Sept 2014 - Newton Lions Club
Sept 2014 - Newton Lions Club
Lions Club Motto: “We Serve” Slogan 2014-2015 Liberty, Intelligence, Newton Lions Club Officers Tom Schneider Our Nation’s Safety Web Site President Carrie Herman 1st Vice President Mike Petitjean 2nd Vice President Elaine Brown Secretary Daryl Cooper Treasurer Ron Bretz Membership Director Directors Bob Burke Brenda Dalton Erin McDaniel John Back Jim Daily Tail Twister Pat Kirkpatrick Lion Tamer Matt Seger Past President Les Heisz September 2014 The Lions Roar "Do you have a 'President of the Club' article for the newsletter?" That inquiry was in an e-mail from Lion Ron Bretz. It was a good question. It was a "reminding" question, a "directing" question, and a "prompting" question, all good "nudges" to receive. "Not yet, but I'll begin working on it," had to be my answer to Ron's question. What you're reading is the result of my "working on it." All of us need nudges from time to time that remind, direct, and/or prompt us to act. Some seasons of the year require more nudges than others, but it's probably true that all of us need those calls to action more than we wish was the case. The thing is we can seldom do the nudging ourselves if we are the one in need of it. Someone else who knows our situation needs to do the "nudging So who are the "nudgers" in your life, you know, the ones who remind without embarrassing, who direct without controlling, who prompt without pushing. We all need them, just as our colleagues, friends, and family need us to provide the role of "nudger" for them when we see they need it. What do you think? Could being the kind of "nudger" that makes life easier for others be one mark of what it means to be a Lion? Past District Governor Lion Tom Schneider, President From your newsletter editor- For more detailed information about minutes of Newton Lions Club Board Meetings please go to the web site www. To gain access to the four following sites on the web site— Sign up sheet<Members Login>>, Board Meeting Minutes, Donation-2014, & Newton Lions Treasurer you will need the User Name & Password: Contact Bob Burke( [email protected] for the User Name & Password Therefore in the future the editor will include less of this type of information. 1 NEWTON LIONS CLUB THREE NEW LIONS CLUB MEMBERS Melanie Swanson—Lion John Back, Sponsor Bill and Hazel Richter—Bob Burke, Sponsor Inducted by Lion PDG Les Heisz July 23, 2014 Upcoming E vents October 7— —Sand Cree k Clean Up-5 :30 PM October 8— —Lions Club Meeting-Bre adbasket October 16— -Lions Club Board Meeti ng ( Asbury Park) October 22— -Lions Club Meeting-Bre adbasket October 31— -Halloween W alk-5:00-6:30 PM November 3 —-Set up for Pancake Day -5:00 PM November 4 —-Pancake Day 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM November 1 2—Lions Clu b Meeting-B readbasket November 2 0—Lions Clu b Board Mee ting (Asbury Park December 4 ) —-Christma s Parade-eve ning December 1 0—Lions Clu b Meeting-B readbasket December 1 1—Salvation Army Bell Rin ging 2 NEWTON LIONS ANNUAL PICNIC AND INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS JUNE 23, 2014 3 June 11th- Dr. Hubbard spoke to the Club on June 11th about Brain Injuries and possible long term problems June 25th- Christopher Scott Executive Director for Bluestem Communities being developed for Senior Citizens. Adrian Rogers was a guest at the July 23rd Meeting.. Adrian attended Lions Band Camp Speakers for Newton Lions Club Meetings No Picture available for July 9th Lions Club Meeting Speakers were Colonel Ernest Garcia, Supt. Of Kansas Highway Patrol and Lana Gordon Kansas Secretary for Department of Labor COME TO THE MEETINGS IF YOU WERE NOT THERE SEE WHAT YOU MISSED Randy Lind spoke also on behalf of DCF on July 23rd. THANKS TO LION MATT FOR OBTAINING THE PROGRAMS July 23rd Phyllis Gilmore, Kansas State Secretary Dept. for Children & Families Visited with the Club about changes in her Department. Newton Lions President . Tom spoke about the new Lions Club year on August 27th August 13th Todd Tangeman visited with the club about the YMCA project for Newton 4 NEWTON LIONS CLUB SPONSORED HOPEFEST 2014 5 Just Ask Written By Lion Carleen Rajala 1st Vice Governor District 17-A Edited by Lion Ron Bretz, Newton Lions Membership Director “It’s not the number of minutes in your life that count, it’s the moments that take your breath away” As Lions we have experienced many of those moments that have taken our breath away. In order to share these, LCI has presented us with the opportunity to pilot a program to expand our numbers and service potential. The program is “Just Ask”. The seminar recently held in Wichita by the founders of the original program illustrated not only how it works but gave insight into where it might work. There are several key concepts involved. The first is saturating the community with individual invitations to an informational and inspirational meeting. (Many of us have invited only people we know.) These invitations are followed up by personal phone calls or e-mails .Each club will need dedicated Lions to persevere in contacting everyone! The event itself is an informal low cost meeting held at the same time as a regular meeting, but on an off week. Both Lions and guests will appreciate the relaxed social setting following the Address. For the Address (the main presentation) the presenter begins this is “really a meeting of interested persons of this community, some who happen to be Lions and others who are not and it’s my hope that at the end of the address we can make a decision to further strengthen this club and the wonderful work they do in the community…In accepting our invitation…you’ve given us the belief that you are generally interested in helping the growing number of people who need our support. We’re very heartened by this as we do need your help so that we can give and do more for those who need our assistance.” The Address continues with a brief background on the history of Lionism, and then focuses on the achievements and future projects of your local club. How does the club fulfill community needs? Does your club have a “dream goal” that others would want to see achieved in your community? Where have Lions in your club been personally touched by the spirit of Lionism when reaching out to others? Since Lions involves a time commitment, it’s important that the presenter continues that Lions believe ”family responsibilities come first, business second, and… (then)… giving some of your spare time to help with our projects. You will find some (projects) you will be comfortable doing and from which you’ll receive great satisfaction. “Just Ask” is an opportunity to breathe life into our programs so others can experience the spirit of Lionism! Newton Lions Club Board Members have started a discussion of obtaining new members. Two ideas are being discussed. 1. Asking every member of the club to bring a guest to a meeting. 2. Use the “Just Ask” program that is outlined in the above article. Membership Director Lion Ron wants to have a couple of Lions to be part of a committee to obtain new members. Get the club members actively involved. If the Club does not it will fall into just doing the same thing every year and get into a rut. In the near future no one will want to be a part of a good old person type club. Need new projects to spark interest and that means new members to keep moving the club forward with a good fresh spirit. 6 A BALANCED VOLUNTEERS LIFE Rev. Dr. Thomas M. Schneider Time Management. We all make decisions about how to best use our time. I’ve spent most of my Professional life serving as a pastor of United Methodist churches which is another way of saying my professional life has been spent managing volunteer institutions. Over the nearly fifty years of that kind of management, I’ve gained some insight about being a volunteer. Lions International is a volunteer organization with the purposing of serving others. There are at least four “danger zones” that hold pitfalls into which unwary Lions may fall if they fail to “take care”. The four zones are PURPOSE, PERSONAL,FAMILY, AND BUSINESS. PURPOSE CARE is a top Lions priority. PITFALL: Whenever Lions lose sight of this primary purpose, sooner or later, their group deteriorates in to nothing more than a “coffee clique.” The October 2013 Lions Clubs International Magazine had the following article headlines: Iowa Lions Help the Blind in Multiple Ways; College Student Receives a Cornea Transplant; Partnership of Lions and Special Olympics Proves to be Special; Lions Serve in Honduras. It’s clear from the magazine that “reaching out to others is a high priority for Lions. Provision of eye tests and eye glasses for people in the Newton community and surrounding area, the annual International Peace Poster competition, the Christmas bell ringing and Parade of Lights, are a few of the “reaching out” efforts of our Newton Lions Club. PERSONAL CARE: Such care seems so obvious it’s easy to overlook. PITFALL: If I feel weak, resentful, burdened, and otherwise downtrodden, my volunteer efforts will be less than they might be if I feel strong, appreciated, willing, and otherwise uplifted. Taking care of myself requires me to make wise decisions by setting priorities for healthy habits. FAMILY CARE: Those we live with are bound to us by habitual living. PITFALL: Some habits can defer gestures of appreciation or neglect offers of assistance. Habits can infect relationships with a “taken for granted” sickness. Such a sickness can easily overlook the rich pleasure found in spoken words of appreciation, or unexpected actions of assistance. It can even so fatigue the family fabric with stress that it can no longer hold things together. BUSINESS CARE: Responsibilities rising out of ownership of a business or employment by a business, take precedence over volunteerism. Every business provides a service and every employee shares in making available the service provided. PITFALL: Whether owner or employee when “taking care of business” only means paying the bills or earning a paycheck, the purpose of serving the community” is lost. When care is taken to honor the Purpose, Personal, Family, and Business needs, each Lion is better equipped to maintain a volunteer balance in his or her life. 7 Newton Lions Club Board Meeting Minutes September 18, 2014 12:00 noon @ Asbury Park Lakeside Lounge Present: Tom Schneider, Carrie Herman, Mike Petitjean, Elaine Brown, Daryl Cooper, Matt Seger, Ron Bretz, Les Heisz, Bill Richter Absent: Jim Daily, Pat Kirkpatrick, Erin McDaniel, John Back, Bob Burke, and Brenda Dalton Lion Tom Schneider opened the meeting with prayer. Daryl reported that placemat mailers for the Pancake Day have been mailed. A checklist was mailed out earlier this week to Board members. Ron Bretz indicated he is in the process of getting another newsletter put out. Daryl has sent information as far as donations that have been made in the last several years. The Treasurer’s report will also be available on the Club website. A call to order was given with a quote from Helen Keller from 1925 at the annual convention of Lions International. Reports were given. Ron reported that about 3400 people received screenings at the State Fair. Ron Bretz and Bill Richter were the only volunteers from our Club. Volunteers from other clubs had filled all the needed time slots. Ron reported that the Harvey County Resource Committee has agreed to take over organization of the HOPEFest event. Next year’s event is tentatively scheduled for the last weekend in July at the Newton Rec Center. It may be combined with the Kid Fest event that has taken place in the past. Halloween Walk is being organized for Friday, October 31st from 5 pm to 6:30 pm. A sign-up sheet for the Sand Creek Cleanup will be available at the next meeting. Matt will make up a sign up sheet. A follow-up was given about the survey of Club members regarding meeting locations. It was mentioned that Asbury Park would be able to provide a lunch for about a cost of $7 per meal. Motion made by Mike Petitjean to change meeting location to Asbury Park until further notice beginning in January. 2nd by Matt Seger. Motion passed. Changing locations on quarterly or semi- annual basis is something that can be reviewed as desired. Carrie Herman will notify the Kansan about the change in meeting location, Notice will also need to be given to the Breadbasket. Placemat ads for the Pancake Day is underway. Mike Petitjean is willing to help with that once he gets back the Chili Cook-Off. Bill Richter will put posters up in the local churches. The Christmas Parade planning is started. A sign-up sheet for the Bell Ringing will be made by Matt Seger. A designed membership recruitment program was discussed. Ron Bretz is aiming for having a newsletter out by September 27, 2014. The meeting was adjourned with a comment by Indra Phillips, zone eleven chairperson. “I am aware that your Club is a household name in your community as a result of the extensive service projects you have had over the years and it is my sincere hope that this image will continue to grow in the years to come.” Next Board meeting will be October 16 @ Asbury Park Upcoming Events Creek Cleanup – October 7 @ 5:30 pm Halloween Walk – October 31st from 5 pm to 6:30 pm Pancake Day – Nov 4 Parade of Lights – Dec 4 Respectfully Submitted, Elaine Brown 8 Newton Lions Club Board Meeting Minutes August 21, 2014 12:00 noon @ Asbury Park Bistro Present: Carrie Herman, Mike Petitjean, Elaine Brown, Daryl Cooper, Matt Seger, Jim Daily, Ron Bretz, Les Heisz, Erin McDaniel, Bob Burke, Vic Daily, and Bill Richter Absent: Tom Schneider, Pat Kirkpatrick, John Back, and Brenda Dalton HOPEFest was discussed. It was discussed that this event would be something that is in line with the mission and vision of our Club, and it would be valuable as an annual on-going event. 437 individuals, including 175 families, attended the event. It was reported that there is currently around $650 left from funds donated for the event, but there are some bills outstanding yet that will need to be paid. Ron reported that Newton Medical Center may be willing to provide funds next year. Discussed having a committee of people to organize the event. It was also discussed making this a cooperative event with the other service clubs. Motion made by Jim Daily to have the Lions Club continue with the event and contact the other service clubs about joining in organizing the event. 2nd by Bob Burke. Motion passed. Ron will be meeting with the Harvey County Resource Committee to follow up with them about how to plan for future events. Treasurer’s report was given. $4639.05 balance in Administrative Account, $6674.20 balance in the Activity Account as of July 31, 2014. There is around $5200 currently in the Activity Account. Motion to accept Treasurer’s report by Erin McDaniel. 2nd by Jim Daily. Motion passed. Discussed perfect attendance and rules for make-up of missed meetings. Included would be attending a Board meeting, another Club’s meetings, service activities (including Meals on Wheels). Discussed meeting locations of regular Club meetings. Places should be ADA accessible. Possibilities, Newton Medical Center, Meridian Center, Asbury Park, Charlie’s, Montana Mike’s, and the Newton Breadbasket. Carrie Herman mentioned possibly meeting at Asbury Park for October, November, and December. Can set up a buffet. Carrie will make up a survey to email out to membership about changing locations, etc. Ron Bretz will follow-up with members who don’t respond. Peace Poster contest is coming up. Theme is “Peace, Love and Understanding”. Tom Schneider will organize this. Ron Bretz reported that the State Fair volunteer need has been filled. Mike Petitjean reported that he talked to Bill Ryan about the Past President plaque. Bell Ringing is set for Thursday, December 11th @ the South Dillons. Pancake Day was discussed. It was agreed that the current committee is working well together in organizing this. It was discussed that there is a need for someone or a committee to promote ticket sales. Bob Burke will be stopping at the Newton Rec Center. Ron plans on putting out a newsletter in September, so needs info from June, July, and August. Next Board meeting will be September 18 @ Asbury Park. Upcoming Events State Fair - September Creek Cleanup – October 7 @ 5:30 pm Pancake Day – Nov 4 Parade of Lights – Dec 4 Respectfully Submitted, Elaine Brown 9 Newton Lions Club Board Meeting July 17, 2014 12:00 noon @ Newton Breadbasket Present: Tom Schneider, Mike Petitjean, Elaine Brown, Daryl Cooper, Matt Seger, Jim Daily, Ron Bretz, Pat Kirkpatrick, Erin McDaniel, Bob Burke, and Bill Richter Absent: Carrie Herman, Les Heisz, John Back, and Brenda Dalton Lion President Tom Schneider opened the meeting with prayer. 1. Applications from Bill and Hazel Richter for membership were reviewed. Motion by Erin McDaniel, 2nd by Jim Daily to accept the applications. Motion passed. Bill mentioned he had been at one time a Lion in Sanford, Maine, for a short period of time. 2. A report were received from Ron Bretz regarding the Hopefest planning meeting, 24 were in attendance at the planning meeting on Monday, July 14. KWCH Channel 12 has scheduled an interview for Monday, July 28th @ 7:45 am. Looking for a couple of people to interview. Bob Burke said he talked to Carlos @ the Breadbasket and he is willing to be a Spanish interpreter for one hour. 3. Tom Schneider reported that 6 people helped clean-up along Sand Creek July 15th. 4. Discussed the Club Excellence Process. The process has been stalled. Matt reported that he has tried to be in contact with Duane Willis, but has not received any response. Matt will contact the current District leadership to see about who we can work with to complete the process. It was discussed that we need to get more people to attend our meetings in order for this to be successful. 5. Meeting locations for our Board meeting was discussed. Carrie Herman has invited the Lions Board members to have meeting at the BISTRO on the campus of Asbury Park. It was decided that our next month’s Board meeting be held there. 6. It was discussed having greeters to welcome guests and members as they come to meetings. Several Board members mentioned they would be willing to serve in that capacity. Ron, Matt, Mike, Ron, Jim, and Tom volunteered to fill that position. 7. Discussed was whether to present either a wall plaque or a lapel pin to past presidents. Motion made by Jim Daily to see what Bill Ryan would charge for making a plaque and get a design for the Board to look at. Erin McDaniel 2nd. Motion passed. Mike Petitjean volunteered to contact Bill. 8. Upcoming events were discussed and whether or not to participated in certain events. It was decided not to participate in Taste of Newton. Volunteers are still needed for the State Fair. Howard Schmitt was the only other Club member that helped in addition to Ron Bretz. Volunteers are still able to set up what time they are available. The Chili Cook -Off was discussed. Jim Daily made a motion to donate $500 in the way of tickets to be given away at HOPEFest. 2nd by Matt Seger. Motion passed. Parade of Lights discussed. It was decided to continue this event. 9. Potential guest speakers was discussed. Mike has asked Adrian Rogers, who we sent to Band Camp, along with his mother, Tara, to attend our next meeting. We discussed having political campaigners attend the meeting. International rules prohibit having political candidates campaign during regular club meetings. Matt Seger has volunteered to set up our meeting programs. 10. Letter of resignation was received from Dan Heinze. Dave Boughman verbally resigned. Both resignations were accepted. 11. It was discussed about our current storage area at Bill Ryan’s. Bill has found renters for his space. Bob has been in discussion with that lessee about subleasing some space. Upcoming Events HOPEFest – Aug 2 10am – 2pm State Fair - September 5-14, 2014 Creek Cleanup – October 7 @ 5:30 pm Pancake Day – Nov 4 Parade of Lights – Dec 4 Respectfully Submitted, Elaine Brown 10 Newton Lions Spending of Helping Others (Years 2012-2014) 2013 Continued 2012 Kansas Specialty Dog Service sight dogs $250 Eyesight ( Glasses & Examinations ) $2,566 Newton High School Graduation party $100 Student Volunteers in Optometric Service to Humanity$25 Cookie Daze Race $500 Mayor breakfast $50 Mayor breakfast $50 Newton Lions Club shooting donation $100 Newton Car Show $100 Ed Griswold storage $250 Newton High School Graduation party $100 Bringing Animals and Residents Kloser $200 Jerry Traylor motivational speaker for County Middle & High School $500 Leadership Forum 2013 host committee $150 Harvey County United Way $250 Newton Recreation baseball teams $320 National American Miss Haley Watkins $300 Kansas Lions Band $450 Halloween Walk $20 Dan Heinze donation reimbursement $25 Newton Toy Run $2000 Harvey County Homeless Shelter $300 2013 Total $10,254.00 Lions Deaf/Hard of Hearing Youth Camps $225 LCIF Melvin Jones $1000 2014 YTD Harvey County United Way $250 Eyesight ( Glasses & Examinations) $876 Parade of Lights $20 Kansas Lions Sight Foundation (sight bus) $300 Bill West Santa parade $100 Audio Reader $200 2012 Total $5,881.00 Newton Recreation Center (team sponsors) $330 Newton Community Children’s Choir $500 2013 Lions Club International Found. (Melvin Jones) $250 Eyesight ( Glasses & Examinations) $1,964 Circles of Hope ( Poverty Simulation )$200 Newton Recreation baseball teams $245 Cookie Daze 5K Run $125 Student Volunteers in Optometric Service to Humanity $25 Harvey County Historical Museum $100 Kansas Lions Band Camp (Adrian Rodgers)$250 Newton Community Children’s Choir $500 Newton Rec Commission (Baseball Teams) $245 Newton Car Show $100 Bethel College Academy of Performing Arts (BCAPA) $500 Bethel College Academy Performing Arts $2000 Lions D/HH Youth Camp $225 Newton Medical Center speech therapy $700 American Legion Baseball $50 National American Miss Haley Watkins $300 Harvey County United Way $500 Teen Missions Elise Kliewer $100 Kevin Pouch (storage) $50 2014 Total YTD $5,456.00 Editor Note: For 2011 please go to May 2014 Newsletter 11 RESULTS OF SCREENINGS AT HOPEFEST-2014 We referred 19 individuals to eye doctors as a result of the HOPEFest screenings. 64 individuals received screening at HOPEFest. 21 individuals failed the vision screenings (the difference in failed screenings and # of individuals referred is because there were 2 individuals who indicated they would not be able to pay the co-pay). 14 individuals failed the hearing screenings (33 were tested). The Sight Committee received and approved 2 requests for eyeglass assistance in July, 6 individuals in August, and 2 individuals so far in September. (This is in addition to the HOPEFest referrals.) 12
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