .unlinuid Ly
or gainst the trnstees irr re+atint¥ te the trtrit before the regis=
Lialivil vf lill wakct ulliguisa ill«y 1,& Luniniwi&&21 vi uvitlinuud
by or against the waka m,1217* 30
IN,k<,1 dituu,Ili, Uf l. uot , tdlt. CJ <0 .valid ullidil;;
AR Euvii a* 13 ikaiulial.ly pidilikal,li aflui llik iksialialivii ufllii
vvclka ulliculsct Luitike, Ii,lu LITuul, LliL waa unicuisa uiuol wiuAL
to 1,& piup<uid fitial abiuuiilo vf llib liuil cij al Llib bluEE vf lliu
day +m,mediately before tir date MT 036 the registrat*on of 35
the waira trmm,ga came inte, effect
Part 5 cl 110
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
* eopy of the fmat accotmts mtrit be marle <, v <dl<,Ll., on re=
Mu.El, lu any pii avii wliv, nlilkiedicilily Lifui. tlik iusixtialivii
of thi waka unianga, wa< a 1,,inifway vf lig li uol.
€herimble trmrtr
I UJ 1, Hidy dpply
to register
mrks trmangs
*he trnstees of er dmitabb trust may am,ly ter regist= N
wcika utiiaad lu wl,iulisection 442 wvuld pply If ll
IL VVclka
nmanga mere reg*stere*
Tim liu,li., itiay apply uiidi st,bsection tl-) onty Hi- 10
ta a ikiulutiuii dulliui;inalliwii lu clu v i pa:,id al cicluly
11 '70-n/
60113 litu Lkil niuu Lins u f tlik li u:, l.&3 Ly i iul 1.33 u icii 1
j J /0
uf liuiliki wliu ciib p,Lawil ctiid .c,El ci valid vulu, clild
tb tlib I Iiali Cvuit lia cipp
d tl lL
*he High eomt Trmst not approve a resotntiontm,ess a cory 15
uf tlik applikalivit +11; becki Aw Vid Ull-
ta tlib Attvuicy-Gcikeial, diid llic I lisli Cvui l lia:, libai J any
stibrmssions timt ll, Allv,n.y-(3.„u<d wishes to maire
rm the matter; =1
80 aiiy ulliki pkiutii tlial llik Iliali Cuuit cons*ders appro= 20
ritate; arrd the H+gly *Bomt +ME +Tem# nny· snl,n,issions
that thosi pki,uti, w;Eli lu ilidk
Llit iiiallul.
for the rmrosc of deft##Tg 'wl,ether to Zift fts m'prorat the
I I igh Cum L niay i .4 uii E LliE applii<ui 13 tu Lvii v Liib nibiliiia:' of
ally SivupE uf v.iJUiiJ Llial Llit Iliall Cuuil buillidli E applup.- 25
ate, in ui Ju Lu di.k l,t;„ ll1 v i.vv o vii ll n,,ll,1.
Ar the rtrmose of determintng wl,ether or not to m,rtr,ve er
iulutivii, tliu Iliali Cuuil
111UJ ,
1mv. i.acud tv both-
ta# th puipvu:, vf 1.1- .L,;61.1. t, ut, and
M ll,k ilicu Lut ufllik piupuid waka utiiaiiaci. 30
+TT tiTTS Section mle sections 44+ to 44* chmitab*e trust
uvio nul nibtudi a ilidii[ablk liue,t ualal,li:,likil Ly will.
T, bk m%& (u,„pty „al, r<u t *
*rnstees strthorsed tmeler section 440 to apply to register
5 waira trmangs Trmst; 55 soon as & ressemably Fractcab+c; 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 5 cl 113
pi vid lu 8vk i isilialiuii vf ll w aka unicuiga ill aLLUIJ<U,
with st,bparteoffer,2-
roi Llik guipuau ufsection 20, aii cippliialiuii Ly Llii liuili,3
te, register :r ·tr:rkrr tm,anga tmrst Tttettrele; Tty adrt,17r,lt to the
matters srecthed *Tr section 20; Colits of the rescitttion 5
passed tr:Trier etion 440(2*o and the High €amt order
made trm*cr section 440(21(br
if chm,ges are needed to the constitt,tiomr+ docoments of zr
charitatde trnst fer the Furrose of comlybing rrtly tl*s *et.
those blicilisi iiiue,l l,k ialifikd ii, the niciiniur piuvidid for by 10
seetion 440 +rr respect 4 the martivatim ter registir 5 wale
Eff-t J appluvul tu ILi,tu vvdka uitiand
Oii cuid 11 uni tlib d,iti un w 1,;di s Traica mnanga ts reg<stcre*
cift.1 Llii li u,liu:, liavi 1,,uwi aull
J lu Ju v undw section 15
410(Z), tlik .lial2tal/1. l UEL LUIi.Liii.J .VinLE lu all .LJ alld 13
+f the trnstees are registereel M s e+Imital,te trust board tmder
the €har+tabte inists *et +959; the #In,#ta* trnst
eeases to
L, <ili<uital,l, liu Luaid und„ Llial ALL, and that Aut „an,3 20
to al,Ply to t.
Tlikiks;jlicitivii ufa w<tkci uiiiansa Juk:, iiul affuil pivikidit153
by er 48*mt the trerstees *r relation to the trtrst ·in,mediately
Lifuik Llik i usialiciliuii vf Lli waka umansa.
Withot.t +n*ting subsection f» the property bad in trost; 25
mlet the hghts rrmt obitgatons of the trtritees in retattn to
Ll„ LliaLitciblk l, ujl, iiiiiikdialily 1.,bfu,u tlii iiaiLicilivii vfllib
Wales unuuis<' 1.,kiunik Llik piupbily, iialit, mlei ob*gations of
the «mics trimmgzr
riu..dnia, liu:l .uuid hv. 1,,„n .unnuwuud n .unt;nu.J Ly 30
01 as<diial tliu li ual.u) iii i ulaliuti Lu llik Llidi i tal,li liual 1.,kfui k
the regtratiory of the wakn tn·mmgs may be commened or
contn,uvJ Ly vi ascikiial Lliu walui unianaci.
1*1!Tm .UJUilt, id 11Ull.. u ical,li 6,&,Ult
*s soon as ts reasonabty rractrabt after the re*stratton of 35
Llit waka ullicuisc bullitk 111lv Lffult, li 4
wak C·L Uill115 iliuJL
Part 5 cl 95
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
wiu3, lu L, pi,pai,J finl au,vunl vf Lli, l,ul <13 <,l Lli,
dose vf the elay +mmed,ately before the date on *te#
;li „6;Eliciliuti di a waka uiiicitits<i Laki inlu iffuLL, and
siviwiilliti tivliuu Llial tlii vvdka uikidiiaci liao 1.,iwi ictistered and timt thccharitabte trust ims come tomy en 5
,illd 1/LWI L<ltluttlb ulldli section 442(*) to==
t» tlic Allutiiuy-Gwiwal, anc
[li ua3, vf a „8313lw,d Lli<inlal,li tiubt Luaid,
tho Rusiliat uf Itibuipuidka Juii.Li.j.
Limits as to effect of registration 10
95 Meaning of existing entity
In this subpart,existing entity-
iE11 meansill a charitable trust board under the Charitable 15
Trusts Act 1957; or
(ii) a company under the Companies Act 1993; or
(iii) an incorporated society under the Incorporated
Societies Act 1908; or
(iv) a Maori Trust Board; or 20
El trustees of a trust; but
i!21 does not include the trustees of a trust constituted under
Part 12 of the Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993
trustees, in relation to a society registered as a charitable trust
board under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, means the mem- 25
bers of the society.
Obligation of authorised existing entity to register as a
waka umanga
An existing entity must apply to register as a waka umanga
under Part 2 as soon as practicable after being authorised to 30
do so under this subpart.
Authorisation to register as waka umanga
This section specifies when an existing entity is authorised to
register as a waka umanga.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 5 cl 99
A charitable trust board is authorised to register as a waka
umanga if it complies with section 99,
A company is authorised to register as a waka umanga if the
shareholders of the company, by special resolution, resolve
that the company be registered as a waka umanga. 5
An incorporated society is authorised to register as a waka
umanga if the society at a general meeting of its members
passes a resolution authorising the society's officers to do so.
A Maori Trust Board is authorised to register as a waka
umanga if a resolution authorising the Board to do so is 10
passed at a duly constituted meeting of the Board by not less
than 75% of the Board's members who are present and cast
a valid vote.
The trustees of a trust are authorised to register as a waka
umanga if it complies with section 98. 15
Ordinary trusts
This section applies in relation to trusts other than-
a trust that is a charitable trust; or
ikj a trust constituted under Part 12 of the Te Ture Whenua
The trustees of a trust may apply to register a waka umanga,
but only if a resolution authorising the trustees to do so is
passed at a duly constituted meeting of the adult beneficiaries of the trust by not less than 75% of the adult beneficiaries
who are present and cast a valid vote. 25
Charitable trusts
This section-
£Ell applies in relation to a charitable trust if the trustfil was in existence at the commencement of this
(ii) came into existence within 1 year after the commencement of this Act; but
91 does not apply in relation to a charitable trust established by will.
The trustees of a charitable trust may apply to register a waka 35
umanga, but only if-
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 5 cl 100
12) a resolution authorising them to do so is passed at a duly
constituted meeting of the trustees by not less than 75%
of trustees who are present and cast a valid vote; and
iN the Attorney-General has approved the registration of
the waka umanga. 5
The Attorney-General must approve the registration of a waka
umanga by the trustees, if the Attorney-General is satisfied
the objectives of the waka umanga, as set out in its char-
ill include the purposes of the charitable trust; and
(ii) are not inconsistent with those purposes.
the property that is subject to the charitable trust will
be held and applied by the waka umanga for the same
the proposed membership of the waka umanga is con-
the registration of the waka umanga is otherwise not
sistent with the purpose of the charitable trust; and
inconsistent with the purposes of the charitable trust.
Order in Council required before registration of Maori 20
Trust Board as waka umanga
The Registrar must not register a Maori Trust Board as a waka
umanga until an Order in Council is made under this section.
The Governor-General may, by Order in Council, declare that
a Maori Trust Board, on and from the date of its registration 25
as a waka umanga, ceases to be a Maori Trust Board.
Any Order in Council under subsection (2) may be made
i21 on the recommendation of the Minister of Maori Affairs;
after the Minister of Maori Affairs has been advised
by the Registrar that the registration of the Maori Trust
Board as a waka umanga is ready to proceed.
Effect of registration as waka umanga
On and from the date on which an existing entity is registered 35
as a waka umanga, the existing entity ceases to be (as the case
may be)-
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Billi
Part 5 cl 102
i21 a charitable trust board under the Charitable Trusts Act
1957; or
fk) a company under the Companies Act 1993; or
icl an incorporated society under the Incorporated Societies
15!1 a Maori Trust Board under the Maori Trust Boards Act
1955; or
El a trust.
To avoid doubt, on and from the date on which a trust is registered as a waka umanga,- 10
121 the trust is cancelled; and
fk) if the trust is subject to the Charitable Trusts Act 1957,
that Act ceases to apply to it.
The registration of an existing entity as a waka umanga does
£21 create anew legal entity; or
221 affect proceedings by or against the existing entity immediately before its registration as a waka umanga.
The property, rights, and obligations of the existing entity immediately before its registration as a waka umanga become the 20
property, rights, and obligations of the waka umanga.
Proceedings that could have been commenced or continued by
or against the existing entity before its registration as a waka
umanga may be commenced or continued by or against the
To avoid doubt and without limiting susbsection (2)(a), the
registration of a charitable trust board, incomorated society, or
company as a waka umanga is not to be treated as a dissolution
or liquidation of the charitable trust board, incorporated society,
Continuation of certain provisions of Maori Trust Boards
Act 1955
Despite section 98, if a provision of the Maori Trust Boards
Act 1955 specified in subsection (2) applies to a Maori Trust
Board immediately before its registration as a waka umanga, 35
the provision continues to apply as if the waka umanga were
the Maori Trust Board concerned.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 5 cl 103
The provisions are sections 10(2) and (3), 19A, 24A, and 41A
of the Maori Trust Boards Act 1955.
Final accounts of existing entity registered as waka
As soon as is reasonably practicable after the registration of 5
an existing entity as a waka umanga, the waka umanga must
cause final accounts of the existing entity to be prepared as at
the close of the day immediately before the date on which it
was registered as a waka umanga.
A copy of the final accounts must be sent by the waka umanga 10
to the appropriate persons as follows:
121 the Registrar of Companies, if the existing entity was
a company within the meaning of the Companies Act
ikl the Registrar of Incorporated Societies, i f the existing 15
entity was-
ill a society incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908; or
(ii) a charitable trust board incorporated under the
Charitable Trusts Act 1957: 20
i£1 the Attorney-General, if the existing entity was a charitable trust:
fEU the Minister of Maori Affairs, if the existing entity was
the Maori Trust Board.
The copy of the final accounts of a waka umanga that was a 25
Maori Trust Board sent to the Minister of Maori Affairs under
subsection (2)(a) must be accompanied by an auditor's report.
If the existing entity were the trustees of a trust, the waka
umanga must make a copy of the final accounts available for 30
inspection by any beneficiary of the trust.
Matters not affected by registration
The registration of a waka umanga authorised under this subpart--
(a) is not to be treated as placing a person in breach of, or 35
default under, any contract, or in breach of trust, or in
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 5 cl 115
breach ofconfidence, or as otherwise making the person
guilty of a civil wrong; and
(b) is not to be treated as entitling a person to-
(i) terminate or cancel or modify a contract, agreement, or arrangement; or 5
(ii) enforce or accelerate the performance of an obligation; or
(iii) require the performance of an obligation not
otherwise arising for performance; and
(c) does not release any surety wholly or in part from all or 10
any obligation; and
(d) does not invalidate or discharge any contract or security.
Other transitional matters
115 Employees
(1) This section applies to a person who is an employee of a Maori 15
Trust Board, an incorporated society, or the trustees of any
trust immediately before the registration of a waka umanga
under this subpart.
(2) The registration does not affect the employee's employment
(3) The employee is an employee of the waka umanga and, for
the purposes of every enactment, law, award, determination,
contract, and agreement relating to the employment of the employee,(a) his or her employment agreement is unbroken; and 25
(b) the period of his or her service with the Maori Trust
Board, incorporated society, or trustees of a trust, and
every other period of service that is recognised by the
Maori Trust Board, incorporated society, or trustees of
a trust as his or her continuous service, is a period of 30
service with the waka umanga.
(4) The terms and conditions of the employment of the employee
with the waka umanga are (until varied) identical to the terms
and conditions of his or her employment immediately before
the registration and are capable of variation in the same man- 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 5 el 116
(5) The employee is not entitled to receive any payment or other
benefit by reason only of the registration.
References in documents
On and from the registration of a waka umanga under this subpart, references to a Maori Trust Board, an incorporated soci- 5
ety, or the trustees of a trust in any contract, lease, notice, order,
proceedings, or other document has effect as a reference to the
waka umanga.
117 Records and registers
(1) Neither the Registrar-General of Land nor any other person 10
charged with the keeping of any records or registers is obliged
solely by reason of any provision ofthis subpart to change any
name in those records or registers or in any document.
(2) In the absence ofevidence to the contrary, it is sufficient proof
that any property, rights, or obligations become, under this 15
subpart, the property, rights, and obligations ofa waka umanga
ifa person presents to the Registrar-General of Land or another
person, as the case may require, an instrument, whether or not
comprising an instrument of transfer,(a) executed or purporting to be executed by or on behalf 20
of the waka umanga; and
(b) relating to any property, rights, or obligations in existence immediately before the registration of the waka
umanga; and
(c) containing a recital that the property, rights, or obliga- 25
tions have become the property, rights, or obligations of
the waka umanga under this Act.
Subpart 2-Taxation and duties
118 Interpretation
Inland Revenue Acts has the meaning given to it in section
3(1) of the Tax Administration Act 1994
membership means,(a) in relation to a Maori Trust Board, the adult beneficiaries
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 5 cl 120
(ab) in relation to a company under the Companies Act 1993,
the shareholders of the company:
(b) in relation to an incorporated society, the members of
the society:
(c) in relation to a trust that is not a charitable trust, the adult 5
beneficiaries of the trust:
(d) in relation to a charitable trust, the class or classes of
persons who may receive benefits from the trust.
organisation means a Maoit *rtrit Bom* ineem'orated soci=
ety; r,r trtrst an existing entity authorised under subpart 1 to 10
register as a waka umanga.
Sections 120 and 121
(a) for the purposes of the Inland Revenue Acts and any
other enactment that imposes or provides for the col- 15
lection of any tax, duty, levy, rate, or other charge; but
(b) only if the membership of an existing entity immediately before its registration as a waka umanga is the
same or substantially the same as the membership immediately after its registration. 20
Taxes and duties
(1) A waka umanga registered as a result of an authorisation given
under subpart 1 and the organisation that it was immediately
before its registration as a waka umanga are to be treated as the
same person in relation to the property, rights, and obligations 25
of the organisation that, on the registration of the organisation
as a waka umanga, become the property, rights, and obligations of the waka umanga.
(2) All transactions entered into by, and all acts of, the organisation before its registration as a waka umanga in relation to 30
those property, rights, and obligations are to be treated as having been entered into or performed by the waka umanga on
the date on which they were entered into or performed by the
Part 5 cl 121
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Continuation of declarations after registration of Maori
Trust Board as waka umanga
Any declaration of trust executed by a Maori Trust Board
under section 24B of the Maori Trust Boards Act 1955 and
approved by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue under that 5
section before the registration of the Maori Trust Board as a
waka umanga-
(a) applies only in relation to property that before the registration was acquired by or vested in the Board and (before that date) has been subjected to that declaration of 10
trust; but
(b) does not apply to(i) any redress provided under a deed of settlement
or any other property acquired by or vested in
the Maori Trust Board pursuant to or consequent 15
upon the settlement of the Board's historical
claims against the Crown in respect of the
Crown's breaches of its obligations under the
Treaty of Waitangi; or
(ii) any property acquired by or vested in the Board 20
on or after its registration as a waka umanga
under this Act.
Subpart 3-Waka Umanga Secretariat
122 Establishment of Waka Umanga Secretariat
(1) The Minister of Maori Affairs (the responsible ]Minister) 25
may, after consultation with the Minister for the time being
responsible for the administration ofthe Companies Act 1993,
establish the Waka Umanga Secretariat (the Secretariat).
(2) The Secretariat will cease to exist on and from the fifth an-
niversary of the commencement of this subpart. 30
Function of Secretariat
(1) The function of the Secretariat is to give such advice as the
responsible Minister thinks fit in order to promote compliance
with this Act by a tribal group, Maori association, or existing
(a) wishing to form and register a waka umanga; or
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 5 cl 124
(b) that has already formed and registered a waka umanga.
(2) Assistance given under this section may relate to the matters
that must be undertaken-
(a) before registration of a waka umanga under this Act,
including matters such as the preparation of the charter 5
and any other documents required for registration under
this Act:
(b) after registration under this Act, including matters such
as the preparation of policies and other governance
documents required by this Act: 10
(c) at any stage, in relation to setting up or operating a dispute resolution process.
Subpart 4-Enforcement provisions
Offences and penalties
A waka umanga, a governor, an employee of a waka umanga, 15
or other person, as the case may be, commits an offence against
this Act who-
(a) misuses or fails to use the correct name of a waka
umanga, as required by section 33:
(b) fails to appoint an auditor, if an audit is required under 20
section 58(2):
(c) having appointed an auditor, fails to give that person
access to information or explanations that the person
requests, as provided for under section 59(4)
(d) fails to create, maintain, and retain accurate records of 25
the waka umallga, as required by clause 17 of Schedule 3.
(e) fails to provide accurate information to the Registrar, as
required by clause 18 of Schedule 3
E v viy p.i,un vv hu .uni--b anufflub. ajahmt =-LJ=Qti.itl-) 30
ts liciLL, vii nutinitcuy Lutiv ;iliuii, to er fiiik-
ta ilk till talu uf a waka ullildlisa, ilul uxulud;us $5,000, Ul
Ful iii Llio ocia, uf gui iiidividual, iivt .ALL.Ji,is $2,000.
Every person who commits an offence against subsection
CD is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding 35
Part 5 el 125
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Every person commits an offence against this Act and is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $10,000
(a) fails to make accurate declarations as required by section
(b) fails to comply with a lawful direction or request of the
(c) fails to disclose an interest, as required by section
(ca) being a governor, agrees to his or her board classifying 10
an asset as a protected asset without complying with
section 47:
(d) fails to comply with the requirements of sections 46
to 50 and the charter in relation to major transactions
or protected assets. 15
Despite section 14 of the Summary Proceedings Act 1957. an
information for an offence under this section may be laid at
any time within 3 years after the date of the alleged offence.
It is a defence to an offence under section 124 that the waka 20
umanga, governor, employee of the waka umanga, or other
person took reasonable steps to comply, or ensure compliance,
with the provisions of the Act relevant to the offence for which
the charge is laid.
Administrative penalties 15
Power to impose administrative penalty
The Registrar may, by written notice to a waka umanga, require the waka umanga to pay the Registrar an amount by way
of penalty, as prescribed by regulations made under this Act,
for a failure of the waka umanga to- 30
(a) comply with a lawful direction or request of the Registrar, including a direction under section 33 to change
the name of a waka umanga:
(b) send or deliver to the Registrar, within any specified
time, a notice under- 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 5 cl 128
(i) section 49 (which requires a waka umanga to
notify the Registrar of amendments that must be
made to the register of protected assets):
(ii) section 57(3) (which requires notice to be given
to the Registrar of changes to the charter): 5
(lii) clause 4 of Schedule 3 (which requires notice
to be given to the Registrar about changes relevant to a governor):
(iv) clause 18 of Schedule 3 (which relates to the
obligations of the waka umanga to provide accur- 10
ate information to the Registrar):
(v) clause 34 of Schedule 3 (which requires an
annual return to be provided to the Registrar).
(2) The amounts payable under this section-
(a) must be paid to the Registrar by the date specified in the 15
notice; and
(b) are recoverable on application by the Registrar as a debt
due to the Registrar in any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction, nibludins th. Liaori LaMJ Cudil.
(3) The Registrar may refuse to perform a function or exercise a 20
power until the amount payable under this section is paid.
Defence to administrative penalty
It is a defence to an administrative penalty imposed by the
Registrar under section 126 that the waka umanga took reasonable steps to comply with the provisions of the Act in re- 25
spect of which the administrative penalty is imposed.
128 Reference to M*014 hancUilg!1 Court
(1) If an administrative penalty is imposed under section 126,
a waka umanga may refer the matter to the High Court, not
later than 20 working days after a notice is received by a waka 30
umanga under section 126(1), for orders as to(a) the liability of the waka umanga for the administrative
(b) the amount of that penalty.
(2) If, in the opinion of the Registrar, there has been a persistent 35
failure of a waka umanga to pay an administrative penalty imposed on it under section 126, the Registrar may refer the
Part 5 cl 129
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
matter to the High Court for orders provided for under subsection (1).
Subpart 5-Regulations and miscellaneous
129 Regulations
(1) The Governor-General may, by Order in Council, make regulations for all or any of the following purposes:
(a) prescribing forms for the purposes of this Act:
(b) prescribing how documents must be sent or delivered 10
for registration:
(c) prescribing criteria for determining the governance
documents required in respect of the reporting obligations of a waka umanga or class of waka umanga:
(d) prescribing fees payable to the Registrar in respect of 15
any matter under this Act or the manner in which fees
must be calculated:
(e) prescribing the amounts payable to the Registrar under
section 126 by way of administrative penalty, which
must not exceed $1,000: 20
(f) prescribing procedures, requirements, and other matters
for the Register of Waka Umanga, including matters
relating to the operation of that Register:
(g) providing for any other matters contemplated by this
Act, necessary for its administration, or necessary for 25
giving it full effect.
(2) An Order in Council made under subsection (1) may authorise the Registrar to refund or waive, in whole or in part and on
any conditions as may be prescribed, payment of any fee or
amount payable under this Act by or in relation to any waka 30
Service of documents
130 Service of documents on waka umanga
(1) Sections 387,388, and 392 of the Companies Act 1993 apply
to the service of documents on a waka umanga as if every 35
reference in those sections to104
Part 5 cl 132
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
(a) the New Zealand register were a reference to the Register of Waka Umanga; and
(b) a company were a reference to a waka umanga; and
(c) the address for service were a reference to the registered
office of the waka umanga. 5
(2) Service by email may be accepted if the charter or rules of the
waka umanga provide for that method of service.
Application of Maori Fisheries Act 2004
This Act does not limit the Maori Fisheries Act 2004. 10
Amendments to enactments
Amendments to other Acts
th Soctioii III 2 ufllib Iniviiii TciA ALL 2004 13 aniwi Jvd Ly ddins
the fe,tic,rtng raTagral,hr
regTstered tmtter st,bpart 3 of Part 2 of the
*4509- 6-ns *et *ee,;
vi, 13 Llib 1.6;l;iiali ibpbowitativi vfc, tibal 6'vup.
"p, : waies PEr that ts mrthoriscd tmder subpart 4 of Part 20
6 vf l.l. v,<:ka U
6,1 (rviavii CupuialivuO Acl 200?
te, regtiter tmeler subpart 3 of Part 2 of that *et; :rs
irmg nsv, ,nun.JUL.ly L.funS& .5,l<,liui ;t wa:, a rviaoli
£*+0 the membership *f an ex*sting entity immedi.
ally L.fluu +ts i.66halun da a waka unimisa 16
the grne or strbstantHy the szrme as the menT=
bersht, of the walca tmlrmaga +nTmediately after
ill Section HF 2 of the Income Tax Act 2007 is amended by
adding the following heading and subsection:
H/aka umanga"
"(9) A Maori collective (within the meaning of section
14(a) of the Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) 35
Part 5 cl 132
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Act 2008) registered as a waka umanga under that Act
is eligible to make an election.
(2) Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Privacy Act 1993 is amended by
inserting, in its appropriate alphabetical order, the following
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Act 2007 section 26
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 1
Sehe€ht+e +
fribal grolipS with mandate recognised
before commencement of this Att
*riba+ gl·ct:p
Mandated persons or entity
W+niats Browly
Date deed of
mandate recognised
6 December 2000
*sts Kara
Wa+tai» Peters
+*nrahat* kt te
I:.,alwup6 k, t '66,pvw,#„u
Ti u.t
29 November 2005
Ngai *amantthit'*
Heketeht Mortor* frust
29 November 2003
Ngai Tamanuhiri Whanui Charitable
+9 August 2005
Ngai Tahoe
29 September 2009
-Te K©tal* a *Shoe
Ngat Aps <North fe Rsnangs o Ngat* *pa Society
4-2 November 2004
Ngatkaht, 14
Ngat, IG,hu k; V.'1,,5'v'rfrust Board
+40ett,ber 2004
fe i*anartga o Ngat Manaws
+8 November 2003
Ngati Manaws
22 November 2005
NgfiX *61*angatim fe finangs o Tea Rangath
Ngati Whare
T. KuSaut,Isal; vvllat. 1-1 11ual
+8 November 2003
Ngati Whatutt o
Ngat* Whattta o Brake* Maor+ frust
25 eetober 2002
Rat*ane o
Tancnuiarangi Manawato Incorporated
5 *me 2009
**ongowhakaata t ltv„av vvl,akaata Cl,a„tal,1. T, u3[ a„d.
-5 *Upst 2686
Ng< Urt o fe *oe,ti bewts *Mit fawa* Moeati
:fody Balnea¥ts WyHie
Kristen *imothea Maynard
Mehs,a Hent Melameka Whaitirt
Stan* #oseph fardoe
Taintit Taranaki kt Tainui Taranaki ki t: Tonga Limited
3 0etober 2006
te fongs
Schedule 1
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
fribal group
Mandated pers#ns or entity
Bate deed of
mandate recognised
faranak* Whantti K*vin Hikaia *mohia
28 knuary @004
Ne¥+He Me€httehie Baker
Spencer -Ff#emt,ra €arr
*me fe ·Rattmang* taeleson
Dr Catherine Maaric Amohia Low
Br Ralph Hebeey Ngatata i=ove
[[in:kcl;u Na.k, Da.„ Ni.Connell
*beees Etizabeth MeHish
Br +hakara Port:tt, P#ketalm
641 Pattl *lfred 1*eeves
Mark fe ene
fe *+tangs s
ewen Rmthertbrd bloyd
Maha14 0 Ngari14
Raihs *rfama Goldsm#h
+9 *ttgost 2005
Kaiputaht 0 Te 131,vid Thomas Hawea
Whanatt a *at
R*tihta Fosephine ·H*maera
doseph Pere €ard Marino
Erie 3ohn *urat *trru
Wirang* farews Pers
Annette Zyzate
Anthony farr
fe fwi o·Whangant,t Brendon fiwha Pt,ketartt
tri¥er elaim)
9 November 2002
Graeme Bell
Rttmatiki E-inda Henry
Te Keneht Mair
Ph#* +13*mi·
Bernard Mare*intra
Robert Gribb
*l*ngimarie Pongs
Mafna W*Hams
fe i*arawa
*e ·1*0nangs o fe Rm·awa
a 'Maikat. R.up,tu T, - t.. C.iiipany
tri¥er elain»
4-5 March 2002
+9 May 2005
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Sehedde 2
Schedule 2
ss 497 3440* 44 55*
Contents of charter relating to governance
Matters that must be included in charter 5
W#hottt Hmiting what may be inetuded in the charter of a wales
timanga; every eharter must inetadeprovisions that provide for the
following matters, as long as they arc not inconsistent with this Act:
*ener©11 7,tatters
(4 fhe essentid information about the waka #manga; ine+tid- 10
4 the matters required by section 49* and
M the name of the waka umangar and
fe) rules relating to how the register of members of a waka
umanga must bc compiled, maintained, and made avail- 15
abte to members 14 inspeetion st the registered ofhee
of le weaa Wmanst
CM In relation to any election or appointment under section 397
any criteria to bc takcn into account, including matters such as 20
tlic relevant experience and kcy competencies required for tlic
operation of the t'Bnangantit
f» *ny mal*ers that wi# disqualit, a person from holding office
as a governor; 4 addition te those speeifted in clause 4 of
e» Thc number of governors required for the ronanganui, which,
exeept in the ease of a corporate trustee of a mandated trk*
orgaitisa,ton; rmtst be not fewer than t.
fs fhe term of omee for a governor whieh must not exeeed 4
years from thc date of the election, and thc maximum number 30
of consecutive terms for which a governor may hold office.
Efection nfgovernors
(6) A system for the election of governors under section 39; m=
04 whether
are to be elected by direet election 35
or indirectly by an electoral college; and
EW ff an deeterd ee,Hege ts to be set up for the eteetion of
governors, how thc electoral college must bc elected or
Schedule 2
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
fe} whether governors me to be elected by eonstitttent
grottps; and ffso-
0 the mtmber and names of theeonstitttent grmips
and a reemirement that64 there bc a register of nicmbers ofcach con- 5
stitttent group; or
(B) a register that identifies members by thetr
eenstitent gretip; and
40 the ntimber of governors for eaeh eonstittient
tel} how notieemast be givento members that an eleetion
ts to be held; ine+ttdingfe how 4ong before an eteetion that notke must be
givem and
60 the contents of a notice; and 15
te} how and when nominations must be nvited for candi=
dates for eetion, and
t# the information about a candidate that must bc provided
with 1*s or her nomination; the date by whieh nomin=
ations must bc submitted, and tlic contact details of the 20
offieer of the waka ttmang# responsible for reeet,tng
W the method of voting, whether by post, in person, or by
electronic means or a combination of methods; and
th} except in the casc of a waka umanga that is a mandated 25
iwt efganisation or Art aquaetilture organt#tion; how
disputes relating to election results arc to bc dealt with,
inelvding(0 who may apply for review oftlic election results;
00 the time by which any application must bc made;
4 the appointment and powers of an independent
pcrson to review thc processes by which an clcetion
Appui,dment qfgovernors
0 ff the charter provides fortheappointment of governors; as
permitted by section 40; requirements as te4 who may make appointments; and
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 2
tb) how appointments must bc notified; and
fe} the role and rights of appointed governors.
*fee*ng:r efr·*nmlgmmf
ft How nottee must begiven ofthe meetings of therananganti*
feqttired by clause 42 of Schedule * tned#dtng- 5
ta} the minimum period of notice required; and
tb} the contents of a notieet and
4 who is entitled to receive notices of meetings of the
M *he reqtr+rements for a qttorttm at ordinary and speeiat meet= 10
ings of the runanganui, including00 the number of governors cotistituting a quorum, which
must be at least a majority of the governors; and
fl» how meetings may bc conducted, including whether by
eleetronte means; and if sol any conditions that must 15
6-10 *ny requirements for standing orders to regubte theconduet
of meetings.
C+E) ff the waka umanga has a common seak procedures for the
custody and #se of *e
€ltairperson tind del,ttty thrperson
f+2, fhe proeed#res for the appointment of a chairperson and
deputy chairperson (if any) of a ronanganui, includingta) how and by whom the chairperson and deputy chairperson fif any· are to be seleeted; anti 25
tb, the term for which the chairperson and any deputy chairperson may hold their roles, and which may include the
number of consecutive terms that an office may bc held.
<+» *he powers; funetions; and dties of the chairperson and any
Decision making in relation to major transactions
t+4, A policy on major transactions, as required by section 46.
fl-s Preeed,ires for the ffmangantl* when making deeis11* ott
ma» *nsaetions; whiehta}
0 any particular voting requirements; and
ft€) the special consultative procedures; and
Schedule 2
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
tb may inekide any proeed#res formaking speet# reselutions, which must bc no less stringent than those that
apply for making ordinary resolutions.
Special conuNutive Vivi-du, ca
<46} ff the eharter provides for a major transaetion to be entered 5
into 'irt accordance with section 47(4)(ah the speeial eon=
sultative procedures to bc followed, including how the 1-unanganm will-
ta notify registered members of a matter; and
fb} make information ona matter availab*e to reg§stered 10
memberr and
4 undertake eonsttltation ona matter with registered
members- and
Cd} receive submissions on a matter; and
te} make the decision ona matter and advise registered 15
members of *e deet,bm
7*mttted general meeting of jeaka
Provisions for eondttet of an annttal generat meeting; whieh
must inetude the foHowing:
4 the percentage ofthc registered members and governors 20
of the waka umanga required for a quorum; and
tb} any requirement thateaelt oftheeonstittient grotips «f
any) of thc waka unianga bc represented; and
fe further provisions relating to the conduct of the anntial
general meeting; including voting rights; how voting 25
proeedttres mlist be determined; and whether voting is
to bc by voice, show of hands, or secret ballot; and
41} a reqttirement for an agenda setting out the
matters to
be transaeted at the meeting; and
4 a requirement for minutes to bc taken to record thc pro- 30
teedings of the meeting: and
ff) qtterttm reqttirements; ineittding reqttirements thatne
btrsiness may be transaeted at a meeting unless a quo=m ts present
Provisions relating to special meetings ofthc registered mcmbcrs of a waka umanga, which must-
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 2
4 not be inconsistent with therequirements of section
55; and
8» speeify the minimtimmimber of registered members
of the wal¢a ttmang# reqttred to eaH a speeta meeting
twhieh must be at least +86; or +5 or more; of the reg= 5
istcred members of the waka umanga, whichever is thc
€19} Thc requirements for passing ordinary and special resolutions
at meetings of the registered members of a waka umanga.
90}) Notice requirements, so long as they arc not inconsistent with
the provisions ofthis *et fetta} the annual general meeting and any special meetings of
the registered nicmbers of the waka umanga; and
tb} any other meetings required by or under this Act. 15
94 *he mannef in whieh theannttat report wiH be pttb#shed
which may inetude deetronie publkativn as wett as the
provision; on request; of & paper eopyt
92} Provision for how any asscts (including any protected assets)
are to be #Hoeatedon any winding tip of the waka #manga
(but must not include provision for thc distribution ofasscts to
or amongst tlic registered members of the waka unianga upon
dissotition of the waka ttmangat 25
Bfspute resohttion
93, Thc policy of the waka umangaforrcsolving intcrnal disputes,
including the matters required under subpart
4 of Part t.
Schedule 3
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
ss 28, 37, 46, 51, 53,
Further provisions on governance,
management, and accountability of waka 5
Part 1
Governance, management, and
accountability of waka umanga
*/igfh##rfar Flf*r «rorrmt,r 10
Genera* diseft!2+H*ent*olT
*he *,Howing rersrms me trot erttabitd te, be .L.L.J or ar=
pund,J lu, ut liuld uffi. ab, a juvutivi uf a waka uittansm
ta Cl p.jjwn whu ia undll 18 y.<113 uf ask·
0 a piiuit wliu 23 dii undiiulidiasid l,ankupl. 15
(4 tlic Lliiuf uxukulivu ui dii unipluyib vf d w<d,,a ui,idiisa.
td a puijun wliu M piulnl-,ikJ Huni Luing a Jiliblui vt plomulti V f, vi il Ulli 1,,L;116 Lvulti illd ul Lak;1125 pal l iTY the
management of; ci .unq*uu undu 3.livii 382,989; or
385 uf Llik CUiiip,tii;k Aul 1993. 20
44 5 person ZA"' tras heerr er,m,*eterl frfs crime +m,olvi-ng
dishonesty brtin the mcm*ng of sectiorr »» of the
AL l 1961) aiid licia t.,iWI A.ill„,vid fuii tlial w lino
withirr the fast 9 yearr
t# 1, person who ts strbject to a Froperty order or rer=tmt 25
Order tmeler the ·Protecton of fersomr+ m** frorcrty
Hights *et +98*
+TY adde*Mr. 1 chmter may rreltrele Fre,x,+5ons to sctmedy a
pwiuu fi u. huldn,6 Llii ufribi ufau v Liiivi un tlik Laa 13 u flia v ;115 Lblil Lull v illbiluf <t Jplb;fild Lillitilial &11<116& w lhiu spe- 30
cilt# Fer*od of t§tnt
Waiver of genern* disqtrn*Hention
A j anatigaitui ui a ika;iliicl inwiil.ki uf 2r waks t:mangS ntay
arrly to the eottrt for arr rmler w:r*ving the arrentrm of M
di<Muclifyus fa.lvi .l vul Li 61..=4 4111 in ,.lal;un te= 35
fa 71 governe,r; or
a pwown ¥¥1*v Ablkt blbblivil lu tlib villt#q uf svvwnvt, Ul
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 1-continued
fe a pinun wliu ii I,uni;iialud fvi appuintiiiuul lu Llii uflivv
of gr,vernotr
0 A pkiouu wliv 13 aicuild ali unlui waiv nia Lli& applLatvu ofa
cHsquafying faetor mtrit not be treater} ss being disquaied
byreason of Ilii fautui fui wliibli LliQ waivui waa Siaulud.
% *ry oreler may be grm,ted under st,belet,se tli on myy terms
m,d uviiclitiuni that tliv Cvui L titinies ht
Tenure and conduct of governors
3 Resignation or dismissal from office
(1) A governor may resign from office by giving written notice to 10
the chairperson of the rat,m,gmmi board.
(2) Arimangarmi board may, by special resolution, dismiss a governor from office if the -0 board believes, on reasonable grounds, that-
(a) the person *ms become behZ,Ate tmder the e}*seltrati#- 15
ce*ton prortsforts of
4 or tmelor the charter_E
disqualified from holding office under the charter; or
(b) the person is unable to perform the role or duties of a
governor; or
(c) the person has seriously neglected a duty as a governor 20
under this Act; or
(d) the person has brought the waka umanga into disrepute;
(e) the person has failed to declare a stgnif*eant benefit
or material financial interest, as required by section 25
(3) The chairperson of the ranangantit board must give written
notice to the person of the resolution of the -0 board,
with reasons.
Notice of change of governors 30
A renanganm board must ensure that the Registrar is notified,
in the form approved for the purpose by the Registrar, of»
(a) the persons who are appointed to be governors of the
waka umanga; and
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 1-continued
(b) any change of persons who hold office as governors.
(2) A notice under subclause (1) must(a) specify the date of the change; and
(b) include the full name, date and place ofbirth, and place
of residence of every person who is a governor of the 5
waka umanga from the date of the notice; and
(c) in the case of a new governor, be accompanied by(i) his or her consent to be a governor; and
(ii) a written statement that he or she is not disqualilied from holding office as a governor. 10
(3) The notice required by this clause must be delivered to the
Registrar within 20 working days of any change taking effect.
5 Effect of dismissal or vacancy
(1) A governor is not entitled to compensation or other payment
or benefit if he or she for any reason ceases to hold office as a 15
(2) The powers and functions of a remangant board are not af-
fected by a vacancy in its membership, provided it has the quorum required by the charter.
Remuneration and indemnity 20
6 Policy for remuneration of governors
A waka umanga must develop and publish in its annual plan
its policy for-
(a) the remuneration and other benefits to be paid to governors for their services as governors; and 25
(b) the reimbursement ofgovernors for their actual and reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out their duties as
7 Indemnity and insurance
A waka umanga. to the extent authorised by its charter,- 30
(a) mnst may indemnify the governors of the 1$171!Igmmt
board in respect of-
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 1-continued
(i) costs and damages incurred by 1 or more governors for any civil liability arising from an action
brought by a third party, as long as the governors
concerned were acting in their capacity as governors in accordance with- 5
(A) this Act, including the duties set out in
section 41; and
(B) the duties set out for governors in the charter of the waka umanga:
(ii) costs arising from a successfully defended crim- 10
inal action relating to acts or omissions of 1 or
more governors in their capacity as governors;
(b) may effect insurance cover for a governor or employee
in relation to his or her acts or omissions in the capacity 15
of a governor or an employee, except an act or omission
that is-
(i) in bad faith; or
(ii) not in the performance or intended performance
of the activities of the waka umanga. 20
Validity of actions of governors and waka
8 Validity of governors' acts
The acts of a person acting as a governor are valid, even if(a) the person's election or appointment was defective; or 25
(b) the person was or has become disqualified from being a
9 Validity of actions of waka umanga
(1) No act of a waka umanga or transfer of property to or by a
waka umanga is invalid merely because the waka umanga did 30
not have the capacity, right, or power to do the act or transfer
or take a transfer of the property.
(2) Subclause (1) does not limit section 87 (which provides
for the jurisdiction of the Court to grant injunctions if a waka
umanga is acting contrary to its charter or this Act). 35
Schedule 3
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 1-continued
(3) The fact that an act is not, or would not be, in the best interests
of a waka umanga does not affect the capacity of the waka
umanga to do the act.
Dealings between waka umanga and other persons
A waka umanga, or the guarantor of an obligation of a waka 5
umanga, may not assert against a person dealing with the waka
umanga or with a person who has acquired or disposed ofproperty, rights, or interests from or to the waka umanga that(a) this Act or the charter of the waka umanga has not been
(b) a person listed in the Register of Waka Umanga as a
governor of the waka umanga-
(i) is not a governor of the waka umanga; or
(ii) has not been duly elected or appointed; or
(iii) does not have authority to exercise a power that 15
a governor of a waka umanga carrying on business of the kind carried on by the waka umanga
customarily has authority to exercise:
(c) a person held out by the waka umanga as a governor,
employee, or agent of the waka umanga- 20
(i) has not been duly appointed; or
(ii) does not have authority to exercise a power that a
governor, employee, or agent of a waka umanga
carrying on business of the kind carried on by
the waka umanga customarily has authority to 25
(d) a person held out by the waka umanga as a governor,
employee, or agent of the waka umanga with authority
to exercise a power that a governor, employee, or agent
of a waka umanga carrying on business of the kind car- 30
ried on by the waka umanga does not customarily have
authority to exercise, docs not have authority to exercise that power:
(e) a document issued on behalf of a waka umanga by a
governor, employee, or agent of the waka umanga with 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 1-continued
actual or usual authority to issue the document is not
valid or not genuine.
(2) However, a waka umanga or the guarantor of an obligation of
a waka umanga may assert any of the matters set out in subclause (1), if the person dealing with the waka umanga has 5
knowledge of those matters, or ought to have that knowledge,
by virtue of his or her position with, or relationship to, the
waka umanga.
(3) Subclause (1) applies even though a person of a kind referred to in subclause (1)(b) to (e) acts fraudulently or forges 10
a document that appears to have been signed on behalf of
the waka umanga, unless the person dealing with the waka
umanga or with a person who has acquired or disposed of prop-
crty, rights, or interests from or to the waka umanga has actual
knowledge of the fraud or forgery. 15
(4) A person is not affected by, and is not to be treated as having
had notice of knowledge of the contents of, the charter of a
waka umanga or other document relating to the waka umanga
merely because it is available for inspection-
(a) on the Register of Waka Umanga; or 20
(b) at the registered office of the waka umanga.
Conduct of business of,*mmgcrntri board
-H- +1rneedttres nfrfmmtgant,+
* r81731,gantr©may T·egttate Il, u wii pivi.dui .„ ix.,pl to the
extent prov*rl for by or m,der thts *et or the charter of the 25
mrk':r ttmzrTTgr
H *feetings afrfmm,gantri
¢4 Every 1#nangantri mt,st 1,0+el the meetings necessary for it to
pkifunii 66 funilivi, aud Lany vul it duliui.
5,7 Jpibial uibbluitfufa i undiisai,uniiciy Lu buliv uiiud al cuiy Lnkke 30
taj rm*inary resotution of ther#nangarmt or
il» written rcqtrest to the chairperson ?*Td by not fewer
Llial i
1,al f v f Lliv 6
V V.111U1
f lh. i aticuisailuk Vi
Schedule 3
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 1-continued
4 the ehaimersom
A 1 undi iscuiu; inuxl Si v C hutiki uf i LE iiki blink Lu tli. alu v inivi J
alid LliG i.aiALLLJ nGul,wo vfll:& wak<t ut,idiiaa in ti IC
p v v;JLJ fu n tl. ,«nculw und. st,belatise M of Gehedule
UilluAR Cl Buvurnul Ib LAJUJLJ fiviti d ilibblills vf ct ialldilsculul
tmeler a p, v v&;un of the uhaitw, i v wy av v univi has thertht
to allkild .vuly litultills u f Llil Lan<11126<ului vi vf ally bullillilltcc
ofthe i Ci111119111U Clppv;ilitd Ulldli
+f permitterl tmeler the c+Inrter or ·by r,rcHnMry re:fr,+trtrm r,f 1
1Gnai,acuiui, ullik, pki ov,ii wliv Ju „vt liav k vulius lialili inay
allund inkiliiis:, uf tlicit 1 Cuiciiia<uiui.
If put :,Uill ulliti Lliall av v Li llul :, all alluiding a tillutilia ufa l a-
iianaciiiui, tlik ilidiipu,Juii iii«y LluRi [lik nibilins Lv all Lut tlik 15
svviiiivi if ilibii aii ikicillii:, tliat iiiukl L. LLL„LLJ ab bviifidiiitial v, pival, ouili do vvnunwuially w,3itivi u iipluyntunt
ii,all.13, or if tt p.13ulf unduly di upb, s muiting.
Every rersorr attending er meeting of 5 1«mmgantr Aniter thts
clanse ts bonnd by the reqtrircments of elatese
twhich re= 20
intes lu tlik Lulifidulliality Uf infullil<ltivil).
Resolutions of rfmmigamn board
The following principles apply to the passing ofresolutions by
a mangamm board:
(a) unless otherwise provided for in the charter, each gov- 25
ernor has 1 vote; and
(b) the voting rights ofthe chairperson are deliberative only
and do not include the right to make a casting vote; and
(c) voting may be done by a show ofhands unless the chairperson determines that voting is to be by formal ballot; 30
(d) in the event of a tied vote on a resolution, the status quo
Ordinary resolutions of the -0 board require a ma-
jority of the governors entitled to vote and voting, and special 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 1--continued
resolutions require a majority ofnot less than two-thirds of the
governors entitled to vote and voting.
(3) A resolution in writing, signed or assented to by all the gov-
ernors entitled to receive notice of a meeting of the rBmmgantrt
board, is as valid and effective as if it had been made at a meet- 5
ing of the ramm,gantrt board duly called and held.
(4) A resolution made under subclause (3) may consist of exact copies of documents (including documents transmitted by
facsimile or electronic means) each assented to by 1 or more
(5) A copy of every resolution made under subclause (3) must
be entered in the minute book of the proceedings of the Tfinarr=
gant* board.
15 Reliance on information
(1) A governor, when acting as a governor, is entitled to rely on 15
reports, statements, financial data, and other information prepared or supplied, or professional or expert advice given, by-
(a) an employee of the waka umanga whom the governor
believes on reasonable grounds to be reliable and competent in relation to the matters concerned: 20
(b) a professional adviser or expert in relation to matters
which the governor believes on reasonable grounds to
be within that person's professional or expert competence:
(c) any other governor in relation to matters within that per- 25
son's designated authority:
(d) a committee of which the governor was not a member,
in relation to matters within that committee's designated
(2) Subclause (1) applies to a governor only if that governor- 30
(a) acts in good faith; and
(b) makes proper inquiry where the circumstances indicate
that inquiry is needed; and
(c) has no knowledge that reliance on the information is not
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 1-continued
The proceedings and decisions of every meeting of the Tettat'r=
#antrt board must be(a) recorded in writing and distributed to the governors; and
(b) confirmed at the next meeting of the 1#nangmrm board 5
by those present at the previous meeting; and
(c) certified as a true and correct record by the chairperson.
As soon as is reasonably possible, the certified copy of the
minutes must be made available to registered members in accordance
Records of waka umanga
The limmgant board must ensure that all the records it is re-
quired to create and maintain by or under this Act are retained
for a period of not less than 12 7 years.
Information required by Registrar \5
Obligations on waka umanga to inform Registrar
Every waka umanga must(a) provide accurate information to the Registrar as required by or under this Act; and
(b) as soon as is reasonably practicable, notify the Registrar 20
of any material changes to the information held by the
Registrar on or about the waka umanga.
A notice given under subclause (1)(b) must be in the form
approved for the purpose by the Registrar and must specify(a) the nature and effect of the change; and 25
(b) the date of the change; and
(c) any other matters the Registrar directs.
Unless otherwise specified, a notice required by this clause
must be given within 20 working days of the change taking
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 1 -continued
Conftdentiality of information of waka umanga
This clause applies if a governor has information about or re-
lating to the waka umanga(a) in his or her capacity as a governor; and 5
(b) that would not otherwise be available to that governor.
Unless the charter of a waka umanga provides otherwise, a
governor must not disclose information to any person or make
use of it or act on it except-
(a) in performing the functions of the waka umanga: 10
(b) as required by law:
(c) if the policy of the waka umanga authorises the disclosure of particular information:
(d) in compliance with the requirements for governors to
(e) if the 1,,m,gm,tm board has first authorised that governor to disclose, make use of, or act on the informa-
tion, or to make any public statement.
Despite subclauses (1) and (2), unless the renangarmt board
has, by resolution, prohibited the disclosure ofparticular infor- 20
mation on the grounds of privacy or commercial sensitivity,
this clause does not prevent the activities of the waka umanga
being reported on generally(a) by the chairperson; or
(b) by any governor, to his or her constituent group (if any). 25
The charter may set out any circumstances in which a governor
may disclose or make use of information about or relating to
the waka umanga.
ttlleJJ LU Lft,U, Inutlu,Z Jul 1 eKLJittled ll,tll,Lel J
fnspection of informatim, 30
:hformatny'r mar*c nvaHab+c to the registerce members ofthe
W ClCl Ulll115cl UllLl
elmsse 24 or 22-
4 niujl L. avait,iblk fui itiapiklivii al Llii iiailbiod uffiLL
of the waics trmangs; ma
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 1-continued
¢b incly 1,4 111adb dvalial,1& by ulliti 111Ldllt, AUL1 dk 111 LUUliuinL 111 C./1 Cl p<Lpll L.Upy, CLA pLUvidLJ ful 111 Llib thartetr
t*} *he Llial tti indy piu vid.-
ta thatiLES;ELL,LJ nikiid,ki licivi ci ,;61,l vf a.ue,2,
try merre
illful nicillvil Lllan 13 dva;1<161& und.I lli;J LIOUEL, dild
tb, *,ratty bundiliuu:, tlial aiu Lu apply tu llik dinilvui i vf
that +Mformation; +rre+treHng the recoven, by thervalen
ullialisa v f ILA allual cuid 1.dJUnal,1. uvlll vf J3O1,3utt.
+ECftests for +T,fmmntion
A rusi A lul Ld 1111111,41 inay itil ubbl lill w dka uilialls<l 111 w I tl tils
for n funnmun timt ts not
v ;1Ll. tmder section 51
*he waka trmanga mnst Glhu-
ta mak. tliu ;iifun,icilivi, availal.lu witli;ii 20 wuikins ldy b
1* recetring the request or
tb} adv*se the i.MuL.,Lw0 that mr ettens*on of time WA be reg·reel; the
1 L (10V11
fvi tli, Lal.noivii, diid llii aitivul vf Latia
ttme recrmre* or
t# ofthe
*,r dedit#ng the rectnest and that
lii vi 311. inciy AL.k lu ivvlvi LliE ii,cillbi liuuusli
8 ** =#SOTT procerlore of the waica
010 tliat tliu Iiifuniialiuii W ill L. LiliaJ, Lul unly un
sT'cifted conditions that may be +mrrmd tmeler
section 53-
Li„46 lu .:vailal,ility uf i„fu„„aliu,f
inforrrration 111 5 Trwries tTmangs that may be reorestd by s
1.2513lit Ld inclill,bi u f a w dka utiiansa unclui blauad 24*4·)1Tay
1.L williliuld undii dat,se 24(2)(L), but viily lu llii ili,1 tlial 30
this fs necessmy to==
ta 2962 pluJUJILL tu lill kllallitlnglillk vf IC,vv, vi
tb, avunl uttdalisulills Llib Eaftly ufally p.i:,ut, Ul
te avuid pijudILL Lu llii Luiiiiiiiikbial pui;livii vf Llik wakc,
kilkiallaa or of anull,w pkivii, or 35
Schedule 3
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 1-continued
fc» vivtvl tlib pivaiy vf iialuidl piinvii lu Llib .Al.wit piuvidQJ fui iii ll vii vdby puliiy iu,uiJ Ly clause 29;
fe lvOp,.,.l liaditivual k
11U VV
1.Jau and Ll 10
Lullul& all J
livko vf Llib li;Lal Sivup vi fvlaull aviialivii, ul 5
i» rroteet +r,thrmation strprhed +rreontele,re ortmeler er
tga* 01,4igation; f re*ense won*d rrejuel*ce the strpri
of firther formation ancH,c against the best 51*crests
of te w*ka nrmeng* or
CE piulbil tlik fiLL ctiid fiatik Expiw,iivii uf upinivii williii,· 10
the wakattmangs: atte* protect fts ge,verners mye} em=
pluyult fiuiti ;111piupw pil:uil Ul lidic:,ilitill, vi
th niaiiilaiii legal pivi,iuual piivilvab, or
/0 proteet negot*atons +Tr "Atch t+re Zrrfa tmmngs +5 +1=
VolverIT +Tritrd+Trg t'drtstinrt re+attins and con,merc 15
S prevent *se+ostrre or =se =f +nformat for +rnrrol,cr
g:rMT rir .7#7.777t.7r
55 * waies'mnanga may decc tomalec +nformaton a,raHab4e
ft the int#n„atio,T tte,ttested is 54ready avsitabb to the
1111111,w w w Ill blivi lly 1,& Clvalial.lt , or
fl» tile *49177'stium Hqnated cannot he mirde arsilabte
willivul Juln,lcuilial Lullativii vi ikicalcli, 01'
te the pmtictrfar request tr tryformation; vr serks of re= 25
grrests; ts rerattotts or tr+rfal-:
€» ff : waica tniangs eons*ders Llial tli. itifunitativit 1,4uvol.,1
scrlstiVCT +t may; before re,leasing the formatom rceltr*re my
mdertaking tirat the intorn,stiv# 94* m* be disc+osed try rer=
Suiin wliv ciik nul 1&5;Al.i.J 1,11-116.1,3 vf tlik w cJci uincuiga. 30
vil E v c,y &4u.divi uviii,l;vii rtu1 L. .viihdwid by th. .ulf
.x..uli v & or my elpte,yee with ddfgated 170-er to consider
M tty Fpropriate eases; the cidef Lxiuuli v i nlay refer a request
fui hdUnlialivil tu tlil lunaligailu; fuL Cl J.&63;vik. 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 1-continued
(6, ity the *,Howing Lii.utkiktaii,, 5 timpttte ntay bc referitd to
a dipulk ikmulutioii piukkiluii uf tlii waka uitiaiiad iii auiuidance with subpart 4 of Part 4-
(0 +f s request tr *170,rmation is dectityed i,y tire wales
W s restretiot is 13+aceel oty the terms of the „1<,„ of
te ff Lliui, IA a Li,auli uf cui uiidiilakiiis sivoii undui Stlbelatise Bt
*m,ointment r,f committees
* r:tlmgantrt ntay-
ta Eolciblili 1 vi invib Luniiiiillika a it Luiiidwz, dvvluvt 1ster mtel
44 deegate 07 11eh7 whether gencraHT or spec+AcaHy, 15
any Of ·its rowers; except ti*s rower of elegat*on; to
cuiy buinrnillu, Lalatliliid undii paragraph tak anrt
(4 ul vul aiiy vl,juilivia luillik buninullui vi luli uf pio-
eeitrre ft considers approrrtate for the conduct of the
btrs*ness of the committee 20
rvi lit pupvu vfet,belause tl)(a), tli. i Giic:iiaaiiu; lia likE
(0 appuntillii pin,viia lu ii v v vii d buniinillik, Vvilv0 may, Lul tilld nul, L. SuvuinuiE, Clild
ttif) ifhutsuviliul,
l lid v illib ikill, .Apki ibiKC, 25
alid Liu w lidai tlial, iii tlik upiniuii u f the r'Bitan,
ga„w, will aial thu wuik ufllib Lviiinnllkk, and
tb ditullai26. C#ly vi all v f lill tillitill,LIA u f d Lutilitillt&., and
te i.uviiAlilut. Cl vu11111LLLL.
A cuiiinulluk uiciy iisulcili ila v W „ piviidui, .AL.pl Lu llic cx- 30
tint viuvilid fut Ly Lhu iviaus'tuui undii subelat,se *4*OK
Status ef committees
* committee h strbject to the control of the rfinmlgam* m.
111utt tally vul Llik Jillul;vilm Ufllit i alialisallut lu Llit kultintilte=
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 1-continued
* rersem mmointed to s committeewho E not a governor +s
st/bject; Tri'e'y ri.retrz11&+Tir tyf or ·her floties or furretons 55 1
member of that comn*ttee; to the drrhes of n governor under
thts *cir
74r l Ullalls<litui llicil J.lusal.3 a pu w .1 Lu Cl bvilililill.& iS 166*ni- 5
5+17+c for t+re
LAL 1 L 1 )L
of the rm,rer by the committee; Unteis
the 1 Ultallsallul-
EW hael reasonabte grotmds to beHere thattlte cominittee
wmitel ux.,.2. the rower in accordance with the ob=
Jibli v k and iulk u f pivibiluik abl vul Ly Llik iancuisanut 10
tmeler elat:se 23<4*e* and
tb, lial pilJptily litulliluLd lill .Alibill ufllit puwwl,yllibCommT/teer
Pro'riffrmr reh#lr *7 7mmzrment nf Trz7
-1*0*e of chief ereetrt+*e
Th. .1,;.f Laucul; v. <,ppv;„l.J ui,dvi section 54 ts trst'OTTS+Me for==
4 enstning the rmdent and .fi. G v . management of the
1.Avui..3 diid ailivilik uf Llik wcikci uuidiisci, cuid 20
8, nlaintating systents and Frocesses to enabte .ffu,.live
rtmming and accurate reporting of the finaricid per=
formance off and aritrAfes tmdertairerr by. the wale:r
te piv vidins cidiluciti advice, iiifviniativii, and a:,:,;ilanvi 25
te. tle Tfmm,gantrt ma
te» niiplwnwilms Llib ivulutivii vf Llio i Jui<uiscuiui, ciild
te en?mr*rg; Ms ftrr :Ts rracteab+e; that the 17711731117fl7t
aliublui cuid pivi.JELE vfllio waka uui<uiga IJLL cuid
f» the n=# for the scraration of BV v W 11(Ullu and
nkar,<45.iilt i,Epuucul,Ilm.3, cu1
ft the need tr the seraration of commerciat and
lion-Lullintul Lial dul; v;likE, aillil
44 thi tiliansa uf [lii waka utikiatiga, and 35
«4 1,& al nuuiats
l pict..lib.3, arrd
Schedule 3
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 1-continued
(11 the deHvcry of aclegnate advie and +11'fornlatinn
to the Trtrirrggrrnit' en'rt
tvt) achievement ofthe ·Irmg=term objectives of the
Trica trm:mgr
Tlic aii<uiddliui <uid iliibf ixikuli vi inul witui inlv a wrrten 5
1grecment mr to +Trm-
4 rerformance TeqtT*ements «4++ be set tr the 01*ef er=
LLlili/L, 3tte
tb, LI& p./
lull-11<111LL C)
f Llk JULfLALLUL;VL w;11 1.,L ate,LJJ.J.
Cum, udinx unu ti,tpluy,nunt 1,0tterer 10
€mytracting 170'ity
*im elricf .a.ut; v . mtrst enstrre timt the Walm mninga ims
a Outiliaultita puli.y limt 1.4utium uutitp.liliv. and liaii:pmoul
Lwid,1;116 uf Lutilia,6 al,uv a ilatid iii;ininuiii Aurn, cia J,lw--
Scotioti 180 uf tlik Curnpditi.3 ALL 1993 appli.3 tu th iiiktlivd
by *111.11 a vulka Ullidlis bill.LJ inlu bvilliall:, ab ;f uvtly i.fWbllbl m ti'rat B..livil-
ta to a bullipally vvwk a 1&ful,11.k lu cl walia unkulsa, and
fb to a diu.Lui w un, a i & fALILL lu a su v uuiv, and 20
fc to n Constrtnttot, of 8 Con,pally worc s . f. .... to tire
charter of 1 17*7 trmang:r
Emp*r,yers ofwairs Tnnm,gs
Tllc ullitf Lxuuul;vu 13 1&npun&1,1. ful(0 emplvying; vn bciralf of the wah nmarrgs; the staff of 25
the w*a trmangs; md
tb .ALLLIIiiallu ,;61Le, Jul;,4 and pu w kij u f a. unipluy.&
Adudir negohating the terms Mf emptoyment of the
staff of the mb Mmg m#
fc) piuvidiia lk<ulwohip fu, th. alaff uf tlii waka unicitaa. 30
*he el*ef executive mtrit iol<,1,lili Qi,J kiidikilciiu s xy:,lkin for
*re *pvrtd #cettern d ·sti of te 9*a urrmrrga
to ensttre
that persons best sttted to positions or ftmetirms +Tr the wales
Ulliallsa mu appvinlid, unludms pultuit fot-
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 1-continued
ta} comlyetve m. tral,sparent *nt proeesses;
ib iul.3 ful Llit illialicistili'lll uf tuliflillA Uf ilillikal.
t *he Chiof trectrtive may am,oint members of the waim
vi,rar,ga to the staff; as tong es the arron,tment ts made 5
itavng regarel to the slcift, attrbtrter, cucl,xip,i,,., ,4uh,d
for the Ve##mr
Cull.nullad#un alld Lutiaullatiull pulity
*lte chief b.bbuli v L n,trst enstrre that a con,n,nnicatO1, and
EvuJultallull pulluy 13 vitpalud fui Llil wak<l ulliCllisa, tlik pul- 10
rose of wl*ely & to===
¢20 ababl lii. i unwisanui tu 1Uiusiitu al aniculy Jlds. w 1ill
tult:,ullativil wli id6;olw.J 1111111,13 23 i.4uil.J, CuJ
tb, promote **myel effective commtin*cationaid
constitator, between the waks tmtangs m# the W 15
Privacy policy
*+Te ely*ef v,vul; v v mtrst en:st,re that a Frvacy re'Hey fs rre=
paiGJ fui tlik wakci uniaiiaa, Avtlilia vul [liG .Alwil tv wliiuli tliQ 20
regist.113 cuid ullikil Jutuiliwill ill<Ll;lls lu 1.5;El&1&d 111&11111.&13
o f tliu w ak<: uuicuisa aib tv 1,& tikalid cia pui juiial iii funiicilivii
forthe pupuu uf ti. IUVdUy A,.t 1993.
Tlit pvliuy lituAL livl .allud. Cll.&33 Lu Llil icuit.J Uf i.563i.J
*feet+7TgS « 7917m trmcmgo
NOGLF 1 (quit Lin«itl fu .tr:1;11%, uf .aka uniaii;;6
*he mmtm+ ger,crd meeting of thc r*stcred members of a
wak<, unicuiga inuot 1,& itul,J iiul latii liicui 2' wuikms J«yi
LifuLL tlii Jali ufllii itkilitiks, iii ciuuviclailik willillibillulliud 30
uf livt;fil<,Gull p,v v;JLJ iv 211 Llik .liC,Llli uflliv waka unians'l.
Schedule 3
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 1-continued
5# * spec+ mee* of the registed men*cs of a mb
uniculs'i niue,l 1-,i ,vlifiJ nul lalii Llici, 15 Jay:, aftki a iuquLEL
ims beety rece+Yed tmeler section 59:
W Tlit ituliui tiquitud by =uLQI=u==o {1) and (2) muslitatita Llit lillib alld pl
f thu lilluillis, mIU
84 the agenda for themeeting; and
rul wiltllibi v ULL3 lu u. lakul at Llit 111lins cul LU ULt» d,:Lnu<,l; vi ufll„ Lluvcuil ilidllki, or
unialivu unly, i,Lluitills tli iuitausanui lu Luit-
idii Llik &ullA vf Ilib clibali vi vuli, and 10
Ful 111 Litu .alk uflliu dilliucil 6.11.lal 111.klills, wlitill tuplui
of the mmnat report; mrelited accotmts: and mly other
reports may be obta** ant*
4 in the ease of a speciat meeting; where em*es of the
folivant papkia ",ay Lu ul,laiiibil. 15
**17 gerrermmre rArtrmenfr
Emng-term 1*m
*1 3 basts for the rna„gant to *r rcotmtabte to the reg+s'"
tered members of the waka trmangs for its tong-term inten=
tion?¢ fr,r the wales trmangs; trety Tfinallgam,+ metst rrerare 5 20
16115-twili plail tlial vvvid.300 8 foetts for the actives Uf the walea ttmangS
mrer M
poriud uf nul 1&33 Llidit 5 yuali, mTd
15 a Anancid rfarr; +Mcinding zE statement of the rrojectd
0,come and experlditmt over the Period to did the 25
plall lul<Jlk) allil ilifullillicllivil vil fuudills u f Lliu plupuicd
actrittes; and
4 8 framewol* for marmg*Mg the resomees of the wah
ulliculacl, 111.lud;1126 illt ECli cuid uuitiiti.i.i<,1 Cltoull, lanJE
twhether or not dassibed 5 protected
6), md its 30
hnmmr resort:'ees; ald
te» the distribntion roites of the waka 'nmanga; ss re=
ritt+ret+ tmeler elatise 360 :mt+
4 formation rm:how progress wiH be measured 810 re=
pol LLJ vii Jui ins ll,u pwiud tv w li;ili tliE plcu, i.latcJ. 35
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 1-continued
I Iuwk vii, a ivoululiuii uf Llik i Gu<uisanui Lu adupl a luiis-Lkiin
Fir, Jv.0 iivl Lviiliuli a diuiaivii Lu undkilaki cuiy JFi-ific
dilivily inuludid m tlic plaii, and
84 110eS not entitle 8 rerson te, rer,tr*e fr wale tmtmma te, 5
t tlii p
ll)VabiLL11:3 V
f tlic long-tcitii plail.
* long-tern'r plm, inua4 te rrer:tred myd ve*orter} by the Tfinm,gmmt +Tr accore+,
armewith the trqtrircments *r major transactions Pro"
velee} for h theeter;ma 10
ti» Lk aduplid Lifuii tlib iuiniiiuiiuunwil u fllib fll yuair to
w inkli IL iulalia Ly apviial ib,lulivii v f Llik luii<uisaikill.
+F rr rfttlm,gantr* shes th·c wales mi to trt,clertake activ=
ttks that diHer 20#Mmrtly from those provided for tn tti
+rmrterm plarnit mtmt amery# the +ong=term 1,+arr in necord= 15
cuibi willi tlii iiyuinaiiwil fui a nicgui lidiicivlivi
*m,trn* 1,+my
1*very rfinarrgnmT+ mtn:t prepre my mmIT:T+ 1,my *,r the 9,*:r
mnangs timt inual-
Fal Jit vultlik iiiattkii iii Llik lunks-lviu plaii Llial dib lilk v ant 20
to the yudi lu wl,;ili Llik plaii iklatia, and
tb, set ont the proposed l,trdget for the yearto whiel,the
rtan reates; and
fc, nk,ill;fy ally valiallull fiu111 tlil fullilms 1111-unnabun ine+trcleel +Ty the +0Mrterm rtmy for the «mics ·mmtrrgs tr 25
tlit yhal tv W11J1 tlit 4111kUa 91<Ul 1.1CilGl, CUJ
to fts memberr
Till Cuinu<#1 plall niu L L. adupt.J l,y tlib miianscuiui by ui Jinmy
Schedule 3
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 1-continued
FiTTCrnrivt TrTHirting dormnents
*m,trs* report
Evuly iGnaltClitul ttiul pilpall cul cuntucd itpul L ful Llil vvdk<L
'Mmanga withiI, 4 months of the end of the *manc+st year to
w#*ch *retater 5
Sectiorr *++ of the fomparrtes *et +999 <LALLpl
(1)(i) vfllial J.Lt,v, ,) applik w ;lli atiy ilibi6ciiy uiudifiualiv„J
tO tliu i .4 u ; 1 Li tikii l e, fu i l l ik ai in ua l i i pu i l u f a w dka u i ncii is a, as
if every 1.fui,11&& te(0 2 Luilipaity w,1. a iufwwiuk lu a waka uiliallaa, alid 10
a Jitullui w.i. & i.fLWAL lu d 86-'v.111U1, dild
fe 61)Laillivid.13 w.1. Cl ilillbilit. lu llit 1062<Lli.d illuiliblit
of s waks trmangr
flte anntrd report must-
ta b. pilp<uld allil aduplld by tlill al,lilisallui Ly vidilialy 15
regottrtme and
fb# 1.. madi <vailal,lk Lu ikaialitid niunil,kiks0 tiut lalut Llidit 20 WU,kitia dayi Lifun, ll,i dimual
66(,twal itiuilins uf Llib waka unicuisa, and
00 ti the matmer set ont tly the charter tmeter ®tel, 20
elet,se (24} of Schedule 2; m,el
te, rrovide the +12*Irriation ..v.a,uy to enable registered
tituiil,u uflli. wakct uniatisct lu itic*ku cul titfut n,Ld 45ALJJ11144ill u fllib uplialluilb culd pli fuillicilibl u fllit vv ck/I
ulliallaa fui Lli idivant fiticuikial y .cu. 25
Annual return and accounting
Annual return
Every r€iMmtgantr board must provide to the Registrar an annual return in the form approved for the purpose by the Registran
Accounting records
Every r€inmtgant board must create and maintain accounting
records that-
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 1-continued
(a) record accurately and explain every financial transaction made by the waka umanga; and
(b) enable the financial position of the waka umanga to be
determined at any time with reasonable accuracy; and
(c) facilitate an accurate audit to be made of the financial 5
statements of the waka umanga.
(2) The accounting records of a waka umanga must be completed
not later than 5 months after the end of the financial year to
which they relate.
Bir#*rition «*1714*tr 10
(201.1...6 uf Jimt. ibutius, pulicy
f» * dioli il.ulivii puliiy uul4 set unt the bash for the distributOn of benefits to the
tribd grotrp; reg,stered nten,bers; constitttent gror,rs;
strbsidiar+cs; or other grottrs; and 15
tit prov* thmt stii tmtst be made prtently ma
tr, a manner that promotes the enrrent ar,futore weH=
1,na vf Li. hil,<1 Sivup v rviaun a:,vualun fui win.1
Lliv vu, k<, ulliallaa &3 fvuu.J <unl n,6;ELL..i.J.
% * dili;Lutivil puliby illukl Iia,luill- 20
44 the objectives for *tch distr+btrtions me abb to be
made; and
ful liu w Llik i uiiaiia"iiui will Jitinnitik Laili yuai w lial plo-poil;un (Wfany) uflli tid Itiunk and ullibi DJJbla-
¢f? is tv 1.,i dixtiibulud iii tlial yuu, aikd 25
4 is tv L,. 1,.iuvul,J in, vi appli,J lu, Lliu ciliviliu,>
uf ll waka uilialls<: ul ile, Eul,e,Idicu;LE, cuid
fcf) the form in difh the #rmngarmt may make distrH,tr
tions; tr Mrampic by way of grants; toans; or *cho+m-
(4 the categorks of rersons; X1vr,ps; m entihes that the
i Ulldlisanui 13 piI,Ii,ll&J lu iiialk Ji:,tiiLutivi,j tv, and
fe} ilic piukkclutii (uid wilbiia by wliiuli Jikii;un iiiuL 1.,L
Illad. Ull ally Apttifil J;3liILuliutil, dild
ff> how the rnangantrt must rerort on the distribtrt*ons 35
T¥Tr"00 TTY 5 +TrfrrTTCTrt yeMT':
Schedule 3
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2
Further provisions relating to voluntary
Appointment of administrator
An administrator may be appointed to a waka umanga by- 5
(a) the nanganm board of the waka umanga; or
(b) if the waka umanga is in liquidation, the liquidator; or
(c) if an interim liquidator has been appointed, the interim
liquidator; or
(d) a secured creditor holding a charge over the whole, or 10
substantially the whole, of the property of the waka
umanga (other than any protected assets); or
(e) the Court.
If the waka umanga is already in administration, an administrator may be appointed only by- 15
(a) the Court; or
(b) the creditors, as a replacement administrator for an administrator that the creditors have removed; or
(c) the appointor of the first administrator, if that adminis-
trator has died, resigned, or become disqualified. 20
Every appointment must be in writing and state the date on and
from which the appointment takes effect.
To avoid doubt, the provisions of sections 43 to 45 (which
relate to the disclosure of interest) apply in relation to the appointment of an administrator. 25
Appointment by -0 board
The renangant board of a waka umanga may appoint an administrator if the Tfmmlgat,trt board has resolved that,(a) in the opinion ofthe governors voting for the resolution,
the waka umanga is insolvent or may become insolvent; 30
(b) an administrator of the waka umanga should be appointed.
The ranm,ganm board must not appoint an administrator if the
waka umanga is already in liquidation. 35
If an application has been filed for the appointment of a liquidator of the waka umanga by the Court under section 241(2)(c)
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 3
Part 2-continued
of the Companies Act 1993 (as applied by section 67 of this
Act), the ranangamit board may appoint an administrator, but
only if the administrator is appointed within 10 working days
after service on the waka umanga of the application.
Subclause (3) does not apply after the application has been 5
finally disposed of.
Appointment by liquidator or interim liquidator
The liquidator or interim liquidator of a waka umanga may appoint an administrator ifhe or she thinks that the waka umanga
is insolvent or is likely to become insolvent. 10
The liquidator or interim liquidator may appoint himself or
hersel f to be the administrator if he or she first obtains-
(a) the permission of the Court; or
(b) in the case of a liquidator but not an interim liquidator,
the approval of the creditors of the waka umanga in the 15
form ofa resolution passed at a meeting of the creditors.
A liquidator or interim liquidator must not appoint as administrator a person who is the liquidator's or interim liquidator's
business or professional partner, employer, or employee, unless the appointment has been approved by the creditors of the 20
waka umanga in the form of a resolution passed at a creditors'
An administrator who is appointed to a waka umanga already
in liquidation may apply to the Court for an order under section
250 of the Companies Act 1993 (as applied by section 67 of 25
this Act) terminating the liquidation.
Appointment by secured creditor
A person who holds a charge over the whole, or substantially
the whole, of the property of a waka umanga (other than any
protected assets) may appoint an administrator if the charge 30
has become, and is still, enforceable.
A secured creditor must not appoint an administrator if the
waka umanga is already in liquidation.
Schedule 3
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 1-continued
41 Appointment by Court
(1) The Court may appoint an administrator on the application of
a creditor, the liquidator (if the waka umanga is in liquidation),
or the Registrar.
(2) The Court may appoint an administrator if- 5
(a) the Court is satisfied that the waka umanga is or may
become insolvent, and that an administration is likely to
result in a better return for the creditors and members of
the waka umanga than would result from an immediate
liquidation of the waka umanga; or 10
(b) it is just and equitable to do so.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 4
s 72
further provisions relating to subsidiaries
Part +
Btreetors of substdiaries 5
of directors
A waka umanga must adopt a policy that sets out an objective
and transparent process for
W the identification and consideration of thc skills, know-
ludge, and experience required of dircctors; and 10
t# the appointment of directors; and
te} the remtmeration of directors;
*he patey mtist aho state-
4 whether governors of tlic rfinanganui and employees of
the waka umanga may bc appointed as directors; and 15
M if so,any tcrms and conditions on which an appointment
may be made; and
40 whether there ts a Kmit on the mtmber of governors of
the ronanganui who may bc appointed as directors of a
Ed) if there isT what the ·1+mit 'is.
A- *gamtimay appoint a person to be a director only if
tlic person has, in the opinion of the waka umanga, the skills,
knowledge; and expertenee tota} contribute to the achievement of the objective of the 25
flf) contribute to tlic effective governance ofthc subsidiary,
given the nature and scope of its activities:
An employee ofa subsidiary who is appointed to bc a director
of the sttbsary must redgn from his or her position as an 30
employee ofthc subsidiary before taking up his or her position
as a director:
However subelause (4} docs not apply to the employee ifthc
rananganui ofthc waka umanga resolves, before thc employee
takes up his or her position as director, that the employee docs 35
not have to resign his or her position as an employee.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 4
Part 1-n«u„,in„,>d
0#ties of directors
Thc directors arc accountable to the waka umanga for the governanee of the subsidiary in accordance with tlic statement of
intent of ene subsidkry
Thc directors must ensure that the subsidiary complies with- 5
W its statement ofintent; and
tb} any other obligations under any other enactment.
This clause docs not limit or affect any other duties of directOff
ferformanee monitoring 10
A waka umanga must, at intervals of not more than 6 months,
monitor thc performance ofcach subsidiary to evaluate its cont#btition to the achievement of=
00 the objeetives of the wakattmangs for the subsidiary;
tb} the long-term outcomes of the waka umanga.
Thc monitoring undertaken under subelmise (4) mtist be con=
sistcnt with thc sizc of thc subsidiary and the scale of its businest
Within g months after the end of exh #nandat year; the dir-
eetors mttst de**vet· to the waka #mangs a report on the stib=
< operations during that year:
Thc rcport must include the information required byta) clauses 5 end 6- and 25
tb} tho subsidiary's statement of intent for that year.
This clause docs not apply to a subsidiary if it has issued shares
that are listed on a stock exchange
€on- *f report
A report on the operations of a subsidiary tinder clause 4 30
Schedule 4
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Art 1-6.„thi.:cti
ta} contain the information that ts neeessary toenable an
informed assessment ofthc operations ofthc subsidiary,
CE) a eomparison of the performance of the subsidiary with the statement of intent; and 5
00 an explanation ofany material variances bctwccn
that performance and the statement of intent; and
tb) ifthc subsidiary is a company, state the dividend (ifany)
mi#,ortied to be raid; or the maoeimtmt dividend pre=
posed to be paid; by the st:bsidiary on its shares father 10
than #xed=«interest seettbties for the hanetd year to
which the report relatestand
te state the rcmuncration paid to each director of the sub=
sidiary by way of0
50 rcimbursing allowances or actual and reasonable
6 Financial statements and auditor's report
A report on thc operations ofa subsidiaiy under clause 4 mtist
00 fmanetd statements for that fnanetal year fof thesttbsidiary prepared in accordance with the requirements in
the subsidiary's statement of intent; and
tb} if required by a subsidiary's statement of intent, an audi-
ti} the *nancial statements; and
fii} the performance standards and other measures by
which performance was judged in relation to thc
subsidiary's objectives.
Statement efuntent
9- Statement of intent for subsidiaries
€8 Bespite section 72(3); tf a Sttbsidiary has t,stted shares that
are Afted on a stoek exchange,-
Schedule 4
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Art *-continued
4 thesttbsidiaty ts not mqdred to have a statement of
intent and
f» a statement of intent 'in foree at the thne that thts stlbclause first applies ccascs to have effect from that time.
A statement of intent must not bc inconsistent with the consti- 5
*tion of a stibitdiary:
Ffirposes of statement of intent
Thc purposes of a statcincnt of intent arc tta} state the objectives ofa subsidiary for the year; and
tb} describe the activities that will bc undertaken to achieve 10
those objectives, and
te provide a basis for thi accountability ofthc directors of
thc subsidiary to the waka umanga for thc performance
of the grbstdmm.
frcparation of statement of intent 15
-The directors of a snbsidiary mttst each year ddiver to the
waka umanga a draft statement of intent not less than 4 months
before thc cnd of the waka umanga's financial year.
flte directors of a subsidiary mttst00 consider, not tess titan 2 months before the end of the 20
waka umanga's financial year, any comments made by
the waka umanga to the directors on thc draft statement
of intent and
M detter the completed statement of intent to the waka
umanga before tlic end of the waka umanga's financial 25
Waka umanga must agree or disagree with statement of
A waka umanga must, as soon as practicable after a statcment
t,f intent ts de]+vered te it= 30
(0 agree to the statement ofintent or
M if it docs not agrcc, require the statement of intent to bc
modihed under clause 44·:
Schedule 4
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Ptrt 2-continued
uns of statements of intent by resollition of
waks tnnang#
t» eespite any other prov.on of this *et or of the eonstittttion
of a subsidiary, a waka umanga may, by resolution, require the
directors ofthc subsidiary to modify the subsidiary's statement 5
of intent by including or omitting any provision or provisions
of the kind referred te in eleuse 44(4); and the directors to
whom notme of the resolution is given must comply with the
f Before giving nottee of the resolution under subelause (1* 10
the wai¢a umanga must consult the directors as te the matters
to be t'eferred to in the nottee:
-12 Modifications of statements of intent by directors
The directors of a subsidiary may modify its statement ofin=
4 the directors have given the waka umanga written notice
of the proposed modification; and
fb} the waka umanga has agreed to the modification.
-13 Obligation to make statements of intent available
A completed statement of intent and each modification that is 20
adopted to a statement of intent must be made avattabkT on
request, to registered members of the waka umanga.
Contents of statements of intent
To the extent that it ts appropriate to the organisationat form
of a subsidiary, the following information must bc specified in 25
a statement of intent
ta} the objectives of the subsidiary; and
tb} the prineiples of sotind governance that thedireetors
of the subsidiary wi# apply to the governance of the
te} the nature and seope of any activities to bc undertaken
by the subsidiary and how the activities will contribute
to the objectives of the subsidiary and to the long-term
Schedule 4
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
trt Qz-=lunhitued
objectives ofthc waka umanga, as specified in its longterm plant and
if appiable; the ratio of eonsoAdated sharehoiders
funds to total assets, and the definitions of thosc terms;
the accounting policies of thc subsidiary; and
whether the ..u..u.u.1 a faneia statements mtist be
audited. and
tlic performance standards and other measures by which
thc performance of thc subsidiary may bc judged in rc- 10
tation totts objeetiffsT and any asstimptions on whieh
they are based; and
any internal and external factors that will or may affect
the extent te whieh the stibstdiary ts tikety te achieve
its objectives, and how these faeters have been taken 15
inte aeeotint whensetting the objeeti¥es; performance
standards, and performance measures; and
if applicable, an estimate ofthc amount or proportion of
accumulated profits and capital reserves that is intended
for distribution to the waka umanga; and 20
the kind of mformation to be provided to the waka
umanga by tlic subsidiary during the course of those financial years, including the information to bc included
in eaely report to the wakatimanga tand; in particular;
what prospective Ananet# bformation ts reetttired and 25
how it isto berresented); and
the procedures to bc followed before thc subsidiary0 subset'es fon purehases; orotherwise aeqttires
any interest or investment in another entity; or
tiE) purchases or acquires any land or interest in land; 30
any activities for which thc directors scck payment from
the waka ttmangat and
the direetorsi estimate of the eommeretat ¥aitte ofthe
waka ttmangais investment in the subsidiary and the 35
manner in which; and the times at whieh; that ¥abte ts
to be reassessed and
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 4
Part 2-contintted
4 any other matters that are agreed by the waka ttmanga
and the directors.
0 If a subsidiary has undertaken to obtain, or has obtained, paymei* from the waka timang# in respect of any activity; th#
tmdertaking or the amotmt of the payment obtained must be 5
recorded ir»
ta} theannttat report ofthe subsidiary; and
tb) the annual report of the waka umanga.
t» The information reqttired ttnder subelause (+) must relate
4 the finanet# year +mmediately foHowing the frnanetat
year speethed in clause 8; and
M each of the immediately following 2 years.
+5 Saving of certain trl:nsaetions
A failure by a subsidiary to comply with any provision of this 15
schedule or with any provision in the statement of intent of the
subsidiary docs not affect thc validity or enforceability of any
dccd, agreement, right, or obligation entered into, obtained, or
inetirred by the sttbsidiary:
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 5
Schedule 5
s 74
Optional processes for resolution of
internal disputes
IfUny vi all vf Ll cli:,puti ujulutivii pivi,RJER iiibluclid in ll:ii ibli.d- 5
ulc ak. aduplid by a waka uiiiansa, Llicy inuil 1.,, initudid iii Llii uliarti Vi llit n dka uilictilya, 1-Jul in«y L L v al 14 li cc, litt vv akci Ulltd 11*cl Lutdders appropriate:
The following dispute resolution process may be included in the charter of a waka umanga with or without modification. 10
fart +
Kairongomau *eacemaker)
Th. funil;un u 1-kahungoinau o lv .unAd,i .unq lai,6 Gunt-
ta 1.kS;Jlit.J I,1.1,11,&13 uftlik vvdka uiiiansa villivak ulami- 15
ilit Lliiy <uu wilill&J lu L. iiaialk,id
1 1 L L 1 11U Ll b .
44 cot¥stittient grot:pr
4 *trb.firti.T,ter.
The function of kairongomau is to consider complaints from
registered members of the waka umanga or those claiming 20
they are entitled to be registered members.
The purpose of kairongomau is to ensure, as far as possible,
(a) the persons lodging complaints are treated fairly in their
dealings with the waka umanga; and 25
(b) a resolution of a dispute is achieved that satisfies all
parties; and
(c) the future relationship between the person or group and
the waka umanga is improved, by making recommendations, for example, for changes to policies and prac- 30
tices; and
(d) if the complaint is that access to information has been
declined, for release of information on a general or
limited basis, if and as appropriate.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 5
fah 1--..'....d
Appointment of kairongomau
A person or committee of persons may be appointed by the
remangamr* board to be kairongomau for a term of not more
than 5 years, but may be reappointed in the same manner for
further terms, as provided for in the charter. 5
(a) may, but need not, be registered members of the waka
umanga; but
(b) must not be governors of the 1,8Mm,gat,trt board or directors of a subsidiary. 10
The rananganni board must make available to the registered
members of the waka umanga-
(a) the terms and conditions on which kairongomau are appointed; and
(b) the remuneration that is to be paid to kairongomau. 15
Complaint procedure
The persons or bodies entitled to make complaints under this
Part must do so in writing to kairongomau.
Complaints may relate to a decision or action of the waka
umanga affecting the complainant, directly or indirectly. 20
Kairongomau may consider complaints in the manner they
think fit, as long as the principles of natural justice are observed by nieans such as-
(a) hearing individually from complainants and the person
or body that is the subject of complaint, and if relevant, 25
any other person with an interest in the matter complained of:
(b) convening formal or informal meetings of those involved in, or with an interest in, the matter complained
(c) receiving written submissions.
Kairongomau may also seek expert assistance, for example,
on accounting or legal questions, to assist the kairongomau or
the parties.
The cost of advice received under subclause (4) must be met 35
by the waka umanga unless kairongomau direct otherwise.
Schedule 5
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part t-.„,i„,„ed
4 Determination
(1) In determining complaints, kairongomau must endeavour to
seek a resolution that satisfies all the parties involved in, or
who have an interest in, a matter complained of.
(2) A ranangerrt board or person or body that is the subject of 5
a complaint is not obliged to adopt the recommendations of
kairongomau, but the ranaryganm board, person or body that
is the subject of complaint must give reasons in writing to
kairongomau in relation to any recommendations that are not
(3) A settlement reached as a result of a recommendation of
kairongomau is binding on the parties.
5 Reporting obligations of kairongomau
(1) Kairongomau must report in writing annually to the r*Mmy=
ganm board as to the outcome of any complaints referred to 15
them, in a way that does not breach the confidentiality of the
(2) The reports of kairongomau must be included in the annual
report of the waka umanga.
fart *
6 +nterl,retation
in thi P.. 1, uitlk:,i ll,& Luntual ulliw w iEE iiquiL &3,d#pute meam the Aterna* disrote deschbed +Tr the disrnte
dispute ilutiu. nikalic, a liutiuk iklatina lu cui mtermrt dtspute;
55 prov*el for by clause e
mediation agreement means an cts, „i li,lil, Whrther Or liot
irr witt#7& as to the process by witch the mccitattorr ts to be
condtrted: as provided for hy elms,e
memts mn
imparttd titrd person appointed under
am- 49 ter assst the raes to reach mutgreeel setHement
of te di.rmt
Schedule 5
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
{Part 2-rontimre
null.F ii, i Fapunac itiwzili d itulluu piuv idid ful 1,3
clat:se 9
party ni<1113 a pu Jun, ;tilludins 3 grotrF of persons; witether
or not Tneorporated
S111 clitill
& alil Ic ill„il illualli dil asiobiiiwil, w liilliw vi iiul *ir
wi;t,5, i.<:.liJ at untft.1 d litediatioli iii .tll.iii.ul uf pail or 5
ve of ar *put
Reference to medistivn
Any p<Jity lu <tii iitclhal di:,puli iii«y lifii ali intwiial di:,puti
tu „Ldiativii, iii aw.vi Januu w ith th- Part or as this Part ts
varied Ly th. w cika uu,ans<, iii ;6 Llidi Lki. 10
Bisptrte notice
* party to mr +rrtermr+ clism:te may serfre tr dtifte nottee rm
m,Y Party to that dismtte':
* Spote notee mult-
i statethatitiJ:,wvid und Lliik Ait, and 15
fb state the ualu of the dioputu and ai v . s brief closer,ptioii vf ll
IL b L.1
Llw uf, <uid Lli, paili, tv, tlii dis-
rtrte; md
¢4 J.Allil,L wliwl alld wlitil tllk JIEpuLL divAL, and
ft» set rrnt the
and contact addresses of the parties; 20
fe btalillial [lib paily ibui115 tl,L dijpuli iivlivi vviblibb tlic
Jipuli lu piuikid tv tiikilialivii, and
(5 provide the *TH name am* contact address ofthe party
Or pii Evii Aki viiia llii diiputi nulibi. 25
Tliv Jiaputi liulik, 111«y nunniiati 1 vi invib niuJcitu, 3.
Notice in response
Ilaull pal ly un w liurn a Jijpull liull. in Aul v ..1 Uildli
clause 0
inul, iivi lcilbi Lli<u: 10 wuikina Jayo ciflii i.ioi viiia tlib diputi
liuti.4' serve ct liull.. ilk 1.puti. ul- 30
4 the pai ly Llial
1(1 VL
d thi diapulk nulibi, and·
tb L v Lu pal Ly liguill.J 111 litu J;Epult liulluu.
* livtiuu iii 1 Ejpunj, inuil :,tal,147
Schedule 5
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
ta that it fs served trtiter this *ct; and
+f whether the ray*ser*rg the notce + response
2161 663-
0 with the descriptiorr r,f the disrtite Set mit *1, the
W tlicit tlik diapulk itulibi buniully Idinlifiba thu pal-
ties to the disrtrte; =1
54 to Lli, dipulk L.ing 11'u.lial,J, and
te wl,2,11 uf llik iiidialui :, nuiititialid iii tlik Jiapulk liutik,
if atiy, aib abi.plabli tu Llit patty itipuiidins. 10
€» A i,ul,Lk 11 1.pull. tilay 1!Utiliticiti 1 vii illuti cilluiticilivu ilibdtators:
*rpointment of mediator
*mediator may be appdnted as soon as the parties have
agreed rm who ts to be arrotted 15
ff the /mtivs are unatit to gree orr s meritator; the partes
muot j vintly i .4uual tlial a iiibilialui 1.u appuinlid Ly ll,k p. i son
d.ianal.d fu ll,al put pu. in the charter.
rklidiatiu„ dai Ic„i,:iil di lu pi u.rJu, c
flte meeliator and the •Parties must; within 20 working 671 20
aftw llu uditv 1,a< 1,.„ aa..d und. Clatlee 40¢4·) ar ar=
rr,intcd tmder clause 40(2* scttte the rroccdorc for theme=
iliativii, wl,ibli inuot un.ludi daidikiiwita Oik tlic follow„,5 liiatterr
¢0 wliv lidi Lliu dull iviily Lu ikpik:,kul and Lind Llii pailiki. 25
04 wliv illay attind ll„ tuid;aliu„, #le+Mting +Cgd COTIMSC+
ard expertr
4 cui asiukikikiil a tv wliktliki Llic likidialivii i Lu 1.,i butifi-
Junlial, 111lud1115 whu lilay 1, litfulnlod al,vul ally Corihelentid
te» tli .Alkill, Qf,uiy, lu wllibll llib ilialat pivl.Juiut Clic te
be Opte#.
t# 1,4uii,iii,iil:, ,luptivil,a, ini,p„lufthe modiator
tllic vaili. 3, atid vtliki pkiuiti alt.itditis ll,L in.Jial,un.
Fri livvv Llik uu:,l:, uf ll„ uikilialivii a. lu 1,& 1„vt. 35
Schedule 5
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Part 2-w--1
whether te rer, Mftor ts try be tird an* ff sor whether
there In lu L. <i lialislatui pi.a.nl.
w liolliui Llik iiiudialvi indy wisats, all LApLl L aRAGRul' 01'
CO-titudialut tui a :,lal,J ut aiiy puipuAL.
LA.luak,n ufliaL;lity ful tlit Lilld
dwilu:ui u f .unfliul vfuilwid Ly llL inudialvi.
1,v vv Llit 1111.J;<ilivil <1661.uniwil nu,y 1,. l.lill;n<LL.J.
any ulliui iiiallki LliaL tliu niudicilui aial Llii pciii lik dkic.'
havili 1&6aid tv tliu lialuiv vfllib Jinpulu, i avviuplialk
to Lvil
t tli 11&&di <uid inli LALB wfllik pai liki. 10
13 Vlitil liliJI.:Gulf nltrst pluttIJ
tr Jispuli tnttst pivuL.J to nticlialivii (13 Juvii £43 16 ii<iviial,ly
placliual.,1. ciflki all nulibi ill lu:,guilak lia v & 1,,i.11 8&, v Ld unclu
clat,Se 9; 35 +ong as :H parties asi 66#0 that Lli. diapulk Alivuld 1. 111,diclud, and 15
t as to the metor= arre
te-} rm the profer}mr *,r the meeliation; as recortied trrthe
ui.dicilivii asi,111,Ul 1,.4uii,d Ly clause 4*k
+3 iiylill ilirdiattiuil talillut pi ut,x:J
f'» Tl. modicitiu,1 ufa diopul,..<uinvt vu,...J if- 20
4 5 rmty on dom a *spute notice ts served ocs not
serve tr m*Tee m response m reorrianee wrtl¥ clause
9- r.
¢b a nibdativii akSL.Liiiwil 63 tivt witui,J Ii,lu Iii aukuidaii.&
with eleuse
4 vt any time a party to thc disFute gives notice ofthat
paily '3 willidic:wal fiviu llib niuiliatioli.
(2 However, if 1 paity lu tli diavul ain,3 nulluu vf willidiawat
frem the me¢iOm that does not prevent other rat*es te, the
dismtte from agreeing to enter *nto n new mee*tation <,ske- 30
Schedule 5
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Cok,fidfuLal;ly, p* Hara, did Lu,6
Except NE recittirce} by taw or trr,+ess otherrt*sc agreed +rr the
medfativn 65 .vvil, 'the merers disivis* mir4 vgrefF
admillLJ, ui Jiluittltilid In, ul 111 Lliu uvut:,i uf, ci iiiudiciliun-
(0 mtrst not be *sctosed hy the rm,fies; the meeHateF or 5
p.iunb allui,Jins Ll„ ttiudialtuit, 1!rid
114 ann,vl dj..aE;61& ;,c a Luuil, li;l,u,al, vi vlliii fviutii or
blfult a p.mUU altisjud;Idlly, unk,JJ ful lh. puipult
of Liifuiiing a lll.ment asuwn'Lfit.
A bikaili ufllik vviifidwilialily ikyuiid Ly subelause t4*W 10
is d Litaull ufall .3321,lial Lilll uf Lllk t.tlltilitwil dallkiliblit.
Unl, thi Elia,li, vi ll,£ i,iidial,vii <,51&111011l piuv;dia ulliw-wism therartirs mtrst4 meet th; mx,rr er,stS m,d ccret,Ses & relat*OTT to tile
M pay vii dii Lvually Alidi kil Laa,3 Lliu full <illd LApull:,LE uf
the mediator.
itesoltition vf dispttte
ff resotntion ts reached rm the wh* or Pmt of a dispte 85 5
1 62,U
ll ufut iii Ll„,.vu13, v f ni,dilivi, the terms of the 3,tlic- 20
incill UIURI L. I.Lud.J In d ablll.littill asittiliwit.
A Jullitilikill astuullibill Il Linditis Vii the partles.
-A party 1·nay .u flu . ll. ,Lltlan.nt sgreen,ent tincinding the
linik williiii whitli Llib pailt.J alsi.u Lu uvitiply with Llik as, Lkmen» by way of an arritentinn try the ent,Tt tmeler section 25
NO u,u, L p, ui,xJ;11%, U, Illiul L<Inv-t :tetmn
+f 1 disrtrte notice E scrve tmeler clat,se e; no Farty may
Conitillitub vt Lultlinul piuuu.Jiti53 211 Clity uvuil ul li ILutial in
retation to any matter retatee} to the dispttte derithed tn the 30
Chiptite T,Ottet u,11;1-
4 Lliv olLpE ikyuin,J Ly elet,ses 9 to 4-t liavi Livi, bunipluluff and
tb tlik niudialivii asikitikul witui.J inlu und.t
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 5
emt 2--
#5 LI uvv
subelet,setl) dv. nul pib vitil a paily fi uniapply-
ing to the €otirt for="
4 mt tterim flirmetion tm section 87; rending the
iuviutivii of the dijpulb by uiidialivii vi other drsrttte
Losolutivit piuu,33 pivviclud fuii by Lliu iliailii, vi 5
84 1 stay Uf proceedings commenceel M contmree 4
brevelt of stibelatise tik
·Part 9
1-9 *11,*trntion for interm¥* dispute 10
fi-) +f the parties consent; my *,tormt #firtrte may be re+trred to
aibitialivii undii Llii Ail.ilialivii ALL 1996.
f* *he (11 1,iliC,lul nIUAL 1,4 Clpvunitud-
120 by dai butilitil ufllit pailitl LU Llit Ilillilial JI Jputu, Ul
¢5 if tliv gcu Li aik u„al,li Lv aaiLL.,- 15
t# by the Trerson de*gmrted tr the ·r,trrpose try the
elmiter m
00 +f the parties sorequest; by the fres*elent of
the *trators 3nd Medfators bitt#k of New
+0 Appli(<,liv„ u f A, 146 atiui, ALL 1996
ff er dism,te fE referred to mi*tration underseetion 75% or
clause 47; the #ghts of the parties are +*ted to thrme erm=
*rred by the *1*b4tration tret +996:
Schedule 6
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Sri¥echi*e 6
*1'1entions to ***mi Elntr €otrrt
+ Cu„LI„&3 uf <,ppln=<,iu,„ tv Alau, i L<u,J fo,11't
f+) *lt appient,un to tite €ourt mt,st be marle ity form + of the 5
Maot Eme eolirt *ules +99+
W ff the apT'Heant „Ju-45 my ·inter#n *itmetty; tile apphenhon m'crst *,eltrele s
inwnuuuJun vf ll 5vund on «4*elt it is sought and
any uildl lakills UffuL.J 111 1.apult vf Jailliast:' ul ullicr 10
U lu timifii ll piivbikdiiiks lu ll Ilisli Cuuil, tlib application must inulud.-
t# a memorancitrm of the grotinds rm wh+ch the
transfer & songht; ma 15
50 if appliual,lk, tlii Luiixiiil v f tlik ulliw pai li.
0 Appliualivii:, niu:,L Lu filid in tlik uffiu uf Lliu Chief Risiolidi
Of tlii Cuui l, 1.Bal Jl.RE ufllik luualivii uf tlik i,ai:,lkikd addi.JA
of the re+evant waks trmangm
·1*very appitahon ms; uncler subpart 2 of Part 4 must be
scrved on-
4 the entities md constittrent grotirs referred to ·ity seetien 20¢4*bk =t
tb# ·m,+ess r,therw*se Frov*eed for. the Min*ster r,f ·M*or+ 25
Affati and wilili fwiid lu in section 2412*br
IN:*,uu dah:J lu appfal dild 1/F IRIal J
*he rersons entitlid to appear mlel be +Icare} +Tr arrtivat§ons
macle tmeler subpert 2 of Part 4 mt==
M the entities and eonstitnent groups whosestattrs as n
19211 ly 13 viuv ;dtd fuI LU tlial Aul.pai l, and
f* pkiviia wliu, Ly uiclui u f tlik Cuuil, niu:,t 1.,u e,div,«d, diid
«» dii,Y ulliw Viiavii wlivin it i vualil Lu Liiid Ly Llii dicisioii ufllik Cuui L ui w live,L pike,kilki llik Cuuil kutic,idki 35
ACCLA,diy fut Llik juJL Jitilininativii uf tlik ixauui, <uid
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
te th& Ria;oluu, if
Schedule 6
Lli. R.sial<u ;a pv v idJ fur
tn that subrart
inttnUL«Utury mutltsf J
Appliialiu*,3 tu lic 33;%„rd fu Judise
Ulll,61, 10 w uikins Jay< uf i.uu; vitis <ui applibalivii undik oub- 5
part 2 of Part 4 Colliw tliati ati appliucitivit fur ali inlinni injunilivii), tliv CliiufJudak ufllik fvlavii Laiid CuLU lillulaitly
tilt ing,Ll.i LU Qi fviaviI Laild Cvul l JUJSL fvi .une,;J.lat&un.
flte Judsu tv w livul Clli applitaliuil 23 ae,36611.J lil<y L. flullil Cl
di,lii,t ulliu tl
Lli dilii L iii w lii,li tlii 1 .6;3twud u ffi. u f 10
11,E *ilivant waka uiiianga i luidled.
Juditial tulifti Clit,> i,xlu,:J
*& 90 woric* clays of Mn sm**m *49 5470 to
3 +cre»c tme}or
clause *
the *odge mnst convene Tr jn#*40
Lvi,iwit,&& vf 11„ pculike, tu Si vi diikilivii a* lu iivw tlik &<10& 15
+5 to rrocced·:
Thip<ti li niay asibilu a lundw puiiud Llid.20 wuiking dayE.
01 JI, 3 11,< Illay 11£ ill«,Jr .*t juJitial tul,irl ,-litt
Iii adililivii lu Llik puwki uf a Mavii Land Cuuil Juilak Ullilil
seetton 69 of * *Frire W+,emm Maot tret +999; the dmige 20
inay, al ajudtual .Ullflulluu Lullvul,J und «, elet,se ST nlalec
orders irr retation to the snbst:mtive #stres of the arrlimting
i:0 ,4611.£;116 Lv <u:y .vil 3.lil vnluie, i.yuljt.J 1,9 Lliu pall;&3.
(05 +Tt rdation to arT #Tternt dtsrttte; dedining to *,ear the 25
apptkntion untess the appropriate dispte resol„tion
Trreresses recttl+rert tmder the charter +nrve ·heery corn=
ted mnth the ern,Ment of the Tmrt+es; re*rHng the am,1+en=
tioli lu a iiikdialvicippuiiilid Ly lliu Cuuitiii cikvidaiivi 30
76 6=- F M to m,other sgreed .sptrte re*oltrtnly
te» dismissing theappitativn as ·verations or an abtrse of
Schedule 6
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Tlic rviavi i Land Cuuit Judgi indy, 1,3 vidit, in retation to the
fntttre cot,cltret of arr ppl;.cttion,ta c,JJ vi i WUU V i aliy paily lu Llik pi vuu,diiis).
tb, sivb cliibiliun:, a Lu dioivvwy aiid ii,pkilivii uf dvertillbil
6 Ly LliE pailiu iii lulativii lu Jpiciflid n,<illwo. 5
te, if ,&4uh.d undu
subper* 4 or 5 of Part * ppvint an
itiv.Jlisalvi, uul11111133Iuttul, tuu.; vul, ul 1;4uidalul.
fel) ifthe €omt tons*rs it
astst a party or the eourt
3, mT(*r[t tr,=te\ to
tyrr terms
spec* 17 the
Couil, inJuclii,6 l„„13 a Lulli, p<iyniwil fiunitlii rviaoli 10
Land Cuuit Spitial Aid Fund.
Section 98 of * fure Whenua Maor+ *et +993 applks with
:rry necessary moditeartiorts to mrry order made mrder sub-
clause te*dr
IftliL R.6;:'Luu ;a nul a pely lu pivibidinzf;n vvi;uli djudicial 15
Luniwink,3 Lunvinod uiidii elet,se 6, tlik Cliiuf Rusi:'licii vf
the Alaod Land Cuuil tituil nwl;fy liik Rishl u vfany v,JG,3
maderm*er *rts ttemst:
fewer to :ppoint mediator
Before s And €rmrt imige may mah m¥ t,reler tmeler 20
clatise 6 lu iGfii <ui appliu:Livil lu d liikdialui, lik vi lik inuL
colibull tlic pailib al,vul Elivin tv cippuint dj tliv nivdiaivi.
Tlit pcu liE 3 11 1,13, Ly asi &11 111 l, appunil 1 vi invi & p, 1 junt w ill ,
tlic Akill and Lxpwiwiiu lu und.L laki „ivd;alivii vii ll ;Riucs
relevant to the am*catbm 25
tf the rartH rlry nert ngrce or, ttle rersem to {r nrrO+rrteel as
the medintor; the *Trtge try'whom the art*catim +S assiptd
iii USE--
taff appulill 1 Ul 111 p.Evn to act MS tilld;alvt, btrt
84 4,efore doing sm be sated that the re„son appo+nte 30
licio tli okilla di,J L.pitiwiUi lu uiidwlitki inidialivii on
the **sttes reterant to the applient+orr
fo,ver t¢¥ appui.il additivisal 111(,1,1,£1 3
Tlic Cliibf Judak vf Llii Cuuil, vi any ulliki Judak vf tlio Cvuit
TrdiT ure corrsent of the €ef *treige; may; try dation to an 35
appiation mtrde under subpart 2 of Part * appoint + or
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Schedule 6
2 arloMM+ members of the€od *me not *T*res of the
@) in makig appr*ntments trnder subelause f'*thc €bid
Judsk vi utlibi Judsk niul 1. acilifikil Llial-
EW the arrt*ntment of persons with partic#m *rlowtedge 5
m,el ..pv, k.u.. rett 59*At the detern·rinstton r,f tim ar=
fb the proposed ddthont membe,1 trave the howteelge
and kxpkiknui iklived lu liik applikabon.
A Before malcing an arrointment under st,bclause t+* the 10
Clii« f Judau vi ulli.1 Juda iuul iviull witl ll pat lik cis lu
(14 it ts appropriate to appoint addthand members to the
erimt m,d
ib, the proposed addihont members have the re*evant 15
knuwl.daL alld .Ap,11.11„.
Becision of emirt
In a pi ukkidiiis w likii 1 ul 2 addiliviial muuil,ki 3 di L cippuiiilkd
rmder dause ST
4 the dect,tn of a major+ty of the members present at & 20
iillitia vftlib Cuuil 13 Llii diwvii ufll ik Cvuil, and
EW * ·ity the procced*% the members rreset¥t are eqttaHy
clivided irr 01*niorr; the dccis*orr of the *Idge fs the de=
eon of the €Ottrt:
0*rections *f€ottrt
*):i biliuliC' ai v bii by tlik Cvwt uikdor this Act Lciurni final on
the tatest of the *,Howing dater
ta, diiy Ja LL ap.Lifi.J iii ll„ diikilivii.
tb, the Jalk by whiuh cul appial tliay 1, ludgid as'In:,l the 30
diibilivii and nu appial lidi 1.,iwi luds.J.
(4 *fan arreat has beely +odged against the rirection; the
dali Ly whibli Llii appial lidi Lkin finally Ji:,pviid of.
Waka Umanga (Maori Corporations) Bill
Legislative history
21 November 2007
Introduction (Bill 175--1)
11 December 2007
First reading and referral to Maori Affairs
8 September 2008
Reported from Maori Affairs Committee
(Bill 175-2)
Wellington. New Zealandi
Published under the authority of the I Iouse of' Representalives-2008