CHUCKS taper mounted chucks CHUCK MODEL COOE NO. CAP. TAPERED MOUNT USES KEY LENGTH Closed Open 0 lA 2A 6A-2A 6A-33 633C* 633D** 33 33F 3326A 3333C* 33KD*** 02002 02009 02035 02065 02067 02068 02069 02050 02051 02052 02053 02054 0- %2" 0-Y4 0- % 0-12 0- 12 0- 12 0- 12 OJT IJT 2JT 2JT 33 JT 33 JT 33 JT 33 JT . 33 JT % Str. 33 JT 33 JT KO Kl K2 K3 K3 K3C K3C K32 K32 K32 K32C K32 1% %4-Yz %4-Yz %4-Yz %4-Yz %4-Yz p5!J.S 213!J.S 37!J.s 37!J.s 3zl;32 321hz 33hz 3%2 3Yz 3~2 37!J.s DIAM. 5%4 11~2 13!J.s 23!J.s pl!J.S 2% p5!J.S 2% p5!J.S 2z~2 P5!J.s 2z~z Po/IS 21~2 113!J.S 21~2 113/1S 22~2 p3!J.S 29!J.s 113/1S 22%2 125132 IVa With the exception of Models 0 and OB Chucks which have a minimum capacity of No. 80 drill. all medium and heavy duty plain bearing chucks and ball bearing chucks having a nominal capacity of 0 will hold a No. 70 drill. CHUCK MODEL CODE NO. CAP. 7 7-1A 30 32 34 3A 36 34KD*** 34PD**** 3KD*** 3PD**** 37KD*** 37PD**** 02015 02016 02025 02040 02075 02086 02100 02076 02077 02088 02089 02105 02106 O-W' *Equipped **Equipped ***Equipped ****Equipped 2 with with with with TAPERED MOUNT 2 short JT IJT 0- Y4 2 short JT O- o/IS 2JT 0-% O-Yz 6JT Ys -% 3JT 3/1S-% 3JT O-Yz #6 JT O-Yz #6 JT Ys- % #3 JT Va-% #3 JT Y4 _13jlS #3 JT Y4 - 13!J.s #3 JT USES KEY K7 K7 K30 K32 K3 K3 K4 K3 K3 K3 K3 K4 K4 LENGTH Closed Open DIAM. 2~2 12%2 P%4 2~2 121132 11%4 25!J.s l Z%2 12%4 31!J.s 2%2 113/1S 31~2 211!J.S 21 !J.s 313!J.s 2% 25!J.s 4I!J.s 3%2 29IIs 311!J.s 215!J.s 21IIs 311lIs 215IIs 21IIs 41IIs 3Ys 20/1S 4I!J.s 3Ys 20/1S 41l;32 31%2 20/1s 41l;32 313132 20/1s a threaded locking collar which has a 1Y16-20 thd. a threaded locking collar which has a 1I,4-12 thd . a positive driving slot. a pin type positive drive plain bearing key type chucks Manufacturers of power tools throughout the world have standardized on the Jacobs Plain Bearing Key Type Drill Chuck for original equipment. The reason is simple-no other drill chuck possesses the accuracy, the grip and the strength which can only be offered by the basic Jacobs internal construction. This fine chuck is offered for both medium duty or heavy duty portable, bench or floor type power tools in a wide range of capacities for either threaded or tapered mounting spindles. It is the world's most widely used drill chuck. thread mounted chucks CHUCK MODEL CODE NO. CAP. OB 5/1S -24 IB %-24 IBS IB %-24 1B 5/1S - 24 31B %-24 31BA %-24 318 Yl -20 28 %-24 68 Yl -20 338 %-24 338 Yl -20 338A Yl -20 338A %- 16 02003 02005 02008 02006 02007 02030 02031 02032 02036 02071 02056 02057 02059 02060 0-%2" 0_3;1S 0- 3;1S 0- Y4 0- Y4 l!Js- % I;1S-% I;1S- % 0-% O- Yl %4- Yl %4- Yl %4- Yl %4- Yl LENGTH THREADED USES MOUNT KEY Closed Open 5;1s-24 %-24 short %-24 %-24 5;1s- 24 %-24 %-24 DI G Yl -20 %-24 Yl-20 %-24 Yl-20 Yl-20 DI G %- 16 DI G KO Kl Kl Kl Kl K30 K30 K30 K2 K3 K32 K32 K32 K32 lYl 115!J.s 111;1S 11 5;1S 11 5;1S 21%2 21%2 21%2 213;1S 3Yl 3%2 3%2 3%2 3%2 P;1S 11%2 15!J.s 117;32 11%2 115!J.s 115!J.s 115!J.s 23flS 22%2 27;1S 27;1S 27;1S 2'lls DIAM. CHUCK MODEL CODE NO. CAP. THREADED MOUNT USES KEY LENGTH Closed Open DlAM. 5%4 P;1S lYs lo/Js P;1S 12%4 12%4 12%4 111;1S 11 5;1S 113;1S 113;1S 113;1S 113;1S 78 %-24 78 Yl -20 308 %-24 308 Yl -20 328 Yl -20 328 %-16 328 4%4- 16 348 %- 16 348 4%4- 16 34B %- 16 38 %- 16 368 %- 16 368 %- 16 02017 02018 02027 02028 02041 02042 02043 02078 02079 02080 02091 02101 02102 0- Y41/ 0- Y4 0-5!J.s 0_5;1S 0-% 0- % 0- % O- Yl O- Yl O- Yl Ys - % 3;1S-% 3;1S- % %-24 Yl-20 %- 24 Yl -20 Yl -20 %-16 4%4- 16 %- 16 4%4- 16 %-16 %- 16 %-16 %- 16 K7 K7 K30 K30 K32 K32 K32 K3 K3 K3 K3 K4 K4 2%2 2%2 21%2 21%2 3l!IS 3l!Js 3 317;32 31%2 31%2 313;1S 4Ys 4Ys 12%2 1% 12%2 12%2 25;1S 25!J.s 25!J.s 2% 2% 2% 2Ya 3%2 3%2 11%4 11%4 12%4 12%4 113;1S 11 o/Js 113flS 21;1S 2l!Js 21;1S 25;1S 29;1s 29;1s All Jacobs threaded back, plain bearing chucks can be identified by the letter "B" in the model number. These models can be readily removed from their threaded spindles by following the instructions found on page 15. Information covering the repair or reconditioning of Jacobs drill chucks is also shown on page 15. D/C-These models are drilled and countersunk for retaining screws. 3 Jacobs Self-Ejecting Keys The spring-loaded ejector is designed to prevent the geared key from remaining in the dri ll chuck after tightening . parts plain bearing key type chucks The Jacobs plain bearing type chuck can easily be repaired by purchasing the necessary parts from your nearby Jacobs distributor. The careful controls exercised in the manufacture of Jacobs chucks guarantee the complete interchangeability of parts. Instructions for repairing Jacobs chucks are shown on page 15. Your distributor will also be happy to return your worn chucks to our factory for reconditioning. This service is described on page 15. KEY NO. CODE NO. USED ON CHUCK MODELS SK-3C 03563 6A, 6AE, 68, 633C, 633D, 34, 348, 34KD, 34PD , 3, 3A, 3AE, 38, 3KD, 3PD, 14N , 558, 568, 588, 75A SK-32C 03568 32, 328, 33, 338, 338A, 3326, 33KD , 33F, 3333C, 11N SK- K 03570 MC4, MC8, U8, H8, DC8 CHUCK MODEL KEY JAWS & NUT UNIT SLEEVE O,OB lA, lB 2A,2B 3 (17/32 ca p.) 3A, 3AE, 3B,3KD,3PD 6A-33,6AE,6A-2A,6B 633C, 633D 7, 7- lA, 7B 30, 30- lA, 30B, 3lB 32, 32B 33, 33B, 3326, 33F, 33KD 3333C 34, 34B, 34KD, 34PD 36, 36E, 36B 37, 37KD, 37PD KO Kl K2 K3 K3 K3 K3C K7 K30 K32 K32 K32C K3 K4 K4 UO Ul U2 U3R U3 U6 U6 U7 U30 U32 U33 U33 U34 U36 U37 SO Sl S2 S3 S3 S6 S6 S7 S30 S32 S32 S32 S34 S36 S36 Sle eve s, Jaws and Nuts are always interchangeable between tapered back and threaded ba c k models. For exampl e 1A and 1 B . Code numbers for chuck parts are shown on all price sheets. 4 ball bearing super chucks -key type extra-heavy duty The Jacobs Ball Bearing Super Chuck is designed especially for EXTRA HEAVY DUTY drilling applications on production drilling machines, radials, jig borers, millers and lathes. It is also the world's MOST ACCURATE key type chuck which further qualifies it for those jobs where close tolerance drilling is desirable. The ball thrust bearing reduces friction in the chuck's closing mechanism , thus permitting the operator to apply greater tightening on the twist drill shank. CHUCK MODEL COOE NO. CAPACITY TAPERED MOUNT USES KEY WEIGHT Lbs. Ozs. 8YzN UN 14N 16N 18N 20N 03001 03002 03003 03004 03005 03006 0-14 /1 2 short JT 2JT 3JT 3JT 4JT 5JT K30 K32 K3 K4 K4 K5 0-9 1-2 2-6 2-15 0-% O-Yz Ys-o/s Ys-% %-1 ~ ~ ~ ~~ Open 21%2 2% 3% 45!l6 5Ys 5Yz 1% 214 231;32 314 331;32 414 4--4 7-0 ball bearing super chuck ~~ LENGTH Closed DIAM. 10/1s 11o/1s 2'lls 2o/s 3Ys4 321;32 parts e o~~ CHUCK MODEL KEY JAWS & NUT UNIT SLEEVE THRUST RACE & BALLS 8Yz N UN 14N 16N 18N 20N K30 K32 K3 K4 K4 K5 U8YzN UUN U14N U16N U18N U20N S8YzN SUN S14N S16N S18N S20N T8Yz T11 T14 T16 T18 T20 Code numbers for chuck parts are shown on all price sheets. 5 lathe headstock and armature chucks CHUCK MODEL HEADSTOCK CHUCKS CODE NO. CAP. TAPERED or THREADED MOUNT USES KEY WEIGHT Lbs. Ozs. *0- 1%2/1 1-8 K3 2-4 1- 10 K3 *0- 1%2 2- 5 K3 Ys- % 112-8 2- 7 3IIs- % 112-8 K4 3- 10 *Models 55B and 56B can be provided with optional capacity of 55B 56B 58B 59B ARMATURE DRIVING CHUCK CENTER REST CHUCK 1- 8 1-10 03050 03051 112-8 03052 112-8 03053 CHUCK MODEL CODE NO. CAP. 75A 100CR 03054 03055 Y4 -% Y4 -% TAPERED or THREADED MOUNT USES KEY WEIGHT Lbs. Ozs. 3JT 3JT K3 Keyless 1- 15 2-3 headstock and center rest chuck (]t[p ~ ~; LENGTH Closed Open 4 4 3l!Js 3l!Js 3% 4Ys 42V32 5V32 25IIs 2o/J.s 2o/J.s 20/1s YB-W' LENGTH Closed Open 3% 12% 3% 12% The Jacobs Armature Chuck Mode 100CR, when mounted by means 0 a tapered arbor in the tailstock of c lathe, replaces a center. It provide! an accurate support for turnin~ round work when a center can no be used . The stationary brass jaw! provide an excellent bearing sur face. The jaws can be adjusted tc the diameter of the work to be sup ported and then locked. DIAM. 25IIs 2o/J.s arts 1m CHUCK MODEL KEY JAWS & NUT UNIT SLEEVE 55B 1-8 56B 1- 10 58B 112 -8 59B 112-8 75A 100CR K3 K3 K3 K4 K3 Keyless U3R U3R U3 U36 U75 UlOO S3 S3 S3 S36 S3 SlOO 6 DIAM. Jacobs Lathe Headstock Chuck: are designed to thread directly ontl lathe spindles . Their capacity range extreme accuracy, and ease of op eration allows them to repiac i costly collet equipment. Their hoi low construction makes possibl the chucking of long pieces ex tending into the lathe spindle. Jacobs Commutator Kit Code No. 03056 complete unit designed specifically holding armature shafts rigidly and c curately during reconditioning. This contains a No. 75A Armature Drivi Chuck and a No. 100 Center Rest Chu both mounted on No. 2 Morse T'III Arbors which replace lathe centers. l Jacobs Commutator Kit will pay for its on the first few armatures serviced. (No . 1 Morse Taper Arbors Optional) , tap chucks with Rubber-Flex® collets These tap chucks are designed for tapping machines and portable tappers and are offered in a variety of mounts with these essential features: Positive Drive-Provided by floating back jaws which always locate on the square of the tap shank. Simplified Tap Changing-One quarter turn of the screw and the nut disengages back jaws. The tap shank sighting hole presents full view of tap square during change over. Small Diameter-Means that the weight is close to the centerline, reducing tortional inertia. Capacity-Each model with one interchangeable RUBBERFLEX collet will hold an unusually wide range of tap sizes. Accuracy-The RUBBER-FLEX collet centralizes the tap as it ",,, 10 I"~ .,.d,;oo-,,"ood 10""0, CO"" _ I OVERALL LENGTH CHUCK MODEL CODE NO. TAP CAPACITY COLLET NO. MOUNT MAX. CAP. MIN. CAP. 400-01 420-01 420-02 421-01 421-02 421-J8 440-02 440-06 440-JIO 441-02 441-06 441-J9 03755 03756 03757 03758 03759 03760 03765 03766 03767 03768 03769 03770 #0-#10 #10-0/16 #10- 5116 J-400 J-420 J-420 J-421 J-421 J-421 J-440 J-440 J-440 J-441 J-441 J-441 1JT IJT 2 short JT IJT 2 short JT W' Sq. Hole 2JT 6JT W' Sq. Hole 2JT 6JT 12" Sq. Hole 110/16 212 212 212 212 25116 3%2 3%2 3%2 33/32 3%2 121;32 25116 25116 20/16 20/16 2Va 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% #0-14 #0-14 #0-14 5116-% 0/16-% 0/16-% #10-12 #10-12 #10-12 3Ya LARGEST D1AM. 21;32 P/32 1%2 1%2 1%2 P/32 11%2 11%2 11%2 11%2 11%2 11%2 NUT BODY WRENCH WRENCH FLAT FLAT % 3V32 31/32 3V32 3V32 3V32 5 1116 10/16 10/16 10/16 10/16 10/16 12 11;16 11;16 11;16 11;16 none 3V32 3V32 none 3V32 31/32 none HEX KEY SIZE %2 Ya Va Va Va YB %2 %2 %2 %2 %2 %2 ROUND SHANK CAPACITY MIN. MAX. SQUARE OR FLAT CAPACITY MIN. MAX. .141 .194 .194 .141 .141 .141 .318 .318 .318 .194 .194 .194 .090 .090 .090 .090 .090 .090 .118 .118 .1J8 .U8 .118 .118 .194 .318 .318 .255 .255 .255 .500 .500 .500 .381 .381 .381 The J-420 Collet is interchangeable with the J-421. Thus a J-421 Collet mounted in a 420-01 Chuck changes its range to hold #O-X" Taps. The same interchangeability is possible between the J-440 Collet and the J441. Also available is the J-422 Collet (interchangeable with the J-420 and J421) which has a tap capacity of X"-X". The price of the chuck includes the body wrench, the nut wrench and the hex key. 7 .152 .238 .238 .238 .238 .238 .360 .360 .360 .360 .360 .360 tap chuck Rubber-Flex® collets and parts The Jacobs Rubber-Flex ® Collet, "the collet with a range," is entirely different in design and operation from any collet now in use. Its features include the following distinct advantages : 1. Ability of each collet to handle a wide range of shank sizes . 2. Extreme simplicity of design-one piece construction-with all working surfaces precision ground after molding. 3. Tremendous gripping power provided by a high degree of parallelism maintained on all jaw surfaces . 4. All jaws made from hard ened nickel molybdenum alloy steel to provide greater resistance to wear. The body of the collet is made of a synthetic rubber compound which is permanently bonded to and passes through holes in the hardened steel jaws. Past performance has proved that this typ e of collet has tremendous life brought about by its resistance to set, and to deterioration normally caused by heat, coolants , and cutting compounds . The hardened and ground collet jaw segments located in a ground conical bore in the chuck body assure an unusually concentric relationship between the tap and the chuck. Tap runout is thus reduced ~ Uiii/JI.s to a minimum. 4411 :• •' Reg . U.S. Pat. Office ~ (!l ~ fElffi~ ~ CHUCK MODEL 400-01 420-01 420-02 421-01 421-02 421-J8 440-02 440-06 440-JlO 441-02 441-06 441-J9 ~ 5mJ @7 rnJ ~ ~ \ BODY NUT COLLET BACK JAWS NUT WRENCH BODY WRENCH HEX KEY B40001 B42001 B42002 B42101 B42102 B42IJ8 B44002 B44006 B440JlO B44102 B44106 B44IJ9 N410 N421 N421 N421 N421 N421 N441 N441 N441 N441 N441 N441 J400 J420 J420 J421 J421 J421 J440 J440 J440 J441 J441 J441 U400 U420 U420 U420 U420 U420 U440 U440 U440 U440 U440 U440 K400N K420N K420N K420N K420N K420N K440N K440N K440N K440N K440N K440N K400B K420B K420B K420B K420B none K420N K420N none K420N K420N none K59 K60 K60 K60 K60 K60 K61 K61 K61 K61 K61 K61 Code numbers for chuck parts are shown on all price sheets. 8 ~ impact keyless chuck with Rubber-Flex® collet The Jacobs Impact Keyless Chuck is a new type of keyless chuck operating on an entirely new principle which employs the use of a "Hammer Blow" to grip or release the twist drill. Both large and small drills are held true and tight by the tremendous gripping power of the famous Jacobs Rubber-Fle x Collet, yet the impact device provides a rapid and simple release of the twist drill. The principal application for this chuck will be on work wh ere frequent tool changes are necessary, or where drilling torques are high . The complete chuck consists of two components , the chuck proper and its mounting adapter. The adapter is provided with a %-24 internal mounting thread and can be mounted on X" electric and pneumatic drills with a standard %-24 spindle . Reg. CODE NO. CAPACITY MOUNT 610-61 05100 O-W' %-24 thd. impact keyless chuck 0 CHUCK MODEL niB. ADAPTER u.s. Pat . Office CHUCK MODEL COVER PLATE CLOCK SPRING Ozs. 0- 10 LENGTH DIAMETER 2Vs 1Y2 parts 0 @ (J ([)I~ SNAP RING WEIGHT Lbs. IMPACT SLEEVE BODY ~ ~ I) COIL SPRING THRUST PLUG COLlET NOSE J610 N610 Spring 610-61 AD61O-61 RR610 CP610 CS610 S610 8610 TS610 Plug T610 model 100-61 die grinder chuck and series 100 Rubber-Flex collets The Model 100-61 Chuck with its Series 100 RubberFlex ® Collets is a compact collet chuck with :X" diameter and 1Ya" length desig ned for holding mounted points and rotary files on pneumatic and electric die grinders. The series 100 Collets and the N-100 Nut are also furnished separately for tools having a collet seating cone built into the spindle. MODEL NO. 100-61 chuck (less collets and wrenches) COllET NO. CODE NO. J·112 J·113 J·114 05012 05013 05014 9 MOUNT CODE NO. 05005 %·24 thd . MINIMUM CAP. MAXIMUM CAP. .094 .146 .198 .146 .198 .250 JAWS PER COLLET 5 6 8 albrecht keyless chuck The Albrecht Chuck is "The World's Most Accurate Keyless Drill Chuck" and is widely used today on high accuracy drill presses, jig borers, milling machines and production drilling equipment. An ideal closureforthose who desire a keyless type drill chuck and for those seeking the ultimate in drill chuck accuracy. Model 15-JO keyless drill chuck is especially designed for holding small diameter twist drills and has a micrometer graduation on its sleeve to facilitate the changing of the smallest drills. This model has a minimum capacity of .008" and a max. capacity of 'I,;'. I CHUCK MODEL NO. CODE NO. 15 JO 30 JO 30 Jl 50 Jl 65 Jl 80 J2 100 J33 100 J2 130 J33 130 J2 130 J6 160 J6 05505 05506 05507 05510 05515 05525 05530 05531 05540 05541 05542 05550 CHUCK CAPACITY 0-Yi6" O-Ys" o-Va" 0-3116" 0-1'4" 0- 5116" 0-%" 0-%" I;32-W' Ih2-W' Ih2-W' Ys-o/s" LENGTH MOUNT DIAMETER OJT OJT 1JT 1JT 1JT 2 Short JT 33 JT 2JT 33 JT 2JT 6JT 6JT ~ %" 15116" 15;16" 13116" 111132" 1W' 111Yi6" 111116" 131132" 13I;32" plh2" 2%2" JAWS Open JAWS Closed 11%2" 14%4" 14%/' 2%2" 2116" 22%2" 3%2" 3%2" 3o/i6" 3o/i6" 3o/i 6" 3}4" 11%2" 1Ys" 1Ys" 2116" 211116" 31116" 31%2" 31%2" 4Yi6" 4Yi6" AYi6" 4%2" WEIGHT Lbs.·Ozs. 0- 1% 0-3Yz 0-3Yz 0-7 0-10 0-14% 1-5Yz 1-5Yz 2-1~ 2-1~ 2-1~ 2-12 ,. Minimum capacity of Model 15 JO is approximately .008-all other models having a listed minimum capacity of "0" will hold a #80 Drill. 10 LENGTH CHUCK MODEL NO. CODE NO. CHUCK CAPACITY MOUNT DIAMETER JAWS Open 30 o/1s-24 50 o/1s-24 65 511s-24 65 %-24 65 Yz -20 80 %-24 80 Yz -20 100 Yz -20 100 %- 16 130 Yz-20 130 %- 16 130 %-16 160 %-16 05508 05511 05517 05518 05519 05526 05527 05532 05533 05543 05544 05545 05551 O-Vs/l O-VIs/l 511s-24 o/1s-24 o/1s-24 %-24 Yz-20 %-24 Yz-20 Yz-20 %-16 Yz-20 %-16 %-16 %-16 10/1S/l lVI s/l 111132/1 11'132/1 11'132/1 lYz/l lW' 11111 s/l 11lJl.s/l 131132/1 131132/1 13'132/1 2132/1 14'l's4" 2132/1 O-W' O-W' O-W' 0-5I1 s/l O-o/1s/l 0-%/1 0-%/1 V32-Yz/l V32- Yz/l V32-W' Va-%/I B I' JAWS (Set 013) HOODS BALLS (Set) U- 15J U-30J U-50J U-65J U-80J U- lOOJ U- 130J U- 160J H- 15J H-30J H-50J H-65J H-80J H- lOOJ H- 130J H-160J BB- 15J BB-30J BB-50J BB-65J BB-80J BB- lOOJ BB-130J BB-160J *Include Jaw Carrier Spindles I' • 2~s/l 2~s/l 2~s/l 22%2/1 22%2/1 3%2/1 3%2/1 3'l16/1 3'l1s/l 3'l16/1 3%/1 WEIGHT Lbs.·Ozs. JAWS Closed lVa/l 0-3Yz 0-7 2~s/l 21lJl.s/l 21lJl.s/l 21lJl.6/1 3lJl.s/l 3lJl.s/l 31%2/1 31%2/1 4lJl.s/l 4lJl.s/l 4lJl.6/1 4%2/1 0-1O~ 0-1O~ 0-10~ 0-14% 0-14% 1-5Yz 1-5Yz 2-1~ 2-1~ 2-1~ 2-12 g g COLLARS BODY ASSY: C-30J C-50J C-65J C-80J C- 100J C-130J C-160J B-30JO B-30J1 B-30VJs-24 B-50J 1 B- 50 5I1s-24 B-65J 1 B-65 5I1s-24 B-65%-24 BODY ASSY: BODY ASSY: SHELLS JAW GUIDES B-65Yz -20 B-80J2 B-80%-24 B-80Yz 20 B-100J33 B-100J2 B- 100Yz-20 B-100%- 16 B- 130J33 B-130J2 B-130J6 B-130Yz-20 B-130%- 16 B 130%- 16 B-160J6 B 160% - 16 S-30J S-50J S-65J S-80J S-100J S- 130J S- 160J G-30J G-50J G 65J G 80J G-100J G-130J G-160J Code numbers for Albrecht chuck parts are shown on all price sheets. 11 I "MIlls ® SHANK TAPER arbors and adapters TAPER SHANK ARBORS JACOBS TAPERS 0 AOOOO #0 Morse A0100 #1 Morse A0200 #2 Morse #3 Morse ** ** #4 Morse ** #5 Morse #7 Brown & Sharpe** #9 Brown & Sharpe** #10 Brown & Sharpe** R-8 (Bridgeport) ** 1 ** A0101 A0201 A0301 ** ** ** ** ** ** 2* ** A0102 A0202 A0302 A0402 A0502 A0702 ** ** A0802 3 AOO03 A0103 A0203 A0303 A0403 A0503 A0703 A0903 A1003 A0803 4 ** A0104 A0204 A0304 A0404 A0504 ** A0904 Al004 A0804 5 ** ** A0205 A0305 A0405 A0505 ** ** ** ** E ** ** A0221 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 6 ** A0106 A0206 A0306 A0406 A0506 A0706 A0906 ** A0806 33 A0033 A0133 A0233 A0333 A0433 ** ** ** ** A0833 OR BROWN SHARPE TAPER BRIOGEPORT (R-B) ACOBS ~ 't STRAIGHT SHANK ARBORS SHANK OIAMETER AND LENGTH 0 A4000 ** ** ** ** ** J!2"x2J!2" %" x 2J!2" %" x 3" 1" x 3" lJ!2" x 4" 1%" x 4" JACOBS TAPER JACOBS TAPERS 1 A4001 A4101 ** ** ** ** 2* A4002 A4102 A4202 A4302 ** ** 3 A4003 A4103 A4203 A4303 A4503 A4603 4 A4004 A4104 A4204 A4304 A4504 A4604 5 ** ** ** ** ** ** E ** ** ** ** ** ** 6 A4006 A4106 A4206 A4306 ** ** 33 A4033 A4133 A4233 A4333 ** ** STRAIGHT SHANK MOTOR SHAFT HOLE JACOBS TAPER MOTOR SHAFT ADAPTERS MOTOR SHAFT SIZE W'Dia_ I l JACOBS TAPERS 0 ** ** I 2 I AD2502 3 AD2503 I I 4 ** I I 5 ** I 6 I AD2506 I I E ** I 33 I AD2533 THREADED ARBORS SHANK TAPER THREAD PART NO_ #2 Morse #2 Morse #2 Morse %-24 A0261 A0264 A0268 J!2-20 %- 16 JACOBS TAPER * Arbors with the No.2 Jacobs Taper wi ll be supplied for use with chucks having a #2 short Jacobs Taper Mounting hole. ** These arbors are special. Pric es and delivery will be quoted upon application. Cod e Numbers for Jacobs arbors and adaptors are shown on all price sheets. Always specify Jacobs arbors to secure th e finest performance from Jacobs drill and tap chucks. They are precision ground to our master gages and guarantee the finest possible accuracy and fit. Jacobs arbors feature a hardened tang which prevents damage by the drift in the knock-out process. MORSE TAPER BROWN & SHARPE TAPER 12 NO. A B 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 .3561 .475 .700 .938 1.231 1.748 .725 1.067 1.289 .252 .369 .572 .778 1.020 1.475 _600 .900 1.0446 C D E 2 2Ya 29116 33/16 Ya 3f16 4l!J6 53116 Y4 Y4 3 4 511116 %2 Ya Ya 211;32 20/16 3Ya 3Ys 4Ys 6Ya 3% 4% 61%2 Va 3116 , LARGE DIAMETER SMALL DIAMETER LENGTH OF TAPER .25000 .22844 .43750 .59145 .38400 .33341 .65625 .92508 2 .55900 .48764 .87500 .97861 2 short .54880 .48764 .75000 .97861 3 4 5 6 33 E .81100 1.12400 1.41300 .67600 .62401 .78860 .74610 1.03720 1.31611 .62409 .56051 .74717 1.21875 1.65625 1.87500 1.00000 1.00000 .79680 .63898 .62886 .62010 .62292 .76194 .62400 JACOBS TAPER 0 TAPER PER FOOT USED IN CHUCK MODELS 0 lA, 7- 1A, 30- 1A, 250- 1A, 400- 01, 420-01, 421- 01, 650-01 2A, 6A- 2A, lIN, 32, 375, 440- 02, 441.,..02 7, 8Y2 N, 30, 250, 312, 420- 02, 421- 02, 650-S2, 660-S2 3, 3A, 14N, 16N, 36, 75A, 100CR 18N 20N 34, 500, 440-06, 441- 06 6A-33, 633C, 633D, 33, 3333C 3AE, 6AE, 36E Suggested Method for Mounting Drill Chucks When Ordering Arbors Either of the following method is correcto - Show style and size of the mounting shank and the model number of the Jacobs chuck to which the arbor will be fitted. • ON THREADED SPINDLE PORTABLE TOOLS-thread chuck on the spindle by hand so that the back of the chuck seats firmly against the mounting surface provided on the portable tool spindle . • ON TAPERED SPINDLE PORTABLE TOOLS-clean both tapers with carbon tetrachloride and wipe with a paper towel to free the tapers of all grease and grit. With the chuck jaws completely retracted into the chuck and using a thin piece of wood to protect the chuck nose, tap the chuck into place on the spindle . • ON TAPERED SPINDLE DRILL PRESSES-follow the same directions as suggested on tapered spindle portable tools. • ON TAPERED SHANK ARBORS-clean both tapers as above. With the jaws retracted into the chuck and with the chuck nose resting on a wooden bench, strike the tang of the arbor lightly to seat it into the chuck. Do NOT assemble on an arbor press as excessive pressure will expand the chuck body and distort the chuck jaw holes. Example: A #2 Morse Taper shank arbor for #34 Jacobs Chuck t - Show the style and size of the mounting shank plus the actual Jacobs taper desired. Example: A #2 Morse Taper shank with a #3 Jacobs taper ( - Simply use the part number listed in the standard arbor charts shown above (on opposite page) Example: One #A0203 Jacobs Chuck Arbor 13 Rubber·Flex@ collet chucks for lathes and other machine tools Spindle Nose Lathe Collet Chuck Model 96 Key Type Collet Chuck A lathe collet chuck combining the Jacobs Rubber-Flex ® Collet, "the collet with a range," and a new principle of impact tightening to give unequaled gripping power, reduced overhang, ultra accuracy, economy, capacity and durability. Only eleven rubber-flex collets required to cover a range from '/16" to 1%". Ask your distributor for catalog No. 300. The model 96 provides another versatile shop tool using Jacobs Rubber-Flex ® Collets. Combined with a taper shank arbor or adapter, the Model 96 Chuck can be used on lathe headstocks, jig 1J0rers, indexing heads, milling machines, grinders and many others for holding work as well as tool shanks up to 1%" in diameter. See catalog No. 300. Model 92 Lever Operated Model 50 Collet Chuck A compact, light weight, low priced collet chuck with handwheel operation. Especially designed for Atlas, Clausing, Delta, Logan, Rockwell, Sheldon and South Bend Lathes. Ask for Catalogue No. 300. The new Model 92 Production Collet Chuck offers high speed performance, ease of operation plus the famous accuracy and grip of the Rubber-Flex collets. Ask your Jacobs distributor for Catalogue No. 300. 14 service and repai r To disassemble ball bearing super chucks Extend the jaws to half capacity, press the sleeve off over the jaw end of the body, remove the balls from the race through feeding notch in the nut, leaving the nut and jaws free to be removed . The ball race insert can then be lifted off over the jaw end of the body. (see D) To disassemble plain bearing chucks Extend the jaws to half capacity, press the sleeve off over the jaw end of the body and take out the nut and jaws (see D) To remove chucks from portable tool THREADED SPINDLES . .. Chucks with threaded backs can be identified by the letter "B" in the model number. (1 B, 32B, etc.) "B" model chucks may be removed from a threaded spindle by inserting a chuck key in a keyhole in the chuck body and striking the key with a sharp hammer blow in a counterclockwise direction. (see A) To assemble ball bearing super chucks Slip the ball race over the jaw end of the body, insert the three jaws in the body in propersequence,advancethe jaws to half capacity, apply a good grade of grease to the thread on the nut and place it in position to engage the jaws; then feed balls into ball race through loading notch in the nut, apply good grease to balls and press on the sleeve with an arbor press. (see E) , B To remove chucks from portable tool TAPERED SPINDLES . .. D E To assemble plain bearing chucks Follow procedure for ball bearing super chucks, omitting ball race assembly . If the power tool has a tapered spindle, the chuck may be removed from the spindle by inserting chuck removal wedges between the chuck back and the spindle housing. • Jacobs Repair Service JACOBS CHUCKS can be repaired either by purchasing the necessary parts from your distributor, or by having your distributor ship chucks to the factory for reprocessing. Only in this way can chucks be thoroughly overhauled. Bodies will be reground, jaw holes will be refinished, and new parts including the key will be provided. In addition, jaws will be internally ground after assembly in the chuck to insure accuracy. It should be noted, however, that chucks cannot be repaired when bodies are not in good condition, i.e., if the taper hole, key holes, or jaw holes are marred, worn or battered. They should be replaced. See price list for repair charges. To remove a chuck from its arbor . .. Insert wedges between the back of the chuck and the shoulder of the arbor. (see B) I n case the mounting taper of the arbor does not provide a shoulder, a cross hole should be drilled through the neck of the arbor, (see C) and a cross pin inserted. Then the wedges can be used between the chuck back and the cross pin. If desired a hole may be drilled through the soft center portion of the chuck body, (see C) and a pin may then be used with an arbor press to force the arbor out of the chuck. Customers desiring to do their own repair work can do so with a Jacobs Chuck Repair Kit which contains assembly and disassembly rings, wedges and jaw hole reamers. Price available upon request. 15 The Industrial Supply Distributor has served The Jacobs Manufacturing Company for over 60 years and has contributed immensely to this company's growth and prestige. He stocks, catalogues and promotes the sale of our chucks in every industrial community throughout the United States and Canada. He reduces your cost of possession, fortifies you against expensive breakdowns and is a cheerful source of information for thousands of products which he carries for your convenience. He is one of the most important institutions in the American marketing structure. We gratefully acknowledge our debt to the Industrial Supply Distributor and salute him for his outstanding service to American Industry. Jecobs t,edeme,k Reg. U.S. Pet. Office CHUCKS THE JACOBS MANUFACTURING COMPANY West Hartford, Connecticut 06110 Clemson, South Carolina 29631 MFGRS. CODE NO. 7814 Catalog No . 200C Printed in U.S.A. 6-1 -74