hermiston city council


hermiston city council
180 NE 2nd Street • Hermiston, OR 97838
Regular Meeting
MINUTES of the April 28, 2014 regular meeting
Action: Motion to approve for filing. Roll Call
May 12, 2014
Consider the proposed vacation of NW 8th Street located between 830 and 850 W. Alder Avenue. This
portion of street was originally intended for a north-south connecting street; however, that connection
was never constructed and dwellings at the north end preclude any future extension of the street.
1) Declaration of potential conflict of interest
2) Open Hearing
3) Public Testimony (people wishing to speak are asked to come to the microphone and state
their name and mailing address)
a. Proponents
b. Opponents
4) Close Hearings
5) Findings of Fact
Action: Motion to Approve
6) Decision
Action: Motion to approve
UNSCHEDULED COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Anyone wishing to bring anything before
the Council is asked to please limit discussion to not more than FIVE minutes)
A) April 2014 Expenditures:
----- Bonded Debt (02)
617,605.68 General (3)
82,021.24 State Tax Street (04)
2,512.91 Transient Room Tax (05)
380,614.60 Utility (06)
$ 118,690.67
Miscellaneous Special Rev (11)
Conference Center (12)
Energy Services (13)
Regional Water (15)
WWTP Construction Fund (16)
Recreation Special Rev (07)
0.00 EOTEC Construction Fund (18)
Reserve (08)
4,773.00 Law Enforcement Spec. Rev. (20)
911 Communications (09)
2,393.35 Library Special Revenue (21)
Municipal Court (10)
Total: $4,745,465.09
Action: Motion to approve April 2014 Expenditures. Roll Call.
Minutes of the April 2, 2014 Airport Advisory Committee Meeting.
Action: Motion to approve for filing. Roll Call
City Committees and Liaison: Airport Advisory, Business Advisory, Budget, Hispanic Advisory,
Library Board, Parks & Recreation, Planning Commission, Recreation Projects Fund, Faith-Based
Advisory Committee
CONFIRMATION ACTION by the City Council: Community Enhancement Committee Appointees
The Vacancy Review Committee recommends the following appointments to the Community
Enhancement Committee.
Action: Motion to confirm the appointment of Phillip Scheuers, Phillip Spicerkuhn, Billie Jean
Morris, Debbie Pedro, and Karen Zacharias to the Community Enhancement Committee. Roll Call
Ordinance No. 2218 – An Ordinance vacating real property heretofore dedicated to the public for
street purposes effective thirty days after enactment. NW 8th Street does not does not provide
any connections to the neighborhood street network. Additionally, it creates a difficult street
maintenance problem for the street department as the short length and lack of a cul-de-sac bulb
makes it hard to sweep and perform other maintenance tasks.
Action: Mayor requests first reading by title only and calls for a roll call. Roll Call
Action: Mayor requests that the ordinance be put on for adoption at this meeting and that the
second reading be by title only and calls for a roll call. Roll Call
Action: Motion that Ordinance No. 2218 be adopted 30 days after enactment. Roll Call
Unscheduled Communications from the Audience (Anyone wishing to bring anything before the
Council is asked to please limit discussion to not more than FIVE minutes)
Surplus Auction and Fixed Price Sale – City Code allows for public auction and other disposal
methods like Fixed-Price Sale. Attached is a list of items proposed to be deemed surplus and sold at
auction through Columbia River Auction on May 18. Additionally, the Water Department is
proposing to sell a specialty generator and modified truck through Fixed-Priced Sale.
Action: Motion to declare the attached list of items as surplus and sold at auction or as a fixedprice sale. Roll Call
Consider Grant Application to use $300,000 in FAA Entitlement Funds for Taxiway Engineering – The
Hermiston Airport is allocated $150,000 per year from the FAA to maintain the airport, but the City
must apply to the FAA to use the grant funds when it has a project. This project would be the
engineering portion of the planned taxiway re-alignment project slated for 2015. The non-federal
match required for the engineering work will be $33,333.
Action: Motion to approve application submittal. Roll Call
Consider a request for Liquor License Application – for “Change of Ownership, Limited On-Premise
Sales and Off-Premise Sales” by Lovell LLC for Cozy Corner Tavern, 198 E. Main Street
Action: Motion to approve. Roll Call
Consider a request for Liquor License Application - for “Change to Existing License”, Trade name
Maverick’s at 1619 N. 1st Place
Action: Motion to approve. Roll Call
F) Council G) City Manager 11. ADJOURNMENT
At City Hall unless otherwise specified
May 12
May 14
May 19
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 26
May 28
June 03
June 04
7:00 PM
City Council Meeting
6:00 PM
Budget Meeting
5:00 PM
Council Work Session
7:00 PM
Hispanic Advisory Meeting
5:30 PM
Special City Council Meeting
7:00 PM
Planning Commission Mtg.
12 PM “Three Mile Dam 100th Anniv”
4:00 PM
Library Board Meeting
4:00 PM
Faith- based Advisory Comm.
4:00 PM
Airport Advisory Comm.
180 NE 2nd Street • Hermiston, OR 97838
Regular Meeting
May 12, 2014
DECLARATION OF QUORUM ‐ 7:00 PM 2. FLAG SALUTE 3. MINUTES of the April 28, 2014 regular meeting Action: Motion to approve for filing. Roll Call 1. 4. PUBLIC HEARING 5. UNSCHEDULED COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Anyone wishing to bring anything before the Council is asked to please limit discussion to not more than FIVE minutes) 6. PETITIONS, REMONSTRANCES & COMMUNICATION 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS, AND COMMITTEES A) April Monthly Finance Report – (no report for April – see attached) B) April 2014 Expenditures: $ ‐‐‐‐‐ Bonded Debt (02) $ 118,690.67 Miscellaneous Special Rev (11) 617,605.68 General (3) 10,607.00 Conference Center (12) 82,021.24 State Tax Street (04) 594,256.90 Energy Services (13) 2,512.91 Transient Room Tax (05) 94,484.21 Regional Water (15) 380,614.60 Utility (06) 2,687,828.48 WWTP Construction Fund (16) 52,614.75 Recreation Special Rev (07) 0.00 EOTEC Construction Fund (18) 25,887.41 Reserve (08) 4,773.00 Law Enforcement Spec. Rev. (20) 52,864.08 911 Communications (09) 2,393.35 Library Special Revenue (21) 18,310.81 Municipal Court (10) Total: $4,745,465.09 Action: Motion to approve April 2014 Expenditures. Roll Call. C) Minutes of the April 2, 2014 Airport Advisory Committee Meeting. Action: Motion to approve for filing. Roll Call D) City Committees and Liaison: Airport Advisory, Business Advisory, Budget, Hispanic Advisory, Library Board, Parks & Recreation, Planning Commission, Recreation Projects Fund, Faith‐Based Advisory Committee UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. CONFIRMATION ACTION by the City Council: Community Enhancement Committee Appointees The Vacancy Review Committee recommends the following appointments to the Community Enhancement Committee. Action: Motion to confirm the appointment of Phillip Scheuers, Phillip Spicerkuhn, Billie Jean Morris, Debbie Pedro, and Karen Zacharias to the Community Enhancement Committee. Roll Call 9. RESOLUTIONS & ORDINANCES Ordinance No. 2218 – An Ordinance vacating real property heretofore dedicated to the public for street purposes effective thirty days after enactment. NW 8th Street does not provide any connections to the neighborhood street network. Additionally, it creates a difficult street maintenance problem for the street department as the short length and lack of a cul‐de‐sac bulb makes it hard to sweep and perform other maintenance tasks. Action: Mayor requests first reading by title only and calls for a roll call. Roll Call Action: Mayor requests that the ordinance be put on for adoption at this meeting and that the second reading be by title only and calls for a roll call. Roll Call Action: Motion that Ordinance No. 2218 be adopted 30 days after enactment. Roll Call 10. NEW BUSINESS A) Unscheduled Communications from the Audience (Anyone wishing to bring anything before the Council is asked to please limit discussion to not more than FIVE minutes) B) Surplus Auction and Fixed Price Sale – City Code allows for public auction and other disposal methods like Fixed‐Price Sale. Attached is a list of items proposed to be deemed surplus and sold at auction through Columbia River Auction on May 18. Additionally, the Water Department is proposing to sell a specialty generator and modified truck through Fixed‐Priced Sale. Action: Motion to declare the attached list of items as surplus and sold at auction or as a fixed‐
price sale. Roll Call C) Consider Grant Application to use $300,000 in FAA Entitlement Funds for Taxiway Engineering – The Hermiston Airport is allocated $150,000 per year from the FAA to maintain the airport, but the City must apply to the FAA to use the grant funds when it has a project. This project would be the engineering portion of the planned taxiway re‐alignment project slated for 2015. The non‐federal match required for the engineering work will be $33,333. Action: Motion to approve application submittal. Roll Call D) Consider a request for Liquor License Application – for “Change of Ownership, Limited On‐Premise Sales and Off‐Premise Sales” by Lovell LLC for Cozy Corner Tavern, 198 E. Main Street Action: Motion to approve. Roll Call E) Consider a request for Liquor License Application ‐ for “Change to Existing License”, Trade name Maverick’s at 1619 N. 1st Place Action: Motion to approve. Roll Call F) Consider a request for Liquor License Application – for “Greater Privilege, Brewery Public House” for Neighbor Dudes, LLC at 405 N. 1st Street, unit 104 Action: Motion to approve. Roll Call G) City Council H) City Manager 11. ADJOURNMENT UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS
At City Hall unless otherwise specified
May 12
May 14
May 19
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 26
May 28
June 03
June 04
7:00 PM
City Council Meeting
6:00 PM
Budget Meeting
5:00 PM
Council Work Session
7:00 PM
Hispanic Advisory Meeting
5:30 PM
Special City Council Meeting
7:00 PM
Planning Commission Mtg.
12 PM “Three Mile Dam 100th Anniv”
4:00 PM
Library Board Meeting
4:00 PM
Faith- based Advisory Comm.
4:00 PM
Airport Advisory Comm.