DtsBtsE BnRfGzs ChronicDisease No Longera Burden "Reliv has changed my life, " says Shirley Polack, of Cheney,WA. Shfuleycan once again do the things she enjoys -gardening, horseback riding, dding a motorcycle, and most importantly, plalng with her $andchilalren. "lt v,as so cooLthe otfur dct, " she savs. '7 was down on the floor playing |Dith my $anil son, aniL he asked mq 'GraniLma, are to17 hurting?' I |Dasn't!" Shirlev has Barrets disease.a condition of ihe esophagus that requires close obseFation for development into cancer. She expedenced attacks lhat felt similar to heart attacks at least shtley& Lylelala.kof Chen4,WA. once a week, and left lingering pain in her breastbone. She also suffered from arthritis, tendonitis and depression. Within two months of taking severalReliv products,including Reliv Classic' nutdtional supplement,Reliv Fibrestore'fiber,ich antioxidant supplementand Reliv Innergizel'sportsdrink, Shirley'sattackslessened. She now has to try hard to rememberto take her medicationfor Barrets diseaseand she's no longer on antidepressants, "l'm lookine fotward to Eoint in fot the checkup on my esopha4us," Shirley says. "I think the .esults are going to be great!" Shirley's confidencein Reliv products is contagious:She convinced her husband, Lyle, to try them and he's already lowered his cholesterol. ''Thank you, God, for RellrJ" she says. tWalkingIntothe FutureWithReliv Le.h Gordotr of KalisPell' when Montana,USA. was skeptical But-sne Reliv about she lirst heard tlesDeratelywanted to help Jayoen her s-year-oldson with severecere so bnl p;ky. His leg muscles were tiehthe couldnt walR' ''After iusl a co PIe daYs on KeILv Not, for Kids nutntional suppLemeftt nL.m ttle nil,htly IeB pains that kept easet. subs'antirlLY awaki were -ga Monn usA tlnLttot Not;spPu n"*it iry also greo v Ttpt ortron [;"]]r rovr. improved.As o resnlt.,ourlheraptst,Is-)^t ."h.artp tnvdenpot last resu Cbabra,( hrY snlnt'*'***$**m*tl'l:ll g*1didc. iill{'?idi# f $#j';,3il"dap't'#ffi &eliac Dtsecase Health RelivRestores After+oYearsof Damage Reliv Distributor Fred Hoskin of Simcoe, Ontario, Canada,was diagnosecl with celiac diseaseas a baby. The disease makes it impossible to digest gluten and is characlerizedby vomiting, dianhea, muscle waslinsand extremefatiSue. Fiflv vearcaqo,it was thoughi childten outerewt]nedise;se But when Fredstarted ontloa resular diet at age T his health gradually weakened. ors;m?.u'onaconadt Fire yearsa8o, his condilion nose rneHo.r;d f@ilv painful Sallstones-' dived.He developed he hadlost45 pounds J wasd physical ulrilu", "na kidneysweretailingand "I My immunesystem una_"-oiion^r..""t," rred sayi wasunemployable " my back .o totnttt"t "u"ty "irus lelt me flat on rur "_-u" diet - and he .",'i ai"ti"iit who put him on a strict Sluten-ffee startedtakingRelivClassiCdietarysupplement' **"';i;hi;T lev€l ;;tpi" weekson.thJ product' I noticed mv energv "In weight my all the pastyear' I've gainedalmost increaseJ,"Ired says. is stronger,too Mv kids haveall hatl colds svstem il;;;.;;;;;" and flu andI haven'tgottensrc(. .^'.A cuts-soI -temporarily ;;t;" month"sago, I lost my job to budget "Boy I suffered the.consea,opp"atu-fingnufiu cla-ssic,"Fre'l continues nol when but areas some in sdcrilice ouinceslMv wife and I aSreedwe can andenergyI need i,."."r ,l i"ri". Relivgi;es me lhe sLJenSrh Climbingto NewHeights Just two yearsago, the thought of taking a three-daytrek up Cradle Mountainin Tasmaniawould havebem out of the questionfor HeletrSchnetder of langwarrin, Victoria,Aushalia. "For 30 yea$, I had sufferedthe elfecis of coeliac disease,vrhich is carBedby an intolemnceto Slutenand complicatedby fats in the diet," Helen says."Although I followed a glutenfrce diet, I struggledcontinually \.ith a poor immune system.Then, three years ato I was hospitalizedfor a lengthystay with seriousliver and bowel problem5.For the next 12 months,I struggledjust to survive,too weakto resumework." Hdmschnddet ofltugMin, vi1otia" Austnlio. Helen had been searching for a nuEitional answer to her flagging health, so when a worried ftiend suggestedshetry Reliv classic' nutritional supplement,sheacceptedeagerly. "After three months I felt I had much more energy,then Sraduallythe weaknesslelt me and I was digestingfood more easily," Helensays. "Now, after two yearsusint Reliv Classic,the improved health stability I to enjoymorephysical am experiencing hasgivenme Sreaterconfidence challengeslike playing tennis and fekl.jng up mountains. "Reliv classic has madea real differenceto mv life." she adds. "And although I will always have coeliacdisease,right now I'm enioying my life to full caDacitv." I SecondBattleWonWith Reliv After aggressivetreatment for colon cancer beginning in 1996, which included surgery, radiation a n d c h e m o t h e r a p yD , oug Muir of Delray Beach,FL, was looking forward to reclaiming his life ftom doctor's visits and hospitals.A year and a half later, the colon cancer returned. He had surgery and chemotherapyagain, which rid him of the cancera secondtime but left him with chronic leg pain. "I tied to get back to my life, but the win was ruthless,' he explains. ''A month later I l'],as introdllced to Reliuand uithin 30 min]-l'tesI be1nE a Master AffiLiate. Doug sayshe had beensearching for a balanced nutritional supple ment even beforeihe cancer,and was thrilled with Reliv. Alter a week on the products,his leg pain was significantly reduced.But it was a follow up visit to ihe doctor four months later that made him a believer. "A cAT scan in October 1999 shorved.swollen lymph nodes, bLoodceII Dnbeknolrnst to co\nts out of vhack atil a ilepressed immune system me," he says. "After a normaLsecondCAT scan, my doctor told me, in aue, that the uaming signs of returning cancer six months edtlier uere noi, rcmpleteLygone." Ctr+ro flrtee HisWorld RelivNourishes signiiica*f.I particurar "r ?:T"c"? him rert sdisedse ",itt',L'onn il ;:;.:';;;.;;;;iihas "*l'lli,Vlh'li"*iJii''""""uunr" s CeoH*r *'WU*l**X'l"i""J:"Td:'ff:X:.,1,""-Tl and ri,erauu.srawins un9"tl*"i'::j:ll herl,-as *v' o""n'in "nein""' """vii''v'; a"nt,iijiii'e oiu!'not"O*i,r' rt " Oi."userlvhen and rs, D'"1[it'",1 una".gon" severalsurgeries severe with inceasinSly hosDitalizations polnt comDlicationsWhen he reachedthe De absorbwdter' whe;e his body couldnt even llnal dboul lo lhink and his wife, Doltie be8at fof De.rn' arrangements D;ttie teamedabout Reltvlrom a cnurcn friendand stanedDeanoDa 5 shake_a-oay "' lwiittin ttto ro ttt'"" davs l be8anro fee 'As the mv energyreturninS, recallsDean mucn_ weekspiogressedl Sainedback some stamlna my watched neededweightand tttuB" ffi Dt*rse thefirst n *r. r," -n rr r rememter lwo weeks he wds backat work dav he didn t hrve lo ldke a ndp Within improved he nolicedthdl his i,riI.l." r"a rur" t" r,"cdon As his hedllh **ilFi "whenr listen r'm tomvbo.lvmore, hesays. Xti"JJilllt*, rood,,' getting healthier messages." nrlivingTogether Reliv is truly a iamil-v aflair ior sisiers and 3- S t a r K e Y D i r e c t o r s Barb King and l'hyllis Bishoff oi O'naha, NE, Mary weis of Woodbine, IA, and their mother, Rit.l Reis. Their Reliv odyssey began when PhYllis startedon the Products r0r{llir/r,)rlirRiIJD/lniroreir.rd (nr8 'udrvI'grr' in 1996 for relief from tract her svmDtomsof Crohn s disease,a diseaseof the digestive "l notic;d PhyIIis as perkier and lr'dsn'l raki€ naps a ymore'' Barb recalls. pl*lli. b".u." a Master Affiliale dnd introduced Barb and Mary thefe ro rlre orodurtsin edfly loqT Ril.r\LrrledtdkrngRellvshortl\ in llrant<. t\51' the ntd lihoid hcodach\ nt|roin/ . my ro ncrr, .rirer. colitis ,ru i,t""r,' o,? Bone.ond Mdt\ lLasnchieuedtclief ]totF in "iio.L.,_ er,U.r\:. But uu Srcalcrtioyhis bcPnLo:eethc sparll? and pain dinin-ished' l:nas a"rorse ol ReI'LvHer back " "y" ,"ur iii ' her macilnr deaeneratio and blood press e have stabilized! of her corpo Barbs,rysriat shenow |. llunltrrl lor the elilnin'rlion uilh Relrv full_time ioirr her sistPrs lo her fr"f"ut. i' .o*pelled .","iof, oto.latnilv, blcsscd lms tr ly cod .rgree: i';" ;;; lrel daughten ano towotk loSPtnet bdsines' lrtc able bcin9 And xrhjxapiltit RehL. shdreir;fu/! othersmakesus fwi(.e/rs blessedl" pain Distributor Loses A Newlywed's NewLife Huther ani Ldke K6@ of Midwt City, OK, Heather Kesner of Midwest City, Oklahoma, had bowel problerns since she was 18 years old. Just before her wedding at a8e 24, she was admitted to the hospital for her secondhemor,rhoidectomy."Two months alter the sutery, I was still so sick I had to go back in. They found internal bleedint and told me I had Crohn's disease. Two weeks later, they found an inJection that required I leave the wornd open to heal. ''I had spentmy entireadult life with bleeding,fissures,constipation,and Crohn's,"Heatherreports."Thoughmy husband,who hasa phafinaceutical background,wasskeptical,I decidedto try Reliv." Within two months,Heatherhad goodresultswith her constipation, dianheaand fissures. Thedrarnaticresultsdon't end there.Nine monthsaJtersurgery,her open woundwasnot healingadequately,so anothersurgerywasscheduled..I took quitea bit moreRelivbeforeandaftet the surgery,"shesays,"andendedup feelingbetter- faster!" Reliv has allowed this newlywed to enjoy her maried Me, ftee ftom the iormentofher formerlypersistenthealthissues."I love Reliv!" andPounds WithReliv O n € d a y i n J u l y o f 1 9 9 9 ,t w o months after starting on Reliv Ciassic D u t r i t i o n a ls u p p l e m e n ta n d R e l i v Innergizel sports drink, Master Affiliate Kevin Kramlich of Colfax, WA, had a revelalion. ,,1sud(lenty realized hat, since startinl on Reliu, I hadn t had a sin9le llare-up of Crohns Disease (an [nflammatory bouel disease), Kevin recalls. 'AII the medications I d taker in tle p(rst hail made me feel Dorse :i :i ?[!i i?;,:,i,H,I;,",;: ffi; " Kevin '?ur thisatay, I haven.t hada ,inst"crotr,rfflr:::;:.sq explains. ro Inspiredb\ his resulls.Kevin srdned on; weighFlos(plan,addinsR€lv Ultrirnptusnurririonat meat reptrrement ""a n"fi" fitn"..i"i"i"-,f,8tr.i. "I ... n.rintion. lost25 polnrb in txo months,,he Eays,.and I.m notthrouph vet!,, 'l accident leftx""i" *r,r'T '.ir'"l" .duromobile ,,-".11i"11I:.1.Ii'jlearenins ,".J,i.1"i,1?|,,i.1;11""1; "i! r!,,i: :f;:i:r#;";n ;i,l"y;"lf x:*trfl,, j'j,i3l#,1#?,; ."J:;il'ti,1l:"9:._iHij,l"j:,,1'#,'l:"1 liJi)lij supplement,I rvasable to work the entirenextdai. debt-freeand enjoya mmfortablerctircmmt!, HealthlmprovesOneShakeat a Time BeinS sick had become a way of life for Shelley Vaughan of Hamilton, O n t a r i o , C a n a d a .T h e 5 3 y e a r - o l d hadn t had a pain-free day since she was 18. Then Reliv cameinto her life. Shelley suJfersfrom an autoimmune disorder that has baffled many doctors. She has been diagnos€dwith hypothyroidism, Crohn's disease,ulcerative colitis, diveiiculosis, lupoid hepatitis, primary biliary ci[hosis, and chtonic active hepatitis, which was slowly destroyingher liver. "I've almost died twice," she says. "I was always tired and had chronic joint problems. Everything was so stiff. At age 45, I was told a liver transplani was likely beforeage 60 and by my 50th birthday, my joints were so problematic I was afraid that I would also be in a wheelchair." A year ago, Shelley started faithfully taking two shakesa day of Reliv's basic nutdiion. "The longer I take Reliv, the more improvements I get," she says, "R€liv is excellent fuel for your body. My doctor said I may not need a liver transplant now becausemy liver is holding steady and not deteriorating further. I have a new senseof wellbeing and amazing joint flexibility. I can feel myself getting healthier and stronger.For the first time, I feel like I have control over my life, I even went skiing recently, which I haven't done Shelleyvaughanof Hanilton, sinceI was in my 20s.' DETRSIAN Kindof Insurance A Different ''I adL,iseeveryoneI meerto useReliu nutfitiotnal prodtrcts becauseI feeLit s the best insurdnce policy yo1 can qet," says Robert Radke of Bowenville, Queensland. Today Robert is a haPPYman. with good health and purposein his life once more. However, foul years ago, at age 55, Robertwas on an invalid Pension and the brink of despair. "I d had a IonE recoterY ttom two cancer operations and ]t|as sick ruith the alotrc and unable to flu. I uas depressed, u)otk. I was seriously ueishin9 up if life t ds i,ortft liuin8," Robertsays. "Usit8 Reliu Nou, Saue ?n€ aie DigsestsirSle urn arc d itl 1Y lifeNot olil]ydid it Sredrly dr.sisrIne ptllsi tally btt it ,rlso improrPil m| attitaie and gene,.alu,ell beiltS,-Thanks lo Relitt ' I ve beenable to to.k again he states Rddt.of Eououilk,ousenddnd. fioDen Robertnow has a growing Reliv businessanalin May this year, he reached8'i'position in the South PacificTop 12' "My whole attitude to life has changed..My self esteemhas nseft and I feel as though I vi been given back my life l m around carinSpeople and I love being abLeto help others. "At the Australiaft Confercnce l danced l.]fthout pnin for the first time iL a IonE u, s given me pep in my stepanil I'm lookinglot a dancingpartner! BetterLateThanNever We've all heardstodesabout Reliv skeptica.Mark Burr of BoliDgbrook, IL, was a textbook example of one. Mark had been diagnosedas bipolar with attention deficit disorderand obsessivecompulsivedisorder. Between 1989and 1997he was in the hospital three to four times a year Ior four to twelve weekseachtime. "I've tried every antidepressantthey maLe,and even reBortedto shock therapytrcatments,"Mark says."Nothing providedany real relief." His wile Marilyn introducedhim to ReDv,and agaidsthis betterjudgmmt, he tried it. Nine monthslater, he cut back on his medications.In fact, he felt so good,he thought he could give up Reliv, too. Without the Reliv prcducts, his health detedoratedand four yea$ later Muilm&Motk BM al Ba[t$btwl,|L. he was back where he staned.His wife kept insisting Reliv had helped,and finally he said he would take it again. "Sometimesyou just do thinSs to keep the peace.That's what I did," Mark says.He startedwith four shakesa day in Septemberand by Januaryhe felt great. "I had a lot of excusesas to what actually mademe g€t better the first time," Mark says."This trme I know it's ReDv.I'll neverbe without it aeain." DTNBET€S Retiree Backin the SwingWithReliv chutkNolan al Phaenix. AZ. Distributor Says RelivSavedHisLife Three years ago, Chuck Nolan oI Phoe[L\,AZ, facedd grim progno_ srs. I Lrd\ one step away from the " Slue /dl]tory, he rcmembers. .? kneD rt to IJetrue, and so did my aloctor. Chuck sufferedfrom a multi tude of health problems, includinp diabetesand high blood pressurel He'd sustained five strokes within sevenyears,The neruesin his legs had deadened,rendering him conpletely numb from his knees to his feel. Severearlhrilis crippled his h a n d s .U n d e rr n e a a i t yi a r e o t a nurse,Chuck wds undergoingkidn e y d i a l y s i sa n d t d k i n q o v e r 4 0 pills per day. "t wanted i lie doutn dnd die, he recalls. Then Chuck heard about Reliv. ''l had nothing to lose,"he says, '.so I called the phone ntmber. After four months on Reliv, Chuck was able to throw away all his medica_rion. Today,his sympioms a n o n u m b n e s sa r e g o n e a n d h j s ''numbers" are within the ideal range. No longer requiring dialysis treatmenis,he visits his doctor just onceper year for his annual exam. Now a Reliv Director, Chuck never tires of sharing his story. "Biore ReLiv,I would re siven ann thing for just thrce heatthy y"orc Lf life, " Chuck says. Nou I m looking. fotward, to the next 3o!" Rduly. AuoL Stmnc Jdlr & Donno crayal Onoho,NE. When Jerry cray, of Omaha, NE, retired in January of 1997, it wasn t with jubilation. In fact, his seriously declining health hail lorced the issue. Jerry suffered from TvDe II diabetes, as well as neuropithy, a painful condition affectine lhe nerve endings in his legs an(ifeet. The experimental medicines he was taking diminishedhis appetite to an alarming de$ee...ln tlvee months, I had lost 45 pounds,',he says."l just uasnl hunqry at aII. When Jerry's wife, Donna, h€ard abort Reliv on the radio, she was intrigued. The notion of getting nutrition in the form of a shake was appealing,especially sinceshe was taking 35 lo 40 suppleDentpills a day for her own health problems. She went io a Tuesday night meeting and she and Jerry decidedlo try the prod, ucts immediately. After about eighr weeks,rhey . DothDoriced a change.Sincelhen, Jerry has regainedthe weight and th€ neuropathyis nuch im;roved. He now takes advantageoi a full array of ReDv products, includins Reliv Classic,Reliv Innergize!, Reliv FibRestoreand Reliv proVantage and is able to hit the golf cour;e regularlyagain. "ReLivgave me back the nutrinon I neededto Sain my strenath and the uill to tiue.'he says. I iitl never be without Reliv nutritian dd Andt?v HeUq ot RelivAidsKidnev Transplant Randy Heller'stwo children knew lo dial9 when their father,s bloodsugardroppedso low that bed loseconsciousness. They did it all the timeAt 51, Randyof Oak tawn, lllinois, had beenliving with diabet€s lor years,but admitshe wasn,ti complanl patjent.As a resuli,he d undergonemultiple laser surgeries on nls eyes,was lorced to go on a drainingdialysisregimenand finally receiveda kidDeytransplant. The transplanieliminatedthe needfor dialysis,but left Randv I€elingexiaustedand constantiv fightinSinf€ctions.His doctorstold him therewasnothingthey coulddo aboll that - il wasjusi a sideeffect ol the tnnsplant.He spentmostof his time restin8. Then a friend told him about Reliv. He startedby taking three shakesa day for a month, with results tlat amaz€dRandyand his family. ''In lessthan lwo weeks,I was sta(ing to feetlike a human beins again,"Randysays_He,sbe€nabl-ero stayawakelonger,and hasnot only resumedhis car€eras a financial advisor,but cando work aroundthe hollseagain. "This is an extreme case,but I was an extrememess, Randyadds. ''Wilh Reliv,my life hasdramatically lmproved! ProVantage Power So Reliv ''When I saw the in9red.ient list of Reli, ' says Chas Pnvatrtaqe , I uTdsimpr", Simpson 'After of NoosaHeads,Queensland. otLlyIO dnyson ReLivProvantage, I ]J,ascyclin+ up hi?s tqhich usually hnd trrein my smaLLest Bearnrul ].]teavinsat tlrc top. My reovery u/as cxceLlent my lreaft rdte dtupped by 101 beatsin 5 minutesdutitr+ recovery,and I felt fantastic." Chas,a four injection a day' diabetic, took up cycling to help hiDt cope with his diabetes,arthdtis and asthma.In 1996Chasparticipated in the i4,500 kms RoundAustraliaBike Ride record. ''ln trainitrq, / besdn using fie1i, N.,ur dnd Reliv ltneryize! I d. tever beforc experietrcedsucll inprcrement with nty pefformancz a\d recovery.As a diabetic, the Reliu NorDappeared to keep me bea tt tnlLy stable ind I used le ReliuInner+ize! urhileI u/ds.idin8, Chassays. The 12 man amateurteam,which iDcludedlwo m€n over 60, a iemale der and a 14 year old boy, surprisinglyrecordedtheir best lines lowardsthe end of th€ race. They broke tbfee rvorld records Nmv HdilJ Qu(Nl(nd including the CuinessBook s record for ihe World s LongeslContinuousRelayOi Any KiDd. With the 40 day recordalmost halved to 21 days, Ch.1swas so impressed he si8nedon as a Reliv Distributox ''wlten Reliv Cldssic t ds intrcd.uced,I fek sure ir u,ould be good for my diabetesatld u,/l/rin seuendays I had cut otrt r y rnialdayinje.tion. After t7 yearc otr fotlr injediot$ a day, t had successfully reduced tny level of insulin hy atuund45%. : l l . i , , , - ;I r DrAbEZ ';... ' Age is merely a number ior Mik€ and Sherry Ring of CarclenCitv, Missouri. "l m 50, bui I feel like 35 - I h.1vethat murh en€rgy,' insisls Mike, who recentl), added ReversAge.!dielarv s(pplement to the basicDulritior) he and Sheny have been tnking sinceMarch, ''I've added lwo to three hours to my day, contirues Mike, who s rvorked as a dry iva11contr.Tclorfor 35 years, ''Ard I ve h.ld amaziDgresulls with my joint pain. "As a Type 2 diabetic, I've had good resoltswith my blood sugarlevels- me.lning no more mood swings,' he c o n t i n u e s ." A r d m y b l o o d pressure hasimprovedas well." For Sherry, who suffered from the cripplinB pain of carpal tunnel syndrome, relief caDe wilhin Dere days of lakinB Reliv. "Wh€re I once couldn t opener, I now c . 1 no p e n a n y t h i n g cans, j.1rs,medicinebotlles- wilhout pain," Sherry says. Plus the leg achesthat kept me up at night have gone dway, and I m sleepirgthrouShthe Dight. "l iaughr 72 children this year and never caughtthe flu, ' continuesSherry,a preschool leacher."And neilherMike DorI havehad any allergyproblems. 'We ll be on theseproducts for the rest of our lives," adds Mike. "And we look forwdrd to s e e i D ge v e r y o D ea t l h e n e x t ReDvlnternatiooalConferencel" EnjoyingLifeAgainWithReliv On Saturdaynights, Dean Applegarth and his wife, Margaret, like to cut a rug, dancing the night away. And that's just what they do these days, when they'rc not enjoing their gandchildrcn and great"It's so great to feel young and healthy and to enjoy life," says Dean, who can't believe how his Me has changedsince he started Reliv products a year ago, The railroad engineer ftom chadron, Nebraska, thought he was contolling his diabetes well enough with medication, but when he went into a coma while driving a train and survived to tell the tale, he knew some thing had to chante. 4l W: Dm bef@ Renv. Abow: Deanand MaryatetAWIL,Sanh of Chonton,Nebrcskltodoy. Deanwasoverweight,his bloodsugarlevelswereout of conholand hebegansufferingfrcm sleepapnea.Healsodeveloped alle4iesand painful,scaningbliste$ that balfledhis docto$.Dean'sfeetwereblack and losingfeeling,an alarmingsignfor a diabetic. AJter30da's on ReRv,his blistersbeganto subside.Hisallergieswerc substantially dedeasedandhewentfrom 283poundsto 222and counting. "l feellike a million buclr.s!"Deansays."I exercisea lot and sleeplike a baby.Relivhastumedlife aroundfor us."