Clysmatic - Nutrigold Update Service
Clysmatic - Nutrigold Update Service
Clysmatic' Colonichydrotherapy for domesticuse T h e d i g e s t i v es y s t e mf o r m s t h e f o u n d a t i o no f t h e b o d y ' sh e a l t h .l t s t a s k i s n o t o n l y t o a b s o r b n o u r i s h m e n t b, u t a l s o - i n c l o s e c o - o p e r a t i o nw i t h t h e s n d t h e s k i n- t o r e m o v ew a s t ea n d t o x i n s . k i d n e y sa, i r p a s s a g e a T h e b o d y n o r m a l l yh a n d l e st h i s e l i m i n a t i o nw i t h o u t p r o b l e m s ,b u t t h e s y s t e mc a n b e u p s e tb y t h e p a c eo f m o d e r n l i v i n g ,a f a u l t y d i e t a n d d i f f e r e n t k i n d so f s t r e s sa n d s t r a i n . T h er e s u l tc o u l d b e ,n o t o n l y c o n s t i p a t i o nb, u t a l s o s e v e r aol t h e r s y m p t o m sa n d p r o b l e m s . A c o l o n i cr i n s e h , y d r o t h e r a p yi ,s o n e o f t h e o l d e s tm e t h o d s i n t h e w o r l d f o r t r e a t i n gv a r i o u sd i s e a s e sM. y f a t h e r ,B i r g e rL e d i n ,b o r e t h i s o l d k n o w l e d g ei n m i n d w h e n c o n s t r u c t i n gC l y s m a t i c- a m o d e r na n d c o m f o r t a b l er e m e d y , t h a t s t i m u l a t e st h e b o d y ' se l i m i n a t i o na n d a t t h e s a m et i m e h e l p st o t r a i n t h e b o w e l st o w a r d si m p r o v e d n , a t u r a lf u n c t i o n . Modern researchalso confirmsthat hydrotherapydetoxifiesthe bowels and s t i m u l a t e sc o l o n f u n c t i o n . BirgittaLedin-Bonevik r1 Contents Awellfunctioningdigestivesystemisthebasisofgoodhealth'......'..'.'..........3 system...'.... Thedigestive """"]"""'""""""""""""""""5 for constipation...""""""' Manyreaso.ns Laxatives...... is unhealthy' Constipation """"""""""'6 """""""""""'7 """"""""""8 Leakygut syndrome...'. """""""""""""'9 problems'....' Intestinal """""""""""""" 10 problems""" solvesintestinal Colonichydrotherapy Colonicrinsing............ Clysmatic""" with Ledin's Hydrotherapy """"""""""12 """""""""""""""'13 """""""""'14 andMiniClysmatic Clysmatic ".'......"" """"""""""""" 15 is easyto assemble Clysmatic Ledin's """""""""""" 16 likethis....'....' Assemble """""""""""""' 17 watercontainer"""""""""" """""""""""""""""'18 guidefor Clysmatic Assembly RectalTube guidefor Clysmatic """:""""""""" Assembly iseasyto us€."""""';""""""""""""""' Clysmatic Ledin's """"""" 19 """"""""" 20 afterusage"""""":"""""""' of Clysmatic Cleaning """"""""""""""22 trial......'...'....'. Scientific """"""""""""""'23 - Hydrotherapy...""""""""' ColonicRinsing """""""24 Thedigestionstartsin the mouthcavity.lnthe stomachagd bowelsthe food-is digestedfurther.Nutrientsareabsorbedand wasteproductsaretransported out of the body. Normalfy the foodshouldpassthroughyourbodyin lessthan 24hours. Eatcalmlyandwithoutstressevenif youonlyhavea 15minutebreak. Exercise isalsoimportantforthe digestion. Halfan hourwalkeverydaywjlldo youandyourstomachgood. Thediet carefullypreparedandvariedmealsarebeneficial to the stomach. Fruits, root vegetables andgreensprovidean importantadditionof fibres,vitamins, minerals andothernutrients. Fibres alsogivethe bowelsa big enoughvolumeto workwith,thusfacllitating transportation of the bowelcontents. lt is vitalthat you drinkat leastone to two litresliquidper day,preferablywater.Tryto drink betweenthe meals- in thatwaydrinkingwon'tdisturbthe digestionprocess. l Low-fibrediet a bowels, causeconstipation.The Toolittlefibreandtoo littleliquidinevitably on'Toosmalla volume tirbe,simplyget too smalla volumeto work muscular to work(peristalsis)' muscles the intestinal failsto stimulate Neglectingthe bodY'ssignals go to the reflextellinguswhenit istime to We learnaschildrento recognise the|avatory.Sincethisisanacquiredreflexitcanalsobeweakenedandfailif it is disregarded. whentold by the reflex'thebowelcontents lf you ignoregoingto the lavatory wi||gradual|ybecomeveryhard,sincethecoloncontinuous|yabsorbsIiquids. you Finally youpostponegoingto the lavatory. Hardfaeceshurtandtherefore weabeen has not' sincethe reflex cannotdefecatewhetheryou want to or kenedfromhavingbeenopposed.Thus,aviciouscirc|ehasbeenfor.medl|tis norma|toemptythebowelsinthemorning'Therefore,oneshou|dtrytoal|ow day'sworkbegins' oneselftimeto go to the lavatorybeforethe Stressand worry Strongfee|ingsmayquick|yresultinconstipationjustasmuchasirregu|ar|ithe and/orone'sprivatelifeinfluences ving.Anychangein one'sprofessional longperiod' bowelfunctionfor a shortor evenquitea Seriousdiseases ConstipationcanaIsobecausedbyaseriousdisease.Therefore,itisimportant nottoaccepta|ong-|astingconstipationwithout.seeingadoctorforan'investigation' L ,.v!.;r - f.$ r- Medicines Certain drugs may cause constipation and/or have a weakening effect on the bowels. Thereare differentkindsof laxatives.The two most commononesare the preparations musclestimulating andthe bulkfibrepreparations. Musclestimulating preparations: plantsubstances or chemical substancesthat stimulate the bowelmuscles to peristalticcontractions. Sincethe intestinesget usedto the treatment,dosagesmustbe gradually increased. Doctorswarnagainstextendeduseof these musclesstimulatingpreparations, sincethey are considered to be actually dangerous dueto th.eirweakening and,ultimately, constipating effecton the bowels. Bulk preparations Bulkpreparations consistof plantfibres.They are designedto absorbliquid, increasing the volumeof the coloncontents. Bulkpreparations supplyadditionaldietaryfibre. disease'lt is often Constipationwith reducedbowel function is a widesBread t h e e n t i r eb o d y a n d t h e o r i g i n a lc a u s ef o r m a n y o t h e r h e a l t hp r o b l e m ss, i n c e our generalcondition are affected. can be absorbedin It has been proved that toxinsfrom putrefactivebacteria to handle s n d t a k e nt o t h e b l o o d . T h el i v e ri s n o r m a l l yd e s i g n e d t h e i n t e s t i n ea the liver can handle the detoxification.However,it has not been proved that of constipation'Toxresult the increasedamount of toxinsthat may ariseas a left subclavianvein ins absorbedby the lymph aretaken into the blood via the and then round the entire bodY. Blood to the heart from t h e l i v e ra n d t h e l y m p h - - - - - - is pumPedout into the circulation. Left subclavian veln. B i l e s u b s t a n c e sa n d fats are absorbed bY ,/ Toxins and waste p r o d u c t so v e r l o a d t h e l i v e rw h e n t h e r e i s the lymph. constipation. Constipation CommonSymptomsofconstipationareheadache,discomfortandfatigue. t h e c o n s t i p a t i o nh a s T h e s ea r e t h e s a m e s y m p t o m sa s f o r p o i s o n i n g ' W h e n which might b e e n d i s s o l v e dt,h e s e s y m p t o m s n o r m a l l ya l s o d i s a p p e a r ' indicatethattoxicover|oaddisappearstogetherwithconstipation. when the intestineis affectedby toxinsduringa 19n9time thereis i risk wallincreases. mucosal of the intestinal that the permeability normallywould be stoppedby the mucosa, substances,which Thisallovr,rs to passin to the bloodstream. the Whenthe liveris overloaded Thiswill makethe liverto work harder. the of workload the increase and stream "toxins"build up in the blood whichwill becomeirritated.Thismay leadto symptoms immunesystem, arthritis. suchasrheumatoid of immunedysfunction The leakygut syndromeis connectedwith long time exposureto toxins. with constipation. Thisis oftenassociated Causes(riskfactors): - stress alcohol or allergicto foodthatyou arehypersensitive (non-steroidal drugs) anti-inflammatory NSAID vitaminor mineraldeficiency in the gut parasites or bacteriainfections viruses, Largeintestineat rest of liquidthroughthe intestinal Absorption forfurthertransportatlon membrane mucous to the liver. P e r i s t a l s iws i t h o u t movement ofthe faeces. ,rr?r! mucousmemTheintestinal between recovers brane of the bowls. evacuations of the colon Peristalsis Compacted faecesleft behind in flattened form Too small a volume of faecescausesno renea e c e sa r e l e f t b e h i n d , w e d o e r i s t a l s i s . W h ef n outrefactive bacteria start forming toxins that a r e a b s o r b e db Yt h e m e m b r a n e . Sphincters contract the colonin the direction of the motion. Thecoun- :::rT:::,^" I faecesbeing s h a p e da n d h e l d . l a l l f e e lt h e v o l u m e , N e r v e si n t h e i n t e s t i n aw oosition and contents ofthe faeces' The faecescan now be moveo a l o n g o n l y b Yf i l l i n g o r ' c r a m m i n g ' f r o ma b o v e ' Constipation of liquids. Absorption Without a comPletelYfunction i n g p e r i s t a l s itsh e c o l o n r i s k s being constantlYfilled with faecesproducing toxins from the putrefactive bacteria. T h e m e m b r a n ec a n b e d a m a g e d without Faeces fibresaresmall. 10 if it is not allowed to recover. t ' t l Plaquecoating Hard faeces Hardfaecescomefromthe intestinalcontentsnot having beenallowedor beenableto be eliminatedin time.Thecolon carrieson absorbingwateru " thefaeces t"ru".stn."*" .ttltjl* Remainders offaecesstickingto the mucousmembrane. ' Diverticuli (intestinalpockets) I how muchhardfaeceshurt,we postponegoingto the lavatory. Then,evenmorewatercanbe absorbed andthe faecesbecomeevenharder. Whenthe intestinalmuscles contractandthereis not enough volumeof faeces, the pressure becomesso highthat the pocketscanform asa resultof the connective tissuestretching. Theelasticmembraneand Deritoneum do not burstbut insteadform pockets. Diarrhoea Thereasonfor diarrhoeais too can alsobe causedby bacteria, food poisoning, stressand nervousness. Haemorrhoids In the openingofthe rectumhaemorrhoids, littleblood-filledsacs, form whenthe muscles andthe skinin thisareaareweakenedbv Gastricgases hard faecesand straining. cr Causedby food,bacteria and swallowedair. €i# Otherreasonsmight be weakeningthroughtoo muchsittingand lackof exercise.Women canbe affectedin connection wirhchildbirth. Colonichydrotherapymeansthatyouintroduceasrnal|amountofwaterat bodytemperaturetnroughtherectumintothe|argointestine(colon).Hereby thelowerpartofthecolonisbeingwashedandcleansed'Atthesametime the resultthat evenhard andfunctionsarestimulated,with the bowelreflexes andremoved' faecesaredissolved GoodcolonhYgiene showsthat good colon hygienecan help experience Ledin'slong-standing andalsospeedrecovery' preventa numberof illnesses Thecontentsofthelowerpartoftheco|onareVeryrichinbacteria.These amongotherthingstheyproducevitaminK' arenormallyveryuseful, bacteria whichproduceputbacteria Therearealso,asa quitenormalpartof the flora, too longa time goesby betweenbowelmoverefactionandfermentation.lf willfurthertheformingof bacteria andfermentative putrefactive ments,these thisrisk' reduces hydrotherapy substances.Colonic ooisonous Ledin'sClYsmatic Ledin'sClysmaticmakesitpossible,inasimpleway'tointroducewaterintothe rectum,makingcolonichydrotherapytreatmentconvenient'safe'yetefficient' people'Whenand how is easyevenfor handicapped Usingthe Clysmatic is individualanddependson the user' oftento useClysmatic TheC|ysmaticconsistsofthreemainparts:thewatercontainer,thehoseand the fitsalmostanytoilet'When equipment Clysmatic the rinsingdevice.The to visit the is in place,usingit will be just aseasyasan ordinary Clysmatic toilet. Theprincipleof colonicrinsing Hold in! 2.Waterflowing in via the rectaltube.The water d i s s o l v e st h e f a e c e s . 1 .A c o n s t i p a t e dc o l o n . Let out! 3.Water mixed with the faecesis let out w i t h t h e r e c t a l t u b es t i l li n p l a c e . 4 . R i n s i n gi s r e p e a t e dt i l l t h e tank isempty. in comfortablemethod for self-care Ledin'sClysmaticoffersa simpleand is problems.sincehydrotherapy and intestinal with digestive connection an it is nor weakening' gentleto the bowelsand neitherhabit-forming alreadyexists' problems treatmentandcanhelpif excellentpreventative Hydrotherapyis quick-acting you cansensea distinctimprovement Alreadyafterthe firstcoupleof rinses the colonfrom old faecesin the form relieves Hydrotherapy and alleviation' and the musclesarestrengthened intestinar and coatings.The of sediments toxinsand heavymetats in wastes, resurting mucousmembranestimulated, beingwashedout' Sincetheperistalsis(thebowelmovements)intheintestinesisstimu|atedat thesametime,thewho|eintestinaIsystemisenhanced.Thenumberofcolonic them varyfrom person treatmentsand the intervalsbetween hydrotherapy to Person. Selfcarewith Ledin'sClYsmatic as correctedwith simpleselfcare'as long Manyintestinalproblemscan be t h e r e a r e n o s y m p t o m s o f a n y s e r i o u s d i s e a s e s t h a t s h oor Uldbetreatedbya and continuous acute extendeddiarrhoea doctor,e.g.bloodin the faeces' painsin the bellY' lfthereisanyuncerraintyadoctorshouldbeconsulted.|nconnectionwith first' the midwifeor the doctorshouldbe consulted pregnancy 1 MiniClysmatic M i n i C l y s m a t i ci s a w a t e r c o n t a i n e r o f soft woven plastic. It is mainly intended for temporarily u s e f o r e x a m p l ed u r i n g t r a v e l l i n g . Plasticseat W i t h t h e r i n s i n gd e v i c e fixed on to it. A suitable alternative for places w i t h n o r e g u l a r W Ce t c . t Thewatercontaineris hookedonto the plasticstrip,tfratshouldbe screwed to the wall)as high as stripshouldbe attached(screwed to the wall.This placeit close possible, whilestillallowingit to befilledwithwater.lfpossible, and NOTstraightoverthe toilet seat.A filledup container to a handshower weighsabout17vz pounds(8 kilos). is placedundertheflushrimof thetoilet, whichisspringy, Therinsingdevice, Pressthe rectaltube allowingthe backmetalplateto reston the porcelain. rinse Please note,that boththe of the device. opening on to the cone-shaped Then dry and non-greasy! rectaltube andthe metaltube mustbe absolutely to the metal part is be attached of the hose to upper closethe toiletseat.The On the lowerpart of the hose nipplein the bottom of the watercontainer. tap shouldbe withineasy of the water,This thereis a tap for easyregulation lowerpartof the hoseisattachedto the back reachduringthe treatment!The (in plate). the metal of the rinsingdevice supplied: Accessories Thisliquidextract herballiquid:a herb extractrich in minerals. Clysmatico causedbye.9.constiin thegut membranes, irritations andcounteracts soothes potassium, Always addto the pation.The magnesium. sodium and elixircontains rinsewater. to on the rectaltube contains healingherbs.Apply Ledin'sherbalointment: easethe entryintothe rectum. tube. shouldhavehis/herown individual Rectaltube: eachuserof Clysmatic I I rN o /i.F O A t t a c h t h e p l a s t i cs t r i p t o t h e w a l l w i t h t h e t w o s c r e w s .P l a c e slightlyto one side of the toilet, Hook the water containeron ro the strip. @ P 1 . . " t h e r i n s i n gd e v i c ei n t h e toilet and make sure the metal p l a t e r e s t so n t h e p o r c e i a i n . The hose must completely cover both the upper and the lower @ Att..h the hose between the c o n t a i n e ra n d t h e r i n s i n g d e v i c e nipples. with the tap closest o the toilet. qffi G @ Attach the rectal tube to the r i n s i n gd e v i c e . le ll* T- The rectal tube is to be p r o p e r l ya n d s e c u r e l y attached onto the r i n s i n gd e v i c e . t R i n s i n gd e v i c ei n p l a c e . t Hangthe containeronto the plasticstfip U s et h e f o l d e dr i m . T h ec o n t a i n e rs h o u l db e p l a c e da s h i g h a s p o s s i b l e . l f p o s s i b l ep l a c et h e c o n t a i n e ri n a w a y s o i t i s p o s s i b l et o u s e a h a n d s h o w e r when filling. D o n o t p l a c et h e c o n t a i n e rs t r a i g h t above the toilet seat.Thewater-filled c o n t a i n e rw e i g h t sa b o u t 8 k i l o g r a m s . H a n g t h e c o n t a i n e ro n t o t h e p l a s t i c s t r i p ,u s i n gt h e f o l d e d r i m D r i l l t h e h o l e sc o r r e s p o n d i n gt o t h e h o l e si n t h e s t r i p . M o u n t t h e p l a s t i cs t r i p u s i n gt h e p l u g sa n d s c r e w s . H a n g t h e c o n t a i n e ro n t o t h e p l a s t i cs t r i p ,u s i n gt h e f o l d e d r i m . Therectaltube is madeof Santoprene whichis a mixedmaterial madefrom polypropylene and rubber.Santoprene is durableto high temperatures and rectaltubeis latexfree. canbe boiled.The - Pressthe rectaltube on to the openingofthe rinsedeviceuntil it clicksinto place. Makesureit is pastthe metalconeand metalsocket. @ Therightposition - Afterusingthe rectaltube;remove andcleanit. A. Preparations 1 . T a pt u r n e d o f f . warmwater with pleasantly 2.Fillup the container Usethefillingjug or the hand (bodytemperature). shower. 3. Add Ledin'sClysmaticHerbal Rinseto the water in the container.Dosageon the bottle label. 4.Pressthe rectal tube on to the dry opening of the r i n s ed e v i c eu n t i l i t c l i c k si n t o p l a c e s, o t h a t i t w i l l not slide off during the treatment. Apply Ledin's H e r b a lO i n t m e n tt o t h e r e c t a lt u b e . 5.Turn on the water and let it flow freely for a c o u p l eo f s e c o n d s . T h iisn o r d e r t o m a K es u r e t h e r e a r e n o a i r - b u b b l e si n t h e h o s e . 6.Turn off the water. B.Carryout the treatmentlike this 1. Sit down on the toilet and enter the tube into the rectum. Useyour hand to steer it into place. 2.Sitdown comfortablyand relax. 3.Turnon the waterand let it flow into the rectum.Letflow untilyou feela sense of distension(10-12 ounces= 3-5dl). 4. Letout the waterfrom the intestine. Do NOTturn off the wateranddo NOTtakeout the rectalpipe!Carryon with the rinsesby lettingthe waterin andout alternately, untilthe containeris empty. Youcaneasilystopthe treatmentanytimeyouwantto by turningoffthe waterw'iththe aidof the tap on the hose. C.Endthe treatmentlike this. get off the toiletand rinsethe Remainseateda whileand let out the remainingwater.Then with hot waterand cleanthe rinsingdeviceand rectaltube. Clysmatic (a kindof dullpain in thebelty)at first.Thisacheis NOTE!You mayhavea slightbelly-ache PLEASE problemsby a normalreactionfromuntroinedmuscles(thecolon).Avoid not dongerous,only thefirst3-4daysuseonlyhalfthe amountofwateroncea day. trainingyour bowelsgradually.For theamountofwaterandalso,whenneeded, Lateryou conincrease rinseseveraltimesa day. Oldfaecesand mucus,in formof threadsand flakeswill berinsedout.Thisisquitenormaland only profes that the hydrotherapyis workingproperly. leaveit on the toilet.Fillthe c6ntainerwith rn Afterusingthe Clysmatic waterandopenthe tap sothatthe watercanrinsethe hose. the rinsingdevice(metalspring)andcleanit with water' Remove lf you usethe clysmaticeverydayyou shouldcleanit morethoroughly andrinsethe hose. onceeveryweek.Putsomesoftsoapin the container rinsethe clysmaticwith watersothat allsoapis removed. Afterwards rectaltube. peopleif they useseparate clysmaticcanbe usedby several activitiesand urinaryphenols. Fecalenzyme Effectof repeateddaily colonichydrotherapy Hdnninen, WenHuaLing,AmirAryasheed,Osmo of Kuopio, University Departmentof Physiology, 1627 P.O.Box , SF-7 0211 Kuopio/Finland Colonicmicrofloraproducessignificant throughtheir amountstoxiccompounds Phenolandp-cresol are metabolicactivity. andphenylalaof tyrosine majorproducts BetaGluby gut bacteria. ninemetabolism are nitroreductase andurease curonidase, from of toxicants imolicatedin the release substrates. T h e t o x i cc o m p o u n d sh a v en o t o n l y a directtoxic effecton the gut wall,but they alsoreachother partsof the body if absorbed. Constipationis a frequentproblemin Thisprolongsthe stay affiuentcountries. o f l u m i n a lc o n t e n t sa n d p r o m o t e st h e andabsorption of chemicals accumulation released by the microflora. bywashing. Colonic masscanbe removed The effectsof one week continuousand four successive three dayslong colonic device(Birhydrotherapy usingClysmatic ger LedinLtd.Mariestad/Sweden) on the fecalenzymesand urinaryphenolsand p-cresol wasstudiedin twentyvolunteers randomly dividedintotwo groups. Therewas a statisticallysignificantlo- wering of ureasand beta-glucuronidase activity in fecal samples after colon hydrotherapiesfor one week. Their activity remained lowered two weeks after the therapy. Whenthe colon hydrotherapywasrepeated in three dayssequencesfor four times,there was a statisticallysignificant decrease of fecal glycocholicacid hydrolaseactivity. Dailyurinaryoutput of p-cresolshoweda statistically significant decrease. The subjects reported an increasein the frequencyof gut function and softening of the stool.There were individuals who reoorted a relieveof the alleviationof their h a e m o r r h o i da n d h e a d a c h e p r o b l e m s after the colon hydrotherapy. The present results show that colon hydrotherapy decreasesthe activity of several faecal enzymes releasingtoxic compoundsand diminisheschemicalloading. It alsoappealsto normalizethe gut function and oromote softnessof the stools. ProfessorOsmoHdnninen with warm leaveit on the toilet.Fillthe cSntainer Afterusingthe Clysmatic the hose' rinse waterandopenthe tap sothatthe watercan the rinsingdevice(metalspring)andcleanit with water. Remove everydayyou shouldcleanit morethoroughly lf you usethe Clysmatic and rinsethe hose. onceeveryweek.Putsomesoftsoapin the container with watersothat all soapis removed. rinsethe Clysmatic Afterwards rectaltube. peopleif theyuseseparate clysmaticcanbe usedby several methods for treacolonic rinsing- hydrotherapy is one of the world'soldest due to ting intestinalproblems.Thismethod,however,becameunfashionable w a r n i n g st h a t i t w o u l d o o o r t e c h n i q u ea n d i n f o r m a t i o na s w e l l a s u n j u s t i f i e d by bowel-stimulaweaken the bowels.Insteadcolonic rinsing was replaced ting laxativesand fibre preparations problems s i d n o t s o l v et h e p r o b l e m st h o u g h . I n s t e a di n, t e s t i n a l Thelaxatived once' at least are increasinglyprevalentand affect practicallyeverybody Ledin,smanyyearSofexperienceofhumanhea|thcarehavereveaIedthat the whole body' an exhaustedcolon and a reduced bowel function affects gastriccatarrhs,eczema, 5o many differentproblems,such as recurringcolds, i n s o m n i ah, e a d k i d n e ya n d u r i n a r yt r a c tt r o u b l e sj ,o i n t a n d m u s c u l a tr r o u b l e s , by improving the achesand nervousnesscan be reduced or even removed bowel function. clysmaticproLedin,shas retainedand developedthe colonicmethod.Ledin's intestinalhygiene' videsan efficient,comfortableand naturalway of seeingto and stimulates colonic hydrotherapyremoveswaste,dissolvesconstipation All this has been confirmedby modern research' oeristalsis. s i n c e1 9 2 3a n d h a s L e d i n , cs l y s m a t i ch a sb e e na v a i l a b l ea t h e a l t hc a r ec e n t r e s used by thousandsof patients' been successfully * Ledins -