Safety training


Safety training
Kim Jin-Baek
Safety training hosted by
CEJN at MAN, Busan
On 27th April 2016 a new safety training course was held at
the MAN PrimeServ Academy in Busan, Korea, hosted by CEJN.
The purpose was to improve safety awareness among people
working with quick connect couplings and, most importantly,
in the field of ultra high-pressure hydraulics. The theme was
“From common sense to knowledge-based safety”.
Text & Photo: Ulrica Örnemar CEJN AB
New safety training. The break room outside the lecture
hall is full of activity, the smell of coffee and lively chatter
on this early morning in April. It is the first safety training course at the MAN PrimeServ Academy focusing
on quick connect components and attendance, approximately 50 individuals, speaks for itself: every single
spot is booked.
Producer of compressed air couplings, valves and
“As a producer of compressed air couplings I came here out of
curiosity. I had some knowledge about the dangers of hydraulics,
as my colleague was hit by oil from a hydraulic jack. Until now I
thought that the danger was only from the tool. Now I understand
that the couplings also need to be safe and that there is complicated technology behind it. I can actually admit that I feel afraid of
my own products now. This training has been super!”
Producer of hydraulic jacks, engine components and
cylinders for engines.
“This is my first training at MAN and I had some knowledge of the
dangers beforehand. However, I did not know that compressed air
was dangerous. I feel it is necessary to change some components
at our facility now to improve safety, both compressed air and
high-pressure hydraulics. I had heard about CEJN before coming
here and I know they are very professional.”
Jin Kuk Lee, Korea Engineering
Producer of hydraulic jacks
“Before this training course I did not care about safety at all. But
now I have a clear understanding that these products can cause
internal injuries, not just external ones. I will start to take more
responsibility in my work and perform regular checks and replacements. In Korea we do not have a good mindset when it comes to
safety, but CEJN cares about details like no one else does.”
Safety is key. The day covers a multitude of safety aspects in different areas,
such as compressed air, breathing air and ultra high-pressure equipment. Kim
blends risky scenarios with advice on how to take safety action in activities like
the ones the attendees are involved in on a daily basis. The main theme of the
day was “From common sense to knowledge-based safety”. This means that
safety precautions like helmets and goggles are not enough. The right mind set
is needed, as well as precautions and knowledge of how to avoid harm that can
result from damaged or inadequate products.
Dae-Ho Wo, Sung-il tubes
Producer of connection pipes between common rail
and injector
I had no idea, that high-pressure hydraulics were so dangerous
and we use products at 2000 bar! I feel it is urgent that this
message is spread within my organisation, firstly among the management team in order to make them understand and purchase
the right products. I did not know of CEJN before today, but my
impression is that CEJN is very serious and very proud of their
products. I am sure if safety is improved and knowledge is spread
more here in Korea, we will have more capacity to influence our
subcontractors in such matters.”
The participants are committed, as such matters are not often addressed
in Korea at present. For many of them this is an eye-opener. CEJN ’s aim is to
ensure people work as safely as possible, and judging by the response from the
participants, this training seems to be a very good and much-needed step in the
right direction.
Sean Oh, General Manager BMT CO, Ltd
Jung Jae Hwah, Sungsam HT
Kim Jin-Baek, the Managing director of CEJN Korea has been offering
safety training at the CEJN training centre for many years. MAN, which has
been a CEJN ultra high-pressure hydraulic customer for decades, has been a
participant in this training. Today they have asked CEJN to come to the academy to educate MAN customers about safety and what actions to take when it
comes to quick connect components.
Comments from the participants
1. Participant testing the safe two-hand operated breathing air hose kit from CEJN. 2. Kim Jin-Baek showing a high-pressure gauge. 3. ChulHwan Kim, Head of MAN PrimeServ Academy in
Busan, together with Kim Jin-Baek, Managing Director CEJN Korea, three course participants and John Woollett, Product Manager Ultra high-pressure hose kits CEJN Sweden. 4. Participant
learning about the dangers of compressed air and air embolism.