The Community Connection - Lebanon Area Evangelical Free Church


The Community Connection - Lebanon Area Evangelical Free Church
A publication of
the Lebanon Area
Evangelical Free Church
600 Shepherd Street
Jonestown, PA 17038
Fax: 717.865.9111
The “Connection” is printed the first weekend of each month, and is available
in your church mailbox or at the Welcome Center.
Information for the next newsletter should be submitted by Wednesday,
July 31, 3pm. Meeting dates or events for the weekly bulletin should be
submitted by Wednesdays, 3:00pm.
“We’re thinking of you with thanks for being so thoughtful to
us. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers and the
beautiful flowers! We love you and feel your love!”
-Don & Karen McNutt
Office Hours:
The Community Connection
Lebanon Area Evangelical Free Church
“Knowing, Living, Sharing … The Heart of Jesus”
JULY 2013
“Thank you for the beautiful basket of flowers. Your thoughts, prayers,
e-mails and cards were greatly appreciated after the passing of my
father.” -Lori, Mike, Kelsey, & Kaleb Daubert
Visit us on
“To the saints at LAEFC,
Peace, joy, and righteousness in the Holy Ghost be your portion daily. Thank
you for your kindness and acceptance while I was with you recently and pray
it continues for the sake of the Gospel in North Korea—again, thank you!
May God use our partnership to see many come to Jesus.”
-Marlene Truss
“Let your life be
modest & reserved,
your manners courteous,
your admonitions
friendly, your
forgiveness willing,
your promises true,
your speech wise,
and your actions
Attention Church Family
If you need to borrow any item of Lebanon Free church property, please contact
the church office for permission, and complete the required form . Thank you!
Lebanon Free Church Staff
- author unknown
Church Admin Team:
Laurel Lynn Petolicchio (FT), [email protected],
Diane Dotterman (PT), [email protected], or Mary Smith (PT), [email protected].
Pastor Ken Dotterman
[email protected]
Senior Pastor
Pastor Steve Frykholm
[email protected]
Pastor of Missions/Small Grps
Pastor David Patrick
[email protected]
Executive Pastor
Pastor Daryl Peters
[email protected]
Pastor of Children’s Ministry
Pastor Marc Zeisloft
[email protected]
Pastor of Youth/Young Adults
Pastor Josh Zimmerman
[email protected]
Pastor of Jr. High Ministry
Dr. Robb Palmer (Part Time)
[email protected]
Pastor of Family Life Ministry
Pastor Gary Walter
(Part Time)
[email protected]
Pastor of Visitation
Daniel Hess
[email protected]
PT Director of Worship
Karen Higley
[email protected]
PT Women’s Min./Worship Asst.
Lisa Longenecker
[email protected]
PT Youth/Sr Pastor Admin Asst.
Donna Patrick
[email protected]
PT Children’s Min. Admin. Asst.
Tiffany Collins
[email protected]
PT Bookkeeper
 Page 2 Prayer Requests
& Praises
Cheryl Garman, PT Financial Rec. Secretary
Ray Weik, PT Facilities Caretaker
Karen Christine, PT Custodial Assistant
Cindy Krall, PT Custodial Assistant
Janice Nolan, PT Custodial Assistant
Bill Speicher, PT Grounds Maintenance
 Page 3 Small Groups &
Connection Opportunities/Library Corner
 Page 4 Children’s
Elder Board 2013
Dave Bauman, vice chairman
Jeff Brubaker
Phil Burns
Ken Dotterman
James Hubbard
Ben Keener, secretary
Mike Myer, chairman
Greg Zinn, treasurer
For room or facility scheduling,
contact the church office.
 Page 5 Jr. & Sr. High
Youth /Young Adults
 Page 6 Women’s Ministries/Men’s Ministries/
Thank You/Update
THANK YOU for your generous financial support
and your ongoing prayers for our youth summer mission trips.
Serving now: Haiti (Sr. High): June 24-July 3
Louisiana (Sr. High): July 20-28
El Faro/Lebanon City (Jr./Sr. High): July 21-28
 Page 7 Outreach
 Page 8 Memo Board/
Church Information
Our Extended Church Family:
If you are looking for a way to reach folks with the gospel of Jesus Christ this
summer, here is one way you can get involved without leaving your computer!
Check out Global Media Outreach (a ministry of Campus Crusade for
Christ – CRU) for more details.
>>Pray for God’s healing touch, grace, and peace for:
- Karen & Maurice Caldwell and family, friends of
Cathy Boltz, on the loss of their daughter, Jana.
- the family and loved ones of little Evan Kreider, who
recently went to be with Jesus.
- Judy Umbenhauer’s sister, facing surgery on July 3.
- Wendy Bressler, recovering from surgery to remove a
brain tumor.
- Fred Hickok’s cousin’s husband, recovering from a
very serious virus that almost took his life. Thanks for
your prayers!
- Glen Esler, chaplain of Cornwall Manor, dealing with
significant health issues.
- Earl “Red” Sudbury, Scott’s dad, hospitalized with
serious health issues.
- Phyllis Felty’s niece, Tina, undergoing radiation
treatment for an overactive thyroid.
- Wendy, co-worker of Diane Kirby, hospitalized with a
serious infection.
- Dwayne Gardner, relative of Sherri Geesaman,
recovering from serious injuries sustained in a dirt bike
- Deb Kleinfelter’s 7-mo-old granddaughter, Alexis,
undergoing testing for fluid build-up on her brain.
- Manny Fernandez, recovering from recent kidney
transplant surgery and experiencing some
- Doug Ewing, former LAEFC member, suffering from
a debilitating neurological condition.
- Diane Charles’ son & daughter-in-law, Bryan and
Susan, as they continue to pray & wait for permission
to bring home their daughter (7-yr-old Olivia) from
>>Praise for: Kim Wile’s friend, Yvonne, recovering
from successful surgery where the cancerous tumors
on her liver were encapsulated and easily removed. No
further treatment required!
>>Pray for those battling cancer:
Bill Albers - friend of the Petolicchio family; Monica Arnold daughter of Ron & Carol Combs; Aunt Emily - Linda Hontz’
aunt; Tiffany Bare; Kathy Bilinsky - acquaintance of
Kathryn Griffin; Anna Blatt - Richard’s mother; Daryl
Bomgardner - friend of the Hoover family; Jeremiah Brown;
Chad - Brenda Goodling’s son; Rob Cipriano - friend of Tanya
Weaver; Susan Coble - friend of Faydeen Gerhart; Kaye
Collier; Melody Collins; Kathy Compton - friend of the Terry
Fisher family; Mary Louise Conrad - Jim’s mother; Pat
Cooney - part of the CURE extended family;
Page 2
Mae Crawley - Connie Heck’s mother; Shirley Darkes
- Dawn Darkes’ mother; Dorothy Dengler - Cheryl
Garman’s mother; Margaret Deppen; Dianne - friend
of Mari-Lou Lyon; Danny Dry; Kelly Fisher - Terry
Fisher’s cousin’s wife; Linda Garman - Chuck’s
mother; Mary Ellen Ghion - acquaintance of Diane
Charles; Marty Giglio - acq. of Judy Kielbowick;
Pat Green - friend of Barb Shellhase; Charlie Hansell
- part of our church family; Steve Herndon - friend of
Terry Fisher; Martha Hippert - Connie Heck’s aunt,
Sherry Hoffer - part of our church family; Mary
Hornberger - Barb Shellhase’s aunt; Jeff Imboden friend of John Sebastian; Joanne - friend of Barb
Shellhase; Jason Johnson - extended church family;
Louise Jones - friend of the Terry Fisher family;
Jennisa Joseph; Kathy K - friend of Priscilla Glovier;
Marlene Keefer - Tim’s mother; Carey Kendel;
Norman Krall - Derek Leonard’s grandfather; Kramer
- friend of Kathy Sauder; Landon Kreider - friend of
the Hoovers; Judy Larosa - friend of Linda Smith;
Gerald Labate - friend of Carol & Dick Blatt; Linda
Lee; Mildred Lesher; Lisa - friend of Jenny O’Neal;
Shelly Loehr - friend of Chris Deller; Ron
Longbothum - Mike Lesher’s brother-in-law; Barbara
Longenecker; Julia Miller; Tina Mejias; Wilhelm
Miller - Bob & Rita Gingrich’s friend; Gretchen Moyer
- friend of Dennis Mellott; Raymond Murphy, Jr;
Harry Nash - co-worker of Richard Steffy; Trenton
Noll; Duane Nolt - friend of Heidi Brubaker; Josh
Ollar - friend of Ron Armstrong & John Sebastian;
Sheri Pekala - friend of Carol Blatt; Celeste Pederson
- friend of Lora Heck; Eleanor Piccard - friend of the
Petolicchio family; Elizabeth Reid - part of our church
family; Rose Robell - part of our church family;
Karagan Roberts - friend of Danette Groff; Jerry
Sanders - friend of Rita Gingrich; Sandy - friend of
Chris Deller; Bonnie Shoemaker - friend of Gerharts,
Gingrichs & Laus; Norman & Kathy Showers friends of Jen Zyry; Anita Smith - Peggy Shutter’s
roommate's sister; Jerry Snyder - friend of Donald
Carns; Amos Soliday - Roger Soliday’s father; Allison
Speck - former student of Kathy Becker; Mike Stoever;
Sharon Swanger-Endy - cousin of Mary Smith; Joyce
Tilley - Ron Tilley’s mother; Judy Tyler - friend of Deb
Kleinfelter; Russell Unger; Barbara Urey - Ed
Weaner’s sister; John Verstraete - friend of the Terry
Fisher family; Violet - Dot Dot’s sister-in-law; June
Weaner - Ed’s mother; Ron Weaner - Ed Weaner’s
brother; Betty Weaver - grandmother of Eric Weaver;
John Weible - Linda Smith’s uncle; Linda Weidman Phyllis Felty’s sister; Joel Werni - uncle of Phyllis
Felty’s co-worker; Cris Williams - co-worker of Lora
Heck; Ben Witter - extended church family; Wendy
Worrilow - Justin’s mother; James Yeagley; Joan
Zion - friend of Lori Fischer; Rory Zuba - Mim
Maulfair’s sister’s friend
The Community Connection
Our food and household
items are being
given to the Jonestown
Outreach PantrY.
JOY Pantry is located at 48
West Market Street in Jonestown. In July, we
will collect peanut butter, canned fruit, and
canned stews (Dinty Moore, for example).
The collection site is located at the rear of the
Welcome Center in the lobby. JOY Pantry
serves all residents living within the Northern
Lebanon School District.
School District.
Russia Mission Trip – Prizes Needed for
Kids’ Bible Camps
Suggested donations: jump ropes, matchbox cars,
crayons, coloring books, or small dolls. Soccer
balls, basketballs and kick balls (old or new) can be
donated! (they will be deflated and packed in luggage) Please NO stuffed animals! All gifts are
greatly appreciated and the children will LOVE
them! There will be a box marked “DonationsRussia Mission Trip” near the Welcome Center in
the lobby. Thank you!
- Peggy & Dave Hanula
Pray for the team of 8 individuals that will be
ministering in Russia, July 26-August 4.
Local Service Project
There is an ongoing need for volunteer help in sorting through mounds of donated clothing to be
sent to poor people around the world. There is a warehouse in Lebanon (E. Lehman Street, just
east of 8th Ave), run by a Christian family, Ken & Shirley Keefer. If interested in serving in this
way, please contact them at 717-838-2820.
Pray for Our Missionaries:
Pray for these ministries we support:
BITIKOFER, Keith & Christine, Wycliffe, TANZANIA
BULKA, Natalia, Ukraine for Christ, UKRAINE, LVIV
CONCHA, Hugo & Gissella, IGLESIA EL FARO, Lebanon
DORRIS, Roger, EFCA - Eastern District
HEMMERLE, Dave & Virginia, EFCA - Montreal, CANADA
KUIVENEN, Paul & Roxanne, ReachGlobal, RUSSIA
MILLER, Craig & Karena, Crossworld,CANARY ISLANDS
MINOR, Adrienne, Campus Crusade for Christ ,Orlando, FL
OVERHOLT, Dean & Ada, ReachGlobal, THAILAND
ZEHRING, Lorin & Andrea, Global Partners, HAITI
American Foundation for Children with
AIDS, (AFCA) Harrisburg (Tanya Weaver)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Iglesia El Faro, Lebanon
Lebanon County Christian Ministries
Lebanon Rescue Mission
Lebanon Valley Youth for Christ
Race Track Chaplaincy of America,
Grantville (Chaplain David Dow)
River of Hope Lebanon (Christ-centered therapy)
Susquehanna Valley Pregnancy Services
Teen Challenge Ministry, Rehrersburg
Youth With A Mission (YWAM), Lebanon
Page 7
Get rested through the summer and gear up for great
things happening this fall in Women’s Ministry!
Are you looking for area Bible seminars? Here are some
great suggestions….
WOMEN OF FAITH: September 6 & 7 “Believe God Can
Do Anything” Philadelphia, PA (Go online for individual
registration info.)
E. Free Church Eastern District Women’s Fall Retreat:
October 4-6 at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware “When I
Grow Up!” See registration forms on WM table.
Linda and Jen Barrick “Hope Out Loud”: Saturday,
September 28, 2013 at Lebanon Valley Bible Church
9:00am-2:45pm. Registration pamphlets at Women’s
Ministry table in lobby. $15 registration includes lunch.
All ladies welcomed! Registration begins in August.
Bible Studies begin in September!
OUR FALL STUDY - “GIDEON: Your Weakness, God’s
Strength” with Priscilla Shirer
Join us as we explore Gideon’s story—one man’s struggle with his own weakness and the One True God who
transformed it into triumph. A Bible study that will open
your eyes to a brand new perspective on yourself, your
God, and Gideon!
Marketplace - Mondays, 7:00pm-8:00pm (no childcare)
Truthseekers - Wednesdays, 9:15am-11:30am (with
NEW for FALL: 55+ PARTY Friday Night, September 27
A fun night of fellowship just for those ladies 55 yrs and
older. Hosted by the “younger than 55 crew.” 
6:30-8:30pm in the Fellowship Hall
Prayer Breakfast: Join us the third Saturday of each
month at Farmer’s Wife Restaurant at 8:30am. All ladies
Page 6
Men’s Groups at Lebanon Free Church:
►Monday evening, every other week at
7:00pm at Bill Simpson’s home, 2570 Emma
Road, Lebanon. Contact Bill at 279-7435.
►Tuesday morning, 6:00am every week at
Ed Weaner’s home, 11 Colonial Drive,
Jonestown. Call Ed at 865-6492 or Ron at
►Tuesday evening, 7:00pm every week at the
home of Steve Kile in the Jonestown area.
Contact Steve at 865-7378.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast Meets the first Saturday of each month at 8:00am at Heisey’s Diner
(rear). For more info, contact Tony Zeller (717304-2888). Sign-ups at Men’s Ministry table.
Meets again Saturdays, July 6 and August 3.
Update from Trish Kennedy:
"Please update (everyone) with this praise: So far, the
treatments have only caused me to have nausea the
day following the treatment - please ask my prayer
partners to specifically pray for me on Thursdays which
is the day I'm having the greatest difficulty. Also, please
ask them to pray for reduced symptoms as I will be on
a low dose indefinitely- possibly my entire life once the
initial 8-12 week treatment is completed. I will have
blood work every 2 weeks for the initial 8-12 weeks to
be sure the medicine is not adversely affecting my liver/
and then on-going blood tests once a month for as long
as I remain on the treatment."
Trish Kennedy
7558 Route 59
Lewis Run, PA 16738
Here at LAEFC, we strongly
believe that the best way to grow in
your walk with Christ is to get
involved with a small group. It’s
simply a group of folks gathered together to study
God’s Word, have fun, encourage & pray for one
another, and do life together. Sign up for more
information in the lobby or contact Pastor Steve,
865-9900 x522. [email protected].
Extend God’s Love on the Holidays
We encourage you to invite single people or others who don’t
have a place to go on holidays to your gathering.
Joni & Ken
by Ken and Joni Eareckson Tada
This is the story of a bond that has seen
the worst and the best through 30 years of marriage. Ken
underestimated the challenges of marrying a woman with
quadriplegia. Through their years together he becomes
increasingly overwhelmed by the demands of caring for a
woman with chronic, extreme pain. In the midst of their
deepest struggles with depression and pain they return to
the one true answer to their struggles. They encounter a
heavenly visitation that changes their lives forever.
The Duck Commander Family
by Willie and Korie Robertson What do faith, family, ducks
and money have in common? The Robertson family of the
show Duck Dynasty gives you an inside sneak peek of
everything you want to know about their family. The book
includes humorous stories as well as family-business tips
and faith.
Thanks for your faithful prayers for the
many individuals battling cancer.
It is so appreciated!
Please contact the church office with any
updates, including good news of any
remissions, as the list continues to grow.
The Community Connection
Happy, Happy, Happy
by Phil Robertson This book tells of Phil’s life before the
show Duck Dynasty. He talks about his past and, finally,
about his call to follow God and lead a life of faith.
The church library is open on Sunday from 10:15 to 11am
and again after the second service. Stop in and check out
our new selections and visit the shelves for favorite authors.
Youth With A Mission will host a seminar called
“Befriending Our Immigrant Neighbors”
on Saturday, July 6, from 10am-1pm.
Bruce Heckman, who served in Jordan, is the
speaker. The theme is friendship evangelism.
Cost is $10 (Lunch included).
A youth program will run concurrently.
Please RSVP to 717-274-0910.
YWAM, 1275 Birch Road, Lebanon 17042
Church Picnic
August 24th!
at AVON Park
Military Bulletin Board Updates
We have a military bulletin board in the children’s hallway,
and would love to include a picture (& info) of your loved one
who is serving our country so our church family can pray for
them as they are away from home. The military support info
sheets may be picked up and returned at the bulletin board.
Please complete a yellow update form whenever their status
or info changes so we can keep it current. Direct
questions to Donald Hain or to the church office. Thank you!
Our church family has established a ministry
where we can share offers of free items to be
given away and/or express needs
that others may be able to meet.
Denise and Tom Kotay are assisting Laurel Lynn
with the bi-weekly E-Mails. If you are not on the
list, this would be an excellent time to submit your
e-mail information and join!
Please contact Laurel Lynn in the church office
with your needs or offers for this ministry.
[email protected]
Page 3
Mission Trip Reunion
 No Youth Group
Go online to register today!
Special points of interest:
 Did you know that there are 3 ways
to register for the Rockin’ Summer
‘13 events? Forms are available on
the Kidz Harvest bulletin board or
you can print out forms from the
website OR, our personal favorite,
just register online!!!
 Did you know that you only have to
fill out ONE form for your family?
There’s just ONE $5 fee per child
that covers most of the events for the
 Keep up with all Kidz Harvest events
on Facebook! Like our page at
Tuesday, July 2
S.L.A.M. Night
Tuesday, July 9
Check facebook & e-mails
for more details!
No Youth Group
Tuesday, July 16
Teamwork Challenge
Tues, July 23
7pm-8:30pm ~ at church
Quad F
Tuesday, July 30
Check facebook & e-mails
for more details!
Monday, July 29 ~ 6-9pm
Meet & Pick up at
Lion’s Lake!
This is for anyone who went on a
mission trip this summer.
Mission Sunday
Sunday, August 18
Please plan to be part of both
services! Stay tuned !
Dawn Devos is a time of
in-depth Bible study, prayer,
and discussion.
 Pool Party
Monday, July 1
8-10pm ~ at the Hess’s
(38 Colonial Drive, Jonestown)
 Beach Day
Mon, July 8
7am-10:30pm ~ OC, NJ
Cost: $10 Space limited—
1st Come—1st Served!
$10 reserves your seat.
 Camp Swatara Outing
Mon, July 15
6-9pm ~ Meet at church
Bring $5
 No Youth Group
Mon, July 22
 Dawn Devos w/Social
This summer, we hope you will
consider worshipping with your
teen during 1st service and
then during 2nd service, while
they are at SMT, join in the
ABF, “Marriage, Family &
Parenting” led by Pastor Robb
and Fred Hubler. They will hit
on some of the TOUGH
questions and topics we face
as parents of teens and seek
wisdom through scripture and
Thurs, July 11
9am-12noon ~ at church
 Dawn Devos
Thurs, July 18
9am-10am ~ at church
JR & SR High “SMT”
(Sunday Morning Truth)
Grades 6-8 / 9-12
Sunday Morning, 10:45am
in the Fellowship Hall.
 Haiti Mission Trip ~ June 25-July 3
 Louisiana Mission Trip ~ July 20-28
 El Faro Mission Trip ~ July 21-28
 Summer Mission Classes are continuing
at 10:45am during SMT . You are
strongly encouraged to attend these
 Please continue to check your
Facebook team page & e-mail.
Page 4
The Community Connection
Young Adults
PULSE! Group
(For post high school young adults through age 24)
(A small group for
Friday, July 5 – Haar’s Drive-In (See fb page for more details.)
Fridays, 6-8pm, July 12, 19, 26 – at the Longenecker’s home
(or special events will be communicated on fb)
Sunday, July 7 – Extended Worship, prayer, Galatians recap
and discussion.
Sundays, July 14, 21, 28 – Bible Study in Ephesians led by Josh Krug
(Summer Pastoral Intern)
Search fb: “Lebanon Free Young Adults” We hope you will enjoy this fun
and encouraging time of Bible study, prayer and friendship!
Sunday mornings,
9:00am in Room 1
Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings at 7:00pm
in Room 1
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