the PDF file - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
the PDF file - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
February 28, 2016 Third Sunday of Lent Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church Rev. Robert B. Borges, Pastor Rev. Craig Plunkett, Parochial Vicar Rev. Adrian Kim, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. E. Gary Stevens, Deacon Sister Martha Arteaga, MEMI, Hispanic Ministries 929 Harvard, Clovis, CA 93612 Phone (559) 299-4270 • Fax (559) 299-7126 • e-mail: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-5:00pm; Friday: 9:00am - 12:00 noon REGULAR MASS SCHEDULE Monday - Thursday: 7:30am - 5:30pm Friday: 8:45am, (5:30pm during Lent) Saturday: 7:30am, 5:30pm (Vigil) Sunday: 6:30am, 8:00am (Español), 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 4:00pm (Korean), 5:30pm CONFESSIONS (Chapel) Every Saturday of the month (3:30 during Lent) 4:00pm - 5:00pm First Saturday of the month 11:00am - 12:00 noon AND (3:30 during Lent) 4:00pm - 5:00pm ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Monday: 8:00 am - Tuesday 7:15 am Tuesday: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 1st Friday: 9:30 am - Saturday 7:15 am 3rd Friday: 7:15 am - 8:15 am (for vocations) Stations of the Cross 7:00pm Fridays during Lent OLPH SCHOOL Principal, Patrick Dodd 836 Dewi , Clovis, CA 93612 (559) 299-7504 Office Hours Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm Our Missions Divine Mercy Clovis East High School Mul -purpose Room 2940 N. Leonard, Clovis, CA • (559) 374-2242 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8:30am, 10:30am Confessions: 7:45am - 8:15am on Sunday Infant Jesus of Prague 32054 Whispering Springs Rd. Tollhouse, CA 93667 • (559) 855-4659 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 6:00pm (Vigil) Confessions: Before Mass Sunday, February 28 Third Sunday of Lent 5:30pm (Saturday Vigil) 6:30am 8:00am (Español) 8:30am (Divine Mercy) 9:30am 10:30am (Divine Mercy) 11:00am 12:30pm 5:30pm Bill Hutchinson † Ribekah McNeal Domingo Apilado† Rosé Verrell & Frances Hall † Ramona Lanas† Karen Cook † Esther Guillen OLPH Parishioners Julio & Lidia Rivera Monday, February 29 7:30am 5:30pm The Sacrament of Baptism Parents should contact the Parish Office for the required documenta on for scheduling a bap sm. Those interested in a ending Bap smal Prepara on Class must register in the Parish Office. Bap smal Coordinator: Jacqui Ramirez, 299-4270, ext. 104 Bau smo Los padres necesitan visitar a la oficina parroquial para hablar con la Hermana Martha. Su horario de oficina es Lunes y Viernes dentro de las horas de mediodía a 5:00pm. The Sacrament of Matrimony The bride or groom should make an appointment with one of our priests at least six months in advance. Matrimonio La novia o novio necesitan hacer una cita con nuestro Párroco por lo menos de seis meses por adelantado. John Dittrich † Ed David Tuesday, March 1 7:30am 5:30pm Zenia Garrido Mary Lomas † Wednesday, March 2 7:30am 5:30pm For all the faithful Anita Singh † Thursday, March 3 Mass Intentions Mass inten ons are a beau ful way to pray for our loved ones—both those who have died and those who are s ll here with us. The suggested offering is $10, and requests may be made at the parish office. Intenciones de las Misas son una hermosa manera de rezar por nuestros seres amados-tanto los que han muerto y los que todavía están aquí con nosotros. La ofrenda sugerida es de $10.00, y las solicitudes se puede hacer en la oficina parroquial. Altar Flowers There will be no altar or ves bule flowers during the Lenten season. 7:30am 5:30pm The Souls in Purgatory Friday, March 4 Our Faithfully Departed We pray for the repose of the souls of Lena Daddino, Francisca Medina, and all the faithfully departed. 8:45am 5:30pm Saturday, March 5 7:30am 5:30pm (Vigil) 6:00pm (IJOP) Walter Tamamichel † Bob & Rosemary Moore † Sunday, March 6 Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 11;1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9 Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30 6:30am 8:00am (Español) 8:30am (Divine Mercy) 9:30am 10:30am (Divine Mercy) 11:00am 12:30pm 5:30pm ICF Members Josephina Alamar † The Souls in Purgatory Piedad Lucero † Jeff Maxwell † Margaret Magallanes Elmer Lloyd † OLPH Parishioners Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc, 8-9; Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34 Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14 Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34:2-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Page 2 February 28, 2016 OLPH Stewardship Report Divine Mercy Stewardship Report Next weekend, we will participate in our regular second collection for our school. Your entire Ash February 14, February 14, February 21, contribution goes February 21, 2016 toward tuition Wednesday 2016 2016 2016 assistance, instructional Plate Plate Bldg. Plate Catholic Plate Bldg. Plate Catholic Fund Comm. Fund Comm. materials, academic programs, and administrative $5,866 $13,795 $4,491 $13,573 $3,207 $4,391 $4,061 $3,943 $759 support. Your contribution WILL make a difference. Please give generously. Weekly goal is $14,000 Stations of the Cross: Fridays during Lent at 7:00pm The 14 Sta ons of the Cross represent events from Jesus’ passion and death. At each sta on we use our senses and our imagina on to reflect prayerfully upon Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrec on. H a l f way t h r o u g h L e n t : H o w i s i t g o i n g? How’s it been going so far? Have you been keeping up your fast? Have you made it to confession yet? Have you been keeping strong with your daily penance and self-denial? Did you start off strong but are now down to a fizzle? You might just need to shake up your Lenten rou ne a li le. These helpful ideas listed below are taken from the Magnificat Year of Faith Companion, entry wri en by Fr. Peter John Cameron, O.P. On Mondays – Medita ve Prayer Set aside a small amount of me to pray by yourself and in silence. On Tuesdays – Fas ng Choose one day of the week to fast. Offer your sacrifice for specific inten ons. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY On Wednesdays – Charitable Works of Mercy Use this day to go out of your way to care for the poor, the needy, and the lonely–even if something very small. On Thursdays – Eucharis c Adora on Bring all your prayer requests and the needs of your family and friends to the Adora on chapel. On Fridays – Study the Faith Start with those areas of doctrine which you need to understand be er. Use the Catechism of the Catholic Church. On Saturdays – Confession & Penance Let Lent be marked by frequent confession, and prac ce addi onal penances on the day you go to confession. ST. MARTHA’S PANTRY Those who have suffered a loss of a Located behind Notre Dame Hall. Hours: loved one are invited to join our Mondays & Saturdays: 9:00am - 12:00 noon support group on the second and fourth Thursdays: 4:00pm - 7:00pm Tuesdays of the month at 6:30pm in Case Maas, Operations Manager • 260-1056 Harvard House. Mary Shute, Student Coordinator • 299-5369 Maureen Barile * 291-7970 Pat Peck, Produce Coordinator • 360-9763 Irene Aparicio * 291-4966 Pantry Phone • 298-8808 Page 3 RAPHAEL HEALTH MINISTRY Located in Harvard House, this ministry provides health education, home visitation, and blood pressure checks. Open Mondays & Wednesdays 9:00am - 12:00 noon Roxanna Stevens, RN/Faith Community Nurse Phone • 298-5443 February 28, 2016 SJM: Seeking New Principal Founded in 1945, San Joaquin Memorial High School in Fresno, CA is seeking an experienced Catholic educator to serve as Principal. The Principal acts as the opera onal officer and instruc onal leader of the school. SJM is a WASC accredited, Catholic co-ed high school serving 600 students in grades 9-12. The school is comple ng a $5 million campaign that has created funds for facility upgrades, an Interna onal Boarding School, 1 to 1 iPad program, and addi ons to our $3 million endowment. The ideal candidate will have an administra ve creden al, be a prac cing Catholic, and have 5+ years of work experience in either a Catholic or Public High School with a minimum of 3+ years of administra ve experience. Please send le ers of interest and resumes to searchcommi [email protected]. Deadline for contac ng the Search Commi ee is March 1, 2016. World Youth Day: OLPH Crab Feed Dungeness Crab $50 or Chicken Fettuccine$35 Included with dinner: Salad, pasta, bread and dessert. March 12, 2016 Social Hour: 5-6 pm Dinner: 6-7:30 pm Silent Auction & Door Prizes • Dance – 7:30-10:30 pm • DJ “Magic Touch” Our Lady of Perpetual Help Notre Dame Hall 333 8th Street Clovis, CA 93612 For tickets contact : Ana Macias Phone : 559-321-3541 After 5:30 pm Retrouvaille Tensión en su matrimonio?- Retrouvaille en un programa para parejas casadas que se sienten aburridos, desilusionados, frustrados, o enojados en su matrimonio. Algunos experimentan frialdad. Otros experimentan conflictos en su relación. La mayoría no saben cómo cambiar la situación o incluso como comunicárselo a su esposo(a). Este programa ha ayudado a miles de parejas experimentando dificultades en sus matrimonios. Para información confidencial acerca del programa o registrarse para el siguiente Fin De Semana, por favor llame al (559) 399-6560 o por email: [email protected] , (559) 707-5935 o por Email: Maria_gu [email protected], o visite el si o web El siguiente Fin De Semana en Español, es en Fresno, CA Marzo 04, 05 & 06, 2016. Retrouvaille Stress in Your Marriage? - Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated or angry in their marriage. Some experience coldness. Others experience conflict in their rela onship. Most don’t know how to change the situa on or even communicate with their spouse about it. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing difficul es in their marriage. For confiden al informa on about or to register for the program in Fresno from March 4th through the 6th please call Bob & Liz S ffler at (559) 862-6765 or email: [email protected] OLPH School Capital Projects Please con nue to prayerfully consider sponsoring one of our school capital projects. Your support helps keep a quality Catholic educa on affordable and available to those who need it. If you are considering a Catholic educa on for your family, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] et or call the office at (559) 299-7504 to make an appointment. Thank you Patrick Dodd Principal Page 4 • • • • • 6’ fence with safety gates around the junior high $8,400.00 A/C units for the licensed preschool and office $10,700.00 Safety doorknobs that lock from the inside $9,500.00 Paint the exterior of the school and convent $22,830.00 Technology Infrastructure/ Wi-Fi upgrade $22,071.15 February 28, 2016 Year of Mercy Event Saturday March 12 - Pilgrim Walk to St. John's Cathedral - A Diocesan Church of the Holy Doors In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, passing through a Holy Door is part of the pilgrimage that all Catholics are encouraged to make. These pilgrimages come with special graces, and they allow each of us to share in the many blessings of the Holy Year. Please join us as we walk together from OLPH to St. John's Cathedral on Saturday March 12th. We will depart from OLPH at 7:00am and Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral by Fr. Robert at 10:30am. Following Mass, there will be fellowship and refreshments in the basement available until 1:00pm. We will have cars stationed at each mile marker, and a shuttle vehicle to transport people to the Cathedral if they are unable to finish the walk. The route is approximately 9.5 miles. Pilgrims will need to provide their own water. We need your Help! We need walkers, and we need an organizer for the fellowship. We also need additional fellowship volunteers who would not be participating in the walk to set up, etc. We will have some cars at the Cathedral to shuttle people back to OLPH, but if your family is planning to walk, you may want to park one car at the Cathedral, and one at OLPH. All drivers (unless transporting immediate family only) and walkers need to have the proper paperwork filled out, which is available in the parish office, or you can email Elaine [email protected] Please note that a Pilgrim Walk is not required in order to come celebrate the Mass at the Cathedral. Additionally, anyone entering through a Holy Door of any of our designated churches in our Diocese enters through a Door of Mercy, experiencing the love of God who consoles, pardons, and instills hope. Help Make People Feel Welcome at our Church… Become an Usher! The house of the Lord is like our own home, and as with any feast, we strive to welcome each person at the door, as Christ welcomes us. We have many dedicated people who serve in this very important ministry of gree ng and ushering. We have a great need for more ministers, so that each of us feels this warm welcome from the first moment of our arrival. Won't you prayerfully discern whether you may be called to this ministry? Ushers are an integral ministry, doubling as greeters, sea ng people during Mass, taking up the collec on, helping the ministers of the Eucharist by direc ng communion lines and also by leading the ministers to those who are unable to walk to communion. Another important task of the ushers is to keep a watchful eye as a guardian of the Eucharist and of the gi s of the people in the form of the collec on. If you cannot fulfill the du es of the usher during Mass, we would love for you to u lize your gi s of a warm smile and caring heart, as you serve as a greeter to our brothers and sisters coming to the feast of the Lord. If you feel called to either of our hospitality ministries, please call Jacqui at the parish office, and thank you for dona ng your me and talent to your church. K of C Fish Fry at St. helen’s SERVED FROM 5 PM - 8 PM Fri Mar 4th one night will introduce Clam Chowder Bowl= $8.00 Pizza - cheese or vegetarian Fri Mar11th: Fried or Baked Fish, Fish Taco's, Fries, Grilled cheese Fri Mar18th: Fried or Baked Fish, Fish Taco's, Fries, Grilled cheese Dine in (All you can eat fish) = Adults $10.00, Children (under 12) $5.00, Take out = $8.00, Soda & Water can be purchased for $1.00, Slice of Pizza = $3.00, Grilled Cheese= $3.00 Fish Fry at St. John’s Cathedral Loca on: St. John’s Cathedral, Singleton Hall Adult plate: $10. Child plate: $5 (12 yrs. & under) For more informa on please call Mar n at 498-3369. The Knights of Columbus, Bishop John T. Steinbock, Council #9525 from St. John’s Cathedral are having their famous Basa Basa fish fry dinner with some delicious sides. You have a choice of ea ng in or taking out. PESCADO FRITO LOS VIERNES DURANTE LA CUARESMA Catholic Singles Potluck Fresno Catholic Singles general mee ng potluck Thursday, March3, 6:30 P.M. in the cafeteria at The Newman Center for details call Rose Marie at 439-2601. Page 5 Los Caballeros de Colon tendran su famoso pescado frito Basa Basa con deliciosos acompañamientos. Tambien habra platos para lluevar. Se llevara acabo en el Salon de la Catedral. Adultos: $10 por plato. Ninos: $5 (12 años y menos) Llamen a Maria 498-3369 para mas informacion February 28, 2016 Parish registration/update form Want to Volunteer? Please complete this form and mail it in, drop it in the collection basket, or bring it into the office. Love working with people? Use your God given gifts to serve others. We welcome all new parishioners! Head of household name(s) (mr & mrs, ms, mr, miss): Other family members (and ages): Please complete and drop at the office or in the collec on basket. Please consider me for volunteering at: Please circle your preference: Address: city: zip: The Parish Office Phone #: Name: email: Phone #: Please circle any of the following: 1. new parishioner 2. update information 3. moving, remove from directory 4. Send contribution envelopes 5. Send information on ACH (Auto Clearing House Process) Electronic contributions OLPH Parishioner? The Parish Gi Shop Yes No Please circle your preference: I would like to volunteer weekly. I would like to volunteer every other week. I would like to volunteer once a month. Other—let’s discuss. POLICY FOR BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Deadline is 11 days prior to the Sunday you would like your ar cle to be considered for publica on. Send submissions to: bulle [email protected] Ar cles must be approved prior to appearing in the bulle n. Staff and Organizations PARISH STAFF Jacqui Ramirez Karen Mentlewski Elaine Bauer Arsen Adjemian Lidia Rivera Silvia Camarena Director of Parish Opera ons Director of Religious Educa on Director of Liturgy and Music Bookkeeper Administra ve Asst., Religious Educa on Office Assistant Sister Martha Arteaga, MEMI Coordinator of Hispanic Ministries Bulle n 299-4270 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] bulle [email protected] ext. 104 313-2032 307-4216 299-4270 326-7198 299-4270 930-8295 MINISTRIES Liturgical Altar Servers Eucharis c Ministry Lectors Music Ushers/Greeters Mark and Dee Schultz Elaine Bauer Deacon Gary Stevens Elaine Bauer Luis Ramirez 559-291-4546 559-307-4216 559-299-4270 559-307-4216 559-801-4856 Maureen Barile Irene Aparicio Miguel/Martha Herrera Veronica Fortunato Linda Garcia Roxanna Stevens Marty and Denise Ouelle e Dave & Sylvia Langton Lupe & Maria Arredondo Case Maas 559-291-7970 559-291-4966 559-341-8733 559-917-7106 559-392-2119 559-298-5443 559-323-8215 559-324-7149 559-935-1424 559-260-1056 [email protected] Parish Ministries Bereavement Ministry Encuentro Matrimonial Natural Family Planning Raphael Health Ministry Retrouvaille Retrouvaille en Español St. Martha’s Pantry [email protected] [email protected] PARISH GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS Boy Scouts (Boys Ages 11-18) Brownies/Girl Scouts Catholic Daughters Cub Scouts (Boys Grades 1-5) Cursillos Grupo de Oración Italian Catholic Federa on Journey Youth Group Knights of Columbus Korean Community Liaison Men’s Fellowship Mom’s Group Open Door Prayer Group Our Lady’s Guild Perpetual Helpers Silver Foxes Sociedad Guadalupana The Legion of Mary The Workshop Robert Hillis Jennifer Summers Kim Cochran Dean Posey William Quintana Pablo Galvez Patricia Galvez Maria Torres Tina Torres Jessie Budd Erin Wink Jim Carter, Grand Knight John Roh Bart Devlin Nhuha Dizon Mary Pat Larralde Virginia Corpus Fred Borjas Dorothy S ers Veronica Roebuck Angelo and LeAnne Lavagnino Consuelo Gallegos Barbara Gray Madeline Conatser 559-392-0149 559-285-6336 [email protected] 559-288-9635 [email protected] 559-930-3753 559-618-1764 559-321-5963 559-321-5964 559-314-5146 559-240-6724 559-930-8043 559-977-6616 559-974-5700 [email protected] 559-304-7494 [email protected] 559-323-7387 or 559-696-8031 559-325-9281 [email protected] 559-325-1998 559-392-0899 559-994-8828 a [email protected] 559-292-9533 dorothys ers@a .net 559-229-3345 559-298-3625 angelolavagnino@a .net 559-593-0378 [email protected] 559-349-9434 Barbara@tylerconstruc 559-297-0149
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