To Print To Print - Fitness Incentive


To Print To Print - Fitness Incentive
The official newsletter of
Fitness Incentive
To Print
Volume 10 Number 3
157 Deer Park Avenue., Babylon NY 11702
visit us online at:
e-mail: [email protected]
Fall 2002
True Member Success Stories
Plus: Training Tips . In The Spindrome . What’s New? . Fall Event Calender
Fall “FitKids” Programs
After a successful summer, the ‘FitKids’ programs
resume the week of September 29th. There are classes
for 3&4 year olds, 4&5 year olds, and 6 through 12 year
olds. (see Upcoming Events on page 7). The program
runs $165 for 8 weeks, two classes per week, or $90 for
once per week. Space is limited to 12 children per class,
so be sure to register early. Call or stop by the front desk
for more details.
You Should Be Dancing...
Another smashing summer
success was our first ever dance
classes: Jazz & Hip-Hop Funk.
Well, we’re excited to announce
that Cait, Blythe, and Synthia are
back for an encore this fall. Call or stop by the front desk
for class days and times and registration. The program
runs for 8 weeks, and costs $165 for two classes per
week or $90 for once per week. Space is limited to 20
students, so be sure to register early.
The boxing program, taught by our club pro, Eddie
Haeffer has taken off. In addition to one-on-one training,
Eddie runs several boxing clubs for both children and
adults. (See Upcoming Events on page 7 for days &
times.) The clubs are limited to four participants, so
there’s a lot of personal attention. They meet once a
week for 4 weeks. Cost is $100 (plus a one time
equipment fee for gloves and wraps). It’s an intense
program that is similar to what you would do to train for a
real boxing match. In addition to the current clubs, Eddie
will gladly form new clubs based upon member demand,
so if there’s a day or time that you’re looking for, don’t be
shy - ask. Chances are Eddie can accommodate you!
Back to School Club...
Our popular small group training
program resumes this fall with the
‘Back to School Club’. For those of
you not familiar with the clubs, they
are small groups of approximately
5 members who sign-up for the
club with the trainer of their choice.
Then, each week, for five weeks, on a set day at a
designated time, the club members meet with their
personal trainer and receive an assignment for the week.
The personal trainer goes over each piece of equipment
assigned for the week, and checks each members form
and understanding of the exercise. At the end of each
week the club members hand in their assignment pages,
which their trainer reviews, and receive their new
assignment. Not only do the club members commit to
regular workouts; they become very familiar with most of
the classes and the equipment. And of course there’s
Continued Page 11
Excellence defined.
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The Random House Dictionary
of the English Language
first in restorative & aesthetic dentistry
Christopher Proto, D.D.S
By Appointment
To Print
Yes, You Can!
True Member Success Stories
by Monica Jones, CPT
Sheila Goldstein was born in December of 1930 in
Brooklyn and is the mother of three sons and one
daughter and the grandmother to nine (count 'em!)
grandchildren. You probably know her, or if you don't,
you'd recognize her. She's a fixture at Fitness Incentive,
where you can find her on the treadmill, in classes and in
the weight room six to seven days a week.
ne day after Bosu Class I spent a few minutes
speaking to a young woman who had taken my
class. The conversation led to our different
activities and she expressed regret for the
things she had not done when she was "young".
"You're only 26! " I laughed.
"I know, but you do so much. You teach Bosu
and Spin and you play soccer."
Well, as all my friends, students and
acquaintances know, I adore soccer and will You might think
bore them all to death talking about it whenever you're too old,
I can. What my young student didn't know was or too tired,
that I've only been playing soccer for five years. too busy,
“I didn't start soccer until I was 39 years old" I
or just too far-gone,
told her (you do the math).
Always active, even as a child, Sheila always
loved to dance. She began formal dancing
lessons at the age of 15 and began
performing at 17. In fact, she spent much of
her adult life when she wasn't busy raising a
family as a dance teacher and performer.
Unfortunately, the years of dancing took a toll
on Sheila and she began to experience pain
in the hip and pelvic area. The pain was
eventually diagnosed and the news wasn't
but you're wrong.
good, especially for someone who lived for
I encouraged her that she can do just about
dance. Sheila was told she would have to
anything she sets her mind to. We discussed the fact that
have a double hip replacement. She would have to give
regardless of age we can accomplish our goals.
up the career she loved, but she decided to put the
surgery off as long as possible. Eventually her hips
If all of us just look around our club we will see everyday
degenerated to the point where she began to live every
heroes who are an inspiration to all of us. Let me share a
day in agonizing pain, and could barely walk, let alone
few of my heroes with you.
lead the active life she was used to. When the pain
Continued Page 6
Yes, You Can!
What motivates you?
Is it that you want to lose weight? Or just feel good again - you know,
lose the gut, find that extra energy you used to have? Or do you want to
do more: like climb a mountain, or run a marathon? Maybe you just
want to keep up with the grandkids? Or is it that you simply want to look
great in a bathing suit? Whatever your motivation for working out,
Fitness Incentive has an answer:
Yes, You Can.
We've helped you before and we’re here to help you again. You can
reach your fitness goals - and more: You can improve the quality of
your life. You might think you're too old, or too tired, too busy, or just too
far-gone, but you're wrong. Because Fitness Incentive is more than just
a health club. We're a family…a fitness family. A family with an attitude:
Yes, You Can!
Consider this: For about a dollar and a half a day, you can change
your life. About what you’d spend on a cup of coffee!
Can you afford not to be fit?
Come join us today...a better life is waiting.
Fitness Incentive
157 Deer Park Ave., Babylon Village
To Print
Take Care of Your Shoulders!
by Louis Tate. MS, PT, CPFT
Keep your shoulders stable and prevent injury so you
may continue to do what you love: exercise!
If you want to see a sorrowful sight, check out an
athlete whose training has been
going very well but who now
must stay clear of the gym
because of injury. Every day of
part III of a series
training lost is an eternity to
someone who loves to exercise.
Waiting to heal feels like hell on earth.
“Why did it happen to me?” they cry. “And
why now?” The answer is, no matter how
strong an athlete is or how powerful he/she
may feel, there are certain weak links in the human
anatomy that, if not carefully strengthened with
some TLC, will sooner or later break down. When
that happens, you will be sidelined - maybe forever.
It is then that you need the advice of a true expert
who can help you do whatever is necessary to
regain the use of a limb or movement of a joint.
Training Tips
These Are The Weakest Links...
Of all the weak links, knees, backs, and rotator cuffs
are most vulnerable to exercise abuse. And of the
three, the rotator cuff is perhaps the hardest to
regenerate and repair. I've met countless
individuals who, because of an unnecessary
rotator-cuff injury, must nurse their shoulders, baby
their training, and stay away from too many
beneficial movements. Don't be one of them. Take a
moment here to find out why rotator cuffs stop
rotating, how to avoid months or years of pain
and frustration, and how to make the best of
what an old shoulder injury has left you.
Cuff Links...
The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles
that originate from the scapula (shoulder
blade) and insert into the humerus (upper
arm), acting together to rotate the upper
arm on the trunk, allowing us countless possible
angles to move our arms in space. These are the
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and
subscapularis, and in addition to rotating our arms,
these muscles play a major role in shoulder stability.
It's only a matter of time for individuals who attempt
motions such as overhead presses or bench
presses regularly, without working their rotator cuff
muscles regularly, for injury to occur. This is
Continued Page 9
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To Print
hough the weather outside is frightful our cross the finish line. Congratulations Joanie you are
Spindrome is so delightful. Since there's no cool the true spirit of “Yes, you can.”
place to go, let us ride, let us ride, let us ride. They
have braved the heat, the humidity and yes even the For a look at the current Ride Across America standings
Endurance rides to accumulate miles that will help them visit our Website:
attain their goal of reaching Los Angeles, California. Once thirty participants have arrived in Los Angeles they
Since the beginning of the summer thirty-three Fitness will be treated to a special two hour Energy Zones ride
I n c e n t i v e m e m b e r s h a v e b e e n What’s happening in the
presented by a group of dedicated
participating in the Ride Across
and motivating instructors.
America. This event was
G o o d l u c k a n d
introduced, for the first time in
congratulations to all who
our facility, to help members
participated in this event.
stay motivated during the lazy
by Iris Greco, CPT
days of summer. Altered family and
Look for our next event, coming this
work schedules can wreak havoc on our
winter: A Ride in the Alps! (Look out Lance we are
fitness routine as exercise gets pushed down to the right behind you!) This ride will be limited to thirty
bottom of our priorities list. Our goal is to provide a little participants and will include cycling and strength training
extra motivation for our members to stay healthy and fit guidelines. Signs will be posted at the gym and
and to better enjoy all the summer activities without information will be available at the desk and on the
sabotaging their accomplishments.
Our first finisher, Marlene Pavera, thought she might find
it very difficult to get to the gym over the summer; instead
she set a goal for herself and worked extremely hard to be
the first participant to cross the finish line. Marlene
attributes her weight loss and improved health to
participating in this event. Our congratulations go to
Marlene for her dedication and perseverance.
As promised our first raffle was held in the first week of
August. The prize was a bag filled with Spinning
merchandise; a long sleeve shirt, baseball cap, bandana,
water bottle and massage cream. The winner is Joanie
Zangerle a member who took her first journey on opening
day at the Spin Pit at our former location and has become
a permanent and enthusiastic advocate of the program.
After reaching a weight loss plateau and in spite of finding
herself facing several medical setbacks, Joanie has
continued to attend Spinning classes on a daily basis and
has even become a certified Spinning instructor. After
being diagnosed with a serious illness this Spring, Joanie
contemplated freezing her membership for the summer until she saw the signs announcing the Ride Across
America. The Ride presented the motivation she so
desperately needed at this difficult time. Joanie is
currently on her way to becoming the second rider to
n Saturday, November 19th, at 11:00 a.m. we will
be hosting a seminar on heart rate training in the
Spindrome: “Focus on Cycling” An expert from
Polar will demonstrate how to improve your fitness
cycling with the use of a heart rate monitor. Sign-up at
the desk, and stay tuned for more news on upcoming
Iris Greco is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Johnny G certified Spin Instructor.
Iris is also the Manager of Fitness Incentive’s Spinning Program
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631 321-0800
To Print
Yes, You Can!
...continued from page 3
True Member Success Stories
reached the point where even painkillers did little or
nothing to help, Sheila gave in and had the surgery. She
asked her doctor to replace both hips simultaneously,
which is almost never done. Instead, he did the two hips
one week apart.
Sheila feared she would not make it through the difficult
in-patient rehab program and the painful therapy, and
would never be able to reclaim her active life. But she
made it all the way back. Sheila credits her recovery to a
friend she made in rehab, but knowing Sheila you can just
see the inner strength that helped her through. A short
three months after her surgeries Sheila joined the Y and
began to swim. One year later she re-joined her fitness
family at Fitness Incentive and it has been our pleasure to
have her back with us ever since.
By the way, did I tell you she walks to the gym every day?
"I can heel strike!"
These are some of the first words I heard from an
adorable little pixie of a woman with an underlying
strength of steel.
Robin Fishman was only 21 years old, a senior at Albany
State University, when her whole world turned upside
down. Young, athletic, intelligent and head-over-heels in
love, she was in a near-fatal car accident on Sept. 1,
Robin describes her life prior to the accident as almost
perfect. She had good friends, a college scholarship and
loving parents. She worked out at FI up to 5 times a week
and looked and felt terrific. Up to the summer before her
senior year in college she believed she only had two
problems; she did not have a boyfriend and she did not
like the "bump" on her nose.
Amazingly to her, both of those problems were taken
care of in the summer of '95. At a LI club she met and fell
in love with the man of her dreams, Tommy, and had a
whirlwind summer romance. The "bump" on her nose
was discreetly taken care of by a local plastic surgeon.
During our interview Robin laughed, telling me how she
believed then that her "bump" was her biggest problem.
As that summer ended Robin returned to her University
and Tommy returned to his college, Cortland. He asked
Robin to visit him that Labor Day weekend for a block
party. Anxious to see him, she hopped in the car and
headed off to Cortland with her friend Nicole. The next
thing she then remembers is waking up in the hospital. "It
Continued Page 8
Fun Stuff For Kids
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153 West Main Street, Bayshore NY 11706
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On the corner of 5th Avenue, next to Bay Shore Lighting
To Print
Upcoming Events
For latest event schedule, check
Fit in Forty (Registration is Ongoing)
By: Various Trainers
When: 9 AM Sat. with Kathy; 8 PM Wed. with Barbara;
10:30 AM Friday with Monica
Cost: $40 for 40 days
Registration Info: Call 631-587-5766, contact Monica Jones
FI Boxing Clubs
When: KIDS: Mondays at 10am & Wednesdays at 5pm
ADULTS: Wed. at 6 & 7pm & Sat. at 10:00am
Additional Clubs Available on Demand - See Eddie!
By: Eddie Haeffer for Fitness Incentive
Cost: $ 100 per person, plus $70 equipment fee.
For Info: Fitness Incentive: 631-587-5766
BOSU! (registration starts 8/30)
When: Classes start week of September 23rd
Mondays at 8 AM with Monica
Mondays at 8:30 PM with Michelle
Thursdays at 5:10 AM with Monica
Thursdays at 8:15 AM with Jennifer W.
Cost: $100 per person for 8 classes (1 per week). Limited to 8
persons per class. .
For Info: Fitness Incentive 631-587-5766
POLAR Heart Rate Seminar: “Incorporating a heart rate
monitor into your workout program”
When: Thursday, September 12th at 7pm
By: Cory of Polar Cost: FREE! Space is limited.
For Info: Fitness Incentive 631-587-5766
Monthly Zodiac Spotlight: Virgo
When: Thursday, September 12th at 7:30pm
By: Elizabeth Morgan for Healthy Alternatives
Cost: $15
For Info: Healthy Alternatives 631-587-4629
Defensive Driving Class
When: September 18 at 6:30pm (Register now!)
By: John & Meg Auer of Allstate Insurance
Cost: $45 per person, $80 for 2 people.
For Info: Fitness Incentive 631-587-5766
FitKids Fall Programs
Starts: week of 9/29 - Call for Registration Dates
When: Classes start week of 9/29.
4&5 Year Olds: Tues & Thurs 10:30am (Monica & Iris)
3&4 Year Olds: Wed 10:30am (Kathy & Donna)*
6-12 Year Olds: Mon & Wed 5:30pm (Eilleen & Mary)
Cost: $165 twice a week for 8 weeks; *$90 once a week
Registration Info: Call 631-587-5766
Small Group Training: ‘The Back to School Club’
(Call for Registration Dates)
When: Starts 10/7/02 through 11/22/02
By: Various Trainers Cost: $105
Registration Info: Call 631-587-5766, contact Monica Jones
continued on page 11
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Martha Rohl
Feng Shui Consultant
To Print
Yes, You Can!
continued from page 6...
True Member Success Stories
was so scary it made Nightmare on Elm Street look like a
comedy-", she recalls.
side from physical damage Robin had suffered
traumatic brain injury. She was in a coma for two
months. (Fortunately Nicole escaped with only
cuts and bruises.) Robin's memory was impaired (she
could not remember Tommy or having her nose fixed, or
much of her perfect summer). Robin remained in the
hospital for six months and had two years of outpatient
therapy. During her recovery Robin had to relearn to talk
and walk. Her therapists did not think Robin would be
able to walk with her left foot "heel-striking" meaning that
she would have to drag her foot. Determined and tough,
Robin proved them wrong.
Despite everything, Robin returned to college and not
only graduated but now holds a Master's Degree in
Elementary Ed. She worked as a recreational aide this
summer and is looking forward to getting certified in
Elementary Ed.
For years after the accident Robin rode her stationary
bicycle at home logging an amazing 8,000 miles. When
she learned about our Spin program Robin did not
hesitate to re-join Fitness Incentive. She's now back
spinning at Fitness Incentive five days a week, thanks to
her sheer determination and will power. In a paper
describing her "journey" Robin wrote that during every
hour of Spin "It is as if the accident never happened" and
she is “just like everyone else.”
Sometimes, when I think of the ridiculous things I
complain about, I think of Robin and what an inspiration
she is. She comes to 6 AM Spin every weekday and I
have NEVER seen her without a smile on her face. She is
strong, determined and competent. When I asked what
advice she would give the average person she said,
"Don't worry about the trivial stuff. And drive safely."
These days it seems we all have extremely busy
schedules. Take Dave Haedrich for instance. At age 39
he has been married for 8 years and has three young
children, ages 6, 5 and 3. He also owns his business,
since 1995. With his wife also working you would think
Dave doesn't have much time in his schedule for
anything else. Yet, he did have time for one more thing: a
140 pound weight loss!
Like many of us Dave has let his “fitness program fall on
the back burner a few times”. But this time around his
wife Joan gave him a gift certificate to FI followed by a gift
Continued Page 10
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79 E. Main Street, Babylon Village
To Print
Training Tips
because the larger muscle
groups (pecs, lats, delts.)
being worked regularly
part III of a series
causes a muscle
imbalance at the
shoulder, creating
instability. For a healthy
and stable shoulder, you
...from page 6 need to make rotator cuff
exercises a regular part of your upper body routine.
Before beginning an intense upper body workout, try
two sets of gentle internal/external rotation with a
light dumbbell. This will warm-up and stretch rotator
cuff musculature before they're called upon to
stabilize your shoulder during more intense lifting.
To effectively work rotator cuff muscles more in
depth (preferably on shoulder day to you heavy
lifters) you can begin by standing near a cable
column, elbow flexed to 90 degrees and parallel to
your trunk. Grasp the cable and rotate the upper arm
in toward you belly button. After, 2-3 sets, turn your
body around and now your rotating in the opposite
direction. If cables aren't your thing, you can do
these exercises with a dumbbell in a side-lying
position, keeping the arm your rotating parallel to
your torso at all times. Once you master the basics,
try moving from a parallel or “neutral rotation”
position, to working the rotator cuff from different
angles (elevating the elbow up toward shoulder
For weekend warriors who insist on performing
overhead presses or bench presses with every other
workout, the best I can offer is that learning alternate
exercises that keep the elbow below shoulder height
can be just as beneficial as presses. If you insist on
continuing with presses, I recommend a shoulder
routine that includes rotator cuff exercises as well, to
maximize stability.
Stay in the Game!
So don't be someone who sidelines themself by not
taking the time to ensure overall shoulder stability.
Make rotator cuff exercises a regular part of your
fitness routine, and don't miss out on the physical
activity that you love.
For more information or a demonstration, ask a personal
trainer. They’ll be happy to demonstrate proper form
with rotator cuff exercises.
Louis Tate is a Physical Therapist and a Certified Personal Trainer.
He provides Personal Training services at Fitness Incentive.
Phoebe A. Arancio, M.A
Individual and Family
Therapy Specializing
in Women’s Issues
e-mail: [email protected]
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To Print
Yes, You Can!
continued from page 8...
True Member Success Stories
tired, but he took it one day at a time and persevered. He
overcame many obstacles, including the anxiety he must
have felt in coming to the gym before he lost the weight.
Very often people perceive a gym as a place where
everyone already looks like a “perfect 10”. They fear
being judged. (Thankfully FI is not like that!) Dave’s
success shows that a strong commitment to your goal
can override those anxieties.
certificate for Personal Training sessions. Personal
training proved to be the key, and Dave credits his trainer,
Iris Greco, with much of his success. I’ve witnessed them
working together and they definitely make a great team.
But without Dave's determination and
commitment his weight loss and fitness
program would never have been a “Sometimes, when I think
of the ridiculous things
I complain about, I think
of Robin and what
an inspiration she is.”
or Dave, the hardest part of his
fitness success has been “finding
the time to get to the gym!” (Now,
where have I heard that before?) Yet he
did find enough time to reach his goal
weight of 220 pounds. Friends and family
who haven't seen Dave in a while are excited and
impressed at his weight loss. In fact, many people don't
recognize him. Indeed, he looks like a new man, a good
ten years younger and much happier. And he feels better
too - more energetic, more flexible and more confident.
He’s given his family - and himself - an incredible gift.
As you can imagine, Dave worked hard to achieve his
goals. I often saw him in the gym prior to work, at lunch
time or after work. I know many times he must have been
Classical and Contemporary Deserts
“We Specialize in Wedding Cakes”
As a trainer I’m often asked, “How do
I get motivated?” or people tell me,
“I'm just not motivated”. As Dave’s
experience shows motivation often
comes after discipline. It’s like those
commercials say: “Just Do It”.
Dave’s advice to someone trying to
lose weight or to become more
physically fit? “Stay focused and get
as much support as you can.” He
strongly feels that hiring a personal trainer (and I can't
say I mind the plug) made a big difference in his getting to
the gym. “Having an appointment to keep helps to get
you to the gym when there are 3 or 4 reasons to skip it.”
Way to go, Dave!
hose of us who have been at Fitness Incentive for
a while and, I'm sure, even many members and
employees who have been with us for only a short
time, feel the difference between FI and other clubs. In
this day of impersonalization and placing profit first we
have a sense of community and closeness that goes
beyond simply working out. This has been my look at
only three of the everyday heroes we have in our little
community - there are many, many, more. When you
think of them I hope you realize that if they can do it, so
can you! I know there are many more unsung heroes
at FI - an we’ll be profiling more success stories on
our website: If you would
like to share your story please feel free to contact me,
Monica Jones, in person or by e-mail:
[email protected].
And remember "Yes, you can!"
Monica Jones is a Certified Personal Trainer and
the Manager of Fitness Incentive’s Personal Training Program
Travel with Ann...
Tours & Packages
199 E. Main Street
Babylon Village
Ann Schlesinger
Travel Consultant
Anderson Travel
(631) 321-7012
To Print
another benefit - new friends at the gym. The latest club
starts October 7th and runs through November 22nd.
The Holiday Club kicks off right after - November 25th and carries on through the end of the year. These clubs
play to rave reviews and are highly
recommended by every member
who has participated in one. Call or
stop by the desk to register.
continued from page 8...
Heart Rate Seminars
Our friends at Polar Electro will be conducting several
hands on seminars for FI members. Each month will
have a different focus - September will teach you the
basics - how to incorporate a HR monitor into your
workout program. In October the focus is on fitness
running, with an actual training run. November’s focus
is cycling and we’ll be in the Spindrome to ride and
learn how to incorporate your HR monitor in your
cycling program. The seminars are free, but space may
be limited. Be sure to register at the front desk
We Hear You...
In response to popular demand, there is now
commercial free music on the weight room floor at all
times. No more “morgue effect” during Yoga class.
We’ve also installed Broadcast Vision on all our TV’s,
allowing you to tune in and listen to your favorite show
on your walkman FM radio while you workout. Are you
having fun yet?
continued from page 7...
Upcoming Events
For latest event schedule, check
POLAR Heart Rate Seminar: “Become a Better Runner”
When: Saturday, October 12th at 11am
By: Cory of Polar Cost:: FREE! Space is limited.
Outdoor run if weather permits!
For Info: Fitness Incentive 631-587-5766
Defensive Driving Class
When: October 16 at 6:30pm
By: John & Meg Auer of Allstate Insurance
Cost: $45 per person, $80 for 2 people.
For Info: Fitness Incentive 631-587-5766
POLAR Heart Rate Seminar: “Focus on Cycling”
When: Saturday, November 9th at 11am
By: Cory of Polar Cost: FREE! Space is limited.
Come ready to ride in the Spindrome!!
For Info: Fitness Incentive 631-587-5766
Defensive Driving Class
When: November 13 at 6:30pm
By: John & Meg Auer of Allstate Insurance
Cost: $45 per person, $80 for 2 people.
For Info: Fitness Incentive 631-587-5766
Small Group Training: Holiday Club
Registration to Be Announced
When: Starts 11/25/02 through 12/30/02
By: Various Trainers Cost: $105
• Nutritional
• Massage Therapy
• Reflexology
• Acupuncture
• Facials
• Herbs &
• Homeopathics
Looking for a special gift?
Gift certificates always available as
well as gift items & ideas for every budget.
Stop in to see our selection of:
• Aromatherapy Items • CD’s
• Rain Chimes • Zen Clocks • Books
• Herbs & more!
631.587.4629 Open Mon - Sat
Call for our Fall lecture/workshop schedule.
Look for us to your left when you enter Fitness
Incentive... like entering another world!
Certified Nutritional Consultant
Registered Naturopath
P.O. Box 247 West Islip, New York 11795
Phone: (631) 666-2026 Fax: (631) 666-2401
e-mail: [email protected]
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Grand Opening
September 2002
Fitness Incentive Members:
Gourmet Shop Hours
Mon - Thursday 10am - 10pm
Saturday 10am - 11pm
Sunday 10am - 3pm
Restaurant Hours
Mon - Thurs 11:30 - 3pm
& 5 pm - 10pm
Sat 11:30am - 3pm &
5pm - 11pm
Sunday Brunch
10am - 3pm
(on orders of $10 or more)
Order at Sugar & Spice @
Fitness Incentive before
you workout.
Your order will be ready
for you to take home
when you’re done!
Dining Entrance &
Free Parking in Rear
Ask about our gift cards,
available at both locations
Sugar & Spice
Gourmet Shop & Café
111 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon Village
631-321-5200 FAX: 631-321-5222 & at Fitness Incentive: 631-321-5225
True Member Success Stories
The official newsletter of
Fitness Incentive
157 Deer Park Ave., Babylon NY 11702
[email protected]
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