Sin City Wrestling


Sin City Wrestling
The crowd is alive with energy inside of Club LAX in Las Vegas, Nevada. The camera scans around the capacity crowd, cheering and
waving while holding up signs for their favorites.
A spotlight then begins to shine and the crowd cheers as ring announcer Justin Decent steps out onto the stage. The handsome
exhibitionist jogs out to the ring, slapping hands to the fans who reach out to him.
He is handed the microphone by Jason Adams as he runs up the ring steps and climbs inside of the six-sided SCW ring and walks around,
pumping his fist in the air to the tune of the crowd's chants;
Justin then hops up onto the corner turnbuckle and smiles, looking out around the fairgrounds at all of the fans filling the grandstand and
the rows of seats around the grounds itself. He drops back down and takes his place in the center of the ring and brings the microphone
up to his lips.
Justin: Hello everyone and welcome to the famous Club LAX right here in Las Vegas, Nevada, and welcome to Sin City Wrestling
"Climax Control"!
The crowd cheers!
Justin: Please welcome the Hostess With the Mostess for "Climax Control" -- Miss Amanda Hugginkiss!
The fans cheer as Amanda prances out dressed as a German serving wench with a little extra padding for a whole lotta extra pounds
perceived. The sounds of polka music plays across the sound system, and with beer and tray in hand, Amanda starts her performance.
Amanda: Here's a silly ditty,
You can sing it right away
Now, here is what you say
So sing it while you may
Here's a silly jingle,
You can sing it night or noon
Here's the words, that's all you need
'Cause I just sang the tune:
Oh, I don't want her, you can have her
She's too fat for me
She's too fat for me
She's too fat for me
I don't want her, you can have her,
She's too fat for me
She's too fat
She's too fat
She's too fat for me
I get dizzy
I get numbo
When I'm dancing
With my Jum-Jum-Jumbo
I don't want her, you can have her
She's too fat for me
She's too fat for me
She's too fat for me
I don't want her, you can have her
She's too fat for me
She's too fat
She's too fat
She's too fat for me
Can she prance up a hill?
No, no, no, no, no
Can she dance a quadrille?
No, no, no, no, no
Does she fit in your coupe?
By herself she's a group
Could she possibly
Sit upon your knee?
No, no, no
We don't want her, you can have her
She's too fat for me
And she's too fat for me
But she's just right for me
We don't want her, you can have her
She's too fat for me
Yeah, she's too fat,
Much too fat
But she's just right for me
She's so charming
And she's so winning
But it's alarming
When she goes in swimming
We don't want her, you can have her
She's too fat for me
She's too fat for me
But she's just right for me
So I sure want her, you can't have her
She's just right for me
But she's too fat!
She's not too fat!
She's just right for me!
She's a twosome,
She's a foursome
If she'd lose some
I would like her more some
I don't want her, you can have her
She's too fat for me
She's too fat for me
She's too fat for me
I don't want her you can have her
She's too fat for me
She's too fat
Much too fat
She's too fat for me
The music ends and the fans applaud as Amanda prances about the stage, waving and blowing kisses before walking off stage.
Simone: Hello and welcome to Climax Control, I'm Belinda Simone.
Adams: And I'm wondering if it's too early to start playing Christmas music, but you can call me Jason Adams.
Simone: We have seven big matches here tonight.... and yes, it is too early Jason.
Adams: Damn, I dusted off my CDs for nothing then!
Simone: Yeah, anyway. Tonight, we kick things off with the man that causes nightmares
Adams: And causes me to pee my bed.
Simone: Just nasty.... Brother Grimm is in action against a debuting Jon Dough.
Adams: Dough is already proving a popular character with the fans after his first appearence last week.
Simone: We have another debut tonight, but for a familiar face as Ruby finally steps in the ring, and out of Misty's shadow, but tonight,
she has to take on the talented Angela Fallon, the dangerous Parand Ara and wrestlings prodigy and future championship tip, Lizzie
Adams: That's just a ring full of hotness, well I think, cause we've never seen Parand's face.
Simone: That's her religion.
Adams: I lost my religion to an REM song.
Simone: It's gonna be one of those night.
Adams: Yeah, and this is a long intro already. Mark must be bored while waiting for people to send stuff in.
Simone: What?
Adams: Nothing, what's match three and what's for dinner?
Simone: I don't know what's for dinner but match three is a match to determine the new number one contender to Max Burke's roulette
championship. Former tag and roulette champion, Casey Williams, is one of three fighting for the right.
Adams: To paaaaaaaaaaaaarty!
Simone: To become the number one contender.
Adams: Oh, disappointing.
Simone: Casey will be joined in the ring, by a man who seems to fast becoming the friend of Hot Stuff Mark Ward, in the form of Cyrus
King, and former ACW star making his SCW debut, Jeremiah Hardin.
Adams: The winner can party, the others are not invited!
Simone: Ok... Emma Rose comes back to an SCW ring, as the popular New Zealander, teams with former Bombshell champion, and
superhero, Roxi Johnson, but they will be up against the very talented Amy Marshall.
Adams: She's got the best Twitter name ever @Punk_whore_Amy! But what's a punk whore?
Simone: Ask her later
Adams: Ok!
Simone: Amy's partner is another dangerous woman, in more ways then one, as she teams with Joanne Canelli.
Adams: Cross her and you get whacked! That's why I think she's a charming lady..... please don't whack me!
Simone: They say the first defense in the hardest and Mercedes Vargas will find out if that statement is true tonight as she defends her
newly won Bombshell Roulette championship tonight, against one of the rising SCW stars, in the mold of Traci Patterson.
Adams: We'd like to state that Traci is conscious after being knocked out a few weeks ago, and raring to go!
Simone: Thatcher Rex returns!
Simone: Uh uh, what started as a war of words on Twitter has become a match for you all tonight as T-Rex returns one time only to take
on current Roulette champion, Max Burke, in a non title match up.
Adams: Everyone kept saying how they wanted Thatcher to return and now we get to! Yippee!!!
Simone: Excited much?
Adams: Yes, yes I am! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
Simone: If you're excited by that, you'll love the main event, because Drake Green is in action!
Adams: YES! Drake is awesome!
Simone: Drake defends the SCW Heavyweight championship against former champion, and SCW's only male Triple Crown winner,
Adams: Drake has his work cut out tonight. I saw Goth earlier and he looks scary determined. Can we start the show now cause this one
can be amazing!
Simone: We can.
Justin: The following contest is your opening match of the night. Introducing first, from parts unknown. Weighing in at two hundred and
forty five pounds, he represents the FoShon Dojo, he is Jon Dough!
"New Low" by Middle Class Rut plays. Jon waits for the lyrics to start and holding a mic in his right hand, he walks from behind the
curtain singing the lyrics to the song while he high fives as many fans as he can till he hit’s the ring. He then slides from under the button
ropes. Gets on his feet and gets on top of one of the turnbuckles and hold the mic up in the air while the crowd sings the chorus.
Justin: And his opponent...
All of the lights in the building slowly fade out, leaving the arena cloaked in darkness. Then the voices of little girls is heard over the
speakers, reciting;
"'B' is for 'Baby' ... 'F' is for 'Fear'
Beware for the children ... The evil draws near."
The screen above the ramp then flickers to life with the image of a music box...
The video ends and are replaced by the ominous melodies of O Fortuna (Carmina Burana). A select stage light ignites over the ramp,
illuminating the lone figure standing atop the stage, as stoic and pale as an ivory statue. Poised and ready, brother Grimm raises his
head and slowly begins the descent towards the ring, paying no mind to the fans who watch with awe in their eyes as this enigmatic figure
passes them, leaving a chill to many a spine in his wake.
Justin: From The Other Side Of Darkness, weighing in at two hundred and forty six pounds, he is Brother Grimm!
Arriving at ringside, Brother Grimm pauses and casts a sidelong glance at the fans seated at ringside, staring them down until the fans
hurriedly break eye contact. Only then does Grimm show the faintest trace of a devlish smirk before he turns back to the ring. Gripping
the middle rope with his hand, he hauls himself up onto the ring apron and steps through the ropes. Grimm begins to remove his attire to
reveal an ivory-white and muscled upper body adorned with faint scars. He passes his armor and tunic out to the attendant, then turns
back, ready to start the match.
Grimm circles around Jon Dough, his eyes planted curiously on the white mask of the newcomer.
Adams: These guys really need to get out in the sun more, they're like super pale.
Simone: One is wearing a mask and the other is... well I'm not sure.
Adams: These guys can form a group with Misty and Ruby and be Team Pale! They can do sun screen commercials and everything.
Grimm stalks in toward Dough, the fans clearly behind the newcomer, as the two lock up. Goth uses his four inch height advantage to
push down on the newcomer, dropping him to his knees before lifting a vicious knee of his own, catching Dough in the chest. Grimm
releases Dough and he drops to the canvas, holding his ribs. Grimm crouches in an almost stalking like look and waits patiently. Dough
rolls on to his knees before moving slowly to his feet but Grimm explodes upwards with a clothesline, almost taking the newcomers head
off, the force leaving Grimm laying on the floor next to his opponent. Grimm springs to his knees, leaning over Dough and holds his head
down with his left hand before lifting his right arm up and striking down at the masked face of Dough, driving the point of his elbow in to
Dough's head. Grimm lifts his elbow again, striking down a second time, but the mask takes away from a lot of the attack.
Adams: Masks like that are hard, Grimm will be on the injured list tomorrow with a bad elbow.
Grimm rubs his chin before rolling Dough on to his stomach, a twisted smile crosses Grimm's face as he lifts his elbow again and drops it
on to the back of Jon Dough's head! Dough jumps and rolls away from Grimm. Grimm stands up and moves towards Dough, bending
down to pick him up, but Dough throws five lightning fast punches at Grimm, alternative hands, but each connecting and knocking
Grimm backwards and to the canvas.
Simone: You don't come out of a dojo without learning how to fight when in a defensive position.
Dough returns to his feet, leaving Grimm to slowly return to his. As Grimm does, Dough starts his run, leaping at hin with a Lou Threz
Press, knocking Grimm backwards and to the canvas, before unloading shot after shot at his face, catching Grimm hard on the
cheekbones. A weird smile crosses Grimm's face as Dough pulls him to his feet. Dough rears back a hand, drilling Grimm in the head and
back against the rope. Grimm shakes his head but Dough has him by the wrist, whipping him to the other side of the ring. As Grimm
comes back, Dough catches him by wrapping his arms around Grimm and lifts him over his head with a release belly to belly suplex.
Adams: Dough has come here with the reputation as a technically wrestler.
Grimm crashes hard but Dough quickly rolls over and gets to his feet, waiting for the Bogeyman to return back to his. As Grimm does,
Dough jumps at him with a big clothesline, knocking Grimm down, but Grimm quickly returns to his feet but Dough drops his head and
lifts the on coming Grimm with a release northern lights suplex, sending him flying across the ring. Grimm lands in the corner of the six
sided ring and Dough charges at him, catching him with a low dropkick, right in the chest. Dough returns to his feet, his arm raised for
the cheering fans.
Adams: Dough seems popular here on his debut.
Simone: Respect the fans and they respect you right back. Don't respect the fans and you're...
Adams: Nick Jones?
Simone: Pretty much.
Grimm stands up in the corner, his back to the turnbuckle and Dough charges in, but Grimm side steps and moves out of the way and
Dough crashes chest first in to the turnbuckle.
Adams: D'oh!
Simone: Oh you're full of them tonight.
Adams: Don't worry, I'll tire out soon.
Grimm uses cat like speed to get behind Dough and waits patiently for the man from The FoShan Dojo to turn around. As he does,
Grimm wraps both hands around his throat and lifts him in the air before tossing him in to the corner! Dough stumbles out of the corner
but Grimm lifts him over in a tilt a whirl slam, dropping Dough hard on to his back. Grimm leans back, hooking Dough's leg and goes for
a cover. Referee Jacob Summers drops down to count.
Dough kicks out
Adams: Dough lives on.
Grimm rolls on to his knees and pulls Dough up with him to his knees too. Grimm moves back to back with Dough and pulls forward on
Dough's neck, Dough doubling backwards as Grimm pulls hard, working on the strong neck muscles of Jon Dough. Jacob looks at
Dough, asking him if he wants to give up, but the emotionless mask stares up at the young official. Grimm releases the hold and gets to
his feet, turning back to the masked man, on his knees. Grimm puts his boot on the back of Dough's head and drives it hard in to the
Simone: That was brutal!
Dough holds his head, crawling towards the ropes and uses them to pull himself back to his feet. Grimm stalks behind him, waiting for
Dough, but as Dough turns around, he quickly grabs Grimm and spins one hundred and eighty degrees with Grimm and nails him with a
Simone: Spinning flatliner.
Adams: Very unique!
Grimm's head bounces off the canvas and Dough rolls him over and goes for a quick cover. Jacob Summers drops down to count.
Grimm kicks out!
Adams: No go for Dough!
Simone: Are you getting tired yet?
Adams: Little bit.
Dough's eyes peer through the mask at Brother Grimm and gets to his feet, pulling Grimm back to his feet. He moves Grimm to the
middle of the ring and lifts him up in the air with a military press slam, holding roughly his own body weight, in the form of Grimm,
above his head before dropping him down on his face. The fans get behind Dough as he turns back towards Grimm. As Grimm gets to his
knees, Dough runs towards him. Grimm quickly springs to his feet and attempts to throw a fist at Dough, but Dough ducks underneath
and moves towards the ropes. He jumps in the air, using the middle rope as a springboard. Grimm turns around, only to be met in the
face with a huge kick!
Simone: The Dashing Kick!
Grimm instinctively rolls towards the ropes and Dough moves towards him. The lights in the arena drop out, and a female laugh, clearly
from an aged voice.
Simone: What the hell is going on?
Adams: I don't know but I'm really scared!
The laughing continues as "Bad Kharma" starts to play.
Simone: This is just creepy
A little old lady, dressed in a black cloak slowly walks from the back
Adams: Grandma?
Her long gray hair flows freely down her shoulders and rests upon the dark robes as a serious, yet evil look covers her aged face.
Adams: I know it doesn't take a lot to get me confused, but I'm confused. Could that possibly be....?
She walks slowly to the ring as the lights brighten up, her eyes fixated on Jon Dough. She stops outside the ring, Jon doesn't take his eyes
off the older woman.
Simone: I'm not sure, but I never thought I'd say this but now I know what it's like to be Jason Adams, cause I'm confused.
The distraction gives Grimm time to recover and move in behind Jon Dough, wrapping on a rear choke before lifting Dough off of his feet
and spinning him around the ring, before releasing him. Dough flies across the ring and lands hard.
Simone: Rear choke spin!
Grimm quickly moves in to Dough, a serious look crossing his pale face as he pulls his opponent back to his feet. He puts Dough in a
powerbomb position and lifts him up, holding him in the air. Grimm reaches up, grabbing Dough's head and pulling it down, before
flipping over backwards.
Simone: Grimm Reality!
Grimm keeps Dough's shoulders down. Jacob Summers drops down to count.
Justin: The winner of the match.... Brother Grimm!
Simone: Grimm has spoiled the debut of a man who had a bright future in SCW.
Adams: Jon Dough gave it his all, gave it everything he had and the fans loved him for it.
Simone: The fans will be looking forward to seeing this talented young man in the ring again once more
The bell rang and Brother Grimm kneeled on the canvas at the side of his defeated opponent, one knee on the mat, the other upright with
his forearm draped over it.
He turned his head slowly to glance outside of the ring at the elderly woman standing at ringside. Her face was stoic without so much as
a trace of human emotion on it. Her gray eyes cold as they looked inside of the six-sided ring at Brother Grimm himself.
Grimm slowly stood up into a vertical position, his eyes still locked on her own. His black lips then slid into a soft smile and he tilted his
head in acknowledgement, and she the same. Grimm then walked over to the ropes and handsprung over the top, landing on his feet at
ringside at her side.
The opening drums to Five Finger Death Punch’s "I.M.Sin" start to blast through the speakers, as red and dark blue lights start to flash,
the blue cutting through the red to create a purple effect. The fans boo as the lyrics kick in.
"What a fucking poser, that's all you'll ever be!
Don't get any closer, or you'll meet the real me!
I am, who I am, you can't destroy me!
I am, what I am, you can't deny me!
I want out, but I could never surrender.
Try and break me down, but I won’t let you win.
You can call me out, but I know you’re a pretender.
You may think your god, but I know that I am sin!"
Casey Williams appears at the top of the ramp, looking around at the crowd and not moving, his eyes burning holes through the crowd.
“I am SIN! I am SIN!
I am SIN! I am SIN!
I won’t fucking buy it!
I never have and I never will!
Keep fucking trying!
I'm just waiting for the blood to spill!"
Casey lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks around the crowd, focused. The Freight Train Of Pain starts to walk towards the
ring slowly, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head to look at the booing crowd, their thumbs pointing down. Casey shakes
his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Casey puts his hand on the rope, and pulls himself up
on to the ring apron and steps over the top rope, staring around at the booing fans. Casey raises his arms as the fans boo louder. Casey
then motions for a microphone.
Casey: “Hey Cyrus, you think you are good, but you are not. I mean, you have not won since coming here to SCW, and didn‘t win much
in ACW. I mean, yeah, you had my back when I needed it in ACW, and I appreciate it, but when a shot for the Roulette Championship
comes up, I will put everything we had in ACW behind me. You remember what I did to Ben Jordan before facing him for ACW‘s
heavyweight championship, don’t you? When singles gold is on the line, there isn‘t time for allies. You know that better than anyone.“
Casey pauses, motions for a bottle of water, and takes a sip before speaking again.
Casey: “Jeremiah, you can talk about facing big guys all you want, and you may have seen me in action, but you have never faced me
one on one. You have no idea what I am capable of when I get going. I mean, I end people‘s careers. Don‘t think for one second that I
won‘t end yours, regardless of what you have seen of me. I am not afraid of causing immense pain to people, whether I like the person or
not. You will fail to defeat me, with all that fight you have. Your confidence will either take you far, or will end you, and it is about to
end you, courtesy of the Freight Train of Pain.”
The crowd boos Casey even louder as he drops the mic and walks to the back and “I.M.Sin“ hits the speakers.
As the show comes on the air and the opening montage finishes, the lights go black and the video screen comes to life, the scene is a
cemetery, more specific, the scene is basically a gravestone with the words "Here lies SCW" on them. The camera remains fixed on the
Voice 1: We warned you, you did not heed
Voice 2: Salvation from yourself, that's what you need
Voice 1: Tread softly, watch your back
Voice 2: You never know when we might attack
Voice 1: Look around you, who can you trust?
Voice 2: You're blinded by greed, fame and lust
Voice 1: Our agenda is to save you from yourself
Voice 2: You're blinded by riches, promises of wealth
Voice 1: The time is now, the time is here
Voice 2: Salvation is coming, don't you fear
Voice 1: Your will is weak, your souls are lost
Voice 2: Before you speak, consider the cost
Voice 1: The end is near, we see you running
Voice 2: It doesn't matter......
Voice 3: WE'RE COMING!!!
Blood starts seeping down the gravestone as the camera pans back and we see the 3 druids standing behind it, lightning crashes across
the sky then the camera cuts off to pitch black and the screen lights up with blood red letters "WE'RE COMING"
The lights in the arena go out as the opening riffs of Halestorm's Freak Like Me begin to play throughout the sound system.
Justin: The following match is a Four Corner Match, introducing first from Parts Unknown... making her SCW in-ring debut... RUBY!!!
As the music progresses, multicolored strobe lights flash around the arena, and moments later, Ruby emerges from backstage with her
cocky counterpart Max Burke standing beside her. She has a smug look on her face as the fans erupt in a chorus of vicious booing, but
she ignores them, then starts making her way to the ring, with Max walking supportively beside her. Once they get to the ring, Max slides
in under the bottom rope, while Ruby walks up the steps. Max places his foot on the bottom rope, and pulls up on the middle rope, helping
his lady inside the ring. Ruby walks to the center of the ring with Max standing behind her. She stares towards the backstage, waiting for
her opponents to enter, with Max rubbing her shoulders and whispering words of encouragement to her.
Justin: Next, from Watford, England... "The Prodigy" Lizzie SHORT!!!
The guitar intro to “Love Bites” by Halestorm begins to blare over the PA System and once the vocals hit Lizzie Short comes out with
Marty McFarge and the Skar Bros. by her side, she marches down to the ring and enters it whilst waiting for her opponents.
Justin: Next, from Parts Unknown... ANGELA FALLON!!!
The ominous opening chords of "Tourniquet" by Evanescence starts to play as the stage is illuminated by purple lighting and a fog rolls
in and down the ramp. After about twenty seconds, the song's tempo becomes more upbeat and Angela Fallon makes her way out from the
back to a mixed reaction. Angela seems indifferent to the crowd as she slowly walks down the ramp. Once she reaches the bottom, she
turns almost mechanically towards the ring stairs. She climbs the stairs and steps between the ropes. She goes to the nearest corner and
Justin: And finally, from Damascus, Syria... PARAND ARA!!!
Dale Oliver's "Arabic Dancer" begins to play over the speakers of the building and the crowd boos as the Syrian Bombshell, Parand Ara,
steps out onto the top of the stage with supreme confidence. She looks out at the fans briefly with obvious indifference towards their scorn
and she begins her calm walk down toward the ring. If any hands reach out toward her, she pulls away, not desiring to be touched by the
'pigs' in the crowd. She arrives at ringside where she slowly climbs up the steps and enters between the top and middle ropes. She slowly
removes her outer abaya and passes it to a ringside attendant before turning to face her opponents.
Simone: There are so many unknowns in this match. Tonight we find out if Ruby's training has paid dividends.
Adams: Ruby is a firecracker. She's a bit off the wall, you never know what to expect. She's been with Misty for so long you can't deny
that she has learned a ton from the Queen, and now her man Max Burke has been grooming her for success.
Simone: Lizzie Short is the prodigy of "Primetime" Matthew Kennedy and has been very impressive so far in her Sin City Wrestling
Adams: The mystique behind Parand Ara is and always will be her key to victory in my opinion. She is also brilliant in her technical
ability. Very fluid with all of her moves.
Simone: Beautiful DDT by Lizzie on Angela. She spiked her with that! She's going for the cover!
Parand breaks it up with a kick to the back of the head. She turns away, and is swiftly kicked in the stomach.
Adams: Not to be outdone, Ruby blasts Parand with one of her own!
Lizzie breaks up the pin by grabbing Ruby by her hair and pulling her off. Lizzie attempts a suplex on Ruby, but it is blocked and reversed
by Ruby. She lifts Lizzie high in the air and over with a suplex of her own. She floats over for a cover.
Simone: Broken up by Angela Fallon!
Ruby reacts quickly by sweeping Angela's feet out from underneath her. Ruby climbs on top of Angela, grabs her by the hair and
repeatedly smashes into the mat over and over.
Adams: Ruby is fired up!
Drew pulls Ruby off of Angela, and is met with a glare. Ruby goes back to work on Angela with repeated kicks to the sternum.
Meanwhile, Lizzie and Parand are trading. Parand whips Lizzie into the ropes, who springs off and goes airborne with a high cross body.
Lizzie covers.
Simone: NO! Big kick to the head by Ruby breaking up the pin! Ruby pulls Angela up to her feet. She unloads with lefts and rights.
Ruby shoves Angela back...
Adams: OH!!!
Lizzie Short almost kicks Angela Fallon's head off, but is unable to take advantage as Parand Ara tackles her causing them both to fall
through the ropes to the outside. Angela, in a daze turns right into the waiting Ruby. She hooks the head of Angela Fallon, and plants her
into the canvas!
Max Burke quickly gets in the ring, and helps Ruby to her feet as they celebrate her victory in her debut!
Simone: Ruby is successful on her first outing in an SCW ring.
Adams: I'm sure Misty is a proud lady.
Simone: Wouldn't take a bet on it.
The intro of “Simon Says” By Drain STH plays over the arena’s PA system, and to a cheer from the fans, Simon Jones walks out onto the
entry stage. As he makes his way towards the ring, Simon slaps hands with some of the fans; after clambering into the ring, Simon goes to
collect a microphone from Justin Decent, and then walks to the centre of the ring, where he waits for his music to cease playing.
Simon: After being forced to do battle in a cemetery seven days ago, it feels good to now be stood here, back in the more familiar
environment of the six-sided ring.
Simon glances around Club LAX.
Simon: Last week's match was certainly a new experience for me, and not merely because of the setting for the contest: I would have
thought that I would be significantly older than thirty-four before I had to be a passenger in a hearse - I'm definitely not ready to be
transported in one of those vehicles again just yet.
Simon smiles wryly.
Simon: As you might expect, I am disappointed that I was not successful last Sunday, but I'm not too downhearted, as I believe I can
safely say that there will be at least one more opportunity for me to regain the SCW Heavyweight Championship, at some point in the
future. For now though, what the outcome of the Graveyard match has allowed me to do, is to focus my attention solely on an individual
with whom I have unfinished business: Casey Williams.
The crowd boos.
Simon: You should all be aware of what has occurred involving Casey Williams and myself; the two of us were last in a ring together at
High Stakes III, when I - along with Ben Jordan - defeated Casey, and his partner for the night, Damien Kingston. Prior to the match at
High Stakes, I said a win in that tag team match would not make up for the loss to Casey that I had suffered three weeks beforehand - and
I stand by that statement; I also said that the time for proper redemption would come at a later date - and that is why I'm out here now.
Simon turns his head to look towards the aisle.
Simon: I'm sure that you're busy getting prepared for the match that you'll shortly be competing in out here, but Casey, wherever you are
backstage, I hope that you can hear me.
Simon turns his head back to look out at the crowd.
Simon: Casey, I know that - depending on whether or not you win tonight - next week you could be challenging Max Burke for the
Roulette Championship. However, if either Jeremiah Hardin or Cyrus King are victorious, then that will of course leave you available to
take on another opponent next Sunday - say, me, for example.
The crowd cheers.
Simon: And if you can't read between the lines, Casey, then let me make it plain and simple for you: I'm challenging you to another oneon-one encounter.
This elicits a louder cheer from the crowd.
Simon: I don't care if it happens next week, or if I have to wait until the week after - Casey, I want to face you in this ring again, one-onone. So, what do you say?
Simon turns and looks expectantly, up the aisle, to the stage, but after around twenty seconds have passed, and with no sign of "The
Freight Train of Pain," Simon turns back towards the crowd.
Simon: So Casey, I guess that you're going to keep me waiting for a response then, huh? Well, that's okay - I'm a patient man. And you
do have a big match to get ready for, after all. But I hope that you can at least find the time, at some point this evening, to give me an
answer - I'll be watching.
Simon goes to hand the microphone back to Justin Decent. "Simon Says" by Drain STH then begins to play again, as Simon steps through
the ropes, and heads backstage.
Backstage, Vixen is sitting on the make up chair talking with the makeup lady who is putting the finishing touches on her make up as she
is approached by Pussy Willow.
Pussy Willow: Vixen girl, finally I get to talk to the one person everyone wants to talk to.
Vixen gives her a smile as she holds the bombshell tag title on her lap.
Vixen: Really…everyone wants to talk to me?
Pussy Willow: Of course. Because you are teaming now with Misty, the one person that ironically could be seen as your nemesis here in
Sin City.
Vixen’s smile fades slightly but it perks right back up.
Vixen: True, she and I don’t really see eye to eye per se but it is my chance to finally be able to say that I have done it all.
Pussy Willow: You certainly have Vixen. You have held all the bombshell titles, you got engaged to your partner’s ex fiancée and all we
need to hear is that you are having his baby.
Vixen: Do you know something I don’t Pussy?
Pussy Willow: Don’t be silly Vixen. But seriously you don’t have a match this week so what are you doing here?
Vixen: Just because I don’t have a match doesn’t mean that I can’t be here to back up my tag partner.
Pussy Willow: Wow that is something I wouldn’t expect from you Vixen. I mean you and Misty aren’t ever on the same page it seems.
Now you win the other half of the tag titles and you and she are buddy buddy enough for you to protect her back?
Vixen: We are the tag title holders. Of course I am going to help protect our belts.
Pussy Willow: That is great. But when you won the title, you didn’t look too happy about it.
Vixen turns to look at Pussy once more, taking a deep breath before getting to her feet and then with a pat against the shoulder.
Vixen: Thanks for the talk Pussy, gotta go.
Without waiting for an answer, Vixen heads off leaving Pussy Willow with a look of surprise.
Justin: The following match is the #1 Contender Match for the Roulette Championship... and will be a ladder match! The winner will be
the participant that is able to retrieve the contract that is hanging high above the ring. Introducing our first participant, from Miami,
Florida... CYRUS KING!!
The intro to “Walk With Me In Hell” begins to blare over the PA system and after the vocals start Cyrus comes out with his wife by his
side, the two of them walk down to ringside until they reach the ring where Miranda hops on the apron first and sits on the middle rope to
let her husband into the ring, Miranda taunts the crowd whilst Cyrus waits for his opponents.
Justin: Next, from Nashua, New Hampshire... “The Freight Train Of Pain” CASEY WILLIAMS!!!
The opening drums to Five Finger Death Punch’s "I.M.Sin" start to blast through the speakers, as red and dark blue lights start to flash,
the blue cutting through the red to create a purple effect. The fans boo as the lyrics kick in.
"What a fucking poser, that's all you'll ever be!
Don't get any closer, or you'll meet the real me!
I am, who I am, you can't destroy me!
I am, what I am, you can't deny me!
I want out, but I could never surrender.
Try and break me down, but I won’t let you win.
You can call me out, but I know you’re a pretender.
You may think your god, but I know that I am sin!"
Casey Williams appears at the top of the ramp, looking around at the crowd and not moving, his eyes burning holes through the crowd.
“I am SIN! I am SIN!
I am SIN! I am SIN!
I won’t fucking buy it!
I never have and I never will!
Keep fucking trying!
I'm just waiting for the blood to spill!"
Casey lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks around the crowd, focused. The Freight Train Of Pain starts to walk towards the
ring slowly, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head to look at the booing crowd, their thumbs pointing down. Casey shakes
his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Casey puts his hand on the rope, and pulls himself up
on to the ring apron and steps over the top rope, staring around at the booing fans. Casey raises his arms as the fans boo louder.
Justin: Finally... from Washington, D.C... “Big Tiger” JEREMIAH HARDIN!!!
The tiger roars, and then Soldiers by Otherwise plays and Jeremiah comes out and looks around at the fans. He then comes down the
aisle, fist bumping with the fans, and then he enters the ring and makes the roar and the crowd roars with him.
Simone: This match is for the chance to face Max Burke next week at Climax Control. All you have to do is climb the ladder and get
your hands on that contract.
Adams: It’s a huge opportunity for these three to try and get the opportunity to unseat “Pro Wrestling’s Pedigree” from the Roulette
Jasmine calls for the bell to start the match.
Simone: Here we go!!!
It’s like a runaway train as all three men waste no time in coming at each other full steam ahead. It’s an all out brawl to kick things off
with lefts and rights flying. Cyrus and Casey form a loose alliance to try and eliminate Jeremiah Hardin from the equation early on. They
exchange clubbing blows as Jeremiah tries to cover up. Cyrus hooks Jeremiah’s arms behind him as Casey unloads with lefts and rights
to the midsection with precision. Casey hauls back for a big punch, but Hardin ducks at the last possible second which causes Casey to
nail Cyrus King. Cyrus gets knocked back, and then returns fire on Casey Williams!!! The two behemoths trade vicious punches until
cracks Cyrus with a huge headbutt stunning him. Casey turns and is dropped with a running STO from Jeremiah Hardin!
Adams: Huge move by Hardin!
Hardin quickly gets back to his feet. Cyrus throws an attempted big boot in Hardin’s face, but Jeremiah sidesteps it and shoves Cyrus
into the turnbuckles. He follows up with a rapid succession of elbows that drops King to a knee.
Simone: UH OH!
Hardin is grabbed from behind by a recovered “Freight Train Of Pain” Casey Williams, who slams his head into the top turnbuckle.
Casey turns him around and wraps his massive arms around him squeezing him tight. Casey lifts him off the ground and starts ragdolling
Adams: Williams has his trademark bearhug locked on!
Simone: Not many people do it better than the “Freight Train Of Pain”! When he has that locked in you can be sure you’re going to feel
Before too much damage can be done from the bearhug, Cyrus King takes the opportunity to spear both men!
Adams: What a spear by Cyrus King! All men are down! Jasmine is not bothering with a count as the only way to win this one is to
climb the ladder and grab the contract.
All three men are shaken, but they get to their feet in short time showing the importance of this match, and the contract that hangs high
above the ring. Jeremiah is the first to his feet by using the ropes for assistance. He gains his composure as Cyrus and Casey get to their
feet moments later.
Simone: What a slug fest this match it is! This isn’t about technical brilliance with these three. It is about causing enough damage to give
you the seconds you need to climb that ladder.
“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin with an impressive double clothesline on Casey and Cyrus sending them over the top rope and to the floor.
Jeremiah catches his breath for a moment and sets up the ladder in the center of the ring. He scales the ladder slowly, rung by rung.
Simone: Hardin is making the climb for the contract!
Adams: Casey and Cyrus are still down!
Cyrus King’s wife decides to get involved. She slides under the bottom rope, grabbing hold of Jeremiah’s ankle. She slows him for a
second, but Jasmine quickly remedies the situation by ejecting Miranda forcefully from the ring. Jeremiah reaches up...
Justin: The winner of this match, and the NEW #1 Contender for the Roulette Championship... “BIG TIGER” JEREMIAH HARDIN!!!
Simone: Jeremiah Hardin is number one contender to Max Burke's Roulette title!
Backstage, we find Max Burke and Ruby watching a monitor which is showing the conclusion of the #1 Contender match. Max nods his
head in approval at the sight of "Big Tiger" Jeremiah Hardin clutching onto his contract.
Burke: Well, there we go. My next victim has been selected. "Pro Wrestling's Pedigree" will stand across the ring from and defend his
title against "Big Tiger" Jeremiah Hardin.
Ruby rubs his shoulders from behind. Max lifts his title and places it on his shoulder.
Burke: Tonight, I made a statement against Thatcher Rex. I went in there and did exactly what I said I was going to do. I went in that ring
and showed once again that I am the greatest Roulette champion in the history of this championship. Over and over again I show that the
era of Burke will reign supreme in Sin City Wrestling. And now, after Ruby's debut tonight we have shown the locker room, and all of the
fans of Sin City Wrestling that we are the power couple of this organization. Night after night, we show the world that we are the
dominate force force in this company. Next week, Jeremiah Hardin you are the next victim, and there is not a damn thing you can do
about it. Bring your A game Hardin, you are going to need it my friend.
Club LAX is overcome by the pulsating beat of “Wrecked” by Killbot. Some of the audience stands up from their seats, deafening screams
coming from all sides as the music picks up. Some of the audience is still skeptical as they continue to boo. Five cameramen file through
the curtains, taking different angles when “The Italian Stallion” Giani Di Luca shoves them to the side. He is dressed in black track pants
featuring his signature logo down each leg, and the stallion emblazoned on the backside, and a black hoodie with silver tattoo print on
the right side of his chest, going down the right arm. He holds a microphone in his hand as he throws his arms into the air, up and down,
coaxing the audience to get even louder. He jogs from one side of the stage to the other, slapping hands with the fans, and fist pumping
along the way. The fans get more and more into it as Giani goes. He stops at the top of the ramp, shouting out “FUHGEDDABOUDIT!”
He jogs down the ramp, alternating sides and slapping hands before reaching the head of the ring. He spins around on one leg before
leaping up onto the ring apron. He fist pumps a few more times before entering the ring, and working the nearest turnbuckle. He comes
down and looks to the opposite side, shouting out excitedly as he walks to the far turnbuckle, working the audience as he ascends it. He
looks out into the audience as he comes down, looking around as his smile grows wider.
Giani: Thank you! Thank you! Ya know? I’ve missed this so damn much. What a great way to usher in this new era of Giani Di Luca, in
the club that I frequent the most! Give it up for the awesome staff here at Club LAX!
Crowd: *POP!*
Giani: Really?! Is that all ya got?!
Crowd: *LOUDER POP!*
Giani: Oh C’MON!!! I know ya can do better than that, dawg…
Giani throws his arms up into the air, keeping the cheering going, getting more and more people in on it. Giani lifts a leg off the ground
as he looks pumped. He leans back, stumbling a bit in his own excitement. He looks out to see staff members of the club fist pumping, and
he nods his head. He licks his thumb as he brings the microphone back to his lips.
Giani: Hahaha… fuhhhgeddddaboudddit! Ya know I had to come out and give props to the people who put up with my crazy drunk ass
on a weekly basis… But that’s not the only reason I came out here. Of course, I wanted to see all ya beautiful faces… especially the
redhead in the fifth row with the big... hahaha… And to her man, sorry brow, but when ya see somethin’ that nice, ya gotta give props.
But that’s not the only reason I came out here…
Giani shrugs his shoulders as he looks over to the entryway. He pauses for a moment, allowing the mystery to settle in for a moment. He
slowly raises the microphone to his lips once more.
Giani: Just like last week, I spent some time in therapy, tryin’ to work past this mess I been in. What the doc said just seemed too
obvious… There is someone else that I would like to call out to the ring… someone that I owe a huuuuge apology to… someone that
always had my best interests at heart until I stabbed them in the back. Would ya do me the honor of comin’ down to the ring so we can
have a talk, man to man… Spike Staggs?
Giani walks to the edge of the ring, leaning on the ropes as he looks straight at the entryway. He rests his elbows on the ropes, simply
watching… waiting for the arrival of his former mentor. He tries to hide his nervousness with a hopeful smirk, but the sweat slowly
pouring down his forehead tells a different story.
Adams: What does Giani expect to happen… He made the man’s life a living hell, but he expects Spike to come out and shake his hand?
Simone: He doesn’t even deserve the time of day. I’m still not convinced that…
The lights go completely black, as white strobes flash on the stage. A red spotlight shines on the curtains as "Ready or Not (I’m Coming)"
By Oomph! plays. Once the music picks up, Spike shoves the curtains aside, and walks out onto the stage. He smiles at the fans, who
cheer, as he points out across the audience. His smile fades as he dashes down to the ring, sliding in underneath the ropes. The lights
fade back on as Spike goes to the furthest turnbuckle, giving a pose before leaping off to land on his feet. He bounces between the ropes
before he reaches down for a microphone from Justin Decent. The audience cheers as Spike takes in a deep breath. He tilts his sunglasses
down his nose before tossing them out into the audience, and he opens his jacket to reveal his “NXT” New X-Treme’s shirt (now
available at the merch center). He raises the microphone to his lips, licking them as he looks straight at Giani, studying him carefully. He
takes a few slow breaths, focused on his former protégé before speaking.
Spike: It’s good to be back in Las Vegas, in the middle of an SCW ring… I wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to stand in front of these
awesome fans…
Crowd: *POP!*
Spike pushes his sunglasses up into his hair as he slowly looks around at the fans. His attention quickly comes back to Giani as “The
Italian Stallion” works his way over to Spike, a bit too quickly. Spike goes on the defensive, tensing up as Giani holds his hands up in
Spike: Listen here, son… if you so much as look at me wrong, I’m liable to break my foot off in your ass…
Giani: Th-that won’t be necessary… It… it’s just so good to see ya out here again, in front of these fans.
Spike: Sweet talking me won’t get you anywhere, boy… Why don’t we cut the bullshit. Why don’t you tell me, in front of all these fine
people in attendance here tonight… Why have you been blowing my phone up at all hours of the night? Why did you call me out here?
Why the hell should I believe that you’ve suddenly had… heh… some attack… of conscience?
Spike chuckles as he raises a curious eyebrow to Giani. His icy blue eyes stare right into Giani like a bird watching its prey. Giani lowers
his arms to his side loosely, his mouth open at Spike’s blunt approach. He wipes at his face and shakes his head in dismay.
Giani: What do ya want me to say? I’m not gonna bullshit ya by sayin’ I’m a changed man. I don’t know, maybe I am, and maybe I’m
not. All I’m askin’ is for you to hear me out. I feel awful, just… terrible… about how I ended things with ya, Spike. You was always an
upstandin’ kinda guy, and I took that for granted.
Spike: You make it sound like a bad break up… Believe me, I’ve had them, some right inside of this very ring. This is nothing like that. I
believed in you. I knew you could be a star with the right discipline. But you turned into a spoiled brat who felt like he was entitled to
anything and everything, when and where he wanted it. You… you showed your true colors, man…
Giani: Ya right! Yer absolutely right, Spike. I know I am a star. I will never deny that. I told everyone that I could be top dawg around
here if and when I wanted to. I’m pretty damn close to it as is. But that don’t mean that those was my true colors. I was hungry, Spike.
You taught me to be hungry, but you was too busy chasin’ Vixen around the locker room, or defendin’ this title or that title. I could never
come from behind ya shadow, so I had to break out on my own. The problem isn’t what happened. The problem is how it happened. I
embarrassed you in front of the fans…
Spike: Behind my back…
Giani:… but I embarrassed myself too. I am embarrassed about how I acted over the last few months. All I can do is say that I’m sorry
and try to prove to ya that I mean it.
Spike gets a wide, sadistic grin spread from ear to ear as he listens to Giani. He raises his hands up and slowly claps them, as if admiring
Giani’s “performance”. Giani steps up to Spike, getting nearly nose to nose with him. Spike’s grin doesn’t fade, but Giani looks as if he
is ready to clock Spike. He quickly raises the microphone to his lips, just inches from Spike’s face.
Giani: Spike Staggs… I’m… sorry. From the bottom of my heart, I’m sorry. If you’ll let me, I will prove it to ya. But I do have a favor to
ask of ya…
Spike’s eyes widen as if he seems to find the catch to this apology. He takes a small step forward, getting even closer to Giani’s face. He
slowly raises the microphone to his lips.
Spike: And… ummm… what would this favor be, Gee-ahh-nee…?
Spike says Giani’s name in an almost mocking tone as they almost come nose to nose. Spike’s smile fades to a serious look as his nostrils
start to flare.
Giani: I, ummm… I want you to… kick me in the balls.
Adams: WHAT?!
Spike looks a bit baffled as he turns away from Giani. He chuckles a bit as the fans join in with him. Giani keeps a straight face as he
stares right at Spike, in all seriousness.
Spike: You… want me… to kick you in… the balls?
Giani: Look… I know it sounds crazy, but -*blurgh*
Without much hesitation, Spike charges forward like a soccer star, kicking Giani right between the legs, much to the fans’ amusement.
Giani’s eyes bug out as he falls to one knee. Spike lifts his arms into the air as he marches around, shouting
“GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL!!!” He comes to a stop as he watches Giani do his best to
contain the pain. He watches Giani writhe on the ground with a smile on his face. Giani slowly comes to his knees, using the ring ropes to
help pull himself to a standing position. He takes in shallow breaths, shaking his head to try to pull it together. Giani leans against the
ropes, sweat pouring down his face as he slowly unzips his jacket. The fans are shocked to see that Giani is wearing an NXT black muscle
T-Shirt, but not as shocked as Spike is. Giani mouths something to Spike, causing him to simply stare. Finally, Spike backs up, keeping his
eyes on Giani as he leans over the top rope, exiting the ring as he simply looks on in confusion. Giani points to the shirt, mouthing
something else to Spike as “Wrecked” by Killbot plays.
Simone: Two weeks ago at High Stakes III Roxi Johnson’s long reign as Bombshell Champion was finally brought to an end thanks to
interference from Gothika’s Fallen teammates.
Adams: Knowing SCW’s resident superhero this isn’t the last Gothika’s seen of Roxi but tonight she’s teaming with former ACW Vixen
Emma Rose to take on two veteran Bombshells, Amy Marshall and Joanne Canelli! Let’s take it to Justin.
Justin: The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall!
A mash up off “Outsider” and “Able to Love” begins to blare over the PA system and Roxi Johnson and Emma Rose make their way out,
the two Bombshells share a double high five before running down to the ring and sliding in.
Justin: Introducing team number one, the team of Emma Rose and Roxi Johnson!
The two Bombshells pose for the crowd as their names are called out as the mash up begins to fade over the PA system; it isn’t long
before their opponents start to make their way out as the opening lyrics of Scream by the Misfits hits over the pa.
Whoaa ohh ohhh
Whoaa ohh ohhh
Whoaa ohh ohhh
No sooner had those lyrics finished, the guitar cuts back in and strobe lighting begins to flicker.
A chill runs up your spine
it crawls into your brain.
The freezing touch of fear.
Amy appears at the top of the ramp, where she surveys her surroundings before raising her arms to make an X sign.
Justin: And their opponents, first from Juneau, Alaska, she is the “Punk Princess” Amy Marshall!
It's driving me insane
Although you try to fight
Dragged from the silence where you hide
'til you... Scream
Amy then begins to head down the ramp, as she ignore the fans around her before coming to a stop at the bottom of the ramp apparently
waiting for her tag team partner, as soon as “Scream” stops playing over the PA system the house lights go down, as a spotlight goes
over the crowd. As the spotlight comes to a stop at the back of the entrance way, as "Run This Town" begins to play. A picture of the
Italian Flag appears on the screen with the letters F.B.I over the flag, with the words "FULL BLOODED ITALIAN" is written
underneath. It soon changes to scenes of mob hits, newspaper clippings from just recent to the late 1900's, but soon changes once again,
to shots of the Mafioso, sitting in a large office, and in limos, and in arena's from times since past. The spotlight focuses on four figures
standing at the back of the ramp. This is Joanne and her bodyguards. They make their way down the ramp with Joanne in the middle with
Reno and Rude on either side, and Scarpaci following behind, talking among them ignoring the crowd around them.
Justin: And her partner, from Jersey Shore, New Jersey, she is the “Jersey Devil Diva” Joanne Canelli!
Joanne soon meets up with Amy and they nod to each other before storming into the ring, Roxi and Emma see this coming however and
take the fight to the two bombshells forcing Drew Patton to start the match earlier than intended.
Simone: These Bombshells can’t wait to go at it!
Adams: They all have the same goal, become Gothika’s first challenger!
Drew tries to gain control of the match but the brawl between the four Bombshells is to fierce for him to do anything but watch, this
doesn’t last however as Emma takes herself and Amy to the outside with a clothesline at the ropes allowing Drew to get in between
Joanne and Roxi and get some semblance of order for the match, the two Bombshells start exchanging some chain wrestling as the crowd
cheers them on.
Simone: Only in wrestling can you go from an all-out brawl to a chain wrestling contest!
Adams: And only in SCW will you find women who can wrestle!
The two women continue to go at it but neither of them have a clear advantage, they eventually come to a stalemate earning a round of
applause from the crowd….which quickly turns into boos as Joanne rakes Roxi’s eyes and hits her with a DDT before going for the first
cover of the match 1….2…..Roxi kicks out!
Simone: It didn’t take her long to resort to dirty tactics.
Adams: It’s Joanne Canelli, who’s honestly surprised by this?
Emma Rose starts trying to get the crowd behind Roxi as Joanne forces Roxi to her feet, she smirks before slapping the former Bombshell
Champion across the face earning a lot of boos from the crowd, she stops a moment to yell at the crowd but takes too long and ends up
being rolled up by Roxi 1….2….Amy breaks it up.
Simone: Now both Roxi and Joanne have near falls over each other!
Adams: As soon as they can hit either of their finishers it could be all over though.
Joanne gets to her feet and tags in Amy who jumps in over the top rope as Drew makes the tag official, she sizes up Roxi as she gets up to
her knees and charges in looking for a Shining Wizard, Roxi ducks under the knee however and grabs Amy from behind before drilling
her into the matt with an Eye of the Hurricane, Roxi goes for a cover 1….2….kickout by Amy.
Simone: Roxi may need to tag in Emma soon; she’s taken a lot of damage.
Adams: Not if Amy has anything to say about it!
Roxi starts making her way over to her team’s corner obviously looking to tag her partner into the match, Amy sees this and grabs onto
her leg to stop her, she sees Roxi’s attempt at an Enziguri coming and ducks under it forcing Roxi onto her backside in the process,
before Amy can capitalize however Roxi surprises her with a hurricanrana from the ground.
Simone: What a move by Roxi!
Adams: All she needs to do now is tag in Emma!
Amy and Roxi start making their way over to their respective corners as their respective partners start calling out for a tag in, Amy makes
it to her corner first and tags Joanne back in who quickly charges after Roxi in an attempt to prevent a tag, her attempt is unsuccessful
however as Roxi makes a leap of faith and successfully tags in Emma Rose.
Simone: Emma Rose has been tagged in!
Adams: She comes in highly touted from ACW now let’s see if she can back up her hype!
Emma steps in through the ropes and charges at Joanne before hitting her with a Corkscrew Neckbreaker, Amy charges back into the
ring in an attempt to stop the New Zealander’s momentum but she hits her with a dropkick to the chin sending Amy to the ground, by now
Joanne has recovered and tries to take out Emma from behind but Emma ducks under her clothesline attempt.
Simone: Joanne bounces off the ropes and Emma leap frogs over her.
Adams: Another dropkick by Emma and look at the look Emma and Roxi are sharing, they have a plan!
Emma tags in Roxi before going over to Amy and hitting her Kia Kaha finisher on Amy, on the other side of the ring Joanne is back on
her feet and swings at Roxi who ducks and returns the favor with a Superkick! Joanne goes down like a sack of potatoes and Roxi climbs
up to the top turnbuckle as Emma stacks Amy on top of Joanne.
Simone: Superstar Press to both Amy and Joanne!
Adams: Roxi’s not done!
Whilst Emma rolls Joanne out of the ring Roxi drags Joanne to the center of the ring before locking in the Justice Lock on Joanne, Drew
checks on the mob boss to see if she can continue but it’s not long before Joanne is tapping out!
Justin: Here’s your winners, the team of Emma Rose and Roxi Johnson!
Simone: Great showing by both teams! You have to wonder if Roxi used the Justice Lock to send a message to Gothika!
Adams: If it was it was definitely a strong message!
The two victorious Bombshells celebrate their win as the mash up begins to play over the speakers whilst Amy checks on Joanne.
Mercedes Vargas: I'm sorry if I look like a mess right now. I haven't been able to eat, sleep, or watch TV the last couple of days after the
main event last week.
Open backstage to Mercedes Vargas with the Bombshell Roulette Championship slung over her shoulder. She is in front of a backdrop
with the SCW logo as she is about to deliver her thoughts on the night ahead.
Mercedes Vargas: There are two kinds of people in life: Winners, like yours truly, and losers, like Misty and Vixen. They were
outclassed, outperformed, and, dare I say it, outfoxed last week. Misty, being the sore loser that she is, had to pull a hissy fit in the worst
way. And you wonder why people don't like her. She has no respect - for herself or for others. Gothika is the SCW Bombshell Champion.
THE. CHAMPION. And Misty decided to put her hands, or, rather, fangs on her. I wanted to help Gothika, but Vixen and Misty's little
stooge got in my way. Misty just made a mistake. Big. Huge. And she's going to pay.
Mercedes runs a hand through her hair.
Mercedes Vargas: As far as tonight goes, I realize I have my first-ever title defense against a very game opponent, but before I get to
that, let me say something about this little four corners match that, supposedly, will find the next challenger for MY title. See, it doesn't
matter who walks out tonight as the number one contender. Whether it's Ruby Tuesday, Angie Baby, Panorama, or Lizzie Smalls, the
only thing the winner will really earn...
Mercedes reveals her checklist from behind her back, which lists her opponents that has fallen to her since her debut. Traci's name,
obviously, is left unchecked, followed by the words “FUTURE CHALLENGER???” under it.
Mercedes Vargas: is the right to be the next name added to my checklist. Good luck, ladies.
She smirks.
Mercedes Vargas: Now, on to my match with Traci Patterson, or as I like to call her, Buff Barbie. I hope accepting this match was worth
it. Concussions are a serious business, Traci. I know this from experience. My first concussion was a Grade 3, had me sidelined for the
better part of five months. The second concussion I ever had was a Grade 2, and I didn't return to the ring until seven weeks later. The
bottom line is, I don't think you should be facing me tonight. And I'm not saying this out of intimidation, or that I'm scared of you. Oh no,
I'm saying this out of concern, more so for you than me. But hey, if you really want to go through with this, who am I stop to you, right?
The camera zooms in on her face as she continues.
Mercedes Vargas: I just want you to know, Traci, that whatever happens to you tonight, you brought this on yourself. By accepting this
match, you've given me permission to embarrass you in front of all these people right here in Las Vegas, and for those watching at home.
In other words, I will not be held responsible, I will not be held liable, and I will not show the least bit of remorse for my actions, and not
you, not your sister, not your family, not this company, NOBODY, can sue me for what I do to you in between those ropes.
The camera frames Mercedes back again.
Mercedes Vargas: We all make mistakes, sweetheart, and the least of those ultimately comes back to haunt us. The first mistake you
made was waking up this morning, the second mistake you made is thinking you got a chance of winning my title, and the third mistake
you made is you're already hurting.
Her voice lowers.
Mercedes Vargas: Now you're just adding insult to injury.
There are sounds of thundering and lightning around the arena. Darkness approaches near from afar. A newcomer approaches the
darkness, suddenly hiding his face. No one knows who he is or what he's about. He wears a black hoodie with blue jeans. He has his
hands inside of his pockets. The male opens his mouth as he prepared to say what's on his mind.
Eric Steel: "My name is Eric Steel, and I am the hottest free agent on the market. I am going to be the talk of this company. You see, my
goal is simple, and that's to win championships. I have no desire to do it for the fans. I'm only doing it for me, because simply put... I'm
the only person that matters quite frankly. I am focused on a lot of things, trust me... Fans are the furthest things from my mind."
A smirk crawls on his face as Eric Steel walks up, showing his face. He has a cocky and confident attitude gesture about him. He presses
his arms against his chest for the moment. He proceeds to open his mouth yet again.
Eric Steel: "Tonight will be the night where Eric Steel is going to make the biggest impact this company has ever seen. You have never
seen someone as great as me, and because of this... there's a huge chance you never will again. From this point forward, everything
changes when I say it does. I am the reason why the fans, whether they will admit it or not, will watch the product now. Fuck what you're
used to. You're about to witness greatness at its best. You're looking at the future of this company, and of this business. I guarantee that I
will have championship gold around my waist. Let's face it... there won't be a single person that will stop me."
A chuckle is uttered from Steel as he feels the confidence stemming up inside. Eric paces back and forth with a careless look that was
directly on his face. He then proceeds to continue.
Eric Steel: "I am championship material. I'm destined for greatness. Eric Steel will prove that he isn't just all talk. Next week I will have
my first match and I iwll show the world that I am fully capable of doing what I set out to do. I'm focused, and determined to be
champion. I'm even more determined to prove that without a shadow of a doubt I am better than every single wrestler here on this roster,
male or female. I don't care if I'm a rookie or not... I have over four years of experience under my belt, and I will show the entire world I
am not to be taken lightly. To all of the boys and girls in the back, if you underestimate me, that will be your wrong doing. I am set out
for destruction. At the end of the day, I will show that talk is cheap and my actions will speak out for me. Next week, someone will be
made my personal bitch... will it be you?"
The camera cuts outside of LAX Night Club where Referee Jacob Summers is standing in the outdoor parking area. He listens in on his
earpiece and nods his head. His eyes wander to his left, then to his right. The camera cuts over to Traci Patterson walking up toward the
referee with a determined look on her face. She stands about three feet from the referee and begins to crack her knuckles and adjust her
Justin Decent: The following contest is a Street Fight, and is determined by pinfall only. Introducing first, from Dallas, Texas. She
stands at 5 feet 10 inches, and weighs in at 143 pounds, she is… TRACI PATTERSON!!!
Inside of the club, “Here Comes the Boom” by POD blares. After a moment of following Traci, the song changes to “Hold Me, Thrill Me,
Kiss Me, Kill Me” by U2. The camera cuts over to Mercedes Vargas walking up from about thirty feet away. She begins jogging to get
there quicker as the referee, and Traci, watch her carefully.
Justin Decent: The following contest is a Street Fight, and is determined by pinfall only. Introducing first, from Buenos Aires,
Argentina. She stands at 5 feet 7 inches, and weighs in at 127 pounds, she is… MERCEDES VARGAS!!!
As Mercedes approaches, Traci lunges forward, and Jacob Summers holds her back as best he can. He shouts at her and she begins
shouting back at him. He tries to show his authority, but Traci cracks him between the legs with a hard knee. As he falls to the ground,
Traci dashes over and tackles Mercedes.
Simone: These two kicking it off with a bang tonight. This is for the Bombshell Roulette Championship, and they are trying to steal the
Adams: Now this is what I’m talking about… A good ole fashioned cat fight! You gotta love them.
Traci begins laying in punch after punch to Mercedes while talking smack to her. After about three or four punches, Mercedes rolls Traci
over and exchanges the favor. She talks back, asking Traci how she likes it. She is answered with spit to her eye. With the distraction,
Traci rolls her off, and both competitors get up to their feet. As Traci lunges forward, Mercedes catches her with a kick to the abdomen.
They lock up, and both struggle for dominance. Traci backs Mercedes backward, and then shoves her out into the street. Cars come
screeching to a halt as Mercedes nearly looks like a deer in headlights.
Adams: Oh my, Traci Patterson wants to win this match at any cost. And I do mean any cost…
Simone: Yes, but the way Mercedes was talking about her and her apparent “lack of skills”, I think I would want to throw her under the
bus as well. There are practically no rules here, so she’s playing it smart…
Adams: Smart? I agree. It might not be the most honourable route to take, but it’s very tactical.
Mercedes waves almost apologetically to the car, and then she dashes toward Traci. Traci grabs a handful of her hair, and attempts to
hook her for a suplex. Instead, Mercedes jabs her in the side repeatedly. She then grabs onto Traci’s hair much to her protest, and she
drags her over back to the parking lot. As she does, Traci shoves her forward into the red pole of the hotel sign, advertising Climax
Control. She grinds Mercedes’s face into the pole.
Traci: How is that for a lack of talent?!
Traci shoves her into the pole once more, and then dusts the hair from her fingers. As Mercedes crumbles to the ground, Traci stomps
away at her. Mercedes shields herself, tripping Traci up. With the distraction, Mercedes dashes off toward covering. Traci darts after
her. As they round the corner of the hotel, Mercedes leaps up onto a bank and comes crashing back with a moonsault to Traci. The two
crumble down to the ground on the side of the building in front of a crowd of cheering fans. Security holds them back, but Traci tosses
Mercedes into the crowd. As she crashes into a big guy, Traci uses the man like a wall and pummels Mercedes against him for a moment,
until he moves. Security parts the crowd as the two ladies go back and forth down the middle.
Adams: That’s for the fans that want to get closer to the action. And he got to feel Mercedes Vargas pressed against him, which is
probably the only time he will ever feel the touch of a woman…
As the fans cheer loudly, Mercedes smacks Traci across the face so hard that the sound echoes off of the walls. The fans erupt into cheers
as Mercedes poses for them. Enraged, Traci shoves Mercedes forward, and then takes a few steps backward. She then darts at her,
jumping up and landing a Tornado DDT onto the hard concrete. She flips off the fans and sticks her tongue out at them before she drops
down to her knees, hooking Mercedes’s leg in the process.
Just at the last second, Mercedes gets her shoulder up. Traci slaps the concrete in anger, and then she grabs onto Mercedes’s hair. She
lifts her head up, and lands hard knuckled punches, slow, but precise. After about five punches, she shoves her back down. Traci stands
up as the fans boo her, and she holds her arms up proudly, also provoking the fans to come at her. One girl tries, and security holds her
back. Traci gets in the girls face, and rears her arm back to slap her, but Mercedes saves the fan. She grabs onto Traci’s wrist and spins
her around. As she comes back, Mercedes leaps up and hits a Hurricanrana out of nowhere that causes the cheers to come back. Traci
holds onto her back as she winces in pain. She shouts random insults at the crowd as they point and laugh at her.
Simone: This Bombshell is one to look out for. Like her or not, she has the heart of a fighter.
Adams: I was looking out for her to begin with, but not what’s under her ribs…
As Mercedes moves forward, Traci gets up and begins to follow her. They make their way up to the loading area around back of Club
LAX, and Traci ducks a clothesline. She hits Mercedes with a Russian Legsweep, and then she runs over to one of the wooden poles
coming up from the deck. She waits for a moment until Mercedes slowly gets up. She leaps off with a flying crossbody. As she rolls off,
she stands up and lifts Mercedes to a sitting position. She rears back a few steps, and then hits a hard kick to Mercedes’s midsection. She
picks her up by the hair causing Mercedes to yell out in pain. She hits a Hair Biel that sends Mercedes skidding. Mercedes winces as her
arms and legs are scraped up. She gets up, but Traci is relentless. She comes charging at Mercedes, who moves out of the way and uses
the momentum to slam Traci right into the metal loading door. Traci holds onto her head as Mercedes lays in several forearm shots. She
then Irish Whips Traci over toward a dumpster. Traci leaps up onto the top of it, waiting just as Mercedes comes at her. Mercedes can’t
stop quick enough as Traci leaps off with a Flying Cross Body. She hooks the leg for the pin.
Adams: OHHH! So close! We almost had a new champion.
Simone: In what universe does a Cross Body come close to putting an opponent away?
Mercedes kicks out. Traci immediately rips her off of the asphalt and sets her up for a Piledriver when she is smacked in the face with a
large baking sheet. The camera spins around to show Lizzie Short standing there with a smirk on her face as she mouths to Traci,
motioning for a belt around her waist. She shouts at a quickly recovering Traci who has no time to retort as Mercedes spins her around.
Traci swings blindly, leaving an opening for a Float Over Suplex. As they connect with the concrete, Mercedes bridges over into a pin.
Traci rolls out of it just before the refs hand hits the ground. Mercedes clinches her fists as she gets up. She hits a swinging neckbreaker
on Traci, and then she gets Traci doubled over with a boot to the gut. She shoves Traci into a Gory Bomb.
Simone: The Mercy Shot! I don’t think Traci can recover from that one!
Justin Decent: And your winner, via pinfall and STILL SCW Bombshell Roulette Champion… MERCEDES VARGAS!!!
Adams: If didn’t get involved, this match would still be going on. When Traci recovers, you bet she will be looking for her head…
Simone: Undoubtedly, but it was still an excellent showing by Traci here tonight, Jason.
Mercedes stands up and the referee raises her arms in victory. After a moment of celebration, Mercedes looks down to Traci. She thinks
about it for a moment, and then she holds out a hand to a stunned, yet fuming Traci. She accepts the helping hand, and Traci gets up to
her feet. She nods her head in appreciation. Traci extends her hand to Mercedes in a friendly showing. As Mercedes reaches for it, Traci
grabs onto her arm and tosses her into the back of a delivery truck with a hiptoss! She looks down with a sour look before she knocks on
the back of the truck. The truck takes off as a man runs out, shouting at the truck. Traci smirks as she storms off toward the building.
The camera catches Casey Williams backstage and runs into Pussy Willow. Casey is looking confident with himself, ready to kill
Pussy: ”Hey Casey, mind if I ask you a few questions?”
Casey: ”Go right ahead, Pussy.”
Pussy: ”What do you make of what Simon Jones said earlier?”
Casey: ”Well, what he said has a lot of merit, I mean, I did beat him in our one-on-one match and he was on the winning side of the tag
team match at High Stakes III. I can see why he wants revenge in singles matches”
Pussy: ”I see. Now that you had time to think about what he said, do you have a response to his challenge.”
Casey: ”Yes, and I accept his challenge. I plan on destroying him once again, proving that I am superior.”
Pussy: ”Excellent. Is there anything else you want to say? ”
Casey: ”All I have to say is that Simon does not back down from a fight, which, as much as I may not like him, makes me respect him.
He isn‘t afraid to get his ass kicked, and that is what makes this game so fun, the fact that he doesn‘t go down without a fight.”
Casey walks away, looking sinister, and cackling along the way.
New Low from Middle Class Rut starts to play and we see Jon Dough coming down the ring along with him we see Lin Ting Lu walking
with him. Jon Dough is singing his theme song thru the Microphone he is holding in his right hand. They both enter the ring, Jon Dough’s
theme songs fades out.
Jon Dough: What’s going on SCW!
Crowd: Jon Dough! Jon Dough! Jon Dough!
Jon Dough is jumping around in the ring keeping the crowd hyped up.
Jon Dough: Hey Master Lily, Do you know what’s better then the SCW fans?
Master Lily: Hmm. Not sure, what is better?
Jon Dough: Nothing! Do you hear them no fans compare to the SCW fans.
Crowd: SCW! SCW! SCW!
Jon Dough: See Before I had my 1st match in SCW earlier today, I had a talk with my boss Master Wong. Master Wong told me “Good
luck out there tonight and try your best to win the match.” I told Master Wong that I will try to win my match but 1st and foremost I want
to give the fans a nonstop action match. Well now that I got my 1st match out of the way, the question I have is this. Did you guys enjoy
my debut match?
Crowd: Yes! Yes! Yes!
Master Lily: Oh my, sounds like they did enjoy it.
Jon Dough: Good that’s why we do what we do for a living for every one of you here.
Crowd: Yaaa!
Jon Dough: So Master Lily any word one when the rest of the guys are coming?
Master Lily: No not yet. Master Wong has yet to speak with FoShan Mayor Chen Yunxian, or President Xi Jinping.
Jon Dough: Oh Ok.
Master Lily: Why is something wrong Jon?
Jon Dough: No not at all I just hope that the Government of China signs off on everything. The SCW fans are hungry.
Master Lily: Hungry?
Jon Dough: Yes. SCW has the best fans in the world.
Crowd: Yaaa!
The fans are heard cheering at that statement
Jon Dough: These fans want to see nonstop action. Which in respect they already due but would love to see more of it.
Master Lily: They will Jon. The SCW fans are in for a real treat pretty soon with or without The Five Elders.
Jon Dough: Oh really why is that?
Master Lily: Because. After talking to SCW Talent Relations I have been informed that over the past weekend. SCW managed to sign
even more new stars for the SCW fans to enjoy seeing.
Crowd: Yaaaaa! SCW! SCW! SCW!
Jon Dough: Oh really like who?
Master Lily: Well I gave my word that I will not say anything. It is not my place to release that information.
Crowd: Boo!
Master Lily: But I can say this. The fans of SCW will not be disappointed. I can assure you all that much for sure.
Jon Dough: Ok. We respect and understand that. Right Guys?
Jon Dough lifts his mic up in the air
Crowd: Right!
Master Lily: Jon There is something I need to tell you and everyone in SCW as well.
Jon Dough: Oh really well what’s that.
Master Lily: I pulled some strings and well there is one man in The Five Elders that does not need to be approved. See this man was
adopted by My Eagle Claw Dojo and was born in Japan. Therefore he was never a Chinese national citizen.
Jon Dough: Wait how were you able to even adopt to begin with. China has some very…
Master Lily: Jon let me stop you right there and just say this. It pays to know certain people plus it helps when you are a person who has
given so much back to the Country. They tend to bend a few rules for said person.
Jon Dough: That is going to be sweet. I know who you’re referring to. SCW is going on one hell of a ride with this guy around. So when
is he coming?
Master Lily: there are still a few things to work out but I can say this. He’s here now.
Jon Dough: What.
Jon is seen looking around but clearly does not find what he is looking for. All of a sudden the lights go out and a lightning bolt (pyro)
coming from the roof at a 45% angle hits the top of the SCW Tron. As the smoke clears we see a man in all black appear sitting on top of
the SCW Tron.
A few seconds go by and this unnamed man throws a smoke bomb. As the smoke clears we see that he is no longer sitting on top of the
SCW Tron.
Crowd: Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!
Master Lily: He will be in the ring soon enough everyone. However that’s only if you the SCW fans want to see him in the ring.
Crowd: Yes! Yes! Yes!
Jon Dough: Yes! I too want to see him in the ring. Hell Yea!
Crowd still hyped up is still cheering Yes as New Low by Middle Class Rut starts to play thru the speakers. Jon Dough and Master Lily
are seen leaving the ring and shaking hands with SCW fans as they reach the top of the ramp.
Justin: The following contest is a non title exhibition match....
The arena quiets down as the house lights drop out and a chilling blue light filters through the crowd. The soft opening guitars of Limp
Bizkit's 'Behind Blue Eyes' begin to ring out as 'Pro Wrestling's Pedigree' and SCW Roulette Champion Max Burke steps out on to the
stage with Ruby a few fight behind him. Standing clad in black tights with 'BURKE" written across the back and tall black shiny boots
and knee pads, he raises his arms in the air with an angry look on his face. He wears his leather jacket with a hood covering his head and
his SCW Roulette title is fastened firmly around his waist. He lets out a small smile as the crowd boos and then he and Ruby start to
slowly walk down the ramp as the lyrics kick in.
"No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes"
Justin: Being accompanied to the ring by Ruby. From Dorchester, New Brunswick, Canada, weighing in at two hundred and twenty
pounds, he is the SCW Roulette Champion, he is Max Burke!
The crowd continues to boo as Max slowly walks passed them. He turns to them and raises his hand in a threatening back hand manner
and then chuckles to himself when a few of the fans jump back in fear. He walks up the steel steps and stops for a moment, staring
straight up at the sky. He lifts his arm and points to the sky, his ode to his Uncle Ben, and then very quietly slips into the ring between the
top and second rope.
"But my dreams they aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free"
He jumps up on the top rope and squats up there for a moment, before lowering the hood off of his head and raising his title in the air for
all to see. He jumps back down into the ring to a chorus of a few more boos and raises his title one more time before handing it over to
Ruby. She clutches it close to her chest as she leaves the ring as Max slips off his hooded jacket and hands that over to the referee before
leaning up against the ropes and waiting for his opponent to be announced.
Justin: And his opponent....
The roar of a Tyrannosaur erupts over the PA system, echoing throughout the arena as the lights dim, eliciting a deafening cheer from
the crowd.
Justin: From Helena, Montana, weighing in at two hundred and forty five pounds, returning to SCW for one night only, he is Thatcher
Mist rises from the floor in a hiss as the roar fades into Disturbed’s “Serpentine,” illuminated by lights mounted on the floor. Emerging
from the mist like an ancient force of power is Thatcher Rex, strands of hair hanging down to partially obscure his eyes. He glances first
to the left, then to the right before striding down the ramp, gaze fixated upon the ring. Once he gets to the ring, he ducks between the top
and middle ropes. Two strides later, he mounts the turnbuckle. His arms spread wide, fists clenched, Rex releases a phenomenal roar,
much to the delight of the fans.
Thatcher and Max exchange trash talk before locking up in the center of the ring. Max pushes back on Thatcher, but Thatcher uses his
power advantage to push Max flying across the ring. Max rolls through and spins back to his feet, moving in towards Thatcher. Thatcher
swings a clubbing blow but Max picks up the pace and slides through Thatcher's legs after a two step run up. Max springs to his feet and
grabs Thatcher by the head and pulls him down with a neckbreaker. Max quickly returns to his feet and stomps on Thatcher's head,
catching him with a heel to the face. Max puts his heel once moe on the top of Thatcher's head and pulls down, scraping his face.
Simone: Cheap move from Burke.
Max pulls Thatcher to his feet and kicks him hard in the gut before dropping down and nailing him under the chin with a European
uppercut, sending the bigger Rex crashing backwards and back to the canvas. Max stands up, dropping an elbow down on the chest of
Thatcher, before rolling away. Max lays on his elbow resting his chin and smirking as the fans boo him.
Adams: No love for Max Burke tonight.
Max gets to his feet, pulling Thatcher up with him. Max takes Thatcher by the wrist and tries to whip him towards the ropes, but Thatcher
digs his heels in deep. Max tries again, pulling at Thatcher's wrist, but Thatcher pulls him in close and nails Max with a short arm
clothesline, knocking Max off his feet! Max starts to crawl away but Thatcher stalks after Max, reaching down to pull the Canadian back
to his feet. He lifts Max up, lifing him on to his shoulders before slamming him down with an Alabama slam, crashing Max to the canvas.
The crowd cheer Thatcher on as he pulls Max to his feet once more and throws Max in to the corner. Max bounces off the turnbuckle, but
Thatcher charges in with a huge shoulder block to the gut of Max, squashing him in the corner. Thatcher thrusts his shoulder in to Max's
midsection, followed by a second and third before standing up and walking out of the corner. Thatcher charges at Max and nails him with
a clothesline in the corner. As Max stumbles out, Thatcher picks him up and places him on the top rope. Thatcher stands Max up and
climbs on the second rope before lifting him over with an almighty superplex!
Simone: Oh wow!
Adams: He's gonna be feeling that one for days!
Max holds his back but Thatcher gets on top, attempting the cover and referee Jasmine St John drops down to make the count.
Max kicks out!
Adams: Max has the heart of a young lion! See what I did there?
Max rolls towards the ropes and Thatcher crawls towards him, lifting him up on his feet and lifting Max Burke over his shoulder.
Thatcher runs and drops Max with a powerslam. He leans up on his knees before moving down towards Max. He tries to pull Max to his
feet but Max plants a thumb in Thatcher's eye, just out of the view of the referee. Thatcher holds his eye and Max nails him with a punch
the face, sending Thatcher rocking back and forth on his knees. Max springs to his feet and bounces off the ropes before crashing in to
Thatcher with a shining wizard knee strike. Max rolls Thatcher on to his back and goes for the cover
Thatcher pushes Max off.
Adams: Close but not cigar..... cause smoking is bad for you kids!
Max questions Jasmine, accusing her of slow count but Jasmine shakes her head. Max pulls Thatcher to his feet and hooks him up in a
snap suplex, lifting the bigger man off his feet and sending him to the canvas. Max rolls over and lifts Thatcher to his feet and lifts his
head and arm, lifting him over with a head and arm Suplex!
Simone: What power from Max!
Max gets to his feet and moves over towards the ropes, in to one of the six corners and pulls himself on the top rope, looking down at
Thatcher. Max flies off the top rope and crashes down with a huge top rope elbow drop, bouncing the point of his elbow off Thatcher's
heart. Max covers Thatcher, hooking his leg with his own leg. Jasmine St John drops down, pounding her hand off the canvas.
Thatcher kicks out!
Simone: The fans can't believe Thatcher just kicked out of it!
Adams: Neither can Max!
A look of surprise covers the Canadian's face his eyes wide as he pounds his hands on the mat three times. Jasmine shakes her head and
holds up two finger. Max gets to his feet, holding up three fingers to Jasmine, who again shakes her head. Max runs his fingers through
his hair and turns around, only to be met with a spinebuster from Thatcher!
Simone: That will teach you to sit and argue Max!
Thatcher pulls himself on top of Max and the fans count along with Jasmine's count.
Max gets the shoulder up at the last second!
Adams: That was soooooooooo close! Closer than my butt to this chair!
Thatcher gets to his feet, pulling Max up to his feet with him and hooks him up, lifting Max high in the air with a vertical suplex, holding
Max in the air for a few seconds before dropping him down on his back. Thatcher moves to his feet and away from Max, waiting for Max
to return to his feet. As Max does, Thatcher charges at him, jumping in the air and colliding with Max with a shoulder block! Max falls
back against the ropes, sitting in an upright position. Thatcher charges towards Max, attempting a knee strike, but Max moves out of the
way and Thatcher strikes his knee on the rope. Max quickly gets back to his feet and plants a boot in the back of Thatcher's knee, sending
him flying to the canvas. Thatcher holds his knee but Max quickly grabs his leg and stomps away at the back of it. Max learns back on the
rope, a wide smile on his face.
Simone: That smile of Max's is just full of arrogance.
Thatcher limps to his feet but Max moves in spinning him around and lifting him up in a suplex before dropping Thatcher down with a
huge brainbuster, dropping him right on the top of his head!
Adams: That could have damaged Thatcher's neck!
Simone: Thatcher looks to be out cold!
A cocky smile appears on Max's face as he pulls Thatcher to his feet, Thatcher barely able to stand. Max moves in behind him and wraps
on the sleeper hold!
Simone: This is just adding insult to injury!
Adams: This was Max's legendary uncles finishing move!
Jasmine lifts Thatcher's hand once, dropping to the side.
Simone: He's already out on his feet.
Jasmine picks up Thatcher hand and releases it again, and it drops to the side once more.
Adams: Once more and this one is over!
Jasmine holds Thatcher's hand up for a third time and releases it, dropping it to the side again. Jasmine calls for the bell!
Justin: The winner of the match..... Max Burke!
Simone: Max Burke has defeated Thatcher Rex.
Adams: What a great match!
Jasmine hands Max the title belt, as he moves towards the ropes. He looks back at Thatcher, who is slowly stiring and using the ropes to
get back to his feet.
Simone: Max goes in to his match next week with Big Tiger Jeremiah Hardin, full of confidence.
The lights go out, strobe lights start flashing, slowly at first then pick up more speed. As the strobes flash, we start to notice something
unusual in the crowd, as they pick up speed we see that several members of the crowd are now dressed in druid-like outfits. At first, we
only notice two or three, but as the strobes pick up speed, we can see many more, maybe a dozen or 20. They make their way through the
crowd and as they all get closer and closer to the barriers around the ring, the strobes slow down, then pitch blackness.
Male Voice: Destroy them!
after a few short seconds the lights come back on, the druids are nowhere to be seen and Max Burke and Thatcher are both laid out in the
middle of the ring
Simone: These guys are becoming very creepy, I fear for my safety!
Male Voice: When warnings you do not heed, and lessons you do not learn, we must show you the light....BURN BURN BURN!
Suddenly flames shoot up from the ring posts creating 4 pillars of fire*
Another Male Voice: WE'RE COMING bahahahahahahahahahahaha
The lights go black, then return to normal
In the backstage area of LAX, two of the SCW's resident reporters are walking the hallway; "Stoner" Scott Oliver and the buxom Pussy
Willow who appears frightened and has her arms wrapped tightly around Stoner's arm. Not that he appears to mind in the least.
PW: Thanks for coming with me to try and find this guy. I don't know why Mark and Christian are suddenly so eager to get a word with
Stoner takes a drag and exhales a thick stream of smoke away from the blonde and shrugs.
Stoner: Probably has something to do with the old chick who showed up at ringside for his match. Kinda happened from out of nowhere.
So I guess they want to know who she is.
PW: Okay, but why me?
Stoner: You were the first one they found?
They turn a corner and continue on. Until, that is, Pussy Willow stops and turns her head to fix Scott with a glare.
PW: You heard about this and hid. That's why they didn't find you, isn't it?
Scott shakes his finger at her and accidentally flicks his smoke across the hall.
Stoner: Rats! And that is a wildly unfounded accusation. I don't hide. In fact, I'd kill for a chance to interview Brother Grimm and ...
"I'm so glad to hear you say that."
Stoner froze and turned to look into the shadows of the hall where Brother Grimm and his 'associate' appeared behind the two.
Stoner: EEP!
And before Pussy could stop him (yes we know how that reads!), Stoner takes off, practically leaving a cloud of dust behind him.
PW: Scott Oliver! You get back...!
The young blonde then seems to realize that she indeed has found her target and swallows hard before turning around to find the eyes of
Brother Grimm fixated on her, as are the cold, gray eyes of the old woman.
Brother Grimm: I understand you were looking for me?
Pussy Willow shakes her head, then corrects herself.
PW: No! I mean, yes.
Old woman: Indecisive, isn't she?"
Brother Grimm casts his 'associate' a glance and smiles.
Brother Grimm: I imagine she's just a touch nervous. Yet ... brave.
He starts to walk toward the reporter and he begins to circle her, like a wild animal stalking it's prey.
Brother Grimm: After all, I could count on one hand the number of people who actually sought to have a word with me.
He stops in front of her.
Brother Grimm: And yet, here she is.
Pussy Willow is visibly trembling and rubbing her hands along her arms, attempting to soothe the goose flesh this white specter seems to
be causing her.
PW: I... I just, it's just that I was sent to ask...
Old woman: Out with it.
The elderly woman says in a commanding tone as she joins Brother Grimm at his side.
PW: I... I'd just like to ask who your, your friend is.
Brother Grimm: Friend?
He smiles again, his pale eyebrows rising up toward his hairline.
Brother Grimm: I don't think anyone has ever referred to another in that way where I happen to be concerned.
Brother Grimm turns his head to look at the old woman.
Brother Grimm: Would you find it offensive if I took objection to that classification?
The old woman just smirks and restrains back a short chortle of laughter.
Old woman: Indeed. Let me fill you in on a little something.
She says as she takes a step closer to Pussy Willow who takes an involuntary step back away from her.
Old woman: You are not friends with the shadows. You can not make friends with fear. Would you call a thunderstorm your friend?
Pussy Willow shakes her head silently, trying to appease the old woman's questioning.
Old woman: Of course you wouldn't. Because that's what you see here before you. An elemental force of nature. If anything, we are ...
business associates. I did him a favor, and now he is lending me a helping hand to settle the debt.
PW: What... debt?
Brother Grimm: Ohhh...
He coos softly.
Brother Grimm: Now you get ahead of yourself.
Old woman: But to ease you a bit and answer your question; I myself have been known by many names and quite a few tales. But for
now, you may refer to me as...
She looks into the air, as if making a decision, before smiling fiendishly and looking at Pussy Willow again.
Old woman: Baba Yaga.
Without another word, Brother Grimm and the woman now known as the mysterious Baba Yaga turn and make a silent exit, leaving a
trembling Pussy Willow behind in their wake.
The scene starts backstage, the camera in the office of Hot Stuff Mark Ward. Hot Stuff sits behind the desk, a smile on his face.
HS: I know you're loving the fact that you get to hear from me again, but you see, I think this is really important.
Hot Stuff clears his throat.
HS: I keep hearing a lot about how our roster is disappearing. We've lost Jordan Williams, Tom Dudely, Odette Ryder, Gabriel, Ben
Jordan, Kevin Carter, Roxanne, and the list goes on. That's top line talent right there that have gone lately. Does it make us look bad?
Yep, does it mean we won't go on? No, because we will. Now, even though our roster lost that much weight, we're still looking fat to me.
I think it's time to cut from the top, so let's start with you.... ummmm, let's say, Drake Green.
The fans cheer after hearing Drake's name.
HS: Cheer all you want, in fact, cheer all you can, because tonight could be the very last time you see Drake Green in my ring.
Hot Stuff smirks, as the crowd boo.
HS: I hope you're listening Drake and I hope you're listening good, because this is it for you. If you lose that title belt to Goth, this will be
the end for you. If that belt leaves your possession and I really hope it does, you will be gone from SCW. Your SCW career will be over
Hot Stuff picks up a piece of paper in front of him.
HS: This is your contract Drake. You lose tonight, it will be nothing but a pile of ashes.
Hot Stuff smirks again as the camera fades back to ringside for the main event.
The camera focuses on the six-sided ring where referee, Drew Patton, stands in the corner, all business, and ring announcer, Justin
Decent, is at his side.
Simone: And now fans, it is time for the Main Event of Climax Control, and we could not be bringing you a better one.
Adams: It's for the SCW Heavyweight Championship, Belinda! You don't get much better than that!
Simone: Drake Green, the current champion who lived up to the hype of fans and experts alike when he defeated Kevin Carter for that
very title, putting it all on the line against former champion, Goth. Let's not wait any longer.
Drew signals for the bell, to announce that it is time for the Main Event championship contest.
"I see you stuck in here
And you will fall apart
The maggots eat your hopes, if any
Can you feel sadness come?
Beyond a fear unknown
Is love as strong as death?"
"I'm gonna take you away
Out from this world
Into the darkside
Where we live"
"Darkside" blasts across the sound system as Goth walks out to the ring, he is dressed in a long black Goth like robes. He is followed to
the ring by Sapphira, who is wearing her usual Goth dress. Goth stops halfway the entrance way and stares at the crowd who are booing
the owner of the AWA who grins and walks further on. In the ring he lets Sapphira take off his robe and he awaits his opponent.
Adams: He looks determined, doesn't he?
Simone: He sure as hell better. You don't get a championship match every day. Goth is going to want to make the most of this
The lights turn to a blue filter and we can hear the opening drums from “Burning Down The House” by the Used. The crowd jumps to
their feet and they begin to cheer as “Mr. Showtime” Drake Green steps out on to the stage. He lifts his arms up and down, motioning for
the packed beach to get up on their feet and cheer.
Green, with a large smile, stands tall in long black wrestling tights with three white nautical stars on each leg and black boots which
have black kick-pads on the front which have the “Male” symbol on them in white. He is wearing black wristbands and a black, skin
tight, t-shirt with his “Male Symbol” logo on the front and “Man Of The People” written on the back. He raises both arms straight up in
the air points toward the sky as the crowd starts to get behind him. Just as the lyrics for the song kick in, Drake makes his way down
toward the ring, slapping hands of fans on either side of the railings.
"Watch out
You might get what you're after
Cool babies?
Strange but not a stranger
Burning down the house"
Drake trades handshakes and hugs with several of the fans in the crowd as he makes his way toward the ring. He walks around the entire
rings, making sure he says hello to all the fans at ringside. Finally, he hops onto to the apron and steps up on the second rope and raises
his arms again for the crowd. He steps down and walks over to the opposite corner and climbs up again, stripping the SCW belt from his
waist and he holds it up high for all to see!
Simone: Listen to these fans! They absolutely love Drake Green!
Adams: Everyone loves a champion. I was quite the popular bloke when I held titles too.
Drake then steps down off of the ropes and stands in wait in his corner as Justin Decent takes his position to begin the formal
Justin: Ladies and gentlemen, the following Main Event is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Sin City Wrestling Heavyweight
The crowd cheers enthusiastically!
Justin: Introducing first, he is accompanied to the ring by Sapphira! Originally hailing from Utrecht in the Netherlands. He now resides
in New York, New York, and weighs in at 239 pounds, he is the challenger... Goth!
Goth stands stoically in his corner as the boos rain down on him as Sapphira screams joyfully, hopping up and down and applauding her
Justin: His opponent hails from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 230 pounds, here is the current reigning and defending Sin City Wrestling
Heavyweight Champion; 'Mister Showtime' Drake Green!
And immediately Drake steps out of his corner and holds the SCW belt high over his head, staring at Goth as the crowd roars in
approving cheers for the champion! Drake then lowers the belt and passes it over to Drew Patton who walks it over to Goth's corner and
shows it to the former champion. Goth runs a pale hand over the gold as Sapphira smiles gleefully.
Drew then stands in the center of the ring and holds the belt up his for each corner of the building, and the fans cheer.
Simone: That's what it's all about! The SCW Heavyweight title on the line!
Drew then passes the belt out to Justin Decent as Sapphira climbs out to the ringside floor. Drew makes certain that both men are ready
and calls for the bell.
At the sound of the bell, Goth immediately charges across the ring and plows right into the champion, driving him straight back into the
corner. Goth grabs the middle ropes, pinning the champion in, and he begins to drive his shoulder into Drake's stomach repeatedly as
Drew orders him to break, but Goth is unrelenting.
Adams: It's like you said Belinda! Goth is going all out to make the most of this!
Goth breaks just as Drew reaches a count of three, but only to grasp the champion by the throat with both hands and he viciously chokes
him! Drew starts a count again and gets to three when Goth stops his assault. Goth then grabs him around the neck again and chokes him
with such vigor that he forces Drew down to the mat on his backside.
Simone: Goth had best be wary about getting disqualified! He shouldn't want to risk it in a match of this magnitude.
As Drew reaches four, the official opts to grab Goth by the arm and pull him physically off of the champion, rather than disqualify him
and end such a match in that manner. Goth jumps to his feet and spins around, storming up into the referee's face and backing him up
against the ropes.
Adams: Drew shouldn't have touched Goth like that.
Simone: No he shouldn't have but it's clear that he is going to give these two men more leeway than he might in any ordinary encounter.
Opting to forget about the official, at least for the time being, Goth turns back to his stunned opponent and pulls Drake up by the hand
and levels him with a short arm clothesline. Goth pulls him up a second time and again, drags him right into a short arm clothesline. As
Green hits the canvas on his back, Goth immediately covers him, not bothering to hook a leg.
Drake kicks out.
Adams: I can't believe a veteran like Goth didn't even try to hook a leg.
Simone: I'm not entirely certain that he wanted to actually get the win so early. Winning is incredibly important to Goth, but then again,
so is torturing his opponents.
Goth stands up and puts the boots to the fallen champion and then lifts him up by his hair. Goth grabs him by the arm and tosses him
quickly into the corner with an Irish whip. He charges and lands a quick monkey flip, sending Drake Green landing hard on his back in
the center of the ring.
Simone: A bit of an old school maneuver there by Goth but it certainly was effective.
Goth grabs Drake again by the hair with one hand and an arm with the other, dragging him up to his feet. Goth sends him into a corner
again with an Irish whip and charges in for a running back elbow, but at the last split second, Drake hops up, avoiding the blow and
Goth crashes hard with his back against the turnbuckles. The crowd comes to life, cheering! Drake sits on the top turnbuckle and grabs
Goth, reeling him in. Drake perches himself on the challenger's shoulders and brings him out with a Victory Roll, hooking both legs.
Goth kicks out!
Simone: Goth had the advantage from the start but I think he got a little too cocky and underestimated the champion.
Adams: Yeah and now Drake has the chance to pull the rug out from under Goth.
Drake rises to his feet as Goth gets up to one bended knee. The champion charges into the ropes and comes rebounding off, landing a
well placed dropkick to the head of Goth, causing him to tumble over. Drake quickly pulls the challenger to his feet as Sapphira shrieks in
dismay. Drake sends him into the ropes at top speed and as he comes off, Goth is sent soaring with a high back body drop! Goth crashes
heavily on his tailbone as Drake pumps his fists, rallying in the fans' cheers!
Adams: Oh yeah! Drake has turned this one around!
Goth stumbles up to a vertical standing position and Drake grabs him, jerks back quickly and lands a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Drake
hops up quickly and bounces off the ropes. He leaps into the air and crashes down hard on Goth's head with a leg drop. Goth rolls
around grabbing his head and proceeds to roll to the outside of the ring to regain his composure and cut off the champion's momentum.
Simone: Oh come on. Drake had the opportunity to possibly put him away and Goth heads for the hills.
Adams: Are you really that surprised, Belinda? Goth is a veteran, and sneaky as hell. He knows how to put a stop to an assault like Drake
was laying on him. *heh* Laying on him...
Simone: Christ...
Sapphira is immediately over to that side of the ring to check on Goth's condition as Drew tries to order her away from the competitors.
Drake then decides to take matters into his own hands -- literally -- and he walks over to the ropes and reaches over the top, grabbing
Goth by the hair. Drake tries to pull Goth up and into the ring, but Goth reaches back and hooks Green's head and drops down, snapping
the champ's throat over the top rope in a slingshot maneuver. Drake staggers back, clutching his throat and gagging, and Goth pulls his
feet out from under him and drags him to the outside of the ring, beneath the bottom rope.
Adams: It was bound to happen! Goth is taking the fight to the outside.
Goth grabs Drake by the hair and slams the champion's head into the ring apron two straight times. Drake slowly sinks to one knee, but
Goth is not finished. he grabs him by the arm and sends him into the steel barricade with an Irish whip. Drake's back hits the metal
barrier and he stumbles forward, clutching his back, and Goth scoops him up and body slams him down hard onto the floor. Goth then
smirks and rolls back inside of the ring and he hops to his feet. Goth holds his arms out in self presentation and the crowd boos him
immediately. Drew looks out to Drake lying on the floor and has no option but to begin his mandatory count.
Simone: What is he thinking? If he lets Drake get counted out, he won't win the title.
Drake slowly rises to his feet on the outside, and as he does, Goth hits the ropes opposite the champion and comes dashing towards him.
Goth leaves his feet and sails through the middle rope and catches Green with a diving attack, sending both men crashing into the
Adams: Holy cow! I'm not sure if I ever saw Goth pull off a maneuver like that before!
Simone: It just goes to show you how damn badly he wants his title back. He is taking risks!
Unused to such a daring aerial maneuver, Goth, too, lies on the floor in a stunned fashion as Drew again begins the count!
Drake struggles to a standing position, using the guard rail to pull himself up.
Goth also rises, using the ring apron to drag himself to his feet. Drake moves in for the attack but Goth lashes out with a boot to the
stomach, doubling him over. Goth then attempts an Irish whip, which is reversed in a textbook fashion by the champion at the last second.
The momentum causes Goth to crash right into the steel steps and tumble over them. And just before Drew reaches the count of ten,
Drake Green slides back into the ring and breaks the count.
Adams: Thank god! It would have sucked to get a double count out in a title match.
Goth again uses the ring apron to pull himself up and rolls back inside under the bottom rope where Drake is immediately on the attack.
Green begins putting the boots to him and then hoists him up and shoves his head between his legs.
Adams: I'd like to go on record and say that I had nothing to do with the typing of the previous sentence.
Simone: Excuse me?
Drake wraps his arms around the challenger's waistline and then throws Goth up in a powerbomb position. Goth grabs him by the hair,
blocking it, and starts throwing fists at the champion's head.
Simone: Goth is not going to go down without a fight.
Adams: Literally!
Drake stumbles back under the assault as Goth continues the flurry of punches. Green seeks to end this precarious spot and does so, by
simply dropping down to his backside, driving the challenger down with a sit-out powerbomb!
Adams: That sure stopped Goth!
Drake remains there, holding Goth down for the cover!
3- No! Goth kicks out!
The fans are stunned, and clearly so is Drake as he stares wide eyed and open mouthed at the referee!
Simone: I am no fan of the man but props to Goth for being able to kick out of a move like that!
Drake then drags Goth up and ducks behind him, grabbing him in a rear waistlock. Drake runs him into the ropes for a rollup but Goth
holds on, and Drake rolls back to the canvas. The champion jumps right back up, grabs Goth around the waist again but this time lifts
him up and over in a release German suplex, landing Goth right on the back of his head!
Adams: Goth is reeling from that move. Drake needs to follow up if he wants to win this one.
As if he heard Jason Adams, Drake hoists up Goth to his feet and signals to the crowd. Drake runs off of the ropes but Goth brings a big
boot up into the champion's face! Drake staggers back against the ropes, then comes off and both men end up with the same idea and they
clothesline one another! Drew looks down at both men and starts to issue his count.
Drake Green is the first to his feet and he 'assists' his opponent up to his feet as well. Drake goes for an Irish whip but at the last moment,
Goth reverses it. Drake comes off and jumps for a Thesz press but Goth catches him and drives him down with a spine buster!
Adams: Nice counter!
Goth covers him and hooks the leg, dragging Drake's tights for added measure!
3 - NO! Drake kicks out!
Simone: Even pulling the tights he can not keep Drake Green down!
Goth is right on his feet, backing Drew up against the corner, arguing with him over the count, but the official is adamant that it was only
a count of two! Goth shoves the official back and turns and goes after the champion once again. Goth drags him up and sends him into
the ropes but Drake counters him quickly and lays him out with a Slingblade lariat! Drake then forces his way to his feet and signals to
the crowd and they respond with positive cheers! Drake steps out onto the apron and climbs to the top rope as Goth lays sprawled out on
the mat.
Simone: Drake is taking a big risk going up top at this point!
Adams: That's why they call it high risk, Belinda.
Drake then jumps off for a somersault legdrop from the top but Goth rolls out of the way and Drake crashes!
Adams: A visual aid!
Both men fight to get to their feet! Goth takes a wild swing at Drake but the champion ducks! The momentum spins the challenger around
and Drake jumps up onto Goth's shoulders and attempts another victory roll, but as he rolls through, Goth drops down to his knees,
pinning Drake's shoulders to the mat!
Adams: Goth countered! He countered!
Drew jumps to count as Drake kicks his legs wildly to escape but Goth's dead weight holds him down!
The crowd is stunned as the bell rings!
Justin passes the belt to Drew who walks across the ring -- and presents it to Goth! The crowd ignites in a torrent of boos as Drew raises
Goth's arm into the air while Drake looks on, stunned!
Justin: Here is your winner, and NEW Sin City Wrestling Heavyweight Champion ... Goth!!!
Sapphira is in the ring and jumps into Goth's arms as the new two-time champion raises the hold high up over his head! Drake slowly
rolls out of the ring, his face bearing the disappointment he feels, crestfallen at having lost his cherished championship!
Adams: Oh no! Goth has taken the title and Drake Green's career!
Simone: The crowd is stunned, but Goth is now a deserved two time SCW Heavyweight Champion.
Adams: And Drake's contract.....
Backstage, we see Goth slowly making his way to the locker room after his match, his pain is obvious and he treads carefully and slowly,
his head is down paying more attention to where he step than where he is actually going. The cameras zoom towards his legs and the
ground as he turns a corner, suddenly, 6 pairs of combat boots become visible and Goth stops dead in his tracks, the camera pans up, the
three druids are face to face with Goth.
Leader: Pride is such a wasted emotion. You want to ignore the advice of people who are concerned for your health? You want to claim
that a little injury wont stop you? You want to risk screwing up your life, for a few pounds of gold and leather?
as the leader talks, the other two spread out to his side flanking Goth on both sides, he literally has nowhere to go, that's if he could go
Leader: This is where pride leads, this is where we teach you all about pain.
without warning, the other two druids attack Goth kicking at his legs and hammering away on his torso while the leader lets out a
demonic laugh, Goth can barely withstand the attack and crumples to the ground. The two druids pull him to his feet, he can barely stay
up, the Leader of the druids grabs him
Leader: Let me show you pain, let me show you the downfall of pride, pain is my power, pain is my pleasure!
With that, the leader drops Goth with a deadly neck breaker right on the concrete floor, he stands up and then puts his fist out, the other
two druids do the same as the three lock fists in solidarity
Leader: WE'RE COMING!!!!
Simone: What The hell is going on? We haven't got time to reflect on this, because we're out of time. We'll see you all next week on
Climax Control where we can try and get some answers. Good night everybody!
Thank you! To Chris, Mark, Erik, Derek, MK, Maggie, Wong, Eric Steel, Casey, Simon, Vixen, Mercedes Vargas, The Druids, also to
Vixen again for all the great match banners and to all you guys for making SCW possible