- Texico Conference


- Texico Conference
November 11, 2010
Training Leaders for His Service!
Last weekend, the Lubbock Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted the 2010 Texico Lay Leadership Retreat and Youth Rally, which was a wonderful event. This was a great time for church
leaders of various departments to come and receive training which enhances their leadership in
the church, giving them the tools and a better understanding of the job they have been
elected to do. This year there were break
out sessions for elders, clerks, treasurers,
children’s ministries and Pathfinder leaders. Sung Kwon, National Executive Director of the North American Division Adventist
Community Services, inspired, motivated
and encouraged the attendees with his presentations. There were church leaders
representing many churches throughout
our Conference in attendance at the retreat and the weekend was infused with a
positive and uplifting spirit.
Running simultaneously with the leadership meeting was the Texico youth rally
conducted by Youth Director, Fernando
Villegas, and guest speaker, Ken Rogers. Enthusiasm was demonstrated
by the youth as they worshipped God
through music, activities and interesting spiritual presentations. They also
seized the opportunity to serve the
community by singing at a local nursing home, distributing literature
in the neighborhood and putting
together care packages for under
privileged children.
A big thank you to the Lubbock
Church for their wonderful hospitality and cooperation in making this weekend a success! We
appreciate you sharing your wonderful facilities to host this event. Also, thank you to Leroy Green and his kitchen staff for their
hard work and providing us with delicious meals!
“Now I understand why everyone comes in with a smile on their face,” was a comment by one of
the Texico Conference pastors who sat in on our last Lay Pastoral Assistant training. Many of the
59 individuals who have been selected by their local church boards to participate in this training
have expressed what a great blessing it is for them to be a part of this program and how much
they have learned. Not only are they learning, but they are enjoying themselves in the process.
The Lay Pastoral training is a special course provided by the Texico Conference and conducted
by Pastor Ron Halvorsen. It consists of four separate weekend sessions and a variety of homework assignments, including various reading selections, book reports, visitation requirements
and sermons, as well as, learning how to lead people to Christ. Each trainee must attend all four
sessions and complete each homework assignment to be eligible for credentialing. The group
continues to grow as people are eager to learn how to be more effective soul winners. Our last
retreat on October 22-24, was truly a great blessing and the people left anxious to make a difference in their own church and community. Submitted by Sue Hinkle
On September 10,
Amarillo started evangelistic meetings and
continued every night
for two weeks with
three presentations
on each of the last two
Sabbaths. God richly
blessed these meetings. The evangelists
were the elders and one deacon of the Amarillo church. These dedicated men and women
preached night after night, some for the very first time. They prepared for these meetings weeks
in advance. The speakers attended training classes on preaching, gaining decisions, and learning to use PowerPoint and additional media. Pastor Rick Dye, who conducted the classes for
this group of preachers, was excited about the thirty-five visitors that came to hear the gospel.
These preachers delivered their sermons with passion and conviction. As a result to date, there
have been four new members added to the church by baptism and profession of faith with additional baptisms scheduled. The Amarillo members were excited about the meetings which was
an encouragement to the evangelists. This same group of preachers are already preparing to
hold meetings again in 2011. In Amarillo, evangelism is not an event, but a way of life. Praise
God! Submitted by Pastor Rick Dye
Sabbath, October 2nd was
a Spiritual High Day for the
Portales Church. Pastor Nehemias Basit conducted the
baptism of Jeremy Southern
and also Donna Foster was
accepted as a member by
profession of faith. A basket
of fruit and sparkling grape
juice was presented to each
candidate. Also to celebrate,
a bounteous potluck was enjoyed by all. Submitted by
Darlene Lautherbach
So far this year, literature evangelists have helped lead 31 people to
Christ in the Texico Conference! They all have Bible studies and go
door-to-door handing out Christian literature in many homes, spreading the news of Christ’s second coming with the hope that someday
they too will give their lives to Christ. Five people were baptized in
the Clint Spanish Church on October 5th. Listed below are individual
reports from a few of the literature evangelists.
Colporteur, Jesus Cortés has conducted two evangelistic meetings
in El Paso, Texas resulting in ten people being baptized.
Max Flores is a colporteur and a faithful missionary in El Paso, Texas
and the surrounding area. He came from Chicago in April of this
year after being diagnosed with a disease that nearly took his life.
Up to this day, he is still under treatment and struggling with his
health, but this doesn’t stop him from doing what he loves to do—
work for God’s cause!
While knocking on doors one day he came across a lady who wanted to study the Bible with him, but her husband had forbid her to do
so. Therefore, she asked Mr. Flores to give her the Bible studies
at the park, which they did. One day while studying, another lady
approached them and asked if she could also listen. She liked it so
much that she offered her house to continue the
studies there. One month later she, her husband,
and son decided to get baptized. Since April,
Brother Flores has helped to bring four souls to
Blanca Moreno works in Hobbs, New Mexico.
She has a women’s group that studies the Bible
once a week. Most of the ladies are from another
denomination, but little by little she has studied
with them Adventist doctrines, which they have
accepted. She is praying that with God’s leading,
they may soon accept Christ through baptism.
Submitted by Isaias Morales
Personal Testimony from a new member in Clovis, New Mexico: As a little girl, as far back
as I can remember, I watched my mother place a doily or women’s cloth handkerchief on her
head, light two candles, wave her hands over them three times, and say the Sabbath prayer, in
Hebrew, as the sun had set on a Friday evening. On Saturday, knowing we were not allowed to
carry money, travel, or do business, we would walk a few blocks away, out of sight of the Cantor’s
and Rabbi’s apartment building, to catch the train, or a cab closer to pay day. I asked her one
time, why we had to go so far to catch the cab and she told me, “So they won’t see us.” She was
trying her best to teach me the best she knew, but years later it became apparent that she had
left me with more questions and uncertainty of my faith.
God does work in mysterious ways and at the age of 12, the passing of my mother had left a
void in my life. To fill that void “He” sent me on a journey of searching for belonging. I eventually
met a group of people who gave bible studies in their home. I learned about Christ and claimed
Him as my Savior. I had finally begun to fill that void and felt like I had found a viable answer to
those unanswered questions. I knew in my heart there was more. I had always wondered why
the Jews had denied Christ as their savior and was convinced that they had made a big mistake.
I wasn’t going to make that same mistake. It all made sense now.
Learning had now become my mission in life. Eventually, I enrolled in the College of Santa Fe, a
Christian based school, and embarked on a wonderful journey. I met the man of my dreams and
began a family. My husband and his family were devout Catholics and it was important to me to
have unity in our religious life for our children’s sake.
On the day we were to be married and after a year of catechism classes, I was baptized, received
the first Holy Communion and was Confirmed into the Catholic Church. Even though learning
had always been my mission in life, now becoming the best Catholic I could be took precedence.
Over the last 30 years as a Catholic, I learned to keep the traditions faithfully and with joy. I truly
believed that it had brought me through numerous trials and tribulations. I had no reason to
change my religion or question the traditions of the church. Who was I to question anything and
I believed God had blessed me and mine. If there was anything that evaded me, I contributed it
to my ignorance of the Bible and God would someday clarify these things for me.
Recently, some very good and faithful friends invited me to a Prophecy Seminar. They had expressed that I would appreciate and enjoy it. I was really looking forward to it, but I got busy and
it slipped my mind. An hour before the first meeting, it was brought to my attention by an unusual
call. Having such short notice and the late hour, I was thinking on resigning myself to the fact that
it was too late and I was too tired. Instead, I heard “sure” coming out of my mouth and thanking
him for reminding me.
From the first session until the last, I sat in awe of God and His mercy and grace all over again.
Many of the things that I had learned before took on a whole new meaning for me. Some things
really surprised me and I went home and do some serious pondering. I prayed about these
things because it seemed to shake the very foundation I had built on over the last 30 years of my
life, my marriage and my children. This was not a good time for the only solid ground I had was
crumbling apart.
Then suddenly it hit me, “What solid ground?” My marriage was in shambles, my husband
rarely went to church amongst other serious problems, and my
sons’ faith scattered, and I had come through some serious
illnesses, which God had graciously led me through successfully. I thought, surely, it would behoove me to consider some
changes in my life, even if it meant embarking on much resistance from my family.
God always knows best and although He doesn’t always prevent us from going through these tribulations, He has promised to be there with us. I am convinced that He is and has
always been with me all my life.
On the Sabbath, following the seminar, I was re-baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church
in Clovis, New Mexico. My family came to support me, even though they were wary and confused. I do believe God will eventually bring them understanding in “His” time. Until then, I am
praying that I can be an instrument in this work and a worthy example of His love.
Please keep us in your prayers! Your new sister in Christ, Hannah Chavez
Sabbath, October 9, was a very special day for three pastors here in the
Texico Conference as they were ordained into the ministry at the Los
Lunas SDA Church. Dr. James Stevens was honored to congratulate
Leonard Cummings, Erwin de Graaff
and Chuck Workman, along with
their wives, on this momentous occasion. May God bless each of you as
you continue in service to proclaim
the gospel throughout your district
and beyond! You will have the opportunity to become acquainted with
each pastor as you read their short biographies below.
Pastor Leonard Cummings was born in Deer Park, California. He and his
sisters grew up around Pacific Union College where, thanks to his caring
mother, they received an Adventist education. After attending a Revelation
seminar at the age of 11, he was baptized at the Pacific Union College
church. At 17, he attended Fairhaven Academy in British Columbia. During
this time, he considered being a pastor as he participated in Sabbath school
and enjoyed speaking in front of church.
Graduating from Walla Walla Valley Academy in 1996, he contemplated starting a degree in engineering,
but shortly thereafter received an invitation to start a Theology degree in Colombia, South America.
After studying there for a year, he continued his studies in Peru for two and a half years. In between
academic years, he participated in several mission trips in Bolivia and Peru. He also was a Bible worker
at both the Spanish and English churches in Pasco, Washington.
Leonard graduated from Walla Walla College in 2003 with a degree in Theology. He then received
a call to work as a full-time minister in the Texico Conference. From October 2003 to April 2007, he
pastored his first district, Pampa, Borger, in Texas and Clayton, New Mexico, with the later addition of
Tucumcari, NM. During this time, Leonard met Edith Vasquez, and they married in September 2004,
beginning a new partnership in ministry. In 2007, they moved to Berrien Springs, Michigan to continue
his Masters in Divinity degree at Andrews University, graduating in August 2009. Afterward, they moved
to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where Leonard currently pastors the Santa Fe Marcy Park Spanish Church,
Santa Fe Airport Spanish Company and Los Alamos Company.
Outings with the church family, traveling, photo editing, snow boarding and going to the gym are
activities Leonard enjoys. Edith loves working with children and wants to learn more languages and
make seminars for the family. Together they love serving the Lord!
Pastor Erwin de Graaff was born in Hollandia, New
Guinea. He and his parents moved to the Netherlands in
1962. Erwin received his education in Holland and taught
there for nine years.
In 1985, he went to Pennsylvania for a vacation and
accepted a job at a one-teacher school in Tunckhannock.
Erwin taught a total of 25 years in Pennsylvania, Alaska,
Indiana, El Paso and Albuquerque. He received the Zapara
Award for excellence in education.
Tricia went to Alaska as a travel nurse in the summer of
’98 and worked in ICU at Providence Hospital. In Tricia’s
free time, Erwin functioned as a guide, going on many
adventurous trips and helped her fall in love with Alaska
(and him!). Erwin and Tricia were married in the summer
of ’99. He also worked as a professional photographer in
Alaska, traveling to many of the Eskimo villages. Later in
Indiana, Erwin and Tricia had their own computer instruction
business, which won an award from the city of Evansville.
Erwin is currently pastoring the Los Lunas, Belen and Socorro churches since April 2010. His first
pastoral district included Carlsbad, Pecos, Alpine and Saragosa (two years later Roswell Spanish and
Van Horn Spanish were added), where he served for almost four years. Tricia is home-schooling their
three children: Jeffrey 10, Jordan 8, and Alexandra 6.
The de Graaff family enjoys traveling and the outdoors. They are very involved in church activities and
want to continue to serve the Lord and help people prepare for His soon coming.
Pastor Ralph C. Workman, Jr. (Chuck) was born in Chattanooga,
Tennessee to Ralph C. Workman, an Adventist minister/Army
Chaplain, and Dorothy Workman, a school teacher. While growing
up, his family moved to 14 different states and Germany.
Chuck attended Southwestern Adventist College, and there
met Cathie Christianson, who became his wife after graduation.
They felt the calling to go to the mission field and had teaching
assignments in Nairobi, Kenya, Mandeville, Jamaica, and Kauai,
Hawaii, as well as, five additional states in the United States.
As he was working as a school administrator and Educational
Superintendent for the Texico Conference, he was also an interim
pastor for the Carlsbad, El Paso Northeast, East Mountain and Truth or Consequences churches.
Currently, he is pastoring the Las Cruces, New Mexico district.
The Workman’s are blessed with three children: Adrienne, a medical student at Loma Linda University;
Kelsey, a senior at Southwestern Adventist University; and Gilman, a college student awaiting a taskforce
volunteer mission call. Their children have done mission and evangelistic series in Chuuk, Micronesia,
Seoul, Korea, Taiwan, China, and several locations in the Philippines. Cathie is currently teaching grades
4-8 at El Paso Adventist Junior Academy.
Pastor Workman’s passions in life are family, youth,
visitation, Bible studies, prison ministry, mission trips,
photography and evangelism.
In August, the “FESJA” Spanish Youth Rally was a
great success. It was held at the beautiful site of
nature in Torreon, New Mexico with more than one
hundred and fifty young men and women attending.
The main theme for
that weekend was
“Venciendo la Tentacion / Overcoming
Temptation.” Activities included a Bible
contest on the book
of Nehemiah. The
Grande Church won
first place, Santa Fe
Marcy Park church second and Albuquerque Metro Church third place.
The young musical group “JIRE” touched young people with their presentations. Pastor liaison,
Jose Pagan, from Southwestern Adventist University was the guest speaker presenting the secrets to overcoming temptations. It was a FUN and FINE weekend with JESUS!
Many young people decided to have victory over Satan by making the right choices at the right
time. At least 50 young people made positive choices in behalf the kingdom of God! Submitted
by Pastor Jamie Calvo
The Seventh-day Adventist Church of Rio Rancho, New Mexico has partnered with the Roadrunner Food Bank as a Mobile Food Pantry on the second Wednesday of every month
at 4:00 p.m. We receive a truck load of donated food which
we distribute to people in the community, who have come
upon hard times whether it be low income, loss of a job or illness. We try to help in anyway we can by distributing the food
which helps take some of the load off of their minds knowing that they have some kind of food to feed their families.
The type of food being distributed is produce, such as onions
and potatoes, fresh/frozen fruit or vegetables, bread, canned
goods, dried beans, peas etc. Sometimes there is also a pallet of baked goods such as cakes, cookies, pies, and cupcakes. In addition, some of our church
members bring in donated food, which we include with the food we receive from the food bank.
Our future goal is to open up a Food Pantry right here at the church for the community. The
church has given us a vacant closet for food storage. A chest freezer was also donated to the
church to store the frozen food. The Rio Rancho Church is very happy and blessed to be part of
a community food ministry outreach program.
As the Bible says -”Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity”
(2 Corinthians 9:7). Submitted by Mary Jayne Simmons, Rio Rancho SDA Community Services
The El Paso Flames Pathfinder Club had
a successful camp out in Ruidoso, New
Mexico, September 22-24, 2010. Over the
course of the camping skills weekend they
were able to complete the equivalent of
two months worth of class work that brings
them closer to becoming invested in their
respective classes. “The kids as well as
the teachers worked hard!” says Chris
Clapp, the director of the club.
It was the largest camp out yet for the club
which has seen growth every year since it
began back in 2007. With about 50 people
attending, it was a far cry from the four that went on the first club camp
out in February of 2008.
The speaker for the weekend was Andrew Spooner, pastor of the Alamogordo and Ruidoso (New Mexico) churches. Pastor Andrew spoke
on peer pressure, using the story of Daniel as an illustration.
The kitchen staff whipped up some amazing food during the camp out.
The hard-working kitchen director, Prospil Liwanag, along with her husband Pastor Rodel Liwanag, and Dioni and Norma Rivera created a culinary experience not seen before on an El Paso Flames camp out. Submitted by Chris Clapp
The month of October has two milestone dates for Seventh-day Adventists. The first was October 1, 2010, which was the 150th anniversary of our name. Next Friday, on October 22, is the day we remember
“The Great Disappointment,” when thousands of Millerites/Adventist
believed Jesus would come to take His children home.
During this month we have been telling stories of our pioneers from
Pioneer Stories, by Arthur W. Spalding. In order to help the students
feel more like they are part of the early Millerites/Adventist lives, they
have been assigned speaking parts in the story.
An example of an assigned reading would start with the teacher telling the story of Joseph Wolff, who took the Millerite message to the
Middle East. When the teacher tells how a Mohammedan ruler in Arabia informed Wolff, “There
are great dangers in going to Abyssinia and you are likely to lose your life and you have no weapons.” Then, the student reads from a card the answer Joseph Wolff spoke, “Yes, I am provided
with arms. I have prayer zeal for Christ and confidence in God’s help.”
The entire story in interjected with students reading cards that have written direct quotes, a de-
scription of a scene or lyrics from an old hymn. This type of interaction helps our students feel as
if they are really there and that they have been chosen to carry on the work started by courageous
and dedicated pioneers. Submitted by Susan Zimmermann, Principal
Sandia View Campus Update: We
wanted to give you a brief update of
the status of the Sandia View Campus sale and let you know what is
taking place. As many of you know,
the Sandia View Academy administration building has been condemned due to a collapsing section
of the roof. As a result, the Academy
is holding classes in the Corrales fellowship building and a portable classroom (pictured right). Enrollment is up
and despite setbacks the sale of the
Sandia View campus is proceeding as
The Texico Conference is continuing to offer Adventist programmed satellite dishes to new members throughout our territory at no cost to the individuals. So far, our installer, Jerry Lujan, has
installed over 150 satellites under this program, with many more being installed by individuals in
various Texico churches. These satellites, which air 3ABN, 3ABN Spanish, Hope Channel, Esperanza TV and many more Adventist channels around the clock are a great blessing to our new
members, strengthening them on their spiritual journey. Some have mentioned that once they
started watching the variety of programs on the satellite it was hard to watch anything else. One
couple said they were learning so much, they didn’t even want to turn if off to go to bed at night.
We are thankful for this wonderful tool that God has provided to help our new members grow in
We recommend that all our members have access to these channels, whether you have been in
the church many years or a short time, it gives all of us an opportunity to be strengthened in our
Christian walk. You can also view many of these channels online. For your convenience, we have
posted links to several of these channels on our website at www.texico.org.
We thank God for His bountiful blessings! Have
a wonderful Thanksgiving Season!