July August 2016 Newsletter.pages_


July August 2016 Newsletter.pages_
July/August 2016 Volume 67 Issue 7/8
St. Andrew’s
Andrew said, ”We have found the Messiah.” John 1:41
Our mission is to
demonstrate God’s love
by caring for all people
and helping them to
know and follow Jesus.
In This Issue...
»» Benefit Concert - July 13
»» School Supplies Drive
»» Adult Confirmation
»» Blood Drive - August 13
»» Volunteer Opportunities
»» Confirmation Registration
Dear Friends,
St. Andrew’s ministry during the
summer of 2016 includes a few notable
highlights to which I’d like to draw your
attention and for which I ask for your
The first is Vacation Bible School, that
will be wrapping up as you receive this
newsletter. Thanks to the leadership of
VBS Director Marianne Lohr and a throng
of volunteers, God’s house was once
again filled with the voices of children
from our congregation, our preschool,
and the communities around us. I can
tell you that, based on the feedback of
parents as well as their children, this
weeklong ministry is more than worth
the effort and that St. Andrew is well
known for our commitment to proclaim
the message of Jesus to His youngest
followers in a meaningful, creative,
and exciting way. Be sure to join me in
thanking those who were part of it and
in praying that the seeds we planted at
Cave Quest will grow in the hearts of all
of God’s children!
In mid-July, our High School Youth and
their adult leaders will be heading for
BWI and a flight to New Orleans for
our denomination’s National Youth
Gathering. Tens of thousands of
Lutheran teens from across the nation
will spend five days at the MercedesBenz Superdome and surrounding
convention facilities praising God,
studying scripture, wrestling with life’s
big questions, and serving the world
in what will be, for many of them,
the largest single gathering of Christfollowers they will ever experience.
Riki Schoppert, our Director of Student
Ministries, has been leading the fundraising to the tune of $35,000, working
the details, recruiting chaperones, and
meeting with both teens and parents in
preparation for what will be a spiritual
experience they will not forget. How
thankful I am for a church family
that so strongly supports our youth
ministry with your prayers, gifts, and
participation. And speaking of prayers,
let’s also be sure to lift up St. Andrew’s
48 Gathering participants on July 16-20.
Finally, allow me to mention that our
Futures Task Force is continuing its
work and will be preparing a report
to our Board of Directors and, Lord
Continued on page 2
July/August 2016 Volume 67 Issue 7/8
willing, to the rest of our church family
this fall. After considering a long list of
potential initiatives for the future, the
Task Force has been led to offer some
exciting and challenging possibilities
for your prayerful consideration.
As this dedicated group of servants
guides us toward the next phase of our
church-wide conversation, I also ask
that your prayers include a petition for
the Spirit’s blessing and guidance.
While summer is a time to get
refreshed, it’s also an exciting time in
the Spirit of our Lord, who is still very
much at work among us as we minister
to little lambs, energetic teens, young
adults, and God’s children of all ages.
My thanks go out to all who share in
each of these labors of love in order
to show the world that our truest rest,
refreshment, joy, and hope are found
in the amazing love of Jesus!
Have a great summer! And when you’re
in town, I look forward to worshipping
with you!
The Lord be with you+
Wellspring Women’s Event
“Faith Balance”
Saturday, October 15
New Speaker. New Topic.
New ‘BreakThrough’ Sessions.
Same refreshing, relaxing,
rejuvenating vibe.
Pastor Hricko
Spread the Word
and Save the Date!
Watch for details
and registration coming soon.
Church Staff
2016 Board of Directors
Mark A. Hricko, Pastor
Steve Miller, Associate Pastor
Kenneth G. Carlson, Assistant Pastor
Jotham Johann, Director of Wellspring
Greg Twombley, Director of Ministries & Praise Team
Barbara Wahlbrink, Director of Communications
Riki Schoppert, Director of Student Ministries &
Praise Team Worship Leader
Lia Mai Puskar, Preschool Director
Marilee Tollefson, Faith Community Nurse
Rosemary Wasser, Organist Choirmaster
Kathy Gomez, Children’s Choir Director
Debbie Snyder, Director of Administration
Lindsey Heinemann, Office Assistant
Bruce Poese, Director of Media Ministry
Pam Blodgett, Creative Services
Anne Harpster, Bookkeeper
Ange Lorenz, Bookkeeper
Luis Escobar, Property Maintenance/Events
Karen Rosales, Chair, 301-580-6583
Paul Lobien,Vice-Chair, 301-738-3393
Ken Austin, 301-754-2711
Kim Bolton, 301-871-2192
Roger Caldow, 301-774-2570
Gary Fields, 301-649-1757
Martha Piedrasanta, 301-460-0565
Cecilia Taramona, 301-570-5086
Betsy Varghese, 301-830-2733
Bruce Winter, 301-476-9868
LWML President:
Karen Matthiesen, 301-774-5899
St. Andrew News
Published monthly by:
The Lutheran Church of St. Andrew
15300 New Hampshire Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20905
Preschool: 301-384-2660
[email protected]  www.mystandrew.org
July/August 2016 Volume 67 Issue 7/8
Memorial Benefit Concert
“No Tears in Heaven”
Wednesday, July 13
Catered Picnic at 6:00 pm
Concert at 7:30 pm
A musical celebration and tribute to the life of
Todd Twombley
a fine young musician and music educator who
touched many lives and served our nation proudly
in the U.S. Army Band at Ft. Rucker, AL.
Free will offering will cover food and benefit the
Todd Twombley Memorial Music Fund
to support and expand the ministry of music
in and around our community.
He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain,
for the old order of things has passed away.
Revelation 21:4
. God called us to be part of His
family for a reason – it’s hard
to grow alone! Our St. Andrew
community will meet you where
you are, and walk beside you to a
closer relationship with God.
Wondering how to unite
with St. Andrew?
Follow these easy steps…
• Worship with us regularly!
• Explore the ministry and participate in Faith Walk 101
Information & Membership
Seminar. Led by our Pastors
and other ministry leaders,
these sessions offer the
opportunity to explore
the Lutheran faith, learn
more about our St. Andrew
community, and get to know
others who are on the same
• If you wish to transfer your membership from another
faith community, contact
the church office. We will be
pleased to assist by writing for
your transfer.
Missionaries Gather
“PALS” Meet
at St. Andrew
Under the leadership of Pastor Yared
Halche, cross cultural missionaries of
the Southeastern District and beyond
gathered at St. Andrew on June 25
for a day of worship, fellowship,
Smaller groups of Ethiopian mission
developers have been meeting on a
regular basis in the Wellspring Center
during the past few months. Be sure to
pray for God’s blessing on our Christgiven mission to make disciples of all
PALS (Post-Seminary Applied Learning
and Support) is a collaborative effort of
our denomination and its 35 districts
to bring together groups of recent
seminary graduates throughout the
first three years of their ministries.
In these meetings, the new pastors
worship, study and discuss ministry
experiences in the company of an
experienced pastor. St. Andrew
Associate Pastor Steve and Andrea
Miller concluded their three years of
participation by hosting a PALS meeting
at St. Andrew on June 9 – 10.
• If you are a new Christian,
speak with a Pastor about
receiving the Sacrament of
Holy Baptism.
If you are searching for answers
about God, your faith, or our St.
Andrew community, contact the
church office at 301-384-4394
or at mystandrew.org. We’ll be
happy to talk with you to find the
answers you seek.
July/August 2016 Volume 67 Issue 7/8
C-4 Clothes Closet
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
July is a month when St. Andrew offers
special support to this ministry, and we
need you! No experience or special skills
are necessary. Sort and hang donated
clothing from 9 – 11 am or for whatever
part of that time you can spare; once a
week during the month of July would
be so helpful! C-4 is located at 14015
New Hampshire Ave, just south of St.
Andrew near the ICC ramp. Sign up at
the Welcome Center.
Social Ministry
July School Supplies Drive
It’s that time again! Donate supplies to give a good start to needy kids at
nearby Greencastle and Kemp Mill Elementary Schools, and for the Lutheran
Hispanic Mission. Most needed are:
• Backpacks
• #2 pencils
• Colored pencils
• Fine-line markers
• Zip pouches
• Composition books
• Spiral notebooks
• Glue sticks
Place all donations in the marked
box in the Coat Room no later than
July 31! Thank you!
Grocery Distribution
Tuesday & Friday
When the food pantry at St. Andrew
brims over with The Lord’s Truck
bounty, we share with clients at the C-4
Clothes Closet. Volunteers take tickets
and distribute prepared food bags to
shoppers on their way out the door –
all that’s needed is a smile! Distribution
dates are at C-4 on random Tuesdays
and Fridays from 9:15 – 11:00 am. We
are seeking folks who can be on-call
with a few days notice. Contact Carol
Petzold or Marilee Tollefson to get on
the list.
Lutheran Mission Society
Thrift Shop Collection
Children’s Books & Toys
Clean out your clutter and set aside
gently used children’s and young
adult books and clean stuffed toys in
good condition to be distributed in
December as gifts at C-4. Leave your
bag or box of donations clearly marked
“C-4” on the shelf in the Coat Room.
Carroll House
Shelter Meals
July 25 & August 22
The Social Ministry Team provides
a Monday night meal once a month
to Carroll House Shelter in Silver
Spring under the leadership of Evelyn
Doermann. Thanks to the Lord’s Truck
volunteers who provide some food for
the meal. The 32 men at Carroll House
are always grateful. Help is needed!
Contact Evelyn at 410-300-1027 to get
July 24 & August 28
Gently used household goods, clothing
and shoes are all gladly accepted. Bring
donations on the collection Sunday
ONLY (4th Sunday of every month), and
place in the Great Room to the right of
the entrance from the Commons. Need
a receipt? Visit lms.org for contact
July/August 2016 Volume 67 Issue 7/8
Global Mission Update
“Little Dresses for Africa”
… for over $400 in contributions to
buy school supplies in bulk for C-4
families. These funds will be used to
fill more than 700 backpacks to be
distributed in late August.
... to all who generously donated
uniforms and supplies for children
at Crossway Montessori Community
School in Kensington MD. Your gifts
are a vote of confidence in Crossway's
mission to help single mothers become
self-sufficient while offering safe haven
and education for their children. The
gifts help parents and teachers end the
cycle of poverty and offer hope for the
... to those who contributed groceries
and funds to support the Summer
Food Program for needy children
and families at Kemp Mill Elementary
School. Deliveries began on June 17
and will continue through August. Due
to your extreme generosity, we have
sufficient donations already to fulfill
our commitment through the summer!
Thank you, thank you!
Social & Community Ministry
Questions or Ideas?
Contact Carol Petzold
at 301-871-7413
or [email protected]
Thanks upon thanks to almost
60 volunteers who gathered this
spring to make little dresses for girls
in need. In two sessions of great
teamwork and fellowship, dresses
of all sizes were cut, pressed, sewn,
hemmed, decorated and finished
with love. Completed dresses were
blessed in worship on June 5 and
the first shipment was sent off that
The Lord is good and blessed us richly
with donations of materials, time,
talent and love. Our initial hope
was to complete 50 dresses, but
we are on track to quadruple
that goal! The good news is
that we have completed 115
dresses to date. However,
around 85 dresses are still in
various stages of construction,
so we will be planning another
event in the fall to complete
them. Stay tuned for the date
and join us again or for the
first time to experience the
joy of working as a team to make a
difference across the globe.
Special thanks to Kay Caviness &
Janet Burton for heading up this
ambitious project, to Stan Jackson
and his kitchen crew for the delicious
lunch that was served on the first day,
and to Sandy Nee-Jackson for her
Indeed, the seeds of hope are being
spread as many young girls will
receive and delight in their first new
garment ever, a special dress made
with love for them alone!
A sample of the “little dresses” made by
St. Andrew members and friends.
Looking Ahead …
Social & Community
East County Community
Annual Planning Meeting
Tuesday, August 2
Join the Social Ministry Team for our
annual planning meeting on Monday,
September 19. All are welcome to
share ideas and have input about our
projects, plans and priorities for the
coming year! If you can’t attend the
meeting, contact Carol Petzold prior
to discuss your ideas and input.
Join this local celebration of a national
initiative to bring together community
partners including neighbors, service
providers and law enforcement. Food,
drinks, and children’s activities will be
available. Held from 6:00 – 9:00 pm at
East County Regional Services Center,
3300 Briggs Chaney Road, Silver Spring.
National Night Out
July/August 2016 Volume 67 Issue 7/8
Craft Ministry UPDATE
Coming this Fall...
Adult Confirmation
Interested in knowing more about the
basics of Christianity in the Lutheran
tradition? Want to find out what
your kids are learning or will learn in
Confirmation class? Confirmed years
ago, but looking for a refresher? If so,
Adult Confirmation is for you!
A new class will begin this fall including
a brief history of Martin Luther and
discussion of the Ten Commandments,
Baptism, Holy Communion, the
Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer
and other relevant topics. The class
will be led by Janet Burton, Kay
Caviness, and Stan Jackson. To get
details and register, contact Stan at
[email protected] or inquire
in the church office.
Collecting Stamps
Thanks to all who have donated stamps
to help “The Village at Rockville”
(formerly the National Lutheran
Home). The project continues and we
welcome helpers every Wednesday
morning as well as donations of
stamps of all kinds including domestic,
foreign, fishing, hunting, and more.
Stamp collections are also accepted
and can be valued as a donation for tax
purposes. Place all stamp donations
in the church mailbox of Royce &
Christine Watson. Questions? Contact
Royce at 301-879-2949.
‘Tis the season of fresh fruit and
preserve making! Keep watching for
sales and opportunities to donate from
nature’s bounty the special ingredients
for jams, jellies and savories that will
delight shoppers at our November
Craft Bazaar. Donations of sugar, fruit
pectin (Sure-Jell or Certo), and canning
jars (8 oz) are also needed. Leave nonperishables in the Craft Ministry basket
in the Coat Room. Contact Debbie in
the office to arrange drop off of fresh
Crafters continue to work every
Wednesday from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm in
the Creative Arts Room, Lower Level.
New ideas and helpers are always
welcome. Bring your talents or just
your heart for serving – no experience
Craft Ministry
Questions or Ideas?
Contact Sue Scherer
at [email protected]
or 301-337-9900
Senior Adult Fellowship
Summer Events
Cruise & Lunch
Ice Cream Social
& 50’s Music
Board the Harbor Queen at the City
Dock where Annapolis’ colorful sailing
scene comes to life. Enjoy a narrated
cruise on the Severn River with a view of
the Naval Academy and the Bay Bridge.
Following the cruise we will cross the
Eastport Bridge to have lunch at Carrol’s
Creek Waterfront Café. Bus will depart
the church parking lot at 9:45am. Cost
for the bus and cruise
totals $29 per person.
Pay for lunch on your
own at the restaurant.
Bring friends! We are
inviting St. Luke Seniors
to join us, too! Sign up
in the Commons and
pay by June 26, cash or
check to LCSA.
When it’s hot and it’s August, it’s time
for an Ice Cream Social! Join the Senior
Adult Fellowship on Tuesday August 2
at 2:00 pm in the Common Cup, Lower
Level for ice cream, fellowship and fun
with our favorite 50’s tunes!
Tuesday, July 12
Tuesday, August 2
Senior Adult Fellowship
Questions or Ideas?
Contact Jeanette Schuder
at 301-871-5950 or
[email protected].
Health &
“We know that in everything God works
for good with those who love Him, who are
called according to His purpose.”
Romans. 8:28
Hypertension Update
& Free Screening
Sunday, July 17
Do you know your blood pressure
reading? Get it measured, even if you
think it's fine. The U.S. Preventive
Services Task force recommends
that everyone age 18 and older be
screened for hypertension. High blood
pressure generally shows few obvious
symptoms, so an estimated 20% of
American adults with the problem
don't even know they have it! But, if
left untreated, it can cause serious
long-term health effects.
Nurses from St. Andrew’s Health &
Wellness Team will conduct free blood
pressure screening on Sunday, July
17 between services in the church
office. Educational material about
hypertension will also be available.
American Red Cross
Blood Drive
Saturday, August 13
9:00 am – 2:30 pm
St. Andrew’s Summer Blood Drive will
be in partnership with Melissa Hewitt,
a recent Blake High School graduate
who is heading to the University of
Maryland Honors College this fall with
plans become a Physical Therapist.
Melissa is a swimmer, coach &
lifeguard who has a real heart for
community health!
As part of the American Red Cross
“Leaders Save Lives” Program, Mellissa
organized a blood drive last summer
where 24 units were collected, despite
some last-minute technical “glitches,”
including the loss of air conditioning!
Let’s help her stay cool this summer
and exceed that goal. It’s your
chance to give the precious gift that
can save a life, and our participation
may help Melissa earn some
scholarship funds too!
Make your appointment
now at www.redcrossblood.
org or meet Melissa in the
Commons and schedule
her on Sunday, July 24.
Questions? Contact Jeanine
McGrath at 240-481-3903 or
[email protected].
July/August 2016 Volume 67 Issue 7/8
Support Groups
Can Help!
Challenging journeys can be a little
easier with friends by your side.
Join a support group to get helpful
information, be encouraged, and
share your insights to help others,
too! Check the weekly bulletin
announcements for upcoming
◊ Caregiver Support Group
meets on the 4th Tuesday of
each month, with upcoming
gatherings on July 26 and
August 23. Two time options
are offered to meet a variety
of schedules: 1:00 pm and
7:00 pm. Attend either one!
◊ Chronic Illness Support Group
meets on the 1st and 3rd
Thursday of each month at
10:30 am, and often hold a
Saturday outing related to the
monthly topic.
Health & Wellness Questions?
Contact Marilee Tollefson
Faith Community Nurse
at 301-384-4394
or [email protected]
July/August 2016 Volume 67 Issue 7/8
Confirmation Ministry
Direct your children
onto the right path,
and when
they are older,
they will not
leave it.
Proverbs 22:6
Do you have a 7th grader in your
family or in your life who may be
ready to explore their relationship
with God while making new friends
and answering questions like:
•Does God answer prayer?
•Why do bad things happen to good people?
•How do we know that the stuff in
the Bible is true?
If the answer is yes, then St. Andrew
Confirmation is for you! The 2-year
program is led by a group of dedicated
teachers and coordinators who
together have more than 170 years
of Confirmation teaching experience
and many personal spiritual insights to
share. While the commitment required
is significant, the gifts and blessings
will stay with your child for a lifetime!
The 2016 – 2017 Confirmation year
will begin on the weekend after Labor
Day. At the Fall Retreat (Sept. 9 – 11)
the first-year kids will get to know one
another as we study spiritual gifts and
have fun playing games and doing
activities that build friendships and
Our regular confirmation classes meet
weekly on Friday evenings from 7:00 –
8:00 pm and on Sunday mornings from
9:30 – 10:30 am. Friday classes are
followed by a social or service activity
to help the kids bond as they grow in
faith and friendship. Friday activities
range from preparing meals for a
homeless shelter or gift bags for elderly
members, to putt-putt golf, laser tag,
bowling and so much more! Whatever
the confirmands do together, it is all
about faith and fun!
At the conclusion of the two-year
program, participants will be prepared
for the Night of Witness, when each
confirmand will present a personal
statement of faith based on an
individual scripture verse they have
chosen. On the following Sunday,
typically the Day of Pentecost,
confirmands who have completed the
program and given their witness will
participate in the Rite of Confirmation
during morning worship. Confirmation
Weekend is always a wonderful and
powerful time when family, friends
and fellow members are inspired by
the faith journeys of these special
young Christians!
If you are ready to get more details
and/or enroll your child in the
program, just stop by the Confirmation
display in the Commons between
services any Sunday during August,
or contact Confirmation Director
George Mannina at 301-871-1270. The
enrollment deadline for the 2016 –
2017 year is August 28.
July/August 2016 Volume 67 Issue 7/8
Although the Preschool halls are
typically quiet in July and August, this
summer will be a busy time as the
classrooms are painted and freshened
in preparation for another great school
year. Although the children are on
break, our Preschool staff stays busy
planning for the season ahead!
Enrollment continues for the
2016 – 2017 school year. As of this
writing, the 3’s classes are completely
full and just a few openings remain
in the 2’s and 4’s classes. Visit
mystandrew.org and click the
Preschool tab to view class schedules
and fees.
Spread with word to friends and
neighbors about our wonderful
Preschool, where we believe that
every child is a unique and special gift
from God!
Contact Preschool Director
and ONE-der-Land Coordinator
LiaMai Puskar at 301-384-2660
or [email protected].
Kid Ministry
Kindergarten through Grade 6 will
continue their journey over the
summer with a casual, less structured
(but still fun and interesting) program
from 9:30 – 10:30 am every Sunday.
As always, drop off/pick up kids in
Multipurpose Room 118.
If you haven’t tried ONE-der-Land yet,
take the opportunity now to introduce
your kids to this wonderful program
where they will learn foundational
Bible stories and principles, make
friends, and build relationships that
will keep them growing in the Spirit
through the years ahead.
Mark your calendar!
July 3 - No Class! Happy July 4th!
August 28 - Blessing of the Backpacks
Sept. 11 - ONE-der-Land Rally Day
July/August 2016 Volume 67 Issue 7/8
Dear Friends...
Thank you for your support of World
Vision with your youth group’s recent
participation in the 30 Hour Famine.
Thanks to churches like yours, it is
working. 25 years ago, the number
of children dying each day from
preventable causes was 40,000.
Today that number is close to 17,000.
People are literally alive today thanks
to the generosity of churches like
In Partnership,
The 30 Hour Famine Team
Because of your generous donation,
refugees like Hamed from Azerbaijan
have escaped persecution and
received new life and revived hope
in Christ. You are making a difference
through your generosity!
Meagan Chevalier
Lutheran Social Services/NCA
Once again I was the recipient of
meaningful and beautiful altar
flowers. They were given in honor of
my birthday. To those who honored
me, who delivered the bouquet and
who are members serving on the altar
team, thank you, thank you. They
graced my living room for many days,
constantly a reminder of how blessed
I am to be a member of my beloved
Dorothy Cockrell
Many thanks for your cards and
prayers during Viggo’s illness, and
for your expressions of support and
sympathy following his death. Special
thanks to my friends in Crafts and
Creative Spirits, who were there for
me during Viggos long final journey.
I am so thankful for the support and
fellowship I have found at LCSA.
God bless you all.
Evelyn Blaes
Thank you for the prayers and the
Creative Spirit gifts. I hope one day, I
could meet you all.
Brenda Rabb
Thank you so much for the care
and concern shown to me and my
family during the recent loss of my
mother, Nancy Smith. Everyone
was so thoughtful with words of
encouragement and cards. While this
time has been challenging, I know that
my mother is in heaven with her Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ.
With a grateful heart,
Barbara LaCour
Thank you so much for the care
package! I really appreciate all of
the prayers during my surgery and
Shelby Rairigh
Dear Friends,
Heartfelt thanks to all who
donated backpacks for Mi
Refugio school in Guatemala.
We were blessed to serve the
students there in early June and
delivered over 100 backpacks,
which were greatly appreciated
and much-needed!
Bless you all for your generosity!
Bruce, Sarita and Gavi Winter
The Winter family with Mi Refugio
Founder & Directory, Kari Engen
July/August 2016 Volume 67 Issue 7/8
Join us For
Monday Night
at 7:00pm
An eclectic blend of liturgy and music
with Holy Communion & Sunday’s message
For weekend workers, travelers,
or anyone seeking a peaceful,
joyful start to the week!
A time of fellowship follows the service.
Childcare Provided.
Linda & Doug Schaus, Daisy
Aniebonam, Elizabeth Cardona
*Karen Hale, Roger Caldow,
George Pauli, Helena Jacobs
*Paul Lobien, Jim Solfronk,
Jackie Lobien, Claudia
Jacobson, Karen Matthiesen,
Deborah Shoup, Alice Scipio
Zenobia Johnson, Aaron Alem
Daisy Aniebonam
Margie Davis
Creenaugh & Clement Thomas, Michael & Tamara Arsenault,
Otera Cunha, Julia Lake
Naghisti Dawit, Mandy Wingo
Creenaugh & Clement Thomas,
Otera Cunha, Julia Lake
Lina Rashid, Pam & Jim Cooper,
Samantha Irwin, Josh Butterfield,
Marie Jackson
Linda Newcomer
Karen Hale, Roberta Alberding
July 31
Karen Matthiesen, Claudia
Karen Rosales
Jim Baker
*Kathleen Strebel, Carol Ames,
Klaus Strebel, Phil Droege, Lina
Rashid, Tom Polansky, Alma
Jean Bridegum
Karen Matthiesen, Claudia
Claire Sullivan, Sofia Hidalgo
Carlos Garcia
Adrianna Thomas, Andrew
Dalton Mabry, Chase Batchelder Eric Giron
Dorothy Fristoe
*Angela Green, Willie Farmer,
Jeff Lohr, Tamara Arsenault,
Jacqueline James
*Daisy Aniebonam, Terry
Adams, Rich Steffan
*Kirk Rydland, Mary Ann
Rydland, Beth Victor, Judy
*Marty Adams, Jeanette Schuder
Eldra Simmons, Don Becker,
Peggy Hayeslip, Marge
Schnackenberg, Janet Collins
Steve Berry
Scott Menendez, Chris Mbah
Roberta Alberding
Phillip Manzon, Emily Brooks
Jason Manzon, Melany Rodas
*Janice Flug, Stacy Menendez,
Steve Olson, Bill Regotti
*Jeff Wahlbrink, Dennis Lahl,
Lyndi Lahl, Linda Newcomer
Erika McVeigh, Grace Aceto
Claudia Jacobson
*Amanda Wingo, Stan
Friedman, Jeff Lohr, Tamara
Arsenault, Bruce Winter
*Trish Baker, TBD, Antoinette
*Marty Adams, Terry Adams,
Jeanette Schuder, Eldra
Simmons, Don Becker, Peggy
Hayeslip, Marge Schnackenberg
Leslie Hollowell
*Jeff Wahlbrink, Barbara
Wahlbrink, Mandy Williams,
Gary Fields, Lynn Harty
*Marge Schnackenberg, Janet
Burton, Mary Jo Schnackenberg
*TBD, Barbara Schantz, Marilee
Tollefson, Ken Carlson, David
Peitsch, Julie Peitsch, Martha
"If you are unable to serve as scheduled, please try to find a substitute - contact the church office for info.
Please contact the church by Wednesday prior to scheduled date in order for names to be changed in bulletins. Thank you."
Sue Smith
11:00 Zoe Rubin, Karina Sten
Vicky & Grace Aceto
Linda Parker, Stacy Henning
Lina Rashid, Pam & Jim Cooper,
Eddie & Emma James, Karen
Samantha Irwin, Josh Butterfield,
Rosales, Shelly & Glen Harvell
Royce & Christine Watson
Marie Jackson
Linda Parker, Stacey Henning
Paul Coverston, Mel
July 24
Bonnie French, Creenaugh &
Clement Thomas
Kay Caviness, Janet Burton
Cynthia Roberts, Kimberly GayBob Rathbun, Bill Wooden
George Harris, Ken Austin
Rachel Jackson, Lucie Austin
Peggy Hayeslip, Paul Van
Bill Fristoe, Margaret McConnell Deborah Alexander, Ken Carlson Steve Giles, Marian Lewis
*Leslie Hollowell, Lucie Austin,
*Leslie Hollowell, Lucie Austin,
*Walter Petzold, Carol Petzold,
*Bruce Emmel, Sam Redman,
Andrea Pauli, Kimberly GayKimberly Gay-Armour, Karen
Brian Nockleby, Andrea Pauli
Vicky Aceto, Lyndi Lahl
Hale, TBD
Margie Davis
Laura & Steve Olson, Janet
Collins, Karen Rosales
Marilee Tollefson
*Stan Jackson, John Butler, Lisa
Tipton, Jack Reinhart, Sandy
Nee Jackson
*Mike Witmer, Marilee Tollefson,
Margie Davis
*Sandy S. Jackson, Carl Rose,
*Laurie Levin, Bill Fristoe, Patrick
Jack Reinhart, Judith
Hintz, Alan McKenna
Carol Ames, Don Becker
Pew Dorothy Fristoe
11:00 *Jeff Wahlbrink, David Van
Norstrand, Stu Richards, Angela
Green, Barbara Richards
Monday *Angela Green, Trish Baker,
7:00 Karen Matthiesen
Carol & Walter Petzold
Karen Matthiesen
Audrey Belsinger, Millie Forrey,
Jim & Trish Baker, Lois Blodgett,
Arlene Buck, Scott & Nancy
Al Doermann, Alma Hinton
Carol & Walt Petzold
Janice Flug, Joan Garey
Carolyn Carlson
Meenu Gupta
Carolyn Carlson
post 11 Lisa Tipton, Angela Green
July 17
Karen Matthiesen, Claudia
Willie Farmer
Mike Witmer, Conrad Schwalm
*Luther Tollefson, Elroy Hill, Ron Scherer, Trish Baker, Jim Baker, Ollie Kendrick
11:00 *Steve Berry, Stan Friedman, Greg King, Felicia Johnson
Jim Baker
Carol Witmer
July 3
July 10
Dorothy Fristoe
t 9:30 Karen Matthiesen
*Ken Austin, Anne Harpster, Bill Harpster, Tim Rolf
July 2016 Service Assistants
*Bruce Nesslage, David Doermann, Paul Lobien, Klaus Strebel(8/7, 8/28), Ron Collis(8/14, 8/21)
Kelley Delaney, Shelly Harvell
Meenu Gupta
Linda & Doug Schaus, Daisy
Aniebonam, Elizabeth Cardona
*Stan Jackson, John Butler, Lisa
Tipton, Jack Reinhart, Sandy Nee
*Daisy Aniebonam, Terry Adams,
Rich Steffan
Carlos Garcia
Logan Glazier
Anna Paulson, Sierra Barbee
Steve Berry
Zenobia Johnson, Alex Peitsch
Evan Russell, Gina Baker
*Dennis Lahl, Lyndi Lahl, Alan
McKenna, Lucie Austin
*Marge Schnackenberg, Janet
Burton, Mary Jo Schnackenberg
"If you are unable to serve as scheduled, please try to find a substitute - contact the church office for info.
Please contact the church by Wednesday prior to scheduled date in order for names to be changed in bulletins. Thank you."
Karen Matthiesen, Claudia
Emily Brooks, Terry Manzon
11:00 Sam Hesselroth, Leon Carson
Alex Peitsch, Emma Schantz
Leslie Hollowell
*Amanda Wingo, Willie Farmer,
*Jeff Wahlbrink, Barbara Wahlbrink,
Jeff Lohr, Tamara Arsenault, Russ Mandy Williams, Gary Fields, Lynn
Lawton, Jacqueline James
*Laurie Levin, Linda Newcomer, Bill *Janice Flug, Stacy Menendez,
Rossiter, Karl Jackson
Marge Schwalm, Bill Fristoe
Cynthia Roberts, Eloka Okafor
*Shelley Mitek, Luther Tollefson,
Judy Downey, Judith McCormack
Monday *Angela Green, Mike Witmer, Karen *Trish Baker, Marilee Tollefson,
7:00 Matthiesen
Margie Davis
11:00 *Stan Jackson, Stu Richards,
Angela Green, Barbara Richards,
Sarita Winter
Claudia Jacobson
Dorothy Fristoe
Marilee Tollefson
*Kathleen Strebel, Carol Ames, Phil *Marty Adams, Jeanette Schuder,
Eldra Simmons, Don Becker,
Droege, Lina Rashid, Tom
Peggy Hayeslip, Marge
Polansky, David Petisch, Julie
Schnackenberg, Terry Adams
*Leslie Hollowell, Jim Solfronk,
Jackie Lobien, Peggy Gorski,
Claudia Jacobson, Karen
Matthiesen, Deborah Shoup
*Trish Baker, Barbara Schantz,
Marilee Tollefson, Ken Carlson,
Janet Collins, Glen Harvell, Martha
*Leslie Hollowell, Ken Austin, Lucie *Bruce Emmel, Sam Redman,
Austin, Karen Hale
Vicky Aceto, Lyndi Lahl
Sandra Poyner
Walter & Carol Petzold
*Walter Petzold, Carol Petzold,
Brian Nockleby, Andrea Pauli
George & Andrea Pauli
Margie Davis
Kathleen Strebel, Erik Puskar
Bill & Anne Harpster
Daisy Aniebonam
Royce & Christine Watson
Jim Abeles, Barbara Worley
Margie Davis
Michael & Tamara Arsenault,
Naghisti Dawit
Eddie & Emma James, Royce &
Christine Watson, Karen Rosales
Lina Rashid, Pam & Jim Cooper,
Samantha Irwin, Josh Butterfield
Laura & Steve Olson, Janet Collins, Creenaugh & Clement Thomas,
Karen Rosales
Otera Cunha, Julia Lake
Vicky & Grace Aceto
Karen Hale, Trudy Wehking
August 28
Bonnie French, Creenaugh &
Clement Thomas
Kay Caviness, Janet Burton
Paul Coverston, Mel Schnackenberg
Linda Newcomer
Karen Hale, Trudy Wehking
August 21
Karen Matthiesen, Claudia
Willie Farmer
Mike Witmer, Conrad Schwalm
Rich Steffan, Marge
*Ken Austin, Roger Caldow,
George Pauli, Helena Jacobs
August 14
Dorothy Fristoe
Jim Baker
Carol & Walter Petzold
Audrey Belsinger, Millie Forrey,
Jim & Trish Baker, Lois Blodgett, Al
Arlene Buck, Scott & Nancy
Doermann, Alma Hinton
Janice Flug, Joan Garey
Karen Matthiesen
Kelley Delaney, Shelly Harvell
post 11 Lisa Tipton, Angela Green
Carol Witmer
August 7
t 9:30 Marie Jackson
11:00 *Shelly Hoffman, Moses Ammons, David Van Norstrand(8/14, 8/21, 8/28), Janet Burton, TBD(8/7)
*Grant Graeves, Bob Rathbun, Kimberly Gay-Armour (8/7, 8/21, 8/28), TBD (8/14), TBD
August 2016 Service Assistants