Heavy Issue 81 - ScotsGay Magazine


Heavy Issue 81 - ScotsGay Magazine
Badge of
& World
& Film
80/- heavy • £1 where sold • Issue 81
Over 150
Going Out
Murder Most Fab
Scottish News p4
International News p7
Aberdeen p9 Edinburgh p11
Glasgow p13 Highlands/Dundee p15
[email protected]
Painted Eggs
Badge of Shame
Transsexual Tales with The
Luvvies’ writer Nicole Dolder
Books p18
Films p19
Garry Otton’s exploration of the
Media coverage of Section 28
LGBT venues
across Scotland listed
“How do people get
to be indoctrinated
into this
Doubtless by being
fed a hatred and
contempt of
homosexuality from
a very early age.”
LGBT groups
across Scotland listed
I’m stealing the title of Julian Clary’s
(very entertaining) new novel for this
article - but it is appropriate. As was the
title of his other entertaining volume, “A
Young Man’s Passage”.
The other day I went to a dance
performance that definitely left me all
shook up. The event was DV8’s “To Be
Straight with You”. The company
director, Lloyd Newson, gave a talk before
the show and answered questions.
A striking moment was when he
mentioned “murder music” and asked
how many of the audience had never
heard of that. Many hands were raised, in
a generally young, straight, culturally
aware audience. Using the famously
alliterative line, “Boom boom, bye bye,
batty man” and miming a gun to his own
head and pointing at himself as “batty
man” the meaning was clear.. This hatefilled music hit the audience head-on at
the beginning of the show.
Words, music and dance combined
throughout this show, which is an
extremely skilful combination... All the
words come from people interviewed
about the issues of religion, sexuality and
culture. Some were pro-gay, some antigay, some had accommodated their
religion to their sexuality, some rejected
one in favour of the other, some suffered
greatly for their sexuality. All were
brought vividly to life.
Most chilling were those who hated
us enough to say that we must be
eradicated, exterminated - and they were
no cuddly Daleks; for them it really did
appear to be “murder most fab” -
something their very identity seemed to
depend on.
How do people get to be
indoctrinated into this inhumanity?
Doubtless by being fed a hatred and
contempt of homosexuality from a very
early age. And thus any softness they may
feel to their own gender must be killed
along the way. Is it any wonder that I have
a passion for Rational Education?
Lloyd Nelson mentioned Peter
Tatchell, and the threats, attacks and
beatings he had suffered whilst opposing
this music - including attacks on his
home and many death threats. For his
pains he has been called racist,
Islamophobic and so forth. The main
victims of this music are lesbian and gay
people in the communities the music
comes from. So somehow it is racist to
defend the lives and safety of our black
sisters and brothers. Really? Strange logic.
“To be straight with you”, is
advertised with a quotation from the
estimable Archbishop Desmond Tutu:
“The persecution of people because of
their sexual orientation is every bit as
unjust as that crime against humanity,
apartheid. We must all be allowed to love
with honour.” Amen. And he should
More information about Peter
Tatchell can be found at
Tour details for the
show are at www.dv8.co.uk
Tony is a writer for GHQ
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New friends & contacts
by post/e-mail p28 by phone p30
Read the editor’s blog, and scene reports at www.bebo.com/ScotsGayMagazine
ScotsGay: a monthly magazine for LGBT folks and friends.
ScotsGay 60/- Light (Scene Edition) appears at the end of odd numbered months, whilst
ScotsGay 80/- Heavy appears at the end of even numbered months. ISSN: 1357-0595.
Unless otherwise stated © Pageprint Publishing Limited, April 2008. PO Box 666, Edinburgh. EH7 5YW.
Non profit use by the LGBT community of material in the magazine, to which we hold copyright,
will normally be permitted free of charge, but you must contact us first for permission.
Editorial: 0131-539 0666
[email protected]
Advertising: 07722 388903
[email protected]
Views expressed in ScotsGay don't necessarily reflect the views of ScotsGay.
People featured in ScotsGay may indentify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, straight or anything really.
Cover Photographer
Photographer’s Work
ScotsGay Online
Martin Walker
John Hein
Eve Buigues & Nicole Dolder from Painted Eggs
Louis Crespin for ScotsGay Magazine
Edited, Printed & Published in Scotland since December 1994
2 ScotsGay
Advertise with
For rates & terms contact our
Advertising Department
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 07722 388903
Web: www.scotsgay.co.uk/advertising
Address: PO Box 666, Edinburgh.
Deadline Published
Fri 23rd May
Fri 20th Jun
Fri 18th Jul
Fri 8th Aug
Fri 19th Sep
Fri 24th Oct
Fri 21st Nov
Fri 12th Dec
Fri 30th May
Fri 27th Jun
Fri 25th Jul
Fri 15th Aug
Fri 26th Sep
Fri 31st Oct
Fri 28th Nov
Fri 19th Dec
ScotsGay is published by Pageprint Publishers Limited
Registered in Scotland: No 340162.
ScotsGay 3
aintted Egg
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ight Noise Team
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he Luvvies
Daily 10am-11pm. Phone: 020-7837 7324. Minicom: 020-7689 8501. FAX: 020-7837 7300.
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IDAHO, the International Day
against Homophobia and Transphobia,
takes place on 17th May every year. It was
on this date, in 1990, that the World
Health Organisation removed
homosexuality from their list of mental
With the support of the National
Lottery through Awards for All, LGBT
Youth Scotland is organising a campaign
to raise awareness of human rights issues
faced by LGBT people around the world
as well as issues affecting LGBT refugees
and asylum seekers in the UK.
In partnership with Amnesty
International Scotland and the National
Union of Students (NUS) Scotland they
are putting on a programme of events to
mark IDAHO in Scotland on Saturday
17th May and in the week leading up to it.
These will include:
an event for young human rights
activists in Edinburgh on the same day the event will conclude a week of action
on international LGBT human rights for
MSPs and young people.
PlayRights theatre project - Forum
theatre on LGBT human rights issues.
partnership events across Scotland in
the week leading up to IDAHO.
LGBT Youth urge you to put on your
own event for IDAHO!
FitLads Cup Winners
[email protected]
The HotScots overcame London Falcons in the decisive second leg
of the inaugural FitLads Cup on Sunday 13th April.
Final Score: Hotscots FC 2-1 London Falcons (3-3 aggregate 4-2 on penalties)
Community Groups
and Organisations
are listed on
Pages 24-27
Spreading Our
Scraped Off Culture...
Following on from the successful Gay
Scottish Ceilidh and Country Dance
Evening on Saturday 5th April, The Gay
Gordons (Manchester) Scottish Dance
Group are holding a second evening on
Sunday 25th May. The Hotel
International on London Road is to be
the venue once again.
A number of members from the Gay
Gordons Scottish Country dance group
in London attended the initial evening
and also danced the very popular “Reel of
the 51st Division” - a dance devised by
Scottish prisoners of war during the
Second World War while in prison camps
in Bavaria. They sent the dance steps back
to Scotland (which was in shorthand used
in Scottish Dancing) and a copy was
intercepted by the Germans who then
spent the rest of the war trying to
decipher “the code”.
Tickets for the evening will once
again be £4 in advance and £5 on the
door. Tel: Dave Taylor on 07765 256702
or E-mail: [email protected]
A third evening is also being
organized for the Sunday of the August
Bank Holiday. This event will have a live
Ceilidh Band and is sure to be very
popular. The group are planning Scottish
Country dance classes in Manchester for
the LGBT population and their friends.
The classes will teach some of the dances
and also look at the steps and formations.
he Luvviess
Kingdom Come
Shacked Up
Fife Men are holding an open evening
(with free buffet) in Scots Corner
(formerly The Royal Scot), 395 High
Street, Kirkcaldy on Tuesday 29th April.
It starts at 8pm (before Karaoke
Night) and will feature Alan Cowan from
AWH Accountants who has been
commissioned to carry out research for
the group.
The Equality Network have just
published “Shacked Up - the guide for
same-sex couples living together in
Scotland”. It’s available free from EN (see
listings). The EN Annual Conference in
Stirling on Saturday 31st May is on the
theme “Equality Without Borders - A
European Perspective on LGBT Rights”.
Pride Glasgow
have confirmed that
their March will
take place on
Saturday 30th
August ending up
with an event in
George Square.
Pride Glasgow have confirmed that
their March will take place on Saturday
30th August ending up with an event in
George Square. The launch for the event
will be at 7pm on Wednesday 30th April
in Glasgow LGBT Centre
If you want to attend, register at
Meanwhile, Pride Scotia (Edinburgh)
have announced that they intend to hold
their event on Saturday 27th June 2009.
CAFFMOS, the organisation for older
gay men and their admirers, will be
holding their next Edinburgh get together
on Sunday 25th May. It will take place in
Habana from 1-4pm.
Glasgow Centre
The Glasgow LGBT Centre have
appointed Drew Bigglestone as their new
Regent Success
Edinburgh gay bar, The Regent, has recently been voted as
“CAMRA Edinburgh Pub of the Year” for 2008 by CAMRA (The
Campaign For Real Ale) members in Edinburgh and SE Scotland.
It also beat off stiff competition from the Craw Inn in Auchencraw
and the Volunteer Arms (Stagg’s) in Musselburgh to gain the
prestigious “CAMRA Edinburgh & South East Scotland Pub Of
The Year” Award for 2008.
Alan Nicholls, pub owner, and Colin Turnbull, manager, were
delighted to receive the awards, which were presented by CAMRA
branch chairman Giles Whitfield in front of a packed bar.
Every year local CAMRA members vote to select Pubs of the Year for Edinburgh,
Lothian and Borders Region. To be considered, a pub must consistently sell real ale in
good condition. The competition is judged on the quality of the real ale and on other
aspects of the pub such as service, welcome, atmosphere, style, decor, value for money
and community focus.
The Regent Bar normally has four real ales on sale. A regular on the bar is the
extremely popular Caledonian Deuchars IPA, whilst the other three ales can come from
anywhere in the UK.
ScotsGay 5
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The head of Panama’s National
Police, Rolando Mirones, said that gays
can be police officers as long as they obey
regulations, laws and the Constitution
while on the job.
Speaking on radio station La Exitosa,
Mirones said, “It would be bad to ask a
person if he is homosexual or not,
because this has nothing to do with his
“I believe that if the person has the
moral, ethical, psychological and physical
capacity to be a police officer, it doesn’t
matter what his preference is or what he
does at home in his free time, as long as
it’s nothing illegal.”
Justice Minister Daniel Delgado
Diamante was not happy with Mirones’
“I cannot imagine a homosexual
policeman and this is a situation that
from a personal point of view, I reject
completely”, he told local media.
Delgado added that National Police
regulations prohibit homosexual acts.
The head of the gay group New Men
and Women of Panama, Ricardo Beteta,
told Crítica that Mirones’ statement was
“a very important step”, but noted that
police regulations say that “if the
institution discovers that an officer has a
gay or lesbian life, it is cause for firing”.
The New Democratic Party in the
Canadian province of Saskatchewan found
a 17-year-old videotape recently when it
moved into the Opposition offices at the
provincial legislature in Regina, and federal
Tory MP Tom Lukiwski is highly
embarrassed by it.
On the amateur tape, in which staffers
of the Saskatchewan Progressive
Conservatives are goofing around for the
camera, Lukiwski, who was then the party’s
general manager, says: “There’s A’s and
there’s B’s. The A’s are guys like me, the B’s
are homosexual faggots with dirt on their
fingernails that transmit diseases.”
The tape, recorded the night of the
Saskatchewan leaders’ debate during the
1991 election, was released to the media by
the provincial NDP in April.
“If I could take those comments back, I
would”, Lukiwski said.
“I would give anything to take those
comments back. They do not reflect the
type of person that I am. I can only say that on behalf of myself, my family and my
children, I am sorry. I am ashamed.”
In response to the brouhaha, federal opposition MPs urged Prime Minister Stephen
Harper to strip Lukiwski of his post as parliamentary secretary in the Conservative
“The member was 40 years old when he made these hateful remarks”, said Liberal
MP Scott Brison. “Allowing the member to remain an officer of the House of Commons
defaces this institution.”
In response, Harper said, “I believe when such apology and remorse is sought from
an individual member, the generous and high-minded thing to do is to accept that
[email protected]
Canadian Tory MP Tom Lukiwski
China & Malaysia
Following reports of a police
crackdown on gay men in Beijing, a
posting on the Singaporean gay E-mail
list SiGNeL said a similar operation is
under way in Shanghai.
“Three or four of the major clubs
have been closed by the police following
raids”, the informant said.
“Another one was visited by the police
and the music stopped at 2am. Not sure if
this is a sign of things to come.”
Beijing police raided and closed two
gay bathhouses on 21st and 22nd March,
according to a report circulated on Asian
gay mailing lists by AIDS activists in
China and Malaysia.
The report said the popular gay
bathhouse Club Oasis was raided and 70
patrons and employees were taken into
custody. It said the patrons were released
30 hours later but the staff remained
jailed. The report said a second Oasis
bathhouse also was raided on 21st March
and the staff, but not the customers, were
taken into custody.
The report also included a list of
other recent alleged police actions against
gays in Beijing, including a bar raid and
temporary closure, raids of cruisy parks,
and arrests of sex workers tracked down
via their Web postings.
6 ScotsGay
Activist Peter
Tatchell has said
Prime Minister
Gordon Brown
“shamed himself
and Britain”
England & Ireland
UK activist Peter Tatchell has said
that British Prime Minister Gordon
Brown “shamed himself and Britain”
when he greeted the Olympic torch at his
official residence “at a time when China is
shooting dead Tibetan protesters and
jailing and torturing hundreds of political
“All countries that love freedom,
democracy and liberty should refuse to
host the Olympic torch and boycott the
opening and closing ceremonies of the
Beijing Olympics”, Tatchell said.
“Athletes should wear Tibetan flags
during their events and on the podium
when they collect their medals.”
The sociology department at
England’s University of Essex has received
a £80,000 grant from the UK government
to investigate the experiences of Irish gays
living in London.
Project head Róisín Ryan-Flood told
the Press Association wire service she
hopes to “uncover the ways in which
contemporary sexual citizenship,
migration and lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender imaginaries of the metropolis
are mutually implicated in complex
A Taxpayers’ Alliance spokesman
denounced the grant as “straight out of a
political correctness joke book”.
ScotsGay 7
obar dheadhainn
What a busy month April has been in
this little corner of Scotland…Cheerz gets a
new look to its weekend, Rainbowfeast
raises £1000, guesthouse goes gay friendly
and loads more.
Cheerz is now the place to be on a
Saturday night. Well that’s what I have been
told anyway. The new stars of the weekend
are Miss Cherry Bakewell, may be sweet by
name but not by nature and Lady Jameekra,
the drag queen who tried to get JSA so she
could pay for her sunbeds! The ladies take
to stage at 9.30pm after DJ Al’s Karaoke, I
know you are in for a treat having seen them
live at The Carmelite. It’s wall-to-wall
Manny Motion at Cheerz too! Sunday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday you will
find him there with his many features
including Cheese & Chart Fridays and Play
Your Cards Right on a Sunday with chances
to win drinks vouchers. With Miss Romy
having left the building the quiz continues
with Mike Smith on Thursdays from 8pm.
More at www.cheerzbar.net
Foundation is hotting up with some fab
new nights – Mondayoke is the new karaoke
night which includes you being filmed for
the club’s Bebo page. Matty Weston lost his
karaoke virginity last month…FIT RARE as
he would say! If you’ve not seen the video
on Bebo Sunday is Temptation @
Foundation with Sarah Diva, be prepared for
show tunes, camp classics and some
serious banter.
Malcolm of the Market Arms has told
me that it is not abuse that he dishes out - it
is “banter” if that’s what you call being
asked “himin poof fit ye wintin” then pop in
for a quick drink, the Wednesday quiz or
Karaoke over the weekend.
Matty – camera whore, scene slag and
whatever else you want to call him notches
up another year in May, he is having a wee
doo in Cheerz bar on the 10th so feel free to
pop along and give him a birthday kiss or
drink. I recently had him as a guest on the
weekly LGBT show on SHMU FM and MUST
apologise for broadcasting that he is on a
diet live on air…Sorry Matty! Chicken and
cheese toastie anyone?
Wellman‘s on Holburn Street continues
a brisk trade according to Rod the owner.
You will find Wellman‘s at 218 Holburn
Street up the lane just along from
Papagallos Restaurant.
There is a new Gay Friendly B & B in
Aberdeen City Centre, The Springburn Guest
House in Springbank Terrace has recently
changed hands and are offering room rates
from £25 Single/£30 Double including
continental breakfast. For more information
you can contact Adam or Dorothy on 07530
Rainbowfeast, the fundraising meal for
Rainbowfest took place at Carmelite
Aberdeen on Friday 4th April raising £1000
towards the cost of the event on Saturday
5th July. They would like to thank everyone
that came along on the evening as well as all
8 ScotsGay
[email protected]
For Aberdeen’s
venues listings see
Page 22.
Community Groups
are listed on
Pages 24-27.
See more pics from
Aberdeen at
the companies and individuals that supplied
prizes for the evening with a special thanks
going to HSL Well Services.
Rainbowfest planning continues behind
the scenes with the After Party recently
being announced. Annie Nightingale “The
Queen of Breaks” will be hosting it at The
Tunnels in Carnegies Brae. Tickets will be
available soon. A local band showcase is
also being organised, if you have what it
takes to play The Tunnels or the Rainbowfest
main stage drop an email to E-mail:
[email protected] to find out more
about the event visit the website
Terrence Higgins Trust continued their
youth group recently with activities
including karting, film afternoons, bowling
and are having a planning day on Saturday
10th May at the THT offices. The planning
day is to help the group decide how to move
forward and organise activities for the
remainder of 2008. You can get in touch
with the group by
E-mail: [email protected]
The Moray LGBT Group for under 26’s
will be having a consultation afternoon in
Elgin on Thursday 5th June. The time and
place has still to be set. To find out more
E-mail: [email protected]
L @ THT and G @ THT are taking a wee
break at the minute and will be relaunching
in the near future. If you want more
information on the groups or anything else
at Terrence Higgins Trust you can Tel: 0845
241 2151 Fax 0845 241 2152
E-mail: [email protected]
Remember you can get your weekly
dose of music and chat on 99.8 SHMU FM
every Sunday from 11am. T join the team
for banter, gossip and scene news and take
part in the show Tel: (01224) 483413,
E-mail: [email protected] or text 60300
starting your text with SHMU
That’s it all over for another month, if
you have any news, gossip or anything you
want promoted get in touch with me on the
E-mail: [email protected]
Far Left: Kiel &
Left: Cheerz
Bar Staff
Top: Beach
Jameekra &
Miss Cherry
Thanks to Andi
ScotsGay 9
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10 ScotsGay
Just when you thought it was safe to
come out from behind your sofas...!
May is a crazy fun packed month in the
Capital, with entertainment to suit all your
On Saturday 10th May, Velvet will be
hosting their Drag King Nite extraordinaire
which is becoming increasingly popular. I
personally have guests coming from the far
flung regions of the Weeg and Lancaster to
sample the delights of ‘exploring your alter
ego’, with a drag king workshop at 9pm
where some luscious ladies will assist in
dragging up all who are willing to indulge in
a spot of gender play. The last drag king
night was amazing, although I had a bit of
trouble having my requests played – one of
the DJs ignored me all night and the other
didn’t have any of my requests... Damn my
obscure music tastes!
Following sensational organising last
year, Velvet are hosting the Edinburgh heat
of the Miss Gay UK and Ireland 2008
competition. It’s being held on Saturday
14th June, so for all you exhibitionists out
there, show them what a mass of sexy
female talent this city has and flaunt your
stuff! And for all you voyeurs out there, this
is a night not to be missed. I’d personally
like to encourage a bit of diversity in
applicants too... The girls last year were all
very attractive, but rather ‘samey’ if ya get
my drift!
Now for birthdays. Vibe celebrated their
6th birthday on Tuesday 15th April. It seems
like it’s been longer than 6 years – it surely
is one of our scene’s success stories! It’s
going stronger than ever, surviving in a
climate where many other club nights have
fizzled out. I particularly love the jazz of the
Vibe website, where you can upload your
own photos of your Vibe adventures – check
them all out on www.jameslongworth.com.
Also going strong is Fever, who this
month celebrate their 4th birthday at Club
Ego on Saturday 3rd May. As a birthday
treat, they feature guest DJ Paul Heron,
resident at London’s Crash and A.M. clubs,
as well as hosting a weekly Saturday show
on Gaydar Radio. And the forces behind
Fever advise that the sound problems
plagueing the main room since the
introduction of the new sound system last
year have now been rectified, and the
atmosphere was electric at their last night.
Their pre-club is held at The Street.
Taste are hosting another of their oneoff parties at Studio 24 on Sunday 4th May,
very cleverly called ‘May the Fourth Be With
You’. So now you’ve got no excuses for
forgetting when it’s held! Not that you’d
want an excuse, as Taste resident DJs Fisher
and Price are on the decks on the ground
floor, and DJs Kaupuss and Miss Chris
(Bumfunk residents) are upstairs. The last
one-off Taste party was The Easter
Eggstravaganza, and they are promising an
even wider variety of music this time.
Bumfunk is the new Sunday night club
[email protected]
For Edinburgh’s
venues listings see
Page 22.
Community Groups
are listed on
Pages 24-27.
VOTE for the
hottest Edinburgh
gay bar at:
at Cabaret Voltaire. Taking the place of
Taste, this club has built up nicely in its
debut month of April, with lots of positive
feedback. The resident DJs are Marco Smith
Kaupuss and Miss Chris, with Niall and
Denis of Tokyo Blu featuring on the first
Sunday of the month, and Dale Lush and
Simone Black featuring on the last Sunday
of the month. There will however be no
Bumfunk-ing on Sunday 27th April or
Sunday 4th May.
The Street are also offering a new
concept, with their Sunday Service –
‘extending an unholy hand to our
congregation from 4pm’. If sin’s your thing,
get to confession with the Rev. Jon Pleased
and friends rotating on the decks. Offering
guilt-free pleasures from all eras, the
Sunday Service crew assure that ‘the
emphasis is on social mixing, not DJ mixing’
– which is the perfect atmosphere for
indulging in one of The Street’s speciality
full roast dinners which are served until
7pm. Just the thing for seeing the weekend
out in style!
A small request now to the good people
of Planet Out. It’s just swell that you’re
catering for the overwhelming lesbian
populus of the bar by providing a pool table.
A fantastic pool table at that – all lovely and
red. However – may I suggest moving it to a
more suitable area?? I’ve played a few
games myself and I’m not the only one to
notice that it’s actually impossible to
manoeuvre the pool queue at certain angles
due to the lack of space and overwhelming
‘wall-ness’ of the area! Or as an alternative,
we could just chop the queues in half??
Suggestions on a postcard please.
The New Town Bar are gearing up for
Eurovision. The’re showing both semi finals
on TV, hosting a Eurovision quiz and
throwing a massive Eurovision party on
Saturday 24th May. All staff will be dressed
up as either a Eurovision performer or
participating country, and customers are
actively encouraged to join in. There will be
prizes for the closest score and best and
worst dressed. It promises to be good one.
As we go to press the New Town’s
Left: Colin and
Jewel at Deep
Top Right:
Vibes 6th
Birthday cheers to
Jimmy was about to jump off the Forth Road
Bridge. He had surpassed his £2500
fundrasing target. More next month...
And for those who are fed up with the
scene or who feel that they just don’t ‘fit in’,
there’s Queer Mutiny! I just knew this
concept would take off in a huge way, and it
really has. For those not in the know, Queer
Mutiny is a non-hierarchical queer collective,
aiming to radicalise the gay scene by
providing a queer autonomous space which
does not restrict our sexualities or identities.
It’s open to all – butches, femmes,
leatherfolks, punks, goths, etc and so on.
Queer Mutiny abhor over-priced drinks and
entrance charges, and as such offers book
groups, film nights and parties every month
which are free of charge and include free
food, bands and DJs. Next party dates are
Friday 25th April and Saturday 24th May.
Last but not least, this month features
the celebration of Ladyfest Edinburgh.
Aiming to celebrate women in Art, Culture
and Society, this festival runs from Sunday
4th to Saturday 31th May, featuring a huge
variety of films, music, art, workshops,
comedy and debate. Some features are the
launch gig on Sun 4th May at The Ark, ‘The
Wicked Wenches’ at The Stand on
Wednesday 7th May, and a variety of
feminist workshops on human trafficking,
stripping, porn, birthing and faith. All
proceeds go to Zero Tolerance. For more
info, check out
www.ladyfestedinburgh.co.uk. It’s not all
sweetness and lady light though, as
Ladyfest has ruffled more than a few
feminist feathers. Featuring a very one-sided
approach to the anti-porn and sex working
debate, many feminists have argued that
Ladyfest is excluding alternative feminist
opinions on stripping, pornography and sex
work. Vive la difference!
ScotsGay 11
The Open Road Project is a service for men of any age in Glasgow
and the surrounding areas who perform sexual acts in exchange
for some form of payment.
If this has affected any part of your life and you would like some
help or someone to talk to about it, please get in touch.
For more information or an informal chat, call: 0141 552 4789
or 07767 008 294, email either: [email protected] or
[email protected], or visit our website: www.openroadproject.com
12 ScotsGay
Hola everyone! And how are we all
doing today??? Who can believe another
month has flown by - where the time goes
nobody knows, eh? Obviously being in a
drunken stupor for 75% of it helps but what
else is there to do? So let‘s stop chatting
about it and get straight down to it! Here is
this month’s news and reviews on where to
get the best drinkie poos in Weegie town!
If you have been reading our column
lately you may see we have been criticised
for writing ‘negative comments’ on certain
drinking establishments... In our defence,
we would like to say that it has all been very
tongue in cheek and no offence in any way
was ever intended! At the end of the day
(and also the beginning obviously lol) our
column is only our personal and very
humble opinion.
Anyhoo for our lovely more mature
readers trying to stay away from hysterical
Queens and Pretty Boys there is always the
Court Bar. Conveniently situated on
Hutcheson Street in the Merchant City, it
provides a welcoming home for many and
some straightforward socialising for the not
so straight! “Though new comers to the pub
should be aware of the lack of space at this
venue, so if you’re planning to show off your
new river dance moves then expect to kick
most of the clientele in the face!” (MS).
Let’s roll on swiftly shall we “as the pub
is about to open its doors and I have thirst
that needs quenching and a love life that
needs blocking out!” (MS).
Death Disco is doing its usual thang
and rocking the Arches on Saturday 17th
May, although at the time of ScotsGay going
to press the theme of the night had not yet
been announced! But if you’re looking for
tickets or info, their box office number is
0141-565 1000 and all questions and
queries can be answered there!
Did you know that Bennets on
Glassford Street has been on the go since
1982 “and many regulars have the wrinkles
and bags to prove it” (MS) “Here come the
complaints...” (Ed) and what has been their
recipe for such success? We think it’s the
heady mix of a state of the art sound system
pumping out a mixture of hard dance and
cheesy tunes and a varied selection of cheap
booze overflowing from behind its many
bars. So you can imagine our sheer horror
and utter dismay when in amongst these
times of ever increasing financial pressures
we hear on the old social grapevine that the
club decides it is time for the prices to go
Thing is that even with the price hike
and even though we are aware that the same
songs are played on an auto loop every
night, (allegedly! - somebody get me a
lawyer - Ed) we all know that we’ll all still go
down to everyone‘s favourite haunt and we’ll
all still love it! Just have to get YET another
overdraft extension…. “Now where is the
number for the bank….” (GG). “Who is he
kidding? We all know that when he’s
Miss Shivey
& Gary
[email protected]
For Glasgow’s
venues listings see
Page 23.
Community Groups
are listed on
Pages 24-27.
VOTE for the
hottest Glasgow
gay bar at:
referring to the bank he actually is meaning
the bank of me! Cheap swine!” (MS)
“Greedy whore” (GG) “I shall deal with him
later” (MS)
Acccording to the Bennets website, pop
strongstress Anusha will be singing her top
dance hit "Have it all" on Saturday 10th May.
Apparently she was the support act to
Shayne Ward on his Scottish tour. Check out
Another must see PA this month is
Nicki French - for those a little lost as to
who this is - she‘s a British singer who
famously covered the cult classic ‘Total
Eclipse Of The Heart’. She is performing live
in Del‘s over the holiday long weekend on
Monday 26th May. This night should be
really busy, so get inside early doors if you
want to stand a chance of being able to park
your bottom on one of the plush leather
Also some news on the Polo weekend
passes that so many of you adore. From
now onwards (no doubt due to ever
increasing popularity) the passes limited,
but all is not lost as entry is still free before
eleven all weekend and getting in early
should mean the avoidance of cold queues!
Something we think we should defo
mention is The Mr Gay UK competition with
us attending the Glasgow Heat last night! It
was won by Kendrick Henderson, who a lot
of you may know from behind the bar in
Dels! Third place went to very hot looking
Sean Plastic and the guy in second we’d
never seen before so have little interest in
It was a good night with Glasgow
breaking the record for the highest number
of entries in Mr Gay UK ever! A special
Daniel Broughton - www.mrgayuk.co.uk
Nicki French at Del’s on Monday 26th May
mention tho has to go the guy who obv was
just doing it for a laugh and went on stage
white as a ghost with Tesco value pants on
(this in a sea of Calvins and fake tan….)!
Also to Ross C who despite not placing was
clearly the hottest on the night, especially as
there is a rumour floating about the scene
that some of the contestants went to the
Edinburgh heat to collect loads of voting
forms which they then handed in at the
Glasgow heat!!! We sincerely hope this is
not true and that the best person won on the
So here we must love and leave you,
our overdraft extensions have just been
approved, “the fools…” (GG), and the dance
floor is calling! We hope May brings much
in the way of banter and what not! Roll on
the May Mayhem
Mwah X
Anusha at Bennet’s on Saturday 10th May
ScotsGay 13
a’ ghaidhealtach
61 Happy Xmas 2004
61a Gay Orkney and Shetland
62 One Night Stand
62a Colin and Ryan Jump!
63 Nina Sparkle
63a Nancy
64 Pride Scotia 2005
64a Christie and Doyle
65 Beautiful Thing
65a Colin and Justin
66 Sprinkle and Stephens
66a Disko Bloodbath
67 Doctor Who and a Dalek
67a John and Laurence’s Big Day
68 Switchboard’s Snow Ball
68a Joe and Pete
69 I Scream
69a Lordi Wins Eurovision
70 Pride Scotia 2006
70a Craig Hill
71 Taylor Mac
It is all happening in Caithness! Last
month LGBT Caithness social group had its
first meeting in Thurso and they had a great
time. It is fantastic that from now they will
repeat this on a monthly basis. Who said
there were few gays, lesbians, bisexuals and
trangender people living far up North in
Scotland? It is one of our best kept secrets!
Next social event takes place on Wednesday
14th May at 6.30pm. All LGBT people
welcome at the Central (bar, hotel and
restaurant), 1 Traill Street, Thurso. Tel: Jon
on 07749 517826, Rob on 07511 199066 or
Agnes on Inverness (01463) 711585 or
E-mail: [email protected] for more
It is becoming that time of year when
walking in the fresh spring air is the most
wonderful thing to do. Why not enjoy the
outdoors, improve your fitness and make
some more friends all at the same time?
GOC (Gay Outdoor Club) Highland is
organising a walking weekend: Friday 23rd Monday 26th May. Wilderness backpacking,
Fisherfield. Please contact the organiser,
Alan, beforehand to check the detailed
arrangements regarding meeting times and
places, food, accommodation, etc. Tel:
Inverness (01463) 751258.
Do you know about the monthly LGBT film
screenings at Terrence Higgins Trust
Scotland? Every month THT shows one or
[email protected]
two different movies with an LGB or T
theme. Come and watch these great movies
together with some friends at THT:
Wednesday 7th May, movie with
Transgender theme ‘The Crying Game’ at
7pm and Tuesday 27th May, movie with LGB
theme ‘French Twist’ at 6pm. For more info,
Tel: 07816 064752 or
E-mail: [email protected]
Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland, in
collaboration with the Liver Disease
Department of Raigmore Hospital, is setting
up a HepCpositive support group. The group
will meet on a monthly basis at 34 Waterloo
Place, Inverness. The next meeting will be
on Tuesday 20th May from 6-8pm. For more
information contact me at the phone
number/E-mail above.
The North of Scotland now has its own
online LGBT community. It is called
lgbtnorthscotland, the online community for
Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals and
Transgender people. It offers LGBT people,
in however a remote area they are living, on
whichever island they are living, the
opportunity to get into contact with each
other. It can be a forum for discussion, to
find information, to post LGBT events, for
social networking… it is there for you. So
join the group at
/lgbtnorthscotland and make it bubble!
MCC (Metropolitan Community Church)
the LGBT-friendly church - is holding a
service every third Sunday of the month at
RNI Chapel, Ness Walk, Inverness. Doors
open on Sunday 17th May at 2.30pm and
the service start at 3pm. More information
on www.MCCInverness.com
LGBT Highland Social group has the
following activities in May: Saturday 3rd
May - Girlzone, Osbournes on Academy
Street, 1pm, lunch open to all women that
identify as lesbian, bisexual or
transgendered or their friends. Friday 15th
May - Girlzone, Debenhams Restaurant,
12.30pm. Tuesday 20th May - Bar Pivo
Social night, 8pm, look for the table with the
red top hat. See www.gay-ness.org.uk
Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland offers
the following activities in May: Wednesday
7th May, monthly group for transgender
people 7-9pm; Monday 12th May LGBT
drop-in Noon-2pm; Tuesday 20th May,
HepCpositive support 6-8 pm; Wednesday
21st May LGBT Lochaber social meeting in
Fort-William; 28 May, HIV Positive Support
Group, 6-8pm; All activities take place at 34
Waterloo Place, Inverness. IV1 1NB.
Visit http://thtscotlandhighlandservices.blogspot.com,
/lgbtnorthscotland or Tel: Inverness (01463)
711585 for more details.
Brooklyn’s has now established its quiz
night; it is on the first Thursday of the
month and a great way to start your
weekend a day early. Brooklyn’s is still
offering free pool every night 5-7pm. Kerry
has still got some great drinks promotions
on offer, which you will need for Dutch
courage every Wednesday, Friday and
Sunday for karaoke hosted by Suzie. For
those who are not fans of karaoke then
Saturday nights entertainment comes in the
form of a DJ, who will get you in the mood
to go to the club and dance the night away.
OUT is Tayside’s only LGBT nightclub. If
I was to say what the biggest change on the
scene has been over the last three years it
would have to be the vast improvement I’ve
seen in the club since Dean took over. I
remember nights in the club that when you
walked in you doubled the amount of people
in there! At the weekend OUT is always
busy, always has a great atmosphere and is
ideal for a dance. Drinks promotions every
night, with the best music courtesy of Dean,
Jamie or Yan. A student discount is available
every night, just show your student ID at the
Diversitay is holding its first
Transgender social evening this month, it
will be held on Thursday 29th May at
Dundee Voluntary Action, on Constitution
Road, Dundee. It will be held between 6pm
and 9pm. Anyone who identifies as
Transgender is welcome to come along,
whether they want to speak to someone or
meet new people. Diversitay hopes to
expand the evening and find the night a
permanent home, so please come along
with ideas and suggestions. They are also
going to be doing a volunteer drive over the
next couple of months. If you are interested
in volunteering please
E-mail [email protected] or give
them a ring on a Monday night between
7pm and 9pm.
dùn deagh
71a Vicky Hopkinson
75 Leyla Rose
78a World AIDS Day 2007
72 Neil Paterson
75a Marija Šerifović
79 Juano et Pierre
72a Bambi Graves
76 Pride Scotia 2007
79a Velvet is Back!
73 Katriona Godward
76a Apollo/Dionysus
80 Charlie Ross at the GCF
Download ScotsGay for FREE at
or Subscribe for just £15 for 12 issues
14 ScotsGay
73a Lou Mac
77 James Brandon
80a BearScots in the Woods
74 Topping and Butch
77a The Bubble at Glasgay!
74a Gregor Laird
78 Sarah Wilson
After over three years of writing this
column for ScotsGay I am finally handing it
over, when I started this I was out every
weekend and now I am lucky if the missus
lets me out once a month! I think that
makes me a proper grown up. I am sure
whoever takes over will do a great job of
keeping everyone up to date with the
goings-on in Dundee. For the people who
still have a negative image of Dundee’s
scene I urge you to go out at the weekend
and see what it has to offer, it may not be
the biggest scene in the world but be
thankful that there is a scene. Many towns
don’t even have a gay friendly pub never
mind a scene. OK rant over.
The Gauger has all your favourites this
month, with Ross DJing on a Friday and
Saturday night, offering you a range of
music from chart to dance to the odd show
tune. The Gauger still has its karaoke nights
every Wednesday and Sunday night. The
Gauger is your ideal starting point at the
weekend, a great place to have a drink and
watch the football during the week, and an
ideal place to have a break and sneaky drink
when you are out shopping.
[email protected]
All at ScotsGay would
like to thank Beth for her hard
work, dedication and general
fabbyness during her time with us.
We’re all going to miss her!
ScotsGay 15
Painted Eggs
St Brides Centre, 10 Orwell Terrace, Edinburgh
Thursday 29th to Saturday 31st May at 7.30pm
£7.50 for every ScotsGay reader if you book online
and use the promo code SG0508. (Regular price £10)
Website www.theluvvies.org
Painted Eggs is Directed by Ken Nicholson and Produced by Lizzie Cook. Live Music by Night Noise Team.
Martin Walker talks to Nicole Dolder, writer and star
of The Luvvies’ latest stage production, Painted Eggs.
When did you start writing Painted Eggs?
Painted Eggs originated some three years ago, although it
wasn’t intended to be a play. The original idea was a music
concept where I created characters and events based on
personal experiences. Each character represented a different
part of society and how they reacted to a minority, in this
case transgendered folk. I also wanted to show how some
transgendered people cope as a minority, sometimes with a
critical eye. Two years ago, as part of The Luvvies, I decided to
write it as a play. I wanted to keep a memory of its musical
origins and the band Night Noise Team will play a few
numbers that they wrote specially.
How long did Painted Eggs take to write?
The first version, which was released in August 2007, took
around 15 months. A lot of this time was spent
understanding many of the Far Eastern, specifically
Buddhist, views on gender and how they manifest
themselves within our Western culture. Joan in the play
expresses a number of these views. The original play idea was
a trilogy. In the end the first two parts were so important to
the story that I have released these as a single piece.
And this your first play?
Yes, it is. I have always been writing though, mostly short
sketches or musical lyrics, and sometimes short biographies.
I find it very therapeutic but always discard them after being
written. I keep the memories and emotions.
How many of the events depicted in Painted Eggs are real?
Painted Eggs is more inspired by real events rather than a
description of those events. Some characters are generic such
as Jim who was a close friend of John but turned out to be a
bigot when John became Joan. Sarah represents my first
girlfriend at school and things went terribly wrong at a
party. The Painted Eggs story itself is true. Charlie did exist
and the confusion depicted in the play, although told
differently, happened. The biggest change from real life is
that the gun was held at my head on a dark street. That was
scary. Paul represents a gay friend back in the 70’s who
helped me through the transition. Cilla is based on a good
friend I knew and the period I lived amongst the prostitutes,
and even Harry existed. The powerful unfolding of events is
based on a true story in the USA, but is so common amongst
transsexuals, and is a warning that some things we do can be
viewed by others as deceiving. And the strangest character I
ever met, Motor Mouse, existed too. Lastly, my male name
was John and as female I was originally known as Joan.
Today Joan is my middle name.
Why Painted Eggs?
The title Painted Eggs comes from one of my strongest
childhood memories and is described untouched in the play,
but what I’m trying to say is look beyond the shell of a
person and his or her social paintwork, and try to
understand that person, and sometimes that person can’t
even see themselves. In the play I gave many of the characters
two sides to their personalities. Cilla for example is a well
seasoned prostitute on the outside but inside dreams of a
family in a nice suburban house. Motor Mouse lives in his
own crazy world to cope with the isolation of being a trans
man but events that unfold bring out a very sensitive and
intelligent person. Some other characters show different
sides to themselves such as Jim, Ed and Charlie.
You play the lead as John and Joan - it must be tough to play
a man and a woman?
I don’t see it that way. Maybe as little as a year or two ago I
may have found it difficult to play a man, but today that has
changed completely. To me, I am physically and emotionally
a woman and therefore I view this like any other female
actress performing a male role. I do believe though that we
are sometimes unique in the social role of women. I could
compare this to a white woman living in a pure Chinese
village. She is without doubt a woman but will always be
different from the villagers around her. This creates
interesting social dynamics on both sides. For many this is
difficult and can lead to isolation and loneliness. Personally
I am proud to stand up and say I am that one person and
therefore also proud to play John. He was, and always will
be, a part of me.
16 ScotsGay
Do you have a favourite line from the play?
That would have to be where Joan says “A straight man sees
a guy. A gay man sees a girl. A straight girl sees a girl and a
gay girl sees a guy.” This expresses my views of the extreme
bi-gendered society we live in where to me I am that white
person in a Chinese village. I hope I have learnt to see
beyond that shell and see the person for who s/he is. As such
I don’t care what someone looks like or if they are attractive
or not. It is the person that counts.
Have you encountered ‘Transphobia’ in the straight world?
Unfortunately many times. It is far less than it used to be.
For the most part it was just verbal abuse. On a couple of
occasions I have received physical threats. In general I have
found that most of the transphobia occurs in the first couple
of years of transition. That is when we are at our most
vulnerable. As our confidence increases, open transphobia
decreases. Silent transphobia still exists, but this you only
hear about by accident or through friends. Personally I’m
not that bothered by it any more.
Can you see Painted Eggs as a film?
Definitely! As a matter of fact I have already started writing
the film script. Although it follows the overall gist of the
play, it is significantly different. A film is a very different
and very visual medium and will allow me to express Painted
Eggs in a different way. At the moment I would call it a cross
between “Boys Don’t Cry” and “Reservoir Dogs”. Personally
I would hope to get the film started in 2009. After The Luvvies
performance I plan to publish the script of the play. A play
expresses emotions a film can’t due to the unique bond of a
live audience and cast.
And in the gay world?
Very rare, but I have come across a few transphobic lesbians.
I have encountered transphobic behaviour from men who at
the time came across as straight but later came out as gay
and in one case a man who is now a she. This does raise the
interesting question of how much is transphobia, and even
homophobia, is related to suppressed issues in the person
committing the actions. I have raised these issues in Painted
Eve Buigues plays
female transsexual
prostitute Cilla
Have you always known you were a woman?
The simple answer is yes. Even before I was consciously
aware that I was a girl I later heard I didn’t behave like a boy.
All through my early school years I would associate with the
girls and play with them. Sometimes the parents would
complain. In my early teenage years I capitalised on the
hippy movement and found a way to express my femininity
without getting into too much trouble, although I was the
only hippy at school. In my late teens I considered a sex
change for the first time and actually took steps to see a
doctor. The big surprise was that I had naturally a very high
level of female hormones, which settled down in my early
twenties. Still a big riddle.
What are The Luvvies all about?
We are a performing arts company that expresses various
aspects of the lives and experiences of the LGBT community.
I would say performing arts since all our theatre to date has
included music. We have put on talent contests and today we
are also making a film. Doing this we raise LGBT issues, in
an entertaining way, to the wider community. We also
collaborate with other LGBT groups. I have to also mention
LuvvieBabes, which allows people to get together and get
involved and learn about theatre in a safe environment
without the pressure of going on stage. And lastly, many of
our members are straight, so whatever you are, come and
join us. You won’t regret it.
When did you join The Luvvies?
Back in February 2006. David Dalzell, the founder and
current chair of The Luvvies, was looking for cast and
production crew to stage his idea of four vignettes, A Taste of
Heaven and Hell. I saw an advert in Village Voices and turned
up for a few workshops and later auditioned for the role of
Mrs Madrigal from Tales of the City. This was a hippy midfifties transsexual woman and I couldn’t describe myself
better. The show was staged in October 2006 to a sold out
audience. In 2007 I decided to focus on production and learn
more about staging a play, and also focus on writing Painted
Brett Herriot plays gay
guy Paul and male
Motor Mouse
So when did you start your transition?
I actually transitioned twice. The first time was in the early
seventies - I was Joan back then. That lasted for just under
two years. I was sharing a flat with three other trans girls at
the time, two of which were prostitutes. Later the third
became one too. It felt like the only way I could succeed as a
woman was to follow in the same path, so reluctantly I
bailed out, but with the intention of transitioning again.
I made the final transition in March 1997 and underwent
reassignment surgery in May 1998.
What would you say to others who want to transition?
Only you can know if it is right or not, and the time will
come that the force to transition outweighs any other fear
and the transition will happen. I believe strongly in Nature
and she will get you through it. At times you may feel the
world is against you - it isn’t. I believe we are different and
both sides, you and the society around you need time to
adjust. The white man/woman in a Chinese village.
Nicole Dolder plays
pre-trans John and
post-trans Joan
“I hope I have
learnt to see beyond
the shell and see the
person for who s/he
is. As such I don’t
care what someone
looks like or if they
are attractive or
not. It is the person
that counts.”
I hear you’re into music in a big way.
I like all forms of music with the exception of opera, and I
have a huge collection of stuff. In general I’m a fanatic
progressive rock fan. Some of my favourite bands are Genesis,
Pink Floyd, Peter Gabriel, Mostly Autumn, Magenta, Arena and
many more. This pure storytelling in musical form and there
is so much emotion involved. Some of my favourite albums
are the early Genesis ones such as “Selling England by the
Pound”. Other type of bands are Fleetwood Mac, Dire Straights
and T-Rex.
And you like your cars?
Definitely. I have a BMW. I’m now onto my fifth, which were
interspersed with other cars. I’m now the proud owner of a
new 325i. I started off riding motor bikes, the biggest being a
Honda. Later I made new friends and we got into restoring
BMW’s and then race them on the motorway (there were no
speed limits in those days). I’m afraid that’s a part of the boy
that has remained with me and I wouldn’t want to give it up.
How would you like to be remembered?
This is a hard question. I would like to be remembered as a
proud and open transsexual woman, who at times is
somewhat eccentric and possibly over emotional, but by her
actions and boldness will make the paths of a few others like
myself a little easier.
Nicole, it has been a pleasure. Good luck with Painted Eggs.
Thank you.
ScotsGay 17
Fruit Cocktail
By Arthur Wooten
Published by Alyson Books
This book was written as a sequel
to the brilliant ‘On Picking Fruit’ and I
found it just enjoyable as the first one.
Fruit Cocktail is another adventure of
the books hero Curtis Jenkins, who’s
had so many dates gone wrong that he
decides to write the ultimate book on
gay dating “101 Ways to Collide Into
Your Gay Soul Mate”. He finds
himself with a hit on his hands and so
begins a roller coaster ride of book
readings and interviews all over the
USA. He’s accompanied by his long
standing and platonic friend Quinn,
who although well meaning is a
constant source of mishaps and rather
then assisting Curtis always manages
to make life harder for him. And his
mother also joins the fray and
dropping the bombshell of her lesbian
lover on her gay son.
This is a laugh out loud type of
novel that is just as contrived and
farcical as the one it follows, but
although fanciful and outright surreal
it nevertheless shows the deep
insecurities brought about by trying
too hard to find “Mr Right”. Wooten
has managed again to write a novel that
makes us care about an almost
unbelievable character.
By M. Christian
Published by Alyson Books
You know what’s it like, sometimes you
think ‘Is that really me?’ Well, I tell you
sometimes it really isn’t, know what I mean.
They have all this technology and shit, know
what I mean, and they use it to get to you.
They tried it with me, they tried to take my
numbers, you know, but I fucking sussed
them and I got rid of my numbers, cut them
all up, so they had shit all to get of me. No
numbers, no job, no home, so who did they
think they would replace, know what I
mean. This is a strange novel,
interspersed with even stranger italic
ramblings of some weird person who
seems to suffer from a real persecution
complex. But then it seems that this
complex might be just too real for
comfort for our reluctant hero.
He seems to have met a
doppelganger and rival intend to take
over, his job, his apartment, his car, his
life. He steals his friends. He seduces
his lover. Is he an alien? A clone? An
evil twin? A long lost brother? All you
know is that every day he’s becoming
more like him, stealing what’s his,
until there’s nothing left... ME2 is a
wild, witty, sexy, twisted, horrifying
novel about identity and existence,
which will keep you guessing.
18 ScotsGay
E-mail: [email protected]
First Person Queer
Gods of Sport
Edited by Richard Labonte
& Lawrence Schimel
Published by Arsenal Pulp Press
By Pedro Virgil
Published by Bruno Gmünder
This is the first of a load of books
of anthologies and stories I’ve been
sent to review this time and this one is
definitely different. It deals with real
life stories, from coming out to staying
in the closet, to the devastation of
crystal meth addiction, to growing old
and living proud.
In this wide-ranging anthology,
contributors write intimate and honest
first-person non-fiction essays about
their own ‘queer’ experiences of life funny, sad, hopeful and truthful.
Representing a diversity of genders,
ages, races and orientations and edited
by two acclaimed writers and
anthologists (who between them have
written or edited almost 100 books),
First Person Queer depicts the
diversity, the complexity and the
excitement of contemporary ‘GLBTQ’
life. Contributors include transsexual
activist Kate Bornstein on the daughter
her mother never had; erotica editor
Simon Sheppard on the heyday of
queer life in San Francisco; poet and
author Sharn Bridgforth on gender
identity and coming to terms with
being butch; Cuban-born cultural
writer Achy Obejas on how she learned
that every fight didn’t have to be final;
author Katherine V. Forrest on
navigating the politics of pride; and
actor and writer Sky Gilbert on the lack
of role models for aging gay men.
Other contributors include author
Tim Miller, newspaper columnist Dave
Miller, butch activist and writer S. Bear
Bergman and lesbian novelist Ivan E.
Ultimate Gay Erotica 2008
Edited by Jesse Grant
Published by Alyson Books
This is my ultimate bugbear of all
times, how can you have the
ULTIMATE in anything in a year when
it’s only May, and as in the case of this
book I sincerely hope it really isn’t the
ULTIMATE. In fact if this is the
ULTIMATE we’re in for a very, very
lukewarm year as far as erotic gay
fiction is concerned.
The cover promises details of the
hottest action you want to reach out
and touch, but inside the covers the
stories were lame and lackluster and
only mildly arousing.
I was promised my nighttime
fantasies, but to be perfectly honest,
my own fantasies are a lot hotter than
anything I read in this book. Please,
please don’t let this one be the
Wow, what a book, mind you at
that price it should be… (Little tip
here, you can actually pick it up a lot
cheaper if you shop around.) 200 or
more pages stuffed full of the most
delectable men you could ever wish to
come across.
These testosterone-laden bodies
signify pure masculinity and the
elegant poses and vivid colouring will
set your fantasies alight. Virgil is an
internationally renown photographer
with campaigns for the likes of Diesel
and Rolex under his belt, but as far as
I’m concerned in this partnership with
Bruno Gmünder he has just totally
excelled himself!
Some of these photographs are
reminiscent of the Dieux du Stade
calendars starring nude and semi-nude
French rugby players in a variety of
homo-erotic poses, but for sheer know
how and excellence nothing comes near
the images in this book. Go on, splash
out and spoil yourself, this book is
Able Was I
By Drew Banks
Published by Dot Dash Press
When I received this book quite
some time back I immediately
recognised Napoleon Bonaparte’s
famous palindrome “Able was I ere I
saw Elba”, which in reality he never
said as his language was French, but
after just having read a few pages I also
recognised the rare literary quality this
author possesses. He tells the story of a
life - with absolute conviction - from
youthful confusion to almost complete
and successful self-delusion and return
to middle-aged confusion and he never
loses the plot.
This book is definitely more than
captivating, it is totally engrossing, the
characters are almost frighteningly
real, in that you might find yourself
saying: “Here but for the grace go I!”
This profound journey of a man
searching for his way through life is
full of tenderness and passion rather
then gratuitous graphic sex scenes and
the locations chosen for this
outstanding debut novel are as real as
the road outside your door. I am
waiting to see more of this incredibly
talented writer and would highly
recommend you getting a copy of this
You might have to look for it as it
was a couple of years back that this
book was published but it’s definitely
worth getting.
I hope no readers of this revered
publication have had a mother
disappointed at their gay lifestyle and, as
if she wants them to experience
heterosexual delights, initiates having sex
with them. This happens in the most
memorable movie of this or any other
year SAVAGE GRACE (18) that wont be
stunning cinemas till the middle of July.
Over the years Julianne Moore has never
been lucky enough to have this kind of
brittle script. It takes her through 21 years
of marriage into wealth. As a former
actress fascinating enough despite her
temperamental appeal as a highly strung
hostess, when her marriage breaks up she
starts fancying her grown up son’s
I could cope with that, but when she
starts undoing her son’s trouser buttons
and sits on his lap I was more horrified
than I have ever been in a cinema. Gay
members of most audiences would
probably feel they would run out giggling
if it had happened to them. The script
then explains he was mentally unstable so
I won’t describe the horrific finale. For
those of us into moustaches his father is
the highly desirable Stephen Dillane.
I avoid horror films, but tales of spies
being dropped over Nazi occupied France
in the war terrify me as I know the
Gestapo enjoyed torturing anyone they
caught. If you are unfortunate enough to
know any sadists tell them great
excitement can be theirs at the end of
June with FEMALE AGENTS (15). Sophie
Marceau heads a team of French ladies
who could terrify Hitler. You don’t need
to know the plot to know this is essential
to your summer film outings. Only the
torture scenes made me close my eyes for
periods. It could be the most authentic
spy film ever made.
Many of us have noticed the slow
emergence of a charismatic young man in
TV series like The Royle Family and Two
Pints Of Lager and now Ralf Little reaches
the cinema screen with THE WAITING
ROOM (15) early in June. His three plays
on the London stage have also brought
him a following, but this movie of marital
problems amongst suburban couples
may only be remembered in future as
Ralf ’s big screen debut. He just needs the
right film role to be appreciated as the
most interesting new actor in Britain.
(tbc) has a guy and girl in Los Angeles
meeting through the Internet on New
Year’s Eve and sparring amusingly about
whether their friendship to lead to more.
It made me realize the advantages of
being gay. Girls across the world have this
continual problem of will he respect me
after we’ve slept together. Most gay men
could not care less about that respect.
PRICELESS (12a) is an appealing
French comedy about a girl searching for
a sugar daddy who mistakes a hotel
barman for a millionaire. By the time she
realizes the truth he has fallen for her
and, to relieve his poverty, when a mature
woman starts fancying him he goes with
it to collect luxury gifts. It beats most TV.
For over 25 years Dennis Quaid has
been pleasing audiences as the romantic
[email protected]
lead in movies and is now
happy to be a loving father
He is a widowed literature
professor who is being put
wise about the modern
world by a very sharp
teenage daughter and son.
They encourage his
romantic interest in Sarah
Jessica Parker. Mr Quaid
has grown a beard which
does have appeal.
has a gay
tracking down a
murky underworld
of gay conversion
therapy. There are
still people prepared
to believe gay people
can be made
In the movie world Colin Farrell is a
phenomenon with vast numbers of
people panting for news of his latest films
however distressing they are which sums
up his latest IN BRUGES (18)
(pronounced “broozh”). New
writer/director Martin McDonagh is
responsible for a story about two hitmen
who, after a London assassination, are
ordered to Belgium till the heat dies
down. Mr McDonagh’s only strength is
choosing a great location and casting the
best actors around. The script is
exhausting. Ralph Fiennes must have
been having a very quiet time to play their
cockney boss who rushes there with
murder in mind. A great Irish character
actor, Brendan Gleeson, brings some
desperately needed class to the story.
Colin’s character is written to be so
stupid he starts a fight in a restaurant
with the couple at the next table.
Mr Farrell has such sex appeal he
makes millions a movie. He is on the
cover of April GQ with a revealing feature
inside about how drugs and drink have
ruined his life. Clearly his passion for
them has meant he needs money to buy
them whatever the quality of the films he
is offered. This one proves he can be
marvellous to watch - even in a rubbish
Life amongst the wealthy French in
the 1840’s is interestingly told in THE
LAST MISTRESS (15) where a
breathtaking new young man happy to
launch himself into acting as Fu’ad Ait
Aattou says he is giving up his longtime
lover to marry a suitable girl. But he can’t
forget his mistress and it is nice to watch
him in various stages of nudity as he
makes a decision.
For years people were so jealous of his
good looks that Keanu Reeves was
belittled as an actor. Let us hope they are
happier now he has matured and delivers
quite a punch in STREET KINGS (15). He
is a policeman taking the law into his own
hands in ways that surprise.
FOOL’S GOLD (12a) is a very
expensive movie shot on sunny locations
giving Matthew McConaughey ample
reason to show his handsome body
searching for teasure at the bottom of
oceans with Kate Hudson. When you stop
thinking about how much exercising he
must have done to get his enviable shape
you will enjoy it.
21(12a) has a brilliant at mathematics
student taken under Kevin Spacey’s wing
to beat the Las Vegas gambling tables so
he can pay his college education fees. It
will be a lesson to anyone who thinks they
can beat the system as cameras watch you
constantly and bouncers are determined
to make you suffer.
You are too young and lovely to have
heard of Tallulah Bankhead, an American
leading lady, who dominated the New
York stage in the thirties and forties, who
had the confidence to say she fancied
both sexes which was as daring as you
could get at that time. She rarely made
films but in 1945 the exception was A
ROYAL SCANDAL when, as Catherine,
the Empress of Russia, she had the pick of
her best looking soldiers. Because of the
film censorship of the time there are no
bedroom scenes, but plenty of witty
dialogue directed by Otto Preminger
whose brilliance was marred by him being
the most arrogant Austrian in Hollywood.
The British Film Institute have
packaged this and another 1943
Preminger title MARGIN FOR ERROR in
one box. As well as directing it Otto
virtually plays himself as the obnoxious
German ambassador in America just
before the war making everyone,
including his lovely wife Joan Bennett,
suffer. They are two peculiarities which
are a fascinating time trip.
TLA Releasing have the knack of
importing product we appreciate. Those
of us who know black is beautiful will
love the first season of a US TV series
called THE DL CHRONICLES. Coffee
coloured and black gay men often find it
impossible to come out. These stories
hold interest as the guys make engrossing
At the end of May ROCK HAVEN is a
teenage romance beautifully made. 18
year old Brady and his religiously
obsessed mother move to a house on the
Californian coast where their neighbours
have a gay 19 year old son, Clifford, who
finds him irresistible. As Brady has the
kind of lips you could get lost in it is a
relief when they kiss. But his guilt
conscience about his mother changes
ScotsGay 19
Dennis Goldie and the fall of
After the repeal of Section 28 is
announced by Labour, Brian Souter,
the Catholic Church and the Scottish
School Boards’ Association were
joined by Scotland’s biggest tabloid
newspapers to fight repeal.
Shockwaves reached Falkirk…
As a registered charity, the Christian
Institute received donations to help it
promote its particular brand of
“Christian values” receiving a staggering
£496,581 as “gifts” in 2000. Its deputy
director, Simon Calvert pounced on two
“offensive books” in a Strathclyde
University teaching programme. Calvert
claimed: “These books are guaranteed to
stoke up an interest in children in sexual
matters they would otherwise not have
In a report in The Falkirk Herald,
Falkirk Council was “slammed” for
“promoting sex in schools” and very
soon, morally conservative Labour
councillors were attacking the work of
parliamentary members of their own
Party as they set about repealing Section
28. In the council chambers at Falkirk a
debate raged over whether or not they
should debate Section 28 at all before
Falkirk’s Provost, Dennis Goldie got his
way. He even dipped into his own pocket
to pay for the hire of the Town Hall in
Falkirk for a summit meeting, saying he
spoke for the vast majority of people in
Before opening proceedings had
begun, Provost Goldie was already
speaking out against repeal and read
what he described as “facts” from The
Daily Record. The minister of Grahamston
United Church leapt to his feet to remind
Goldie: “As chairman of the meeting you
should remain impartial”. A parent
lashed out: “I’ve got two kids and I feel
it’s my duty to teach them good moral
and Christian values. You can call me a
bigot if you like but I’ve no time
whatsoever for these homosexuals”.
Alastair Horne, minister at the St.
Andrew’s West Church in Falkirk, said he
strongly commended the council for
voting against repeal, saying, “The Bible
was clearly against homosexuality”. One
young gay lad in the audience bravely
spoke up to say: “opponents of the plans
should be ‘ashamed’ of themselves”. All
the same, a show of hands, taken at the
end of the meeting, showed the vast
majority of the 100-strong crowd - which
included a handful of schoolchildren were clearly in support of Dennis Goldie
and the council. Whilst emphasising how
much he abhorred discrimination and
wasn’t homophobic, at the Policy
Committee, Goldie voted against repeal
in what turned out to be a very close call:
Four to three against. Militant
religionists had tasted blood.
20 ScotsGay
[email protected]
The author
has not
payment for
this history
but welcomes
donations to
any of the
Peter Tatchell
Human Rights
PO Box 35253,
London. E1 4YF
National Secular
By now, the debate was already
spilling out of council chambers into
pubs, canteens, living-rooms and even
colleges across the country. Although the
National Union of Students in Scotland’s
Women’s Officer wanted to “encourage
both local authorities and students to
promote understanding and tolerance”,
The Falkirk Herald pointed out she was not
backed by Yvonne Harley, Falkirk
College’s student president.
While the Labour ministers at The
Mound tried to portray a united front in
repeal, the local press in Falkirk
discovered notification of a ‘Keep the
Clause’ meeting produced on local
Labour Party headed notepaper.
If the letters chosen for publication
by the editor of The Falkirk Herald were
anything to go by, George Guthrie and
Dennis Goldie did indeed enjoy massive
support. Bert Smith of Hallglen wrote:
“Our council at this time is to be
congratulated on the democratic stance
they have taken on this controversial
subject by providing a platform for public
Peter Moodie of Arnothill, Falkirk
wrote: “It is right to discriminate against
that which is evil just as we would
discriminate against murder or rape. The
gay lobby has been so successful over
recent times in brainwashing society into
believing that rejection or opposition to
homosexuality somehow equates to
discrimination of gays… Abhorrence of
unnatural practices does not equate to
H J Lynch from Larbert wrote:
“…Balanced information about
homosexuality can be given easily within
existing Religious Education… A point
correctly made by Provost Goldie. The
Provost is also correct in stating that the
public would not be in favour of
ratepayer’s money being used to fund
gay/lesbian groups”. Although not made
clear in The Falkirk Herald, Hugh J Lynch
was a vociferous supporter of ‘Keep the
Clause’, chairman of the neighbouring
Larbert Labour Party and a member of
the militant Family Action Movement, he
had recently retired from the position of
rector of St Mungo’s Roman Catholic
High School in Falkirk and had served as
an assistant director of education.
Extracts of a letter signed by
representatives of local branches of the
Free Church of Scotland, the Church of
Scotland, the Evangelical Church, the
Dawson Mission, the Pentecostal Church,
the Baptist Church and a retired rector of
Graeme High School was carried by The
Falkirk Herald. After claiming many years
experience involving ministry to gays, all
administered, of course, with great “love
and compassion”, they insisted they were
“not homophobic…” but believed “the
promotion of homosexuality and
homosexual propaganda in schools”
would “only facilitate the exploitation of
the most vulnerable in our society…”
They quoted the registered charity, the
Christian Institute’s booklet,
‘Bank-rolling Gay Proselytism’ as a point
of reference.
Irked by the bank-rolling of religious
proselytism, Mr A Irvine of Falkirk was a
lone voice in support for repeal on The
Falkirk Herald’s letters’ page: “As someone
who attended the public meeting in
Falkirk Town Hall on Monday, 31
January 2000, hoping for an intelligent,
informed debate… I have to say that I am
absolutely astonished at the events which
occurred. Never before have I heard such
a torrent of ill-informed prejudice, hatred
and downright bigotry in the name of
Christianity. I lost count of the number
of speakers who began ‘I am a Christian
and I have no desire to force my beliefs
on anyone who is not’ and who then
proceeded to do exactly that and at some
Provost Goldie could not always
count on the unequivocal support of the
citizens of Falkirk in recommending him
as a man occupying the moral high
ground as in the case of some rather
outspoken claims made by fellow
councillor Billy Buchanan. Lord Philip
listened to Anne Smith QC, (now the
Hon Lady Smith) a representative of
other Christian causes and who was
appointed to represent Falkirk Council
on this occasion, before agreeing that
Buchanan should be silenced.
Dennis Goldie, censured for
comparing a political rival to serial killer
Harold Shipman, reportedly calling
another member of the council a Nazi in
2002 and taking advantage of the Tory’s
‘right-to-buy’ legislation when he
purchased five former council houses and
set himself up as a landlord, would later
be nominated as the Labour candidate to
contest the Falkirk West seat in the
Scottish elections. (Falkirk’s Independent
MSP, Dennis Canavan, was standing
down). At the Scottish election in 2007,
Falkirk West chose, instead, to elect an
SNP candidate to represent them.
Labour lost to the SNP in the
Scottish elections by just one seat.
Ironically, the SNP had been helped to
win with £500,000 of Brian Souter’s
money. Alex Salmond became the new
First Minister.
The SNP was bad news for anyone
trying to unclasp religion’s hold on
Scotland. Salmond had already engaged
in behind-the-scenes talks with Catholic
leaders; had snubbed a debate on gay
equality attended by all Scottish political
parties, including the Tories, and backed
the right of adoption agencies to turn
away gay couples.
Equality Network’s Tim Hopkins
wrote to the SNP’s deputy leader, Nicola
Sturgeon imploring her to answer if they
were in favour of equality. She didn’t
After the 2007 election, the SNP
hosted a lavish reception at Bute House
with its generous allies in attendance –
including Brian Souter and Sir Tom
Farmer – at a cost to the taxpayer of
£1,446.50. Recently, Catholic SNP
minister Fergus Ewing has held private
talks with Souter’s charity, the Souter
Charitable Trust (STC) with its expressed
aim of advancing religion, to discuss a
return to a pro-abstinence drug policy
similar to one promoted by ‘Keep the
Clause’s’ David Macauley when he
headed Scotland Against Drugs. The SNP
also quickly dropped their resolution to
do away with bus de-regulation and have
been further criticised for not putting out
to tender plans to offer a hovercraft
service across the Firth of Forth.
Stagecoach looked likely to benefit. The
company sought £3.3m of funding until
the service became profitable.
Alex Salmond recently spoke at a
lecture held in the honour of one of
Scotland’s most notorious homophobes,
Cardinal Winning, (now thankfully
buried in a frock and a pair of red shoes)
to say Scottish schools could learn from
the strong moral values he claimed were
taught in Catholic primaries and
secondary schools. He promised to make
it his mission to put ethics and moral
values at the heart of Scottish education,
giving his “unswerving support” for more
‘faith’ schools. Attacking opponents of
sectarian schools, he praised Catholic
schools as “second to none”. Salmond
warned: “For too long the attitude of
some has been, at best, grudging
acceptance of Catholic education and, at
worst, outright hostility. It is time for
that attitude to be finished in Scottish
society”. Instead of addressing a
resistance to tackle diversity within
Catholic education, Salmond instead
proclaimed: “We must celebrate – not
tolerate – diversity and distinctiveness
within our education system”. After his
meeting of Muslim leaders at Bute House
and in a nod to demands for separate
schools for Muslims, (Sunni, Shi’ah, we
don’t know), he promised: “My advocacy
for faith-based education extends beyond
Catholic schools”. (The Green Party
stands virtually alone resisting religious
privilege). Let alone homophobia,
divisions amongst Muslims, the
treatment of women, forced marriages,
female circumcision were all conveniently
brushed under the carpet in the stampede
by the SNP to portray religious solidarity.
Falkirk didn’t quite manage to pull
off its portrayal of Christian sobriety
during the ‘Keep the Clause’ campaign
after a deeply religious Catholic man
from the town, Robert Mochrie, under
pressure of a struggling business and a
difficult marriage, bludgeoned his wife
and four children to death before taking
an overdose and hanging himself. It was
discovered he had been regularly visiting
a female prostitute in Cardiff.
Whilst moral conservatives and
militant religionists rocked Falkirk,
similar tremors were felt in North
Lanarkshire. As a pointer, Larkhall in
Lanarkshire was a town where street
parties were banned if Glasgow’s Rangers
won the Scottish football cup. The
protestant town of 10,000 had a fence
painted red, white and blue. It was
reported that each time the local
authority tried to repaint it, the fence was
reverted to its original unionist colours.
When cable TV boxes were painted green,
(the colour of rival Catholic football
team, Celtic), there was such an outcry;
the company had to repaint them grey. A
key figure in Lanarkshire was SNP
councillor Richard Lyle. He had already
painted his sexually conservative colours
to the mast when he told The Scottish News
of the World he didn’t want the local
Strathclyde Park, which had a small
section cruised by gays “becoming
another Clapham Common”. Richard
Lyle was a major critic of important
sexual health work and put lives at risk by
obstructing and objecting to health
workers handing out condoms there. One
prominent doctor, committed to
improving sexual health in Scotland, left
the country in exasperation. This solid
Labour heartland led by the so-called
‘Lanarkshire mafia’ of old-Labour men
also planned a vote in response to the
Scottish Executive’s moves to repeal
Section 28. Richard Lyle had appealed to
the Policy and Resources Committee to
allow a ‘conscience vote’, rather than a
political one. Convener Councillor Jim
McCabe agreed. This did not produce the
result Richard Lyle wanted. North
Lanarkshire Council actually voted to
respond to the Scottish Executive with
their support for repeal of Section 28 by
ten votes to five. So, because 25 per cent
of the vote was against appeal, he evoked
the council’s 25 per cent rule that meant
it had to be debated again to a full
council on 17 February 2000. Director of
administration, John O’Hagan tried to
argue against the use of the 25 per cent
rule. He said it only applied to matters
discussed by committees and since this
subject was not normally delegated to the
Policy and Resources Committee, but
sent there on a special basis, he argued
the 25 per cent rule could not apply.
Richard Lyle was however delighted when
three Labour members voted to debate an
amendment by Harry McGuigan. After
talking to West Church Men’s
Association, Lyle had his opinion further
vindicated. Richard Lyle implored in The
Wishaw News: “…This is definitely not a
homophobic move… I believe, as a parent
and in all conscience, that this clause
should not be repealed”.
After a stormy debate at the full
council meeting at North Lanarkshire
Council an overwhelming 42 to 19
councillors voted to keep the clause,
safeguarding parents from the
“promotion” of homosexuality in
schools. After the meeting, Lyle
was satisfied that “other
councils may now take a similar
stand” and told The Scottish Daily
Mail: “Wendy Alexander has
made a fool of herself ”.
It was seen as something of
a presentational error that the
Scottish Executive hadn’t made
more of the fact that 13 of
Scotland’s local authorities
supported repeal against only
three wanting to keep it on the
statute books.
Gerald Warner frothed in
his Scotland on Sunday column:
“That vote represents Old
Labour values, from the days of
coal in the bath and short shrift
for nancy boys in the miners’
welfare. In contrast, New
Gay Sex
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Labour in Edinburgh epitomised by
Wendy Alexander, Susan Deacon and
incongruously, Sam Galbraith (‘Trust me,
I’m a dad!’), has lost all sense of reality.
These people do not realise that most
parents look forward to spending the
Sundays of their twilight years visiting
their grandchildren in a conventional
family home, not at the bedside of their
son in an AIDS hospice”.
In East Kilbride, hundreds of
churchgoers were being urged to sign a
petition against repeal by Catholic
Bishop Joseph Devine. Printed in The East
Kilbride News, the petition read: “We the
undersigned wish to express horror and
dismay at the proposal by the Scottish
Parliament to repeal Section 28 of the
Local Government Act of 1998 thus
allowing homosexuality to be promoted
in primary schools”. Local MSP Andy
Kerr attacked the media for peddling
such inaccurate information. Ian Bell’s
column in The Scotsman, announced:
“…The time has come to call a halt to the
wanton promotion of Christianity in our
schools… If rights, duties and offensive
teachings are at issue, when might we
expect the Scottish Executive to
disentangle religion from education? The
only propaganda supported by law in our
schools is propaganda on behalf of
religious faith in all its baffling,
pernicious variety”.
By March 2000, Scotland on Sunday, a
broadsheet supporting ‘Keep the Clause’,
had headlined: “Souter pays family to sue
on Section 28”. Yet, judging by the
remarks of a ‘Keep the Clause’
spokesman, they appeared to still be
looking for one: “We will seek to bring a
test case and we will need a parent or a
family to do that. If any family wants to
take part in the opposition to the
Executive over Section 28 then we would
ask them to approach us”. Scotland on
Sunday was defiant and confident that
“parents will take fight against policy on
sex education to the European court”.
After ‘Jenny Lives with Eric and
Martin’ and ‘Beyond a Phase’, militant
religionists were hungry for more gay
literature to torch. The best was yet to
ScotsGay 21
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next door to OUT.
Karaoke: Wed, Fri &
Sun. DJ: Sat.
23-25 St Leonards
Tel: 0131-668 2934.
Sun 12.30pm-1am,
Mon-Sat 11.30am1am.
Everybody-friendly bar.
Real ale. Food served:
Mon-Sat 11.30am9.30pm, Sun
E-mail: management
www.cheerzbar.net or
Carnegies Brae.
Tel: (01224) 611451.
Tue-Sun 10pm-3am.
New club opposite The
E-mail clubfoundation
13 Hadden Street.
Mon-Sat 11am-11pm,
Sun 1-11pm.
Traditional bar with
quizes and karaoke.
218 Holburn Street.
Tel: (01224) 211441.
Mon-Fri 11am-10pm,
Sat 11am-8pm. From
1st Apr: Mon-Fri
Noon-10pm, Sat
11am-9pm, Sun 29pm. 8-man Jacuzzi,
sauna, steamroom,
café. Free Wifi Internet
access. Massage
E-mail rod@
Hustlers Snooker Club,
64 North Lindsay
Tel: (01382) 229226.
8pm-2am. 3rd Fri of
each month.
Scotland's most
Northerly monthly
fetish club. Usual fetish
dress code rules but
they will happily accept
glam. Come along and
join the fun on the
dance floor or
playroom or just sit
and socialise with
everyone else. £5
members/£10 nonmembers.
E-mail: saltire28
38 Albert Street.
Tel: (01382) 809080.
Mon-Wed, Fri 10am6pm, Thu 10am-8pm,
Sat 10am-5pm, Sun
11am-4pm, First Wed
of each month
(Dundee Munch)
10am-8pm. Alternative
clothing shop catering
for all genders and
sexualities. As well as
stocking a wide range
of clothing and sex
aids they pride
themselves on being
able to source
personal services such
as gender friendly
photographers and
offer a personal
shopping service.
19 Shore Place, Leith.
Tel: 0131-476 6776.
Sun Noon-11pm, TueThu 11am-11pm,
Fri-Sat 11am-1am.
LGBT friendy
bar/restaurant. Food
served until 10pm.
E-mail: info
@bardiesel .co.uk
57/61 Blackfriars
Tel: 0131-557 6136.
Mon-Thu 6-10pm, FriSat Noon-2pm &
6-10.30pm. Superb
little vegetarian
restaurant. Friendly
staff. Mixed clientele.
1 Barony Street/36
Broughton Street.
Tel: 0131-556 2788
(Bar) or 0131-557
0911 (Office). Sat-Sun
10am-11pm, Mon-Fri
11am-11pm. Food
served until 10pm.
Popular LGBT café.
220 Morrison Street.
Tel: 0131-538 7069.
Mon-Sat 10am-1pm,
2-5.30pm. Mixed
bookshop selling a
selection of UK and
imported gay
26 Brewery Street.
Tel: (01387) 739888.
Mon 9am-5pm, TueWed 9am-5pm and
7-9pm, Thu 9am-5pm,
Fri 9am-5pm, 69.30pm. Newly
75-79 Seagate.
Tel: (01382) 226840.
Sun 12.30pmMidnight, Mon-Sat
11am-Midnight. LGBTfriendly bar with free
disco Fri & Sat 8pmMidnight. Free use of
premises for prebooked groups.
Medina Nightclub
(Under Negociants),
45-47 Lothian Street.
Info Line: 07736
936650. Sun 11pm3am (from 5th May).
"It's our duty to please
your booty". DJ Dale
Lush and guests. Club
Classics, Funky House,
Soulful House, US
Garage, Old Skool
House, Hip Hop,
R&B.£3 entry.
Birkhill Hotel, 16 St
Mary's Street
(Lockerbie Road).
Tel: (01387) 739888.
8pm-Midnight. Last Fri
of each month.
Monthly club night for
LGBT people and their
friends from Dumfries
& Galloway.
[email protected]
22 ScotsGay
124 Seagate. Tel:
(01382) 200660. WedSun 11pm-2.30am.
Good atmosphere,
very popular disco
with wide selection of
sounds and the
occasional act/PA.
Under new
management. Student
E-mail: dale
Cabaret Voltaire, 36
Blair Street.
Tel: 0131-220 6176.
Info Line: 0131-557
4656. 11pm-3am.
Every Sun. Brand new
Sunday night for the
houseless and horny
featuring Taste resident
DJs Miss Chris and
Marco Smith and
Fever resident DJ
Kaupuss playing
uplifting funky house
and electro. £4
Members/NUS cards £5 everyone else.
Drinks from £1.50 all
60 Broughton Street.
Premises (formerly
Sala Café-Bar) are
currently closed but
opening very soon.
23-24 Greenside
Tel: 0131-556 9331.
Sun 7pm-3am, MonThu 6pm-3am, Fri-Sat
6pm-3am. Two funky
floors! DJ Shazza v DJ
Blondie on Sat. Disco
every night from
E-mail: enquiries
133/135 East
Claremont Street.
Tel: 0131-556 5662.
Fax: 0131-558 3539.
Bar: Sun 12.30pm1am, Mon-Sat
Restaurant: Sun
12.30pm-6pm, MonSat 11.30am-2.30pm
and 6-10pm. "The
Claremont is one of
the most relaxed
attitude bars in the city
and has a policy that
the customer always
comes first."
Renowned for
courtesy, comfort and
good food. Male only:
Fri night from 10pm,
plus 1st 2nd & 3rd Sat
of each month from
9pm, (incorporating
Bears, Bikers, Leather,
Rubber, Skins, Kilts,
Camouflage, Fetish,
etc). 4th Sat of each
month: Stunners
(adult fetish group) strict dress code (no
street wear), £5 entry,
great music by DJ Mel.
5th Sat (where
applicable): Ab Drag
for all TVs,
Transgender, Cross
Dressers and
admirers. Sun: mixed
chill out evening,
before those Mon
blues set in.
E-mail: mail
1 Barony Street. Tel:
0131-556 2788 (Bar)
or 0131-557 0911
(Office). 4-11pm.
Friendly gay basement
bar. Unobtrusive
music - great for
talking to people.
Regular drinks
promos. Drinks
Promos £2+mixer,
Doubles £3.
Spiders Web
Basement, 258
Morrison Street. Tel:
0131-228 1949. 8pm1am. Last Fri of each
month. Fetish club
with strict fetish code
door policy (although
they do allow smart
black dresswear).
People of all genders
and sexualities are
invited to come along
and enjoy the friendly
atmosphere in the
company of Footman
John and his team.
E-mail: saltire28
58a and 60 Broughton
Street. Houses Café
Nom De Plume
(opening soon), Pride
Scotia (Edinburgh)
and Fitlads. Provides
meeting and
noticeboard space for
many LGBT
organisations. Free
WiFi Internet access
(sponsored by
ScotsGay). Bought in
1974 by the Scottish
Minorities Group, it is
the only LGBT-owned
LGBT Centre in the UK
and is also the oldest
LGBT Centre in Europe
if not the world. Tel:
0131-556 9471.
Meeting Room
Booking Tel: 07817
E-mail: hello@edinburgh
eGo, 14 Picardy Place.
Tel: 0131-478 7434.
Info Line: 0131-557
4656. 11pm-3am. 1st
Sat of each month.
Next dates: Sat 3rd
May - Fever's 4th
Birthday with special
guest Paul Heron (Fire,
London) with
residents, Sat 7th Jun Residents' Night.
Featuring Taste
resident DJs Fisher &
Price playing an
eclectic mix of the
current underground
tracks in the Ballroom
with the Visitor (aka
Jon Pleased) and
Kaupuss in the
Cocteau Lounge
playing a wide mix of
favourites, Fever is
aimed at the folk who
can no longer make a
Sunday night of it and
for any other open
minded clubbers who
feel like popping along.
Pre-club party at The
Street from 9pm with
DJ Miss Chris. Ask
him for discount
passes. £8
Members/£10 - Taste
members £5 before
89 Rose Street Lane
North. Tel: 0131-225
7651. Sun 2pm-1am,
Mon-Sat 1pm-1am.
Vibrant gay bar
(Edinburgh's oldest) in
the heart of Rose
Street. Happy Hour 68pm every day.
4 Picardy Place. Tel:
0131-550 1780. 5pm3am. Stylish bar and
club catering for the
capital's fashionable
gay crowd with some
of the country's top
DJs playing dazzling
tunes from musical
genres such as electro,
house, indie, funk and
soul. Free entry before
11pm £4/£3
E-mail: picardyplace
22 Greenside Place.
Tel: 0131-558 1270.
Sun 12.30pm-1am,
Mon-Sat Noon-1am.
Friendly pre-club bar
popular with locals and
visitors. Regular
promotions and
weekly entertainment
with free WiFi Internet
E-mail: cafehabanaEH1
325-331 Leith Walk.
Tel: 0131-554 2430.
Noon-11pm. Award
winning gay-friendly
Italian restaurant.
Delivery service too
with online or phone
E-mail: Bruna.Pacitti
8 Drummond Street.
Tel: 0131-557 9413.
Fax: 0131-557 8336.
Sun Noon-9pm, MonSat 10am-9pm. 25
Easter Road. Tel:
0131-623 6969.
Noon-6pm. Scotland's
ORIGINAL licenced
SEX shops! Toys
galore, video rental
The Liquid Room, 9c
Victoria Street. Tel:
0131-225 2564. Info
Line: 0131-657 4633.
10.30pm-3am. 1st Sat
of each month. Mega
club night with
resident DJs Tommy
Kay, Dean Newton,
Grum Stone, and Jon
26B Dublin Street. Tel:
0131-538 7775. Sun
12.30pm-1am, MonThu Noon-1am, Fri-Sat
Noon-2am. Food:
Mon-Fri Noon-3pm.
Back to its old name
and under new
management after a
spell as Twist. Watch
out for changes.
Drinks Promotions
Daily. Downstairs: The
male-oriented Disco
Bar is open Fri-Sat
with resident DJ from
10pm-2am. Bears in
the Basement is on the
2nd Sat of each month
- 10pm-1am. Free WiFi
Internet access.
E-mail: newtownbar
18 Albert Place, Leith
Walk. Tel: 0131-553
3222. Mon-Thu Noon10pm, Fri-Sun
Noon-11pm. The UK's
first VAT registered gay
sauna! Relaxed and
friendly atmosphere
with excellent facilities
which include large
sauna cabin, 14-man
steam room, private
rooms, communal and
private showers,
themed rooms, video
area and TV lounge.
Hot and cold
refreshments available.
£10 (£8 concessions).
Manager's special:
admission £5 after
6 Baxter's Place. Tel:
0131-556 5551. 4pm1am. Popular and
busy gay bar with
friendly staff. Mon:
Quiz from 9pm - booze
and cash prizes. Tue:
30% off all drinks from
9pm. Thu: Lemonade
with Dejay Bird. DJs Fri
& Sat. Promos:
Everyday from 4-9pm.
E-mail: planetout
Lulu, underneath
Tigerlily, 125 George
Street. Tel: 0131-225
5005. Sun 10am-3am.
Not the usual George
Street crowd. Mixed.
Music policy is mostly
cutting edge house
and disco classics.
Drink promos too.
17 Albert Place, Leith
Walk. Tel: 07986
591695. Sun
12.30pm-1am, MonFri Noon-1am, Sat
5am-1am. Friendly bar
that puts the fun back
into coming out
owned by Deb's and
Boozy Soozy. Sun:
Karaoke from 9pm
with Blue P. Mon:
Request Night with DJ
Daz Glaz .Tue: Karaoke
with Daz Glaz. Wed:
Boozy Soozy’s 'Open
the Box' with big
CASH prizes then
boogie on down with
DJ Daz Glaz. Thu:
Karaoke with Blue P.
Fri, Sat: FREE Cabaret
with DJs Boozy or Daz
- check board for
details. Also look out
for ongoing drink
promotions and check
out fabulous cocktails
and shots. Also
serving toasties and
teas and coffee.
E-mail: debra_keith100
5 Barony Street.
Tel/Fax: 0131-477
4756. Sun 1-5pm,
Mon-Fri 11am-7pm,
Sat 11am-6pm.
Scotland's only
licensed gay store. Not
just feelthy pictures lifestyle too! Now with
added girl interest.
2 Montrose Terrace.
Tel: 0131-661 8198.
Sun 12.30pm-1am,
Mon-Sat 11am-1am.
Relaxed atmosphere &
surroundings. No loud
popular noise makes it
easy for chatting. Real
ales (the pub has been
listed in the CAMRA
Good Beer Guide three
years running - the
first Scottish gay bar to
be included).
comestibles available
all day. Free WiFi
Internet access.
CAMRA's Lesbian &
Gay Real Ale Drinkers
meet here on the 1st
Mon of the month
from 9pm.
E-mail: theregentbar
2/4 Abbeymount. Tel:
0131-661 0982. MonFri 8.30am-3.30pm.
Attached to Solas
HIV/AIDS Information
Centre. Good home
cooking (everything
cooked on the
5 Broughton Market.
Tel: 0131-477 3567.
Daily 11am-11pm.
Stylish sauna forming
part of busy gay hotel
and sauna complex in
centre of gay quarter.
facilities including large
spa pool, sauna cabin,
large steam room,
video room, labyrinth
with themed areas,
café lounge, free
Internet access,
tanning booth.
Massage available
daily. Choice of lockers
or private cabins.
Admission: Lockers
£5, Cabins £10 before
2pm. Lockers £10,
Cabins £15 at all other
times. Students &
under 25 £5 lockers all
day, every day! No
membership required.
Proudly gay owned &
2 Picardy Place. Tel:
0131-556 4272. Sun
12.30pm-1am, Mon
4pm-1am, Tue-Sat
Noon-1am. Small but
perfectly formed bar
run by Louise and
Trendy Wendy. Happy
hours Mon-Fri 4-8pm.
Heated outdoor
smoking area. Food:
Tasty wee bites,
nibbles, burgers,
pizzas and specials
daily until 9pm. Snack
menu and hot drinks
available Sun-Thu until
Midnight. Sun: "LOU
JOINT" - Top notch
roast dinner Noon7pm (£10 including a
drink). Mon: "Double
Trouble" 2 for 1 on
entire cocktail list. Tue:
Lots of promos with
your student card.
Same drink promos
apply to everyone
(student or not!) in
downstairs bar only with DJ LL Honky
Tonk (AKA Louise!!!).
Wed: Pub Quiz. Last
Thu of each month:
"GIRL-ESQUE" burlesque style night
for girls ONLY (mixed)
downstairs. Fri: DJ
Trendy Wendy. Sat:
DJs (Morgan, Danny T,
Miss Chris, Lick It &
Betty Ford).
GHQ, 4 Picardy Place.
Tel: 0131-550 1780.
Sun 4th May 10pm3am. Gay Tackno One off event for May
Day Bank Holiday with
DJ Trendy Wendy and
guests. Entry: £7/£6.
Tickets in advance: £5
from The Street, GHQ
and Planet Out. Preclub party from 9pm at
The Street.
Sundays. Taste's
resident DJs Fisher &
Price play an eclectic
mix of the best
underground dance
music currently
available while in the
backroom Miss Chris
and Marco Smith play
ass-shakin' filthy
house. £8 members,
£10 non-members.
The Ark, 5-7 Waterloo
Place. Tel: 0131-228
9393 or 0131-556
7597. 9pm-1am. 2nd
Sat of each month
(from 10th May),
returning to the 1st Sat
of each month in Jul.
Opening and closing
times at The Ark may
vary initially, 3am
coming soon. Next
dates: Sat 26th Apr
(guest DJ Dejaybird),
Sat 10th May (Drag
King Night! Workshop
9pm), Sat 14th Jun
('The Edinburgh Heat'
of 'Miss GayUK and
Ireland 2008' 9pm
with MC Jules Barnes
- Competition & Club
Night - Tickets £7 in
advance from the
usual outlets.). Winner
of 'The DIVA Readers'
Awards 2008' Club of
the Year. For gay girlies
and their LGBT friends
and LGBT friendly
friends.. A not-forprofit community
project, volunteer run,
donating to charity.
Alternative and eclectic
genre spanning music
policy. DJ Leatherface
and new guests
Dejaybird, Trendy
Wendy & Jeremy. At
the door: £3 before
£5/£4concession (with
ID). Drinks Discounts
from £1.50 9pm11pm
E-mail: djtrendywendy
E-mail: clubvelvet
Studio 24, 24 Calton
Road. Tel: 0131-558
3758. Infoline: 0131557 4656. 11pm-3am.
Next dates: Sun 4th
May (May the fourth
be with you), Sun 29th
Jun (Taste's 14th
Birthday at The Liquid
Room - details to be
Edinburgh's original
and longest running
gay-friendly club night
that brings together
like-minded people
who enjoy a club
environment free from
hassle and bad
attitudes and for
whom sexuality is not
an issue. After nearly
14 years and over 700
Sundays, now running
one-off events
throughout the year on
holiday weekend
eGo, 14 Picardy Place.
Tel: 0131-478 7434.
Tue 11pm-3am. All the
normal madness from
James Longworth,
Jamie Morrison and
guests with live
cabaret performances
every week. Superpopular gay night. £1
drinks promos all
night. £4.
E-mail: jameslongworth
43-45 West Nicolson
Street. Tel: 0131-662
9112. Sun 12-5pm,
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm.
Independent radical
E-mail: [email protected]
68 Virginia Street. Tel:
0141-552 4803.
Noon-Midnight. DJs
nightly from 9pm. Thu:
Quiz. Sun: Karaoke.
80-90 Glassford
Street. Tel: 0141-552
5761. Tue, Thu-Sun
Scotland's oldest gay
E-mail: manager
Unit Q, Merchant
Square, 75 Albion
Street. Tel: 0141-552
3895. Mon & Tue
11.30pm-3am. Mon Passionality: DJ
Shawn Roberts,
playing your favourite
music, from classic
dance to cheesy pop
and everything in
between. Tue AudioCouture: DJ
Shazza-Halliwell plays
the music YOU want to
hear - including charty
dance, R'n'B & cheesy
camp. £3/£2.
E-mail: information
350 Sauchiehall Street.
Tel: 0141-352 4900.
Fax: 0141-332 3226.
Café Tel: 0141-332
7959. Box Office: Mon
9am-5pm, Tue-Sat
9am-7pm. Gallery:
Tue-Sat 11am-6pm.
Courtyard Café: TueThu 10am-10pm,
Fri-Sat Noon-Midnight.
Scott Street Bar: TueWed Noon-11pm, Thu
Noon-Midnight, Fri-Sat
Noon-1am. Food
served Noon-7.30pm.
The Centre for
Contemporary Arts. 6
performance &
exhibition spaces,
Café/Bar. ScotsGay
available in bar.
E-mail: gen
45 Virginia Street.
Tel/Fax: 0141-553
2666. Sun 12.306.30pm, Mon-Sat
Clothes, videos,
magazines, toys.
E-mail: admin
69 Hutcheson Street.
Tel: 0141-552 2463.
Sun 12.30pmMidnight, Mon-Sat
Intimate bar beside
former Sheriff Court.
Straight until midevening.
Unit 3, King's Court,
107 King Street. Tel:
0141-553 0942. Sun
Noon-5.30pm, MonSat 10am-6pm.
Alternative clothing.
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: delmonicas
84 Bell Street. Tel:
0141-552 4958. Sun
1pm-Midnight, MonSat 11am-Midnight.
Welcomes lesbians,
gay men, bisexuals
and transgendered.
Services include:
M.E.D Café Bar, Info
Box, Health Info,
Interest Groups, Free
Newspapers. Diary of
Events, Reading
Room, Function space
for hire. Fully
wheelchair accessible
E-mail: admin1
60 Robertson Street
Lane (off Argyle
Street). Irregular
hours. Sauna with
private cabins. Not
very busy.
20 Candleriggs. Tel:
0141-564 1285. Sun
Mon-Fri 4pmMidnight, Sat
Upmarket bar in the
heart of the Merchant
City. Regular cabaret,
karaoke and disco.
58 Virginia Street. Tel:
0141-553 2553. MonThu 5pm-1am, Fri-Sun
5pm-3am. Fashionable
5-10 Metropole Lane.
Tel: 0141-552 5502.
Mon-Sun Noon-3am.
Glasgow's Men's
Health and Leisure
Club (formerly The
Garage). With 200+
lockers, 25 man spa
pool, 20 man steam
room, 20 man dry
sauna, 14 rest rooms,
sling room, tea &
coffee bar, free internet
access and TV lounge.
Entry £12 (£10
concession), after
1.30am Fri-Sat £8.
Taste: new midweek
night open every Wed
9pm-3am (Free entry
all night - £1 all
E-mail: polo
87-91 Saltmarket.
Tel/Fax: 0141-552
7575. Text: 07762
722460. Mon-Fri
11am-5pm. Glasgay's
year-round gallery
dedicated to queer art
and artists.
E-mail: info
3rd Floor, 27 Union
Street. Tel: 0141-221
0415. Sun Noon8.30pm, Mon-Sat
Established gay sauna.
Entry £8.
E-mail: info@
6a John Street. Tel:
0141-553 2456. MonFri Noon-Midnight,
Sat-Sun 1pmMidnight. A refreshing
antidote to the current
gay scene. Pool table,
state of the art free
jukebox (with over
20,000 tracks on it),
no karaoke. Free WiFi.
Specialist DJ nights:
Fri & Sat. Quiz:
Starting Sat 1st Mar at
1-3 Bridge Street. Tel:
0845 4562310 or
0141-429 5764. SunThu Noon-11pm,
Fri-Sat Noon-6am.
Previously Club Eros,
Glasgow's oldest
licenced sauna & gym
for gay and bi men set
over three floors.
Licensed bar. Entry
from £9. Free Sunday
308 Argyle Street. Tel:
0141-572 1017. Fax:
0141-221 0959. Sun
Noon-5pm, Mon-Sat
10am-6pm. Clothes
and toys catering for
gay, transvestite and
fetish tastes. Larger
sizes stocked.
84 Wilson Street. Tel:
0141-553 1221. MonThu 5pm-1am, Fri-Sun
5pm-3am. Long
established pub/club.
Young crowd. Polo
Club (downstairs
dancefloor) open FriSun, £5 after 11pm.
Chisholm Street. Tel:
0141-552 8587. Fax:
0141-552 6657. Sun
11am-Late, Mon-Sat
Friendly theatre bar.
Mixed. Good food.
84 Mitchell Street. Tel:
0141-204 1000. Wed
11.30pm-3am. Wed:
Allure. DJ Darren plays
Pop, R'n'B & Dance.
Mid-week Night out!
Entry £3. Entry £3/£2.
E-mail: information
The Art School,
Renfrew Street. 11pm3am. Second Sat of
each month. Next date:
Sat 10th May.
Glasgow's only
alternative queer night
that sticks two fingers
up at the mainstream
scene. £10.
E-mail: uttergutter
PO Box 808, Glasgow.
G71 7YN. Violate Club
Line: 09099 108174
(60p per min at all
times) or 07939
723387. BDSM and
general pervery.
Operates in Glasgow
and Edinburgh. Runs
regular clubs at the Big
Joint in South Street,
Glasgow on the first
Sat of each month.
Also holds special one
off clubs called
UltraViolate roughly
every 3 months.
E-mail: info
306 Argyle Street. Tel:
0141-248 7216. Sun
Mon-Sat NoonMidnight. Semper
idem! Popular,
crowded, down to
earth drinking shop.
Scotland's oldest gay
bar. Busy, busy, busy!
Base Nightclub, 10
Baker Street. 1st Thu
of each month. 8pm1.30am. New LGBT
friendly club night.
Free admission, but
you need to register
first at
3½ Barnton Street. Tel:
(01786) 461698. Sun
Noon-Midnight, MonThu 10.30amMidnight, Fri-Sat
10.30am-1am. Food:
until 7.30pm. Near to
railway station. Mixed,
busy, bohemian and
friendly bar/bistro.
Popular with students
and Sons/Daughters of
the Rock alike.
ScotsGay 23
Monthly magazine edited,
printed and published in
Scotland since 1994. All
of the words from the
magazine can be found on
our website as well as
interactive Meet Market
and our Listings which are
frequently updated.
Sample copy available by
phoning 0906 1100256
(calls cost no more than
£2). Tel: 0845 1208062
(+44 131-539 0666). Fax:
0131-539 2999. Write:
PO Box 666, Edinburgh.
EH7 5YW.
[email protected] or
Scottish gay lifestyle
magazine launched in
March 2008. Tel: 0845
643 9663. Write: 143/6
Ferry Road, Edinburgh.
EH6 4ET.
E-mail: [email protected]
Previously Pride Scotia
(Glasgow). Currently
planning Pride Glasgow
on Sat 30th Aug 2008.
Write: 84 Bell Street,
Glasgow. G1 1LQ. Tel:
0141-416 2300.
E-mail: pride
Now busily organising
Pride Scotia 2009! provisionally Sat 27th Jun.
Tel: 0131-556 9471.
Write: 58a Broughton
Street, Edinburgh. EH1 3SA.
E-mail: edinburgh
Scotland's oldest lesbian,
gay, bisexual and
transgender rights
organisation. It was
founded in 1969 as the
Scottish Minorities Group,
later became the Scottish
Homosexual Rights
Group and changed its
name to OUTRIGHT
SCOTLAND in December
1992. Currently
Campaigns for equality
and justice for gay,
lesbian, bisexual and
transgender people living
in Scotland. Write: 9
Howe Street, Edinburgh.
EH3 6TE. Tel: 0131-557
E-mail: info
Working for lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender
equality in Scotland.
Write: 30 Bernard Street,
Edinburgh. EH6 6PR. Tel:
07020 933952. Fax:
07020 933954.
E-mail: en
and http://equalitynetwork.invisionzone.com
Weekly email and
quarterly paper
newsletters on LGBT
equality campaigns and
developments. Regular
conferences, forums, and
other events. E-mail or
write to join the network.
The UK's largest and
most significant collection
of materials relating to
lesbian lives. LAIC (at
Glasgow Women's
Library) 2nd Floor, 81
Parnie Street, Glasgow.
G1 5RH. Tel/Fax: 0141552 8345. Closed to the
public until Autumn 2008.
E-mail: info
A social group for gay
men. Meets 4th Sat of
every month from 1-4pm
at THT, 11 Waverley Place.
Tel: Alan on 0845
2412151. E-mail:
[email protected]
North East Scotland Gay
Group: A befriending
group for gay and
bisexual men. Meets 3rd
Sun of each month at
E-mail: nesgg
A new concept for
Aberdeen which aims to
plan and host an event on
5th Jul 2008 based
around the ethos of Pride
but different.
E-mail: info
Ayrshire Social &
Sexuality Support Group:
Meets 3rd Wed of each
month at 7pm in Irvine.
Details of venue from
David Bingham on 0141332 3838 (Mon-Fri
E-mail: david.bingham
Scottish Borders LGBT
Equality Forum:
Aims to provide advice
and act as a consulting
body to all community
planning partner
organisations, develop a
range of social and
24 ScotsGay
recreational activities, and
provide a befriending
service to LGBT people.
Contact Alastair Lings Phone: Galashiels
(01896) 757861 or 07763
850087. E-mail:
[email protected]
Write: 79 Tweed Road,
Galashiels, TD1 3DX. Or
contact Linda Jackson:
Tel: 07877 381200.
E-mail: lindajack57
LGBT Youth D&G:
As well as services for
young people, runs a
mailing list for information
and occasional events for
LGBT people of all ages
from Dumfries and
Galloway. Write: 26
Brewery Street, Dumfries.
DG1 2RP. Tel: Dumfries
(01387) 739888. Text:
07785 274147.
E-mail: DandG
The newsletter from
Diversitay. Available from:
Diversitay (LGBT Group),
PO Box 53, Dundee, DD1
Fife Free Lesbian and Gay
Society. Based in
Dunfermline, provides a
welcoming and safe
meeting space and dropin centre near the town
centre for the LGBT
community, our friends,
family and supporters.
Regular social group
meets on Mon 7pmMidnight. Generally has a
nice friendly mixed crowd
most nights across the
age range so come along
and join the fun. Internet
access, mini pool table or
just hang out and meet
new friends over coffee
and biscuits. Safer sex
information and supplies
available as part of the Fife
Health Board condom
distribution scheme. Tel:
Dunfermline (01383)
E-mail: Info@
Edinburgh LGBT Centre:
Owned and managed by
Lesbian Gay and Bisexual
Community Project
Limited, which is
registered as a Scottish
Charity and as a Scottish
Company. Bought in 1974
by the Scottish Minorities
Group, it is the only LGBTowned LGBT Centre in the
UK and is also the oldest
LGBT Centre in Europe if
not the world. Write:
Edinburgh LGBT Centre,
58a-60 Broughton Street,
Edinburgh. EH1 3SA. Tel:
0131-556 9471. Meeting
Room Booking Tel: 07817
E-mail: hello
Social group for guys and
gals who want to make
friendships and feel more
at ease in the company of
other gay people. Run by
Switchboard volunteers.
Takes place from 7.309pm in CC Blooms on
2nd & 4th Wed of each
month. If you're recently
out or new to Edinburgh
or just feel a bit cut off and
want a break, come along.
A welcoming and nonthreatening environment.
First timers can be met
outside. Phone Lothian
Switchboard for details.
711585 or
E-mail: agnes.boes
Lanarkshire LGBT Group:
Fortnightly social group
for LGBT people living or
working in Lanarkshire.
Meets fortnightly Thu 79pm at the Hamilton
Town House. Get together
for fun social activities and
to chat about issues that
affect LGBT people living
in rural areas. For more
information or to sign up,
contact Chris Kimber at
Terrence Higgins Trust
Scotland. Tel: 0141-332
E-mail: chris.kimber
Stirling Gay Men's Social
Glasgow LGBT Centre:
month at 7.15pm (for
7.30pm start). Open to
lesbian and bisexual
E-mail: gaybookfilm
Lesbian Social Group:
Meets 3rd Wed of each
month at 7.30pm in The
Regent, 2 Montrose
E-mail: lesbiansocialgroup
Help for women
concerned about their
drinking. Free 1-2-1
counselling and
groupwork. Tel: 0131-661
0111. Write: 4 Norton
Park, Edinburgh. EH7
E-mail: libra-alcohol
group for LBT and friends
- all welcome. Meets 1st
Sat and 3rd Fri of each
Tel: Joanne on 07792 223
687 for details and venue.
E-mail: girlzone
Highland Lesbian Group:
A friendly lesbian social
group which offers
support and information.
Organises fundraisers for
Womankind Worldwide:
E-mail: High_Les
Terrence Higgins Trust
Highland Lesbian Group
(and activities):
Tel: Inverness (01463)
711585 or
E-mail: agnes.boes
The Sandyford:
Meets monthly from SepJun (generally 3rd Fri) in
private houses.
[email protected]
The Centre Board
manages Glasgow LGBT
Centre Limited, which is
registered as a Scottish
charity and as a Scottish
Company. Centre
Administrator and
Manager are on duty
(9.30am-5pm Mon-Fri).
Membership criteria for
Glasgow LGBT Centre
Limited is available to all
interested people agreeing
to the code of conduct.
See press for notice of the
Annual General meeting
of Members - childcare
and BSL interpreter can
be organised, but please
give advance notice.
Membership is closed in
the last month. Write:
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street, Glasgow. G1
1LQ. Tel: 0141-552 4958.
E-mail: admin1
Icebreakers Group:
For lesbians, gays and
bisexuals new to the
scene. 12.30-3pm on 1st
Sun of each month at
LGBT Centre, 84 Bell
Street. Details from
Strathclyde Switchboard.
Highland Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender
Write: c/o Volunteering
Highland, 1a Millburn
Road, Inverness. IV2 3PX.
E-mail: forum
LGBT Highland Forum
Social Group:
Meets 7.30pm 1st Tue of
each month at
Volunteering Highland, 1a
Millburn Road, Inverness.
Coffee Morning: 2nd Sat
of each month 10am2pm, at Volunteering
Highland, 1a Millburn
Road, Inverness. Social
night munch: 3rd Tue of
each month, look for the
table with the Red Hat at
Bar Pivo, Academy Street.
Tel: 07928 307389.
E-mail: forum
Terrence Higgins Trust
Highland Gay Men's
Group (and activities):
Tel: Inverness (01463)
E-mail: jan
Granite Sisters:
Aberdeen based social
and cultural group for
older (over 30's) lesbians
throughout Scotland. The
website is the main link
for members and
interested lesbians to gain
information etc. Although
under re-construction at
the moment it will be live
E-mail: [email protected]
Women's group meets
6pm on 1st Mon of each
month at THT, 11
Waverley Place. Tel: 0845
E-mail: info.aberdeen
AD Group:
Ancient Dykes is a long
established Edinburgh
based social group for
lesbians aged 40+
organised by women for
women. Holds monthly
meetings and frequent
social events such as days
out and about. Meets on
first Sat of each month
during the afternoon. Tel:
Ruth on 0131-554 7256
or phone Edinburgh
Lesbian Line.
Scottish Charity providing
counselling service to LBT
women in the Lothians.
The kind of issues they
expect to be contacted
about may include:
relationship difficulties,
sexual problems, drug or
alcohol use, abuse, loss,
self esteem, bullying,
mental health issues,
anxiety/depression. All
counselling sessions last
for one hour and you may
attend for counselling for
a short time or longer
depending on your needs.
All Connect-Ed
counsellors are lesbian or
bisexual. Presently has to
charge on a sliding scale
to pay their counsellors
and will discuss this when
you contact them. Tel:
07906 178220.
Lesbian Book Group:
Meets monthly (Wed
7.30-9.30pm). Contact
Kerry for further details /
next book by
E-mail: kjmcdoll
Lesbian Film Group:
Meets 3rd Thu of each
Counselling and Support
Services at Sandyford
Place (old Eye Infirmary),
Glasgow. G3 7NB.
Tel: 0141-211 6700.
Minicom: 0141-211 6703.
Fax: 0141-211 6702.
Sappho @ The
Sappho promotes positive
health for lesbians and
easier access to sexual,
reproductive and
women's health services.
A well-woman clinic and
screening service is
provided in a lesbian
friendly setting. Tel: 0141211 8130 for
appointment. Counselling
takes place fortnightly on
Tue eve. There is a crêche
within Sandyford - Tel:
0141-211 8647 for info.
Glasgow Women's
2nd Floor, 81 Parnie
Street, Glasgow. G1 5RH.
Tel/Fax: 0141-552 8345.
Closed to the public until
Autumn 2008. Lending
and reference library books, magazines,
journals, videos, leaflets
and information. UK and
overseas feminist and
lesbian publications.
Contains the Lesbian
Archive and Information
Centre - a unique national
collection of publications,
journals and ephemera by
and for lesbians.
E-mail: info@
OLGA - Older Lesbians
Get Around:
Meets monthly on 2nd
Sat of each month at
2.30pm in Glasgow LGBT
Centre, 84 Bell Street.
Lorna on Dumfries
(01387) 247536.
E-mail: roseodoherty
Wise Woman
Personal safety and
confidence building
courses for women are
offered by Wise Women,
120 Sydney Street,
Glasgow. G31 1JF.
Tel: 0141-550 7557.
Quertyphone: 0141-550
E-mail: info@
Friendly, informal social
Activist group promoting
the interests of lesbian,
bisexual and transgender
women in Scotland.
Write: 97 Lower Granton
Road, Edinburgh, EH5
E-mail: [email protected]
To further lesbian issues,
follow a lesbian agenda
and foster lesbian
E-mail: High_Les
See our Youth Groups
Support and social
network for people who
are bisexual or
questioning their sexuality.
Also organises training
and activist activities in
support of bisexual
visibility and pride.
Informal 'safe space'
meetings are held on 1st
Wed of each month in
Glasgow (7.30pm
downstairs in the LGBT
Centre, 84 Bell Street) and
3rd Wed of each month in
Edinburgh (contact for
details of venue).
Meetings (open to all bi or
questioning people) are
usually followed by social
gatherings which are
open to partners or
Write: BiScotland, c/o
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street, Glasgow. G1
1LQ. Information line:
07963 960321.
[email protected]
Terrence Higgins Trust
Highland Bisexual Group
(and activities):
Tel: Inverness (01463)
711585 or
[email protected]
Works to change the
situation for LGBT people
facing domestic violence.
Runs a helpline for
lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender people, their
family, friends, and
agencies to support LGBT
people around domestic
violence. Mon & Thu 28pm, Wed 10am-1pm.
Tel: 0845 2604460.
E-mail: mail
1-2-1 counselling for adult
male survivors of
childhood sexual abuse,
male rape, male domestic
abuse and under 18's. Tel:
0141-550 2048.
E-mail: masacounseling
For male and female
survivors. Women answer
the Tel: Freephone 0808
8000123 (or Dingwall
(01349) 865316) hours
as advised on telephone
answering machine. Men
answer the Tel: Freephone
0808 8000122 (or
Dingwall (01349)
862686) hours as advised
on telephone answering
machine. Callers are
welcome to phone either
line. Write: PO Box 10,
Dingwall. IV15 9HE.
E-mail: secretary
PTT is a gay Humanist
charity which can arrange
non-religious ceremonies
of love and commitment
for lesbian and gay
couples at very
reasonable rates in most
parts of Scotland. Write:
34 Spring Lane,
Kenilworth, Warwickshire.
CV8 2HB. Tel/Fax:
Kenilworth (01926)
E-mail: ceremonies
Counselling service for
male survivors of
childhood sexual abuse.
Write: The Sandyford
Initiative, 4 Sandyford
Place, Glasgow. G3 7NB.
Tel: 0141-211 8133.
E-mail: thrive
A club for men interested
in Leather, Rubber,
Uniform. Meets in
Edinburgh from 9pm at
the Claremont Bar on the
1st Sat of each month and
at the New Town Bar on
the 3rd Sat of each
month. Write: PO Box 28,
Edinburgh. EH3 5JL.
E-mail: president
Information Site for
Scottish Gay Skinheads.
ScotsSkins meet
informally in The
Claremont in Edinburgh
on the 2nd Sat of each
E-mail: scotsskins
E-mail: info
National organisation
providing information,
advice and support on
BDSM and related issues.
Write: SM Pride, PO Box
413, Torquay, Devon. TQ1
1WZ. Tel: 0845 094 2250.
Fax: 08702 415058.
E-mail: theteam
GALHA is a membership
organisation promoting a
gay-friendly Humanist
outlook and gay and
lesbian rights as human
rights. Membership is
open to supporters
worldwide and gives
access to a range of
events. Write: GALHA, 1
Gower Street, London.
WC1E 6HD. Tel: 0844 800
Glasgow BearScots:
Informal meetings 2nd Fri
of each month from 8pm
in the Revolver Bar. For
details of all other events
check the website or Tel:
0131-600 0170.
Scotland-wide telephone
service providing support
to women and men
experiencing sexual
violence, as well as their
friends and families. Tel:
Freephone 0808 8010302
(6pm-Midnight). Minicom
guys in Steamworks
Sauna from 2 pm
onwards then Bears in the
Basement 10pm-1am at
the New Town Bar
followed by the Bear-ly
Breakfast on the Sun from
12.30pm in the upstairs
bar at the New Town Bar.
Write: PO Box 12785,
Edinburgh. EH6 7YU.
E-mail: info
For hairy, moustached,
bearded or bulky men and
their admirers.
Edinburgh BearScots:
Meets 1st Sat of each
month from 2pm in
Steamworks Sauna and
then from 9pm in the
Claremont Bar. On the 2nd
Sat of each month there is
an opportunity to meet
Network in the Church of
Scotland of lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender
Christians, their friends
and supporters. Formed
in 2006 in response to the
issue of ministers and
deacons being able to
conduct ceremonies to
mark civil partnerships
without fear of censure.
Write: Monica Stewart, 37
Main Street, Invergowrie.
DD2 5AB.
E-mail: membership
Meets on the 3rd Wed of
each month at 7pm in the
downstairs bar of the
Royal Oak, 1 Infirmary
E-mail: edinburgh.qlgf
Lesbian, gay or bisexual?
From an Evangelical
tradition? So are we. Tel:
Andrew on Mid Calder
(01506) 499926. Write:
c/o 123 Byron Road,
Chelmsford. CM2 6HJ.
E-mail: [email protected]
A small gay friendly
fellowship in the Old
Catholic tradition. Monthly
public service in
Edinburgh as well as
private Masses and other
sacraments. Also
Relationship Blessings,
Hand-fastings, Funeral
ministry and Healing.
Contact Bishop Alistair
CCP on 07817 767445.
E-mail: alistair_bate
An inclusive church of the
LGBT community open to
all irrespective of sexuality.
Services: Every Sun at
6pm (11am during Aug)
at Augustine United
Church, 41 George IV
Bridge, Edinburgh.
Relationship blessings
conducted by
arrangement. Tel: 0131226 1691. Write:
Metropolitan Community
Church, 41 George IV
Bridge, Edinburgh. EH1
E-mail: mail@
A church of the LGBT
communities welcoming
all people. Next Sunday
Gatherings: 4th May &
2nd Jun at 11.30am at
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street. Tel or Text:
07972 139128.
E-mail: kate
A welcoming and
supportive national group
for people of all sexual
orientations and their
friends. Write: Ruth (SG),
46 The Avenue, Starbeck,
Harrogate. HG1 4QD.
E-mail: qlgfcontact
Organisation for lesbian
and gay Catholics.
Monthly meetings are
held in different regional
groups throughout
Britain. Scottish meetings
held in Glasgow. Quest
Linkline - The Helpline for
Gay and Lesbian Catholics
- Tel: (Freephone) 0808
808 0234. Write: BM Box
2585, LONDON. WC1N
E-mail: quest
Write: RC Caucus, PO Box
24632, London. E9 6XF.
Tel: 020-7226 0847.
E-mail: lgcm_rccaucus
A UK-wide club for
women and men. Active
Scottish section. Write:
PO Box 33, Long Eaton,
Nottingham. NG10 2BF.
E-mail: info
A new venture aiming to
bring together individuals
interested in singing a fun
repertoire, including pop,
rock and songs from the
shows and movies. Now
is a great time to get
involved, whether you're a
closet shower singer or
have some experience.
Meets Tue 7.30pm at
LGBT Centre, 58a
Broughton Street. For full
details and to sign-up http://groups.yahoo.com/
A friendly social group of
men who admire men in
kilts and promote the
wearing of the traditionally
constructed kilt. Kilted
meetings and weekend
get togethers and visits in
Scotland and throughout
Britain. See web site for
details. Tel: 07857
E-mail: info
Glasgow. G3 7DN.
E-mail: info
Scotland's annual
celebration of queer
culture. Next dates: 1st
Oct - 9th Nov 2008. Q!
Gallery is Glasgay's new
year-round gallery
dedicated to queer art and
artists. Mon-Sat 11am5pm. The Stud!o is an
adjacent performance/
research/workshop and
holistic arts space.
The Q! Gallery, 87-91
Saltmarket, Glasgow. G1
5LE. Tel/Fax: 0141-552
7575.Text: 07762 722460.
E-mail: info
Contact and social group
for guys interested in
viewing/wearing kilts.
Regular newsletter. Write:
Mervyn Tacy, 'Ziveli', 20
Ordsall Park Road,
Retford. DN22 7PA.
Please enclose sae.
Tel: 01777 708270.
E-mail: [email protected]
Meets on the first Thu of
each month at 7.30pm
(contact for details of
venue). Books are chosen
by group members in
E-mail: gaybookfilm
Scotland's original choir
for LGBT singers is made
up of approximately 45
singers and holds regular
concerts in the Central
Belt. The repertoire, which
is sung a capella in
varying numbers of parts,
includes simple rounds,
popular music, traditional
music, light classics,
festive and seasonal
songs, lesbian/gay
anthems, and show tunes.
Meets weekly for
rehearsals in Edinburgh.
E-mail: info
Edinburgh based LGBT
theatre company, which
aims to give LGBT people
the opportunity to act,
direct, produce or
organise theatre or take
part in any aspect of the
creative process.
No previous experience is
Tel: 07854 836605.
E-mail: info
A charity which works to
collect, archive and
present the life stories and
experiences of the LGBT
Community in Scotland. If
you have a story to tell or
experiences to share, or
would like to find out
more about their
upcoming programme of
events, then please
contact them.
Write: OurStory Scotland,
Archives and Special
Collections, The Mitchell
Library, North Street,
New LGBT choir in
Glasgow welcomes
anyone who identifies as
queer or part of the LGBT
Community. Rehearses Fri
from 7pm in Glasgow
LGBT Centre, 84 Bell
E-mail: glasgow_lgbt_
[email protected]
Documenting the
collective history of
Edinburgh's LGBT
communities, recording
life-stories and personal
memories across the
generations, and
celebrating our rich and
varied contributions to the
quality of life in the city.
The culmination of this
work was an exhibition
entitled 'Rainbow City:
Stories from Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender
Edinburgh' held at the City
Art Centre, Edinburgh in
2006. Write: Remember
When Project, c/o The
Living Memory
Association, The
Reminiscence Centre, 101
St Leonards Street,
Edinburgh, EH8 9QY. Tel:
0131-667 0761, and leave
a message, stating clearly
that it is for Remember
E-mail: rw
Meets monthly during
autumn through to the
spring, and views
videos/DVDs with a gay
theme or character. For
more details please
contact Alastair on
Galashiels (01896)
757861 or
E-mail: alastairlings
Support group for anyone
- friends, families,
partners, co-workers affected by or dealing with
someone else's drinking.
Relaxed, friendly, group.
All are welcome! Meets
Thu 6.30-7.45pm (contact
for details of venue).
E-mail: LGBTalanon
[email protected]
Whilst AA runs the
following LGBT meetings
in Edinburgh and
Glasgow, please note that
it is a non restrictive
organisation and LGBT
people are welcome at
any meeting.
AA Edinburgh:
Tue 8pm (contact for
details of venue). Please
note that the last meeting
of the month is open to
non AA members.
AA Glasgow:
Tue & Thu 7.30pm (Nye
Bevan House, 20 India
Street), Fri 7.30pm (The
Ogilvie Centre, 25 Rose
AA National:
Helpline: 0845 7697555
(24 hours). Northern
Service Office: 0141-226
2214. www.alcoholicsanonymous.org.uk
Carers' contacts for gay
men and lesbians are
trained and skilled
volunteers able to offer
understanding and a
listening ear to gay,
lesbian, bisexual,
transgender or
transsexual carers of
people with Alzheimer's
disease or with any
other form of dementia.
To contact the
Alzheimer's Society's
LGBT Carers:
Tel the Alzheimer's
Helpline on 0845
300 0336
or write to Alzheimer's
Society LGBT Carers,
Alzheimer's Helpline,
Alzheimer's Society,
Devon House, 58 Saint
Katharine's Way,
London. E1W 1JX. or
E-mail: gaycarers
1st Floor, 31 Hawkhill,
Dundee. DD1 5DH. A
charity that exists to
empower HIV and HepC
positive people and those
affected thereby to
eliminate the stigma and
isolation they experience.
Tel: Dundee (01382)
Fax: Dundee (01382)
322606. Tue-Thu (Drop
In) Noon-3.30pm.
E-mail: admin
Gartnavel General
Hospital, 1053 Great
Western Road, Glasgow.
G12 0YN. Confidential
information, advice,
counselling and direct
access testing for HIV and
The Centre provides
ongoing medical and
social care plus
psychological and
emotional support for
people living with HIV
infection and one to one
counselling for people at
risk of HIV.
Tel: 0141-211 1089.
Fax: 0141-211 1097.
Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Tue
5-7pm, Fri 9am-4.30pm.
Gartnavel General
Hospital, 1053 Great
Western Road, Glasgow.
G12 0YN. Social work
service for people with
HIV/AIDS providing
intensive community
based support. General
advice and information on
community care and
housing needs also
Tel: 0141-211 1090.
5 South Fergus Place,
Kirkcaldy. KY1 1YA.
(Behind Sheriff Court).
Information, advice and
support on gay and health
issues, free condoms, and
much more! Mon-Fri 15pm, Sat 10am-3pm. Tel:
Kirkcaldy (01592)
265666. Fax: Kirkcaldy
(01592) 643866.
E-mail: enquiries
10a Union Street,
Edinburgh. EH1 3LU. A
community led Lothian
wide project for gay and
bisexual men.
Wide ranging volunteering
opportunities which
provide services including
support and counselling,
scene work, peer
education and training,
provision of condoms,
lube and Safer Sex
Tel: 0131-558 9444.
Fax: 0131-558 9060.
E-mail: [email protected]
ScotsGay 25
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street, Glasgow. G1
1LQ. Tel: 0141-552 0112.
Fax: 0141-552 4928. A
community led project
across the Greater
Glasgow and Clyde Health
Board Area for gay and
bisexual men. Wide
ranging volunteering
opportunities which
provide services including
support, scene work, peer
education and training,
provision of condoms,
lube and Safer Sex
E-mail: glasgow
Exists to promote the
sexual and holistic health
of gay and bi men living in
Angus, Dundee and Perth
& Kinross (including men
who have sex with men
but who do not identify as
gay or bi), reduce the
spread of HIV within those
communities and
challenge the
discrimination, health
inequalities and social
exclusion that can be
faced by gay and bi men,
including HIV positive gay
and bi men, and those
affected by HIV. Tel:
Dundee (01382) 424070.
Fax: Dundee (01382)
E-mail: info
A self help group offering
support and assistance
for individuals with
HIV/AIDS in the Grampian
area. Contact THT, 11
Waverley Place,
Aberdeen. AB10 1XH.
Tel: 0845 2412151.
E-mail: info.aberdeen
A national HIV prevention
& sexual health
promotion programme
for gay and bisexual men.
Offers a range of services
including info on its
website, campaigns and
resources and a free
condoms by post
10 Elderpark Workspace,
100 Elderpark Street,
Glasgow. G51 3TR. MonFri 9am-5pm. Telephone
Support Service Mon-Fri
7pm-10pm. Tel: 0141445 8797. Fax: 0141-445
E-mail: hiv-aids_carers
Suite 2, 27 Beaverhall
Road, Edinburgh. EH7
4JE. Tel: 0131-558 3713.
Fax: 0131-558 9887. The
independent voice for HIV
26 ScotsGay
in Scotland, this charity is
a policy and strategic
body and runs Healthy
Gay Scotland and Black
Minority Ethnic-related
HIV work.
E-mail: info
Counselling Service,
Monklands Hospital,
Monks Court Avenue,
Airdrie. ML6 0JS. One
stop shop for HIV and
Hepatitis health services.
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Also
Tue & Thu 7-9.30pm
(appointments only). Also
runs support group for
HIV Positive men. Tel:
Airdrie (01236) 712247.
Fax: Airdrie (01236)
E-mail: liz.mccann
9 Howe Street, Edinburgh.
EH3 6TE. Currently closed
to the public for redecoration. May not
re-open due to funding.
Working in partnership
with the LGBT community
and health service
providers to improve the
physical, mental and
social wellbeing of lesbian,
gay, bisexual and
transgender people in
south-east Scotland.
Tel: 0131-523 1100.
E-mail: admin
13a Great King Street,
Edinburgh. EH3 6QW.
Practical help for people
who are infected or
affected by HIV and AIDS
in Edinburgh, their
families and carers.
Tel: 0131-558 1122.
Fax: 0131-558 3636.
E-mail: posihelp
37-39 Montrose Terrace,
Edinburgh. EH7 5DJ. Self
help for people living with
and affected by HIV and
Hepatitis in Lothian,
offering individual
advocacy, peer support
and subsidised
complementary therapies
in a safe, confidential and
welcoming environment.
Tel: 0131-652 0754. Fax:
0131-661 9100.
E-mail: enquiries
Part of the Harm
Reduction Team within
Lothian NHS. Offers a
confidential and
anonymous service for
men who have sex with
men, including male sex
workers throughout
Edinburgh and the
Lothians. Provides a wide
range of services
including sexual health
and safer sex advice,
information and advice on
drug use, personal safety,
police and legal advice,
including operating in the
Remote Reporting
Scheme. A great deal of
their work is done on an
outreach basis in Public
Sex Environments and
venues as well as on-line
as part of the SNN group.
They run an 'Out of
Hours' Testing Service
Mon 5-7.30pm at "The
Exchange", Lady Lawson
Street, Edinburgh where
you can have a full
up including Hep A & B
vaccinations. No
appointments necessary.
For further information or
to receive condom and
lube supplies contact
Vaughan, Del or George
on Tel: 0131-537 8300 or
07774 628227.
E-mail: enquiries
2-6 Sandyford Place (old
Eye Infirmary), Glasgow.
G3 7NB. Glasgow's main
sexual, reproductive and
emotional health centre.
Free web access and
health library with large
LGBT lending collection.
Specialist services for gay
men (See separate
ScotsGay Listing for Steve
Retson Project) and
lesbians (See separate
ScotsGay listing for The
Sandyford under
Women). Self-referal
sexual health service with
open access clinic each
weekday with registration
from 8.30-10am or book
on 0141-211 8130.
E-mail: helpsandyford
Sex Addicts Anonymous
is a twelve-step recovery
programme. Our primary
purpose is to stop our
addictive sexual behavior
and to help others recover
from their sexual
addiction. Our members
define their own sexual
boundaries with the
guidance of their Higher
Power, their sponsors and
other group members.
We encourage our
members to discover and
explore what healthy
sexuality means to them.
Meetings in Edinburgh &
Glasgow. Tel: Scottish
Helpline on 0141-552
0154 (24 hours).
E-mail: info
Freephone 0800 567123.
24 hours. Confidential
advice and information.
Minicom: Freephone 0800
The Sandyford, 2-6
Sandyford Place (old Eye
Infirmary), Glasgow. G3
7NB. A free sexual health
screening and counselling
service for gay and
bisexual men. Clinics run
Tue & Wed 5.30-8.30pm.
Also Thu 5.30-8.30pm at
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street. Same-day HIV
test Tue morning 8.3010am. Tel: 0141-211
134 Douglas Street,
Glasgow. G2 4HF. HIV
prevention and support
services in Lanarkshire,
Ayrshire & Arran, the
Glasgow area and
Western Central Scotland.
Support & Advocacy
Service provides a full
range of welfare rights
advice and representation
as well as community
service volunteers
(buddies). Also provides a
range of health promotion
services for gay and
bisexual men throughout
the West of Scotland.
Please contact for further
details. Volunteers
Tel: 0141-332 3838.
Fax: 0141-332 3755.
Helpline: THT Direct 0845
1221200 Mon-Fri 10am10pm, Sat-Sun
E-mail: info.scotland
11 Waverley Place,
Aberdeen. AB10 1XH.
Formerly Phace Scotland.
HIV prevention and
support services in
Grampian including
Community Support,
Group Support and LGBT
groups. Also provides a
range of health promotion
services for Gay and
Bisexual men throughout
Grampian. Please contact
for further details.
Volunteers welcome! Tel:
0845 2412151. Fax: 0845
2412152. Helpline: THT
Direct 0845 1221200
Mon-Fri 10am-10pm, SatSun Noon-6pm.
E-mail: info.aberdeen
34 Waterloo Place,
Inverness. IV1 1NB. LGBT
Support and activities. Tel:
Inverness (01463)
711585. Fax: Inverness
(01463) 711793. Helpline:
THT Direct 0845 1221200
Mon-Fri 10am-10pm, SatSun Noon-6pm.
E-mail: info.highland
/information group for
men living with HIV.
Meets 1st Sun of each
month from 2-4pm at
LGBT Centre, 84 Bell St.
call Gay Men's Health.
E-mail: together
Old Coates House, 32
Manor Place, Edinburgh.
EH3 7EB. Waverley Care
is responsible for a
number of projects for
people living or affected
by HIV and/or Hepatitis C
in Scotland.
Tel: 0131-226 2206.
Fax: 0131-226 2209.
E-mail: director
Support for Africans
affected by HIV.
Tel: 0141-211 0192.
Waverley Care Buddy
Service is a volunteer
befriending service
offering emotional and
social 1:1 support for
individuals living with HIV
in Edinburgh and the
Lothians. Write: Teresa
D'Astoli, Buddy Service
Co-ordinator, 113
Oxgangs Road North,
Edinburgh. EH14 1EB
Tel: 0131-312 9953 or
07929 132675.
E-mail: buddy
Offers a range of flexible,
creative and support
activities to people with
HIV in the community.
Tel: 0131-441 2791.
E-mail: daycare
113 Oxgangs Road North,
Edinburgh. EH14 1EB.
Creates tailor-made
residential care for people
with HIV which is flexible,
creative and supportive.
Tel/Fax: 0131-441 6989.
E-mail: milestone
2-4 Abbeymount,
Edinburgh. EH8 8EJ.
Information, support,
advice, counselling,
training and self
development, arts
activities, events, health
promotion, African
support, one-toone/group support and a
café. Also Crusaid
Hardship Fund - for those
experiencing economic
hardship due to HIV
infection. Café: Mon-Fri
8.30am-3.30pm. Support
services: Mon-Fri 9am5pm. Many support
groups and activities
outwith these hours,
please enquire. Tel: 0131661 0982.
E-mail: info
Nationwide Social and
Contacts Club for the
older gay gentleman and
his admirers, both young
and old. Scottish group
meets in Edinburgh.
Write: PO Box 2087,
Blackpool. FY4 1WL.
Tel: Blackpool (01253)
E-mail: Caffmos2
Edward is the Scottish
Contact E-mail: ebsc18624
Social group for men over
40. Meets 15 Roseberry
Crescent, Edinburgh,
every 2nd Sun from 24pm. Next dates: 27th
Apr, 11th & 25th May.
Tel: John on 0131-556
1309 or Steve on 0131558 9444.
E-mail: j.thompson39
Social group for men 40+.
Meets 1st Fri of each
month from 5.30-7pm at
the LGBT Centre, 84 Bell
St. Tel: Austen at Gay
Men's Health on 0141552 0112.
E-mail: primetime.
[email protected]
The Sisters and Brothers
of the OPI are part of a
world wide order of queer
men and women of all
sexualities which is open
to all who feel the habit. Its
tenets are: The expiation
of stigmatic guilt and the
promulgation of universal
joy through habitual
manifestation and
perpetual perpetration.
The Edinburgh convent.
Write: Mistress of
Communications, c/o PO
Box 666, Edinburgh. EH7
E-mail: opi
Write: Novice Maddie Za
Hatter OPI, c/o PO Box
666, Edinburgh. EH7
E-mail: maddie
For LGBT Birdwatchers.
Write: Gay Birders Club,
GeeBeeCee, BCM-Mono,
London. WC1N 3XX.
Tel: Annie on 0131-552
E-mail: info
For men and women.
Regular meets throughout
the UK. Tel: Marc on
07977 317872.
E-mail: info
Holds regular events
including walking, skiing,
cycling, climbing,
kayaking, mountaineering,
camping, youthhostelling, badminton,
running and swimming.
Please send an A5 sae to
PO Box 637,
Skellingthorpe, Lincoln,
E-mail: enquiries08
Walks and MountainBiking: Andrew on
0131-477 0499.
Monthly Social (2nd Thu):
James on 0131-229
Cycling/Kayaking: David
on 07747 465743.
Running: Meets every
Wed at the Jawbone, The
Meadows, Edinburgh
(junction of Melville Drive
and Marchmont Road) at
6.30pm prompt. Grid Ref
NT255726. Everybody
welcome, men or women,
from complete beginners
to the more experienced.
Contact Robert on 07738
E-mail: robert.cole
Walks: Robert on 0141950 1081. Cycling &
Swimming: Douglas on
0141-632 8707. Climbing:
Jonathan on 0141-334
0812. Badminton: Donn
on 07919 410042.
Running: Chris on 07786
Walks & Weekend Trips:
Alan on Dores (01463)
Tim on 0131-478 0844.
Leisurely walks in the
countryside. Bring
sensible footwear/clothing
and packed lunch. 2nd
Sat of each month. Meet
at Mitchell Library,
Berkeley Street. No
membership - just turn
up. Cars normally shared.
Tel: Robert on 0141-950
E-mail: robert@goc
A UK-Wide, web-based
organisation, offering a
wide range of activities:
from camping, hostelling,
hill-walking and indoor
climbing, to the more
extreme activities like
gorge scrambling, ice
climbing, technical
mountain biking and
many more. There's
something for everyone,
no matter what your
interest. Core
membership is Gay and
Bi-sexual lads, aged 1835, but OutdoorLads does
not discriminate on any
grounds including age,
sexuality, disability or sex,
and welcomes anyone
who agrees with the
group's aims and
Informal network of
parents and women trying
to be parents. See listing
for Lesbian Mothers
Network (Scotland) for
contact details.
Support group for gay
fathers. Meets on last Thu
of each month in a private
room in Edinburgh LGBT
Centre, 58a Broughton
Street. Gay dads from all
over Scotland welcome.
Tel: 07791 188742.
E-mail: info
Meets from 2pm on the
1st Sat of each month at
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street.
E-mail: admin1
Tel: Sue Robertson on
0131-556 3899/4563.
Fax: 0131-557 7899.
Write: One Parent Families
Scotland, 13 Gayfield
Square, Edinburgh. EH1
E-mail: suerobertson
6047 before 10pm. Write:
c/o ScotsGay Magazine,
PO Box 666, Edinburgh.
EH7 5YW.
E-mail: parentsenquiry
Tel: 0151-259 5935
(Telephone Answering
Machine). Write: 41
Sutton Street, Liverpool,
L13 7EG.
E-mail: libgay
Copies of ScotsGay are
sent free of charge to
prisoners in UK prisons
and institutions. Please
contact us if you wish to
be added to the mailing
The Edinburgh group of
CAMRA's Task Group for
LGBT real ale and cider
fans. Meets in The Regent
on the 1st Mon of each
month from 9pm to
sample the brewers' art Aug 2nd Mon (to avoid
GBBF). Tel: Karen on
0131-557 8790.
E-mail: lagrad
.org.uk and
Committed to principles
of caring, trusting,
personal growth, sharing,
and creativity aimed at
nurturing 'community' as
an alternative to the
commercial scene.
Organises Gay Men's
Weeks and shorter events
each year in SW Scotland,
the English Lake District
and other venues across
the UK. Write: Edward
Carpenter Community,
BM ECC, London. WC1N
3XX. Tel: 08703 215121.
E-mail: contact_ecc
Coming out? Information
and support for parents of
LGBT people. Helpline and
admin: Tel: 0131-556
chance to learn the game
and play rugby in a safe
and supportive
Continually welcomes
new players (+18) at
whatever level or
experience and new
supporters to the club. If
you're interested in
playing or supporting gay
rugby in Scotland, please
get in touch. Come along
and get fit!
Tel: 07758 668784 or Text
"thebans" to 60300.
E-mail: membership
Meets 8pm prompt each
Mon at the Royal
Commonwealth Pool,
Dalkeith Road in the main
entrance area and
afterwards in the Blue
Moon Café from 9.15pm.
Meets 7pm prompt Wed
night at the Jawbones,
The Meadows.
Everybody made
welcome from complete
beginners to the more
Contact: David on 07747
E-mail: david
The group runs regular
lessons and excursions at
various places throughout
Central Scotland. Contact
for more information. Tel:
David on 07747 465743.
E-mail: david
Meets each Thu from 810pm. Come along and
have fun and enjoy
meeting the other
members for a friendly
game. All welcome. Tel:
Paul on 07708 514676
Meets informally during
adults-only session 7.309pm Thu at North
Woodside Pool, Braid
Square. Tel: Douglas on
0141-632 8707.
E-mail: douglas
and include GOC in the
subject line. Also contact
E-mail: enquiries08
Write: GFSN Membership
Secretary, PO Box 7424,
Milton Keynes. MK8
9WQ. Tel: Barry on Milton
Keynes (01908) 564085.
Scottish Contact: Kevin
Rowe - Tel/Text: 07808
263173 or
E-mail: kevrowe72
Meets at Glasgow LGBT
Centre, 84 Bell Street. Tel:
Gay Men's Health 0141552 0112.
E-mail: austen
Regular cycle rides, of
varying distance/pace. Tel:
David on 07747 465743
or Douglas on 0141-632
E-mail: enquiries08
Caledonian Thebans
Rugby Football Club is
Scotland's first gay/bi
friendly rugby club. Offers
gay/bi/trans men the
Scotland's very first LGBT
group for football players
and fans alike. Currently
organises regular socials
and kick-abouts, and
would love to hear from
anyone anywhere in
Scotland who would like
to take part. There is an
entire Gay League in
England, and in time, they
can organise friendlies
and competitive games up
and down the country.
However, all ability levels
are welcome, and the
social side is just as
important as the playing so what are you waiting
for? Text "Football" to
60300 for more
information (texts cost
25p) or
E-mail: kevrowe72
Edinburgh based gay and
lesbian badminton club
meets Thu eve 7-9pm at
Meadowbank Stadium
and Ainslie Park Leisure
Centre. Spaces are
limited. For full details visit
Glasgow based gay and
lesbian badminton club
meets twice weekly for
competitive games.
International tournaments
and matches against
clubs in London and
Europe are held annually.
Sorry - no beginners. Tel:
Raymond on 0141-778
E-mail: teamscotland
Many Universities and
Colleges have Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and
Transgendered Societies.
Contact these via your
Student Union or Student
Association. ScotsGay
also links to a number of
LGBT Soc websites from
our own web page at
Many LGBT Socs are
open to non-students
living in the area.
Tel: NUS Scotland LGBT
Officer on 0131-556
6598. Fax: 0131-557
5679. Write: Norman
McBreen, LGBT Officer,
NUS Scotland, 29 Forth
Street, Edinburgh. EH1
E-mail: [email protected] or
[email protected]
Transmen Scotland:
Polygender Scotland:
Provides support and
friendship to all people
who identify as
genderqueer, androgyne,
third gender, polygender
or any other gender other
than male or female.
Meets 2nd Thu of each
month (contact for details
of venue). Tel: Kelli Neil on
0131-523 1100. Tel:
Lewis on 0131-477 0525.
E-mail: admin
Informal social for all
transgender people, their
partners, family and
friends, held the 3rd Sat of
each month (contact for
details of venue). A
friendly, safe and relaxed
environment where
there's also space to
change. Tel: 0131-523
E-mail: admin
Crosslynx TV/TS/TG:
TV/TS Group:
Meets last Sat of each
month at 5pm. Tel: Kira on
07808 564626 (Mon-Thu
6-9pm), Gladys on
Buchlyvie (01360)
850516 or 07743
Write: Regional Equal
Rights Officer, GMB
Scotland, Fountain House,
1/3 Woodside Crescent,
Glasgow. G3 7UJ. Tel:
0141-352 8109.
E-mail: louise.gilmour
Glasgow City Lesbian &
Gay Group. Meets last Tue
of month at 6pm in the
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street.
Group meets 2nd Wed of
each month from 7-10pm
at Glasgow LGBT Centre,
84 Bell Street. Tel:
Crosslynx Helpline on
0141-847 0787 (Mon
Write: c/o 84 Bell Street,
Glasgow. G1 1LQ.
Sandyford Trans
Women's Support Group:
Meets at the Counselling
and Support Services
Group Room, Sandyford,
2-6 Sandyford Place (old
Eye Infirmary), on 1st
Wed of each month from
7pm and at the Peach
Room, Sandyford on 3rd
Sat of each month from
Noon. Phone Colin
MacKillop (Community
Access Co-ordinator) on
0141-232 8417 or
E-mail: colinmackillop
projects involving video
and arts work, and they
offer training services.
Nationally, they run
regular events for young
people to get involved in
local and national
decision-making, and to
make new pals and have a
Confidential Youthline Tel:
0845 113 0005 (Tue 7.309pm). Office Tel/Fax:
0131-622 2266 (Mon-Fri
E-mail: info
The website has details of
Youth Groups throughout
Dundee. Offers a safe and
friendly environment to
meet and discuss issues
affecting the LGBT
community and our
families. Tel: Marley on
Dundee (01382) 206222.
E-mail: dv8_dundee
LGBT Youth
Groups, volunteering and
support for LGBT people
under 26 from Dumfries
and Galloway. Write: 26
Brewery Street, Dumfries.
DG1 2RP. Tel: Dumfries
(01387) 739888. Text:
07785 274147.
E-mail: DandG
Glasgow Head Office, 38
Queen Street, Glasgow.
G1 3DX. Tel: 0141-548
8000. Also at: Glasgow
LGBT Centre, 84 Bell
Street, Glasgow. G1 1LQ.
Tel: 0141-552 4807.
Meets Wed 7-9pm at
LGBT Centre, 26 Brewery
Street, Dumfries. Run by
and for LGBT people aged
between 20 and 29. Has
been set up to be a safe
place where people can
meet others and make
friends, have fun, socialise
and raise issues! They
have lots of exciting plans
they want YOU to be a
part of so why not come
along and find out more?
For young LGBT people
aged 13-25. Meets at
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street. Group for 1318 year olds: Tue
7-9.30pm. Group for 1825 year olds: Thu
7-9.30pm. Tel: 0141-548
Terrence Higgins Trust
Highland Youth Group
(and activities):
Tel: Inverness (01463)
711585 or
E-mail: agnes.boes
LGBT group for people
aged under 26. Meets 2nd
Sat of each month Noon3pm at THT, 11 Waverley
Place, Aberdeen. Tel: 0845
E-mail: youth.aberdeen
Youth group for young
people 25 and under who
have issues with their
sexuality or with the
sexuality of a member of
their family. Meets Sat 46pm in Eighteen And
Under on Victoria Road,
John Cotton Centre, 10
Sunnyside, Edinburgh.
EH7 5RA.
Provides services and
opportunities for lesbian,
gay, bisexual and
transgender young people
(13-25) in Edinburgh, the
Lothians, Fife, Borders,
Tayside and Dumfries &
Galloway. The groups
include drop-ins at their
Edinburgh offices for
under-18's (Wed) and for
over 18's (Thu).
They also have a range of
different opportunities to
get involved with,
including volunteering and
For under 26 year olds.
Tel: 0845 2412151.
E-mail: andi.watson
ScotsGay Listings are FREE
Send your group’s details and
logo to
[email protected]
For bang up-to-date Listings visit
Terrence Higgins Trust
Highland T Group (and
Tel: Inverness (01463)
711585 or
E-mail: agnes.boes
A national support group
for all female to male
transgender people.
Holds regular monthly
meetings in Edinburgh
(2nd Sat of each month
from 7.30-9.30pm contact for details of
venue) and Glasgow (1st
Mon of each month at
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street from 7-9pm).
For further info Tel/Text
07948 735179 or
E-mail: admin@transmen
staff, serving or retired.
Write: Inspector David
Lyle, Lothian & Borders
Police, 7 Chambers
Street, Edinburgh. EH1
1HR. Tel: 0131-221 2037.
E-mail: david.ferguson
(Central Scotland),
[email protected]
[email protected]
(Lothian & Borders),
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
(Tayside) or
[email protected]
(Fife & Dumfries and
Galloway Constabularies).
Write: Veronica Rankin,
National Officer
(Education and Equality),
46 Moray Place,
Edinburgh. EH3 6BH.
Tel: Veronica Rankin on
0131-225 6244.
E-mail: vrankin
For firefighters and control
staff. Write: National Gay
And Lesbian Committee,
PO Box 10555, London.
N1 8XT. Tel: 07725
E-mail: [email protected]
Membership is open to all
police officers and police
Pride Scotia are currently looking
for volunteers from the community
to help make Pride Scotia 2009
one of the best ever.
Whether you can afford a few
hours a month or even a few
hours a week right down to
volunteering on the day then we
want to hear from you.
Get involved now by calling
0131-556 9471
[email protected]
. .
ScotsGay 27
Music Lover?
Sensual female musician
looking for attractive
straight looking/acting
woman who would like to
experience some real
romance and maybe
more. Photo appreciated
but not essential. Box
Making Friends
Lesbian, 49, new to Oban
area and looking for
friends. Enjoy hill walking,
birdwatching, cycling,
quiet nights in blethering!
Box SG81038.
Small, Fat, Old, Hairy,
Bearded, Ginger Seeks
Fun With Young, Smooth
You: No piercings (self
mutilation is not good or
clever), preferably a full
head of hair (no shaved
heads - why do you want
to be bald at your age?),
smooth chest (shaved is
good, naturally smooth is
better), no facial hair, not
anorexic (I like a bit of
plump - although slim is
OK). I'm probably far too
picky - but then I bet most
suitable guys are too! I
can accommodate
(Edinburgh) or will travel.
Box SG81006.
School Belt
Any retired or former
teachers who still enjoy or
approve of the belt please
get in touch. Guy in late
40's seeks hands warmed
regularly by genuine
school teacher who has
his school tawse. Hands
crossed out to the front as
per schooldays. Box
Seeking DOM
Are you between 21-45, a
good looking, Dominant
Aberdonian who is
looking for a no strings
attached occasional visit
for good fun? Then please
reply with photo to me, a
submissive Oriental living
in Aberdeen. I'm 5'5", 9st,
slim, small endowed,
reasonably attactive
looking. Would like to be
your obedient slave. Box
Glasgow Passive
58 year old, smooth, shy,
passive guy seeks
buddies for wanking and
sucking while watching
porn. Willing to consider
other activities with the
right guy. Can't
accommodate but willing
to travel. Box SG81011.
Gay Couple For Fun
Gay couple (42 and 43),
friendly, genuine, discreet,
not bad looks and horny
seek similar guy for
uncomplicated safe fun.
Glasgow/Central Scotland.
Travel or accommodate.
Box SG81012.
28 ScotsGay
Crossdresser Wanted
55 year old, slim, discreet,
VWE,seeks crossdresser
in erotic black lingerie who
acts a slut. Box SG81014.
I Can't Be Arsed
Asperger's guy in 50's,
can no longer be bothered
with feigning interest in
the usual mating rituals. If
you're an Aspie aged 1626, let's have a bit of fun
together. It may only last
for an hour - or it could
become regular. No social
skills means no bullshit.
Non Aspies welcome too.
Box SG81015.
Looking For Tight Pants
Maybe wasting my time
here - looking for any age
(16+) in tight shorts - we
can share pics! Box
Looking For You...
I moved down to
Manchester from
Scotland (Ayrshire) in
1994 and lost touch with
everyone. Looking for
new Scottish friends 1635 for friendship or even
relationship. Box
Hi to all. I am Gary. I am
58 and will soon be 59
this year. I am 5'2" and i
am about 12st 10lb. I am
looking for someone that
is OK with the older man someone 25-37 years old.
I like to go away and also
have a good time with my
friends. I have a nice
home and garden too.
Box SG81019.
Ex Dom (53) Seeking
New Boi
Experienced top (53)
seeking to meet younger
looking to have LTR within
strict traditional
attmosphere. Genuine and
honest only. No
timewasters, genuine
search. Box SG82020.
Looking For Casual
Relaxing Fun With
Younger Guy(s)
Just looking for fun with
guy(s) aged 16-26 probably at my place in
Central Edinburgh.
Nothing complicated: love
not required although
mutual respect is a must.
One off is good, so is
longer term fuck buddy.
I'm mostly active but can
be versatile if that's what
really works for you. Safer
fun only - no barebacking.
And a kiss or cuddle can
be just as good as (or
better than) anything else
- so there are a lot of
options. What have you
got to lose by replying and
seeing if our
needs/desires are
compatible? Other than
your virginity which is
soon gone with this poof!
Box SG81022.
Shetland Wants Fun
Gay Shetland male, 34,
wants to hear from
anyone thinking about
visiting our beautiful
islands. Get in touch as I
am always looking for
new friends. Will help
students with travel costs
plus you're welcome to
stay at mine. Box
Hotel manager would like
to meet hotel proprietors
for full time relationship. I
have my own house. Tall,
slim build. Will consider
fun times in hotel. Box
Sporty Casual Scally Lad
- Glasgow
Gay male, 32, look 25,
straight acting/looking,
athletic build, honest,
caring. Hobbies: gym,
football, bubs, clubs. Can
travel or accommodate.
Hope to meet 16-35 year
old bi or gay for
Box SG81025.
Master Wanted
Hot, slim, 25 year old, live
alone near Edinburgh. I
want a master. I am happy
to worship and 16-30 year
old lad who wants a slave
boy for life. I'm into
domination, humiliation,
scat, watersports and
brown punishment. I want
dumped on. If you want to
be my master for life, Text
me on 07936 488454. I
look forward to your text.
Stunning TV Seeks
Convincing blonde Bi TV,
30, slim build and well
dressed seeks admiring
guy who wants a
submissive sexy bitch for
clean fun. Dresses to
tease and please with
glossy lips in stockings
and stilettos as secretary,
leather dom, schoolgirl.
Discretion assured. Snail
Mail replies with photo
only please. Central/Fife.
Box SG81026.
fun, friendship and
possible relationship. Any
age, area. All letters
answered. Box SG81030.
Glasgow Guy - Straight
Acting And Looking
33, cute, look 27, medium
built, hones, caring, own
flat and car, sporty person.
Hobbies: gym, football,
pubs, holidays, clubs.
Looking for relationship or
friends. Can travel and
accommodate. 16-35, bi
or gay. Box SG81031.
Dirty Old Man Seeks
Aged 16-26? Into older
guys? Why not come and
join me in my large spa
bath? Box SG81132.
Glasgow Fit/Trim Seeks
Workout Partner Or More
Late 40's, hairy, slim
WLTM 30+ or mature
student/professional non
smoker. Workout, gym,
badminton. Interests:
walking, wildlife,
photography, theatre,
massage. Willing to be
used for physio sessions.
Regular meets. Be my
Spring Surprise. Box
Get In Touch
Ayrshire, genuine,
youthful, 60 year old gay,
5'7", slim, smart
appearance with cute
bum, would like to meet
discreet active mature gay
anywhere for relationship,
safe mutual fun times in.
Box SG81034.
Is It Too Late To Flip Me?
Active guy (60) wonders
what it would be liked to
be flipped? WLTM
active/versatile guy (under
22) for safe fun. Would
suit student type with
sense of humour who is
into older guys. Box
Barman (Single)
Single gay barman, 29,
living alone near coast.
Looking for attractive, fit,
young lads, 16-23, slim
build. All letters with
photos answered only.
Can accommodate.
Please - no e-mails. Box
Fun And Friends In
Bi guy, 50's, seeks fun
and friendship in Glasgow
area. All kinds: gay, bi, TV,
XD, Long term intimate
friendship would be ideal.
ALA. Can accommodate.
Will travel around
Glasgow. Box SG81036.
Let Me Squeeze
Your Spots
Spotty face? Blackheads?
If you're 16-26, let me
squeeze them for you.
And then I can squeeze
your other bits too! A face
photo would be good.
Box SG81028.
Up Up And Away!
Frequent flier with Ryanair
and easyJet seeks young
companion for overseas
visits. I'm 50, you should
be 16-26. Must have
passport. Send photo and
full details. SG81040.
Glasgow Passive
Seeks Active Top
Mid 40's guy, 5'11", slim,
short crop, GSOH, sorted,
SA/SL, non scene, seeks
active top for fun and
friendship. Any scallys or
active neds out there?
Discretion assured. Box
Genuine Guy
Blue eyes, 5'10", slim,
dark hair, 34, seeks
genuine honest guy for
Active Guy
54, 5'7", non scene, seeks
a smooth skinned,
passive guy, 21-70+, for
long term
friendship/relationship. All
genuine answers will be
replied to. Glasgow,
Edinburgh, anywhere. Box
It All Comes Down To
Friction In The End
Would you like some in
your end too? Jovial 50
year old guy seeks 16-22
To reply to a contact ad, just pop your reply in an envelope with the box number written in the TOP RIGHT corner and place the
envelope with your reply inside another envelope with two loose first class stamps. If you are writing from outwith the UK, an International Reply Coupon (IRC) should be enclosed for each reply instead of postage stamps. International Reply Coupons are
available from Post Offices throughout the world. We are unable to send on replies without postage stamps or IRCs.
Send all replies to : ScotsGay, PO Box 666, Edinburgh EH7 5YW.
year old for mutually
pleasurable activities. Box
Bi Curious?
There has to be a first time
for everything! Aged 1621? Get in touch?
Considerate, experienced,
versatile, older guy will
talk you through things at
your own pace before
getting down to some
safe fun. Your limits
respected. Total discretion
assured. Live in
Edinburgh and can
accommodate but will
travel if required. Box
Glasgow - Cute Sporty
Casual Dressed
Male, 34, 6ft, medium
built, own flat/car, honest
caring person. Into gym,
walks, holidays, pubs.
LTM straight/bi female 1855 for friendship or LTR.
Box SG81039.
YOU: were at Pride Scotia
2006 in Glasgow wearing
a T-shirt saying “I’m here
I’m queer”, had lovely
spikey hair and were in
ScotsGay that month.
ME: Young lad from
Stirling. I’ve never seen
you in any clubs and have
a crush on you, can’t find
you and would love you to
get in touch so at least I
can know if you like me!
com or write: Box
Retired Hippy
51, looking for some love
and affection from
women and men of all
ages. Box SG81002.
Submissive In Search
Of Top
55 year old chubby
submissive bi is looking
for a top based in
area. Especially enjoys 2-3
hours of capivity along
with CP/CBT etc. Box
Penpal contacts with gay
men all over the world.
Over 120 subscribers in
30 countries. To join is
free: send your ad. Only
subscribers get the
booklet with all data and
addresses by enclosing
£5. INTERGAY, Voorstraat
12-A, 4033 AD Lienden,
Submissive Lingerie
Attractive sensual lingerie
pansy-sissy, very
submissive, young 50,
with nice bum, smooth all
over wishes to serve
masters, mistresses or
both together. Also
seeking kinky lingerie
wearers, TVs and sissies
for hot safe fun. Prefer
unattached guys, bi or gay
any age 18-65. Send
photo for mine plus
details. Totally discreet,
fun only. Genuine. Box
Silver Bear
Edinburgh based
50something guy seeks
morally relaxed women of
all ages for fun and
friendship. Box SG81003.
Straight Lady Seeks
Bi Gent
Intelligent slim brunette,
39, would like to meet a
bisexual professional
man, 45-55 years old, for
a loving long term
relationship. Regular
threesomes with a mutual
male friend would
certainly spice up one's
lovelife. Inverness-shire.
Box SG81004.
Older Woman Wanted
I want to meet an older
woman for fun, romance
and passion. Age is only a
number. I can travel. Box
Good Catch Seeks LTR
Affluent silver daddy
seeks LTR with 35-50
year old. If masculine, well
educated, willing to live in
USA 6 months/year.
Write: Jacques Denier,
4908 Little Mill Road,
Stockton, MD 21864,
Lesbian couple in long
term relationship, early
40's, Stirlingshire, would
like to meet single gay
man or couple who would
like to donate sperm. Coparenting would be
discussed. Box SG81008.
Loveable gay horny guy,
friendly and caring,
required to assist partially
disabled guy part time in
comfortable house near
Perth, dressing and
undressing and other
personal light duties.
Good wage and
conditions on main bus
route. Free furnished
accommodation, gas,
electricity and community
charge offered for handson friendship and
companionship. Please
apply with full particulars
to Box SG81005. [81]
Cash For Your Body
Photogenic guys can earn
£100 cash posing for
Mike Arlen who has had
14 glossy magazines
published called Mike
Arlen's Guys. Send
snapshots of your
magnificent body to him:
Mike Arlen, Wetherby
Studios, 23 Wetherby
Mansions, Earls Court
Square, London. SW5
9BH or Phone: 020-7373
1107. E-mail: mikearlen
@btopenworld.com [99]
Assistant Instructor
Required by busy Scottish
sailing centre for 2008
season. Applicants must
be gay, aged 16-25, fit,
reasonably broadminded,
passive/versatile, straight
acting and looking. Must
have an excellent sense of
humour and be able to
relate well to customers.
Full training will be given
and all activity kit and
equipment provided.
Private accommodation
and some meals
provided. Position can
be full time, seasonal or
possibly part time starting
ASAPh. Might suit a
student or school leaver.
Good terms and
conditions. For further
details, E-mail:
[email protected] [82]
Models Wanted
Experienced photographer
needs good looking guys
18-22 for photo and video
work for use by adult
websites or magazines.
Suitable guys will earn
£110 for under 2 hours
work. Photo ID required
as proof of age. Examples
at www.xpozure4u.co.uk
E-mail: models
@xpozure4u.co.uk or
contact Stuart on 07918
151496 (O2 Mobile). [99]
Uniform Dating - Free
Membership For Every
ScotsGay Reader
Fancy a date in uniform?
Here’s your chance! With
thousands of registered
firemen, nurses, pilots,
military, police officers
and singles from other
professional uniformed
services, Uniform Dating
offers the most unique
online dating experience.
It is now open to those
who are not in uniform.
Uniform Dating has been
made available to readers
of ScotsGay Magazine,
with thousands of
registered members just
waiting to be contacted.
And, thanks to this offer,
membership of this
fantastic website is
absolutely FREE. To take
advantage of 10 day’s free
membership, visit
and create your free
profile. Then in the
‘Upgrade’ area, enter the
promotional code: SGM.
Alternative Therapies
In the comfort of your
own home or clinics
throughout Edinburgh.
Therapies available: Reiki
Indian Head Massage,
Spiritual Readings and
Hopi Ear Candles. Fully
qualified and insured
therapist. Please contact
Alan on 07747 714005 for
clinics and appointments.
Book Keeping / Credit
All aspects of accounts to
trial balance on
computerised or Manual
systems. VAT, PAYE,
Credit Control to Litigation
stage. The above carried
out by a highly
experienced freelance
individual in Central
Scotland. To discuss your
requirements contact
John on 07788 660220.
Contacts and friendships
for men over sixty. The
organisation for the more
mature gentleman and his
admirers. Write to:
CAFFMOS, PO Box 2087,
Blackpool. FY4 1WL. Or
phone Blackpool (01253)
318327 for info. [99]
Limited Companies
Only £90 for your own
Limited Company. PLCs
£100. Charitable and
Unlimited Companies also
available. Freephone 0800
526421 for our free ‘Guide
To Limited Companies’.
E-mail: cosunformations
www.quickcompanies.co.uk [99]
Proofreading And Tuition
In English (including
TEFL), French, Latin,
Greek and Gaelic, Typing
Services, Historical and
Genealogical Research.
Charles S Coventry, 303/3
Colinton Road, Edinburgh.
EH13 0NR. Tel: 0131-441
E-mail: charlie.coventry
@yahoo.co.uk [99]
Translation Services
Qualified translator based
in Edinburgh offers
translation services
between the following
languages: English,
Ukrainian, Russian,
Turkish and French.
E-mail: trots2@drink
Write: Box SG80000.
A contact ads publication
for gay and bisexual men,
18+, who enjoy all forms
of male to male discipline!
Contacts, Stories, CP
Pictures, CP Videos &
DVDs, News, CP Clubs
and Events. SAE for
details or E. Write: TD
Monthly, PO Box 310,
Manchester. M15 6WT.
E-mail: tdmonthly
[email protected]
City centre based, friendly,
good looking 9"
active/versatile, available
24/7, in or out calls,
overnights welcome. Tel:
07944 168321 - MOMO.
Glasgow City Centre
Horny versatile tanned
and toned, slim and
smooth, tatooed and
pierced, offers friendly
massage. In calls and out
calls. 24/7. Tel: 07979
098389. [81]
Glasgow - West End
Perth/Fife area. Give me a
call on 01577 830386.
Bill. [81]
Massage And Male
Swedish and holistic
massage, waxing, scrubs,
facials, thread veins and
skin tags removed, body
piercing by qualified
insured male
practitioners. Flexible
appointments available 7
days. Contact 0141-429
4012 or 07772 137948.
All New, All Gay
Guesthouses - Edinburgh
Two great locations.
Exclusively gay. Easy walk
to nightlife. Stylish rooms,
all with TV and video
(tapes available). Shared
and private bathrooms.
Breakfast available till
noon. Non-smoking
houses. Easy parking.
Room rates: £29-£49 per
Call 0131-558 1382 or
Fax 0131-556 8279.
/alvahouse [83]
Massage For Guys Edinburgh
Experience a full body
Swedish Massage using
deep tissue manipulation
using sensual Tantric
techniques - guaranteed
to make you feel relaxed.
Offered by fully qualified
and friendly guy based in
Edinburgh near Holy
Corner. Sessions last just
over an hour. No out calls.
Reasonable rates - £30
(£15) for students. Phone
07983 422652 or E-mail:
[email protected]
Massage For Men Edinburgh
Enjoy a fantastic, affirming
chill out guys, with a
deeply relaxing, holistic,
sensual, tantric, full body
pampering massage. City
Centre - nurturing
masculine environment.
Qualified, experienced,
caring gay therapist. £20
per session. £15 students.
Excellent value. Tel: Jim
on 0131-557 4643.
B&B On Loch Ness
- 4 Star
Pottery House: Beautiful
location, outstanding
rooms, luxury en-suites,
homecooked breakfasts.
Gay run. See why we
were runners up in the
2006 Highland Tourism
Awards. Phone John or
Glen on Inverness
(01463) 751267.
Cardiff - Wales
An exclusive gay and
lesbian boutique B&B,
close to scene and city
centre, luxury styled
rooms, many extras, rates
from £39 per room inc
gourmet breakfast. Low
cost flights direct to city.
www.tyrosa.com Tel:
0845 643 9962. [85a]
Edinburgh City Centre
Apartments City Centre in
Gay Scene. Luxury self
catering accommodation.
Contact 07966 938055
and visit
apartments.com [86]
Edward Hotel - Blackpool
Gay and Lesbian Friendly
Guest house. Licensed
Bar. 3 course breakfast.
On the top corner of the
Gay Village in the heart of
Gay Blackpool, TV/CD
welcome. Day visits
available. Pet friendly.
Mostly couples and small
Tel: Blackpool (01253)
624271. [83]
Inverness 3 Star Melrose
Villa Guest House
Friendly gay run. Town
Centre 5 mins.
All rooms en suite.
Fab breakfasts.
Great beds!
Relax, make fiends with
likeminded people.
Cum, stay, see, yourself!
Tel: Kenny on Inverness
(01463) 233745.
Pets Are Welcome
At Auntie Ruth's Guest
House in Skegness,
Lincolnshire. Lovely
walking country and miles
of sandy beach as well as
the town centre are just
yards away. Open all year.
No single supplement and
cross-dressers can feel at
ease. Call Auntie Ruth
now on Skegness
(01754) 767804.
North West Highlands
Friendly and relaxed B&B
with spectacular mountain
views. All bedrooms are
spacious with en-suite
Ideal for walking,
climbing, cycling or
touring. Ken and Martin.
Tel: 01320 340356.
www.bedandbreakfastglenmoriston.co.uk [82]
Quality 4 Star Rated B&B
Near To Inverness
Located on the Black Isle,
its quiet rural location is
just perfect for walking
cycling and touring the
Highlands, or even just
relaxing. Telephone Chris
or Paul on 01463 811779.
Penzance - Cornwall
Small, gay-friendly, period
hotel situated with own
parking in town centre.
Rooms available en-suite.
Tel: Penzance (01736)
368888. [99]
To advertise your
Guest House call
07722 388903 or
Russian Masseur In
Sensual, theraputic,
friendly, head to toe
massage. Slim, toned,
experienced, Australian
bloke. 9am to 6pm, £25
for 30mins, £40 for
50mins. Call Ian: 07726
898 025. No texting
please. - Check out my
website http://ibee.tripod.com/im.
htm [81]
Male To Male Massage
Enjoy a strong relaxing full
body massage with oils.
Experience the
unforgettable moments of
a relaxed, full body,
Swedish or erotic
massage in Glasgow area.
In or out calls. 7 days a
week. 9am-10pm. Call
Jon 07908 679308. [81]
Top 2 Toe sensual hot cream body massage. Showering
facilities available. Available 9am-10pm, 7 days. Based
West End, Glasgow. Discretion assured and expected.
6'1", 28"w, passive/versatile 28 year old.
www.massagalicious.co.uk Tel: 07838 217109. [81]
ScotsGay 29
To reply to ScotsGay Voice Ads, phone
09068 556612.
(calls charged at 60p per minute) and use
the number at the end of the ad.
You can leave your own ad FREE on
freephone 0800 138 4121.
Submissive Woman
Submissive woman
wanted by 47 year old
dominant Bi guy for
bondage and domination.
For one-off meeting or
possibly leading to a long
term relationship.
Edinburgh area. "Leave
your number and I'll get
back to you". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7157.
Take It Like A Man
"Cool, 56 year old chubby,
bi guy, outwardly straightacting; but after some
spanking I give in to my
passive side and take it like
a man". He can
accommodate in East
Edinburgh. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7189.
Master Wanted
Master wanted, 16-30
years old by hot, slim 25
year old who lives alone
near Edinburgh. "If you
want to be my Master for
life, leave me your mobile
number". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7196.
Average Mike
Mike describes himself as
being quite small-built,
slightly greying with
average looks. He enjoys
music, staying in, cooking,
reading and watching
football and sports. Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Glasgow Companionship
Peter is a 6' tall English
gay guy who has been
living in Glasgow for 36
years, is clean-shaven and
has all his own hair. He is
looking for someone with a
good sense of humour,
who is laid back, likes
going for walks and maybe
swimming. He likes 60's
and 70's music, art
galleries, dogs, cats,
theatre, cinema, suspender
belts, nylons and quiet
nights in. He describes
himself as a typical gay
person "who needs
friendship, companionship
and someone he can call a
friend". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7175.
Long Legged TV
30 years old slim, longlegged, understanding TV
is looking for fun and
friendship. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7176.
Thoughtful Andy
Andy is a good-looking
young gay guy who is
looking to meet someone
similar. He likes going out
for drinks, movies and
staying in. He describes
himself as being discreet,
thoughtful and caring and
is looking for someone
similar. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7180.
Good, Sound Spanking
A 36 year old Edinburgh
guy is looking for a
dominant Daddy type to
"administer a good, sound
spanking on a regular
basis". Genuine and can
accommodate. Phone
09068 556612 - Number
David From Aberdeen
David from Aberdeen is 43
years old, slim and looking
for guys 50 years or older.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7182.
Belting Memories
"I am looking for a genuine
retired or former teacher,
living in Scotland, over the
age of 50 to give me the
belt as per my schooldays.
I need my hands warmed
again". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 5252.
It's completely FREE to place
your ad by phone on
Mike From Aberdeen
Mike from Aberdeen is 46
years old and slim.
"Anything goes". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
"Gazza lookalike. Me: fit,
tall blond. You: Amir Khan
lookalike. Seeking a
discreet meet; Tayside and
North Fife. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7188.
New Arrivals
"New arrivals from other
countries, such as Eastern
Europe and the Far East,
should experience
traditional, British
discipline. Rob, who is in
his late fifties, and smart,
will explain it all to you and
administer the
punishment. This will be a
good experience of a new
culture. You must
accommodate - preferably
Central Scotland". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
You Choose
"So you have misbehaved again? And Richard has
caught you out. He will tell
the police and your
parents; or he will deal
with you himself, in the
old-fashioned way. You
choose". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7194.
Glasgow Man Likes A
Patrick from Glasgow is
interested in music, TV
and radio. He is 55 and
single and is looking for
someone in their 20's or
30's to visit him. He likes
drinking and socialising.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7197.
Buxom She-Male
Edinburgh she-male has a
44" chest, natural, welldeveloped boobs and a
smooth, buxom body.
Would like to meet "a
manly he-male who knows
exactly to handle such a
body". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7202.
Caithness Scott
Scott is a Bi guy from
Caithness who describes
himself as being straightacting and looking, 38
years old and active. Can
accommodate or travel.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7161.
Edinburgh Slaveboy
25 year old slaveboy would
like to meet a Master, 1830 years old. "If you want
to dominate and control
me - get in touch; I've got
my own place near
Edinburgh". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7169.
Treat Him Well
This 36 year old Asian guy
from North Lanarkshire is
5'11" tall with dark hair
and eyes, a medium build,
straight-acting and
looking, genuine and
discreet. He is looking for
Gay or Bi guys to meet up
for fun, friendship and
maybe more. He likes
nights in as well as out and
says he is honest,
respectful and quite
friendly and easy to get on
with. "I'm looking for
someone who can treat me
well and I can treat well
also". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7172.
Aberdeen Fun
45 years old looking for
friends of any age in and
around the Aberdeen area
for fun and friendship. He
can travel. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7143.
30 ScotsGay
for ONE to ONE
Special Delivery
"Mature Non-scene wants
to meet good looking
postman: fit, straightacting, 25-40 for
adventurous afternoons,
Glasgow. Discretion
assured". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7144.
Take Down His Particulars
"Is there a policeman
somewhere out there who
wants to know about oldfashioned discipline?" If
so, contact this mature
Glasgow guy. Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Aberdeen Jocks
Aberdeen guy, into leather
and jocks, looking for a
dominant guy for control
and obedience. He is very
fit and says he is up for
any sort of scenarios,
rôleplay etc. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7146.
Strict Disciplinary
44 year guy old seeks male
35-60 years old, living in
Edinburgh with a taste for
leather, boots, who could
administer and also receive
strict disciplinary methods
by strap, cane or crop.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7149.
Various Interests
47 year old slim guy
looking for guys in the
Inverness area. "Various
interests. Can travel any
time". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7150.
Friendship In Fife
40 years old Fife male is
looking to meet people 3045 years old, initially for
friendship. He is 6' tall
with dark hair and quite a
good build. "Just leave
your details if you want,
lads". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7133.
Dressing As Required
Submissive, crossdressing Bi guy, 46 years
old with a slim build is
seeking an assertive guy or
a couple to please. "I am
very genuine and enjoy
dressing as required".
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7089.
Total Submissive
"I am a mature guy living
in Glasgow and looking for
a lad aged 25 to 60, height
5'6" to 5'11" although
these are not carved in
stone. Weight must be
appropriate to height. He
must be well-presented
and willing to become my
total BDSM slave boy. He
must have a very
submissive attitude and
know his place in my
presence: i.e. completely
subordinate and humble.
He must not have baggage
and be available any time
outwith his working hours.
It should be noted that it is
not a 24/7 situation - but in
any other respect it will
seem like it. Me: I'm a very
strict and dominant guy,
but don't show it in public
- any disrespect or
subordination shown to
me will be severely dealt
with in private". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Wellies, Wellies, Wellies
Scotland/anywhere. Horny
40 year old would like to
meet guys who are into
black wellies, waders or
riding boots - muddy or
clean. "Phone with details.
Can travel anywhere".
Phone 09068 556612 Number 6446.
0800 138 4 1-2-1
We'll not only print your ad in our
next few issues, but it will also be
available for phone callers to
browse on
09068 556612
Advertisers get their own private
voice mailbox and can pick up
replies on
09068 556612
Calls to 09068 numbers cost 60p per minute at all
Conditions of service: All participants must be 18 or
Ads will run for up to 3 issues.
It will not be possible to reply to advertisers who have
not collected replies for more than 28 days.
Service supplied by BizOrg, PO Box 425, PE24 5FN.
E-mail: [email protected].
Helpline (10am – 4pm weekdays)
Tel: 0870 121 1210.
All Tied Up
Submissive guys wanted
who like bondage,
preferably in the Glasgow
area. Phone 09068 556612
- Number 7086.
Smell. Taste. Feel.
58 year old indisciplined
Edinburgh guy with a
fetish for thick, black
leather belts. "I love the
smell of them, taste of
them and feel of them
when used on my bare
buttocks". Would like to
meet 35+ guys who can
give him the excitement of
being disciplined. Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Are You Boyish?
Boyish young man,
straight-acting, 18-35 who
is needing firm control
please contact this discreet
father figure from
Glasgow. "All levels. Can
accommodate". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Dads Accommodated
Looking for young dads,
20-40 years, who are
seeking an ideal
opportunity to get away
from it, but with no
strings. This mature guy
says he can accommodate
with total discretion in
West Scotland. Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Over The Knee Spanking
"I am a guy in his late 40's
from the north-east of
Scotland who is looking
for someone older, 60+ if
possible, to put me over
his knee on a regular basis
to be spanked. I would
prefer it to be someone of
a professional disposition:
someone who wears a suit
if possible. Or an ex
teacher". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 6854.
Chubby Bottom
Chubby 42 year old bi
male is looking for older
tops for fun and
friendship. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 6821.
Local To Tayside?
Tayside guy is looking for
local guys. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 6726.
North East Scotland
looking for genuine, retired
former teacher to give me
the belt. "I have been given
the belt before and am
looking to make new
contacts". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 6645.
Green Flash
40 years old guy from
Aberdeen is looking for
others who are into
jogging suit bottoms,
Converse baseball boots
and Dunlop Green Flash
trainers. "If you would like
to leave a reply, I will get
back to you as soon as
possible. I can travel as far
as Edinburgh or
Inverness". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 6531.
Slave Seeks Master
Slave from Glasgow
looking for a master. "I will
do anything my master
wishes". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 6069.
Horny Uncle
Horny uncle type seeking
nephew for hot, horny fun
with no strings attached.
He is 40 years old, 5'7" tall
with a 30" waist and 40"
chest. "No camps,
effeminates or fatties". Can
accommodate or travel in
the Glasgow area. Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Phone Ad
of the
Yellow Sub
38 year old slim,
submissive guy, into
yellow, is looking for
dominant guys any
age. Phone 09068
556612 - Number
08712 24 38 89
18+ Calls cost 10p per min. Mobiles may vary. 84469 costs 50p to send txts, 25p to receive profiles, 50p to respond to profiles & 10p to receive responses to your profile. First £5 usage FREE, then you are billed £1.50 at time in advance. APN, LS11 8BP. Customer Service: 08712 24 66 35