Knapp`s Crossing
Knapp`s Crossing
Knapp’s Crossing GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN LOCATION East Beltline Ave. & Knapp Street NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525 Presented By: AVAILABILITY To Be Determined PROPOSED PARKING To Be Determined TRAFFIC COUNTS East Beltline Ave. (2012): 30,400 VPD- Btw. 3 Mile & Knapp 47,000 VPD- Btw. Leonard & Knapp Christopher Brochert [email protected] 248.737.4041 ext. 110, 109 Jennifer Walters [email protected] 248.737.4041 Knapp Street (2012): 26,024 VPD- Btw. Leffingwell Ave. & M-44 30,236 VPD- Btw. Dunnigan Ave. & M-44 38500 Woodward Ave. Suite 200 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 P| 248.737.4041 Knapp’s Crossing GRAND RAPIDS, MI K E Y FA C T S Located in the northeast quadrant of Knapp Street and East Beltline, Knapp’s Crossing offers retailers the rare opportunity to enter the high-quality market of northeast Grand Rapids. The northeastern suburbs of Grand Rapids have generally been underser ved due to the limited entitlement of land for retail development. Knapp’s Crossing , surrounded by Meijer, Celebration Cinema, and D&W Fresh Market, falls into the small pocket of retail ser ving a community of over 285,000 patrons with average incomes exceeding $73,000. Following on the heels of the re-development of Centerpointe Mall, Lormax Stern is excited to bring another upscale open-air shopping center to Grand Rapids. D E M O G R A P H I C S 2014 LO C AT I O N Ea st B e l t l i n e Av e ( M - 4 4 ) & Kn a p p S t . G ra n d R a p i d s , M I 4 9 5 2 5 AVA I L A B I L I T Y TBD P RO P O S E D PA R K I N G TBD T R A F F I C C O U N T S- 2012 East Beltline Ave. (2012): 30,400 VPD- Btw. 3 Mile & Knapp 47,000 VPD- Btw. Leonard & Knapp Knapp Street (2012): Radius Average Income Population HH Persons 1 Mile $119,296 4,005 2.92 26,024 VPD- Btw. Leffingwell Ave. & M-44 3 Mile $73,070 45,104 2.40 30,236 VPD- Btw. Dunnigan Ave. & M-44 5 Mile $66,859 151,302 2.43 7 Mile $64,385 285,756 2.51 38500 Woodward Ave. Suite 200 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 P| 248.737.4041 Knapp’s Crossing A E R I A L S: GRAND RAPIDS, MI A E R I A L V I E W FA C I N G N O RT H Knapp’s Crossing GRAND RAPIDS, MI A E R I A L S C O N T I N U E D: A E R I A L V I E W FA C I N G EA S T Knapp’s Crossing GRAND RAPIDS, MI A E R I A L S C O N T I N U E D: A E R I A L V I E W FA C I N G S O U T H Knapp’s Crossing GRAND RAPIDS, MI A E R I A L S C O N T I N U E D: A E R I A L V I E W FA C I N G W ES T Knapp’s Crossing GRAND RAPIDS, MI LO C AT I O N: W ES T M I C H I G A N LO C AT I O N Knapp’s Crossing GRAND RAPIDS, MI LO C AT I O N C O N T I N U E D: GRAND RAPIDS POSITIONING Knapp’s Crossing GRAND RAPIDS, MI S I T E P L A N B: 38500 Woodward Ave. Suite 200 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 P| 248.737.4041 DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC Lormax Stern Development Company has earned a national reputation for the development of outstanding shopping centers- producing higher than average sales for retailers in their developments. Through strategic acquisition of premium locations, Lormax Stern’s Centers, of the highest quality and prominence, outshine competitors in local markets. The Company works closely with communities to ensure long-term benefits and enjoys a reputation for “getting the job done.” LO R M A X ST E R N OW N S A N D O P E R AT ES OV E R 25 S H O P P I N G C E N T E RS A N D I S H O M E TO T H E TO P N A M ES I N R E TA I L: MICHIGAN Allen Park Battle Creek Bay City Canton Flint Grand Rapids Green Oak Twp Gross Pointe Lincoln Park Livonia Northville Orion Twp Plainfield Twp Roseville Shelby Twp Westland Wyoming Lexington KENTUCKY MISSISSIPPI Tallahassee Hattiesburg Go to our website for more information about our properties: 38500 Woodward Ave. Suite 200 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 P| 248.737.4041