Jackrabbit Dairy Camp - SD 4
Jackrabbit Dairy Camp - SD 4
South Dakota State University Dairy Club Proudly Presents... Jackrabbit Dairy Camp J UNE 5 TH -7 TH 2014 Questions? Comments? Please Contact: Meg Viland Phone: 507-215-2001 E-mail: [email protected] OR Nicole Jax Phone: 507-438-0378 E-mail: [email protected] South Dakota State University Jackrabbit Dairy Camp 2014 The SDSU Dairy Club would like invite you to join us for the 2014 Dairy Camp. The eleventh annual Jackrabbit Dairy Camp will be held June 5th-7th at the South Dakota State University campus in Brookings. At camp we’ll be having workshops on showmanship, fitting, dairy cattle judging, advocating, and more. Participants will also have the opportunity to select a heifer that they will work one-on-one with throughout the camp. We are excited to provide the opportunity for youth to enhance their fitting skills and provide assistance with topline fitting. Additionally we will offer fun activities such as swimming or bowling, movie night, and other games. Lodging for two evenings in a SDSU residence hall, meals, entertainment, Dairy Camp T-shirt, and materials provided are included in the $50 registration fee. This $50 fee is per participant. Registration is limited to less than 40 youth and will be handled on a first come first serve basis. Additional information can be obtained by going to http://www.sdstate.edu/ds. Youth between the ages of 8-18 interested in learning more about the dairy industry are invited to register. Registration is open from May 10th to 24th. Dairy Camp 2014 June 5th-7th, 2014 TENATIVE CAMP SCHEDULE THURSDAY, JUNE 5TH 1:30 PM -2:30 PM REGISTRATION 2:40 PM – 3:20 PM WELCOME & COUNSELOR INTRODUCTIONS 3:30PM– 4:20 PM WORKSHOP- DAIRY JUDGING 4:20 PM– 4:50 PM HEIFER VIEWING 5 PM- 6PM SUPPER 6 PM– 7:20 PM HEIFER AUCTION 7:30 PM– 8:30 PM WORK WITH HEIFERS 8:30 PM– 9:30 PM EVENING ACTIVITY 10:30 PM LIGHTS OUT FRIDAY, JUNE 6TH 7:30 AM– 8:20 AM BREAKFAST 8:30 AM– 10:20 AM CATTLE JUDGING CONTEST 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM WORKSHOPS SHOWMANSHIP FITTING PRODUCTION 12:15 – 12:45 PM LUNCH 1PM – 3PM FITTING/FIELD TRIP (GROUP 1) 3 PM – 5 PM FITTING/ FIELD TRIP (GROUP 2) 5PM – 6 PM SUPPER 7 PM – 8 PM WORKSHOPS DAIRY PROMOTION MANUFACTURING 8 PM – 8:20 PM GROUP PHOTO 8:30 PM – 10 PM EVENING ACTIVITY 10:30 PM LIGHTS OUT SATURDAY, JUNE 7TH 8:30 AM– 9:20 AM BREAKFAST/DORM CHECKOUT 9:30 AM– 10 AM HEIFER PREPARATION 10 AM– 11 AM SHOWMANSHIP SHOW 11 AM– 11:30 AM AWARDS/ CLOSING CEREMONY 11:30 AM– 12:30 PM GRILL OUT WITH PARENTS 12:30 PM DAIRY FEST* * Dairy Fest is a fun event hosted by the dairy industry and local community for educating the public about the industry. There will also be interaction with SDSU athletes in a carnival atmosphere. Dairy Camp staff will bus the campers to the Swiftel Center where the Dairy Fest will be held, and where luggage can be picked up. At that time, families are free to either travel home or stay and check out the Dairy Fest, including the Central Plains Dairy Show. Name _______________________________________ Address __________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________ Telephone ________________________________________ E-Mail ____________________________________________ Age _________________ Have you attended previously? Yes No Years of Experience Showing Dairy: ______ Gender: Male Female Please circle one: Adult shirt size: S M L XL Make checks payable to: SDSU Dairy Club Registration Checklist Please Enclose: Registration Form Check payable to “SDSU Dairy Club” Health Form Liability Form Please send your registration to: SDSU Dairy Club C/O Nicole Jax 918 8th Ave: Apt #6 Brookings, SD 57007 RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT AND CONSENT TO MEDICAL TREATMENT By our signatures below, we acknowledge that we are aware of, appreciate the character of, and voluntarily assume the risks involved in participating in The 2014 Jackrabbit Dairy Camp By our signatures below, on behalf of ourselves, our heirs, next of kin, successors in interest, assigns, personal representatives, and agents; we hereby: 1. Waive any claim or cause of action against and release from liability the State of South Dakota, its officers, employees, and agents for any liability for injuries to person or property resulting from participation in the activity listed above; 2. Agree to indemnify and hold harmless the State of South Dakota, its officers, employees, and agents for any claims, causes of action, or liability to any other person arising from participating in the activity listed above; 3. Consent to receive any medical treatment deemed advisable during participation in the activity listed above; and 4. Acknowledge that we are signing below as a minor child and as the parent or legal guardian of the minor child named below. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT AND CONSENT TO MEDICAL TREATMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, AND HAVE SIGNED IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT, ASSURANCE, OR GUARANTEE BEING MADE TO ME AND INTEND MY SIGNATURE TO BE A COMPLETE AND UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY TO THE GREATEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW. Minor’s Name ________________________________ Date of Birth ________________________ Signature ________________________ Address _________________________ ______ I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE Parent/Guardian’s Name________________________________ Date of Birth_______________ Signature __________________________ Address ____________________________________ I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE Date_________________ Dairy Camp Health Form Information (Print clearly, fill out completely. Return with Registration Materials) Contact Information Participant’s Name ______________________________________________________ Last First Middle Initial Participant’s Address______________________________________________________________ Street or Box City State Zip Code Participant’s Phone Number ( )____________ Birth Date________ Age______ Gender______ Emergency Contact Name________________ Relationship to Participant: ___Parent ___ Guardian ___ Other: Daytime Phone Number ( )_________________ Evening Phone Number ( )_____________ Cell Phone Number ( ) __________________ Address _______________________________ City State Alternate Emergency Contact: Name________________ Relationship to Participant: __Parent ___ Guardian ___ Other: Daytime Phone Number ( )_________________ Evening Phone Number ( )_____________ Cell Phone Number ( ) __________________ Address _______________________________ City State Health Information Participant has the following: Health problems (circle all that apply): Asthma Convulsions Fainting spells Physical Impairment Bronchitis Diabetes Heart Trouble Hay Fever Other (list)___________________________________________________________________ Allergies or reactions to foods (circle all that apply) Dairy Gluten Peanuts Shellfish Other (list)___________________________________________________________________ Allergies to things in nature (circle all that apply) Insect bites or stings Ivy/oak/sumac toxins Other (list)___________________ Date of Participant’s last Tetanus Immunization_____________________________________ Month Date Year Participant has a condition that requires a medication: ____ Yes _____ No If yes was answered, what is the condition? (list)_____________________________ What is the name of the medication? (list)__________________________________ Will the medication be in the possession or the member?___ Yes ____ No Is the member capable of self-administering the medication? _____ Yes _____ No Housing: Participants may room with only one other person they know is going if they wish to. Roommate Request: