1.72 Mo - Centre INRA de Montpellier
1.72 Mo - Centre INRA de Montpellier
ACAROLOGIA A quarterly journal of acarology, since 1959 Publishing on all aspects of the Acari All information: http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/acarologia/ [email protected] Acarologia is proudly non-profit, with no page charges and free open access Please help us maintain this system by encouraging your institutes to subscribe to the print version of the journal and by sending us your high quality research on the Acari. Subscriptions: Year 2017 (Volume 57): 360 € http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/acarologia/subscribe.php Previous volumes (2010-2015): 250 € / year (4 issues) Acarologia, CBGP, CS 30016, 34988 MONTFERRIER-sur-LEZ Cedex, France The digitalization of Acarologia papers prior to 2000 was supported by Agropolis Fondation under the reference ID 1500-024 through the « Investissements d’avenir » programme (Labex Agro: ANR-10-LABX-0001-01) Acarologia is under free license and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons-BY-NC-ND which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. TWO NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS ACERIA (ACARINA : ERIOPHYOIDEA) IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA BY ERIOPHYIDAE FROI'vl JIE-LIU XIN AND HUI-QUI DONG * Two new species of eriophyid mites, transmitting a serious plant viruse didease on wheat and prosomillet when planted together, are described here. SUMMARY : CHINA ERIOPHYIDAE DE LA CHINE RÉSUM~ : Deux espèces nouvelles d'eriophyides, transmettant une grave maladie à virus au blé et au millet des Oiseaux quand ils sont plantés ensembles, sont décrites. In the north-west districts of our country there is a serious plant virus disease which occurs when wheat and prosomillet are planted ~9gether. Formerly we always misunderstand that the virus of this disease was transmitted by Aceria tulipae keifeir (Acarina : Eriophyidae), just the same as wheat virus diseases in other countries. Recently we have observed that there are two kinds of symptom of this disease, one causing stems to curve, and the other, leaves to roll. The studies on its !ife history and its damage to the host plants caused by virus will be reported elsewhere. Throught this work two new species of eriophyid mite, which transmit these diseases, are described and discussed. The observations seem to be the first record of eriophyid mites in the People's Republic of China. Aceria milli sp. n. (Fig. 1) • m body elongated, wormlike, whitish average measurements in microus FEMALE : colour, • Department of Biology, Fudan University , Shanghai, PRC. Acarologia, l. XXIll, fasc. 2, 1982. (n = 10) : body length 297 (247-313), (the following measurements use micron unit as before), thickness 72 (61-79) narrowing posteriorly. Rostrum length 27, gent! y curved down. Shield subtriangular, length 41 (39-43), width 36 ; median situated on the rear 1/3 ; admedian !ines wavelike and bent three time ; lateral of proximal part of admedian line there are three irregular !ines ; submedian line located near base of dorsal tubercle and inclined laterally ; area between submedian !ines filled with seven short !ines, arranging from front to back as 2, 2, 3. Dorsal tubercles moderate in size located before rear margin, 23 apart ; dorsal setae projecting posteriorly, length 46 (43-61). Leg moderately long. Forelegs exceed 43 long, patella 10 (7-14) long, tibia 10 (7-10) long, patellar se ta 10 long, solenidion 14 (1 1-1 8) long, feather-claw 7-rayed. Hindlegs 60 (43-89) long, pate lia 10 long, tibia 8 long, patellar se ta 14 long, solenidion 16 long. Base of coxa without distinct granulation ; seta of second coxa 22 long. Abdominal rings from immediately behind m '"I1 ëi ~· 3 . !'j" ~ OJ ~ ( "'. . = ~ iS' 0 ~ " ..., ~ - 'tl.. ...... c ç::'"' ()1\,~J\. - "" ~~ p.::l 0 0 ~ ~ ~ "' "' ::T(b ' 0.. o o.-. .. . ~ <1> - ~ ~=:-~~ -:= ----~--· .. < (;" ëiï ca•. 0"'...., o., _,o. <1> c: 3 ;::; ~~ y~ ~(;1 <1> 3 ""2. "' §.:; . <1>fil I~ ..,~ 0 ...., ..., <1> ~ 0 "' < <1> "' _,::T 7 '?"' !2. "'::;: ~ ~~~- ~~ · en::::: il _.,.--- --------- I~ ~ )> ...... 0\ 0 - 161 shield to anal lobes number 88 (84-90) dorsally 12 long, patellar seta Il long, solenidion 17 (15and 84 (83-86) ventrally, with ring about 3.9 wide. 18) long, slightly bent, feather-claw 7-rayed. Microtubercles of thanosome triangular, distally Hindlegs 65 (43-84) long, patella 10 long ; base of somewath pointed and slightly curved ; these are coxa smooth. weil shawn by scanning electron microscope. Abdominal rings number 94 (84-95) dorsally Severa! longitudinal fine striae on telosome venand 86 (81-92) ventrally. Microtubercles of thautrally. Su blaterai seta on about lOth ring above sorne seem · un der scanning electron microscope genital coverflap anterolaterally, and 42 long. subtriangular, 3.6 wide. First ventral seta on 25th ring, 57 long. Second Sublateral seta on 12th ring and 25 long. First ventral seta 33 long and on 44th ring. Third venventral seta 44 long, on 27th ring. Second ventral seta also 33 longand on 6th ring from rear. tral seta 26 (24-32) long, on 44th ring. Third Caudal seta about 78 long. Genital coverflap ventral seta about 28 -~ long and situated on 6-7th 21 long, 25 wide, with genital setae 17.9 apart, ring from rear. and with 10-11 longitudinal ribs. Caudal seta 70 long. Genital coverflap 24 long, 31-32 wide, and with Il · longitudial ribs. • MALE : nuknown. Genital setae 24 long, 23-24 apart. Specimens examined : Specimens were collected on wheat and prosomillet, in Qing-yang, Gan-su, in Nov. 1978. Relation to host : The mite transmits a wheat virus diseases and causes stems to curve. Type material : The holotype specimen and severa! paratypes mounted each on one slide, deposited in Seminary of Agricultural Acarology, Department of Biology, Fudan University, Shangai. Aceria paratulipae sp. n. (Fig. 2) • MALE : unknown. Specimens examined : Specimens were collected on wheat and prosomillet in Pu-cheng in Shanxi and Long-don in Gan-su, in January, 1979. Relation to host : the mite transmits a wheat virus disease and causes leaves to roll. Type material : Holotype specimen and severa! paratypes mounted each on one slide, deposited in Seminary of Agricultural Acarology, Department of Biology, Fudan University, Shanghai. • • FEMALE : body elongated, wormlike, whitish in color, 300 (268-338) long, 76 (71-79) thick, narrowed posteriorly. Rostium 31 (29-36) long. Shield subtrianglar, 45 (43-46) long, 46 wide, median line situated on posterior half of shield ·Iength ; admedian lines abruptly bent medially near apex of median line, and extending anteriorly, and not wavelike as in A. milli ; submedian lines weil removed from dorsal tubercles and inclined laterally at leval of abrupt bend of admedian linea area between submedian lines filled with 10 irregular short lines. Dorsal tubercle moderate in size, situated ·before rear mar gin, 24 (21-25) apart ; dorsal setae projecting. posteriorly, 55 (48-61) long. Forelegs exceed 46 long, patella 12 long, tibia ' . REMARKS: So far as the writers are aware, three species of eriophyid with causing serious damage on wheat have hitherto been known from the world, that is : A. tulipae (k.) in North America, A . Tenuis (Na!.) in Eur,ope and . A. tritici Shevtchenko in Soviet Union. The two new species in our country are also serious pests, and resemble the 3 species mentioned above, but can be distinguished by the following characters : 1. The striation and length of shield, the number of dorsal and ventral ring and length of genital coverflap are different. · 2. The rostrum resembles that of A. tulipae and A. tenuis, but differs from that of A. tritici. 3. Length of dorsal setae shorter than in A. tulipae and tritici, but similar to A. tenuis. - FIG. 2. Acena . parat l' 162- dorsal e) legs venter ; f)offemale female ,. ~) feather-claw . c) microtuberdes '. d) u !pae sp. shield now ,. a) gem tal coverflap. , 163 4. Number of feather-claw rays is seven, but in A. tenuis is 5 and in A. tritici is 7-8. TABLE 5. The measurements of these five species are given in tables 1 and 2. Measurements of females of five Aceria species which attack wheat. 1. Species A. tu/ipae (Keifcr) M±m Characters A. te11uis (Nat.) M±m A. tritici Shevtchen~o M±m A. mi/li sp . n. M±m A. paratulipae sp. n. M±m number of dorsal rings 80 0.8 82 0.5 74 0.9 88 1.7 9~ 1.1 number of ventral rings 76 1.0 76 0.5 66 0.9 84 0.5 86 0.9 length of shield 37.5 0.3 35 0.8 32 0.6 41 0.2 45 0.5 length of rostrum 27 0.16 26 0.6 23 0.5 27 1.2 33 1.2 length of dorsal seta 64 0.9 47 1.7 66 0.9 46 0.7 55 0.2 space between dorsal setae 27 0.6 22 0.8 24 0.6 25 1.7 24 0.2 spaœ between genital setae 2.0 0.33 14.5 1.5 16.7 0.4 27 1.1 23 0.3 width of coverllap 24 0.5 19 0.9 18.7 0.5 25 0.6 31 2 length of coverllap 15 0.3 95 1.6 1.0 0.3 21 0.9 24 0.2 number of feather-claw rays 7-8 7 TABLE 2. 7 Differences bctween the two new species. A. mi/li A . paratu/ipae t-test M± rn M±m M±m number of dorsal rings 88 1.7 94 1.1 5.5 number of ventral rings 84 0.5 86 0.9 1.7 length of shield 41 0.2 45 0.5 8.0 length of rostrum 27 1.2 33 1.2 0.6 Species Characters length of dorsal seta 46 0.7 55 0.2 8.1 space between dorsal setae 25 1.7 24 0.2 0 space between genital setae 22 1.1 23 0.3 1.4 width of coverllap 25 0.6 31 2 7.5 length of coverllap 21 0.9 24 0.2 1.6 number of feather-claw rays 7 REFERENCES CITED KEIFER (H. H.), 1938. - Eriophyid studies . Calif. Dept. Ag rie., 27 : 18 1-206. -, 1952. - Ibid., 42 (2) : 65-79. Bull. 7 SHEVTCHENKO (V. G.), DE-MILLOT (A. P.), RAZVYAZKINA (G. M.), and KEPKOVA (E. A.), 1970. - Taxonomie bordering of closely related mites Aceria tulipae Keif. and A. tritic sp. n. (Acarina, Eriophyidae) - vectors of the onion and wheat viruses. Zoologischesky Zhurnal, 49, 224-235 (in Russian with English summary). Paru en juillet 1982.
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