FY 2016/2017 Budget Presentation


FY 2016/2017 Budget Presentation
FY 2016/2017 Budget Presentation
June 6, 2016
FY 2016/2017 Budget Presentation
Gary Barth, MBA, BCS Director
Laura Zentner, CPA, BCS Deputy Director
Scott Archer, NCPRD Director
Mission Statement: “To enrich community
vitality and promote healthy living through
parks and recreation”
Vision Statement: “Enhancing and connecting
your community by providing exceptional
parks and recreation opportunities for all”
Budget Overview
• Total departmental budget = $46 million
– Budget excluding transfers = $35 million
• Transfers do not represent additional dollars
• Number of funds/divisions = 9 Funds, 11 Divisions
• County General Fund support = $0
• Major revenue sources
– NCPRD Property Taxes = $6.6 million
– Fees & Charges = $1.9 million
– Parks System Development Charges = $2.5 million
• Major expenditure categories
– Personnel = $5.1 million
– Capital Outlay = $18.1 million
(includes repair & replacement and new capital projects)
Financial Trends
• Revenue trends:
– Property tax revenue
o 3% increase per budget
o 4.75% increase per County Assessor estimate
– Fees & Charges budgeted to remain flat
– SDCs projected to remain consistent w/prior year
• Expenditure trends:
Expenditures increasing at a faster rate than revenues
County allocated costs up 4% (excluding W/C & Liability)
Personnel costs – COLA 2%, merit 3.5%
PERS expected to increase by double digits in FY
• FTE:
– FY 2015/2016 total FTE = 32
• Seasonal and Part-time = 43
– FY 2016/2017 total FTE = 34
• Seasonal and Part-time = 44
• NCPRD General Fund
Parks Maintenance
Milwaukie Center
Aquatic Park
Marketing and Communication
Natural Resources
• Nutrition and Transportation Fund
– Nutrition
– Transportation
• System Development Charges - Zone 1 Fund
Zone 1 is the City of Milwaukie and the City’s urban growth management area.
• System Development Charges - Zone 2 Fund
Zone 2 is the unincorporated Clackamas County area within the district, west of
I-205, excluding the City of Milwaukie urban growth management area.
• System Development Charges - Zone 3 Fund
Zone 3 includes the City of Happy Valley, the City’s urban growth management
area, the unincorporated Clackamas County area east of I-205, and the portion
of the City of Damascus within the boundaries of the District.
• 2010 Debt Service Fund
– Refinance of series 2000 bond, originally issued in 1993 to build
NCPRD Aquatic Park and seven parks within the district)
• 2008 Debt Service Fund
– Hood View Park
• Capital Projects Fund
• Capital Asset Replacement Fund
• Total Fund Budget = $12,291,996
Includes Transfers of $1,983,247 and Contingency
of $2,107,550
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main sources of revenue
‒ NCPRD Property Taxes = $6.6 million
‒ Fees & Charges = $1.9 million
• Trends / Accomplishments
‒ See division slides
• Significant Issues / Changes
‒ See division slides
Administration Division
• Total Division Budget = $4,802,580
Includes Transfers of $1,983,247 and Contingency of
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main source of revenue
– NCPRD Property Taxes = $6.6 million
• Trends / Accomplishments
– Implemented a new streamlined contracts procedure
– Prepared budgets and supplemental budgets in
compliance with OR budget law
– Prepared monthly/quarterly financial reports to ensure
managers have the data needed to sustainably manage
their divisions
• Significant Issues / Changes
– Reinstated, recruited for and hired new NCPRD Director
Parks Maintenance Division
• Total Division Budget = $1,778,197
Includes Special Payments of $272,202
• General County Fund Support = $0
• Main sources of revenue
– NCPRD Property Taxes
– SDC’s = $62,990 (staff time reimb.)
• Trends / Accomplishments
– Refurbished and retrofitted steel decking and
ADA ramp at Harmony Road Neighborhood Park
– Renovated parking lot and basketball court at Ann
Toni Schreiber Park
• Significant Issues / Changes
– N/A
Recreation Division
• Total Division Budget = $437,944
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main sources of revenue
– NCPRD Property Taxes
– Fees & Charges = $152,500
• Trends / Accomplishments
– Engaged almost 1,500 youth in District
parks with the RecMobile including
successfully partnering with NCSD at two
Summer Nutrition Program sites
– Entertained over 1,300 attendees with five
Movies in the Park
• Significant Issues / Changes
– N/A
Sports Division
• Total Division Budget = $1,281,363
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main sources of revenue
– NCPRD Property Taxes
– Fees & Charges = $600,000
• Trends / Accomplishments
– Earned a combined 96% approval rating for overall
program satisfaction for the Hoopers Basketball
program, our largest youth league, serving more than
1,700 participants
– Created and offered 18 NCPRD operated summer
– Negotiated the use of 12 NCSD gymnasiums for
NCPRD youth programming
• Significant Issues / Changes
‒ N/A
Milwaukie Center Division
• Total Division Budget = $743,218
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main sources of revenue
– NCPRD Property Taxes
– Fees & Charges = $60,500
– Grants = $68,500
• Trends / Accomplishments
– Remodeled the Milwaukie Center lobby
• Newly designed reception area
– Provided assistance to 3,000 clients
– Law consultation - 155 individuals
– Health equipment loans - 200 clients
– In-home assessments - 500 clients
• Significant Issues/Changes
‒ N/A
Aquatic Park Division
• Total Division Budget = $1,949,737
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main sources of revenue
– NCPRD Property Taxes
– Fees & Charges = $1,120,400
• Trends / Accomplishments
– Managed Piranhas year-round swim team program which became a USA
Swim Team with two swimmers qualifying for the state swim team
– Trained over 80 part-time temps and seven full-time staff in health and
safety programs including mandatory reporter, Global Harmonized
Systems and AED/CPR/1st Aid
– Provided 4,500 swimming lessons for children
– Aquatic Park - annual attendance in excess of 250,000
• Significant Issues / Changes
– Awarded building maintenance service contract for the HVAC and pool
Marketing & Communications Division
• Total Division Budget = $468,251
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main source of revenue
– NCPRD Property Taxes
• Trends / Accomplishments
– Increased online use of the Discovery Guide
• Transitioned away from large quantities of printed copies
• Digital views of the Discovery Guide increased 6% over previous year from 8,921 to 9,492
– Collaborated with Tourism and Economic Development Departments to showcase
• Placement in Travel Oregon’s “Things to See and Do” guide
• “Discover Portland” hotel book
– Continued to grow social media
• Facebook page received an 8% increase in “likes” over previous year
• Significant Issues / Changes
‒ N/A
Planning Division
• Total Division Budget = $389,248
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main sources of revenue
– NCPRD Property Taxes
– SDC’s = $115,442 (Staff time Reimb.)
• Trends / Accomplishments
– Completed and installed Trolley Trail way-finding
– Completed City of Milwaukie Master Plan approval for
Balfour, Bowman-Brae and Robert Kronberg Nature
– Began work on feasibility analysis and acquisition for
the Mount Scott Scouters Mountain Loop Trail
– Completed design and land use approval process for
Hood View Park Maintenance Building
• Significant Issues / Changes
– N/A
Natural Resources Division
• Total Division Budget = $441,458
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main sources of revenue
– NCPRD Property Taxes
– Grants = $68,000
– SDC’s = $21,744 (Staff time reimb.)
• Trends / Accomplishments
– Completed Spring Park Natural Area project
– Continued work with WES CCSD #1 to implement
partnership efforts at:
• Oak Bluff
• Rose Creek
• 3 Creeks
• Clackamas River Greenway
– Coordinated the adoption of the Final Draft Integrated Pest
Management Plan for NCPRD
• Significant Issues / Changes
‒ N/A
• Total Fund = $850,092
Includes Transfers of $9,818 and Contingency of $136,373
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main sources of revenue
‒ NCPRD Property Taxes
‒ Grants = $319,395
‒ Donations = $71,000
• Trends / Accomplishments
‒ See division slides
• Significant Issues / Changes
‒ See division slides
Nutrition Division
• Total Division Budget = $677,712
Includes Transfers of $9,602 and Contingency of $136,373
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main sources of revenue
– NCPRD Property Taxes
– Grants = $224,000
– Donations = $66,000
• Trends / Accomplishments
– Raised $26,000 through the March for Meals campaign
– Provided 85,000 meals to seniors in the community
through Meals on Wheels, congregate dining and Pete’s
Café programs
– Fundraised over $150,000 in contributions and
donations to help provide meals
• Significant Issues / Changes
‒ N/A
Transportation Division
• Total Division Budget = $172,380
Includes Transfers of $216
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main sources of revenue
– Grants = $95,395
– Fees & Charges = $19,500
– Fundraising = $12,000
• Trends / Accomplishments
– Provided over 10,000 rides to 400 individuals
• Trips to the Milwaukie Center
• Grocery store
• Recreational outings
– Streamlined maintenance procedures to decrease
maintenance costs and help prevent possible
breakdowns of buses
• Significant Issues / Changes
‒ N/A
SDC Funds
• Total Maintenance Level Budget = $12,968,932
Includes Transfers of $6,896,742 and Materials and Services of $31,900
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main source of revenue
– Parks System Development Charges
• Zone 1 = $505,000
• Zone 2 = $100,000
• Zone 3 = $1,914,129
• Trends / Accomplishments
– Updated SDC Ordinance in November 2014
• Both zone-specific SDC’s and District-wide SDC’s are deposited in the respective
Zone Trust Account
• Boundaries adjusted
• Significant Issues / Changes
‒ SDC’s are only transferred on a reimbursement basis
• After costs have occurred and invoice has posted
2010 & 2008 Debt Service Funds
Total Division Budget = $5,209,011
County General Fund support = $0
Main sources of revenue
Trends / Accomplishments
Includes debt reserves of $163,973
– 2010 Issue
• NCPRD Property Taxes $500,000
• CCDA $1,500,000
– 2008 Issue – SDC’s $630,000
– Debt Service 2010 Issue – refinanced the remaining $5.6 million debt from a bond
originally issued in 1993 to pay for construction of the NCPRD Aquatic Park
• Debt payments are approximately $495,000 annually and will end in fiscal year
• Potential debt payoff in FY 16/17
– Debt Service 2008 - full faith and credit obligation bonds issued in the amount of $8 million
• Debt payments are approximately $570,000 annually and will end in fiscal year
Significant Issues / Changes
– N/A
Capital Projects Fund
• Total Division Budget = $10.7 million
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main sources of revenue
– Parks System Development Charges = $6.1 million
– Grants/Local Government Support = $1.9 million
• Trends / Accomplishments
– See next slide for capital projects
• Significant Issues / Changes
– N/A
Capital Projects Fund
Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Capital Projects
Hood View Park Maintenance Building
Mount Scott Scouters Mountain Trail Development (Southern Lites Park to Scott Creek Park)
Happy Valley Neighborhood Park(s)
Justice Park
Mount Scott Scouters Mountain Trail Acquisition & Development (Hidden Falls)
Artificial Turf Field in Happy Valley
Milwaukie Riverfront Park – Phase 3A
Robert Kronberg Nature Park Phase I
Wichita Park Development
North Clackamas Park – North Side Phase II
Zone 2 Neighborhood Park Acquisition
Update SDC Methodology
Update 2015 Master Plan and Capital Improvement Plan
Indoor Recreation Facilities Master Plan
Clackamas River Greenway Master Plan
$ 10,711,000
Capital Asset Repair and Replacement Fund
• Total Division Budget = $3,963,536
Includes Transfers of $2,496,042 and Contingency of $95,000
• County General Fund support = $0
• Main source of revenue
– NCPRD Property Taxes = $1.2 million
• Trends / Accomplishments
– Remodeled Milwaukie Center lobby
– Renovated Ann Toni Schreiber Park
parking lot and basketball court
• Significant Issues / Changes
‒ N/A
Capital Asset Repair and Replacement Fund
Capital Asset Replacement Detail
Ann Toni Schreiber Park - replace playground structure
Harmony Road Neighborhood Park - sport court renovation
Harmony Road Neighborhood - parking lot renovation
Alma Myra Park - fence replacement/rehabilitate vegetation
North Clackamas Park Trail Repair and Connection - damage during 2015 flood
Casa Del Rey Bridge Assessment and Repair - damage during 2015 flood
Oak Bluff Trail (Costco Trail) - resurface asphalt trail
Mill Park Fencing - replace wooden split rail fence
Scott Park - fencing repairs, turf and planting (control measures for geese)
Maintenance Vehicle - 2016 Dodge 1500
Aquatic Park Assessment
Aquatic Park Deck - repair and replace concrete
Programming Software - facility rentals, registration, etc.
Milwaukie Center Flooring - Trillium Room
Transportation Bus Grant Match Funds - replace 2007 lift equipped 20 passenger bus
$ 437,500
Policy Level Proposals
• No Policy Level Proposals for NCPRD