

Teaching • Research • Outreach
Relevant Data
Santiago de Chile - 2008
Brief Facts on Chile
Location: Southeastern Latin America.
Surface Area (continental & insular): 756,247
Capital: Santiago.
Government: Representative Democracy.
Presidential Regime. Secular State.
• Founded on November 19, 1842. Among its first Presidents, it is
important to mention the Venezuelan humanist and jurist Prof.
Andrés Bello (1843-1865), and the Polish scientist and mineralogist
Prof. Ignacio Domeyko (1867-1883).
• Located in Santiago,
Population: 16,598,074.
• 19 Chilean Presidents (61% of the total number) have been University
of Chile alumni.
Number of Students in Higher Education:
650,000, representing 37% of young people between
18 and 24 years.
• The two Chileans Nobel Prize awarded in Literature - Gabriela Mistral
(1945) and Pablo Neruda (1971) were members of the University of
Institutions of Higher Education:
16 Public Universities.
47 Private Universities (9 of them receive financial
aid from Government).
42 Professional Institutes.
89 Technical Centers.
• 142 National Prizes in different fields (83% of the total) have been
awarded to distinguished persons that have been alumni, and are
or were professors or researchers at the University of Chile.
Official Language: Spanish.
Official Currency: Chilean Peso (for exchange rate,
see: www.bcentral.cl).
Isla de Pascua
• It is ranked among the best 500 universities in the World University
Ranking (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) and in sixth place among
the Latin American universities in the Research Institutions Ranking
(SCImago Research Group, Spain).
• Students
- Undergraduate Students: 24,465. Admission system: selection
through a national admission test. Average minimum reference
score for admission: 688, in a standard scale from 200 to 800 points.
- Graduate Students: 6,237. (906 in 35 Doctoral Programs, 3,663
in 120 Masters Programs, 1,294 in Professional Specialization
Programs and 374 in Post Professional Degree Programs).
• Yearly Graduates: 95 with Ph.D Degree; 757 with Master Degree.
• Faculty: 3,359, of which 1,087 are full time.
Juan Fernández
• Annual Budget: US $ 500 million.
Infrastructure and Facilities
Structure and Government
• President: Highest authority and legal representative. He is
elected by the faculty members for a 4-year period.
• University Senate: Council with normative and strategic
guidelines functions. It is composed of 36 members (27 Faculty
members, 7 students, and 2 staff members) elected by their peers.
• University Council: Council of executive character. Composed
of the President (who chairs it), the Provost, the Deans, three Faculty
members, and two members appointed by the President of the
• Evaluation Council: Council that coordinates individual and
institutional evaluation, qualification and accreditation processes.
Composed by five Faculty members of the highest academic ranking.
They are proposed by the President and appointed by the University
• Provost: Advisor to the President in academic, administrative,
financial and legal related matters and student affairs. He also
replaces the President in his absence and coordinates the four Vice
- Vice Presidency of Academic Affairs
- Vice Presidency of Research and Development
- Vice Presidency of Outreach
- Vice Presidency of Financial and Institutional Management Affairs
• Faculties and Institutes: Distributed in five campuses and
several experimental stations in Santiago and other Regions of Chile:
- 14 Faculties: Architecture and Urbanism · Arts · Agricultural
Sciences · Sciences · Physical and Mathematical Sciences · Forestry
Sciences · Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy · Social Sciences ·
Veterinary and Animal Sciences · Law · Economy and Business ·
Philosophy and Humanities · Medicine · Dentistry.
- 4 Interdisciplinary Institutes: Public Affairs · Communications ·
International Studies · Nutrition and Food Technology.
• Premises and land: 2,387,429 m2 of urban land. 581,466 m2
of built land in use, and 10,500 hectares of agricultural land.
• Health Network (Highly Complex Medicine): 600 beds in one
Clinical Hospital; two clinics (Santiago and Valparaiso); three medical
centers and clinical laboratories in six cities.
• Technological Platform: 100% Wi Fi coverage and IP in all
Faculties and Institutes; video-conference and video-streaming
facilities for distance learning. Full academic services online, ID
credentials to allow access to services such as libraries and premises
for students and professors.
• Library System: 49 libraries, one Digital Library, 3 million
volumes; access to 18,828 electronic specialized journals and 150
multidisciplinary data bases to support teaching and research.
• Astronomy Observatories: National Astronomy Observatory
(since 1832), among the first in Latin America; Maipú Radio Observatory
(since 1959); Astronomy Station at Cerro El Roble; Research and
international cooperative agreements with Astronomy Centers such
as: ESO; ALMA; La Campana; NOAO; Cerro Tololo (AURA). More
information: www.das.uchile.cl
• Teaching and Research Laboratories: 950 with high
technology equipment.
• Sports and Physical Activity: Sport areas for students and
proffesors. Interschool sport competitions all year round. There are
19 university sports teams.
Academic Programs
• Undergraduate Programs: 54 programs leading to 85
Professional titles (5 to 7 years); 18 Licentiate Degree Programs (4
years); one Bachelor Degree Program (two years).
• Undergraduate Areas of Study: Agriculture; Architecture;
Arts (Music, Dance, Theater, Design, Plastic Arts); Biotechnology;
Health Sciences (Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Obstetrics, Kinesiology,
Nutrition, Occupational Therapy); Earth Sciences and Astronomy;
Economic Sciences and Business; Natural and Exact Sciences (Biology,
Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences); Social
Sciences (Anthropology, Sociology, Archaeology, Psychology, Journalism
and Communications); Political Science; International Studies;
Pharmacy; Forestry Sciences; Geography; Humanities (Philosophy,
History, Literature, Languages); Engineering; Law; Veterinary Medicine;
Food Technology.
• Graduate Programs: 35 Doctoral Programs; 120 Masters
Programs; 75 Professional Specialization Programs and 66 Post
Professional Degree Programs.
• Graduate Studies:
- Doctoral Programs: Ph.D. in Psychology · Ph.D. in Law · Ph.D.
in History, specialty in Ethno-history · Ph.D. in History, specialty
in History of Chile · Ph.D. in Literature, specialty in Chilean and
Spanish American Literature · Ph.D. in Philosophy, specialty in
Moral and Political Philosophy · Ph.D. in Philosophy, specialty in
Metaphysics · Ph.D. in Philosophy, specialty in Aesthetics and Theory
of Arts · Ph.D. in Aquiculture · Ph.D. in Sciences, specialty in
Mathematics · Ph.D. in Sciences, specialty in Cell and Molecular
Biology and Neurosciences · Ph.D. in Sciences, specialty in Ecology
and Evolution Biology · Ph.D. in Sciences, specialty in Microbiology ·
Ph.D. in Sciences, specialty in Computer Science · Ph.D. in Sciences,
specialty in Geology · Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, specialty in
Material Sciences · Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, specialty in
Chemical Engineering · Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, specialty in
Mathematical Modeling · Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering · Ph.D. in
Systems Engineering · Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, specialty in
Fluid Dynamics · Ph.D. in Sciences, specialty in Astronomy · Ph.D.
in Biochemistry · Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences · Ph.D. in
Pharmacology · Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences · Ph.D. in Medical
Sciences · Ph.D. in Public Health · Ph.D. in Agricultural, Forestry
and Veterinary Sciences · Ph.D. in Sciences, specialty in Physics ·
Ph.D. in Economics · Ph.D. in Nutrition and Food Technology · Ph.D.
in Chemistry · Ph.D. in Latin American Studies · Ph.D. in
- Areas of Study at Masters Level: Agricultural Sciences;
Ocean Sciences; Arts; Architecture; Natural Sciences; Mathematics;
Social Sciences; Law; Education; Humanities; Health; Technology;
Business (Administration).
• Academic Calendar: Two Semesters: First Semester from
March to July. Second Semester from July to December. Summer
Period: December and January.
Research, Development and
Technology Transfer
• Publications: 1,081 articles in
international journals (ISI) in 2006,
equivalent to 32% of total ISI
publications of the 25 universities
members of the Chilean Council of
Presidents (CRUCH).
Average annual ISI articles of
Universities members of Chilean
Council of Presidents 2003-2006
1041 (34%)
U. of Chile
957 (32%)
• Competitive Funds: Funding
from public agencies awarded to the U. of
P. Catholic U.
University of Chile are approximately Concepción
620 (21%)
400 (13%)
US $ 40 million yearly, in the
following areas:
- Basic Research Projects
(Natural and Exact Sciences, Social
Research Projects
Sciences and Humanities): 340
granted to Universities
ongoing projects (2-4 years)
financed by the National Fund for Other Institutions
U. of Chile
104 (29%)
Science and Technology (FONDECYT) 151 (41%)
of the National Commission for
Science and Technology (CONICYT).
Total financial aid: US $ 14 million U.
P. Catholic U.
72 (20%)
yearly, equivalent to 30% of the 36 (10%)
- Applied Research Projects:
Financed by CONICYT
- Projects under the Fund for Scientific and Technological
Development: 24 ongoing. Areas: Education, Health, Engineering
and Agricultural, Forestry and Animal Sciences. Total funding:
US $ 10.8 million/ 3 years.
Financed by the Corporation for Production Development, CORFO
- Projects INNOVA CHILE (started in 2007): 8 projects approved.
Areas: Agricultural, Forestry and Animal Sciences, Aquiculture,
Tourism, Biotechnology. Total funding: US $ 5.6 million/3 years.
- Centers of Excellence:
Financed by the Ministry of Planning
- Millenium Institutes: 3 out of 5 approved countrywide. Areas:
Ecology and Biodiversity; Cell Dynamics and Biotechnology; Engineering
Complex Systems. Total funding: US $ 16.5 million/5 years.
- Millenium Nuclei: 6 out of 16 approved countrywide. Areas: Biology,
Informatics, and Engineering. Total funding: US $ 9.0 million/5 years.
Financed by CONICYT
- Centers under National Fund for Priority Areas: 4 out of 7
approved countrywide. Areas: Material Sciences; Mathematics
Modeling; Astrophysics; Cell and Molecular Biology. Total funding:
US $ 22.2 million/5 years.
- Research Rings in Natural and Exact Sciences and Social Sciences: 11
out of 33 approved countrywide. Total funding: US $ 9.0 million/5 years.
• Technology Transfer. Period 2004-2007:
- Technology Consortia: financed by CONICYT and CORFO. Areas:
Winegrowing, Fruitculture, Aquaculture (Salmon), Mining and
Telecommunications. Public funding: US $ 15.2 million. Private
funding: US $ 13.3 million.
- Patents: 19 applications in Chile, 7 of which applied abroad, and
3 awarded in different countries.
• Institutional Programs:
Financed by the University of Chile
- Domeyko Programs in areas of national priority: Health, Food,
Energy, Biodiversity, Society and Equity.
Quality Assurance
• Institutional Accreditation: Accredited by the National
Commission for Accreditation in all areas (Management, Undergraduate
Teaching, Graduate Teaching, Research, Infrastructure, Equipment,
and Outreach) for the maximum period of 7 years.
• Accreditation of Doctoral Programs: 34 out of 35 (97%)
Doctoral Programs are accredited by the National Accreditation
• Accreditation of Undergraduate Programs: 63% of all
Undergraduate Programs have been accredited and 10 other programs
are in process.
International Vision
• International Agreements: More than 440 collaborative
agreements (general and specific) with 320 institutions of higher
education and international organizations of 46 countries. The
institution participates in more than 200 networks, consortia,
associations and alliances across the world, such as APRU · SYLFF ·
CNRS · OAS · UNESCO · ERASMUS ECW · European Union Program
Marco · ALFA, among others.
• Academic Mobility: Yearly about 1,800 short and long term
stays abroad are done by faculties of the University of Chile. They
participate in foreign universities in areas such as thesis co-tutorship,
double degree programs, joint graduate programs, double
undergraduate degrees, and scientific research. The University
receives the visit of approximately 1,000 international professors and
researchers per year to work in the areas mentioned above.
• Student Mobility: Around 1,400 foreign students (graduate and
undergraduate) visit the University of Chile yearly. There are more
than 70 student exchange agreements. More than 200 University of
Chile students participate yearly in study programs abroad.
• Artistic Activities:
- Center for Artistic and Cultural Extension "Domingo Santa Cruz" and its
artistic groups: National Chilean Ballet · Chile Symphony Orchestra ·
Chile Symphony Choir · Vocal Camerata.
- Youth University Ballet.
- Antumapu Folkloric Ballet.
- National Chilean Theater (www.tnch.uchile.cl).
- Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC), in two locations: Parque Forestal
and Quinta Normal (www.mac.uchile.cl).
- Museum of American Popular Art (MAPA)(www.mapa.uchile.cl).
- Five specialized museums: Three in Medicine, one in Dentistry and
one in Chemistry and Pharmacy.
- Theaters and Exhibit Halls with continous activity: University of Chile
Theater (http://teatro.uchile.cl), Antonio Varas Theater
(www.portaldearte.cl), Agustín Siré Hall (www.agustinsire.uchile.cl),
Sergio Aguirre Hall (www.sergioaguirre.uchile.cl) and Enrique
Noisvander Hall (www.artes.uchile.cl/noisvander/index.html), Juan
Egenau Exhibit Hall (www.arteuchile.cl/sje), Isidora Zegers Concert
Hall (www.artes.uchile.cl/sala_zegers).
• Extension:
- University of Chile Radio (www.radio.uchile.cl) of national coverage.
- Two radios of local coverage: Juan Gómez Millas
(www.radiojgm.uchile.cl) and Integral (www.radiointegral.cl).
- Andrés Bello Central Archive: Bibliographic collection; Collection of
scientific interest; Photographic archive.
• Publications:
- A University Publishing Company which publishes an average of
more than 130 books annually.
- Academic Periodicals:
- Institutional level: "Anales Académicos" (the oldest uninterrupted
periodical in Spanish in Latin America) and "Boletín Académico".
- Academic specialized publications at Faculty level: 30 printed
and 4 electronic publications.
- Extension Periodicals:
- Institutional level: "U al Día" (electronic daily bulletin which leads
to a biannual magazine oriented to the university community)
and "El Pluralista" (addressed to the university students and
general public).
- Faculty level: 5 printed and 11 electronic.
- Corporative website daily updated.
• Basic and High School Education:
- "Liceo Experimental Manuel de Salas" (http://www.lms.cl), for
basic and high school education.
- "Instituto Secundario Universidad de Chile" for students with musical
and dancing skills.
- Inquiry-Based Science Education Program of the Ministry of Education
(coordination in 24 basic schools in Santiago).
• Services and Certifications:
- Seismological Service (http://ssn.dgf.uchile.cl).
- Domain Registration (NIC.cl) (www.nic.cl).
- Food Certification (INTA) (www.inta.cl).
- Materials Certification (IDIEM) (www.idiem.uchile.cl).
- Pharmacological Certification (IDIEF) (http://www.idief.uchile.cl).
NOTE: All figures correspond to year 2007, unless indicated.
Authorities of the
University of Chile
Prof. Víctor L. Pérez Vera.
Prof. Jorge Las Heras Bonetto.
Vice President of Academic Affairs:
Prof. Iñigo Díaz Cuevas.
Vice President of Research and Development:
Prof. Jorge Allende Rivera.
Vice President of Outreach:
Prof. Francisco Brugnoli Bailoni.
Vice President of Financial and
Institutional Management Affairs:
Prof. Luis Ayala Riquelme.
Prorrectoría / Provost’s Office
Vicerrectoría de Asuntos
Académicos / Vice Presidency of
Academic Affairs
Vicerrectoría de Extensión / Vice
Presidency of Outreach
Vicerrectoría de Investigación y
Desarrollo / Vice Presidency of
Research and Development
Vicerrectoría de Asuntos
Económicos y Gestión Institucional
/ Vice Presidency of Financial and
Institutional Management Affairs
Rectoría / Presidency
Teléfono/Phone: (56-2) 978 1005
Fax: (56-2)978 1146
E-mail: [email protected]
Dirección/Address: Av. Libertador Bernardo
O’Higgins 1058, Of. 112
Teléfono/Phone: (56-2) 978 2253
Fax: (56-2)978 2121
E-mail: [email protected]
Dirección/Address: Av. Diagonal Paraguay 265,
Torre 15, Piso 21, Of. 2101
Teléfono/Phone: (56-2) 978 2125
Fax: (56-2)978 2559
E-mail: [email protected]
Dirección/Address: Av. Diagonal Paraguay 265,
Torre15, Piso 14, Of. 1403
Teléfono/Phone: (56-2) 978 1021
Fax: (56-2)978 1032
E-mail: [email protected]
Dirección/Address: Av. Libertador Bernardo
O’Higgins 1058, Of. 116
Teléfono/Phone: (56-2) 978 1170
Fax: (56-2)978 1172
E-mail: [email protected]
Dirección/Address: Av. Diagonal Paraguay 265,
Torre 15, Piso 17, Of. 1703
Teléfono/Phone: (56-2) 978 2262
Fax: (56-2)978 2037
E-mail: [email protected]
Dirección/Address: Av. Diagonal Paraguay 265,
Torre 15, Piso 10, Of. 1003
Dirección de Comunicaciones y
Relaciones Públicas / Direction of
Comunication and Public Relations
Dirección de Relaciones
Internacionales / Direction of
International Relations
Teléfono/Phone: (56-2) 978 1060 / (56-2) 978 1056
Fax: (56-2)978 1132
E-mail: [email protected]
Dirección/Address: Av. Libertador Bernardo
O’Higgins 1058, Of. 245,
Teléfono/Phone: (56-2) 978 2251
Fax: (56-2)978 2117
E-mail: [email protected]
Programa de Movilidad Estudiantil:
Teléfono/Phone: (56-2) 978 2161 - (56-2) 978 2341
Fax: (56-2)978 2115
E-mail: [email protected]
Dirección/Address: Av. Libertador Bernardo
O’Higgins 1058, Of. 106