2015 media kit - NewscastStudio
2015 media kit - NewscastStudio
2015 MEDIA KIT Welcome Celebrating its 12th year online, NewscastStudio is the most effective and affordable way to reach the television news industry. As one of the television news industry’s most visited sites and the only Web site devoted exclusively to covering the creative services segment, NewscastStudio delivers a highly targeted audience of the people who buy sets, graphics, music and other products and services for their stations. “After researching many options, NewscastStudio was clearly the best way to reach potential customers at an affordable rate. Our sales have taken off since we started advertising with RICHARD DAY, ChromaVault For the past decate, NewscastStudio has offered high-quality content that’s regularly updated, which places your message within professional, expert information that professionals rely on to make buying decisions. Our audience is extremely loyal and returns often, creating multiple campaign impressions and ensuring top-dollar ROI. Though NewscastStudio has seen explosive growth over the past few years, our advertising rates have remained affordable and have only been adjusted in small amounts. NewscastStudio is also affordable. By custom building campaigns for each client, we are able to deliver maximum value that’s unmatched by other industry print publications and Web sites. When you’re ready to get started, email: [email protected] 2015 MEDIA KIT What is NewscastStudio? NewscastStudio began life as SetStudio, a site that, in just a few short months, quickly grew into the Internet’s television news set design resource. NewscastStudio’s clickthrough rates are10 times the industry average. By comparison, another TV news site reports clickthroughs of about10 percent of NewscastStudio’s. Relying on user contributions, the site now includes over 3,000 photographs from studios around the world. In 2008, SetStudio became NewscastStudio, a name change that reflects the site’s focus on all of the visual and creative aspects of television news — and a resource for the creative people who design sets, create graphics, compose music and keep watch over production values. Today, NewscastStudio offers the world’s largest collection of set photographs and video captures of news graphics packages plus an active news site with tips, news and industry analysis and a complete link directory of products, services and Web sites related to the industry. NewscastStudio High End NewscastStudio Average Other TV industry site 2015 MEDIA KIT Who Uses NewscastStudio? NewscastStudio has a wide variety of visitors, but the majority Users who approve or recommend purchases of our users work in the television news industry. Users include station managers, general managers, news directors, art directors, creative service directors, anchors, videographers and engineers — all people who use creative production tools every day. 40% DO NOT NewscastStudio also puts your message in front of people who make purchasing decisions — 60 percent of our industry users approve or recommend purchases for their station. NewscastStudio’s audience also includes television industry students and educators. Our site is regularly visited by employees of nearly every major U.S. television network and local affiliate ownership group — as well as key international entities. 60% DO 2015 MEDIA KIT What Audience Can I Reach? Visitor countries Here’s a sampling of companies and organizations that visit NewscastStudio, taken directly from our server logs. associated press bloomberg financial market british broadcasting corporation canadian broadcasting corporation cantv servicios venezuela cbs corporation cbs inc. charter communications christian broadcasting network inc. clear channel communications cnbcasiapacific cox communications cox enterprises ctv television network limited disney worldwide services inc. espn fisher communications four points media group fox fox los angeles fox news freedom broadcasting gannett co. google inc. gray television griffin hearst-argyle television inc. home shopping network independent television news ltd jordan united tv broadcasting co. journal broadcast group krqe channel 13 ksdk-gannett ksee television ktal lin television corp local tv llc mcgraw-hill macneil lehrer productions media general inc. meredith corporation microsoft corp nbc universal netscape communications corp. new england cable news new york times company news corporation newschannel5 network lp d/b/a wtvf ntv hayat satellite television asian region limited scripps howard sinclair broadcasting television new zealand tribune company turkish radio-television corporation tv2 nord twentieth century fox univision communications waay tv wcyb witi tv wltx-tv wluc tv6 wood tv 8 wtvc wtxf philadelphia 2% 2% 9% INDIA CANADA U.K. 6% OTHER 82% UNITED STATES 2015 MEDIA KIT How Many People Visit NewscastStudio? In 2014 NewscastStudio registered a record 2.4 million page views, surpassing the key 2 million mark. This makes NewscastStudio the leading indepedent television news creative resource online — and one of the most visited television news sites online. 2,436,114 410,867 Page views in 2014 Visits in 2014 Our visitors are extremely active and loyal — with nearly three-quarters using the site for at least one year. 13% 1 MONTH+ Frequent return visits, user interactivity and fresh content 13% FIRST VISIT give you the opportunity for repeat impressions on people in the industry. NewscastStudio is also popular among international users. In 2015, NewscastStudio is continuing an original content 73% MORE THAN A YEAR strategy that includes many new columns and industry series which engage audiences and provide valuable information for our readers. Visitor loyalty 2015 MEDIA KIT Why Should I Be on NewscastStudio? NewscastStudio brings a unique mix of quality traffic, niche, Plus, we’re backed by a sophisticated advertising server targeted content and great user base that will give you the edge. powered by Google that can hone your messages to finetuned demographic requirements such as location, time of Our users also notice and remember our advertisers, day and area of site. with over three-quarters of our returning visitors correctly Advertising recall identifying at least one of our advertisers. Of those, over three-quarters recalled two or more companies. NewscastStudio also registered 1,117% more visits than other television network-related sites of its size and 222% 23% DID NOT more pages per visit. In addition, our site’s bounce rate is extremely low, meaning more people come and stay on the site longer. We also approach advertising from a fresh perspective — offering high-quality placement of traditional banner advertisement as well as the opportunity to integrate your message with our content. 77% REMEMBERED AN ADVERTISER 2015 MEDIA KIT How Much Does It Cost to Advertise? NewscastStudio offers affordable advertising with a great ROI. NewscastStudio can create a micro-site for your company, provide coverage of your product or service in our blog In order to deliver the best value and flexibility, NewscastStudio or embed interactive product guides on our pages. Have develops a unique campaign and pricing for each advertiser. something else in mind? Just ask and we’ll see what we can do. NewscastStudio advertisers can buy as few or as many ads Monthly cost comparison as they want. That said, there are many benefits to signing a Trade newspaper multi-month contract, including substantial savings and free bonus ads. Many of our advertisers opt for one year contracts, which means less to worry about and provides the ultimate value. We also offer flexible payment terms and accept major credit cards as payment. NewscastStudio embraces innovative advertising formats that tightly integrate your message with our content. We’re Industry magazine an innovative Web publisher for advertisers and work closely with advertisers to help maximize these special campaigns. NewscastStudio Industry Web site 2015 MEDIA KIT What Advertising Opportunities Are Available? NewscastStudio offers a wide variety of exciting advertising positions throughout the website and email content. Explore the options available to you on the next few pages, and then contact us to build your custom advertising package. 2015 MEDIA KIT Homepage Advertising Opportunities A Header Banner Located at the top of every page, this banner remains visible even when the user scrolls down the page, making it a highly visible option. 428x60 B B Category Entitlement Sponsor an existing or new category in our main navigation with high profile positioning in both the category’s dropdown navigation menu and the category headline box on the homepage. 125x125 200x35 C Latest Images Banner Blended between previews of the latest set galleries and latest graphics galleries, this highly visible square ad places your messaging directly within the latest content. 217x217 This banner gives you plenty of room to showcase your message with large photos and finely tuned copy. 250x600 D Page Showcase Banner A D B C 2015 MEDIA KIT Inside Page Advertising Opportunities A Header Banner Located at the top of every page, this banner remains visible even when the user scrolls down the page, making it a highly visible option. 428x60 E D Page Showcase Banner This banner gives you plenty of room to showcase your message with large photos and finely tuned copy. 250x600 E Leaderboard This large banner position is visible when pages first load. Select specific pages for your banner or run across every inside page. 728x90 F Designer Link Place a live link to your website on every gallery featuring your work. Great for SEO and direct clickthroughs. Text only >> Now available for: Lighting Designer Set Fabricator A F D 2015 MEDIA KIT Email Advertising Opportunities G Header Banner G Located at the top of the email newsletter, this banner is highly visible. 428x60 H H Top Banner A high profile position located between the header and beginning of our email newsletter content. 428x60 I Text Link These text advertisements are integrated tightly into our email newsletter content. Price depends on location in newsletter and length of copy. Text only I L J Top Skyscraper This tall banner position remains visible as users scroll down through content. 120x600 K Bottom Skyscraper An additional skyscraper banner position that grabs attention as readers continue through content. 120x600 L Featured Gallery Feature your company’s work between our two other featured galleries. J K Thumbnail 2015 MEDIA KIT Enhanced Directory Listing Add your company’s logo, extended description and detailed contact information on our directory pages. Enhanced directory listings appear at the top of each directory page and are sorted randomly each time the page is loaded. Text Ads Text advertisements are a great alternative to image-based banner ads. Styled to match NewscastStudio’s design, these ads are closely integrated into the structure of pages. Text ads are available in a variety of positions, including custom designed ones. Please note that text advertisements do require a small advertisement label. Content Modules Content modules come in a wide variety of flavors — but they all give you the opportunity to offer users quick, interactive guides to your products and services. Include product and service overviews, photographs, logos and links to your site from within the NewscastStudio platform. Content modules can be designed to precisely match our look and feel. Sponsored Blog Entry One of NewscastStudio’s top options, we’ll post a blog entry about your product or service in our television news creativity blog. Styled to look and feel just like any other blog entry, this “advertorial” option gives you the opportunity to spotlight your company in a way that doesn’t look or feel like a traditional ad. Your blog entry can include text, photographs, video or audio. Plus, your message will be in front of a captive audience that has an active interest in television news. Please note: This package requires your company to provide NewscastStudio with one, nonreturnable product sample and/or a telephone interview with appropriate staff members. All products and services for blog entry packages are subject to the acceptance by NewscastStudio. All blog entries are authored by NewscastStudio editors. Advertiser will have the opportunity to review and approve posts before publishing. Blog entries will contain a brief reference to the fact the entry is a paid advertisement. A blog entry is not an endorsement. On Site Photography Package A great way to get high quality photographs of your projects and ensure your sets are showcased on our site. NewscastStudio’s editor, Dak Dillon, is an award winning photographer who specializes in photographing television news sets and we’ll send him to your client’s location to photograph your set with this great package. You’ll get at least 200 super-high resolution photographs to use in advertisements and other publicity materials. Photographs will include wide shots of the empty set, detailed close-ups of specific elements and views of the set in use by the station talent. Please note this package requires you to work with our photographer and the station to schedule the photoshoot and availability of talent and crew. This package is subject to photographer’s availability and price varies based on travel costs and length of trip. 2015 MEDIA KIT The Power of Links NewscastStudio is a top result in nearly every television news design related term and you can now use that to help boost traffic to your site. Links Equal ‘Votes’ Major search engines operate under the idea that a link to a particular site or page is a positive “vote” for that page. The more links connected to a particular page, the higher that page is likely to appear in results Having highly-rated pages related to your business means even better results. That’s where NewscastStudio can help. We offer carefully-selected advertisers the opportunity to add direct links to their sites, taking advantage of NewscastStudio’s high rankings and relevant content to create traffic increases through better rankings in search results. To find out if your company qualifies, just contact us. Better Than Search Results Ads Many search engines offer the ability to pay to have an ad appear next to relevant search results. For example, you could have your company’s ad appear when someone searches for “news set design.” Generally, the more you’re willing to pay for each click the higher you’re likely to appear. However, there are problems with this approach. There is already substantial competition for TV news related search terms, meaning you’ll need to be willing to pay more per click to get your ads to show up effectively. You’re also paying for clicks from people just curious about your company who aren’t in the market for your services at all. There are also a lot of Internet users who have learned to ignore search engine ads, lessening the effectiveness of your results. Finally, these campaigns can be difficult and timeconsuming to manage for optimal results. Get Better Results A better strategy is to get your site higher in the regular search results. NewscastStudio can offer selected advertisers a two-pronged approach to this. First by offering qualified sites inbound links from a highly-ranked and relevant site to boost result rankings. Second, advertisers who also opt to include banner and directory advertising on our site will also benefit from the fact that our site is a top-ranked site and, even if a user fails to notice a search result for your company, they can still be directed to your page from our site. 2015 MEDIA KIT Copyright © 2003-2015 NewscastStudio. All rights reserved. NewscastStudio, NewscastInspiration, InspirationFinder and related logos are marks of NewscastStudio. NewscastStudio is a division of HD Media Ventures, LLC. The data in this document is compiled from a variety of sources, including competitor comparisions, internal research, Google Analytics, Google Ad Manager and other sources but has not been audited or certified. This document contains traffic data and analysis based on historical information but is not a guarantee on future performance or results.
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