AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 FEBRUARY 2, 2013 PAGE 11
AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 FEBRUARY 2, 2013 PAGE 11
AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 FEBRUARY 2, 2013 PAGE 11 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 FEBRUARY 2, 2013 PAGE 12 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 FEBRUARY 2, 2013 PAGE 13 MARK’S UPHOLSTERY Al l typ es of cu stom u ph o l ste ry s o fa s , ch airs , b oats, furn itu re rep a i r, d e nta l ch airs, ch iro practor tables, exam tables, office furni ture, classic cars, RV’s, campers & airplanes. Over 15,000 yds. of upholstery fabric in stock. 28 yrs . expe ri en ce . 8 1 4-7 6 3-2 9 3 3 o r email [email protected] DEAD AND DISABLED LIVESTOCK REMOVAL Prompt and discreet s ervice . 7 2 4-6 99 8 9 35 o r7 2 4 -69 9 3871. SELF STORAGE Rent a Space Greenville, PA. 24/7 security. 7 day access. 724-58 8-2209 PICK UP YOUR COPY OF THE AREA SHOPPER AT HA IR D O’S RT. 98 CROSSINGVILLE FOUNDATION REPAIRS Homes & barns, leveling & lifting, repairing, dry ro t, repa ir & re pl a cin g b lo ck walls, digging basements under homes. W a t e r p ro o fi n g . Ke ltn er Xca vating & C on s tru ctio n . KXC Inc. 81 4-76 3-34 78 . Vis a & Ma s te rC ard accep ted. 30 YEARS OF bu il di ng tru ss es a t Oakes & McClelland in Greenville with No Failures. 1-800-2228736. BUYING GUITARS Old a m ps , b an j os , s axop h on es , d ru m s ets , a ccord i on s , synthe size rs, horns and most older mus i ca l in s tru m e nts . Mike 330-367-7100. STEEL ROOFING AND SIDING 24 Years in Business 2 $ 25 40 Year Warranty SEASONED WOOD Truck load of season wo od fo r s al e. Ca ll 72 4-5 88 -01 24 Ri ch or Mandy. Also: Industrial Steel, Accessories, 2nds, Instal ation Available. 814-282-9242 724-856-6019 814-398-4052 FABIN’S TRAILER SALES A UNIQUE GUN STORE LOCATED IN EDINBORO, PA BUYS - SELLS - TRADES FIREARMS & MILITARIA If you have Military or Sporting Firearms or Military Items laying in the attic or garage gathering dust you can turn them into cash. COME SEE US OR WE’LL COME TO YOU. BUYING SINGLE OR WHOLE COLLECTIONS. 11091 EDINBORO RD. EDINBORO, PA 16412 www.the 814-734-2750 BEN’S APPLIANCE SERVICE In home rep airs on major household appliances. Factory autho ri ze d se rvice , N ASTe C ce rti fie d . 9 0% o f a ll re p a irs SELL, MOVE AND com p l ete d i n on e trip . 7 24-74 8-4 90 5. INSTALL HOMES W e don’t just s ell 1 20 N . Water Ave., home s , w e move Sharon, PA. 724-347a nd ins ta ll pur - 7170 Sharon. cha sed else wher e. CROPLAND W e insta ll w her e WANTED others fear to tread. Know how , e quip- In No rthern Mercer ment, licensed and County and So uthC ra w ford insured to haul and e rn install in Ohio andPA. C ou n ty to re n t o r RoMar Homes, 888- lease for long term o r s h o rt term . 255-8 191. McC loske y Farms. GENERATOR SALE!!! 7 2 4-2 5 3-2 4 7 1 o r $200 .00 off insta lla- 724-456 -1517. tio n on 8 KW a uto matic home-standby ANTIQUE g en e rato r by Gen e rac. Ru n s o n FURNITURE WANTED Bu ying de sks , cu pL P/N a tura l ga s . Backs up 10 circuits. boards, se cretaries, vi ctro las, dre ssers, Cal l Gravatt El ectric 8 14 -4 04 -3 94 6 fo r bo okcases , p arl or stand s, Grandfather Sales, Service or Recl ocks, als o g las spairs. ware. Old advertising, ph otograph ica, H-B HARDWOODS amusements, railroad Buyer of standing tim- items, musical instrub e r, s ki d d in g wi th ments, watercolo rs, horses. “Land owner paintings, accumulas a ti s facti o n i s o u r ti ons, liq uida tion s. goal.” Portable saw- Michael Sipple 1-888mill. 330-983-3856. 227-2431 (Free Call) 2004 CHEVY 2500 HD LS 4x4, Crew cab, long be d, 8.1 V8, Al lis on auto, one owner, exce ll e n t co nd i tio n . $14,500. Kargo Quality Cars Inc., Rt. 19, Mercer, Call tol l free 1-800-446-7821, Local 724-662-5762. Your Garage Door Pro Featherlite Valley Cam Aluma Continental Cargo Erie I-90 Rt. 430 Exit 32 814-899-6636 POLE BUILDINGS H orse ba rn s, da iry buildings, riding arenas, agriculture building s, ga rage s, ro ofing, decks. Hostetler C on s tru ctio n . 8 14 4 25 -7 96 5 ta l k to Pete. • Garage Doors • Openers • Springs and Repair Parts • Entrance Doors CALL MARVIN FOR YOUR GARAGE DOOR NEEDS Free Estimates - Fully Insured • PA #52610 M.B. HEMLOCK LUMBER 432 Haun Rd., Sandy L a ke , PA 1 6 14 5 . Fra m i ng , Sh i p la p , D utch la p, Boa rd -n Batten and Log cabin siding. Privacy fence, To n g u e -n -G ro o ve and pan elin g. Send S.A.S.E. fo r p rice s b efo re yo u b u y!! Open: Mon. thru Fri., 7:30-4:30. SELL-BUY-TRADE New & us ed truck ca ps . 72 4 -25 3 2 62 3 , a fter 6 :0 0 P.M.724-253-2032. WE BUY CARS AND TRUCKS Instant cash paid for ca rs a nd tru cks.No j u nk o r p ro je ct please. Ka rgo Quality Ca rs, Rt. 19 Mercer. 724-662-5762. AVAILABLE AT FAME RV CENTER Choose from Several Different Styles: FIBERGLASS CAB HIGH, LID, WEDGE STYLE, CUSTOM DESIGN CONTRACTORS CAP, CLASSIC ALUM. PLUS WE OFFER A FULL LINE OF TONNEAU COVERS & TRUCK ACCESSORIES. ALL FIBERGLASS CAPS COME W/EXACT COLOR MATCH & INSTALLATION! CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY AT (814) 763-5645 TIMBER WANTED Saegertown, PA Paying top dollar for yo ur trees . We skid with horses. For free SNOW WATER VEHICLE WELDING GARAGE DOORS e s ti m a te s o n 1 0 FUR TRADING REPAIRS!!! AND REPAIRS acres o r more. C all Paying prem ium for M.C . Ove rhe a d Fra m e s, rocke rs , 814-694 -6816. fin i sh e d su p er se - Door sells, installs, floors, body mounts, lected beaver, bobcat, and repairs garage s tru ts, tow e rs & MILLER’S METAL co on, co yote , fish er d oo rs a n d m ore . Fre e e s ti Me tal roofing 8 ’-1 6’ fo x, m in k, m us krat, opene rs, we s tock mates, guaranteed to rai n b ow $ 1.0 0 p e r otter. Unfinished fur at springs and parts to pass inspection. Est. L .F.--Prim e r & d ul l m arke t. Sup p l ie s . g e t yo ur re pa i r 19 85. “New ” o il u nGalv. $1.13 Lin. foot, 814 -382-2 501, 8 14- d o ne fas t. Ca l l de rcoa tin g. Summ it s o me # 3 p a i nte d 573-7259. Conneaut Ma rvi n 8 1 4 2 8 2 Auto We ldin g. From $1.35 L.F., can order Lake, PA. 92 42 o r 72 4-85 6- Wa terford 6 1/2 m i. cu t to l e n gth no n north of Rt. 19 & 97 N. 6019. standard colors, red, LAYING HENS (Humes) on Rt. 97 at evergreen, charcoal, R e d Star/b ro w n PA# 52610 8835 Perry Highway. & blue $1.50 L.F. only e g gs , Le g h o rn s / Fro m Erie 2 m i le s WANTED while supplies last. In white eggs. 6 months so uth of cas in o on s tock 15 co lo rs o ld . L a yi n g h ea vil y AMC/Jeep V8 engine, left. 814-866-8137 or b ake d o n pa i n te d $ 10 .0 0 e a ch . 81 4 - 2 9 0 /3 0 4 / 3 6 0 /4 0 1 . 8 1 4 -8 6 6 - ( WE L D ) 814-432 -8499. metal 8’ to 20’ $1.80 572-3 777. Erie, PA. L.F. Also available 40 yr. painted galvalume $1.95 L.F. 1 mile N. or Atlantic, PA. 9730 Laird Rd. Hours 8 to 4:30 M., T., W., Fr., 8 to 1 Sat. Closed Thurs. & Sun. POLE BUILDINGS & GARAGES BUILD THIS WINTER AND SAVE! ~ FREE ESTIMATES ~ THE QUAL ITY YOU DESIRE WITH THE PROF ESSIONA L ISM YOU DESERVE 7214 Church Street Conneaut Lake, PA (814) 382-0392 eppbuildin PA HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR - PA #3031 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 FEBRUARY 2, 2012 PAGE 14 FALL DOWN INJURIES •Fractures •Rotator Cuff •Knee Injuries •Serious Injury •Can’t Work •Lost Wages FREE CONSULTATION Contact a Laywer immediately if injured on the property of another person or company CALL ATTORNEY 430 Blvd.of the Allies Pittsburgh, PA 15219 HAR RY STU MP 800-934-4157 GENERAL INSURANCE H om e s , m o bi l e h o me s , (d o ub l e wides a specia lty), FARMS, small busiFOR SALE ness, boats, trucks, 2004 Ford F250 4x4, autos, mo torcycles FX4, V8, d ie s e l, 4 and flood. do or, ext. cab , ne w Cleon Livingston tires, excellent condiAgency tion. 724-944-1767. 724-92 7-2251 BEDLINERS Bedliners to fit most all size trucks. $120 insta lled. 724 -2532623. FIELDS CUSTOM SLA UGHTERING JIM FIELD 814-425-7465 20004 St. Hwy. 285, Cochranton ½ • ¼ • Whole • Hauling Available Freezer Beef ½ • Whole • Freezer Pork Cutting • Wrapping Curing • Smoking Specialty Items FLEA MARKETEERS 8 0 0 p l us p i ece s NOS merchan dise i n b o xes . MU ST BUYALL. Figurines, picture frames, mus i ca l te a p ots , C h ri s tma s Co ttages, Votives, tube squee-zers, baking soda holders. Varying q u an ti ti e s $12 5.00. 814-3 332671. FOR SALE Promix 3.8 cu. feet a bale $20.5 0 2.8 Cubic feet loose $11.00. 50 lb. sunflower seed $ 23 .0 0. Wil l ha ve s ee d po ta to e s b y Sp ri n g . Ap p ro x. 20,000 feet of Hi Tensile fence for free, you take do wn. Fishe rs, 10202 Atlantic Road, Atla n tic, PA 1 6 111 . Wo rk # 8 1 4 -38 2 9309. ** TRACTORS ** JD 4640, cab, 2WD, 155 hp ...... $26,500 JD 4955 4x4, cab, 200 hp ......... $41,500 JD 2950 4x4, cab, 86 hp ............ $22,500 Kubota M9000 4x4, cab, loader, 85 hp, only 1020 hrs. ............. $29,500 Agco Allis 8610 4x4, cab, 103 hp ....................................... $24,500 Mahindra 6530, one owner, 253 hrs., 2WD, loader, 65 hp Reduced $15,800 Kubota L48 4x4, loader, 48hp .. $18,000 Ford 8N Boomer 4x4, loader 50 hp, (21 hours) .................... $24,500 IH 3688, cab, 2WD, 105 hp ....... $13,500 MF 6150 4x4, cab, loader, duals, 86 hp ............................. $28,500 Mitsubishi 210D 4x4, loader 20 hp ........................................... $7,500 Zetor 7711 2WD, cab, 75 hp ....... $8,500 800-425-7094 ALLAN HART & SONS 16704 Conneaut Lake Rd. Rt. 322, Meadville, PA (814) 336-6633 1809 S. Center St. Ext. Rt. 208, Grove City, PA (724) 748-4949 14 South Main St. Greenville, PA (724) 588-0880 220 West Plum St., Edinboro, PA 16412 (814) 734-1244 MAYSV ILLE FENCE High Tensile Woven Wire Horse Cote Horse Rail Game Fence Free Estim ates 724-5882299 Customer Satisfaction is Our Goal! AUCTION Thinking of having an auc tion, le t Miller ’s Auc tion w or k for you.We specialize in Rea l Es ta te , Fa rm , Hous e hold, Antique s. W ha te ve r your auction ne eds a re , The Miller ’s would be pleased to w or k for you. Call 8 1 4-4 2 5-7 2 7 6 or 724-456 -3632. HAY FOR SALE Squ a re b a le s orchard gras s mix, no rain, $6 per bale, delivery avai lable. 814720-0 159. WILHELM WINERY Open Tues.-Sunday 11 am - 6 pm for all your wine, gifts, gift baskets and home wi ne m akin g su pp l ie s . 590 Ge org e to w n Rd ., Ha dl ey, PA 1 61 30 . 724-253 -3700. OAKES & MCCLELLAND h as d ryw al l , 2 x4 ’s , plywood, #2 pine and m uch mo re in Gree n vil l e . 1 -80 0 222-8 736. FARM MACHINERY Ch izel p lo w, 3p t & trail, good selection, 5 s h a nk & l a rge r. Transport disks, 8’ to 24 ’, n ice se le ctio n. Plows 1 to 6 bottoms. JD & IH l arg e D D g rai n dri l ls . Li m e s p re a d er 6 to 10 ’ . Goo d se l e cti o n o f field readyto manure spreaders PTO & GD corn planters 2-4 & 6 ro w. L ots of 3 p t. equipment. JD model N manure spreader, ground drive, $1200. Oth e r e q u ip m e nt. To ms on Fa rm 72 4699-6 848. Check Our Website for Specials 2004 DODGE DAKOTA Crew cab, 4x4, SLT, V8 , 8 0 ,6 0 0 m i l es , s h arp & s p o rty, $10,995. Kargo Quality Cars Inc., Rt. 19, Mercer, Call tol l free 1-800-446-7821, Local 724-662-5762. FOR SALE Min i Gold en Doo dle p u ps , 10 w e eks , sh ots, vet checke d, d e w cl aw s d on e , should mature to 2022 lbs., $600 & $700. 814-6 54-7142 leave mess age. DO YOU HAVE TREES AND NEED LUMBER? I have 16 ft. portable sawmill, can cut the trees dow n a nd cut in to l umbe r fo r yo u. Call for bid. 814-7209413. FOR SALE 2 Be l gi u m m a res . Well broke 2 & 3 year olds. 1-red sorrell, 1b lo n d e. R om a n Troyer, 1st farm south o f Atla n tic, 31 4 4 Kennard Rd., Atlantic, PA 16111. AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 Buy where builders buy. Contractor pricing to you. In Home Consult ation. Free estimates. WHY? Pay the high prices of plumbers, electricia ns , ca rp en ters w h en you h a ve a problem. Cut this ad o ut. Mo rg an ’ s Hand yman Service fo r e verythi n g around the house or business. 814-3984693. DELAGRANGE STOVE ‘N’ COAL Hi tzer sto ves starting at $800. Anthracite co a l b a g ge d b ul k $2 5 0 fo r 5 0 bags, size stove nutn -ri ce al so by th e skid . 17 58 4 Ti gh e Rd ., L in es vi ll e, PA 16424. ALL SEASONS GENERAL CONTRACTING Commercial and resid en ti al . Servin g al l your i nterior an d exterior need s for Erie and Crawford Countie s . Fo r fre e e s ti mates call 814-7903 14 1. PA # 09 52 47 . Quality work at a reaso na bl e pri ce ! Ca ll Now! BUILDER’S SUPPORT FLOORING Huge showroom All Major brands Builder’s Support Saege rtown 814-763-WOOD-x6 T.J. COAL AND STOVE 4 51 9 3 Fa rri n g to n Road, Spartansburg. Bl asch ak Anth raci te coal. Coal, wood and pe lle t s toves. Us ed s to ve s. Sta i n le s s s te el p ip e. We pa y cash for used stoves! 814-827 -9354. SAWDUST AND FIREWOOD DELIVERED Sa wdu st $1 60 - 13 cu. yd . d um p truck load delivered. Hardw o od Fire w oo d : Blo ckwood $250 for d um p tru ck l o ad . App ro x. 2 fu ll cord load. (814) 450-8491 COMPUTERS H P o r D e l l to we r $9 7.00 , la ptop , De ll or Co mpaq $9 5.0 0. All e xcel le nt con di tion. New microwave oven full size $40. All kin d s o f ho o k-u p ca bl e s , w i res & a da pters $1 .0 0/up . Digital camera , new $3 0.0 0. Ca mco rd er $25 .00, n ew spe ake rs & co m p ute r g am e s & s oftw are $1 .0 0/up . 81 4-45 91771. FEBRUARY 2, 2013 FOR SALE AND WANTED C ut u p sl ab wo od , del ivered $ 35 face cord pl us d el ivery after 20 miles. Taking orders for chunk wood $55 face cord plus delivery after 20 mil es. Alwa ys b uying timber, 10 acres or more. Call 8 147 39 -2 2 76 o r 8 64 323-1 321. TIM’S LAWN CARE Prun i n g fru it tre e s now through Sp ring. 814-694-3104. Serving Titu svill e, To wnvil l e & C en te rvi l le . Don’t forget to call in Spring for lawn mowing and yard work. PAGE 15 DENNIS CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING Ove r 50 years combi ne d expe ri en ce d, n ow ’ s th e ti m e to sche dule your ba throom remodeli ng or an y h om e i mprovement. 814-763-6536. PA #031753. WANTED STANDING TIMBER Payment in advance. Fully insured. 32 yrs. experience. 814-4367 79 5 or 8 14 -7 58 0832. FOR SALE Fre s h cu t d o w ne d WANTED tree s, m os tl y ha rd Diabetic test strips, w oo d. Who l e tree s will pay cash. 814- n o t j u st tree top s , 449-9 338. easy access. Call to make offer. 724-5887755 or cell 724-4569511. S TAI NLE S S S T E E L Outdoor Wood Fur n aces FOR SALE 4ft. oak raised panel bi fold and hardware a s n e w $ 7 5 OBO. Can install. 4” jointer Cra ftsman made by Si mps ons o ld style lever adjustment $75 OBO. 724-253-2573. BRICK CHIMNEY FALLING APART? Afra id to l ight a fire but you really want to bu rn w oo d? Get a safe fire going with a p ou re d ch in me y liner. L.O. Constructio n 814-683-43 38. PA 027003. HILLTOP PROCESSING and SMOKE HOUSE B ILL KE LLY 11081 R T . 99, MC KE AN , PA 16426 (814) 734-1821 (814) 450-2169 c e ll Concealed Carry Class Permit honored in 36 plus states including Ohio. Utah & Arizona non resident CCP. FEBRUARY 10TH LOCATION: VFW POST 464 OIL CITY, PA PHOTO & FINGERPRINTING SERVICES AVAILABLE. For more information or to register call 724-376-2373 Raised on our Farm Sides of Beef $2.40/lb. Hogs by the ½ or whole $1.95/lb. Custom Slaughtering CUSTOM CUT THE WAY YOU WANT. DOUBLE WRAPPED FOR BEST FREEZER LIFE. 4908 Fisher Road, Conneautville, PA 16406 814-587-2193 BUYING STANDING TIMBER Harvesting with modern Track machines. All species of timber wa nted . Se lect cu ts and Clear cuts. Family o wned and operated since 1990. Call or email us for more i nform atio n. Co pe l an d Lu mb e r (8 14 ) 756-3 250. [email protected] WE ACCEPT SNAP FOOD STAMPS VISA - MASTERCARD ALL YOU CAN EAT CHICKEN DINNER FEB. 8TH - 4pm to 6:30 pm At the Clintonville Firehall Chicken noodles, mashed potatoes, creamed peas, coleslaw, pies, cakes & puddings. Beverages. Carry outs available. Plus Chinese Auction Adults $8.00 - 5-12 $4.00 Under 5 Free BENEFITS HILLSIDE AMISH SCHOOL FOR SALE Davenport and chair, e xcel l en t con d itio n $150. 814-432-4281 if no answer leave a cle ar m essa ge a nd WHEAT STRAW number and I’ll return $4.00 a bale. Ed Grayour call. Thanks. ham 814-683-4168. FOR SALE Re m. 7 00 BDL 2 43 heavybarrel with H&S p re cis i on s tock 1 0 p ow e r L e u po l d BUYING PRE 1964 COINS $ 11 0 0 . L e wi s Silver Dollars $24.00 Half Dollars $10.00 chainsaw winch with Quarters $5.00 - Dimes $2.00 Stihl chainsaw $800. We Offer best prices with 24 hour guarantee. If they don’t post their prices 1 911 45 cal . au to ordia nce $450. Savas required by law, then run! age 340 30-30 w ith Certified Scales by the PA Weights & s cop e $2 9 9 . R e m Measures Dept. 870 Deluxe with rifle PRICES CHANGE WITH MARKET b arre l w i th s co p e $4 99 . Horna dy 2 23 Tap ammo $20/b ox. 940 PARK AVE @THE BANK 814-282 -0737. MEADVILLE, PA 16335 814-720-5314 heeter@zoomi WANTED TO BUY Sa p b u cke ts a n d taps. 814-282-0961. FOR SALE Year old laying hens; ear corn; 2 standardbred s, 2 ye ars ol d, one gelding/one filly; 3rd cut sq uare b ale gras s ha y, $7 /b al e. 814-425 -2534. BYLERS HEMLOCK LUMBER 9955 Atlantic Road, Atlantic, PA 16111 $ MONEY $ FOR SALE R em i n gto n 700 Mountain Rifle 30.06 Leupold VX-1 scope $750. Savage model 72 .22 long rifle $150. Both in exc. condition. 8 1 4-4 2 5-1 8 9 3 N o Sunday calls. HEETER’S HAVEN BEAUTIFUL PUPPIES FOR SALE We fi n an ce, C C o r cash. 362 0 Belmont Young stown www.ohiop Yorkies, Morkie, FoxPo m, Caval ier Ki ng Charl es, York-Chon, Yo rki-Po m, Pug gl e, C hi h u ah u a , Sh ih Poo, 2Gen Doodles, Mal te , Bu ll d o gs , C a vch o n, Po ms & manymore. 330-2591286. FORSILVER, GOLD & COINS 12-11-12 SILOS DEMOLISHED If you have an old concrete silo on your property, IT MAY BE UNSAFE! Don’t get you or your friends hurt or killed trying to take it down by yourselves. HAVE YOUR SILO PROFESSIONALLY DEMOLISHED The wal ls on a new silo are 3” th ick, as time goes b y they will deteriorate to ¾” or less, if this is the case with your silo, it is very dangerous and it needs to b e taken down. 30 YEARS DEMOLITION EXPERIENCE CALL 814-725-6459 HERSHBERGER’S CARPENTRY is loo king for i nside work, like finishing out your garage, in sulatio n , d rywa l l , trim , some plumbing. We a ls o do g ara g es , d ecks , p ol e b arns , m eta l ro o f j o bs . L ea ve me ss a ge a t m y n e ig h b or 8 14 382-9 210. FOR SALE Entertainment center, natural oak finish 4½ ft. long, width 1½ft. bilevel, shelved, glass an d w oode n d oors, very good condition, m us t s ee $9 0. Au th entic Tu rki sh ru g, 3’ x6’, mu lti -col ore d, e xcel l en t con d itio n $49. Garment bag,excellent condition $14. 814-547 -5889. KEYSTONE BUILDER SUPPLY, LLC 4 0 ye a r ga lva ni ze d and g alvalume panels, trims, door track and accessories. We n ow o ffe r 1 0 ye a r gavalume metal pane ls a t s e co n d ary prices, $1.82 L/F. We accep t Master Card, Vi sa , a nd Di sco ve r. C al l 81 4-7 24 -9 55 8 Fax 814-425-1496. FOR SALE 2006 Ford Five Hundred FWD, dark blue, 13 8K, insp . 9 /201 3, m a ny n ew p arts $ 59 0 0 o b o . Vo lvo pa rts for sal e, al so s e rvi ce o n Vo l vo s . Also wanted anything Volvo . Call 724 -4564717 leave message if no answer. PENNSYLVANIA EQUINE COUNCIL wi ll mee t Thursda y, Feb. 7th a t 7:00 pm Me ad vi ll e Pe rkin s . Gu es t spe aker Ann McDon ald on g aited horses. Come at6:00 p m an d jo in u s fo r d in n e r. 7 24 -9 32 9169. Framing Lumber Ship Lap & Dutch Lap Tongue & Groove Board & Batten Dry Lumber Clear Pine Clear Hemlock Pine & Hemlock Paneling DELIVERY AVAILABLE • SASE FOR PRICES • OPEN MON - FRI. 8-5 MOTIVATED BUYER LOOKING TO BUY House/Propertyin the Sugarcreek, Utica or CLOSE surrounding area ONLY su itab le for a horse, around 41 5 a cres w ith fu l l FIREWOOD OGMs ONLY, ASAP, HARDWOOD N o I’ m n o t C o ch - Please call 814-673ranton Carl the wood- 3279. chuck but yes I’m Carl YORKIE-SHIHTZU from C och ra nto n PUPS!!! chu ck’ in the wo od . Adorable, call fortheir Sea s o ne d fo r in - p ictu re s an d se e ! doors, green for out- Non allergy, and will doors. Cut, split, de- be a non s hed. Full livered 25 miles $230 h e al th re cord s fo r a co rd. C as h O.D . each, $350 forchoice. 814-425 -1734. 724-698 -5803. SHEEP Texel mix ram 1 year old only 1 left $ 200. John Byler, 561 Bend Rd.,New Wilmington, PA 16142. ALLAN HART & SONS Ca se 1190 tracto r, 2WD, loader, 46 hp $ 8 50 0 . N e w ba l e s pe a rs & ski d l oa de r forks - lo g s pl i tte r $ 4 00 . 77 ” new gra ple bucket $3500. Plastic totes $ 5 0.0 0 , $ 6 5 .0 0 , $ 85 .0 0. 8 00 -4 25 7094. FOR RENT IN JAMESTOWN AREA 3 be d roo m R an ch h o us e . Fre e g a s heat! $725 per month. 724-932 -2143. Happy 1st Anniversary Sloppy Mo’s Place FEBRUARY MARKS SLOPPY MO’S 1ST YEAR IN CONNEAUTVILLE! THE FICORILLI FAMILY WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU ALL FOR THE WARM WELCOME! STOP IN TO REGISTER FOR DRAWINGS AND PRIZES THROUGH FEBRUARY AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 BELL’S SANITATION SERVICES SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY PENTECOSAL CHURCH 2717 Valley View Rd., Sharpsville, PA. New Pas tor Re v. C h uck Da hl strom . Su nd ay School 9:30, Worship 10:30. Wednesday’s 6 p m Praye r. 7 p m Bible Study. • Septic Pumping • Portable Restrooms “The Red Restroom Guys” We take care of Everything! Delivery, cleaning. Worry/Hassle Free Portable Restrooms 2489 Leesburg-Grove City Rd., Mercer, PA 16137 Shawn Cell: 724-967-2497 Tom Cell: 724-967-2805 724-45 8-1630 FOR SALE 2009 Hyundai Accent, 52,000 miles, insp. till 2 /2 0 1 4, AT, a ir, $ 7,5 0 0. Inve rsi o n table 300 lb. capacity new in box$300 obo. 1 5 b o xes o f 2 2 3 rou n ds $1 5 a b ox. WWI Dough boy h elmet, no liiner or chin strap, best offer. 724662-1 859. SHEEP Texel mix ram 1 year old only 1 left $ 200. John Byler, 561 Bend Rd.,New Wilmington, PA 16142. FOR SALE R em i n gto n 700 Mountain Rifle 30.06 Leupold VX-1 scope $750. Savage model 72 .22 long rifle $150. Both in exc. condition. 8 1 4-4 2 5-1 8 9 3 N o KEYSTONE BUILDER Sunday calls. SUPPLY, LLC FIREWOOD 4 0 ye a r ga lva ni ze d HARDWOOD and g alvalume panels, trims, door track N o I’ m n o t C o ch and accessories. We ranton Carl the woodn ow o ffe r 1 0 ye a r chuck but yes I’m Carl gavalume metal pan- from C och ra nto n e ls a t s e co n d ary chu ck’ in the wo od . prices, $1.82 L/F. We Sea s o ne d fo r in accep t Master Card, doors, green for outVi sa , a nd Di sco ve r. doors. Cut, split, deC al l 81 4-7 24 -9 55 8 livered 25 miles $230 Fax 814-425-1496. a co rd. C as h O.D . 814-425 -1734. ALLAN HART SALON DOLCE & SONS Of Franklin is the UlCa se 1190 tracto r, tim ate go to Salon. 2WD, loader, 46 hp Hot Ta nning Be ds , $ 8 50 0 . N e w ba l e Spra y-Tans , all the s pe a rs & ski d Latest in Hair Color, l oa de r forks - lo g Cuts and De s ign. s pl i tte r $ 4 00 . 77 ” W om e n-Me n-Kids . new gra ple bucket Offe r ing Monthly $3500. Plastic totes Spec ials. 5 07 13 th $ 5 0.0 0 , $ 6 5 .0 0 , St., Fra nk lin. 81 4 $ 85 .0 0. 8 00 -4 25 - 432-4 400. 7094. FAITH HOME FURNISHINGS & GRACE’S BOUTIQUE Lake St., Stoneboro, will be open Saturdays, February 16 & Mar c h 1 6 fr om 10:00 -2:00 FEBRUARY 2, 2013 PAGE 15 FOR SALE Entertainment center, natural oak finish 4½ ft. long, width 1½ft. bilevel, shelved, glass an d w oode n d oors, very good condition, m us t s ee $9 0. Au th entic Tu rki sh ru g, 3’ x6’, mu lti -col ore d, e xcel l en t con d itio n $49. Garment bag,excellent condition $14. 814-547 -5889. FOR RENT IN JAMESTOWN AREA 3 be d roo m R an ch h o us e . Fre e g a s heat! $725 per month. 724-932 -2143. Amish Custom-Built 2 CAR GARAGE SPECIAL • 24’x28’ • Vinyl Siding • Shingled Roof • 2 Garage Doors • 1 Man Door 9850 $ other sizes avail. • 24’x28’ • Vinyl Siding • Shingled Roof • 2 Garage Doors • 1 Man Door 7995 $ other sizes avail. Coblentz Builders Call before you build. 724-699-3315 GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES! PA 17767 FOR SALE 2006 Ford Five Hundred FWD, dark blue, 13 8K, insp . 9 /201 3, m a ny n ew p arts $ 59 0 0 o b o . Vo lvo pa rts for sal e, al so s e rvi ce o n Vo l vo s . Also wanted anything Volvo . Call 724 -4564717 leave message if no answer. FOR SALE Rem. 870 Exp. 20 ga. $32 5. 7 60 R em, 35 Rem. 4x scope $345. 760 Rem, 30-06 3x9 s co p e $ 47 5 . R em . 7 00 BDL 2 70 l ike new 3x9 scope $625. Rem. 700 MTN. Rifle 270 3x9 scope $625. 7 2 4-3 0 1-3 8 9 3 o r 814-425 -7914. JUD’S BEAUTY SHOP Fe br ua ry Sw ee theart Special $10.00 off perms, full set of a cr ylic nails for $ 25 .0 0. Fills for $ 15 .0 0. 7 24 -3 76 3136. I WANT TO BUY Victorian style house o r fa rm h ou s e i n Pen n syl va ni a , w ith acreage, in the country,with big pole buildi ng . Fi xe r u p pe r, ho us e i s go od to o. Th e im portant thi ng i s n o clo se ne i gh bors!!! 330-793-7581 YORKIE-SHIHTZU PUPS!!! Adorable, call fortheir p ictu re s an d se e ! Non allergy, and will be a non s hed. Full h e al th re cord s fo r each, $350 forchoice. 724-698 -5803. MOTIVATED BUYER LOOKING TO BUY House/Propertyin the Sugarcreek, Utica or CLOSE surrounding area ONLY su itab le for a horse, around 41 5 a cres w ith fu l l OGMs ONLY, ASAP, Please call 814-6733279. PENNSYLVANIA EQUINE COUNCIL wi ll mee t Thursda y, Feb. 7th a t 7:00 pm Me ad vi ll e Pe rkin s . Gu es t spe aker Ann McDon ald on g aited horses. Come at6:00 p m an d jo in u s fo r d in n e r. 7 24 -9 32 9169. FOR SALE Re m. 7 00 BDL 2 43 heavybarrel with H&S p re cis i on s tock 1 0 p ow e r L e u po l d $ 11 0 0 . L e wi s chainsaw winch with Stihl chainsaw $800. 1 911 45 cal . au to ordia nce $450. Savage 340 30-30 w ith s cop e $2 9 9 . R e m 870 Deluxe with rifle b arre l w i th s co p e $4 99 . Horna dy 2 23 Tap ammo $20/b ox. 814-282 -0737. FOR SALE 2 2 5 Ga s p o w ere d Lin coln weld er/g ene ra to r. Gen e rato r does not work. Good 20HP Koehler motor, 3 5 0 h o urs $6 0 0 FOR SALE OBO. Ca ll 8 14-6 76- 4ft. oak raised panel 3 38 6 or 8 14 -6 71 - bi fold and hardware 8516 before 8:00 PM. a s n e w $ 7 5 OBO. Can install. 4” jointer FOR SALE Cra ftsman made by Davenport and chair, Si mps ons o ld style e xcel l en t con d itio n lever adjustment $75 $150. 814-432-4281 OBO. 724-253-2573. if no answer leave a cle ar m essa ge a nd FOR SALE number and I’ll return Year old laying hens; your call. Thanks. ear corn; 2 standardbred s, 2 ye ars ol d, one gelding/one filly; FOR SALE cut sq uare b ale Fre s h cu t d o w ne d 3rd gras s ha y, $7 /b al e. tree s, m os tl y ha rd - 814-425 -2534. w oo d. Who l e tree s n o t j u st tree top s , TELL THEM easy access. Call to YOU READ make offer. 724-588THEIR 7755 or cell 724-456AD IN THE 9511. AREA SHOPPER!! THANK YOU The fa mily of Be th (Shipton) Albaugh wish to thank all the family & friends who helped make the last months of her life the bestit could be.Everybody that arranced, helped, and attended the bene fit dinne r, which was fantastic, and all the prayers, cards , flowers , and food from family and friends. It was greatly appreciated. We are so fortunate to have profe ssional c aring medical personnel in our area, such as Dr. Lob & his staff at the Cancer Center, Holly& staff at Gr eenville CommunityCenter, Dr. Pineo and the nurses & staff at 3 West at Greenville Hospitaland Cathy & family Hospice Palliative Care of Hermitage We were so lucky to have spiritual care from Pastor Eric andour friends at the Fredonia Presbyte ria n Churc h a nd compassion & understanding from Robert Snyder. Anyone who made Beth at peace andas comfortable as possible,thank youso much. AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 FEBRUARY 2, 2013 FOR SALE 1999 GMC Suburban 5.7 auto, 120K miles, clean body, runs great $55 00 or B.O. 2 007 Honda Shadow spirit, 4800 miles, full set of bags, extra chrome cobra exhaust, $4800 or B.O. 814-758-8395. FOR SALE 1995 Olds Cutlass Supreme, like new inside & out, new inspection, no rust ever, very well maintained, 2 owner ca r, 127 ,00 0 m ile s, needs nothing, $2500 firm. 814-720-4175. I WANT TO BUY Victorian style house or farm house in Pennsylvania, with acreage, in the country, with big pole building. Fixer upper, house is good too. The important thing is no close neighbors!!! 330-793-7581 FOR SALE 19 97 14x6 6 ft. Fl eetw ood mobi le home, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, shingled roof, vinyl siding,set up in park in Saegertown, can be moved, $14,000 OBO. Mustsell, call 814-5731971. CONNEAUT LAKE Furnished apartments ide al fo r sin gles includes all utilities plus ca ble and wi rele ss internet, no pets, $525 to $650. Very cle an, contact Irish Cove Motel 814-38 2-3045 all apartments non-smoking. PAGE 16 NOTARY SERVICES OF WESTERN PA LLC INSTANT EVERYTHING!!! TITLES /REGISTRATIONS/ STICKER MEADVILLE PA (814) 337-8448 GREENVILLE PA (724) 589-5220 TITUSVILLE PA (814) 827-0870 AND NOW EDINBORO PA (814) 734-3612 EVERYTHING YOU NEED BEFORE YOU LEAVE!!! NOAH’S ARK CHILDCARE RAT TERRIERS Will stay small, cute, colorful, excellent pets, $75. Albert Stutzman 31938 Hogback Rd., Cambridge Springs, PA 16403.Mill Village Rt. 6 east 2 miles, Willy Rd. turn right, keep straight 4½ miles, 4th Rd. to ri ght. Mi ni Barn s. Closed Sunday. FOR SALE 95 ’ F-150 Lari at. 4wheel drive, 6-cylinder 5-spee d. New ly i nspected. New clutch, pressure plate, slave cylind er, hu b jo ints, tires. A/C, reese hitch, FOR SALE 2 2 5 Ga s p o w ere d new wooden 8’ bed. Lin coln weld er/g en- $3500 OBO. 814-673e ra to r. Gen e rato r 1259. does not work. Good TELL THEM 20HP Koehler motor, YOU 3 5 0 h o urs $6 0 0 SAW THEIR AD OBO. Ca ll 8 14-6 76IN THE 3 38 6 or 8 14 -6 71 AREA 8516 before 8:00 PM. SHOPPER Guys Mills, PA 814-789-3604 Monday thru Saturday 6 am - 9 pm • CCIS Provider • State Licensed • CPR • First Aid FOR SALE Rem. 870 Exp. 20 ga. $32 5. 7 60 R em, 35 Rem. 4x scope $345. 760 Rem, 30-06 3x9 s co p e $ 47 5 . R em . 7 00 BDL 2 70 l ike new 3x9 scope $625. Rem. 700 MTN. Rifle 270 3x9 scope $625. 7 2 4-3 0 1-3 8 9 3 o r 814-425 -7914. • Clearances • Non Smoking • Meals & Snacks Provided SALON DOLCE Of Franklin is the Ultim ate go to Salon. Hot Ta nning Be ds , Spra y-Tans , all the Latest in Hair Color, Cuts and De s ign. W om e n-Me n-Kids . Offe r ing Monthly Spec ials. 5 07 13 th St., Fra nk lin. 81 4 432-4 400. 814-425-7272 ENGINES ENGINES ENGINES Fully Remanufactured Engine Assemblies 3 Year/Unlimited“Parts & Labor” Warranty Expert Craftsmanship • Long Blocks • Cylinder Heads • Crank Kits COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP SERVICES GABANY’S INC. FEBRUARY 2, 2013 PAGE 16 Interstate Machine & Fab, Inc. 2012 BEST OF THE BEST ½ mi. N. Junction Rt. 8 & I-80 Call Warner’s Home & Improvements WELDING SUPPLIES Portable & In Shop Welding TANK LEASING & EXCHANGE STEEL & ALUM WELDING New & Used Steel PROPANE CYLINDERS FILLED Hours: 7-5 Mon. - Fri.; 7-noonSat. Phone 814-786-0014 MIXED MARTIAL ARTS MMA, Ji v, Ti tsu , Kickb oxi n g. L os e weight, get fit, train for co mp e titi o n. Firs t cl as s fre e ! Ad ul t, chi l dre ns cl as s es . Butler. www. WOODBURNER FOR SALE $400 724-699-4617. PANCAKE BREAKFAST Atthe Jefferson Towns hi p Fa i rgro u nd s Feb. 23rd, 8am thru ev Lunchtime. $7.50. Di72 4-4 21 -70 93. “We rections or questions Keep the Personal In 724-699 -4617. Training” Gene ral Contra cting Home Builder Roofing Windows Kitchens Decks Modular Homes Remodeler VALLEY TRUCK AND ORGANIST NEEDED AUTO SERVICE Trinity Lutheran Incredible low prices Holy in Grove City on PA state i nspe c- Church is seeking an organWANTED TO BUY tion. In house emisPlease call 724Co mpl ete or pa rti al s i on tes ti ng . 72 4 - ist. 458-6541 or email es ta tes . Ca sh pa id 962-2 223. htlcgc@gm fo r fu rn i ture , a n HOMES and IMPROVEMENTS, INC. ti qu es , toys, gl as • 1-888-412-9209 ware, sport and hunt724-662-4600 ing goods . Removal same day. Free bids, COURT’S J & L METALS FOR SALE GETTING BIDS ON 3 5 ye ars exp e ri CONSTRUCTION 724-65 4-9669 U se d ki tche n ca bi ence s. Cal l Dave at BLOCK WORK, STONE 2000 Old Butler Rd., Roofing - siding - ad- n ets & cou n te rtop , 724-533 -2343. New Castle, PA16101. ditions - pole barns - gas & electric WhirlWORK, CHIMNEY #1 Copper $2.85. #2 ga rage s - re mode l- pool dryer, electric igARE YOU LOOKING WORK, BRICK WORK & Copper $2.70. Motors in g. 7 24 -7 34 -1 04 3. niting gas range. 724FOR CHILD CARE? PA #053047. 20¢. Stainless 55¢ 475-1141. I have ope nin gs for ROOF WORK. ALL your child in my regWORK GUARANTEED i ste red h om e da y care . L o cate d i n PA#06 4519 R e yn o l ds Scho o l D i stri ct. 72 4 -98 5 4014. JODI’S NOTARY SERVICE Op en e ve n i n gs & Saturday. Located ½ mile North on Rt. 62 Me rce r. T-tags pa ssenger, truck, trailer, m o to rcycl e , ATV’ s , sn ow mo bi le s. C al l 724-662-3030. Cell 7 24 -6 99 -3 09 3 fo r appoin tment ALLPRO ROLLOFFS FOR SALE 4TH GENERATION VALLEY TRUCK & INC. 5 yr. old Pacing StanCARPENTER AUTO SERVICE 10 Yards - 13 Yards For Hire. Doors, Dry- dardbred mare TSS Unde r car o iling. Its 15 Yards -18 Yards $1000 obo. Jonathan never too late. It does 20 Yards - 30 Yards wall, Repairs, Base- E. Byl e r, 30 0 Byle r ments, Whatever your m ake a d iffe ren ce . 724-67 4-1619 Lane, New Wilmingne eds re qui re. Ca ll 724-962 -2223. Senior Discounts Carl 724-992-0406. ton, PA 16142 Rt. 19, 1/4 mile south of the Courthouse in Mercer 724-662-4343 ForAllYour Remodeling Needs. Find Out WHYwe are the BESTof the BEST! WARNER’S AMISH CREW 724-674-0670 REWARD Fib ergla ss L ife s ize h ors e s to le n fro m co rn er of Lynn Tyro a n d H e nry Rd ., Gre envil le. $200 reward for info leading to arrest and convictio n o f gu i lty p a rty. 724-588 -8391. HERSHBERGER’S CARPENTRY is loo king for i nside work, like finishing out your garage, in sulatio n , d rywa l l , trim , some plumbing. We a ls o do g ara g es , d ecks , p ol e b arns , m eta l ro o f j o bs . L ea ve me ss a ge a t m y n e ig h b or 8 14 382-9 210. EBENEZER CHURCH COMMUNITY SUPPER Brai s e d s tea k, m as h e d p o ta to es , gree n be an s, col es l aw, di n n er rol l , cake. Feb . 9, 2 01 3 5pm-7pm. BEAUTIFUL PUPPIES FOR SALE We fi n an ce, C C o r cash. 362 0 Belmont Young stown www.ohiop Yorkies, Morkie, FoxPo m, Caval ier Ki ng Charl es, York-Chon, Yo rki-Po m, Pug gl e, C hi h u ah u a , Sh ih Poo, 2Gen Doodles, Mal te , Bu ll d o gs , C a vch o n, Po ms & manymore. 330-2591286. Reg. # PA001873 AREA SHOPPER AREA SHOPPER ENGLISH AUTOS 1003 WEST MAIN ST., GROVE CITY, PA. (724) 458-5100 or (888) 458-0066 MON., TUES., THURS.: 9 TO 8 WED. & FRI. 9 TO 5 • SAT. 9 TO 1 00 Windstar ......................... 135K ..$1,850 95 S-10 Blazer 4x4 ............ 147K ..$1,850 00 Contour .......................... 124K ..$2,450 00F150 S/C 4x4 ................. 255K ..$2,950 01 Dakota Ext. 4x4 ............. 149K ..$2,950 96 LeSabre ......................... 86K ....$3,450 01 Escort 2x2 ...................... 92K ....$3,950 96 Grand Am V6 ................. 113K ..$3,750 01 Alero Cpe. ...................... 104K ..$3,950 01 Windstar ......................... 101K ..$3,950 01 Sable .............................. 105K ..$3,950 03 Impala ............................ 107K ..$4,450 02 Taurus SES ................... 116K ..$4,450 03 Protege, moonroof ....... 111K ..$4,450 00 Cirrus LX 4 cyl ............... 69K ....$4,650 02 Sable LS ........................ 106K ..$4,850 02 Saturn SL2 ..................... 106K ..$4,950 01 Elantra GT ..................... 89K ....$5,550 01 Alero Cpe ....................... 74K ....$5,950 07 Aveo 5 ............................. 74K ....$5,950 04 Pathfinder ...................... 128K ..$5,950 01 Impala ............................ 64K ....$6,400 02 Regal LS ........................ 75K ....$6,850 02 Explorer XLT ................. 90K ....$6,950 05 Ion 2, auto ...................... 70K ....$7,400 04 Neon SXT ...................... 69K ....$7,450 02 Sebring Convertible ..... 88K ....$7,950 05 Focus ZX4 ..................... 81K ....$7,950 04 LeSabre ......................... 74K ....$7,950 02 Outback LL Bean ......... 98K ....$7,950 02 Impreza AWD ................. 98K ....$7,950 06 Elantra Hatch ................ 82K ....$7,950 07 Forenza clean ............... 35K ....$8,650 01 Sonoma Crew 4x4 ....... 82K ....$8,850 05 Civic EX auto ................. 102K ..$8,950 04 Santa Fe AWD ............... 91K ....$8,950 07 Compass FWD ............. 70K ....$9,450 05 Liberty 4x4 ..................... 97K ....$8,950 07 Ion 2 ................................ 70K ....$8,950 07 Cobalt ............................. 58K ....$8,950 07 Caravan .......................... 77K ....$9,450 06 Milan Premium V6 ....... 80K ....$9,450 06 Mustang ......................... 102K ..$9,450 05 Liberty ............................. 68K ....$9,750 07 Ion 2 ................................ 63K ....$9,950 06 Elantra ............................ 69K ....$9,950 08 Spectra EX .................... 34K ....$9,950 03 Explorer EB 4x4 ............ 73K ....$9,950 04 Envoy 4x4 ....................... 83K . $10,450 05 Santa Fe AWD ............... 79K . $10,450 09 Impala LS ...................... 71K . $10,750 07 Sedona LX ..................... 74K ..$11,450 08 Lucerne CXL ................. 86K ..$11,950 08 Fusion SE ...................... 53K ..$11,950 06 Tuscon AWD ................. 70K . $10,950 06 Terraza CXL .................. 73K . $10,950 05 Trailblazer ..................... 81K . $10,950 05 Trailblazer Ext. 4x4 ...... 75K ..$11,750 08 Lucerne CXL ................. 83K ..$11,950 06 Fusion SE ...................... 53K ..$11,950 05 Silverado Ext. 4x4 ......... 111K $12,950 08 Escape Lim. 4x4 .......... 47K . $14,950 BOB ENGLISH • JOE KING EZ BRICKS C om p re ss e d s aw d us t bri cks . Bu rn cle a n er an d h o tte r tha n firew oo d . 10 0 shrink wrapped packag es per ton. $2 00 per ton, deliveryadditional. Call 724-9468608. COME TO THE FARM STORE Goat milk soap, winte r we ath er crea ms lotions & li p bal ms. Fudge to order. 814432-4895 or come by 1704 Jackson Center Po lk R oa d (Hw y. 965.) 814-425-7272 FEBRUARY 2, 2013 CLEAN WHEAT STRAW FOR SALE La rg e ba le s 3x3x8. D e li ve ry a vai l a bl e . McCl o s ke y Farm s 7 2 4-2 5 3-2 4 7 1 o r 724-456 -1517. MILLER’S METAL ROOFING & SIDING We are now stocking semi loads of baked on e na me l pa in te d metal, 8’ to 16’ rainbow $1 per lineal foot, 8’ to 26 ’ g alvalu me $1.50 per lineal foot, stocking 15 colors 8’ to 20’ painted metal $1.85 per lineal foot. Al so a va i l ab l e painted galvalume 40 yr. warranty$1.95 per lineal foot. G-100 40 yr. warranty$2.25 per l in . ft., 1 ½” x 1 9½” C la s s ic Sta n d in g Seam $2.87 per line al ft., Cu p o la s , w e at h e r van e s , d ou bl e bu bb le i ns . 20¢ per sq. ft., vi nyl soffit $9 e a. F-channe l $5 e a., p ai nted s tai n l es s s te e l s no wg u ards $2 .0 0 e a., 24 ”x5 0’ a lu mi n um co i ls to ck $6 5 ea.,stocking anything fo r a me ta l ro o f. A FULL LINE OF CANN ON BALL TRAC K $ 2.50 p er ft., qu ick do or fra min g, cle ar skilite 8’ to 16’, 2’x8’ $1 2 e a., 2’ x12 ’ $ 18 e a ., 3 ’x8 ’ $2 0 ea ., wh ite $15 ea., 2’x8’ $6.75 ea. LOW TRIM PRICES!!!!Hours 8 to 4 :3 0 Mo n ., Tu es ., Wed., Fri., 8 to 1 pm Sat., closed Thurs. & Sundays, 1 mi. N. of Atla ntic, PA on 9706 L ai rd R d . o r 37 8 0 Mil le r D ri ve , H arts town, PA 1613 1. NO CARDS ACCEPTED. SEASONED FIREWOOD A little or a lot. Delivered Best Rate. Tree Removal and stump grin di ng. Free e stimates. Fully insured. 724-877 -7785. MAPLE SYRUP MAKERS Call us for your sugaringneeds from the ta ps all the w ay to the containers. We s tock your ne e ds . May Hill Maple 330583-2 892. OAKES & MCCLELLAND ha s al l yo ur d rywa ll needs; screws, tape, kni ve s , ea sy sa nd , mud,sanding blocks, lifts and more. 1-800222-8 736. FLICKS APPLIANCE PARTS & SERVICE Se rvi cin g mo s t b ran d s o f m aj o r h ou s e ho l d a p p li ances. Factoryauthori ze d s ervice C ra wford & Northern Mercer C ou n ty. ALSO C ARR YING APPL IAN CE PARTS! 81 43 3 6-2 3 90 . 1 65 9 3 Conen aut Lake Rd., Meadville, PA OSCAR’S APPLIANCE PARTS Parts fo r wa s he rs , dryers, refrigerators, fre e zers , ra n ge s , dishwashers, microw a ve s , g a s g ri ll s , vacuu ms . Fu ll s ervice va cu u m sh op , sales, service, parts, FINANCING accessories. 120 N. AVAILABLE Wa ter Ave., Sharo n, Mob i l e h o me s fo r PA. 724-347-7170. sale, owner or Realto r, p arks o r priva te 2001 CHEVY l a nd : fi n a n ci n g fo r SILVERADO qualified buyers. Su4x4, Ext. cab, LS, 5.3 per Loan Originators V-8, 9 7,0 0 0 m i le s , a t Ro Mar Ho m es . good condi tion, new 724-927-6341 NMLS PAinspection, $8995. #323651 Ka rg o Qu al ity Ca rs LOOK!!! In c., Rt. 1 9, Me rce r, Cal l to ll free 1-80 0- W ant To Se ll Your 446-7821, Local 724- Property-Real Estate Don’t Want To Have 662-5 762. ItTiedUp For Months. JERRY’S Let Miller ’s Auc tion HANDYMAN He lp You. Call 72 4SERVICE 4 56 -3 63 2 or 8 14 No job too small. 17 425-7 276. ye ars expe rie nce in th e b uil ding trade s. HAMILTON We run our business BROTHERS TOOL by the g ol de n ru le ! SUPERMARKET Ca ll fo r a fre e e sti- Pi cke rs, p ed d l ers , mate. 724-813-7614. trad e rs, re cycl ers , i m po rters , b u yers . BULL RIDING “Why do people drive Com e see Rode o’s for days to get here? Most Extre me Event. It’s not b ecause we Buckhorn Arena Bull give poor directions!!” Rid ing Serie s Every Alu m i nu m la d d ers Fri day throug h April. a nd s ta g e s, m eta l Jackpo t Bu ll rid i ng , lathes, migs, milling practi ce p en for a ll m a ch i n es , s he e t levels and thrill seek- m eta l b ra ke s , e rs . Ki d s g a m es , shears, rolls, slitters, concessions, indoor lo ck form ers, ci rcle h ea te d a ren a an d cu tte rs, me tal ba nd much more. Formore s a ws , sca ffo l d in g , in fo 7 24 -6 79 -8 34 7, g en era to rs. Wo od 724-421-5601 or w orki ng : 10 ”-24 ” p la n ters , s ha p e rs , s a nd e rs, j oi n ters , WANTED dovetailers, dust colSTANDING TIMBER lectors , ban d sa ws, 5 acres or more, skid- ta bl e sa w s , m o rti d in g wi th h o rse s . s o rs , an vi ls , to o l Landowner satisfac- b o xe s , vi s e s, d ri l l tion is No. 1 Priority. presses, h oists and Dan s Sa wmil l, con- co meal ong s, grin dtact No . 72 4 -58 8 - e rs , ma ch in is t an d 4392. m ech a ni cs to o ls , co ntra cto rs e q ui p FOR SALE ment, pipe threaders 2 00 5 S1 30 Bo b ca t a nd b en d e rs , ai r Skid s tee r, 16 6 4 com p res s o rs , ai r hours, cab enclosed too l s , p um p s, p ul with heat, tracks, 60” leys, parts & a ccesbucket with teeth, 60” so ries , h uge sho wu ti l i ty b ucke t. 7 24 - rooms, “Th e world’s 475-4 199. m os t un i q ue too l store an d recycli ng 1980 CHEVY BLAZER SILVERADO s yste m ” N e w a n d u se d . Tra de -Ins / EDITION Has a 350 motor with Free flyer & used tool 400 trans., runs and list 1-800 -783-4766. drives excellent, has H am i lto n To ol an d m a ny n ew p arts Su ppl y C o. 40 1 7 th $ 35 00 . C al l o r text Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010. 814-282 -9863. These Holders are NEW for some areas! Sap Sak Holders Holder made of 24 ga. galv. metal... Horizon Metal Shop Sap Sak Holders $3.00 each 408 Folk Road Heavy Duty Plastic Bags 25¢ each Fredonia, PA 16124 for complete sample send $9.00 Melvin and Gertie Troyer (724) 475-2571 CLIP & SAVE CLIP & SAVE CLIP & SAVE “ORDER EARLY TO BEAT THE SPRING RUSH” FIREWOOD POLES Triaxl e loads of firew oo d po l e s. 8 14 758-1 897. WANTED Cu b Ca det tra ctors, o ld e r m o d el s fo r p a rts , n o t ru n ni n g fine. 814-432-8499. PAGE 17 2006 CHEVY UPLANDER 7 PASS LT pkg cruise control, rear entertainment system, luggage rack .................... $6,750 2008 CHRYS. TOWN & COUNTRY TOURING 3.8 litre V6, leather seats, Nav. system, rear entertainment system cruise control, luggage rack, 32,000 miles .................................$17,250 2007 CHEVY IMPALA LT 3.5 V6, power sunroof, white, 95,000 mi. ............ $9,250 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT 3.5 V6, EPA rated 29, maroon w/charcoal leather seats, 60,000 miles .................... $11,995 2006 CHEVY MALIBU V6 Hatchback Maxx LT, gray, 87,000 mi. .............. $7,495 2009 BUICK ENCLAVE V6, CXL (AWD) 7 pass., running boards, luggage rack, towing pkg., moss green, 35,000 miles .................................$27,250 2005 CHRYS. TOWN & COUNTRY V6 LX, p. seat, rear air cond, luggage rack, gold, 84,000 miles ............... $6,495 2008 CHEVY AVEO LS Sedan 4 door, 4 cyl., auto., air, black, 34,000 miles ................................... $9,250 2007 HONDA PILOT V6, 4WD, Ex-L, green, 80,000 miles ....................$17,750 2009 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 Reg. Cab W/T (4WD), V8, AC, cruise cont., towing pkg., wht., 42,000 mi. .....$17,995 1997 DODGE DAKOTA P.U. V6 Club Cab Sport pkg., 4wheel drive manual trans., white ..................................... $3,995 FULL INVENTORY AT www.walker “FREE LIFETIME STATE INSPECTIONS” w/vehicle purchase WALKER SALES & SERVICE Ma in Str e e t a t the light, Sa ndy La k e , P a . H our s : Mon. & Thur s . 8- 7; Tue s . , We d. & F r i. 8- 5 Sa t. 8- 12 724- 376- 3015 Toll fr e e 866- 611- 3439 www. wa lk e r s 16145. c om TIRE CHAINS Snowblowers, small lawn mowers, garden tracto rs, l arg e fa rm tractors. We carry all sizes. Stop or call today. Greenville Tire & Rubber Supply, 33 S. Race Street, Gre enville, PA 16125. 724588-3 336. INDOOR RC CAR RACING! Dirt ova l, offr oa d, carpet ova l, tra ctor pulls, rock crawling and more. Full Hobby Shop & Snack ba r. Yea r r ound indoor family FUN! Spectators FREE! Call 724-376-2379 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 FEBRUARY 2, 2013 PAGE 18 TAKIN’ IT TO THE STREETS! NEW!!! COOL’S WE B S IT E FE BRUARY 1 - BASKETBALL: CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS AT SAEGERTOWN 7 PM FE BRUARY 2 - DO WOPP DINER 10 AM - 12:30 PM WINTER FUN DAYS PYMATUNING STATE PARK 10 - NOON FUN -RAISER COCHRANTON LIBRARY 11-NOON ALLEGHENY COLLEGE BASKETBALL DOUBLEHEADER VS WITTENBERG MEN/WOMEN 12:30 PM WRESTLING: D-10 AA TEAM DUALS AT SHARON HIGH SCHOOL FE BRUARY 5 GIRL’S BASKETBALL: SAEGERTOWN AT CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS 7 PM FE BRUARY 6 ALLEGHENY COLLEGE BASKETBALL DOUBLE HEADER WOMEN/MEN 5:30 PM Request Line BATHTUBS REGLAZED In yo ur h om e . Is your tub showing its a ge ? Gu a ra n tee d p ro ce ss can s ave you money. Call Lee 814-77 4-9482 CENTRAL BOILER OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE Pro vi de s he a t fo r e n ti re h o m e a n d w a te r. C a l l to da y. C l ove r H i l l Sa le s , LLC 814-725-3102 ARMY & NAVY STORE J.Amato & Son 814-33 3-8299 L o ca te d i n th e Me ad vi ll e D ow n tow n Ma l l a cros s from Dollar General. We h a ve vi n ta g e L evi ’ s, L ee ’ s a n d Wrangler jeans size 3 1 to 7 2 wa i s t VERY CHEAP! Also h ave Bi b ove ral l s a nd coa ts -g rea t sizes. See our large se lection of shou ld er b ag s , d u ffl e b ag s an d ba ck packs. We print military d og ta gs . We have a large selection of 550 paracord; ma ny different co lors. Military surplus a nd col l e cti b le s . New and used:Adult a nd you th , l a te s t s tyl e s o f s tree t ca mo, shorts, fie ld ja ckets, s we aters, a n d EMT p a nts . Combat an d jungle boots . Huntin g and military knives, cots, s l ee p i ng b ag s , socks, gloves, caps, h el me ts , b la nkets and more. MRE’s by the case of package. Gas masks and filters. We alsobuymilitary items from individuals and estates. UNWANTED Dead & crippled stock re moval . Same d ay service at your convenience. Licensed - 30 years of service. 724368-8 008. WANTING TO BUY C o mp l e te h o us e h ol d s - a n ti q u es toys- Call for free appraisals, Dave Freed. In bu s in es s for 5 0 years. 724-730-6172 or 724-658-6898. LAZY B TRAI LERS SALES-SERVICE & RENTALS All types of trailers Bristolville. 800-42 4-5110 WANTED Small house, duplex, mob ile ho me or vacant lot with well and s ep ti c i n C ra w ford C ou n ty. 8 14 -7 20 4860. LEHMAN BUILDERS D ai ry Ba rns , po l e buildings.Sturdy built s ta ll s, g a te s, h ea d locks, etc. Berg barn cle a n ers , m a n ure a u ge rs , m a nu re p um p s , co nve yers a nd b un k fe e d ers . Paul Lehman, Cambrid ge Sprin gs, Pa. 814-398 -2369. $899 $575 FULL SET SINGLE Artist ry - De n tistry - Prid e Ov e r 2 5 Ye a rs E xp e rie n ce In Hou se La b L.A. JENKINS, DMD EMERGENCY REPAIRS (724) 376-2930 Main St., Sandy Lake, PA AL’S MELONS FARM MARKET Order your deli, vegetable, and fruit trays tod a y! Al l tra ys are m a de to o rde r. Ple ase call for pricing . Co nnea ut L ake FOR SALE 8 1 4-3 8 2-3 1 5 2 o r Frig i d ai re Ga l le ry Me ad vi ll e 81 4-33 7- R an g e (e l ectric) 3133. $ 20 0 . 1 9 5 0’ s Fri g i da i re ra ng e FOR SALE 7 ye a r o l d tro tti n g (“Pink”,electric) $200. 2 -ai r co n d iti o ne rs mare upheaded and on the bit, traffic safe $ 5 0 e a ch . Pho n e 814-967 -5254. sound, also 13 yr. old tro tti ng stu d by Mr. MORE MONEY Lavec 17 hands. Call For your Timber! Get Lester 814-795-7965 paid today even if we o r s top in a t do n’ t cu t to da y. L et Ston e b oro Fai r- ou r buyer wi th over grounds. 30 yea rs o f expe ri e nce te l l yo u h o w PYMATUNING much your timber is MUTUAL FIRE w orth . C a ll tod a y INSURANCE CO. Clinch-Tite CorporaServing your fire in- tion 724-376-7315 s ura n ce n ee d s since 1860. H ome, FOR SALE Fa rm a nd Mo bi l e H o me s . N o w l o - 2 00 2 Co rn Pro cated at 103 Timber Go os e n eck tra i le r, fl atb e d , 5’ Vill age Ctr., Mercer, 2 0 ’ PA. Call u s at 7 24- beavertail, 18,000 lb. trailer. 724-475-4199. 269-7227 HOT TUB HOT TUB Save 50% to 60% on all new and refurbished hot tubs. Lowestprices guara ntee d. Exce ll en t se rvice . Se rvi ci ng all hot tubs. Call tod a y Yo un g ’ s Sp a Servi ce 81 4 -7 20 7943. NEW QUEEN Pi ll owtop ma ttres s/ bo x, s ti ll i n pl as ti c, $ 1 35 e ach . Ki n g $233 each Can deliver.Also Queen Real Visco Memory Foam s e t $ 4 99 . Sle e p Wa re h o us e 72 4 674-0 708. got timber? WE BUY STANDING TIMBER Free - No Obligation - Estimate Call Toll Free: 1-888-898-4081 CUSTOM CABINETS AND COUNTERTOPS Kitchen & bath. Certified fabrication. 814853-3 546. KOPTAS AUTO SALES COCHRANTON, PA Full NotaryService Pa State and Emissions Inspections. Full servi ce a utom otive re pair. Preowned cars, trucks, va ns. We finance!! w w w.4 2 5ca rs .co m 814-425 -2299. KARGO QUALITY CARS & TRUCKS Our veh i cle s are state inspected, service d a n d g u a ra n teed.“Our Reputation i s Yo ur Pea ce o f Mind” Rt. 19, Mercer. Tol l fre e 1-800-4 46FOR SALE WANTED 7821. Ka wa s a ki 3 0 0 4 Bree din g ag e b oa r. whee ler, runs go od, 8 1 4-3 9 2-9 2 8 9 o r $1100 OBO. 724-815814-476 -0017. 9450. DENTURES ANDREWS FARM EQ., INC. Look at our inventory! Some new J. Deeres, some new Magnums a s w el l a s a g rea t selection of used tractors & eq. No secrets here, as k fo r S/N of tractors or where they came from! Warranty & financing. See us at 814-58 7-3450 814-333-9011 FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 bed, 2 bath home, 2+ ca r garage on ½ a cre . N e w ro o fs , p ai n t, ca rp e t, ti le . N e ar C an a d oh ta La ke $ 65,000 . 81 4694-2 337. FOR SALE 8 month old stud colt black with star, really n ice bu i l t, Sire Ana s tas i a Ba ron , Sire of Dam De fiant Yankee, will be a real nice horse, have papers. 8 14-9 08-0 118 as k for Matt. $10 00 OBO. FLICKS “AS-IS” APPLIANCE CENTER Scratch & dent appliance s. Big Savin gs! Ful l ma nu fa cturers warranty. Also reconditione d app lian ces with 90 day warranty. 8 14 -3 36 -2 39 0 . 1 6 59 3 Co n n ea u t Lake Rd., Meadville, PA. WANTED TO BUY Ol d toys fro m 2 0’ s, 30’ s or earlier. Al so w in d u p toys , l a rg e Buddy L or Keystone trucks . Al so p ed a l cars and pedal tractors. 814-332-7410. STEEL SHINGLES FOR SALE Sun vi so rs to fi t m o st tru cks a n d vans. $20 0 painted a nd i ns ta ll e d (i n s to ck o n l y). 72 4 253-2623,after 6:00 P.M. 814-282-2272. SNOW DOGG STAINLESS STEEL PLOWS Starting at $3700 installed. FABIN’S 814-899-6636 Stone Coated Steel Shingles Giving You The Look of Architectural Shingles With the Durability of Steel. IN STOCK AVAILABLE NOW EASTERN STATES METAL ROOFING Your Premier Metal Roofing Supplier. BRING IN THIS AD and get 10% off your n e xt s to re i te m a t 716-355-4374 Oakes & McClelland in Greenvil le. 1-800STATE & EMISSION 222-8 736. INSPECTION d on e at Gre en vi ll e OLD Tire & Rubber - 724ARCHITECTURAL 58 8-33 36. We al so ITEMS WANTED have a large selection Stained and beveled o f a u to ., truck an d g l as s wi n d ow s , tractor batteries. Stop shutte rs, door b ells/ in and visit our store kno ckers & o the r and see the large se- h ard w are , l o cks & lection of items. 33 S. keys, pillars, Victorian Race Street, Gre en- tri m s , e tc. C al l ville, PA 16125. 724- MacKi nnon & Strella 588-3 336. at 724-946-8617 SOLD! Are You Thinking of Ha ving An Auc tion. Call Miller’s Auction. Sam e Da y Se ttle ment. Call 814 -4257 27 6 or 7 24 -4 56 3632. WANTED STANDING TIMBER Wilsons Hardwoods Inc., Buyer of Standing Timber. Payment in advance, full y i nsured, call us at 814758 -1897, 814-8 270277. AUTO LOANS AVAILABLE “WE SPECIALIZE IN CREDIT PROBLEMS” BANKRUPTCY, DIVORCE, CHARGE OFFS MEDICAL BILLS, LOW CREDIT LIMITED CREDIT • NO CREDIT, JUDGEMENTS, REPOS LOANS BY PHONE NO HASSLE, NO EMBARRASSMENT Grove City Auto Mall CALL TODAY! Ask for Dave Frampton 724-748-4070 800-748-1220 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 FEBRUARY 2, 2013 BRAND NEW 2013 FORD F150 XLT 4x4 5.0L V8, chrome pkg., trailer tow pkg., trailer brake, tailgate step, silver. SALE PRICE $35,995* FORD REBATE- $5,000 ON LY W O W !! $ ! 30,995 BRAND NEW 2013 FORD ESCAPE 2005 DODGE RAM 3500 CUMMINS DUALLY RODEO CREW CAB 5.9 Cummins, automatic, 4x4, full leather interior, ProRodeo Edition, 4x4, fully serviced. New inspection. STOCK #3T081 LIMITED TIME ONLY!! HURRY IN!! Includes Ford Remote Start LY ON SALE PRICE $22,995 FORD REBATE - $2,500 $ 20,495 SEE: KENT MCGILL 2011 FORD FIESTA SEL 4 cyl.gas saver,AT, SEL trim pkg., alloy wheels, Ford Sync, red. 14,995 Gas saver 4 cyl., a uto ., a i r, o nl y 64,000 miles, silver. SEE: JOHN MILLER 2006 CHEVROLET COBALT 5,495 $ 4 cyl. ga s saver, auto., air, cruise, tilt, fully serviced. 5,495 $ 2002 DODGE RAM 2500 HD CUMMINS 6 SP 2011 FORD F150 KING RANCH CREW CAB 4x4 Only 14,000 miles, King Ranch Edition, 5.0L V8, trailer tow pkg., white/tan, 11,000 miles. 4x4 sunroof. heated & cooled seats, Sony audio system, white platinum 19,900 38,995 $ 7,995 $ 8,100 $ 2006 FORD FUSION SE 4 cy l., auto., SE trim pkg., dk. stone/grey cloth. 23,900 2004 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4x4 4.6LV8, 3rdrow seat, 7 pass., fact. DVD, fact. p. sunroof, new tires, new brakes, fully serviced. Must see. 7,999 $ $ 2010 FORD F350 REGULAR CAB 4x4 5.4L gas V8, AT, 8 f t. bed, trailer tow, 1 owner, f ull warranty, grey. 5.0L V8, auto., air, cruise. HARD TO FIND, BLACK. 14,900 2008 NISSAN XTERRA 4x4 2010 FORD MUSTANG GT 4.6 3V V8, 5 spd. manual, leather, premiumpkg., heatedseats, 1owner, stored in winter adult owned, grey. 9,000 $ 2000 CHEVY BLAZER ZR2 OFF ROAD 18,800 2011 FORD F150 STX 4x4 23,900 $ V6 , au to., Sou ther n v e hicl e, clean, black. 33,988 $ 2003 LINCOLN LS 4.3L Vortec, V6, only 70,000 mi., clean Carfax , Just like new! Must see! $ 23,995 $ $ $ 2007 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER SR5 4x4 V8, 1 owner, 93,000 miles, v ery nice, silv er/gray cloth. 14,995 $ 2006 FORD F150 SUPERCAB XLT 4x4 5.4L Triton V8, chrome pkg., fully serviced, new PA insp. MUST SEE! FOR SALE 6 b re d a n d p reg . che cke d H o ls tei n h e ife rs from a close d herd w ith a 8 0,00 0 rha an d a 15 0,00 0 ss c. D ue Mar., Apr. to calving e as e Ho l s te i n $ 15 00 e ach. 8 14 397-3 907. FRIDAY NIGHT BINGO Sp ring boro Vol . Fi re D ep t. D o o rs o pe n 4:30.Early birds 6:30. Regular game to foll ow. Ki tch e n o p en . Sp ri n g bo ro , PA. Ph on e 81 4 -58 7 2391, 814-587-3514. FRUIT TREE PRUNER Wou l d yo u l i ke a BOUN TIFU L ha rvest? I ha ve over 35 years of experi ence. I’ ll p rune and tea ch “Pro p e r” frui t tre e care.Enjoy your OWN FRUIT! Call 440-2935034. In Stock Items Only.. Fullycustom built 24VCummins 6 speed manual, lifted, KMC 18” w heels, Mi ckey Thom pson tire s, kicker audio system, recon lights, Aurora turbo, Banks intake, 4” exhaust. MUST SEE!! COMPRESSOR/ TIRES Ingersoll-Rand commercial compressor, 2 30 v-5h p , 8 0 ga l . tank, 2 stage w/regulator$600 obo. 4 tires 1 95 /6 5R 15 Wi nterforce , w i nte r ti res , 98% tread, no plugs, no p ro ble ms , $1 75 obo. 814-425-1310. Specials MUST SEE!! SEE: RYAN TAYLOR 2003 FORD FOCUS SE $ PAGE 19 We would like to express our thanks to the families, friends and communitie s for their love , support and prayers c oncerning David Dignall. This tragic loss has affecte d many pe ople who knew him as well as those who did not. We all miss him dearly. If anyone has any information to help, please feel free to call the Mercer State Police at 724-6626162 and talk to Trooper Terry Geibel, any help would be greatly appreciated. The Dignall Family 33,900 $ 2012 FORD F250 SUPERCREW 4x4 XLT 6.2LV8, XLT trim, Crew cab 4dr., 18,000 mi., HD trailer tow, fact. warranty, grey. 17,995 $ 2011 FORD EDGE SPORT AWD 2012 FORD FUSION SE 3.5L V6, Sport appearance pkg., Sony Nav., AWD, heated seats, black/black. 3.0L V6, auto., only 13,000 mi., sterling grey /charcoal cloth. 19,995 $ 2009 LINCOLN MKZ AWD 19,499 $ PRICE REDUCED!! 2011 FORD RANGER SUPERCAB 4x4 XLT 4.0L V6, 5 speed, 1 owner, dark grey, low miles, warranty. 1-800-833-0473 or 724-748-4790 Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-8 pm - Tues., Wed., Fri. 9-6 pm - Saturday 9-3 pm Headlight Covers $20 Tail Light Covers $20 Ball Mounts with Ball & Pin 2 in. drop $20 - 4 in. drop $25 Tailgate Guards $25 Vent Visors 2 pc. $35 - 4 pc. $45 Bugshields $45 Rear Window Deflectors $45 Catch All Floor Mats $50 Rear Window Louvers $50 Rear Window Graphics $60 Sunvisors $100 • Hitches $125 Moonvisors $150 Tonneau Covers $180 Racer Backs $200 Lift Up Covers $280 ALSO ON SPECIAL Step Bars • Running Boards Grille Guards•Sliding Rear Windows For All of Your Truck and SUV Accessories Call or Visit Scofield’s in Sheakleyville, behind the Nazarene Church. PHONE (724) 253-2623 • 814-282-2272 WOOD SHOP EQUIPMENT Craftsman 1½ hp 14” b a nd s aw $ 15 0 . GrizzleyW1812 Shop Fo x 2 h p 7 ” pla ne r/ m o ld e r w /s ta n d $900. Grizzley G1026 3 hp shaper $ 1000. Del ta JT 36 0 Sh opmaster 6” jointer ¾ hp $125. Craftsman radial arm saw w/Dado blades $175. Accura 2 4 ” s p ira l he a d p la n e r $ 4 00 0 . Gri zzle y 15 ” be l t s an d e r, o pe n en d G9 983 $30 00. 72 4510-4 284. FOR SALE B/B Mo pa r ba re blo cks, good con diti on , reb ui lda bl e w/ some parts: 1 400 cu. in. (cas t da te 19 76) for $85. 1 383 cu. in. (cas t date 1967) for $50. Electric vacuum p um p , ki t and ma nua l from SSBC for $ 15 0 (n e w $2 79 .95 ). 8 14-67 65254, 9 am to 9 pm. FOR SALE Wh ea t stra w 4 x5 ro un d ba l e s a n d sq ua re ba le s. 81 4673-4 825. AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 FEBRUARY 2, 2013 PAGE 20