Knight Letter - O`Gorman High School
Knight Letter - O`Gorman High School
Knight Letter May ‘15 Edition O†Gorman High School 3201 S Kiwanis Ave Sioux Falls SD 57105 A Message from the Principal: Dear O’Gorman Parents & Students: As we move into the last two weeks of our school year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the faculty and staff for their hard work, dedication, and continued efforts in making O’Gorman one of the top high schools in the region. We truly appreciate the assistance and support from our parents and students. The students success in the areas of performing arts, athletics and academic achievements made for an exciting school year! We continue to work on developing our educational offerings, and researching new ideas for students at O’Gorman that will enhance their overall educational experience in future years. Again, a HUGE thank-you goes out to all of our O’Gorman parents and guardians for your support and assistance, and for allowing us to educate your child throughout the 2014-2015 school year! With your continued support, we will continue to develop an exceptional Catholic school experience for our families. CONGRATULATIONS SENIORS! We are so proud of our seniors who have reached another important milestone in their lives. It gives us great joy to see them grow and mature in their lives and in their faith. We will share the following with our seniors at graduation practice: “We want to encourage each of you to follow your hearts. Remember to work hard and treat everyone the way that you would like to be treated. Listen and respect those you come in contact with as you will never know what you may learn or how you may impact another person’s life. Regarding your goals, strive towards them and make them happen as we know you can do it! You are special and important. God loves you and if you ask, He will lead and direct your life. We pray for God’s continued blessing as you begin new chapters in your lives. Thank you for your leadership and congratulations!!” END OF YEAR & SEMESTER FINALS: During the month of May, students will begin taking Advanced Placement (AP) exams and preparing for semester finals, Senior Awards Mass, and graduation. We are asking all students to take care of any outstanding accounts/book fines, detentions, and any other items, which may be turned in by a teacher, coach, and/or activity moderator. Students will need to be cleared by all involved prior to taking any semester finals. We ask that parents communicate to their child the importance of taking care of their responsibilities. The end of the year schedule for seniors and underclassmen is found in the Knight Letter. SUMMER SCHOOL & DRIVER EDUCATION: Summer school begins on Monday, June 1st and will conclude on Friday, June 26th. The sessions will run from 8 a.m. until noon daily. Each class session constitutes one week of regular class. Missing one day of class is extremely difficult to make up, and a student who has more than two absences (excused or unexcused) will be removed from summer school. Driver Education (classroom portion) will run Monday, May 18th through Friday, May 22nd. The classroom sessions will run from 7:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. The classroom portion must account for 30 hours of instruction. As stated above, attendance is critical and required for students participating in the driver education classroom instruction. As we end another great school year, I would like to dedicate this quote to our seniors and their parents. “I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.” Anonymous Yours in Christ, Kyle L. Groos Principal 1 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights TABLE OF CONTENTS Important Dates ..................................................................................................................... 2 Parent Information / Notable Knights ................................................................................... 3 - 5 Campus Ministry ................................................................................................................... 6 Counseling Department ......................................................................................................... 7 - 8 ACT Prep .............................................................................................................................. 9 Senior All-Knighter Information........................................................................................... 10 Important May Dates & Graduation Information ................................................................. 11 - 12 Library / SFCS News ............................................................................................................ 13 - 14 Semester Test Care Package…………………………………………………………………15 IMPORTANT DATES Friday, May 1 ............................................................. .No Classes – OG Track Invite (Teacher Work Day) Monday - Friday, May 4 - 8 ........................................................................................ Staff Appreciation Week Tuesday - Thursday, May 12 - 14 ................................................................ Final Tests (adjusted schedules) Wednesday, May 13 ........................................................ Mandatory Senior Meeting & Grad Practice (9 a.m.) Thursday, May 14 ............................................................................... Senior Awards Mass – 8:15 a.m. (Gym) Friday, May 15 ...........................................................................................Summer Break Begins (No Classes) Sunday, May 17 .............................................................................. Graduation Mass 6 p.m. (Elmen Center) Monday, May 18 ....................................................... Driver’s Ed Classroom Begins (7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.) Monday, May 25 .................................................................... School Offices Closed (Memorial Day Holiday) Monday, June 1 .......................................................................................................... Summer School Begins Semester Test Care Packages Send a treats and a personal note of encouragement to your student just before final testing. The cost is only $5 and helps support the staff scholarship tuition assistance fund. Orders are due May 4th. See the order form at the end of this newsletter for full details. Consider buying an extra package for someone who might not otherwise receive one… We’re hoping that 100% of the students will receive a care package. 2 Essential Phone Numbers Attendance: 575-3310 (Tracy Petersen) Counseling Dept: 575-3320 (Sue Knight) Lunch Accounts: 575-3356 (Carrie Keuser) Activities / Rentals: 575-3300 (Aaron Strand) Knight Locker: 575-3391 Tuition Accounts: 575-3367 (Jessica Aning) Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights Parent Information Still Time for Financial Aid Sioux Falls Catholic Schools offers a variety of financial aid options. If you are concerned about your ability to pay tuition, please consider applying for an SFCS Grant with funding available for students in grades Kindergarten thru 12. Although the April 15th deadline to apply for the 2015-2016 School year has now passed, if you are experiencing a financial difficulty and were unable to apply before the deadline, please contact Jenni Struck. Sioux Falls Catholic Schools is committed to assisting our school families who have a financial need, and will make every effort to assist while funds are available NOTE: Awards are subject to funds available. In an effort to affect as many applicants as possible, awards aren’t given for every grant and/or source applied for, but rather consideration is given as a complete award package. For questions and/or assistance with the financial aid application process, please contact: Jenni Struck at (605)575-3358 or [email protected]. HOSA State Convention Results Recognition Events: Outstanding HOSA Chapter- O’Gorman-Greater Sioux Falls HOSA- Cece Gronemeyer Outstanding Local Chapter Advisors- Caitlin Williamson and Carol Vaca Healthcare Issues Exam: Silver Medal- Matthew Moe Barbara James Service Award- Hannah Vaca and Jake Vaca SD HOSA Scholarships: Future Health Professionals Scholarship Award Sponsored by Avera- Hannah Vaca SD HOSA State Officer: Social Media/Historian- Anjum Shaik Competitive Events: NQ= National Qualifier CPR/First Aid: Silver Medal- Ayum Kuol and Greg Schumacher *NQ Bronze Medal- Sadie Facile and Matthew Moe *NQ Sports Medicine: Silver Medal- Jake Vaca *NQ Bronze Medal- Hannah Vaca *NQ Dental Science: Gold Medal- Hannah Christian *NQ Dental Terminology: Bronze Medal- Hannah Christian *NQ Human Growth and Development Knowledge Test: Gold Medal- Cecilia Kane *NQ Bronze Medal- Nicole Gerdes *NQ Medical Spelling: Bronze Medal- Carter Schulz *NQ Medical Law and Ethics Knowledge Test: Gold Medal- Brian Kuyper *NQ Nutrition Knowledge Test: Gold Medal- Emily Runge *NQ Bronze Medal- Christiana Salter *NQ Pharmacology Knowledge Test: Gold Medal- Phillip Petrasko *NQ Transcultural Healthcare Knowledge Test: Gold Medal- Rachael Fanciullo *NQ Silver Medal- Taisya Gowlovech *NQ Biomedical Debate: Gold Medal Team- Anjum Shaik, Phillip Petrasko and Andrew Mohama *NQ Community Awareness: Silver Medal Team- Katie Benz and Hannah Vaca *NQ Creative Problem Solving: Silver Medal Team- Melissa Sierra, Carter Schulz, Cole Edwards and Sam Derner *NQ Medical Innovations (Pilot Event): Gold Medal Team- Matthew Moe, Phillip Petrasko, Daniel Sathyanesan and Andrew Mohama *NQ 3 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights Notable Knights Congratulations to the winners of the 2015 South Dakota Forensics Coaches Senior Awards. Only four students in each category are honored, so this is equivalent to being selected to an All-State team in a sports activity. Jonah Dally - D. C. Ruetter Award for Policy Debate; Brett Duffek - Karl E. Mundt Award for Lincoln-Douglas Debate; Andrew Mohama Karl E. Mundt Award for Lincoln-Douglas Debate; Liesel Julsrud - Donus D. Roberts Award for Public Forum Debate; & Christian Heisler - Harold Jordan Award for Individual Events Congratulations to Olivia Roers and Nathaniel Pekas who were selected to the 2015 South Dakota All-State Jazz Band. They will perform in concert on Saturday, May 9th in Rapid City. Congratulations to the following students who were selected for the 7th Annual Academic Achievement Awards. These students achieved the greatest increase in their GPA for the period covering the fall semester of ’13 through the fall of ’14. They were recognized at the all school Mass on April 1 and each received a certificate of achievement and a medal. Sophomores: Abuk Jiel, Noah Erickson, Jade Hagen, Olivia Surrell, Isaac Dardis, Mary Rogers, Nyanwell Arop & Madeline Skillman. Juniors: Logan Berthelsen, Gunnar Sommervold, Maddie Cole & Jack Peery. Seniors: Derek Domangue, Emilie Kennedy, Samuel Maxwell & Justin Pabst Congratulations to Jillian Gauer, JP Costello & Cassie Schoenhard, the 3 sophomores who were invited to attend the 15th annual Governor’s Leadership Luncheon on Saturday, May 16, 2015 on the USD campus. The luncheon recognizes future leaders. Congratulations to the YMCA 11-12th Grade Rec League Boys Basketball Tournament Champs who went undefeated in the 28 team league. Team members: Josh Doherty, Mitch Jarding, Mason Koch, Will Michels, Reece Mimmack, Dominic Rausch and Luke Rysavy, & Team Manager: Brian Kuyper 4 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights 5 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights Campus Ministry OG Retreat Day – April 23 Senior Class Retreat The seniors traveled to St. George Parish in Hartford, SD to encounter Jesus. They were presented with 2000 year old artifacts and a life-size replica of the Shroud of Turin as ways to help them encounter the gospel stories in a concrete way. Junior Class Retreat The juniors met at the Cathedral of St. Joseph. The men retreated at the Cathedral school, and the women spent the day in the Cathedral Parish Hall. The day focused on the distinct ways men and women are called to share God’s love in the world. A good day was had by all, and the Holy Spirit was very much at work in those present. Sophomore Class Retreat On the same day, our sophomore students were sent out to the Catholic schools and parishes in Sioux Falls. The day focused on Christian service and was a fruitful day for all involved. Freshman Class Retreat Freshmen worked within the halls of OGHS to discover the intricacies of their relationship with God, themselves and others. An emphasis was made on the role that choice plays in their lives. O†Gorman faculty and staff also participated in the retreat day in varying forms, from retreat leaders to small group leaders and support staff. This day could not happen without their support. Thank you to all! Do you want to stay involved over the summer? Join your local parish’s youth group Sign up for SEARCH (May 29-31) Sign up for D-Camp (June 15-18 & 29-July 2) Sign up for JP II camps or go on a nun run: Visit the OG Service Page for opportunities throughout the summer! Call the diocesan office for more information at 605-988-3763 and visit These have been positive life-changing events for many teens. We have been blessed with a great year in Campus Ministry at O†Gorman. Thank you for your prayers, support, and enthusiasm over this past year. I look forward to 2015-2016. It is my great joy to continue developing our program to provide ever greater opportunities for your children to experience Jesus Christ in an impactful way. May God bless you this summer! - Jonathan Konz, Campus Minister If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Jon Konz at 575-3347 or [email protected] “Let you doand be done in love.” ~ 1 Cor.Theatre 16: 14 Dr.allTom Penny Lorang 6 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights Visit us at SENIOR AWARDS MASS: Thursday, May 14th @ 8:15 am. Seniors who have received scholarships should inform the counseling office by completing the Senior Survey which will be given to them in May. CONGRATULATIONS: Mrs. Kelly Jones on receiving the Mary W. Lark Humanitarian Award at the 2015 SDCA Conference! FUTURE PLANS SURVEY: Another survey we ask the seniors to complete is the Future Plans Survey. We will send final transcripts to the school indicated on this form. ALUMNI SURVEY: Seniors who represent the last child in their family to graduate from O’Gorman will be asked to complete an Alumni Survey updating family data. SUMMER SCHOOL: The cost is $240. Session runs from Monday, June 1st through Friday, June 26th from 8:00 a.m. until noon. Registration forms can be found in the counseling office, on the SFCS website, or on your Infinite Campus home screen. Speech and World History have openings at this time. DRIVER EDUCATION: The cost is $325. The classroom portion runs from Monday, May 18th through Friday, May 22nd from 7:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Registration forms can be found in the counseling office, on the SFCS website, or on your Infinite Campus home screen. There are currently 4 openings for Driver Education. NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER: Any student wanting to compete at the Division I or Division II level in college athletics must be cleared academically. The requirements include registering online, having transcripts mailed, and ACT scores sent directly from ACT to the Eligibility Center. Seniors are encouraged to complete this process as soon as possible. It is a good idea for juniors to register this spring. See Mr. Hagg for details. The website is NAIA ELIGIBILITY CENTER: NAIA colleges also require high school athletes to register for academic clearance to compete at an NAIA college. Go to to register. Test Date June 13 ACT Register on-line at Registration Deadline Late Registration Period (regular fee) (additional fee required) May 8 May 9-22 Photo Upload Deadline June 5 IO’Gorman’s School Code is 421-175 and our Test Center Code is 157-640. We are a National ACT testing site. Test Date June 6 SAT Register on-line at Late Registration Registration Deadline (regular fee) Test(s) Deadline (regular fee) Mail Phone/Online SAT & Subject Tests May 22 May 22 May 27 Deadline for Changes May 27 Seniors must take the ACT or the SAT for college admission. It is usually not necessary to take both tests. Juniors and seniors interested in either of these tests should stop by the counseling office for registration information and deadlines. Questions can be addressed to the counseling office at 575-3320 or the Board of Regents website at 7 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights AP TESTING: The deadline for registration was Monday, March 23rd. No extra tests were ordered. The schedule for AP tests this spring is: Week 1 Morning 7:30 a.m. Afternoon 11:45 a.m. Week 2 Mon, May 4 Tue, May 5 Chemistry Calculus AB Thu, May 7 Computer Science A Spanish Language and Culture Psychology Mon, May 11 Morning 7:30 a.m. Wed, May 6 English Literature and Composition Biology Afternoon 11:45 a.m. Tue, May 12 United States Government and Politics Spanish Literature and Culture Fri, May 8 German Language and Culture United States History Physics 1 Physics 2 Wed, May 13 English Language and Composition Thu, May 14 Fri, May 15 World History Human Geography Statistics Latin SOUTH DAKOTA OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP: The South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship provides $6,500 over four years to a qualifying student who attends an eligible higher education institution in South Dakota. The South Dakota Legislature established five requirements that all South Dakota high school graduates must meet in order to establish their initial eligibility in the Opportunity Scholarship program. These requirements specify that a recipient must: 1. Be a resident of South Dakota at time of high school graduation. 2. Have an ACT composite score of 24 or higher before beginning of post-secondary education. If using a SAT score, the sum of the verbal and mathematics scores on the SAT must be at least 1090. 3. Complete high school course requirements with no final grade below a “C” (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) and a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (grade of “B”) prior to graduation (Note: One unit of high school credit equals 1 year of instruction). 4. The curriculum requirements specified in section 3 above are not required for any student who has received a composite score on the ACT of at least 28 and meets the ACT college readiness benchmarks scores equaling or exceeding 18 for English, 22 for Reading, 22 for Math, and 23 for Science. 5. Attend a university, college, or technical school accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and that provides instruction from a campus located in South Dakota. 6. Enter into the program within 5 years of high school graduation, or within 1 year of the student’s release from active duty military service (if that release is within 5 years of the date of the student’s high school graduation). Students seeking to transfer from a regionally accredited university, college, or technical school located outside of South Dakota may do so within two years following high school graduation and be eligible to receive partial award. High School Course Requirements 4 units of English 3 units of Social Science 4 units of Algebra or Higher Mathematics 4 units of Science 1 unit of Fine Arts 1/2 unit of Personal Finance or Economics 1/2 unit of Physical Education 1/2 unit of Health or Health Integration (Students entering high school after July 2013) *If Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, Spanish I and/or Computer Applications is taken in 8th grade, it must be on the high school transcript and figured into the high school GPA and class rank. 8 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights ACT TEST PREP SEMINAR O’Gorman High School 3201 S. Kiwanis Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Dates have been set for the May session of the O’Gorman ACT Test-Prep Seminar. The session will meet on the following dates and times: May 10th (Sunday), 18th (Monday), 25th (Monday), May 31st (Sunday), & 7th (Sunday)* 5:30 – 7:30 PM (*the final evening will run 5:30 – 9:30 with practice testing) The twelve hours of instruction will include an overview of the ACT and its contents, test-taking strategies for the ACT, review of each of the four content areas, and a full-length test simulation. Cost for the course is $95 which includes a fee to cover the study guide and other class materials. The registration fee must accompany the form below in order to reserve a spot. Please detach the registration form and return it with registration fee to: O’Gorman High School Attn: Joan Mahoney, Seminar Coordinator 3201 S. Kiwanis Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Class size is limited. Classes are filled on a first come first serve basis. Deadline for registration (on a space available basis) is two weeks prior to the start of each class. ACT Prep-Seminar Registration Name__________________________ School_____________________ Address___________________________ Phone___________________ Email____________________________________________________ (Return this form with $95 to O’Gorman High School to reserve your spot) Call Joan Mahoney at OGHS (605)575-3309 for more information. 9 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights 2015 All-Knighter PARENT Update “A Knight Around the World” Congratulations parents on the upcoming graduation of your high school senior! It’s an O’Gorman tradition to celebrate this milestone at the All-Knighter party following the Graduation Mass and Ceremony. This is a fun and safe way for the seniors to be together on the night of graduation. Here is the schedule for you and your senior in preparation for this night. Schedule of Events: 6:00 pm 9:45 - 10:30 pm 10:30 pm - 1:30 am 1:30 - 1:50 am 2:00 - 3:00 am 3:00 - 3:45 am 4:00 - 4:30 am Mass and Graduation at the Elmen Center All-Knighter registration in OGHS main lobby Games, Food (come hungry), and a community service project Food and Game wrap-up, graduates proceed to the PAC Entertainment Prize Drawings and Senior Video Dismissal Please Remember: We ask seniors to arrive by 10:30 pm. If your child will be later than this please call Kaye Lawler (376-2241) or Lori Olson (366-8702) We hope that all graduates will attend, but if for some reason your child can not, please call Kaye or Lori prior to Graduation. If a student does not arrive by 10:30 pm and we have not been told that the student is not attending, we will call the parents. No students will be allowed to leave prior to the group dismissal unless picked up by a parent. Arrangements for early pick up must be made before May 8th. No Alcohol, Tobacco or Drugs Are Allowed. Leave all valuables at home. We will collect all keys, purses, cell phones and jewelry when students register. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Parent volunteers should enter through the main lobby doors and sign in. Name tags will be supplied. All parents are welcome to come and share the last night that the class will be together. The cost for this event is $100. We have some students who are not able to cover the fee, if you’re able to help those that can’t afford to attend, please email Molly Heisler at [email protected]. There are opportunities for every parent to help with this incredible evening. Assistance is still needed on several committees including: games, parent lounge and the float committee. If you’re not able to attend, there are still ways that you can assist with in-kind donations of gift cards or a cash contribution. $5.00 SFCS certificates are great prizes – please donate if you are able! Our Shutterfly page is filled with details on how to volunteer, donate, post pictures, event details, so for more information, go to: Thanks for being involved – we need you! Molly, Michele & Angie – Event Co-Chairs 10 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights MAY SCHEDULE (Grades 9 – 12) (Please also review the “Senior Information” page.) Friday, May 1 NO CLASSES IN SESSION DUE TO O’G TRACK & FIELD INVITE - Faculty and Staff will report to school. Monday, May 4 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. 11:45 – 3:30 p.m. College Board’s AP Chemistry Exam College Board’s AP Psychology Exam Tuesday, May 5 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. College Board’s AP Calculus AB Exam Wednesday, May 6 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. 11:45 – 3:30 p.m. College Board’s AP English Lit./Comp. Exam College Board’s AP Physics 1 Exam Thursday, May 7 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. 11:45 – 3:30 p.m. College Board’s AP Computer Science A Exam College Board’s AP Spanish Language & Culture Exam College Board’s AP Physics 2 Exam Friday, May 8 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. College Board’s AP German Language & Culture Exam College Board’s AP U.S. History Exam Monday, May 11 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. College Board’s AP Biology Exam Tuesday, May 12 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. 11:45 – 3:30 p.m. 11:45 a.m. College Board’s AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam College Board’s AP Spanish Literature & Culture Semester Exams (Periods 1,2,8) Wednesday, May 13 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:45 – 3:30 p.m. 11:45 a.m. College Board’s AP English Lang./Comp. Exam Graduation Practice w/Sr. Mtg. & Selective Mass Ministers College Board’s AP Statistics Exam Semester Exams (Periods 3,4,5) Thursday, May 14 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. College Board’s AP World History Exam Seniors line up in the Rec. Center with gowns/sashes only - NO CAPS Senior Awards Mass in the gym (All grades attend) Reception for seniors follows Semester Exams (Periods 6, 7 & Early Bird) 8:15 a.m. 11:15 – 3:00 p.m. Friday, May 15 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. College Board’s AP Human Geography Exam NO SCHOOL/CLASSES NOT IN SESSION – TEACHER WORKDAY 11:00 a.m. Faculty Mass (Chapel) 11:30 a.m. Lunch & Special Recognitions 11:45 – 3:30 p.m. College Board’s AP Latin Exam Sunday, May 17 6:00 p.m. Graduation Mass & Commencement @ Elmen Center SENIOR INFORMATION GRADUATION REMINDERS: We are asking parents to please assist us with these guidelines. • Graduates must dress appropriately. Boys must wear dress slacks, socks, and shoes (NO SANDALS OR ATHLETIC TENNIS SHOES) under graduation gowns. Normal dress code guidelines will apply. Girls will wear a dress shoe or dress sandal. Girls will not be allowed to bring a purse or other items to their seat. Appropriate haircuts/styles will also apply. Students will not be allowed to carry cameras and video cameras to their seat. • Students may not bring any type of noisemaker or items that can be thrown, squirted, etc. OGHS requests that family members and friends of graduates also respect the ceremonial guidelines. • Each graduate will receive 4 tickets for family members to use for seating on the main floor at the Elmen Center. Ticket holders may choose their seats on a first-come, first serve basis until 5:45 p.m. Keep in mind that there is plenty of additional seating in the bleacher area which does not require a ticket. Floor Seat tickets will be given to seniors at the mandatory senior meeting on Wednesday, May 13th at 9:00 a.m. in the gym. • The doors at the Elmen Center open at 5:00 p.m. Seniors should report to the upper level of the Elmen Center by 5:30 p.m. • Senior All Knighter Registration is from 9:45 p.m. - 10:45 p.m. at OGHS. Important Upcoming Events for Seniors: Saturday, April 18th 8-11 p.m. Senior Dance @ CJ Callaway’s Hors D’oeurves will be served at the dance Semi-formal attire is required (NO jeans, shorts, costumes etc.) Monday, May 11 8:05 a.m. Normal Class Schedule Tuesday, May 12 11:45 a.m. Semester Exams (Periods 1,2,8) Wednesday, May 13 9:00 a.m. Graduation Practice w/Sr. Mtg. & Selective Mass Ministers Mtg. Semester Exams (Periods 3,4,5) 11:45 a.m. Thursday, May 14 8:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 11:15 – 3:00 p.m. Friday, May 15 Sunday, May 17 Seniors line up in the Rec. Center with gowns/sashes only - NO CAPS Senior Awards Mass in the gym - reception follows Semester Exams (Periods 6, 7 & Early Bird) No Classes / Teacher Work Day 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:45 p.m. Doors open at the Elmen Center Seniors report to upper level Parents & family members must leave the upper level Mass & Graduation at the Elmen Center Senior All-Knighter It’s Summer Reading Time! Check out your library! As we come to the end of another school year, it is time to look forward to some rest, relaxation, and reading fun! Here are some great summer reads: All the Places to Go…How Will You Know?: God has Placed Before You an Open Door. What Will You Do? by John Ortberg (nonfiction, graduation, future plans) The Dead Don’t Dance and Maggie by Charles Martin (loss, love, psychological Christian fiction) Doon and Destined for Doon by Carey Corp (fantasy fiction) Dunk by David Lubar (amusement parks, teen boys, New Jersey fiction) The River of Time series (Waterfall, Cascade, Torrent) by Lisa Bergren (time travel, Italy fiction) Shift by Jennifer Bradbury (biking, travel, missing persons fiction) Summer by Summer by Heather Burch (nannies, survival, Belize fiction) Summer of ’49 by David Halberstam (baseball nonfiction) These are just a few of the many great books and ebooks available in our library at or on our digital library at Another resource you’ll want to remember as you plan your vacations or search for information on topics of interest to you is our online databases, such as ProQuest, EBSCO, or SIRS Researcher. The databases are an excellent source for information on any topic! Access those through our library home page (above) using the barcode and password provided to all students. Have a great summer! Mary G. Johnson, Teacher-Librarian O’Gorman High School President · Admissions · Development · Personnel · Alumni · Business Office · Foundation 336-6241 575-3358 336-6354 575-3350 575-3360 335-6557 575-3343 May 2015 Certificates: the perfect ‘end of the year’ gift for teachers! Looking for a way to thank your child’s teacher for all of their hard work during the school year? The SFCS certificate program is a great way to show the educators in your child’s life that you appreciate them. Shop from over 40 vendors and support the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools in the process! SFCS Certificates are available at: all SFCS schools, Sioux Falls Catholic parishes and at the SFCS Central Office on the 2nd floor of OGJH. Questions?: call 575-3364. Are you following SFCS? ‘Like’ us on Facebook: Sioux Falls Catholic Schools Follow us on Twitter: @ilovesfcs Follow us on Instagram: @ilovesfcs Dear O’Gorman Parents/Guardians: The O’Gorman Student Council and the O’Gorman staff are pleased to once again offer the popular SEMESTER TEST CARE PACKAGE In addition to a personal note of encouragement written by YOU, this care package offers a variety of goodies to help your student through Semester Tests during May 12 - 14. Our goal is 100% participation and proceeds will benefit the tuition assistance fund. Simply complete the form, enclose $5 (checks can be made to SFCS) and deliver it to the OGHS Administration Office or mail it to: O’Gorman High School Attn: Semester Test Care Package 3201 S. Kiwanis Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57105 We do the rest! Packages will be delivered to students before testing begins. If you have any questions, please contact Tracy Petersen [email protected] Deadline to order is May 4th. ** Please note all food allergies** ___________________________________________ (Please Print First & Last Name & Grade) Good Luck on your Semester Tests! _________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
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Knight Letter - O`Gorman High School
Monday, Dec. 7 ............................................................................ Semester Test Care Package Order Deadline
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